program for the congress - Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
program for the congress - Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
Blank for 2-page viewing CONTENTS General Info 2012 LOS ANGELES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONGRESS MARCH 23-25, 2012 TALLERES DEL CONGRESO Viernes, Sesiones 1-3 ................................ 31 Sábado, Sesiones 4-6 ................................ 32 Domingo, Sesiones 7-8 ............................. 33 WORSHIP AIDES – ARENA: Friday Opening Rite & Welcome begins.............. 36 Native American Liturgy begins ............... 39 Saturday Morning Praise begins .............................. 43 Celtic Liturgy begins................................. 47 Sunday Closing Liturgy begins .............................. 54 Congress Theme Song .............................. 60 12 13 14 18 19 20 23 24 Maps WORKSHOP ROOM LOCATIONS Period 1 – Friday, March 23 ........................ Period 2 – Friday........................................... Period 3 – Friday........................................... Period 4 – Saturday, March 24 ..................... Period 5 – Saturday ....................................... Period 6 – Saturday ....................................... Period 7 – Sunday, March 25 ....................... Period 8 – Sunday ......................................... O.R.E. Recorded workshops indicated by * and SPECIAL EVENTS Friday .................Archbishop Gomez Online Chat Friday .................................... Film Showcase 2012 Saturday ....................... Sacred Illuminations 2012 Saturday ...................Young Adult Dance & Social Sunday.................................... Souvenir ePostcards Exhibitors 28 30 26 27 63-65 Arena SAVE THE DATE! Congress 2013 Dates February 21, 2013 (Youth Day) & February 22-24, 2013 SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Horario del Congreso ................................ Información ............................................... Mensaje del Arzobispo Gomez ................ Mensaje de la Directora de la O.R.E. ....... Programas de la O.R.E. ............................ Español GENERAL INFORMATION Acknowledgments......................................... 66-71 Attendee General Information ...................... 7 Audio Recording Form ................................. 25 Committees ................................................... 66 Congress Spotlight ....................................... 6 Endowment Fund Contributors ..................... 69-71 Exhibitors • Categories ............................................... 91, 93 • Featured Exhibitors ................................ 78-100 • Index (alphabetical) ................................ 95-100 Daily Schedules • Friday, March 23 .................................... 8-10 • Saturday, March 24 ................................ 15-17 • Sunday, March 25 .................................. 21-22 Maps • Clarion Hotel Map .................................. 72 • Convention Center Map ...................Back Cover • Exhibit Hall A Map ................Inside Back Cover • Hilton Hotel Map ................................... 73 • Marriott Hotel Map................................. 74 • Restaurants Map & Listing ..................... 76-77 • Sheraton Park Hotel Map ....................... 75 O.R.E. Programs ........................................... 63-65 O.R.E. Staff .................................................. 62 O.R.E. Staff Booth Schedule ........................ 63 Speaker Index................................................ 5 Tech Center Schedule.................................... 11 Weekend Schedule ..................... Inside Front Cover Welcome Message from Archchbishop Gomez ........ 2 Message from Bishop Brown.................... 3 Message from the O.R.E. Director............ 4 Schedule ARCHDIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (ORE) 3424 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 PHONE: (213) 637-7346 WEB: EMAIL: 1 WELCOME TO CONGRESS WELCOME March 2012 Dear Congress Participant, It gives me great joy to welcome you to our annual Religious Education Congress! This Congress is a part of our Church’s commitment to the new evangelization. This weekend gives all of us a beautiful opportunity to renew our commitment to the mission that Jesus Christ entrusted to his Church – the mission of preaching his Gospel and making disciples; of baptizing and proclaiming forgiveness of sins; of teaching people to live by all that Jesus commanded. The theme for this year’s Congress, “Voice Infusing Life,” is inspired by the fifth Sunday of our Lenten journey. This theme challenges us to listen for God’s voice and to allow his Word to take root in our hearts and in our ministries. Strengthened by God’s Word of Life, we renew our discipleship in Jesus Christ, as we go forth to proclaim his Good News and to serve as God’s voice in our world today. I am heartened that so many of you take time out of your busy ministries to gather with us. Your leadership and your spirit of service to his Church are vital to the ongoing spiritual renewal of our parishes and the new evangelization of our society and culture. I pray that you will be enriched by the contacts you make with others and by the workshops, liturgies, and other events we share together throughout the weekend. With the promise of my prayers for you and your family, I ask that the blessings of Our Lady of the Angels, our Blessed Mother, be upon you all. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Rev. José H. Gomez Archbishop of Los Angeles 2 2012 Religious Education Congress WELCOME General Info 3 WELCOME March 2012 Dear Friends, I am honored to extend a heartfelt welcome to all of you. Each year you grace us with your presence at our inspiring Religious Education Congress. This extraordinary weekend provides many wonderful opportunities for enriching our ministries and renewing our spirits. Our theme, “Voice Infusing Life,” beckons us to attend to the voice of God which echoes through the ages. It is a voice that fills us with hope, calls us to renewed vitality and sends us to discern and resound God’s voice among all the voices claiming our attention. As you will recall, a Religious Education Endowment Fund has been established in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for the ongoing education and formation of Directors of Religious Education, Adult Educators, Young Adults and Youth Ministers. The fund is currently enabling 18 students to pursue a master’s degree in Religious Education. Your gift offering at the 2011 Congress Saturday night liturgies together with online contributions added $44,702 to this fund. We thank for your ongoing generosity. We are very excited about the quality and quantity of our insightful workshops, keynotes and valuable resources provided throughout the weekend. The opportunity to be enriched by the many national and international presenters is grace and blessing. Always attentive to the multicultural reality of southern California, the event offers many opportunities to experience and celebrate the richness of our diverse communities of faith. The well-prepared liturgical celebrations and entertainment provided are sure to lift hearts and spirits in a chorus of praise and worship. At the heart of the array of activities there is space for quiet moments of contemplation, time to walk the labyrinth and ample opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Again, I thank you for your leadership and your faithful commitment to being “The Voice of God” committed to echoing Good News. I look forward to greeting you at this great event Sincerely, Sister Edith Prendergast, RSC Director, Office of Religious Education 4 2012 Religious Education Congress SPEAKER INDEX Asterisks (*) and the headphone symbol ( ) indicate recorded workshops. “Key” indicates a Saturday Keynote or Sunday Address. Workshops are designated by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period; the number after the dash is the workshop number. Workshop numbers -01 to -30 are in English; -50 to -58 are in Spanish; and -70 is in Vietnamese. Guffey, Fr. David ............... 3-12* Haas, David ...................... 2-09, 7-12, .............................. 8-10 Haase, Sr. Bridget ............ 1-15*, 7-13* Haugen, Marty .................. 2-10, 5-13 Heagle, Fr. John ............... 1-10*, 8-11* Hendey, Lisa ..................... 2-11* Hernandez, Sr. Glenda ..... 5-55, 8-52 Herrera, Francisco ............ 2-54*, 6-55* Hershey, Rev. Terry .......... 1-16*, 4-09* Hieu, Bishop Thomas ....... 4-70*, 7-70* Hoffmann, Mary Byrne...... 6-11*, 8-13* Horan, Michael ................. 7-14*, * Jansen, ValLimar .............. 5-14*, 7-15* Janus, Mary ...................... 7-15* Jezreel, Jack..................... 3-13*, 7-16* Josephson, Michael .......... 2-12 Just, Fr. Felix .................... 2-13* Kelly, Matthew .................. 3-14, 6-12 Kempf, Fr. Joe .................. 2-14*, 6-13* Kendzia, Tom .................... 4-07* Kennedy, Dr. Saundra ...... 1-17*, 8-15* Knobbe, Beth .................... 5-15*, 8-16* Kolar, Peter ....................... 3-54 Krout, Keri......................... 2-15*, 5-16* Lansing, Sean................... 4-11*, 7-17* Leonard, Fr. Richard ......... 1-18, 4-12 Loftus, Fr. David ............... 6-14* Lotker, Rabbi Michael ....... 6-15* MacBeth, Sybil.................. 7-18*, 8-17* Mahon, Elaine................... 3-24*, 5-26* Mahoney, Beth.................. 3-12* Mahony, Cardinal Roger ... 4-13* Mallon, Fr. James ............. 2-16*, 4-14* Mangan, Michael .............. 4-15*, 8-18* Martin, Rev. James ........... 6-16*, 8-19* Martin, Sr./Dr. Oralisa ....... 6-17 Massingale, Rev. Bryan .... 1-19*, 5-17* Matovina, Dr. Timothy ....... 4-53*, 6-18* McCarty, Bob .................... 1-20* McCorquodale, Charlotte.. 2-17*, 6-19* McGrath, Tom ................... 2-05* McGrath, Bro. Michael ...... 3-15*, 5-03* McKenna, Dr. Megan ........ 2-18*, 5-18* Mena, Walter Francisco .... 1-54* Montenegro, Juan Carlos . 2-55* Moreno, Rafael ................. 5-56 Motus, Cecile .................... 6-20* Mulhall, Daniel .................. 3-16* Mullen, Fr. J. Patrick ......... 1-21*, 5-19* Murua, Marcelo................. 3-55*, 7-53* Neuhaus, Suzanne ........... 2-19* Nguyen, Rev. Bao............. 1-70* Nicholas, Rev. William ...... 3-17*, 8-20* Ospino, Dr. Hosffman ....... 1-55*, 5-20*, .............................. KEY* Paprocki, Joe .................... 3-18* Parra Sanchez, Abundio ... 1-56*, 4-54* Pascuzzi, Maria ................ 6-21* Patalinghug, Fr. Leo ......... 1-22 Patin, Michael ................... 2-20*, 5-21* Peña, Sr. Rosa Monique... 6-54, 7-54 Pereda Bullrich, Hernán ... 4-55*, 8-53* Petitfils, Roy...................... 4-16*, 7-19* Pham, Thinh Duc .............. 3-70*, 5-70* Phong, Bro. Fortunat ........ 2-70*, 6-70* Portillo, William ................. 8-54* Prejean, Sr. Helen ............ 5-22*, 7-20* Ramírez, Bishop Ricardo.. 3-56*, 4-56* Raschko, Rev. Michael ..... 5-23*, 8-21 Reese, Thomas ................ 6-22, 7-21 Reid, Sr. Barbara .............. 4-17*, 6-23* Ricard, Rev. R. Tony ......... 2-21*, 5-24* Rivera, Jorge .................... 5-57*, 8-55* Rizzo, David ..................... 5-04* Roberto, John ................... 1-23*, 4-18* Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald ..... 1-24*, 7-22* Rosenhauer, Joan ............ 8-22* Rubalcava, Pedro ............. 7-55 Saucedo, Enedina ............ 2-56* Shea, John ....................... 4-20*, 6-24* Siller Acuña, Clodomiro .... 2-57*, 6-56* Simon Jr., William ............. 3-19* Smith, Rt. Rev. Alexei ....... 1-26* Smith, Cambria ................. 3-19* Smith-Christopher, Daniel 1-25*, 8-23* Smollin, Sr. Anne Bryan .... 3-20*, KEY* Sofield, Bro. Loughlan ...... 3-21*, 4-21* Solis, Bishop Oscar .......... 6-20* Sparks, Fr. Dick ................ 2-22, 4-22 Stecker, Carl ..................... 3-22* Steinfels, Peter ................. 2-23*, 4-23* Sweeney, Michael............. 2-24*, 8-24* Theisen, Michael .............. 3-23*, 6-25* Torres, Deacon Guillermo . 8-56* Travers, Ailís ..................... 3-24*, 5-26* True, Lori .......................... 4-24 Turner, Rev. Paul .............. 3-25*, 8-25* Valenzuela, Victor ............. 7-56 Vega, Rev. Richard ........... 6-26*, 8-57* Vital Cruz, Lupita .............. 3-57*, 8-58* Wagner, Nick .................... 5-27* Walker, Christopher .......... 1-27*, 6-27* Washington, Fr. Freddy .... 3-26*, 8-26* Weber, Joan ..................... 4-25*, 7-23* Wenc, Char....................... 2-26*, 5-28* West, John........................ 4-26* Weston, Fr. Thomas ......... 2-27*, 7-24* White, C. Vanessa ............ 3-27*, 4-27* Wicks, Dr. Robert.............. 1-28, 4-28 Yzaguirre, Dr. John ........... 4-57*, 7-25* Zanotto, Fr. Luigi............... 6-57*, 7-57* Zukowski, Sr. Angela ........ 6-28*, 7-26* 5 General Info Allen Jr., John ................... 2-01*, 5-01* Alonso, Tony ..................... 2-10, 5-13 Anderle, Donna................. 2-02*, 5-02* Angrisano, Steve .............. 1-01* Anslinger, Leisa ................ 8-01* Arias, Miguel ..................... 6-51*, 8-02* Ash, Laura ........................ 6-01*, 7-02* Atkinson, Patrick ............... 5-51*, 7-01* Augustin, Meredith Dean .. 5-03* Augustine, Ansel ............... 3-01* Beckman, Betsey.............. 6-01*, 7-02* Bell, John .......................... 8-03 Benavides, Luis ................ 1-51*, 6-52* Binz, Stephen ................... 1-02*, 4-01* Bondi, Renée .................... 1-03* Boyle, Rev. Gregory ......... 4-02*, 7-03* Bravo Perez, Benjamin ..... 3-51*, 4-51* Brennan, Rev. Patrick ....... 1-04*, 2-03* Bryant, Sr. Kathy............... 2-04* Burland, John ................... 3-02*, 6-02* Carotta, Dr. Michael .......... 6-03*, 8-04 Cerveny, Sr. Caroline........ 1-05*, 4-03* Chesto, Dr. Kathleen ........ 1-06, 4-04 Chinn, Andrew .................. 4-05*, 7-04* Cicciarelli, Joellyn ............. 2-05*, 5-04* Clarke, Rev. Jim ............... 2-06* Coutinho, Fr. Paul ............. 3-03*, 7-05* Crosby, Rev. Michael ........ 6-04*, 8-05* Cusick, Rev. John ............. 6-05*, 7-06* Dahm, Fr. Charles ............ 3-52*, 5-05* Deck, Fr. Allan .................. 8-06* DeLeon, Roy..................... 3-04*, 8-07* Dell’Oro, Dr. Roberto ........ 7-07* Downey, Dr. Michael ......... 1-07* East, Tom.......................... 5-06*, 7-08* East, Msgr. Ray ................ 4-06* Ebener, Dr. Dan ................ 5-07*, 8-08* Echavarria, Jorge Ivan...... 5-52*, 8-51* Eckert, Ann Marie ............. 5-08*, 8-09* Eisenbeiss, Mike............... 3-05*, 8-10* Ellair, Steven..................... 1-08*, 6-06* Espin, Dr. Orlando ............ 5-53*, 7-51* Fabing, Fr. Robert............. 1-09 Ferder, Sr. Fran ................ 1-10*, 8-11* Fernandez, Santiago ........ 2-51, 4-07* Fiand, Sr. Barbara ............ 3-06*, 5-09* Ficocelli, Elizabeth ............ 1-11*, 5-10* Flecha, José-Román ........ 2-52*, 4-52* Florian, Amy...................... 5-11, 7-09 Fragomeni, Fr. Richard ..... 1-12*, 3-07*, .............................. 4:10* Frawley-Mangan, Anne..... 3-08*, 6-07* Funk, Sr. Mary Margaret ... 2-07*, 6-08* Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard .... 1-13*, 3-09* Galipeau, Dr. Jerry............ 3-10*, 8-12* García-Mina Freire, Ana ... 1-52*, 6-53* Gilbert, Rev. Richard ........ 1-14*, 6-09* Ginel Vielva, Fr. Alvaro ..... 2-53*, 5-54* Gittins, Fr. Anthony ........... KEY*, 7-10* Gordon, Dr. Greer ............. 2-08*, 6-10*, .............................. 7-11* Groody, Fr. Daniel............. 1-53*, 5-12* Groome, Dr. Thomas ........ 3-11*, 4-08* Grzona, Ricardo ............... 3-53*, 7-52* CONGRESS FEATURES CONGRESS SPOTLIGHT NOTE: Some Arena and Hall B sessions have handouts for their workshops posted online. Find information and the listing at < LIVE STREAMING IN HALL B Opening Event only, 8:30-9:30 am – Hall B Another Congress first! You can now watch Friday’s Opening Event broadcast live on the screens in Hall B. This is another venue to view the morning Arena experience. ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ CHAT > Friday, 10:15-11:15 am – Tech Center Join us Friday morning at the Tech Center as Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez conducts a live online chat session with students from St. Dorothy Elementary School in Glendora. This event will mark the Los Angeles Archbishop’s second year online. FILM SHOWCASE 2012 > Friday, 8:00-10 pm – Convention 201 The Film Showcase, in partnership with Loyola Marymount University, presents excerpts from a number of narrative feature films, shorts, documentaries, experimental and animated films, whose thematic elements are grounded in Catholic social teaching, justice, ministry, spirituality and theology. Filmmakers will be on hand to meet with audience members. SACRED ILLUMINATIONS > Saturday, 8:30 pm – Convention 213 “Sacred Illuminations: A mystical choreography of light and sound” incorporates the newest liturgical and fine art photography and reflections by Sister Rose Marie Tulacz, SND. She will bring us deeper in surrender to the voice and echoes of God’s unconditional love. RECONGRESS.ORG/LIVE > Friday through Sunday Share the Congress experience with friends and parishioners who can’t be there in person. Watch Arena events broadcast live on the Internet at You can also find some past Congress moments on our page at < “CELEBRATE CULTURES” Friday, 8:00-9:30 pm – Convention Arena Building on the energy and success of last year’s Friday evening “Festival of Cultures” concert, we come together to experience more diverse sounds and rhythms from communities whose roots are in cultures across the globe. Come and enjoy the richness of this unique and spirit-filled gala! < KEYNOTE: ANTHONY GITTINS Saturday, 8:30 am – Convention Arena “The Urgency of Discipleship and Evangelization in Today’s World” Jesus’ call to discipleship is personal, urgent and revolutionary; he promises rest for our souls and fulfillment for our lives. The keynote will address the urgency of discipleship and evangelization in the way Jesus did it – a continuation of God’s mission and required by all the baptized. < 2012 ART EXHIBIT Friday through Sunday – Arena Lobby After more than 12 years, the project to create The Saint John’s Bible has reached its conclusion. “Letters and Revelation,” the final volume of this monumental project, contains more than 30 illuminations and special text treatments, many of which are included in this exhibition. < CONGRESS SOUVENIRS Friday through Sunday – Arena Lobby Don’t leave Congress without getting your souvenir items. Find pins, note pads, pens, buttons and more at the Information/Souvenir booth in the center of Hall A. 6 2012 Religious Education Congress GENERAL INFORMATION SPEAKER SIGNINGS Authors and musical artists will be available to sign books and CDs in the Signing Area (southeast area of Exhibit Hall A, near the Recording Booth). Check the schedule at the Book Signing Area for updated times. CELL PHONES / PAGERS Out of respect for speakers and other participants, please turn off or silence cell phones and pagers during general sessions, liturgies and workshops. EMERGENCIES In case of emergency, contact Convention Center personnel or the nearest Congress official wearing a red, white, blue striped ribbon; they are in radio contact and can summon help quickly. For life-threatening situations, please call 9-1-1. EXHIBIT HOURS Exhibits are located in Hall A. See pages 91-100 for a listing of exhibitors. Exhibits will be open: Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm NOTICE By your attendance at this event, you are granting your permission to be filmed, videotaped, audiotaped or photographed by any means and are granting full use of your likeness, voice and words without compensation. HOSPITALITY ROOM INFORMATION Check the Message Board in the Prefunction area to give or obtain information about parish hospitality. FOOD/CONCESSIONS The Convention Center offers daily options of food choices in Hall A. Continental breakfast: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Cart concessions: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm LOST AND FOUND Lost & Found is located outside of Congress Headquarters, located in Convention AR 1. MESSAGE CENTER The Message Center, located in the Prefunction area, can receive incoming messages. Call (714) 765-8883 or (714) 765-8884 to leave a message, or you can leave a note on the Message Board. Friday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm PARKING Day parking is available in the Convention Center parking structures at the rate of $12 per day with no in-and-out privileges. RESTAURANT RESERVATIONS In addition to our listing on pages 76-77, the Restaurant Booth, located in the Prefunction area, has restaurant menus and can help make reservations: Friday & Saturday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm SMOKING Smoking is not allowed at the Convention Center, other than the designated outdoor courtyards. WORKSHOP INFORMATION NAME TAGS/TICKETS Congress Name Tags are required to be worn at all times during scheduled events. Tickets are necessary for admittance into all workshops, general sessions and the Exhibit Hall. TICKET EXCHANGE You may exchange tickets for any open workshops during the same period beginning on Friday at 11:30 am at the Registration Booth’s Exchange window. Note: Any ticket can be used for sessions of the same time in the Arena or Hall B. SAVING SEATS It is permissible to save seats up to 10 minutes before a scheduled function begins. After that time, we ask that, in Christian love, you release these seats for others. If any Congress volunteer requests that you release seats that you are saving, please comply with the direction given. WORKSHOPS All workshops are ticketed and no one will be admitted to any session without the proper ticket. Any valid ticket will serve as admission to Arena or Hall B workshops, but these sessions are not open to those without tickets. Our speakers are generously sharing their time and talents with us. As a special courtesy to them, we ask that you please arrive at the workshop location prior to the scheduled start time. We remind you to please silence or turn off pagers and cell phones. All sessions will begin on time, and many speakers have asked that no one be admitted after the session has begun. Also, we ask you to avoid, as much as possible, leaving workshops during a presentation. Most of the workshops will have a natural break time when it would be less disruptive to the speaker and to the other participants. 7 General Info AUDIO RECORDING Many of the workshop sessions will be recorded with speaker permission (indicated by [*] and ). Audio CDs are available for purchase at the CSC Digital Media booth, located at the east wall in Exhibit Hall A. Delegate recording in any medium of any workshop or general assembly is NOT permitted. FRIDAY EVENTS FRIDAY @ CONGRESS Friday, March 23, 2012 Opening Event 2011 LITURGIES & PRAYER SERVICES Eucharistic Liturgies All liturgies begin at 5:15 pm Congress offers several Eucharistic Liturgies of different character from which to choose. We invite you to experience a liturgy from among the many cultures. F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 Character General Contemplative Hawaiian Jazz Native American Spanish Location Convention Ballroom (3rd floor) Marriott Grand Ballroom Marriott Marquis Ballroom Hilton Pacific Ballroom Convention Arena Convention Hall B Presider Rev. Richard Leonard Rev. Joe Brennan Rev. Alapaki Kim Msgr. Ray East Rev. Paul Ojibway Archbishop José Gomez Music N. Garcia / G. Daigle / J. Angotti Chris DeSilva / Danielle Rose Jesse Manibusan / Joe Camacho Meredith Augustin / Nick Calzada John Flaherty / Donna Peña Betancourt / Moreno / Rubalcava Liturgy of the Hours & Prayer Service Vespers (Latin for “evening”) is our evening prayer service. Our day ends with the simple chant songs of Taizé. P1 Evening Prayer P2 Taizé 8 5:15 pm Convention 210 (2nd floor) 9:00 pm Convention 210 (2nd floor) Tricia Hoyt – Tony Alonso David Anderson 2012 Religious Education Congress FRIDAY EVENTS FRIDAY SCHEDULE OPENING RITE & WELCOME Arena – Friday, 8:30 am VOICE INFUSING LIFE 7:30 am - 3:00 pm On-site registration begins (Prefunction area) “Earth, with her thousand voices, praises God.” Come join in this spirit-filled gathering, to lift hearts and voices in a chorus of praise and gratitude. Our inspiring opening and ritual will be blessed by the presence and gift of: 8:30 - 9:30 am Opening Rite & Welcome (Arena) Karla Carrillo Harrison Crenshaw Elohim D’Leon Gary Daigle Chris de Silva Santiago Fernández Clare Flaherty Estela García-López Laura Gomez David Haas Marty Haugen Jacob Israel Frank Jansen ValLimar Jansen Mary Janus Tom Kendzia Mel Kennedy Peter Kolar Gaile Krause Liam Lawton Matthew Leon Michael Paul Leon Rudy López Jesse Manibusan Monica Miller Luther Rafael Moreno Donna Peña Fortunat Phong Jorge Rivera Danielle Rose Pedro Rubalcava Brenda Smith Nicole Smith Curtis Stephan Lori True John West & the Valyermo Dancers ... and many others FRIDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT Arena – 11:45 am - 12:30 pm JOHN BURLAND, ANDREW CHINN AND MICHAEL MANGAN 10:00 - 11:30 am Period 1 Workshops 10:15 - 11:15 am Archbishop Gomez Online Chat (Tech Center - Hall A) 11:30 am Ticket exchange begins (Registration booth) 11:30 am - 1:00 pm LUNCH 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Music (Arena) – John Burland, Andrew Chinn and Michael Mangan Music (Hall B) – John Bell 1:00 - 2:30 pm Period 2 Workshops 3:00 - 4:30 pm Period 3 Workshops 5:15 pm Eucharistic Liturgies & Evening Prayer “Celebrating with Voices, Hearts & Hands” Join these three spirited Australians for lunch as Chinn Mangan they raise their powerful voices in songs of faith Burland and joy. Experience this vibrant inter-generational celebration, and let the Spirit infuse life. Concert (Arena) – “Celebrate Cultures” Film Showcase 2012 (Convention 201) Hall B – 11:45 am - 12:30 pm JOHN BELL “Sing Out the World” Bell 8:00 pm 9:00 pm Taizé Prayer (Convention 210) Join John Bell from the Iona Community in Scotland as we sing songs and hear stories of faith and transformation. Celebrate the wisdom drawn from the world Church and its peoples. Registration Hours 7:30 am - 3:00 pm (Prefunction area) FRIDAY EVENING CONCERT Arena – 8:00 pm “Celebrate Cultures! A Gala Festival” Building on the energy and success of last year’s Friday evening “Festival of Cultures” concert, we come together to experience more diverse sounds and rhythms from communities whose roots are in cultures across the globe. FILM SHOWCASE 2012 Convention 201 – 8:00 - 10:00 pm The Film Showcase, in partnership with Loyola Marymount University, presents excerpts from a number of narrative feature films, shorts, documentaries, whose thematic elements are grounded in Catholic social teaching, justice, ministry, spirituality and theology. Filmmakers will be on hand to meet with audience members. Exhibit Hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Hall A) Sacred Space 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (Convention 304) RECONCILIATION HOURS 11:30 am - 1:00 pm & 2:30 - 3:30 pm Multicultural Exhibit 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Convention 2nd floor) A.A. Meeting Noon (Marriott San Diego) 9 Schedule Archbishop José Gomez Edith Prendergast, RSC Paulette Smith Jan Pedroza John Flaherty Tony Alonso Donna Anderle John Angotti Steve Angrisano Ed Archer Meredith Augustin Betsey Beckman John Bell Anna Betancourt Josh Blakesley Ed Bolduc Helena Buscema Joe Camacho Louis Canter FRIDAY EVENTS ARCHBISHOP CHAT @ TECH CENTER Tech Center – Hall A, 10:15 - 11:15 am Come watch Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez in a chat with students from St. Dorothy in Glendora. Then check online later for a transcript of the chat session from the link on our web site – ART EXHIBIT Grand Arena Lobby Congress 2012 features The Saint John’s Bible – the first handwritten and illuminated Bible commissioned in 500 years. A team of 14 calligraphers and artists have completed six of seven volumes that make up The Saint John’s Bible. The last volume, Letters and Revelation will be completed in 2012. EXHIBIT HALL A Hall A – 8 am - 5 pm Exhibit Hall A showcases over 200 companies ranging from religious art to music, and from publishing houses to educational institutions, in addition to our own represented Archdiocesan ministries. SACRED SPACE Convention Center 304 – 10 am - 4 pm Enter a place dedicated to facilitating a sense of spiritual rejuvenation – partake in the Labyrinth, spend some time in Eucharistic Adoration, or make use of the times for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (We are grateful to the priests who make this sacrament available to our Congress attendees.) MULTICULTURAL EXHIBIT Convention 2nd floor Lobby – 9 am - 5 pm Find a variety of cultural and religious artifacts, expressions of faith and religious piety practices, stories of saints and martyrs, and a plethora of items from the cultures of Native America, Central and South America, Europe, Africa/ African-American and Asia. UNWIND DURING CONGRESS Hall A Prefunction Area – 10 am - 4:30 pm Renew your spirit and take a break from the bustle of Congress with a chair massage that relieves tension and relaxes the mind. Visit our Chair Massage area in the Prefunction Area of Hall A. The cost is $1 per minute. A.A. MEETING Friday noon – Marriott San Diego Lunchtime meeting for Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) men and women to share their experiences. 10 ASIAN PACIFIC EVENTS VIETNAMESE-LANGUAGE WORKSHOPS 1-70* Fr. Bao Nguyen 2-70* Bro. Fortunat Phong 3-70* Fr. Thinh Duc Pham ASIAN-PACIFIC PERSPECTIVE LITURGY: Hawaiian Marriott Marquis - 5:15 pm Rev. Alapaki Kim, presider SPEAKER SIGNINGS Hall A (Southeast corner) Authors and musical artists will be available to sign books and CDs in the Book Signing Area (southeast corner of Exhibit Hall A). Check the schedule at the Book Signing Area for scheduling updates. FOLLOWING PERIOD 1 (about 11:30 am) AUTHOR EXHIBITOR Elizabeth Ficocelli Crossroad/Paulist Press Dr. Robert Wicks Ave Maria Press Sr. Bridget Haase Paraclete Press Fr. Richard Leonard Paulist Press Fr. Ronald Rolheiser Image/Paulist Press Dr. Richard Gaillardetz Liturgical Press Fr. Leo Patalinghug Paulist Press Renée Bondi Paulist Press Jesse Manibusan OCP Santiago Fernández OCP Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C TABLE D TABLE E TABLE F TABLE G TABLE H TABLE I TABLE J TABLE K FOLLOWING PERIOD 2 (about 2:30 pm) Francisco Herrera Lisa Hendey Ave Maria Press Fr. Jim Clarke Paulist Press Dr. Hosffman Ospino Liguori Publications Fr. Joe Kempf Our Sunday Visitor John Allen Jr. Image/Paulist Press Char Wenc Paulist Press Tom McGrath Loyola Press Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C TABLE D TABLE E TABLE F TABLE G TABLE H TABLE I FOLLOWING PERIOD 3 (about 4:30 pm) Dr. Thomas Groome Harper Collins/Paulist Press Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin Ave Maria Press Bro. Loughlan Sofield Ave Maria Press Matthew Kelly Matthew Kelly Foundation Roy DeLeon Paraclete Press Fr. Charles Dahm Paulist Press Fr. William Nicholas Paulist Press Fr. Paul Turner Liturgical Press Joe Paprocki Loyola Press Fr. Paul Coutinho Loyola Press Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C TABLE D TABLE E TABLE F TABLE G TABLE H TABLE I TABLE J TABLE K 2012 Religious Education Congress The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress Technology Center highlights Internet resources and software that would be of interest to our Congress attendees. In addition, this year we also invited several of our Congress speakers to give a presentation. The Tech Center is located near the center of Exhibit Hall A, under the “Computer Demonstration” banner. Drop by to see the latest in our exhibitors’ online products and resources. CONGRESS TECH BOOTH SCHEDULE (Check schedule posted at Tech Center for added sessions) FRIDAY, MARCH 23 10:15 - 11:15 am 11:30 - 12 noon 12:00 - 12:30 pm Archbishop Gomez Online – The Archbishop conducts a private, online chat with students from St. Dorothy Elementary School in Glendora, Calif. Chris Gonzalez – Creating a mobile app (application): Where the inspiration and need for one came about as well as how difficult or easy it can be. Sr. Caroline Cerveny – Digital Discipleship: What is it? How do I engage catechists to use technology in their teaching of the faith? 12:30 - 1:00 pm 1:00 - 1:30 pm 1:30 - 2:00 pm 2:00 - 2:30 pm 2:30 - 3:00 pm - See what it takes to put your event online. Some tips and pointers from the experts who created Gradelink – Come see the award-winning grading and administration system that connects teachers, parents and school administrators easily and affordably. Outside da Box – Play the interactive DVD CateQUIZ’em!, a video curriculum for middle and high school catechesis. Check your email SATURDAY, MARCH 24 9:00 - 9:30 am 9:30 - 10:00 am 10:00 - 10:30 am 10:30 - 11:00 am 11:00 - 11:30 am 11:30 - 12 noon 12:00 - 12:30 pm 12:30 - 1:00 pm School Systems Group of Pearson – Demonstration of K-12 education solutions for student information management, reporting and analysis. Outside da Box – Play the interactive DVD CateQUIZ’em!, a video curriculum for middle and high school catechesis. Gradelink – Come see the award-winning grading and administration system that connects teachers, parents and school administrators easily and affordably. Ailís Travers & Elaine Mahon demonstrate Veritas’ innovative technological Credo Series for the new high school curriculum framework. Sr. Meg Funk plays several of Dennis Skelton’s one minute meditations on tenor recorder, tunes perfect for setting a climate of stillness before teaching or praying. Institute of Pastoral Studies – The art/y/fact.Xn app (“Artifact, Christian”) is a new tool for the interpretation of Christian art via iPhone, iPad or Android devices. Lisa M. Hendey demos the Google+ hangout for small faith sharing groups, and a walkthrough of a few parish websites, and some highlights of 1:00 - 1:30 pm 1:30 - 2:00 pm Gradelink – Come see the award-winning grading and administration system that connects teachers, parents and school administrators easily and affordably. 2:00 - 2:30 pm 2:30 - 3:00 pm Check your email SUNDAY, MARCH 25 SUNDAY ONLY! Drop by the Tech Center for your FREE souvenir ePostcard to email home and to friends! (Not available during presentation times.) 11 Schedule TECHNOLOGY CENTER TECH CENTER IN HALL A PERIOD 1 Friday, March 23, 2012 • 10:00 - 11:30 am WORKSHOP AUDIO LOCATION 1-01 Teaching Youth to Follow Christ … “The Way” of Discipleship - Steve Angrisano (Convention) 204 ABC 1-02 The Word of God in the New Evangelization - Stephen Binz (Convention) 207 D 1-03 Time for Passion - Renée Bondi (Convention) 303 1-04 The Need for Pastoral Leadership - Rev. Patrick Brennan (Hilton) Huntington 1-05 CaTECHchesis with TECH Tools - Sr. Caroline Cerveny (Convention) 207 ABC 1-06 Blessed Are You - Dr. Kathleen Chesto 1-07 The Suffering That Speaks Justice - Dr. Michael Downey (Convention) 201 D 1-08 Teaching and Reaching Junior High Youth - Steven Ellair (Convention) 210 ABC 1-09 Love and the Eucharist of Jesus - Fr. Robert Fabing 1-10 Beyond Belief: Reclaiming Biblical Faith - Sr. Fran Ferder & Fr. John Heagle (Convention) 202 1-11 How to Prepare Children – and Their Parents – for the Sacraments - Elizabeth Ficocelli (Convention) 213 1-12 The Art of Grieving: Learning to Die Well, Learning to Live Well - Fr. Richard Fragomeni (Convention) Ballroom DE 1-13 Behind the Scenes at Vatican II: The Council that Almost Failed - Dr. Richard Gaillardetz (Hilton) Pacific C 1-14 A Child Asks: Why Did Jesus Take Grandpa/Grandma Away? - Rev. Richard Gilbert (Convention) 209 1-15 Live from a Burning Fire: Three Practices of the Abundant Life - Sr. Bridget Haase (Sheraton) Palm Room 1-16 Soft Hearts from Hard Places - Rev. Terry Hershey (Marriott) Marquis Center So. 1-17 Heralds of the Good News: Becoming the Best You Can Be - Dr. Saundra Kennedy (Convention) 211 1-18 Glimpsing Eternity: Film, Faith and the Last Things - Fr. Richard Leonard 1-19 Whatever Happened to the Common Good? - Rev. Bryan Massingale (Hilton) Pacific D 1-20 Helping Young People Work Through Difficult Times: Pastoral Care! - Bob McCarty (Marriott) Elite 1-21 A Head-on Collision: American Culture and the Bible - Fr. J. Patrick Mullen (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 1-22 Food Is Love: A Eucharistic Theology for the Family - Fr. Leo Patalinghug 1-23 Faith Formation for Every Adult in Your Church – It’s Possible Today! - John Roberto (Convention) 212 1-24 Recognizing God’s Voice: The Cadence and Tone of the Voice of the Good Shepherd - Rev. Ronald Rolheiser (Convention) Arena 1-25 Liberated from the Literal: Genesis 1-11 as Theological Challenge - Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher (Convention) 201 ABC 1-26 Global Events/Local Events: Religious Perspectives of a Jew, a Catholic and a Muslim - Rt. Rev. Alexei Smith A-E (Marriott) Grand Ballroom 1-27 Celebrating the Way of the Cross and Other Prayers with Children - Christopher Walker (Convention) 208 1-28 Lean Back: The Art of Regaining a Healthy Spiritual and Psychological Perspective - Dr. Robert Wicks 1-70 Vietnamese Workshop (The Spirituality of Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan) - Rev. Bao Nguyen 12 — — — — — (Convention) 206 (Convention) Ballroom C (Hilton) Pacific AB (Marriott) Marquis North (Convention) Ballroom AB (Convention) 210 D 2012 Religious Education Congress PERIOD 2 1:00 - 2:30 pm • Friday, March 23, 2012 WORKSHOP AUDIO LOCATION 2-01 The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines (Convention) Arena - John Allen Jr. Liturgical Dance for Children: Just Imagine! - Donna Anderle (Hilton) Laguna 2-03 A Culture of Discipline for Contagious Faith - Rev. Patrick Brennan (Convention) 205 2-04 Children Are Crying: Who Is Listening? - Sr. Kathy Bryant (Convention) 209 2-05 Connect, Awaken and Share: Practical Ways to Engage Parents in the Faith Formation of Children - Joellyn Cicciarelli & Tom McGrath (Convention) 201 ABC 2-06 A Spirituality for Busy Persons - Rev. Jim Clarke (Convention) Ballroom DE 2-07 Discernment: Using the Internet Skillfully - Sr. Mary Margaret Funk (Convention) 210 D 2-08 The Resurrection and the Glory of the Cross - Dr. Greer Gordon (Convention) 212 2-09 The New Order of Mass: Celebrating & Deepening Our Understanding of the Liturgy - David Haas — (Hilton) Pacific D 2-10 The Psalms: Songbook of Faith - Marty Haugen & Tony Alonso — (Convention) 303 2-11 Social Media Strategies for Today’s Church - Lisa Hendey 2-12 Character Counts: Formation and Education - Michael Josephson 2-13 The Prologue of John (1:1-18): Proclaiming the Good News of Life! - Fr. Felix Just (Hilton) Pacific AB 2-14 “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair?” - Fr. Joe Kempf (Marriott) Grand Ballrm A-E 2-15 What I Wish Parents Understood - Keri Krout (Convention) 213 2-16 The New Evangelization - Fr. James Mallon (Convention) 202 2-17 National Lay Ecclesial Ministry Standards and Certification: Can They Make a Difference? - Charlotte McCorquodale (Convention) 211 2-18 The Word of God Brings Us Back to Life! - Dr. Megan McKenna (Convention) 207 ABC 2-19 Restoring Hope, Restoring Lives, Restoring Justice - Suzanne Neuhaus (Convention) 207 D 2-20 “Extreme Makeover”: Foundations and Blueprints for Youth Ministry Teams - Michael Patin (Sheraton) Palm Room 2-21 “I’m Not a Chicken! I’m an Eagle!” Rekindling the Fire of Jeremiah! - Rev. R. Tony Ricard (Marriott) Marquis 2-22 Christian Morality 2012: Relationships Trump Rules - Fr. Dick Sparks 2-23 Identity and Inclusiveness: A Tug-of-War in Today’s Church? - Peter Steinfels (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 2-24 Can You Tell Me What a Parish Is? - Michael Sweeney (Sheraton) Garden Room 2-25 New Evangelization: Some Perspectives from Asia - CANCELLED - Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle 2-26 Five Things Teachers Need to Know to Help Students Develop Self-discipline - Char Wenc (Convention) Ballroom AB 2-27 So You Love an Alcoholic (or Addict)? And Everything Is Getting Worse? - Fr. Thomas Weston (Convention) Ballroom C 2-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Teaching Chastity to Youth) - Bro. Fortunat Phong (Marriott) Elite (Convention) 203 — — (Hilton) Pacific C (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K 13 Schedule 2-02 PERIOD 3 Friday, March 23, 2012 • 3:00 - 4:30 pm WORKSHOP 3-01 Being “Spiritual” vs. Being “Faithful” - Ansel Augustine AUDIO LOCATION (Marriott) Grand Ballrm A-E 3-02 Music for Celebrating the Mass with Children - John Burland (Convention) 303 3-03 The Music and Magic of Ignatian Mysticism - Fr. Paul Coutinho (Convention) 204 ABC 3-04 Praying Psalm 23 with the Body - Roy DeLeon (Clarion) Orangewood 3-05 Celebrate Recovery: A Catholic Approach - Mike Eisenbeiss (Convention) 205 3-06 Stay Here, Keep Watch with Me, Watch and Pray - Sr. Barbara Fiand (Convention) 210 ABC 3-07 Symphony of the Word: Pope Benedict XVI Exhortation on the Word of God in Our Lives - Fr. Richard Fragomeni (Hilton) Pacific D 3-08 Mark My Words: Giving Voice to Mark’s Gospel Through Drama - Anne Frawley-Mangan (Convention) 202 3-09 Four Paths to Wisdom in the Christian Tradition - Dr. Richard Gaillardetz (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 3-10 RCIA: Back to the Basics - Dr. Jerry Galipeau (Convention) 212 3-11 Implementing the Bishops’ Framework on High School Catechesis - Dr. Thomas Groome (Convention) 206 3-12 Walking With Mary Through Media - Beth Mahoney & Fr. David Guffey (Sheraton) Palm Room 3-13 Good News People: An Affirming Approach to Parish Social Ministry - Jack Jezreel (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 3-14 Finding Catholic Game Changers - Matthew Kelly (Convention) Arena 3-15 Saved By Beauty - Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K 3-16 Creating a Partnership with Parents Toward Discipleship - Daniel Mulhall (Marriott) Elite 3-17 “This Generation Shall Not Pass”: Christ’s End-time Discourses - Rev. William Nicholas (Convention) 201 ABC 3-18 Practice Makes Catholic: Moving from a Learned Faith to a Lived Faith - Joe Paprocki (Convention) Ballroom DE 3-19 Living the Call – The Lay Vocation at Work - William Simon Jr. & Cambria Smith (Convention) 211 3-20 Making Each Moment Count - Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin (Marriott) Marquis 3-21 Giftedness: The Secret to Full Parish Involvement - Bro. Loughlan Sofield (Convention) 208 3-22 AIDS and Our Global Catholic Compassion - Carl Stecker (Convention) 201 D 3-23 Fun Formation: Essential Elements of an Engaging Youth Ministry Program - Michael Theisen (Convention) 213 3-24 Theology and Technology – Making It Work for High Schools - Ailís Travers & Elaine Mahon (Convention) 203 3-25 Palm Sunday and Holy Thursday - Rev. Paul Turner (Convention) Ballroom AB 3-26 Pastoring & the New Evangelization: Issues and Strategies Pastors and Pastoral Leaders ask for Most - Fr. Freddy Washington (Sheraton) Garden Room 3-27 I Just Wanna Praise: African-American Spirituality for Today - C. Vanessa White (Convention) 207 D 3-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Liturgical Catechesis) - Thinh Duc Pham (Convention) 210 D 14 2012 Religious Education Congress SATURDAY EVENTS Schedule SATURDAY @ CONGRESS Saturday, March 24, 2012 The Labyrinth in Sacred Space PRAYER SERVICES & EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Saturday Prayer Services Morning Praise begins our day. Vespers (Latin for “evening”) is our evening prayer service. Our day ends with Iona Prayer, led by the community, founded in 1938 and named for the island of Iona, Scotland. Character P3 Morning Praise Location 7:50 am Convention Arena P4 Evening Prayer 5:15 pm Convention 303 (3rd floor) P5 Iona Prayer 9:00 pm Convention 303 (3rd floor) Eucharistic Liturgies S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 General Armenian Black Culture Celtic Spanish Vietnamese Young Adult Presider Diana Macalintal Kristin Firestone John Bell Music Meredith Augustine / Donna Peña / John Angotti / Gary Daigle Ed Bolduc John Bell & Iona Community Rev. Joe LaBrie Rev. Krikor Chahinian Rev. R. Tony Ricard Rev. Joe McDermott Bishop Alexander Salazar Bishop Thomas Hieu Vu Rev. Ken Deasy D. Haas / L. True / M. Haugen Armenian Community ValLimar & Frank Jansen Liam Lawton Fernández / Lopez / García-López Vietnamese Community Josh Blakesley / Steve Angrisano All liturgies begin at 5:15 pm Marriott Marquis Ballroom Convention 210 (2nd floor) Convention Ballroom (3rd floor) Convention Arena Convention Hall B Marriott Grand Ballroom Hilton Pacific Ballroom 15 SATURDAY EVENTS SATURDAY SCHEDULE 7:30 am - 3:00 pm On-site registration (Prefunction area) 7:50 am Morning Praise (Arena) 8:30 am Keynote: Rev. Anthony Gittins (Arena) MORNING PRAISE Arena – 7:50 am Let us arise today and join voices, hearts and spirits as we sing out in praise to the God of Wonder, the God of Surprises, the God of Life who walks with us. Donna Peña, Meredith Augustin, John Angotti and Gary Daigle will lead us in song. Our presider will be Diana Macalintal. Together we will celebrate our common journey of faith. SATURDAY KEYNOTE 10:00 - 11:30 am Period 4 Workshops “The Urgency of Discipleship and Evangelization in Today’s World” 11:30 am - 1:00 pm LUNCH 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Music (Arena) – Peter Kolar & The Holy Cross Marimba Ensemble Music (Hall B) – Steve Angrisano and Pedro Rubalcava M Many people do not realize how deeply God invests in humankind. JJesus’ call is personal, urgent and revolutionary; he promises rest for our souls and fulfillment for our lives. The keynote will address the urgency of discipleship and evangelization in the way Jesus did it – a continuation of God’s mission and required by all the baptized. SATURDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT Arena – 11:45 am - 12:30 pm 1:00 - 2:30 pm Period 5 Workshops 3:00 - 4:30 pm Period 6 Workshops 5:15 pm Eucharistic Liturgies & Prayer Service 8:00 pm Concert (Arena) – “God – Soundtrack of Life” PETER KOLAR & THE HOLY CROSS MARIMBA ENSEMBLE The acclaimed Holy Cross Marimba Ensemble returns to Congress for a special lunchtime appearance Holy Cross Marimba Ensemble with guest director Peter Kolar. This amazing group of young Latino performers from inner-city Chicago has delighted audiences nationwide with its unique sound and inspiring story. From popular favorites to classical masterpieces, these talented youth will Kolar captivate your soul and senses as you dance the lunch hour away! 8:30 pm Sacred Illuminations 2012 (Convention 213) Hall B – 11:45 am - 12:30 pm STEVE ANGRISANO & PEDRO RUBALCAVA 8:00 pm Iona Prayer (Convention 303) 9:00 pm - midnight Young Adult Dance (Marriott Marquis) 9:30 - 11:30 pm Young Adult Lounge (Marriott Elite) Registration Hours 7:30 am - 3:00 pm (Prefunction Lobby) Exhibit Hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Hall A) Sacred Space 10:00 am - 9:00 pm (Convention 304) Massage (Prefunction Lobby Hall A) A.A. Meeting Noon - (Marriott San Diego) 16 Arena – 8:30 am REV. ANTHONY GITTINS, CSSP Angrisano Rubalcava Sing, rejoice, pray and celebrate with this gifted duo of veteran composers. Their rich blend of music, prayer, humor and inspiration is sure to lift your spirits! SATURDAY EVENING CONCERT Arena – 8:00 pm “God – The Soundtrack of Life” Come discover the many voices of God in the songs, lyrics, dance and images of our contemporary world. Join us for this amazing, uplifting evening. You will be entertained by a host of Congress musicians and artists. Be surprised by the hidden gift of these gifted women and men. SACRED ILLUMINATIONS 2012 Convention 213 – 8:30 pm ““Sacred Illuminations: A mystical choreography of light aand sound.” Incorporating her newest liturgical and fine aart photography and reflections, Sister Rose Marie Tulacz, SND will bring us deeper in surrender to the voice and S echoes of God’s unconditional love. e 2012 Religious Education Congress SATURDAY EVENTS YOUNG ADULT EUCHARISTIC LITURGY Arena – 5:15 pm Fr. Ken Deasy will preside at our Young Adult Liturgy with music led by Josh Blakesley and Steve Angrisano! Come and worship with other young adults from around the world at this celebration that highlights the gifts of young adults. YOUNG ADULT DANCE Schedule Marriott Marquis Ballroom – 9:00 pm - 12 midnight This annual Congress tradition is a chance to meet new friends and reconnect with old. After a full day of workshops, networking and celebrating liturgy, our DJ will mix the beats to keep the party going into the night! All young adults 18 to 39 are welcome. ID required for admission. Cost: $7 per person / $15 with Lounge admission. YOUNG ADULT LOUNGE Marriott Elite Ballroom – 9:30 - 11:30 pm Relax and enjoy the cool vibe of The Lounge – a gathering place for conversation, live jazz, hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar (21 and over). The Lounge is open to young adults 18 to 39. ID required for admission. Cost: $10 per person / $15 with Dance admission. MULTICULTURAL EXHIBIT Convention Center, 2nd floor, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Presented by the many ethnic groups in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, the exhibits are a collaborative work of the Archdiocesan Offices of Religious Education and Ethnic Ministry. SACRED SPACE Convention Center 304, 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Reconcilation Hours: 11:30 am - 1 pm & 2:30 - 3:30 pm Take a respite from the day’s events and enter a space dedicated to facilitating a sense of spiritual rejuvenation, offering Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a labyrinth, and meditative music and art. ART EXHIBIT Grand Arena Lobby Congress 2012 features The Saint John’s Bible – the first handwritten and illuminated Bible commissioned in 500 years. A team of 14 calligraphers and artists have completed six of seven volumes that make up The Saint John’s Bible. The last volume, Letters and Revelation will be completed in 2012. UNWIND DURING CONGRESS Hall A Prefuntion Area – 10 am - 4:30 pm Renew your spirit and take a break from the bustle of Congress with a chair massage that relieves tension and relaxes the mind. Visit our Chair Massage area in the Prefunction Area of Hall A. The cost is $1 per minute. VIETNAMESE-LANGUAGE WORKSHOPS 4-70* Bishop Thomas Hieu Dinh Vu 5-70* Fr. Thinh Duc Pham 6-70* Bro. Fortunat Phong SPEAKER SIGNING IN HALL A FOLLOWING PERIOD 4 (about 11:30 am) AUTHOR EXHIBITOR Dr. Thomas Groome Harper Collins/Paulist Press Fr. Greg Boyle Homeboy Industries Dr. Robert Wicks Ave Maria Press Bro. Loughlan Sofield Ave Maria Press Dr. John Yzaguirre New City Press Roy Petitfils Franciscan Media Fr. Richard Leonard Paulist Press Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C TABLE D TABLE E TABLE F TABLE G TABLE H FOLLOWING PERIOD 5 (about 2:30 pm) Elizabeth Ficocelli Crossroad/Paulist Press TABLE A Dr. Dan Ebener Laurie Hoefling Paulist Press TABLE B Dr. Hosffman Ospino Liguori Publications TABLE C Beth Knobbe Franciscan Media TABLE D John Allen Jr. Image/Paulist Press TABLE E Sr. Helen Prejean Image/Paulist Press TABLE F David Rizzo Loyola Press TABLE G Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE H FOLLOWING PERIOD 6 (about 4:30 pm) Rabbi Michael Lotker Paulist Press Francisco Herrera Fr. James Martin HarperOne/Paulist Press Matthew Kelly Matthew Kelly Foundation Mary Byrne Hoffmann Paulist Press Fr. Paul Coutinho Loyola Press Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C TABLE D TABLE E TABLE F TABLE G 17 PERIOD 4 10:00 - 11:30 am • Saturday, March 24, 2012 WORKSHOP 4-01 Mary as Woman of the Word and Exemplar of Lectio Divina - Stephen Binz AUDIO LOCATION (Marriott) Grand Ballrm A-E 4-02 Barking to the Choir: Finding the Kinship of God - Rev. Gregory Boyle 4-03 Sharing Your Faith via Digital Storytelling - Sr. Caroline Cerveny 4-04 Journeying in Silence - Dr. Kathleen Chesto 4-05 Singing with God’s Children: Songs New and Old for Celebrating Liturgies with Children - Andrew Chinn (Convention) 209 4-06 Social Justice and the New Evangelization: Shotgun Wedding or Married Bliss - Msgr. Ray East (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K 4-07 Creating Ritual in Music and Liturgy - Santiago Fernandez & Tom Kendzia (Convention) 210 ABC 4-08 Will There Be Faith? - Dr. Thomas Groome (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 4-09 Shall We Dance? - Rev. Terry Hershey (Marriott) Marquis Center So 4-10 Visual Arts and the Sacraments - Fr. Richard Fragomeni (originally Michael Joncas) (Convention) 303 4-11 An Invitation to Love: Creating Service Opportunities that Work - Sean Lansing (Convention) 213 4-12 Screening the Sacred: Jesus on the Silver Screen - Fr. Richard Leonard 4-13 Surprise: We All Employ Undocumented Workers! - Cardinal Roger Mahony (Convention) Ballroom DE 4-14 Going to the Dogs - Fr. James Mallon (Convention) 208 4-15 Setting Hearts on Fire: Choosing and Using Music to Enliven Parish and School Liturgy - Michael Mangan (Convention) 211 4-16 Are We Fishers of Men or Keepers of the Aquarium? Reclaiming Our Call to Reach Out to the Unchurched - Roy Petitfils (Clarion) Orangewood 4-17 Voice Infusing Life: The Prophetic Voices of Mary, Elizabeth and Anna - Sr. Barbara Reid (Hilton) Pacific D 4-18 From Marriage to Parenting: Faith Formation with “Next Generation” Adults - John Roberto (Convention) 203 4-19 Living the Mission of Jesus in Our World Today – CANCELLED - Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, SDB (Convention) Arena (Marriott) Elite — — (Hilton) Pacific AB (Convention) 207 ABC 4-20 Teaching Stories: Tools for Spiritual Development - John Shea (Convention) 204 AB 4-21 Building a Parish as a Dynamic Community of Service - Bro. Loughlan Sofield (Convention) 205 4-22 The Church in and for the 21st Century: Conversations Among the Generations - Fr. Dick Sparks — (Marriott) Orange County — (Convention) Ballroom C 4-23 Is “Secular” a Four-letter Word? - Peter Steinfels 4-24 Let This Be the Time! - Lori True 4-25 Evangelizing Today’s Young Adults - Joan Weber (Convention) 212 4-26 Infusing Movement into Prayer in Response to God’s Word - John West (Hilton) Laguna 4-27 Don’t Be Weary: Self-care in the Midst of Busy Ministry - C. Vanessa White (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 4-28 Streams of Contentment: Spiritual and Psychological Renewal in a Troubled World - Dr. Robert Wicks 4-70 Vietnamese Workshop (The Faith of the Vietnamese Catholic: Formation) - Bishop Thomas Hieu Dinh Vu 18 (Convention) 202 — (Hilton) Pacific C (Sheraton) Palm Room 2012 Religious Education Congress PERIOD 5 Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 1:00 - 2:30 pm WORKSHOP 5-01 All Things Catholic: A 360-degree Review of What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Church - John Allen Jr. AUDIO LOCATION (Marriott) Marquis Center So Liturgical Dance: Inspirations in Movement - Donna Anderle (Hilton) Laguna 5-03 Christ the Teacher, Christ the Student - Meredith Dean Augustin & Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath (Convention) 210 ABC 5-04 Take This All of You and Eat of It: Helping Children with Special Needs Prepare to Receive the Sacraments - Joellyn Cicciarelli & David Rizzo (Hilton) Pacific AB 5-05 Creating Parish Ministry to Victims of Domestic Violence - Fr. Charles Dahm (Convention) 211 5-06 Sharing Faith Messages with Youth that Stick - Tom East (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 5-07 Stewardship and Servant Leadership - Dr. Dan Ebener (Marriott) Elite 5-08 Recruiting and Sustaining Volunteers - Ann Marie Eckert (Clarion) Orangewood 5-09 Do This in Memory of Me - Sr. Barbara Fiand (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 5-10 Helping Kids Develop a Personal Relationship with Jesus - Elizabeth Ficocelli (Convention) 204 ABC 5-11 Hearing Mary’s Voice in My Martha World - Amy Florian 5-12 Dying to Live: A Theology of Immigration - Fr. Daniel Groody 5-13 Holy Worship, Holy Living - Marty Haugen & Tony Alonso 5-14 Labyrinth Within: Women Seeking the Heart of God - ValLimar Jansen (Convention) 303 5-15 Living Single with Faith, Purpose and Passion - Beth Knobbe (Marriott) Orange County 5-16 What I Know for Sure: Gifts to Give Children - Keri Krout (Convention) 203 5-17 Models of African-American Sanctity - Rev. Bryan Massingale (Convention) 210 D 5-18 Infusions and Voices of Life! - Dr. Megan McKenna (Hilton) Huntington 5-19 “Slay Them All”: The Scriptures on War, Violence and Anger - Fr. J. Patrick Mullen (Marriott) Grand Ballrm A-E 5-20 Christian Discipleship Today: Challenges and Possibilities - Dr. Hosffman Ospino (Convention) 205 5-21 Swamp People (of God) - Michael Patin (Convention) 202 5-22 The Death Penalty is a Pro-life Issue - Sr. Helen Prejean (Convention) Ballroom DE 5-23 God in the Light of New Atheism - Rev. Michael Raschko (Hilton) Pacific C 5-24 “Have You Met My Baby Boy?” Celebrating the Love of the Blessed Mother - Rev. R. Tony Ricard (Convention) Arena 5-25 Living the Eucharist in Asia – CANCELLED - Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle 5-26 Technology at the Service of Catechesis - Ailís Travers & Elaine Mahon (Convention) 206 5-27 Put Your Whole Parish on the RCIA Team: Engage Everyone in Lifelong Faith Formation - Nick Wagner (Convention) 207 ABC 5-28 I Love You and the Answer is “No!” - Char Wenc (Convention) 213 5-70 Vietnamese Workshop (The Significance of the Exultet in the Easter Triduum) - Thinh Duc Pham (Convention) 212 — Schedule 5-02 (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K (Marriott) Marquis North — (Convention) Ballroom C 19 PERIOD 6 3:00 - 4:30 pm • Saturday, March 24, 2012 WORKSHOP 6-01 Spirit Inspiring the Dance - Betsey Beckman & Laura Ash AUDIO LOCATION (Hilton) Laguna 6-02 Proclaiming the Word of God with Children Through Song and Celebration - John Burland (Marriott) Orange County 6-03 Unchaining Confirmation - Dr. Michael Carotta (Convention) 210 ABC 6-04 Becoming a “Kin-dom” Catholic - Rev. Michael Crosby (Hilton) Pacific AB 6-05 Why Should I Go to Church? - Rev. John Cusick (Convention) 204 ABC 6-06 Fostering Family Involvement in Religious Education - Steven Ellair (Convention) 207 ABC 6-07 Who Do You Say I Am? Imagining God Through the Arts - Anne Frawley-Mangan (Convention) 212 6-08 Prayer of the Heart - Sr. Mary Margaret Funk (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 6-09 Dem Bones, Dem Bones: Faithful Living in the Dry Desert - Rev. Richard Gilbert (Sheraton) Palm Room 6-10 Catholic Identity and Homosexuality - Dr. Greer Gordon (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K 6-11 The Media Pilgrimage: Spiritual Formation in the 21st Century - Mary Byrne Hoffmann (Convention) 201 D 6-12 The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic - Matthew Kelly 6-13 What No One Can Take from You - Fr. Joe Kempf (Convention) Ballroom DE 6-14 Changing Voices and Hungry Hearts - Fr. David Loftus (Convention) 201 ABC 6-15 What Every Serious Christian Should Know About Judaism - Rabbi Michael Lotker (Hilton) Pacific CD 6-16 Heaven and Mirth: Joy, Humor and Laughter in the Spiritual Life - Rev. James Martin (Convention) Arena 6-17 Sojourners in Faith - Sr./Dr. Oralisa Martin 6-18 The Formation of the Gospels - Dr. Timothy Matovina (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 6-19 Keys to Successfully Using Social Media and Online Technologies for Ministry Leadership Development - Charlotte McCorquodale (Sheraton) Garden Room 6-20 Faith Formation Among Asian and Pacific Catholics - Cecile Motus & Bishop Oscar Solis (Convention) 209 6-21 Recovering Paul’s Voice for the 21st Century - Maria Pascuzzi (Convention) 210 D 6-22 The Future of the Catholic Church - Thomas Reese 6-23 Voice Infusing Life: Mary Magdalene, Voice of Hope Reborn - Sr. Barbara Reid (Convention) 205 6-24 Compassion: Is There Any Other Way? - John Shea (Convention) 213 6-25 Get Ready to Partner with Parents - Michael Theisen (Convention) 202 6-26 Infusing Life Through the Rite of Christian Initiation - Rev. Richard Vega (Marriott) Elite 6-27 All Things New? Waking Up the Assembly’s Voice - Christopher Walker (Convention) 208 6-28 The Future of Catechesis in the Digital Age - Sr. Angela Zukowski (Convention) 203 6-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Bilingual Cheers, Songs and Dances for Catechetical and Youth Ministry) - Bro. Fortunat Phong (Convention) 207 D 20 — — — (Marriott) Marquis Center So (Convention) 206 (Marriott) Grand Ballrm A-E 2012 Religious Education Congress SUNDAY EVENTS Schedule SUNDAY @ CONGRESS Sunday, March 25, 2012 SPEAKER SIGNINGS Closing Liturgy 2011 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE WORKSHOP 7-70* Bishop Thomas Hieu Dinh Vu FOLLOWING PERIOD 7 (about 11:30 am) AUTHOR EXHIBITOR Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin Ave Maria Press Fr. Greg Boyle Homeboy Industries Fr. Paul Coutinho Loyola Press Sr. Bridget Haase Paraclete Press Sybil MacBeth Paraclete Press Sr. Helen Prejean Image/Paulist Press Fr. Ronald Rolheiser Image/Paulist Press Betsy Beckman Paulist Press Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C TABLE D TABLE E TABLE F TABLE G TABLE H TABLE I FOLLOWING PERIOD 8 (about 2:30 pm) Fr. James Martin Harper One/Paulist Press Dr. Dan Ebener Paulist Press Roy DeLeon Paraclete Press Sybil MacBeth Paraclete Press Fr. William Nicholas Paulist Press Mary Byrne Hoffmann Paulist Press Fr. Tony Ricard Two Knights Publishing TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C TABLE D TABLE E TABLE F TABLE G EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES NOTE: There will be the third scrutiny for the Elect and an RCIA dismissal during both Sunday Eucharistic Liturgies. All Elect, catechumens and candidates present are invited to participate. Reserved Arena seating will be provided. Character A1 Morning Liturgy 8:00 am A2 Closing Liturgy 3:30 pm Location Convention Center Arena Convention Center Arena Presider Bishop Tod Brown Archbishop José Gomez Music Congress Choir 2012 Congress Choir 2012 21 SUNDAY EVENTS SUNDAY SCHEDULE MORNING LITURGY Arena – 8:00 am 8:00 am On-site registration (Prefunction area) BISHOP TOD BROWN, PRESIDER A we awaken to a new day, we share an opportunity to gather as a As ccommunity of faith to give thanks. Bishop Tod Brown of the Diocese Orange, C Calif., will preside at morning Eucharistic liturgy. Nourished by word of Orange and sacrament, we will go forth to be his voice for the New Evangelization! SUNDAY ENGLISH ADDRESS Convention Ballroom AB – 8:30 am ANNE BRYAN SMOLLIN, CSJ, PHD “Live, Laugh and Be Happy” To be truly human means to be fully alive, to seize life and the possibility T reaching out and connecting with those who need our presence. of each moment, mom We are touched with graced moments. Research shows that happy people are more altruistic, more productive, more helpful, more likable, more creative, more resilient, more interested in others, friendlier and healthier. These holy moments offer us the opportunity to live, laugh and be happy. SUNDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT Arena – 11:45 am - 12:30 pm 8:00 - 9:30 am Eucharistic Liturgy (Arena) 8:30 am Morning Addresses English: Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin (Convention Ballroom AB) Spanish: Dr. Hosffman Ospino (Hall B) 10:00 - 11:30 am Period 7 Workshops 11:30 am - 1:00 pm LUNCH 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Music (Arena) – Jacob & Matthew with Danielle Rose Music (Hall B) – Santiago Fernández, Donna Peña & Rafael Moreno JACOB & MATTHEW WITH DANIELLE ROSE 1:00 - 2:30 pm Period 8 Workshops The Jacob and Matthew Band with Danielle Rose are sure to lift you off your seats. You will sing with reckless abandon the prayer song of your heart, rejoice in the Lord, and dance for The Jacob & Matthew Band joy with their up-beat songs and high-energy sound. Come, listen to the music and lyrics that inspire self-reflection while bringing a cutting-edge style that will surely move you to sing, dance and pray! 3:30 pm Closing Eucharistic Liturgy (Arena) Rose Hall B – 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Registration Hours 8:00 - 11:00 am (Prefunction area) Exhibit Hours 8:00 am - 3:00 pm (Hall A) SANTIAGO FERNÁNDEZ, DONNA PEÑA & RAFAEL MORENO Multicultural Exhibit 9:00 am - 2:30 pm (Convention 2nd floor) “Cantando, Alabando y Celebrando” Come join this energetic trio for a festive and uplifting lunchtime celebration of song and praise! Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to experience the joy of the Lord through music! Sacred Space 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (Convention 304) – No Reconciliation Times Today – ¡Únanse a este entusiasta trío para celebrar alegremente con canto y alabanza durante su almuerzo! ¡No se pierdan esta maravillosa oportunidad de vivir la alegría del Señor con la música! Free Souvenir ePostcard 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Tech Center, Hall A) Fernandez Peña Moreno CLOSING LITURGY Arena – 3:30 pm ARCHBISHOP JOSÉ GOMEZ, PRESIDER A Congress 2012 draws to a close, we come together to As ppray, to celebrate and go forth to be his voice! We witness to our new llife in Christ, and place our lives and ministry at the service of God’s people in the world. Our Closing Liturgy, led by Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, features the 200-plus voice Congress Choir 2012, under the direction of John Flaherty. 22 Speaker Signings 11:30 am - 2:30 pm (Convention 2nd floor) Massage (Prefunction Lobby Hall A) A.A. Meeting Noon - (Marriott San Diego) 2012 Religious Education Congress PERIOD 7 Sunday, March 25, 2012 • 10:00 - 11:30 am WORKSHOP 7-01 Human Trafficking: Going Under the Belly of the Beast - Patrick Atkinson AUDIO LOCATION (Marriott) Grand Ballrm A-E The Dancing Word: Miriam’s Gift - Betsey Beckman & Laura Ash (Hilton) Laguna 7-03 Gangs 101: A Lethal Absence of Hope and a Christian Communal Response - Rev. Gregory Boyle (Marriott) Marquis Center So. 7-04 Songs and Blessings for the Parent, Catechist, Teacher and the “Child Within” - Andrew Chinn (Convention) 209 7-05 Heart of Darkness: The Space to Experience God and Self - Fr. Paul Coutinho (Hilton) Pacific C 7-06 A Strategy and Plan to “Break Open” a Gospel Text - Rev. John Cusick (Convention) Ballroom DE 7-07 In Good Conscience: A Theological Reflection on Conscience Formation - Dr. Roberto Dell’Oro (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 7-08 Living the Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry – Celebrating 15 Years of “Renewing the Vision” - Tom East (Convention) 202 7-09 Help! What Do I Say? - Amy Florian 7-10 “Are There Any Christian Disciples Today?” - Fr. Anthony Gittins (Convention) 206 7-11 New Apologetics and the Defense of God - Dr. Greer Gordon (Convention) 303 7-12 Pray at All Times: Celebrating the Power of Sung Prayer - David Haas 7-13 Immersed, Enkindled and Anointed: Living Our Baptism in Everyday Life - Sr. Bridget Haase, OSU (Convention) 205 7-14 “I Call You Friends”: Adult Formation for Authentic Discipleship - Michael Horan (Sheraton) Palm Room 7-15 Living Water - ValLimar Jansen & Mary Janus (Convention) Ballroom C 7-16 Engaged Spirituality: Prayer and Action in Conversation - Jack Jezreel (Convention) 212 7-17 More Than Just Service: Engaging Young Adolescents in Social Justice - Sean Lansing (Convention) 213 7-18 Praying in Color - Sybil MacBeth (Convention) 201 D 7-19 What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There! The New Skills Needed for the New Evangelization - Roy Petitfils (Marriott) Orange County 7-20 Discovering Jesus on Death Row: My Faith Journey - Sr. Helen Prejean (Hilton) Pacific AB 7-21 Religion and Politics - Thomas Reese 7-22 Feeling God’s Voice through Physical and Mystical Touch: Some Sacramental and Mystical Images - Rev. Ronald Rolheiser (Convention) Arena 7-23 Integration vs. Separation: Connecting Young Adults with the Faith Community - Joan Weber (Convention) 211 7-24 It is the End of the World! It is the Age of the Holy Spirit - Fr. Thomas Weston (Convention) 207 ABC 7-25 Is Unity Possible When We Are So Different? - Dr. John Yzaguirre (Convention) 201 ABC 7-26 Re-visiting the Symbolic Way - Sr. Angela Zukowski (Convention) 210 D 7-70 Vietnamese Workshop (The Faith of the Vietnamese Catholic: Daily Life) - Bishop Thomas Hieu Dinh Vu (Convention) 203 — — — (Convention) 204 ABC (Hilton) Pacific D (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 23 Schedule 7-02 PERIOD 8 1:00 - 2:30 pm • Sunday, March 25, 2012 WORKSHOP 8-01 Real People, Real Faith - Leisa Anslinger AUDIO LOCATION (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K 8-02 Preparing Families to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation - Miguel Arias (Convention) 213 8-03 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Jesus - John Bell (Convention) Arena 8-04 Sustaining Your Passion for Serving Young People - Dr. Michael Carotta 8-05 The Shepherds Speak: Who Hears Their Voice? - Rev. Michael Crosby (Convention) 204 ABC 8-06 Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship - Fr. Allan Deck (Marriott) Marquis North 8-07 Praying with the Body for Lent - Roy DeLeon (Clarion) Orangewood 8-08 Servant Leadership: How and Why It Works - Dr. Dan Ebener (Convention) 208 8-09 Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath - Ann Marie Eckert (Convention) 201 ABC 8-10 Pornography and the Catholic Christian - Mike Eisenbeiss (Hilton) Pacific D 8-11 No Greater Love: The Path Toward True Intimacy - Fr. John Heagle & Sr. Fran Ferder (Convention) Ballroom AB 8-12 The Roman Missal and the RCIA: A Catechetical Method - Dr. Jerry Galipeau (Convention) 209 8-13 The Media Ministry: Catechesis in the 21st Century - Mary Byrne Hoffmann (Marriott) Orange County 8-14 Music and the Sacraments of Healing - David Haas (originally Michael Joncas) 8-15 Keys to Proclaiming the Word: The Task of Catechesis - Dr. Saundra Kennedy (Convention) 211 8-16 Mentoring Young Adults into Ministry - Beth Knobbe (Convention) 205 8-17 Praying in Color - Sybil MacBeth (Convention) 201 D 8-18 We Believe: Songs for Sacraments of Initiation - Michael Mangan (Convention) 207 D 8-19 Meeting Jesus by the Sea - Rev. James Martin (Marriott) Marquis Center So. 8-20 The Psalms – Prayer and Poetry Direct from God - Rev. William Nicholas (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 8-21 Living Within the Trinity - Rev. Michael Raschko 8-22 Discipleship for the 21st Century: The Global Dimensions of Serving Our Neighbor - Joan Rosenhauer (Convention) 210 D 8-23 Speaking at Her, or Listening to Her: Lady Zion in Prophetic Books - Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 8-24 Why Lay Ecclesial Ministry? - Michael Sweeney (Marriott) Elite 8-25 Good Friday and the Easter Vigil - Rev. Paul Turner (Hilton) Pacific C 8-26 Pastoral Planning: From Multicultural to Intercultural - Fr. Freddy Washington (Sheraton) Garden Room 24 — — — (Convention) 303 (Convention) 210 ABC (Convention) 207 ABC 2012 Religious Education Congress RECORDING FORM March 23-25, 2012 2012 RECongress Workshop Audio CD Order Form CSC Digital Media offers session recordings on Audio CDs. ALL WORKSHOPS MARKED AS RECORDED ( ) ARE BEING RECORDED WITH THE SPEAKER’S PERMISSION. We can only provide audio CDs of those workshops for which we have permission. Please circle the workshop session number you desire to purchase. The session numbers correspond to the workshop numbers in this Program Book. Order by visiting the CSC duplication area located in Exhibit Hall A, by mailing or faxing this form, or ordering online at NOTE: DELEGATE RECORDING OF ANY WORKSHOP OR GENERAL ASSEMBLY IS NOT PERMITTED. • ORDER BY MAIL OR FAX • ORDER ONLINE Schedule ORDER ON-SITE C I R C L E T H E AUDIO CDs YOU WISH TO ORDER 1-01 1-16 1-54 2-13 2-52 3-07 3-21 3-70 4-15 4-54 5-09 5-24 6-04 6-19 6-56 7-13 7-51 8-11 8-25 1-02 1-17 1-55 2-14 2-53 3-08 3-22 4-01 4-16 4-55 5-10 5-26 6-05 6-20 6-57 7-14 7-52 8-12 8-26 1-03 1-19 1-56 2-15 2-54 3-09 3-23 4-02 4-17 4-56 5-12 5-27 6-06 6-21 6-70 7-15 7-53 8-13 8-51 1-04 1-20 1-70 2-16 2-55 3-10 3-24 4-03 4-18 4-57 5-14 5-28 6-07 6-23 7-01 7-16 7-57 8-14 8-53 1-05 1-21 2-01 2-17 2-56 3-11 3-25 4-05 4-20 4-70 5-15 5-51 6-08 6-24 7-02 7-17 7-70 8-15 8-54 1-07 1-23 2-02 2-18 2-57 3-12 3-26 4-06 4-21 5-01 5-16 5-52 6-09 6-25 7-03 7-18 8-01 8-16 8-55 1-08 1-24 2-03 2-19 2-70 3-13 3-27 4-07 4-23 5-02 5-17 5-53 6-10 6-26 7-04 7-19 8-02 8-17 8-56 GA1 - Friday Opening Rite & Welcome: Sr. Edith Prendergast, RSC GA2 - Saturday Keynote: Fr. Anthony Gittins, CSSp 1-10 1-25 2-04 2-20 3-01 3-15 3-51 4-08 4-25 5-03 5-18 5-54 6-11 6-27 7-05 7-20 8-05 8-18 8-57 1-11 1-26 2-05 2-21 3-02 3-16 3-52 4-09 4-26 5-04 5-19 5-57 6-13 6-28 7-06 7-22 8-06 8-19 8-58 1-12 1-27 2-06 2-23 3-03 3-17 3-53 4-10 4-27 5-05 5-20 5-70 6-14 6-51 7-07 7-23 8-07 8-20 1-13 1-51 2-07 2-24 3-04 3-18 3-55 4-11 4-51 5-06 5-21 6-01 6-15 6-52 7-08 7-24 8-08 8-22 1-14 1-52 2-08 2-26 3-05 3-19 3-56 4-13 4-52 5-07 5-22 6-02 6-16 6-53 7-10 7-25 8-09 8-23 1-15 1-53 2-11 2-27 3-06 3-20 3-57 4-14 4-53 5-08 5-23 6-03 6-18 6-55 7-11 7-26 8-10 8-24 GA3 - Sunday (English) Address: Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin GA4 - Sunday (Spanish) Address: Dr. Hosffman Ospino Audio CD Price Schedule: 1 to 6 Audio CDs - $9.50 each 7 or more Audio CDs - $8.95 each Make checks payable to: CSC Digital Media Charge to: American Express Discover MasterCard Acct. No: _______________________________________ Expiration Date: _________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Visa Subtotal: _________ CA residents add 8.25% sales tax: _________ Add $1 postage per CD ($4 min; $15 max): _________ Foreign orders: Add $20: _________ TOTAL: _________ Please ship my CDs to the following address: Name/Nombre: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address/Dirección: ______________________________________________________________________________ City/Ciudad: __________________________________________ State/Estado: ________ ZIP/Zona: ____________ Please be patient when ordering your CDs. There are 248 sessions being recorded over the weekend. Although copies are being made on site from 6 a.m. until midnight each day, it is impossible to make enough audio CDs for everyone to take home their entire selections. ORDER BY MAIL: CSC Digital Media FAX YOUR ORDER EMAIL 4685 Runway St Ste N • Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 526-2833 PHONE: (805) 526-5436 ONLINE: 25 BIENVENIDOS AL CONGRESO BIENVENIDOS 2012 CONGRESO DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA DE LOS ÁNGELES 23-25 DE MARZO ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE LOS ÁNGELES OFICINA DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA 3424 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 TELÉFONO: 1-213-637-7346 RED: WWW.RECONGRESS.ORG EMAIL: CONGRESS@LA-ARCHDIOCESE.ORG Marzo, 2012 Queridos participantes del Congreso de Educación Religiosa, ¡Es para mí un gran placer darles la bienvenida al Congreso anual de Educación Religiosa! Este Congreso es parte del compromiso de la Iglesia con la nueva evangelización. Este fin de semana nos brinda a todos una hermosa oportunidad para renovar nuestro compromiso con la misión que Jesús ha confiado a su Iglesia – la misión de predicar su Evangelio y hacer discípulos, bautizando y proclamando el perdón de los pecados; enseñando a la gente a vivir de acuerdo a los mandatos de Jesús. El tema del congreso de este año, “Voz Que lnfunde Vida,” está inspirado en el quinto Domingo de Cuaresma. Este tema nos desafía a escuchar la Voz de Dios y a permitir que su voz eche raíces en nuestros corazones y ministerios. Fortalecidos por la Palabra de Dios, Palabra de vida, renovamos nuestro discipulado en Jesucristo, al ir adelante a proclamar su Buena Nueva y a servir como la voz de Dios en nuestro mundo de hoy. Me emociona que muchos de ustedes se tomen este tiempo de sus muy ocupados ministerios para reunirnos. Su liderazgo y espíritu de servicio a nuestra Iglesia son vitales para la continua renovación espiritual de nuestras parroquias y de la nueva evangelización de nuestra sociedad y cultura. Rezo para que todos ustedes se enriquezcan por medio de los contactos que harán con otras personas, así como por los talleres, liturgias y otros eventos que compartiremos juntos durante este fin de semana. Con la promesa de mis oraciones por ustedes y sus familias, pido que las bendiciones de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles, nuestra Bendita Madre, descienda sobre todos ustedes. Mons. Jose H. Gómez Arzobispo de Los Angeles 26 2012 Congreso de Educación Religiosa BIENVENIDOS Español Queridas amigas y amigos: Es un honor para mí el extenderles mi más cordial bienvenida. Cada año ustedes nos bendicen con su presencia a nuestro inspirador Congreso de Educación Religiosa. Este extraordinario fin de semana provee de muchas maravillosas oportunidades para el enriquecimiento de nuestros ministerios y para renovar nuestros espíritus. Nuestro lema de este año “Voz que Infunde Vida” nos llama a poner atención a la voz de Dios que hace eco a través de los tiempos. Es una voz que nos llena de esperanza, nos invita a una renovada vitalidad y nos envía a discernir y escuchar la voz de Dios de en medio de todas las voces que reclaman nuestra atención. Nuestro entusiasmo acerca de la calidad y cantidad de los profundos talleres y de los oradores magistrales y los muchos valorables recursos ofrecidos durante este fin de semana es inmenso. Como ustedes recordaran, se ha establecido la Fundación de Educación Religiosa en la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles para la formación y educación de los Directores de Educación Religiosa, Formadores de Adultos, de Jóvenes y Ministerios Juveniles. Actualmente este fondo apoya a 18 estudiantes para obtener su Maestría en Educación Religiosa. Las donaciones dadas en las distintas liturgias del sábado durante el Congreso del 2011 junto con sus donaciones electrónicas alcanzaron los $44,702. Les agradezco su continua generosidad. Las celebraciones liturgias tan bien planificadas y los diferentes momentos de distracción proveídos en estos días son, con seguridad, especiales para levantar los espíritus en coros de alabanza y adoración. En el centro de las múltiples actividades habrá espacios para la quieta contemplación, tiempo para caminar en el laberinto y amplia oportunidad para celebrar el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. Nuevamente, les agradezco por su liderazgo y su fiel compromiso a ser “La voz de Dios” comprometida para hacer eco de la Buena Nueva. Espero con ilusión el momento de darles la bienvenida en este gran evento. Sinceramente, Hermana Edith Prendergast, RSC Directora de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa 27 HORARIO JUEVES, 22 DE MARZO 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm VIERNES, 23 DE MARZO 7:30 am - 3:00 pm 7:50 am 10:00 am - 11:30 am 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 11:45 am - 12:30 pm 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm 5:15 pm 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm 9:00 pm SÁBADO, 24 DE MARZO 7:30 am - 3:00 pm 7:50 am 8:30 am 10:00 am - 11:30 am 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 11:45 am - 12:30 pm 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm 5:15 pm 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:00 pm - 12:00 am 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm DOMINGO, 25 DE MARZO 8:00 am - 11:00 am 8:00 am - 9:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am - 11:30 am 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 11:45 am - 12:30 pm 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 3:30 pm 2012 CONGRESO DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Recoger bolletos / guía del programa – (Area de prefunción) Inscripción abierta – (Area de prefunción) Oración y Bienvenida – (Arena) Primera Sesión de talleres ALMUERZO Música: John Burland, Andrew Chinn y Michael Mangan – (Arena) Música: John Bell – (Sala B) Segunda Sesión de talleres Tercera Sesión de talleres Servicio de Oración – (210, segundo piso) LITURGIAS EUCARÍSTICAS (vea diario programa) Concierto: “¡Celebre las culturas!” – (Arena) Muestra de cine 2012 – (201, segundo piso) Taizé – (210, segundo piso) Inscripción abierta – (Area de prefunción) Alabanza matutina – (Arena) Discurso: P. Anthony Gittins, CSSp – (sin traducción, Arena) Cuarta Sesión de talleres ALMUERZO Música: Peter Kolar y Holy Cross Marimba Ensemble – (Arena) Música: Steve Angrisano y Pedro Rubalcava – (Sala B) Quinta Sesión de talleres Sexta Sesión de talleres Servicio de Oración – (303, tercer piso) LITURGIAS EUCARÍSTICAS (vea diario programa) Concierto: “God – The Soundtrack of Life” – (Arena) “Iluminaciones Sagradas” – (213, segundo piso) Oración de Iona – (303, tercer piso) Baile de jóvenes – (Marriott Marquis) Social de jóvenes – (Marriott Elite) Inscripción abierta – (Area de prefunción) LITURGIA EUCARÍSTICA – (Arena) Asamblea (Español): Dr. Hosffman Ospino – (Sala B) Asamblea General (Inglés): Hna. Anne Bryan Smollin – (Salón AB) Séptima Sesión de talleres ALMUERZO Música: Jacob & Matthew con Danielle Rose – (Arena) Música: Santiago Fernández, Donna Peña y Rafael Moreno – (Sala B) Octava Sesión de talleres LITURGIA EUCARÍSTICA DE CLAUSURA – (Arena) ESPACIO SAGRADO EN CONVENCIONES 304 (3O PISO) HORARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN: Viernes y Sábado Domingo Lugar 7:30 am - 3:00 pm 8:00 am - 11:00 am Area de prefunción HORARIO DE EXHIBICIONES: Viernes y Sábado Domingo Lugar 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Sala A (Hall A) EXHIBICIÓN MULTICULTURAL: Viernes y Sábado Domingo Lugar 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Area de prefunción, segundo piso 28 Viernes Sábado Domingo 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 10:00 am - 9:00 pm 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Incluyendo: • Laberinto • Capilla • Música en Vivo • Obras de Arte • Adoración al Santísimo • Sacramento de Reconciliación/Confesión 11:30 am - 1pm y 2:30 - 3:30 pm 2012 Congreso de Educación Religiosa NOTA: Algunas sesiones en la Arena y en el Sala B tienen disponible en el internet el material para los talleres. Vea una lista de estos materiales en linea a www.RECongress. org/2012/updates.htm. CHATEE CON EL ARZOBISPO > Viernes, 10:15 - 11 am – Tech Center Únete a nosotros en la mañana del viernes para chatear con el arzobispo de Los Ángeles, José Gomez, quien iniciará su segundo sesión online, con estudiantes de St. Dorothy de Glendora. MUESTRA DE CINE. 2012 > Viernes, 8 -10 pm – Convención 201 Este año, “Film Showcase 2012,” en colaboración con la Universidad Loyola Marymount, presenta extractos de un número de largometrajes narrativos, cortometrajes, documentales y películas basan en la doctrina social católica, la justicia, el ministerio, espiritualidad y teología. ¡Otra Primicia del Congreso! Ahora usted podrá ver la Ceremonia de Inauguración transmitida en directo en el Sala B. Con la creciente popularidad de (enlace para la transmisión en vivo del congreso) esta es otra manera vivir la experiencia de la Arena. < “CELEBRE LAS CULTURAS” Viernes, 8-9:30 pm – Arena Aumentando la energía y el éxito del concierto “Festival de las Culturas” de la noche del viernes del año pasado, nos reunimos de Nuevo para experimentar los sonidos y ritmos más diversos de nuestras comunidades cuyas raíces encontramos en las culturas del mundo. Venga y goce de las riquezas de esta gala única y llena del Espíritu. < ASEMBLEA: DR. OSPINO Domingo, 8:30 am – Convención Sala B “Guiados por el Espíritu Santo en la construcción de la civilización del amor” ILUMINACIONES SAGRADAS > Sábado, 8:30 pm – Convención 213 Nuevamente regresa al Congreso 2012 las “Sacred Illuminations: Una coreografía mística de luz y sonido.” Incorporando las innovaciones del arte fotográfico y reflexiones de Hna. Rose Marie Tulacz, SND, reflejarán la Abundancia Increíble del sagrado, de la quietud, de la forma, del divino, a nuestra humanidad. Ven a reflexionar y rezar. RECONGRESS.ORG/LIVE > De viernes a domingo Comparta la experiencia del congreso con sus amigos, familiares y feligreses que no pueden asistir en persona. Para ver el horario de los eventos transmitidos en vivo visite: También busque algunos de los momentos de congresos pasados, capturados en video, en nuestra pagina RECongress. En esta sesión reflexionaremos sobre cómo identificar mejor la presencia auténtica del Espíritu Santo en nuestras vidas y comunidades y cómo ser instrumentos efectivos de la civilización del amor en la cual Cristo es todo en todo. < EXHIBICIÓN DE ARTE De viernes a domingo – Lobby de la Arena Después de más de 12 años, el proyecto para la creación de la Biblia de San Juan ha llegado a su fin. El último volumen de este proyecto monumental, “Cartas y Apocalipsis,” contiene mas de 30 iluminaciones y textos especiales, de los cuales muchos de ellos están incluidos es esta exhibición. < RECUERDOS DEL CONGRESO De viernes a domingo - Sala A Asegúrese de no perderse nuestras recuerdos del congresos – prendedores, lapiceras, imanes y mucho más! 29 Español PUNTOS CULMINANTES EVENTOS < TRANSMISIÓN EN VIVO 8:30-9:30 am – Convención Sala B INFORMACIÓN GENERAL ARTICULOS PERDIDOS Si usted encontró o perdió algo, por favor diríjase al salón de Convenciones AR 1. AUDIO-GRABACIÓN Muchas de las sesiones serán grabadas (indicado con el símbolo de ). Los audiocasetes estarán disponibles a la venta en el puesto de casetes del Centro de Convenciones localizado al este del Pasillo A (Hall A). CENTRO DE MENSAJES TELEFÓNICOS El centro de mensajes, situado en el Pasillo A (Hall A), puede recibir mensajes. Para dejar un mensaje, llamen al (714) 765-8883 o (714) 765-8884. Viernes: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sábado: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Domingo: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm COMIDA / CONCESIONES El Centro de Convenciones ofrece diariamente diferentes opciones de comida en el Pasillo A (Hall A). Desayuno Continental: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Almuerzo: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Carritos de concesiones: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ESTACIONAMIENTO El estacionamiento durante el día está disponible en la estructura de estacionamiento del Centro de Convenciones al precio de $12 por día sin privilegios de entradas y salidas. HORAS DE EXIBICIÓN Las exhibiciones están localizadas en el Pasillo A (Hall A). Ver páginas 91-100 con el listado de las exhibiciones. Las exhibiciones abrirán durante las siguientes horas: Viernes: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sábado: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Domingo: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm INFORMACION ACERCA DE LOS SALONES DE HOSPITALIDAD Para dar o conseguir información acerca del salón de hospitalidad de su parroquia, favor de revisar el pizarrón de información en el Pasillo A (Hall A). PRIMEROS AUXILIOS Una estación de Primeros Auxilios para problemas de salud rutinarios estará localizada en la galería afuera del área del Pasillo A (Hall A). RESERVACIONES DE RESTAURANTE En Además de nuestra lista en las páginas 76-77, en la galería a fuera del área del Hall A puede encontrar menus y a la vez hacer reservaciones: Viernes y Sábado: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Domingo: 11:00 am - 3:30 pm TELEFONOS CELULARES / PAGERS Como señal de respeto hacia los conferenciastas y otros participantes, por favor apaguen sus teléfonos y pagers durante las liturgias y talleres. INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LOS TALLERES GAFETES / BOLETOS Los gafetes con sus nombres deberán ser portados en todo momento. Los boletos son necesarios para la admisión tanto en las sesiones generales como en los talleres. TALLERES Nadie podrá entrar a los talleres sin boleto. Puede usar su boleto para asistir al taller de la Arena o la Sala B. Por favor no olvide apagar su teléfono celular y pager. RESERVACIÓN DE ASIENTOS Se permite reservar asientos para sus amigos, solamente hasta 10 minutos antes de que empiece la sesión. Después de este tiempo, le rogamos deje los asientos libres, y permita que otra persona los ocupe. Todos los talleres comenzarán a tiempo. Algunos conferencistas han pedido que no dejemos entrar a personas que lleguen tarde. También les pedimos, que traten de no salirse del taller durante la presentación. La mayoría de los talleres tiene un descanso, le pedimos que si desea no continuar en el taller use este tiempo para irse ya que así no perturbará al conferencista ni a los otros participantes. Le pedimos que si usted está guardando el asiento para alguien, y un voluntario del congreso le pide que le deje ese asiento a alguien más, siga las instrucciones que le sean dadas. EMERGENCIAS En caso de alguna emergencia, póngase, por favor, en contacto con la persona más próxima que esté portando un listón oficial del congreso blanco o azul, estas personas están en contacto radial y pueden conseguir ayuda inmediata. Para una emergencia que consideren de vida o muerte, por favor llamen al 9-1-1. FUMADORES No se permite fumar en el centro de convenciones, hay varios patios asignados dónde será permitido. 30 CAMBIO DE BOLETOS Se pueden cambiar boletos de los talleres que tengan lugares disponibles durante el día viernes a partir de 11:30 a.m. en la ventanilla del puesto de inscripción localizada en el area de prefunción. Nota: Todos los boletos pueden ser usados para entrar a las sesiones de la Arena y el Hall B. NOTA Al asistir a este evento, usted otorga su consentimiento para ser filmado, en video, en audio o para ser fotografiado por cualquier medio y garantiza la plena utilización de su imagen, voz y palabras sin compensación. 2012 Congreso de Educación Religiosa TALLERES Viernes, 23 de marzo, 2012 SESIÓN 1 – 10:00 - 11:30 am AG LUGAR 1-51 Cómo entusiasmar a los niños con las cosas de Dios - Luis Benavides (Convention) Hall B 1-52 Aprender los fracasos - Ana García-Mina Freire (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K 1-53 Muriendo para vivir: Una teología de migración - P. Daniel Groody (Convention) 203 1-54 La pastoral juvenil en los Estados Unidos: Su historia, sus retos y sus esperanzas - Walter Francisco Mena (Convention) 205 1-55 El discipulado cristiano en el mundo de hoy: Retos y posibilidades - Dr. Hosffman Ospino (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 1-56 Si quieres llegar a Dios … ¡Emigra! (El éxodo) - Abundio Parra Sanchez (Marriott) Orange County SESIÓN 2 – 1:00 - 2:30 pm AG LUGAR 2-51 El canto en la Misa y la solemnidad progresiva - Santiago Fernandez 2-52 ¿Por qué el pecado es pecado? - José-Román Flecha (Convention) Hall B 2-53 La voz está dentro de ti - P. Alvaro Ginel Vielva (Convention) 204 ABC 2-54 Fuerza de la raíz: Infundiendo vida con el canto y el cuento - Francisco Javier Herrera Brambila (Convention) 201 D 2-55 Creando jóvenes lideres - Juan Carlos Montenegro (Convention) 210 ABC 2-56 Catequesis familiar (Familias evangelizadoras de la sociedad) - Enedina Saucedo (Convention) 206 2-57 Antropología bíblica: La reconciliación y la paz en el plan de Dios - Clodomiro L. Siller Acuña (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom SESIÓN 3 – 3:00 - 4:30 pm — (Convention) 208 AG LUGAR 3-51 Dios habita en la ciudad - Benjamin Bravo Perez (Hilton) Pacific AB 3-52 Como la parroquia puede responder a víctimas de violencia domestica - P. Charles Dahm (Marriott) Orange County 3-53 Verbum Domini: Una vuelta en “U” para la catequesis de la iglesia - Ricardo Grzona (Convention) 209 3-54 La música al servicio de la liturgia - Peter Kolar 3-55 ¿Cómo aplicar la pedagogía de Jesús en la catequesis? - Marcelo Murua (Convention) Hall B 3-56 Entregando la fe - Obispo Ricardo Ramírez (Hilton) Pacific C 3-57 ¿Qué voces evangelizan a la sociedad actualmente? - Lupita Vital Cruz (Convention) 207 ABC Español = audio-grabación — (Convention) Ballroom C 31 TALLERES Sábado, 24 de marzo SESIÓN 4 – 10:00 - 11:30 am AG LUGAR 4-51 Las distintas voces que se “hablan” hoy y la voz de la Iglesia - Benjamin Bravo Perez (Convention) 206 4-52 Educar en la virtud y la virtud de educar - José-Román Flecha (Convention) Ballroom AB 4-53 Latinos y la Transformación de la Iglesia Católica en los Estados Unidos - Dr. Timothy Matovina (Hilton) Huntington 4-54 ¡Lo importante es la persona! (Tras las huellas de Jesús) - Abundio Parra Sanchez (Convention) 201 ABC 4-55 Sentido de la historia - Hernán Pereda Bullrich (Convention) 210 D 4-56 La catequesis familiar: La comunicación de la fe entre generaciones - Bishop Ricardo Ramírez (Marriott) Marquis North 4-57 Saber perdonar y sanación matrimonial - Dr. John Yzaguirre (Convention) Hall B = audio-grabación SESIÓN 5 – 1:00 - 2:30 pm AG LUGAR 5-51 Trata de Personas: Pasando por debajo del vientre de la bestia - Patrick Atkinson (Convention) 201 ABC 5-52 En cuento con Dios: Narración oral al servicio de la evangelización - Jorge Ivan Echavarria (Convention) 209 5-53 Haciendo teología latina - Dr. Orlando Espin (Convention) 208 5-54 Ser Catequista: Llamados a interpelar - P. Alvaro Ginel Vielva (Convention) Ballroom AB 5-55 ¿Qué liderazgo aplicar en mi grupo y mi familia? - Hna. Glenda Hernandez — (Convention) Hall B 5-56 María nos invita a ser mensajeros del Amor de Dios - Rafael Moreno — (Hilton) Pacific D 5-57 El Señor cambió mi lamento en danzas y canticos de alegría (Salmo 30) - Jorge Rivera SESIÓN 6 – 3:00 - 4:30 pm (Convention) 207 D AG LUGAR 6-51 Preparando la familia para celebrar el sacramento de la reconciliación - Miguel Arias (Marriott) Marquis North 6-52 Cómo educar en valores y poner límites adecuados a los niños - Luis Benavides (Convention) Ballroom AB 6-53 ¿En qué se distinguen las catequesis con inteligencia emocional? - Ana García-Mina Freire (Convention) 303 6-54 Tiempos nuevos, rumbos nuevos - Hna. Rosa Monique Peña 6-55 Orando cantando y caminando con Jesús Oel migrantee - Francisco Javier Herrera Brambila (Convention) Ballroom C 6-56 Diversidad natural y pluralismo social, político, cultural y religioso - Clodomiro L. Siller Acuña (Clarion) Orangewood 6-57 ¡Ponte en honda compadre! - P. Luigi Zanotto (Convention) Hall B 32 — (Convention) 211 2012 Religious Education Congress TALLERES Domingo, 25 de marzo ASAMBLEA GENERAL DR. HOSFFMAN OSPINO Sala B – Domingo, 8:30 am MISAS EN ESPAÑOL “Guiados por el Espíritu Santo en la construcción de la civilización del amor” T Todo creyente cristiano tiene la responsabilidad de construir la civilización su compromiso bautismal de manera específica en el lugar y el del amor viviendo vi momento en el que se encuentra. Para ello necesitamos estar atentos a la presencia del Espíritu Santo, escuchar su voz y aceptar los dones que nos concede gratuitamente. En esta sesión reflexionaremos sobre cómo identificar mejor la presencia auténtica del Espíritu Santo en nuestras vidas y comunidades y cómo ser instrumentos efectivos de la civilización del amor en la cual Cristo es todo en todo. El Dr. Hosffman Ospino es Profesor de Teología Pastoral y Catequética en Boston College, donde dirige los programas de postgrado en Pastoral Hispana de la universidad. Su trabajo académico y pastoral le ha llevado a hacer presentaciones en Europa, Norteamérica y Latinoamérica. AG LUGAR Español SESIÓN 7 – 10:00 - 11:30 am Viernes y Sábado – 5:15 pm Combinando la música, el ritual y el espíritu de los participantes que hablan dos idiomas – español e inglés. Estas Misas honrarán la riqueza y los talentos de nuestras culturas y afirmarán nuestra llamada a celebrar la unidad en la diversidad. 7-51 Gracia y cultura - Dr. Orlando Espin (Marriott) Elite 7-52 Jonás conviértete: La misión del catequista, desde la figura del profeta Jonás - Ricardo Grzona (Convention) Hall B 7-53 Catequistas discípulos para descubrir la voz que da sentido a la vida - Marcelo Murua (Marriott) Marquis North 7-54 La Eucaristía: Nuestro punto de convergencia - Hna. Rosa Monique Peña — (Convention) 210 ABC 7-55 Cantos para acompañar las celebraciones de 15 años en la parroquia - Pedro Rubalcava — (Convention) 208 7-56 10 maneras de como la tecnología puede mejorar tu sesión de educación religiosa - Victor Valenzuela — (Marriott) Grand Ballrm F-K 7-57 El Vaticano II tiene 50 años ¿y qué? - P. Luigi Zanotto SESIÓN 8 – 1:00 - 2:30 pm (Convention) Ballroom AB AG LUGAR 8-51 Dios te quiere un imaginador: La lúdica el arma secreta del catequista - Jorge Ivan Echavarria (Convention) Hall B 8-52 Orar y cantar los Salmos - Hna. Glenda Hernandez 8-53 Jesucristo, corazón del mundo y salvador de la historia - Hernán Pereda Bullrich (Convention) 203 8-54 Justicia Restauradora - William Portillo (Hilton) Pacific AB 8-55 Los llamó para que estuvieran con El, y para enviarlos en misión (Mc 3, 14) - Jorge Rivera (Convention) 212 8-56 Viviendo nuestro bautismo a través de la solidaridad - Diácono Guillermo Torres (Convention) 206 8-57 ¿Y ahora qué? El plan de catequesis para el catecumenado - P. Richard Vega (Marriott) Grand Ballrm A-E 8-58 ¡Todos para uno y uno para todos! - Lupita Vital Cruz (Convention) 202 — (Convention) Ballroom DE = audio-grabación 33 UPDATES PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES The Religious Education Congress Committee wants you to enjoy your Congress experience and offers the following options: • It is our desire to meet the needs of all those requiring assistance. If you need an attendant to accompany you, we ask that only one attendant accompany you to workshops and other Congress events. • The distances between the Convention Center and surrounding hotels are quite large. However, the Convention Center has a free shuttle service to Convention Center buildings. If you would like to be scheduled for Convention Center-only workshops, please include a note with your registration card. • NOTE: The Convention Center does not provide wheelchairs. Please contact Alpha Drugs Pharmacy at either of their two locations in Anaheim: 1240 S. Magnolia, (714) 220-0373; or 515 S. Beach Blvd., (714) 821-8959. • Scooters and wheelchairs are also available through OC Medical. Contact OC Medical Supply, 755 N. Euclid St., Anaheim, CA 92801, (800) 593-4942. Store hours are Monday-Friday from 9 am-6 pm, and Saturday 10 am-2 pm. Online at If you have any questions or concerns regarding your ability to attend or enjoy RECongress due to handicap access or mobility concerns, please feel free to contact Rob Williams at RECmobility@recongress. org. RECongress’ Mobility Team will be available to help with wheelchair transport, special seating and any access issues within Congress. At Congress you can find the Mobility Team located just outside Congress Headquarters (AR-1), in the Arena Lobby area. ARENA SESSIONS If you do not select workshop choices when you register or you register on-site at Congress, you will be assigned Arena workshop tickets. NOTE: All Arena tickets are good for Arena or Hall B sessions. Asterisks (*) indicate recorded workshops. Friday, Session 1-24 – Rev. Ronald Rolheiser Friday, Session 2-01 – John Allen Jr. Friday, Session 3-14 – Matthew Kelly Saturday Keynote – Rev. Anthony Gittins Saturday, Session 4-02 – Rev. Gregory Boyle Saturday, Session 5-24 – Rev. Tony Ricard Saturday, Session 6-16 – Rev. James Martin Sunday, Session 7-22 – Rev. Ronald Rolheiser Sunday, Session 8-03 – John Bell PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDADES El Comité del Congreso de Educación Religiosa desea que disfrute de su experiencia en el congreso y le ofrece las siguientes opciones: • Si necesita que un asistente le acompañe, puede hacerlo solo una persona que le acompañe a sus talleres y otros eventos del congreso. • Las distancias entre el centro de convenciones y hoteles vecinos son bastante grandes. Si desea registrarse para sólo talleres dentro del centro de convenciones, es muy importante que incluya una nota con su tarjeta de registro al tiempo de enviarla. • NOTA: El Centro de Convenciones no proporciona sillas de ruedas. Si desea rentar una, póngase en contacto con la Farmacia Alpha Drugs en cualquiera de sus dos localidades en Anaheim: 1240 S. Magnolia, (714) 220-0373; or 515 S. Beach Blvd., (714) 821-8959. • Scooters (sillas eléctricas) y sillas de ruedas también están disponibles a través de OC Medical. Póngase en contacto OC Medical, 755 N. Euclid St., Anaheim, CA 92801, (800) 593-4942. Horario es de lunes a viernes de 9 am a 6 pm y el sábado 10 am - 2 pm, o visite la pagina www.ocmedicalsupply. com. Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes sobre su capacidad para asistir o disfrutar del congreso debido al acceso de discapacidad o problemas de movilidad, no dude en ponerse en contacto con Rob Williams en Durante el Congreso puede acudir al Equipo de Movilidad que está situado justo fuera de las Ofi cinas Centrales del Congreso “Headquarters” (AR-1), en el pasillo entre la sala de exhibiciones y la entrada de la Arena. SALA B TALLERES Si te registras en el sitio en el Congreso tiene la opción de recibir billetes de Hall B del taller. NOTA: Todos los boletos Sala B son buenas para la Arena o en sesiones de Sala B. Los asteriscos (*) indican talleres de grabados. Viernes, Sesión 1-51 – Luis Benavides Viernes, Sesión 2-52 – José-Román Flecha Viernes, Sesión 3-55 – Marcelo Murua Sábado, Sesión 4-57 – Dr. John Yzaguirre Sábado, Sesión 5-55 – Hna. Glenda Hernandez Sábado, Sesión 6-57 – P. Luigi Zanotto Domingo, Asamblea – Dr. Hosffman Ospino Domingo, Sesión 7-52 – Ricardo Grzona Domingo, Sesión 8-51 – Jorge Ivan Echavarria SPEAKER CLARIFICATIONS John Allen Jr. will be speaking in the Arena for Session 2-01, and in the Marriott Marquis Center South for Session 5-01. Tony Alonso will be speaking with Marty Haugen in Convention 303 for Session 2-10, and in the Convention Ballroom for Session 5-13. 34 2012 Religious Education Congress NOTES Arena 35 ARENA F R OPENING RITE & WELCOME Friday, March 23, 2012 • 8:30 am I D A Y CALL TO WORSHIP Hina Na Ho / Celebration (Inuit) John Jaudry Refrain: Hina na ho henay, Hina na ho ho henay Indaya hina na ho ho henay, indaya Creator...of season...of people...of nations (Refrain) Savior...of promise...a Spirit...of freedom (Refrain) Stand by...your people...the nations...Survivors (Refrain) Our God Is Here Chris Muglia Refrain Chris Muglia © 2001, Sound Mission Music. Published by® . All rights reserved. Used with permission. COLLECT 36 OPENING RITE & WELCOME 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Friday, March 23, 2012 • 8:30 am PROCLAMATION He’s Done So Much for Me DONE SO MUCH Arena Text: Theodore R. Frye and Lillian Bowles, c.1884–1949 Tune: DONE SO MUCH, 12 12 12 6; Theodore R. Frye and Lillian Bowles, c.1884–1949; arr. by Nolan Williams, Jr., b.1969, © 2000, GIA Publications, Inc. SCRIPTURE RESPONSE Grita de Alegria Isaiah 55:2-4, 10-13 Carlos Rosas Refrain Letra: Isaías 12, 2–3. 4bcd. 5–6 © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española de Liturgia. Derechos reservados. Con las debidas licencias. Música © 2000, Carlos Rosas. Obra publicada por OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. Derechos reservados. REFLECTION Sr. Edith Prendergast, RSC Director, Office of Religious Education Archdiocese of Los Angeles OPENING RITE & WELCOME 37 ARENA RITUAL Christ in Me Arise Trevor Thomson F R I D A Y © 2008, Trevor Thomson. Published by®, a divison of OCP. All rights reserved. Used with permission. REMARKS Archbishop José Gomez Archbishop of Los Angeles BLESSING SENDING FORTH 2012 CONGRESS THEME SONG Voice Infusing Life / Voz Que Infunde Vida Santiago Fernández (Please turn to page 60) 38 OPENING RITE & WELCOME 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Friday, March 23, 2012 • 5:15 pm EUCHARISTIC LITURGY • NATIVE AMERICAN Friday , March 23, 2012 • 5:15 pm Rev. Paul Ojibway, presider PRELUDES Is Everybody Here Rita Coolidge Amazing Grace (Cherokee) Verse 1 u ne la nv i u we tsi i ga go yv he i hna quo tso sv wi yu lo se i ga gu yv ho nv Verse 3 e lo ni gv ni li squa di ga lu tsv he i yu ni ga di da ye di go i a ni e lo hi gv Verse 2 a se no i u ne tse i i yu no du le nv ta li ne dv tsi lu tsi li u dv ne u ne tsv Verse 4 u na da nv ti a ne hv do da ya nv hi li tsa sv hna quo ni go hi lv do hi wa ne he sdi Arena – INTRODUCTORY RITES – GATHERING SONG Hina Na Ho / Celebration (Inuit) Refrain: John Jaudry Hina na ho henay, Hina na ho ho henay Indaya hina na ho ho henay, indaya Creator...of season...of people...of nations (Refrain) Savior...of promise...a Spirit...of freedom (Refrain) Stand by...your people...the nations...Survivors (Refrain) PENITENTIAL ACT COLLECT – LITURGY OF THE WORD – READING Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 34 John Foley Response Text and music © 1978, 1991, John Foley, SJ and OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. NATIVE AMERICAN LITURGY 39 ARENA GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Muscogee-Creek) arr. John Flaherty F R I D A Y Music: Muscogee (Creek) Indian; trans. Charles H. Webb, B. 1933 Transcription © 1989. The United Methodist Publishing House, admin. The Copyright Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission. GOSPEL PROCLAMATION John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 HOMILY PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Response: Hear our prayer. – LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST – PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS Cherokee Morning Song Rita Coolidge & Robbie Robertson We n’ de ya ho, We n’ de ya ho, We n’ de ya, We n’ de ya Ho ho ho ho, He ya ho, He ya ho, Ya ya ya Translation: I am of the Great Spirit, it is so. ©copyright, 1994, Cema Capitol 28295 SANCTUS Great Spirit Mass Donna Peña © 2012. Donna Peña. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 40 NATIVE AMERICAN LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Friday, March 23, 2012 • 5:15 pm MYSTERY OF FAITH Donna Peña © 2012. Donna Peña. All rights reserved. Used with permission. AMEN Donna Peña Arena © 2012. Donna Peña. All rights reserved. Used with permission. LORD’S PRAYER SIGN OF PEACE AGNUS DEI NATIVE AMERICAN LITURGY 41 ARENA COMMUNION SONGS Song of the Body of Christ (Hawaiian) David Haas Refrain F R I D A Y Text: Irregular; David Haas. Music: Trad. Hawaiian Melody, adapt. by David Haas. Text and music © 1989, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Litany of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha John Flaherty Response: Pray for us. Amazing Grace (Cherokee) Verse 1 u ne la nv i u we tsi i ga go yv he i hna quo tso sv wi yu lo se i ga gu yv ho nv Verse 3 e lo ni gv ni li squa di ga lu tsv he i yu ni ga di da ye di go i a ni e lo hi gv Verse 2 a se no i u ne tse i i yu no du le nv ta li ne dv tsi lu tsi li u dv ne u ne tsv Verse 4 u na da nv ti a ne hv do da ya nv hi li tsa sv hna quo ni go hi lv do hi wa ne he sdi THANKSGIVING Hoop Dance PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION – CONCLUDING RITES – BLESSING AND DISMISSAL CLOSING SONG 42 NATIVE AMERICAN LITURGY Round Dance 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 7:50 am MORNING PRAISE Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 7:50 am Diana Macalintal, presider PRELUDE The Deer’s Cry / I Arise Theresa Donohoo CALL TO WORSHIP Reader: Let us remember... ALL: ...that we are in the holy presence of God. MORNING HYMN Let All Creation Sing! (alternate text for Lent) Verse 1. All creatures of our God and King / Lift up your voice and with us sing! O burning sun and golden beam / And silver moon with softer glean! Verse 2. O rushing wind and breezes soft, / Clouds that ride the winds aloft, O rising morn in praise rejoice, / O lights of evening find a voice! Verse 3. O flowing water, pure and clear, / make music for your Lord to hear. O fire so masterful and bright, / providing us with warmth and light! Verse 4. O everyone of tender heart, / forgiving others, take your part. All you who pain and sorrow bear, / Praise God and cast on God your care! Arena Paul Tate Paul Tate © 1998, 1999. WLP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. MORNING THANKSGIVING MORNING PRAISE 43 ARENA – PSALMODY – (please be seated) ANTIPHON Psalm 19 S Michelle Lobato © 2006. World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. A T U Michelle Lobato PSALM PRAYER (please stand) R D A Y ANTIPHON Canticle of Daniel John Angotti Refrain Verses John Angotti © 2002. WLP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 44 MORNING PRAISE 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 7:50 am – SERVICE OF THE WORD – (please be seated) READING Genesis 1:22-2:3 REFLECTION Diana Macalintal (please stand) GOSPEL CANTICLE Canticle of Zachary Michael Mahler Refrain Arena Michael Mahler © 2003. GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. INTERCESSORY PRAYERS Response: Lord, help us to hear your voice. LORD’S PRAYER FINAL BLESSING MORNING PRAISE 45 ARENA SONG OF SENDING On Holy Ground Donna Peña S A T U R D A Y Donna Peña, acc. by Diana Kodner. © 1992, 1994, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 46 MORNING PRAISE 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 5:15 pm EUCHARISTIC LITURGY • CELTIC Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 5:15 pm Rev. Joe McDermott, presider PRELUDE The Cloud’s Veil Liam Lawton – INTRODUCTORY RITES – GATHERING SONG The Summons KELVINGROVE Arena Text: John L. Bell and Graham Maule. Music: Scottish trad., arr. John Bell © 1987 Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American Agent. All rights reserved. Used with permission. CELTIC LITURGY 47 ARENA SIGN OF THE CROSS AND GREETING PENITENTIAL ACT Kyrie Liam Lawton Music: The Glendalough Mass, Liam Lawton © 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. S A COLLECT T – LITURGY OF THE WORD – U R D A Y READING Jeremiah 11:18-20 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Response Psalm 131 Liam Lawton Liam Lawton © 2009. Sommerset Recordings and GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 48 CELTIC LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 5:15 pm GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Chris de Silva Chris de Silva © 2011. GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. GOSPEL PROCLAMATION John 7:40-53 HOMILY PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL Liam Lawton Arena Text: Liam Lawton. Tune: Liam Lawton, arr. By Ian Callanan, OP © 1995. Veritas Publications/Liam Lawton, GIA Publications, Inc. Agent. All rights reserved. Used with permission. – LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST – Religious Education Endowment Collection PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS Far Beyond Liam Lawton Copyright © 2006. Liam Lawton Publishing, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. CELTIC LITURGY 49 ARENA SANCTUS Liam Lawton S A T U R D A Y Music: The Glendalough Mass, Liam Lawton © 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. MYSTERY OF FAITH Liam Lawton Music: The Glendalough Mass, Liam Lawton © 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. AMEN Liam Lawton Music: The Glendalough Mass, Liam Lawton © 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 50 CELTIC LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 5:15 pm LORD’S PRAYER SIGN OF PEACE AGNUS DEI Liam Lawton Music: The Glendalough Mass, Liam Lawton © 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Arena COMMUNION SONGS Where Two or Three are Gathered Liam Lawton Refrain Liam Lawton, arr. by Paul A. Tate © 2009. Sommerset Recordings and GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. CELTIC LITURGY 51 ARENA Litany of Thanksgiving Chris de Silva Verses Refrain S A T Chris de Silva © 2012. GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. U R D A POST-COMMUNION MEDITATION The Silence and the Sorrow Liam Lawton Y Liam Lawton © 2000. GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION 52 CELTIC LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 5:15 pm – CONCLUDING RITES – BLESSING AND DISMISSAL CLOSING SONG I Danced in the Morning LORD OF THE DANCE Arena Sydney Carter © 1963. Stainer & Bell, Ltd. Reserved. Used with permission. CELTIC LITURGY 53 ARENA CLOSING EUCHARISTIC LITURGY Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:00 am • Bishop Tod Brown, presider 3:30 pm • Archbishop José Gomez, presider PRELUDE ♦ PRELUDIO And Jesus Said Tony Alonso And Jesus said: don’t be afraid I’ve come to turn your fear to hope, I’ve come to take you through the deep to be your friend until the end, and give your troubled heart to sleep. And Jesus said: don’t be afraid I know your emptiness and grief, I hear your words of unbelief, but if you will, I’ll heal your soul and give your doubting heart relief. And Jesus said: don’t be afraid I am the Way, I am the Light, I am the Truth that holds you tight, and in God’s home you have a room, a place of welcome and delight. Text: Shirley Erena Murray. Music: Tony Alonso © 2005. GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. – INTRODUCTORY RITES ♦ RITOS INICIALES – GATHERING SONG ♦ CANTO DE ENTRADA Naendelea Mbele S U N D A Kenyan Melody Eunice Njeri, arr. by Marco Mendoza and John Flaherty © 2012. All rights reserved. GREETING ♦ SALUDO PENETENTIAL ACT ♦ ACTO PENITENCIAL Y Presider: Kyrie eleison Presider: Christe eleison Presider: Kyrie eleison All: Kyrie eleison All: Christe eleison All: Kyrie eleison COLLECT ♦ ORACIÓN COLECTA 54 CLOSING LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Sunday, March 25, 2012 • 8:00 am & 3:30 pm – LITURGY OF THE WORD ♦ LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA – FIRST READING ♦ PRIMERA LECTURA Jeremiah/Jeremías 31:31-34 RESPONSORIAL PSALM ♦ SALMO RESPONSORIAL Psalm 130 (131) Jeanne Cotter Refrain Jeanne Cotter © 1995, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. SECOND READING ♦ SECUNDA LECTURA Hebrews/Hebreos 5:7-9 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION ♦ ACLAMACIÓN ANTES DEL EVANGELIO Lenten Acclamation Janèt Sullivan Whitaker Arena Janèt Sullivan Whitaker © 2006. OCP Publications. All Rights reserved. Used with permission. GOSPEL ♦ EVANGELIO Matthew/Mateo 17:1-9 HOMILY ♦ HOMILIA SCRUTINY / INTERCESSIONS / DISMISSAL Roll Away the Stone Tom Conry Tom Conry © 1993, TEAM publications. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. – LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST ♦ LITURGIA EUCARISTICA – CLOSING LITURGY 55 ARENA PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS ♦ PREPARACION DE LAS OFRENDAS Le Dang / Holy Offering Traditional Text: English translation by Rufino Zaragoza, OFM. Music: Traditional. English text and arrangement © 2004. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. The Greater Glory of God Tony Alonso Refrain S U N D A Y Tony Alonso © 2011. GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 56 CLOSING LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Sunday, March 25, 2012 • 8:00 am & 3:30 pm SANCTUS ♦ SANTO Misa Santa Cecilia / Mass of St. Cecilia Estela García-López and Rudolfo López Arena Spanish text © 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. All rights reserved. Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Used with permission. English text © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music © 2009, Estela García and Rodolfo López. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. MYSTERY OF FAITH ♦ MYSTERIO DE LA FE Estela García-López and Rudolfo López Spanish text © 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. All rights reserved. Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Used with permission. English text © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music © 2009, Estela García and Rodolfo López. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. AMEN ♦ AMÉN Estela García-López and Rudolfo López Music © 2009, Estela García and Rodolfo López. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. CLOSING LITURGY 57 ARENA LAMB OF GOD / CORDERO DE DIOS Jesse Manibusan Lay Chúa, . chiên Thiên # .. & # 44 Œ ‰ j œ œ w œ ‰ Jœ All Œ Cantor you œ œ ‰ j Jœ ˙ œ Lay . chiên Thiên Chúa, you . chiên Thiên Chúa, ## take a-way the sins of the world; Lay ‰ & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ w œ j œ œ Œ ‰ Jœ Œ œ Ó take a-way the sins of the world; Lay . chiên Thiên 1, 2 have mer-cy on us. # & # Œw ‰ j œ œ œ w œ œ œ œ Œ ‰ Jœ Chúa, 3 # Ó & # w Chúa, Œ us œ œ ‰ w have mer-cy on grant œ Lay . chiên Thiên j œ œ œ .. us. peace. œ w Ó œ œ grant us œ ww peace. Music: Misa del Mundo, © 1993, Jesse Manibusan. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. COMMUNION SONGS ♦ CANTOS DE COMUNIÓN One Bread, One Cup Refrain Bobby Fisher, Greg Lee, Craig Aven and Ken Canedo S U N D A Bobby Fisher, Greg Lee, Craig Aven and Ken Canedo © 2003. Published by®. All rights reserved. Y 58 CLOSING LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress ARENA Sunday, March 25, 2012 • 8:00 am & 3:30 pm Donde Nace la Flor Carlos Rosas 1. Si quie res co no cer 2. Si tú quie res sa ber 3. Si ca mi nas con fe 1. ver el a 2. có mo es 3. o i rás gua co rrer el can tar el can tar 1. zul, 2. gar, 3. rrión. 1. tial 2. lar 3. Cris ne to Ve ce si do e rás a del a gua vi e sa mon ta to en tu her ma ce la flor y o ir can tar del a ve a zul del pa ja ri tas be so ha lla gua co va: ña: no: llos, res, res, al a ve a de a quel lu llo y del go ber rás rrer, del ma nan al es ca ve rás a don de bro del más be llo co ta el a lor. Arena 1-3. mor, don de na los co lo res más be có mo son e sas flo tú ve rás e sas flo Carlos Rosas © 1976. Obra publicada por OCP Publications. Derechos reservados. SONG OF THANKSGIVING ♦ CANTO DE ACCIÓ DE GRACIAS You Raise Me Up Rolf Lovland and Brendan Graham You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: to more than I can be. Copyright © 2002 Universal Music Publishing, Copyright © 2002 Acorn Music, Ireland Copyright © 2002 Dreamcatcher ANS, Oslo, Norway PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION ♦ ORACION DESPUES COMMION – CONCLUDING RITES – BLESSING AND DISMISSAL CLOSING LITURGY 59 ARENA CLOSING SONG ♦ CANTO DE SALIDA 2012 CONGRESS THEME SONG Voice Infusing Life / Voz Que Infunde Vida Santiago Fernández Refrain Verse 1 Your voice, O God calls us away from our old ways, and we are born to life anew. Your voice, O God ignites us and sets our hearts ablaze, and we find living hope in you. Emoción, ardor; es tu voz, Señor. (to Refrain) S Verses 2 and 3 Tu voz, Oh Dios, infunde vida y plenitud, y te escuchamos con fervor. Tu voz, Oh Dios nos libra de la esclavitud, y libres somos en tu amor. Your voice awakens us, returning us to life, and like Lazarus we rise. Tu voz, Oh Dios calma toda tempestad, y nos llena de tu paz. So we go, O Lord to live out your Word. (to Refrain) U N D A Y Copyright © 2011, Santiago Fernández. Published by®, a division of OCP. All rights reserved. 60 CLOSING LITURGY 2012 Religious Education Congress NOTES Arena 61 O.R.E. STAFF The Office of Religious Education serves the ongoing redemptive mission of Jesus Christ through fostering and developing lifelong evangelization and catechetical processes. We form leaders for a catechetical ministry that integrates a social justice perspective and that responds to the needs of the diverse peoples of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. – O.R.E. Mission Statement ARCHDIOCESAN OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICES Joanna Aguilar Support Staff OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS O.L.A. Region Pastoral Center 5835 W Slauson Ave Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 216-9587 David Lara (Coordinator) Elizabeth Arqueta (Support Staff) Alberto Embry (Spanish) Pastoral Juvenil Melinda Evangelista Support Staff Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio (Spanish) Advanced Catechetical Ministries and Catechist Formation Dione Grillo Elementary, Advanced Catechetical Ministries and Catechist Formation Douglas Leal Young Adult, Adult Education Christina Lamas Confirmation (Spanish) Heather MacDonald (Santa Barbara Region) Confirmation, Young Adolescent and Youth Ministry Jose Alejandro Moreno Support Staff Mike Norman ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Confirmation, Young Adolescent and Youth Ministry Office of Religious Education (213) 637-7303 Martha Nuñez (Spanish) Instituto Biblico, Elementary Jan Pedroza Early Childhood Religious Education Congress Program Coordinator Sr. Edith Prendergast DIRECTOR Veronica Reyes Religious Education Congress Support Staff Diana Salinas Support Staff Paulette Smith Religious Education Congress Event Coordinator Ernesto Vega Adult Ministry (Spanish) Katie Zeigler Confirmation, Young Adolescent and Youth Ministry ARCHDIOCESAN WEB SITES Office of Religoius Education Home Page Adult Faith Formation Young Adult Ministry Religious Edudation Congress 62 SAN FERNANDO REGION San Fernando Region Pastoral Center 15101 San Fernando Mission Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345 Mailing Address: PO Box 7608 Mission Hills, CA 91346 -7608 (818) 365-5123 Margaret Sardo (Coordinator) Juan Garcia (Support Staff) SAN GABRIEL REGION San Gabriel Region Pastoral Center 16009 E Cypress Ave Irwindale, CA 91706-2122 (626) 962-7707 Christina Lamas (Coordinator) Aurora Urueta (Support Staff) SAN PEDRO REGION San Pedro Region Pastoral Center 3555 S Pancratius Pl Lakewood, CA 90712-1416 (562) 630-6272 Karina Plascencia (Coordinator) Nancy Longo (Support Staff) SANTA BARBARA REGION Bishop García Diego Center 4032 La Colina Rd Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1412 (805) 569-1135 Sue Spies (Coordinator) Lisa Godschan (Support Staff) 2012 Religious Education Congress STAFF BOOTH SCHEDULE We invite you to drop by and meet the bishops and people who head the ministries of the Office of Religious Education. The ORE Staff Booth is located near the center of Hall A. The following are scheduled days and hours: FRIDAY, MARCH 23 SATURDAY, MARCH 24 8:00 am - 10:00 am Margaret Sardo SUNDAY, MARCH 25 10:00 am - 11:30 am Heather MacDonald Karina Plascencia Sue Spies Bishop Gerald Wilkerson 10:00 am - 11:30 am Bishop Thomas Curry Albert Embry Christina Lamas Sue Spies Katie Zeigler 10:00 am - 11:30 am Bishop Edward Clark Bishop Thomas Curry David Lara Mike Norman Jan Pedroza Karina Plascencia 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio Mike Norman Ernesto Vega 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Early Childhood Dione Grillo Heather MacDonald Ernesto Vega Bishop Gerald Wilkerson 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Douglas Leal Martha Nunez Katie Zeigler 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Bishop Edward Clark Bishop Thomas Curry Early Childhood Douglas Leal Christina Lamas 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio David Lara Mike Norman Bishop Oscar Solis 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Alberto Embry Dione Grillo Heather MacDonald Margaret Sardo 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Alberto Embry Dione Grillo Bishop Oscar Solis Katie Zeigler 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Bishop Edward Clark Douglas Leal Martha Nunez Karina Plascencia ADULT CATECHESIS / CATEQUESIS PARA PERSONAS ADULTAS Annual Silent Directed Retreat Five-day silent retreat with personal spiritual direction. Catholic Bible Institute A three-year program of comprehensive study for parish Bible-study leadership. Distance Learning An online, Internet-based, e-learning partnership with the University of Dayton. Human Sexuality Task Force Formation and training programs. Instituto Bíblico Católico – Estudio de las Escrituras Cristianas Un programa de nivel básico para estudiar la Biblia (16 sesiones). Instituto Bíblico Católico – Estudio de las Escrituras Hebreas Un programa de nivel básico para estudiar la Biblia (16 sesiones). Instituto Bíblico Católico – Curso Avanzado Biblico Un programa de tres años, se adquiere certificación como animador/a biblico/a. Peregrinación Viaje de peregrinación y estudio a Israel cada dos años CONTACT/O Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 Douglas Leal (213) 637-7498 Douglas Leal (213) 637-7498 Douglas Leal (213) 637-7498 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 63 O.R.E. O.R.E. PROGRAMS O.R.E. PROGRAMS ADULT CATECHESIS / CATEQUESIS PARA PERSONAS ADULTAS (cont.) CONTACT/O Certificación para el Ministerio con Adultos Entrenamiento (nivel avanzado) para líderes en el ministerio con los adultos. Especialización para Catequistas de Adultos (Básica y Advanzada) Un programa para personas que trabajan en la catequesis con adultos. Cursos de Verano 2012 Julio 14 y 15 & Julio 21 y 22 Cursos sobre teología, Sagradas Escrituras, liturgia, medios de comunicación y más. Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelización Programa de formación pastoral a nivel básico e intermedio. Capacitación y Práctica de Oración Meditativa Entender las dinámicas de oración, discernimiento y sanación interior. Formación para Ministerios en los Medios de Comunicación Pautas de formación técnica y religiosa en las áreas de los medios de comunicación. Formación Continua en la Fe Oportunidades de formación para el enriquecimiento continúo en la fe. Capacitación para hacer Retiros para Adultos Capacitación para aprender lo esencial para hacer retiros con adultos. Especialización para la Formación en la Fe para Adultos Capacitación esencial en la formación en la fe para adultos. Basic Catechist Formation Faith enrichment and basic theological formation for the beginning catechist. Advanced Catechetical Ministries Three-year formation program for Advanced Catechetical Leadership. Formación Básica para Catequistas Formación en la fe y en las habilidades para catequistas que comienzan. Ministerios Catequéticos Avanzados Tres años de formación avanzada para Líderes Catequéticos y parroquiales. L. Gonzalez-Rubio (213) 637-7344 L. Gonzalez-Rubio (213) 637-7344 Ernesto Vega (213) 637-7345 Ernesto Vega (213) 637-7345 Ernesto Vega (213) 637-7345 Ernesto Vega (213) 637-7345 Ernesto Vega (213) 637-7345 Ernesto Vega (213) 637-7345 Ernesto Vega (213) 637-7345 Dione Grillo (213) 637-7410 Dione Grillo (213) 637-7410 L. Gonzalez-Rubio (213) 637-7344 L. Gonzalez-Rubio (213) 637-7344 EARLY CHILDHOOD & ELEMENTARY / ELEMENTAL Early Childhood Specialization Spring 2012 - Sacred Heart, Ventura April 21, 28 & May 12 Summer 2012 - Blessed Junipero Serra, Lancaster July 14, 21 & 28 Early Childhood Director’s Workshop/Brunch St. Monica, Santa Monica - June 16 Workshop and networking for Early Childhood Coordinators and DREs. Elementary Catechist Specialization Two-day specialization for catechists and coordinators. Elementary Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation Workshops, in-services and retreats for parents/guardians and children. Enrichment Opportunities / Textbook Evaluation / LOWC/CLOW Workshops, in-services and retreats to equip DREs and catechists. Elementary Specialization / Enrichment Opportunities / Textbook Evaluation Workshops, in-services and retreats to equip catechists. Especialización para Catequistas de Elemental Dos cursos (básico y avanzado) para Catequistas y Maestros de Catequistas. Jan Pedroza (213) 637-7352 Jan Pedroza (213) 637-7352 Dione Grillo (213) 637-7410 Dione Grillo (213) 637-7410 Dione Grillo (213) 637-7410 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY / PASTORAL JUVENIL Young Adult Ministry Helping communities meet other pastoral needs of those age 18 to 39. Theology-on-Tap July 8 - August 4 Speaker and fellowship series for young adults, ages 18 to 39. Formación de Especialización Básica para Agentes de Pastoral Juvenil Se realizan en centros destinados por cada Mesa Regional, 20 sesiones/3 horas c/u. Formación de Especialización Avanzada en Pastoral Juvenil Dos años teóricos, uno de práctica parroquial donde ponen en práctica un proyecto. 64 Douglas Leal (213) 637-7498 Douglas Leal (213) 637-7498 Alberto Embry (213) 637-7355 Alberto Embry (213) 637-7355 2012 Religious Education Congress O.R.E. PROGRAMS ADULT CATECHESIS / CATEQUESIS PARA PERSONAS ADULTAS (cont.) Talleres de Formación Complementario para Agentes de Pastoral Juvenil Talleres de capacitació n específica dentro del Ministerio con Jóvenes Adultos. PJLA Radio Radio de jóvenes para jóvenes, viernes de 9-10 pm, sábados de 8-9 pm en 87.7 FM. PJLA Noticias Periódico electronico de circulación mensual. CONTACT/O Alberto Embry (213) 637-7355 Alberto Embry (213) 637-7355 Alberto Embry (213) 637-7355 YOUTH MINISTRY / MINISTERIO PARA JOVENES ADOLESCENTES Capacitación para la Liturgía de la Confirmación Día de formación para coordinadores, catequistas o equipos. Día de Capacitación para Retiros con Adolescentes de Confirmación Día de formación con catequistas de confirmación y líderes de grupos de adolescentes. Equipo Direccional para el Sacramento de la Confirmación Ayudar a coordinar la visión e implementación del entrenamiento y formación. National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM) Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2012 Over 2,000 adults in ministry with young people gather in Orlando, Florida. Youth Ministry / Confirmation / Junior High Ministry Program development, support, training and formation for coordinators and teams. San Fernando/Our Lady of the Angels regions Mike Norman San Gabriel/San Pedro regions Katie Zeigler Santa Barbara Region Heather MacDonald Spanish-speaking Confirmation Programs Christina Lamas Katie Zeigler (213) 637-7616 Katie Zeigler (213) 637-7616 Katie Zeigler (213) 637-7616 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 Heather MacDonald (805) 682-5500 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 (805) 682-5500 (310) 833-3541 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 Christina Lamas (626) 962-7707 Christina Lamas (626) 962-7707 Christina Lamas (626) 962-7707 Christina Lamas (626) 962-7707 Katie Zeigler (213) 637-7616 O.R.E. National Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies April 21-22, 2012 Weekend course on Foundations of Ministry Leadership. Youth Ministry Resource Day April 25, 2012 Workshop for youth ministry coordinators and adult leaders. National Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies May 19-20, 2012 Weekend course on Skills for Christian Leadership. Confirmation Coordinator Training and Orientation Starts May 29 Five-week course for those who coordinate the confirmation process. Camp Big Deal June 25-29, 2012 A week-long retreat for junior-high youth of the Santa Barbara Region. Silent Directed Retreat June 25-29, 2012 Two retreat opportunities for adults in ministry. Christian Leadership Institute July 22-27 & Aug. 5-10 Leadership training for high school youth involved in ministry. S.A.W. (Signed, Anointed, to Witness) Week-long peer ministry retreat for high school youth who have been confirmed. Santa Barbara SAW – Aug. 1-5, 2012 Heather MacDonald SAW South – Aug. 1-5, 2012 George Vasquez Confirmation Catechist, Youth Ministry, Young Adolescent Specializations Two-day training in specific areas of ministry with young people. Confirmation Catechist Aug. 18-19 or Aug. 25-26, 2012 Youth Ministry Aug. 18-19 or Aug. 25-26, 2012 Young Adolescent (Jr. High) August 18-19, 2012 Especialización para Catequistas de Confirmación Cursos con especialización, talleres y entrenamiento. (213) 637-7674 (213) 637-7616 (805) 682-5500 (626) 962-7707 REGIONAL CONGRESSES / CONGRESOS REGIONALES San Fernando Regional Congress San Pedro Regional Congress San Gabriel Regional Congress Santa Barbara Regional Congress O.L.A. Regional Congress September 22, 2012 September 29, 2012 October 6, 2012 October 13, 2012 October 27, 2012 Margaret Sardo Karina Plascencia Christina Lamas Sue Spies David Lara (818) 365-5123 (562) 630-6272 (626) 962-7707 (805) 569-1135 (310) 216-9587 65 COMMITTEES CONGRESS COMMITTEE Sr. Edith Prendergast Paulette Smith Jan Pedroza Mike Norman Dolly Anderson Jim Anderson Erin Avila Jonathan Avila Greg Boyer Gregory Carothers Jo Galang Val Galang Ron Garcia Albert Guerra Nancy King Dave Lavendier Tina Lavendier Jane Martineau Layne Martineau Ramona Meza Keith Morlock Robert Williams Douglas Zuniga Brian Custer Michael Fike Gail Gresser Mary Janus Sheryl Lange Monica Miller Luther Valerie MacRae Fe Musgrave Maryann Nguyen Linda Roehm Margaret Traxler John West Fran Curry Pat Davis Elsie Dixon Guadalupe Garcia Silvia Hernandez Margaret Maldonado Lillette Mayor Brian McMahon Gabriela Medina Olinda Navas Hector Quiroz Evelyn Ribas Lucia Richer Ted Richer Isabel Rincon LITURGY COMMITTEE John Flaherty Sr. Edith Prendergast Paulette Smith Mike Norman Katya Acuña Mary Allen REGISTRATION COMMITTEE Jan Pedroza Paulette Smith Veronica Reyes Chris Krause Diana Salinas Joyce Alpaugh Eileen Bonaduce Katie Carmody AND OUR SPECIAL THANKS AND APPRECIATION TO . . . THE MANY DEDICATED PEOPLE including the behind-the-scenes “Blue Angels” under the direction of Jo Galang, and audio/video “Yellow Jackets” under the direction of Ron Garcia, along with Amy Hart, Tracy Clark, Larry Lopez, and the hundreds of others who contribute hundreds of volunteer hours before and during Congress to make this event a success! THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR WORK AND SUPPORT: Valerie MacRae for Registration and Program book cover art, for the Arena environment and for planning our Sacred Space in Convention 304, as well as the many contributing artists; Linda Roehm for flower arrangements; George Westlund for his photography; the student sacristans and acolytes of Loyola Marymount University and Mount St. Mary’s College; and the Pala Band of Mission Indians for their support of the Native American Liturgy. OUR LITURGY & PRAYER SERVICE COORDINATORS: Friday Liturgies: Katya Acuña, Sarah Gafvert, Judy Girard, Dolores Gomez, Yvonne Huitron, Bianca Langlois, Charlie Martinez, Mary Meirs, Dawn Ponnet, Jane Richardson, Dale Seiverding, David Valenzuela, Eva Walters, Patrick Zubiate; Friday Services: Jeanie Essa, Mary Kaleta, Mary Lou Vanderlip; Saturday Liturgies: Gail Akins, Edwin Ambrosio, Kevin Brown, Michaela Buccola, James Dao, Bill Duckett, Teresa Hernandez, Norma Jean Jackson, Christina Lamas, Bro. Chris Saindon, Audrey Shaw, Sue Spies, Eileen Steiner, the Armenian Community; Saturday Praise and Services: Nancy Longo, Elizabeth Mullen, Catherine & Bob Shadduck and Wendy Weldele. OUR MINISTERS OF LITURGICAL MOVEMENT: Donna Anderle, Betsey Beckman, Christine Engelfried, Kristin Kissell, Monica Luther, Ann Myers, Kristina Ortega, Nicole Smith, Ginny Temple, Michael Thomkins, Michele Yim, and John West & the Valyermo Troupe. 66 2012 Religious Education Congress ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS WE WOULD ESPECIALLY LIKE TO THANK LITURGY TRAINING PUBLICATIONS (Booths 336, 338, 340, 342, 344...) In gratitude for gifting 15 Congress participants with registration scholarships in memory of the life and ministry of frequent Congress speaker Mr. Bob Piercy, who went to his eternal reward during Congress 2011. Bob Piercy 1958 -2011 The scholarships will be available over the next 10 years. Bob’s presence, enthusiasm and love for Congress and liturgical ministry have inspired and enriched thousands. We are grateful to LITURGICAL PRESS (Booths 127, 129, 131) for sponsoring the Arena Lobby Exhibit, for providing the Congress lanyards and the Roman Missals at all liturgies. O.R.E. We would also like to thank GUADALUPE RADIO (Booths 522-525) for providing the Congress participant gift bags. And we thank CRIBARI VINEYARDS for their contribution of all altar wine for Congress 2012. 67 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the following companies for their generous sponsorship of the following speakers and performing artists. To find their books, music or where to obtain their materials, please refer to the booth number listings. AVE MARIA PRESS (Booths 475, 477, 479, 574, 576...) Lisa Hendey Anne Bryan Smollin Loughlan Sofield Robert Wicks CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (Booths 217, 219) Joan Rosenhauer Carl Stecker Guillermo Torres LOYOLA PRESS (Booths 103, 105, 107, 202, 204...) Miguel Arias Joellyn Ciciarelli Tom McGrath Joe Paprocki David Rizzo OCP (Booths 301, 303, 305, 400, 402...) Donna Anderle Steve Angrisano Anna Betancourt Josh Blakesley CATHOLIC LIFE AND FAITH Robert Fabing Leisa Anslinger Santiago Fernandez Stella Garcia-Lopez THE CROSSROAD PUBLISHING CO. Glenda Hernandez (Booth 322) Frank Jansen Barbara Fiand ValLimar Jansen Elizabeth Ficocelli Tom Kendzia Rudy Lopez GIA PUBLICATIONS, Inc. Jesse Manibusan (Booths 119, 121, 123, 218, 220...) Pedro Rubalcava Tony Alonso Christopher Walker John Bell Greg Walton David Haas Marty Haugen ORBIS BOOKS/MARYKNOLL ValLimar Jansen FATHERS & BROTHERS Liam Lawton (Booths 513, 515, 517, 614, 616) Donna Peña Michael Crosby Lori True HARPERONE (Booths 315, 319) James Martin LITURGICAL PRESS (Booths 127, 129, 131) Richard Gaillardetz Barbara Reid Paul Turner C. Vanessa White LITURGY TRAINING PUBLICATIONS (Booths 336, 338, 340, 342, 344...) Miguel Arias Paul Turner 68 PAULIST PRESS (Booths 308, 310) James Clarke Charles Dahm Dan Ebener Barbara Fiand Richard Gaillardetz Mary Byrne Hoffmann Richard Leonard Michael Lotker James Martin William Nicholas PETER LI, Inc. Angela Zukowski WILLIAM H. SADLIER, Inc. (Booths 324, 326, 328, 330, 332) Saundra Kennedy Timothy Matovina Rosa Monique Peña Victor Valenzuela SAINT MARY’S PRESS (Booths 357, 359, 361, 456, 458...) Steven Ellair VERITAS (Booths 323, 412, 414, 416, 418...) Thomas Groome Elaine Mahon Megan McKenna Ailís Travers OUR SUNDAY VISITOR PUBLISHING (Booths 401, 403, 405, 500, 502...) WORLD LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS John Burland (Booths 201, 203, 205, 300, 302...) Michael Carotta John Angotti Hosffman Ospino Meredith Augustin Joe Kempf Ed Bolduc Renee Bondi PARACLETE PRESS Richard Fragomeni (Booths 223, 225) Anne Frawley-Mangan Bridget Haase Jerry Galipeau Sybil MacBeth Noelle Garcia Roy DeLeon The Jacob & Matthew Band Peter Kolar RCL BENZIGER Michael Mangan (Booths 137, 139, 141, 236, 238...) Michael O’Neill McGrath Michael Horan Rafael Moreno Dan Mulhall Clifford Petty Enedina Saucedo Jorge Rivera ValLimar Jansen Danielle Rose Paul Turner John West 2012 Religious Education Congress ENDOWMENT CONTRIBUTORS The Religious Education Endowment Fund was established by the Office of Religious Education to support the ongoing training and formation of religious education leaders, particularly by making scholarships available for the ongoing education and formation of Directors of Religious Education, Adult Educators, Young Adults and Youth Ministers to pursue graduate studies. It is our hope that every Director of Religious Education and Director of Youth Ministry will be given the opportunity to receive a master’s degree in Religious Education/Religious Studies. Those who registered online could contribute to this Fund, as well as those who made an additional contribution through mail-in registrations. As of February 13, 737 people responded with contributions totaling $8,680. We sincerely appreciate and acknowledge their contributions. The Fund is currently enabling 18 students to pursue a master’s degree in Religious Education, and you will be happy to know that several have already graduated! $150 DONATION Katherine Viele $110 DONATION Marie Arenas $100 DONATION Sandra Adsit Monica Dang Consyance K Davis Jeanine Diaz de Rivera Steve Duncan Cory Escuadro Annie Flaherty David Foos Carrie Kish Denis Lynch Vic Reichert Deacon Arnold Reyes Hedy Senz $60 DONATION Claire Horowitz Eileen Loughran Kathleen Ory $40 DONATION Charmaine Ferraz Raymond Schulte $30 DONATION Lynn Kurata Hugh Menton Jean Menton Debbelynn Russell Mary Kay Sherman Ann Skulley Suellen Smith Cindy Stiso Tom Stoudt Sally Teramura Annette Vanduinen Maximilian Weismair Peggy Weismair Barbara Wilson Maureen Beck Tina Corrao Tom Corrao $15 DONATION Cassy Goehner Monica Hughes Kathleen Macisaac Yolanda Marsh Gerry Oshaughnessy, SDB $10 DONATION Cathy Allen Pat Allen Vince Anaclerio Jessica Angus Monica Armstrong Emilio Arrona Carol Averill Antonio Avila Barbara Baker Catherine Barrack Matthew Beck Jane Bell Glenna Benton April Beuder Bill Bischoff Joanne Bischoff Ken Blakeman Juanito A Blanco Jr. Anita Blyth John Boll Antonio Boquer Margaret Boquer Barbara Born Lisa Bourey Kathy Brady Milagros Braganza Salvador Braganza Kathe Bridges Cheryl Broussard Derek Brown Kenneth Brown Terri Brown Timothy Brown Arline M. Bustamante Michael Cabral Austin Cambon Peggy Cambon Deacon Mike Cantlon Nancy Canubida Victor Canubida Tyrone Carvalho Mary F Castellanos Theresa Chenlouie Toni Colombo Denise D’agostini Debbie Dahlen Laura Davis Charlotte Deane Fr. Gene Delmore, SJ Lenore Dowling Kay Easley Dale Eazell Larry Ehren Elsa Espino Cindy Fasano Gennaro Filice Rosann Filice Carmen Flores Warren Flynn Nancy Franks Teresa Fu Anita Fuller Kirk Galbreath Laurie Galbreath Carl Gallinger Barbara Garcia Irene R Garcia Jorge Garcia Edward Garza Eugene Gasataya Mary Glynn Emma Gonzales Aracely Gonzalez Emilio Gonzalez Rodrigo Gonzalez Joyce Governale Suzanne Grady Anita Green Barbara Guerin Helen Guzman Deacon J Barry Harper Kathleen Harrington Frank Hathaway Gerda Hazenberg O.R.E. $50 DONATION Deacon Chris Amantea Rosario Bayón Celeste Chapman Diane Cracknell Antonia David-Wright Anthony Fadale Linda Foley Bill Hamik Noel Jaderstrom Karry Luttge Mary Fran Lynch Ann McElaney-Johnson Marilyn Monagle Patrick O’Halloran Deacon Charles Reyburn Winifred Soares Al Worland $25 DONATION Marie Ang Donald F. Averill Daniel Barona Anthony Bracken Christopher Brady Irene Camerino Barbara Cashin Silvia Chiesa Thomas Clegg Juanita Cordero, RCWP James Day Marilyn Day Maria Diaz Barbara Dietterle Joan Dolby Gaudencia Estrada Mary Fair Mary Favero Susie Gallagher Deacon Don Gath Tina Gath James Givens Sharon Givens Jack Gonsalves Jose Goopio Marjorie Habenicht Alma Helms Barbara J. Hicks Lupita Jewell Katherine Johns Georgette M Johnston Mary Just Sue Kinsling Ferlinda Kowara Janet Maulhardt Leslie Maulhardt Stephen Maulhardt Joan McLaughlin Joseph Michon Sue Mountain Maureen Neglia Judi Nuccio Joe O’Donnell Helen Ohallaron Duane Overby Ralph Oviedo Wendy Oviedo Bernardine Perales Elizabeth Pott Christopher Powers Hillary Reyburn Anne Marie Reyes 69 ENDOWMENT CONTRIBUTORS $10 DONATION (cont.) Larry Hicks Pam Hoang Tom Hoffarth Alfredo Hueso Ugonna Ihenacho Yolanda Irinco Doreen Jansen Dan Johnson Roxanne Jones Corine Robledo Juarez Patricia Kahl Rebecca Kallal Mary Kearney Paul L Kearney Sandra Kearney Chris Kearns Kristi Keith Liam Kelleher Kathleen Keller Richard Keller Robert Kelly, SVD Joan King Kurt Klismet Lawrie Knott Lisa Kosiewicz Donna Kriesel Marcie Kruchten Jennifer Kruchten-Gurecki Julia Claire Landry Patricia Laybourne Rev. Antoine Leason, SVD Gordon Lee Nan Ping Lee Trish Lee Agnes Legaspie Jonathan Lewis Grace Lohr Sandy Luebbers Mary Ann Madden Janet Malacane Yolanda Mancino Fr. Eduardo Martinez Leanne Martinez Paul Martinez Joanne McCoy Mike McCoy Rosaleen McEvoy Connie McGhee Dave McKeown Paula McNulty Karen Mellos Davide Melton Ana Maria Mendoza Antonio Mendoza Irma Michel Michael Morgan Sofia Murillo Brenda Murtha Phillip Myers Adele Nafziger Nellie Newman 70 Francis Nguyen Robert Nicholas Patric Nikolas Vicky Otto Maria Padilla Raymond Palacios Manuel Pantoja Diana Papillon Luc Papillon Thomas M. Parenti Eunice Park Theresa Perales Joseph Phung David Porter Darlene Post Grace Pugliese Judi Putnam Jude Ramos Sal Rangel Fr. Anthony Rapozo Renee Regacho-Anaclerio Charles Rhoades Liliana Roberto Timothy Roberto Natalie Roberts Maryanita Robinson Ricardo Rodriguez Therese Rodriguez Dan Rothwell John Rudolph Kathy Salazar Fausto Sanchez Maria Dolores Sanchez Patty Santiago Fr. Joy Lawrence Santos Gregory Schill Roger Schmit Jeffrey Seaman Rosa Sepulveda Rosemary Simek Rodney Smith Miriam Soikkeli Frances Soto Sandra Soto Hueso Dorothy Strening Marjorie Tavarez Joseph Tembrock Judith Tembrock Mari Thorkelson David Tompsett Joyce Tompsett Du Tran Thanh Tran Patrick Travers Leif Trondsen Rolf Trondsen Phong Truong Nona Turner Judy Vandemark Francisca Vargas Lynne Velasco Suzanne Verge Sr. Ginny Vissing Ramona Voge An Vu Monika Vu James H Wallace Jr Wendy Watson Mary Patrice Watson, SJC Marcy Wieland Barbara M Wilder Loreen Wilhelmy Roland Wilhelmy Frank Williams Stephanie Williamson Christian Woerz, SDB Jane Wold Patricia Wolfe Cynthia Worth Patricia Young Frances Zonfrillo $5 DONATION Reese Abbene-Ingino Cristeta Acayan Elsa Aguilera George Aguilera Jorge Aguilera Karen Akana Ligaya Alderite Jennifer Allison Sandra Amabile Lu Ann Ames Isaac Amoakwah Theresa Anderson Grace Angus Maureen Arevalo Madeline Ashley Ronald Aubry Janine Aurora Chris Balauag Jun Balauag Charlotte Barbini Kelly Barnes Patty Bateman Annie Batiste Wayne Beasley Matthew Beck Vicki Beidelman Deacon Bob Beidle Sue Beidle Arlene Belenzo Kathleen Bell Rosana Belloso Robert Bender Lisa Berry Darlene Bevers Diana Bitz Don Black Brandon Blum Maryann Bode Jerry Bonjean Joanne Boutet Anne Therese Boyd Moonlight Brizuela Rudy Brizuela Mary Brockett Edward Brockhaus Paula Brown Nicole Browne Gloria Buccat Scotia Burrell Christopher Caenepeel Martha Campos Elizabeth Canepa Lori Cardoza Josie Carrillo Mary Carver Elena Catipon Gustavo Catipon Simona Cecil Lily Celaya Gabriela Cepeda-Rizo Nelia Chang Guadalupe Chavarin Lupe Chavarin Jennifer Chocholek Mary Anne Christensen Joe Clark Leah Clark Sylvia Clark Martha Clement Martin Clement Christine Cook Thomas Cook Susan Cooper Helen Corcoran Marlene Coria Roberto Corral Monica Cortes Gloria Couvion Deborah Crowe Ana Laura Cuen Navarrete Marie D. Jennifer Dang Marilyn Dansart Dunia Dawood Adolfo De Luna Berty Deerwester Azucena Del Angel Frances Dela Cruz Melinda Delgado Judia Detmar Kevin Detmar Joané D’Haene Gabi Diaz Susan Dinkmeyer Vincent Dominguez Mary Dorsey-Evans Aileen Douglas Willie Douglas Julie Draper Helen Dris Norma Duffy Teresa Duran John Ebbesmier 2012 Religious Education Congress ENDOWMENT CONTRIBUTORS Cynthia Jones Maria Cristina Judd Carla Jung Barbara Karplus Marcia Kennedy Eileen Kilfoil Alison Kirkpatrick Christine Knudsen Christina Komenkul John Komenkul Holly Kondas Joel Kondas Kyra Kondas Mary Kroesen CJ Kruska John Kuklinski Susi Kuklinski Sharon Kuppers Elizabeth Lachtman Andree Lafrance Danielle Lafrance Padraic Lane Deacon Fred Lara Joann Lara Megan Lasselle Margaret Lauder Rita Lazalde Tarrab Patricia Lemus Castellon Ed Lerche Elenita Lesperance, OSF Carol Lewis Edwin Limpiado Tina Lindberg Carmel Little Bernard Liwanag Jean Liwanag Nancy Loesch Meg Long-Eastman Ana L. Lopez Frank Lopez David Louch Dianne Lumsdaine Joseph Lumsdaine Mary Lou Lymper Lisamarie Maciel Margaret Madden Stephanie Mahe Carol Majernik Lydia Marin Terry Markuly Norah Maroe Tita Marte Ken Martinet Peggy Martinet Jacquie Martinez Tony Martinez Robert Martinez Jr Emma Marziello Elizabeth Mata Jorge McCall Pam McCallum Meri McCoy-Thompson Mary Jo McGrath Maryann McHugh Imelda Medina Antonio Mejico Emma Mejico Alexis Mendoza Maria Elena Mercado Jeremy Mewis Ann Miller Debbie Minton Karen Mireles Sr. Kathleen Mitchell Erin Monroe Susan Monserret Selina Montoya Hannah Moore Jan Moore Jane Moore Stephanie Moore Patrice Morace Carole Morales Jorge Morales Cathy Moreno Becca Mothershead Tabby Mothershead Lela Mulligan Linda Murphy Sharon Murphy Thanh-Tam Nguyen Thao Nguyen Christy Niehus Kevin Niehus Judith Nollar Miguel Noriega Norma Noriega Maria Ines Nunez Susan Ochmann William Oconnor Jungyeon Oh Stefanie Olmeda-Vance Lydia Orona Yolanda Ortiz Rochelle Pablo Connie Palazzolo Lori Panziera Ron Panziera Gigi Parker Michelle Paschen Patricia Patin Deanne Paulson Anne Pautler Karen Pavic-Zabinski Abe Pearlman Mary Pearlman Teranie Pelch Connie Perales Rev. Angelito Peries Linda Peters David Philippart Ma. Cristina Pina Raquel Pineros Richard Pineros Maggie Torres Paul Prine Melissa Torres Robyn Prudhomme Rev. John N Tran Enrique Quiaoit Yvonne Tran Nicola Quigley Leticia Trent Garry Radford Joan Trivett Noreen Radford Lori Tutt Raechelle Ramos Ann Tweedy Tracy Randolph Mary Vagnone Father Joe Rankin Betty Valdez Beth Rapadas Guy Valencia Alison Reddell Garrett Van Wyk Seth Reddell Amanda Vance Ruben Regalado Christine Vanderbeck Alice Reichmeider Maria Corazon Ventura Nanette Renzi Jolene Vert Crisdina Reroma Sandra Viggiani Carmen Reynoso Ursula Vigil Lorraine Rhoades Rosalie Vilchis James Robinson Tamara Vollebregt Jesse Robles Kelly Wahlquist Jeannie Rodriguez Marie Walton Deacon Reynaldo Romo Marcia Watson Benjamin Rossing Kimberly Watt Garrett Rossing Pam Weber Joanne Rousculp Jodi Webster Joel Rowley Barbara Wehan Pat Ryan Jessica Salgado Jim Wehan Leonila Sanchez Fr. Thomas Weise Maria Sanchez Linda Westler Dentino Tony Sarboraria Susan Wheatley Carol Schultz Andrew Wiese Alicia Sera Mary Wilkins Maureen Shaughnessy, SC Karen Willson Loreta Sigarlaki Chris Winokur Rudy Sigarlaki Lance Wiseman, Obl. OSB Connie Simpson Rod Womer Kristine Theresa Sitson Vicki Woods Ann Smith Esther Zamora Barbara Smith Carmen Zapien Emerald Smith Jamie Smith Ryan Smith Sherry Smith Stephanie Smith Kathleen Snodgrass Rosa Solano Florence Stapleton Frank Stapleton Mary Starks Agnes M. Steiner Marthe Stokowski Stan Stokowski Eugene Stout Janice Strobach Christine Suarez Jennifer Sumcad Juana Tapia Margaret Tapper Karen Thompson Irma Torres Kristen Torres 71 O.R.E. $5 DONATION (cont.) Dennis Ehling Susan Escalera Regina Espinoza Timothy Evans Maria Fadrilan Cathy Fairchild Marlin Filipek Rev. Robert Fisher Michael Flaningam Andres Flores Paul Flores Marge Foppe Joyce Francois Marjorie Fujimoto Benay Furtivo Bernadette Galang Keith Galang Christopher Galvan Summer Galvan Barbara Garcia Charity Garcia Tess Gatan Mark Gately Penny Geary Teresa Geraldez Sr. Sara Goggin Tiffany Goloy Judy Gonser Grace Gonzalez Jessica Gonzalez Angelica Guillen Melissa Guttman Maria Guzman Richard Guzman Rosemary Hall Audrey Hamamoto Joseph Hamamoto Christine Harrington Julie Heath Elliott Marijane Hebert Leslie Helbing Bryce Herrmann Heidi Hicks Lynda Hill Melanie Hill Marie Hodgson Nancy Hogan Kathleen Holert Roberto Honrado Brett Hoover Delvita Hoover Gerald Horan John Howard Eileen Huddleston Rose Hudson Tonya Irwin Priscilla Jackson Elsamma James Michele Jiu Susan Johnson Theresa Johnson CLARION HOTEL MAP Clarion Hotel Workshop Location Orangewood Clarion Hotel Anaheim Resort 616 Convention Way Anaheim, CA 92802 Clarion Hotel Food Options (714) 750-3131 Lounge Tivoli Gardens 72 Daily: 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm Morning: 6:30 am - 11:00 am Lunch: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Dinner: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm 2012 Religious Education Congress HILTON ANAHEIM HOTEL MAP Hilton Anaheim Hotel Workshop Locations Huntington (Concourse Level - 4th floor) Laguna (Concourse Level - 4th floor) Pacific AB (Ballroom Level - 2nd floor) Pacific C (Ballroom Level - 2nd floor) Pacific D (Ballroom Level - 2nd floor) Hilton Anaheim Hotel 777 Convention Way Anaheim, CA 92802 Maps Hilton Anaheim Hotel Food Options (714) 750-4321 Mix Daily: 6:00 am - 10:00 pm Food Court: Daily: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm • Sbarro • Baja Fresh Express • Just Grillin’ • Submarina Starbucks Daily: 6:00 am - 10:00 pm 73 MARRIOTT HOTEL MAP Anaheim Marriott Hotel Workshop Location Elite Ballroom Grand Ballroom A-E Grand Ballroom F-K Marquis Ballroom Center South Marquis Ballroom North Orange County Ballroom San Diego Room Anaheim Marriott Hotel 700 W Convention Way Anaheim, CA 92802 Anaheim Marriott Hotel Food Options Café del Sol JW’s Steakhouse Pizza Hut Starbucks 74 (714) 750-8000 Daily: 6:30 am - 10:00 pm Daily: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Daily: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm Daily: 6:00 am - 10:00 pm 2012 Religious Education Congress SHERATON PARK HOTEL MAP Sheraton Park Hotel Workshop Locations Garden Room Palm Rooms Park Ballroom Plaza Ballroom Maps Sheraton Park Hotel 1855 S. Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92802 Sheraton Park Hotel Food Options Molly’s Coffee Shop Overland Stage (714) 750-1811 Morning: 6:00 am - 11:00 am Lunch: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Daily: 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm 75 CONVENTION AREA MAP CATEGORY American NAME 18Fifty Grill, Café del Sol, Cheesecake Factory, JT Schmid’s, Rainforest Cafe, Red Robin, Tony Roma’s Asian Fusion Roy’s Brewery Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing Co. Café La Brea Bakery Café California Cuisine Napa Rose, Tangerine Grill Chinese Grand China, P.F. Chang’s Dinner Show Battle of the Dance Family California Pizza Kitchen, Captain Kidd’s, Coco’s, Denny’s, Disney’s PCH Grill, Goofy’s Kitchen, IHOP, Johnny Rockets, Millie’s, Mimi’s Cafe, Mix, Molly’s Kitchen, Storyteller’s Café, Tiffy’s, Tivoli Gardens Fast Food Alerto’s, California Pizza, Del Taco, McDonald’s, Panda Chinese, Pizza Hut, Quiznos, Subway, Taco Bell Food Court Baja Fresh, Just Grillin’, Sbarro, Submarina 76 CATEGORY Grill Indian Italian Louisiana Mediterranean Mexican Multicultural Northern Italian Pizza Seafood Sports Bar Steakhouse NAME Fire + Ice Grill & Barfcrg vbb Gandhi Palace Buca di Beppo, Carolina’s Italian Cuisine, Marri’s Pizza, Naples Ristorante e Pizzeria, Tusca House of Blues, Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen Catal Restaurant & Uva Bar La Casa Garcia, Los Sanchez, Mexicana Café, Mi Casita Grill, Taco Mi Pueblo, Tortilla Jo’s k’ya Anaheim Anaheim White House Pizza Hut, Shakey’s Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., Joe’s Crab Shack, McCormick & Schmick’s, Mr. Stox ESPN Zone JW’s, Morton’s, Outback, Overland Stage, Ruth’s Chris, Steakhouse 55 2012 Religious Education Congress AREA RESTAURANT LISTING LOCATION 1850 S Harbor Blvd 1770 S Harbor Blvd #128 887 S Anaheim Blvd Hilton Hotel 2232 S Harbor Blvd 321 W Katella Ave #101 11757 Harbor Blvd Marriott Hotel 1770 S Harbor Blvd #140 321 W Katella Ave Ste 104 1550 S Harbor Blvd 12045 Chapman Ave Downtown Disney 321 W Katella Ave #100 1100 W Katella Ave 12032 Harbor Blvd 1570 S Harbor Blvd 2330 S Harbor Blvd 1610 S Harbor Blvd 1168 W Katella Ave Paradise Pier Downtown Disney 321 W Katella Ave #315 515 W Katella Ave Disneyland Hotel 575 Chapman Downtown Disney 1560 S Harbor Blvd 1840 S Harbor Blvd 12011 S Harbor Blvd 321 W Katella Ave # 320 2610 E Katella Ave Hilton Hotel Marriott Hotel 1221 S Harbor Blvd Downtown Disney 531 Chapman 12151 Harbor Blvd 1194 W Katella Ave 321 W Katella Ave #109 1500 S Harbor Blvd Clarion Hotel 1700 S Harbor Blvd 1480 S Harbor Blvd 1400 S Harbor Blvd Hilton Hotel 1855 S Harbor Blvd 1895 S Harbor Blvd 1105 E Katella Ave Grand Californian Downtown Disney 12362 Chapman Ave 12001 Harbor Blvd 1855 S Harbor Blvd 321 W Katella Ave #120 1770 S Harbor Blvd #120 Marriott Hotel 521 W Chapman Ave 1534 S Harbor Blvd Downtown Disney Downtown Disney 12007 S Harbor Blvd 321 W Katella Ave #105 2041 S Harbor Blvd Hilton Hotel 1027 S Harbor Blvd Disneyland Hotel Grand Californian Hilton Hotel 1770 S Harbor Blvd #136 2144 S Harbor Blvd 1188 W Katella Ave 1030 W Katella Ave 1060 W Katella Ave Clarion Hotel 1640 S Harbor Blvd Downtown Disney 11999 Harbor Blvd PHONE (714) 750-2801 (714) 520-3200 (714) 772-1381 (714) 750-4321 (714).740-1045 (714) 635-GUMP (714) 740-2822 (714) 748-2454 (714) 772-7207 (714) 991-0305 (714) 491-4788 (714) 971-5551 (714) 774-4442 (714) 533-7500 (714) 772-0414 (714) 750-7477 (714) 635-7800 (714) 971-5239 (714) 776-3300 (714) 774-1680 (714) 239-5682 (714) 300-3776 (714) 808-9757 (714) 808-6777 (714) 778-6600 (714) 740-1888 (714) 778-2583 (714) 635-0933 (714) 750-2411 (714) 703-0505 (714) 491-1800 (714) 634-9200 (714) 750-4321 (714) 703-3187 (714) 758-0900 (714) 490-0233 (714) 740-1108 (714) 971-5883 (714) 533-1631 (714) 535-9000 (714) 491-0563 (714) 750-3131 (714) 772-5900 (714) 535-6892 (714) 956-2223 (714) 750-4321 (714) 750-1811 (714) 621-0101 (714) 634-2994 (714) 300-7170 (714) 776-6200 (714) 534-3599 (714) 663-1107 (714) 750-1811 (714) 507-2021 (714) 999-6888 (714) 750-8000 (714) 740-2300 (714) 491-1600 (714) 772-0413 (714) 776-5200 (714) 971-4775 (714) 776-7697 (714) 750-5466 (714) 750-4321 (714) 533-0440 (714) 778-6600 (714) 635-2300 (714) 750-4321 (714) 535-3277 (714) 638-3429 (714) 778-3100 (714) 772-1186 (714) 635-1801 (714) 750-3131 (714) 520-0200 (714) 535-5000 (714) 750-1234 FRIDAY HOURS 7am - 10pm 7am - 1:30am 11:30am - 10pm 10am - 7pm 7pm 11am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 6:30am - 10pm 8am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 7am - 12mid 11am - 10pm 5pm - 11pm 11:30am - 12:30 am 6:30am - 2am 24 hours 11am - 12mid 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11:30am - 1am 11:30am - 12mid 7am - 10pm 7am - 9pm 11am - 10pm 11am - 12mid 24 hours 24 hours 11am - 12mid 11am - 10pm 11am - 12mid 10am - 7pm 5pm - 10pm 6:30am - 10:30pm 11am - 9pm 8am - 11pm 9am - 11pm 11am - 12mid 11:30am - 11pm 24 hours 5pm - 10pm 5am - 10:30pm 6am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 6am - 10pm 6am - 3pm 5:30 - 11pm 11:30am - 10pm 5:30pm - 10pm 5pm - 11pm 11am - 11pm 4pm - 11pm 5pm - 11pm 11am - 12mid 11am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 10am - 12mid 7am - 9pm 8am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 5pm - 10:30pm 4pm - 10pm 10am - 7pm 11am - 11pm 7am - 9pm 7am - 10pm 10am - 7pm 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 3am 7am - 10pm 6am - 12mid 6:30am - 1pm 11am - 12mid 5pm - 11pm 6:30am - 10pm SATURDAY HRS 7am - 10pm 7am - 1:30am 5pm - 10pm 10am - 7pm 6pm & 8:30pm 11am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 6:30am - 10pm 8am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 7am - 12mid 11am - 10pm 5pm - 11pm 11:30am - 12:30 am 6:30am - 2am 24 hours 11am - 12mid 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11:30am - 1am 10:30am - 12mid 7am - 10pm 7am - 9pm 11am - 10pm 11am - 12mid 24 hours 24 hours 11am - 12mid 11am - 10pm 12noon - 11pm 10am - 7pm 5pm - 10pm 6:30am - 10:30pm 8am -11pm 8am - 11pm 9am - 11pm 11am - 12mid 11:30am - 11pm 24 hours 5pm - 10pm 5am - 10:30pm 6am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 6am - 10pm 6am - 3pm 5:30 - 11pm 5:30pm - 10pm 5:30pm - 10pm 5pm - 11pm 11am - 11pm 3pm - 11pm 5pm - 11pm 11am - 12mid 11am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 10am - 12mid 7am - 9pm 8am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 5pm - 10:30pm 4pm - 10pm 10am - 7pm 11am - 11pm 7am - 9pm 7am - 10pm 10am - 7pm 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 3am 7am - 10pm 6am - 12mid 6:30am - 1pm 11am - 12mid 5pm - 11pm 6:30am - 10pm SUNDAY HOURS 7am - 10pm 7am - 11:30pm 11am - 10pm 10am - 7pm 6:30pm 11am - 10pm 11am - 10pm 6:30am - 10pm 8am - 12mid 11am - 10pm 7am - 12mid 11am - 10pm 5pm - 10pm 10am - 11pm 6:30am - 12mid 24 hours 11am - 12mid 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11:30am - 12mid 10:30am - 12mid 7am - 10pm 7am - 9pm 11am - 10pm 11am - 11pm 24 hours 24 hours 11am - 12mid 11am - 9pm 12noon - 11pm 10am - 7pm 5pm - 10pm 6:30am - 10:30pm 8am -11pm 8am - 11pm 9am - 10pm 11am - 12mid 11:30am - 10pm 24 hours 5pm - 10pm 5am - 10:30pm 6am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 6am - 10pm 6am - 3pm 5:30 - 10pm 5:30pm - 10pm 5:30pm - 10pm 5pm - 10pm 11am - 10pm 2pm - 10pm 5pm - 10pm 11am - 11pm 11am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 10am - 11pm 7am - 9pm 8am - 11pm 11am - 10pm 11am - 11pm 5pm - 10pm 4pm - 9pm 10am - 7pm 11am - 10pm 7am - 9pm 7am - 10pm 10am - 7pm 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 3am 7am - 10pm 6am - 12mid 6:30am - 1pm 11am - 11pm 5pm - 10pm 6:30am - 10pm 77 Maps NAME 18Fifty Grill Alerto’s Mexican Anaheim White House Baja Fresh Battle of the Dance Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Buca di Beppo Café del Sol California Pizza California Pizza Kitchen Captain Kidd’s Carolina’s Italian Cuisine Catal Restaurant & Uva Bar Cheesecake Factory Coco’s Bakery & Restaurant Coco’s Family Restaurant Cold Stone Creamery Del Taco Denny’s Denny’s Disney’s PCH Grill ESPN Zone Fire + Ice Grill & Bar Gandhi Palace Goofy’s Kitchen Grand China House of Blues IHOP IHOP Joe’s Crab Shack Johnny Rockets JT Schmid’s Brewery Just Grillin’ JW’s Steakhouse k’ya Anaheim La Brea Bakery Café La Casa Garcia Los Sanchez Marri’s Pizza McCormick & Schmick’s McDonald’s Mexicana Café Mi Casita Grill Millie’s Restaurant Mimi’s Cafe Mix Molly’s Kitchen Morton’s The Steakhouse Mr. Stox Napa Rose Restaurant Naples Ristorante e Pizzeria Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing Co. Outback Steakhouse Overland Stage P.F. Chang’s Panda Chinese Pizza Hut Pizza Hut Quiznos Rainforest Cafe Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen Red Robin Roy’s Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Sbarro Shakey’s Steakhouse 55 Storyteller’s Café Submarina Subway Taco Bell Taco Mi Pueblo Tangerine Grill & Patio Tiffy’s Family Restaurant Tivoli Gardens Tony Roma’s Tortilla Jo’s Tusca B O 67 OT 5 H FEATURED EXHIBITORS 78 2012 Religious Education Congress FEATURED EXHIBITORS Exhibitors 79 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 80 2012 Religious Education Congress 81 Exhibitors B 30 OO 1, T 40 HS 0 FEATURED EXHIBITORS FEATURED EXHIBITORS 82 2012 Religious Education Congress 83 Exhibitors B 30 OO 1, T 40 HS 0 FEATURED EXHIBITORS FEATURED EXHIBITORS 84 2012 Religious Education Congress FEATURED EXHIBITORS Exhibitors 85 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 86 2012 Religious Education Congress FEATURED EXHIBITORS Exhibitors 87 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 88 2012 Religious Education Congress FEATURED EXHIBITORS Exhibitors 89 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 90 2012 Religious Education Congress EXHIBITOR CATEGORIES Diocesan Organizations (cont.) Ministry w/ Lesbian & Gay Catholics ..449 Office of Parish Life - Los Angeles......447 Office of Restorative Justice ...............446, 448 Vocations Office ..................................440, 442, 444 Educational Institutions Aquinas Institute of Theology..............661 Association of Marianist Universities ..185 Boston College School of Theology ..104 Catholic Theological Union .................100 Dominican School of Philosophy .......662 Fordham Univ. Graduate School ........687 Franciscan School of Theology ..........746 Jesuit School, Santa Clara Univ. ......668 Loyola Institute for Ministry .................158 Loyola Marymount University .............157, 159, 161, 256, 258... Loyola University Chicago, IPS ..........156 Mount St. Mary’s College, L.A. ..........551, 553 Oblate School of Theology..................659 Saint John’s School of Theology ........148 Saint Joseph High School...................615 Santa Clara Univ., Pastoral Ministries..670 School of Theology, Seattle Univ. ......669 Univ. of Dallas School of Ministry........680 University of San Diego ......................678 Educational Programs Endow .................................................640 Educational Resources African American Catholic Center.......641, 643 Catholic Mobilizing Network................612 Creative Communications for Parish ..419 Ministerio Amistad/Friendship Min. ....581 Evangelization Resources Landings International.........................306 Paulist Evangelization Ministries ........311, 313 Fair Trade Café Justo/Just Coffee........................247 Faith & Justice Catholic Legislative Network...............463 Homeboy Industries ............................480, 482 Just Faith Ministries ............................215 Office of Justice and Peace - L.A. ......215 St. Camillus Center .............................451 Gourmet Food & Gifts Tomorrow Project/Catholic Charities ..583 Graphic Design Services OPM / Catholic Creative Services ......378 International Association Int’l Catholic Stewardship Council ......722 Liturgical Books & Materials Magnificat ............................................271, 370 Liturgical Furnishings Tekton Woodworks..............................710 Liturgical Vestments Chagall Design Limited .......................251, 253, 350, 352 CM Almy ..............................................118 Liturgical Apostolate Center ................339, 341, 343 Liturgy & Music Resources OCP .....................................................301, 303, 305, 400, 402... - a div. of OCP......307, 406 World Library Publications ..................201, 203, 205, 300, 302... Military Chaplain U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps............752 Ministry Resources Abbey Press Publications ...................117 California Catholic Conference ...........465, 467, 469, 471 Catholic Relief Services ......................217, 219 Concordia Publishing House ..............514, 516, 518 Hershey & Associates .........................180, 182 Marianist Mission ................................179 Sacred Findings .................................376 Mission Columban Mission Awareness ...........585 Lay Mission-Helpers Association ........466 Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers .............513, 515, 517, 614, 616 Mission Doctors Association ...............468 91 Exhibitors Adult Faith Formation Little Rock Scripture Study..................228 Art Glass & Jewelry Tori … Art on Fire ................................209 Art Works Carondelet Artist..................................172, 174 John August Swanson, Artist ..............533, 630, 632 Lalo Garcia Sacred & Fine Art Studio .337 Madonna Arts ......................................146 Richard A. Jarrett Stained Glass.........369 SHCJ Art/France White .......................88, 90 Bibles American Bible Society .......................227, 229 Fireside Catholic Publishing................557, 656 Books ACTA Publications...............................410 Eerdmans Books for Young Readers .381, 383 HarperOne...........................................315, 317 Megan McKenna - Wayfarer’s Tale ....408 Oxford University Press ......................590 Paulist Press .......................................308, 310 Books & DVDs Pauline Books & Media .......................556, 558, 560, 562, 564... Books & Videos Family Theater Productions ................481, 483 Holy Cross Family Ministries...............481, 483 Ignatius Press......................................380, 382, 384, 386, 388 Leadership Conf. Women Religious ...649 Paulist Press Book Center ..................312, 314, 316, 318, 320 Rev. Tony Ricard - KnightTime Min. ..714 The Matthew Kelly Foundation ...........689, 691 Candles Acadian Candle Company ..................688, 690 Marklin Candle Design ........................351, 353, 450, 452 Root Candles.......................................645, 647 Cards, Bookmarks & Magnets Cards by Anne.....................................257 Catechesis Word on Fire Catholic Ministries .........620, 622 Catholic Music & Apparel Joe Melendrez | Rosary Rap .............653 Catholic Ninja Jesse Manibusan 2 x 2 Ministries.......423 Celtic & Irish Art O’Keeffe Religious Articles..................163, 165 Children’s Resources Butterfly Music.....................................212 Herald Entertainment ..........................718 Nest Family .........................................160 Christian Service Organizations Christian Found. Children & Aging .....660 Jesuit/Ignatian Volunteer Corps ..........278, 280, 282, 284 SCRC ..................................................489 Society of St. Vincent de Paul, L.A. ...642, 644 The Maximus Group ...........................740 Church Furniture The Wood & Iron Factory, Inc. ............237 Church Goods Meyer-Vogelpohl Co. ..........................233 Computer Software Gradelink .............................................665 Parish Data System ............................588 ParishSOFT.........................................152 School Systems Group of Pearson ....742 Craft Supplies & Gifts 3 Arches/ ......175, 177, 274, 276, 650... Concern America.................................241, 243 Living Water Wood Works...................624 Sunrise Printery...................................738 Vietnam Catholic Artistic Crafts...........509, 511 Curriculum Veritas Co., Ltd. ...................................323, 412, 414, 416, 418... William H Sadlier, Inc. .........................324, 326, 328, 330, 332 Diocesan Organizations Byzantine Catholic Eparchy Phoenix..262 Catholic Mortuaries .............................580, 582, 584 Catholic Schools - L.A. Archdiocese...443 Diocese of Orange ..............................407, 409, 411 Diocese of San Bernardino .................345, 347 Int’l Institute of Theological Studies ....684 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 92 2012 Religious Education Congress EXHIBITOR CATEGORIES Religious Education Resources (cont.) FECOM-USA.......................................636 Franciscan Media ................................603, 605, 607, 702, 704... Good Ground Press ............................548 Group...................................................608, 610 Guadalupe Radio/Hombre Nuevo ......522, 524, 523, 525 John Paul II Media Institute.................150 Loyola Press........................................103, 105, 107, 202, 204... National Catholic Educational Assoc. 550, 552 Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Div. ...501, 503, 505, 600, 602... Our Sunday Visitor Publishing ............401, 403, 405, 500, 502... Pflaum Publishing Group ....................544, 546 RCL Benziger ......................................137, 139, 141, 236, 238... Saint Mary’s Press ..............................357, 359, 361, 456, 458... St. Anthony Messenger Press ...........603, 605, 607, 702, 704... Storykeepers .......................................586, 621, 623 Religious Jewelry Compelling Creations, Inc. ..................371, 470 Faith-Sharing, Inc. ...............................682 Religious Life Brothers of the Sacred Heart ..............744 California Province, Jesuits................278, 280, 282, 284 Capuchin Franciscan ..........................667 Carmelite Friars/Order of Carmelites..681 Carmelite Monastery ...........................686 De La Salle Christian Brothers ...........365, 367 Dominican Friars .................................662 Dominican Sisters ...............................664 Glenmary Home Missioners ...............176, 178 Marianist Vocation Ministry .................181, 183 Poor Clare Srs. of Rwanda & Italy ......663 Prince of Peace Abbey........................748 Saint John’s Abbey..............................628 Salvatorians ........................................285, 287 Sisters of Charity of the BVM..............675 Sisters of Nazareth..............................677 Sisters of Providence ..........................168, 170 Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange ..........108, 110 Srs of Holy Names/Clay Creations .....606 Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart .679 Vincentian Family ................................646, 648 Religious Publications America Magazine ..............................309 Catechist Magazine ............................542 Claretian Publications .........................565, 567 Commonweal Magazine .....................102 Hispanic Ministry Resource Center ...565, 567 RTJ Creative Catechist .......................421 USCCB/Vatican ...................................457, 459, 461 The Word Among Us...........................441 Retreat Centers Mary & Joseph Retreat Center ...........638 St. Anne in the Mountains Center .......591 Retreats & Seminars Alpine Camp & Conference Center ....658 Center for Spiritual Development........112, 114 Jesuit Retreat Center ..........................278, 280, 282, 284 Loyola Institute for Spirituality .............278, 280, 282, 284 Spanish Religious Resources Editorial Verbo Divino ..........................250, 252 El Sembrador Ministries ......................536, 538, 540, 537, 541 Librería San Pablo ..............................625, 627, 629, 631, 724... Ministerio Biblico Verbo Divino ...........151, 153 USAMadrid Books...............................613 Verbum Dei Libreria Catolica ..............187, 189, 191, 286, 288... Teen Resources Outside da Box....................................413 Youth Resources Girl Scouts, Camp Fire & Boy Scouts 750 Life Teen ..............................................506, 508, 510, 512 Salesian Youth Ministry .......................609, 611 93 Exhibitors Mission (cont.) Mission Haiti ........................................98 Mission/Water Development The H2O Project/ Living Water Int’l ....453 Missionary Catholic Volunteer Network ................685 Claretian Missionaries.........................561, 563 Comboni Missionaries.........................281, 283 Missionary Oblates of Mary Immac. ..657 Pontifical Mission Societies.................445 Multicultural Resources Black and Indian Mission Office..........683 Music Catholic Association of Music .............637, 639 Dennis Doyle/Incarnation Music .........349 GIA Publications, Inc. ..........................119, 121, 123, 218, 220... Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries ..........708 Steve Angrisano ..................................423 ValLimar Jansen & Frank Jansen .......245 Photo Cards & Gifts Healing Petals Photography ...............425 Pilgrimages Catholic Travel Centre ........................356 Quilted Items Tutwiler Quilts ......................................587 Religious Apparel CATgear ..............................................651 La Cruz T-Shirts ..................................487 Seraph 7 Clothing Company...............437, 439 Religious Art Ancient Arts Stained Glass .................529 Colors To Move Your Soul...................267 Creator Mundi, Inc...............................142 Judson Studios....................................91 Notre Dame Creations ........................147, 149, 246, 248 Sara K. Rubin Pottery and Sculpture..138, 140 Val MacRae Designs...........................214, 216 Religious Art & Supplies Al’s Art..................................................390 Religious Articles Alexandra International .......................264 Cathedral of Our Lady Gift Shop ........120, 122 Contreras Religious Art .......................358, 360, 362 Cotter Church Supplies .......................575, 577, 674, 676 Ecumenicus USA ................................211, 213 Fundación Ramon Pane .....................275, 277, 374 Holyland Rocks ...................................570 Multicultural Resources / Gift Center ..291 Mysterium - Design Studio..................184 Sandalstrap .........................................261, 263, 265 Soft Saints, Inc. ...................................712 Tree of Life Imports, Inc. .....................671 Religious Books Ave Maria Press ..................................475, 477, 479, 574, 576... Baker Publishing Group ......................491 Buena Prensa .....................................226 Catholic Book Publishing Corp. ..........543, 545, 547 Cistercian Publications........................230 Gethesemani Libreria Catolica ...........385, 387, 389, 391, 484... Liguori Publications .............................167, 169, 171, 266, 268... Liturgical Press ....................................127, 129, 131 Liturgy Training Publications ...............336, 338, 340, 342, 344... New City Press....................................736 Paraclete Press ...................................223, 225 Random House Inc./Image Books......319, 321 The Crossroad Publishing Co. ............322 The Saint John’s Bible ........................133, 232 Twenty-Third Publications ...................415, 417 Wipf and Stock Publishers ..................571, 672 Religious Cards & Gifts The Printery House .............................364, 366, 368 Religious Education Books Orbis Books .........................................513, 515, 517, 614, 616 Religious Education Resources Center for Ministry Development ........113, 115 Cornerstone Media .............................464 B 55 OO 1, T 55 HS 3 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 94 2012 Religious Education Congress COMPANY LOCATION 3 Arches USA/ ..................... 175, 177, 274, 276, 650, 652 Abbey Press Publications ........................................... 117 Acadian Candle Company.......................................... 688, 690 ACTA Publications ...................................................... 410 African American Catholic Center for Evangelization 641, 643 Alexandra International ............................................... 264 Alpine Camp and Conference Center ........................ 658 Al’s Art ......................................................................... 390 America Magazine ...................................................... 309 American Bible Society............................................... 227, 229 Ancient Arts Stained Glass ......................................... 529 Aquinas Institute of Theology ..................................... 661 Association of Marianist Universities .......................... 185 Ave Maria Press.......................................................... 475, 477, 479, 574, 576, 578 Baker Publishing Group.............................................. 491 Black and Indian Mission Office ................................. 683 Boston College School of Theology & Ministry .......... 104 Brothers of the Sacred Heart ...................................... 744 Buena Prensa ............................................................. 226 Butterfly Music ............................................................ 212 Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix ..................... 262 Café Justo/Just Coffee ............................................... 247 California Catholic Conference................................... 465, 467, 469, 471 California Province of the Society of Jesuits .............. 278, 280, 282, 284 Capuchin Franciscan .................................................. 667 Cards by Anne ............................................................ 257 Carmelite Monastery................................................... 686 Carondelet Artist ......................................................... 172, 174 Catechist Magazine .................................................... 542 CATgear ...................................................................... 651 Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Gift Shop .......... 120, 122 Catholic Association of Music ..................................... 637, 639 Catholic Book Publishing Corp. .................................. 543, 545, 547 Catholic Legislative Network ...................................... 463 EXHIBITOR INDEX PHONE Web (or Email noted by “@”) (714) 538-7431 (800) 325-2511 (888) 424-9425 (773) 271-1030 (323) 777-2106 (718) 392-9575 (909) 337-6287 (818) 205-8952 (212) 581-4640 (888) 239-3976 (310) 832-7613 (800) 977-3869 (937) 229-4723 (800) 282-1865 (800) 679-1957 (202) 331-8542 (617) 552-6535 (504) 301-4758 (800) 858-5450 61-4-1308-6990 (602) 861-9778 (520) 364-3532 (916) 313-4019 (408) 884-1630 (805) 686-4127 (888) 766-7761 (812) 299-1410 (310) 889-2135 (800) 543-4383 (352) 636-8750 (877) 680-5277 (914) 699-1953 (973) 890-2400 (916) 313-4014 Exhibitors 95 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 96 2012 Religious Education Congress COMPANY LOCATION PHONE Web (or Email noted by “@”) (202) 541-5290 (562) 944-2667 (619) 618-2363 (773) 371-5450 (800) 553-5233 (800) 543-5046 (713) 906-2233 (888) 723-2433 (714) 744-3175 (800) 947-7923 (913) 384-7136 (800) 858-5450 (312) 236-7846 (800) 225-2569 (909) 626-0757 (877) 299-1920 (626) 339-1914 (212) 662-4200 (770) 394-3598 (714) 953-8575 (800) 325-3040 (954) 364-7787 (760) 741-9978 (707) 431-8336 (213) 385-3366 (800) 325-9414 (303) 795-8148 (845) 517-0180 (310) 397-8676 (707) 252-3861 (818) 636-0912 (213) 637-7300 (714) 282-3055 (909) 475-5140 (510) 596-1821 (510) 883-2073 (415) 939-5873 (609) 588-0556 34-948-556-511 (800) 253-7521 (818) 260-0222 (303) 715-3224 (562) 397-0955 (800) 874-0999 (973) 495-1796 (800) 676-3264 (718) 817-4800 (800) 488-0488 (510) 848-5232 (954) 885-1507 (323) 262-7904 (818) 980-7714 (800) 442-1358 (626) 967-1815 (800) 935-0975 (800) 232-5533 (800) 742-3083 (970) 292-4473 (626) 444-4442 (415) 477-4427 (310) 559-6487 (972) 984-1848 (800) 524-5370 (312) 544-8147 (800) 299-7729 (909) 575-8006 (323) 526-1254 (415) 387-2324 (800) 352-3452 (213) 637-7209 (817) 481-3387 97 Exhibitors Catholic Mobilizing Network ....................................... 612 Catholic Mortuaries ..................................................... 580, 582, 584 Catholic Relief Services .............................................. 217, 219 Catholic Theological Union ......................................... 100 Catholic Travel Centre ................................................ 356 Catholic Volunteer Network ........................................ 685 The Carmelite Friars/Order of Carmelites .................. 681 Center for Ministry Development ................................ 113, 115 Center for Spiritual Development ............................... 112, 114 Chagall Design Limited............................................... 251, 253, 350, 352 Christian Foundation for Children & Aging ................. 660 Cistercian Publications ............................................... 230 Claretian Missionaries ................................................ 561, 563 CM Almy ...................................................................... 118 Colors To Move Your Soul .......................................... 267 Columban Mission Awareness Resources................. 585 Comboni Missionaries ................................................ 281, 283 Commonweal Magazine ............................................. 102 Compelling Creations, Inc. ......................................... 371, 470 Concern America ........................................................ 241, 243 Concordia Publishing House ...................................... 514, 516, 518 Consuelen a Mi Pueblo .............................................. 520 Contreras Religious Art ............................................... 358, 360, 362 Cornerstone Media ..................................................... 464 Cotter Church Supplies............................................... 575, 577, 674, 676 Creative Communications for the Parish.................... 419 Creator Mundi, Inc. ..................................................... 142 The Crossroad Publishing Co. ................................... 322 Daughters of St. Paul.................................................. 556, 558, 560, 562, 564, 566... De La Salle Christian Brothers ................................... 365, 367 Dennis Doyle/Incarnation Music ................................. 349 Department of Catholic Schools - L.A. Archdiocese .. 443 Diocese of Orange ...................................................... 407, 409, 411 Diocese of San Bernardino......................................... 345, 347 Dominican Friars ......................................................... 662 Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology ............ 662 Dominican Sisters ....................................................... 664 Ecumenicus USA ........................................................ 211, 213 Editorial Verbo Divino ................................................. 250, 252 Eerdmans Books for Young Readers ......................... 381, 383 El Sembrador Ministries.............................................. 536, 538, 540, 537, 541 Endow (Educating on Nature & Dignity of Women) ... 640 Faith-Sharing, Inc........................................................ 682 Family Theater Productions........................................ 481, 483 FECOM-USA .............................................................. 636 Fireside Catholic Publishing ....................................... 557, 656 Fordham Univ. Graduate School of Religious Ed. .... 687 Franciscan Media ....................................................... 603, 605, 607, 702, 704, 706 Franciscan School of Theology .................................. 746 Fundación Ramon Pane............................................. 275, 277, 374 Gethesemani Libreria Catolica ................................... 385, 387, 389, 391, 484, 486... Get on the Bus ............................................................ 720 GIA Publications, Inc................................................... 119, 121, 123, 218, 220, 222 Girl Scouts, Camp Fire & Boy Scouts ........................ 750 Glenmary Home Missioners ....................................... 176, 178 Good Ground Press.................................................... 548 Gradelink ..................................................................... 665 Group .......................................................................... 608, 610 Guadalupe Radio / Hombre Nuevo ............................ 522, 523, 524, 525 HarperOne .................................................................. 315, 317 Healing Petals Photography ....................................... 425 Herald Entertainment .................................................. 718 Hershey & Associates................................................. 180, 182 Hispanic Ministry Resource Ctr. / Claretian Pubs. .... 565, 567 Holy Cross Family Ministries ...................................... 481, 483 Holyland Rocks ........................................................... 570 Homeboy Industries .................................................... 480, 482 Ignatius Press ............................................................. 380, 382, 384, 386, 388 International Catholic Stewardship Council................ 722 Int’l. Institute of Theological and Tribunal Studies ...... 684 Jesse Manibusan 2 x 2 Ministries .............................. 423 EXHIBITOR INDEX FEATURED EXHIBITORS 98 2012 Religious Education Congress COMPANY LOCATION EXHIBITOR INDEX PHONE Web (or Email noted by “@”) Exhibitors Jesuit Retreat Center .................................................. 278, 280, 282, 284 (650) 917-4029 Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University . 668 (510) 549-5016 Jesuit/Ignatian Volunteer Corps.................................. 278, 280, 282, 284 (408) 241-4200 Joe Melendrez |Rosary Rap | God Swagg................. 653 John August Swanson, Artist ...................................... 533, 630, 632 (310) 649-1210 John Paul II Media Institute ........................................ 150 (902) 422-1349 Judson Studios ........................................................... 91 (323) 255-0131 Just Faith Ministries .................................................... 215 (502) 429-0865 Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries.................................. 708 (615) 822-4815 La Cruz T-Shirts .......................................................... 487 (310) 702-0475 Lalo Garcia Sacred & Fine Art Studio......................... 337 (818) 365-8003 Landings International ................................................ 306 (202) 269-2550 Lay Mission-Helpers Association................................ 466 (213) 368-1873 Leadership Conference of Women Religious ............ 649 (301) 588-4955 Librería San Pablo ...................................................... 625, 627, 629, 631, 724, 726... (323) 262-7861 Life Teen...................................................................... 506, 508, 510, 512 (480) 820-7001 Liguori Publications..................................................... 167, 169, 171, 266, 268, 270 (800) 325-9521 Little Books of the Diocese of Saginaw, Inc. .............. 485 (989) 797-6686 Little Rock Scripture Study ......................................... 228 (800) 858-5434 Liturgical Apostolate Center........................................ 339, 341, 343 (213) 250-7962 Liturgical Press ........................................................... 127, 129, 131 (800) 858-5450 Liturgy Training Publications....................................... 336, 338, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348 (773) 579-4900 Living Water Wood Works .......................................... 624 (714) 549-3756 Loyola Institute for Ministry ......................................... 158 (504) 865-3728 Loyola Institute for Spirituality ..................................... 278, 280, 282, 284 (714) 997-9587 Loyola Marymount University ..................................... 157, 159, 161, 256, 258, 260 (310) 338-2700 Loyola Press ............................................................... 103, 105, 107, 109, 202, 204... (773) 281-1818 Loyola Univ. Chicago, Institute of Pastoral Studies ... 156 (800) 424-1238 Madonna Arts .............................................................. 146 (619) 297-4931 Magnificat .................................................................... 271, 370 (914) 502-1846 Marianist Mission ........................................................ 179 (800) 348-4732 Marianist Vocation Ministry ......................................... 181, 183 (808) 735-4801 Marklin Candle Design................................................ 351, 353, 450, 452 (877) 627-5546 Mary & Joseph Retreat Center ................................... 638 (310) 377-4867 Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers ..................................... 513, 515, 517, 614, 616 (914) 941-7636 The Matthew Kelly Foundation ................................... 689, 691 (513) 221-7700 The Maximus Group ................................................... 740 (697) 990-9032 Megan McKenna - The Wayfarer’s Tale ..................... 408 Meyer-Vogelpohl Co. .................................................. 233 (800) 543-0264 Ministerio Amistad/Friendship Ministries .................... 581 (616) 301-7729 Ministerio Biblico Verbo Divino ................................... 151, 153 (909) 383-9030 Ministry with Lesbian & Gay Catholics ....................... 449 (562) 439-8067 Mission Doctors Association ....................................... 468 (213) 368-1875 Mission Haiti ................................................................ 98 (626) 403-6139 Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate .................... 657 (818) 425-0755 Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles ..................... 551, 553 (213) 477-2640 Multicultural Resources / Gift Center.......................... 291 (213) 351-9510 Mysterium - A Sacred Art & Liturgical Design Studio . 184 (702) 232-5889 National Catholic Educational Association ................. 550, 552 (571) 257-0010 Nest Family ................................................................. 160 (800) 988-6378 New City Press ........................................................... 736 (800) 462-5980 Notre Dame Creations ................................................ 147, 149, 246, 248 (805) 558-5182 Oblate School of Theology ......................................... 659 (210) 341-1366 OCP............................................................................. 301, 303, 305, 400, 402, 404 (877) 271-3786 Office of Justice and Peace - Archdiocese of L.A. .... 215 (213) 637-7690 Office of Parish Life - Archdiocese of Los Angeles .... 447 (213) 637-7533 Office of Restorative Justice ....................................... 446, 448 (213) 438-4820 O’Keeffe Religious Articles ......................................... 163, 165 (626) 444-3817 OPM / Catholic Creative Services .............................. 378 (818) 567-2055 Orbis Books ................................................................ 513, 515, 517, 614, 616 (800) 258-5838 Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division ..................... 501, 503, 505, 600, 602, 604 (800) 348-2440 Our Sunday Visitor Publishing .................................... 401, 403, 405, 500, 502, 504 (800) 348-2440 Outside da Box ........................................................... 413 (630) 242-4898 Oxford University Press .............................................. 590 (800) 451-7556 Paraclete Press........................................................... 223, 225 (800) 451-5006 Parish Data System .................................................... 588 (843) 413-8057 ParishSOFT ................................................................ 152 (866) 930-4774 Pauline Books & Media .............................................. 556, 558, 560, 562, 564, 566... (310) 397-8676 Paulist Evangelization Ministries ................................ 311, 313 (202) 832-5022 Paulist Press ............................................................... 308, 310 (201) 825-7300 Paulist Press Book Center.......................................... 312, 314, 316, 318, 320 (714) 545-8021 99 COMPANY LOCATION Publishing Group ........................................................ 544, 546 Pontifical Mission Societies ........................................ 445 Poor Clare Sisters of Rwanda and Italy ..................... 663 Prince of Peace Abbey ............................................... 748 Random House Inc./Image Books ............................. 319, 321 RCL Benziger.............................................................. 137, 139, 141, 143, 236, 238... Rev. Tony Ricard - KnightTime Ministries................... 714 Richard A. Jarrett Stained Glass Studio ..................... 369 Root Candles .............................................................. 645, 647 RTJ Creative Catechist ............................................... 421 Sacred findings - Meditations & More ........................ 376 Saint. Andrew’s Abbey ................................................ 375, 377, 379, 474, 476, 478 Saint Anne in the Mountains Retreat Center.............. 591 Saint Anthony Messenger Press (Franciscan Media) 603, 605, 607, 702, 704, 706 Saint Camillus Center - HIV/AIDS, Pax Christi .......... 451 Saint John’s Abbey ..................................................... 628 Saint John’s School of Theology • Seminary ............. 148 Saint Joseph High School .......................................... 615 Saint Mary’s Press ...................................................... 357, 359, 361, 363, 456, 458... Salesian Youth Ministry............................................... 609, 611 Salvatorians - Priests, Brothers, Sisters and Lay....... 285, 287 Sandalstrap ................................................................. 261, 263, 265 Santa Clara Univ. Graduate Prog. in Pastoral Min. .. 670 Sara K. Rubin Pottery and Sculpture ......................... 138, 140 School of Theology & Ministry, Seattle University ...... 669 School Systems Group of Pearson ............................ 742 SCRC .......................................................................... 489 Seraph 7 Clothing Company ...................................... 437, 439 SHCJ Art/France White .............................................. 88, 90 Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary ............. 675 Sisters of Nazareth ..................................................... 677 Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods .... 168, 170 Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.................................. 108, 110 Sisters of the Holy Names/Clay Creations ................. 606 Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart ......................... 679 Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of L.A. ......... 642, 644 Soft Saints, Inc. ........................................................... 712 - a division of OCP....................... 307, 406 Steve Angrisano.......................................................... 423 Storykeepers ............................................................... 586 Sunrise Printery .......................................................... 738 Tekton Woodworks ..................................................... 710 The H2O Project and Living Water International ....... 453 The Printery House ..................................................... 364, 366, 368 The Saint John’s Bible ................................................ 133, 232 The Tomorrow Project/Catholic Charities ................... 583 .................................................... 619, 621, 623 Tori … Art on Fire ........................................................ 209 Trabajo Cultural Caminante........................................ 106 Tree of Life Imports, Inc. ............................................. 671 Tutwiler Quilts ............................................................. 587 Twenty-Third Publications .......................................... 415, 417 U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps ................................... 752 University of Dallas School of Ministry ....................... 680 University of San Diego .............................................. 678 USAMadrid Books ...................................................... 613 USCCB/Vatican........................................................... 457, 459, 461 Val MacRae Designs .................................................. 214, 216 ValLimar Jansen & Frank Jansen............................... 245 Verbum Dei Libreria Catolica ...................................... 187, 189, 191, 286, 288, 290 Veritas Co., Ltd. .......................................................... 323, 412, 414, 416, 418, 420... Vietnam Catholic Artistic Crafts & Books.................... 509, 511 Vincentian Family........................................................ 646, 648 Vocations Office .......................................................... 440, 442, 444 William H. Sadlier, Inc. ................................................ 324, 326, 328, 330, 332 Wipf and Stock Publishers.......................................... 571, 672 The Wood & Iron Factory, Inc. .................................... 237 The Word Among Us .................................................. 441 Word on Fire Catholic Ministries................................. 620, 622 World Library Publications .......................................... 201, 203, 205, 300, 302, 304 100 EXHIBITOR INDEX PHONE Web (or Email noted by “@”) (800) 543-4383 (212) 563-8710 (805) 732-1251 (760) 967-4200 (212) 782-9000 (972) 390-6463 (504) 236-8828 (760) 788-9243 (714) 679-5300 (800) 321-0411 (626)280-8622 (661) 944-1047 (909) 867-2832 (800) 488-0488 (323) 225-4461 (320) 363-2548 (800) 361-8318 (562) 925-5073 (800) 533-8095 (626) 280-2574 (414) 688-8842 (800) 515-0047 (408) 554-4831 (585) 442-6890 (206) 296-5330 (916) 288-1783 (818) 771-1361 (213) 840-0530 (626) 345-1666 (408) 569-7222 (310) 839-2361 (812) 535-2802 (714) 633-8121 (408) 354-3944 (323) 935-2372 (323) 224-6287 (714) 505-3127 (877) 271-3786 (303) 810-6012 (214) 923-7779 (323) 936-6259 (435) 513-5500 (281) 207-7800 (800) 322-2737 (800) 858-5450 (619) 230-1151 (951) 695-7440 (951) 675-0157 (415) 812-9362 (800) 300-3335 (662) 345-8393 (800) 321-0411 (800) 803-2452 (888) 447-4777 (619) 260-4735 (312) 404-3274 (800) 235-8722 (562) 920-1734 (909) 240-7884 (323) 722-7275 (650) 949-8890 (213) 637-7514 (800) 221-5175 (541) 344-1528 (619) 710-1660 (800) 775-9673 (847) 581-4285 (800) 566-6150 2012 Religious Education Congress
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