Shalom Now!


Shalom Now!
Shalom Lutheran Church
681 Voyager Drive, Alexandria, MN 56308
Shalom Now!
Volume 16, No. 1
January 2016
8:30 Evangelical
Lutheran Worship
10:45 Contemporary Worship
Sign Interpreter
available upon
Pastor :
Justin Fenger
Director of Family
Katie Fenger
Music Director:
Renae Larson
Office Administrator:
Carol Hedlund
From the Pastor
“This years going to be different, I am going to finally make that change.” What is it
about the New Year that makes us reflect upon our habits and say this year is going to be
different? The hope and longing to get to those long awaited tasks complete, to cross one
more thing of the bucket list, to turn over a new leaf or a new start.
I think it is because of the word “new”. The word generates excitement and energy that
may have been lacking before. We are a culture that loves the word “new” from that
“new” car smell to those wonderful phases like newborn and newly wed.
It is a open book, a mystery, a clean slate, and a fresh start. There is optimism about what
things may become.
The word “new” we are untainted by mistakes
not plagued by what ifs or failed attempts. We
have not been put out to pasture, not used, or
even slightly used…That it is a brand “new”
year, a chance to be a “new” you.
There is an energy when the word “new” is uttered…opportunity, adventure, moving forward.
We are no longer bound to our past mistakes and
bad habits.
Do we get that same feeling when we hear God
is making all things “new” or that we are a “new” creation or that each and everyday we
are being “renewed” by the Holy Spirit? Does that give us the same drive to get things
done or to change our ways? Do we experience the same optimism and energy that comes
with a New Year, New House, New Job, New Car, New Toy, or whatever is New in your
Why should it be different? We are given a fresh start, but unlike a New Year, God has
not only given us a New Year but a New life, His life.
I wish you a profound and joyous New Year,
Pastor Justin
Bibles will be given to 1st and 5th
grade children on Sunday, January
10th at both services.
“We believe God is calling us to invite people into a deeper relationship with Christ, that all may
discover true peace and be prepared to follow him in compassionate service”
Shalom Youth will be selling PIZZA'S
To raise money for the summer missions trip
Starting January 10th there will be a 'Pizza Hut' in the
narthex where you can place your orders.
All orders must be submitted by Sunday January 24th.
Ordered Pizza's will be ready for pick up Sunday, February 6th.
All ingredients will be provided by Angelia's in Alexandria MN.
"Go Deep" is a time for those in 9th-12th grade to come together for a time of
fellowship and Gods word! Go Deep meets the 1st Sunday of each month from
6pm-8pm in the youth room at Shalom!
They will meet January 3, 2016.
There will be no Children's Church on Sundays December
27th and January 3rd for Christmas Break!
Everyone is invited for a night at the movies
Sunday, January 10th, 2016 @ 6:30pm
In the Shalom Fellowship Hall
(Movie will be announced in bulletin after Christmas)
Shalom Youth will be selling concessions
Luther Crest Bible Camp Early Bird Deadlines
Again this year Luther Crest is offering significant savings to those who register early for summer
camps. Submit your registration by Feb. 14, get $175 off or by April 21 to get $75 off. After April it is
full price. Discounts are different for Day Camp, Explorers, Seekers and Women’s Week Day Programs.
Luther Crest brochures are on the Information Desk in the narthex.
An application for Scholarship funds is now included in each brochure—any one may apply. Monthly
payment programs are available as well.
Notable programs include: 9-12 Blazers! (Servant leadership training, helping lead worships &
games, helping with meals & more.) 3-6 Joyful Noise! (Music camp for singing, dancing, playing instruments and more.) Women’s Week and Family Camp! (camping opportunities for families.)
Camp Grandparents (A free week of camp to be a Grandparent at Luther Crest for the week.) Camp
Magi! (Pastors and Youth Workers are invited to spend a week at camp with your children and
Thanks to Congress for “A New Budget for a New Year” that makes permanent the earned income tax credit and other tax breaks for low-income working families that were scheduled to expire at the end of 2017. Thanks also to
all of you who wrote letters to our Senators and Representative encouraging
them to support legislation that would protect the safety net for low-income
people. They listened and because they did, let’s write letters, send emails or
make phone calls expressing our appreciation for their action.
Representative Collin Peterson
2211 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington , DC 20515
Senator Amy Klobuchar
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Senator Al Franken
307 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Ron Otterson, Member of Shalom’s Social Ministry Committee
Shalom is a Bread for the World covenant congregation.
Do you remember we have a
We encourage you to go to the Resource Room to check out the selection of books we have cataloged and
on the shelves. There is an assortment of Bibles, resource books,
“Chicken Soup for the …”, novels,
health & education and reference
books. They are available for you to
borrow anytime.
SHALOM NURSERY is looking for slightly used, in
great condition, larger plastic toys that are appropriate for ages 0-2years old. If anyone has something they
are looking to donate please talk to Katie Fenger.
Shalom Council Roster 2015-16
Vice President
Ken Rothman
(Finance team)
Dave Rush
Phone Number
Derek Navratil
(Finance Team)
cell-- 320-491-4446
Carol Hedlund
cell-- 320-760-9752
320- 763-7687
cell-- 320-766-9661
Jason Winter
(Y-Team & Education)
Joyce Crowe
(Adult Spiritual Formation & Parish Nurse)
Eileen McKay
Bettie Anderson
(Social Ministry)
Jim Whipkey
Tammy Drewes
Become a Hospice Volunteer!
Knute Nelson Hospice is looking for volunteers in your area. At Knute Nelson we strive to make every day
matter, make every day comfortable, and make every day as joyful as possible for our patients who are living
with a terminal or life limiting illness.
If you are interested in becoming a hospice volunteer or would like more information please call Knute Nelson Hospice at 320-759-1270.
y0U !!!!
To all the Good Stewards who participated in the All Member Call in November.
2. To all the Stewards who have turn in their Capital Campaign Commitment Card.
You are a Good and Faithful Servant.
To all Shalom Members who have NOT turned in a Commitment Card please prayerfully consider
handing one in soon. If you have misplaced your card, please contact Carol or
someone on the Stewardship Team.
Remember all that we have is from GOD and we, as Stewards of GOD’S gifts, must
thankfully give back to HIM for HIS work here on Earth.
Thanks to all the Good and Faithful Stewards and to all Shalom members for all
your Gifts for GOD’s work at Shalom. May you have a great, healthy and profitable 2016.
Your Stewardship Team: Pastor R. Halverson, Greg Anderson, E. McKay, G. Visser, and
C. Hoffman
Food Shelf Update
The Douglas County Outreach Food Shelf sends frequent
thank you notes for all that we give them to help others in need.
Shalom members continue to take Jesus’ words to heart when he
says “Give to the least of these, and you give to me”. Truly God
is smiling on your kindness to your fellow man.
Since last February Shalom has given $2,550.80 to the
Food Shelf and 1160 pounds of food and produce.
Alexandria is a very caring community and has so many
great organizations that go out of their way to raise food,
money and toys to give to fellow community members who
have fewer material goods.
Thank you for sharing with others.
Lutheran Disaster Response at-a-glance
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is known
as a church that rolls up its sleeves and gets to work.
Lutheran Disaster Response is one way our church has
this reputation.
Following Christ’s call to bring hope and healing to
our neighbor in need, Lutheran Disaster Response is
currently responding to 50 different emergencies
around the world and in the U.S., including many that
have never made headlines.
We recognize that every disaster is local. Because of
this, we believe every response needs to be rooted in
the community, and we work to accompany that community from immediate relief through long-term recovery.
Cornerstones of our work include:
 Providing emotional and spiritual care for people
who have been affected by disasters and for leaders
who respond.
 Coordinating volunteers in the U.S. through our
local affiliates.
 Assisting refugees in a holistic way by meeting the
varied needs of the community.
 Promoting disaster risk-reduction by helping communities build their assets thereby reducing the
effects of likely disasters.
 Providing long-term recovery efforts by addressing
unmet needs months or even years after a disaster
This year we had three weeks of Advent mid-week Community Suppers and Worship Services. The offering from the
Community Suppers traditionally is given to the ELCA World Hunger Fund.
This year we were able to send them $704.25.
The Advent Worship Service Offerings were dedicated to Habitat for Humanity (Thrivent Builds) this year.
We are able to send them a check for $737.00.
Both of these Funds are very helpful to people both in our community and around the world. May God bless our gifts.
Shalom Lutheran Church
Unapproved Council Minutes
December 21, 2015
1. Meeting called to order at 6:01 p.m. by President Rothman.
Present: Ken Rothman, Joyce Crowe, Pastor Justin Fenger, Carol Hedlund, Jason Winter and Tammy
Drewes, Jim Whipkey and Derek Navratil.
Absent: Eileen McKay, Bettie Anderson and Dave Rush
Hedlund made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition President’s Time. Second by Crowe;
agenda approved.
2. Open Devotions and prayer by Pastor Justin. He read from Luke 1:46—the Magificat and led
a prayer.
3. Motion by Crowe to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2015 minutes, second by Navratil;
motion carried.
4. Treasurer’s Report. Able to make mortgage payment from monthly income, not using set-aside money.
Treasurer’s Report accepted as submitted.
5. Pastor/staff time.
 Blue Christmas tonight at 7:00 p.m., supper at 6:30
 Christmas Services at 2:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on December 24 .
6. Current Business.
a. President’s time
1) Small under-the- counter water heater in the Nursery is not working. A 1983 model.
Rothman is getting various estimates on replacement. (He has done all the repairs he can.)
2) Marcia Benson submitted to the Office an email that she is retiring as Music Director,
effective December 30, 2015. Discussion as to who will lead the search for a replacement.
Will review and revise job description according to needs before doing active recruiting.
3) Every member phone calls—Rothman has received 158 out of 165 cards from calls.
4) Getz property taxation issue is resolved. A letter from the City has been received stating
that it will continue to be non-taxable along with the rest of the Shalom property.
b. Committee Reports—no action requested on any reports.
7. Old Business—covered under President’s time.
8. Visitors—none.
9. Closing prayer by Pastor Justin.
10. Motion to adjourn by Winter, second by Whipkey; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m..
Respectfully submitted by
Carol Hedlund, Secretary
Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
Benjamin Spock
Pastors and Chaplains are encouraged to engage in life long learning and development, I
happen to be both. So, January 22nd to February 6th I will be traveling to Ft. Jackson, South
Carolina for Army Chaplain training to continue to develop staff officer skills and critical
thinking competencies needed to serve at a high level of leadership.
Pulpit supply has been arranged for those two Sunday's I will be absent and if there is
an emergency, Pastor Jerry Lanes of Bethesda Lutheran Church will be covering any
emergency pastoral needs during my training. Pastor Lanes’ contact number is
Many Blessings
Pastor Justin
When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them; sometimes, when
you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
When God solves your problems, you have faith in His abilities; when God
doesn’t solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities.
Music Director Position
As of December 30th we no longer have a Music Director at Shalom. Marcia
Benson is retiring from full-time work to spend more time with her little grandchildren. She has offered to volunteer occasionally on Sunday if need be.
We thank her for her years of service to Shalom and for her gift of music to us
and wish her “happy hugs” with those grandbabies!
So now we turn another page, and begin looking for a new Music Director. We will take the
time to review and update the job description
to fill our current needs.
You can help—we are looking for interested
people to join the Worship Committee, to be
part of a “search team” or to offer names and
phone numbers of people who may be possible
candidates. Or perhaps you know of someone
with musical talent that can help fill in on Sundays until we hire a replacement. Perhaps we will have one person just directing the choir, or SOS and another leading Sunday Worship. We have options
and decisions to make.
If you have contacts, please share them with Pastor Justin or Carol H. Put
your antennae up and help us with this search.
GET READY - it is time to prepare the Global
Health Ministry Baby Health Kits.
The Social Ministry Team is in need of diaper pins,
undershirts, bath towels & people willing to serge
precut flannel diapers & hem precut receiving blankets. Kits will be assembled for April shipping. What
a privilege to enhance the health & comfort of babies
experiencing crisis around the world! A box will be
available for donations in January.
Regular updates regarding ongoing needs will be
available later.
Pastor has requested that we get two more large
Christmas trees for the Sanctuary. We have
one 9 footer gifted to us, but need to purchase a
larger (up to 12 feet) one. We may find one on
sale after Christmas. If you would
like to give money toward this larger tree,
please let Joyce Crowe
or Carol Hedlund
know, or put in
marked offering envelope. If you know
where we can get a
good, large one, let
Joyce know. If we
can’t get it on sale, it
may cost $1000-$2000
to purchase.
Brad Hoven
Julia Dalum
Kyle Feldhake
Darlene Zabel
Corey Paine
Orris Balgaard
Della Sukke
Jason Davidson
Derek Navratil
Brian Casavan
Ken Moenck
Dave Burbank
Colleen Rooney
Tim Nordby
Alycia Crowe
Carla Randall
Vivian Evjen
Barbara Kirst
Brittany Rooney
Jaiden Drewes
Amy Dawson
If we missed your birthday, please let us know in the church office because
we would like to include you in our thoughts and prayers on your birthday!
Donna Moenck
Emily Erickson
Rachel Dale
Makayla Klimek
Renae Hills
Dale Kittleson
Carol Hedlund
Bud Nielsen
Bill Kilgore
Mariah Nelson
Your Shalom family rejoices with you as
you celebrate the day God gave you life.
Providing time to share the love of Christ with our fellow members and guests is the reason we have Sunday Morning
Hospitality. Thank you for being on the Sunday Morning hospitality team for January. It is a real gift you are providing.
Thank you!
1. Each week four family units are assigned. Each of them is requested to bring 4 dozen cookies, donuts or bars.—or
you may bring half healthy treats (fruit, cheese, nuts, etc.).
2. The first 2 on the list will be in charge of setting up before early service is finished, (9:30 am) (Trays for treats
are in the kitchen or under the serving area and pitchers for water are in the kitchen.) and then acting as hosts during the coffee
hour. The second two on the list will be in charge of cleaning up after 10:30. (This includes washing the cups and other dishes, emptying and rinsing the coffee pots, and cleaning up the serving area.) Directions for the dishwasher are on the dishwasher door.) These duties rotate.
Hospitality treats will be served in the Community Room between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Cleanup may begin after 10:30, but please don’t rush anyone. Also, please leave a plate (or baggie) of treats and two carafes of coffee on the counter for anyone to use after second service.
If you are unable to serve on the date you are scheduled please change with another family unit. Thanks for your ministry in
this area.
January 3, 2016
Emilie Pfeffer
Carla Randall
Dan & Colleen Rooney
Dave & Renae Rush
January 17, 2016
Amy Schlosser
Dick & Marlene Silver
John & Nola Smith
Mike & Faith Steussy
January 10, 2016
Ron & Dori Otterson
Grant & Cami Pexsa
Doug & Kelly Prestby
Dave & Joyce Rogosheske
January 24, 2016
Lisa Tickhill
Greg & Karen Toivonen
Terry & Sharon Vanderheiden
Garrett & Joyce Visser
January 31, 2016
Dave & Irene Vagle
Tom & Beth Wacholz
Ryan & Lisa Voigt
Jim & amber Whipkey
January’s flower
is a carnation.
The birthstone for
January is the garnet.
9:30 SOS Rehearsal
New Year’s Day
Office closed
9-11:00 am Prayers & Squares
9:-00 Dartball
9:30 Staff meeting
7:00 Confirmation/YADA
8-9:45 Quilting
10:00 Bible Study
7:30 Men’s Bible
Breakfast at Travelers Inn
6 pm Y-Team
7 pm Education
9:-00 Dartball
9:30 Staff meeting
7:00 Confirmation/YADA
8-9:45 Quilting
8:30 Property
10:00 Bible Study
7:30 Men’s Bible
Breakfast at Travelers Inn
8:30 Worship
9:40 Hospitality
10:45 Worship
6:30 Go Deep
No Children’s
8:30 Worship
9:40 Hospitality/Children’s
Church/Social Min.
10:45 Worship
Bibles to 1st & 5th
Movie Night
1:00 Evangelism
9:30 SOS Rehearsal
9:30 SOS Rehearsal
7:15 Worship
8:30 Worship
9:40 Hospitality/Children’s Church
10:45 Worship
7 pm Church
Council meets
9:-00 Dartball
9:30 Staff meeting
7:00 Confirmation/YADA
8-9:45 Quilting
10:00 Bible Study
7:30 Men’s Bible
Breakfast at Travelers Inn
8:30 Worship
9:40 Hospitality/Children’s Church
10:45 Worship
9:30 SOS Rehearsal
Faith Night at the
Blizzard Game
9:-00 Dartball
8-9:45 Quilting
10:00 Bible Study
7:30 Men’s Bible
Breakfast at Travelers Inn
9:30 SOS Rehearsal
8:30 Worship
9:40 Hospitality/Children’s Church
10:45 Worship
Noisy Offering
Pastor Justin gone
to Guard Duty
Jan. 22—Feb. 6
January 3, 2016
Communion Assist
Assistant Minister
Altar Guild
Kitchen Monitor
Communion Bread
Mariah Nelson
Denny & Ruth Nagle
Dick Silver & Fred Lamca
Carol Hedlund
Jim & Connie Johnson
Gerry Kingsberg
Shirley Engeldorf & Carol Hedlund
Shirley Ross
Vic Dale
Keilani Kavanagh
Corey & Tammy Drewes
Karen Toivonen & Troy Frovarp
Greg Toivonen
Clark & Judy Hoffman
Alli Halvorson
January 10, 2016
Communion Assist
Assistant Minister
Beau Granning
Ken & Trish Jensen
Ray & Marilyn Myers
Dave Harris
Al & Bettie Anderson
Dave Vagle
Brooklyn Von Bank
Jason & Tiffany Winter
Jeri Borman & Joyce Crowe
Brian Hiles
Jay & Gail Kulp
Gail Kulp
January 17, 2016
Communion Assist
Assistant Minister
Mariah Nelson
Dave & Cheryl Burbank
Dean & Catherine Kliewer
Lloyd Berger
Fritz & Tam Bukowski
Stephen Olson
Gavin Pexsa
Bill & Eileen McKay
Alli Halvorson & Sue Engstrom
Judy Hoffman
Clark & Judy Hoffman
Joyce Crowe
January 24, 2016
Communion Assist
Assistant Minister
Mariah Neslon
Dave & Lynn Malvin
Skeeter & Gerry Kingsberg
Vi Dilly
Norm & Jeanette Priebe
Jan Keller
Ella Grove
Tim & Wanda Nordby
Amy Schlosser & Brian Hiles
Ron Otterson
Corey & Tammy Drewes
Nola Smith
January 31, 2016
Communion Assist
Assistant Minister
Mariah Nelson
Fred & Jane Lamca
Dave & Evie Harris
Jan Keller
Ray & Marilyn Myers
Carol Hedlund
Patina Frovarp
Jeri Borman & Shanay Anderson
Bill & Eileen McKay
Gail Kulp
Tim & Wanda Nordby
Stephen Olson
It’s 2016. . .
Updated Shared Ministry Participants Lists will be coming to you soon. If you are new to a particular Shared Ministry task you should be getting an instruction sheet. If you don’t, please contact Carol in the
Office for one. If you are not on the lists, it may be that you forgot to fill out a Shared Ministry Checklist.
Contact Carol in the Church Office to get a checklist.
Committees will soon get lists of names of all those that signed up to be active in your area of the
church; be watching for those and invite new people into your group.
2015 Year-end Giving Statements will be in your mailboxes in January.
Please take your church offering envelopes home from your mailbox.
Shalom Lutheran Church
681 Voyager Drive,
Alexandria, MN 56308
Phone (320) 762-8641
Fax (320) 762-0732
We’re on the web
“We believe God is calling us to invite people into
a deeper relationship with Christ, that all may
discover true peace and be prepared to follow Him
in compassionate service.”
Looking Ahead
January 10 — Children’s Church Resumes
— Presentation of Bibles to 1st & 5th Graders
— Movie Night at Shalom
20 — Faith Night at the Alexandria Blizzard Hockey game
20 — Shalom Western Barbeque