Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB IDENTIFYING A SOFT
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB IDENTIFYING A SOFT
IDENTIFYING A SOFT-COATED WHEATEN TERRIER Wheaten with a full tail CONTACTS : ‘Wheaten Health Initiative’ Secretary Mrs. Kate Watkins Tel: 01543 684864 E-mail: Old Wheaten ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Identifying a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier (SCWT), from other breeds, especially one that is a stray can be difficult. The lack of grooming, or improper grooming, combined with varied coat textures and colour can totally obscure the typical Wheaten image. This leaflet shows the condition that some can get in. It is hoped that this will help identify Wheatens that are in need of rescue. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB Seretary Mrs. Linda Salisbury Tel: 01246 270246 Email: Irish type Wheaten Puppies Rescue/Rehome Mr. Rob Watkins Tel: 01543 684864 E-mail: Irish Wheaten Sincere thanks to Gwen Arthur and ‘Wheatens in Need Rescue’ USA for the idea for this brochure RESCUE INFORMATION © Produced for ‘WHI’ by Barbara Penney - 2013 IDENTIFYING A SOFT-COATED WHEATEN TERRIER . . . . . EYES, NOSE & NAILS. The eyes are generally dark but may be hidden by the coat. The nose is big and black. Nails are black. Variations: Wheatens can have golden brown eyes, the nose can be faded, i.e. greyish,and nails can be light or brown. COAT. The coat is generally wheaten-coloured, soft and wavy. It is non-shedding. Variations: It can be so light that it appears to be white or grey, may be profuse or sparse, straight or curly and may also have grey hairs in body coat. The texture can range from silky to coarse and cottony. The coat may be profuse or sparse, straight or curly, or it may even be totally matted in clumps. Ears and muzzle may be black or grey. TAIL. The Wheaten tail was originally customarily docked and erect, but many now have a full tail. Variations: Some undocked tails can resemble the tail of a Golden Retriever, or may be carried over the back. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT. The weight is generally 30-40 lbs. The height generally 17-19" at the withers with the female being at the lower end of the scale. THE TOTALLY UNCARED FOR WHEATEN ‘Frosty’ after his haircut THE SHAGGY WHEATEN THE SOFT-COATED WHEATEN TERRIER Some of the matts on Frosty were 30cm x 30cm It was impossible to distinguish what sex he was! He had to be completely shorn off. General Appearance . . . Can sometimes resemble a sheepdog Note the big black nose The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is a mediumsized, hardy, well-balanced, sporting terrier, square in outline. He is normally recognised by his soft, silky, gently waving coat of warm wheaten colour and his particularly steady disposition. The breed requires moderation both in structure and presentation, and any exaggerations are to be shunned. He should present the overall appearance of an alert and happy animal, graceful, strong, and wellcoordinated. THE IMPROPERLY TRIMMED WHEATEN IN CONCLUSION . . . THE TOTALLY SHEARED WHEATEN This sheared body shows the classic terrier structure, terrier head and wheaten colour. The body was sheared, but the hair left long on the head, ears and tail. The head can resemble that of a Bichon, obscuring the long terrier nose. The ears can resemble those of a spaniel, and the tail that of a poodle A Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier can vary significantly from the image that we know, and suspecting a SCWT in distress warrants close attention. W.H.I and the SCWT Club of GB would rather receive a call about a Wheaten that turned out not to be one than to have a Wheaten be unidentified as such. A list of names of those willing to take on a rescue Wheaten is held by the Secretary of the SCWT Club of GB, and assistance will be provided in finding a suitable home.
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