Transcription of Mexico Credits Powerpoint
Transcription of Mexico Credits Powerpoint
A WORK IN PROGRESS Fabian Partida, Othello School District Migrant Graduation Specialist Does your school/district have a policy or process for accepting or transcribing Mexico credits? Does you school have a partial crediting process in place for migrant/non-migrant students? Are seat time hours a factor in your school? How involved are you in that process? ◦ Are you able to transcribe or does that responsibly fall on the counselors? Use what is available to you. Back in 2006 the Yakima School District and OSPI work in collaboration to create a course equivalency chart for the CONEVyT program. ◦ This chart covered both the secundaria and the preparatoria courses. ◦ Keep in mind that this was a while ago. InET (Innovative Educational Technologies) Consortium had also offered training modules on understanding the differences between the US and Mexican school systems. Resources are available under the MGS/MSA resources section of the MSDRS website: You have a valid document. ◦ There are false ones out there. ◦ Many students/families bring in un-sealed documents. I have found that the Mexican Consulate in Seattle is more than willing to verify the validity of the documents provided. What grade are we talking about ◦ When a student tells you secundaria (secondary) that does not mean just middle school. The secundaria covers up to 9th grade. Did they complete the year or are they coming to you with partial credits? (seat time factor) Level of education reported? Primaria (grades 1-6) Secundaria (grades 7-9) Preparatoria (“Bachillerato” on transcript) (grades 10-12+) Universidad (college) Which grade level? Washington Junior High 7th grade 8th grade High School 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade Mexico Secundaria Primero grado Segundo grado Tercero grado Bachillerato Primero grado Segundo grado Tercero grado 135 seat hrs each: History of Mexico Civics & Ethics Physics Chemistry Foreign Language Hist/Geog of State Vocational Ed 225 seat hrs each: Spanish Mathematics 90 seat hrs each: Art Physical Education Health T ec hn ol og y W or ld La n gu ag e So ci a lS tu di es Sc i en ce M at h Cou rse T itle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Matemáticas I Matemáticas II Matemáticas IV Cálculo Diferencial e Integral I Cálculo Diferencial e Integral II Matemáticas III Estadística Descriptiv a e Inferencial I Estadística Descriptiv a e Inferencial II Geografía Ciencia de la Salud I Biología I Biología II Química I Química II Química III Ecología Física I Física II Física III Física Moderna I Física Moderna II Métodos de Inv estigación I Métodos de Inv estigación II Historia de Méx ico I (History of Méx ico I) Historia de Méx ico II (History of Méx ico II) Filosofía I Filosofía II Economía I Economía II Sociología I Sociología II A ntropología I A ntropología II Taller de Lectura y Redacción I Taller de Lecturay Redacción II Literatura I Literatura II Taller de A nálisis de la Comunicación I Taller de A nálisis de la Comunicación II Ciencia de la Salud II Redes Base de Datos I Base de Datos II Laboratorio de Informática I Laboratorio de Informática II Contabilidad I Contabilidad II Contabilidad III Cou rse & Credit Equ iv alency A lgebra I A lgebra II Pre-Calculus Calculus Ia* Calculus Ib* Geometry Statistics Ia Statistics Ib A dv anced Earth Science* A natomy and Phy siology * Biology Ia Biology Ib Chemistry Ia Chemistry Ib Chemistry Ic Ecology and Biology * Phy sics Ia Phy sics Ib Phy sics Ic A dv anced Phy sics Ia* A dv anced Phy sics Ib* Science Methods Research Ia (* & **) Science Methods Research Ib (* & **) A dv anced World History Ia (* & **) A dv anced World History Ib (* & **) Philosophy Ia (* & **) Philosophy Ib (* & **) Economics Ia* Economics Ib* Sociology Ia* Sociology Ib* A nthropology Ia (* & **) A nthropology Ib (* & **) Nativ e Spanish 3a* Nativ e Spanish 3b* Nativ e Spanish 4a* Nativ e Spanish 4b* Nativ e Spanish 5a* Nativ e Spanish 5b* Health Network A naly sis Database Ia Database Ib Office User Specialist Office Specialist A ccounting Ia and Bookkeeping A ccounting Ib and Bookkeeping A ccounting Ic and Bookkeeping 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.5 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.5 0.5 0.34 0.68 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.34 0.34 0.34 Gradu ation Credit Met 1 1 Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e 1 Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e 0.5 0.5 Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e 0.5 0.5 Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e Electiv e 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.34 0.34 0.34 Yakima School District WAC 180-57-050 Yakima School District WAC 180-57-050 Passed Course Letter Grade Whole / Partial 4 Point Scale Excellent Very Good A+ A D 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 F 0.0 AB+ Good B BC+ Average C CD+ Not Satisfactory Did Not Pass Course Failed 100 Point Scale 10 Point Scale* 100 10 9 90 8 80 7 70 60 6 59-0 5-0 Not all schools have one. Some schools only have one for migrant students This is a great starting point for those of you who would like to help students who are migrant, new to the US, or just students that moved to your school for non-migrant reasons. *sometimes baby steps are better than no steps at all.* Highly mobile students like migrant students, who have sometimes studied in Mexico, move frequently between school districts as their families follow crop cycles. For these students, a barrier to high school graduation is lack of credit for the partial work completed before moving. ◦ This is only getting harder considering the 24 credit requirements as well as the coursed unable to students due to ELL electives. Bi-National Transfer Document Certificate of Completion for the secundaria ◦ Useful for those students who are traveling to and from Mexico in the current year. ◦ Only concern is that math is not specific to Alg./Geo./etc. ◦ Since all of Mexico's pre-k to 9th grade is nationally prescribed then the certificate can assist you in at least placing the student appropriately. I always have them request a copy of their transcript which shows the courses they completed and the grades received. Transcript from a Preparatoria or Escuela Técnica Validity of the documents is always a concern. ◦ Since preparatorias are more like private schools, these documents vary from school to school. ◦ Use equivalency chart to the best of your ability and then use your resources to determine the rest. (Electives are helpful as well) Since these equivalencies are dated, it is always good practice to work with your teachers to ensure that students are ready to move on to the next class. ◦ I have a group of teachers I work with to verify/test a student to see if they are ready to move on. Consider ELL status and if primary language will be a barrier towards their enrollment in the appropriate course. Verification of authenticity of documents. Still a work in progress. If you have a system set up at your school, please let me know. ( I hope that this is just a start and that soon there will be a more hands-on training available in the future.