Men`s Club - St. Margaret Mary Parish


Men`s Club - St. Margaret Mary Parish
St. Margaret Mary Parish
February 12, 2012
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1450 Green Trails Dr.
Naperville, IL 60540
5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
Monday - Saturday
8:15 a.m.
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 5:00
9:00 - 1:30
Parish Office: 369-0777
Fax: 369-1493
Religious Ed. Office: 369-0833
All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave., Naperville, IL 60540
961-6125 --
Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes
me; and those who welcome me welcome
the one who sent me.: (Mt 10:40)
St. Margaret Mary Parish wishes to
welcome everyone to our community as
Jesus would. For information, please call
the parish office.
Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 to
4:30 PM or anytime by request.
Food for the Journey
2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month following the 12:15 Mass. Please call Parish
Office to make arrangements for Baptism
and required Preparation Meeting.
Six months preparation required. Parish
music policies, which reflect Diocesan
guidelines, are to be followed.
Scripture Readings for the Week
Jas 1:1-11; Mk 8:11-13
Jas 1:12-18; Mk 8:14-21
Jas 1:19-27; Mk 8:22-26
Jas 2:1-9; Mk 8:27-33
Jas 2:14-24, 26; Mk 8:34 — 9:1
Jas 3:1-10; Mk 9:2-13
Is 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25; 2 Cor 1:18-22; Mk 2:1-12
What is this upcoming Lenten Prayer Service all about?
Taizé (Tie zay’) is an ecumenical form of prayer modeled after the Taizé community (an ecumenical Christian monastic
community of brothers) founded in the 1940's by Brother Roger in Taizé, France. Christians of all traditions share in this
ecumenical prayer. The overarching goal of the Taizé service is to pray for world peace.
Simplicity is the order of the day for this type of prayer. Our hour long service at SMM consists of sung congregational
melodies lead by a cantor and accompanied by beautiful instrumentation.
Traditionally, Taizé prayer also includes some sort of candle lighting service. Over the years this has varied at our parish.
More recently, we keep the church totally dark and everyone has a lighted candle throughout the service. Words to the
melodies are projected on the wall so there is no problem reading and singing in the darkened space.
At the front of the church, some “focal point” is emphasized by candlelight. For Lent, this focus might be the Cross, or a
projected icon depicting Christ. For Advent, attention might be drawn to the Advent wreath. Quiet time is built into our
Taizé prayer – sometimes with subdued instrumentation, other times with total silence. Attendees also enter and depart
the sanctuary in silence.
Each Taizé prayer service is unique. On occasion, there may be a lack of the “spoken” word for the entire service. Alternately, the prayer might include a scripture reading, recitation of a poem, or intercessions.
Taizé prayer is a wonderful way to begin our new liturgical season of Lent. It is a chance for you to pray in our sacred
space in perhaps a new and unique way. We hope you will consider attending this visually beautiful and musically inspiring form of prayer, Friday Feb. 24 at 7:30 in the evening.
A Winter Retreat
"Jesus in Story:
Stories About and
By Jesus"
We know Jesus best through the
stories of the Bible. Jesus told some
of these stories through his parables, and the evangelists narrated
others about him. Retreat leaders,
Fr. Jonathan and Sr. Madelyn will
present a selection of these stories
in the context of prayer.
March 9-11
Cardinal Stritch
Retreat House
$185 per person; includes private room and bath; Friday dinner; all meals Saturday; Sunday breakfast and lunch; bus transportation, and Mass.
God’s Share
In Christ we find not just compassion and mercy, but healing and grace. It is
Christ’s great desire that we come to Him and bring before Him all that might
keep us from experiencing God’s love. Placing our faith in Christ brings
healing, wholeness and salvation.
Weekly Mass Offerings
Automated Giving (pro-rated)
Budget Goal
Over/(Under) Goal
Weekly Collection
Year to Date
7/1/11 to present
Sign up for Automated Giving by visiting
or by calling 1-866-PARISH-1.
To register: call 630-369-0777
Bishop Joseph Siegel
to speak at the
Men’s Club Meeting
February 21
7:00 p.m.
As a member of St Margaret Mary Parish, men are also a member of the
Men's Club. The Men's Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
Our Feb. 21 meeting is a….Couple’s Night!
The evening begins at 7:00 with a luscious dinner. Bishop Joseph Siegel,
Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Joliet will be the featured speaker. His
topic will be “Growing in Holiness during Lent.” Bishop Siegel was
born and raised in the Joliet area.
“Have you lost a spouse recently
and are grieving for him/her? Do
you hold back the tears and let
them fall when you are alone to
avoid having your family worry
about you?”
(The above was written by a person
who lost his wife a few months ago.
He recently experienced a Joyful
Again! Weekend and highly recommends it.)
All are invited. The Joyful
Again! Workshop/retreat is for
both men and women (all ages)
who have been widowed and are
still trying to find hope and joy in
their lives.
This special evening is an excellent opportunity to meet fellow parish
couples and friends, enjoy a lovely dinner and prepare for Lent!
Who knows, maybe you'll decide to attend future meetings to enjoy the
food, fun and fellowship of the Men's Club?
for Widowed Men/
March 3 & 4
Call to register:
Email: or visit
What is Real Wealth?
What is Real Security?
Saturday, Feb. 18
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. — COR Center —Cost: $10
Speaker: Tom Cordaro
At a time when continuing economic turmoil makes us anxious and fearful about our ability to provide for our families and plan for the future, we are invited to reflect on the concepts of wealth and security. Using the classic movie
It’s a Wonderful Life as a modern parable for our times, this business breakfast reflection invites us to rethink our
notions of wealth and security.
Tom Cordaro is the Justice & Outreach Minister at St. Margaret Mary Parish. He is the award winning author of
Be Not Afraid: An Alternative to the War on Terror.
Thank you to the 100+ parishioners
who participated in Session 1!
An Invitation
The Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults (RCIA) is for men and
women who have never been
baptized. It is likewise a process designed for those who were baptized
in another Christian Church and now
wish to inquire about full membership in the Catholic church.
It also assists those persons who
were baptized Catholic, yet never
had the chance to receive Eucharist
and Confirmation.
If any of the above applies to you or
someone you know, please call Sr.
Madelyn Gould, 630-369-0777, for
more information.
The Rediscover Catholicism Book Seminar
continues with
Session 2 at 7 p.m.
~ Sunday, February 12th ~
John Blumberg will be speaking on “The Authentic Life”
If you would like to come and experience for yourself
how to live your faith in a fresh new way,
please feel free to join us in the Upper Room.
COME ~ find out what all the excitement and energy
in the room is all about ~ you’ll be glad you did!!
Satisfaction guaranteed!
A Retreat For Women:
Presence, Peace
This Feb. 24 -26 retreat offers an
interactive weekend for women by
women to reflect on the possibilities
emerging within them as beloved
daughters of God, allowing the
Divine to blossom. We need to be
present in order to be made whole
and live in peace with ourselves and
our world. (6 PM Fri til Noon on
Sunday) Cost: $170 double
occupancy; the Carmelite Spiritual
Center, Darien. 630-969-4141
SMMP Parishioners are Headed to Haiti!
They Need Your Help!!!
Dr. Lichon with Haitian children;
May, 2011
Dr. Francis Lichon, Dr. Robert Hubbard and Laurie Schlaman RN, all
members of St. Margaret Mary Parish, are joining the St. Thomas
medical mission to Duchity, Haiti again this year. The two teams will
travel in April. Over-the-counter medications are greatly needed. We
are asking for pediatric and adult doses of Tylenol, ibuprofen, cold
medicine, and vitamins. There will be a basket outside Music Director John Schlaman's office (Room 1 in the Parish Center). We will be
collecting medications until the end of March. Thank you!
(Preschool – 5th )
Jesus, give us the courage and love
to accept all people
First Communion
The second set of parent/child meetings will be Tuesday, Feb. 28 and
Wednesday, Feb. 29. Each meeting will include a Bread Prayer Service.
Please attend one of these sessions and refer to the handout provided regarding bread and juice needed.
The First Communion Retreat is scheduled for Saturday, Mar. 3 from 10:30 to
12:30. There is a planning meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 7:00.
As our children prepare to enter more fully into the Christian life through the
Sacrament of Eucharist, we invite them to receive special blessings. Each rite
focuses on one of the symbols of our baptism: sprinkling of water, lighting of
the candle, and the signing cross. The third and final rite (Mar. 3 at the 5:00
Mass and Mar. 4 at the 9:00 and 10:45 Masses) will be a blessing with candles. Please bring your child’s baptismal candle.
We’re Still
Your Used
Our Jr. High Teens have been sponsoring a shoe collection for Share
Your Soles, an amazing foundation
that rehabs used shoes and sends
them to places in the world where
many people (especially children)
have none. Since the warehouse at
Share Your Soles is virtually empty,
we have decided to continue our
collection through the month of
Feb. All types and sizes of shoes
and boots are accepted except high
heels and Crocs. There is a collection box in the Parish Center just in
front of the Teen Center.
Is your Marriage Hurting?
Presidents’ Day Holiday Break
Classes will be canceled the week beginning Saturday,
Feb. 18. Classes will resume on Saturday, Feb. 25.
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday, Feb. 22 we will have a special Children’s Prayer Service and
distribution of ashes at 4:00 p.m. Due to the President’s Day break classes
will not meet. However, all children and their families are invited to participate. If you can help distribute ashes, please contact the R.E. office.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Word for children is offered at the 5:00 Mass on Saturdays and
at the 9:00 and 10:45 Masses on Sundays. Children in kindergarten through
third grade are invited to participate.
Retrouvaille is a program designed to
help couples who are hurting in their
marriage. There are three phases—the
weekend, the post sessions and
monthly support meetings. The Weekend Phase consists of a series of presentations given by a team of three
couples and a priest. The team present
a technique of communication that
enables couples to take a good look at
many areas of the marriage relationship. During the Post sessions, the
communication technique taught on
the weekend is further developed and
additional tools to explore other areas
of the marriage relationship such as
conflict management, effective
listening, and personality styles are
Hope and healing are only a phone
call away—708-802-1830 or 800-4702230. The next Retrouvaille weekend
begins on April 20 at the St. Charles
Pastoral Center in Romeoville.
Please contact Sue Davey at 369-0833 with any questions.
High School Youth Ministry
Check out our web page:
(Select Youth Ministry Page)
Reserve the date!!
SMMP's Annual St. Patrick's Day Party
Saturday, March 17th
SHINE Mission Trip 2012
We are in need of many adult chaperones for this trip to Chicago from June 25/30. If you are a parishioner at SMMP
and are interested in joining us for a week, please contact either Candy or Arlene at 369-0777 during the day.
QUEST Change
On Sunday, Feb. 12 at 6:30 PM in Church, we will have a large group gathering with a presenter instead of meeting in
the homes. Please mark this change on your calendars. Parents are most welcome to hear our presenter, Judge Cerne.
Cascade Ski Trip-Friday, March 2
Forms are now available in the RE Office and in front of the teen center for our annual Cascade Ski Trip to East Troy,
WI. The cost is $55 for bus, lift ticket, rentals, ski lesson or snowboarding. There is only one price which is an amazing
deal for us. So no matter if you have your own skis or need rentals, it's $55. This is a cluster event so bring your
friends! Remember to bring $$ for lunch as well as for dinner on the way home. You will also need $$ for the
lockers. We meet at St. Thomas the Apostle Church at 6 AM.
SPIRIT Retreat 2012
Our sophomore retreat will be
held on Fri/Sat Feb. 24/25 at
SMMP. Permission forms have
already been mailed so parents
please return those ASAPthanks!
Group Schedules
Sun. Feb. 26
3 PM Brennan/Rose/Teen Ctr.
6 PM
McMillen/Teen Ctr.
St. Margaret Mary Parish will be sending 16 teens to work in inner-city Chicago
this summer as part of the SHINE CATHOLIC WORKCAMP. While registration is
now closed for teens, we need up to 6 additional adult chaperones to go on this
trip, June 25th thru the 30th, 2012. The total actual cost per participant is $420;
however, this amount was significantly reduced last year through fundraising,
and we’re confident the same will be true this year. Registration packets and
more information can be found on the table in front of the Teen Center in the
Parish Center. An $85 deposit (checks made payable to St. Margaret Mary) is
required along with your completed registration forms. Questions? Contact
Arlene Serio at 630-369-0833 or
The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted!!
The Inter-parish Marriage Enrichment Team, sponsored by St. Margaret Mary
and the other parishes of Naperville/Lisle, are bringing Dr. Gary Chapman,
author of The Five Love Languages to lead a marriage enrichment conference
at the St. Joan of Arc Parish Center, 820 Division St., Lisle on Saturday,
March 17 from 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be available. This
event, entitled: The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted, is expected to draw
over 350 couples from the participating parishes.
This conference is a time of fun and discovery that can help you build the love relationship of your dreams.
Whether you’re getting married in six months – or have been married 60 years – Dr. Chapman gives
practical sessions addressing topics like communication differences, dealing with criticism, and
understanding love languages – something for everyone!.
Make it a great Valentine’s gift for your spouse by ordering your tickets NOW at $75
per couple through the website
Tickets will also be sold after all Masses
the weekend of Feb. 25 & 26.
For more information, please contact Deacon Terry and Maureen Taylor at or call
Finding Hope Beyond Fear
Men’s Club
Card Night
Wednesday, March 21
7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
COR Center
Presenter: Doug McKinley, Psy.D
The reality is that everyone is afraid at one time or another. It’s not when it
happens, it’s what to do when it happens. This lively presentation will address the building blocks of fear, the myths therein and provide practical and
effective tools for overcoming fear. This will be an interactive discussion
designed to not only identify the origins of fear, but also creating multiple
strategies for replacing fear with hope.
Doug is a psychologist, author and executive coach. Doug possesses a style
that is engaging, active and relational. He is relentless in helping clients find
their authentic voice.
Friday, Feb. 17
7:30 p.m.
COR Center
Beverages, Snacks
Refreshments and Pizza!
Cost: $10
Keep Our Parish Heart Strong
for Years to Come
Remember St. Margaret Mary
Parish in your estate plans.
Lenten Day of Reflection
“Reweaving the Threads
of My Life”
Wednesday, March 14
9:00 to 2:30
Upper Room
Marcia Mackenbrock & Sr. Madelyn
For more than 30 years St. Margaret Mary Parish has been a
vibrant living witness to the Vatican II vision of the Church as
the People of God; called to bring the Good News of Jesus
Christ to the world.
You can help make sure this legacy of faithful discipleship
continues for our children and for generations yet to be born.
By remembering St. Margaret Mary in your estate plans you
can continue to support our parish with heart far into the
If you have any questions about how to do this, please contact Fr. Paul at 630-369-0777.
The spiritual looms of our lives are laced
with the golden threads of God’s divine
presence. God is the weaver; we are the
shuttles. But completing an elegant tapestry
from the tangled, knotted, snarled threads of
life’s pains and pitfalls can be discouraging
and disheartening.
Come and take a fresh enlightening look at the
fabric of faith God is developing especially
for you. Join us for an inspiring day of Lenten
focus and calm.
To register, call 630-369-0777.
Fear Not, Declaring an end to
Insiders and Outsiders
“If You Wish, You Can Make Me Clean.”
social mixing, Jesus was regularly accused of
The notion of insiders and outsiders is a major theme
in the Gospels. Jesus repeatedly challenged the religious notion of his time that some people by their very
nature are outside of the care and compassion of the
By accepting them as friends and equals Jesus had
taken away their shame, humiliation and guilt. Their
sinfulness, ignorance
and uncleanness had
been overlooked and
were no longer being
held against them.
In Jesus’ time sinners were not just those who committed immoral acts. Sinners were also the social outcasts; anyone who for any reason deviated from the
law & the traditional customs. This would have included those who had sinful or unclean professions
like prostitutes, tax collectors, robbers, herdsmen and
This attitude toward outcasts caused Jesus a lot
of hostility within the
religious establishment
and among those who
benefit from the status
quo. Today, those who
advocate for fair housing access to all of those who contribute to the quality
of life in Naperville are often met with the same kind of
Sinners would have also included those who did not
pay their tithes to the priests, those did not keep the
Sabbath or who did not maintain ritual cleanliness.
The ritual customs on these matters were so complicated that the uneducated were quite incapable of understanding what was expected of them. Therefore,
the illiterate and uneducated were inevitably lawless
and unclean.
In this situation, there was no practical way out for
sinners. Theoretically they could be made clean again
by going through elaborate rites and rituals of purification and atonement. But most did not have the money
to do this.
Some believe that we should bow down in obedience
to the market and allow that market to determine who
gets to live in our community. Others are fearful that if
we made room for lower income earners or senior
citizens or the disabled, our own neighborhood might
become contaminated and our property values
To be a sinner like a leper, therefore, was one’s lot in
life. One had been predestined to inferiority by fate or
the will of God. In this sense sinners were captives or
prisoners. Their suffering took the form of frustration,
guilt and anxiety. They were frustrated because they
knew that they would never be accepted into the company of “respectable” people.
There are many complicated issues associated with
access to affordable housing and some legitimate concerns about traffic and added stress on utilities. How
we respond to the challenge of building a mixedincome, multi-racial, intergenerational community that
also welcomes the disabled will determine the quality
of our compassion.
John the Baptist preached to sinners, but Jesus identified with them. He went out of his way to mix socially
with lepers, beggars, tax collectors and prostitutes. In
a society where there are barriers between status
groups which are maintained by means of taboos on
When property values collide with faith values, where
should our priorities lie?
—by Tom Cordaro, Justice & Outreach Minister
The Men’s Club is preparing for its annual April In Parish Project and we
need your help in identifying a family, a couple, or an individual, within
the Parish, who needs clean-up and/or fix-up help with their home.
This activity is scheduled for the last two Saturdays in April and the projects are typically sized such that they can be accomplished by a team of
men in one or two full days.
Again, if you need assistance or know of anyone who needs assistance,
please contact: Norm Beauregard - 630-416-6811
Save the Date
A Prayer for Those
Experiencing Stress in their Lives
for the 2nd Annual
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
Benefiting SMMP High School Missions —
Saturday, March 17, 2012
6-9 PM in the Parish Center.
Corned Beef Dinner from Schmaltz’s Deli
and a performance by the
Weber Irish Dancers
Loving God, we are people who are living in a busy
world, a world of troubles and challenges, a world of
problems and difficulties, a world that often gives us
We pray for ourselves and others who may be experiencing distress over personal relationships — of tensions with others in the family, of worries over children and grandchildren, of conflicts at work or school.
We pray for ourselves and others who deal with distress in finances — of present or potential
unemployment, of homes about to be foreclosed, of
credit card debt that is out of control.
Watch upcoming bulletins
for reservation info!
We pray for ourselves and others who deal with distress over health issues — of worrisome
diagnoses, of chronic pain, of old age, of ongoing
health problems.
Those who wish to donate raffle items
are asked to contact
Arlene Serio, 630-369-0833,
Keep us in your loving care and walk hand in hand
with us during our difficult times.
We ask this through Jesus, your Son and our Brother.
Parish Heartbeats:
Stories of Faith In Action
“Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage …”
As the old song reminds us, they go together like a
horse and carriage. A quaint image to be sure … but
is love enough to make a GOOD, LASTING marriage?
Spend an hour with parishioners Phil and Barbara
Samuels and their love for each other is obvious, even
after 32 years of marriage. But they are both willing to
tell you that marriage is a responsibility that requires a
good foundation, active maintenance, and growth and
change through the years.
The marriage preparation program at SMMP is headed
by Deacon Terry Taylor and his wife, Maureen. Each
mentor couple meets with an engaged couple five
times prior to the
wedding. There is a
workbook provided
to guide the discussions. Phil and Barbara have worked
with 2 engaged couples in the past year.
“Working with these
couples,” says Barbara, “reinforces our
faith because we are
representing the Church to them. We show them how
Christ is central to the success of a strong marriage,
like a braid with three strands. If you only have two,
the braid unravels easily. That third strand can make
all the difference in holding things together.” Phil
adds, “We support them with experience and examples, right or wrong! We don’t judge them. We are
genuinely interested in the success of their marriage.”
Their personal experiences led them to a desire to
share with others just embarking on the journey by
becoming a mentor couple for the marriage preparation program. “We’re not professionals,” says Phil.
“We’re just sharing our experiences and raising questions for an engaged couple to think about when they
are just starting out. They are responsible for the success of their marriage … we help them look beyond
the party to the life that they will share after the wedding.”
Phil and Barbara have been ministering to engaged
couples for over 20 years and in many different states.
Barbara explains the commitment: “As we moved
around and raised our family, we enjoyed the connections we made with the people at our parishes. The
excitement and joy engaged couples feel reminds us
of our early love story and the preparation we provide
to them helps us to continue to work on our own
Of course marriage preparation is just the first step
and St. Margaret Mary Parish recognizes the importance of continual support for married couples. The
popular “Table for Two” program provides an opportunity for married couples of all ages to pause the daily
routine for dinner and discussion. Marriage Encounter
weekends offer more in-depth opportunities to reinforce marriage commitments, as does the Inter-Parish
Marriage Enrichment Conference Day to be held this
year on March 17th. Programs like Retrouvaille help
rescue marriages that may be in trouble.
Phil and Barbara moved to Naperville in the summer of
2010. They visited many parishes in the area before
deciding to join St. Margaret Mary. “We were sitting in
church before Mass one day, discussing the various
parishes, when the lady in front of us turned around
and said ‘I couldn’t help but overhear you. Welcome!
We’re glad you’re here today.’ Phil and I looked at
each other and decided immediately. This is the place
we belonged.”
Written by Cabrina Attals
If you and your better half are interested in becoming a
marriage preparation mentor couple, please contact
Deacon Terry Taylor at (630) 369-0777.
News Notes
All Saints Catholic Academy — Your Parish School
1155 Aurora Ave.
Naperville 60540
Looking Forward
All Saints Catholic Academy was very proud and humbled to celebrate Catholic Schools/Education Week in our
supporting and sponsoring parishes during the weekend of Jan. 28/29. All Saints Catholic Academy and its students are
very thankful for the prayerful and financial support that we receive from our home parishes. For families who are
interested in finding out more about a Catholic education at All Saints, please contact Patty Bajek, ASCA Director of
Student Services. We will be happy to set up a tour or a shadow opportunity for your prospective student, and help you
in any way through the registration process. Patty can be contacted at (630) 961-6125, or
All Saints Catholic Academy offers preschool and pre kindergarten classes, as well as full day and half day kindergarten
through grade 8 classes.
Classroom Happenings
If it is 2nd semester of 6th grade in our Junior High Academy, it is time for the sixth grade to transition to PreAlgebra studies. Sixth grade students in the pre-algebra program are provided with a strong foundation in algebra,
geometry and problem solving that is needed for future success in more advanced mathematics courses. Just a few of
the topics studied in the pre-algebra program include Collection: Display and Interpretation of Data; Operations with
Whole Numbers and Decimals; Variables, Formulas, and Graphs; Rational Number Uses and Operations; Number
Systems and Algebra Concepts, Introductions to Integers, Equations and Inequalities (Variables, Expressions, and
Integers); and Solving Equations and Inequalities. Whew!
As junior high academy students complete their pre-algebra studies in grade 7, they then move into Algebra. The primary goal is to ensure that all students complete a full year of algebra by the time that they graduate in 8th grade. Just
a few of the algebra topics studied include Working with Variables: Solving Equations and Inequalities; Positive and
Negative Numbers; Formulas; Working with Polynomials; Factoring Polynomials; Graphs; Systems of Linear Equations; Algebraic Fractions; Decimals and Percents; Squares and Square Roots; and Quadratic Equations.
All Saints also has an accelerated math program available at the junior high level.
Annulment Support
for Annulment Petitioners
Feb. 25
Fr. Paul’s Homily
Compassion for the Scribes
Mark 2:1-12
“Now some of the scribes were sitting there asking themselves, “Why
does this man speak that way? He
is blaspheming.”
This gospel confronts us not simply
with the power of Jesus to heal the
paralytic, but more it confronts us
with the extraordinary nature of God.
That’s one thing that is not always
clearly stated, that Jesus brings a
new image of God.
Now the scribes were the people who
were responsible for transmitting the
word of God as they received it. The
word of God as they received it did
not give them any confidence in the
great mercy of God. Of course, God
was able to forgive sins. They knew
that. Of course, God could do anything. God was considered allpowerful. But did God want to? That
was the question in their minds—did
God want to? Their answer was no!
What the scribes received from
their tradition did not give them
the idea that God wanted to forgive. When he did forgive, that was
something extraordinary.
Jesus. Number two, we need to be
very sympathetic to the scribes.
Don’t forget, they were taught this.
Now there are many people today
who were taught something, or at
least they took in something and
thought it was being taught to them,
that may be conflicting with the
God revealed in Jesus. They may
be very devoutly, consistently following what they were taught,
even though it’s not exactly one
hundred percent correct, or maybe
not even fifty percent correct. So
the compassion that Jesus shows for
the paralytic also has to be shown to
the scribes.
Jesus’ view is very different. Jesus’
view is that God wants to forgive,
that God’s very heart is broken with
compassion for his own creation, especially for his own image and likeness in the creation, namely, the human race. And his concern for human
beings is so intense that he has gone
to the great extent of coming in the
person of Jesus. Jesus understood
himself as a messenger of mercy.
This conflicts with an earlier understanding of the nature of God.
Now in all this we need to be, number one, open to the message of
This support day is designed for those
who have petitioned the Diocesan
Marriage Tribunal to begin the annulment process by submitting the Matrimonial Fact Sheet, but who have
not completed their long questionnaire which they received from the
The day starts at 8:30 and runs until
4:30 and takes place at St Charles
Pastoral Center in Romeoville. There
will be time for prayer, questions and
input, a talk on relational issues, and
private time to work on the questionnaire. A team of pastoral ministers
will be available for private consultation. The suggested donation is $25
which includes lunch and materials.
People who have attended this workshop in the past have found it extremely helpful. Please call 815-8385334 by Feb. 20 to register or for
more information.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Masses for the Week
Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Feb. 18
Feb. 25
Monday—Feb. 13
8:15—Sonja Holz — C. Cavanaugh
Tuesday—Feb. 14/SS. Cyril, Monk & Methodius,
8:15—Stan Kijek — M/M Tom Binder
Wednesday—Feb. 15
8:15—Paul Zdon — John & Mary Runger
Thursday—Feb. 16
8:15—Virginia Pesavento — Family
Friday—Feb. 17
8:15—Ubirajara de Assis Maria — Legion of Mary
Saturday—Feb. 18
8:15—William F. Warchol — Family
5:00—Stephanie Broz — Family
Sunday—Feb. 19
7:30—James & Arline Reilly — Tom & Maryann
9:00—For the Parish Family
10:45*—Genevieve Vatter — Fr. Ted Weitzel
12:15—William J. Mea — Fran Dybicz
Fr. Paul
Fr. Paul
Please remember in your prayers
those members of our parish and
family and friends who have
recently passed away.
Sally Egan, mother of Joe Egan
The rosary is prayed after
8:15 a.m. Mass
Monday – Saturday
All are invited to participate.
*Interpreted for the deaf
Eucharistic Ministers
D. Early
N. Gorman
G. Scriba
W. Jones
J. Vahle
C. Parker
T. Brandenstein M. & S. Schroeder
M. & M. Kazlauskas
A. McKeska
J. Kazlauskas
E. Sledz
B. Ryan
J. Parisi
Fr. Paul
A. Bajusz
K. Lorenc
J. Brand
N. Crowe
P. Napolski
R. Meeker
C. Guttosch
S. & A. Filey
E. & J. Zimowski
Fr. Julian
C. Flynn
R. Eckstein
J. Nolan
R. Peterson
P. Komar
T. Chennikkara C. Gentile
T. Fara
M. Maziarek
G. Albuquerque J. Jeffreys
A. Lincoln
N. Diede
K. Klecka
D. Wagner
Fr. Paul
T. Wagner
J. Runger
M. Runger
C. Ory
J. Martinez
I. Van Dril
L. Riebold
A. & S. Jaworski P. Curran
C. Dupont
J. Krema
J. Doran
J. Schatz
D. & E. Zabel
J. McAvoy
P. Findlay
Fr. Paul
M. Curley
L. Jakobsze
A. Moore
R. Willey
M. Perich
R. Bottens
C. Malloy
E. Kennelly
Fr. Jonathan
A. M. Hawley
T. Hawley
F. Dybicz
M. & M. Doody D. Kijek
B. & P. Bonkalski
A. & K. Meder
B. Hassett
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 — The leper will dwell apart, making
an abode outside the camp.
St. Margaret Mary Parish
Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777
Parish Staff
Art & Environment Coordinator
Mary Lou Krauss
II. 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 — Whether you eat or drink, or
whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.
Pat Henke
Gospel—Mark 1:40-45 — The leprosy left him immediately, and he
was made clean.
Michael Prus
Business Manager
Capital Campaign
Rosalie Fall
Henry Vrbecky
Today’s readings present a contrast between “Jesus’ way” and
the “old way.” An example of the old way is the law given to
Moses and Aaron about leprosy: the leper was unclean and cast
out of the community. Jesus’ way is the opposite: the leper is
reached out to, touched, and finally cured.
Nor ought we think of the “old way” as restricted to the days of
Moses and Aaron, or even to the “old” testament. The difference
between the old way and Jesus’ way arises in own lives. We still
choose, every day, to live in our old way or in Jesus’ way.
Jesus dared to touch a leper, disregarding the old way. The leper
then was changed forever. He felt a calling. He couldn’t keep
himself from proclaiming that he had been touched by Jesus
(even though Jesus told him not to!). Once Jesus touches us, we
are called to proclaim his way.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Deacons (Permanent)
Deacon Ken Miles
Deacon Terry Taylor
Justice/Outreach Minister
Tom Cordaro
Music Director
John Schlaman
Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Mary Straub
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F.
Pastoral Council President
Desmond Curran
Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor
Julian von Duerbeck, OSB, Weekend Asst.
Jonathan Foster, OFM, Weekend Asst.
Today’s Gospel says that: “Jesus was moved with pity,” when
He saw a leper. Are you moved with love or pity when you see
the outcast of today’s society? Who will come forward to
minister Christ today?
Rosalie Fall & Rita Thompson
Director of Religious Ed., Pre-school - 5
Sue Davey.
Youth Ministry - Jr. High Director
Patti Guare
SMM Parish Notes
Youth Ministry - High School Director
Candy Rice
Nursery—service for toddlers and preschoolers is available in
Room 16 on the upper level during the 9:00 and 10:45 Sunday
Pastoral Care for the Homebound—Please notify the parish
office, 369-0777, of any parishioner who is hospitalized or
homebound so we can visit, bring the Eucharist, and pray for
them. Hospitals do not notify us of parishioners’ admittance.
Religious Education Secretary
Arlene Serio
Religious Education Staff Assistant
Mary Costello