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read more - Hinsdale Adventist Academy
HAAPPENINGS HINSDALE ADVENTIST ACADEMY NEWSLETTER, SEPTEMBER 2015 Commit your work to the Lord, then it will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 I have often been asked why I believe so strongly in Adventist education. On such occasions, many quotes come to my mind from the spirit of prophecy, and statistics from the Value Genesis and Cognitive Genesis studies flow freely from my lips. However, as important and impressive as these things are, there is a more compelling reason for my commitment. That reason is the impact that my personal experience in Adventist schools has had on who I am today. When I reminisce about my school days, I feel so blessed. I think about my teachers: stellar individuals who not only taught me reading, writing and arithmetic, but also showed me what it meant to serve Jesus. Many of them continue to mentor me and encourage me today. I think about my friends: a bunch of kids from all walks of life who, because of our small school setting were more like a family than merely classmates. No matter how far we have been scattered around the world, we direction. remain friends, and our reunions are always joyful. As I join you here at Hinsdale Adventist Academy, it is my prayer I think of my parents: a committed that each student who walks our halls couple who sacrificed many luxuries and enters our classrooms will have throughout their lives to send seven such an experience. We all know that kids to Adventist school. New clothes, there will be good days and bad days, new cars, vacations, and dinners out pleasant experiences and not so were willingly bypassed for the greater pleasant experiences. This is just the value of investing in their kids’ eternal reality of life wherever we are. We will future. get along with some people better than others, understand some teachers’ I think of my church family: an lessons better than others, and prefer unbelievably supportive group of certain activities over others; but at the people who invested many dollars and end of the day, when we look back on many hours into our youth programs so our days at HAA, I hope that we all that we would feel connected to and feel blessed. cared for by our church, and who gave additional gifts to support scholarships It is my prayer that our students will so that their young people, including receive the same blessings from their me, could attend our SDA schools. I time at HAA that I did in my schools. I always knew that I was loved because want this to be a slice of Heaven on of them. earth where we learn and grow while walking with Jesus and making friends It was a total package. A team effort. A for eternity. I love Adventist unified front. Home, school, and education, and I hope you do too! church all leading me in the same ~ Janesta Walker, Principal $100,000 Grant from Adventist Health Systems At Hinsdale Adventist Academy we are blessed to have a wonderful relationship with the Adventist Health Systems over the years, under Dr. Babcock’s leadership we were able to start a Certified Nursing Assistant’s program in conjunction with Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, this coming year will be the 6th year the program has operated and we recently received state approval for another 2 years. Building on this relationship, we have been able to secure a grant from the Adventist Health system to cover the cost of the CNA program for the next 2 years. This grant also allows us to provide other enhancements to our school’s program. Mabel Noverola has been hired to provide ESL services to our international student population, this includes an introduction to religion class, which teaches the basics of the bible to students who have never been exposed to Christianity before. With the hiring of Ms. Noverola we are also able to offer advanced classes in the history department, in addition to our other enriched courses, give Pastor Frederick some additional time to focus on more chaplaincy work, and offer Spanish language classes to preschool students. Board Member Profiles HAA’s Board consists of highly professional people, dedicated to the success of our students and the long-term future of our school. Hinsdale Adventist Academy has in a place a strategic board focused on financial sustainability over the long term. Dr. Meechai Tessalee has successfully led the HAA board for the past 6 years, and will continue as Board Chair this year. He and his wife Daphne have three children attending HAA. Dr. Tessalee is a cardiologist and partner at Suburban Cardiologists in Hinsdale. He is excited about the future of HAA and proud to be part of the governing body. Heather Hoffman, former Home and School President, is the mother of two students at HAA and a Hinsdale Junior Academy alum. She brings 17 years of marketing and development experience to the board with specific areas of interest being strategic planning, project and relationship management. With a passion for Christian education and a strong belief in Christian service Heather prays that her experience and God given talents will be an asset in further positioning HAA as a institution of excellence and purpose. PEE WEE SPORTS MAKE A COMEBACK! After a year on hiatus, the Pee Wee Sports program is back! Coach Alabata is running 3 sports over the school year, baseball has already begun, with basketball planned for the winter and soccer in the spring. The season is 6 weeks long, students pay $25, they receive an official uniform and learn all there is to know about the selected sports! You can sign up by contacting Coach Alabata at Preschool—third grade learning the basics of the baseball! A VISION FOR MISSION You don’t have to go to another country to experience service! Hinsdale Adventist Academy is partnering with Southern Adventist University (SAU) to provide elementary students an opportunity to be part of the Partnering For Eternity Program, and High school students can be involved in the ASSIST program. Partnering for Eternity (PFE) is a scholarship grant program for Adventist elementary schools is designed to encourage student involvement in service and in forming relationships with older adults while providing funds for tuition assistance. Students interested in providing service and developing relationships with older adults are eligible to apply to join the PFE program. PFE requires students, accompanied by a parent, to spend a minimum of one hour per week in service activities with an older adult, their “Senior Mentor.” SAU then provides funds in the form of tuition assistance to all students involved. ASSIST is a grant program for high school academy students who serve older adults through their school’s work program. The mission of the ASSIST program is to promote mutually beneficial, service-oriented intergenerational relationships by providing tuition-earning grants to partner institutions. Last year there were 8 students participating in the program, who collectively earned over $2500 in tuition credit. This year we have 11 students participating, these programs are open to every student grades 3-12. If you are interested in participating, please contact the front office for an application packet, and more detailed information. How you can help: If you know an elderly person or student who could benefit from this program, please contact Kym Parker ( Make a tax-deductible donation today to HAA, designating it for the ASSIST/PFE Work Program Pray for Hinsdale Adventist Academy students and the lives they are effecting. As many of you know, HAA has been in need of a bus for a long time. God has answered our prayers! Through the generosity of the Vanguard Fellowship and the foresight of one of our parents, Manny Davila, we have been able to purchase a used school bus. Now we just need to get it painted, have our name put on it, and reupholster the seats and it should serve us well for a long time. Chinese Super Club—中国超级俱乐部 As many of you know, Hinsdale Adventist Academy is hosting a number of international students from China this year. As a way to give back, four of our Chinese students have started an afterschool club for American students to learn about Chinese culture, festivals, food, games and language. The first meeting was held on September 22, there were around 12 people in attendance, Alexander Du provided a number of Chinese dishes, which were delicious, then Carrie Liu (club president) and Christina Yang taught the club members the Chinese names for all the foods they had just eaten. This club is open to all students in grades 8-12 and meets in the multi-purpose room the first and third Tuesday of the month from 4:00-4:45pm. We hope to see you there! Carrie teaching the Mandarin (Chinese) names for the food the students were eating. Mr. Daniel’s passion for music is infectious and it’s spreading to Middle School! Over 30 students have signed up to participate in Middle School band this year. From students who have never played before, to those who are highly skilled, we can’t wait to hear what they are able to accomplish under Mr. Daniel’s direction. Robotics Club Senior Dedication Recently Mrs. Walker was able to secure a $4000 grant that will be used to start a Lego robotics league at HAA! The league, which will be sponsored by our new math teacher Mrs. Kelley, will be open to students in grades 7 -12 who meet the criteria. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting opportunity for our students who love math and science. If there are any parents who would like to volunteer to help with the league, please contact Mrs. Kelley. On September 18, we dedicated the class of 2016 and their families, we are excited to see God’s plan for them. FALL WEEK OF PRAYER Left: LoAmmi Richardson, guest speaker. Below: High school juniors listening intently to the message. Preschool—fourth grade loved hearing what LoAmmi shared with them, looks like he was having fun too! Gianna (5th grade) following along in her bible. Our students are incredibly gifted ! Selfie time! I wonder if he got all the students in the shot?!? Song service is always such a blessing! How fortunate we are to be able to praise God in school. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY As Difference Makers in National Honor Society, we have made it our goal to help our community and learn more about it. Besides USAgain, Anti-Bullying Month, and the marathons we will be volunteering for, we will also have the opportunity to participate in various activities throughout the year. We recently had the opportunity to visit the Garfield Park Conservatory in Chicago! There, we saw various plant species such as ferns and cacti. We viewed a number of flowers, seedlings, and types of trees. There were even beehives (you could buy honey from them in the gift shop!). We were also able to learn more about these plants, how/where they live, what they do for our Earth, and how we can take care of them. We also participated in a scavenger hunt bingo game that enabled us to explore the park as a whole. From the gorgeous lily pad ponds, to the desertesque cacti chamber, NHS saw it all. Those in Photography also joined us and were able to take beautiful pictures that will be showcased around HAA in the future. All in all, our experience enabled us to appreciate God’s gift of nature and sense of community. ~ Raina Price USAgain Campaign donates 2.5tons of Fabric! This year the National Honor Society (NHS) will be kicking off its third year of our USAgain campaign. So far, we have collected up to 2.5 tons, and we can't wait to increase that number exponentially! We are asking that all families with old clothes, carpets, towels, or even rags, will donate it all to this service project. These textile fabrics give jobs and new starts to thousand of people worldwide. It's a campaign that blesses others, and it's our own way to show Christ through our actions. If you could help out in any way, we'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you for you regular donations, the box is often overflowing which is such a blessing! Mrs. Rich’s fourth grade class has been asked to perform random acts of kindness. Nathan Tessalee & Noah Indreiu in 4th grade both decided to donate clothing for their Random Act of Kindness. Anyone can donate! If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Jerry Newsom, NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY COMING SOON!!! For students in grades 5-8 who are outstanding leaders and scholars. Contact Ms. Catron for more information CHIPOTLE FUNDRAISER!!! Please join us on October 7 at Chipotle on Ogden Avenue in Westmont between 4pm and 8pm to help raise funds for the Hinsdale Adventist Academy Senior Class Mission Trip. You have to eat, so why not support HAA while you’re doing it? MISSION TRIP In November a group of high school students, faculty and parents will be headed to Kentucky to participate in a domestic mission trip! How can you help? SAVE THE DATE! OCTOBER 28 & 29 Parent Teacher Conferences Make a tax-deductible donation today to HAA, designating it for the HAA Mission Trip Pray for Hinsdale Adventist Academy students and staff FALL FEST November 7 6:30-9:30pm FOOD - GAMES - FUN OCTOBER 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Leadership Retreat 2 Leadership Retreat 3 Leadership Retreat 8 Jr/Sr Campout 9 Jr/Sr Campout 10 Jr/Sr Campout 16 1st Quarter Ends 17 ALUMNI weekend 4 Leadership Retreat 5 6 7 NAD College Picture Fair Retake 11 Jr/Sr Campout 12 No school Columbus Day 13 14 15 Fall Concert, HS Choir, band, bells 18 19 20 21 25 Art/Sci Fest at Andrews 26 HS Spirit Week 27 HS Spirit Week 28 Parent/ 29 Parent/ 30 Teacher Teacher HS Spirit Conferences Conferences Week 22 23 Constituency Art/Sci Fest Meeting at Andrews 24 Art/Sci Fest at Andrews 31 NOVEMBER 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 8 9 10 Jr Preview at Jr Preview at Andrews Andrews Wed Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 7 Fall Fest 11 12 Drama Performance 13 Drama Performance 14 Drama Performance 15 Mission Trip 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mission Trip Mission Trip Mission Trip Mission Trip Mission Trip Mission Trip 22 23 29 30 Classes Resume 24 PreK-2 Thanksgiving prog. 25 Thanksgiving break 26 Thanksgiving break 27 Thanksgiving break 28
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