Mass Schedule - Resurrection Catholic Church


Mass Schedule - Resurrection Catholic Church
1211 Winter Garden Vineland Rd, Winter Garden, Fl 34787
Telephone: 407-656-3113 / Fax: 407-654-4935
Website: / E-mail:
Office Hours: Monday –Friday 9:00am—4:30pm
Ministry Coordinator:
Kathy Molhem
Faith Formation Director &
Sr. Pat Sipan, SND
Religious Education Coordinators:
English - Mary Ann McFerrin
Nancy Parker
Spanish - Silvia Aguilar
Religious Education Facilitator:
Terry Virgona
Youth, Liturgy & Music:
Jon Sarta
Pre-K Director:
Denise Williams
Business Manager:
Bob Pautienus
Staffed by the Missionaries of
St. Charles /Scalabrinians
Fr. Carlos Anklan, c.s.
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Assisting Priest:
Fr. Robert Kurber
Ismael Piñeiro
Fernando Fred
Jose Naveo
Jack Martin
Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:00pm
7:00pm Spanish
9:30am and 4:30pm Spanish
7:30pm Portuguese
Vigil of Holy Day: 7:30pm
or earlier
Weekday Mass: 8:00am
Wednesday: 7:30pm Spanish
Half hour before
all weekend Masses
Sunday, July 24
Page 2
: We welcome you to our Parish
Community. Please complete a registration form available at the entrance of the church and put it in the
collection basket or stop by the church office Monday
through Friday 9:00am-4:30pm.
Preparation classes are required for Bap-
Mass Intentions
Saturday, July 23
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Sunday, July 24
8:00 AM
9:30 AM (Spanish)
11:30 AM
4:30 PM (Spanish)
7:30 PM
Monday, July 25
8:00 AM
Tuesday, July 26
Wednesday, July 27
8:00 AM
7:30 PM
Thurs., July 28
8:00 AM
Friday, July 29
8:00 AM
Saturday, July 30
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
St. Bridget, Religious; BVM
+Mildred Ricker
+Constanza Elena Rodriguez
+Jose Albino Bracho
+Oscar Velez
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
+Dominic Binh Ha
Souls in Purgatory
Linda Kurtz (health)
+Patrick Shifflett
Maria Santana (Birthday)
+Adela Alcaraz
Humberto & Maria Fernandez
(60th wedding anniversary)
+Angela Pestana
For all the Parishioners
St. James, Apostle
Maryann McFerrin (Birthday)
Saints Joachim & Anne, Parents
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
+Silvia Alves
Lucas Gonima (special intention)
+Johnny Peña
+Antonio Diaz
+Carlos Ortiz
Jose Alejandro Rodriguez (Birthday)
St. Martha
+Oripia Candida Anklan
St. Peter Chysologus, Bishop &
Doctor of the church
+Diego Caso Sr.
+Carmelo Celeste
Leonardo Rivero & Monica
Castellanos (18th wedding anniversary)
Divino Niño Jesus
“Well done my good and faithful servant”
Families contributing by
using envelopes………………..353
Offertory 07/17/16…...……….…$11,184.95
Online Givers………………………$2,291.67
tism. The classes are required for parents and Godparents. Parents must be registered, participating
members of the parish for at least two months,
Godparents must be practicing Catholics who have
received Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and
if they are couples must be married by the Catholic
Please call the church office at least four
to six months in advance. A pre-marriage program is
required. Call parish office for more information.
(Christian Initiation for adults and children 7 years and older): For
more information please call at 407-656-3113.
Please notify us when you would like a hospital
or home visit.
We believe that life long learning and growing is
healthy for all ages and stages. We also expect that
we as adults, youth or children will continue to
grow and learn our faith for our entire life. We encourage all youth; Kindergarten to Grade 12 to participate in Religious Education.
Every child should be receiving education in their
faith every year. Every adult should continue to
read, study share the Scriptures, their faith and
their prayer with others. We know that a relationship with Christ is so important that we require a
minimum of one or two years of Religious Education before preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Religious Education is for every year that our child
is in school, not just when they are preparing for a
If your child is not participating please call at 407656-3113 x4 or email Maryann McFerrin to see how we can assist you
with Religious Education.
17th Sunday in the Ordinary Time
Page 3
ContinuationChapter One: “In the light of the
Word” (8-30)
Following this introduction, the Pope begins
his reflections with the Holy Scriptures in the
first chapter, which unfolds as a meditation
on Psalm 128 (which appears in the Jewish
wedding liturgy as well as that of Christian marriages). The Bible “is full of families, births, love stories
and family crises”. This impels us to meditate on how the family is not an abstract ideal but rather like a
practical “trade”, which is carried out with tenderness, but which has also been confronted with sin from
the beginning, when the relationship of love turned into domination. Hence, the Word of God “is not a series of abstract ideas but rather a source of comfort and companionship for every family that experiences
difficulties or suffering. For it shows them the goal of their journey...”.
Chapter two: “The experiences and challenges of families” (31-57)
Building on the biblical base, in the second chapter the Pope considers the current situation of families.
While keeping “firmly grounded in [the] reality” of family experiences, he also draws heavily on the final
Reports of the two Synods. Families face many challenges, from migration to the ideological denial of differences between the sexes (“ideology of gender”); from the culture of the provisional to the anti-birth
mentality and the impact of biotechnology in the field of procreation; from the lack of housing and work to
pornography and abuse of minors; from inattention to persons with disabilities, to lack of respect for the
elderly; from the legal dismantling of the family, to violence against women. The Pope insists on concreteness, which is a key concept in the Exhortation. And it is concreteness, realism and daily life that make up
the substantial difference between acceptable “theories” of interpretation of reality and arbitrary
Citing Familiaris Consortio, Francis states that “we do well to focus on concrete realities, since ‘the call
and the demands of the Spirit resound in the events of history’, and through these ‘the Church can also be
guided to a more profound understanding of the inexhaustible mystery of marriage and the family’”. Conversely, if we fail to listen to reality, we cannot understand the needs of the present or the movements of
the Spirit. The Pope notes that rampant individualism makes it difficult today for a person to give oneself
generously to another. Here is an interesting picture of the situation: “The fear of loneliness and the desire for stability and fidelity exist side by side with a growing fear of entrapment in a relationship that
could hamper the achievement of one’s personal goals”.
The humility of realism helps us to avoid presenting “a far too abstract and almost artificial theological
ideal of marriage, far removed from the concrete situations and practical possibilities of real families”.
Idealism does not allow marriage to be understood for what it is, that is, a “dynamic path to personal development and fulfilment”. It is unrealistic to think that families can sustain themselves “simply by stressing doctrinal, bioethical and moral issues, without encouraging openness to grace”. Calling for a certain
“self-criticism” of approaches that are inadequate for the experience of marriage and the family, the Pope
stresses the need to make room for the formation of the conscience of the faithful: “We have been called
to form consciences, not to replace them”. Jesus proposed a demanding ideal but “never failed to show
compassion and closeness to the frailty of individuals like the Samaritan woman or the woman caught in
To be continue
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Page 4
at 7:00am followed by Mass at 8:00am
Members monthly meeting the 1st Monday of
the month at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Light
meal served at 6:30pm before the meeting.
There will be NO Big Breakfasts during the
months of July and August. The Knights of
Columbus want to thank all who have supported us
throughout the year. We wish everyone a safe and
relaxing summer vacation.
See you in September!
Today, Sunday, the second collection will be
destined for The Campaign for Human Development and African church. Please show your
generosity as you have
done in the past.
A Prayer shawl or prayer blanket is a gift of love that
brings hope, comfort and peace during difficult times.
When a person is cloaked in a prayer shawl or drapes a
prayer blanker over their lap, it serves as a reminder of
the healing mercy and compassion that can be found in
God’s loving embrace. A prayer shawl or blanket may
calm you when you are upset, remind you that you are
loved, and that your guardian angel is always watching
over you. All shawls and blankets are blessed and are
made by the caring hands of the women in the Sewing
Ministry of our parish. If you or someone you know would
like a prayer shawl or blanket, please call Kathy Korbelak
at 407-619-8059.
There is no charge for a shawl or blanket.
We light a wax candle to indicate the
presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This week (July 24-30) will be for
the souls in Purgatory.
We welcome all who have an interest or have questions
about our Catholic faith. Perhaps a spouse or a friend
needs just a word of encouragement from you to follow
that call to become a Catholic.
Please encourage them to become a part of a group
called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; RCIA.
These people will begin a process of formation as well
as sessions of information. Please call Sister Pat for
x4. Now would be a great time to
begin. We resume on August. We welcome you!
What does this all mean?
In the past we used to memorize questions and answers
to defend the faith. We went to Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD).
Religious Education included not only doctrine but how
to live out our religious heritage. But this was mainly
for those in elementary or high school education.
Today we use the term Faith Formation. We give information but also form people youth, teens and adults in
lifelong personal faith development
If you haven’t registered your child or grandchild for
Religious Education classes that start the week of August 21 please stop in the office 10-4 Monday –
The Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) will be available once
per month from 9am-4pm. The MMU will provide physical exams for adults (18 up) and treat symptoms. To
make an appointment for the MMU, please call 407245-7341. Leave your name and phone number where
you can be reached and someone who is bilingual will
return your call. Notice: Medical Bus will come the first
Friday of the month.
JOB OPENING: Resurrection
Catholic Church Preschool is
seeking a part time Teacher
Assistant for the 2016-2017
school year. The ideal candidate will be caring, patient,
flexible and fun, with a passion for working with young
Preference will be given to
those who have completed
45 hour DCF training requirements. Bilingual EnglishSpanish a plus.
Application Instructions: If interested, please contact
Mrs. Denise Williams, Director, by email, *No phone calls.
17th Sunday in the Ordinary Time
Não há dúvida de que a oração é nosso combustível. Sem
ela não vamos longe, porque a oração é uma conexão com
Deus e somente conectados a Ele, podemos continuar
caminhando, levando adiante a nossa missão.
“Senhor, ensina-nos a rezar”, foi o pedido feito pelos
discípulos a Jesus. E o Mestre ensina uma oração íntima e
carinhosa, na qual nos dirigimos a Deus como nosso Pai. O
diálogo com Deus não pode ser como uma conversa entre
patrão e empregado. A oração é a expressão sincera e
profunda de reconhecimento, de gratidão, de confiança filial.
Por isso não pode ser uma oração mecânica,
descompromissada. A nossa oração deve ser perseverante e
sobretudo revestida de amor por Deus.
A mais bela oração é aquela que brota de um coração
convertido, pronto a ajudar seus semelhantes, sem arrogância
nem egoísmo. Jesus rezou e ensinou-nos a rezar. A oração
que Jesus ensina é a oração mais bela e completa. É uma
oração na qual exaltamos nosso Deus, pedimos a providência
divina para o essencial em nossa vida, experimentamos a
dimensão do perdão e pedimos a proteção do alto contra todo
tipo de mal. Rezando como Jesus nos ensinou, é assim
perseveramos na caminhada.
Obrigado por ser
O dízimo de 17 de
julho foi $720.
Page 5
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Page 6
Capítulo primero: “A la luz de la Palabra”
Puestas estas premisas, el Papa articula su reflexión
a partir de la Sagrada Escritura en el primer capítulo, que se desarrolla como una meditación sobre el
Salmo 128, característico de la liturgia nupcial tanto
judía como cristiana. La Biblia “está poblada de familias, de generaciones, de historias de amor y de
crisis familiares” y a partir de este dato se puede
meditar cómo la familia no es un ideal abstracto sino un “trabajo ‘artesanal’” que se expresa con ternura
pero que se ha confrontado también con el pecado desde el inicio, cuando la relación de amor se transforma en dominio . Entonces la Palabra de Dios “no se muestra como un secuencia de tesis abstractas, sino
como una compañera de viaje también para las familias que están en crisis o en medio de algún dolor, y les
muestra la meta del camino” .
Capítulo segundo: “La realidad y los desafíos de la familia”
A partir del terreno bíblico en el segundo capítulo el Papa considera la situación actual de las familias, poniendo “los pies sobre la tierra” , recurriendo ampliamente a las Relaciones conclusivas de los dos Sínodos y
afrontando numerosos desafíos, desde el fenómeno migratorio a las negociaciones ideológicas de la diferencia de sexos (“ideología del gender”); desde la cultura de lo provisorio a la mentalidad antinatalista y al
impacto de la biotecnología en el campo de la procreación; de la falta de casa y de trabajo a la pornografía
y el abuso de menores; de la atención a las personas con discapacidad, al respeto de los ancianos; de la
desconstrucción jurídica de la familia, a la violencia contra las mujeres. El Papa insiste sobre lo concreto,
que es una propiedad fundamental de la Exhortación. Y son las cosas concretas y el realismo que ponen una
substancial diferencia entre teoría de interpretación de la realidad e “ideologías”.
Citando la Familiares consortio Francisco afirma que “es sano prestar atención a la realidad concreta, porque “las exigencias y llamadas del Espíritu resuenan también en los acontecimientos mismos de la historia”,
a través de los cuales “la Iglesia puede ser guiada a una comprensión más profunda del inagotable misterio
del matrimonio y de la familia”. Por lo tanto, sin escuchar la realidad no es posible comprender las exigencias del presente ni los llamados del Espíritu. El Papa nota que el individualismo exagerado hace difícil hoy
la entrega a otra persona de manera generosa. Esta es una interesante fotografía de la situación: “se teme
la soledad, se desea un espacio de protección y de fidelidad, pero al mismo tiempo crece el temor de ser
atrapado por una relación que pueda postergar el logro de las aspiraciones personales”
La humildad del realismo ayuda a no presentar “un ideal teológico del matrimonio demasiado abstracto,
casi artificialmente construido, lejano de la situación concreta y de las posibilidades efectivas de las familias reales”. El idealismo aleja de considerar al matrimonio tal cual es, esto es “un camino dinámico de crecimiento y realización”. Por esto no es necesario tampoco creer que las familias se sostienen “solamente
insistiendo sobre cuestiones doctrinales, bioéticas y morales, sin motivar la apertura a la gracia”. Invitando
a una cierta “autocrítica” de una presentación no adecuada de la realidad matrimonial y familiar, el Papa
insiste que es necesario dar espacio a la formación de la conciencia de los fieles: “Estamos llamado a formar las conciencias no a pretender sustituirlas” (AL 37). Jesús proponía un ideal exigente pero “no perdía
jamás la cercana compasión con las personas más frágiles como la samaritana o la mujer adúltera”
17th Sunday in the Ordinary Time
Page 7
Estas se llevan a cabo el último sábado de cada mes de 9:00
AM a 1:00 PM, en los salones 10 y 11. Todos están cordialmente invitados. “Lo que buscáis leyendo lo encontrareis meditando” San Juan De la Cruz. Para más information llamar a
Juan Carlos Hernández al 407-592-3625.”
Exposición al Santísimo
Todos están cordialmente
El grupo de oración carismático se reúne todos los lunes a las
7:30pm en la Iglesia. Todos están cordialmente invitados.
Para más información favor llamar la Sr. Helton Blanco al 407936-8655.
Invitamos a aquellas personas interesadas en aprender
sobre la humildad y servicio de Nuestra Madre la Virgen María a que asistan a las reuniones que se llevan a
cabo los miércoles de 5:30pm a 7:00pm en el salón numero 2.
Para más información favor de comunicarse con la Sra.
Adriangela Esposito al 407-288-0620.
El movimiento Juan XXIII se reúne todos los martes a las
7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. Para más información pueden llamar a Cruz Sánchez al teléfono 321-297-0693.
Los devotos de la Devoción a la Divina Misericordia se reúnen
en la iglesia todos los lunes a la 6:30pm para rezar el rosario
de la Divina Misericordia. Para más información favor de comunicarse con Hilda Pérez al 407-296-4304.
CRS se está preparando para la muy esperada canonización de
la beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta. CRS ha trabajado con las
Misioneras de la Caridad, hermanas de la Madre Teresa, durante casi 50 años, y estamos muy contentos de unirnos con la
Iglesia en todo el mundo para celebrar su testimonio de fe.
Hemos desarrollado una serie de recursos para ayudar a las
comunidades a aprender sobre el servicio y el modelo de la
Madre Teresa a "los más pobres entre los pobres".
"Tengo sed"
Una oración inspirada por la Madre Teresa de Calcuta
En el tren a Darjeeling escuchaste lo que muchos corazones humanos anhelan escuchar: la Voz de Dios. A través de la semilla de Su Palabra creaste un movimiento
que el mundo rara vez ha visto y que tanto anhelaba:
un movimiento de misericordia, de compasión, y de
esperanza que brilla en los lugares más oscuros.
Y en cada una de las capillas de tus Hermanas en todo
el mundo cuelga un crucifijo: Cristo sufriendo, muriendo y las palabras, “Tengo sed”.
Estas palabras son un llamado a la acción. Fijamos la
mirada en tu ejemplo, alejándote del camino seguro
arriesgando todo para cumplir la voluntad del Señor con
los más pobres de los pobres. Y escuchamos el agonizante lamento que invocabas: “Tengo sed”.
¿Acaso nosotros no hemos escuchado también la Voz de
Madre Teresa, tú que conoces nuestro corazón
que clama por Él que llora por nosotros. Y al responder
a este lamento en nuestras oraciones y obras, pedimos
tu intercesión: Madre Teresa de Calcuta,
ruega por nosotros. Amén
DE 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Resurrection Catholic Church (Room 3)
Estaremos registrando, para el nuevo comienzo de las clases de
Educación Religiosa (2016-2017) durante todo el verano en las
oficinas parroquiales. Favor de traer el certificado de bautismo
de su hijo para que podamos hacer una copia. Ven si quieres
reservar un lugar para sus hijos o nietos. Nuestras clases se
llenan rápidamente nos gustaría darle la primera opción.
La Unidad Medica Movible proveerá exámenes
físicos, tratamientos de síntomas, y evaluaciones
para adultos (18 años hacia arriba). Para hacer
citas favor de llamar a la Unidad Medica Movible al teléfono 407-245-7341. Deje su nombre y numero de
teléfono donde usted pueda ser contactado y una persona de
habla hispana le regresara su llamada. Aviso: el Autobús Medico vendrá los primeros viernes del mes.