t - Why should I appear in NTSE?
t - Why should I appear in NTSE?
'Qfta,n-<its : SENT - 10 ~ - I, '" tll'1r~q; ....• tl•.•. 'II~-(1-1 PART-I, MENTAL ABILITY ~ 1~ 5 ) :~ ( 1;lV'l9i. t fomii 1l.'fi ~ <fr ~ 1l.'fi ~ ,mql'lif) ~ (?) ~ ~ ~ <m: if f\ ~ 1. -m if 3i<lif fqiflf'ij ~ ~ t~ TPnt I ~ ~ t ~~ 'liT I 260,216, 128, 108, 62,54, ?,27 WI Direction :- In each Question (from 1 to 5) there is a number series with one term missing shown by question mark (?). This term is one of the alternative given. Choose that number. 1. 260,216, 128, 108, 62, 54, ?, 27 (A) 19 (A) 19 (B) 29 (B) 29 (C) 39 (C) 39 (D) 49 (D) 49 • 2. 7, 15,32, ?, 138,281 (A) 87 (B) 77 (C) 67 (D) 57 2. 7,15,32,?,138,281 (A) 87 (B) 77 (C) 67 (D) 57 3. 3,S, 18,23,33, ?,48 (A) 37 (B) 38 (C) 40 CD) 45 3. 3,8,18,23,33, ?,48 (A) 37 (B) 38 (C) 40 (D) 45 4. 2,12,36,80,150, ? (A) 194 (B) 210 (C) 242 (D) 252 4. 2,12,36,80,150, ? (A) 194 (B) 210 (C) 242 (D) 252 5. 36,30,24,18, ? (A) 12 (El 11 (C) 22 (D) 21 5. 36, 30, 24,18, ? (A) 12 (B) 11 (C) 22 CD) 21 , [3] 1 I f.$r: (vr'l~.6 it 10) Wl rrit ~ min "&R'fT m -Ii "Q.'fi mq Ii1 q; ~ W:rr 'I'f1.1l t Wl rrit 'ffi fClq;('q"j -Ii it "Q.'fi ~ Clit <i<i~~ t ~ f<f; ~ :: in 'lJ"lfi am Wl rrit 3lam in l1Ul t I "Bit ~ q,1 ~ I 6. LJH : KKl :: CIA : ? (A) BJB (H) BBB (C) DBB (0) BBZ 7. EJOT : VQLG :: BGLQ : ? (A) ZUPK (B) YTOJ (C) AFKP (0) AEIM 8. 9. Direction:- (Question NO.6 to 10) In each of the following questions, there is a question mark in blank space and it is only one of the four alternatives given under the question which statisfies the same relationship as is found between the two letters to the left of the sign :: given in the question. Find the correct alternatives. 6. LJH : KKl :: CIA : ? (A) BJB (B) BBB (C) DBB (0) BBZ 7. EJOT : VQLG :: BGLQ : ? (A) ZUPK (B) YTOJ (C) AFKP (0) AEIM NUMBER: UNBMRE :: GHOST: ? (A) HOGST (B) HOGTS (C) HGOST (0) HGSOT 8. NUMBER: UNBMRE :: GHOST: ? (A) HOGST (8) HOGTS (C) HGOST (0) HGSOT LUX : 57 :: SIT: ? 9. LUX: 57 :: SIT: ? (A) 42 (A) 42 (H) 44 (B) 44 (C) (0) 46 48 (C) (0) 46 48 10. MUMBAl: LTLAZH :: DELHI: ? (A) CDKGG (H) CDKGH (C) IHLED (0) BCKGH 10. MUMBAl: LTLAZH :: DELHI: ? (A) CDKGG (H) CDKGH (C) IHLED (0) BCKGH 11. 'lfu: ROUNDS q,1 fol;<ft 'F '\l[qI -Ii RONUDS ft;mn omn t <it PLEASE q,1 ~ 'F '\l[qI ii %"il ft;mn -;;nirrn ? 11. In a certain code, ROUNDS is written as RONUDS. How IS PLEASE written in that code? (A) LPAESE (B) LPAEES (C) PLAESE (D) PLASEE (A) (8) (C) (0) LPAESE LPAEES PLAESE PLASEE [4] 12. WR VACATE <m f<:I;<fr 'F ({'1iM'l"fi) 'IT'n if AVACET. fffim -;;mn t LI TE RATE 'fit "31'ft {'1iM<I <'Ii 'llJl'lT ii ~ furnn~? (A) ILETRAET (B) ILTEARTE (C) ILTREATE (D) ILETARET m 13. ~ ~ RECRUITMENT if it ~ 311fuIil ;;rrq, ~"II'IiR 13. If in the word RECRUITMENT the first letter is interchanged with the last letter, the second letter is interchanged with the second last letter and so on. Which letter would come after I in the newly formed word. ~ 311\1\ <'IlB 311\1\ it <R:R W:n 3P-r m <'IlB ~ In a certain code, VACATE is written as AVACET. How IS LITERATE written in that code? (A) ILETRAET (B) ILTEARTE (C) ILTREATE (D) ILETARET "I!~ 311\1\ <m 311fuIil 311\1\it <R:R W:n;;rrq, 'fit 12. 'ifi I m~ ii I ill om:: m 311\1\-:ril 31J1'trrr I (A) E (A) E (B) M (C) U (D) E (B) M • (C) U CD) E 14. ~ DOCUMENTATION if mm: 311\1\ <m WIT<! 3ll'm if <R:R m ~ am ~ ;;rrq, ~ "II'IiR "0OiI 31~ 'l>i am moii. ;;it~ WIT<! 3ll'm m ~ am it ''ll<\;qj , 15. (A) U (B) C am ~ if <R:R 311\1\ ~ 14. m ;;rrq m itTJT? (A) U (C) T (B) C (D) I nm (C) (D) 40 qli <til {f?!l fcf;<R crf ~ $ 60 qli <til "3"'!<'IiT 3ll'j <til ~ tI 15. 3: 5 ?!I? (A) (8) (C) (D) 16. If the position of the third and tenth letters of the' word DOCUMENTATION are interchanged and likewise the position of the fourth and seventh letters, the second and sixth letters is also interchanged, which of the following will be eleventh letter from the right end? crf IO crf 20 crf 30 crf 5 (A) (C) 'fit fifi<f.l ~ Y2 7 Y2 5 ii 'lU ~ B<rr ? (8) (D) Harish is 40 years old and Rais is 60 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of their ages 3 : 5 ? (A) 5 years (B) 10 years (C) 20 years (D) 30 years 16. A can do a certain job in 12 days. B is 60% more efficient than A. How many days does B alone take to do the same job? A f<:I;<fr'Iil<f <m 12 ~ ii 'Im'lT t I B, A q,1 !!ffil ii 60% ml-.l'fi"(11\fIf t I <iTB ~ "31'ft"<'fiT!! T I Y2 8 Y2 (A) 6 (C) [5] Y2 7 Y2 5 (8) 6 Y2 (D) 8 Y2 17. 30 ftm <l; '% m'Wll ii, ~~ 3i'R "'IT'fT2: 1 <l; ~ ii ~ I 'life: 1<lI 3lJ'1l<! 1: 2 <it ~ f<mRT "'IT'fT3i'R fi:ffiRT ? m, m (A) 17. 5~ (B) 10~ (C) 20 ftm (0) 30~ f.$r : ( 'llV'l "iii. 18 afu 19 ) WI ~ *i~ ~ TrH', <l; mVPHl ~ x =~t Il = "ffic:T ~ it In the following questions, some relationships have been expressed through symbols which are explained below:x = Greater than t> = Not less than + = Not equal to ~ = Equal to + =Not greater than D = Less than In each question find the correct answer based on these signs. t- ~ t + =~~t D = "ffic:T t Fr;it TTit JWfi if 3 q<Jifi7 'fiif;rif * 37T!W W trtt 60< q;rTPR~- 18. 'life: a x bile <it ~ (A) b ~ a xc (B) all b + c (C) c+ b D a (0) b Il a ~ c 19. 'life: a x b x c ~ t <it ~ Wrn ~ 18. ~ - 19. 'li«lI ~ - b x a ~c (B) ex b t> a (C) a + ex b (D) b + a DC (A) 20. 10 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13 Ifax 20. b~axc (B) (C) b +c c +bDa (0) b Il a Ifax at> ~c b x c, it does not imply. (A) bxa~c (B) ex b t> a (C) a + ex b b + a DC How many natural numbers are there between 23 and 100 which are exactly divisible by 6 ? (A) (B) (C) (D) [6) b t> c , it follows. (A) (D) 23 3i'R 100 <l; llUl V;m %<Rl ~lqi fd'li ~ t oft 6 <l 'rli fc!~ ~T<fnT? (A) litres, the ratio is 2: 1. If this the quantity of added is - Direction :. (Question No. 18 & 19) m ii ~ + = <m<I1: ~ ~ = <m<I1: TJil In a mixture of 30 of milk and water ratio is to 1:2, then water to be further (A) 5 litre (B) 10 litre (C) 20 litre (D) 30 litre 10 11 12 13 f.rW: (Wf9i. if W: 'Tit (A, B,. C, D) il 21 'if 25) ~"l!1R 'f>1'Ifci ft;il'Tit 'f>ft/t I 21. fq;;f "ffi: fqq;('q'j Direction :- (Question No. 21 to 25) In each of the following question, complete the missing segment by selecting from the given four (A, B, C, D) alternative;;, 21. ? •• 11. (A) (B) (C) ..11. (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 22. 22. ~ (A) (B) (C) (0) ~~ (A) 23. (B) (C) (0) 23 . • ~~~1iJ (A) 24. 24. E9 0 ~ (A) •• ~ ?. m (B) • ~ (C) • ?. (A) (D) (B) (C) [7] I (D) 1~1~1[;8J1~1 [;8J !ili] •• (C) E9 0 (B) • t t (D) 25. 25. rnKRIJ (A) (B) (C) rnKRIJ (0) (A) f.$r : ( "lW'f~. 26 <l 30 ) >I\'PlW fu;jj if ~ ~ ~t< t I ~ ~t< ~ "'lR if 00 sil ~ em'! fu;jj if fl -mmf<Br mkill 26. (B) (C) (D) Direction:- (Question No. 26 to 30) The first two figures bear a definite relation with each other. Bearing that relation in mind pickup the fourth figure from the answer figures. 26. I~I~I[QIJ Answer figures [~IITlIIlJI~1 (A) (ll) IC) (D) 27. 27. I 9 I 6 1171 ? I 9 I 6 I 7 I 7 I-~I~""I L I 171~1~1 I A II D I ? I 28'1~'AIIDI? (A) , ~ (B) IC) I ?• Answer figures ~ffl- 28. 1/ (Al (D) ~ffl (8) (C) L (0) I Answer figures IDIDIDIDI (A) (8) (C) IDID/DIDI (0) (AI (8) (C) (D) (8) • I 29. 1mIe)) II~I? 29. I 1mIe)) 11~1? I Answer figures 3"fi< fq;[ Ipl TI (B) (A) ~ (C) l-ll pi T 1-l1 I (A) (D) 30. I 01. 1.1 II ~ I 0 ? 30. I I 01. (8) I ~ (C) 1. II ~ I 10 (D) ? I Answer figures c:::J .00 .[} c:::J (A) (B) (C) 0 •• 31. •• c:::J • 0. c:::J .00 .[} c:::J c:::J (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 0 •• 0.0 lJ:'fi~'R~~ 180~it~ t I~ ~ ~ 30 ~ ~ <lR2 f'ilf.R:'~ fuiI~t <iT~~'3m~(jq;~ ¥! i1F<A tllp:[ (jq;~ t ? (Al (Bl (Cl (D) 32. 000 -qTif i'j 100 <m lJ:'fi~ it ~~ f1:R;ffit ~ I~ <m 3A m;if it ~~ fi:R;mn t I<it i1F<A GfI\ ~"l fittnill]it ? 'If<:" 1 "f'lCfft 2012 'fit <fclcm: t <it 1 Fc;ftkl{ 2012 'fit m m ft;.I m? (Al <fclcm: (B) mcrn: (Cl ~ (D) ~ , [9) ! r .0. While climbing a tower with 180 steps, a man rests after every 30 steps for 2 minutes. How long did he rest before reaching the top? (Al 10 minutes (Bl 12 minutes (Cl 18 minutes (D) 15 minutes 32. In a party 100 students shake hands with each and every other student. How many hand shakes will there be ? (Al 2000 (B) 4000 (Cl 4950 (D) 9900 33. If 1 Januar)' 2012 falls on Sunday, which day will be 1 December 2012 ? (A) Sunday (B) Saturday (C) Friday (D) Thursday (Al 2000 (Bl 4000 (C) 4950 (Dl 9900 33. •• 0.0 31. 10 f'ilf.R: 12 f'ilf.R: 18 f'ilf.R: 15 f'ilf.R: ~ 000 , l I 34. f1"11\1fGd if "it 'fiR fc;'l 35. -=m m ~ (A) (8) ~ "l:jlmR (C) ~tm (D) ¥"'R ~ ~ 'f;l ~ m 9 pm (8) 10pm 11 pm 12pm (0) 35. A clock is set right ai 5 am. Thil clock loses 16 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock indicates 10 pm on 4th day? .m 10 pm (C) 11 pm (D) 12pm 40° 30° 20° 36 .. Which of the following angles is made between the two numbers of a clock? (A) 40° (8) (C) 37. - (A) 13 (H) 15 (C) 16 (D) 17 :lS. 30° 20° (D) 10° (D) 10° 37. fu:it Trit ffi if qrif qft ti"&lT ~ 9 pm (B) f<l>m~ q,"t w:ri ~ ti"&lTaff ~ <it"l 'fiR w 'filuT <ARft t ? (A) (8) (C) Which of the following cannot be the first day of a century year? (A) Monday (8) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (0) Thursday (A) (A) (C) 34. ? <!it 'lit 5 am 'R fl:rnpn 1J<nI ~ 24 ~ if 16 fi1f.lz -.:il"0 orrm hi:itil ft;.l ~ ~ 10 pm q;;mft t <it Wl'l 'PlI m? 36. w fc;'l 1 "it 12 (j<j;" ~ ~'lit 3fq;'f 'f;l WT 'PlI ~ 1 3th: 12 'lit flf"lf<f1d t I Count the number of squares in the given figure. (A) (B) (C) (0) m? 38. 13 15 16 17 The sum of all the numbers from 1 to 12 (including 1 and 12 too) (A) 84 (A) 84 (8) 78 (E) 78 (C) 72 (C) 72 (0) 60 W) 60 (10) .,, , it 40 f.$T : ("llV'f ~. 39 ffi '" it 'ffi <l 3lImful t'. ~ Direction: (Q. NO.39 to 40) are based on the following figure showing four persons at the four corners of a square piece of plot. Find the correct answer from among the alternatives given under each question. C.-------,A ) Rit l']"i\ "IIV'l,Rit l']"i\ 'ffi ~ ~ ~ '<'lfc I Rit TJil fq'f)('q'j it m '" ~ sit~ m mn q;J WR q;ftit - Cr---------,A ~ E , N_-+--~S N_-+--~S w B 39. D <RI<IT -g3ll '<.'IlC qit A ~ aitt ¥ ~ <n<ffaitt ¥ 'm "<tlffi t ~ ~ 'R'R 7jffijJ ~ , m~ 39. "IlW"l ~ <;i<ft w:l "<tl"Git ~ 'li\<'IT~ I 3lIm ~ w it om:: ~ Km 31<l film it ~? 40. (A) "3m - 'J:Ci (B) "3m-~ (C) ~&fUT-'J:Ci (0) ~&fUT-~ am1 q If<1fq'f) BL-.------lD A starts crossing the field diagonally. After walking half the distance he turns right, walks some distance and turns left. Which direction is A facing now? (A) North,East (B) North-West (C) South-East (D) South-West 40. Wffil <l D B Ifitro: qft fcr:!ful Km it 3fR qft Km it (f?[l~ '<.'IlC qft 'flIT "'li 'flIT it ~ 1J1T ~ it <m<n: ~ t' , Rit TJil <n>Rf it <l ~ ~ m From the original position in the figure, D and B move one and a half length of sides clockwise and anticlockwise respectively. Which one of the following statement is true? (A) Band D are both at the mid point between A and C. (B) D is at the midpoint between A and C, and B at the corner originally occupied by A. (C) Band D are both at the midpoint between A and D. m~~t? B 3fR D ~ (B) D, A 3fR c it liUl ~ qft q(f<1fq'f) WffiI '" I (C) (0) B 3fR D ~ B, D WffiI llUl t' I '" 3fR A A 3fR DitllU!~ "" qfr QIf<1fq'f) WffiI 3fR A it '" (f?[lD, B '1ft ClIf<1fCl'f) llUl ~ , A 3fR c it (A) 3fR c it ll'.;q fiq '" I [11] (D) B is at the midpoint between A and original position of D and D at the mid point between original position of B and C. , 1 f.$T : (Wi Ql.41 it 45 ) M ~ ~ -m if.ilR ~m it ~ M ~ t' I ~ A, B, C q D 3ffif>o. M 1f1:l m if it ~ m <it 'fRl t- ~ 6-l ~m if -mT W:ltl ~ Directions (Q. No. 41 to 45) : Each of the following questions given below contains three groups of things. You are to choose from the following four lettered (A, B, C and D) diagrams, the one that depicts the correct relationship among the groups of things in each question. m- (]])@~~ (A) (B) 41. ~~. ~ 42. 'FI,~. f&<"llsl m (A) ~.~.~ 46. X, Y q;j ~ ~ t- ~ D it ~ (A) ~ (B) ~ (C) ~~ (D) ~ q;mn t- I B, Y q;j ~ t I X, D q;j N, D q;j ~ ~ t- I <it Y 3Th: 'P<I W:ltl ~ 6-lit ~ it m fi:«nq,"t 'P<I W:ltl (A) fi:«n- ~ (B) ~ (C) ~ (D) 'lfi'lI- ~ (C) (D) Tennis fans, Cricket players, Students 42. Flowers, Clothes, White 43. Human beings, Teachers, Graduates 44. Males, Fathers, Doctors 45. Authors, Teachers, Male 46. X is brother of Y B is brother of Y X is brother of D but N is not brother of D. How Y is related to D ? (A) Sister (B) Brother (C) Cousin (D) Nephew 47. Pointing towards a man another man said, he is the son of my father's sister. Then what is the relation between them? (A) Father-Son (B) Brother (C) Cousin • (D) Uncle-Nephew t? 'll1 31'n:~Im t (B) 41. ~ 45. 48. (]])@~~ fi:«n. ~ 44. ~. ~ (D) ~ 43. llJ&l.~. 47. (C) ~ m~ ~ q;j itcJ t I <it t- ? 'fTt 34.95 + 240.016 + 23.98 = ? 48. 34.95 + 240.016 + 23.98 = ? (A) 298.0946 (A) 298.0946 (B) 298.11 (B) 298.11 (C) 299.09 (C) 299.09 (D) 298.946 (D) 298.946 , [12] •• ,\ , 49. ~ fun q ~ "if>'! Cf<ftlR ~ 60 Cf1f ~ I 6 tm'I ~ fun "if>'! ~ ~ 'liT <itrr 49. , ~"if>'! <'t 'li'f "T!T2ft I~: tm'I ~ ~ "if>'! ~ ~(A) 12 Cf1f (B) 14 Cf1f (C) 18 Cf1f (D) 20 Cf1f The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Six years ago, father's age was five times the age of the son. After six years, son's age will be . (A) 12 years (B) 14 years (C) 18 years (D) 20 years 50. ~t--qrn480~t ~~~t- m, 'li'f ~ t- m, am ~ ~ tI~ VtIiR WlR~ I (it 0"ifeI; -qrn~ (A) 45 (B) 90 (C) (D) ~ t- '1lif fcl;<R t- m "if>'! tf&lJ mt ? 50. Bablu has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one rupee notes, five rupee notes and ten rupee notes. The number of notes of each denomination is equal. What is the total no. of notes that he has ? (A) 45 60 (B) 90 75 (e) 60 (D) 75 [13] : IIv-f Q;ltiq; 1 'if 5 : ~ ~ Rc.1: lp) n. ~ q;)~wm-ml~'fiT~~"~ mm ~ f<l; ~ 'ffi ~ "tlRt" ftrUr'I ~ ~'Y'3'fqq,n t ~m 'l'lT WSI, ~ m m T{ffil11 , ~ 'lil ~, 3W1'lR ~ ~ lWit , ~ -.m:t ~ ~ WlR m ~, "l::ffil 1. .~ m <n~, CfHR"'l@ llRffi'"i\ (A) wm~mII~1 (B) f.:rB'R ~ (D) 2. ~ lWit 'lil ~, "3~,~ (B) ~m~ (C) ~ 3th: lilm"i\ GR<it 3$ 'fiT ~ (B ) "l::ffil (C) 3'fqtj 'fiTW"l ClR'lT 3'fqm <iRoA ClR'lT 4. ~ '1'J"ll1 q(<.'4lf'fl ~ II ' , I m "Q;m ell('ji'li{ ~ fiffi"rit -;;iT ~ qm "'fl1 maJt ~ f<l; 'lftlJlll 3Ri~ l1(:R q;) \ft ti~ 'fi{ "W'Iiffi ~ I tlJm'A1 <it -qft.lJ!1l ~ 3'l~ ~ 3$ .t \ft \1tto ~jfcl~'11 <it ~ Sl'f il> m f.!tR 3'l~ "{RJq;{ il> <i<.'l "11:, q;fc! ql,,4If'fl <f.l <it .t am m <mT I 6. 7. t" - 'Ift.lJ!1l ~ (A) ~ (B) ~ (C) 'fn< (D) WR ~ tlJm .t 3lW1' t" - <mT 'fiT-ml~ q:<ff (A) ~ <iJU1 'f<.'IAl (A) -;ftn:l (B) ~ <iJU1 ORR! (B) ~ (C) ~ • q;) ~ (C) f.I"m ~ (D) ~ <iJU1T.I<.'lf.\ q;1 fclm CD) fu1R "11:1ffil il> <i<.'l "11: I ~ m ~~lf1,*, ~ 1Wr 'P{U, ~, me: q.q 3'lTfu:31'Rt m Cfif.t if ~ S(( <it ~ 3'l~ il><i<.'l "11: I" <14 {q((: . -.m:t' 'lil fcrffiq q;1 mo trIAl il>,~ il>'Ffi q;) il><i<.'l "11: ~ 'lil 3'l~~ - (A) (D) 3'l~ "q:;"{(f-q:;"{(f (D) ~W'lT 3th: 10) f'1''1f<!1f\Slil~ ~~-ml~'fiT~~- tft& ...,1ifllf*1 'if ml<l 3'l~ (A) 3'fqq,n : ('ll'V'f Qi. 6 <i<.'l "11:, (('1"3"4 q:<ff 3'l~~ ? 3. ~~ am 1JT~ 'Ii«lT mil ~ I 'fiT~' ~m ~ ~ - 31lUl1'Ii«lT mil ~ I ., ~ (B) TIlU 3"f(Cf(j om! it, ~ 'Ii«lT mil ~ I (C) ~ Wffil if ti'llf ~ -.m:t 3th: "11: ~~ ~- , ~ ~ I $I 3th: -.{-~, (A) (D) if ~ 'l:/Il1 I 3'fq'¥i il> ~ .t m mm: q;) wm f.l"<I>ffi ~ I~ <!S" ~ ~ ftrUr'I il> ~ 'l:/Il1'fiT~ (C) ~"TI "l'\ m(fi 3th: t <l"il"\ft ~ ~ ~ 'if 3l'Rl TIl ~ "l::ffil ~ 'fiT~ I ~ [14] "11: ~ t"? I if f.rgun'RT I 8. QAit'104 it :F "tfiln ~ ? 12. ~~ 'Fll (A) ~+~ (B) 'l11JClR (B) fu1;q OR ~311 (C) '11JC«l (C) f.!tI\ at'l<ffi1 ~ 3'f1r.or (D) \l1l. mn W!R at'l<ffi1 iii ~ "it fuM 31'lml ;;no lR.lM if (A) q;<fR (B) ~ (C) ¥ (D) :I~'1I'1q; ~'fI ~ 'R ll'{O f.mR ~ Ii" q;fcI «iT ~ ~ 13. '~' I ? 14. it \ft Wo QAit'104 ~ ~jfcl",ql ~ I : ('UV'f~. ~ 'fit 'fit 11 .m ~ 31'"'fl It itZ, 15) : f1"1f<21f&~ lR.lM «iT ~ tll![CIiI{ ~ 'fit - -m 3lRG t cn.ft 3lRG <i1<lT~ 'fit 3T'A1 <im ~ 3lRlT ~ I ~~ it -m ~~, ~ ~ 3T'furm~I~~~~~, ~ ~ ~ it' ~ «iT at~ 'Fll ~? rftR-rftR ~ 'Wffi'1' ~ um it ~ ~ili ,ht,qi\ "lR'l 'R ~ ~ 1iR tR- <r2J 'fit ~ Wffi'1 'R ~ ~ "t'I'lT"iI1 ' , 11. <i1<lT'1mft 'fit ~ (A) tll![CliI{ 'fit (B) itZ 'fit (C) 'RR'1 'fit (D) ~ 'fit ~ 16. 31'"'fl m21 it ~, I Wffi'1 "1T<RI "6't'11 (A) ~ (B) '41i41f\\ (C) fl;:r (D) q;-q~ 16lt 18) : f1"1f<21f&<1CfI'flii iIitl it "t1'11"l iii fuil ~ ~ 1Ji\ ~ I : ('UV'f~. 'fit ~ il; ~~I w: GAl ~ ~ ~ ~ itm "il"ffiIT t m I ~vn~ l (D) 31'"'fl ~ m~ 31'"'fl t'16@d I 3lRlT llm{l ~ ~ 15. ~vn- ~if~-m~~? ~"3"if.I WRI ~ ~ I ~ "3"if.If.!tI\ at'l<ffi1 f<!i<rr ~ (D) <i1<lT'1mft (C) (D) ~ (C) (j~ ~ ~ ? (B) ~'ffiRT <fmI'll<il 'Iisq ~ '!if ~ I (B) ~ iioliill4 'fit :F 'll'f<lT "1li (B) 'Fll ~ (C) :ft.l"6't'11 (A) "WIi\ ~ ~? + ~ «iT fcfffirI1il«:: (A) (A) 'Fll +~ +~ '''lR'l 'R ~ ~- 'fit m~~ 'lfClI \mT ~ «iT ~ "q;m-q;m 10. :F ~aronif (A) (D) 9. "t ~IOliil14 q,1 ~ 'fi't «iT ~ (l) <rf «iT (jJtl1roR men ~ (2) f.!tI\ lJlif it l1J'2I m ~ I m '!if ~ ~F'1tn6hli it I ~ m (3) ~«iT~ it 31TO-G<{"Ijffi «iT (4) tl\ft ~- (5) ~ (A) (B) (C) (D) 3, I, 4, 5, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, ~ I 3lRG 3lRlT ~ ? [l5] ~1 -qrit 'i& 1Ji\ it if ' IT'ft q;q 2 4 5 2 men ~ I m ~1 \ft 17. (1) (2) (3) ~ <!l1Z'HSl Os ~ ~ '<!lI "'F' tml ~ m'lf ~~~'<!lImt <I'Il~ 21. '<!lI WTIIl ~ I ~ ~ I m~"'l"I<:: ~I mm t "'F' m (4) ~ (5) Gl ~ "'l"I<::m*rr '1ft ~ I ""II<ft ~ I 22. (A) 1,5,3,2,4 (B) 2,4,1,3,5 (C) 3,2,1,4,5 (D) 4,1,2,5,3 ~ ~ ~ -:m 23. ~ "'F' ~ 19. fclq;-z:q'<!lI 'fIR ~ '<!lUI ~ "<!ll ~ 24. ~ 25. - ~ ~"<!l1'l ~ ?' ~"Iltl~~I<; (B) ~ (C) "14~i<!l< "II'"ffi<; ~ fif;<n \f'iIl <l4Ii'l ~'1 Tr<I (m t<lllft (C) t'1'Iffi (D) t<lllft 'Ul:rcihf ~ <pDT ~ (A) llQfif ~<;oqI~ (B) llQfif OO~ (C) <pDT fCl~<!lI'i<; ('j I"I q d <14 'lim ~ ? FcWtf1ql~ ftp;! ;;ftqcf; 'lit 31'RIlJ&! 'lffTR't f1~f<::d1'<!lI c@,fCl<!l "'lTtl <p;ff (A) "llJTi~ II>F<:'t"lI~~~ (B) ~ (C) 11<;\?:tm ~ qrf "<!ll ~? '1ft <!l~tf14i ~ Wi If", <!l (B) 4'1'Ii!l~lf1<!l (C) ~f(j~lffl<!l (D) 31i<;~\ql,;i '"II>'l' ttc:' ~ ~ "<'RT ~ (A) 4~I~q"j qqj (B) "14~i<!l< "II'"ffi<; "itoFft (B) mm: (C) ~~ (D) 31T'R ? 311.~WR'l 26. 'fi<iR ~ q;roq ~ (A) ~ fit F<liffi<!l R'fl'l llTvm "it <p;ff lJ<Slful s311 ? (B) <!lq'flIOS (C) ~14IF",<!l B4<~dl '<!lI m (D) HI <!l, fld ? (A) ~? ~f'1R'1 (A) (D) (D) ~~ 20. (A) ~? (C) . <m'i1('l M (A) ~ "'lTtl "it "<!l1'l'iIRI ~ (D) V;;ft~ 31'RI ('llv-i'ili. 19 "it 40) : f1l>\f<:'tf&d'\IV-n ~ ~ ~ (D) ~ tl'Ii<it ~ I 18. (l) (2) if ~ '<!lI 'lfCl' ~ I ~ I (3) "lFft ~ 1<!1U ~ (4) "lFft \ft 111'<!lI m~ <kr<ft ~ I ~ q;fcf; (5) "lFft '1ft 111~q "lFft '<!lI itc 'lR'l<ft ~ I (A) 3,5,4,1,2 (B) 2,1,3,5,4 (C) 3,2,1,5,4 (D) 5,4,1,2,3 f.$T: ~ 27. f<iF.nm ~'lfIOi\ ~ (A) ~(iqh14 (B) ~ (C) ~ (D) ~ [16] ~ ~ ? 'lWT - II, 'l.fl1U mu ENGLISH Direction: (Qucs. NO.1 to 6) Choose the word which best fills the blank from the four options given. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The country on the war hero. (A) donated (8) bestowed (C) handed over (D) deli vered The three (A) (13) (C) (D) Leh visit (A) (B) (C) CD) 7. Poke (A) (13) (C) (D) 8. a heart of gold (A) very costly (D) very kind (C) very tough (D) very soft 9. to put up with (A) to wear clothes (13) to make someone feel small (C) to tolerate (D) to communicate 10. (an) old hand (A) a wrinkled person (8) an experienced person (C) an aged person (D) an intelligent person 11. wild (A) (13) (C) (D) its highest medal of the criminal ended in a month police chase. kidnapping abduction seizure grasping is very beautiful, I've this place once in a year. resolved resolution determination elucidated Homophones are words that (A) rhyme. (B) sound alike. (C) mean the same thing. (D) mean the opposite. As night the camping sites. (A) arrived (D) came down (C) descended (D) moved Dircction : (Qucs. NO.7 to 11) Select the meaning of the given phrases/idioms. to . people crawled into Shomu, my neighbour's son, is a (A) danger (8) menace (C) evil (0) mischief one's nose in (to) interfere interval clean the nose surgery of the nose goose chase futile search run here and there chase the target help somebody Dircction : (Qucs. No. 12 to 14) Select the word which means the opposite of the given words. 12. . [18] sane (A) sensible (D) Insane (C) unS3nc (D) saint , 13. create (A) make (B) destroy (C) stop (D) cease 14. flimsy. (A) sturdy (B) thin (C) weak (0) fling Direetion : (Ques. No. 20 to 27) In the following passage there are some numbered blanks. Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate word for each blank from the given options. Direction: (Ques. No. 15 to 19) Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks from the given alternatives. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. I am looking more free time. (A) to have (B) forward to having (C) for having (D) forward to have The child smiled (A) sweetly (B) sweet (C) loudly (D) happy The Delhi Police (20) issued the following description of a man who was last (21) in (22) Kwality Restaurant on Parliament Street. The man is (23) 45.5'8" tall with a thick moustache and a big scar (24) his left eye. 1\vo witnesses who saw him (25) the restaurant last night (26) that he was wearing a dark suit and (27) an umbrella. 20. Just then. somebody quite roughly. (A) had bumped (B) was bumping (C) bumping (D) bumped into me has (C) was 21. (B) have (D) had (C) saw (B) see (D) to see (A) seen 22. (A) a (C) any (B) some' (D) the 23. (A) about (C) about to (B) of (D) into 24. (A) over (C) behind (B) in (D) in front of 25. (A) to leave (C) leaving (B) left (0) was left 26. (A) reported (C) report (B) reports (D) has reported 27. (A) and went out. The dress you were wearing yesterday was very pretty indeed. (A) who (B) what (C) that (D) whom (A) carry (C) carries (B) carried (D) carrying Dircction : (Qucs. No. 28 to 32) Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it. Bhopal is than most of the cities in Madhya Pradesh. (A) coldest (B) as cool as (C) cooler (D) more cooler , Speech is a great blessing but can also be a great curse: for it helps us to make our intentions and desires known to our fellows. it can also. if we use it carelessly. make our attitude completely misunderstood. A slip of tongue. the use of unusual word. or of an ambiguous word. and so on. may create an (19) .•.. • enemy where we had hoped to win a friend. Again different classes of people use different vocabularies, and the ordinary speech of an educated person may strike an uneducated listener as pompous. Unwittingly. we may use a word which bears a different meaning to our listener from what it does to men of our own class. Thus speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought. but one which demands careful handling. Only a fool will express himself alike to all kinds of conditions and men. 28. Speech if used carelessly can (A) become a blessing (n) create misunderstanding (C) help us to make friends (D) make others happy 29. Only will use the same kind of language with everyone. (At an uneducated person. (n) a sensible person. (C) a foolish person. (D) an intelligent person. 30, A 'slip of tongue' refers to . (A) something said accidentally. (B) something said to hurt others. (C) something said wrongly on purpose. (D) something said to comfort others. 31. 32. . The ordinary speech of an educated person may sound ........... to an uneducated person. (A) verbose (B) boring (C) foolish (D) pompous Direction: (Ques. No. 33 to 37) Read the passage and answer the questions given below it. Mark Twain, who had earned a reputation as a humour writer, got an invitation to address a public meeting. He reached that city on the day of the meeting. He felt that his programme had not sufficiently been publicised. There were not many posters either on the city walls or in the area near the railway station. He decided to find out if the citizens had ample knowledge of his programme. So, he went to a shop. He asked at the shop's counter. "Brother, is there any interesting programme in the city, where a traveller could spend his evening usefully and relax?" "I think there is some lecture in the evening", the shopkeeper replied in comforting tone. "On what basis have you reached that surmise?" "I will tell you that, today we have had a tremendous sale of eggs," said the shopkeeper and busied himself in work. 33. 'basis' here best means (A) have information (B) knowledge of something (C) reason for saying something (D) an important fact or idea 34. Mark (A) (B) (C) (D) 35. He thought that his programme was not advertised much because (A) there were not a lot of posters on the city walls or in thc area near the bus station. (B) nobody recognised him in the city. (C) nobody came to receive him. (D) there were few posters on the city walls. or in the area near the railway station. The gift of speech should ~e used . (A) thoughtlessly (B) carefully (C) ambiguously (D) carelessly [20] , TWain was invited to address ordinary people political leaders social workers writers of the city 36. 37. He asked the shopkeeper whether there is any interesting programme in the city that day because (A) he wanted to know if the people in the city were aware of his progranune. (E) he wanted to attend that programme. (C) he wanted to relax there. (D) he wanted to know about the city as he was new there. S4 - S5 - The extinction of these animals will lead to an ecological disaster and the very survi val of the human beings will be threatened. P - But for centuries. man has been capturing and killing animals to appease his greed and commercial interest. Q - The years of ruthless killing have left number of several species of animals severely depleted. R - Thus many species of animals which once roamed the earth have become extinct. (Ques. No. 38 to 39) Choose from the options below .•. The following five sentences come from a paragraph. The first and the last sentences are given. Choose the order in which the three sentences (P Q R) should appear to complete the paragraph. 40. S I - At last the great morning arrived and crowds assembled to see the 'Taking of the Seat'. CA) RQP (B) QRP (C) PRQ (D) PQR The following question has the second sentence missing. Choose the appropriate sentence from the gIven options to complete it. (a) S2 S3 S4 - Rickets is a common among the chiIdren. disease (b) S5 - When he had done this. however. and was just about to sit down. one of the twenty five stone angels began to speak. P - Then. as he reached the Throne of Judgement. they parted into two lines. Q - Pacing through the long hall came the judges and priests of the kingdom. followed by the sovereign. R - And he walked up in the middle and went up close to the marble slab. PQR RI'Q (c) The places with dense fog do not get sufficient light. (A) It is perhaps because their bodies are covered with more clothes during winter. (B) The disease is more common in winter. Choose from the options below - (A) (C) S I - This is a known fact that animals are necessary for maintaining ecological balance. S2 S3 - The shopkeeper came to the conclusion that there was some lecture in the evening because (A) there were many posters on the walls of the city. (B) of the heavy sale of eggs that day at his shop. (C) he was told about this by Mark Twain himself. (D) he himself got all invitation to attend the lecture. Direction: 38. 39. (C) It occurs in those children who are never exposed to the sun. (D) However. there are many reasons for this disease apart from lack of exposure to the sunlight. (B) QPR (D) RQP [21] I .-, mTT- III, irfa:rcn qll tl 01 PART.III, SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST mfuq;~ PHYSICS 1. 6'rnT t 3Wjfu q;r ~ (A) - 1. fll~f",<.'1 / ~2 ~ ~Jlq;;:11 ~ (B) (C) (D) "ffi:l llR 6'rnT t- 2. 1.6 x 10-19 ~ 16 x 10-19 ~ 1.6 x 10-10 ~ 1.6 X 10-9 ~ (A) 3. q;r 'f>"t ll:J11<lI1T'ft 'ilI"ffi t - CD) ~ = ~ = v2 = ~ = ~ <WI (A) (B) (C) 5. t - 3Wjfu 100 6. ~ t WI 400 l11./il. (A) 6~ (C) 3~ (D) iI; ~ ;;fu: ~ 5. M- <WI ~~ (B) 'f>"tlJfu . "iftc< 4 "iftc< wi"iqo;{ol iI; 3fjW<- If the velocity of a wave is 400 m/sec and frequency is 100 Hz, then the wavelength of the wave is . (A) (C) 2.8 6. ~ = 6m 3m (B) CD) f=mxv (El f=mxa (B) f=mxa (C) f=m (C) f=m CD) f= m a f= m v [22] • • 2.8 m 4m According to Newton's Second law of Motion(A) f = mxv (A) (D) . u2 + 2as (D) ~ = u2 + 2a2s u + 2as u2 + 2a2s to <iT ~ 1.6 x 10-10 Joule 1.6 x 10-9 Joule (C) 2 $ (C) (D) Correct relation is (A) ~ = u2 + 2a2s2 (B) ~ = u2 - 2a2s2 u2 + 2a2s2 u2 _ 2a2s2 q;r 16 x 10-19 Joule 4. <1;::1'.t1l{ if "flit ~tT (B) . Power of a lens is measured in (A) Meter (B) Centimeter (C) Kilometer (D) Diaopter (C) f"'1.'11,i"1 l{ if CD) si41«:{ if 4. One electron volt is equal to (A) 1.6 x 10-19 Joule 3. (A) ~if (B) . (B) Cyc!e/sec3 (C) Cyc!e/sec4 (D) Hertz (B) fll~f",<.'1 / ~ (C) fll~f",<.'1 / <1qo;osl (D) ~ 2. Unit offrequency is (A) Cyc!e/sec2 a v J 7. 7. m (B) w=- w = mg (A) g g = m-w (C) Relation between mass of body and its weight is . (A) w=mg (D) w=m+g (C) 8. t ~ ~ tr~ ~ f.!q if <l 'l'>'R m ~ if 4ftqd'l I 9. lJftr-;j~ (B) ~ o;;;rt1fiT~o;;;rt (C) ~ ~1fiT~~if4ftqd'll (D) ~ o;;;rt 1fiTlJftr-;j~ 1fiT~ if ~ 9. Correct relation is . (A) 1 Horse power = 746 W (B) 2 Horse power = 746 W (C) 1 Horse power = 740 W (D) 1 Horse power = 373 W 10. The kinetic energy of an object is K. If its velocity is doubled, then its kinetic energy will be ............... (A) K (B) 2K I ~tioi~.j"~(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 1 me = 746 W me = 746 W me = 740 W me = 373 W 10. f<l;m ~ q:,'\~ q;1 ~ 'qi"{ ~~, o;;;rt K ~ I ~ ~ WI <it '31l'fi1lJftr-;jo;;;rt tftrft- 11. (A) K (B) 2K (C) (D)- 4K 3k?, •.•flf1i'f>otrif q;1 ~ K 4 m<ft (C) *ml fm 1fiT4l;ii'l1"j 'lCi'f>(95%) 'li'Rm K 4 (D)- Frequency of Ultrasonic waves is ....... (A) less than 20,000 Hz. (8) greater than 20,000 Hz. (C) less than 20 Hz. (D) 1000 Hz. 12. Which is the important (95%) of natural gas? (A) Methane (B) Propane (C) Ethane (D) Chlorine ~- (A) lftiR (B) "liriR (C) ~iR (D) 'R'itft'I" 4K 11. t- (A) 20,000 Hz <l 'fitll (B) 20,000 Hz <l 3lf"f<f; I (C) 20 Hz <l 'fitll (D) 1000 Hz 12. (D) w=m+g When we rub our hands, which of the following is true? (A) Kinetic energy converted to heat energy. (B) Heat energy converted to mechanical energy. (C) Mechanical energy converted to heat energy. (D) Heat energy converted to kinetic energy. I if 4ftqd'l g 8. ~m~(A) g= m-w m (B) w=- [23J constituent CHEMISTRY 13. X, Y "Q!f Z <fA "tWW'JaTI qft 'llf'll'fi if 13. Structure of nuclei of three atoms X, Y and Z are as follows: (1) X has 90 Protons and 146 Neutrons. (2) Y has 92 Protons and 146 Neutrons. (3) Z has 90 Protons and 148 Neutrons. Which of the following statement is correct based on above data ? (A) X and Z are isotopes; Y and Z are isobars. (B) X and Yare isotopes; X and Z are isobars. (C) Y and Z are isobars; X and Y are isotopes . (D) X and Z are isotopes; X and Y are isobars. 14. Electron was discovered by (Al Chadwick (B) Rutherford (C) Thomson (D) Niel's Bohr 15. An acid, obtained by destructive distillation of wood, which in turn gives acetic acid is . (A) Oxalic acid (B) Pyroligneous acid (C) Chloro acetic acid (D) Citric acid a{iHl4 f.fr:l ~ (1) (2) (3) X if 90 mtR "Q!f146 ~ Y if 92 mtR"Q!f 146 ~ Z if 90 mtR"Q!f 148 ~ ~ <fi?R ~ ~ 3W.m: 'q{ f.fr:l ~ I ~ I ~ I if it ~ mY:< ~- (A) X"Q!f Z ~ .,.-q'llltf; ~ I (I?lT Y "Q!fZ (B) X"Q!f Y ~ (I?lT X "Q!f Z ~~I (C) Y"Q!f Z .,.-q'llltf; (I?lT X "Q!f Y ~~I (D) 14. 15. X"Q!f Z ~ .,.-q'llltf; ~ I ~"',,?i'tqft "citilI q;f.\ cOO (A) -&sfClifi (B) {t;{'l>1t (C) ~ (D) -.ftRt-.m: 3l~ ';;ft f<n ~ ~ ~ "Q!f~fljf<!", ~ mm ~ (A) ~f&1", (B) QI4uf&1r't4fl ~ (C) <R'ffil~~&ifi (D) fll~f?ifi ~ q:;fq-{ ~ ~\:illf1'" ~- am:rcR &m"lll'<l ~ f.n:lfuT if ~ ~ ~ "'fiT fll~f?ifi ~ ",1••1~2 filfml ~ (A) X "Q!fY ~t- mmt 16. (I?lT if 'l"'tI 3lf~ il<R 3lf~ (B) if€R 3lf~ (C) C};\; f<.'il I 3lf~ CD) ~ ~ f.s'l2 fcr<'r4"'t q filf.s44 .~- . 16. The reagent obtained by dissolving Copper .sulphate ill aqueous solution of Citric acid and Sodium carbonate is . (Al Bayer's reagent (B) Tollen's reagent (C) Fehling reagent (D) Benedict reagent [24] 17. 3W'«! mftuit ~ ~ 17 ~ "if('q ~ WlT11'R oj~ m- (A) ~~oj~ (B) dq'l~<:i41"11 oj~ (C) qj"S{qT(1 20. 21. 17. The bond, in compound formed from combination of 14 group and 17 group elements of Periodic table will be . (A) Electrovalent bond (B) Co-ordinate bond (C) Van der Waals bond CD) Covalent bond (D) 'l~<:i4M oj~ 18. Which of the following is thermoresistant polymer? (A) Orion (B) Polythene (C) Teflon (D) Bakelite 19. Aluminium ore is (A) Haematite (C) Bauxite 20. When Sodium carbonate (Na2C03) reacts with Silica (Si02) gives ..... (A) Soda glass (B) Water glass (C) Crook's glass CD) Pyrex glass 21. In Haber process of Ammonia production, the element used as catalytic promotor to increase the activity of Iron catalyst is . (A) Ni (Nickel) (8) W (Tungston) (C) V (Vanadium) (D) Mo (Molybednum) tx ~ 22. In order to decrease the role of setting of Cement, which compound is mixed in it ? (A) Ca(0H)2 (Slaked lime) (B) CaC03 (Calcium Carbonate) (C) CaS04.2H20 (Gypsum) (D) Al203 (Alumina) 't- 23. Which element multiple bonds? m CfT€t ~ ~ oj~ 18. f.rt::r ~ tl ~ 19. v:ci ~ 14 ~ "if('q (A) ~ orq ~ ~ 't? (B) "lTffiefR (C) ~ (D) tjq,(1I~G 't- '«'141f-l'l1l ~ (A) ~likl~G (B) il<."fllll~G (C) qTi'f{4(~G (D) q,811(~'1 <Alfs'lll "'1<if~G (Na2C03) "'Ill f~f<:'1"'( (Si 02) ~ WI fsI><lT'I'><R 'R 'I-l([f 't(A) ~~ (B) q'fc;{ ~ (C) ~<m~ (D) QI'l{i'f{4 ~ <>l41f-l'l1f.l1:r\ur "'Ill ~ M~ij 'lfMdl ~ ~fuR~~q$f;~~ij ~mm~(A) N i (f.:I<r;(1) (8) W(~) (C) V (~~fMll) Mo (llif<:'1fii.S'111) (D) 22. titiic: ~ ~ <fiT-ml~ '1>1~ "'Ill 'lil1 '<fiB fI:«;wn -;;mn 't? Ca(OH)2 (':WI g311 '1:11) (B) CaC03 (&iF<."~('lli"'1<if~G) (C) CaS04.2H20 (~) (D) Al203 (~ijfiHI) (A) . 23. <fiT-ml "if('q 3lf~ ~~ <RTffi (A) N (B)P (C) (D) Bi As (A) (C) [25] N As . (B) Dolomite (D) Calamine forms maximum (B) P (D) Bi ~ fCl'itI'1 BIOLOGY 24. '~ ifll4ffcmft'lifl ~ ~ ~1If1 ifl ~' ~ ~ q;'t m 24. "'l q;'t- (A) ~ v:ci fil;q; (B) ~ (C) WT\ (D) v;itwl 25. Which nitrogen D.NA? (A) Adenine (B) Guanine (C) Uracil (D) Cytosine 25. 'it.'l1;l.11:.if"'llR tIT '11~?i..,;1 em ~ mot t- (A) IJ>SI'1I~'1 (B) lJ311f.f'1 (C) ~ (D) {l1~dlfft'1 26. "Ilql~4 ~ -;;nit ~ - (A) ~~if (B) 31CmIU~if (C) ifllllHi[{\1 ~ (D) ~<'!\ft if 27. 28. 29. 'R11{1f'h~if -qp:n"'51T\1l (A) 412f.1Ill4 (B) 3lTll'"{'l (C) ~ (D) 'l';lfillll4 -.uti! if ' 3'iff<R:R' Fossils are found in ............... (A) Igneous rocks (B) Sedimentary rocks (C) Metamorphic rocks (D) All of the above 27. Chlorophyll contains (A) Potassium (B) Iron (C) Manganese (D) Magnesium 28. In plants "Auxin" is used for . (A) Division of cell. (B) Ripening of fruits. (C) Root growth inhibition. (D) Elongation and division of cell. 29. Botanical name of Amla is (A) Ocimum sanctum (B) Phyllanthus emblica (C) Saraca indica (D) Ficus bengalensis t- t- f<!>lll "'51T\1l full: (A) <tilfllifll fcI'llT'iR ~ (B) (C) ~~~if "'E'l~ *:tR if (D) c;iG1ifl{OIv:ci ",Wilifll fcI'llT'iR ~ q;j QI'1*"lfdifl "'1ll'l (A) 31ffir4t:l ~ (B) q;1~cA~ (C) mT'IiT~ (0) 4i1~ifl{l ~"II<!Yf@ base is absent in 26. if q;j ~ discovered scientist Which "Tricarboxylic acid" ? (A) Krab (B) Watson and Crick (C) Sanger (D) Edison if t- Q!4ft'lifll [26] . . 30. llJlZI q;w; 'WlT ~ ~ ~ 31. if F1"1F<i1F&<1 if "it il; ~ (A) ~ ~ (B) .wf ~ (C) ~ (D) .wf ~q~ ~ q~ ~ 11U! ~f.!w:I il; 11U!I q .wf f.!w:I il; 11U!I il; 11U!I ~il;l1U!ifl .wf ~ F1"1F<i1F&<1if " ~. 'f>mi"'l "it <it q;"R (A) 31'tft<rr (B) €4iRIF<4i (C) ~ (D) ~ Excretory organs of Earthworm are . (A) Malpighian tubules (B) Nephridia (C) Kidneys CD) Flame cells 33. Which hormone plants? (A) Gibberellin (B) Auxin (C) Cytokinin (D) Glucagon 34. Example of omnivorous animals is(A) Sheep (B) Deer (C) Lion (D) Cockroach 35. Which of the following is an example of Insectivorous plant (A) Cuscuta (B) Rafflesia (C) Drosera (D) Tulsi ",WII'Ii let f¥! if "it 'Ii'Am ~ 'lfrlii if "'1m''WlT ~ ~- (A) F"I04<:F<i11 (B) ~ (C) t11~21ifiI4F11 CD) 'Z'[4>'rl1 34. 35. ~ ~ 'fiT d<;IWi (A) ~ (B) ~ (C) in (D) FMlil(c!1 f¥! if "it ~ d<;I~(UI t- (A) ~ (B) '<<klFf14I (C) ~ cell, 32. ~ CD) ~ 33. 31. Which is a prokaryotic amongst the foilowing ? (A) Amoeba (B) Bacteria (C) Yeast (D) Euglena ~il; ~ aMf(A) ilt"il"1141 iliF~I"'let (B) ~!>IllFs41 (C) Bicuspid valve is present in the human heart in between which of the following? (A) Right auricle and right ventricle. (B) Left auricle and left ventricle. (C) Right and left auricle. (D) Left auricle and systemic aorta. ~lilift<1IFc'" , 32. 30. ~ - ""'f>1c'qaft" 'lfr~ 'fiT (D) ¥ffiT [27] IS not found In $f(lf;H'I History 36. ~ fl:R;rmt- «i'l -Ii~~!lt1 'liT• 36. Which pillar in scription describes about 'Samudragupta' ? (A) Prayag Prashasti (B) Girinar Prashasti (C) Mehroli Prashasti CD) Sarnath Prashasti 37. Which epic describes 'Indraprasth Nagar' ? (A) Ramayan (B) Mahabharata (C) Rigveda (D) Mudra Rakshasa 38. The War of Tarain was fought among ............... (A) Shivaji and Jai Singh. (B) Prithviraj Chouhan and Mohammad Gouri. (C) Mohammad Gouri and Jai Singh. (D) Prithviraj Chouhan and Ghajnavi. 39. Which state was established Harihar I and Bukha ? (A) Raj Nagar (B) Shri Nagar (C) Vijay Nagar (D) Chandra Nagar 40. Who (A) (Bl (C) (D) (A) "WWT~ 37. (B) fTrft;m:~ (C) ih;{h.1'1~ (D) ~2f~ '~ mort' "flR' 'liT~ ~ 4~('h10ll -Ii ? (A) ~ (B) llm'lfl\(f (C) ~ about the (D) ~m.rn 38. ~'liT~~~~~? (A) ftrcrr;ir ~ "Ill f{j~ (B) ~~ ~ ~ (C) 1i'~Uj<; 1frft ~ ~ (D) ~~ 39. ~ ~ ~ I ~ 'fI'IiT '" ~ 1i'~Uj<; 1frft 'IJ"I"'ICit ~ fq:;<n I 'lit tMfo<l (A) {1\i11ij( (B) ~ (C) fQ"l1l1'({ (D) ilO<:;1'1{ 40. {(4 il f(d 'tlFrn ~ (Al '{l"4'<;'ffi (B) ~ (C) mt:m fffiID I (D) U,.'Hil<;l~ [28] . --+ -..~-- wrote Ramcharit Manas? Ramdas Surdas Haridas Tulsidas by ~ 41- t-rnirr ~ (Al ~tf;{ (Bl mtf;{ (Cl ~tf;{ (Dl mtf;{ 42. ~ *1<"11% ~ ii Ucn~ii ~~ii (D) ~~ii (Cl 43. •• <qct'idl iii ~ q;rf ~ ~ f{lIitiol -mt iii fq(111Iifi{OI"if;! ii g31T ? (A) "ti"ro{ (B) "'ql~{<.1I<.1 ~ (C) ~ljjm (D) ~ "lrnlG 44. Wl~ iii ~ ~ fcmq (Al (B) (C) (D) ~ W1l "if;! ~ mu mu mu mu 41- Hiuen sang came in the period of ....... (Al Raj Vardhan (El Harsha Vardhan (Cl Bali Vardhan (D) Shri Vardhan 42. Jungle Satyagraha happened in ............... (Al Seoni district (Bl Rewa district (C) Bhopal district (D) Indore district PlI- (Al fuq-;ft ~ (Bl ii 'i1ml 3WU ? iii 'IlTi'I iii mu ~ ~ R<n lJ<n ~? 365 370 375 380 45. '<.1T<.1f<l><.1Tf<I;if.l "41 q IIII ~ ? 43. After independence, who was the pioneer of Integration of States? (A) Sardar Patel (El Jawaharlal Nehru (C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 44. Which Article of the Constitution of India gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir? (Al Article 365 (B) Article 370 (C) Article 375 (D) Article 380 45. (A) ""ll<l{ Red Fort was built by ............... (B) ~ (C) ~II~"I~I (Al Babar (B) Akbar (C) Shahjahan (D) ::>l1hili:l (D) Aurangzeb ~ [29] 1 ,l , ~ GEOGRAPHY 46. f¥! if ft ~ 47. (A) ,!?:f'1"1q (B) ~ (C) ~i~I"Iq (D) <8fc1Q ~"llff iffi ~ m t? 46. (A) "tft~ (B) 3if;;iR (B) Ozone 'lil'f1 Sl'f31TiffiI~S (C) Carbon-dioxide (D) 'lffi{f ~ (f<R ~ 47. ~ (D) Nitrogen 11~itI"l1 48. According to Census 2011, the number of females per thousand males is . 'lll "l1'1 0111 2011 ~ 31J'lR "5lfu~ 'R fu\1ii 'lll mmr t I (A) 950 (A) 950 (B) 943 (8) 943 (C) 940 (C) 940 (D) 942 (0) 942 49. ~ 3WR1 \!YS ~ <teAt (fcwfit) ~ 49. Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) is located in ............... (A) Jamshedpur (B) Rourkela (C) Bhilai (D) Bhopal 'lll fH$i'lifi ~ 50. Which of the following river is not a tributary of Ganges? (A) Yamuna (B) Ghaghra (C) Gandak ~t? (A) "lQ~I<;~{ (B) {Ia;{~<.'11 (C) f~ (D) ~ 50. f¥! if ft ~ mtl (A) 'llflT (B) 'lJ!m (C) lfsq; ~ 7iTJT ~ (D) Satluj (0) ~ [301 J Which of the following is not a radioactive element? (A) Uranium (8) Thorium (C) Strontium (D) Platinum Which of the following gas is responsible for 'Global-Warming' ? (A) Methane f¥! if ft ~ f"ttil<;1{ t ? . (C) 48. "(I"<q I I 51. ~ <.f'f.\ 'fil "IlftI;<rr if tl ~III'Ii <f<i'I ~ 51. Write the factoI' that does not help in the formation of soil. (A) Wind and water. (8) Decomposed plants and animals. (C) Rocks and temperatllre. (D) Water accumulation. 52. Kaziranga National Park is located in which State? (A) Kerala (B) Assam (C) West Bengal (D) Madhya Pradesh 53. Blue revolution is related to .......... (A) Fruit production ~%(A) ~v:ci'lT'ft (B) ~1ft~v:ci~ (C) ~ v:ci(fllltlR (D) ~~ 52. 'lii"1I{11i ~ m ~ ~ if W«i t? (A) ~ (B) 3ffilTIl (C) ~~ (D) "t;~ 53. -;ffi;j lliifu ~.l(l (A) 'ht;fl«1it::1 (m 'lMli'lit::1 (C) ~'lR'R t- (m Fish production (C) Sheep rearing (D) Milk production (D) ~tl 'lR'R 54. "t::f&!'Jl mm 'fillfrrr 54. t- (A) Narmada (A) ~ 55. (8) 'fU1fI (e) qif4U (D) 'n<:icHI Ganges of S,mthern Indi'! is .......... (B) Krishnu (C) Kaveri (D) Godavari (A) 11~ World Pupulation Day is celebrated every year on ............... (A) 11 July (B) 5~ (B) 5 June (e) 8 'IF-! (C) 8 March fWf "l1<1&"li ~ 1ffilq1f1RT'lI~ 55. t- (D) 8 December (D) 8 fc;tl'4{ 131] • • '1llln:Cfl ~ Civics 56. if '~ 'lffiO 3lf~f;14fq\i ~ (A) (B) (C) (D) 57. 58. 60. (A) '!ffi'q (B) m'qm::l.,'1T (C) ~ (0) ~'1T ? iffi t? . 31I<iTrr if f<f;<f.t ~ 2000 (B) 2001 (C) 2004 (D) 2005 58. How many members are there in the Election Commission ofIndia ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 't4ct51ol 'fiT , ) 3lf~' 'fiT (A) (B) ~ ~ -14 -16 (C) ~ -19 (D) ~ -20 w.l~fifitl if tiF'lqRQ<; 'f>1 ~ %1 (A) ~ (B) aq(lI;qFd (C) 'Jm::I'tft ~ 'it ~ 'f>1 ~ 3W1llJ'(j1 1 2 3 5 59. 'Right to Freedom' which article? (A) Article - 14 (B) Article - 16 (C) Article - 19 (D) Article - 20 60. Who presides over the meeting of 'Council of Ministers' in India ? (A) President (B) Vice President (C) Prime Minister (D) None of those. 61. Main objective of Political Parties is . (A) To get power. (B) To criticize. (C) To support. (0) Formulation of public opinion. IS related to "nff I (I "l 11Rt <Ii <;ffi 'fiT ~ ~ (A) 'ffil] 'ITJ1<I 'R'lT (8) ~1<.1ioq11 'R'lT (C) t1G?A 'R'lT <.11 <Ii"1 0 'fiT f.rrrtuT ~- (32) ,I (A) Indian Constitution was formulated by . (A) Drafting Committee. (B) Constitutional Assembly. (C) Simon Commission. (D) Lok Sabha. 1 2 3 5 ~ In which year, Right to Information was enacted in India? 57. <lilfi~i1 .,~. '" (D) %I <'lfl1fu ""fll'l 'lffiO ~ (D) 56. qtf 2000 2001 2004 2005 qfr;j q){(j] 61. lJ<l1 fifitl '1T«lt<ntfc!m::I 'fiT f.rqfur .... 1;mfil;<u ~ (A) (B) (C) (0) 59. 3lf~' 'fiT •••I 62. f<Rf.l q;m ~ t~ t - '~ ~il;bRl am~il;~' 'liT, I (A) ~~ (B) "f!'if ctlf~ill21 (B) (C) ~lJitft (C) (0) ~~ 63. 'l'fl«I ~ qit ~ ~ 1ft ~ ~ 21 qr.f 63. When was the voting age reduced from 21 years to 18 years in India? (A) 1977 I (A) 1977 (B) 1980 (B) 1980 (C) 1985 (C) 1985 (0) 1990 (0) 1990 64. ~ am M il; if f<Iit! ~ '11-ZIfi<ii 'liT ~ qfiJjo t 64. Distribution of powers between the Centre and States is mentioned in which schedule? (A) I ? (A) I (B) III (B) (C) V (C) (0) VII 65. George Washington Mahatma Gandhi (D) Rajendra Prasad if '«Ilf~ <t 18 qtf 62. Who said "Democracy IS the Government, of the people, by the people and for the people" ? (A) Abraham Lincoln 6 <t 14 qtf (0) VII il; ~ fu8:lT "ll'"eR ~ if III V <it f.l:W" ~ 31f.Icn<:f 65. The right to provide free and compulsory education to the 'liT 31f~ 'ffr1 <t ~ "ll'"eR f~i<!TTI,n children in the age group of 6 to 14 has been provided in which article? (A) 20A (B) 21 A tI (A) 20A (B) 21 A (C) 22A 22A (D) 23A (C) (D) 23A [33] • 3t?i~ ECONOMICS 66. ~ ~ t- 31~ if "WAl 'If\ t&iFq('Cj 66. Under the capitalistic economy. the factors of production are owned by ...... (A) Government. (8) Private individuals. (C) Both. (D) None of the above. 67. Minimum Support Price is related to the ............... (A) Agricultural sector (B) Industrial sector (C) Service sector (D) None of the above 68. The Reserve Bank of India was established in the year ............... (A) 1947 (B) 1951 (C) 1935 (D) 1969 69. The duration of the First Five Year Plan of India was ............... (A) 1947-1952 (A) m'liR 'Iil (B) f.r;;fi 64Fiiiiff 'Iil (C) ~'Iil (D) ~ifit~m 67. ~ tfI1${ ~ ti<if~ ~ (A) 'ffln);r it (B) :;>1I ~1fi I'Ii i$r it (C) Wn i$rit (D) "3""!Um if it ~ m 68. ft;fc! ~ 31fq; ~ (A) qr{ 1947 if (B) qr{ 1951 if (C) qr{ 1935 if (0) qr{ 1969 if 'l>1~ 69. ~ 'ljffij 'l>1"1l~ 4i1q41'l (A) (B) (C) (D) 70. if TJU<ftUID 'Iil fcriITl: f0T 2lT ? (8) (C) 'l>1~ m- 1947-1952 1950-1955 1955-1960 1951-1956 'ljffij (A) ~- OO~ ~ 70. m. 4'11i1t''1 ~ m. <::1 0$ 'Ii{ m. 31tf«l 'iR 1950-1955 (C) 1955-1960 (D) 1951-1956 The concept of Poverty Line was first given in India by ............... (A) Dr. Manmohan Singh (B) Dr. Dandekar (C) Dr. Amartya Sen (D) Mahatma Gandhi (D) lfQTf4IlJi~ , (B) [34] "l'li1mf MATHEMATICS 71. ./5-2 ./5+2 . 71. Simple form of ./5 +./5 IS 5+2 5-2 ./5-2 + ./5+2 ~<ffi'l~tl ./5+2 ./5-2 (A) 9+./5 18+./5 (C) 72. ~.Jb=3a.~- (B) (C) (D) 9 72. • a2 3a (B) - 1 9 a2 (A) 3a • (C) 9 (D) b 3a (C) (B) (A) 1 ti&n fel:;O'ft • 1 74. (C) 75. ~ 74. Simple form of 7 - 13 32 13 (B) - (0) - 1 9 - (B) b (D) 3a 9 7 13 (A) 32 a b =? 73. The rotal number of symmetry axis for a square is ............... (B) (A) 1 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 ~ fW.'1d4 ~tl 1 3--1 2-- 2 (D) 4 3 (C) (D) 9 If .Jb = 3a , then (A) mmt? 1 1 3--1 2-- 13 (A) 32 13 (C) 7 x2 + 15x - 3250 ~ 1011&0'5 75. m- I 18 + ,15 2 a2 =? b 73. mft wt ii t!t!ftl<I alan Cl>1~ 18 (El (A) 9+./5 18 •....• 7 - 13 is .... 7 32 13 (B) - (D) - 13 7 Factors of polynomial x2 + 15x - 3250 will be ..... (A) (x- 50) (x + 35) (B) (x - 65) (x + 50) (C) (x - 50) (x - 35) (D) (x + 65) (x - 50) (A) (x - 50) (x + 35) (B) (x - 65) (x + 50)_ (C) (x - 50) (x - 35) (D) (x + 65) (x - 50) [35] -.r - 76. 77. 78. f1"1f<.'1f(i;jd 'liT1iR The value of the following is: (0.44)2 + (0.06)2 + (0.024)2 (0.044)2 + (0.006)2 + (0.0024)2 (0.044)2 + (0.006)2 + (0,0024)2 (A) 0.100 (B) 0.01 (A) 0.100 (B) 0.01 (C) 100 (D) 1 (C) 100 (D) 1 <f&n31T 'liTTR 110 t am: ~ <itrT 264 t O<l~ mJ31T 'liT<itrT ~ 22 (B) 24 (C) 20 (D) 28 <!R f<fim 'ftl if ~ ;;flcmt 'ftl q:jf 'liT 'i\; ~ .t 3l1'm (B) 3l1'm mm ~ I if <mifl: 'iQimm ~ I (C) 3l1'm if !l fa '<0<::q;\lH (D) ~.t~'iQi1 if <mifl: I (C) 16 (B) 5 (A) 22 (B) 24 (C) 20 (D) 28 If two chords of a circle are equidistance from the centre of the circle, then they are . (B) Not equal to each other. (C) Intersect each other. (D) None of these. 79. m- 5 The product of two numbers is 110 and the sum of their squares is 264, then the sum of these numbers will be .... (A) Equal to each other. -qfe: A:B = 1:2, B:C = 3:4, C:D = 5:6, 8 78. 'dH- (A) (A) 77. m- (A) O<lA:D 'liT1iR 80. 76. (0.44)2 + (0.06)2 + (0.024)2 ~~"q"{m, 79. t- If A:B = 1:2, B:C = 3:4, C:D then value of A:D will be 5 8 5 (A) (C) (D) 5:16 1- sinS '!. <mifl: " 1 + sinS 80. 8 5 16 1- sinS . 0 is equal to 1 +sm (A) cosec 0 - cot 0 (A) cosec 0 - cot S (B) tan (B) tanO-secS eC) seeS-tanS (C) seeS-tanS (J - sec S (D) cot S - cosec S CD) cot S - cosec S (36) = (B) 8 5 CD) 5:16 . 5:6, . 81. 2>:+5. 3x+ 10. 2y-30. 6y-lS. In the given figure, the values of x andy are . 3x+ 10° 2y-30. (A) (B) (C) (D) 82. • = GO°,y = 12° x = 60°, y = 10° x = 12°, y = 60° x = 50°, y = 20° x (A) x = 60°, (B) x = 60°, (C) x = 12°, (0) x = 50°, sin 12°cos 78° + cos 12°sin 78° 'IiT'lR 82. ~(A) 0 (B) 1 83. ~ 40 4: 1 84. (El 40 q<f (C) 45 q<f (D) 42 crt "l!,'ll ~ ~ 85. ~ (8) 50, 40 (C) 40, 35 (D) 35, 40 ~m 83. Five years ago the sum of ages of the father and the son was 40 years. In present it's ratio is 4: 1, then the present age of father is . (A) 30 years (El 40 years (C) 45 years (D) 42 years 84. The marks of 10 students in a certain subject in a class are 20, 19, 50, 48, 50, 36, 35, 50, 40, 40. The mean and mode are respectively as . (A) 40, 50 (B) 50, 40 (C) 40,35 (D) 35,40 85. The sum of the squares of two consecutive natural numbers is 313. Then the numbers will be . (A) 12, 13 (8) 13,-12 (C) 12, -13 (D) -12, -13 m- (A) 40, 50 ~ Mllid ~ "i\; qrif 'liT <iM 313%,mmntm(A) 12, 13 (C) 12, -13 1 (D) None of these. "i\;10 fcmTf*li"i\; f<I;tiT fcrrf1:l "i\; 20,19,50,48,50,36,35,50,40, 40 ~ I11!fV1'lil ~ . (C) -1 crt ~ fun am "F 'liT 3lI':l'IiT <WT crt 2111Cl<i'lR Ii ~ 3lI':l 'liT 3lTffiI %, <f'.j' Cl<i'lR i:j fun 'liT 3lI':l ~ I 30 q<f The value of (B) m"'~~1 (A) = 12° y = 10° Y = 60° y = 20° y sin 12°cos78° + cos 12°sin 78° is (A) 0 (C) -1 (D) 6y-W (8) (0) 13,-12 -12, -13 [371 86. ~ alq;'f q;) <WI 100 t o~ ~ 3lq; i\; ~ it ~ 'P1 t eft mr m- 3lq; ~ alq;'f"q;J llR fif;o;rr (A) 34,66 (C) 44,56 87. • (B) 24, 76 (D) 46,54 (ab + be+ea) 'l>1 0<l'I0 Ni<rrOllw.mn t- 87. (A) abc (a+b+r:) (B) ab (a+c) 1 1) abc (1-+-+abc (C) 86. The sum of two numbers is 100 and one number is two less than twice the other number. Then the numbers are ..... (A) 34,66 (B) 24, 76 (C) 44, 56 (D) 46,54 (ab+be+ea) can be expressed as ...... (A) abc (a+b+e) (B) ab (a+c) (C) (D) eC +~) abc ell) -+-+abc (D) e(~+~) • 88. ~ ~ <i"&rrm q:;"[L.C.M. 2520 am H.C.F. 12t fi;Rilit~ti&lT504t ~ti&lTm(A) 50 (C) (B) (D) 40 89. lI?f1'l n ~ (A) (B) (C) eft 65 60 88. If the L.C.M. of two numbers is 2520 andH.C.F. is 12. Its one number is 504, then the other number will be ..... (A) 50 (B) 65 (C) 40 (0) 60 89. The sum of first n natural numbers is ..... t- m:.dlFm"q;J<WI~Im n n 2 (A) 2 n(n +1) 2 (B) n(n+1) 2 n+l '> ~ (C) (D) n + 1 n+l 2 (D) n + 1 90. ~ 2000 'R ~ crf i\; ~ 'l>1 ~ it -q\f'''lf~~ fif;o;rr m? (A) 105 (B) 200 (C) (0) 2205 205 90. Calculate compound interest on ~ 2000 for 2 years at the rate 5%. 5% Cllfifq;~ (38) (A) 105 (El 200 (C) (D) 2205 205