ST. SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - SUNDAY BULLETIN Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time -- July 10, 2011 "You have crowned the year with your bounty, and your paths overflow with a rich harvest.”— Psalm 65:12 Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -- 10 de julio de 2011 "Tú coronas el año con tus bienes, tus senderos derraman abundancia.“— Salmo 65(64):12 Please pray for our recently deceased: Audrey Ford (Naomi Tambornini’s sister-in-law) Please pray for our seriously ill: Mario Cuellar, Dee Brough, Cathy Humphrey, Clair Nagel, Cindy Madill, Paulette Carroll, Sandy Moreno, Armando Lemus, John Hansen, Christine Corsetti, Barbara Williams, Reynaldo Arellano, Syl Houlemard, Shama Oldenburg, The Rawson Family, Eleanor Greytak, Theresa Alberigi, Jennie Trotman, John Cruz, Sherry Dicharry, Leona Spadoni, Edmund Hynes, Randy Davey Hans Valverde and Dan Ortega. Anniversaries of deaths: (7th): David Nagle; (5th): Mildred Venture, Tina Calderon; (4th): Ralph Amaroli; (1st): Cecilia Philips. ` SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES READINGS / LECTURAS Today/Hoy: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 *1-9+ Ex 1:8-14, 22; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Ex 2:1-15a; Mt 11:20-24 Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Mt 11:25-27 Ex 3:13-20; Mt 11:28-30 Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Mt 12:1-8 Ex 12:37-42; Mt 12:14-21 Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 *24-30+ CHURCH OFFERINGS Monday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: St. Benedict St. Henry Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha St. Bonaventure Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Blessed Virgin Mary LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Lunes: San Benito Miércoles: San Enrique Jueves: Beata Kateri Tekakwitha Viernes: San Buenaventura Sábado: Nuestra Señora del Carmen; Santa María Virgen Last week’s regular collection : $4534. TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION: JULY 9/10 - BLACK & INDIAN MISSIONS Another Bible study will be offered starting Thursday July 14 to Aug 18, 2011 using "A Biblical Walk through the Mass" study series. This five-week study will be held mornings on Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 after 9:00 a.m. Mass in classroom #6. The coordinator will be Elena Eich and her contact info is listed on our website along with registration forms. There are forms available in the front of the church as well. Please fill them in and return them to the rectory. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION Week 16: Baby's mom begins to feel her move around. Although this is the first time she feels the baby move, she has been moving and stretching for six whole weeks. Decima Sexta Semana: La mamá comienza a sentir el movimiento del bebé. Aunque esta es la primera vez que siente el movimiento, ya tiene varias semanas que el bebé se mueve y se estira. VIVENCIA QUE SANA Si usted o alguien quien usted ama esta sufriendo después del aborto, la esperanza, ayuda y sanación están disponibles a través de un retiro del Viñedo de Raquel. El próximo retiro será Octubre 7 a 9, 2011. (707) 967-1101 elvinedoderaquel@gmail.com elvinedoderaquel.org Los Siete Sacramentos de la Iglesia Católica EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Los sacramentos son signos de la presencia de Dios. Porque Jesús está con nosotros en la iglesia, los sacramentos son signos que verdaderamente nos dan vida. Nos hacen partícipes de la vida misma de Dios. El amor y la vida de Dios en nosotros es llamada gracia. Gracia es participar de la vida divina de Dios. Al celebrar los sacramentos, la iglesia misma es signo de la presencia de Jesús en el mundo. Hay que pedir y recibir los sacramentos que nos faltan y no despreciar los regalos de Dios. Estos son los siete sacramentos: SIGN-UP SHEETS FOR THURS. ADORATION ARE IN THE VESTIBULE ANOTHER MOVIE NIGHT AT ST SEBASTIAN’S! Mark your calendars for July 30th, start time 6 pm. FREE ADMISSION, PARISH POTLUCK! Fr. Raúl will be working the grill again! Whoo hoo! Bautismo: Jesús comparte la vida de Dios con nosotros y nos hacemos miembros de la iglesia. Movie title is “The Reluctant Saint” starring Maximilian Schell and Ricardo Montalban. It is the incredible true story of St. Joseph of Cupertino, “The Flying Friar.” Confirmación: Jesús envía al Espíritu Santo para fortalecernos en forma especial. Eucaristía: Jesús comparte su cuerpo y su sangre con nosotros. Reconciliación: Jesús perdona a los que se arrepienten. Unción de los Enfermos: Jesús consuela y fortalece a la persona enferma. Matrimonio: Jesús bendice el amor del hombre y la mujer. Ordenes Sagradas: Jesús llama a obispos, sacerdotes y diáconos para ordenarse como ministros de la iglesia. NEW TO OUR PARISH? We would like to welcome you! Please stop by the office to register your family. Office hours are 9 am – Noon, weekdays. Or, you can visit our website at www.stseb.org and fill out a registration form online. If you have children who you would like to enroll in our Religious Education Program or who are interested in the Altar Servers Program, please call: (707) 823-2208, ext. 104. For adults wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith, please call John Galten: 829-8140. Programa Católico en el Radio Are you interested in teaching St. Sebastian’s youth Hay un nuevo programa en el radio que se llama “En Busca de la Verdad,” los domingos a las 9:00AM en la estación 104.1 FM. Si quiere aprender mas de su fe el Padre Raúl les recomienda que escuchen ese programa. about Our Lord? Then our CCD program is looking for you. Call Mary McQuown 823- 2208 ext. 104. Adoración Eucarística Tendremos adoración Eucarística todos jueves de 6:30 – 8:00 PM y las 24 horas el primer viernes de cada mes. Ministerios en nuestra iglesia: Lunes: Grupo de Oración a las 7:00 PM Martes: Grupo de Jóvenes a las 7:00 PM Miércoles: Educación Religiosa para Adultos a las 7:00 PM (Liturgia de la Eucaristía por el Padre Raúl)) Jueves: Adoración del Santísimo de las 6:30 - 8:00 PM FATHERS IN LOVE + MOTHERS IN LOVE = FAMILIES IN LOVE! Your whole family deserves the love Mom and Dad will bring home from a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! Visit our marriage encounter website at sf.wwme12.org or call Ron & Melissa Brauner at 707-658-2161. Next SF-WWME Weekend: Nov. 4-6, 2011, San Mateo, & November 18-20, 2011, Santa Rosa. LECTORS and EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION are STILL NEEDED for the 5PM SATURDAY VIGIL MASS. Please call the office if you are interested In this ministry. 823-2208. ST. SEBASTIAN’S INKJET CARTRIDGE RECYCLING PROGRAM: Help support our Religious Education Program! Bring your empty inkjet cartridges to the receptacle located in the vestibule. (extralarge ink/toner cartridges are not accepted by recycling company). “Yo soy el pan vivo bajado del cielo. El que coma de este pan, vivirá para siempre.” (Jn 6:51) MINISTROS - 17 de julio Primera Lectura: Salmo: Segunda Lectura: Ministro de Comunión: Monaguillos: Rosario Cortez Lupita Lopez Alejandra Gomez Aurelio Hernandez Jerardo y Cristian Z MASS INTENTIONS Mon, July 11 Tues, July 12 Wed, July 13 Thurs, July 14 Fri, July 15 Sat, July 16 Sat., July 16 Sun, July 17 Sun, July 17 Sun, July 17 9 am: William & Maria Turner , req. D Padilla 9 am: Luke Buratovich, , req. Buratovich Family 9 am: Helen Carrigan , req. The Carrigans 9 am: Holy Souls , req. Aggio Family 9 am: Meihaus Children (L), req. Bobby & Joaquina Smith 9 am: John Murray , req. The Carrigans 5 pm: George Mendonca , req. June Mendonca 8 am: Audrey Ford , req. Maria Williams 10:30 am: Elsie & Glenn Hansen , req. Amos Family 1:00 pm: Spanish Mass /All the People
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