Mass Schedule - Resurrection Catholic Church


Mass Schedule - Resurrection Catholic Church
So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven because she
has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven,
loves little .”
Luke 7:36
1211 Winter Garden Vineland Rd, Winter Garden, Fl 34787
Telephone: 407-656-3113 / Fax: 407-654-4935
Website: / E-mail:
Office Hours: Monday –Friday 9:00am—4:30pm
Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:00pm
7:00pm Spanish
9:30am and 4:30pm Spanish
7:30pm Portuguese
Vigil of Holy Day: 7:30pm or
Weekday Mass: 8:00am
Wednesday: 7:30pm Spanish
Half hour before
all weekend Masses
Staffed by the Missionaries of
St. Charles /Scalabrinians
Fr. Carlos Anklan, c.s.
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Assisting Priest:
Fr. Robert Kurber
Ismael Piñeiro
Fernando Fred
Jose Naveo
Jack Martin
Ministry Coordinator:
Kathy Molhem
Faith Formation Director & RCIA:
Sr. Pat Sipan, SND
Religious Education Coordinators:
English - Mary Ann McFerrin
Nancy Parker
Spanish - Silvia Aguilar
Religious Education Facilitator:
Terry Virgona
Youth, Liturgy & Music:
Jon Sarta
Pre-K Director:
Denise Williams
Business Manager:
Bob Pautienus
Sunday, June 12, 2016
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Community. Please complete a registration form available at the entrance of the church and put it in the collection basket or stop by the church office Monday
through Friday 9:00am-4:30pm.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 11
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Sunday, June 12
8:00 AM
9:30 AM (Spanish)
11:30 AM
4:30 PM (Spanish)
7:30 PM
Monday, June 13
8:00 AM
Tuesday, June 14
Wednesday, June 15
8:00 AM
7:30 PM
Thurs., June 16
8:00 AM
Friday, June 17
8:00 AM
Saturday, June 18
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
We welcome you to our Parish
Preparation classes are required for Baptism.
St. Barnabas, Apostle
Edmond & Aurelia Boyce
+Antonie Khuu Hieu
Primitivo Batista (Birthday)
Juan & Ingrid Batista
+Elsa Villa Lopez
+Martina Hernandez
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
+Michael Caputo
+Bertha Ochoa
Souls in Purgatory
+Armando Fragale
+Al Basso
Souls in Purgatory
+Alexis Enrique Villa
+Jose Miguel Diaz
For all the Parishioners
St. Anthony of Padua, Priest &
Doctor of the church
+Dominic Doc Ha
+Emilio Garcia
+Margaret Farrell
Patricio & Cathy Rivera (25th
wedding anniversary)
+Elsa Villa Lopez
+Daniel Rivera
+George Rivosecchi
+Jose de Leon
+Dominic Giovo
+Francisco Roman
+Alexis Enrique Villa
Ever & Olga Gonzalez
(50th wedding anniversary)
We are registering for our 2016-2017 Religious Education Classes Come to the office
Sunday –Thursday 9-2
Online registration is open at
Please bring your child’s baptismal certificate so we can
make a copy. Come now if you want to reserve a spot
for your children or grandchildren.
The classes are required for parents and Godparents.
Parents must be registered, participating members
of the parish for at least two months, Godparents
must be practicing Catholics who have received
Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and if they
are couples must be married by the Catholic
Please call the church office at least four to
six months in advance. A pre-marriage program is required. Call parish office for more information.
(Christian Initiation
for adults and children 7 years and older): For more
information please call at 407-656-3113.
Please notify us when you would like a hospital or
home visit.
We believe that life long learning and growing is
healthy for all ages and stages. We also expect that
we as adults, youth or children will continue to grow
and learn our faith for our entire life. We encourage
all youth; Kindergarten to Grade 12 to participate in
Religious Education. Every child should be receiving
education in their faith every year. Every adult
should continue to read, study share the Scriptures,
their faith and their prayer with others. We know
that a relationship with Christ is so important that
we require a minimum of one or two years of Religious Education before preparing for the Sacraments
of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Religious Education is for every year that our child is in
school, not just when they are preparing for a sacrament. If your child is not participating please call at
407-656-3113 x4 or email Maryann McFerrin to see how we can assist you
with Religious Education.
Today, Sunday, the second collection
will be destined for the Holy Father
Peter Pence. Please show your generosity as you have done in the past.
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 3
Dear parishioners,
How wonderfully providential. Today the church celebrates a jubilee
for those suffering illness or disabilities and for the wonderful people
dedicated to serving them. Luke, Paul’s “beloved physician”, presents
Jesus’ “ healing” encounter with a woman who, “spiritually ill,” was
thus “disabled” from participating in worship and hospitality.
How deeply inspiring. Jesus’ extraordinary mercy welcomes her extraordinary intimacy as an extraordinary and sincere manifestation of
love. By bathing Jesus’ feet with tears, drying them with unveiled hair,
kissing and anointing them, this “unclean” woman risked making Jesus’
“unclean” too. But “Your sins are forgiven...Your faith has saved you;
go in peace” (Luke 7:48, 50). Like sinful David in the first reading, she
is instantly forgiven. Gift received, not feat achieved, Paul tells the
Galatians. When Jesus meets this sinful woman, as Saint Augustine said of Jesus meeting the
woman caught in adultery, “Misery and Mercy meet face to face!”
How appropriately challenging. The anonymous intruder, known only as “a sinful woman,” admits
being a sinner and thus receives merciful grace. But the dinner’s host, known by name and religious title, Simon the Pharisee, judges her harshly and himself not at all, and thus forfeits God’s
mercy. Moreover, though Simon hosts dinner in his own home, an uninvited outsider provides Jesus true hospitality. So Jesus, the invited guest, hosts a feast of mercy for someone whose sinfulness made her unwelcome. Both the gospel of Jesus and the Jubilee of Mercy declare that only by
showing complete and unconditional mercy to others can we ever hope to obtain any mercy ourselves.
Pastoral Patterns
The Lord God, Jesus Christ, has been speaking and appearing in visions to Alan Ames since February of 1994. Now Alan is gifted with
the gifts of the Holy Spirit in ways which are very evident, especially
through the healing sessions following his talks.
Alan has traveled extensively in Australia, England, Ireland, New
Zealand, the United States of America and other countries giving
witness to his conversion from a man of sin to one who is very close
to God and the Roman Catholic Church.
His book "Through the Eyes of Jesus" Volume 1 has already been
translated into German, Italian, Spanish and other languages.
Worldwide, his message of God's love and forgiveness is welcomed.
Monday, June 13, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. Mass & 7:00 p.m. Ministry –
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church; 5655 Stadium Parkway,
Viera FL 2940
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. Mass & 7:00 p.m. Ministry of
Healing – Resurrection Catholic Church, 1211 Vineland Road;
Winter Garden, FL 34787
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. Mass and 7:00 p.m.
Ministry of Healing –
Our Lady of Lourdes, 1626 Oak Street; Melbourne, FL 32901
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Page 4
at 7:00am followed by Mass at 8:00am
Members monthly meeting the 1st Monday of the
month at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Light meal
served at 6:30pm before the meeting.
Second Sundays of the months
Scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, biscuits
and gravy, fruit, pastries, unlimited coffee
and orange juice.
Adults: $5.00; Kids: $2.00; Families $ 15.00
Omelets made to order: $2.00 extra
Time: 9:00am-10:30am. Thank you for your support!
Our Bible Study will begin our studies of he Gospel of Luke. All
parishioners are invited to join us. Come Monday’s at 1:00pm in
room number 10.
The Mobile Medical MMU will provide physical
exams for adults (18 up) and treat symptoms. To
make an appointment for the MMU, please call
407-245-7341. Leave your name and phone number where you can be reached and someone who is bilingual will
return your call. Attention: the bus will be coming on the first
Friday of each month.
A Prayer shawl or prayer blanket is a gift of love that brings
hope, comfort and peace during difficult times. When a person
is cloaked in a prayer shawl or drapes a prayer blanker over
their lap, it serves as a reminder of the healing mercy and compassion that can be found in God’s loving embrace. A prayer
shawl or blanket may calm you when you are upset, remind you
that you are loved, and that your guardian angel is always
watching over you. All shawls and blankets are blessed and are
made by the caring hands of the women in the Sewing Ministry
of our parish. If you or someone you know would like a prayer
shawl or blanket, please call Kathy Korbelak at 407-619-8059.
There is no charge for a shawl or blanket.
We welcome all who have an interest or have questions about
our Catholic faith. Perhaps a spouse or a friend needs just a
word of encouragement from you to follow that call to become a
Catholic. Please encourage them to become a part of a group
called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; RCIA. These people will begin a process of formation as well as sessions of information. Please call Sister Pat for more information.407-6563113x 4. for more information.
We will begin sessions on Aug 8,2016. We welcome you!
Thank you for your generous response to Our Catholic Appeal,
2016. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we are only 4% away
from making our assessment. For those who have not had the
opportunity to make a pledge, envelopes are in the back of the
church and side tables so that you can contribute to the important programs and ministries supported by Our Catholic
Appeal. Pledges from our letters are being returned.
To date 96% of our parish family has
responded to this important campaign
Please consider making your commitment today to help us achieve our
96% of our Families
have Contributed.
We have reached
96% of our
We light a wax candle to indicate the presence of
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This week (June 1218 8-14) will be for Esther & Vernon Ho-Yow (55th
wedding anniversary).
Deacon Martin we hope that you and your family consider Resurrection to be your home. May God bless you
always. Welcome!
“Well done my good and
faithful servant”
Families contributing by
using envelopes………………..460
Offertory 06/05/16…...……….…$13,435.37
Online Givers………………………$1,470.00
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 5
Jesus não restringiu sua missão. Foi além das fronteiras.
Onde a fé se apresentava, Jesus se fazia presente para
transformar o coração. Não aceitava apenas curar o corpo.
Ele buscava tocar a alma. Pobres e ricos, saudáveis e
doentes, distantes e próximos: para todos, Jesus voltava seu
olhar amoroso e convidava a uma nova vida. Abraçou os
sofredores e incluiu os pecadores.
Nas lágrimas da pecadora, o amor se faz renovação. Não
importa o ontem da vida. Jesus quer vida nova, hoje. Há algo
maior do que o pecado: a misericórdia de Deus. No amor
infinito do Pai, encontramos motivos para recomeçar a cada
amanhecer. A experiência do perdão revigora a fé e gera a
Longe da luz de Deus acabamos cegos para a verdade
da vida. Vivemos na sombra e achamos que isso é liberdade.
Sem Deus, tudo fica sem graça e sabor, pois afastados do
amor divino, perdemos a alegria autêntica. Mas a Graça de
Deus nos faz olhar ao redor, agir com compaixão, e assim
construir a paz dentro e fora de nós. Por isso, feliz aquele
que confia no amor misericordioso do Senhor!
por ser
Page 6
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Queridos feligreses,
Hoy la Iglesia celebra el jubileo para los que sufren enfermedades o discapacidades y para la gente maravillosa dedicadas a este servicio. Lucas, "el médico amado" de Pablo, presenta la
“curación” y el encuentro de Jesús con una mujer que estaba,
"espiritualmente enferma," por lo tanto "discapacitada" de participar en el culto y la hospitalidad en aquel tiempo.
La extraordinaria misericordia de Jesús da la bienvenida a su extraordinaria intimidad como una manifestación extraordinaria y
de sincero de amor. Bañando los pies de Jesús con sus lágrimas,
secándolos con el cabello descubierto, besando los pies y ungiéndolos, esta mujer "impura" corría el riesgo de hacer que Jesús se
volviera "impuro" también. Sin embargo Jesús dijo: "Tus pecados
te son perdonados ... Tu fe te ha salvado; ve en paz "(Lucas
07:48, 50). En la primera lectura, al igual que el no pecador David, ella queda perdonada al instante. Don recibido, no hazaña
lograda, dice Pablo a los Gálatas. Cuando Jesús se encuentra con
esta mujer pecadora, San Agustín dice que Jesús se encuentra con esta mujer que fue sorprendida
en adulterio, "La miseria y la misericordia se encuentran cara a cara!"
El intruso anónimo, conocido sólo como "una mujer pecadora", admite ser una pecadora por lo tanto recibe la gracia misericordiosa. Pero el anfitrión de la cena, conocido por su nombre y título
religioso, Simón el fariseo, la juzga y la trata con dureza, pero a dé él no dice nada en absoluto,
por lo tanto, pierde derecho a la misericordia de Dios. Por otra parte, aunque Simón ofrece la cena en su propia casa, el extraño sin invitación ofrece a Jesús la verdadera hospitalidad. Así que
Jesús, el invitado, hace una fiesta de misericordia por alguien por cuyos pecados no es bien recibido. Tanto el Evangelio de Jesús y el Jubileo de la Misericordia declaran que solamente mostrando
misericordia completa e incondicional por los demás es como podemos tener la esperanza de obtener alguna misericordia para nosotros mismos.
Patrones Pastorales
Estas se
se llevan
llevan aa cabo
cabo el
el último
último sábado
sábado de
de cada
cada mes
mes de
de 9:00
AM aa 1:00
1:00 PM,
PM, en
en los
los salones
salones 10
10 yy 11.
11. Todos
Todos están
están cordialmencordialmente
te invitados.
invitados. “Lo
“Lo que
que buscáis
buscáis leyendo
leyendo lo
lo encontrareis
encontrareis medimeditando”
tando” San
San Juan
Juan De
De la
la Cruz.
Cruz. Para
Para más
más information
information llamar
llamar aa
Juan Carlos
Carlos Hernández
Hernández al
al 407-592-3625.”
Page 7
Exposición al Santísimo Sacramento
Todos están cordialmente invitados!
El grupo
grupo de
de oración
oración carismático
carismático se
se reúne
reúne todos
todos los
los lunes
lunes aa las
7:30pm en
en la
la Iglesia.
Iglesia. Todos
Todos están
están cordialmente
cordialmente invitados.
Para más
más información
información favor
favor llamar
llamar la
la Sr.
Sr. Helton
Helton Blanco
Blanco al
al 407407936-8655.
Invitamos aaaquellas
aprenaprender sobre
la humildad
sobre la yhumildad
servicio de
y servicio
la Virgen
MadreMaría a que
Virgena María
las reuniones
a que asistan
que se
a las
a caboque
los se
miércoles de
5:30pma acabo
los miércoles
en el salón
5:30pm2.a Para
2. Para
la Sra.
al 407comunicarse
288-0620. con la Sra. Adriangela Esposito al 407-288-0620.
El movimiento
movimiento Juan
se reúne
reúne todos
todos los
los martes
martes aa las
7:00pm en
en el
el Centro
Centro Parroquial.
Parroquial. Para
Para más
más información
información puepueden
den llamar
llamar aa Cruz
Cruz Sánchez
Sánchez al
al teléfono
teléfono 321-297-0693.
Los devotos
devotos de
de la
la Devoción
Devoción aa la
la Divina
Divina Misericordia
Misericordia se
se reúnen
en la
la iglesia
iglesia todos
todos los
los lunes
lunes aa la
la 6:30pm
6:30pm para
para rezar
rezar el
el rosario
de la
la Divina
Divina Misericordia.
Misericordia. Para
Para más
más información
información favor
favor de
de cocomunicarse
municarse con
con Hilda
Hilda Pérez
Pérez al
al 407-296-4304.
La Unidad Medica Movible proveerá exámenes
físicos, tratamientos de síntomas, y evaluaciones
para adultos (18 años hacia arriba). Para hacer
citas favor de llamar a la Unidad Medica Movible al teléfono
407-245-7341. Deje su nombre y numero de teléfono donde
usted pueda ser contactado y una persona de habla hispana le
regresara su llamada. Aviso: el Autobús Medico vendrá los
primeros viernes del mes.
Estaremos registrando, para el nuevo comienzo de las clases
de Educación Religiosa (2016-2017) durante todo el verano en
las oficinas parroquiales. Favor de traer el certificado de bautismo de su hijo para que podamos hacer una copia. Ven si
quieres reservar un lugar para sus hijos o nietos. Nuestras
clases se llenan rápidamente nos gustaría darle la primera
La Diócesis de Orlando introduce un nuevo ministerio de
radio de Internet llamado Fe Fit Radio que dispone de programas populares de EWTN, tales como las Mujer en Gracia, Respuestas Católicas y el Levántate Show de la Mañana. Además, espectáculos católicos locales pronto serán
transmitidos como discusión de la fe y la forma de mantenerse en contacto con la fe - cuerpo, mente y alma. Escuche . o descargar el "sintonizar" app
y buscar "Fe Fit Radio.
Todos los Jóvenes Católicos entre las edades de 13-18 están invitados al Retiro Dias Quo Vadis en donde encontraran diversión, compañerismo y fe. ¿Hacia dónde Dios te
esta conduciendo y cómo puedes llegar a ser todo lo que
Dios quiere que tú seas? Únete a nosotros los días 2 de julio
hasta el 31 de agosto en el Centro de Desarrollo Espiritual
San Pedro, Winter Park. Visite
vocations-events-2 para registrar o llame al 407-246-4875.
Este evento es patrocinado por la Diócesis de Orlando Oficina de Vocaciones.
Caridades Católicas de la Florida Central ofrece servicios de
adopción para las mujeres embarazadas que experimentan un
embarazo inesperado y buscan vida para su bebé. Nuestros
consejeros de adopción guían las madres biológicas a través de
cada paso desde el proceso de obtención de atención médica
hasta la selección de los padres adoptivos. Ayudamos a las
parejas casadas que buscan adoptar mediante la realización
de servicios de estudio en el hogar. Llame a 866-973-8638 o