mass and prayer services schedule
mass and prayer services schedule
July 7, 2013—FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CATHOLIC CHURCH We are Catholic Christians striving to love beyond all boundaries and to continue the mission of Christ. PASTOR: Msgr. Marc V. Trudeau ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Rev. Juan Silva, Rev. Bao Nguyen PRIEST IN RESIDENCE: Rev. Rowland Nwokocha DEACONS: Cheto Mendoza, Craig Siegman, Rick Soria, Dan Wallace MASS AND PRAYER SERVICES SCHEDULE Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 6:45, 8, 9:30, 11 AM, 5 PM, Español 12:30, 7 PM Monday—Friday 6:30, 8:15 AM, Saturday 8:15 AM only First Friday—6:30, 8:15 AM; 7 PM (Bilingual) Followed by all night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel First Wednesday—Novena Mass 7 PM Rosary (in Chapel) Monday—Friday 7 and 8:45 AM; Wednesday 6:30 PM Confessions Friday 5-5:30 PM; Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM and 7:30-8:30 PM Perpetual Help Novena Wednesdays, 7:30 PM 2 THOUGHTS ON THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS T oday’s first reading from Isaiah was occasioned by the return of the Jewish people from exile. The prophet visualizes the Holy City as a mother welcoming her children home. The people may now look forward to prosperity and comfort. In this postPentacostal season, the church attributes this sense of fulfillment to the Holy Spirit. Paul, on the other hand, speaks of “the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” It is the single thing of which he will boast, for it is the means by which we are recreated. The comfort and prosperity promised in the first reading are here transformed by a deepening of the Christian paradox. Luke's Gospel describes the calling and the mission of “seventy -two others,” who are commissioned to bring in the “harvest.” The number is symbolic, since according to Jewish tradition the number of nations in the world is seventy-two. This then is a universal mission, a catholic mission to all the ©J. S. Paluch Co. world. I t’s high summer now, school is out, the pace of work slows, and some people drift away. There are visitors in the churches every summer, and familiar faces are “among the missing.” Some find the summer’s call more appealing than the summons of the church bells. Many, however, would not dream of missing a Sunday, and so they make their way to Mass in unfamiliar places, watching the locals for clues as to when to sit or stand, where the Communion stations are. In answering the call, they keep the “sabbatical” rhythm of the Christian life: every seventh day, the Body of Christ assembles for worship. For centuries, there was no obligation to Sunday Mass in the sense of a written law, but Christians have always yearned to be together on Sunday. In the city of Abitina, during a persecution by the Emperor. Diocletian, a group of Christians were urged to stop worshiping together on Sundays. They responded, “Then take our lives, for without the Sunday we cannot live.” By a curious coincidence, the appointed readings today center us on thoughts of peace. On our Independence Day, the experience of worship situates us in community, and evokes a commitment from us to be advocates of peace in all aspects of our society's life. James Field ©J. S. Paluch Co. Take God With You When You Travel—find a schedule of Masses anywhere in the world: MESAJE DE MONSEÑOR MARC TRUDEAU 3 L a primera lectura de hoy, tomada de Isaías, fue motivada por el retorno del pueblo judío del exilio. El profeta visualiza la Ciudad Santa como una madre que da la bienvenida a sus hijos que regresan al hogar. El pueblo puede ahora esperar prosperidad y comodidad. En este tiempo después de Pentecostés, la Iglesia atribuye este sentimiento de satisfacción al Espíritu Santo. Pablo, por otro lado, habla de “la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo”. Es la única cosa de que él se enorgullece porque es el medio por el cual somos re-creados. La comodidad y la prosperidad prometidas en la primera lectura se transforman aquí al profundizar una paradoja cristiana. El Evangelio de Lucas describe el llamado a la misión de “otros setenta y dos”, que son enviados a recoger la “cosecha”. El número es simbólico, pues según la tradición judía, el número de naciones en el mundo es setenta y dos. Esta, entonces, es una misión universal, una misión católica para todo el mundo. Y a es verano ahora, no hay escuela, el ritmo de trabajo lento, y algunas personas se alejan. Hay visitantes en las iglesias cada verano, y caras conocidas están “entre los desaparecidos.” Algunos encuentran el llamado del verano más atractivo que la convocatoria de las campanas de la iglesia. Muchos, sin embargo, no se le ocurriría perder el domingo, por lo que hacer su camino a la misa en lugares desconocidos, viendo la gente en busca de pistas sobre cuándo sentarse o pararse, donde las estaciones son Comunión. Al responder a la llamada, mantienen el ritmo “sabático” de la vida cristiana: cada séptimo día, el Cuerpo de Cristo reúne para el culto. Durante siglos, no había obligación de la misa dominical, en el sentido de una ley escrita, pero los cris- tianos siempre han anhelado para estar juntos el domingo. En la ciudad de Abitinia, durante una persecución por parte del Emperador. Se instó a Diocleciano, un grupo de cristianos a dejar de adorar juntos los domingos. Ellos respondieron: “Entonces, quitarnos la vida, ya que sin el domingo no podemos vivir.” Por una curiosa coincidencia, el centro de las lecturas de hoy señalada con nosotros en pensamientos de paz. En nuestro Día de la Independencia, la experiencia de la adoración nos sitúa en la comunidad, y evoca un compromiso de nuestra parte para ser defensores. 4 O U R F A I T H I N A C T I O N BIBLE STUDY WITH FR. BAO Tuesdays, 9:15 to 10:30 AM St. Margaret Mary Room We’ll be reading the Acts of the Apostles ALL ARE WELCOME For information, contact Fr. Bao or the parish office (310) 326-3364 This monthly bilingual Mass followed by a social brings together those who have loved ones in prison. Through prayer and sharing, we open ourselves to God’s healing. 7 PM, Tuesday, July 16th St. Joseph Catholic Church 11901 Acacia Ave., Hawthorne FAITH SHARING AND FELLOWSHIP Strengthen your faith through fellowship with others. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus said to Martha “. . . you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing.” There is a lesson for us in the Gospel. With all our busyness, Jesus is asking us to simplify our lives so that we will have time for our relationship with Him. What should you do to simplify your life to make time for Jesus? We’ll reflect on the readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Genesis 18:1-10a; Colossians 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42 Small Christian Communities Faith Sharing Meeting At the St. Margaret Mary Parish Center. THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 7 to 9 PM To confirm your attendance and for the meeting location, call or email Roy and Carole Hardinge (310) 539-027; Monday, July 8 Reading 1: Genesis 28:10-22a Gospel: Matthew 9:18-26 Tuesday, July 9 Reading 1: Genesis 32:23-33 Gospel: Matthew 9:32-38 Wednesday, July 10 Reading 1: Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a Gospel: Matthew 10:1-7 Friday, July 12 Reading 1: Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30 Gospel: Matthew 10:16-23 Saturday, July 13 Reading 1: Genesis: 49:29-32; 50:15-26a Gospel: Matthew 10:24-33 St. Benedict Sunday, July 14 Thursday, July 11 Reading 1: Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Saint Benedict, Abbot Reading 2: Colossians 1:15-20 Reading 1: Genesis Gospel: Luke 10:25-37 44:18-21, 23b-29, 45:1-5 Gospel: Matthew 10:7-15 O U R F A I T H I N A C T I O N 5 FOR CHILDREN 6 to 17 YEARS OLD Grandparents, Parents, Guardians, Friends: Do you know a child who wants to be BAPTIZED? We are here for you. Deacon Rick and Maureen Soria (310) 326 326--7718 SERVICE MINISTRY AWARENESS DAY Sunday, July 14 in the patio Our parish is blessed with many wonderful ministries. Ministry Awareness Days are held three times a year to inform our community of the ministries available and to offer the opportunity to talk to those who are involved in various ministries to see if God is calling us to serve along with them. This time we are highlighting the Educational ministries: Religious Education Special Religious Education RCIA Program RICA Program RCIC Program Confirmation Program Adult Confirmation Program We are all called to serve. Sometimes we just don’t know how to do it. Please stop by to learn more. about our different ministries CATHOLIC TV MASS 9 AM every Sunday morning KDOC-TV, channel 56 Check your local cable for KDOC Come and See! Are you searching for a community to belong to: a church to call your own? Do you struggle with questions about life, death, suffering, hope, forgiveness, love and God? Are you wondering what it would be like to be part of the Catholic Community at St. Margaret Mary parish? Join us for on going Inquiry sessions. Come and See! Do you know someone who asks you questions about your faith, someone who is searching: a brother, sister, coworker, boyfriend girlfriend, spouse, adult child or neighbor? Invite them—or better yet, bring them to an Inquiry session. Come and See! Are you baptized in another faith tradition but wondering about joining this community in worship and celebration? Were you baptized a Catholic but have not made your First Communion or Confirmation? Do you ever wonder what makes us Catholic? Come and See! If any of these questions speak to you or someone you know, Come and See! Inquiry meets once a month through the summer. Sessions can be joined at any time. This is the initial part of the RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Please call RCIA coordinator Sue Ballotti (310) 618-2004 to register or for more information about this process. Next RCIA Inquiry session: August 4th, 10:30 AM in the Parish Center Lounge. Come and See! 6 E S P I R I T U A L LA MISION DE LOS ENVIADOS Por Humberto Beltrán Sin duda todos conocemos aquella oración que alguien puso en los labios de Jesús y que dice, entre otras cosas: necesito tus manos para seguir bendiciendo, tus labios para seguir predicando, tu corazón para seguir amando. Dios necesita de la humanidad para salvar a la humanidad. Este es el designio amoroso del Señor. Esta es también la primera idea que nos sugiere el evangelio de hoy. Jesús iba recorriendo pueblos y lugares de Palestina anunciando la llegada del Reino de Dios. Un día seleccionó a setenta y dos discípulos y los mandó delante de él de dos en dos. Nosotros nos podremos preguntar ¿Por qué de dos en dos y no individualmente? Puede ser que, dos personas que trabajan juntas por el reino de Dios están dando un testimonio de amor y de unidad y está sola actitud ya es predicación. Designación y Envío. Jesús designa y envía a sus mensajeros por delante, de dos en dos, a todos los pueblos, y les da una serie de instrucciones relativas a la misión. El trabajo es enorme, y larga y trabajosa la marcha hasta la ciudad viva de Dios. La misión prepara la venida del Señor. A la acción sucede el descanso, con alegría de regreso, al ser vencido lo satánico. Lucas emplea en el evangelio de hoy dos perspectivas básicas: la universalista, aludida por la expresión de lobos (pueblos paganos, despreciables por los judíos), y la escatológica, insinuada por las imágenes del banquete, del juicio y de la caída de Satanás. La casa, por su parte, es presentada bajo tres perspectivas: la paz, la comida y la permanencia. En el ministerio cristiano, cualquiera que sea su especialidad, todos somos, en primer lugar, designados, llamados. En segundo lugar, somos enviados, puestos en el camino. En contraste con la abundancia de la mies, los obreros son pocos. También es de reseñar el contraste entre, por una parte, el patrón que envía y los enviados y, por otra parte, los destinatarios (lobos en ocasiones). Que la Paz reine en esta Casa. El enviado de Cristo lo primero que debe hacer al entrar en una casa es anunciar la paz: ¡Paz a esta casa! Este anuncio no es un mero saludo de cortesía, sino la presencia de una persona que lleva la paz en su corazón. El apostolado que los setenta y dos discípulos de- ben realizar es, ante todo, el de la presencia. Jesús les aconseja: “Quédense en esa casa, comiendo y bebiendo lo que les den”. Y les dice a continuación: “No vayan de casa en casa”. Este consejo, es una regla muy preciosa de testimonio cristiano. Jesús nos habla aquí de un apostolado que se realiza a partir de la familia y en el ámbito normal donde transcurre la vida de los hombres. La presencia de los discípulos no debe ser tan espiritualista que se olvide de las necesidades materiales del prójimo. “Sanen a sus enfermos”, dice Jesús, a fin de que siempre presente que las obras de misericordia corporales son parte del apostolado. Finalmente, lo que aquellos discípulos debían anunciar es algo muy simple, pero al mismo tiempo muy importante y fundamental: “Ya está aquí el Reino de Dios”. Toda la predicación de Cristo está centrada en el tema del Reino de Dios. Pero la misión de Cristo no termina en el anuncio del reino, sino que hace falta establecer el Reino de Dios. Esta es la tarea que Cristo ha confiado a la iglesia, tarea que nunca acabará, mientras haya un hombre sobre la tierra que necesite ser evangelizado. El evangelio de hoy termina con el relato de la alegría con que los setenta y dos discípulos regresaron después de esta primera experiencia. Reflexión Sintámonos también nosotros elegidos y enviados por Cristo, no sólo a anunciar, sino, sobre todo, a vivir la realidad del reino de Dios con todas sus exigencias. Demos dar siempre testimonio de amor y de unidad. Prediquemos con nuestra palabra humilde, pero con nuestra vida, estando junto al prójimo, compartiendo el pan, la mesa, curando sus enfermedades. Todos nuestros actos deben de ser sin duda más elocuentes que nuestras palabras. OUR FAITH IN ACTION 7 g{x ftvÜtÅxÇà Éy TÇÉ|Çà|Çz Éy à{x f|v~ May God bless you for your continued generosity and support bâÜ f|v~ Victoria ANUNCIACIAN Claudia AYALA Christina Marie CAULEY Betty GIFFORD Carlos MACIAS Clementina MARTIN Sharon MEDINA Keith ROBERTSON Anne Marie SIEGMAN Xavier VARGAS Dear Lord please bless these sick with comfort, courage, hope and enduring faith in your love and protection. Amen bâÜ Wxvxtáxw Anabel Ramos CANO John JARAMILLO Virgilió MÓSCOSÓ Maria Guadalupe JIMINEZ deVILLARREAL Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. Why should I be anointed? The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick continues the healing ministry of Jesus by helping those who are in need of spiritual, emotional or physical healing experience the presence of Christ. The sacrament grants the grace of comfort, peace and courage, to face sickness and resist being tempted by discouragement and despair. Is there a difference between being healed and being cured? Yes. A healing takes place on the spiritual level. A healing might include the strength to face what lies ahead and the grace to accept God's will for our lives. A cure speaks of the physical aspects, and sometimes, through this sacrament, people are not only healed, they also are cured. Who should be anointed? Anyone who: Has a serious or chronic illness. Is facing surgery. Is suffering from the debilitating effects of old age. When should anointing take place? As soon as one becomes seriously ill. If surgery is elective or planned, before being admitted for the surgery. Before the sick person is unconscious, comatose or in the last stages of death. Whenever a new condition or surgery arises or the current condition significantly worsens. What takes place during the anointing? The priest lays hands on the one who is ill and prays over him or her. The priest will also anoint the sick person with oil, the ancient symbol for strength and healing. How can I arrange to be anointed? Anointing is available each weekday morning immediately following the 6:30 and 8:15 Mass. Arrange this by speaking with the priest before Mass. For those who cannot attend Mass, special arrangements can be made by contacting the parish office: (310) 326-3364 8 N U E S T R A F E PARA NIÑOS DE 6 a 17 AÑOS DE EDAD Abuelos, Padres, Guardianes, Amigos: Saben de algun niño 6 a 17 años de edad Que quiera ser BAUTIZADO? Estamos aca para ustedes. E N A C C I O N LLEVESE A DIOS CUANDO VIAJE Encuentre el horario de las Misas En cualquier parte del mundo: ROSARIO GUADALUPANO Contactar a Diacono Rick y Maureen Soria (310) 326-7718 GRUPO DE ORACION Hoy Jesús Cris nos llama para darle un sentido nuevo a nuestras vidas a través de su palabra. Esta oportunidad no la dejes pasar. Vengan y únanse a nuestro Grupo de Oración encontremos a Jesús. Nos reunimos todos los Lunes a las 7:00 PM en el Salón San José. Lunes 8 de Julio 1a Lectura: Génesis 28:10-22 Evangelio: Mateo 9:18-26 Martes 9 de Julio 1a Lectura: Génesis 32:23-33 Evangelio: Mateo 9:32-38 Miércoles 10 de Julio 1a Lectura: Génesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7, 17-24 Evangelio: Mateo 10:1-7 Están todos invitados a acompañarnos A rezar el Rosario Guadalupano Todos los Martes a las 7:00 de la tarde En la Iglesia Para preguntas e información comunicarse con Enrique Cruz al (310) 995-2858 Viernes 12 de Julio 1a Lectura: Génesis 46:1-7, 28-30 Evangelio: Mateo 10:16-23 Sábado 13 de Julio 1a Lectura: Génesis: 49:29-32; 50:15-26 Evangelio: Mateo10:24-33 Domingo 14 de Julio San Benedicto 1a Lectura: Deuteronomio 30:10-14 Jueves 11 de Julio 2a Lectura: Colosenses 1:15-20 San Benedicto, Abbot Evangelio: Lucas 10:25-37 1a Lectura: Génesis 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5 Evangelio: Mateo 10:7-15 N U E S T R A F E ESTUDIO DE BIBICO: “DESCUBRE A JESUS A TRAVES DE LAS ESCRITURAS” Venga a vivir la experiencia de un Estudio Bíblico Sistemático y profundo: “Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento” Los Días Martes De 7 a 9 de la noche Salón Santa Margarita María Para mas información favor de llamar a: Minerva Sanchez (310) 530-9323 Teresa Carbajal (310) 326-3364 Ext. 16 ORIENTACION Y CONSEJERIA EN ESPAÑOL Recuerden que tenemos este servicio aquí, en nuestra parroquia los días lunes, martes, jueves y sábado con cita previamente acordada. Para solicitar este servicio, pueden pasar por la oficina de la parroquia para dejar el nombre y número de teléfono o dejar un mensaje en ele teléfono: (310) 326-3364 ext. 40 Una noche especial de mis y social para familiares y amigos de los encarcelados Esta misa mensual bilingüe, une a aquellos que tienen a sus seres queridos en prisión. A través de la oración y compartimiento, nos abrimos a la sanación de Dios para nosotros mismos y para nuestros seres queridos en prisión. Fecha: Martes 186de Julio del 2013 (el tercer martes de cada mes) Hora: 7:00 p.m. Lugar: Iglesia Católica San José Dirección: 11901 Acacia Ave. Hawthorne (Esquina de Acacia Ave. y 119 Street ) E N A C C I O N 9 PROTEGIENDO NUESTROS NIÑOS ¿Qué sucede cuando se reporta el abuso? La mayoría de la gente que ocupa posiciones de confianza en instituciones Católicas son bajo mandato por la ley del estado de California a reportar - abuso de menores -. Los -maestros, los ayudantes -de maestros y los consejeros en nuestras escuelas, los terapeutas y trabajadores sociales en nuestras agencias de asesoramiento, enfermeras y - doctores en hospitales, y el clero en las parroquias u otros ministerios todos tienen la obligación de reportar la sospecha razonable de abuso de niños a la policía local o agencia de protección.- -. Cuando cualquiera de estas personas tiene una sospecha razonable sobre un abuso, ellos lo reportan a la agencia apropiada policiaca o -agencia de protección. - . Esto es- verdad para todos aquellos sirviendo en instituciones de la Arquidiócesis, al igual que en todas las instituciones Católicas que funcionan por medio de comunidades religiosas. Para ayuda particular,puede llamar a Suzanne Healy, Directora del Ministerio de Asistencia al (213) 637-7650. MISA CATOLICA POR TELEVISION A las 9 de la mañana todos los Domingos Por el Canal 56 KDOC-TV Chequee por su canal KDOC en el cable 10 O U R P A R I S H I N A C T I O N Council 7864 Monday, July 8 8:15 AM Mass in honor of these deceased Holy Name men: Louie GARNICA, Hector RENDON and Jim TRIBIA Saturday, July 13, 3:30 to 8 PM Holy Name Society Installation Dinner See the back page for details. Sunday, July 14, 9:30 AM Mass Holy Name Society Communion Sunday All men of the parish and fathers at the parish school our welcome to attend our meetings. Thursday, July 11, 7 PM Council Meeting, Hegarty Hall (delayed due to July 4th holiday) For membership: Richard Contreras (310) 326-3048 For insurance: Ernie Literte (310) 781-3098 To find out more about Holy Name YOUNG ADULTS AGES 18 TO 39 PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN What Happens When Abuse Is Reported? Most people who hold positions of trust in Catholic institutions are mandated by California state law to report child abuse. Teachers, teacher’s aides and counselors in our schools, therapists and social workers in our counseling agencies, nurses and doctors in hospitals, and clergy in parishes or other ministries all have the obligation to report the reasonable suspicion of child abuse to the local police or to child protective services. When any of these people know of or have reasonable suspicion of abuse, they report it to the appropriate police or protective agency. This is true for those ministering in facilities owned and operated by the Archdiocese, as well as Catholic institutions owned and operated privately by religious communities. call L. A. Archdiocese Assistance Ministry (213) 637-7650. From the creative minds of the Office of Religious Education of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and RENEW International came this summer’s thrilling adventure of faith, hope and love for all Young Adults ages 18 to 39. Through God’s everlasting gift of Immunity through his son, Jesus Christ, this summer series of fellowship and worship will focus on SURVIVOR skills and insight to help strengthen your faith “In Service, In Prayer, In Love.” FREE ENTRY, FOOD, DRINKS AND LIVE MUSIC facebook/spyamregion or Survivor: San Pedro Region Doors open at 7 PM. Event starts at 7:30 PM TUESDAYS—St. Anthony of Padua 1003 W. 163rd St., Gardena July 9 “The Mysterious Life of Young Adults and Our Search for God” Sr. Su Fern Koo July 16 “I Just Haven’t Met You Yet—5 Habits for Creating a Relationship of Purpose and Passion” Dr. Michael DiPaulo July 23 “Living With a Purpose” Ms Christina Lamas July 30 “Faith? Religion? Spirituality? Which One Do I Need? Mr. Douglas Leal O U R P A R I S H I N A C T I O N 11 DIRECTORY CATHOLICISM IN THE NEWS SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE CATHOLIC CHURCH 25511 Eshelman Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 Are you satisfied with the way the media (newspapers, TV, radio) keeps you informed about what is happing in the world of Catholicism and in the Vatican? If not, check out the National Catholic Reporter. It is a source of information for in-depth reporting and analysis about all things Catholic and the Vatican:—Also on Facebook and Twitter Log on for thought-provoking and insightful information about our world of Catholicism written by reporters who actually know what is going on and who have personally talked to the people involved. From their website: Established in 1964, the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) began as a newspaper and is now a print and Web news source that stands as one of the few independent journalistic outlets for Catholics and others who struggle with the complex moral and societal issues of the day. Website: Email: Telephones: (310) 326-3364 (310) 539-1570 (fax) PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri, 8 AM—8 PM Saturday, 8 AM—5PM (Monday—Saturday closed Noon to 1 PM) Sunday, 9 AM—1 PM STAFF Parish Administrator Deacon Dan Wallace, ext 42 Religious Education Joe Voigt, ext 17 Teresa Carbajal, ext 16 Youth Ministry Michael Warden, ext 13 Christian Service Laura Nieto, ext 35 Religious Vocations Fr. Bao (310) 326-3364 Contact Parish Office for: All Sacraments Quiceañeras Anointing of the Sick Funeral Arrangements Registrations Volunteer Opportunities and all other questions PARISH SCHOOL Douglas Erhard, Principal (310) 326-9494, ext 21 BULLETIN Deadline: Friday Noon 9 days before your article will appear. Read your Bulletin Fridays online on our website IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE BULLETIN EDITORS Dear Parish Members: Our Sunday bulletin is an important way for us to communicate with you. Producing it every week could be very costly, but through our arrangement with the J. S. Paluch Co. the parish does not pay for the printing, saving thousands of dollars each year. The Paluch Company arranges for the bulletin to be supported through the generosity of the businesses that you see advertised on pages 14 and 15. Most of these advertisers are members of our local community, and many belong to our parish. During these difficult economic times, I urge you to support these advertisers with your patronage. Tell the business owners that you appreciate their support of our parish through their advertisements in the bulletin. This is one small way that we can work within our own community to weather the challenges that we face. A strong and vibrant parish is good for our community and a thriving business community is good for our parish. YOU CAN NOW RUN YOUR OWN PERSONAL ADS ON PAGES 14 AND 15. CALL OUR PUBLISHER FOR DETAILS AND PRICING J. S. PALUCH CO. (800) 566-6170. 12 La Comunidad Hispana tendrá Venta de Tamales Mexicanos. Las ganancias serán usadas para las BECAS 27 & 28 DE JULIO DEL 2013 ¿Eres una muchacha joven entre la edad de 15 años o mas? ¿Tienes mucho entusiasmo y manejas? ¿Quieres tener un papel importante en la feria? ENTONCES EL CONCURSO DE REINA DE LOMITA TE QUIERE? Para información (310) 325-3038 o correo electrónico: Aplicaciones están disponibles en la Oficina Parroquial ¿Es este año para ti? ¿Te gustaría iniciarte en la FE CATOLICA? Si es así RICA es para ti El proceso de RICA prepara a todos aquellas personas mayor de 18 años que desean iniciarse en la FE CATOLICA y que aun no han recibido los sacramentos de Iniciación: Bautismo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión. Pero si ya has sido Bautizado y te falta tu Confirmación y Primera Comunión, RICA es el programa que te preparara para recibir tus Sacramentos. CUANDO Todos los Domingos de 10:00 de la mañana a 12:00 del medio día a partir del 25 de Agosto del 2013 En la Iglesia de Sta. Margarita María En el Salón de Jóvenes. Para mas información favor de llamar a la oficina Parroquial (310) 326-3364 Ext. 16 O hablar con Carmen Soria al (310) 990-6527 13 The Hispanic Community will be selling Mexican Tamales J u l y 2 7 th a n d 2 8 th proceeds are for scholarships CASINO FUN TIME ♠ Viejas Casino (Alpine CA) ♣ ♣ Saturday, July 27 ♠ Bus leaves 7:30 AM from SMM parking lot and returns about 5:30 to 6 PM Water and snacks provided. Cost: $20 per person Cash or check payable to SMMC/FILCOM Reservation and payment secures your place on the bus. Open to Parishioners and friends age 21 and over. ID required. No refunds. Linda Williams (310) 320-9514 Barbara DeBoer (310) 990-4223 Cecille Apostol (310) 567-7389 Sponsored by the Filipino Community July 20, 2013 Registration and Dinner at 5 PM SMM Hegarty Hall Game starts at 6:30 PM $50 per person includes dinner, drink, raffle ticket, $800 in chips. ($60 per person at the door) Raffle Prizes! Tournament winners earn prizes: 1st - $500 value prize 2nd - $300 value prize 3rd - $200 value prize Bounty on DJ and Host DAMON KNIGHT Contact or John Rajcok (424) 653-0000 LIGHT A CANDLE at St. Margaret Mary one month $20; one year $100 For more information and to place the request, stop by or call the parish office (310) 326-3364 RAFFLE TICKETS ARE IN THE MAIL Hope you will consider selling them all. It’s easy once you tell everybody that they can win $15,000 for just a $2 investment! You’ll help your church and parish school! You can email us at or leave a message in office (310) 326-3364 St. Margaret Mary September 6, 7 & 8, 2013 LET THE CUB SCOUTS WASH YOUR DIRTY CARS Sponsored by our Cub Scout Pack 388 CAR WASH FUNDRAISER Saturday, July 20 7:30 AM to 1 PM SMM parking lot All vehicles only $7! Advance sales in patio this weekend Maybe, if you are a young woman age 15 or older willing to share your enthusiasm energy and time as a contestant in the St. Margaret Mary Fair Queen contest. You’ll work hard finding creative ways to sell tickets, but you’ll have the most fun ever. From the day you sign up, you shall be a Princess and whoever sells the most tickets will be QUEEN. SIGN UP SOON. THE DEADLINE IS CLOSE. Applications are in the office or call or email Diane (310) 325-3038, HOLY NAME SOCIETY INSTALLATION DINNER Saturday, July 13, 3:30 to 8 PM You do not have to be a HNS Member. All are invited to attend our celebration welcoming our new slate of officers at the Sacred Heart Courtyard and Hegarty Hall. Live Music! Food! Fun! $12 per person Our main dish will be catered by “Wheaton’s Eatins” We’d appreciate it if you would please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Organized by outgoing President Matt Johnson (213) 276-4974