St. Mary`s Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Santa María


St. Mary`s Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Santa María
13 de marzo de 2016—5o de Domingo de Cuaresma
March 13, 2016—5th Sunday of Lent
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Iglesia Católica Santa María
2211 East Lakeview Drive
Johnson City, TN 37601
Office: 423-282-6367
Fax: 423-282-6145
Father Peter Iorio, Pastor
Fr. Jesús Guerrero-Rodríguez, Associate Pastor
Deacon George Fredericks (retired)
Deacon Mike Jacobs
Deacon John Hackett
Our Mission
“St Mary’s Catholic Church
in Johnson City, Tennessee gathers as
a diverse and welcoming
Eucharistic community
baptized in Jesus Christ
to proclaim the Gospel.
We celebrate the sacraments and
serve our community through works of
compassion love and mercy.”
Church Office Hours
Horas de Oficina de la Iglesia
Monday-Thursday/Lunes a Jueves:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
School Office Hours
Horas de Oficina de la Escuela
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Phone: 423-282-3397 Fax: 423-282-0224
6:00 - 7:00 PM
Saturday/Sábado: 9:00 - 10:00 AM
or by appointment calling the church office.
o por cita llamando a la oficina parroquial.
Parish Staff
Dolores Fredericks
Judy Holt
Stephanie Mann
Maureen Raible
Debbie Tester
Mildret Godwin
Randi McKee
Pat Marek
Zejna Ajanovic
Director of Music and Liturgy
Children’s Faith Formation
Youth Ministry
Parish Nurse
Parish Secretary (Bilingual)
School Principal
Maintenance Supervisor
Nuestra Misión
“La Iglesia Católica Santa Maria,
en Johnson City, Tennessee,
se congrega como una comunidad
Eucarística diversa y acogedora,
bautizada en Jesucristo
para proclamar el Evangelio.
Celebramos los sacramentos y
servimos a nuestra comunidad
mediante obras de compasión,
amor y misericordia”.
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
8:30 AM, 5:00 PM (Vigil/Vigilia)
Sunday/Domingo: 8:00 & 10:00 AM (English)
12:00 PM (Español)
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM
We pray the Rosary every day after the 8:30 Mass
Se reza el rosario diariamente después
de la Misa de 8:30 AM
Nursery available during 5, 10 and 12 M ass.
Please bring your child 15 minutes prior to Mass to
La guardería está disponible durante las Misas de 5, 10 y
12. Por favor traiga a su hijo(a) 15 minutos antes de la
Misa para registrarlo.
Bulletin Deadline
Friday at 1:00 PM for the bulletin to be published
eight days later. Send your announcements to
Plazo para el Boletín
Viernes a la 1:00 PM para el boletín que se publica
ocho días después. Mande sus anuncios a
Pulpit Announcements
Please send your pulpit announcements before
10 AM on Fridays to
Anuncios desde el Pulpito
Por favor envíe sus anuncios antes de las 10 AM los
viernes a
The Week Ahead/La Semana Anticipada
Mass Intentions/Intenciones para Misas
Sunday/Domingo 3/13—Set Clocks 1 hour AHEAD!
All Masses Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast (School Gym)
All Masses Jesse Romero Tickets Sale (Gathering Area)
9:00 AM Spanish Men’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classrooms)
1:30 PM English CRHP (Art Room)
Monday/Lunes 3/14
6:00 PM Spanish Women’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classroom)
6:30 PM 8 AM Mass Choir Rehearsal (Church)
6:30 PM St. Mary’s Men’s Group (St. Anne’s Hall)
Tuesday/Martes 3/15
9:00 AM Tuesday Morning Coffee (Church Kitchen)
10:00 AM Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat (Gathering Area)
12:00 PM ************NO MASS at VA Chapel **********
4:00 PM Cursillo Women’s Group Reunion (Day Chapel)
6:30 PM Latin Mass Choir Rehearsal (Church)
6:30 PM Parish Pastoral Council (Conference Room)
7:00 PM Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat (Gathering Area)
7:15 PM Cursillo Men’s Group Reunion (Day Chapel)
Wednesday/Miércoles 3/16
9:30 AM Ladies United Bible Study (Church Kitchen)
2:00 PM Bear Cub Scouts (Church Kitchen)
4:00 PM Healing Ministry (Conference Room)
6:30 PM 10:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church)
6:30 PM 12:00 Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
6:30 PM Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat (Conference Room)
6:30 PM English Men’s CRHP (Classroom A-10)
Thursday/Jueves 3/17
10:00 AM Divine Mercy Cenacle (Church Kitchen)
3:15 PM Cub Scouts (Church Kitchen)
3:15 PM Girl Scouts (Classroom A10)
3:15 PM Youth Ministry NHC Visit (Off Campus)
5:30 PM St. Mary’s 3rd Grade Basketball Team (School Gym)
5:30 PM Thursday Lenten Soup Dinner (Gathering Area)
7:00 PM Knights of Columbus (St. Anne’s Hall)
7:00 PM RCIA/RICA (All School)
7:00 PM 5:00 Choir Rehearsal (Church)
7:00 PM Bible Study-Gospel of St. John (Classroom B-15)
Friday/Viernes 3/18
3:15 PM Girl Scouts (Basement)
5:00 PM Last Chance! Lenten Fish Fry (School Gym)
5:30 PM Daily Mass (Day Chapel)
7:00 PM Stations of the Cross (Church)
Saturday/Sábado 3/19
8:30 AM St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry (Church Kitchen)
All Masses Jesse Romero Ticket Sales (Gathering Area)
Sunday/Domingo 3/20 - PALM SUNDAY
All Masses Blood Pressure Screening (Gathering Area)
All Masses Jesse Romero Ticket Sales (Gathering Area)
9:00 AM Spanish Men’s CRSP (Art & Religion Classrooms)
10:00 AM Children’s Faith Formation (Basement & Church Library)
1:00 PM Spanish Baptismal Class (Day Chapel)
1:30 PM “We Share” Meeting (Art Room)
3:00 PM Latin Mass (Church, Gathering Area, Kitchen)
5:00 PM Holy Hour (Church)
6:30 PM Confirmation Class (Basement)
7:00 PM Palm Sunday Stations (Church)
(†) Larry Wozniak
By Wozniak Family
10:00 AM People of the Parish
12:00 PM For Abused and Troubled Children
By Maria Whiston
8:00 AM
Mar. 13
7:00 AM
Mar. 14
Mar. 15
8:30 AM
12 PM (VA) *** NO VA MASS ***
7:00 AM
Mar. 16
(†) Daniel O’Grady
By Peter and Lynn Hanley
(†) Ana Le
By Pham Family
8:30 AM
7:00 AM
Dustin Christopher Smith
By Fiona Smith
(†) Victoria Giustino Anniversary of Death
By McCarten Family
The Isaac Family
By Parishioner
(†) Pat Herrod
By Brian & Patsy Donovan
Mar. 17
8:30 AM
Mar. 18
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
5:30 PM
***No Mass ***
For Young Adults/Teens in Today’s World
(†) Jim Durland
By Bernie & Mary Hanley
8:30 AM
Special Intention for Whiston Family
By Parishioner
Brian Crockett
By Denise Crockett
Mar. 19
Mar. 20
5:00 PM
(†) Daniel O’Grady
By Bernie and Mary Hanley
10:00 AM (†) Estelle Kardos
By Priscilla Freidman
12:00 PM People of the Parish
8:00 AM
Early Bulletin Deadline! The bulletin for March
19/20 was already sent on March 11 for early publishing.
Please send your announcements for bulletin “March
26/27” by 4 PM, Tuesday, March 15. Thank you!
Highlights This Week!
Special Donations (page 3 & 4)
Mercy & Mary Retreat & Carpool: (page 6)
St. Mary’s School Registration (page 4)
Holy Week: Full schedule (page 5)
Ladies CHRP Retreat: (page 6)
Readings for the Week
Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20
Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30
Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42
Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59
Friday: J er 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42
Saturday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 1618, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a
Sunday: Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 -23:56 [23:1-49]
Parish News
Don’t Forget to Set Your
Remember to set your clock ahead 1 HOUR AHEAD
on Sunday, March 13th for the Springtime! Don’t be
March 27th!
Help Support Seminarian Education
Faith Formation Classes
There will be no Children’s Faith Formation
nor Youth Group this coming week on
Wednesday, March 16th since it will be Spring
Break and March 23rd due to Holy Week.
Classes will resume on Wednesday, March 30.
Live Saions of the Cross
As a gift to the parish for all your support and help,
the Youth Group will perform “The Way of the
Cross” on Palm Sunday in the sanctuary. Please
join us for this beautiful devotion and begin Holy
Week meditating on the events of our Lord’s last day
on Earth.
Youth Villages
Youth Villages is a non-profit organization that helps
place children in foster/adoption homes. For more
information please contact Lea Ann Blitch at or 423-283-6527.
Please be generous in your support of the Diocese of Knoxville
Seminarian Education as they endeavor through the grace of God
to become our future priests! Though we are one of the smallest
dioceses in the United States, we are blessed with a rich harvest
of vocations to the priesthood. Currently, we have 9 men enrolled in
seminary studies with the hope of another 5 beginning studies this Fall for a
total of 14 seminarians. But with this wonderful blessing, comes a financial
challenge. The cost of educating just one seminarian is approximately
$45,000-a financial diocese commitment of $630,000 this coming academic
year! But your investment in the future of the priesthood is one that will
help guarantee the growth of the Catholic faith in East Tennessee. When
giving a donation, please use your envelope marked for “Seminarian
Education” and also make any checks to “Seminarian Education”. You
can now also use the “Online Giving” option! During Mass, remember to
simply drop your donations in the basket that goes around ONLY once!
Volunteers S-t-i-l-l Needed!!!
Volunteers are needed to wash and iron purificators and corporals once a
month. We also need volunteers to help us do several
chores in the sanctuary area on a weekly basis, such as
straightening books in the pews, replace votive candles,
change Holy Water, clean brass items, etc. This will assist
us in keeping our church clean and organized for Sunday
Masses as well as for our pilgrim visitors during this Year
of Mercy. We also need FRONT OFFICE
VOLUNTEERS with a flexible schedule. If interested, please call the
church office at 423-282-6367.
Stewardship of Treasure – Administración de las Ofrendas
As of March/Marzo 7, 2016
Week/Semana 36 of 52
Total number of givers (checks or envelopes) / Total de donantes (cheques o
 Total collection for the week / Total recolectado la semana pasada
 Total collection for the year / Total recolectado en este año
 Average collection per week / Promedio de la colecta semanal
 Total budgeted weekly needs / Presupuesto para gastos semanales
This Year/
Este Año
Last Year/
Año Pasado
$ 18,853.99
$ 18,755.83
Balance per Diocese @ January 31 / Balance a la Diócesis al 31 de enero
Total Collection for the week / Total recolectado la semana pasada
Total collection for the year / Total recolectado en este año
Average collection per week / Promedio colecta semanal
Total budgeted weekly needs / Presupuesto para gastos semanales
$ 770,462.80 $ 914,192.22
$ 3,295.15
$ 4,381.55
Parish News
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Capilla de Adoración Perpetua
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Thank you for your very generous support of the food pantry
this past year. The most urgent need is DRY BEANS. After
the holidays the pantry is low on the following items: bagged
pasta, 1 lb. bags of rice, flour, muffin mix, corn meal, cereal,
cookies, crackers, Mac and cheese, dry beans, dry milk, corn,
green beans, canned meats, tuna, jello, sugar free jello, jelly,
sugar free jelly, toilet paper, dish detergent, size 5 diapers.
The Food Pantry challenge for this month is for every family
to bring 1 lb. dried beans and cookies. If you know anyone
Uncommitted Hours/Horas No Comprometidas
that may be in need of food or financial assistance,
please call 423-434-0836 and leave a message.
Last Lenten Fish Fry!
Come join us for our LAST All-You-Can-Eat fish, fries, and
coleslaw dinner this Friday, March 18, from 5 to 7 PM in the
School Gym. Cost is $10/Adult, $8/Youth, and kids under 8
years free. Includes dessert. Call ahead or text for takeout
orders at 423-483-8980 (cost is $8/meal). See us at Facebook
at St. Mary’s K of C Lenten Fish Fry’s 2016.
11 PM, 12 M
3 A,M 4 AM, 12 M
1AM, 2 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM, 12 M
1 AM, 2 AM, 12 M
1AM, 2AM, 3AM, 4AM, 12M
1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM
3 AM, 4 AM, 6 PM, 9 PM, 10 PM
“So, could you not watch with me one hour?”
“¿Ni siquiera han podido velar una hora conmigo?”
(Mt. 26:40)
The Adoration Chapel is located
next to the school kitchen’s back
One More Lenten Soup Supper!
Our parish/school staff continues to host and serve our Lenten
Soup Suppers. The last one will be this Thur sday, Mar ch
17 at 5:30 PM in the Gathering Area. During our Year of
Mercy, we are asked to grow in love for one another. Come
and meet new people with a simple meal of soup, salad, bread
and water. All ages and people are welcomed! Please call the
church office to RSVP so we have plenty of soup.
La Capilla está al lado de la
entrada a la cocina en la parte
lateral de la escuela.
St Mary’s School News!
All New Students
Registration March 21st!
Registration for current families for the
2016-2017 school year began the week of
February 29. Please make any changes
on information and send back to the
school. If your child will not be returning for next year, please
let the school office as soon as possible. The fee of $75 per
child is due with the registration packet. The remainder of the
material fees are due on June 15. St. Mary’s School is also
making plans to add a Pre-K program for our 2016-2017
school year. Please contact the school office at 423-292-3397 if
you are interested in enrolling your child for Pre-K for next
Support Holy Land on Good Friday
On Good Friday (March 25th), Pope Francis has asked our
parish to support Christians in the Holy Land. Through these
givings, we support Catholics around the world to stand in
solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. When you make
a contribution, Y -O-U become an instrument of peace in a
troubled land. In these challenging times in the Middle East,
your support means that their churches can conduct parish
ministry, Catholic education, feed the hungry,
build housing for Christians, maintain shrines
and operate refugee centers. The political,
religious and military challenges they face are
more complex than ever! The wars, unrest
and instability have been especially hard on
Christians. When making a donation, please
use your envelope marked for “Holy Land” or make any
checks to “Holy Land”. You can now also use the “Online
Giving” option! During Mass, remember to simply drop
your donations in the basket that goes around ONLY once!
CRS Rice Bowl
2016 marks the 41st year of CRS Rice Bowl
– the largest and oldest Lenten program
practiced by Catholics in the United States.
In 41 years, generations of Catholics have
used their Lenten sacrifice to alleviate
hunger caused by poverty and improve the lives of individual
and families in developing countries as well as in their own
communities Please remember to bring your rice bowl donation
on Holy Thursday, March 24.
Last Friday of “40 Days for Life Campaign”
The spring campaign ends on March 20, in front of the Bristol
Regional Women’s Center, at the corner of W. State St., and
Slaughter St., Bristol, TN. Although you may come on any
day, the Catholic area churches are asked to cover Friday
afternoons from 12 to 4 PM. Come join us on this LAST
Diaper and Baby Clothing Drive- Last weekend every month in
Gathering Area- look for the playpen! Please purchase a package of
diapers to donate monthly. Pregnancy Help & Project Rachel
(caring support for women following an abortion 24-Hour
Helpline: 1-877-990-4673)
Parish News
Palm Sunday/Domingo de Ramos, March/Marzo 20
Masses/Misas 8 AM | 10:30 AM | 1 PM
6 PM - Live Stations of the Cross/Via Crucis Viviente
(Police will be present to help control car traffic/ La policía ayudará a controlar el tráfico de vehículos)
Chrism Mass/Misa Crismal, March/Marzo 22
7:30 PM - Sacred Heart Cathedral, Knoxville
Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo, March/Marzo 24
(No Morning Mass/No habrá Misa por la mañana)
7 PM - Mass (Bilingual/Bilingüe)
Mass of the Lord’s Supper / Misa de la Cena del Señor
* Adoration follows until 12 PM, Day Chapel *
* Adoración sigue hasta las 12 PM, Capilla del Día *
Good Friday/Viernes Santo, March/Marzo 25
(No Morning Mass/No habrá Misa por la mañana)
As the Church sets out on
the path of Holy Week that
leads us to Easter, “we will
take this path of Jesus’ own
humiliation. Only in this
way will this week be holy
for us too!” - Pope Francis
A medida que la Iglesia
emprende el camino de la
Semana Santa que nos
conduce a la Pascua,
"vamos a tomar el camino
de la propia humillación de
Jesús. Sólo de esta manera
será esta semana santa
para nosotros también!"Papa Francisco
9 AM - Confessions-Confesiones
3 PM - Bilingual Stations of The Cross (outside weather permitting)
Via Crucis Bilingüe (afuera - si el clima lo permite)
7 PM - “Celebration of the Passion of the Lord (Service Only)
“Celebración de la Pasión del Señor” (Solo un Servicio)
10 PM - Tenebrae Service / Servicio en Tinieblas
Holy Saturday/Sábado Santo, March/Marzo 26
(No Morning Mass/No habrá Misa por la mañana)
8:15 PM - Holy Saturday Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual del Sábado Santo
Easter Sunday/Domingo de Pascua, March/Marzo 27
Resurrection of the Lord! / ¡Resurrección del Señor!
(Police will be present to help control car traffic/ La policía ayudará a controlar el tráfico de vehículos)
Masses/Misas 8 AM | 10:30 AM | 1 PM
12 PM - Easter Egg Hunt/Búsqueda de Huevos de Pascua
Sponsored by our
St. Mary’s
Knights of Columbus
Divine Mercy Sunday/Domingo de la Divina Misericordia
April/Abril 3
2 PM - Latin Mass/Misa en Latín
3:30 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet/Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia
Diocesan News
Next Weekend!
Still Time to Sign-Up & Car-p-o-o-l !
Divine Mercy & Mary Retreat
March 18-19, Knoxville
$ Rent a Booth $
St. Michael the Archangel invites anyone to
rent a Vendors Booth for only $25 to their
Summer Festival on June 18th in Erwin.
They are looking for anyone interested in selling items, crafts,
etc. These are all efforts to help raise money to help build a
church for the Erwin community. If you are interested in
helping this worthy cause in any way with your time or talent,
please contact MaryAnn at 423-257-5096. Vendor booths
must be self maintained. Limited generators will be available!
They ask anyone who has a generator they can loan, to please
call MaryAnn. Please consider helping your brothers and
Bishop Stika invites all to join him in reflecting more deeply upon
the Divine Mercy & Marian Consecration during a special Lenten
“Mercy & Mary” Retreat at Knoxville Catholic High School.
Best-selling author and noted speaker, Fr. Michael Gaitley of the
Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, will
lead our retreat. He is an author of several bestselling books, most notably, 33 Days to Morning
Glory. The retreat will begin Friday evening,
March 18, at 6 PM and will continue Saturday,
March 19 from 9 AM – 4 PM. This is also a
wonderful way to celebrate the 7th anniversary of
Bishop Stika’s episcopal ordination as our
Shepherd. Come and celebrate it by reflecting upon
the Divine Mercy and our consecration to the Mother God. Must
register at – admission cost is
$10 donation. For information, contact Paul at or 865-584-3307.
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
If you are experiencing emotional or spiritual difficulties from
a past abortion, you are not alone.
Catholic Charities is here to assist you
with Rachel’s Vineyard healing and
recovery retreat April 16th, 2016 at the
private Prince of Peace Retreat Center in
Benton, TN. For more information, please
contact Sandi Davidson 865-776-4510 or
Catherine McHugh 865-696-7720
Complete confidentiality is honored at all times.
St. Mary’s Friends/Parishioners: Please call church office (423
-282-6367) and leave your name/number if you are interested in
carpooling for retreat. Overnight arrangements have been made
with Hampton Inn in Knoxville for $89 for room of 2 queen beds
(for up to 4 people) or 1 king bed (for up to 2 people). Please call
hotel at 865-693-1101 and use code “Lenten Mercy & Mary”.
Hotel is one minute away from high school, serves hospitality
breakfast and many nearby eating restaurants. Located at 9128
Executive Park Drive, Knoxville, TN 37923. First Come! First
Diocese CCW Convention
The Knoxville Diocesan CCW invites you to their annual
convention on April 14-16 at Holy Trinity, Jefferson City.
Spend a faith filled weekend with women from our diocese as
they enjoy exciting speakers, celebrate Mass together and
experience fellowship. Convention registrations forms are
found at For questions, please contact Judy
Collins at 423-639-0688 /, Pat Duda at
423-231-2613 / or Anne Wharton at 865850-2222 / St. Mary’s Parishioners/
Friends: Forms and brochures are also available on our
bookstand located next to church office.
Next Women’s CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish pronounced “chirp”)
April 16th & 17th | St Mary's Catholic Church, Johnson City, TN
What is it?
It is a retreat. A time to relax, pray and rethink priorities. An opportunity to examine,
rediscover, and/or intensify your personal relationship with Christ.
There is NO cost! This is a GIFT of the Parish and the Giving Teams.
Who may come?
CRHP is a spiritual renewal weekend designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship
with Jesus Christ and with others in their faith community. It is an excellent opportunity for Catholics
to renew their understanding of the basic beliefs and traditions of their faith.
"As a parishioner or
When and where does it happen?
family member of a
parishioner (over 18 yrs.) The renewal weekend begins at 8:30 AM on Saturday and ends around 4 PM on Sunday.
you are especially invited,
For personal testimonies on CRPH — google “ CRHP PROMO VIDEO”!
but all are welcome. You The entire weekend is informal so dress comfortably. Come prepared to experience
need not be a practicing
a renewal in Mind . . . Heart . . . Spirit.
Catholic. IT IS A GIFT
you give yourself. God
can give you NEW LIFE.
Call for more information?
Nancy Flaherty
Patty Hillwertz
Becky Frye
Maureen O'Grady
Emma Jacobs
Pam Nimrick
Noticias Parroquiales
Lecturas de la Semana
Ultimo Viernes para “40 días por la Vida”
Lunes: Dn 13:1-9,15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Sal 23 (22):16;
Jn 8:12-20
Martes: Nm 21:4-9; Sal 102 (101):2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30
Miércoles: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42
Jueves: Gn 17:3-9; Sal 105 (104):4-9: Jn 8:51-59
Viernes: J er 20:10-13; Sal 18 (17):2-7; Jn 10:31-42
Sábado: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Sal 89 (88):2-5, 27, 29;
Rom 4:13,16-18,22; Mt 1:16,18-21, 24a o Lc 2:41-51a
Domingo: Lc 19:28-40; Is 50:4-7; Sal 22 (23):8-9, 17-20, 2324;
Fil 2:6-11; Lc 22:14 -- 23:56 [23:1-49]
Todos están invitados a participar en nuestra vigilia de oración
diocesana 40 Días por la Vida al frente de la clínica de Planned
Parenthood que termina el 20 de marzo. Por favor únanse a
nosotros para dar un testimonio de oración pacífica del
Evangelio de la Vida de 7 AM a 5 PM cada día y de 5 a 7 PM
ante el Santísimo Sacramento. Favor de ir a
para información adicional o contacte a Paul a o Lisa Morris a
Ultima Cena de Pescado Frito Este Viernes
Por ultima vez, los Caballeros de Colón les invita acompáñanos
a disfrutar de un delicioso platillo de pescado frito con papas y
ensalada de col de 5 PM hasta 7 PM. Todo lo que puedas comer
por $10 (adultos) y $8 (niños), los niños menores de 8 años
comen gratis, Incluye postre. Ordenes para llevar pueden
pedirse al teléfono 423-483-8980 mediante texto o llamada, el
costo es de $8.
Despensa de Alimentos San Vicente de Paúl
Gracias por su generoso apoyo a la despensa de alimentos el año
pasado. La necesidad más urgente que tenemos es 1 libra de frijoles
secoas. Después de las fiestas navideñas la despensa está baja en los
siguientes artículos: pasta, bolsas de arroz (1 lb.), harina de trigo,
mezcla para muffins, harina de maíz, cereales, galletas dulces, galletas
saladas, macarrones con queso, frijoles secos, leche en polvo, maíz,
judías verdes, carnes enlatadas, atún, gelatina, gelatina sin azúcar,
jalea, jalea sin azúcar, papel higiénico, detergente para platos, pañales
tamaño 5.
Ministerios de la Santa Misa
¿Te gusta cantar, leer o servir a los demás? Nuestra parroquia
siempre necesita voluntarios para los diferentes ministerios que
trabajan durante la celebración eucarística cada domingo. Te
invitamos a orar y discernir si nuestro Señor te está llamando a
servirle como lector, monaguillo, ujier, ministro extraordinario
de la Eucaristía o en el coro. Para más información, mira la
página 9 de este boletín para los contactos de cada ministerio.
El Reto de la Despensa de Alimentos para este mes es que cada familia
traiga a la despensa: 1 libra de frijoles secoas y galletas.
Si conoce a alguien que puede estar en necesidad de alimentos o
financiera, por favor llame al 423-434-0836 y deje un mensaje.
¡Donaciones en Línea!
Se Necesitan Voluntarios
Se necesitan voluntarios para lavar y planchar los purificadores y corporales una
vez al mes. También necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a hacer varias tareas en
el santuario semanalmente, como enderezar los libros en las bancas, reemplazar
las velitas votivas, cambiar el agua bendita, limpiar artículos de metal, etc. Esto
nos ayudará a mantener limpia y organizada nuestra iglesia para las misas
dominicales, así como para nuestros visitantes peregrinos en este Año de la
Misericordia. También necesitamos voluntarios que nos puedan ayudar con
diferentes tareas en la oficina pero necesitan ser bilingues. Si está interesado, por
favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia al 423-282-6367 y notifique su disponibilidad.
La parroquia ofrecerá la habilidad de dar tu ofrenda a la iglesia
a través del Internet. El proceso de hacer tu donación en línea
es sencillo, seguro y confiable. Por favor, ven preparado con la
información de tu cuenta de cheques, cuenta de ahorros, tarjeta
de débito, o tarjeta de crédito con el fin de inscribirte después
de la misas del 12-13 de marzo en el Área de Convivencia. Dar
tu ofrenda en línea, o la concesión electrónica automática
recurrente, es simplemente un método mucho mejor: uno que
ayuda a la parroquia y a ti.
Apoya la educación de Seminaristas
Si esta planificando celebrar un quinceañero en nuestra iglesia, favor de
llamar a Guadalupe Tapia, 423-943-8908 para apartar la fecha y
comenzar la preparación. La joven tambien debe asistir al Grupo de
Jóvenes por lo menos un año antes de solicitar esta celebración.
Por favor, se generoso apoyando al fondo para la Educación de
Seminaristas de la Diócesis de Knoxville, mientras estos se
esfuerzan, por la gracia de Dios, para convertirse en nuestros
futuros sacerdotes. Aunque somos una de las diócesis más
pequeñas en los Estados Unidos, hemos sido bendecidos con una
rica cosecha de vocaciones al sacerdocio. En la actualidad,
contamos con 9 hombres estudiando para ser sacerdotes con la
esperanza de que otros 5 ingresen al seminario el próximo otoño,
para un total de 14 seminaristas. Pero con esta maravillosa
bendición, viene un desafío financiero. El costo de educar a un sólo
seminarista es de aproximadamente $45,000, por lo que la diócesis
tendrá compromiso financiero de $630,000 el próximo año
académico. Sin embargo, su inversión en el futuro del sacerdocio
es una que ayudará a garantizar el crecimiento de la fe católica en el
este de Tennessee. Al dar una donación, por favor utilice su sobre
de las ofrendas marcado para “Educación de Seminaristas” o
puede hacer un cheque marcado para “Educación Seminarista.”
Ahora también podrá usar la opción de "“Donaciones en línea.”
Durante la misa, recuerde que simplemente debe poner sus
donaciones en la canasta de las ofrendas.
Apoya a la Tierra Santa el Viernes Santo
El Viernes Santo, el Papa Francisco ha pedido que apoyemos a los
cristianos en Tierra Santa. A través de esta donación, apoyamos a los
católicos de todo el mundo y estamos en solidaridad con la Iglesia en
Tierra Santa. Cuando haces una contribución, te conviertes en un
instrumento de paz para un lugar con problemas. En estos tiempos
difíciles en el Medio Oriente, tu apoyo significa que estas iglesias
podrán llevar a cabo el ministerio parroquial y la educación católica,
alimentar a los hambrientos, construir viviendas para los cristianos,
mantener santuarios y operar los centros de refugiados. Los desafíos
políticos, religiosos y militares que se enfrentan son más complejos que
nunca. Las guerras, disturbios y la inestabilidad han sido especialmente
duro para los cristianos. Al hacer una donación, por favor usa el sobre
marcado para "Tierra Santa" o haz un cheque marcado para la
"Tierra Santa". Ahora también puedes usar la opción "Donación en
línea". Durante la misa, recuerda poner tus donaciones en la canasta
de las ofrendas.
Year of Mercy / Año de La Misericordia
Two resources explaining the Church’s teaching on fasting
and abstinence during Lent to help us “turn away from
harmful pleasures” so that “our Lenten fast may be pleasing to
[the Lord] and be for us a healing remedy.”
Recordatorios de Reglas para la Cuaresma
El tiempo de Cuaresma comenzo el Miércoles de Ceniza. El Miércoles
de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo son días obligatorios universales de ayuno
y abstinencia . El ayuno es obligatorio para personas entre los 18 y 60
años de edad. Ayunar significa hacer solo una comida completa en ese
día. También pueden hacerce dos comidas más pequeñas, pero no
iguales a una comida completa. La abstinencia (de carne) es
obligatoria para todos los mayores de 14 años de edad (c. 1252). Si es
posible, el ayuno del Viernes Santo debería continuarse hasta la
Vigilia de Pascua (en la noche del Sábado Santo) como el "ayuno
pascual" en honor a la Pasión y Muerte de nuestro Señor Jesucristo
y prepararnos para participar más plenamente y celebrar más
fácilmente su Resurrección (ver Sacrosanctum Concilium, 109). Los
viernes de Cuaresma son días de abstinencia obligatoria (de carne) para
todos los mayors de 14 años. Cualquier persona para quien el ayuno o
la abstinencia pueda resultar en un riesgo para su salud está excusado
de ambos.
Lenten Regulations Reminders
The season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday. Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of universal
fast and abstinence. Fasting is obligatory for all who have
completed their 18th year until the beginning of their 60th
year. Fasting allows a person to eat one full meal. Two smaller
meals may be taken, not to equal one full meal. Abstinence
(from meat) is obligatory for all who have completed their
14th year of age (c. 1252). If possible, the fast on Good Friday
is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday
night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death
of the Lord Jesus and to prepare to share more fully and
celebrate more readily his Resurrection (see Sacrosanctum
Concilium, 109). F ridays in Lent are obligatory days of
abstinence (from meat) for all who have completed their 14th
year. As always, anyone for whom fasting or abstinence would
pose a health risk is excused.
Desafío para el Mes de Marzo:
March Challenge:
Corregir al que se Equivoca
Admonish the Sinner
Tema por este Domingo: Orgullo Falso
Como ellos insistían en preguntarle, se enderezó y les
dijo: “Aquel de ustedes que no tenga pecado, que le
arroje la primera piedra.” (Juan 8:7)
Theme for this Sunday: False Pride
Jesus straightened up and said, “Let anyone among
you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at
her.” (John 8:7)
Adulto: ¿Cómo puedes resistir el querer “tirar la primera
piedra” cuando desapruebas del comportamiento de alguien?
¿Cómo puedes mostrar misericordia respetuosa?
Joven: Cuando menosprecias a alguien al burlarte de su
ropa o de la música que le gusta, ¿cómo te sientes? En su
lugar, ¿cómo puedes mostrar misericordia respetuosa ?
Adult: How can you resist the feelings of desiring to “cast
the first stone” when you disapprove of someone’s behavior?
How can you show respectful mercy?
Youth: W hen you put someone down by making fun of
their clothing or the music they like how do you feel? How
can you show respectful mercy instead?
Página en Facebook del Año de la Misericordia
Year of Mercy Facebook Page
Visita nuestra página, Friends of St. Marys Johnson City TN donde
puedes encontrar información diaria de los eventos y actividades
relacionadas con el Año de la Misericordia. Hay muchos obras de
misericordia que suceden en todos nuestros ministerios/parroquia. Si
no tienes cuenta en Facebook, también puedes mantenerte al tanto
visitando la página de la iglesia en el Internet. Estamos bajo la
pestaña “Parish News”.
Visit our page, Friends of St. Marys Johnson City TN where
you can find daily information of events and activities
regarding the Year of Mercy. There are many acts of mercy
that happen in all our ministries/church. You can also stay
updated without a Facebook account by visiting our website.
We are under the “Parish News” tab.
If your ministry is working towards a project that fits any
Works of Mercy, please let Becky know at Pictures are welcomed!
Si su ministerio está trabajando en un proyecto que se adapta a
las Obras de Misericordia, por favor infórmenle a Becky a ¡Envíenos sus fotos!
General Parish Information — Información General de la Parroquia
Ministry Contacts
Representantes de los Ministerios
If you are the head of a ministry and wish to put your contact
information in the bulletin, please call the church office or
Si usted es el líder de un ministerio y desea poner su
información de contacto en el boletín, por favor llame a la
oficina parroquial o por email a
Church Secretary: mildr et.godwin@stmar ysjc.or g
Parish Council: Stefanie Murphy at
Finance Committee: Mary Finucane, 423-283-9130
Children’s Faith Formation: Judy Holt, 423.282.6367
Youth Ministry: Stephanie Mann,
Adult Faith Formation: Deacon Mike Jacobs, 423-282-6367
Labyrinth Ministry: Roz Seymour,
Music Ministry: Dolores Fredericks, 423-283-0103
Knights of Columbus: Mark Durland,
Ladies United:
The Disciple: Julianne Wiley,
St. Mary’s Prayer Warriors:
Garden Ministry: Roz Seymour at r oz@char ter
Sacristán: Guadalupe Tapia, 423-943-8908
Ministros Eucarísticos: Victor y Rosalba Granados, 423-470-5747
Lectores: Dielta Oakley, 423-952-0357
Monaguillos: Cris Reyes 423-737-4500 o Cristina García, 423-297-3234
Coro: Raymond Isaac, 423-467-3330
Ujieres: Agustín Raygozo o Daniela Castellanos, 423-534-1252 ó
Cristo Renueva a Su Parroquia: Rogelio Reyes, 423-747-6103 ó
Josefina Estrada, 423-213-7333.
Consejo Parroquial: Humber ta Contr er as, 423-440-2408
Formularios y Procedimientos
Registro Parroquial: Los paquetes de inscr ipción se encuentr an
en el Área de Convivencia o en la oficina parroquial. Después de
llenar la información, por favor llévelo a la oficina o póngalo en la
canasta de la colecta.
Mudanza: Por favor , póngase en contacto con la oficina
parroquial si ha cambiado su dirección o número de teléfono. Esto
ayudará a mantener nuestra base de datos lo más actualizada posible.
Solicitud de Intenciones para Misas: Llame o vaya a la oficina
parroquial durante las horas laborables para solicitar misas.
Solicitud de Espacio: Si necesita r eser var espacio par a un evento
en la iglesia, por favor contacte a la oficina parroquial. Deberá llenar
un formulario de reserva por lo menos 30 días antes del evento.
Cita con Sacerdote/Diácono: Por favor , llame a la oficina
parroquial para hacer una cita.
Adoración Eucarística Perpetua: Llame a la oficina par r oquial
para hacerse adorador permanente o sustituto, o pase por la capilla de
adoración para tomar un paquete de nuevo adorador.
Funeral: Favor de llamar a la oficina par a hacer cita con el
sacerdote, anotar el funeral en el calendario y preparar la liturgia.
Quinceañera: Favor de llamar a Guadalupe Tapia, 423-943-8908
para apartar la fecha y comenzar la preparación. La joven debe haber
asistido al Grupo de Jóvenes por lo menos por un año antes de
solicitar esta celebración.
Presentaciones de 3 Años: Favor de hablar con el sacer dote par a
coordinar la fecha.
Forms and Procedures
Parishioner’s Registration: Registration packets can be
found in the Gathering Area or the church office. After filling
out the packet, please drop off at the office or place in the
collection basket.
Moving: Please contact the Church office if you have changed
your address or phone number. This will help keep our
database as up to date as possible.
Mass Intention Request: You may call or come to the
church office to request a Mass intention.
Space Request: If you need to reserve space within our
church for an event, please contact the church office. You
must fill out a reservation form at least 30 days prior to event.
Appointment with Priest/Deacon: Please call the church
office to set up an appointment.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Please contact the church
office to become an permanent or substitute adorer or stop by
the Adoration Chapel to get a packet for new adorers.
Funeral: Please contact chur ch office to schedule a pr iest
and time for the funeral on the church calendar.
Baptism: Baptismal forms are available in the church office. Please
prepare all information, including godparents. You must be registered as a
parishioner. English baptismal preparation is on the fourth Saturday of each
month from 9:30-11 AM in the conference room.
Reconciliation: See the front page of this bulletin for a schedule.
First Communion: Please contact Judy Holt at the church office to register
your child . The child has to have attended at least a year of faith formation
prior to registering for this sacrament. Please provide a copy of your child’s
baptismal certificate.
Confirmation: For students in 11th or 12th grade. Please contact Stephanie
Mann at 423-612-2272 or to register your child. The
child has to have attended Youth Group on a regular basis for at least a year
prior to registering for this sacrament. Please provide a copy of your child’s
baptismal certificate.
RCIA: Please contact Kendra Dowlatshahi through the church office to
begin preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.
Marriage: Please contact the church office to begin the process for
Marriage preparation or to celebrate it within our parish.
Anointing of the Sick: Contact the church office to schedule the celebration
of this sacrament. It could be received at church or privately.
Holy Orders: Please talk one of the priest and then contact the Diocese of
Knoxville office at 865-584-3307 or visit their website at
Bautismo: Llene los for mular ios que se encuentr an en la oficina.
Incluya la información de los padrinos. Debe estar registrado como
miembro de la parroquia. Las clases pre-bautismales son los cuartos
domingos del mes después de la misa de las 12 en la Capilla Diaria.
Reconciliación: Vea la por tada de este boletín par a el hor ar io.
Primera Comunión: Favor de contactar a J udy Holt en la oficina
parroquial para registrar a su hijo. El niño debe haber asistido al
programa de formación en la fe por lo menos por un año antes de solicitar
este sacramento. Favor de proveer una copia del certificado de Bautismo.
Confirmación: Por favor contacte a Stephanie Mann al 423-612-2272
o para registrar a su hijo. El joven debe haber
asistido al Grupo de Jóvenes por lo menos por un año antes de solicitar
este sacramento. Favor de proveer una copia del certificado de Bautismo.
RICA: Favor de contactar a Luz Mar ía Vélez al 423-946-7787 para
comenzar la preparación para el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos.
Matrimonio: Si desea contr aer matr imonio en nuestr a par r oquia,
por favor contacte a Padre Jesús Guerrero al 423-282-6367.
Unción de los Enfermos: Llame a la oficina par r oquial par a r ecibir
este sacramento. Puede recibirlo en la iglesia o privadamente.
Orden Sacerdotal: Favor de hablar con uno de los sacer dotes y luego
llamar a la Diócesis de Knoxville al 865-584-3307 o visite su página de
Internet en