MGS Messenger - Metamora Grade School
MGS Messenger - Metamora Grade School
November M ETAMORA GRADE S C H OO L 2016 MGS Messenger In This Issue Superintendent’s Segment 4-6 School News 17-20 Principal’s Perspectives 7 PTO 21 Dean’s Dispatch 9 Community News 22-23 Counseling Corner 10 Activity Calendar 24 School Information 11-14 Menus 25-26 P age 2 M GS Messen ger REFERENDUM FACT SHEET MGS METAMORA GRADE SCHOOL #1 ELECTION DAY: NOVEMBER 8, 2016 Who: Metamora Community Consolidated School District #1 – Metamora Grade School What: A $0.31 Education Fund Tax Rate Increase Referendum that will provide an additional $508,000 in local revenue for Metamora Grade School, thereby allowing Metamora Grade School to achieve financial stability and maintain the excellence in education that the community expects of Metamora Grade School. The additional $0.31 will increase the Education Fund Tax rate from $1.52 to $1.83. Ballot Question: The reason for this proposed increase in the maximum annual tax rate for educational purposes for the School District is to maintain quality educational services for students while addressing the continued depletion of the School District’s reserve funds. Why: As the cost of educating students has increased over the years, the School District has been using reserve funds to supplement the Education Fund over the past several years. These additional resources will allow the School District to stop the depletion of the District’s reserve funds and deficit spending in its Education Fund. As a result, the School District will be better positioned to achieve and maintain financial stability without negatively impacting the quality of education provided to the students. Thus, with these additional revenues, the School District can continue to provide excellence in education and programs that the District has so well provided in the past. P age 3 M GS Messen ger Financial and Budget Impact: The following table represents the negative impact the district has experienced in the Education Fund cash reserves: Education Fund Ending Balances Since 2010 Fiscal Year Beginning Balance Ending Balance Deficit Spending 2010 $2,097,265.00 $2,316,239.00 $218,974.00 2011 $2,316,239.00 $2,501,873.00 $185,634.00 2012 $2,501,873.00 $2,247,289.00 -$254,584.00 2013 $2,247,289.00 $1,901,064.00 -$346,225.00 2014 $1,901,064.00 $1,433,914.00 -$467,150.00 2015 $1,433,914.00 $894,331.00 -$539,583.00 2016 $894,331.00 $700,000.00 -$194,331.00 ($1,801,873) What will be the Impact on My Tax Bill? Without Exemption With $6,000 Homeowner Exemption Fair Cash Value Monthly Increase Yearly Increase Monthly Increase Yearly Increase $100,000 $8.61 $103.33 $7.06 $84.73 $150,000 $12.92 $155.00 $11.37 $136.40 $200,000 $17.22 $206.67 $15.67 $188.07 $250,000 $21.53 $258.33 $19.98 $239.73 $300,000 $25.83 $310.00 $24.28 $291.40 For More Information: Please contact the Metamora Grade School District Office 309-367-2361 Marty Payne Superintendent, Metamora Grade School #1 M GS Messen ger Superintendent’s Segment P age 4 As we begin the month of November, we are well into the second, nine-weeks grading period. It’s getting dark earlier, and colder weather will soon be upon us. Without question, the school year is once again moving by very quickly. There are several key areas of school business that I need to cover in this month’s newsletter, including the Education Fund Referendum, the Election of School Board Members, and Winter Weather/School Closings Information. Marty Payne Superintendent EDUCATION FUND REFERENDUM Most of the following information has been in the past few “Superintendent’s Segments” of the MGS monthly newsletter. The background behind the need for the referendum remains the same, so providing consistent information seems logical. I do want to share my appreciation for the numerous conversations I’ve had with so many of you over the past few months. If you subscribe to MTCO cable television, please watch the listings as they plan to cover the Public Forum that was presented at MTHS on October 12. They have shared that it will run on a consistent basis leading to the election. The following information is a cut-and-pastefrom my previous articles: A Board of Education approves a resolution for a referendum due to continued, truly financially difficult times. So what’s caused this to happen? The two largest sources of funding for public school districts come from state and local money. The full state funding that MGS is receiving this year is actually about the same General State Aid that we received in 2007, and the local tax rate for the Education Fund of $1.52 was set back in 1988. While my point has some “directness” to its design, the true focus of the point is not to cast any type of negative shadow on either of those funding sources. We all know the financial condition of the state. It is difficult to expect any significant increases in state funding in the near future. On the local side, the tax rate is, with this fiscal year, 29 years old. While we’ve been fortunate to have the lowest Education Fund tax rate among all school districts in Woodford County (and only two districts with a lower rate in Tazewell County), we simply cannot keep up with the cost to do business. Over the past few years, the Education Fund has continued to rely upon cash reserves to make ends meet. This is not uncommon among school districts, but based on the amount of reserves a district may have, clearly has a limited life span. Over the past several years, the Board of Education made the conscious decision to use cash reserves to cover expenses, and we’ve seen a significant decrease in the Education Fund balance. The decision was made due to the fact that we had several new, young teachers who clearly had the talent desired by the district to be a teacher at MGS. Those new teachers are still with us, and have truly grown into outstanding teachers. At the same time, several veteran staff members were within a few years of retirement. Rather than cut excellent young staff, the district used cash reserves, knowing that savings would come with these retirements. Last year (2015-2016), not replacing these retirements resulted in huge class sizes resulting in a detriment to the educational process. This is at no fault to our teachers. They do an amazing job, but the large class sizes simply prevented them from providing the educational experience that is expected of Metamora Grade School, and the district recognized it. As a result, additional teachers were hired this year, lowering class sizes to an acceptable level to maintain excellence in education. While the district was very close to having a balanced budget this year, the decision was made that these lower class sizes had to be achieved for the benefit of our students. Thank you for the patience as I’ve provided a brief history regarding the depletion of district’s financial reserves. More now about the Referendum… Education Fund Referendum – Why? Additional resources are needed in order to maintain the financial stability of the district without negatively impacting the quality of education provided to the students. As the cost of educating students is increasing, the district has been, again, using reserve funds to supplement the Education Fund over the past several years. Additional revenue is needed not only to provide the excellence in education and programs in the district, but to maintain financial stability as well. M GS Messen ger Superintendent’s Segment P age 5 Basics of a Levy School district budgets have many fund accounts that make up the levy. The Education Fund is one, and others include, for example, the Transportation Fund (used for student transportation/buses) and the Operations and Maintenance Fund (to pay for custodial and maintenance needs). The Education Fund is the largest fund account and is used to pay for all components of student learning, as well as employee salary and benefits. As stated above, the current levy for the Education Fund is $1.52. The referendum will raise the tax rate by 31 cents, increasing the Education Fund tax rate to $1.83. This will increase the revenue in the Education Fund by about $508,000 on an annual basis. How Much will it Cost the Homeowner/Taxpayer? Tax rates are based on the equalized assessed value of a home, as set by the assessor. The following rate increases would be seen with the listed home values: Assessed Value $100,000 $143,000 $300,000 Yearly Increase $103.00 $147.76 $310.00 Monthly Increase $8.58 $12.31 $25.83 $100,000 is the amount that must legally appear on the election ballot, and $143,000 is the medium assessed value in the district. The overall tax rate in the district is currently at $2.71. The additional 31 cents will increase the tax rate to $3.02. Of the 14 school districts in Woodford and Tazewell Counties, this proposed increase would put Metamora Grade School (current tax rates) at the 6th lowest rate. Our current tax rate is the lowest of all K-8 districts in the two counties. What will the District do with Additional Funds? The financial condition of the district needs to be stabilized. Accounting standards state that six months of reserves are needed, and the most recent audit has the Education Fund at 1.6 months. The additional funds will not only provide for a balanced budget, but will help to maintain financial stability. Financial stability allows the district to not only maintain excellence in student education, but also allows the school to keep up with advances in the educational process. Schools are a crucial, focal point of any community. The lack of state funds and a 27 year-old tax rate does not allow the district to keep pace with the continued cost of doing business. An example – the district recently adopted a new math instructional series (including text books, technology components, and a number of supplementary materials for classroom instruction) at a cost of $68,345. Other areas of the curriculum need updating as well, which includes replacing other dated text books and the need to purchase materials to support the science curriculum (to name a few). A final example is the cost of natural gas and electricity. Compared to 1990 (shortly after the last tax increase), the cost has increased over 150% These needs will continue to grow, and with deficit spending, the district will not be able to keep pace or move forward. What happens if the Referendum is not Successful? This has not yet been determined by the Board of Education, and at this time no cuts have been made. The Board recently shared that options could include placing the referendum on a future ballot, issuing of bonds, the development of a Risk Management Plan, researching again the County-Wide Sales Tax, as well as reducing staff members (resulting in larger class sizes) and the elimination of non-academic programs (athletics and fine arts). M GS Messen ger Superintendent’s Segment P age 6 Further Information Please feel free to call the school at 367-2361, or email me at if you have questions or would like additional information. I would truly enjoy the opportunity to meet with you. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS The next School Board election will be part of the April 4, 2017 election. Metamora Grade School has four of the seven seats that will come due and be placed on the ballot for election. State laws have changed since the last election, in that the County Clerk, our Election Official, now has the complete responsibility for all aspects of the election. In prior years, school board election materials were handled through the school district. With the change in law, school districts no longer facilitate election materials. I have added elections information to the district website. If you have questions regarding the election process, phone calls need to be directed to the Woodford County Clerk’s Office. Their phone number is 309-467-3312. Citizens interested in running for the Board of Education legally began to circulate nominating petitions on September 20, 2016. Again, all aspects of the election are run through the County Clerk’s Office. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions about the election process. I would be happy to meet with you. WINTER WEATHER With November brings the start of winter, and the need to be prepared for winter weather and the potential for closing school due to weather and road conditions. As in the past, we will use the all-call system to notify our families if we need to close school due to bad weather. For those families new to the district, the all-call system allows me to make one call that will reach all homes, cell phones, etc. in the district. While the Peoria TV stations will also be notified, I plan to use the calling system first, then following-up with calls to the media. FINAL NOTE I ask that you please continue to thank the staff of Metamora Grade School. They truly are a great group of professional educators who work very hard for the benefit of kids. Be it a teacher or any number of noncertified staff, they all deserve support, respect, and appreciation. Again, please take time to extend a “Thank You”. Reading is a Treasure! Come walk the plank with us and dive into good reading habits. On Friday, November 4th stop by room 17 and speak one on one with the Reading teachers at Metamora Grade School. They will explain the RTI process and give helpful hints and resources for encouraging the love of reading. Afterwards, stop by the book fair and have a swashbuckling good time at Family Fun Night! M GS Messen ger Principal’s Perspective P age 7 Don’t leave your child unattended during after school events: For safety purposes, when parents and siblings come to an event, it is important that parents do not leave your children unattended. Mrs. Costello Next mid-term grades for 5th-8th grade students: In order to view your child’s midterm grade, please check Skyward on Monday, November 21 and Tuesday. November 22, 2016. If you do not have access to Skyward, please ask the office for a paper midterm and they will be happy to assist you. K-4 Mid-term information will be sent home using a paper format on Tuesday, November 22nd. Mark your calendar: The K-3 Christmas music program will take place at MGS. This year on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, the Pr imar y Chr istmas Concer t (K-3): 6:00 PM-6:30 PM - *K & 1; 7:15 -7:45 PM- *Gr. 2 & 3; There will be more information about this event shared in the near future. On the MGS Master School Calendar 2016: Party Changes February 14th instead of Feb. 17, 2017 and PARCC Testing Dates: March 6-April 28, 2017, no longer April 10-May 5, 2017 One of our goals at MGS is to provide more K-8 information through Family Access (on-line and Sky Alert (by phone). We believe these two methods will bridge communication between school and home in a speedier fashion. If you have lost your Skyward login information, please email Mr. Paul Weber at Let him know you need your Skyward login information. He will validate your email and send you the information. Information will only be sent to parents/legal guardians listed as such on Skyward. Another goal will be in August of 2017, K-8 parents will use Family Access for 2017 bus information, schedules, and homeroom assignments. We will not be mailing this information as we have in the past. Due to the large numbers of students on each bus, we cannot approve students riding another bus which they are not assigned. This procedure prevents overcrowding/unsafe conditions. . M GS Messen ger P age 8 On Veterans Day, November 11, school will be in session so our students can learn about and show their respect for veterans. We will have a special assembly in appreciation of veterans at 9:00 a.m. the morning of Friday, November 11. The assembly will include speeches by visiting veterans and student performances honoring military veterans of the past and present. As part of the program, we will recognize the veterans of both MGS staff and our MGS families. We want to invite every veteran who is a parent, sibling, or grandparent of a current MGS student. We appreciate your help extending the invitation to these veterans to attend the MGS Veterans Day assembly so we may show them our gratitude for their service and sacrifice. We ask that our invited guests arrive at MGS between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m. MGS will provide assistance getting into the building and to your seats that morning. Please return this form to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, November 7, so we know how many veterans plan to attend the assembly. . Student(s): ________________________________________________________________ Veteran’s Name ____________________________________________________________ Relationship to Student (e.g. Grandpa, sister) _____________________________________ Branch of the Military _______________________________________________________ Please let us know as well if a family member will accompany a veteran the day of the assembly. M GS Messen ger Dean’s Dispatch P age 9 MGS Salutes our Veterans November 16 at 4:30 Metamora Grade School Boys Basketball Games v. Morton Jr. High In accordance with the Nets for Vets fundraiser, come support our Veterans and help raise money for the Peoria Area Honor Flight. All proceeds will go to help our Veterans. ACTIVITIES – Silent Auction Items, T Shirts, Performances by our Cheer and Dance Teams. Metamora High School Varsity Boys Basketball team will scrimmage during halftime of the 8th grade game. WEAR YOUR RED, WHITE, and BLUE to the game! M GS Messen ger Counseling Corner P age 1 0 We realize it’s getting into a busy and potentially stressful time of year so for our Character Education lesson this month we decided to focus on relaxation skills. There are four main strategies we are going to be utilizing across all grade levels. The first calm down method is deep breathing. We will teach kids to really focus on making sure they are breathing in through their noses and out through their mouths, for at least four breaths. Progressive relaxation is another strategy we will be teaching students as a way to destress. Progressive relaxation involves a two step process: first tensing a specific set of muscles followed by releasing the tension and noticing how those muscles feel when relaxed. The hope is that students will learn to recognize when their body is stressed and be able to specifically work on releasing that tension. Students will also be taught two specific ways to release extra energy to aide in relaxation. We will utilize the Stress Press and the Push, Pull, Dangle. There are times when students need to relax and it’s not necessarily due to feeling angry or upset, at times it’s because of extra anxiety or worry they may be feeling. Releasing that extra energy can help someone feel better. Our last relaxation strategy will be self talk. Our minds (our thoughts) control how we feel and how we act, so by changing our thoughts we can change our behavior. Other ideas mentioned during our lesson but not specifically covered will include journaling, physical activity, talking to someone, asking for help, listening to music, engaging in art activities, visualization, counting to 10, walking away, and using humor. At home: Ask your child about the strategies they learned in class and have them teach you those strategies to reinforce the relaxation methods. Ask them which ones are their favorites and encourage them to use those strategies at home. Look up progressive relaxation scripts via google or youtube to find child or adolescent friendly ways for your child to relax. Take a mental vacation- Ask your child to share a place where they feel completely relaxed. Have them close their eyes and think of that place. Be specific- what to they see, smell, hear, feel? Guide your child through deep breathing- In through their nose as their belly rises and out through their mouth as their belly falls. Play calming music for your child. Encourage physical activity. Remind them to encourage themselves with positive thoughts rather than negative thoughts. “I can do this!” Encourage breaks during homework and other stressful times. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL INFORMATION P age 1 1 Important!! K-8 MGS Veteran Parents!! By Thurs, Nov 6, 2016, please email me back if you are a veteran. We are setting up a Veteran’s Day assembly and at the assembly we want our students’ parents who served in the military or are serving in the military to lead our students and staff in the pledge on this day. Please email me back with these two bits of information found below: Student (s) Name MGS Veteran Parent’s Name Many thanks to you, Respectfully, C. Costello REDBIRD COUPON STORE Many Thanks: A big thanks to the following individuals for donating to the Redbird Store/Redbird Supply Closet: Mr and Mrs. Ryan Shoff and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Billy Aman and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hutchinson; Mr. and Mrs. Rob Elwell and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Trentman; Mr. and Mrs. Nolte and Family Also, a big thank you goes to the following individuals that helped our students at the Redbird Store: Kristen Springer, Alysia Short, Lindsay Crispen, Amanda Nauman, Julie Stamm Becky Vogel and Molly Redenbo, Redbird Store Coordinator Redbird Store Helpers: Owen Schwarzentraub -5B, Tanner Baisz-5D; Seth Baumann -5C and Kendrick Schaffin -5B,Taylor Hines -8B, Hannah Heiden -8B, Sophie Carrico -8B, and Karissa Heffernan -8B. Baby sitters for Oct. Payton Forney -7D, and Sydney Goforth -7C. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL INFORMATION P age 1 2 2016-2017 School Directories: If interested, directories can be purchased in the office. Cost: $3.00 each Profits go directly for Technology REMEMBER….. School begins each day at 8:20 am this year. If your child is absent or going to be late to school PLEASE call the office. Junior High student call 367-2377. Kindergarten - 5th grade call 367-2361 Reminder Kindergarten, 2nd and 6th graders are required to have a dental examination. Make sure that you have scheduled your appointment. Just a reminder to all parents that by law, a courthouse copy of each child's birth certificate must be on file at the school. Letters have been sent to all parents who need to provide birth certificates. If you received a letter, please provide the school with a copy of the birth certificate as soon as possible. 5th-8th Grades MGS Website Information One of our goals at MGS is to provide more K-8 information through Family Access (on-line and Sky Alert (by phone). We believe these two methods will bridge communication between school and home in a speedier fashion. If you have lost your Skyward login information, please email Mr. Paul Weber at Let him know you need your Skyward login information. He will validate your email and send you the information. Information will only be sent to parents/legal guardians listed as such on Skyward. Check us out on the web!! Recess Safety Tennis Shoes are required to participate in P.E. This is the time of year when temperatures are so unpredictable! Please make sure your students have a jacket to keep them warm on these cool fall days. They are not allowed to stay indoors if they do not have a jacket. For safety purposes students are to wear tennis shoes at recess. Boots with heels are not allowed on climbing equipment or in running games. We want everyone to have a safe and fun recess!!! M GS Messen ger SCHOOL INFORMATION Immunization Requirements for Illinois P age 1 3 Illinois law requires that ALL students entering school at ALL grade levels (K-12) show pr oof of having received the following vaccines: 2 (full) MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccines 2 Varicella (chicken pox) vaccines or documentation of the disease by a physician 1 Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine (within the last 10 years) All students entering 6th grade (only) will be r equir ed to show pr oof of having r eceived the following vaccines: 2 Meningococcal vaccines Students must provide proof of the above vaccines to the District by 10/15/15. Failure to do so will result in the student’s exclusion from school. New Immunization Requirement for Illinois: Section 690.520, The Illinois Control of Communicable Disease Code, Section 690.520, The Illinois Control of Communicable Disease Code, Section 690.520, spells out the requirement for unvaccinated students to be isolated during the period of potential transmission – “A notice shall be sent home with each student who has not presented proof of immunity (against measles), explaining that the student is to be excluded, effective the following morning, until acceptable proof of immunity is received by the school or until 21 days after the onset of the last reported measles case (in the school).” ( Acceptable proof of immunity shall consist of: A written record from the student's physician or a health professional that indicates dates of vaccination and type of vaccine administered; or A statement from a physician indicating the date when the student had measles; or A laboratory report indicating that the student has a protective measles antibody titer as measured by a test with demonstrable reliability. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that students who are being taken for a measles vaccine or booster also receive the current vaccine against influenza. Both diseases are spread by the same route and affect the respiratory system. Latchkey Information: . Please remember, if your child will be attending Latchkey you must register each year for latchkey services for your child/ren. Latchkey Registration forms can be found on line on the MGS Home page under Resources, then email SCHOOL INFORMATION M GS Messen ger P age 1 4 Emergency School Closing Information In the event that school cannot be held because of weather or emergency conditions, the following radio and television stations will be notified in time for the 10:00 p.m. and/or the 7:00 a.m. news broadcasts. AM Radio WOAM 1350 WPEO 1020 FM Radio WCBU 89.9 WWCT 96.5 WCIC 91.5 WDQX 102.3 TV Stations WHOI CH 19 WIRL 1290 WZPW 92.3 WXCL 104.9 WPBG 93.3 WXMP 105.7 WPMJ 94. WSWT 106.9 WEEK CH 25 WMBD CH 31 Appointments during the school day Please schedule appointments before or after school. If a student must leave during the day, please enter the building at the front and sign your student out. When returning, please sign them back in. Dismissal MGS pick up/dismissal time: Kdg-1st: 2:55pm using the front door; 3:00pm using the back door 2nd-4th: 3:00pm 5th-8th: 3:05pm Early Dismissal 1st-4th 11:20am Kdg, 5th-8th 11:25am M GS Messen ger Perfect Attendance P age 1 5 2016-2017 Quarter 1 ADAMI, AVERY EPPENGER, WILBERT LAMING, ZACHARY ROGERS, NOELLE ADAMS, BRANT FANDEL, MOLLY LAMPE, ANNA ROLEY, LAUREN ADAMS, JORDAN FITZ, LOGAN LEDBETTER, JALYN ROOS, LUCAS ADAMS, SCOUT FORBES, TRISTAN LEEPER, KAMRYNN ROTH, NAOMI ADAMS, ZOE FORD, MADELEINE LEHN, ALEX RUSK, SKYLAR ALLEN, BERKLEY FORNEY, KAMRYN LEWIS, NICHOLAS SAMP, KALLEN ANDRADE, AARON FORNEY, PAYTON LIESEN, ALISON SANCHEZ, ISABEL ARRINGTON, CARYS FOSDICK, LIAM LIESEN, KATE SANDERS, AUDREY ASBURY, AVA FOSTER, BETHANY LONG, CARLEE SARVER, BRODIE ASBURY, MILES FOSTER, JESSE LOPEZ, MAKENA SARVER, DAWSON ASBURY, WILLIAM FRENCH, RYLIE LUDOLPH, CLAYTON SCHAFFER, KARLI BACHMAN, WILLIAM GANGLOFF, DARIEN LYONS, MADELAINE SCHERTZ, NICHOLAS BARKER, DEREK GARRISON, EZEKIEL MACNEIL, LUKE SCHIERER, ALEXANDER BARKER, KEVIN GAVIN, JACOB MARCHAND, ANNA SCHIERER, ALLYSON BATES, BAILEY GIBSON, LOGAN MARCHAND, GARRETT SCHUNK, JAMES BATES, BRYN GILLES, ANDREW MARGHERIO, JAMES SCHUNK, JOSEPH BATES, JAGGER GOODMAN, ALISSA MARKOVICH, KEONA SHAW, HUDSON BATES, JERSEY GRAHAM, JAYCEE MARSH, ALYVIA SHOFF, BENJAMIN BAUMANN, MOLLI GRAP, SYDNEY MARSH, ISABELLA SHOFF, KATHERINE BEGOLE, RYNE GRAY, TANNER MARTIN, JAMES SHUDA, HUNTER BEGOLE, SAMUEL GREENHALGH, ZACHARIAH MASCHING, BRAYDON SIMPSON, SOPHIE BELTRAMEA, AVERY GREGAIT, NOAH MASON, ISABELLA SMITH, COLE BEQUETTE, JAX GREGORY, BELLA MCCLURE, AVA SNYDER, BROOKE BISHEL, CAYDEN GROVE, EVAN MCCORMICK, CATHERINE SPANGLER, HANNAH BISHEL, LYDIA HALE, KARSON MCCOY, KAMERYN SPIHLMANN, JADE BLACKBURN, FRANCIS HALEY, EMMA MCDONALD, BROOKLYN SPRADLIN, ALEXIS BLACKBURN, KATHRYN HAMILTON, MAX MCINTOSH, RYNE SPRINGER, CHLOE BLUMENSHINE, CHLOE HANEY, COLLIN MERRITT, AVA SPRINGER, ELSIE BORN, MARGARET HANEY, NIKOLAS MESSACAR, RACHEL STAMM, RUTHIE BOYD, JONAH HARRISON, KADEN MEYERS, GRAYSON STAMM, SAMUEL BRANDENBURG, ROBERT HARRISON, KODY MEYERS, QUINTIN STANFIELD, ADALYN BREWSTER, CHASE HART, MORGAN MICHNA, CADE STEPHENS, JERYN BRINKER, GRACIE HAUN, MORGAN MISCHLER, ANDREW STEPHENS, SHERIDAN BROCK, LILLIAN HAWKINS, BRADY MISCHLER, WILLIAM STEVENS, CHAMP BROCK, MYA HAWKINS, CARTER MONTGOMERY, ETHAN STEVENS, JETT BROWN, CHASE HEFFERNAN, KARISSA MOORE, CONNOR STOECKER, MERRICK BROWN, TAYLA HEILMAN, DRAYDEN MORGAN, RYAN STOECKER, ZOE BUMETER, ZACHARY HEILMAN, MAXX MORRISON, COLLIN STREHLOW, ASHLEY BURTON, ALEXIS HESS, JOSEPHINE MORRISON, KALEB STREHLOW, KAYLA BUSS, ANDREW HILL, BRANDON MORRISON, PEYTON TEUFEL, ANDREW CALDWELL, DRAKE HILST, SAMANTHA NEAL, BAYLEE TRENTMAN, ALLISON CALDWELL, OLIVIA HINES, TAYLOR NEAL, GRADY TRENTMAN, SYDNEY CARRICO, ANTHONY HODEL, DREW NEUHAUS, FOX TUCKER, EASTON CLARK, PAIGE HOHENBERY, MADISON NOLTE, ALLISON UDELL, SOPHIA COCHRAN, MATTHEW HORAN, ERIN NORTHRIP, DAPHNE ULRICH, BRETT COCHRAN, OLIVIA HUSER, BRIAR O BRIEN, GRAYSON ULRICH, BROOKLYN COLANTONI, CHRISTOPHER HUSER, CHESNIE OWENS, BRAYDEN ULRICH, SIERRA COMBS, GAGE HUTCHISON, DANE PALMISANO, HALEY VANCIL, ALLIE COMBS, LELAND HUTCHISON, MIA PALMISANO, NICHOLAS VANCIL, STEVEN CONRAD, KYLE HYDE, KYLIE PARKER, FIONA WAGNER, AUTUMN COOK, JORDYN ICE, REBECCA PAVESICH, ADAM WAGNER, KAISON COOK, MACKENZIE IRVIN, CARSON PEPINO, COLIN WAGNER, RAYMOND COWPER, ADAM JACOBS, MATTHEW PEPLOW, BETH WARD, CADE Honor Roll M GS Messen ger P age 1 6 2016-2017 Quarter 1 HIGH HONORS HONORS GIBSON, PRESTON W. SHAW, AVA H. ADAMS, SCOUT M. ADAMI, AVERY G. GILMORE, ERIC R. SHAW, HUDSON W. BATES, BRYN M. ARRINGTON, CARYS A. GLAS, GRACE L. STAMM, SAMUEL A. BEGOLE, SAMUEL G. ARVIN, KARISSA L. HALL, VICTORIA E. STEVENS, CHAMP R. BENNETT, KELLI M. ASBURY, AVA J. HANEY, COLLIN M. STOECKER, MERRICK T. BEQUETTE, TY F. ASBURY, BLAKE G. HAUN, MORGAN R. STOECKER, ZOE E. BISHOP, ALEXANDRA N. BATES, JEFFREY C. HAWKINS, BRADY A. SYMMONDS, ISABELLA M. BLUNIER, EMMA R. BAUMANN, MOLLI N. HEFFERNAN, KARISSA A. THOMAS, ANNA C. BONK, SAMANTHA D. BAUMANN, SETH J. HESS, JOSEPHINE M. TIMERMAN, HOLLAND A. BOTT, HANNAH M. BEGOLE, RYNE E. HUNT, KATHERINE L. UDELL, SOPHIA E. BOYD, JONAH C. BELTRAMEA, AVERY R. HURN, CODY A. ULRICH, HADASSAH M. COX, BOSTON M. BIDNE, CONNER J. KAUFFMAN, SARA E. VIGGERS, JACOB T. DEAN, GRACELYN K. BLACKBURN, KATHRYN D. KERN, ANGELEENA R. VIGGERS, MORGAN A. DELINSKI, KENZIE J. BONK, IAN P. KLESCEWSKI, AVA M. WAGNER, ADRIANA R. DOMINY, DANIELLE G. BRAY, ANNAROSE G. KLESCEWSKI, TAYLOR M. WAGNER, MADYSON K. FORNEY, PAYTON J. BROCK, LILLIAN G. KOCH ROCKETT, MATTHEW D. WARD, CADE L. FOSTER, MACY G. BURGER, KAIDEN D. KOUGH, ALLISON L. WENDTE, LAURYN T. GREENHALGH, ZACHARIAH D. CALDWELL, OLIVIA L. KOUGH, AMANDA N. WEYANT, HUNTER T. GREGORY, BELLA M. CANSINO, JOLEE A. KRUMWIEDE, JACOB A. WHITE, HUNTER W. GUEDE, KATE E. COCHRAN, OLIVIA K. LONG, CARLEE R. WIEGAND, WILLIAM M. HUTCHISON, MIA A. COLANTONI, CONNOR D. LOPEZ, MAKENA G. WILBUR, CAROLYN N. INGOLD, ELI M. COWPER, COLE M. LUDOLPH, CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, SYDNEY P. JONES, ANGELINA R. CRAIG, JAMES M. MACNEIL, WESLEY M. WIPFLER, ELIZABETH A. KEENAN, OWEN P. CULBERTSON, JACKSON R. MAHAN, JACLYN A. WOOD, ANGELINA S. KREI, ETHAN R. CULLEN, ALEXANDER I. MARSHALL, BROOKLYN N. ZOBRIST, NICHOLAS LAMPE, ANNA C. CURTIN, TRAVIS E. MASON, TYLER S. LELM, BRIAN A. DEAN, SIMON J. MCDONALD, PAYTON L. LELM, JESSICA A. DEGENHART, CLARALYN K. MESSACAR, DYLAN T. MARCHAND, GARRETT W. DODWELL, SAMANTHA L. MICHNA, COLE C. MESSACAR, RACHEL N. DOSEMAGEN, REESE K. MORROW, KAI I. MICHNA, CADE J. DRIES, STEVEN W. OSBORN, ALLISON M. MISCHLER, ANDREW J. DRUMWRIGHT, SHELBY L. PORCH, BRENDAN N. ROTH, BENJAMIN M. DUFFY, SOPHIE A. PORCH, LANDON W. ROTH, ELIANA G. DUNCAN, BEAU H. POSTON, ZACHARY M. SCHAFFER, KARLI E. DUNCAN, CAYLEE A. REEVES, MAKENNA E. STREHLOW, ASHLEY A. DUNCAN, MAYA R. REISING, ANTHONY S. STREHLOW, KAYLA L. DVIZAC, TEA A. RICH, DANIELLA K. SUAREZ, ADDISON M. EADS, AVA P. RICKARD, SKYLER L. TRENTMAN, SYDNEY M. EGLI, KAILANI E. ROACH-KING, SOPHIE R. TYRALA, GRANT A. EVANS, SOPHIA J. ROACH-KING, ZOIE P. VANCIL, ALLIE J. FITZ, LOGAN J. ROLEY, LAUREN J. VANCIL, BRODY A. FOSTER, BETHANY M. RUDER, KAILEY N. WEBSTER, EMMA E. FOSTER, JESSE C. SCHAFFRIN, KENDRICK A. WOOD, KAITLYN S. FRANKLIN, SEAN D. SCHUNK, JAMES P. YODER, HANNAH M. GANGLOFF, DARIEN L. SCHUNK, JOSEPH P. ZELLER, GARRETT N. GANGLOFF, LANDON I. SCHWARZENTRAUB, OWEN D. GARBER, WILL D. SETH, ASHLYN M. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 7 CARNIVAL CHAIRPEOPLE NEEDED After many years of running our Carnival Café, Sandy Riggert is stepping down. She has done a great job! Thank you, Sandy! Please consider filling this spot for us. Contact Elisha Bachman We also welcome anyone to join The Foundation for Educational Excellence. We need more board members. For more information on what the Foundation does for our school, visit our website and go to the Foundation for Educational Excellence link. This is a great organization to be involved in. MGS Scholastic Book Fair October-31,-November 8, 2016 8:30am-3:30pm MGS Library Family Fun Night November 4, 2016 6:00pm-8:00pm MGS Gyms M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 8 MGS Scholastic Book Fair October 31-November 8, 2016 8:30am-3:30pm November 4th 8:30am-8:00 pm Reading for pleasure unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits. We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school. SUBSTITUTES NEEDED: Are you looking to be a part of an educational setting and work with children? Substitute Teachers MGS is seeking Substitute Teachers for the current and upcoming school years. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education is required. No need to be certified in education or related field. Substitutes work full or half days in regular and /or specialist classroom(s). Lesson plans are provided. Please go to the Substitute Teaching Page of ROE 53 for instructions to register for schools in Woodford, Tazewell, and Mason counties. Substitute Paraprofessionals MGS is seeking Substitute Paraprofessionals for the current and upcoming school years. Requirements: Minimum age is 20 years. High school diploma or GED Official transcript showing completion of 60 college credit hours or an associate degree (or higher) from a regionally accredited institution of higher education *If you have 60 or more hours of college credit you do not need the test but must complete everything else to obtain your IL license. Please view these instructions for Paraprofessional Licensure and Test. *If you have less than 60 hours of college credit you do need the test (Paraprofessional Licensure and Test). Call the Regional Office of Education 53 to set up an appointment for testing at (309) 477-2290. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 9 Families In Need We are asking families in need approaching this holiday season to contact the school. Situations change from year to year, so if you would be open to giving your name, address, telephone number, children's names (all in household), ages and sizes, we would pass that information on to the many different agencies that ask. Please send your reply to our superintendent, Mr. Marty Payne, on the attached form as soon as possible or by November 9th at the latest. This information will be handled discreetly. Thank you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone number________________________________________________________________________________ Children's Names Ages Sizes ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL NEWS M GS Messen ger P age 2 0 Sixth Grade Band-Can you believe it is time to work on Christmas music already? Our concert is just around the corner. The date is December 8 at 6:30. Please plan on meeting in the band room at 5:30. The concert will be held in the new gym. Please mark your calendars. I hope to see you there! Ms. Dawn Trotter Booster Club- We will need a lot of help November 17th unloading/sorting fruit. Save the date! Monica Blunier at 367-9601 or email at if you have any questions. If you are available your help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support! Band Director Jr. High Band-Christmas music again? You guessed it! The Jr. High Band is also preparing for the Christmas concert. The date is also December 8 at 6:30. This is a combined concert with the Sixth Grade Band and the choirs. Please plan on meeting in the band room at 5:30. This will allow us to tune up and fix any problems which may occur. Mark your calendars! Big Thanks-to the Bluniers and everyone who helped out with the bonfire and cook out. We all had a great time! MGS Band Calendar November 8 Game Pep Band at Girls Basketball December 15 Game Pep Band at Boys Basketball November 10 Game Pep Band at Boys Basketball January 5 Game Pep Band at Boys Basketball November 11 Jr. High Band Performs at Veteran’s Day Assembly January 12 Game Pep Band at Boys Basketball November 14 Game Pep Band at Girls Basketball February 16 4th/5th Grade Winter Concert November 17 Fruit Delivery/Pick Up April 27 Jr. High Band Spring Concert December 8 Jr. High Band Christmas Concert April 28 December 12 Game Pep Band at Boys Basketball May 4 6th Grade Band Spring Concert 4th/5th Grade Spring Concert Metamora Mathcounts The Metamora Mathcounts team has been unraveling difficult math problems each week since the middle of September. The 2016-2017 team includes eighth graders Danielle Dominy, Brian Lelm, and Grant Tyrala, seventh graders Owen Keenan, Kate Guede, Ashley Strelow, Emma Blunier, and Brodie Vancil, and sixth graders Bryce Hammar and Champ Stevens. These students are working hard and challenging their math thinking. We look forward to a school competition in January and the Peoria Chapter competition at Bradley University in February. Good luck and happy computation to the Mathcounts Team! PTO M GS Messen ger P age 2 1 Our next meeting date Tuesday, November 1 MGS PTO If you are interested in Volunteering check out our website for all information about the PTO and upcoming events! You can also now LIKE us on Facebook Meetings will take place in Room 63 located in the Jr. High Wing Mark your calendars for our next Family Fun Night Friday, November 4th from 6 pm - 8 pm Family Fun at Geo’s Tuesday, November 10 Geo’s will donate A % OF ALL SALES from 4:00 - 10:00 PM to the Metamora Grade School PTO Stop by for Dinner with the family! Join your friends, bring your family for a Swash-Buckling good time! Relays, obstacle courses, crafts, snacks and more. Calling all Crafters and Vendors! MGS is hosting its annual Craft and Vendor show on Saturday, December 10th from 9am - 2pm We are still looking for Crafters & Vendors who would like to participate in our event. All crafters are welcome; only one vendor from each company can sell at our event. Booth space fee is $25 for a 8 x 8 gym space or 4 x 14 hallway space This event is being held in conjunction with PTO annual Secret Santa Shop, Metamora Germantown Hills, Junior Women's Club Breakfast with Santa, and there will be basketball games. For more information and to register for our event, Please contact Lisa at Registered vendors include: Close to My Heart, doTerra, Jamberry, Lilla Rose, LulaRoe, Mary Kay, Norwex, Origami Owl, Pampered Chef, Real Time Pain Relief, Rodan & Fields, Scentsy, Stella & Dot, Tastefully Simple, Thirty-One Gifts Tupperware, Usbourne Books and Younique Don't miss out on this great time Matey! Fall Teacher and Staff Appreciation is Wednesday November 9th Please visit for a link to sign up for donations to the Fall Staff Appreciation event. Preheated soups in crock pots with LINERS will help make the process run smoothly. The liners make a huge difference for clean up so please use one to help us:) Please also send in a serving spoon for your crock pot and please make sure to mark each piece with your First AND Last name so we can get them returned to you. If you make a soup please consider attaching the recipe to the crock pot, most of the teachers like to receive a copy if they really like a soup. Thank you! If you have any questions please email Mary Miller at M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 2 2 ACES of Woodford County ********************************************************* ACES is an inclusive parent network in Woodford County focused on advocating for people with special needs by collaborating with the school system and community members to produce partnerships for A DV OCA CY , COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS, EDUCA TION and SOCIA L SUPPORTS. Join us for the 2016-2017 school year! Below is the anticipated schedule. Please check our Facebook page and/or the website to stay up-to-date on date or time changes. All of our meetings take place at Christian Union Church in Metamora, IL. Tuesday, November 8, 6 - 8:30 p.m. OPEN Support Meeting Tuesday, December 6, 6 - 8:30 p.m. Sensory Santa Holiday Gathering Tuesday, January 10, 6 - 8:30 p.m. OPEN Support Meeting Tuesday, February 7, 6 - 8:30 p.m. Connect with your local school teams at our Administrative Partnership Panel Tuesday, March 7, 6 - 8:30 p.m. OPEN Support Meeting Tuesday, April 4, 6 - 8:30 Young Child Panel: Connect with resources locally that focus on young children with special learning/developmental needs Tuesday, May 2, 6 - 8:30 p.m. OPEN Support Meeting and Group Development Meeting New this Year: Mom’s Connect We will be coming to Goodfield and Minonk and want to connect with you! Mark your calendars and join us for a fun and casual get together at a local spot. February 25, 2 - 4 p.n., William’s Popcorn Shop, Minonk, IL Connect With Us... 1) 2) Connect with us on FaceBook by sending a request to join the closed group: https:// Our group is built to serve local families. We welcome your guidance and input. Have ideas? Share them! We are looking forward to meeting many new families this year! M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 2 3 44th ANNUAL BREAKFAST WITH SANTA The GFWC Illinois Metamora-Germantown Hills Junior Woman’s Club would like to invite you to our 44th Annual Breakfast with Santa, to be held on Saturday, December 10, 2016, from 9-11a.m. at the Metamora Grade School, 815 East Chatham Street, Metamora. We hope that you will join us this year for all the fun. Doors will open at 8:45 a.m., with Santa arriving at 9 a.m. The morning will include a visit from Santa, be sure to bring your camera if you would like a photo. Children may visit Elf Stations where they can participate in several craft projects. There will an exciting raffle with something for everyone. Door prizes will be given away every 15 minutes. In the kitchen we will be serving donuts, bagels, milk, juice, and coffee until 10:30 a.m. Tickets are $4 in advance and $5 at the door. Tickets may also be purchased at Metamora Pharmacy beginning November 1, or through club members. To order your tickets, please complete the form below and send, along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and a check payable to MGH JWC by November 28, 2016 to: METAMORA-GERMANTOWN HILLS JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB P O BOX 954 METAMORA, IL 61548-0954 All proceeds will benefit local charities and community needs. We look forward to seeing you there! BREAKFAST WITH SANTA RESERVATION FORM NAME--------------------------------------_________________________________________________PHONE #____________________ # OF TICKETS___________________________(x $4.00) = TOTAL $__________________________ NOVEMBER ACTIVITY CALENDAR M GS Messen ger Mon Tue Wed Thur P age 2 4 Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 5:00 PM B 7 BKB Redbird Round Robin 6:15 PM B 8 BKB Redbird Round Robin 5:00 PM B 7 BKB Roanoke -Benson Junior High School 5:45 PM Speech Parent Meeting 6:15 PM B 8 BKB Roanoke -Benson Junior High School 4:30 PM G 7 BKB @ Tremont Junior High School 5:45PM G 8 BKB @ Tremont Junior High School 6:00 PM Cub Scouts Nicole Crow 5:00 PM B 7 BKB Redbird Round Robin 6:15 PM B 8 BKB Redbird Round Robin 10:00 AM G 7 BKB Brimfield Grade School 11:15 AM G 8 BKB Brimfield Grade School 7 8 9 10 11 12 4:15 PM G 7 BKB @ Dunlap Middle School 5:30PM G 8 BKB @ Dunlap Middle School 6:15 PM Girl Scouts Jennifer Ness 4:30 PM G 7 BKB Dunlap Valley Middle School 5:45PM G 8 BKB Dunlap Valley Middle School 4:30 PM B 7 BKB @ Washington Beverly Manor 4:30 PM G 7 BKB Illini Bluffs MS/HS 5:45 PM Speech Awards Night 5:45PM B 8 BKB @ Washington Beverly Manor 5:45 PM G 8 BKB Illini Bluffs MS/HS 4:30 PM B 7 BKB Morton Junior High School 5:45PM B 8 BKB Morton Junior High School 6:30 PM Girl Scouts Amanda Patrick & Maggie Johns 14 15 16 17 18 19 4:30 PM G 7 BKB Fieldcrest Middle School East 5:45PM G 8 BKB Fieldcrest Middle School - East 8:30 AM Peoria Symphony Guild Puppet Show 4:30 PM B 7 BKB Edison Junior High SchoolPekin 5:45PM B 8 BKB Edison Junior High SchoolPekin 1:30 PM Fruit and Cheese Cake Sale 4:30 PM B 7 BKB DeeMack Primary/Junior High School 4:30 PM G 7 BKB @ Washington Beverly Manor 5:45 PM B 8 BKB Dee-Mack Primary/Junior High School 5:45 PM G 8 BKB @ Washington Beverly Manor 6:00 PM Cub Scout Barker 1:30 PM Fruit and Cheesecake Sale 6:00 PM Family Fun Night IMEA Festival 21 22 24 25 26 4:30 PM B 7 BKB @ East Peoria Central Junior High School 5:45 PM B 8 BKB @ East Peoria Central Junior High School 6:15 PM Girl Scouts Jennifer Ness 4:30 PM B 7 BKB Peoria Christian Middle School 5:45 PM B 8 BKB Peoria Christian Middle School 28 29 5:00 PM B 7 BKB @ Germantown Hills Middle School 6:15 PM B 8 BKB @ Germantown Hills Middle School 23 30 10:00 AM G 7 BKB @ Peoria Christian Middle School 11:15 AM G 8 BKB @ Peoria Christian Middle School M GS Messen ger MONDAY NOVEMBER 2016 BREAKFAST MENU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY P age 2 5 THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Long John or Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 2 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 3 Yogurt & Granola or Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 4 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 7 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 8 Cinnamon Roll Or Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 9 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 11 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 14 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 15 Cinnamon Mini Bagels or Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 16 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 10 Scrambled Eggs, Bacon Or Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 17 Strawberry Pancakes & Sausage Link Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 21 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 22 Long John or Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 23 24 25 28 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 29 Cinnamon Roll Or CereaL, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 30 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk 18 Cereal, Toast Fresh Fruit 100% Fruit Juice Milk NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL TEACHER INSTITUTE THANKSGIVING BREAK Breakfast Breakfast is $2.10 per day or $10.50 for 5 days or $42.00 for the month. Extra milk is .50 Extra juice is .30. When your Childs balance reaches -$7.50 they will be served toast & water for breakfast. All Cereal and Breads are at least 51% WG and Fruit Juice is 100%, Milk is 1% Menu is subject to change without notice. M GS Messen ger MONDAY 7 A Rib/Bun B Chicken Tenders w/Breadstick Green Beans Peaches Milk 14 A Mini Corn Dogs B Chicken Patty Bun Tator Tots Mandarin Oranges Milk 21 A Sub Sandwich B Bosco Pizza Curly Fries Strawberries Milk 28 A Corn Dog B Chili Dog/Bun Baked Beans Peaches Cookie Milk NOVEMBER 2016 LUNCH MENU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 Spaghetti/Meat Sauce Romaine Salad w/Ranch Dress. Garlic Bread Pineapple Milk 8 Super Nacho’s w/meat and cheese sauce Corn Pears Milk 15 Toasted Ravioli With Marinara Romaine Salad with Ranch Dr Bosco Breadstick Grapes Milk 2 A Corn Dog B Chili Dog/Bun Baked Beans Strawberries Pudding Milk 22 Walking Taco’s With Meat, cheese & Lettuce Corn Pears Milk 29 Potato & Ham Soup/Crackers Corn Muffin Cinnamon Apples Rice Krispie Treat Milk 23 9 A Sloppy Jo/Bun B French Bread Pizza Carrot Sticks/Dip Apple Slices Milk 16 A Cheese Pizza B Quesadilla Celery Sticks/Dip Orange Cookie Milk NO SCHOOL P age 2 6 THURSDAY FRIDAY 3 Pancake Sausage Stick Tator Tots Chocolate Chip Muffin Orange Milk 10 Chicken Nuggets Roll Romaine Salad With Italian Dr. Pineapple Milk 17 Turkey Mashed Potatoes Gravy Green Beans Roll Applesauce Pumpkin Pie Milk 4 A Grilled Cheese B Quesadilla Tomato Soup w/ Goldfish Crackers Cinnamon Apples Milk 24 25 11 A Hamburger/Bun B Bosco Pizza Potato Spudsters Banana Milk 18 A Hot Dog/Bun B Cheeseburger/ Bun Baked Beans Banana Chocolate Graham Bear Milk NO SCHOOL HAPPY THANKSGIVING TEACHER’S INSTITUTE THANKSGIVING! BREAK 30 A Macaroni & Cheese/Breadstick B French Bread Pizza Green Beans Applesauce Milk Lunch Lunch is $2.85 per day or $14.25 for 5 days or $57.00 for the month. Children will have a choice of 3 items this year must include a fruit or vegetable. A/B entrée will be choice for grades 5th-8th. Your child may purchase a hungry man for $1.00. This is extra entrée only and will come out of your account. When your child's balance reaches -$7.50 they will be served peanut butter & jelly sandwich and water. Condiments include (2pkt ketchup, 2 pkt mustard, 1 pkt mayo, BBQ sauce cup, dressing 2 Tbsp.), & SF Butter. Metamora Grade School Faculty K-5 Faculty Mrs. Jennifer Duncan(Kindergarten) KA Mrs. Tara Ott (Kindergarten) KB Mrs. Natalie Wood (Kindergarten) KC Ms. Wendy Vogel (Kindergarten) KD Mrs . Nikki Hahn ( Kindergarten) ________________________________KE Mrs. Kathy Nolte (First) 1A Mrs. Jamie Rutherford (First) 1B Mrs Jenera Call (First) 1C Ms. Becky Rhodes (First) 1D Mrs. Jean Stine Ratliffe (Second) 2A Mrs. Deanne Trentman (Second) 2B Mrs. Amber Brown (Second) 2C Ms. Megan Miller(Second) 2D Mrs. Heather King (Second) ____________________________________2E Mrs. Krissy Peterson (Third) 3A Mrs. Diane Grebner (Third) 3B Mrs. Megan Domenighini (Third) 3C Mrs. Jeanine Hess (Third) 3D Mr. Ryan Crawley (Third) ______________________________________3E Mrs. Kim Phillips (Fourth) 4A Mrs. Kathy Steele (Fourth) 4B Mrs. Marsha Brown (Fourth) 4C Mrs. Teri Biernat (Fourth) 4D Mrs. Beth Anglin (Fifth) 5A Mrs. Jana Southerland (Fifth) 5B Mrs. Amanda Peck (Fifth) 5C Mrs. Tara Wilson (Fifth) 5D Special Education Mrs. Jessica Karch (Sp. Ed) Ms. Andrea Kidd(Sp. Ed) Mrs. Cheryl Oplt (Sp. Ed.) Mrs. Sandra Freitag (Junior High Sp. Ed.) Administration Mr. Martin Payne (Superintendent) Mrs. Cathy Costello (K-8 Principal) Mr. Tim Damery (Dean of Students) K-2 3&4 5&6 7&8 Junior High Faculty Mrs. Laura Anglin Mr. Thomas Koonce Mrs. Molly Gualandri Mrs. Gail Simpson Mrs. Galyn Cansino Mr. Tom Benjamin Ms. Beth Wiley Mrs. Melanie Koppenhoefer Mrs. Megan Huss Mrs. Shannon McClure Mrs. Danielle Buerkett Mr. Mark Dotterer Mrs. Amy Ernenputsch Mrs. Melanie Wallace Mrs. Elizabeth Vancil Ms. Brittany Emmons (Physical Education) Mr. Chris Dalberg (Physical Education) Mr. Tom Benjamin (Health) Mrs. Megan Huss (Computers) Ms. Amy Seida (Speech) Mrs. Heather Brown (Speech) Mrs. Kaleigh Christ(Vocal Music/Chorus) Ms. Dawn Trotter (Instrumental Music) Mrs. Erin Foster (Art) Mrs. Geni Jacobs (Librarian) Mr. Paul Weber (Technology Coordinator) Ms. Marnin Humphrey (RTI) Mrs. Ashley Aman (RTI) Office Staff Mrs. Jan Holman (Bookkeeper) Mrs. Hollie Richards (Secretary) Mrs. Missi Woods (Secretary) Mrs. Elisha Bachman (Secretary) Web Address: The MGS Messenger Metamora CCSD #1 815 E. Chatham Street Metamora, IL 61548 A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence!