(ABIS) 2015 Programme Book - ASEAN


(ABIS) 2015 Programme Book - ASEAN
s M E
BUSINESS FOR THE PEOPLE | 20 -21 NovEMBER 2015 | Malaysia
Prime Minister of Malaysia, ASEAN Chair 2015
Minister of International Trade and Industry Malaysia
2015 Chair, ASEAN Economic Ministers
2015 Chairman, ASEAN Business Advisory
Council (ASEAN-BAC)
(ABIS 2015)
• ASEAN-BAC Members
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Achieving and
charting a new
era of growth
Prime Minister of Malaysia,
ASEAN Chair 2015
Forty-eight years ago, our region took a giant and
ambitious stride forward with ASEAN (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations). Our goal was clear and welldefined – to achieve stability through economic and
social progress for all the ASEAN member states.
region to explore opportunities. On the other hand,
ABA 2015 is a prestigious awards ceremony aimed at
sharing best practices via recognising companies that
excel in Growth, Employment, Innovation and Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) in the ASEAN economy.
2015 will be one of ASEAN’s defining moments in a
history of progress – a hallmark that will one day be
pored over by historians as the year that witnessed
a sea of change, when a united region’s journey to
prosperity and stability accelerated exponentially. This
is the time for our region to shine, to make our mark
in the world through the establishment of the ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC) at the end of the year.
For all ABIS 2015 attendees, I am sure that you will
benefit greatly from the insights, opportunities and
possibilities shared amongst each other. As for the
ABA 2015 recipients, I would like to congratulate all for
being the shining stars of ASEAN. Your efforts towards
contributing to the region will be the benchmark
of success for our many future endeavours.
As Malaysia spearheads this landmark move, our
role is to ensure key learnings and best practices
are being shared amongst ASEAN member states,
enhancing their opportunities and supporting
our vision for sustainable growth, together.
The ASEAN Business & Investment Summit 2015 (ABIS
2015) and ASEAN Business Awards 2015 (ABA 2015) are
two key platforms conceived by the ASEAN Business
Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) to serve this purpose.
ABIS 2015’s sole purpose is to create a conducive platform
of interaction for ASEAN and corporate leaders in the
The realisation of ASEAN’s founding fathers’ aspirations
is on-track. 2015 will undoubtedly be the year where we
enter a new chapter in the region’s journey. Let’s stand
together and forge a successful and integrated ASEAN.
YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Hj Abdul Razak
20-21 November 2015
Minister of International Trade and Industry Malaysia
2015 Chair, ASEAN Economic Ministers
ASEAN’s aspirations to become a deeply integrated and
cohesive economic region have been realised with the
formation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
The formal announcement of the ASEAN Community,
of which the AEC is a vital pillar, will be made by the
ASEAN leaders on 22 November 2015 in Kuala Lumpur.
The AEC, once fully implemented, will eventually create
a seamless, cross-border trading and investment
regime among ASEAN’s 10 Member States through
its stated objective of establishing a single market
and production base in the region. It marks a major
milestone in ASEAN’s journey towards achieving its
goal of “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”.
Already, ASEAN collectively is considered the 7th
largest economy in the world with a combined GDP
of US$2.56 trillion. Thanks to the implementation
of the AEC, ASEAN’s GDP is expected to rise to
US$4.7 trillion by 2020 in a dynamic and large
integrated market of 625 million people.
The process of lifting barriers and removal of tariffs that
began years ago, and which led to the AEC, has enabled
ASEAN to expand FDI inflows from US$49.7 billion
previously to US$136.2 billion in 2014. Trade expanded
by more than 30% from US$1.9 billion to US$2.53
trillion. Likewise, ASEAN’s GDP per capita also increased
from US$2,647 in 2008 to US$4,130 in 2014.
The next 10 to 15 years will be critical for ASEAN in
the drive towards economic integration for three main
reasons. First, ASEAN’s population is estimated to reach
737 million by 2030, an increase of more than 100 million
people. Second, ASEAN will be faced with increasing
global competitiveness, and competition from other
regional groupings for FDI. Third, ASEAN will need to
diversify economic activities to sustain its exports.
In this context, businesses can be reassured that ASEAN
has drawn up the AEC Blueprint 2025 which will be
announced on 22 November 2015. This document outlines
in great detail the ambitious integration measures
ASEAN will implement in the next decade under the
AEC. I urge the private sector in ASEAN to lend your
full commitment and support to the implementation
of the measures outlined in the AEC Blueprint 2025.
Finally, I would like to commend the ASEAN Business
and Advisory Council in organising the ASEAN
Business and Investment Summit (ABIS 2015) and
the ASEAN Business Awards (ABA 2015). My
congratulations as well to the winners of ABA 2015.
Thank you.
YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Much to be done
YBhg. Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Munir bin Abdul Majid
2015 Chairman, ASEAN Business Advisory
Council (ASEAN-BAC)
ASEAN-BAC’s banner events – ASEAN Business &
Investment Summit (ABIS) and ASEAN Business Awards
(ABA) - hold special significance in 2015 as the AEC
(ASEAN Economic Community) will be commemorated
at the end of the 27th ASEAN Summit this month. Held
at the very point of this historic event, it is a time for
celebration, reflection and looking ahead. Thus the
programme encapsulates these three elements while also
inviting statements from and commentary on ASEAN
partners - an example of how ASEAN is the central place
where issues affecting the region are discussed even if
ASEAN may not necessarily determine the outcome.
I would like, on behalf of my colleagues, to express our
gratitude to the eminent personages who have graced
our events, as well as all speakers and participants
who are at the heart of helping us make the events
successful. I wish also to thank our sponsors for
their support and the members of staff of ASEANBAC Malaysia particularly who have worked so hard
to ensure we host a memorable occasion.
This year, for the first time, we give out Friends of ASEAN
awards as part of the ASEAN Business Awards, in recognition
of their meaningful involvement in ASEAN business. Also for
the first time, ASEAN-BAC has decided in this historic year
to honour long-time commitment to establishment of the
AEC by handing out the ASEAN Lifetime Achievement Award.
Do participate fully in the ASEAN Business & Investment
Summit and do enjoy the ASEAN Business Awards Gala
Dinner. Please forgive us for any shortcomings.
YBhg. Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Munir bin Abdul Majid
20-21 November 2015
12th ASEAN
20th & 21st November 2015, Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The ASEAN Business and Investment
Summit (ABIS) 2015 is ASEAN’s premier
annual Business and Investment event.
The Summit provides a platform for the business
community to engage with ASEAN leaders, business
leaders, entrepreneurs and key decision makers.
ABIS 2015 will bring into sharp focus the
opportunities, requirements and questions
facing the private sector, and explore the myriad
of possibilities brought forth by the onset of
the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
The ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
is also the platform for business leaders to meet
with global and regional leaders from different
investment, business and academic backgrounds.
ABIS 2015 will allow you to explore new ideas,
challenge perspectives, outline opportunities, network
and most importantly, attain the necessary insights
to propel your business towards regional success.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Tan Sri Dr. Mohd
Munir Abdul Majid
2015 ChairmaN, ASEAN Business
Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)
Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid obtained a B.Sc
(Econ) from the London School of
Economics and Political Science (LSE)
in 1971 where he also obtained his Ph.D
in International Relations in 1978. He
taught at the Department of International
Relations in LSE from 1972-1975.
Tuan Syed Nabil Aljeffri is a UK trained
lawyer, currently active in private equity,
being the head of structuring and
acquisitions for a boutique Private Equity
firm based in Malaysia with primary
interests in healthcare, property and ICT.
He is also Head of Corporate Services
and Legal Compliance for AljeffriDean
Chartered Accountants, Chairman of
Eco-Hygiene Systems Sdn. Bhd. and a
director of several other private limited
companies. He has also served as Member
of various council secretaries including the
Malaysia-Venezuela Business Council and
the Malaysia-China Business Council.
Dr Munir joined the New Straits Times
(NST) at the end of 1978 as leader writer
and progressed to become Group Editor.
He left NST in 1986 to become CEO of a
small merchant bank, Pertanian Baring
Sanwa (PBS), whose name he changed to
Commerce International Merchant Bankers
(CIMB) which was then transformed into
one of Malaysia’s leading merchant banks.
He was invited by the Government of
Malaysia to establish and become the first
and founding Executive Chairman of the
Securities Commission in 1993, where
he served for two terms until 1999.
After leaving the Securities Commission,
he served as Senior Independent NonExecutive Director of Telekom Malaysia
Berhad for 4 years until June 2004, and
was Chairman of its mobile subsidiary
Celcom (M) Berhad from 2002-2004.
In June 2004, Dr Munir joined the
Malaysia Airlines Board of Directors and
in August that year was appointed its
Non-Executive Chairman till July 2011.
He became Chairman of Bank Muamalat
Malaysia Berhad, an Islamic financial
Syed Nabil has spearheaded numerous
initiatives including business seminars,
forums, corporate functions and exhibitions,
most recently as Chairman of the 1st and
2nd ASEAN-Malaysia Business Seminar
in collaboration with the Ministry of
International Trade and Industry Malaysia.
He also founded the Malaysian Association
of ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs.
Nabil is actively involved in various
ASEAN initiatives in and out of the region
in various speaking and working group
capacities. He has served on the ASEAN
Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)
since 2009, as a member of the secretariat
institution, in 2008. In February 2014 Dr.
Munir was appointed chairman of CIMB
ASEAN Research Institute and also joined
the board of the Institute of Strategic and
International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia. He
is on the Financial Services Talent Council
of Bank Negara Malaysia. As co-chair of
the Malaysia-America Foundation, he
works to deepen relations
between the two countries.
Dr. Munir was the founder President of
the Kuala Lumpur Business Club (20032008). In May 2004, he was appointed
a member of the Court of Fellows of the
Malaysian Institute of Management.
In December 2005, he was made an
Honorary Fellow of the LSE and in 2008
he was appointed Visiting Senior Fellow
at LSE IDEAS (Centre for International
Affairs, Diplomacy and Strategy) where he
started the Southeast Asia International
Affairs Programme and headed it
until 2012. He has written for IDEAS
publications and published in International
Politics, a British academic journal.
TUAN Syed Nabil Aljeffri
ASEAN Business Advisory Council
until his appointment as a Council
Member in 2012. Nabil currently serves as
Council Member of ASEAN-BAC Malaysia
and Secretary General of ASEAN-BAC.
Dr. James Zhan
20-21 November 2015
Dr. James Zhan is the Director of Investment
and Enterprise at the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD). He leads the team that produces
the annual UN World Investment Report.
Dr. Zhan holds a number of advisory
positions with academic institutions,
including Cambridge University,
Columbia University, Oxford University
and the University of Geneva.
Dr. Zhan has over two and a half decades
of national and international experience
in the areas of trade, investment,
technology, business facilitation and
enterprise development, including
directing policy research, international
consensus-building and technical
assistance to governments, parliaments
and institutions in over 160 countries.
He is also Global Agenda Council member
of the World Economic Forum. He has
published extensively on trade and
investment-related economic and legal
issues. Dr. Zhan is a regular speaker at
academic, business and policy forums, as
well as parliamentary hearings and appears
frequently in international media outlets.
He led the formulation of global guidelines
for a new generation of investment
policies (the Investment Policy Framework
for Sustainable Development), and
the establishment of the biennial of
the World Investment Forum.
H.E. Dr. Lim Hong Hin was first appointed
by the ASEAN Coordinating Council as the
Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for
the ASEAN Economic Community for the
period of 2012 to 2015 to support ASEAN
Member States’ effort to transform ASEAN
into a region with free movement of goods,
services, investment, skilled labour, and
freer flow of capital. He was reappointed for
another term till the end of December 2017.
He had previously served at the Brunei
Economic Development Board, Prime
Minister’s Office where he was responsible
for attracting, retaining and adding value
to foreign direct investment to diversify
Brunei Darussalam’s economy to create new
opportunities for SMEs and local people.
In his earlier stint at the ASEAN Secretariat,
he was responsible to oversee the
implementation of the ASEAN Free
Trade Agreement and ASEAN Framework
Agreement on Services. He was responsible
for exploring ways to further enhance
economic relations between ASEAN and
its trading partners including Australia,
China, European Union, Japan, South Korea,
New Zealand and the United States. He
was responsible for fostering common
positions on issue of interests to ASEAN at
international fora including APEC and WTO.
He started his career with the Economic
Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Office of
Brunei Darussalam and the Ministry of
Finance of Brunei Darussalam to oversee
H.E. Dr. Lim Hong Hin
the implementation of management
information systems for several
government ministries and agencies.
He reads business administration,
cybernetics, information technology
and management from University of
Reading, University of Hull, University of
Western Australia and The London School
of Economics and Political Science.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Paul Mandl
Team Leader of the ASEAN Regional
Integration Support from the EU
Gita Wirjawan is the Chairman of Ancora
Group, an Indonesian business group with
interests in private equity investing,
natural resources, real estate, sports, and
music, which he founded in 2007.
A statesman, entrepreneur, investment
banker and musician, Wirjawan’s
career spans the highest levels of
government and business.
Prior to resuming his role at Ancora,
Wirjawan served as Minister of Trade
of the Republic of Indonesia. Previously,
he served as Chairman of the Investment
Coordinating Board of Indonesia (BKPM).
For his extraordinary accomplishments
as a cabinet member, President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono awarded him the
Bintang Mahaputra Adipradana.
As an investment banker, he has held
key appointments at Goldman Sachs and
JPMorgan. Wirjawan played leading
roles in many mergers, corporate
restructuring, corporate financing and
strategic sales involving leading companies
in Southeast Asia. His various board roles
included service as a Commissioner of
state-owned oil giant, Pertamina, and as
Paul Mandl is currently Team Leader of
the ASEAN Regional Integration Support
from the EU (ARISE) programme, which is
a technical co-operation facility with the
purpose to support the implementation of
key ASEAN regional integration initiatives.
During the past 20 years Paul has worked
in business development as well as
managed complex Technical Cooperation
Projects with a focus on trade, economic
development, regional integration, economic
policy dialogue, trade facilitation.He was
the Director of ASEAN-EU Programme for
Regional Integration Support (APRIS) II
from 2009 to 2011 and the Director of the
Centre for Trade and Regional Integration
from 2007 to 2012. Prior to this he worked
in the private sector notably Unilever
in the food and agribusiness sectors.
Paul holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural
Economics for Developing Countries from
University of London and a Post Graduate
Diploma in Development Economics
from the University of East Anglia.
an Independent Board Director
of Axiata Group Berhad.
Outside the world of business, his passion
lies in philanthropy, education, sports,
and music. As a philanthropist, he has
endowed scholarships for Indonesians to
attend the best universities in the world,
including Harvard, Stanford, Oxford,
Cambridge, and Science Po. He is also
in the process of establishing 1,000
kindergartens throughout Indonesia. An
avid golfer, he has established academies
to groom future Indonesian golfers. He is
also currently Chairman of the Indonesian
Badminton Association. And through Ancora
Music, he has produced a range of albums
that have been critically acclaimed.
Wirjawan is a member of the advisory
board of the Institute for Societal
Leadership at Singapore Management
University and a member of the Dean’s
Leadership Council at the S. Rajaratnam
School of International Studies at Nanyang
Technological University. He is a member
of the international advisory board of ACE
Group and the Center for Strategic and
International Studies. Previously, he
Gita Wirjawan
served on the Dean’s Leadership Council
at the Harvard Kennedy School.
He holds a BS from the University of Texas
at Austin, an MBA from Baylor University,
and an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy
School. He has an honorary doctorate in
business administration from Naresuan
University, Thailand. He qualified as a
Certified Public Accountant in the State
of Texas, USA, and holds a Chartered
Financial Analyst designation.
Rintaro Tamaki is Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the OECD. His portfolio
includes the strategic direction of OECD
policy on Environment, Development,
Green Growth, Taxation and Policy
Alignment for Transition to a Low-Carbon
Economy along with representing the
OECD externally on Financial Issues.
at the Ministry of Finance, Government
of Japan. During his prominent 35-year
career, Tamaki worked on various budget,
taxation, international finance and
development issues at the Ministry of
Finance in Japan, OECD and World Bank.
20-21 November 2015
Rintaro Tamaki
Deputy Secretary-General of
OECD (Organisation For Economic
Cooperation And Development)
Prior to joining the OECD, Tamaki was ViceMinister of Finance for International Affairs
Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa
Chairman of Institute of Strategic
and International Studies (ISIS),
Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa is Chairman and
Chief Executive of the Institute of Strategic
and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia.
He holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Hons)
degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia,
a Master of Arts degree in International
Relations and Strategic Studies from the
University of Lancaster and a Certificate of
Diplomacy from the University of Oxford.
public listed company and sits as director
on the board of two other companies.
Tan Sri Rastam served in various capacities
at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Malaysian diplomatic missions abroad,
including as High Commissioner of Malaysia
to Pakistan, Ambassador of Malaysia
to Bosnia Herzegovina, Ambassador of
Malaysia to the Republic of Indonesia and
Permanent Representative of Malaysia
to the United Nations in New York. He
was Secretary General of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs from 8 January 2006
until he officially retired from public
service on 2 September 2010.
Tan Sri Rastam has received Federal and
State awards and decorations namely,
the Panglima Setia Mahkota (PSM), SSAP,
also a recipient of the DSLJ from His
Majesty the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam.
He is married to Puan Sri Norizan
Sulaiman. They have three children.
Tan Sri Rastam was Advisor at the Chief
Minister’s Department in Sarawak from
2010 to 2013. He serves as chairman of
the board of directors of one Malaysian
Tan Sri Rastam is Chairman of the Malaysian
National Committee for the Pacific
Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
and Chairman of the Malaysian National
Committee of the Council for Security
Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP).
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Graduating from the Faculty of Law, the
University of Tokyo Professor Hidetoshi
Nishimura joined the Ministry of
International Trade and Industry in 1976.
He has assumed numerous positions,
including Representative of the AsiaPacific Region of the Japan Overseas
Development Corporation, Director of the
Southeast Asia and Pacific Division of the
Trade Policy Bureau, Vice Governor for
Khine Thit Lwin
Executive Director,
TMW Group of Companies
Born and raised in Yangon, Khine Thit Lwin
returned home in 2012 after graduating with
Honors from Chapman University in Orange
County, California, with a double major in
Management and Marketing. She believed
Myanmar was at a pivotal point, as the
country was opening up for the first time,
after its long history of isolation. Upon her
return home, Khine joined TMW Group of
Companies serving as the Executive Director,
responsible for the Electronics arm of TMW.
TMW is the number one Consumer
Electronics Company in Myanmar and TMW
Group of Companies consists of companies
and business units across various industries
such as Consumer Electronics Distribution
and Retail, Construction Materials
Manufacturing, Distribution and Retail, Real
Estate, Resorts and Hospitality Management
and Video and Music Production.
International Affairs of Ehime Prefecture,
Director-General of the Business Support
Department of the Small and Medium
Enterprise Agency, Executive Managing
Director of the Japan-China Economic
Association, and President of the JapanChina Northeast Development Association.
Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura
President of ERIA
(Economic Research Institute for
ASEAN And East Asia)
He assumed position of ERIA Executive
Director in June 2008 and ERIA President
in June 2015. He is also visiting Professor
of Waseda University, Darma Persada
University, Miyazaki Sangyo-Keiei
University and Fellow of Meiji Institute
for Global Affairs, Meiji University.
Since joining TMW, her noteworthy
achievements include delivering a sales
growth of 80% during her first year at
the company, initiating CSR programs to
contribute back to the local community and
establishing the first multi-brand Consumer
Electronics retail chain store in Myanmar.
Yumiko Murakami
Head of OECD Tokyo Centre
(Organisation for Economic
Cooperation And Development)
Since Yumiko Murakami joined OECD in 2013
as the Head of OECD Tokyo Centre, she has
been at the forefront of policy discussions
between OECD and governments, businesses
and academia in Japan and Asia, covering
a wide range of economic policy areas. She
has been leading discussions with various
stakeholders in Japan and Asia, particularly
in the areas of Corporate Governance, tax
guidelines, gender diversity, education,
international trade and innovation.
Prior to joining the OECD, Yumiko held
a number of leadership positions as a
Managing Director at Goldman Sachs
and Credit Suisse. Yumiko has diversified
professional experiences, ranging from
banking in New York and London to UN
Peace Keep Operations in Cambodia.
Yumiko has an MBA from Harvard
University, MA from Stanford University
and BA from Sophia University. She
is a member of the Japan Advisory
Board of Harvard Business School.
Violet Lim is CEO & Co-Founder of Lunch
Actually, Asia’s first lunch dating company
that aims to help busy professionals find
love by arranging one-to-one compatible
matches among pre-screened clientele.
Today, Lunch Actually is Asia’s biggest
premier lunch dating company with
offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala
Lumpur, Penang and Jakarta with the
largest lunch dating membership base.
Together with her husband Jamie Lee,
Violet also founded eSynchrony to fill
the gap in the market for trusted online
and offline dating service platforms and
LunchClick, a dating app for serious daters.
The first Asian to be certified by the
Matchmaking Institute in New York City,
Violet has appeared in top magazines,
television and radio, and featured in local
and international media such as The Straits
Times, ABC News 20|20, CNBC Asia, BBC,
Bloomberg and Radio Australia. She was also
featured in 2005 as one of Singapore’s most
aspiring people. Previously a columnist
on the relationship Q&A in Cittabella
Malaysia, New Man Malaysia and HerWorld.
com, she now writes a monthly column
for a Malaysian Chinese newspaper.
Violet has a Masters degree in Industrial
Relations and Personal Management from
the London School of Economics, United
Kingdom and she read law at the University
of Manchester from 1998 – 2001.
In 2010, Violet published a bestselling
book titled “Lessons from 15,000 First
Dates” where she shares dating secrets
that she learnt after having witnessed
15,000 first dates arranged by her dating
agency at that time for thousands of
single men and women, and is currently
working on her second book.
She also sits as Vice Chairwoman of
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (KADIN), and Vice
Chairwoman of the Employers’
Association of Indonesia (APINDO).
Shinta Widjaja Kamdani
Chief Executive Officer,
Sintesa Group
Shinta is the owner and Chief Executive
Officer of Sintesa Group, Indonesia, a
multi-sector company with subsidiaries
in Consumer Products, Industrial
Products, Property and Energy Sector.
She is responsible for the Management
and Expansion of the Group’s
business interests in Indonesia.
In addition to these roles, Shinta founded
Global Entrepreneurship Program
Indonesia (GEPI) and ANGIN (Angel
Investment Network Indonesia), which
aims to empower early-stage startups
toward growth stage and ultimately to
improve Indonesia’s economy and social
welfare through entrepreneurship.
Shinta also has keen interest on environment
in which she founded Indonesia Business
Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD)
where she currently sits as President, as well
as Vice Chairwoman of Indonesia for World
Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF Indonesia).
In her latest role, The Indonesia new
government recently appointed Shinta
20-21 November 2015
Her personal dating blog “Diary of a
Modern-Day Matchmaker,” www.violetlim.
com attracts thousands and won The
Most Insightful Blog at Singapore Blog
Awards 2010, which reinforces her as the
country’s most beloved dating guru.
Happily married to her university
sweetheart cum business partner Jamie,
with two young children, Violet’s life goal
is to create 1,000,000 marriages through
the works of Lunch Actually Group!
CEO of LunchClick &
Co-Founder of Lunch Actually
in early 2015, as advisor to the Vice
President of The Republic of Indonesia.
Shinta graduated from Barnard College of
Columbia University New York in 1989 and
Executive Education at Harvard Business
School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA in 2002.
For her outstanding achievements,
Shinta was awarded amongst others, by
Asian Business Leadership Forum (ABLF)
in 2012, by FORBES (2012 and 2013) as
ASIA’s 50 Powerful Businesswomen, by
Woman in Leadership (WIL) in 2013 as
Asia’s Leading Businesswoman of the
Year, Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards
in 2014 and selected as Indonesia’s
30 best CEOs awarded by BUSINESS
INDONESIA newspaper in 2015.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Sophie Kamaruddin
Anchor/ Editor,
Bloomberg TV Malaysia
Sophie Kamaruddin is the lead anchor and
editor for Bloomberg TV Malaysia. In her
role as local correspondent for Bloomberg
Television, Sophie has covered Budget
2016 and MH370 as well as reported live
on the breaking MH17 story. Sophie has
interviewed Malaysian thought leaders and
policymakers such as Dato’ Sri Mustapa
Mohamed and Dato’ Sri Idris Jala, and
corporate captains across various industries
including Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, Tan Sri Tony
Fernandes and Dato’ Sri Nazir Razak. She
has also interviewed globally renowned
figures such as London Mayor Boris Johnson,
Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy and
US Trade Representative Michael Forman.
Before returning to Kuala Lumpur to join
Bloomberg TV Malaysia, Sophie led media
strategy for the CIMB Group in Singapore.
Lilyana Abdul Latiff
Chief Executive Officer & Founder,
Aleph One
Lilyana Abdul Latiff is a “CTO-For-Hire” for
several tech-based startups. She helps
young businesses create products on solid
architecture, scalable, and yet working within
constraints and limited resources that
startups have. She heads a geographically
dispersed product development team.
Her peers consider her lively, personable,
dedicated, level-headed, with a sense of
Prior to CIMB, she gained experience in
business and financial news production
with CNBC Asia at their Singapore
headquarters. During her time with the
channel’s marquee show Squawk Box Asia,
she produced interviews with prominent
regional and international names such as
investment guru Jim Rogers and former
Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.
Before embarking on a career in media,
Sophie was part of the founding team at
CIMB ASEAN Research Institute (CARI),
a think tank dedicated to supporting the
ASEAN economic integration agenda.
Sophie graduated from the Edmund
A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at
Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
adventure. Lilyana is a spirited entrepreneur
having founded several other companies –
including upcoming e-commerce platform
“Jooblii.com”. Her career has carried
her through diverse industries such as
education, media and advertising, business
consulting, product development, social
media and even event management. But
she has consistently infused communication
and web/mobile technologies in each of
her ventures – setting her companies
slightly apart from other industry players.
Lilyana graduated from University of Iowa
with Bachelor of Science in Computer
Science … though she would prefer to
have majored in Cosmology or contributed
to the search for the Higgs Boson.
Oliver Tonby is the Managing Partner
of McKinsey & Company in Southeast
Asia. He oversees the firm’s offices in
Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand,
the Philippines and Singapore, where he
is based. Most recently, he was the leader
of the firm’s Oil & Gas practice in Asia
and led our Malaysia office from 2003
to 2005. Oliver has served clients across
Europe, the United States and Asia.
Since joining McKinsey in 1997, Oliver
has worked across multiple industries
including energy and materials, industrials,
private equity and technology. He has
worked alongside clients on large scale,
integrated transformation and growth
including internationalization, organizational
development, leadership development,
operational improvement, strategic
planning and mergers and acquisitions.
Oliver also has deep expertise in ASEAN
markets, having served governments,
government-linked agencies and some
of Southeast Asia’s largest companies.
In addition to serving clients, Oliver
has a significant interest in developing
local companies into regional and global
champions, and is passionate about the
potential of Asian companies succeeding
as entrants to the global marketplace.
He has spoken widely on these issues,
including to business councils and in
major regional conferences, including the
Singapore Business Leaders Program and
the World Economic Forum on East Asia.
Oliver is also a frequent commentator
on Southeast Asia, having authored “7
things you need to know about ASEAN”
and the forthcoming McKinsey Global
Institute report “Southeast Asia at the
crossroads: Three paths to prosperity.”
20-21 November 2015
Oliver Tonby
Managing Partner,
McKinsey & Company in
Southeast Asia
Prior to joining McKinsey, Oliver
worked for Shell International, Norsk
Hydro and the Norwegian Army.
Oliver holds a Masters in Business
Administration (MBA) with distinction
from INSEAD and a Masters in Science
(MSc) in Biochemical Engineering from
the Norwegian Institute of Technology.
Masayasu Hosumi
ASEAN Chief & Bangkok Managing
Director of Japan External Trade
Organisation (JETRO)
Masayasu HOSUMI was born in 1962 in
Japan. He graduated Yokohama National
University (B.A. in Economics) in 1984 and
joined the (then) Ministry of International
Trade and Industry (MITI). HOSUMI started
his carrier at Finance Division at Small and
Medium Enterprise Agency. He worked
overseas as a First Secretary at Embassy
of Japan in Iran from 1993 to 1996 and a
Counsellor of Trade, Industry & Technology
at Embassy of Japan in Singapore from 1999
to 2002. In Japan, he held several director
posts in the Japanese Government including
Director of Office for Comprehensive Energy
Policy Planning at Agency of Natural
Resources and Energy (ANRE) , Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2002,
Office for Protection of Juveniles at National
Police Agency (NPA) in 2003, Office for AntiOrganised Crime at NPA in 2004, Office for
Intellectual Property Right Infringement at
METI in 2005, and Inter-Enterprise Trade
Division at General Secretariat of the Japan
Fair Trade Commission in 2006. He also
worked as a Commander, IWATE Prefectural
Police Headquarters in 2008, Director of
Trade Control Policy Division, METI in 2010.
He then moved on to become Executive
Officer, Nuclear Damage Liability Fund (NDF)
in 2011 and a Deputy President, NDF in
2012. He has been in the current
position since July 2014.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Hun Monivann
Dr. Chamnan Ngammaneeudom has been
involved with micro, small, and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) in Thailand and
ASEAN Member States (AMSs) for many
years, especially in promoting equitable
development and inclusive growth among
MSMEs through favourable government
policy and MSMEs promotion mechanism.
His work experience includes an advisory
position to Standing Committee on
Commerce and Intellectual Property
in Royal Parliament of Thailand and an
expert in National Reform Council, as
well as policy-level study on strategy to
promote SMEs in accordance to firms’ size,
promotion of high-growth SMEs, promotion
of SMEs networking and public dialogue
strategy, improving regulation for national
SME statistical system, the study on the
Establishment of ASEAN SME Advisory
Board in Thailand, as well as others. He is
also actively involved in promoting ASEAN
MSMEs’ access to service information with
the creation of integrated online ASEAN
SME service center, www.ASEANSME.org,
Hun Monivann has almost 20 years
of professional business experiences.
He has significant and broad networks
with local and international companies,
NGOs as well as access to the key
contacts of the government.
Born in 1973 in Cambodia, after graduating
in Management and Accounting from
Maharishi Vedic University (MVU) in 1997,
Monivann immediately joined Ernst & Young
Cambodia as Junior and Senior Auditor.
In 2000, he became Finance Director and
Board of Director of Sepakor Angkor Co., Ltd.,
known as Artisans Angkor in Siem Reap, with
more 1,200 employees. In 2006, Monivann
joined Sathapana Limited, the leading MFI
in Cambodia set to become one of the top
10 commercial banks in Cambodia by 2016,
which aims to be an all-in-one web portal
to link various aspects of MSMEs’ business
needs to more than 52 million MSMEs
in AMSs. The ASEANSME.org is a part of
ASEAN SME Working Group (ASMEWG)’s
initiative and a collective responsibility of
10 ASEAN SME agencies from all AMSs.
as Independent Director and Chairman
of the Audit Committee and Chairman of
the Board. In 2013, he jointly established
the Mega Leasing Plc., by serving as a
Chairman of the Board. At the same time,
he co-established the Cambodia Investors
Club (CIC) standing as Vice Chairman of the
Board. In 2014, Monivann jointly established
and served as an Executive Director of
Active Properties Cambodia Co. Ltd. The
company focuses on real estate businesses.
Besides financial sector and real estate
businesses, Monivann also sits as Director
on many boards. He has been serving
as Vice President of Siem Reap – Oddar
Meanchey Chamber of Commerce
(SROCC) for more than 10 years now.
Richard Kok
Richard started his career in finance firstly as
a banker with Standard Chartered Bank before
moving on as a Financial Controller with a
public listed company. Later, with his thirst for
greater challenges, he grabbed the chance for
the position as COO of Tiong Nam Logistics,
one of Malaysia’s largest logistics companies.
It was during his tenure at Tiong Nam that
he discovered the logistics industry was still
very traditionally managed and had a lot of
opportunities for improvement.
With this insight into the logistics industry,
he founded iKargo, a logistics marketplace
for ASEAN. The vision of iKargo is to provide a
platform to connect the whole supply chain in
ASEAN, through land, sea and air.
Dr. Chamnan
Assistant Project Director, ASEAN
SME Service Center
iKargo aims to provide greater visibility and
transparency of the logistics industry in ASEAN
and this would greatly promote trade among
ASEAN member countries in line with AEC.
Ho Kay Tat, 56, has been in journalism for
30 years. He spent 6 years with the New
Straits Times group, Malaysia’s biggest
newspaper company. In the NST, he reported
extensively on Malaysian politics. In
1990, he joined the Kuala Lumpur bureau
of Reuters just as Malaysia’s economic
boom was starting to take place and
covered mainly economic, corporate and
money market news. He left Reuters to be
the KL correspondent for the Singapore
Business Times in 1994 where apart
from reporting, he had a weekly column
on Malaysia called “Market Matters”.
From Singapore BT, he joined The Edge,
a business and investment weekly in
Malaysia, as Editor in August, 1996. He
also assumed the role of Editor for Asia
Inc, a regional business publication
from 2003 until May 2005.
Kay Tat was appointed Managing
Director and Editor-in-Chief of
The Edge and The Edge Financial Daily
in 2005. On October 1, 2009 he stepped
down as Managing Director. He was
Editor-in-Chief until June 2010.
Dr.Victor Gao
Dr. Victor Zhikai Gao is Chairman of
China Energy Security Institute and
Vice Chairman of Sino-Europe United
Investment Corporation. Victor Gao is also
an advisor to Saudi Aramco, a member
of the Beijing Energy Club, a member
of the International Advisory Board of
the Brookings Doha Energy Forum, and
Ho Kay Tat
Group Chief Executive
Officer & Publisher, The Edge
Communications Sdn Bhd
In 2010 Kay Tat took up the post of Chief
Executive Officer of The Star publications.
He held that position until 2012.
Currently he is the Publisher and
Group Chief Executive Officer of
The Edge Media Group.
Kay Tat majored in political science while
studying at the University of Science in
Penang, Malaysia. He also took a minor
programme in Mass Communications.
a member of the International Advisory
Board of the Energy Intelligence Group. Vice
Gao is also an Executive Director of Beijing
Private Equity Association and Chairman
of the International Committee of BPEA.
Chairman of China Energy Security
Institute & Vice Chairman,
Sino-Europe United
Investment Corporation
20-21 November 2015
Victor Gao has extensive experience
in government, diplomacy, securities
regulation, legal, investment banking, PE,
corporate management and media. Victor
was Deng Xiaoping’s English interpreter in
the 1980s. Victor served as the China Policy
Advisor at the Hong Kong Securities and
Futures Commission in 1999 and 2000.
Victor’s prior investment banking experience
included senior positions with Morgan
Stanley (Vice President of Morgan Stanley
Asia, in the Merger, Acquisition and
Restructuring Department), CICC (General
Manager of the Investment Banking
Department, Head of M&A Practice, and
Head of CICC Hong Kong Investment
Banking Department) and Daiwa Securities
(Co-Chairman of China, Executive Vice
President and Managing Director).
Victor’s corporate management experience
included senior positions with CNOOC
Limited where he was Senior Vice President,
General Counsel, Company Secretary,
Member of the Investment Committee,
and Director of CNOOC International.
Victor holds a J.D. from Yale Law School,
a M.A. in International Relations from
the Political Science Department of Yale
Graduate School, an M.A. in English from
Beijing University of Foreign Studies, and
a B.A. in English from Suzhou University,
and is a licensed attorney-at-law in the
State of New York. Victor Gao is a guest
professor at the Law School of Suzhou
University and is a member of the Board
of the Directors of Suzhou University.
In recent years, in the energy sector, Victor
Gao has been a keynote speaker, a speaker
and/or a panelist at many international
energy conferences. He has frequently
published articles in and has been regularly
interviewed by mainstream Chinese and
international media, including BBC, bbc.
com, CNN, cnn.com, CCTV, CRI, New
York Times, Asia Wall Street Journal, Al
Jazeera, Channel News Asia, NHK, etc.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Kazuya Kitae
Marketing Director,
Panasonic Eco Solutions
Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Kazuya Kitae was born in 1955
and graduated from Waseda
University (LLB) in 1979.
He joined Panasonic (formerly Matsushita
Electronics) and soon became a Sales
Executive of Home Appliances for Latin
America market. He was a Regional Manager
for Europe, CIS and the African market
in 1991 and later was transferred as a
Manager of Overseas Business to Panasonic
Environmental Engineering Co. Ltd. in
Datuk Takashi Hibi joined Toyota Motor
Corporation (TMC) in 1977 after graduation
at Osaka University of Foreign Studies. He
was assigned to Middle East Division, and
worked for marketing and sales for Toyota
to the region. His strong abilities were
especially recognised with continuous
success every year in the challenges with
the Iranian Government during the 1980s.
In the 90s, he was assigned to TMC
Joint Venture operations for production
and sales in ASEAN countries. In the
late 90s, he contributed significantly
to revive Indonesian JV operations
which was in a dire situation arising
from the Asian financial crisis.
In 2007, he was assigned as Deputy
Chairman of UMW Toyota, TMC JV in
Malaysia. During his eight year tenure,
he enhanced the JV greatly to be a real
overwhelming No. 1 non-national car
company in every aspect. He initiated many
projects to improve overall operations,
such as vendors network, vehicle assembly,
logistic, sales and service. Through these
projects, he also developed human resources
in business partners as well as UMW
Toyota Motor. His contributions extended
to activities undertaken by the Japanese
Chambers in Malaysia and ASEAN, speaking
for their further investment on behalf of the
industry at many dialogs with the Malaysian
Government and the ASEAN Secretary.
His achievements were recognised and
conferred the Darjah Kebesaran Panglima
Jasa Negara in 2012 by His Majesty,
The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Malaysia.
This year he actively contributes as
Advisor to UMW Toyota and JACTIM. His
approach to business is based on the
fundamental principles of Toyota Production
System in every area of operation. He
always encourages his members and
business partners to detect any problem
or abnormality at the earliest stages and
transparently share it amongst the team.
Afterwhich, Kaizen, never-stop neverend activity for improvement, should be
implemented with all the wisdom and
effort from every team member towards
realizing company goals together.
1999. He set up a Representative Office at
Kuala Lumpur Station in Malaysia in 2000.
During his career as a General Manager from
2000 to 2005, he set up a local engineering
company, Panasonic Environmental
Engineering Malaysia in KL. Kitae was
engaged in business development in
Malaysia and ASEAN countries through the
various projects for over 15 years. He has
become a Marketing Director at Panasonic
Eco Solutions Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. since 2012.
Datuk Takashi Hibi
Advisor to Executive Committee,
UMW Toyota Motor
Former Chairman of Federation
of Japanese Chamber of Commerce
and Industry in ASEAN (FJCCIA)
Former President of Japanese
Chamber of Trade & Industry,
Malaysia (JACTIM)
20-21 November 2015
ABA 2015
ASEAN Business Awards
Organised by the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC),
the ASEAN Business Awards (ABA) recognises the most outstanding and successful
ASEAN companies and individuals who have created positive impact on the growth
of the regional economy and helped elevate ASEAN’s economic potential. Designed
to showcase some of the region’s best-in-class corporate standards, recipients of
the ABA is a benchmark for companies to emulate within ASEAN and beyond.
Towards the integration of an ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC), for the first time in history, the
ABA is introducing the AEC Priority Integration
Sector Excellence Awards and the Friends of
ASEAN Awards, in a bid to bring to the fore the
key players in the ASEAN economy. Also being
brought into the spotlight are promising smalland-medium-sized ASEAN enterprises (SMEs)
with glowing potential to break out as global
economic players as well as a promising Young
Entrepreneur and a Woman Entrepreneur who are
making waves in their respective businesses.
Winners are chosen by an esteemed panel of
judges consisting of prominent regulative officers
and business academicians from a shortlist
that has undergone a stringent evaluation and
filtering process undertaken by an advisory
of professional auditors from BDO, who are
appointed as strategic partners in assuring a
quality and thorough selection standard.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
and identifying issues to facilitate
and promote economic cooperation and
integration. The Council also submits
annual recommendations for the
consideration of the ASEAN Leaders and
the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM).
Launched in April 2003, ASEAN
Business Advisory Council (ASEANBAC) was formed following decision of
the ASEAN Leaders at the 7th ASEAN
Summit, with the mandate to provide
private sector feedback and guidance
to boost ASEAN’s efforts towards
economic integration. Aside from
providing private sector feedback on the
implementation of ASEAN economic
cooperation, the Council also submits
recommendations for consideration of
the ASEAN Leaders.
ASEAN-BAC’s members are appointed
by the Ministers in charge, and comprise
of high-level CEOs of companies from
each member country. Each country
is represented by a maximum of three
members, with one representing the
interest of the small and mediumsized enterprises.
Accordingly, ASEAN-BAC’s activities
are primarily focused on reviewing
The 13th ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) - ASEAN-BAC Consultation
held on 25 August 2015, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with ASEAN Business Advisory Council at the
26th ASEAN Summit held on 27th April 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Munir
bin Abdul Majid
Chairman, ASEAN-BAC
Tuan Syed Nabil Aljeffri
Secretary-General, ASEAN-BAC
Council Member,
ASEAN-BAC Malaysia
Dato’ Ramesh Kodammal
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Malaysia
20-21 November 2015
Fauziah Dato Seri Paduka Hj Talib
Lisa DP Haji Ibrahim
Council Member
Oknha Kith Meng
ASEAN-BAC Cambodia
Oknha Van Sou Ieng
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Cambodia
Oknha Sok Piseth
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Cambodia
Bapak Soebronto Laras
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Indonesia
Bapak Prijono Sugiarto
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Indonesia
Bapak Anangga W. Roosdiono
ASEAN-BAC Indonesia
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Oudet Souvannavong
Chairman, ASEAN-BAC Laos
Sounthone Phommachack
Council Member
Xaybandith Rasphone
Council Member
U Moe Kyaw
Council Member
U Wai Phyo
Council Member
Manny V. Pangilinan
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Philippines
Jay Yuvallos
Treasurer, ASEAN-BAC
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Philippines
U Win Aung
Chairman, ASEAN-BAC Myanmar
Teresita Sy-Coson
ASEAN-BAC Philippines
20-21 November 2015
Dr. Robert Yap
ASEAN-BAC Singapore
Douglas Foo
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Singapore
Robert Yap Min Choy
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Singapore
Khun Phairush Burapachaisri (Pi)
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Thailand
Khun Twatchai Yongkittikul
Council Member
ASEAN-BAC Thailand
Nguyen Thi Nga
Council Member
Dang Thi Hoang Yen
Council Member
Khun Arin Jira
ASEAN-BAC Thailand
Dr. Doan Duy Khuong
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
ASEAN JOINT Business Councils
& Other Business Associations
Since 2013, ASEAN Business Advisory
Council holds Joint Consultation
Meetings with ASEAN Business Councils
& other Business Associations officially
recognised by ASEAN Governments
and/or by the Governments of the
Dialogue Partners of ASEAN, with the
main objective of aligning the various
initiatives and recommendations for
the attention of Governments.
The identified areas of cooperation between ASEAN-BAC & these ASEAN Joint Business
Councils include the following objectives:
1. Promoting a unified message of support for the AEC to the respective Members and
Stakeholders of Partners;
2. Strengthening existing outreach activities focused on the AEC to business
3. Addressing the challenges and opportunities of businesses operating in ASEAN; and
4. Proposing and developing joint cooperation to advise and advocate ASEAN
Governments and ASEAN Secretariat.
ASEAN-BAC has further strengthened this partnership in 2015 by organising Exclusive
Dialogues with each Business Council as well as more frequent Joint Consultation
Meetings throughout the year.
Australia-ASEAN Business Council
Mr. Paul Gallagher Executive Director
Mr. Bryan Clark Director, Trade and International Affairs
Australia-ASEAN Business Council is a business association creating a formal link
between private sectors in Australia and ASEAN countries and promoting Australia /
ASEAN trade and investment.
Canada-ASEAN Business Council
The Honorable Jean Charest Honorary Chairman
Mr. Wayne C. Farmer President
Mr. Peter Nesbitt Secretary
Mr. Mark Levia Treasurer
Mr. Shawn Watson Executive Director
ASEAN-Japan Business Council
Mr. Akio Mimura Chairman
Mr. Takeo Fukui Deputy Chairman
Mr. Mikio Sasaki Vice Chairman
Mr. Teruo Asada Vice Chairman
Mr. Kazuaki Kama Vice Chairman
The Canada-ASEAN Business Council (CABC) is the preeminent organization with a
region (ASEAN)-wide mandate to promote and increase trade relations between Canada
and ASEAN. The council has three primary offering for our members: to provide/produce
region-specific educational materials, act as an advocacy engine to Canadian and
local Governments and facilitate high level networking between Canadian and ASEAN
companies. At its core, the mission of CABC is simple; to provide our members with
concrete commercial opportunities to build and grow their companies.
Business Council
ASEAN-Japan Business Council (AJBC) was officially launched in December 1980. The
chairmen were served by chairmen of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(JCCI) since AJBC was launched. The current president is Dr. Akio Mimura, chairman of
JCCI.The secretariat is also JCCI.There are 31 members (as of May 2014).
Summary of activities:
a)Holding a round-table conference with ASEAN ambassadors in Tokyo once a year.
b)Holding a round-table conference with ASEAN economic ministers in April 2012.
c)Holding the 1st ASEAN Japan Public Private Dialoguein Nay Pyi Taw,Myanmar,
in August 2014.
20-21 November 2015
China-ASEAN Business Council
Mr. Xu Ningning Executive President
Ms. Jennifer Liu Director of Chinese Secretariat
China-ASEAN Business Council is one of the five main dialogue and cooperation
mechanisms between China and ASEAN, it is the dialogue and cooperation mechanism
representing business circles. CABC consists of China Council for the Promotion of
International Trade (CCPIT) and ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI),
leaders of national chambers of commerce and industries of ASEAN countries, wellknown entrepreneurs and experts.
CABC has sub-mechanisms including GMS Business Council, China-ASEAN Footwear
Industry Cooperation Committee, China-ASEAN Building Materials Industry Cooperation
Committee, China-ASEAN Logistics Industry Cooperation Committee, China-ASEAN
Food Industry Cooperation Committee, China-ASEAN Rosewood and Furniture Industry
Cooperation Committee, China-ASEAN Coffee Industry Cooperation Committeeand so on.
On November 8 2001, the establishment ceremony and the 1st meeting of
China -ASEAN Business Council were held in Jakarta, Indonesia. The former Chinese
Premier Zhu Rongji and the former Indonesian President Megawati attended the
ceremony and declared that CABC was officially established. China-ASEAN Business
Council is playing a positive role on promoting the new development of economic and
trade cooperation between China and ASEAN’s enterprises.
East Asia Business Council
Mr. Manuel V. Pangilinan Chairman
Mr. Kim Moo-han Past Chairman
Tan Sri Azman Hashim Advisor
Mr. Kazuaki Kama Vice Chairman
The East Asia Business Council (EABC) was inaugurated in April 2004 in Kuala Lumpur,
as a result of the recommendations from the East Asia Study Group conducted by the
ASEAN+3 governments. It is established as a result of an implementation strategy
proposed by the East Asia Study Group and endorsed by ASEAN+3 Leaders on October 7,
2003. The EABC comprises three business leaders from each ASEAN member countries,
Japan, China and Republic of Korea, appointed by the respective Economic Ministers.
The objectives of the Business Council are as follows:
To provide private sector perspective and feedback to deepen economic
cooperation and to promote the region’s economic growth; and
To strengthen cooperation among the private sectors in ASEAN, China, Japan and
Republic of Korea, as well as promote intra regional trade and investment.
ASEAN-India Business Council
Dr. Jyotsan Suri Co-Chair
Dato’ Ramesh Kodammal Co-Chair
ASEAN-INDIA Business Council was conceived with the mission to promote and develop
economic linkages through business to business to government
co-operation between ASEAN INDIAN businesses. AIBC was set up in March 2003 in
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia at the second senior economic official meeting and plays the
key role as a mediator between government and the private sector for ASEAN and INDIA.
With a growing population of about 1.8 billion between ASEAN and INDIA this region
Is considered to be the fastest growth market today. Great focus is been made on
SMEs within ASEAN and INDIA to further improve trade in various areas. The council
comprises of 3members from each ASEAN member state and 5 members from INDIA.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
EU-ASEAN Business Council
Mr. Francois Guibert Chairman
Mr. Donald Kanak Vice-Chairman
Mr. Theodoor Bakker Vice-Chairman
Mr. Martin Hayes Treasurer
Mr. Jan B. Djerf Secretary
Mr. Chris Humphrey Executive Director
The EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) is the primary voice for European Business
within the ASEAN region, being endorsed as it is by the European Commission and
recognised as such by ASEAN. Independent of both bodies, the Council has been
established to help promote the interests of European businesses operating within
ASEAN and to advocate for changes in policies and regulations which would help
promote trade and investment between Europe and the ASEAN region. As such, the
Council works on a sectorial and cross-industry basis to help improve the investment
and trading conditions for European Businesses in the ASEAN region through
influencing policy and decision makers throughout the region and in the EU, as well as
acting as a platform for the exchange of information and ideas amongst its members
and regional players within the ASEAN region.
Formally established and constituted in early 2014, the EU-ABC has existed on
an informal basis since 2011, successfully organising several EU-ASEAN Business
Summits and regularly interacting with the European Commission, ASEAN Member
States, ASEAN Secretariat, and other related organisations such as the ASEAN Business
Advisory Council.
The EU-ABC’s membership consists of large European Multi-national Corporations
and eight European Chambers of Commerce from around South East Asia. As
such, the EU-ABC represents a diverse range of European industries cutting across
almost every commercial sphere from car manufacturing through to financial
services and including Fast Moving Consumer Goods and high-end electronics
and communications. Our members all have a vested interest in enhancing trade,
commerce and investment between Europe and ASEAN.
ASEAN-Republic of
Korea Business Council
Mr. Donggeun Lee
Executive Vice Chairman of the
Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI)
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri (Dr.) Mohd. Nadzmi Bin Mohd Salleh
Executive Chairman, Nadicorp Holdings Sdn Bhd
The ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) Business Council was launched in 2014, guided by
the consensus reached at the 2013 ASEAN-ROK Summit, in order to enhance economic
cooperation between ASEAN and the ROK. The Council is desired to strengthen and
facilitate cooperation between ASEAN and ROK, in a time of rising need to establish a
platform among the private sectors of ASEAN and the ROK.
The Council shall cooperate in various areas, such as exchange of economic and
business information, activities to strengthen cooperation in the private sectors,
enhancement of the competitiveness of SMEs, etc.
The ROK and ASEAN co-chair the Council. Accordingly, the ROK and the chair country of
ASEAN in the respective year shall co-chair the Council. The permanent secretariat for
the Council is at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
20-21 November 2015
ASEAN-New Zealand Business Council
Mr. Alister Lawrence Chairman
Mr. Neil Kennedy Vice Chairman
Ms. Elizabeth Bell Executive Director
Mr. David Catty Delegate to ASEAN Business Advisory Council
ASEAN-New Zealand Business Council (ANZBC) is a member based business council
connecting New Zealand businesses with ASEAN trading partners. It is an organisation,
which advocates their concerns and provides a network to seek contacts, learn about the
markets and be assisted in many other ways in its members’ ASEAN business efforts.
Well connected with business and government agencies in New Zealand and ASEAN,
ANZBC provides crucial linkages and information. Above all it is the foremost network
for anyone with ASEAN business aspirations.
Russia-ASEAN Business Council
Mr. Yegor Khramov Chairman
Mr. Andrew Karev Deputy Chairman
Mr. Victor Tarusin Executive Director
Russia – ASEAN business council is a public business association established by the
Chamber of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation and Morton Group of
companies (one of the leading construction company in the RF).
Russia ASEAN Business Councilis aimed at developing cooperation between business
communities of the Russian Federation and ASEAN countries by means of
• Providing information and legal support
• Evaluating priorities in cooperation
• Creation of negotiation platforms for B2B relations (Organization of conferences and
Business Forums)
• Selection and preliminary screening of business partners
• Supporting activitiesof the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF in the
ASEAN region
Promotion of Investment activities
• Attraction of professional investors from ASEAN countries to the RF
• Identification and offering attractive investment projects in ASEAN countries to the
Russian investors
• Development of Public-Private Eurasian Investment Fund
Modern Technologies
• Promoting Russian modern technologies to various industries in ASEAN countries
• To facilitate access to modern technologies in ASEAN countries to Russian
business entities
• To create certification matrix for each ASEAN country
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
UK – ASEAN Business Council
Mr. Kevan Watts Chairman
Mr. Ross Hunter Executive Director
The UK-ASEAN Business Council (UKABC) was created out of UKTI’s 2011 Strategy
‘Britain Open for Business’ and launched by Dr Vince Cable in November 2011. The
underlying purpose of the UKABC is to facilitate a step change in the level of trade
between the UK and Southeast Asia, and through this contributing towards UKTI’s
ambition to support 50,000 SMEs and increase UK exports to £1trn by 2020.
With a particular focus on the SME community the UKABC runs a programme of
awareness raising outreach activity aimed at improving understanding of the business
opportunities in the ASEAN region, as well as giving practical advice and guidance on
how to go about doing business there. The Business Council also provides roundtable
and structured business-to-business networking opportunities with senior political and
commercial decision makers who are visiting the UK from Southeast Asia.
US-ASEAN Business Council
Evan G. Greenberg Chairman
Alexander Feldman President & CEO
Ambassador Michael W. Michalak
Senior Vice President & Regional Managing Director
Anthony Nelson Director
Ezani Mansor Country Representative - Malaysia
For over 30 years, the US-ASEAN Business Council has been the premier advocacy
organization for U.S. corporations operating within the dynamic Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), serving as the leading voice of the U.S. private
sector in promoting mutually beneficial trade and investment relationships between
the United States and Southeast Asia. ASEAN now represents more than 620 million
people and a combined GDP of more than US $2.4 trillion across Brunei Darussalam,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
and Vietnam. The Council’s 150+ members include the largest U.S. companies working
in ASEAN, and range from newcomers to the region to companies that have been
working in Southeast Asia for a century or more.
The Council is the only U.S.-based organization recognised in the ASEAN charter. In
service of its members, the Council leads major business missions to key economies,
convenes multiple meetings with ASEAN heads of state and ministers, and is the only
U.S. organization to be given the privilege to raise member company concerns in
consultations with the ASEAN Finance, Energy and Economic Ministers, as well as the
ASEAN Customs Directors-General at their annual meetings.
With long-established personal and professional relationships with key ASEAN and U.S.
decision makers, the Council is able to arrange genuine dialogues, solve problems, and
facilitate opportunities in all types of market conditions, and provide market entry and
exclusive advisory services.
20-21 November 2015
ASEAN Business Club
Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Munir Abdul Majid President
Hong Ju Khee Director of Operations
The ASEAN Business Club (ABC) is a fully private sector driven initiative of ASEAN’s
leading businesses, that came together in support of regional economic integration,
while providing a platform for networking.
Representing every key sector, ABC aims to support the efforts of governments in
bringing down barriers of economic integration.
ABC is a growing regional network that serves as a forum for knowledge sharing and
The ABC has established itself as a powerful platform for ASEAN’s businesses to engage
with global and regional leaders.
ABC’s vision is ‘ASEAN: Open for Business’.
Asia House (AH)Europe-ASEAN
Business Alliance (EABA)
The Europe-ASEAN Business Alliance (EABA) is a member-driven alliance of leading
European multinational companies with significant interests in the ASEAN region.
The aim of the Europe-ASEAN Business Alliance is to serve as a platform for dialogue
with national governments and regional organisations and as a forum for discussion of
issues of relevance to European business in the region.
EABA members have strongly invested in the ASEAN region. The EABA seeks to draw
from their knowledge of the ASEAN region combined with their experience of the EU
integration process to support ASEAN closer collaboration and progress towards the
ASEAN Economic Community, as well as to encourage trade and investment in the
ASEAN region. The EABA is an independent, non-profit organisation based in Singapore.
Federation of Japanese Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in ASEAN
Federation of Japanese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in ASEAN (FJCCIA) was
formulated in 2008 with the aim of contributing to the realization of the ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC) in 2015.
China-ASEAN Business Association
Mr. Pushpanathan Sundram Chairman
Mr. Xu Ningning Co-Chairman of CABA
Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong Chairman, CABA Malaysia Committee
Ms. Yi Fan Jiang CABA Secretariat
The China-ASEAN Business Association (CABA) is a non-governmental and non-profit
organization that has been established to build business, trade and investment
opportunities in the thriving ASEAN-China Free Trade Area.
CABA works with its members to reduce barriers to market access and sound
investment. CABA provides its members with privileged access to meetings with
ministers and senior officials, conducting high-level business missions to ASEAN and
China, creating partnerships and building markets.
Members have access to exclusive strategic information and analysis, and tracking tools
on emerging opportunities from government trade negotiations, policy and regulatory
changes. With its strong network in the region, CABA serves as a unique platform for
business engagement and networking opportunities.
ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Yayasan albukhary
education, universally acknowledged as
a means to reducing disparities between
the haves and have-nots. Meanwhile, the
foundation’s welfare programmes strive
to provide relief to communities wracked
by the endless cycle of poverty, war and
natural calamities. On the other end of
the scale, it promotes an appreciation
of the Islamic heritage, culture and
scholarship to foster goodwill between
Muslims and non-Muslims the world over.
The Albukhary Foundation
is a charitable organisation
established in 1996 by
Malaysian businessman Tan
Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary.
Founded on the Islamic values of Taqwa
(Faith) and Ihsan (Compassion), it
upholds the belief that commerce and
charity are interconnected – when we
benefit from society, we should give back
to society. Based on that inspiration,
a portion of the wealth generated
by his Group’s commercial activities
is continuously channelled back to
charitable causes under the ambit of the
Albukhary Foundation.
Charity has been the cornerstone of Syed
Mokhtar’s business world since day 1.
When he set up his first business, Bukhary
Sdn Bhd in 1974, he donated half of his
income to assist 15 needy families in
his village. He was then a 23-year old
struggling rice trader in Alor Setar, Kedah
who seized opportunities presented by
the newly launched New Economy Policy
of Malaysia. As his business grew, so
did his generosity. From these humble
beginnings, Syed Mokhtar has built one of
Malaysia’s most diversified and dynamic
multinational conglomerates.
Over the years, the Albukhary Foundation
has gained recognition as one of the
caring faces of Malaysia. It champions
The foundation distinguishes itself
from other similar organisations in the
way it began, grew and continues to
evolve. Unlike most foundations that are
established by benefactors when they are
wealthy and influential, or are created
posthumously by their heirs, the seeds of
Albukhary Foundation were sown before it
was officially registered.
The foundation’s international thrust
is aligned with the expansion of the
Albukhary Group of Companies overseas.
Now into its second decade, the Albukhary
Foundation is fast gaining prominence
as an international Muslim charity, with
a presence in almost every continent.
It is also a living proof that commerce
and charity can move in tandem for the
greater good of all.
The Albukhary Foundation’s activities
revolve around three anchor
developments, each addressing different
segments of society:
Albukhary Foundation is the head office
in Kuala Lumpur, which concentrates
on humanitarian cause, ‘feeding hopes
and aspirations’ of the less fortunate
and at-risk groups to become self-reliant
individuals and communities.
As the head office, it also has the
additional responsibility of funding all
projects, including those of the two
anchors below.
Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia engages
in ‘feeding the spirit’ of people from all
walks of life by promoting an appreciation
of Islamic culture and heritage to help
forge a more tolerant and harmonious
Albukhary Complex epitomises the spirit
of the foundation. Promoting excellence
in education and health and welfare, it
is dedicated to ‘feeding the mind’ of the
poor so that they can have a better future.
At the heart of this integrated complex
is the Albukhary International University
catering exclusively to bright youths
from around the world regardless of their
Adjoining the campus are facilities for
the disadvantaged as well as the local
community. They include an orphanage,
a centre for children with special needs,
a hospital with a dialysis centre and
accommodation, a mosque, community
education centre and a shopping centre.
The Albukhary Foundation runs its
programmes through five pillars:
EDUCATION: The foundation departs from
the one-model-fits-all approach to bring
education in its different permutations to
different groups. Guided by the concept of
education as an effective social-economic
leveller, it has programs that range
from outreach remedial programs for
academically weak students to full-fledged
university education for deserving students.
WELFARE: The foundation reaches out to
communities crippled by poverty, caused
by political and economic strife or
natural disasters. Its poverty alleviation
programs focus on empowerment, selfreliance and sustainable living.
HEALTH: The foundation believes that
good health determines the quality of
life of a nation. It adopts a two-pronged
approach to health, with projects that
addresses serious ills that threaten the
well being of society while promoting
sports as a proud indicator of a robust,
cohesive society.
The foundation is committed to
promoting the Muslim face of piety,
inclusiveness and scholarship. At
the same time, it supports cultural
enrichment programmes to strengthen
understanding among different
ENVIRONMENT: The foundation is
stepping up initiatives that improve
the quality of the natural and built
environment, making it a better place to
live, work and play for current and future
Key projects under the five pillars
include the following:
Hajj Pilgrimage Sponsorship. This is one
of the foundation’s earliest initiatives,
and it dates back to 1997. As of October
2015, the foundation has sponsored
nearly 900 deprived Muslims to realise
the fifth pillar of Islam – the Hajj
Facelift for Masjid Negara, Kuala
Lumpur or the National Mosque is
the official venue of national Islamic
events. The first ever national mosque in
Malaysia, it is a symbolic structure that
affirms Islam as the official religion of
the nation. It was built in 1965 as a bold
and modern statement of aspirations of
an independent Malaysia. To maintain
its structure and class, the mosque went
through a second renovation in 2003,
sponsored by Albukhary Foundation.
20-21 November 2015
of Rohingya in Malaysia. 120 students of
early primary age have been registered for
the first intake in May 2015.
Albukhary Tuition Programme provides
free remedial classes to underachieving
poor rural school children to help them
pass their final year secondary school
examination. The programme has created
a network of 200 tuition centres that
benefited more than 80,000 students
from 500 schools.
The Albukhary Scholarship Programme,
on the other hand, is an international
education programme. It currently
supports more than 500 students from
more than 40 countries studying at
various prestigious local universities.
Meanwhile, 184 Albukhary Scholars have
returned to their respective homelands
and serve their community.
Read Programme is a nationwide
movement to inculcate reading habit
among primary school students in
Malaysia with the objective of improving
their English proficiency by enhancing
their ability to read in English and
understand the materials as a whole.
At the same time, it aims to boost their
confidence level to communicate in the
language. The students are placed in
four types of classes according to their
aptitude; letter, word, paragraph and story
telling. Currently being implemented
in three locations, Kedah, Pahang
and Melaka, the programme receives
participation from 153 students.
Rohingya Education Center is a maiden
collaboration with UNHCR Malaysia
together with its implementing partner
Future Global Network Wadah. The center,
located in Kuantan, Pahang serves as
an education platform for the children
Head Office of the Heart Foundation of
This building project includes the
administration building that can house
40 staff and a 200-capacity multipurpose
hall for education and training. Adjoining
them is a hotel for the convenience of
heart patients and their families. The
hostel has a 20-person dormitory, a single
room and a double room.
Success in Malaysia encouraged the
foundation to expand overseas. Its
education-health & welfare-religion
focus served as the model for its overseas
Much rehabilitation work was carried
in Afghan refugee camps in Peshawar,
Pakistan where it provided medical and
welfare assistance. Another important
initiative was Project 3,000 in Battagram,
in Northwest Pakistan that was hit by
a massive earthquake in 2005. The
foundation provided humanitarian relief
to about 15,000 people and established
Albukhary Care Centre that provides
vocational and academic training. Since
its inception in 2006, the centre has
produced 800 graduates, many of them
now gainfully employed.
In addition to immediate humanitarian
relief efforts for survivors of the Bam
earthquake in 2003, the foundation
established the Albukhary Relief Centre, a
computer skills and education centre for
adults and children.
We are UEM Group Berhad, Malaysia’s
leading engineering-based infrastructure
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We have the ability, expertise and resources to deliver and manage
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From our beginnings in 1966, we have grown to become an international
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core geographic market is Malaysia with presence in various countries
around the globe including Brunei, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada,
Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand and the Middle East.
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ASEAN Business & Investment Summit
and the ASEAN Business Awards,
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ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2015
Supported By
ASEAN Business Awards 2015 Strategic Partner
20-21 November 2015