Parish Directory - Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood


Parish Directory - Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood
Christ the King
624 North Rossmore Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Website:; Email:; Twitter
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Msgr. Paul Montoya, Pastor
July 22, 2012
Rev. Msgr. Charles Chaffman, Res.
days are coming, says the Lord, when I will
raise up a righteous shoot to David.”
Deacon Ricardo and Elba Villacorta
Deacon Felix and Alicia Rac
“Viene un tiempo, dice el Señor, en que hare surgir un
Deacon Marco and Martina Garcia
renuevo en el tronco de David.”
Ruth Anderson., School Principal
- Jeremiah 23:5a / Jeremias 23:5a
Eva Clarke, Business Manager
Lilia Pedroli, Director of Rel. Education
Lourdes Ciau, Parish Secretary
Marcos Cortes, Maintenance
Separation, isolation, and hostility are terrible things. We
are, sadly, too familiar with all of them in our modern life,
whether we look at world events or events in our own neighborhoods and families. All three readings today refer to these same
sad human conditions.
The prophet Jeremiah describes world conditions as if the people of his
time were sheep who had been scattered by poor leadership and corrupt shep(Grades: K through 8th)
herds. But “the days are coming,” he assures us (Jeremiah 23:5), when a new
617 N. Arden Blvd.
shepherd, a just king, will come. We meet that king in the second reading
Los Angeles, California 90004
323.462.4753 Fax: 323.462.8475
and the Gospel. Paul reminds us in the Letter to the Ephesians that all diviWebsite: sions can now cease in Christ Jesus, who has brought us together through his
blood. In Mark’s Gospel we see Jesus himself, looking with pity on those
searching for him as if they were sheep without a shepherd.
616 North Rossmore Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90004
323.465.7605 Fax: 323.463.4895
Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00am to 5:00pm
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas:
Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm
Sun. (Eng): 8:30am, 10:30am, 5:30pm
Domingo (Español): 12:30pm
Desde el Concilio Vaticano II la Iglesia, como Pueblo de
Dios, ha tomado la imagen de una peregrinación para definir su
presencia en este mundo. Para los hispanos la peregrinación más
Monday - Friday: 7:30am (English)
antigua es la de Santiago de Compostela en España cuya fiesta
1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 6:30pm (English)
celebramos esta semana.
Holy Days of Obligation
Según la tradición, Santiago Apóstol evangelizó España y después de su
Días Santos de Obligación:
muerte su cadáver fue llevado a Galicia por acontecimientos milagrosos. En el
7:30am, 8:15am, 12:15pm, 6:00pm (Eng.) siglo VII señales de estrellas llevaron al descubrimiento del lugar de su en7:15 pm (Español)
tierro y se construyó un santuario con el nombre de Campo de Estrellas.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Eventualmente, a finales del primer milenio cristiano, empezaron las famosas
Sacramento de Reconciliación:
peregrinaciones a Santiago.
Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Después de muchos siglos la mejor manera de llegar a Santiago todavía es
(Also by Appt. / También por cita)
a pie. Recorrer el camino de Santiago es caminar sobre las huellas de innuAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament merables peregrinos que durante más de mil años han ido trazando el
Exposición del Santísimo:
sendero. Peregrinar es caminar despacio por la vida de fe, aguantando lo que
el camino ofrezca con la certeza final de gozar la contemplación de Dios.
Tuesday / Martes: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 7:30am - 9:00pm
1st Fri. Divine Mercy Devotion: 7:00pm
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos‑Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Parish Director y
Safeguard the Children:
Lelis Cruzata—323.393.4144
Meets Twice a Year
Liturgical Ministry:
Altar Servers: Scholastica Lee
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Mila Agpaoa 323.313.7262
Lectors: (Open)
Marie Moore 323.463.0652
Ushers: Joe Silva 323.572.0996
Music / Choir Director: Brad
Fuller 310.979.8377 or
Ministerio de Liturgia:
Coordinador: Diacono Ricardo
Villacorta 323.225.1009
Ministros de Eucaristía:
Rene Burgos 213.382.3633
Amanda Brisuela 323.234.7194
Director de Música / Coro:
Diacono Marco Antonio Garcia
Lunes a las 7:30 pm, en la Iglesia.
Sacristán: Martha Pazmino
Ujieres: Abel Morales
Director de Obra de la Pasión:
Rolando Burgos 626.457.6138
Vocation Committee: Ian Hagan
Divine Mercy:
Lelis Cruzata, 323.393.4144
Martha Pazmino 213.241.1272
-Divine Mercy Formation
“Faustinum” 3pm-5pm, 2nd Sat.
-Core members meet 2nd Sat., Lib.
One Heart One Mind:
Rosalind Diego, 323.463.3306
Meet 2nd & 4th Sun., 3pm-7pm, Hall
Corinthians XIII:
Dn.Ricardo Villacorta 323.225.1009
Estudio Bíblico, Viernes, 7:30 pm,
salón parroquial
Couples for Christ:
Patrick/Ana Chua 323.706.1846
Singles for Christ:
Ann Sharon Lim 562.304.8372
Guadalupe Celebration / Celebracion Guadalupana
Sunday, August 5, 2012 at 3 pm
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles will be hosting a Celebration in
honor of our Lady of Guadalupe in the Los Angeles Coliseum.
The Knights of Columbus have generously offered to order the
tickets for Christ the King, and they have also put together a
bus for those who need transportation or prefer not to drive.
The entrance is free and the bus ride is $5.00.
For ticket order you may contact Bill Anderson at 310.277.5777
or by e-mail at
Domingo, 5 de Agosto del 2012 a las 3 pm
La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles tendrá una Celebración en honor de Nuestra Virgen
de Guadalupe en el Coliseo de Los Ángeles.
Los Caballeros de Colon se han ofrecido generosamente a ordenar los boletos para
los feligreses de Christ the King y han puesto un autobús para todos que no tengan
transportación, o prefieren no manejar hasta el evento.
La entrada es gratis y el autobús es $5.00.
Para mas información, favor de llamar a Bill Anderson al 310.277.5777 o por correo
electrónico a:
Did you Know?
¿Sabia Usted?
Safety Trips for Children Flying Alone
Consejos para la seguridad de los niños
que viajan solos
Take time to discuss appropriate
behavior with your child before he
or she boards an airplane alone. If
another passenger acts in an inappropriate way, be sure that your
child knows to inform a flight attendant or other airline representative. Inappropriate behavior on the part of other
passengers includes rude, offensive, or
threatening comments; inappropriate
touching; inappropriate conversations;
taking food or other items away from the
child; or other behavior that makes the
child uncomfortable or fearful. In addition, inappropriate behavior would include any attempt to elicit personal information about the child. Make sure that
you child understands that no passenger
they meet needs to know things such as
their full name, their home address, their
telephone number, or where they are going.
For particular help, you may call
Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650
Tome el tiempo para hablar de un comportamiento adecuado con sus hijos
antes de que aborden un avión solos. Si
otro pasajero actúa de manera inapropiada, asegúrese de que su hijo/a sepa
informarle a la aeromoza/o del vuelo o
algún otro representante de la aerolínea. El
comportamiento inapropiado por parte de
otros pasajeros incluye comentarios groseros, ofensivos o amenazadores, conversaciones inapropiadas, quitarle el alimento u
otros artículos a su hijo/a, u otro comportamiento que haga sentir incomodo o temeroso al niño/a. Además, el comportamiento
inadecuado también incluye cualquier intento de obtener información personal sobre su
hijo/a. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a entienda
que ningún pasajero tiene porque conocer
sus datos personales como, su nombre completo, su domicilio, su número de teléfono o
hacia donde viaja.
Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del
Ministerio de Asistencia al (213) 637-7650.
Parish Director y
Pre-Baptismal class is required for parents
and Godparents. Call the Parish Office to
register and for class & baptismal dates.
Parish Events / Eventos de la Parroquia
Event / Evento
July - August
Las clases pre-bautismales es un requisito
para los papás y padrinos. Llame a la
oficina para registrarse y para las fechas
de bautismo.
Religious Education Registrations /
Inscripciones de Educación Religiosa
7:30 pm
OHOM Rehearsal
10:00 am
Lilia Pedroli, D.R.E. Minimum of six
months advance notice required.
OHOM Commitment Day
Hospitality Casino Trip Fundraiser
6:30 pm
Corinthian XIII
First Friday Mass
11:00 am
Religious Education Catechist Mtg.
9:30 am - 2 pm
Brunch Fundraiser
2:00 pm
3 pm - 7pm
Spanish Baptism
7:30 pm
English Baptism Class
7:30 pm
Sons of Italy
Front of
323.217.3661 (cell)
7:00 pm
Grades K-8:
Lilia Pedroli, D.R.E
If you know of a parishioner who is in the
hospital or housebound and is in need of a
priest, please contact Parish Office.
Lilia Pedroli, DRE
Saturdays from Sept. to May
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Sacramental Preparation
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Saturdays from January to April
Assumption of Mary - Ascensión de Maria
Holy Day of Obligation/ Día de Obligación
First CCD Parent Mtg.
Labor Day - Office Closed
7:00 pm
Back to School Night
09/27 - 9/30
All Day
San Gennaro
Autumn Eve Dinner
Together in Mission / Unidos en Mision 2012
July 09, 2012
Lilia Pedroli
CTK Parish Goal /
Objetivo de CTK:
Amount Pledged /
Cantidad Prometida:
Amount Paid / Cantidad Pagada:
Difference Goal vs. Paid: /
Diferencia: objetivo vs. pagado
Classes: Mondays (Sept.-May)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Catequesis Familiar:
Sábados, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA):
RCIA in English:
Rosalind Diego, Coordinator
Meet Wed 7:30 pm, Library
RCIA in Spanish:
Dn. Felix Rac, Coordinator
Meet Fri 7:30 pm, Library
Parish Councils:
♦ Finance Council Chair
Parish Financial Update
July 7 & 8, 2012
Envelopes / Sobres:
Plate / Colecta suelta:
$1,317.50 We would like to thank all of our parish-
Repair / Mantenimiento:
Richard Rossi 818.781.3027
Expenses / Gastos:
Difference / Diferencia:
Sunday Collection /
Colecta del Domingo
ioners who are supporting us on a weekly
basis. May God bless you.
Gracias a todos nuestros feligreses que nos
($3,750.00) apoyan semanalmente. Que Dios los
$1,880.50) bendiga.
Parish Director y
Homebound Ministers:
Susan Van Allen, 323.462.0752
Bring the Blessed Sacrament to
CTK shut-in parishioners
Respect Life:
Maria Elena Burgos
3rd Thurs. each month, 7:30 PM
Frank Rey de Perea
323.465.3284. Medical care for
the underserved.
Mass Intentions
SAT., July 21, 2012
5:30 PM Armand & Norma Rubio
(50th Wedding Anniversary)
SUN., July 22, 2012
8:30 AM Enrique Garrovillas †
10:30 AM Sara Maria Paredes†
12:30 PM Beatriz Martinez (Healing)
5:30 PM Guadalupe Lopez †
Hospitality Ministry:
Mariem Rigonan 213.793.1028
Filipino Community:
Gani Romana 323.578.3258
* Annual Simbang Gabi
* Casino Turn-Around Fundraising
Knights of Columbus:
Grand Knight: Dan Streeter
Meets 1st & 3rd Tues of the
month, 7 PM, Hall
Sons of Italy Hollywood:
Linda Desiante 818.378.4201
Every 2nd Tues. 6:30 PM, Hall.
MON., July 23, 2012
7:30 AM Sara Maria Paredes †
The Serra Club:
Leo Verdick 323.461.7265
We help our Clergy.
Check out our websites:
Blog Site:
OLAPR Council Minutes:
Calif. Catholic Legislative
Las Velas estan ofrecidas en la oficina de la parroquia sobre la calle Rossmore, Lunes a Viernes de
WED., July 25, 2012
7:30 AM Maria Cordova †
9:30 am a 4:30 pm por $5.00 cada una.
THUR., July 26, 2012
7:30 AM Salvador Tabora †
FRI., July 27, 2012
7:30 AM Lucila Malabanan †
If you would like to offer a weekday Mass, please
call the parish office at least 1 - 2 months before
Si gustaria ofrecer una Misa entre semana, favor
de llamar a la oficina 1 - 2 meses antes.
Donation for a weekday Mass:
Donación por Misa entre semana:
Supplemental Envelopes are available at all
the church entrances.
Candles are now being offered in the
Parish Office on Rossmore Ave.,
Mon.-Fri. from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
for $5.00 each.
TUES, July 24, 2012
7:30 AM Flavio Bautista †
Forgot your
Sunday envelope?
Donation for a Sat. & Sun. Mass:
Donación por Misa en fin de semana:
Pray for the Sick
Oración por los Enfermos
Heavenly Father, hear us on behalf of Your
sick servants: Beatriz Martinez, Angelina
Catacutan Batusin, David Baldwin, Antonio San
Jose, Gary Davila, Margaret Brackett, Bartolo
Silva, Gloria Staudt, Aeo Rendon, Margaret Rey
de Perea, Lourdes Ciau, & Parishioners of CTK
who are in need of your healing hands, we implore the aid of Your pitying mercy so that, with
bodily strength restored, they may give thanks to
You in Your church. Amen.
For further information,
please contact: H. Richard Closson,
Director, Trust and Estate Programs at
(213) 637-7472
Thank you, Bulletin Advertisers
This bulletin is subsidized
completely by those companies whose advertisements appear on the last page. If you have an
opportunity, you may thank them in the name of
our parish by using their products or services.
Should you desire to participate as a sponsor of our
bulletin, you may contact
J.S. Paluch Company at 1-800-231-0805.
In Loving Memory
En Memoria de...
Sara Maria Paredes, Ismael Herrera,
Diana Escobar, Margaret Whalen, Carlotta
Saravia, Bill Armbruster, Gabriela Garber,
Pech Hagan, Mary Hagan, Gretta Doyle McBirmey, Daniel Pineda, Ceasar Pineda, Pedro &
Rosa Calderon, Salvador Cigarroa, Msgr. Joe
George, Gordon Friedli, Ismael Meraz, Micaela Hernandez, & all of the Parishioners of
CTK who are now in God’s Grace. Eternal
Rest grant unto them, O Lord.…Amen.
(Names will remain on this list for 3 weeks, please call the
(Names will remain on this list for 3 weeks, please call the
office to add your loved ones name /Nombres estarán en
office to add your loved ones name /Nombres estarán en esta
esta lista por 3 semanas. Favor de llamar a la oficina
lista por 3 semanas. Favor de llamar a la oficina para agregar
para agregar a sus seres queridos )
a sus seres queridos )
Special thanks to the:
Looking for something different to do this Summer?
San Jose, Silva,
Fajardo, & Goodin Families
for hosting and sponsoring this Sunday’s hospitality.
For hosting and the Hospitality Ministry
For sponsoring last week’s hospitality.
Sponsor a Sunday!
The cost is $120.00.
Or donate supplies like coffee,
creamer, sugar, stirrers, napkins,
or be generous in your
cash donations to be
able to support
our hospitality ministry.
EWTN's Family Celebration heads southwest
to the Convention Center in Phoenix, AZ. on
September 8-9, 2012
This free weekend will feature talks by
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Raymond Arroyo,
Marcus Grody, Mother Miriam of the
Lamb of God, and many more .
Be a part of a special LIVE show audience,
attend Mass and Adoration, and meet some of your favorite
EWTN television hosts and clergy.
Please contact Mariem Rigonan at 213.793.1028.
For more information, go to
or call 205-271-2989.
Religious Education Programs / Programas de Educacion Religiosa
In the months of July & August we will be registering students for the upcoming year. Please
call the office for more information.
En los meses de Julio y Agosto estaremos inscribiendo para el nuevo año de preparación
sacramental. Clases son en Ingles. Favor de llamar la oficina para mas información.
Faith Formation / Formación de Fe
First Communion / Primera Comunión
Who / Quien
When / Cuando
Saturdays / Sabados 9 - 11 am
1st - 8th
Saturdays / Sabados 9 - 11 am.
Post Communion / Despues de Primera Com. 3rd - 8th
Saturdays / Sabados 9 - 11 am.
For students who have done their First Communion and would like to continue coming to
classes. / Para estudiantes que ya recibieron la Primera Comunión y gustarían continuar
formando su fe.
Confirmation / Confirmación
High School
Saturdays / Sabados 12 - 2 pm
Wednesdays / Viernes 7:30 pm
Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults is for adults who are missing the sacrament of
Baptism, First Communion, and/or Confirmation.
Rito de Iniciación Católico para Adultos es un programa designado para adultos a
quien les falta el Sacramento de Bautizo, Primera Comunión, y/o Confirmación.
The Hospitality Ministry
of CTK
Is sponsoring a San Manuel
Casino Turn-Around
Fundraising Trip on
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Bus pick up: 7:30 am
Bus drop off: 4 pm
Cost: $20 + $1 (for bus driver tip)
Includes: bus fare, snack, lunch,
& a $10 casino coupon that could be
used for casino play or
at the food venues.
* Proceeds will benefit the
Hospitality Ministry
For more information or
to reserve a seat,
please contact: Mariem Rigonan
(213) 793-1028
Thank you for your
continued support!!!
VIRTUES is a class given to all the volunteers to help keep our children and youth as safe as posible while spreading
the good news of God’s love. If you are a volunteer or would like to become one, or if you have a child in our school
or CCD program, we invite you to come and join us: (please call the office to register)
VIRTUES es una clase ofrecida a todos los voluntarios para poder proteger a nuestros niños y jóvenes mientras
compartimos el amor de Dios. Si usted es un voluntario o le gustaría ser uno, o si tiene su hijo en nuestra escuela o
en el programa de CCD, los invitamos a venir: (favor de llamar a la oficina para inscribirse)
Saturday, August 25 / Sabado, 25 de Agosto
English: 3 pm—6 pm
Español: 10 am a 1 pm

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