The Point: December 2015 - Independent Education Union
The Point: December 2015 - Independent Education Union
Contracting out VIT and TRB A new contract? Looking back on the year and wishing all our members a happy holiday season. Page 3 Page 7 Page 9 Pages 1, 4, 9 & 20 PRINT POST 100010937 VOLUME 5 NO 6 DECEMBER 2015 Reviewing our year It was great to see around 70 Conference delegates and IEU officers gathered at the IEU Conference Centre in mid-November to receive the annual report, hear from two guest speakers and endorse the activist and union achievement awards. GENERAL SECRETARY DEBRA JAMES UNION POWER 2015 has been a great year for the IEU and I want to thank our members and reps for their commitment, support and solidarity. I t is only through the strength and determination of members that we are able to achieve so much together. The long-running bargaining dispute in Tasmanian Catholic schools was resolved earlier this year – the culmination of a union-wide effort to vote down an inferior employer Agreement, stand up for a better deal and finally support a fair outcome. Members also voted down inferior Agreements in individual independent schools across both states this year, standing their ground for fairer outcomes. We’ve been instrumental in getting Agreements up in 27 schools so far this year, and we are at the table at another 28 schools. There are five schools in the process of making their first-ever Agreement, thereby ensuring wages and conditions above the minimum standard of the relevant modern awards and reflective of standards across the industry. In Victorian Catholic schools we are in the last year of an Agreement which saw rates for teachers at the top of the scale hit $94,961 and a restructure of the Education Support Staff classification structure delivering further incremental movement and reclassification opportunities for the hard-working and dedicated support staff in our schools. Through the power and resources of the collective, we have the capacity to protect and defend the rights of individual members. 2015 provided plenty of opportunities to help hundreds of members with workplace issues. Organisers were also kept busy working with reps and sub-branches on issues affecting members in workplaces, protecting and defending their rights. The only resources available to the IEU come from our members and the fees they pay. It’s teachers, education support staff and principals who enable the IEU to be the voice speaking out for members both individually and collectively. Our strength comes also from their engagement and commitment. Season’s Greetings to all our reps, members and friends, and best wishes for a well-deserved break. Rest up for 2016 because we’ll be back on deck in January ready for the year ahead! M ark Williams, President of the Union, opened Conference by acknowledging and thanking all IEU reps for their work throughout the year. The Conference had two guest speakers who talked on the issue of climate change and on a new program organised by Victorian Trades Hall Council to provide legal advice and support to young workers throughout the state. Debra James, General Secretary, spoke to the annual report which featured the achievements of the union over the last year and looked forward to a campaign year in the Victorian Catholic sector next year. A snapshot was provided of the outcomes and implementation of the Tasmanian Catholic Agreement which took over 2 years to achieve and was the result of the ongoing commitment of our members in Tasmania. Significant achievements for support staff and recognition of teachers’ duties in relation to homeroom and pastoral care were the highlights of the Agreement. Progress of the merger with TISTA and an increased presence in bargaining in independent schools was also discussed. Reports were made on the progress of bargaining in Victorian independent schools, as well as the work currently being undertaken on the new ES classification scale in Victorian Catholic schools. Other work in this sector include the publication of the Occupational Violence guidelines, the review of fixedterm contracts and the resolution of a number of implementation issues from the last Agreement. Conference also presented delegates with a summary of the union’s activities in the areas of training, campaigning, communications and lobbying around education issues. For more details including Award winners, see pages 10-11. A new classification structure in Tasmania In preparation for the negotiation of a new classification structure for school support employees in Tasmanian Catholic schools, the IEU Victoria Tasmania undertook a survey of its members to gain a picture of the pattern of classification and to get feedback on the current structure. How does the current structure work? The current classification structure for school support staff in Catholic schools is a complex and differing picture. There are a number of different occupational groupings of employees including Teacher Assistants, School Counsellors, Teaching Support staff (Laboratory, Library, ICT), Clerical Administrative staff, and Utility employees, who include cleaners, bus drivers, building and maintenance staff. Each of these groupings has a different classification structure. For example, Teacher Assistants have one pay level only, while Clerical Administrative staff have a seven level structure which relates to specific kinds of duties. Each level has two steps only which allows one annual progression. Progression between the levels however only occurs if the duties of the employee change. In contrast, Teaching Support employees have a 12 level structure which relates purely to qualifications and a certain number of years of experience. An employee with a particular qualification is classified on a specified step and progresses through the levels based on years of experience. However, those with certain qualifications cannot access the higher levels of the structure, regardless of the duties they perform. School Counsellors do not currently appear in the classification structure, and schools appear to be classifying School Counsellors with different tertiary qualifications differently. For example, those with a teaching degree are paid as teachers, those with Psychology qualifications might be paid in accordance with the teaching scale, and those with have a Social Work degree seem to be paid somewhere on the School Support (Lab, Library, ICT) scale. How does this all compare to the Department of Education? The key difference is that Teacher Assistants, Clerical Administrative staff and Teaching Support staff in the Department are all classified in accordance with the same 10 level structure under the Tasmanian State Services Award – General Stream. This structure is similar in nature to the Victorian Catholic Education Support Staff structure in that classification levels relate to both levels of general work descriptions such as competence, decision making, expertise and qualification; as well as types of indicative duties. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 > 2 THE POINT December 2015 Member Update For 2016 CONTACT US /IEUvictas @IEUnews IEU Victoria Tasmania You will shortly be receiving a new membership card and information about updating your membership details for 2016. EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES T: (03) 9254 1860 FreeCall: 1800 622 889 W: F: (03) 9254 1865 E: CONTRIBUTIONS & LETTERS from members are welcome and should be forwarded to: The Point PO Box 1320, South Melbourne 3205, or by email to: MELBOURNE OFFICE: 120 Clarendon Street, Southbank 3006 HOBART OFFICE: 379 Elizabeth Street, Nth Hobart 7000 You can check and update your details and fee category by visiting ‘Member Access’ on our website at any time. The Point is published by the Independent Education Union Victoria Tasmania. EDITORIAL CONTENT: Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by D James, 120 Clarendon Street, Southbank 3006. Views expressed in articles reflect those of the author and are not necessarily union policy. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT General Secretary: Deputy Secretary: President: Deputy President: Ordinary Members: Patrick Bennett Earl James Andrew Wood Debra James Loretta Cotter Mark Williams Elisabeth Buckley Andrew Dunne Heather Macardy School Officers: Christine Scott Catholic Secondary Council President: Stephen Hobday Deputy: Ruth Pendavingh Independent Council President: Cara Maxworthy Deputy: Coralie Taranto Member Access Login to check and update your details in the ‘Member Access’ section of the website: 1 Visit and click ‘Member Access’. 2 Enter your username (your membership number) and your password (your postcode). 3 Check your fee category and personal, payment and workplace details and make any changes you need to make. 4 If you have any questions, or difficulty changing your details, please get in contact with us on 9254 1860 or Pay your 2016 membership in full before 31 January and you’ll receive the Early Bird discount! COUNCIL PRESIDENTS & DEPUTIES Catholic Primary Council President: Maree Shields Deputy: Rachael Evans We are proud to have a progressive fee scale designed to keep fees affordable for those on lower incomes – but as your income increases (whether from increments, pay increases or change to part-time hours) it’s vital that you ensure you are in the correct fee category. This helps us to keep our fees low and fair, and will ensure that you are entitled to our full support and representation as a financial member. We have introduced a new category at the top of the scale for those earning over $105,000, and also a new category for those on parental leave. Tasmanian Council President: John Waldock Deputy: Jeremy Oliver Principals’ Council President: John Connors Deputy: Greg Lane IEU OFFICE SUMMER HOURS The IEU Victoria Tasmania Offices in Melbourne and Hobart will be closed from 4.00pm on Tuesday 22 December for the summer break. The IEU Office will re-open with reduced hours of 9.00am to 4.00pm from Monday 11 January and a Duty Officer will be available to assist with urgent member enquiries. Regular office hours (8.30am – 5.00pm, Mon-Thur, 8.30am – 4.30pm Fri) will resume Wednesday 27 January. DECEMBER 22 For all non-urgent enquiries during the holiday period, including regarding your membership, please email Victorian Catholic Schools Planning for the new Agreement Page 3 Behind the Whiteboard Advice and issues in brief Page 4 Rep Profile We meet Emma Rhodes Page 5 Bargaining Roundup Review of bargaining in independent schools Page 6 New Organiser Welcome Jeremy Oliver to the team! Page 8 Annual Conference We hear from the ACF and Young Workers Centre Page 10 Principals Retiring colleagues farewelled Page 13 Student Teachers Review of the year in universities Page 17 International Roundup A look at union activity around the world Page 19 Summer Break What are you doing over the holiday season? Page 20 GRADUATE TEACHER INFORMATION Kick Start Your Career Get your career off to the right start by converting your student membership to IEU graduate membership. Why Become a Graduate Member? ■■ protection at work - all members are entitled to advice and representation ■■ expert legal support ■■ professional indemnity insurance ■■ publications and email bulletins to keep you up-to-date ■■ professional development opportunities ■■ Beginning Teacher conference. The Special Graduate Offer Student members who convert their membership before 31 January will get their 2016 annual membership for $159.60, which can be paid in instalments (half-yearly, quarterly, monthly, twice monthly depending on payment method). First payment will be processed on 15 February. Check your inbox for further details on converting your membership or contact us on: 3 December 2015 THE POINT Contracting out: Are you insecure? DEPUTY SECRETARY LORETTA COTTER In the last few weeks there have been notifications from a number of Victorian Catholic secondary schools about decisions to contract out canteen, maintenance or cleaning staff. I n one case, the school presented a summary of an external review at a staff meeting that had mainly positive recommendations, with one sentence about the need for further review of maintenance and cleaning. Two days later, the IEU and six staff were notified of the College’s decision to outsource their work. In another school, a member with over two decades of working in the school canteen was called in to the principal’s office and informed that canteen operations would be run by an external company next year. We can certainly have a lot to say, and we do, about breached Victorian Catholic Agreement update timelines and lack of appropriate information or consultation. We can ensure compliance with notice and redundancy payments. We can represent and advocate for members. What we can’t often do is compel the employer to make a different, ethical and better decision. And what makes my blood boil is the way that these members of a school community, with their years of service and loyalty, can be consigned to the scrap heap in workplaces that promote an ethos of justice and values. Even if employees get picked up by the new company, their wages and conditions are no suffer. Women and migrant workers are usually affected more seriously because the areas they work in are more vulnerable – for example, cleaning and catering. We need to reduce, if not eliminate, all forms of insecure employment in non-government education. In addition to our increased vigilance about the validity of fixed-term or casual contracts, it is time to also make contracting out an issue for our Agreements and our sub-branches. The number of employees affected might be small in overall figures, but we have to hold true to our charter; a union for all, not just the majority. 4 YT TEACHERS’ WAGE COMPARISONS – CATHOLIC SCHOOLS No. of years Teaching (4YT) As the year winds to a close, the planning begins on engaging with reps and members early next year in the consultation and claim process for the next round of bargaining in Catholic schools. T he current Agreement expires in October 2016, the same date as the government sector. The Victorian state government’s public sector wage policy is 2.5% with an additional 0.5% available if there is an agreed service delivery partnership. The IEU expects to kick off next year with member and sub-branch consultation and then formally endorse the new claim at May Council meetings. A pressure will be to articulate a claim around workload intensification that, if achieved, will actually result in better working conditions in schools. Workload intensification has become the sticking point for all members – principals, leadership, teachers and education support staff. The other key areas will no doubt include contract employment for graduate teachers and teacher aides, stronger fences around part-time variations, and secure part-time provisions when transitioning from full-time to retirement. longer linked to the Agreement. It is almost entirely predictable that their overall conditions will be inferior. There is no guarantee at all that a company will achieve greater efficiencies and also produce a higher quality of service. What seems to be attractive to some schools is that they no longer have to manage the employee – he or she is someone else’s responsibility. The ACTU argues that cost shifting by contracting out does not necessarily result in savings, the often used argument that more flexible service delivery can be achieved also doesn’t wash, and standards of service generally ^ VIC NSW^ ACT QLD^^ TAS SA ^^^ NT WA ^^^^ 1 Aug 15 1 Jan 15 1 Oct 15 1 Jul 14 1 Mar 15 1 Oct 14 3 Mar 15 6 Dec 15 1 63,356 62,447 66,504 61,636 61,088 65,289 65,792 68,598 2 65,694 65,659 69,864 63,100 64,228 68,888 69,095 71,307 3 68,118 67,352 73,326 66,400 67,537 72,520 72,395 76,199 4 70,631 72,100 76,589 69,708 71,013 76,184 75,692 81,051 5 73,238 75,317 79,951 73,037 74,678 79,879 78,993 86,994 6 75,940 78,534 83,311 75,805 78,552 83,604 84,455 92,632 7 78,742 81,479 88,914 78,586 82,519 87,360 87,755 94,685 8 81,648 84,972 94,517 81,352 86,348 91,749 91,057 96,744 9 84,661 93,138 84,279 90,007 94,357 100,535 10 87,785 11 94,961 NSW systemic schools receive another 2.5% increase on 1 January 2016, bringing the 4YT graduate rate to 64,008 and the top of the automatic scale to 95,466 ^^ QLD still in negotiations ^^^ SA still in negotiations ^^^^^ WA teachers have two years at top step before accessing another step which will be 105,625 4 THE POINT December 2015 The artist known as ‘Behind the Whiteboard’ is hiding behind the staffroom Christmas tree, peaking through that parasitic vine, the berried mistletoe, sometimes used for kissing beneath. None of that kissing stuff allowed at the staff Christmas function. This is ‘Behind the Christmas Tree’. TO ALL OUR ES MEMBERS, a card with a cheque enclosed, very handy for the Rosebud foreshore holiday, as compensation for all the unpaid overtime accrued over the year. BTCT has been watching whether you’ve been naughty or nice. TO ALL OUR FIXED-TERMERS, those on contracts for the second or seventeenth time: a beautifully wrapped envelope, lovely Aldi ribbon, a revised Letter of Appointment inside, you’ve been declared ongoing. BTCT had a word and a nudge to the boss, you can now go out and get that mortgage for the dream home in Doreen. OUR TEACHING MEMBERS, from VCE Accounting down to pre-prep, as of 18 December (or earlier for some), BTCT gives pupilfree lunchtimes on the Sunshine Coast, meetingless afternoons and evenings on European vacation, the couch watching T20 free of a pile of corrections, and the blessed sleep-in without the pressure of briefing and prayer at 8.25. TO ALL PRINCIPAL MEMBERS, a couple of buckets of love and understanding, free of the concept of global budgeting, at least 3 weeks clear of the pressure of pleasing everyone all the time. Christmas bliss! TO OUR SUB-BRANCH REPS, CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS, ACTIVISTS AND MEMBERS, all the joy you get from belonging to an organisation, a Union like ours. Have an egg nog on me. Christmas kisses and hugs to all members from the BTCT, and just an incidental glance in the corridor for those charitably known as non-members. GO HOME ON TIME Unfortunately, this is the most infrequently used term in the modern education setting. These days, even if you do manage to sneak out of the school car park before 5.30pm, and begin the daily conflict with cars, bikes and pedestrians, ‘the drive home’; you’re still faced with the inevitability of home duties and more school work after the dishes are done. How much easier would it be if your workload was managed properly at the workplace, preferably by you, if there wasn’t a meeting every night of the week, and if you could leave the school grounds at a reasonable hour? This problem faced by school staff is not dissimilar to many sectors of the Australian work force. Overwork, unpaid overtime, stress at work, stress at home. Thus, the Go Home on Time Day, an initiative of the Australian Institute. The IEU Rep at St Patrick’s College Launceston, Paul Mannion, decided to get on the front foot about the initiative. He emailed all members at his school, noting that the Consultative Committee had already been discussing issues around work/life balance. ‘Go Home On Time Day’ was scheduled for 18 November, employer reps supporting the day, encouraging staff to participate. Great work, Paul. Most member families enjoyed slow cooked lamb or a night at the movies on this night, rather than a hastily constructed pasta dish and grumbles about more work. Compare and contrast this with some Catholic principals in Victoria who still get uptight about Clause 55, the ‘Hours of Work’ clause, or some employer reps in independent school bargaining – ‘staff must be on site for 38 hours a week, and are forbidden to leave school grounds during set hours of attendance’. More info on this refreshing approach to managing workload can be found at FIXED-TERM SCOURGE REQUIRES A FULL-TIME PURGE BTW has been reflecting on his work this year. ‘What is the thing about employer behaviour that has annoyed me the most?’ Not incorrect salary assessments, although they can take hours to fix, parental leave questions about when, how much and sometimes if, ‘can they make me teach RE?’ All can be addressed objectively. The bullying behaviour of some employers is a very difficult area; what a principal might regard as reasonable management direction to an employee often manifests itself as a clear pattern of bullying behaviour. Recent access to the Fair Work Commission in bullying cases is providing greater opportunity for member and union action to address such behaviour. Getting members off fixedterm employment into ongoing positions is a challenge. Employment should be of an ongoing nature except in specific situations, such as where specified term employment is required because approved leave has been granted to another employee. How can a member be compelled to fixed-term employment because of ‘funding’, ‘special project’ or the ‘possibility of redundancy’ when they have been on contracts, rolled over, for up to 15 years? That’s been the experience of IEU organisers in their travels. In many situations, principals have conceded that if an employee was on a fixed-term contract for 3 or 4 years or more, and that for whatever reason their employment could not continue beyond their current term, they would compensate by paying a redundancy. Why then would the principal not have granted ongoing status in the first place? The only potential cost in granting any employee ‘ongoing status’ is the price of a redundancy. The degree of control that can be exercised by keeping someone on fixed-term is patently obvious, especially when all the employee wants is a job with some sort of security. Unfortunately, it often boils down to the classic case of the employer exercising unreasonable control over the worker. Balancing the books becomes an argument of convenience. Monash College now has 18 (yes, 18) teachers on fixedterm employment, with no reason given for this temporary status in their contracts. When questioned, the employer responded by saying that there is currently a peak in enrolments. It turns out the College’s own forecasts reveal a predicted 8% enrolment growth. Go figure! Seems like every peak requires a downside. This one could be headed off to Fair Work. THE DRONE HAS LANDED Seems like the drone referred to in the previous BTW has crash landed, brought down either by an active sub-branch, or a renegade bunch of Year 9 soccer players in a PE class. Management is sourcing another, something more robust and capable than the previous model. They are also looking for one so multi-talented that it will handle leave applications, provide standard letters summarising parental leave entitlements, and writes a timetable that gives every parttimer exactly what they want. They should visit a leading independent school which is now employing ‘Cobots’ to handle all things ‘security’ among other things. SPEAKING OF SOCCER Remember the media reports earlier in the year about the school that had denied girls access to cross-country participation? Pretty controversial stuff as part of the larger debate about independent school funding, girls’ access to a rounded education and decision-making in faith-driven schools. From memory, the VRQA became involved. Turns out that at the same school more recently the girls soccer team was withdrawn from competition the day before the comp commenced. The squad had been training for a month or more, more than 50 participating in the squad. Much chagrin and disappointment. Reckon we will not be short of stories about this school near the ring road. BTW has got to go. Phone’s ringing. Can’t wait for the 18th to see what the boss has got for me for Chrissy. Have a good one! Is your membership following you? Have you got a new job in 2016? Are you moving to a new school? Following our recent article on the importance of keeping your membership up to date, we thought it timely to remind those of you who might be moving school in 2016 to make sure your membership fees are moving with you! T his applies even if you are moving from one Catholic school to another. If you pay your membership fees via payroll deduction (PRD) at your current school then remember that if you are no longer on the payroll (because you have left the school) then your membership fees are no longer being paid. If you want to continue paying via PRD you need to confirm that your new school provides this method of payment then let the payroll department know that you wish to pay by this method. Every year we discover a number of members who have been paying their fees via PRD but who have not made any payment for some time. Some have left the sector or retired (but did not let us know – please remember to keep us informed of changes in circumstances!) and some have moved schools but not changed their payment details. These people are no longer financial members of the Union. We make several attempts to contact you if you fall in to this category, but if we have no response you will be resigned from the Union. And while we are on the subject of keeping up to date with your membership as we move into a new year, please check you are paying in the correct fee category. Those working in Catholic schools had a pay increase in August this year and this may have put some of you into the next fee bracket on the scale. Most independent schools will have a percentage pay increase in January or February 2016. In the interests of equity and fairness our fee structure is on a sliding scale according to how much you earn. We rely on you to let us know when there is a change to your annual salary. You can keep us up to date with your membership details and fee payment via the Member Access area of our website or contact the office on 03 9254 1860 or Free Call 1800 622 889. 5 December 2015 THE POINT REP PROFILE: Emma Rhodes The Point spoke with Emma Rhodes from Clonard College on her brand new baby, nurturing children to question the world around them, mathematics, and how her passion for solidarity began as a young girl handing out sandwiches. Discovering Nothing prepares you for parenthood. Holding Lily in my arms for the first time was the most wonderful moment in my life. I still look at her in everyday in amazement – I have daughter. My heart melts each and every morning when she smiles at me. As the weeks have gone by and Lily has started discovering the world around her, I have found myself reflecting (if only for a few minutes at a time) on my teaching. Children are born wanting to learn – yes they all have different interests and passions – but there is an underlining willingness to question and to understand. As educators it is our job to get to know our students, to help them find the key that will allow them to unlock their true potential. The beauty of mathematics As a Maths and Science teacher I can see the beauty of mathematics. Mathematics is fundamental to our understanding of the universe and all that it encompasses. For many students, however, studying maths is something that they can’t see any point to. Every year, without fail students ask, ‘When are we ever going to need this?’ It makes me think about how do we help students see the value of the skills we are teaching them? How do we breakdown this idea in broader society that Maths is somehow more challenging than English or History? The idea that mathematics is confined to the Maths classroom or Numeracy block is the first myth that needs to be broken. Mathematics is not something that needs to be feared but embraced across the curriculum. This is something that all teachers can do. Getting more students to take up Maths and Science at University is complex and I am sure that is a problem worthy of a PhD thesis. As a union rep I often hear teachers discussing the many challenges that we face every day. There are not enough hours in the day to plan, teach, correct, and most importantly, inspire. I was born union. Both my parents were union reps or shop stewards, as they would say. We as teachers need time; time to share best practice, to learn from our colleagues, time to work together to create thinking opportunities for our students. If we can allow our students time; time to question and time to wonder, we might just ignite a spark of passion for the sciences. For what is science if not the search for answers? On her union roots I was born union. Both my parents were union reps or shop stewards, as they would say. I remember my mum making a truck load of sandwiches for the factory workers at her work. They were protesting against the unfair firing of a fellow comrade. It was there as a young child handing out sandwiches while my mum explained to me the importance of such an action and why she could not cross the picket line. It is that solidarity and passion for fairness that has stayed with me. Planning for maternity When I became pregnant with Lily, I didn’t really think about maternity leave. As her due date drew closer and my belly grew, I took time to fill in the paper work that the school provided me with. I had no idea how maternity leave worked. The booklet that I reserved during rep training in regards to maternity leave was amazing. It had all the answers to the questions I had and believe me I had many. It outlined my rights and responsibilities. So, please, if you are a rep let the staff at your school know about this booklet, and if you are a member ask your rep for a copy. Hume Anglican Grammar get their first EBA! Three years after the campaign to negotiate an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement at Hume Anglican Grammar first kicked off, and after two years of intensive negotiations, staff will now be returning to work in 2016 with the protections and benefits of a comprehensive, all staff EBA. B argaining reps and IEU officers attended 15 formal bargaining meetings as well as numerous member meetings and staff briefings in order to negotiate an Agreement which received 93% support from staff when it was put out to vote in November. It has been a long road to get here, however: negotiations broke down in late 2014 over five key issues, at which point the school took the step of putting a draft EBA which was not endorsed by the IEU sub-branch out to vote. The five controversial issues were: 1. Paid parental leave 2. Accident make up pay 3. Maximum days of work 4. Teacher workloads 5. Leave entitlements for general staff Members and bargaining reps jumped into action and ran a hugely effective ‘Vote No’ campaign – in the end, this non-union EBA was defeated with 79% of votes against it. Negotiations resumed in 2015, and over the course of the year significant improvements were won in each of the five outstanding areas. In principle agreement was finally reached between the parties at the end of term 3, and following the successful vote the Agreement will be sent to the Fair Work Commission for approval. All IEU members at Hume Anglican should be immensely proud of this Agreement – it contains highly competitive wages, very significant improvements to conditions (perhaps most notably an increase from 10 days of personal leave per year to 15), and a wide range of important protections, and it was made possible only by the strength, unity and patience of the sub-branch. Particular congratulations should go to sub-branch rep Shirley Kutin and her bargaining team Koula Laleas and Emma McKenzie for their tireless efforts and the huge amount of time and energy they poured into their crucial roles representing their fellow members. Shirley’s extraordinary commitment over the past three years was formally recognised in the form of an Activist Award presented at the 2015 IEU Conference. Victorian Catholic Schools: Contract Insecurity Some of the most vulnerable employees in our schools are teacher aides. M any are placed on rolling fixedterm contracts because of a long term historical usage of the fixed-term provision in the Agreement that refers to ‘limited term funding’. The current Agreement requires the production of data about fixed-term employment to the IEU, and the development of proactive processes to address the issue. The data was unsurprising but dismaying. The greatest areas of concern were the numbers of graduate teachers across the sector on fixed-term contracts, and ES members in the area of classroom support. The incidence of fixed-term employment is approximately twice as high in Catholic primary schools compared to Catholic secondary schools. In terms 2 and 3 a number of primary and secondary schools across the dioceses were jointly visited by Denis Matson, our senior industrial officer, and John Jordan from the CECV IR Unit. These visits were part of a trial based on having open dialogue on a ‘without prejudice’ basis with principals about the numbers of contracts in their schools, the reasons for having them, and the unpacking of the rationale about ‘funding’ used to deny employment security. In most of the schools, the visits resulted in positive commitments from principals to change the employment basis of many if not all of their aides. With only a year left before the expiry of the current Agreement, it is important that a more general change of practice can occur across the board in Catholic schools. The IEU is still discussing with the CECV ways to address this, but insecure employment remains a high priority for the next round of bargaining and, there will be a lot more news about this in 2016. 6 THE POINT December 2015 BARGAINING ROUNDUP Achievements and Challenges Bargaining in independent schools in Victoria has moved at a steady pace throughout 2015. T his year has seen a number of both challenges and achievements. Challenges have included moving to being required to make a claim for Accident Make-up Pay following it no longer being an award-based entitlement. Providing for the right to request part-time work after a period of parental leave in Agreements continues to be strongly opposed by many schools and by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV). Our experience is that members often find it difficult to return to meaningful part-time work after parental leave and this can end in frustration and sometimes even force a member to resign. Having an enforceable entitlement to request parttime work in Agreements can provide both the structure for discussing return to work and the means of ensuring the process is transparent and fair. Bargaining continues to deliver improved wage outcomes for teachers and general staff. For teachers with Agreements negotiated between September 2014 and August 2015, the average of graduate wages was 2.23% above state wages and just above parity for the top of the scale. When negotiated increases for 2016 become effective, the margin above state rates increases to 6% for graduates and 4.85% for teachers at the top of the automatic scale. The IEU was very proud to be part of the negotiations at East Preston Islamic College (EPIC) that resulted in teachers reaching parity with state rates effective from 1 October 2015. For some teachers, this meant a salary increase of up to 25%. We have continued to work to improve general staff salaries and have had some success in highlighting that wages are often well behind those offered for comparable work in government schools. This has resulted in substantial increases in wages in a number of Agreements or commitments to improve salaries over time. General Staff at EPIC all received a salary increase of 25% effective from the commencement of the Agreement. Ensuring that general staff receive the same conditions of employment is an important part of our claim. For example, staff at Tintern worked hard to ensure school assistants received a wage increase that was comparable to that being offered to teachers, with Tasmanian Roundup 2015 has been a busy year for the IEU Victoria Tasmania in Tasmanian independent schools with the union for the first time deeply involved in negotiating Enterprise Agreements for teachers in a number of schools following the amalgamation with TISTA. T his increased involvement in bargaining for Agreements covering teachers has flowed on to greater levels of involvement in negotiating Agreements covering the General Staff at several schools. At Launceston Grammar, negotiations on a new Agreement covering General Staff are close to completion with several members of the General Staff joining the union in recent months. At St Michael’s Collegiate the IEU has begun negotiating a new Agreement covering the General Staff. The union has worked with members to develop a log of claims which seeks improvements around classifications, wages and redundancy pay. Negotiations are close to complete at Leighland Christian College with a draft Agreement currently being considered by the IEU. At The Friends’ School the IEU is hopeful that negotiations can conclude with the school making an improved pay offer. The parties are still to agree on a suitable clause covering teacher attendance time with IEU members concerned that the form of words that slipped through in the last Agreement allows the school to require teachers to attend work for up to 205 days a year, including during school holidays. At Tarremah Steiner a new Agreement covering teachers and support staff is close to complete, with the parties still to finalise arrangements around performance and conduct provisions. EBA meetings have begun at The Hutchins School where following extensive consultation with staff, the IEU has tabled a log of claims. teachers refusing to accept a wage offer until it was matched for assistants. Ensuring other conditions such as long service leave and personal leave are the same for all staff working in schools is also part of the IEU claim. Other issues of concern for general staff are reducing unpaid non-term time weeks. This can be achieved by increasing annual leave, not including shut down periods in annual leave or increasing paid school holiday time. Agreement Data In the period from November 2014 to November 2015 thirty-three Agreements have been approved, which includes six schools covered by the Seventh Day Adventist Schools MultiEnterprise Agreement. Of these Agreements the IEU campaigned to achieve a first time Agreement at the Islamic College of Melbourne covering teachers. At the time of writing, the IEU is currently bargaining for first time Agreements covering all staff at Christ Church Grammar and Cornish College, while Yarra Valley Grammar will have a first time General Staff Agreement. Congratulations to Shirley Kutin who received an Activist Award at our annual conference for her great contribution to a first Agreement at Hume Anglican Grammar. The hard work paid off with a resounding vote in favour of the new Agreement. As at reporting, there are currently 108 Agreements operating in Victorian schools. Agreements covering all staff have increased, with a total of 42 Agreements covering both teachers and general staff. Bargaining is currently underway at 25 schools. Bargaining Support In 2015 bargaining has been supported by a number of measures. We are now collating comparative data in relation to a range of key entitlements, including salaries, parental leave entitlements, dispute resolution, redundancy scales and Agreements that include definitions of face-to-face teaching. This information is very valuable in identifying benchmarks and assisting negotiators in presenting claims. Support has also been provided by in-house bargaining workshops and strategic planning for the next four years. In 2016 the IEU will continue to work within the office to provide support to organisers to assist in the bargaining process. It is appreciated that it is often difficult work in an environment that can be stressful. When all of the year’s work is put together, we can see that there is a whole range of activity around bargaining – from attending negotiation meetings to collating data and working towards obtaining equitable conditions for all staff working in independent schools. None of this work is possible without the dedicated time of our bargaining reps in schools. It is their inside knowledge of what makes a school tick, who to talk to and what the issues are, that is key to all of our bargaining achievements. Huge thanks to all who have been involved. Personal Leave T he NES provides for 10 days personal leave a year that can be used either as sick leave or to care for a member of the employee’s immediate family or household who is ill or injured or because of an unexpected emergency. Under the NES, personal leave accrues pro-rata with service throughout the year. Leave is cumulative and can be taken on provision of notice. If requested by the employer, the employee must provide evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person that the leave was taken for the stated purpose. In bargaining, we aim to improve on the basic entitlement in a number of ways. Prior to the introduction of the NES, personal leave entitlements for teachers and educational support staff were set by a number of pre-modern awards. For teachers and school assistants in Victoria, the premodern awards provided for 15 days a year. This is the standard for the vast majority of teachers in independent schools in Victoria and also the standard in government and Catholic education. Many education support staff also receive 15 days leave a year, however, this is not across the board, as historically a number of pre-modern awards only provided for 10 days. Our first aim in bargaining is to ensure all staff in schools are entitled to 15 days personal leave a year. The rate of leave accrual is also subject to bargaining. For teachers in Victoria, under the pre-modern award, leave accrued at the rate of 6 days during the first term worked and 3 days at the commencement of each term after that, followed by 15 days up front for each subsequent year. The benefit of this up front accrual is that in the event of becoming sick at the beginning of the year, employees have enough leave without going into leave deficit. The IEU aims to preserve this method of accrual in bargaining and avoid the fall-back of permitting employees to go into deficit on condition that leave paid in advance of accrual is deducted from any money outstanding on termination of employment. In Tasmania, the teachers’ premodern award provided for 20 days personal leave up front in the first year of service and 10 days a year after that. Maintaining the generous first year of service accrual is an important claim in Tasmania. The NES provides that notice and evidence requirements can be specified in Agreements. In many independent schools, evidence will be required after more than 2 consecutive days of absence, more than 5 days of absence in the course of the year, or if the leave is adjacent to a holiday, commonly in the form of a medical certificate. The IEU seeks to provide for the option of a statutory declaration, and also seeks to limit the instances where evidence will be required. In addition, Agreements are also being negotiated that provide for more flexible use of personal leave accruals. 7 December 2015 THE POINT IEU at VIT and TRB YES AT CHRIST CHURCH In the course of the year, it is inevitable that a small number of our members are reported to either the Victorian Institute of Teaching or the Teacher Registration Board in Tasmania for matters arising out of either concerns about fitness to teach or misconduct. At 4pm on Friday 21 November, the ballot box was opened at Christ Church Grammar, and a positive vote endorsed their new all staff Agreement, their first since 1995, with 98% voting up the Agreement. Staff and IEU Reps Bill Garland (left) and David Colvin flank DP Sandra Holland (left) and Principal Sophia AshworthJones in the counting process. Off to the Fair Work Commission now for approval. B Hall of Shame 2015 As you know, the Hall of Shame recognises the highest achievements in workplace abuse in our sector. Only the most cruel and unusual treatment of our members earns a nomination. W e reward only the very best for mistreating school employees, abusing their rights and taking advantage of their commitment and good will. We emphatically reject recent criticism of the Hall of Shame Awards. Mealy-mouthed lesser lights of the Education Industry are simply jealous of others’ brutality and shamelessness. It’s like the ARIAs: It’s only those who never win who say that the Hall of Shame is glitzy, vapid industry self-congratulation. 2015 has been a great year, though not without its disappointments. For the second time in three years, the Catholic Education (Melb) IR Unit failed to score a nomination. While there were many skirmishes and messes to be cleaned up, the IR Unit disgraced itself by working through some thorny issues – with the Union, but without the need for legal action. It then thoroughly let us down by issuing joint statements with the Union on interpretations of the Catholic Agreement. If that were not enough, it then engaged in a joint project reviewing the use of fixed-term employment. Representing, as it does, more than half of our sector, this has reduced the talent pool for the 2015 Awards. With the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office having decided that picking fights for no reason is no longer their preferred approach, we might have been starved for nominees. But fear not. Some entrants among independent schools have filled the void – handsomely. After nearly 3 years of denying it, the AIA finally ‘fessed up to having too many teachers on fixedterm contracts. What has been obvious to us for three years apparently only became evident to the AIA when the full glare of the Federal Court was applied. There are many more issues to be decided (allegations of falsified records, hindering the Union’s inspection, and so on) and we expect a judgement from the court in early 2016 on these. But an honourable mention is long overdue for the AIA’s capacity to keep their teachers hanging onto their jobs by a thread. No doubt AIA will be contenders again in 2016. 2015’s Runner-Up is the leadership of a large co-ed College who, in late 2014, decided to radically reform their Health and Sport department. What had been a reasonably-sized department comprising highly-skilled and experienced PE staff was shredded. The sport skills program is now staffed by predominantly (surprise surprise) much less experienced casual and contract staff. The big changes took effect in the middle of 2015, leaving four redundant teachers without jobs for the remainder of the year. The Hall of Shame judges understand that recent attempts to appoint a Head of Health and Sport Curriculum have failed to attract sufficiently skilled and experienced candidates, so the position is still unfilled. A case of what goes around comes around? And now to our winner … Once again, schools have found a way to get real talent to the top. While some principals might struggle just to ‘raise an issue’ with a staff member, a small number could tick all the boxes for ‘organisational psychopath’. Many principals are disappointingly good people, but this year’s winner has achieved a standard of Machiavellian plotting that makes Napoleon look like a kid at a candy bar. Manipulating loyal deputies for evil ends and keeping staff in constant uncertainty and fear– it’s like Sesame Street meets the Coen brothers. Needless to say, staff are leaving in droves (unless they ARE one of the loyal deputies) and the school is set to blow like the fourth of July. It has been suggested that we could have skipped the award, because the fireworks will be more than enough. ‘NEVER ENOUGH!’ we say. Such behaviour demands as much attention as we can give it – and the Union will give plenty. Congratulations to all our 2015 nominees. Not everyone can win, but we are in awe of the lengths some schools’ leadership will go to just to be contenders for this prestigious award. Good luck for 2016! oth VIT and TRB are statutory authorities, tasked with ensuring that teachers meet the appropriate standards expected of the teaching profession and are fit to teach. Once a matter is referred, it is usual for a teacher to be given an opportunity to respond to allegations and the matter may be investigated. IEU officers provide advice to members about how to respond to allegations, how to prepare for an interview with an investigator and assist in putting any relevant material together. In a number of matters this year, VIT determined that no further action was required after conducting an initial investigation. This means the teacher involved was free to continue teaching without restriction. In some instances, we recommended a member try to resolve concerns by entering into an agreement. For a number of Victorian members this year, this proved to be the best option. Agreements commonly involve accepting special conditions be attached to the teacher’s registration. For example, teachers have entered agreements with VIT to undertake a certain amount of professional development to address concerns about things such as student management and appropriate studentteacher relationships. The parties agree as to what type of professional development is appropriate, a time-frame for the PD to be completed, and what assessment will be put in place before the special conditions are removed. In some instances, it was apparent that the conduct leading to a complaint happened because the teacher was experiencing mental distress or illness at the time of the incident. In these cases, the matter will be treated as health concern rather than a disciplinary matter. A health assessment can be arranged where the teacher is assessed by an independent medical examiner to determine whether the teacher has an impairment that means they are not fit to teach at all, or whether with appropriate management the teacher can continue to work. Again, an agreement can be entered into whereby the teacher agrees to maintain regular treatment and for the treating practitioner to provide updates advising on the teacher’s current fitness to teach. Once the conditions of the agreement are met, then the teacher’s registration is restored without conditions. While the majority of matters have been resolved by agreement or with no further action being taken, the IEU also assists members where the facts leading to the complaint are contested and an agreement is not appropriate. It is anticipated one current matter will go to informal hearing. Informal hearings are conducted in a closed room, where the teacher responds to any questions the panel may have. Teachers can have a support person from the IEU present, but not representation. Again, IEU will help the teacher prepare thoroughly for the informal hearing. The outcome of an informal hearing can range from no further action to a caution or reprimand. Registration cannot be cancelled or suspended as a result of an informal hearing. The most serious matters will be sent to formal hearing, where both parties can be represented and the outcome can be cancellation or suspension of registration. Fortunately, none of our members have been required to go to formal hearing this year. What is clear when looking at the matters IEU has dealt with this year, is that a whole range of circumstances, from experiencing a period of serious ill health to a momentary loss of control, can lead to a long and difficult process that may have a very significant effect on a teacher’s capacity to work. It is vital to have support in this complex process to achieve the best possible outcomes. The IEU has the experience and ability to provide that support for members in Tasmania and Victoria. 8 THE POINT December 2015 > CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 A new classification structure in Tasmania (continued) Different occupational groups start and finish at different points of the 10 level structure, with Bursars being at Level 10. School Counsellors find themselves classified dependent on their qualification, but essentially all access the teaching rates. Teachers and Psychologists are covered by the Teaching Agreement, and Social Workers the Allied Health Professionals (Tasmanian State Service) Agreement. Another respondent very aptly summed up the key problems ‘The current lack of a progressive pay scale fails to acknowledge the increasing work value of a Teacher Assistant as they gain qualifications, training and experience. A beginning Teacher Assistant with no qualifications is currently paid the same as a qualified Teacher Assistant with years of experience and professional development.’ Clerical Administration What do IEU Members say? Respondents to the survey from this occupational group wanted better recognition of higher duties and the opportunity to progress; complex roles and responsibilities were not being recognised. Lack of career path and no recognition of experience were other common issues identified. Others referred to the lack of modern up-to-date descriptions of the work undertaken in schools today. Teaching Support members One of the comments most frequently given by the survey respondents in this group relates to the need for a classification structure which acknowledges or reflects the duties, and particularly the responsibilities of employees, not just the qualification. Respondents commented on the anomalies between the different occupational groups – that is the different pay scales, and classification structures. Respondents wanted clearer library/lab specific classification and pathways for advancement that are attainable. Utility staff The two most common issues identified by utility staff respondents were the lack of training /professional development; and the problem that higher responsibilities were not visible nor recognised adequately in the current structure. Teacher Assistants Overwhelmingly the comments of Teacher Assistant respondents were about the current lack of structure for them. The current arrangement does not reflect their work and responsibilities, nor qualifications or skills. There is no reward or recognition for expertise and level of job difficulty. As one respondent put it – ‘there is no difference between one year of experience and 25 years’. Others commented on the current arrangement not recognising the complex skill set that is needed to work with the levels of student disability. Meetings with TCEO The IEU has now had two meetings with the TCEO examining the current employment classification data, and differences between occupational groups in Catholic schools and in the department. This examination will continue at the next meeting to be held in December, and it proposed that the negotiation parties undertake a joint indepth examination early next year of the work/duties being undertaken in schools by particular occupational groups. As a teacher assistant I am grateful for the united and inclusive effort of the Union members and negotiators for standing strong together and not leaving anyone behind. The new Agreement negotiated with the IEU and TCEO has given job security to teacher assistants and shows them respect and dignity and validates the important role of these hard working lower income workers. Currently there is one classification and pay level for teacher assistants and this does not recognise years of experience, training, skills or professional development. Due to the Union negotiating on our behalf we can now look forward to a fair and just reclassification structure for teacher assistants that recognises the important and diverse work that we do. ■■ ■■ ■■ For teacher assistants it will mean a long overdue recognition of skills and qualifications and it will provide a career pathway for young people considering training for this important role in education. To retain these dedicated staff in our schools and to attract newly trained staff – with whom professional development has been invested or attained – we need the recognition that the reclassification and structure for teacher assistants will provide. Children in educational settings with special needs or particular impairment – be it physical, mental or social – require individual education plans. To implement this we need trained staff to work alongside teachers to facilitate programs with good learning outcomes. Then these children have the best opportunity to reach their true potential. Many teacher assistants have years of experience, training and professional development that is invaluable and work with the most vulnerable in our educational system. Roz Richardson Teacher Assistant St Thomas More’s Catholic Primary School Launceston. The classification structure for School Support staff at present does little to properly recognise modern industry certifications, all of which are currently treated in the same manner. Also, it could be greatly improved by recognising that increased size of an IT environment brings increased complexity and higher expectations, which in turn puts pressure on the staff responsible. We appreciate the union negotiating and ensuring we get a fairer, newer and better structure reflecting the diverse work we do. Hal Douglas School Support ICT Marist Regional College Burnie. Welcome Jeremy! The IEU Victoria Tasmania would like to welcome Jeremy Oliver as our new organiser to be based in Tasmania. J eremy has been teaching for 22 years: four years in the state system and 18 years in Catholic education, including St Virgil’s Junior School and St Cuthbert’s. For the last six years Jeremy has taught at St John’s Richmond, 20 minutes from Hobart. Jeremy has been a union member since he started teaching, firstly with the AEU and then with the various unions representing staff in Catholic schools (TCEEA, IEU Tasmania and IEU Victoria Tasmania). He has been on the Committee of Management of the IEU for over 10 years and has also been Deputy President of IEU Tasmania and of the Tasmanian Council of the IEU Victoria Tasmania. Jeremy is looking forward to being an organiser as ‘…it gives me the chance to learn new skills in a different type of workplace. I am looking forward to growing our union and to assisting people with any questions or concerns they have regarding their employment. I am also looking forward to the opportunity to help staff to negotiate fair and equitable Agreements in their workplaces’. Jeremy recognises he will face challenges as he assumes his new role. ‘One of the things I know I am not good at is learning new names and this seems to be getting harder as I get older! I think that getting to know new people and workplaces and the issues from these different locations will be the biggest challenge in the first 12 months. I also need to become even more confident with the Catholic Agreement and the Agreements of the various independent schools so that I can give accurate and timely advice to members’. Jeremy is confident he will make a smooth transition from union rep, activist and COM member. ‘I believe I bring excellent communication skills to the job, especially the ability to listen well to others to find out what they need when they are facing difficulty. I am also confident in my ability to think analytically and solve potential problems before they become big issues’. Jeremy is excited about the IEU movement in Tasmania and optimistic about its future: ‘I aim to help the union in Tasmania to continue its growth. I want to continue developing the positive working relationship the Union has with the TCEO and with the other independent schools it has begun dealing with in 2015. I intend to keep working strongly for our teacher support employees so that they feel they have secure employment in our sector and know they are a vital part of our Union. I grew up in Launceston, lived in Queenstown for 3 years, Bicheno for 3 years and now live in Lindisfarne. Think this means that I am qualified to represent members in the whole of Tasmania!’ Outside of teaching and union work Jeremy has many interests. ‘I am a bit sports mad and will watch almost anything (too much if you ask my wife and kids!). I am now officially a long-suffering member of the Carlton Football Club. I am currently involved in over-35s football with the Lindisfarne Football Club and I also love mountain bike riding and play golf occasionally. Recently I started playing the ukulele and am a member of the 9th best country and western uke band in Southern Tasmania – The Ukes of Hazzard.’ Jeremy is married to Marita and they have two daughters: Megan (15) and Georgie (12). Welcome Jeremy – we are looking forward to you working for our members and to benefiting from your unique knowledge of Tasmanian education. 9 December 2015 THE POINT What you should know before you sign So you’ve been given a new contract. Before you sign, consider this … Understanding why? The Award and most Enterprise Agreements put restrictions on precarious forms of employment, especially ‘fixedterm’ or ‘limited tenture’ contracts. The most common reasons are that you are replacing someone on leave or undertaking a project with limited funding. For a contract to be silent on the reason for it not to be ongoing is concerning. Even if a contract does provide information about a reason, it is also important for the validity to be transparent. For example, if it is a leave replacement position, do you know who you are replacing and when they are expected to return? Two golden rules apply: ■■ If you have been ongoing, never sign a contract for fixed-term employment ■■ Once you have done a year or two as a fixed-term employee, it is time to be made ongoing. Many schools put staff on ‘fixed-term’ contracts each year, and others take the start of a new year as an opportunity to get all staff to sign new employment contracts. There are big traps in this, and members should be wary. No-one can force you to sign any contract, let alone about something as important as your employment. If you are thinking about signing, get advice from the IEU first. You already have a contract There is always a contract between an employee and employer. You don’t have to have it in writing. Your agreement to work for your employer and their agreement to pay you in return forms a contract. Your contract may be composed of any of these: ■■ A formal written contract ■■ A letter of appointment ■■ A verbal agreement ■■ Written or verbal agreements to change employment conditions ■■ Customs and practices ■■ Unspoken understandings about terms of employment. Written contracts can be very misleading For clarity a written contract is good practice as it outlines the employment terms. Many employees read their written contract and assume that every word in it is enforceable, and anything not in it cannot be pursued. This is far from true, because: 1. Verbal agreements and understandings can be enforceable. 2. The rights that you have under your contract of employment are in addition to the rights you have under law. Generally you and your employer can agree to whatever terms you like in the contract, including anything that is better than the Act/Award/ Agreement that covers you. 3. In addition to the written terms of your contract, there will also be implied terms, which are those not specifically agreed between the employer and employee, but implied by custom and practice (ie. What happened in the past, or was given to other employees). In short, much of your contract may not be reliable, and you almost certainly have many more rights than are stated in your contract. Do You have to Sign? If you are a new employee, or are starting a new fixed-term contract, you probably have little choice but to sign. However, you should fully understand the terms of any contract before you sign. So be proactive about getting advice. If you are already a permanent employee, you cannot be forced to sign a new contract, and you don’t lose your job if you don’t sign. Any variation to your existing contract must be by agreement. What are the Most Common Offensive Terms? Beware contracts in the independent education sector that include clauses: ■■ to the effect that ‘this contract excludes all other promises, warranties, arrangements ….’ ■■ stating that your conditions are set under the National Employment Standards, the Fair Work Act, and/or the 2010 Award ■■ about intellectual property or confidentiality ■■ importing the employer’s policies ■■ permitting the employer to make deductions from your salary ■■ permitting the employer to change the terms of your contract ■■ permitting the employer to require criminal and other record checks ■■ requiring you to submit to examination by a school-nominated practitioner. Get Advice Before Signing The IEU will continue to try to protect you by providing advice on your contract and by getting entitlements secured in Enterprise Agreements which over-ride all contracts. But, if you sign without getting advice, you are running an enormous risk. The IEU constantly reminds its members to seek our advice before signing a contract and to take up any concerns before they become part of your contract by ‘accession’. NEVER sign a contract for anything serious without advice. UNION PRESIDENT MARK WILLIAMS Another great year – thank you one and all! Union activity has continued to grow again in 2015. We saw the final settlement of the dispute with the Catholic employers in Tasmania and independent schools down south joining the IEU Victoria Tasmania. I n Victoria, we have seen our Union staff bargaining tirelessly in dozens of independent schools to ensure that our members in these schools receive nothing but the most fair and just wages and conditions going. Countless disputes have also been fought and resolved in Catholic and independent schools throughout the year to the credit of brave members and sub-branch reps and resolute union officers defending worker rights. We have seen employer groups trying to strip our Awards down to the minimum ‘Modern Award’ provisions, a tactic we will continue to fight against in independent and Catholic schools, and in the many private education colleges that we cover. To our grass roots – sub-branch reps, members and recruiters in schools – a big thank you for your commitment to spreading the word, educating and informing members and non-members so our Union continues to grow – THANK YOU! A first in recent years has been the increasing success of engaging members on-line. To all those members who have engaged with us and fellow members via email, Twitter and Facebook – our deepest thanks too. The Union takes seriously its commitment not only to industrial matters but in also providing relevant professional development for its various constituents and to union representation in Federal and State jurisdictions of education decision-making. Thank you for your patronage at the many training and development events sponsored by the IEU Victoria Tasmania this year and thank you to those committed individuals who have represented your interests on many education bodies associated with the CEM, VCAA, VIT, APPA, ACPPA and our Federal Union. My final thanks is to my colleague members of the Committee of Management of the Union – a group represented and reflective of the diverse membership – my deepest appreciation again in 2015, for your wise counsel. Particular thanks also needs to be extended to our Union’s leaders, Debra James and Loretta Cotter and their team for their clear direction, commitment and solidarity at all times. I hope all members have a well-deserved holiday break and, as I express each year, please give a non-member a Christmas hug from me! 10 THE POINT December 2015 Annual Conference Conference delegates heard from two guest speakers: Victoria McKenzie-McHarg who talked about the ACF’s work around the issue of climate change, and Keelia Fitzpatrick who introduced the audience to the Young Workers Centre, recently set up by Trades Hall. V ictoria explained why climate change is such a pressing issue by reflecting on a previous role she had in Oxford. Victoria worked with an NGO that assisted poor communities in Africa. In her work with these communities, Victoria realised that while her work was important, the future of all communities relied on managing climate change. This realisation drew her back to Australia, given our record of being one of the worst per capita polluters in the world. Victoria said that climate change has become such a political and ideological hot issue that it was difficult to manage it in a considered and consistent manner. The ACF is working with business, investors, industry, unions, the social sector and other environment organisations to develop shared principles and strategies. The ACF leads a strategy to engage with other progressive organisations to build a powerful and committed climate movement for the future, including working with unions, youth, faith, indigenous and women’s groups. Victoria identified that schools are often leaders within their communities in their practices, using recycled water and solar panels. Today’s speakers got me thinking about what we can do at our school, and how we can implement new ideas into the curriculum. The conference was rewarding and I’m really appreciative of the work that staff at the IEU do. Maree Shields Victoria McKenzie-McHarg Keelia Fitzpatrick Victoria McKenzie-McHarg (Climate Change Manager, Australian Conservation Foundation) spoke about the People’s Climate March on 27 November in Melbourne and Burnie and Hobart on 29 November. Keelia Fitzpatrick addressed the Conference on the newly formed Young Workers Centre. The program is housed at the Victorian Trades Hall Council and is looking to support young workers under 30 year of age in their workplace issues. The ACF has identified that there is a discernible shift in community attitudes in line with the shift of political parties. The hope is that with a change in federal leadership, along with the predicted severe summer, that there is the opportunity to re-establish climate change as a key issue in the lead up to the next federal election. As part of this process, in concert with the upcoming Paris Climate negotiations to be held in November, there has been a series of rallies around the world. The People’s Climate March took place in Melbourne on Friday 27 November, Burnie and Hobart on Sunday 29 November. The rallies aimed to demonstrate the strength and commitment of community support for cutting pollution and investing in clean technologies for the future. K eelia said statistics show that 2000 young people are injured at work each year with 21% more likely to end up in hospital. Young workers in ‘black market/cash in hand’ and hospitality jobs miss out on superannuation, WorkCover protection and penalty rates. Keelia highlighted the recent experiences of young people in retail e.g. recent 7-Eleven expose, Grill’d burger chain under paying staff and the alleged exploitation of young people and backpackers in some fruit picking farms. The program has three components: 1. Legal advice – where there is no union presence, a call centre provides legal advice, but it is not intended to replace unions in representing workers 2. Campaign/Case studies 3. Education – this includes visits to schools to speak with students about a range of topics including bullying in the workplace, occupational safety, rights at work and unions as a social movement. The Centre has developed a set of modules on these topics and asked if any reps would be prepared to do any of the following to assist them: ■■ Review the content of the modules as to their appropriateness in terms of content and target audience ■■ Be in a position this year to assist them with trialling the presentation ■■ Book in a visit for 2016 school. (Their ambition is to visit every school in Victoria!) If any member is in a position to assist, the contact details for Keelia are: email: mob: 0421 576 481. The annual conference is a very important part of our year and teaching careers. It’s inspiring to hear what people are doing in their workplaces and how we can use this to help each other. The guest speakers were really interesting and both provided some valuable information. Keelia’s talk was very informative. I’m happy to hear that young workers have this kind of protection. Victoria’s talk on climate change was brilliant and promoted the benefits of an understanding between our organisations. Barbara Siddiqui Jeremy Oliver Victoria (McKenzie-McHarg) was a very knowledgeable, motivated and engaging speaker. Her message was clear and articulate. I’m intending on pushing the rally (People’s Climate March) at my school. Gini Verstraaten The annual conference is a great way to hear what the union has achieved in 2015 and where they’re going next year. Rachel Evans 11 December 2015 THE POINT 2015 Award Winners BARRY WOOD MEMORIAL SOCIAL JUSTICE GRANT Each year the union makes a social justice award as a memorial to Barry Wood – a fine unionist and social justice advocate. T Anita Lang receives her award from Jeremy Ayliffe of the CSF his year Anita Lang from St John’s Catholic School Richmond, Tasmania, has been awarded $3000 to go towards funding the Mutitjulu Holiday Program for 2016. It’s an inspiring project. In 2012 Anita taught at the remote aboriginal community in the Northern Territory and ever since she has been in action to tackle the despair and tragic circumstances she found. Anita has boarded Mutiitjulu students at her home in Tasmania and, with IEU members at St John’s, she has raised several thousand dollars towards a school holiday program at Mutitjulu each year. Several St John’s teachers volunteer their time to travel and stay in the community – developing and running an excellent school holiday program. The project is an eye-opening experience for teachers in understanding the complex issues facing remote communities and is excellent professional development. It is a great example of members getting together with their whole school community to make a difference. Jeremy Oliver, our new IEU organiser for Tasmania, has been to Mutitjulu on the program and he accepted the prize for Anita at our Annual Conference. He reports the program is a life changing experience for teachers as well as a much needed safe educational space for students. We wish Anita all the best with next year’s work and thank her for her example of leadership and hope. We gratefully acknowledge the continued support of the Catholic Superannuation Fund in sponsoring the Barry Wood Award. THE JAN BAVINTON MEMORIAL PROJECT The Jan Bavinton Memorial Project was established in 1989 in recognition of the contribution made by Jan Bavinton, the Lab Manager at Carey Grammar School, to her profession and her union. E Lisa Brooking awarded for her ‘Pop Up Play’ initiative ach year, the IEU awards up to $3000 to assist an Education Support member undertake a Professional Development project. The money can be used for the costs associated with a nominated project, such as fees, travel or leave. The projects chosen for the Award have a broad purpose that will assist other ES in the future. This year there were a number of wonderful applications, showing the great work our ES members are doing out in schools. The winner of the award for 2015 is Lisa Brooking from St Anne’s School Seaford. St Anne’s has a number of students who experience anxiety, so Lisa has initiated a new program designed to support students who are experiencing social difficulty. It is called ‘Pop Up Play’ and is held at recess one day a week. The purpose is to engage students and foster social interaction in a safe way using engaging games, toys and role play resources. In the first semester of the program, these students have gained confidence and now have a sense of purpose in the school. Lisa will use the Jan Bavinton grant to undertake professional development in a new program called ‘Secret Agent Society’ run by the Social Skills Institute. This program would give those students benefiting from Pop Up Play the opportunity to further develop their self-management skills and learn to understand the social behaviours of others in different contexts. Lisa will also, as part of the project, share her knowledge to help teachers and other support staff to develop new strategies for fostering positive social interactions that will support students with ASD and anxiety disorders. SUE PRICHARD AWARD The Sue Prichard Memorial Regional Activist Award is named after our colleague, friend and comrade who was a pioneer of our union having been an active member and then an IEU Officer for over 20 years until her death in 2013. S Activist and rep, Ian Cooke, recipient of the Sue Prichard Award he had a special passion for her work in regional areas and ensuring that staff in these areas had proper support. The 2015 Award was presented to Ian Cooke, or is he is fondly known at his school ‘Cookie’. Ian is rep at Nagle College Bairnsdale which has a rich history. In accepting this award Ian acknowledged that he had inherited a large, strong and active sub-branch who had benefitted from the work of past reps such as Alan Ross and David Pratt. He also acknowledged the work of other activist members at his school who were prepared to ‘step up’ as needed. As a union it is a mark of pride that we have members prepared to make the nearly 4 hour bus trek from Nagle to participate in action when needed; most of us don’t start our stop work days by jumping on a bus at 6am. Cookie’s role in ensuring members have the information and then means to do this is inspiring. As a rep Ian has done much to foster the collective power. The tyranny of distance can often result in members feeling isolated in regional schools but reps such as Ian address this by ensuring that members access the support of the Union as they need it. He also very generously acknowledges the work of IEU organisers in supporting members in schools and especially in responding to queries from reps at all hours of the day and night. He acknowledges that this mutual support and flow of information enables our union to be dynamic and strong, both at a workplace level and more broadly. While he is reluctant to be singled out for his work, Ian is such an activist. His legacy is a union that is stronger because of his contribution. 12 THE POINT December 2015 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Are you dying for a sleep? In the October issue of The Point, this column introduced the notion of accumulated fatigue and suggested that we are most at risk when we experience frequent and ongoing exposure to uncontrolled workplace stressors. S tress and fatigue may sound the same, and may even seem the same, but they are different, and, as the October issue of The Point explained, fatigue occurs because of stress. Fatigue is an acute or accumulated chronic state of feeling very tired, exhausted, weary or sleepy. Acute fatigue results from a short-term lack of sleep, whilst accumulated, chronic fatigue stems from an extended loss of a required amount of sleep. Fatigue can also be heightened by periods of prolonged mental activity or long periods of stress or anxiety. Fatigue is a tiredness which affects our performance, our workplace health and safety and requires rest or sleep for us to recover. Fatigue hazards common to school environments include inadequate rest breaks, either during the working day or between finishing one day and commencing another, work which is excessively mentally demanding, long periods of time awake, which includes long commute times to and from school, work requirements or work systems that provide incentives or rewards to work longer and harder than may be safe. To avoid fatigue, most people need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, preferably obtained in a single, uninterrupted block. Uninterrupted sleep is important because when we sleep we typically cycle through five different stages of sleep. A complete sleep cycle may last up to 2 hours. As we begin to sleep we transition between being conscious and being asleep, as we transition through this stage we are still capable of hearing and responding to noise around us. Eventually we will transition to light sleep. At this part of the cycle we may still be easily awakened, but not immediately fully aware of our surroundings. From light sleep we transition to a stage of deep sleep, the stage in the sleep cycle which is truly restorative to our physical and mental health. The stage of sleep known as REM or rapid eye movement sleep is typically the stage where dreams occur and is thought to be important for consolidation of learning and memory. So, by sleeping 7-9 hours per night we will typically experience more than one completed cycle. However, when we become sleep deprived it is the deep sleep and REM stages of the cycle that our bodies will attempt to restore first of all. So fatigue is influenced by both the quantity and quality of sleep and this also depends upon identifying and controlling work place stressors. Studies have shown that the risks to our capacity for decisionmaking, ability for complex planning, effective and appropriate communication, attention to tasks, capacity to deal with stress, reaction time, memory recall, capacity to respond to information or changes in our immediate environment increase significantly when we sleep for less than the average of 7.5 – 8.5 hours, or are awake for more than 17 consecutive hours. Research has shown that the effect on the body of being awake for 17 consecutive hours is equivalent to a blood alcohol content of 0.05 and that 21 hours without sleep is equivalent to a blood alcohol content of 0.08 whilst the risk of being awake for 24 hours presents the equivalent of a blood alcohol content of 0.10. So fatigue to this extent is clearly an impairment of our capacity to function at our best and be safe at work. Being fatigued places us at a higher risk of serious injury. There are several indicators of being fatigued including blurred vision, finding it hard to keep our eyes open, head nodding, having a drowsy relaxed feeling, being irritable, waking tired and not feeling refreshed after sleeping, falling asleep at work or experiencing micro sleeps. Micro sleeps are particularly dangerous as they are short periods of time, typically from less than a second to up to 5 seconds where our brain quite simply goes to sleep without us recognizing what has happened. This can occur even with our eyes open, meaning our capacity to react to changes in the surrounding environment during that time is completely disabled, potentially deadly if we are driving or operating machinery when it occurs. The only effective way to eliminate the risk is to get sufficient good quality sleep. As we have often said through this column, taking action to address hazards at work is essential to protecting your health and safety. So, as a sub-branch and with the help of your health and safety representative, what are the job requirements or ways in which work is organized at your school that expose you to the risks of fatigue? Does your school have policies and procedures to manage fatiguerelated hazards? Have you been given information and training about fatigue as a workplace hazard, how to identify the signs and symptoms and what to do to reduce the risk? Do you receive sufficient time to recover from camps before resuming your normal duties? Particularly if you are sleep deprived? Have tasks and activities such as camps, excursions and work-related driving been risk assessed for fatigue? Do you know how to manage non work-related fatigue? One of the most dangerous things you can do whilst fatigued is drive a motor vehicle. Undertaking long drives without a break, driving home after working the entire day and late into the evening as well, driving between midnight and 6am, driving in heavy traffic and driving on long lonely stretches of road in low traffic are all significant risks, and that risk increases if you are sleep deprived. At this time of the year, many of us are more likely to be sleep deprived and fatigued. You can find out more about this hazard by contacting your IEU organiser and arranging a sub-branch meeting to discuss this and other health and safety issues affecting your workplace. IEU OHS Regional Network Ballarat T wo of the most important pillars of safety in a workplace are leadership commitment and worker representation. Getting it right around safety is really about workers and managers talking about how to fix those things in the workplace that could hurt someone. That is exactly what occurred on the 23 October when more than 30 Health and Safety Representatives and School Leaders came together at St Patrick’s College Ballarat to consider the question Is close enough, good enough? School leaders shared their experiences of the many challenges in trying to manage safety, while the health and safety reps talked about what it means to be a rep and be able to speak out on behalf of colleagues. Stephen Young from VIOSH at Federation University stretched participants’ thinking on the whole issue and challenged us examine our own values about workplace culture. This was the first meeting of the group in this format and we look forward to getting together again in April where are our focus will be How psychologically safe is your workplace? WorkCover and return to work An important ongoing part of the IEU’s work for members is the support and assistance around WorkCover claims and Return to Work negotiations. T he increased significance of this area of the union’s work is due to the combination of the actual growth in the number of work-related injuries (including stress) and members’ growing awareness that the IEU will assist them in their WorkCover claim disputes and return-to-work issues. The areas that the union can assist members include: ■■ assistance in making WorkCover Claims following injury ■■ strategic on-going advice and support after WorkCover Claims are made ■■ support and representation in negotiating quality Return to Work Programs at the workplace when the injured member has partial or full capacity to return to work. These negotiations include graduated return, modification of duties and modified work environments ■■ support in WorkCover conciliation over rejected claims or discontinuation of benefits ■■ work by the union’s solicitors, in pursuit of claims for Lump Sum compensation for Permanent Impairment, Death, Common Law Negligence, and disputes about entitlement to benefits and medical and like expenses not settled at conciliation. We have actively assisted almost 100 members with their WorkCover cases so far this year, with another four hundred staying in contact with their ongoing situation and progress. Of this year’s cases, there were 39 cases of dispute conciliations (Union Assist referrals); 14 cases of solicitor referrals in respect to permanent injury claims and genuine dispute outcomes, and seven cases of assisting injured members in their Return to Work negotiations with their employer. If you have been injured at work or currently suffer illness due to workrelated stress, it is essential that you ring the IEU to be advised of your rights and entitlements. Call 1800 622 889 or email 13 December 2015 THE POINT PRINCIPALS Farewelling Colleagues Thirty principals gathered on Friday 13 November at Moonee Ponds for the IEU Annual Retiree Principals’ Luncheon. Summary of the Year The Principals’ Council in 2015 has had a strong focus on Principal Wellbeing, Occupational Violence and Occupational Health and Safety. Principal sub-branch reps and assistant reps meet four times a year to discuss and formulate on-going strategies to address and improve principal conditions and to also feed into the broader IEU agenda. With next year being a bargaining year for the next Catholic Agreement, Principals’ Council is keen to engage all principal members so that we have a united and active voice in the outcome. T his year, eleven IEU members are leaving principalship and we acknowledge their service to education in general and, more specifically, to their school communities. We also celebrate them as dedicated, selfless and passionate individuals who have done a job that not many others could or would do, especially in the current educational landscape. We honour and congratulate: Irene Ashton – St Joseph’s School Northcote ■■ Brian Booley – St Gabriel’s School Reservoir ■■ Jean Corr – St John’s School Footscray ■■ Anne Garvey – St Bernadette’s School Sunshine North ■■ Bernadette Hubbard – St John Vianney’s School Parkdale East ■■ Tony Lawless – St Margaret’s School Maribyrnong ■■ Carmel Purdey – St Francis Xavier’s School Box Hill ■■ Dianne Redford – St Thomas the Apostle School Blackburn ■■ Maree Roache – St Aloysius’ School Redan ■■ Trish Stabb – St Catherine’s School Berwick ■■ Trish Stewart – St Martin of Tours School Rosanna. ■■ The luncheon is an opportunity for colleagues, past and present, to catch up, remember old times (when teaching was fun!) and to share in the wisdom of those leaving the role. We thank Debra James, General Secretary, for her attendance and continued support of principal members. The five retiring principals present on the day received gifts from the IEU and all spoke of their appreciation of the union over the years in their often challenging work. Irene Ashton: As a principal, we often need objective and informed advice. For me, the support I have received from the IEU has been invaluable in providing this perspective. Many a time the union has provided me with a balanced view thus preserving and maintaining my sanity and wellbeing!! Heartfelt thanks to all at IEU. Irene Ashton and Brian Booley Brian Booley: The Union represents ‘the Collective’; teachers, principals & school officers all working together to look after one another. Now I leave principalship and continue in teaching, the Union will be just as important. Together we are strong. I imagine a Union where all principals are ‘on board’ just as many of them were as teachers. We’d be unbeatable and Catholic Education would be the stronger. Long live Union! Trish Stabb: The IEU has worked tirelessly to improve the conditions of teachers in Catholic education and in supporting principals in their increasingly complex role. Looking forward already to next year’s event! Maree Roache: I have been a member of the union since the start of my career 37 years ago. Throughout that time, I have been grateful for the ongoing support of the union in dealing with a range of industrial matters and have appreciated the support of the IEU in the successful conclusion of my career in education. Having Maureen Shembrey’s counsel through challenging negotiations was very supportive and much appreciated. Tony Lawless: At a time when l needed the support of others, the union responded and was genuinely concerned for my welfare and future. Trish Stabb, Maree Roache and Tony Lawless JOHN LAING AWARD W e congratulate Richard Mucha, principal of St Mary’s School Hastings, who is the IEU recipient of the Principals’ Australia Institute John Laing Professional Development Award for 2015. The Award recognises the contribution of school leaders who have undertaken significant professional development and contributed to the professional learning of other school leaders. It is a non-competitive, peer-nominated celebration of school leadership and professional learning, and is organised by the principals’ associations in each state and territory. Richard has been tenacious about promoting and pursuing the issue of aggressive and violent students and parents in schools. He has been a persistent voice seeking formalized and consistent approaches system wide, sanctioned by the IEU, for the protection of staff and principals. He was on the joint working party that developed the CECV/IEU ‘Safe and Sound Practice Guidelines (Occupational Violence)’ launched this year after nearly two years of work. Richard’s passion for this issue and the resultant positive impact for his principal colleagues make him a worthy recipient of this Award. Saint Paul, weddings, love and teaching I have been to three family weddings in the past 12 months. Each wedding has featured Chapter 13 of Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. Each time I hear the reading, I am struck by the connection between love and education, so here is Corinthians 13 with a wording substitute: E ducation is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; education is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, and is not resentful. Education takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Education does not come to an end. Substituting ‘education’ for ‘love’ does not seem to have diminished the beauty of the sentiments expressed – so what is the connection between love and education? Many current educational thinkers write about education as an ‘encounter’ between teacher and learner (see the article on Gert Biesta from the September edition of The Point or the TLN Journal Spring 2015). In the education encounter there must be a trusting relationship between teacher and learner for effective learning to occur. It is as if education occurs in the space between the teacher who is teaching and the student who is open to learn. Learning is change and so inherently risky. In that space there must be love to bring the two together. For without love the learner will find it difficult to be open to the truth from the teacher and the teacher will be unable to take the risk of learning with and from the student. The overt affective expression of love as a critical element of education, will, I am sure, leave some feeling uncomfortable. When he wrote to the Corinthians, Paul used the Greek word, ‘agape’, which is translated to the English, ‘love’. Agape is an all-encompassing universal love for people, the sort of love that might lead one to always look to the good of the other. It is not ‘eros’, sexual love or ‘philia’, family love, both of which dominate the usage and understanding of the word ‘love’ in Australian English. It might help to turn to the great South American educator, Paulo Freire, who in an interview in 1985 identified the following virtues that are needed by a teacher: ■■ Humility: the ability to understand the pain of others, the feeling of others. Humility leads to genuine dialogue, which is not an instructional tactic but a natural part of the process of knowing ■■ Patience: teachers need to know how to make a life together with their students Tolerance: learning to meet the needs of each student as an individual, including the antagonist. The teacher’s relationship with the class is not a relationship with the group but a relationship with each individual ■■ Love: an affirmative love, a love which accepts; a love for students which pushes us to go beyond. For many of us in formal educational situations like schools, colleges and early childhood centres we are groaning under the weight of data. In contemporary education in Australia we are occupied with rationality, measurement and data. The last time I looked, ‘love’ was not measured by PISA or NAPLAN and does not show up on school improvement plans and I have not ■■ seen Humility, Patience, Tolerance or Love in the curriculum for teacher education. However, if education is about individual agency and creating a better society for all, then perhaps Paul, who transformed society in his time, has a message for us, which is about education being the practice of love. So the next time you are inclined to say, ‘I love my students’, perhaps you could make the alteration and say ‘When I love my students, they learn’. Michael Victory Teacher Learning Network This article is based on some education research Michael is undertaking. If you would like to know more, email 14 THE POINT December 2015 Casual Relief Teachers T hese provide important sharing opportunities for CRT members to discuss their work and issues, and helps to inform IEU policy and strategy in advocating on behalf of members with employer groups and government bodies. In work that is sometimes quite isolating, this opportunity to build a sense of collective is a very important role of the union. In 2015 we further expanded our CRT professional learning program with a continued focus on providing access to all CRTs with both ‘in person’ and ‘online’ participation. In conjunction with our colleagues in the AEU, we have continued to work on engaging and supporting CRT members, no matter where they work. For the first time IEU members were invited to participate in a CRT KickStart in early Term 1 which provided an introduction to those new to CRT work. The IEU continues to look for new ways to support and engage with Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) members through our professional learning program, annual survey and engagement in forums such as CRT Networks and online. The day long program saw 215 participants (made up of a real mix of graduates, those returning from extended breaks such as parental leave and those stepping back from full-time work on the path to retirement). In work that is sometimes quite isolating this opportunity to build a sense of collective is a very important role of the union. With a program focused on established CRTs sharing their successful strategies as well as a range of other ‘experts’ providing insight into having productive and successful CRT experiences, the plans are currently being finalised for 2016. Across the remaining CRT Conference program we had 550 participants over the three conference days, with a day-long activity held each term break. The program provides CRT targeted PD on broad themes with a new focus each year – in 2015 these were curriculum ‘across the ages’, ICT with a focus on hands on experiences for participants and curriculum with a focus on positive psychology and responses. Our program is facilitated by Daniel Cohen on behalf of the Teacher Learning Network (TLN) who continue to find us exciting new presenters with a focused effort on finding great practitioners. TLN also continue to expand their online capacity to make the conference more available and interactive. VIT Registration will require PD on special needs A s part of the Victorian government’s specific focus on schools supporting special needs, the Minister for Education, James Merlino, is requiring VIT to incorporate a requirement for teachers to have undertaken some professional development in teaching students with special needs as part of the registration process. As part of the on-line renewal process next year, in addition to teachers being asked to declare that they have undertaken 20 hours of professional development activities in the last year, they will also need to declare that they have undertaken professional development in special needs in the last 2 years. As part of the introduction of this new requirement, if a teacher has not undertaken some PD in this area, they will have a further 12 months to comply. Importantly, there will be no specified time requirement on the amount of professional development activity, and the type and nature of the PD is as broad and self-determined as the general PD requirement for the 20 hours. Professional development activities can include schoolbased meetings, professional reading, attendance at seminars, workshops, on-line learning, etc. The IEU is part of a stakeholder reference group which is looking at process and the union is working to ensure as reasonable and manageable an introduction of the Ministerial requirement as possible. VIT will be putting out a Guide for Teachers Renewing, which should assist teachers and principals. The Face of Unions Asmah Abou-Eid from Ilim College Dallas became the face of the Victorian Trades Hall Council, ‘This is what a unionist looks like’ campaign this year. She talked with us about being one of the first union members at her school, bargaining and the golden rule. A smah is reflecting on a busy year. She’s buoyant, positive and proud to have been part of a campaign that helped shift attitudes away from what some media outlets and politicians would have you believe is the modern day member. Asmah is upfront and proud about what she has accomplished as a teacher and a member of the IEU. Asmah and her colleagues are looking forward to 2016. ‘My husband asked if I get paid for my picture. I told him no, but I am hoping for a pay rise as an outcome of the bargaining at Ilim College’. Hi, Asmah. Where did your involvement with the campaign begin? The IEU organiser and I were talking about the Victorian Trades Hall Council. He mentioned the campaign and their efforts to lift the perceptions of diversity within the union movement. He asked to take a picture of me and I said yes. My personal trainer, my husband and friends have seen the posters all over Melbourne. I had so many questions that I put the poster on my Instagram to tell people, ‘yes –it’s me’. You were one of the first union members at your school and have personally lead a jump in member numbers. Well done! to be open. If there’s something I feel my colleagues want, they’ll hear about it. Letting people know you’re not working against the school but with them is the biggest bridge to cross. Bargaining to reward teachers for their work is the right thing to do. We are taught the golden rule, ‘None of you will believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself.’ I believe this to be the truth in rewarding teachers for their work. We have to want for each other what we want for ourselves. You mention collaboration, communication and transparency – how do these values work in your current bargaining? What are you looking forward to as a union member? I just started by giving out forms and information about becoming a member and I told my colleagues that they didn’t need to worry about being a member. From then, we just started egging each other on, and the message was pretty basic – join the union, and you can get better conditions and improved pay. What better incentive is there? We’re about 6 months into our bargaining at Ilim College. It’s a collaborative process and for it to be fruitful, communication needs I’ve been a member for just under three years now. I feel we’ve had success from our shared beliefs and agreed goals. Next year, we’d like our wages to match the East Preston Islamic College who this year matched Government school wages. This guide should help clarify the breadth of PD that will meet the requirement. The IEU would expect that in the general professional development activities teachers are involved in at school level, the requirement should be able to be met. Schools need to ensure that activities and discussions focus on special needs teaching and learning. This will already be happening in most schools. Is this a new teaching standard? The general requirement for teachers to declare that they meet the teaching standards is not new, and the professional development requirement is not new. There are in fact three existing professional standards which already can be said to focus on this area. What is new is the specific declaration of having undertaken some specific PD in this area of teaching and learning. The current professional standards which relate to special needs are: 1.6 design and implement teaching activities that support the participation and learning of students with disability and address relevant policy and legislative requirements. 1.5 develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. 4.1 establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage all students in classroom activities. The IEU will keep members abreast of the new requirement. 15 December 2015 THE POINT IEU Rep Training 2016 If you’ve been elected to represent union members in your workplace, it is recognition of the trust and confidence members place in you to promote their entitlements and in many cases speak on their behalf about workplace issues. T he role of IEU rep can be challenging, rewarding, and at times even confronting as you may deal with issues which divide staff, possibly lead to disputation or situations of personal and professional upheaval for individuals. In any workplace the role of rep can be demanding but in some workplaces, standing up for others and leading a group collectively can mean working in environments of hostility and defensiveness. It is for this reason our IEU reps are our workplace heroes and always have the support and guidance of the union and their IEU organiser. One of the key ways the IEU supports reps is through training and development opportunities at various times throughout the year. The more you learn about your role and practise the skills involved, the more effective you are as a rep and the stronger your sub-branch will be. The IEU runs Initial Rep Training for those new to the role to gain better awareness of what the role entails, the structure of the union, and an introduction to the skills of advocacy, recruitment, consultation and working with school leadership. Experienced Rep Training builds on these initial skills and helps reps further develop strategies to lead their sub-branch and empower members. Rep training at any level is an opportunity to meet others in the same role, to share experiences, support, encourage and mentor each other. Whether you’ve attended training before or have not yet taken up the opportunity, it is important to make the time to attend in 2016. It is an expectation that all reps attend training to enable them to complete their role effectively, and many Agreements including the VCMEA, the TCESEA and other independent school Agreements provide an entitlement for reps to attend training. In schools without this provision or without Agreements, the IEU can cover the cost of replacement for the day and can help negotiate with your employer if they are reluctant to approve your attendance at rep training. The dates for Melbourne Rep Training are listed below and bookings are open for these dates now. Dates for Rep Training in Tasmania and in Regional Victoria will be available soon. Initial Rep Training ■■ ■■ ■■ Wednesday 16 March Tuesday 10 May Thursday 25 August Experienced Rep Training ■■ ■■ ■■ Tuesday 22 March Thursday 21 July Tuesday 18 Oc tober Consultative Committee Training Access to IEU training for Consultative Committee members was incorporated into the new Tasmanian Catholic Agreement with a focus on encouraging better consultation at workplace level. I t was acknowledged in negotiations that decisionmaking was enhanced by providing a positive framework to enable staff to have input into decisions which affect their working life. The first of these training sessions was held in Launceston on Tuesday 27 October with 13 participants from across the state and from both primary and secondary settings. Participants shared their experiences and discussed the successes and challenges of establishing good consultative processes in schools. The opportunity to ask questions of Senior Industrial Officer Denis Matson, who was so heavily involved in negotiating the Agreement, was seen as a really valuable part of the training. Further sessions will be scheduled early in 2016 and we will be encouraging Consultative Committee representatives to take up their right to this training. TEACHER LEARNING NETWORK A Christmas present for your team! Membership of the Teacher Learning Network for your team – it just makes sense. T he best present you can give your team to celebrate the end of the school year is an investment in their professional growth. The TLN can be that present for you. How does it work? For one low annual membership fee (subsidised by your union), every member of your team gets access to resources and courses from the Teacher Learning Network. There will be over 120 courses on offer in 2016 – and all courses are free for staff in member schools. Why do this? Your team are professionals and they should be making decisions about their own professional learning, building on strengths, overcoming weaknesses and making individual contributions to the school improvement plan. TLN offers you over 120 courses covering: ■■ Classroom and behaviour management ■■ Assessment and feedback ■■ Literacy and numeracy ■■ Gifted, talented and special needs ■■ Student engagement ■■ IT skills This is an opportunity for you to support your team to build their capacity. Why TLN? ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ We bring the ideas of great teachers into your school through our online platform. Quite simply, we are the leading provider of online professional learning for teachers. We work hard at it, we are proud of it and we will back ourselves against any other PD provider. A core belief of the TLN is that teachers are better when they work collegially. We find great teachers and we invite them to share their practice with their colleagues. TLN classroom professional development is run by teachers who are working in the classroom on a daily basis. They know the work of teaching. TLN courses are offered out of regular teaching hours, focus on specialised teaching skills and are FREE. TLN is backed by your union. How Much? The subscription (including GST) for a 12 month membership is: Student Enrolment B. 2000 students and above 2015 prices $800 C. Between 1000 and 1999 students $700 D. Between 500 and 999 students $500 E. Between 100 and 499 students $350 F. Below 100 students $250 You must join and pay before 18 December 2015 to get these rates. Your membership will then be current through to 31 December 2016. Go to to join online, email Michael Victory at or call 9418 4992. Catholic Super – providing superannuation services for more than 44 years. Offices in BrisBane, canBerra, Darwin, GeelOnG, HOBart, MelBOurne, PertH & syDney ư Industry super fund returning all profits to members ư Superior long term investment performance ư Fees well below Industry average ư Flexible investment options ư Superannuation and pension products ư Low cost personal insurance ư Financial planning advice 1300 655 002 | Authorised by CSF Pty Limited (ABN 30 006 169 286; AFSL 246664), the Trustee of the MyLifeMyMoney Superannuation Fund (ABN 50 237 896 957).This information is about the Fund and is general information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your personal investment objectives, financial situation or needs. It is not intended to be, and should not be construed in any way as, investment, legal or financial advice. CS115010415 CS115010415 Feb15 255wx182h_v3.indd 1 27/02/2015 12:14 pm IT’S ABOUT DOING WELL AND DOING GOOD... We believe that it’s not enough to just do well, you also need to do good. So while we are proud of our track record as a high performing, low cost Industry SuperFund, we are equally as proud of the contribution that we are making to our members, their industries and their communities. To learn more about who we are and what we stand for, visit Issued by NGS Super Pty Limited ABN 46 003 491 487 AFSL No 233 154 the Trustee of NGS Super ABN 73 549 180 515 2501 (0915) As a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, we’re invested in being more conscientious corporate citizens committed to sustainability and the environment. As an investor in Australia’s first ever social benefit bond, we are dedicated to empowering families and helping our communities to thrive. And as a committed partner to the industries that we serve, we offer over $40,000 in professional development scholarships to help members make a real and lasting contribution to their sectors. 17 December 2015 THE POINT Looking to our future The future of our union rests with the teacher and education support workers of tomorrow. T hat’s why every year the IEU engages with student teachers from their first day in O-Week to their final day on campus. That’s why every year we support student teachers in every aspect of university life. Over the year we have had an active presence on campuses, holding barbeques, being involved in orientation days and attending student education conferences. This year we increased our involvement with the Monash and Deakin education student associations, doing some great work with Alan and Bronwyn and co. out at Deakin, and Emily and Alexandrea and the crew at Monash. We collaborated with them on events ranging from student balls to meet the principals panels. At the IEU we recognise and respect that we are part of a broader education community. One of the really great aspects of our student program is the collaborative work we do with the AEU. This year the IEU and AEU presented at over 70 lectures to education students on topics including Legal Issues for Teachers, Conditions of Employment and the Teacher as Worker. Graduate Teachers The work we do in universities means that every new teacher is given the opportunity to walk through their classroom door on the first day knowing that the union has their back. T his year we had over 300 graduate members join the ranks of the IEU. Teaching can be tough, so to make it easier for those starting out we offer them extra PD. This year’s ‘Bright Ideas’ Conference featured Michael Carr‑Gregg, adolescent psychologist and mental health advocate. In his address he shared his insights into child and adolescent mental health and how teachers can support positive mental health in the classroom. As well as the conference, we again ran our joint PD in the Pub seminar series with the AEU. From Mildura to Frankston our presenters Glen Pearsall and Coby Beatson attracted hundreds of students and graduate teachers in the early years of their career from across schools and universities Victoria. There is no doubt that by the time this edition of The Point lands on a staff room table or appears in an inbox or letterbox that there will be some tired teachers and support staff out there. The good news for our graduate teachers is that it will get more manageable each year and that your union is always ready to assist. This year’s ‘Get that Job!’ student teacher conference was one for the highlight reel, with a record 157 students participating from every university in Victoria. The conference was packed with workshops on CV writing and job application skills, and topped off with the ever-popular ‘Meet the Principals panel’. One of the really great aspects of our student program is the collaborative work we do with the AEU Without fail, our principals from Catholic and independent schools spoke openly and honestly with our student teachers about interview techniques and the pressures of graduate teaching. The combined knowledge and wisdom of our panel provided just the right sort of advice for our members about how to start off a career in education on the right foot. Just like education, our student program never stands still, with discussion already underway with the University of Tasmania about hosting a ‘Get that Job!’ conference for students in 2016. In addition, we continue to expand our delivery of online PD with this year’s introduction of a ‘Launching your career – applying for jobs’ seminar attracting 40 participants. This is a tricky time of year for our final year student teachers, torn between celebrating their academic achievements and searching for their first teaching position. That’s why we are happy to offer student members advice on their new job contracts so that there is one less thing for them to be worried about. All in all it’s been another great year and there is no greater testament to this than the fact that nearly 2000 students decided to join us! The IEU on top! James Deery, a proud and active IEU Victoria Tasmania member, and a life-long Bulldogs fan, from Nagle College Bairnsdale, is the winner of the ACTU/ ME Bank AFL Footy Tipping competition for 2015. T he competition is open to all union members from across the country and from that massive talent pool, our own James led the way and scored a $1,000 ME Bank account for his efforts! James, taking special advice from his son, was a careful tipper, tending to favour the Doggies, while also taking note of the respective ladder position of the two teams competing. Delighted to finish the tough home-andaway season on top of the tipping ladder, he has no grand plans for his prize, though he does admit it will help finance his travels to see Footscray play in Melbourne. James is happy to travel for things that matter, also coming in to Melbourne to participate in stop-works around the last Catholic campaign. James is a staunch advocate for the place of unions in the workplace and the work that the IEU does for members. He sees the work of the IEU as crucial to improving the working conditions for all, and is a firm believer that the conditions that we have all won collectively would not be there if it were simply left to employers. Congratulations on the win, James! Most see a distraction. Some see an Investigative Journalist. Every day you inspire and help people grow so they can recognise their full potential. That’s why we’re committed to working closely alongside our customers, to help you build your own healthy and prosperous future. As a mutual bank our profits mean real benefits directly back to you. So no matter what you’re searching for, you can bank on us to be there. Call 1300 654 822 or visit Bank BrandJourno_VIEU_255x365.indd 1 I Save I Borrow I Invest I Protect 12/11/2015 3:54:39 PM 19 December 2015 THE POINT Taking The Challenge INTERNATIONAL ROUNDUP Teachers in Switzerland joined together with other public sector employees in early November taking strike action against proposed government changes to working conditions. Two thirds of teachers walked off the job and over 10,000 protesters rallied in the centre of Geneva. Designed to reduce labour costs, the proposed changes include a lengthening of the working week and a freeze on new appointments. The government claims these changes are necessary to deal with government debt, while unions claim these savings are simply being used to offset tax cuts, and public sector workers and their unions have vowed to continue their action, saying ‘We are striking for the children and for the quality of education, not for our salaries’. Chris Fenech, IEU member and teacher at Marian College Sunshine, is leading an enthusiastic group of students on a bike camp in late November. C hris runs the school bike club which he says provides a great opportunity for many of the students to enjoy the fun and fitness that bike riding provides. Chris explained that many students have limited chances to participate in bike riding so the club meets each week to head out for a variety of rides in the local area. Their big challenge for November is to ride the Mountain to Murray Trail between Bright and Wangaratta. Chris saw the IEU drink bottles at the Teacher’s Games and approached the union to donate enough for the school’s bike ride; we were delighted to support this initiative which in Chris’s words is designed ‘to promote fitness and wellbeing through bike riding’. This is another wonderful example of staff in schools going that ‘extra mile’ in their professional lives. Good luck to everyone involved. Sustainable St Kevin’s St Kevin’s Primary School Hampton Park started its sustainable journey with a small gardening club during lunchtime and isolated pockets of teacher passion for sustainability. A fter installing Building the Education Revolution funded solar panels, the school is focused on establishing a collaborative program for all of its 600 students. This is a long way to come from engaging in one or two isolated actions. St Kevin’s is involved in strategic planning for a science sustainability unit of work for term two of 2016. This unit will also touch on maths, inquiry, literacy and other areas of the broader curriculum. In 2016, the Holy Year of Mercy, St Kevin’s is embracing Pope Francis’ second encyclical, Laudato Si by educating about ways to better care for our environment. In order that Education for Sustainability endures over time within a school, it is important to set up collaborative agreements with both staff and students. This will help to build a solid foundation for ongoing learning. It’s great to see that St Kevin’s is grabbing the concept of Education for Sustainability with both hands and is making positive change to equip their students for life in a future we can’t yet even imagine! If your school is just starting out with Education for Sustainability or if you are well on your way, let us know by emailing Lou Nicholson or calling 1800 622 889. An appeals court in Kenya has rejected a pay rise awarded to teachers by an industrial court, finding that it did not have authority to do so. Teachers and their unions have been taking industrial action to hold the government accountable to the original decision, including taking a five-week nationwide strike. This latest ruling is a blow to teachers’ fight to be paid a living wage, but the union has already flagged a Supreme Court appeal. Unions have also accused the court of bias and have sought the removal of the bench for being influenced by the government. Teachers in Greece have joined in the massive strikes against the latest round of austerity measures. Over 20,000 people took part in three demonstrations, action the government actively encouraged people to take part in, saying in a statement that workers should protest against ‘the neoliberal policies and the blackmail from financial and political centres within and outside Greece’. The education system has been particularly harshly hit by cuts, with schools now reporting a staff shortage of over 6,000 full-time teachers. Unions have claimed some schools will be unable to open at all, and other schools have called for volunteer teachers. A principal of an elementary school in New York, USA, has caused outrage by throwing out all teachers’ desks, saying she doesn’t want them sitting in class. She also threw out filing cabinets, suggesting that either she feared teachers would perch on these too or that she actually just doesn’t like furniture. Your member benefits program: save on your Christmas presents IEU members receive exclusive access to a range of benefits designed to make life a little easier and a lot more enjoyable. MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR IEU BENEFITS: Call IEU Member Advantage on 1300 853 352 for more information. Summer Break We asked some of our members how their year went and what they were planning for their Summer Holidays. Michael Higgins, St Anne’s School Sunbury Hi Michael, this is your retirement year. What have been your highlights? Laura Alcock-Howell, MacKillop College Werribee Naomi O’Connor, Notre Dame College Shepparton Hi Laura – how are you? Can you tell us about your holiday plans? Hi, Naomi, how was your year? Still planning for what I may get up to over the break. I’m debating going away, maybe even a cruise. Sounds great – and how was your teaching year? Great, I’ve started a new role as a Learning Area Leader. Students are involved in social justice and fundraising around social and community causes, such as the Winter Sleepout. It gives them a great understanding of awareness campaigns and how we can get involved. My school has been involved in the Vinnies Soup Van for many years. The van travels around West Footscray and being involved is something I find incredibly rewarding. It’s been a great! There’s real momentum growing for the union. The collegiate support and social gatherings have increased our membership and it really helps us explain the role the union plays. At school, we had 230 Year 12 students, including 40 VCAL students this year. It’s a mammoth undertaking and I’m happy we helped them through. What are your holiday plans? Yes, I’ve been a member of the IEU for about 15 years. I’ve seen two marches on Parliament house. My last year of teaching has been great – I wish I had started 20 years ago. The highlight of any teaching career is the team of people around you. That, and when you bump into students and see what they’ve achieved after graduation How do you spend your break? My family will spend Christmas together. We’ll be in Drummond with family, good food and wine. Our family gathers for Easter and Christmas every year and it’s something we all really look forward to. I love summer. I went to Thailand to escape our winter and now summer is here, I plan to spend most of it by my pool in the backyard, Perhaps a small trip to Sydney. Peter Flahavin, Lavalla Catholic College Traralgon Brendan Paterson, EdSpace Independent School Benalla It’s been a very positive year. Our school has an emphasis on engaging with community and our students have been active with some excellent projects. The students designed a book display for the local library for Book Week and we worked closely with local environment projects in building nesting boxes for native sugargliders and honey eaters. For my break, my family and I will spend our time in our backyard. I’m changing the cottage garden to a low water garden. Then in January, my two boys and I are taking a tour of New Zealand to see some Maori culture and volcanoes. Andrew Wood, Marist-Sion College Warragul This year was my first as VCE coordinator. It was a success and I’m proud that everything ran smoothly. This year, we introduced a new program in Year 7 Maths classes. The program moves away from the text book and toward accommodating the different levels of knowledge of students. We aim to develop confidence in students by focusing on areas they need attention and trying to close some knowledge gaps. For the holidays, the family and I are hoping to get out into nature and go camping, most likely around the Gippsland area. I’m also planning to get to the cricket test in Melbourne the day after the Boxing Day test begins. Have a great Holiday Season from all at the IEU. Hi Peter – what are you plans for the holidays? Coming from the country, the family and I usually spend Christmas at my property in Hill End, in the foothills of Mount Baw Baw – commonly referred to as the land that time forgot. We’re joined by family from interstate. We spend some time gathering firewood with the kids for the winter, and take the odd trip to the beach in Inverloch or a trip to the Baw Baw plateaeu. Your highlight of the year? Being a VCAL teacher, watching students progress into employment at the end of the year is always a highlight. Many are employed by major business such as the APM (Australian Paper Manufacturers or by small and family business, or into apprenticeships in the Latrobe Valley. Peter signed off, inviting all to join him at the Picnic Race Circuit Jeremy Dooley, Guilford Young College Hobart Hi Jeremy, how was your year? Very rewarding. I’m happy to have completed another year of delivering lessons to students at Guilford Young College. I’m now turning my focus to brewing some award winning craft beers for the festive season. I won 2 gold medals at this year’s state home brew competition in Launceston (Stout and Bitter Ale), which went on to win one 3rd at the National Championships in Brisbane (Stout) and a 6th place for the Bitter Ale. Last year I got a 3rd place in the American IPA at the State Championships as well. In November, I came second in the Battle of the Brews held at the Winston in North Hobart as part of Beer Lovers Week. All up a very successful year in the brewing department. I heard you’re doing well, what are your holiday plans? I will be doing some brewing and relaxing with family. Hoping to go camping and get away for a few days.
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