Issue 31 - Coral Park Primary School


Issue 31 - Coral Park Primary School
Telephone: 9702 8398 Fax: 9702 8498
15th October 2015
Calendar of Events
Friday 16th October
Assembly item—J8 & J9
Friday 23rd October
Assembly item—M15
Friday 30th October
Assembly item—J1 & J2
Every Friday
Parent’s Coffee & Chat from
2.35pm in the SLC Café.
Monday 2nd November is a
Curriculum day
Tuesday 3rd November is Cup
Day public holiday
Wednesday 4th November
No Homework Club
Every weekend
A reminder to please check your
child’s hair for head lice. Please
report all cases of head lice to
the office so we can alert other
parents to check their child also
so as to stop the problem from
becoming worse.
Dress up in Your Most
Colourful Clothes
Thursday 29th October
In the gym
$5 per Ticket
(which includes popcorn and a drink at the disco)
Preps 2.15-3.15 (during school time at no cost)
Grades 1, 2 & 3 students
Grades 4, 5 & 6 students
Lollybags and Glow Sticks for sale
on the night for 50c each.
Parent helpers for the night would be appreciated. Please
let Linda in the office know if you
can help.
DJ equipment supplied by
JK the Singing DJ
Music Count Us In National Song Day comes to Coral Park
Thursday 29th Oct, 12:30
2016 Prep Enrolments
Do you have a child beginning school
in 2016?
Enrolments are DUE NOW.
Transition has started.
Make sure your child is booked in.
On Thursday 29th October all the students at Coral Park will be participating in a
nation wide event – Music Count Us In song day. Students from right across the
country will all be singing the song ‘Gold’ simultaneously. For us in Melbourne that
means we will be singing at 12.30. If you would like to come and watch and/or
participate come along on the day to the MPC from 12.00.
If you would like to listen to or learn the song it can be found
on You Tube by searching:
“Music: Count Us In 2015 Lyric Video Marcia's
The students have all been learning the song and are very
excited to sing it on the day. They sound fabulous!!
Last term on Coral Star News you would have heard about all the great work the senior team
were doing using the app Aurasma.
Aurasma is an app that uses Augmented Reality. The Senior Team have used the app to bring
their group project posters to life!
If you want to come and check out our ‘state of the art’ work you
need to follow the next steps;
1– Using a smart phone or iPad with internet connection,
download the Aurasma App (Don’t worry its free)
2– Search for ‘cppss12’ then follow that account.
3– Visit the corridor near the senior rooms and locate an item
with a colored dot.
4- Using the Aurasma app scan the image and watch the video
which will pop up over the poster.
We hope you enjoy our presentations on your next visit to the
The Zones of Regulation
Hello everyone, last week at assembly, M18 presented a performance in recognition of Mental Health Week.
At Coral Park we take care of our emotional wellbeing by using the Zones of Regulation to help us.
This means we learn about our feelings and use positive strategies to help us cope when we are feeling sad, nervous or
There are four Zones that teach us about our feelings.
The Blue Zone is a rest area when we are feeling ‘blue’ or ‘down’.
The Yellow Zone is a ‘slow down’ zone because we might be feeling over excited and nervous.
The Red Zone is a ‘stop zone’ when we need a break because we are too upset to think clearly.
The Green Zone is a ‘go zone’ ready to learn, play and get on with things.
Here is the song we sang about the Zones, we hope you enjoyed it!
What Zone are you in? What Zone are you in?
How your body feels
And what your face shows
Tells us the Zone you’re in
When you’re in the Blue Zone
Your body moves so slow
You can feel sad, sick, or tired
And that’s what your face will show
When you’re in the Green Zone
Your body feels ready to go
You can feel happy or calm
And that’s what your face will show
When you’re in the Yellow
Your body feels wiggly
Your face will show
That you’re excited, scared, or silly
When you’re in the Red Zone
Your body feels tight
You feel mad, you might stomp or scream
Your face shows that you need to blow off some steam
What Zone are you in? What Zone are you in?
How your body feels
And what your face shows , Tells us the Zone you’re in
Are you moving house or school in 2016? If yes, please let the school office know as soon as possible to assist with our
organisation of the 2016 school year.
October is Walk to School month
Icy-pole sales
Walk to School month encourages primary school students to
walk, ride or scoot to and from school throughout October to
build healthy habits for life. Walking to school helps children
get the physical activity they need each day to be healthy.
Children and their parents are encouraged to start walking to
and from school on the first day of term 4, and keep it up
each school day throughout October.
The Student Leaders have
zooper doopers
on sale at lunchtime each
Monday to Thursday from the artroom kitchen.
Bring your $1 and choose your flavour. Half
zooper doopers can be purchased for 50c.
Join our staff members each Friday at key points—Matt &
Solange at Peppercorn Park and Mrs Gray at the bridge in the
wetlands from 8.40am and walk or
ride to school with us.
Friends of Hampton Park Library are
having a Book Sale.
Parents can find out more and sign
their child up online at, or
download the free Walk to School
app to record each walk in October
and be part of the state-wide effort.
Birthday Books
Thank you to Kaelin and Mr Baker for
donating great new books to our
library. We hope you had a very
happy birthday.
An invitation to the River Gum Ward Forum
As the two Council representatives for River Gum Ward,
we would like to do what we can to help our residents
achieve their vision for their community.
On 21 October 2015, we will be holding a Ward Forum.
This will be a great opportunity to connect with residents
and local community groups, share ideas and build
partnerships for the future.
This forum will specifically address topics of crime, family
violence, illicit drugs, hoon driving and community safety
and will be hosted by ourselves and Local Area Police
Commander, Inspector Paul Breen.
Event Details:
When: Wednesday 21 October 2015
7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Where: River Gum Performing Arts Centre
Somerville Road, Hampton Park VIC 3976
To register your attendance, please email by today (Thursday 15
October 2015).
Cr Damien Rosario and Cr Wayne Smith
River Gum Ward Councillors
Hampton Park Library Book Sale
Saturday 17th October
at the Arthur Wren Hall,
Stuart Ave, Hampton Park, (next door to
the Library)
9:30am to 1:00pm.
The books will be priced between 50c to $5.00
and all proceeds will go towards supporting
events and programs for members, also
purchasing special equipment for the library.
Casey Council are hosting a young children’s morning on Thursday 29th
October between 10am and 1pm at the Old Cheese Factory, Homestead
Rd Berwick. Young children are invited to come in their favourite dressup for a day of free face painting, sausage sizzle, arts & crafts, music
and more.
Public transport options include bus routes 834 & 835.
This may interest families of children attending playgroup for a fun
For further information see the flyer on display at the office.
Playgroup is on each
TUESDAY (in the old hall) and
Friday (in the art room)
between 9-11am.
Come along and join in. It’s fun and it’s free!
On Friday 9 October Mikey from S13 represented the Hampton Park
District in the 12/13 boys shot put. His excellent efforts in finishing
2nd have qualified him through to the regional finals where he will
have the opportunity to make the State Finals if he finishes first or
second. He has been working hard on his technique to improve the
distance of his throws and
I am very pleased with his
efforts. We all wish him
luck in his quest to make
the State Finals on
Thursday 15 October.
Term 4 Rewards Program
With the withdrawal of the Lunar Light Band this term, we
are releasing an alternative reward item in Term 4.
Alongside our Outer Space Savers Money Box,
students’ savings efforts can now be rewarded with our
new Galaxy Glider (available while stocks last). Students
will be able to test their skills with a game of frisbee with
our new reward item.
Still in stock are the following reward items from our 2015
Outer Space Savers range: ET DVD, Intergalactic Rocket
and Invisible Ink Martian Pens
Sports coordinator.
Shark Plush Toy Keyring
To enrol your child into the Coral Park OSHC Program, complete a
Registration Form which is located on the Camp Australia website All bookings, cancellations and account
changes must be done through the Parent Portal located on the Camp
Australia website. Once enrolled be ready to get involved in FUN,
QUALITY and ENGAGING experiences in a SAFE and HAPPY
Swimming Bag
Jess, Kids Club Coordinator
Plus, we have limited stock available from our 2014 Deep
Sea Savers range of reward items including:
Bill Hains
Scented Pencils
To help you spread the word to students who are looking to
redeem a reward, we’ve created a deposit wallet slip that
lists all the available reward items. Simply download and
print from under Support materials
in the section titled, Download activity sheets and materials.
Session times:
Before Care–
After Care
Contact Us
Kids Club Direct: 9799 6182
School office phone: 9702 8398