Winter 2010 Shalom Spirit newsletter


Winter 2010 Shalom Spirit newsletter
Winter 2010 Vol. 12, No. 1
Published tri-annually
out all these life-giving events!
“Shalom Retreat Center . . .
• provides a setting of peace and tranquility where the presence of God can be felt
• offers hospitality and hope for people of all denominations
• provides programs with a holistic approach
• offers me a chance to assist others who have experienced loss in their lives.”
– Barb Meloy Callahan
in this issue . . .
Winter, Lenten & Spring Programs
Yoga & Tai Chi Classes
2010 Retreat Schedule
Project Updates / Caring Benefactors
newsletter from
Shalom Retreat Center, Dubuque, IA
Shalom Retreat Center • 563/582-3592 •
LUNCH ‘N A MOVIE: Frozen River
Monday, Jan. 11, 12:00 – 3:30pm
Facilitator: Eileen Miller OSF, Shalom Program Coordinator
A complex portrait of women from different walks of life
struggling to find their ethical bearing in harsh and unforgiving
circumstances, this film takes place in the days before
Christmas in a little-known border crossing between New
York State and Quebec. Here, the lure of fast money from
smuggling presents a daily challenge to single moms who
would otherwise be earning minimum wage. Two women
– one white, one Mohawk, both single mothers faced with
desperate circumstances – are drawn into the world of border
smuggling across the frozen water of the St. Lawrence River.
Offering: $12. Includes lunch, movie and discussion.
Register/prepay by Friday, Jan. 8.
Poetry Daze: “It’s in the Bag” . . .
A Series of Six Tuesday Evenings
Jan. 12, 19, 26; Feb. 9, 16, 23
7:00 – 8:30pm
Presenter: Donna Bauerly, PhD,
Professor Emeritus, Loras College
“It’s in the Bag” – everything you always wanted
to know and experience about poetry in an
easy and fun exchange. Donna will offer a series of evenings
of mostly reading poetry with lots of creative ways to do so.
There may be a little experimenting with writing some poetry
also, but nothing difficult, just true fun! For some, poetry
seems daunting, but Donna says, “I have experienced poetry
with thousands and thousands of students and friends – and no
one has died in those encounters!” Come, and you can count
yourself as one of her survivors! Materials are free, donated
by Loras College through President Jim Collins.
Offering: $6/session. Registration required at least one
day prior to each session. Attendance at full series of
classes is recommended. These events are being offered
in cooperation with the Loras College Archbishop Kucera
Center for Catholic Intellectual & Spiritual Life.
TAIZE PRAYER 7:30 – 8:30pm
Shalom is sponsoring three programs/ discussions around
three books. We invite participants to read each book prior
to the discussion about it. Although the books are unrelated,
each of these true stories allows the reader to see life
through the eyes of someone in different life circumstances
than his or her own. (The first discussion was held in October
about Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario.) All books are
available at River Lights 2nd Edition bookstore in Dubuque.
A 15% discount will be given to those who mention that
they are purchasing the books for the Shalom discussions.
Book Discussion: The Faith Club
by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver & Priscilla Warner
Monday, Jan. 18, 7:00 – 8:00pm
Facilitator: Harriet Holles BVM
The Faith Club weaves the story of three
women, their three religions (Christianity,
Islam, Judaism), and their urgent quest to
understand one another. As the authors
reveal their deepest beliefs, the reader
watches the blossoming of a profound
interfaith friendship and the birth of a
new way of relating to others. Timely, deeply thoughtful
and full of hope, the book’s caring message will resonate
with people of all faiths.
Offering: $6. Register/prepay by Jan. 15.
Book Discussion: Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace … One School at a Time
by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver-Relin
Monday, March 15, 7:00 – 8:00pm
Facilitator: Marian Klostermann OSF
In 1993 a mountaineer named Greg
Mortenson drifted into an impoverished
Pakistan village in the Karakoram
mountains after a failed attempt to
climb K2. Moved by the inhabitants’
kindness, he promised to return and
build a school. Three Cups of Tea is the story of that
promise and its extraordinary outcome. Since then
Mortenson has built not just one, but over 70 schools –
especially for girls – in the forbidding terrain that gave
birth to the Taliban. His story is both a riveting adventure
and a testament to the power of the humanitarian spirit.
Offering: $6. Register/prepay by March 12. 1st Thursday each month*
Monthly Musicians: Jim Brimeyer, Marie Therese Kalb OSF, Carol
Hemesath OSF. Guest musicians listed below.
JAN. 7: From Darkness to Light (Bob Bildstein)
FEB. 4: Joy God’s Love Brings (Steve & Sherry Jacobs & friends)
MAR. 4: Lenten Hour of Prayer (Kathy Scremin)
APR. 8: Jesus Is Risen (John Helling, Mark Schnee)
MAY 6: Lead Us Lord (Karla Kloft OSF, Jan Knaeble)
Registration not required. Free will offering.
* Taize Prayer held April 8 instead of April 1 (Holy Thursday)
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A Series of Book Discussions
Mondays, Jan. 18, Feb. 15,
Mar. 15, Apr. 19, May 17
7:00 – 8:00pm
Join others in quiet, meditative prayer,
discussion, and support.
Registration not required.
Free will offering.
Shalom Retreat Center • 563/582-3592 •
Lunch ’n a Movie: The Soloist
Monday, Feb. 8, 12:00 – 3:30pm
Facilitator: Eileen Miller OSF, Shalom Program Coordinator
Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez’s (Robert Downey
Jr.) pressing need for story ideas leads him to Nathaniel Ayera
(Jamie Foxx), a mentally ill, homeless street musician who
possesses extraordinary talent, even on a two-stringed violin.
Inspired by his story, Lopez writes an acclaimed series of
articles about Ayers, the man and the musician. He also
learns of the harsh realities of mental illness and the larger
social injustices facing the homeless. Based on a true story.
Offering: $12. Includes lunch, movie, and discussion. Register/prepay by Friday, Feb. 5.
Days of Quiet and Prayer (4-session series)
Book: At Sea with God: A Spiritual Guidebook to the Heart and Soul by Margaret Silf
Wednesdays, Feb. 10, March 10,
April 7, May 12, 9:15am continental
breakfast, 9:30 am – 2:30pm (noon lunch)
Facilitator: Margaret Jungers OSF
Embark on a spiritual voyage of self-discovery
and learn how the sea stands as a metaphor
for the chances and changes that everyone
encounters in life. Your body, mind and spirit
are the single, unique vessel you have in which to make the
voyage of life. Discover the kind of boat you represent, what
fuels your journey, and the kinds of baggage that you are carrying.
We will unpack the metaphor of being at sea with God.
Offering: $75/series of four – includes book, program, materials,
meal & private room. Register/prepay by Monday, Feb. 1.
May I Have This Dance? . . .
A Valentine Evening for Married Couples
Sunday, Feb. 14, 6:00 – 8:00pm
Presenters: Bob & Becky Seymour
Come and enjoy this popular annual event!
Bob and Becky believe that married life is
like a dance. The lead sometimes changes
from one partner to another – sometimes it’s
a subtle change, sometimes a more obvious
one. They hope to help you appreciate anew
the beauty of the life dance that you and your spouse share.
Their presentation will follow a delicious dinner with all the
trimmings. For those who wish, the event will be preceded
by a 5:00 p.m. Sunday liturgy in our chapel, with Fr. Jack
Paisley presiding. Offering: $40/couple.
Register/prepay by Wednesday, Feb. 10.
Massage, Reflexology, and other therapies to enhance
one’s health and well-being available on-site (lower level of
Shalom). Appointments need to be scheduled in advance.
Call 563/690-0506 (M-F); 563/580-7024 (Weekends).
Religious/clergy discount available.
We Rise Again from Ashes
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, 9:15am – 3:30pm
Presenter: Msgr. Thomas Toale,
Vicar of the Archdiocese of Dubuque
As Christians throughout the world sign
themselves with ashes on this day, they already
have an eye toward the celebration of the
resurrection on Easter. Through presentations, quiet time, and
the celebration of Eucharist, participants will reflect upon
the original dream of our God for creation, the peril and
pain prompted by human weakness, and promises fulfilled
by the Resurrection. Using the six weeks of Lent well has the
possibility of transforming our hearts and lives!
Offering: $35. Includes coffee upon arrival, lunch & private
room for reflection. Register/prepay by Monday, Feb. 15.
Tai Chi FUNDAMENTALS (Series of Six Classes)
Thursdays, Feb. 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
9:30 – 10:15am
Instructor: Margaret Jungers OSF
Previous Shalom Tai Chi classes
have used the T’ai Chi Method
developed by Capacitar. These tai
chi classes will integrate the Yang
Style T’ai Chi. These fundamentals will promote both physical
and mental well-being. Offering: $45/series of six classes.
Register/prepay by Tuesday, Feb. 16.
Obstacles to Peace between
Israelis and Palestinians
Thursday, Feb. 18, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Presenter: Dr. James Bailey, Professor Emeritus,
Wartburg Theological Seminary
Dr. Bailey will begin with a brief summary of the history
of the conflict. Then from the standpoint of the Israelis,
Palestinians and U.S. involvement, he will discuss what he
sees to be the current obstacles to peace between these
two Mid-East groups. There will be time for questions and
answers. It promises to be an enlightening evening.
Offering: $10. Register/prepay by Wednesday, Feb. 17.
The Book of Revelation
Tuesdays, March 2, 9, 16, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Instructor: Nancy Schreck OSF, D.M., President, Sisters of
St. Francis, Educator and facilitator of groups worldwide
“Puzzles, predictions, persecutions and prophetic living of
the Christian life in uncertain times.” This seminar will
explore an often misrepresented and confusing book of
scripture as a means of support in difficulty and crisis.
Offering: $8/session. Register/prepay by Friday, Feb. 26.
To register for an event, call 563/582-3592,
send check made payable to “Shalom Retreat Center”
with the event title, attendee(s) name, address & phone
to: Shalom Retreat Center, 1001 Davis St., Dubuque, IA
52001, or send email to:
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Shalom Retreat Center • 563/582-3592 •
Lunch ‘n a Movie: Bella
Tuesday, March 9, 12:00 – 3:30pm
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ:
A Personal Perspective
Tuesday, March 23, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Facilitator: Eileen Miller OSF, Shalom Program Coordinator
An international soccer star is on his way to sign a multiFacilitator: Margaret Jungers OSF
million dollar contract when a series of events unfold that bring
Because we grow accustomed to hearing the
his career to an abrupt end. A beautiful waitress, struggling to
passion narrative each year, it may lose its
make it in New York City, discovers something about herself
impact for us. We might think Mel Gibson’s
that she’s unprepared for. In one irreversible moment, their
portrayal of the passion holds the answer to
lives are turned upside down... until a simple gesture of
understanding this mystery. How can the
kindness brings them both together, turning an ordinary day to passion move us to deeper levels in our spiritual life as we
an unforgettable experience. Offering: $12. Includes lunch,
anticipate Good Friday? What is its power for us right here and
movie, and discussion. Register/prepay by Friday, March 5.
now? The mystery and significance of Jesus death will unfold
for each of us in a personal way as we view and discuss two
‘Tis a Gift to be Simple
short videos on this topic by Ron Rolheisser.
Offering: $8. Register/prepay by Friday, Mar. 19.
Thursday, March 11, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Facilitator: Margaret Jungers OSF
Shalom Spring Breakfast:
In this complex world, simplicity is a grace — God’s gift
to us. It is a power that transforms our minds, hearts and
The Surprises of Spring
imaginations. It pushes us beyond our narrowness to the
Wednesday, March 24, 7:00 – 8:00am, Mass at 8:15am
world where divine grace and the human experience
Presenter: Michelle Balek OSF
interplay in perfect harmony. During this Lenten season,
In this season of new life, enjoy breakfast with friends. Then,
claim the gift of simple living. Input will be followed by
with Michelle, whose passion is reverence for God’s creation,
discussing ways to integrate simple living into our lives.
explore and reflect on the special gifts and lessons of this season.
Offering: $8. Register/prepay by Tuesday, March 9.
Offering: $8. Register/prepay by Monday, March 22.
Book Discussion: Three Cups of Tea
Monday, Mar. 15, 7:00 – 8:00pm See description on page 2. A Celebration of German Food
NUrturing the Feminine Spirit:
Top 10 Wellness Habits
Thursday, March 18, 6:30 – 8:30pm
and Music
Thursday, April 15
6:30 – 8:30pm
Musicians/Presenters: Dave Overby & Friends
Once again Shalom’s dietary staff will
Presenter: Julia Theisen, Co-owner with her
be preparing a feast of those wonderful,
husband Scott Theisen, of Body & Soul Wellness
mouth-watering German foods. And of
Center and Spa
Julia says, “In this practical, fun and interactive course, Dave Overby and the musicians
will be here playing their toe-tapping tunes. They will also be
presentation you will learn 10 of the most
giving us a little history of the German music we all love. This
profound lifestyle habits you can adopt to significantly
annual event is always a good time, so register early.
improve your life – INSTANTLY. Are you ready? Let’s Go!”
Offering: $20. Register/prepay by Monday, April 12.
Offering: $15. Includes beverage & light hors d’oeuvres social
to begin the evening. Register/prepay by Monday, March 15.
Relieve Stress for Dental Health
Thursday, March 18, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Instructors: William C. Kuttler, DDS, Sharon L.
Kuttler, RDH & Deb May, Certified Yoga teacher
We live in a world filled with stress. Many
people transfer that stress to their chewing
muscles and damage their teeth or create
pain. In this program we will discuss the
Bill & Sharon Kuttler connection between daily stresses, dental
problems, and yoga solutions. Offering $8.
Register/prepay by Tuesday, March 16. The Kuttler’s have practiced dentistry together
in Dubuque for over 30 years. Their approach
integrates dental health with total well-being by
prevention or early treatment of dental problems,
reducing dental anxiety, and comprehensive care.
Deb May is a well-known yoga teacher in the Dubuque area.
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Shalom’s Annual Administrative
Professionals Luncheon:
What Would We Do Without Them?
Wednesday, April 21
11:30am – 1:00pm
Presenter: Catherine Dunn BVM,
Past President, Clarke College
Bring yourself and/or your office staff to
Shalom’s annual salute to administrative
professionals. The event will begin with a
delicious salad entrée. Immediately following the meal,
Catherine, who avows that she could not have handled her
professional career without good office staff, will speak to
the group about the importance of their positions.
Offering $10. Register/prepay by Friday, April 16.
Shalom Retreat Center • 563/582-3592 •
Connected to the Earth
Saturday, April 24, 8:30am – 12:30pm
Presenter: Marie Gemar OSF
In honor of the annual observance of Earth
Day, we invite you set aside this time to look
anew at our relationship to the earth. After a
brief sojourn through the history of how our
earth came to be, Meg will lead participants in
reflection and prayer regarding how we relate – and are
related to – the rocks, soil, water and biotic community
(plants and animals) that make up our planet. Wear
comfortable clothes and shoes for outdoor walking.
Offering: $30. Includes coffee/rolls on arrival, and
concluding lunch. Register/prepay by Wednesday, April 21.
June Evening for Married Couples:
A Celebration of Life and Love!
Saturday, June 5, 5:30 – 8:30pm
Musicians: Jim Brimeyer & Marie Therese Kalb OSF
Presenters: Terry & Debbie Gross
June is the traditional month for weddings.
Whether you were married in June or at another
time of year, come celebrate your years together on this lovely
early June evening! We will begin with a 5:30 Eucharistic
Liturgy at which you will have an opportunity to renew your
marriage vows. A lovely dinner at tables for two (unless you
request to sit with a group) will follow. Jim and Marie Therese
will play for both the Liturgy and the dinner, and will include
some of the music they’ve done for weddings over the years.
Terry and Barb will close the evening with an inspirational
the Thoroughly Modern
reflection. Offering: $40/couple. Shalom’s Annual Mother/Daughter Evening Register/prepay by Wednesday, June 2.
Joyce &
Thursday, May 6, 6:30 – 8:30pm
Presenters: Joyce Connors, Paula Connors, Jill Connors,
Jennifer Hill, Amy Connors
Enjoy a delicious pre-Mother’s Day dinner in our dining room to
start the evening. Then, one “kind-of-traditional mother” and her
four “thoroughly modern Millies” will share how they live their
belief that there are lots of ways to be family. Treat your own
mother, daughter, sister, grandmother and/or whoever fits those
roles in your life to this evening of fun, food, and inspiration.
Offering: $20/Adults; $10/girls age 12 and under. Register/prepay by noon, Monday, May 3.
Finding God’s Light in Nature:
Praying Through a Camera Lens
Saturday, May 22, 10:00am – 3:00pm
Presenters: Janet Haverkamp OSF,
Phyllis Manternach OSF, and
Eileen Miller OSF, Shalom Program Coordinator
Come away for a day of seeing and being
present to the manifestation of God in
nature! Let your eyes and your camera lens
reverence the beauty God has created all around us. The
day will include reflective input, examples of photography
as prayer, time for taking photos on the luscious grounds
surrounding Shalom, quiet time, and sharing your experience
and photos. Bring your camera (and digital download cable
if you have one), and some of your favorite photos. Wear
comfortable clothes and walking shoes.
Offering: $30, includes lunch.
Register/prepay by Wednesday, May 19.
Shalom Summer Breakfast:
June Is Busting Out All Over!
Wednesday, June 2, 7:00 – 8:00am, Mass at 8:15
Presenter: Marge Staudt OSF
As each day brings warmer breezes, an abundance of
growing flowers and vegetables, and time to enjoy being out
in God’s wonderful creation – don’t you just want to sing
“June Is Busting Out All Over”? Let’s get in touch with our
enthusiasm for life!
Offering: $8. Register/prepay by Friday, May 28.
Yoga Classes
Deb May, Certified Yoga Instructor
Experience yoga in the peaceful,
inspiring atmosphere of Shalom.
Classes focus on breathing,
alignment, and inner harmony.
Mats and props provided. Registration requested two days
prior to first class session.
Mixed Level YOGA
Beginners welcome! To register, call 563/582-3592.
Tuesdays, 6:00 – 7:10pm
Sample Class: Jan. 5, $5
5-sessions: Jan. 12 – Feb. 9, $40; Feb. 16 – Mar. 16, $40;
Mar. 23 – April 20, $40
4-sessions: April 27 – May 18, $32
WedneSdays, 9:30 – 10:30am
Sample Class: Jan. 13, $5
5-sessions: Jan. 20 – Feb. 17; $35; Mar. 3 – Mar. 31, $35;
April 14 – May 12, $35
Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:10pm
Sample Class: Jan. 6, $5
5-sessions: Jan. 13 – Feb. 10, $40; Feb. 17 – Mar. 17, $40;
Mar. 24 – April 21, $40
4-sessions: Apr. 28 – May 19; $32
Fridays, 9:30 – 10:30am
5-sessions: Jan. 8 – Feb. 5, $35; Feb. 12 – Mar. 12, $35; Mar. 19 – April 23 (no class April 2), $35
4-sessions: April 30 – May 21, $28
YOGA FLOW CLASSES Basic yoga experience required.
MONDAYS, 9:30 – 11:00am
5-sessions: Jan. 4 – Feb. 1, $45; Feb. 8 – Mar. 8, $45;
Mar. 15 – April 19 (no class April 12), $45
4-sessions: April 26 – May 17, $36
Reservation & Refund Policy
Refunds will be given only if requested, provided the refund request
is received three days before the event. Refunds are subject to a
$5 handling charge for costs incurred (clerical, postage, bank
processing, long distance toll charges, etc.). NOTE: Retreats require
a non-refundable deposit, which is credited to the retreat cost.
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2010 Retreat Schedule
To register, send deposit to Shalom Retreat Center. This secures
your reservation and is credited to the offering for the retreat.
Dancing With God
Mon., June 28, 5:30pm – Sat., July 3, 9:30am
Director: Charles Wehrley, CSsR – Specializes
in retreats that emphasize themes of forgiveness, being
authentic people, experiencing lasting happiness, and
dealing with reality. Popular homilist & spiritual director;
Former Associate Pastor, Holy Name Parish, Omaha, NE &
St. Mary of the Assumption, Whittier, CA; M.Div., CTU, Chicago, IL
Fri., Feb. 19, 5:30pm – Thurs., Feb. 25, 9:30am Dancing with God is not your average two-step! It is a lifelong lesson in learning to let go of our need to control life.
Director: Matt Walsh, OP – Madison WI; Has
served as an overseas missionary, novice master & retreat preacher It’s learning to surrender our lives to God and allowing God to
take the lead as we dance through this life and into the next.
An “Ordinary” Lent: God uses the ordinary – bread, water,
Letting go requires faith, and faith requires that we believe in
wine – to come to us. During the retreat we will reflect on
the great intangibles of life. This means we come to believe in
some of the other ordinary things God uses to get our attenthe mystery of life, even when common sense tells us not to
tion – sunsets and coffee – flowers and friends – and most
believe. It means we must also learn to trust ourselves and to
especially the “ordinary” life of Jesus. Daily Eucharist and
believe in those people we love. Once we surrender and allow
two conferences. Includes Communal Celebration of the
God to lead us through life’s dance, we find we are no longer
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing.
Offering: $360. Early Bird: $320, if registered by Jan. 19. $50 deposit. dancing with two left feet. Our missteps are fewer and so are
our miseries. Includes daily Eucharist and two conferences.
Offering: $300. Early Bird: $285, if registered by May 28. $50 deposit.
The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me!
Sun., June, 6, 5:30pm – Sat., June 12, 9:30am
Director: Dr. Wendy Cotter, CSJ
Sister of St. Joseph, London, Ontario; Tenured Professor
of Scripture, Loyola University of Chicago; Specialist in the
synoptic Gospels & earliest sources of the Gospels; Served 4 years in Peru
missions; PhD New Testament & MA Theology, University of St. Michael’s
College, Toronto; Author: The Christ of the Miracles Stories
This retreat focuses on the Jesus of Luke’s gospel who celebrates the Visitation of the Holy Spirit and calls us to allow
that Spirit to transform our lives. The special wisdom sayings
of Jesus, combine with unique stories about him, found only
in Luke’s tradition, will open the door to a new insight into
the person of Jesus and the Good News he calls us to share
with the world. Includes daily Eucharist and two conferences.
Offering: $360. Early Bird: $320, if registered by May 6. $50 deposit.
Sun., July 4, 5:30pm – Sunday, July 11, 9:30am
Director: Nancy Schreck, OSF – President, Sisters
of St. Francis, Dubuque, IA; Educator & facilitator for groups worldwide;
MA Religious Education, Boston College; DM Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
This retreat will use as its guide the parables of Jesus. Parables
are not just clever stories but an invitation to look into the
mirror of our lives to discover the truth of Jesus’ very tall tales.
They serve as a window into the mind of Jesus who used them
to share his deepest beliefs about the reign of God. Together
the window and the mirror create a path for following Jesus.
Includes daily Eucharist and two conferences.
Offering: $400. Early Bird: $375, if registered by June 4. $50 deposit.
Discovering Jesus Downtown
Sunday, June 13, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Director: Dr. Wendy Cotter, CSJ (see background above)
Many commentaries on Jesus miss the outrageous characters
who ask for miracles, and what Jesus’ personal response to them
was meant to teach the disciples about our attitudes to others.
In this day of prayer, we will get up close to those encounters
between Jesus and certain of those petitioners, and meet a new
Jesus, one who has so much to say about living “downtown.”
Offering: $50. Includes 8:30am cont. breakfast & lunch. Register by June 10.
Using the Parables as a Map
for Our Spiritual Journey
God, Jesus & Prayer in
Today’s Universe Story
Fri., Nov. 19, 7:00pm – Sun., Nov. 21, 1:00pm
Director: Michael Morwood – An engaging and
challenging speaker on the need to reshape Christian imagination and thinking and the need to articulate and proclaim a
spirituality that is inclusive of all people. An Australian, presently living in South
Bend, IN; Author of several international best-selling & award-winning books: God Is
Near; Tomorrow’s Catholic; Praying a New Story; Finding Our Faith; From Sand to
Solid Ground; and Children Praying a New Story
Christian tradition has always carried two “stories” about God. One
story has told of human isolation from God because of a “Fall,” the
THE SPIRITUALITY OF THOMAS MERTON “theological story” of Jesus who won access to God in heaven. The
Sun., June 13, 5:30pm – Sat., June 19, 9:30am other story has been carried by the mystics and pointed to by theologians reminding us that “God” is an everywhere reality beyond
Director: Patrick Collins, SJ – Program for
all human concepts and images. Jesus is revealer of this Presence
Formation for Spiritual Directors, Shalem Institute,
in which we live and move and have our being. The goal of prayer
Washington DC; Teacher, writer, retreat director & parish
is to deepen our awareness of this Presence and to challenge us to
missions; PhD Fordham University – Historical Theology;
give the best possible human expression to it. We will use the con
MA – Church History, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, MN
temporary “story” about our universe and our place in it to deepen
Four themes from the writings and life of this great spiritual
awareness and appreciation of God’s universal presence, to reflect
master are presented: The Journey from the False to the True
on the role of Jesus as revealer of this Presence always with us, and
Self, Contemplation, Prayer, and the Desert: Solitude and
Silence. Discussions and experiences of contemplative prayer to examine the implications for prayer and liturgy. ($50 deposit)
Commuter Offering: $115. Early Bird: $100, if registered by Oct. 19.
are included. Includes daily Eucharist and two conferences.
Offering: $425. Early Bird: $400, if registered by May 13. ($75 deposit) Overnight Offering: $130. Early Bird: $115, if registered by Oct. 19.
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Project Updates ... Many thanks to our caring benefactors!
Birdies for Charity
Your donations on behalf of
Shalom to the 2009 John Deere
Classic Birdies for Charity raised
$5,309.60 toward the renovation of two bathrooms on the
east side of our Shalom facility.
This includes a 6% bonus match
of $526.96 from the Birdies for Charity Fund and the John
Deere Classic. The project included replacing the linoleum
with ceramic flooring, installing new bathroom furnishings and
applying a fresh coat of paint. Many thanks to all who helped
fund this project.
Wahlert Foundation
A $1,000 grant from the Wahlert Foundation has been used
to replace bedroom windows on second floor.
Shalom’s Fall/Winter Appeal
As of December 1, 2009, $7,107
has been raised toward our goal of
$8,500 to fund the replacement of
46 mattresses in our Center. Thus
far, 18 mattresses have been
replaced and more are ordered.
Many thanks to those who have
already given to this appeal. Your
gift will add to the comfort of all
who stay at Shalom. If you haven’t
sent your Fall Appeal gift yet, we
would welcome hearing from you.
Sincere thanks to the
many volunteers and
benefactors who helped
make Shalom’s 6th Annual Shalom Shenanigans benefit dinner/auctions/raffle such a huge success. This event increased
awareness of our mission of calling people to God and to
fullness of life while raising over $23,000 for our operating
budget. Be sure to mark your calendar and plan to attend our
7th Annual Shalom Shenanigans. This fun event will be held on
Friday, October 22 at Shalom Retreat Center.
Congratulations to our Raffle Drawing winners:
Grand Prize – 32” Sharp LCD TV: Marge Ries
2nd Prize – Panera Bread for a Year: Margaret Buelow
3rd Prize – Simoniz Car Wash Package: Marge Huber
Thank you Shalom Shenanigans sponsors:
Gold Sponsors: Don and Cynthia Strausse
Sisters of
St. Francis
Minnesota Furniture
employees unload the first
round of mattresses.
Memorials & Honorariums
Memorials and tribute gifts offer an opportunity to honor a
relative, a friend or a business associate for any special
occasion – birthday, anniversary, promotion or some
particular accomplishment. The memorial gift also provides a
thoughtful and appropriate way to express sympathy at the
moment and remembrance in the future.
You may send memorial/tribute gifts to:
Shalom Retreat Center, 1001 Davis St., Dubuque, IA 52001.
Spiritual Direction
Shalom provides a ­comfortable and peaceful setting for ­spiritual
direction. Spiritual Directors are available for on-going spiritual
­guidance. Call 563/582-3592 to make arrangements.
Suggested Offering: $25 per session.
Private Retreats & Hermitage
Shalom offers private or directed retreats for individuals.
The length of the retreat is flexible, and
spiritual direction can be arranged.
Shalom’s Hermitage is located in a separate brick building
northeast of the main Shalom complex, for a greater degree
of privacy. Includes one bedroom, bath, porch, and a
kitchenette for meal preparation.
Offering: $25 for daytime use. $35 for overnight.
Silver Sponsors: Premier Bank, William Schmid, David &
Nancy Wahlert, Weber Paper Company
Bronze Sponsors: American Trust & Savings Bank, Dan &
Marlene Apel, Conlon Construction, Dubuque Bank & Trust
Eide Bailly, LLP, Terry Friedman/The Friedman Group, Inc.,
Gronen Restoration, Inc., Honkamp Krueger & Co CPAs, Dr. &
Mrs. Donald Kahle, Jeanne Lauritsen, Kane, Norby & Reddick
PC, Mercy Family Pharmacy, Portzen Construction, ReMax/
Advantage Realty–Dianne Heim/Greg Adams, Donna Wahlert
Social Sponsor: Family Beer and Liquor
Shalom’s Winter 2010 Wish List
•DVD Player for the Hermitage ($40)
•Lenmar Pro9V2 9-volt NiMH battery charger and
two Enercell 9-volt rechargeable batteries
(available at Radio Shack) ($41.27)
•4 GB USB flash drive for data backup ($20 each)
• Window replacements: approximately $800 each.
Note: Shalom has a total of 245 very large windows which
were installed between 1881-1884. We are in the process of
replacing these windows which are deteriorating and not
energy efficient. Thus far we have replaced 52 of these windows.
Welcome New Shalom Team Member!
Karen (Libby) Steffen joined the Shalom team
in September as a part-time housekeeper and
dietary aide. Libby and her husband John
live in Cuba City, Wisconsin and have been
married for 25 years. In her spare time, she
enjoys volunteering at Albrecht Acres and the
Maria House and writing prose and poetry.
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A sacred space, calling people to God and to fullness of life!
Look inside! Winter & Spring 2010 Events
Phone: 563/582-3592
Web Site:
Photos and descriptions of
Shalom’s Chapel Windows
can now be viewed online at:
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Consider Shalom . . .
for meetings, staff/board retreats, gatherings & more
Shalom Retreat Center’s atmosphere of spirituality and
peacefulness attracts many civic, religious, non-profit and
educational groups and organizations.
• The chapel offers a flexible seating meeting space for up to 150
people, a modern sound system, and central air conditioning.
• Four conference rooms with a variety of sizes/decors
are available for groups of 10-50. All are air conditioned.
• Bedrooms: 55 private bedrooms (some double occupancy
– can sleep up to 75 people).
• Free Wi-Fi is available for Shalom guests.
• AV equipment is available for presentations.
• Food service department is available for snacks, refresh-
ments and delicious home-cooked meals served with warm
hospitality. Special dietary needs can be accommodated.
• Shalom provides facilites and wholesome meals for
funeral dinners (for up to 100 people)
• Shalom is accessible to all (elevator, handi-capped
accessible restrooms, etc.)
• Affordable overnight accommodations may be available
for out-of-town adult guests who are in the area for a
Shalom or non-profit organization event.
• Rates are reasonable.
For more information on reserving Shalom facilities,
call 563/582-3592.
210 volunteers contributed 2,074 hours of service in 2009
We are deeply grateful to all the volunteers who so
generously provide both direct and behind-the-scenes
gifts of skills, service and hospitality for Shalom guests.
Grand Harbor Resort team members
helped clean up the Shalom grounds
last spring.
Janet Haverkamp OSF (left)
and Nancy Knipper help put up
Shalom’s Christmas decorations.
If you would like to share in the ministry of
Shalom Retreat Center as a volunteer,
call Sr. Eileen Miller, Shalom Program Coordinator, at
563/582-3592 or send email to: