Bulletin - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs


Bulletin - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Bulletin# 514179
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
2731 SW 11th Court
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312
Phone: 954-583-8725
MS Publisher 2010
Adobe 10 (X)
BULLETIN for January 26, 2014
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church 2731 SW 11th Court, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312
Phone: (954) 583-8725 • Fax: (954) 583-9315
E-mail: pastorsolqm@live.com
Wait for the Lord with courage;
Be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord.
-Pslam 27:14
Rev. Jorge L. Rodríguez de la Viuda
School Principal
Mrs. Althea Mossop (954) 583-8112
Deacon Ian Taylor
Director of Religious Educa on
Mrs. Regina Medina (754) 206-3329
Schedule of Services
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:00 pm (English)
Sunday Masses
9:00 am & 10:30 am (English)
12:00 noon (Spanish)
Daily Masses
8:30 am Monday — Saturday
Holy Day Masses
Vigil 7:30 pm (English)
8:30 am (English)
7:30 pm (Spanish)
Saturday 3:00 to 4:00 pm
January 26, 2014 • Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
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January 26, 2014
First Reading — God has restored the land, and brought
great joy to the people. (Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3).
Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salvation
(Psalm 27).
Second Reading — Paul exhorts the believers at
Corinth: As there is one Christ, so too must there be
no divisions among you. (1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17).
Gospel — After calling his first disciples, Jesus goes
throughout Galilee (Matthew 4:12-23 [12-17]).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26;
Mk 3:22-30
Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20
Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14;
Mk 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11;
Mk 4:26-34
Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41
Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;
Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]
SATURDAY January 25, 2014
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
Luis-Armando Madera †
By: Friends and Family
January 26, 2014
Our School and All Catholic Schools
10:30 AM
Our Parish Community
12:00 PM
Ofelio Batlle †
By;Sylvia &Steve Roepke
January 27, 2014
8:30 AM
Our homebound Parishioners
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Catholic Schools Week
St. Angela Merici
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. John Bosco;
Chinese New Year 4712
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary;
First Saturday
January 28, 2014
Faculty and Staff at
St. Thomas Aquinas High School
WEDNESDAY January 29, 2014
8:30 AM
All Souls n Purgatory †
January 30, 2014
Amari Concha
By: Secret Prayer Friend
Jonina Julien
By: Secret Prayer Friend
January 31, 2014
Primitiva de la Santa †
By: Carmelo la Santa
February 1, 2014
All Souls in Purgatory †
Reserving Mass Intentions
Mass intentions can be scheduled at the church office.
If you want to reserve a date for a special occasion or
remember a special person, please stop by!
Office Hours: Monday through Friday
9:00 AM—4:00 PM
In this Sunday’s Gospel, we find that
Jesus “…proclaimed the good news of
the kingdom, and cured the people of
every disease and illness.” This month,
through your gifts, the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul was able to proclaim
the good news of the kingdom to the poor, by
assisting families, providing in food, in gifts, and
for utility and rent bills. Please remember to
contribute whatever you can in the poor boxes at the
back of the church. The food pantry is open every
Monday from 4:00-5:00.
Weekly Collections
January 18 & 19, 2014
Mass Time
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Total Mass Attendance: 733
Total Offertory Contributions:
Total Building Contributions:
$ 648.95
$ 850.00
$ 712.00
$ 1,295.00
$ 3,505.95
$ 1,102.00
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January 26, 2014
Heal us, Lord, and we shall be healed; save us,
and we shall be saved; for it is You we praise.
For those who are sick (por los enfermos).
Juan Martin Guerrero
Fr. James Murphy
Kenneth Howell
Renzo Garcia
Cecilia Garcia
Teresa Hernandez Revelo
Maria C. Ticona
† For the deceased
(por los difuntos):
Ofelio Batlle
Victor Torres Suarez
Jessica Lalta
Luis-Armando R. Madera
& All Souls in Purgatory
Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks. After that time,
inform the office if a name should continue to be listed.
Los nombres se mantendrán en la lista de oraciones por cuatro semanas.
Después de este período notifique a la oficina de la iglesia para seguir
apareciendo en la lista.
You are invited to
Pray together
the Holy Rosary at
8:00AM before Mass.
Monday through Friday
Secret Prayer Friend: Again this year we have
started the Secret Prayer Friend Program for our
Parish and School children who are preparing to
receive the Sacraments of First Holy
Communion and Confirmation in May 2014. We thank
those parishioners and School Teachers who are already
participating in this Program. A few examples of what you
can do for that young man or woman that you are praying
for is to say the rosary for them, attend Mass during the
week and offer it up for their intention, or you can stop by
the Parish Office and arrange for a specific Mass to be offered especially for your Secret Prayer Friend. You can also
send them a card or note from time to time just to let them
know how special they are and that you are praying for
them. Please contact Regina Medina in the Parish Office
for more information. Also, if you are interested in
becoming a Secret Prayer Friend, let Regina now.
The Sacrament of Baptism initiates a person into the family of
God and is scheduled twice a month. Kindly make
arrangements by contacting the Church Office.
For information about First Reconciliation, First
Communion, or Confirmation, please contact Regina
Medina, Director of Religious Education at the church office.
Arrangements for Marriage must be made well in advance,
six months minimum. Contact the Church Office for
Individuals that would like to receive Anointing of the Sick
should contact the Church Office.
Discerning a vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life?
Please call the Church Office for help making arrangements to
speak to a priest or sister.
2014 Mass Intension Book is Open.
Mass intentions can be scheduled immediately for next
year. Mass cards are available at the Church Office.
The stipend for the Masses are as follows:
Daily Mass (8:30 am Monday—Saturday): $10.00
Sunday Masses (Including the Saturday Vigil): $15.00
Holy Days (when available): $15.00
St. Joseph Fraternity's Fransican Meeting
will have their next monthly gathering in
the OLQM multi-purpose room at
12:15pm on Sunday, February, 2nd. We
invite you join us to discover who Saint
Francis was and how to live life as he
did...always serving his Lord, his Holy
Church, his brothers, as well as, all of
humanity. We welcome all Catholicsmale, female, the young, and the not-soyoung, to come and see what The Third Order Secular of St.
Francis is all about.
Adoration of the Blessed
Thursdays 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
in the Chapel.
Come spend time with Our Lord.
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January 26, 2014
Angel Hair Pasta
 Marinara, Pesto, Alfredo, Meat
 Tossed Salad
 Ranch & Italia
 Rainbow Sherbet
For information about renting the Parish Hall for a
celebration, please call the church office to get in
touch with Teresa Nair.
Para información sobre alquilar el Salón
Parroquial, por favor llamar al despacho
parroquial para contactarse con Teresa Nair.
For those participating in the Respect Life Baby bottle donation
collection given before Advent began, they are due back.
Please return them to your child’s teacher.
Thank you for continued support in the Respect Life mission.
Are you suffering from the pain of a past abortion?
God's greatest desire is to forgive For confidential help,
Contact: Project Rachel
Ministry 1-888-456-HOPE (888-4564673)
Individual counseling or retreat weekend available
Come back to Love and Mercy!
ANGIE HALAVIN - 954-397-3817
LESLY FRANKLIN - 954-444-8095
ANGIE JONES-MEDINA – 954-873-3916
Located at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church
Our system is for the entire family.
Our curriculum is Taekwondo based.
Call us at (754) 234-6817
Try two weeks free on us!
Free Uniform with Registration.
Reflections from the Rector
“I recently heard a very apropos acronym for the word
HOPE, especially in light of our mission at the seminary:
HOPE –Helping Others Prepare for
Eternity. Isn’t
that exactly the reason for which we train our priests: The priestly vocation is
one of standing with people in the moments of their lives when they most need
hope: praying at the bedside of the dying and bringing comfort to the grieving
family; baptizing children in the waters of Eternity; feeding the spiritually
hungry with the Medicine of Immortality; reconciling and healing lost sheep to
help them get to Heaven. These great sacramental moments bring Hope for
Eternal Life, as do the many moments of silent priestly presence in the lives of
the faithful. Indeed, we are seeing miracles occur in the lives and of our men
and in the continued growth of our seminary. Jesus is the reason for our Hope
– may each of us stay deeply rooted in Him”.
Monsignor David Toups Rector,
St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach
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January 26, 2014
TELEPHONE: (954) 583 8112 E-MAIL: olqmcs@bellsouth.net
Sunday February 9, 11:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
Please consider the value of a Catholic education for your child.
We are fully accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference.
Our outstanding academic program is enriched with faith, promoting character development and leadership
skills to meet the needs of the 21st century student. We will have personnel there to answer questions about
our requirements and tuition.
We offer Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math programs. We have enrichment programs, athletic sports,
and extracurricular activities.
Student tuition assistance Step Up for Students Scholarships and VPK program vouchers are accepted.
The State Scholarship “Step Up for Students” is an income based tuition assistance for grades K thru 8th. For
more information and how to apply go online: www.stepupforstudents.org
For information to obtain the VPK certificate voucher for the 2014-2015 please visit the website:
Please note that by state law any children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1, 2014;
(VPK) Pre-K4 program must be 4 years old by September 1, 2014; Learning Center-3 program must be 3
years old by September 1, 2014.
Please call the School with any questions at (954) 583 8112 or visit our website:
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs school is hiring teachers in the early childhood
department for the new year. An associate degree in early childhood
education is required. OLQM Parishioners or Catholics are preferred.
Please submit resumes with copies of degree diplomas to the school office.
We are thankful for the thoughtfulness of those
parishioners who have made a bequest to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs These charitable gifts allow
us to share our Catholic faith with future generations. For more information on how you can help
support the future of our parish, contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305)
Agradecemos la amabilidad de los feligreses que han
hecho un legado a la Parroquia de Our Lady Queen of
Martyrs. Estos regalos caritativos nos permiten compartir nuestra fe católica con las generaciones futuras. Para
obtener más información sobre cómo puede contribuir al
futuro de nuestra parroquia o apoyarlo, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas, llamando al (305) 762-1110.
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January 26, 2014
A CHRSITIAN Manifiesto
When the founding fathers of the United States put quill to parchment to set forth the principles and intentions, values
and ideology upon which the nation would be established, they called their manifesto the Declaration of Independence.
When architect Frank Lloyd Wright wished to impart is views on the nature of design and construction, he wrote a
10-point manifesto for his apprentices. Most manifestos are positive and idealistic, though some reveal the
less-than-laudable aspects of human nature, as in Hitler’s Mein Kampf or that of the Unibomber, Ted Kaczynski. Even
more manifestos are powerful and inspiring, such as Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream.” Others are lyrical in nature,
as with Helen Reddy’s “I Am Woman,” Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie’s “We Are the World,” and Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”
This month, we as Christians are privileged to remember and celebrate our own manifesto — the teachings of Jesus,
the values of the kingdom and the challenges of discipleship as they have been communicated to us by the Matthean
evangelist in the Sermon on the Mount. After we recall the purification of Mary and the Presentation of Jesus in the temple (Feb. 2), where
Simeon’s prayer and prophecy offer a preview of Jesus’ salvific mission, we will follow as Matthew leads us into the mind and heart of Jesus, as it
was experienced by the evangelist and his community.
To understand the significance of the Great Sermon, we should appreciate its political background. Writing for second and third generations of
believers in the wake of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, the Matthean evangelist was trying to help his contemporaries to see their
faith and themselves as rooted in, yet distinct from, Judaism. When Jewish believers in Jesus were ousted from the synagogue in the mid-80s C.E.,
defining their Christian identity became all the more important. The rabbis at Jamnia were trying to maintain their Jewish faith and traditions after
the disastrous war with Rome and fall of Jerusalem; in the same way, the Matthean community struggled to remain true to Jesus and his teachings.
The Great Sermon clearly shows that they saw themselves as the new Israel united by their faith in Jesus and dedication to the new law of the
In a world darkened by war, oppression and violence, they sought to be both salt and light, as Jesus had commanded (Feb. 9). While others were
exacting their pounds of flesh, believers in Jesus were striving to avoid even the semblance of anger. They worked toward forgiveness rather than
retribution, and while others devalued the bonds of marriage, the followers of Jesus tried to remain faithful to their spouses. Rather than die or
dissemble in any way, they were determined to conduct themselves with integrity (Feb. 16). While others retaliated in kind for wrongs committed
against them — an eye for an eye — those who professed to believe in and belong to Jesus were called to offer no resistance and to go so far as to
love their enemies (Feb. 23). Given its radical nature, some have dismissed the demands of the Great Sermon as unrealistic and unattainable.
Martin Luther called Matthew 5-7 “a pernicious document which has wrought incalculable harm by presenting an impossible ethic.” Others have
relegated the Great Sermon to an “interim ethic” or a sort of last-ditch effort that one might be able to sustain only for a short time while awaiting
the returning Jesus. But others, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, have urged believers to accept the Christian manifesto that is the Great Sermon with
simple surrender and obedience (A Testament to Freedom, Harper San Francisco: 1995). Jesus would not have us pick and choose from his
teachings, accepting what we find useful and ignoring what seems impractical or even absurd given the reality of the world in which we live. Jesus
doesn’t give believers free rein to misuse his word, but offers his truth on the condition that it retains exclusive power over them. This is our
manifesto as believers and as disciples. Instead of having us simply listen to these challenges or endlessly discuss them as an ideal, Jesus means
us to get on with it. “It is not those who say to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my
father inheaven” (Matt 7:21, JB).
As we strive together to discern and then act on what we perceive to be God’s will, we are not alone. Graced and inspired by the Spirit, we are
strengthened for every challenge. Supported and inspired by one another, we who keep and live the challenges of the Great Sermon become a
community that presents a visible, viable alternative to the world. In a word, we become ekklesia, church, the living body of Christ in the world.
Un Manifiesto Cristiano
Cuando los padres fundadores de los Estados Unidos pusieron su pluma al pergamino para establecer los principios, las
intenciones, los valores y la ideología sobre la que querían establecer esta nación, escribieron un manifiesto al que llamaron
la Declaración de la Independencia. Cuando el arquitecto Frank Lloyd Wright quiso impartir su punto de vista sobre la
naturaleza del diseño y de la construcción, escribió para sus aprendices un manifiesto de diez puntos. La mayoría de los manifiestos son de carácter político, a menudo positivo e idealista, como el manifiesto zapatista (“Tierra, Tierra para todos”), el
de Hidalgo (“El Grito de Dolores”), o el “Sí se puede” de nuestros días. Otros manifiestos rebelan aspectos poco loables de
la naturaleza humana, como el de Adolfo Hitler (Mein Kampf), o el de Ted Kaczynski (el Unibomber). Otros tienen un carácter lírico, como el de Wisin y Yandel (“Algo me gusta de ti”), Camila (“De qué me sirve la vida”), o Kiko Argüello
(“Resucitó, aleluya”).
Este mes, tenemos el privilegio de recordar y celebrar nuestro propio manifiesto cristiano: el Gran Sermón de la Montaña con las enseñanzas de
Cristo, los valores del Reino de los Cielos y el reto de ser sus discípulos, según San Mateo. El 2 de febrero celebramos la Purificación de María y la
Presentación de Jesús en el templo; la oración y la profecía de Simeón ofrecen una vista previa de la misión salvífica de Jesús. Durante el resto del
mes San Mateo seguirá guiándonos para que conozcamos mejor la mente y el corazón de Jesús, según la experiencia del evangelista y de su comunidad de Siria Antioquía. Por eso, para comprender el significado del Gran Sermón, es importante apreciar su trasfondo político: Mateo escribía
para la segunda y tercera generación de creyentes, a raíz de la guerra con Roma que destruyó Jerusalén y su templo. El evangelista trataba de ayudar a sus contemporáneos a comprender su fe que, aunque tenía sus raíces en el Judaísmo, era distinta de él. Cuando los Judíos cristianos fueron
expulsados de la sinagoga a mediados de los años ochenta D.C., sintieron que tenían que definir su propia identidad cristiana. Los rabinos de Jannia, por su parte, también trataban de mantener su fe judía y sus tradiciones después de la desastrosa guerra. La comunidad judeocristiana de San
Mateo tuvo que luchar para mantenerse fiel a Jesús y a sus enseñanzas y, al definirse, se vieron a sí mismos como el Nuevo Israel, unidos por su fe
en Jesucristo y dedicados al cumplimiento de la nueva ley del Reino, expresada claramente en el Gran Sermón.
En un mundo oscurecido por la guerra, la opresión y la violencia, los cristianos trataban de ser luz y sal de la tierra, como había mandado Jesucristo (9 de febrero). Mientras unos exigían con exasperación cobrar lo suyo, los seguidores de Jesús procuraban evitar hasta la misma apariencia
de enojo; se esforzaban en perdonar en vez de exigir retribución, mientras unos devaluaban los lazos matrimoniales, los seguidores de Jesús trataban de permanecer fieles a sus cónyuges. En vez de morir o de encubrir, los cristianos decidieron vivir con integridad (16 de febrero). Mientras
unos buscaban vengarse pagando con la misma moneda que habían recibido — ojo por ojo y diente por diente — Jesús llamaba a sus seguidores a
no ofrecer resistencia, y hasta amar a sus propios enemigos (23 de febrero). El Gran Sermón tiene exigencias muy radicales; por eso muchos lo han
descartado como irreal e inalcanzable. El mismo Martín Lutero decía que los capítulos 5 a 7 de San Mateo eran “un documento pernicioso que ha
causado daños incalculables pues presenta una ética imposible.”
Otros han relegado el Gran Sermón a una “ética interina,” es decir, como un último esfuerzo en la “última trinchera” que uno puede sostener sólo
por poco tiempo esperando que Jesús regrese pronto. Pero otros, como Dietrich Bonhoeffer en su Testamento a la Libertad (Harper SanFrancisco:
1995) han instado a los creyentes a aceptar el manifiesto cristiano del Gran Sermón de la Montaña y a someterse a él obedientemente. Jesucristo no
dice que podemos escoger o elegir lo que más nos agrada de sus enseñanzas, o que aceptemos lo que nos parece útil, y que podemos ignorar lo que
resulta impráctico o hasta absurdo según los criterios del mundo moderno. Jesús no da a sus creyentes rienda suelta para que abusemos de su palabra; al contrario, Jesús ofrece la verdad a condición de que ésta conserve su poder exclusivo sobre nosotros. Éste es nuestro manifiesto como creyentes y como discípulos. En vez de simplemente escuchar estos desafíos y discutirlos incesantemente como un ideal, Jesucristo quiere que los
pongamos en práctica: “No todo el que diga, ‘¡Señor! ¡Señor!,’ entrará en el Reino de los Cielos, sino el que haga la voluntad de mi Padre Celestial” (Mateo 7:21, B de J). Mientras nos esforzamos por discernir cuál es la voluntad de Dios y tratamos de ponerla en práctica, recordemos que no
estamos solos. La gracia y la inspiración del Espíritu de Dios nos dan la fuerza para poder afrontar cualquier desafío. Inspirándonos y apoyándonos
los unos en los otros, aceptemos vivir los retos del Gran Sermón; de ese modo formaremos una comunidad que presenta a este mundo una alternativa visible y viable. En una palabra, nos convertiremos en ekklesia, en iglesia, el Cuerpo vivo de Cristo en el mundo.
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January 26, 2014
Unidos en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza y Unidos
en la Caridad
Commitment Weekend for Archbishop’s Charity and
Development Drive
The Scriptures are unambiguous about God’s concern for the
poor. Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your
land (Deut. 15:11; Isa. 58:6-12. As the example of the saints
has taught us, in loving and serving the poor, we too love and
serve Jesus Himself.
If you have not already responded to Archbishop Wenski’s
letter received by mail, please take time to consider the pledge
you will wish to make, a pledge that gives witness to your gratitude for God’s blessings in your life.
Your generous and unwavering support of the ABCD is a witness to your faith. We ask for your continued support by making a sacrificial pledge and join together to be One in Faith,
One in Hope and One in Charity. Thank you.
A aquellos de ustedes que ya han hecho su promesa de sacrificio
al ABCD, les damos gracias por su generosidad. Su apoyo es
notable y de gran alcance.
La fe expande nuestros corazones en esperanza. Como el Papa
Benedicto XVI dice en su Carta Apostólica Porta Fidei: “La fe
sin la caridad no da fruto, y la caridad sin la fe sería un sentimiento constantemente a merced de la duda. La fe y la caridad
requieren una de la otra”.
Su fiel y generosa participación en las contribuciones al ABCD
proviene de las numerosas bendiciones que Dios les ha dado a
ustedes y a sus seres queridos. Permanezcamos Unidos en la Fe,
Unidos en la Esperanza y Unidos en la Caridad.
Our Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski and the Office of
Marriage and Family Life invite all couples in the
Archdiocese of Miami celebrating their 25th or 50th and
above wedding anniversaries this year to join us for a special
Mass on World Marriage Day February 16th 2014 at 3:00
p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral. There will be a photo session
with Archbishop Wenski starting at 2:00 p.m. before the
Mass and followed by a reception after the Mass at 4:30
p.m. To register to participate, please contact your parish
directly by February 3rd 2014.
El Arzobispo Thomas G. Wenski y la Oficina de Matrimonio y
Vida Familiar invitan a todos los matrimonios de la
Arquidiócesis de Miami celebrando sus 25, 50 o más años de
matrimonio en el 2014 a participar en una Misa especial que
celebrará el Día Mundial del Matrimonio, 16 de febrero del
2014, a las 3:00pm en la Catedral de St. Mary. Se realizará un
sesión de fotografía con el Arzobispo Wenski, comenzando a las
2:00 p.m. antes de la Misa y habrá una recepción después de la
Misa a las 4:30 p.m. Para inscribirse favor de contactar su
parroquia directamente antes del 3 de Febrero del 2014.
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January 26, 2014
En Nuestra Parroquia
Movimiento Juan XXIII
Invitamos las personas que ya han participado en el retiro,
a reunirse en el Area Juan XXIII de nuestra parroquia. Los
Jueves a las 7:30 pm. En el cuarto de Conferencias en la
oficina parroquial. Para mas información puede llamar
a Hector Gill 954-588-9972
Resplandor de Cristo
El Grupo Juvenil en español se reúne todos los
Lunes de 7:30PM a 9:00PM en el cuarto de
Conferencias en la oficina parroquial.
El Grupo de Oración
¡Están todos invitados a unirse para alabar y dar Gracias
al Señor! Miércoles de 8:00PM a 9:30PM
en el Salón parroquial.
La Virgen Peregrina
Rezamos El Santo Rosario el Primer Martes de cada mes.
Nos reunimos en la capilla a las 7:30PM. Para recibir la
imagen en su casa puede comunicarse con
Maridelia Acosta al (954) 321-8061
Le invitamos a
rezar el Santo Rosario
Lunes a Viernes
a las 8:00AM
antes de la Misa.
El Sacramento del Bautismo inicia una persona en la familia de Dios
y se realiza normalmente dos veces al mes. Por favor hacer los arreglos contactando la oficina de la iglesia.
Para obtener información sobre la Primera Reconciliación, Primera
Comunión o la Confirmación, por favor de ponerse en contacto con
Regina Medina, Directora de Educación
Religiosa en la oficina parroquial.
Preparativos para el matrimonio deben hacerse con
anticipación, se pide un mínimo 6 meses. Comuníquese con la oficina
de la iglesia para obtener información.
Las personas que desean recibir la Unción de los Enfermos deben
comunicarse con la oficina de la iglesia.
Discernir la vocación al sacerdocio o vida religiosa?
Por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia y hacer una cita
con el sacerdote.
Ya pueden ordenar las Intenciones
de Misas para el Nuevo Año 2014
Donación sugerida:
Misa Diaria (8:30 am de lunes a sábado): $ 10
Misa Dominicales (incluyendo la vigilia del sábado): $ 15
De nuevo este año, comenzaremos el
Programa de Amigo Secreto de Oración
para los jóvenes de nuestra comunidad que se están
preparando para la Primera Comunión y Confirmación
en Mayo del 2014. Si desean escoger el nombre de un
joven en particular, favor de llamar a Regina Medina en
la Oficina Parroquial. Ejemplos de lo que pueden hacer
para su Amigo/Amiga Secreto es ofrecer el Santo
Rosario por ellos, asistir a Misa durante la semana y
ofrecerla por ellos, o si desean, pueden pasar por la
Oficina Parroquial durante la semana y mandar a ofrecer
una Misa específicamente para ellos. También le pedimos
que de vez en cuando les envíen una tarjeta o carta dejándole saber lo mucho que significan para ustedes y que
están en sus pensamientos y oraciones. Para más información sobre este Programa, llamen a Regina.
¿Conoce alguna familia que necesita ayuda? Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. La
misión de San Vicente de Paúl es de proveer ayuda a las
personas que residen alrededor de nuestra
La despensa de alimentos está abierta los lunes de
4:00 pm a 5:00 pm.
Adoracion al Santisimo
Todos los Jueves
9:00 AM a 12:00 mediodia
en la capilla.
Ven a pasar un tiempo con
nuestro Señor.