at Boca West - Akoya Boca West


at Boca West - Akoya Boca West
[ f ebrua ry 2015]
Living the life you love
at Boca West
February Spa Specials
(80 minutes)
This dual Swedish massage
inspires renewed unity
and is the perfect way to
celebrate a special occasion
or cherish loving harmony.
Special Price - $210
Regular Price - $250
Mediterraneo for Two (110 minutes)
Experience an aromatic exfoliation, mineral bath soak and
relaxing massage in this pampering treatment for two.
Special Price - $270
Regular Price - $320
Pure Fiji Royal Coconut Milk and
Honey Wrap (80 minutes)
“Love your Skin” with a tropical sugar exfoliation followed
by a creamy Coconut Milk and Honey wrap. While
wrapped, enjoy a relaxing foot massage and hydrating
Coconut Oil hair and scalp massage.
Special Price - $94
Regular Price - $110
Also, for the entire month
of February, receive 20% off
any retail item
Specials are valid February 1 – 28, 2015. No substitutions.
Cannot be combined with any other special or discount.
Monthly specials are non-refundable. MM#31281
For more information or to book an appointment, please visit or call the Spa at 488-7880
2 [ February 2015 ] boca west
[ presiden t’s Let t er]
f r o m t h e d e s k o f J ay D i P i e t r o
Dear Member,
This month’s schedule is filled with activities
by side for the last two years and it’s been
and events for everyone! Our Sweethearts
a remarkable journey that I will cherish.
Stroll starts Valentine’s Day, Saturday,
There have been numerous challenges and
February 14, off to a great start and we
some obstacles but none that your Board was
end the day with our Sweethearts Ball.
not able to overcome with Jerry at the helm.
What could be more romantic then spending
Jerry—the staff, management team and I
the entire day with your loved one?
hold you in the highest regard for your
During President’s Week, kids of all ages will
leadership abilities. We have learned
find entertainment everywhere! Whether its
under your leadership and have truly
golf, tennis, fitness or simply sitting poolside watching a movie,
enjoyed working with you. In my opinion, you brought
we’ve got something for everyone. A brochure listing all of the
the Club to its next level of greatness.
great activities and events is available throughout the Club
By now, you have all received your 2015 Board of Governors
as well as posted on the Club’s website. Please be sure to pick
election ballot. Your educated vote is so important to the
one up so you and your family and guests won’t miss a
future of your Club, so please watch “Meet the Candidates”
moment of fun that week!
on Channel 63 or the Club’s website to gain insight on your
Every year in the month of February some of our Board
fellow members running for your Board of Governors. I look
members’ terms expire. This year’s Board of Governors’
forward to seeing you on Friday, February 27 at 3 p.m. in the
election marks the end of a three-year term for one member
Cypress Room of the Country Club for the Annual Meeting
of the Board: Leonard Meyers and two consecutively served
of the Members.
three-year terms for four members of our Board: Arthur
Don’t forget that with this “changing of the guard” new
Adler, Jerry Glassman, Phil Kupperman and Howard
committees will also be formed. Your Board is always looking
Krosser. All have selflessly contributed their knowledge and
for energetic members with fresh new ideas who are willing
given their time and energy toward the betterment of your
to serve the Club. If you would like to get more involved with
Club. Jerry and Phil both in their capacity as Chairman of the
your Club you may wish to participate on a committee for the
Board and Arthur and Howie as officers of your Club have
2015/2016 season. Please drop a note to the Executive Office
truly put in their “overtime” this past few years with all that
addressed to the Chairman of the Board indicating the
has been taking place here; the City of Boca water issue, the
committee on which you would like to serve.
sale of the member park and the next piece of the puzzle just
I look forward to seeing you all at the Sweethearts Ball!
to name a few! It has been a pleasure and an honor working
As always, I welcome and encourage your comments
with all five of these gentlemen and I sincerely applaud them
and suggestions regarding your Club.
all for volunteering themselves for the job.
As the end of our Chairman’s service to the Board nears,
I must say that Jerry Glassman and I have worked side
Jay DiPietro, CCM
President and General Manager
boca west
[ february 2015 ] 3
february 2015
this issue
3 president’s letter
Our incredible seafood feast
5 dining
is legendary!
8 golf
Game, set, match 10 tennis
You are going to love the
13 the shoppes
tennis lineup
Seafood Buffet
Love is in the air
Get that special gift for that special
someone at the Shoppes
at boca west
14 fitness & aquatics
15 calendar
16 activities
27 foundation news
30 chairman’s letter
Visit us on the Web
and check out all the great features!
If you have a question or concern, email us
BocaWest is published for its members
by Boca West Country Club, Inc.
Send correspondence to:
Kathy E. Kohlhepp, Editor
Boca West Country Club,
P.O. Box 3070, Boca Raton, FL
33431-0970 • 488-6975
Design, Layout & Printing
EG Communications group
954-958-0338 •
Event photos by Visual Enterprises
Find us on
4 [ febuary
[ Dining]
Celebrate your birthday or anniversary with us!
Make reservations for your special day and we will help you
celebrate* with complimentary champagne and dessert.
*Offer is only good when dining
on your special day.
Last dinner
service is April 4
Call 483-6300 Monday – Saturday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
or email anytime to
Reservations requests must be submitted by 1 p.m.
two weeks in advance (unless otherwise noted) to be
included in the assignment.
boca west
[ February
february 2015 ] 5
Rum, Tequila
and Mojito
Wine Tasting
Wednesday, February 4
5:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Onyx Lounge
When dining with us at MyPi, enjoy a
complimentary specialty Rum, Tequila
and Mojito tasting.
Friday, February 20
Serving from 5:30 p.m. in Panache
$68.95++ per person
(no children’s menu)
Wednesday, March 11
(Deep Eddy, Pearl and
Square One Vodka)
Featuring Wines of Banfi, Italy
Wednesday, February 11
5:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Living Room
When he established the company on Spring Street in the heart of New York’s
Little Italy, John Mariani, Sr. named the company after an aunt, Teodolinda Banfi,
a woman of eclectic tastes who supervised his early education and greatly
influenced his views toward fine wines. Until her retirement, she had served as
head of the household staff of the late Pope Pius XI, and is distinguished as the
first lay person ever to hold that post.
Our extravagant
buffet includes
whole Maine lobster,
stone crab claws,
oysters and clams on
the half shell, shrimp
cocktail, Boca West
salad bar, carved
beef tenderloin,
shrimp scampi, full hot buffet featuring our chef’s seasonal
creations along with our signature dessert display
featuring bananas foster and housemade gelato.
SAVE THE DATE — Friday, March 20 for our next
Seafood Buffet!
6 [ February 2015 ] boca west
Banfi Vintners is the sole U.S. importer of the Mariani family’s internationally
renowned wine estates in Italy: Castello Banfi of Montalcino, Tuscany, and Banfi
Piemonte of Strevi, Piedmont. Banfi also imports the wines of several other
producers, including category leaders Bolla, Cecchi, Florio, Fontana Candida,
Placido, Riunite, and Sartori from Italy, Concha y Toro and Emiliana from Chile,
and Trivento from Argentina, Wisdom & Warter Sherries from Spain and Stone’s
Ginger wine from England. The company has ranked as North America’s leading
wine importer for more than three decades and that’s why we want you to have
a special glass of wine right from Italy.
When dining with us that evening, receive your choice of a complimentary bottle
of wine per table, chosen from one of the evenings’ tastings. Reservations are
required for dinner in order to participate in the wine tasting.
the Date! T h u r s d a y , M a r c h 2 6
Featuring wines of Castle Rock, California
Sunday, February 15
Serving from 5 p.m. in Panache
$27++ per adult/$18++ per child (4 –12 years)
Enjoy a delicious barbeque meal with Boca West favorites
such as Baby Back Ribs, Grilled Salmon, Grouper,
Turkey Chili, Barbeque Short Ribs and much more!
Reservations Requested. Please Note: The Grill Room
will be closed.
Dress attire for men: long or short sleeved collared shirts,
slacks, jeans, dress shorts.
Family Italian Night
Monday, February 16
Serving from 5:30 p.m. – close in Panache
Limited a la carte menu and a special
holiday buffet priced at $29++
per adult/$18++ per child (4-12 years).
Reservations will be assigned 14 days
in advance on Monday, February 3.
Special children’s activities. Dress attire
for Gentlemen: long or short sleeved
collared shirts, slacks, jeans, dress shorts.
Wednesday, March 4
5 – 6:30 p.m.
at On the Rocks Patio
$15 per person includes
two cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,
doggie treats and memento
(1/2 price drinks available after
two complimentary cocktails)
Reservations required by calling
483-6300 and also let us know
if you’ll be staying for dinner.
Saturday, April 4
Serving from 5:30 p.m. in Panache
$33++ per adult/$18++ per child (4 –12 years)
Full Menu and Buffet Offered
Reservations will be assigned 14 days in advance
on Saturday, March 21
Regular Panache dress code for men.
Featuring Euphoria
Thursday, February 19
Serving from 5:30 p.m. in Panache.
Featuring our Panache Buffet, à la carte menu
and a complimentary glass of wine with dinner.
Sunday, April 5
Serving from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in Panache
$36.95++ per child/$17.95++ per child (4-12 years)
Reservations will be assigned 28 days prior on Sunday,
March 8
JACKETS REQUIRED for men 16 years and older, no jeans.
Dress attire for men: long sleeved
collared shirts and slacks, no jeans
Reservations will be assigned 14 days prior
on Thursday, February 5
Thursday, March 19
featuring Music Machine
boca west
[ February
february 2015 ] 7
[ golf]
On the Courses
Respecting the Course
Golfers will go to great lengths to improve their
golf game but not their golf course. Why? We buy
new equipment to hit it further, try strange training
aids to cure our putting problems, watch instructors
on the golf channel and believe we now know why we
make bad shots and rush to the driving range to try it
out only to find out — damn, that’s not it. How about
we put the same energy and time into taking care of
our courses?
It is time to stop pretending that we all do enough
to repair the damage we do to the course and tell
ourselves it is always the group ahead or behind that
leaves the course in bad shape. It is every golfer on
every shot that has to do a better job. When every
golfer does not bother to fill a divot or two during a
round that leaves over a THOUSAND unfilled divots
after just one day and it keeps multiplying every day!
The same happens with ballmarks. Who wants to putt
over thousands of unrepaired ballmarks just because
some golfers won’t bend down to repair their damage?
Enough is enough. Do we really need a seminar or a
color handout with a scorecard to tell us what we now
have been told since the first day we played a round of
golf? Of course not. A golfer respects the course. Let’s
take pride in how we the membership, take care of our
golf courses. Remind yourself and everyone you play
with to do their part during each round of golf. No
excuses! You can find your ballmark, you can take sand
with you to each shot and you can rake your footprints
as you leave the bunker. It is that simple. These are all
things we keep saying should be better. The “we” is us,
the members.
Thank you for making a fresh start and doing
your part and reminding others to do theirs.
Good Golf and Good Health!
8 [ febuary 2015 ] boca west
By Robert Winikoff
Golf Operations Chairman
Upcoming Clinics,
Tournaments & Events
All tournaments and events are open for Golf Equity Members Only
The Championship
Men’s First Round
February 26 at 1 p.m.
Women’s First Round
February 28 at 1 p.m.
Format: Match Play
(single elimination)
Everyone who enters will be seeded
by their U.S.G.A. handicap index.
Match Dates
Men – March 1 and 5
Women – March 2 and 5
Rain Date: Monday, March 9
All matches begin at 1 p.m.
Equity Golf Members Only
Entry Deadline
Thursday, February 12
M arch
March Madness &
Awards Ceremony
Saturday, March 21
Format: Best Ball of the Foursome
8:30 a.m. Shotgun – Lunch after play
$45 entry fee per person includes
prizes and lunch
Awards Ceremony will be held
at the lunch after golf.
Please make sure all table requests
are submitted with applications.
Entry deadline
Saturday, February 28
Golf Clinics
Monday afternoons
from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
$20 per person, per clinic
February 2
Driver & Full Swing
Chris Czaja
February 9
Pam Elders
February 16
Michael Meredith
February 23
Irons (6, 7, 8 & 9)
Chris Czaja
boca west
[ February 2015 ] 9
[t ennis]
at the net
Something Special is Happening
at Boca West Tennis
By Joel Schlesinger, Tennis Committee Chairman
During the December holiday, all the courts were
in action each and every day. Game Arranging
interest was exceptional and our tennis professionals were
fully booked giving lessons. The highlight goes to our
“Under the Lights” World Class Tennis Exhibition held on
December 19 that saw approximately 260 attend and enjoy
an entertaining evening of tennis, music and Italian fare.
My special thanks to our own Duby Petrovich, Head
Tennis Professional, Christina McHale (World #52), Sebastien Grosjean (former World #4) and Donna Vekic
(World #82).
The date to be circled is Friday, February 13 at 10 a.m. Joining us for another terrific exhibition will be Justin
Gimelstob and Mark Philippoussis. The Tennis Channel will be there as well.
• Justin Gimelstob American, he was the top-ranked boy in his respective age group at the ages of 12, 14, 16, and 18.
As a pro, he won the 1998 Australian Open and 1998 French Open mixed doubles titles with Venus Williams as his
partner. Won a total of 10 singles titles and 15 doubles championships. He is currently a coach to John Isner and is a
regular commentator for Tennis Channel. Lastly, He was entered into the Southern California Jewish Hall of Fame in
2005. In 2006 he was inducted into the MetroWest Jewish Sports Hall of Fame in New Jersey in 2006.
• Mark Philippoussis Australian, 11 career titles and achieved a high rank of #8 World (’99).
The other important date of note is the February 17. Our Director of Tennis, John Joyce, has been nominated
for the Tribute Award awarded through The Delray Beach Open by the Venetian along with nine other
distinguished people for their exceptional passion and dedication to support the growth of tennis and
community outreach in South Florida. That evening the winner will be announced on Stadium Court. The
winner will be interviewed by Tennis Channel with 32 million followers watching. Unfortunately the vote ended
January 9, so we do not know the outcome. Regardless, John has made all of us at Boca West proud and he is
a winner in our book.
Lastly, we will soon begin our Boca West Tennis Championships. Look for more information on this in the
coming weeks. Perhaps you would like to come down and see a few matches (avoid mine).
See you on the courts!
10 [ febuary
Tennis Events
Mark Philippoussis
Justin Gimbelstob
February 1, 8, 15, 22
Held every Sunday morning at
9:30 a.m. Grab a partner and sign up
prior to the Saturday of intended
play. If you do not have a partner,
the staff will do their best to find you
a partner.
Time to get in shape and perfect those
strokes. Our Club Championships are
right around the corner. If you are a
tennis member and are interested in
playing, please read all of the rules
and fill out an entry form in the
Tennis Center before the deadline
of each event.
Friday, February 13 at 10 a.m.
on Stadium Court
Mark Philippoussis – Mark is an
Australian former tennis professional
who turned pro in 1994. His greatest
achievements were when he reached
the finals of the US Open in 1998 and
then the finals of Wimbeldon in 2003.
His career-high singles ranking in the
World was #8.
Justin Gimbelstob – Justin is a retired
American tennis player. He was the
top-ranked boy in his respective age
group at the ages of 12, 14, 16 and 18.
As a pro, he won the 1998 Australian
Open and the 1998 French Open mixed
doubles titles with Venus Williams as
his partner. He won a total of 10 singles
titles and 15 doubles championships as
a pro, and twice was a member of the
U.S. Davis Cup team. In singles
matches, he has defeated Andre Agassi,
Petr Korda, Alex Corretja, Patrick
Rafter (when he was No. 5 in the
World) and Gustavo Kuerten.
Wednesday, February 11
It’s that time of the year again to find
a partner, member or guest, to play
in this annual event. It is a fixed
partner format and gift certificates
will be awarded to the winners and
finalists of flight. Mementos will be
given out to each player that
participates as well.
Breakfast: 8:30 a.m. • Check-In: 9 a.m.
Play: 9:30 a.m. • Lunch: 11:30 a.m.
Fashion Show and Gift Certificates
awarded after play during lunch
Colors: Ice Blue, Silver and White
Request no later than 1 p.m. on
Wednesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 18 at 1 p.m.
$10 per person | Format: Mixed-up
Doubles, Fixed Partners
All members and guests welcome.
Gift certificates awarded to top flight
Request no later than 1 p.m.
on Wednesday, February 11
Mixed Doubles: February 25 - March 1
Sign-up Deadline: February 18
Doubles: March 4 – 9
Sign-up Deadline: February 27
Singles & Combined Ages 160+:
March 11-15
Sign-up Deadline: March 4
Levels of Competition:
Championship • Level 1 • Level 2
160 age combined for the year 2015
Monday, March 9
4 p.m. Club Championship Match
(Men’s Doubles Championship Level)
6 p.m. Dinner and Music - $18 per
person, inclusive of tax and gratuity
There is no charge to come and watch
the championship match. There is a fee
if you’d like to stay for dinner and music.
Reservations required for dinner (Boca
West buffet). There will be a member
charge bar for alcoholic beverages.
Cha Cha and Margaret Owensby
along with our very own John Joyce
and Duby Petrovich will also play.
boca west
[ February
february 2015 ] 11
Tennis clinics
February 7, 14, 21, 28
Can’t make it to your Saturday
morning match? Sign up for this
clinic for a great workout. Get
technical advice from the pros on any
shot you may need to work on, plus
leave the class feeling energized and
wanting to play more. Clinic is held
from 2 – 3 p.m. Game Play is held
from 3 – 4 p.m. Cost: $20 per person,
per clinic.
Friday mornings at 10 a.m. Sign up one
week in advance to participate.
OVERHEADS – February 6
Feburary 15 – 22 held daily at 1 p.m.
for all ages (6-14 years). $20 per
junior, per day.
Sign up in the Tennis Center the day
of the clinic.
Family Member Guest
Round Robin Results
Held December 24
Group A
Winners: Adam and Richard
Finalists: David Schimmel
and Finn Cooper
Group B
Winners: Adam and Jack Gillman
Finalists: Mimi Sherman
and Alex Petrescu
Junior Tournament
Pizza Party
Held December 28
With over 30 juniors competing
for the gold, the results are in for
this year’s 2014 Junior Pizza Party
Tournament. Thank you to all of
the juniors for participating and to
their parents for their support on
the sidelines.
Winners: Jordan Schildcrout,
Ethan Sawyer, Hallie Akawie,
Jared Wolf
Finalists: Annie Worobow,
Matthew Miller
Men’s Member
Guest Tournament
Held Saturday, January 10
The Brisbane Boys
Winners: Martin Yaged
and Herve Cormier
Finalists: Jean Prevost
and Rick Preston
The Auckland Acers
Winners: Len Rashkin
and Neil Pollack
Finalists: Jerry Appelblatt
and Peter Braadland
Sydney’s Smashers
Winners: Mel Hellinger
and Andrew Hellinger
Finalists: Al Weinstein
and Ben Cooley
The Melbourne Men
Winners: Ted Kalina
and Jerry Gold
Finalists: Phil Howard
and Irwin Bernstein
The Aussie Openers
Winners: Harris Ross and
Al Pastor (tie) Bob Weinstein
and Larry Eisenstein (tie)
Finalists: Bob Halio
and Barney Loiter
Congratulations to the Boca West Men’s Palm Beach
Open League team for winning their championship!
The finals were played at Boca West on Wednesday, January 14
and they won two out of the three courts to capture the title!
Game Arranging Email Response System
Men’s and Women’s game arranging is in full swing. Be on the look out
for our game arranging emails being sent out from
Men’s Game Arranging
Advanced Intermediate/ Advanced: Monday - Saturday at 9 a.m.
Women’s Game Arranging
Intermediate /Advanced: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9 a.m.
12 [ February 2015 ] boca west
[ shoppes]
is in
the air
at boca west
By Mark Berkowitz, Retail Committee Chairman
What better place is there to buy that special gift for that special someone than your very own Shoppes at
Boca West? Did you know your Shoppes carry more than 100 golf, tennis, and fitness apparel and
equipment lines? Only at Boca West can you buy your husband the new 2015 Nike Vapor Speed driver
and spoil yourself with a new San Soleil golf shirt.
Nike Golf: Vapor Speed & Flex
Nike has targeted 2015 to be one their best years to date.
With the launch of their new Vapor line of equipment Nike
is poised to make a big splash in the game of golf this year.
Featuring FlexLoft and FlexFlight technology combine to offer
15-30 different launch options.
Schedule a complimentary 15-minute equipment evaluation with Mike Bove
and test your driver against the
New Nike Vapor driver on FlightScope.
San Soleil Apparel:
Sun care you can wear.
All San Soleil tops found in
your Shoppes feature UPF 50,
cooling, quick dry, anti-odor,
and are ventilated.
February 5
February 13
9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on the driving range
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Golf Shoppe
Bridgestone Ball Fitting
February 10-22
Glitz & Glam Trunk Show
February 14
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Super Demo Day
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. on the driving range
February 12
February 20
7:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. on the putting green
8 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Fitness Center
Golf Pride Grip Demo Day
Quenchwear Trunk Show
CREDIT CHECK Do you know how much merchandise credit you have in the Shoppes?
Visit the golf shop and ask one of our retail sales associates to check for you. Did you
know you can use merchandise credit towards any purchase? Did you also know you
can use merchandise credit and your birthday coupon together when purchasing
merchandise greater than $100 pre tax?
Grand Opening! b
February 2
On the Move
A New Retail Experience brought to you by
The Shoppes at Boca West featuring men’s and
women’s activeware located in the Fitness Center.
boca west
[ February 2015 ] 13
aquat ics
& s pa
Choosing the Right
Spa Provider or
Personal Trainer
By Bert Wellman, Chairman
Your Club offers a variety of programs for your health and well being and sometimes it can get confusing
as to who you should schedule your massage, facial or personal training session with. Here are a few tips that may be helpful when making
your next appointment and also once you arrive for your session:
1. Once you determine what days and times are best for you, check with either the Spa (488-7880)
or Fitness (488-6944) Reception areas to see what appointments are available to match your needs.
2. Try a variety of Spa or Fitness personnel to keep things fresh and interesting.
3. Let the Spa or Fitness Reception staff know if you have any special needs that your Provider needs
to be aware of (i.e. injuries, illnesses, etc.) that may require you to schedule for another day.
4. Check your balance history to see if you have any unused Gift Certificates or Series purchases.
5. Be sure to ask the Spa or Fitness Reception staff if it is required to fill out any special paperwork (i.e. Facial
Questionnaire, Health History, etc.) prior to your arrival so you can make all the necessary arrangements.
6. If you are feeling ill, please let the Spa and Fitness staff know as soon as possible to avoid any cancellation
fee. This will also allow the staff to offer your time slot to someone else on a waiting list.
7. Ask any questions you are thinking about if this is your first time getting a Massage, Facial,
Body Treatment or Personal Training session to address any concerns.
8. Let your Spa or Fitness provider know if you have any specific health issues (i.e. Diabetes,
High Blood Pressure, Vertigo, etc.) that may be a factor during your session.
9. Arrive early to your Spa or Fitness appointment, especially during the busier times of the season to avoid
any delays in starting your session.
10. Ask the staff professionals how often you should schedule your appointments to keep a healthy balance
with any problematic areas that are challenging you.
We look forward to seeing you at the Sports Center and Spa!
Please join us for Boca West’s
Annual Sweetheart Stroll
Saturday, February 14 • 8 a.m. on Boca West Drive
Sign up is not required.
For further information, please contact
the Fitness Center at 488-6944.
We look forward
to seeing
all of you there.
14 [ febuary
Lifestyle Lecture Series
Monday evenings from 7 – 8 p.m.
Card Room 1 in the Sports Center
Reservations not necessary
You Say Pain Management, We Say Pain Health
February 2 by Dr. Jarrod Friedman, MD
Preventing Strokes: A Discussion on How You
and Your Primary Care Physician Can Achieve
Maximum Risk Reduction
February 9 at Dr. Tiago Miguel, MD
Taking Control of Your Healthcare
February 16 by Melissa Whelchel
The Latest Technologies for Foot,
Ankle and Leg Vein Surgery
February 23 by Dr. Jodi Schoehaus, DPM
The Latest Advances in “Wearable”
Hearing Technology
March 2 by Craig Drucker, BC-HIS & Kyle Acker, AuD
Aging Skin: Update in Non-Invasive Aesthetic
Procedures and Skin Cancer Management
March 9 by Dr. Jordana Herschthal, MD, FAAD
Cutting Edge Management in Acute Stroke
and Brain Bleeds
March 16 by Dr. Moskowitz, MD, PhD
[ f ebrua ry 2015]
Super Bowl Party
Golf Clinic
Duplicate Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
Bridge Workshop
Ballroom Dance
Duplicate Bridge
Social Mixed Up Doubles
Fitness Lifestyle Lecture
3D Art
Singles Night
Boca West Cup
Advanced Bridge Lesson
Open Card Play
Rum, Tequila & Mojito Tasting
in Onyx
A Day at the Races
Bridgestone Ball Fitting
Supervised Bridge
Bridge Lesson
Boca West Cup
Tennis Clinic
Afternoon Adult
Tennis Clinic
Beginner Bridge Lesson
Boca West Cup
Boca West Cup
Fitness Lifestyle Lecture
Activities Lecture
Afternoon Duplicate Bridge
Golf Pride Grip Demo Day
Ballroom Dance
Supervised Bridge
Bridge Lesson
Super Demo Day
Open Card Play
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Tennis Exhibition
Social Mixed Up Doubles
Book Talk
Golf Clinic
Singles Night
3D Art
Duplicate Bridge
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Advanced Bridge Lesson
Valentine’s Day
& President’s Week Sale
Duplicate Bridge
Glitz & Glam Trunk Show
Splash Art
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Wine Tasting
Afternoon Adult
Tennis Clinic
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Sweetheart Stroll
Sweetheart’s Ball
Beginner Bridge Lesson
Women’s Tennis
Member Guest
Junior Tennis Clinic
Family Italian Night
Duplicate Bridge
Junior Tennis Clinic
Tennis Clinic
Fitness Lifestyle Lecture
Boca West Presents:
Good Vibrations
Afternoon Duplicate Bridge
Social Mixed Up Doubles
Junior Tennis Clinic
Quenchwear Trunk Show
Junior Tennis Clinic
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Golf Clinic
Duplicate Bridge
Ballroom Dance
Family Guest Round Robin
Supervised Bridge
Seafood Buffet
Junior Tennis Clinic
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Golf Club Champs
Supervised Bridge
Intermediate Bridge
Golf Club Champs
Tennis Club Champs:
Mixed Doubles
Mixed Doubles
Bbq Night
Coconut Grove Arts Festival
Junior Tennis Clinic
Singles Night
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
3D Art
Junior Tennis Clinic
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Advanced Bridge Lesson
Open Card Play
Dinner Dance
Beginner Bridge Lesson
Afternoon Adult
Valentine’s Day & President’s
Week Sale
Club Night
Duplicate Bridge
Junior Tennis Clinic
Social Mixed Up Doubles
Valentine’s Day &
President’s Week Sale
Golf Clinic
Comedy Night
with Yakov Smirnoff
Fitness Lifestyle Lecture
Singles Night
Men’s Member Guest
Golf Event
3D Art
Duplicate Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
Ballroom Dance
Open Card Play
Tennis Club Champs:
Mixed Doubles
Duplicate Bridge
Beginner Bridge Lesson
Tennis Club Champs:
Afternoon Adult
Tennis Clinic
Tennis Club Champs:
Mixed Doubles
Advanced Bridge Lesson
boca west
[ February
february 2015 ] 15
[ac t i v i t ies]
Activities Reservation & Cancellation Policy
To be included in the lottery (if warranted), reservations and cancellations for all activities must be submitted in writing by
the REQUEST BY date. You may email to, fax to 483-9521 or stop by the office to fill out a form.
in The Onyx
Join us Monday
evenings from7-9 p.m.
$10 per person includes
a cocktail, light hors
d’oeuvres &
Boca Woods
Jewels & Jeans
Thursday, February 5
6:30 p.m.
$35 per person
Reserve/Cancel by January 20
Thursday, March 8
at the Polo Club
lounge entertainment
Activities Confirmations
Event status is posted on the Club’s website. Confirmation letters are no longer mailed. To access the site, go to http:// and type in your username and password. Once logged on, click on the SOCIAL tab, a drop down
menu will appear. Click on ACTIVITIES CONFIRMATIONS and select the event you wish to view. All event information,
including time, location, cancellation policy, etc will be posted. Activities that require tickets (i.e. lectures) and/or seating
assignments (i.e. Cabaret Nights, Sweethearts Ball, Tanglewood) will be sent to your Boca West mailing address prior to the
event. A friendly reminder email will be sent prior to every event. Be sure to register your email address online.
16 [ febuary
2015 ] boca west
Join us from 6:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Living Room
Wednesday, February 4- Joel Odierno
Thursday, February 5- Bill DeRenzo
Friday, February 6- PANACHE CLOSED
Saturday, February 7- PANACHE CLOSED
Wednesday, February 11
Valerie White Duo
Thursday, February 12
Mark Bornfield Duo
Friday, February 13- Marc Cooper Trio
Sunday, February 1- Davis & Dow
Tuesday, February 3- Karaoke Night
with Jeffrey B
Wednesday, February 4- Cachet Duo
Thursday, February 5- Michelle Masci Duo
Friday, February 6- Spanky & Dino
Saturday, February 7- Chad & Heather
Sunday, February 8- Uptown Express
Tuesday, February 10- Tim McCaig
Wednesday, February 11- Kendra Erika
Thursday, February 12- Greg & Rachel
Friday, February 13- Spanky & Dino
Wednesday, February 18- Jeffrey Bryer
Friday, February 20- Larry & Cheryl
Saturday, February 21- Wayne L
Wednesday, February 25- Mel Olman Duo
Thursday, February 26- PANACHE CLOSED
Friday, February 27, Terry Cooper Duo
Saturday, February 28- Michelle Masci Duo
Saturday, February 14- Chenzo Duo
Sunday, February 15- Davis & Dow
Tuesday, February 17- Bill DeRenzo
Wednesday, February 18- Cachet Duo
Thursday, February 19- Michelle Masci Duo
Friday, February 20- Spanky & Dino
Saturday, February 21- Chad & Heather
Sunday, February 22- Uptown Express
Tuesday, February 24- Tim McCaig
Wednesday, February 25- Jeffrey B
Thursday, February 26- Greg & Rachel
Friday, February 27- Spanky & Dino
Saturday, February 28- Chenzo Duo
[ac t i v i t ies]
Card Party
& Luncheon
POLICY through April 2015
Friday, March 13
Join us with your guest for games
of Duplicate Bridge, Social Bridge,
Canasta and Mahjongg.
$110 per pair
Please be sure to notify us what game
you are playing when signing up.
Request by February 14
Cancel by February 28
Beginner Bridge
Lessons with Linda J Green
Bridge has the suspense of poker,
the cerebral qualities of chess and
the excitement of athletic sports all in a social setting!
Come and learn to play the greatest
game in the world at your very
first lesson.
Part 2: February 20, 27
and March 6,13,20,27
Must sign up for all six lessons in series
Learn your very first conventions
and how to bid in all positions.
Friday mornings - 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.,
Veranda Card Room A/Golf Club
$180 per person, per six weeks
Hand-outs included. Books and CDs
are available for purchase.
Daytime Policy
Monday - no guests permitted
Tuesday - one guest permitted
Wednesday - one guest permitted
Thursday - one guest permitted
Friday - one guest permitted
Saturday - no guests permitted
Sunday - up to three guests permitted
Boca West Country Club
Presents a
with Linda J Green
Take one of the most exciting card
games to the next level! Learn the
tricks of the trade. Become a star!
Thursday, February 5
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
“Pesky Preempts and the Magic Rule
of Seven”
E S P [extra seven points]
Hand outs and materials included.
Books and CDs available for purchase
$40 per person.
Bridge ­— Big Business
The American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) founded in 1937, is the
governing body for all organized Bridge activities on the North
American continent. With its headquarters in Horn Lake MS it boasts a
membership of 167,000+ and employs a staff of 59 and 170
tournament Directors. Its annual budget is $15 million. The ACBL
supports 3200 bridge clubs; 1100 yearly bridge tournaments and 3
million tables of bridge in play annually with an additional 300,000
tables online. It certifies Bridge Directors and teachers, and ranks
players by awarding masterpoints for their achievements. It sponsors
three National Championships, and is the biggest user of hotel space. It
offers School bridge lessons annually to 4000 children, and its monthly
Bridge Bulletin is the world’s most popular bridge publication. It is the
authority on all Laws for Duplicate and Contract Bridge. Additionally it supports both Charity and Education Foundations
and houses a state of the art Bridge Museum and the largest Library of bridge books in the world.
Evening Policy
Monday - card rooms closed
Tuesday - one guest permitted in Sports Center
Wednesday - no guests permitted
Thursday - one guest permitted in
Sports Center
Friday - one guest permitted
Saturday - up to three guests permitted
Sunday - up to three guests permitted
No guests are permitted for Duplicate Bridge
on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, but are
invited to join you for Wednesday or Sunday
Afternoon Duplicate Bridge games. When
playing cards on a Monday, be sure to put your
membership card on the table next to you so
when we do card room checks, we are not
disturbing your game.
Only food and beverage served in the card
rooms may be consumed there. Food and
beverage items may not be taken out of the
card rooms for any reason, nor is food from
outside the card rooms permitted to be brought
into the card rooms. Card Room snacks and
beverages may be consumed only by those
playing games.
A non-member (non-resident) may be a guest
of the Club no more than six times per
membership year: October 1 - September 30.
Equity members, lessees and non-member
residents of Boca West are not eligible to be day
guests or houseguests. Card Room availability
is based on the building being open. Card
playing is not permitted in the living room of
the Country Club or in the breezeway in the
Golf Club. Members must play with their
guests at all times. Tables may not be reserved.
Cell phones may not be used in the card rooms.
Card Rooms must adhere to the Dress Code
Policy listed for the Dining Room in
that building.
boca west
[ February 2015 ] 17
[ac t i v i t ies]
bridge news
Every Tuesday through May 26.
Every Thursday Night Year Round
Games are held in Card Rooms A&B
in the Country Club. Game begins
at 7 p.m. $10 per person.
Directed by Linda Green.
Every Tuesday through May 26, 2015
Complimentary lecture every
Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. with
Linda Green
Every Wednesday through March 25
in Veranda Card Room A in the Golf
Club. Game begins at 1:15 p.m.
$10 per person. One guest per person
is welcome.
All lectures begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Cypress Room
Election 2016: An early look at the
presidential race Presented by: Robert Watson • Tuesday, February 10
This one-time lecture will attempt to make sense of the historic 2014 midterm
elections, both nationally and here in Florida, and also look forward to the
2016 presidential race. This lecture offers predictions and prognostications
for the political scene in 2015 and examines the field of candidates for 2016,
the strength and impact of the Tea Party, as well as evaluating the agenda
for the end of the Obama years.
Annual Sports Night Round Table Tuesday, March 3
All reservations must be submitted in writing at least one month prior to each lecture.
You can submit a request via fax at 483-9521, email or come
into the office to fill out a request card. Based on the number of requests received, a
lottery may be warranted one month prior to each lecture date. Cancellations will be
accepted up to 24 hours prior to each lecture to avoid a $10 per person charge.
Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes
$90 per person for six weeks
Beginner/Intermediate Classes – Wednesdays from 5:30- 6:15 p.m. in the Aerobics Studio
Session 3: February 18 - March 25 (Request by: February 4/Cancel by: February 11)
Learn the Most Popular Dances for Social Events, Parties & Weddings. Cha Cha,
Foxtrot, Swing, Rumba, Salsa. No Partner Needed! Singles and Couples Welcome.
Games are held in Card Room A
in the Country Club. Game begins
at 1PM. $10 per person. One guest
per person is welcome. Dates are:
January 11, February 22, March 1,
April 19 and May 17. Directed by
Linda Green.
3D Art Classes
Tuesday mornings; 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Session 3 - February 24 and March 3,
10, 17, 24, 31 (Request by February 3)
$120 per person, six week session
(supplies additional)
Cancellations will be accepted up to one
week prior to the start date. Classes are
limited to 20 students per class.
Every Thursday through March 26.
Class is held from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
in Veranda Card Room A
in the Golf Club.
No Reservations Required.
$10 per person.
New Class SPLASH ART Join us for a fun night
of Step-By-Step Painting taught by a local artist they bring all the supplies you need to create
an 11x14 masterpiece!
$45 per person, per class includes wine and cheese
4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Veranda Card Room A
Thursday, March 12
Friday, February 13
18 [ February 2015 ] boca west
[ac t i v i t ies]
Coconut Grove
Arts Festival
A Day at The Races
at Gulfstream Park
Thursday, February 5 - $75 per person
DAY INCLUDES: Air-conditioned track side seating, a lavish buffet at Ten Palms,
one complimentary glass of wine, daily race program, one $2 betting voucher,
round trip bus transportation, all taxes and gratuities.
Bus leaves at 11 a.m. and returns approximately 7 p.m.
Join us for the BIG GAME which
will be shown on Theater Size Screens
Gates open in the Cypress Room
at 5 p.m.
$19.95++ per member
Good Vibrations:
A Tribute to the Beach Boys
Tuesday, February 17
$30 per person cover charge
Doors open at 7 p.m.
Show Time at 8 p.m. in the Cypress Room of the Country Club
Seating: Tables of Eight
Request by: January 20/ Cancel by: February 3
Sounds of Soul
Tuesday, March 10
$30 per person cover charge
Doors open at 7 p.m. Show Time at 8 p.m.
in the Cypress Room of the Country Club
Seating: Tables of Eight
Request by: February 10/Cancel by:
February 24
Sunday, February 1
COMEDY NIGHT with Yakov Smirnoff
Tuesday, February 24 in the Cypress Room
$30 per person cover charge
Doors open at 7 p.m.; Show Time at 8 p.m.
Request by: January 24/ Cancel by: February 10
Seating will be theater style, no tables for this
Monday, February 16
9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
$25 per person includes transportation
and admission
Enjoy one of the nation’s premier outdoor
fine arts festivals. A signature event
on the South Florida cultural calendar,
the festival offers visitors a chance to
meet and talk with over 300 exhibition
artists, sample fine cuisine, enjoy live
entertainment and take a walk through
history. Request/Cancel by: February 2.
MENU: Variety of Salads, Tortilla Chips
& Salsa, Nathan’s Hot Dogs, Tailgate
Ribs, Roadside Sliders, Spinach and
Artichoke Dip, Homemade Pizzettas,
Blackened Chicken Nachos, Fish &
Chips, Turkey Chili, Assorted Sports Bar
Wings, Exciting Desserts, and MUCH
MORE! Member Charge Bar for Alcohol.
Request in writing to the Activities
department. One request per table
please. Tables of 8 - 12 will be accepted.
Requests with less than 8 in the party
will be joined together.
$29.95++ per guest.
boca west
[ february 2015 ] 19
[ac t i v i t ies]
Seder Dinner
First Night
of Passover
Friday, April 3- Grand Ballroom
6:30 p.m., Seder Service
7 p.m., Dinner
$40.95++ per adult/$17.95++
per child (4 - 12)
Equity members and family only
Request in writing to the
Activities department no later
than Monday, February 23.
One request per table please.
Tables of 10 - 24 will be accepted.
Requests with less than 10 in the
party will be joined together.
Requests larger than 12 may be
split into two tables. Based on
the number of requests received,
a lottery may be warranted. If
selected through the lottery,
your reservation is guaranteed
and may not be canceled unless
a wait list has been generated
by the number of requests.
Confirmations will be posted
on the Boca West website by
Wednesday, February 25
Dress code: jackets required
for men and male children
over the age of 16.
20 [ February 2015 ] boca west
with the Lynn University
Wednesday, April 1
$45 per person
Under the Stars at the Driving Range
Gates and Food Kiosks open at 6 p.m.
Philharmonia Orchestra to perform
at 8 p.m.
Each membership is entitled
to two tickets. Based on the number
of requests received, a lottery
may be warranted.
Request by
Monday, March 2
Cancel by
Monday, March 16
[ac t i v i t ies]
Bo c a West
25th Anniversary
With Special Guests
Tony Dovolani
& Peta Murgatroyd
from Dancing with the Stars
and the Fred Astaire Dancers
F r i day, M a rch 6
6:30 - 7:30 p.m
elaborate cocktail reception
7:30 - 10:30 p.m.
dinner, entertainment and dancing
$75++ per person in the Grand Ballroom
Tony Dovolani
Peta Murgatroyd
Dress Code: Black Tie Preferred
Request in writing to the Activities department no later than Saturday, February 7. Tables of 10 - 12
will be accepted. Requests with less than 10 in the party will be joined together. Table Captains
are responsible for reservations made. Based on the number of requests received, a lottery may be
warranted. Once confirmed, your reservation is guaranteed and may not be canceled unless a wait list
has been generated. Confirmation/Waitlist status will be listed on the Boca West website as of February
10. Based on the number of requests, guests may be invited beginning, Thursday, February 12.
boca west
[ February
february 2015 ] 21
22 [ february
February 2015 ] boca west
Introducing the Candidates for the Boca West Country Club Board of Governors
Howard Boilen
Paul Echenberg
Leonard Meyers
Harriet Moskowitz
Liz Rome
Stephen Siegel
Nominating Committee
Arthur Adler, Chairman
Steve Berlin
Jim Ginzler
Margie Isroff
Howard Krosser
Bob Locke
Joel Macher
Steve Milhauser
Ed Rod
Annual Meeting and Election
Friday, February 27
3 p.m., Cypress Room
Howard Boilen
Paul Echenberg
Leonard Meyers
Harriet Moskowitz
Liz Rome
Stephen Siegel
Board of Governors Ballot
Watch for your ballot in the mail and
vote for the candidates you believe will
best serve your Club. McGladrey LLP
CPAs must receive ballots by 5 p.m. on
Thursday, February 26. If you did not
receive your ballot or have questions,
please call the Executive office at
Meet the Candidates
Take this opportunity to get to know
your candidates! Tune in daily to
Channel 63 at 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m.,
6 p.m., 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. The video
is also posted on the Club’s website
on the Board of Governors home page.
Committee Volunteers
Share your ideas and talents with the
Club by serving on one of its committees.
Send your resume and a letter
designating the committee on which you
wish to serve to the Board of Governors
in care of the Executive office by
Thursday, March 12.
boca west
[ february
February 2015 ] 23
f i n a nc e
C o m m i t t e e
By Bob Locke, Finance Committee Chairman
Last year and early 2014/2015 results
were excellent
For the 12 months ending September 30, 2014 Net Income was $1,225,200 compared to $1,611,900 for the prior year.
Total revenue was $50.8 million versus $48.9 million.
Non-operational items were a positive $1,405,100 million against budget and were primarily due to fewer nonpaying members,
not using reclaimed water and smaller than expected Arvida cleanup costs offset by $500,000 paid to the Masters Association
and $218,000 in consulting costs associated with a planned new computer system for the club.
Operating Income was also ahead of budget by $462,600. The year’s positive change was due to significant improvements
against budget in payroll and related expenses and in the Food & Beverage department.
Our cash balance at the end of September was $30.0 million compared to $28.3 million for the prior year after paying $4.5 million
to construct the new parking deck.
As of September 30, year-end sales of homes to new members were 112 compared to 88 for the prior year. Due to these increased
home sales joining fees increased 27% to $5.3 million from last year`s $4.1 million.
At the end of last year, 50 members had not paid their 2013/2014 dues. This compares to 64 the year before. The 50 unpaid
members are the cumulative totals still outstanding for the last 7 Years.
For the first two months of this fiscal year, Net Income was also ahead of Budget by $650,600 which included Non
Operational adjustments of $564,900. The primary components of the Non Operational adjustments were associated
with the late arrival of foreign staff and $250,000 still owed to the Masters Association for this fiscal year. Total revenue
was $8.2 million versus $7.9 million.
Cash at the end of December was $17.7 million versus $16.1 million in the prior year.
As of January 19, 2015, sales and pending contracts of homes to new members were 27, which equaled last year at this time.
In addition, 66 members have not yet paid their 2014/15 dues compared to 82 for the prior year against a budget of 75.
Of the 66 members who have not paid dues there are 32 left over from the prior seven years. There are 19 golf players who
have downgraded. The 2014/2015 budget includes 50 downgrades. The comparable amounts for Tennis are 17 against
a budget of 25.
Our strong financial performance over the years has given us a club that has dramatically improved its facilities with no assessments
and no food & beverage minimums unlike all of the other communities in this area. We all know that property values are down but
just think about what they would be without all the new construction, upgrading and replacement of facilities and the improvement
in our lifestyle that has been made over the last 10 years.
Based on last year`s results and early results this year, I am confident that we will again have a strong year.
G r i e v a nc e
C o m m i t t e e
By Harvey Krauser, Chairman
A member was seen by retail staff and the retail shop camera stealing from the golf shop. The member entered the golf shop with an empty folded Boca West plastic retail
bag in hand and took the item as well as a pair of slacks into the fitting room; however, only the slacks came out of the fitting room. It appeared to the retail staff that
there was something in the plastic bag and the item they saw go in the fitting room was missing from the shop.
As soon as the member was notified of the incident and a grievance being filed a very remorseful letter was sent to the Club with a sincere apology.
After a thorough investigation and several discussions with the member involved, the Grievance Committee determined that this member is not a thief but is suffering from
severe depression due to several life changing circumstances. Therefore, rather than a maximum suspension as has been done with other cases of theft in the past, the
committee recommended and the Board approved suspension of Club privileges for three months and suspension from any Boca West retail area for six months.
24 [ February 2015 ] boca west
By Frank Richard, Membership Committee Chairman
Board of Governors
Jerold Glassman*
Vice Chair & 1st Vice President
Phil Kupperman*
2nd Vice President
Arthur Adler*
Bob Locke*
As I am writing this article the beginning of January, the club is
a buzz of activity with our children and grandchildren visiting.
Your Membership department activated over 3,500 Guest and
Offspring Cards over the December two week holiday period.
It’s such a thrill to see so many people here enjoying the Club
with their family.
After all these spectacular Club experiences and memories created, why end it
with just a short visit. Now is a perfect time for your Offspring to join the Club
and have a place of their own.
The Club offers a payment plan for the Joining Fee for all member’s children
and grandchildren. This also includes a $10,000 price break! The Joining Fee
may be paid out over four years at no interest.
Howard Krosser*
President & General Manager
Jay DiPietro, CCM
*Executive Committee
Alvin “Bud” Baron, Mark Berkowitz, Jeffrey Feiner,
Dr. Nancy Frydman, Howard Liebman,
Leonard Meyers, Frank Richard, Joel Schlesinger,
Bert Wellman, Bob Winikoff
Please share this information with your children. Have them join the Club
with the other 45 families that have purchased over the past few years under
the Offspring Payment Program. Make sunshiny Boca West Country Club
a lifestyle and not just a two-week holiday.
For more information, please call your Membership department at 488-6934.
Committee Chairs
Joel Schlesinger, Chair
Howard Krosser, VC
Jeffrey Feiner, Chair
Mark Berkowitz, VC
Bob Winikoff, Chair
Jeffrey Feiner, VC
Bob Locke, Chair
Jeffrey Feiner, VC
Fitness/Aquatics/Spa Bert Wellman, Chair
Nancy Frydman, VC
Golf Operations
Bob Winikoff, Chair
Frank Richard, VC
Harvey Krauser, Chair
Steve Siegel, VC
Arthur Adler, Chair
Bert Wellman, VC
Human Resources
Alvin “Bud” Baron
Bob Winikoff, Chair
Gerald Dorf, VC
Frank Richard, Chair
Mark Berkowitz, VC
Nancy Frydman
Mark Berkowitz, Chair
Nancy Frydman
Joel Schlesinger, Chair
Alvin “Bud” Baron, VC
w elcom e
#6378 Dr. Terry & Eileen Schwarzwald
7404 Woodmont Ct., #8B
Hometown: Englewood, NJ
#6435 Harvey & Sabina Sternthal
New Members
19849C Planters Blvd., #13
December 1 – 31, 2014
#6434 Donna Adelman
6797 Willow Wood Dr., #6062 #6293 Dr Michael & Randi Tumen
6915 Rain Forest Dr., #E8
Hometown: Westmount, Quebec516-367-2840
Woodbury, NY
#6437 Marc & Barbara Grumet
21223C Clubside Dr., #193
New Homes
#6368 Walter & Myra Lipkin
December 1 – 31, 2014
Hometown: Massapequa, NY
1542 Bridgewood Dr.
#6534 Harvey & Maddy Krauser 852-2383
#6351 Stanley T. & Vera Miller
20040 Sawgrass Ln.
20110 Boca West Dr., #216
#6470 Mark E. & Judy Rosen
19930 Saywood Trl., #9A
Hometown: Boca Raton, FL
& Congratulations!
boca west
[ February 2015 ] 25
Sp e c i a l
P r o j e c t s
U p d a t e
By Phil Kupperman, Chairman
This month we will be having our Annual Meeting on
February 27, 2015. At that time I hope to be able to
present a video that will take you on a virtual tour of our
Golf and Activities Center so you will be able to witness
what will become a one-of-a-kind architectural gem with the
finest workmanship, interior design and practicality possible.
Hedrick Brothers will begin the demolition of our existing
Golf Building in April 2015. Once demolished, our new
Golf and Activities Center will be constructed with an
anticipated completion date of December 1, 2016. This
architectural gem was designed by Architectural Design
Group (ADG) under the direction of our General Manager,
and his management team, along with input and support
from your Board of Governors. ADG is the same design
firm we have used throughout our building complexes.
We will once again have Image Design, known nationally
for excellence in facility planning and interior design, guide
us in our selection of color schemes, furnishings, flooring,
woodwork and lighting.
I would now like to briefly update you on the status of our
new Members Park, the retrofitting of our
Engineering Building, our Renovator Program
and Akoya at Boca West. Hopefully by the time you
read this article the construction of our new Members Park
will have started. As I write this article we are still waiting for
final approval from Palm Beach County to proceed with the
construction. The new Members Park will have the same
amenities we had at our original one on the land acquired
by the Siemens Group.
Also by the time you read this article, the re-engineering of
our Engineering Building should also be on its way.
26 [ febuary
The building is being retrofitted to
accommodate our temporary
quarters for Golf Sign-In and Retail
Pro Shop which will be downstairs
and Club Services (Accounting,
Activities and Communications)
which will be upstairs during the period of time that the current
Golf Building is demolished and our new Golf and Activities
Center is constructed.
Our Renovator Program continues to be a success for
the Club as well as the Renovators. Renovators have acquired
a total of 35 mostly nonperforming units, of which 13 have
already been sold. The net benefit to our Club is that we now
have 13 more dues paying members or about $130,000
annually and have received over $800,000 in new Joining
Fees that we did not have before.
In closing let me give you an update on Akoya at Boca
West. On January 15, we officially sold our former Members
Park to the Siemens Group for $13.5 million. At the closing,
we received $6.75 million in case and received back a first
lien Purchase Money Mortgage for $6.75 million, bearing an
interest rate of 5%. The mortgage plus interest is payable in full
at the time Siemens Group closes on its construction loan or in
one year, whichever comes sooner. As of the closing, Siemens
Group is redesigning the building to broaden its market appeal.
The intention is to reduce the unit sizes and pricing and that will
also result in lower monthly HOA charges. In addition, since the
units are slightly smaller, we have granted his request to be able
to build up to 140 luxury units. In the end, this new design will
result in Boca West reaping even greater financial rewards then
previously reported.
fou n dat ion n ews
Boca West Foundation proudly announces
the 3rd Annual $100,000
Charity Golf Challenge
and “The Concert for the Children”
starring Jay Leno
and featuring
The Atlantic City Boys
Once again this year there has been tremendous response to the
Foundation Week events to be held next month. But, we still can
accommodate additional golfers and foursomes for the 3rd annual
$100,000 Charity Golf Challenge on March 30. Our 15 teams
representing the granted charities of the Foundation are looking for
additional golfers as they vie for $100,000 in grants. Sign up forms
are around The Club so don’t miss out on what is always a
tremendous event. Your $500 entry fee includes brunch, a day of
golf, a chance to win $5,000 in our duck drop, and $150 in Nike
Superstore money. Your donation also includes the post event Gala
Cocktail Party & Awards Presentation with a live auction which
include trips, cruises, golf carts, shopping sprees, and a host of
other gifts and surprises. Tickets for the Gala Cocktail party may
be purchased separately, cost is $125.
As part of your entry fee you will also receive one ticket to the next
nights “Concert for the Children” starring Jay Leno and featuring
the Atlantic City Boys, for fun, laughter, and dancing underneath
the stars on the Great Lawn of Boca West. If you wish to attend the
Concert only tickets are $150 per person. All seats will be assigned.
Food and drink will be available for sale.
This is a great way to show off Boca West to your family and
friends. Fabulous golf, amazing name performers and great music
will be rolled up all in one spectacular week. Tickets will be gone
soon so don’t miss out. Flyers are available throughout the Club
and checks may be written out to The Boca West Foundation.
For more information please contact the Foundation directly
at 488-6980.
All monies raised during these events go towards underwriting the
fifteen charity projects funded by the Boca West Foundation which
aids children and their families in Boca Raton and the South Palm
Beach County area.
Boca Helping Hands
Boca Raton Police Athletic League
Boys and Girls Club of Boca Raton
Caridad Center
Florence Fuller Child Development Center
Florida Atlantic University
Gift of Life
The Giving Tree
Jewish Federation of South PBC
Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options
SOS Children’s Village
Unicorn Children’s Foundation
Wayne Barton Learning Center
Youth Activity Center
It’s All About the Kids
All of these great works are done in the name of Boca West Country Club.
This is not a Club function but the Foundation does report activities that it
carried out in the name of the Club to the Board of Governors. If you wish to
respond or comment directly to the Foundation instead of the Board, please
direct your comments to or 488-6980.
P: 488-6980 | E: | W:
boca west
[ February
february 2015 ] 27
ch a r i t ies & Orga ni zat ions
of the PAP CORPS
Card Party and Luncheon
Monday, March 2 at 11:30 a.m.
Join us for a wonderful day of lunch, cards
and games. Special boutique of fine
handbags from Suarez of NY.
Contact Phyllis Furst, 477-0984 or
Lorrie Grossman, 470-9523
Walkathon at FAU Campus
Let’s Come Together
to Beat Cancer
Saturday, March 14 at 8:30 a.m.
Contact Arline Rein, 483-6333
or Lynda Posner, 883-0361
Two Outstanding Art
Collections plus Visit
with Artists in Residence
Tuesday, April 14 in Miami
Transportation and lunch included.
Contact Roz Wolpov, 483-7041,
Nancy Fried, 477-6829
or Charlotte Greenstein, 852-0016
The Event at Boca West Country Club
February 3
Larry Miller
852-5031 or
Larry Miller
ADL Lecture Series at Boca West
Country Club
Four Literary Divas Book
and Author Luncheon
Wednesday, March 5
Boutiques at 9 a.m. Program begins at 10 am
THE WRONG GIRL by Hank Phillippi Ryan
ALL JOY and NO FUN by Jennifer Senior
LOVE and TREASURE by Ayelet Waldman
Contact Dottie Pierce, 419-9478
or Fern Jacoby, 392-1658
28 [ February 2015 ] boca west
Boca West 2015 ITC
Wednesday, February 25
Evening Celebration
Honoring the
Children from Israel
Keynote speaker:
The Honorable Chaim
Shacham, Consul
General of Israel to
Florida and Puerto Rico.
Topic: Israel-Gaza Conflict and Economic
Morning Tennis Round Robin
with ITC children
Contact Yoni Yair, 954-480-6333
Inspire • Imagine • Ignite
Ladies Day at the Palm Beach Outlets
Wednesday, February 25
Includes transportation and lunch at the
Serenity Gardens Tea House
Contact Ellie Graber, 368-6484
or Judy Ludman, 826-7267
Leigh Anne Tuohy
and family
Lecture #2 – Leigh Anne Tuohy, subject
of The Blind Side book and movie
Monday, February 9 at 7 p.m.
Lecture #3 – Aaron David Miller,
Vice President, New Initiatives,
Wilson Institute
Monday, March 23 at 7 p.m.
Contact Emmy Barraco, 988-2924
We’re busy this month with a
performance on February 15 at Five Star
Residences. If you know
someone at this
facility, please feel
free to join us. It will
be our privilege
to open the
Annual Meeting
on February 27.
By Nancy Frydman
Do you have
a problem or
issue that needs
to be resolved
our Country
Club? If so,
that is where
the role of the
Ombudsman will be able to assist you.
In an organization such as Boca West,
we define Ombudsman as the “liaison
between the members and the governing
body.” Our goal is to maintain our
pleasant and cordial environment by
providing you with the opportunity
to be heard.
Should you have a problem or issue
with something that affects you at
Boca West Country Club, please send
me an email at
clearly stating your situation. I will
respond to you as soon as I receive
your communication, and then pass
on your concern(s) to the appropriate
Board Chairman. If a situation has
affected you in a negative way, the
Board of Governors wants to know!
Please try to remember our staff
and management are always happy
to receive your complimentary
comments as well. It’s such a pleasant
feeling to hear: “Thank you for a job
well done”. I look forward to being
of assistance to you.
Sunshine Committee
Your friends and neighbors at
Boca West would appreciate
knowing important happenings.
Please call 488-7819 with a
detailed message about illness,
death, milestone birthdays or
anniversaries. This line is open
24 hours a day. Be sure to check
the Member Announcements
page on the Club’s website for
more information.
vip services
Ombudsman Committee
Daniel Events
FLOWERS & baskets
Boca Raton Florist
15% discount
So Sweet It Is Chocolate
15% discount
Courtyard by Marriott
Embassy Suites
Hilton Suites
Marriott Boca Center
Renaissance Hotel Boca Raton
Wyndham Hotel
Contact Activities at 488-6936.
Hospital of Choice Air Medical
Evacuation and Travel Assistance
800-527-7478 or
Special rate by mentioning Boca West.
Receive discount on prescription drugs. $20
annual fee. Contact Activities for application
form. Available to equity members only.
Ristorante Sapori
367-9779 - 15% off entire check
for lunch or dinner
Dignitary Transportation
Please call 24 hours in advance
Scott Grody Travel
702-5533 - For Boca West Members:
On-board cash credits on cruises and/or
complimentary home to airport or pier
transfers and/or amenities based upon
cruise or package tour length of trip and
cabin type booked.
vip tickets
15% discount
I m p o r t a n t P h o n e N u m be r s
Club Reception488-6990
Fax Number
Fax Number
Club Services
Fax Number
Fax Number
Executive Offices
Jay DiPietro, Pres. & GM
Jerry Glassman, Chairman
Grill Room, Deli & The Steakhouse 488-6965
Splash Pool Bar
Onyx Lounge
Dining Reservations
Dining Cancellations
Reservations Fax Number 488-7824
Fitness Center488-6944
PB Institute of Sports Med
Golf Club
Tee Time Reservations
Tee Time Cancellations
Bag Storage
Lessons & Driving Range 488-6924
Locker Room, Women’s
Card Room, Women’s
Locker Room, Men’s
Card Room, Men’s
Golf Course Maintenance488-6900
Pool Check-in/Aquatics488-7802
Retail Shoppes
Golf Club
Tennis Center
Appointments Only
Reception Desk
The Salon at Boca West
Tennis Registration/Reservations
Reservations Fax Number
BW Master Assn. 488-1598
BW Master Assn. Security
Guest Admittance
24 Hr Voice Guest Registration 483-7026
BW Homeowners Association 487-1728
Fax Number
Boca West Foundation 488-6980
Police Emergencies (24 hrs.)911
Realty at Boca West, LLC
Akoya at Boca West
Security Emergencies (24 hrs.)483-9229
Sunshine Committee488-7819
Village Store451-9500
Village Store Fax Number451-9507
Website address:
Email address:
Please remember to dial area code (561)
boca west
[ February
february 2015 ] 29
[ ch a ir m a n’s Let t er]
from the desk of Jerry Glassman
This will be my final message to you as
Chairman. It has been an honor and pleasure
to serve the membership on our Club’s Board
of Governors since being elected in 2009. It’s hard
to believe that six years have flown by so fast.
I can really say that this has been a very rewarding
experience, especially as Chairman for the past
two years. I learned a great deal and I recommend
Board service. It is very rewarding to give your time,
expertise and experience to an organization that
provides substantial benefit to its membership,
and so much pleasure to me and my family
for more than 30 years.
The three foundations on which the amazing success of Boca West
Country Club rests are: (1) the Membership, (2) the Board of
Governors (and all volunteers), and (3) the Management and Staff.
The Membership of Boca West Country Club demands no less than
the best in quality, efficiency and service and has supported the Club’s
efforts in that regard for all the 30 plus years that I have been a member.
By the year 2016 we will have over $140,000,000 invested in our amenity
package and infrastructure. The Board of Governors and the various
volunteer staffed committees have contributed selflessly to the lifestyle
that we now refer to as the Boca West Brand. As evidenced by the record
sales, we certainly are telling the world about it. What more can be said
of our Management and Staff, headed by Jay DiPietro. Whatever makes
the Membership happy and whatever policies the Board puts in place
and the Committees have planned, Management makes it happen,
efficiently and with a smile. How many times have you said each
season, “Aren’t the kids (the staff) great this season”?
Change is not always easy to effect, however both the Board and
Management remain committed to the Renaissance and Renewal
theme wherein the Boca West Lifestyle presents the best offering
for buying a place in Florida. The initiative over the past few years to
introduce the concept that selling the lifestyle creates the demand to live
here and enjoy the Boca West Brand has proved to be a great success.
The sale of the Members’ Park has given Boca West a new development
to offer for the first time in over 20 years. On January 15, we closed on
the AKOYA project. Due to the Developers cooperation and assistance,
the Club is now free of any further DEP obligations. The Developer
is now busily engaged in design improvements to the project and will
begin construction as soon as the regulatory authorities approve
the changes. Boca West has made considerable progress under the
Renaissance and Renewal theme, but there is more to be done. The
new Golf and Activities Center will be the centerpiece of our amenity
30 [ February 2015 ] boca west
package. We will be telling the public about its
wonders as soon as the present structure is
demolished as well as during the construction
phase and up until its grand opening.
I need to acknowledge just how valuable the
support was from our General Manager, Jay DiPietro,
my Vice Chairman, Phil Kupperman who served
on my Executive Committee along with Howie
Krosser, Bob Locke and Arthur Adler. The Executive
Committee and the full Board signed on to and have
supported the Renaissance and Renewal of Boca West
Country Club. It takes some very special people to
commit to their jobs on a daily basis - even when the going gets tough and believe me, we’ve all experienced that over the years. Along with
Phil, Howie and me, Bob Winikoff will also be departing the Board
after fulfilling our respective terms. Bob’s substantial contribution
to the Club was one of the factors that led to the Club’s enormous success.
Bob headed Budget, Golf and Legal as well as served on many other
committees. The membership will be voting for five open Board positions
at the end of this Month. Len Meyers, who is eligible to continue on the
Board has been nominated for another three-year term. Arthur Adler,
Bud Baron, Mark Berkowitz, Jeff Feiner, Nancy Frydman, Howard
Liebman, Bob Locke, Joel Schlesinger, Frank Richard and Burt Wellman
will remain. These 11 members have made meaningful contributions
to the Board, which required an enormous amount of dedication and
desire to serve. Because of volunteers like them, I look forward to the
future with great optimism.
Positive results don’t just happen. A lot of hard work and commitment
from your Board, Management and Staff was behind every success.
I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their support and hard
work throughout the past two years. On behalf of my colleagues
on the Board of Governors, I wish to thank our Staff for their dedicated
efforts and for the way they have embraced the Renaissance and Renewal
theme. To you, the Boca West Membership, I thank you once again
for entrusting me with your confidence and support. Everything good that
happens at Boca West, happens because of the support of the membership.
Please accept my sincerest wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous
New Year and that you continue to enjoy the Boca West Lifestyle for
many years to come.
Jerry Glassman
Jerry Glassman
Chairman of the Board
f e br u a ry
Salon Promotions
Champagne and Roses
The ultimate hydrating manicure and pedicure
treatment. With 20% Shea butter, Grape
seed oil, vitamins A, C and D. Developed to
provide superior additive to the foot to assist in
the removal of dead skin, soften calluses, and
strengthen nails. This treatment will leave your
skin feeling smooth, refreshed and hydrated.
Shellac Soak Off Color Gel System –
$30, regularly $35
Purchase three services at full price and
receive the fourth one at 50% off
Any Full Set – 20% off (Gel Fills, Acrylics
Fills, Pink and Whites)
Purchase three manicures at full price and
receive the fourth one at 50% off
Partial/Full Highlights and Single Process 20 % off (Must have service together)
Purchase three blow-dry services at full
price and receive the fourth one at 50% off
Keratin Smoothing System - 30% off
Purchase three manicures at full price and
receive the fourth one at 50% off
Manicure and Pedicure - $41, regularly
$46 ( Must be on same day)
For more information or to book an appointment, please call 488-7820
P.O. Box 3070 • Boca Raton, FL 33431-0970
A Member of the Platinum Clubs:
©America’s ✩✩✩✩✩ Private Clubs
2013 Outstanding
Tennis Facility Award
in the Grand Ballroom
S at u r day,
6:30 p.m., reception • 7:30 - 11:30 p.m., dinner and dancing
$90++ per person
Entertainment by Heatwave
G uests
m a y
n ow
i n v ited