USA Syria Ghana Cambodia Denmark Bolivia
USA Syria Ghana Cambodia Denmark Bolivia
USA Syria Ghana Cambodia Denmark Bolivia CONTENTS Hainan Hash On The Move! H ashing in Hainan is surely a Hasher's fantasy destination with lush trails, fresh air, coconut palm trees, mountains, blue skies, spectacular scenery, local delicacies, friendly people and plenty of cold beer. The proposed site for the Interhash 2014 was the scene of this year's 3rd annual Hainan Hash Union. The base of operations was the charming Happy Farm Resort which is located 30km southwest of Hainan's capital city, Haikou. Hashers from all over Hainan arrived to enjoy two days of fun, food, friendship, top class trails and local beer. There were two trails to choose from; a 4.8km and a 8+km. The trails began at the park-like entrance of the resort and went in separate directions. Along the way, both trails skirted lush rice fields, fruit orchards, vegetable fields, forests, beautiful tropical flowers, and ancient stone villages. The famous Shishan Volcanic CONTENTS Cluster Park was visible from both trails. The thirty-six volcanoes in the area are dormant, but still offer the opportunity to see real volcanoes up close. The park was awarded Geopark status by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The hares laid interesting trails designed to challenge the most serious of Hashers as well as delight easy going Nature lovers. Stone bridges crossed spring fed creeks, colourful butterflies could be seen resting on the exotic flowers and native plants. Overhead in the trees, some of Hainan's more than 400 species of birds sang their cheery songs. Each trail passed through picturesque Meisha and Changdao villages where curious and bemused locals stepped outside their stone walled homes to peer at the Hashers and Harriettes as they ran, walked or hobbled past. In historic Changdao village, the midway break stop for both trails, villagers gathered under the sweeping branches of hundreds year old ficus trees to chat with the Hashers as they enjoyed fresh fruit and bottled water. The cobblestone streets are tree lined with a central area that was perfect for taking a beer break mid-run. The 8 km and 4 km trails both continued up hill to Changdao Hill, which in this Hasher’s opinion, should be renamed, Kick-Your-Butt Hill. Perhaps it was the activities of the recent break, but more than a few Hashers lost the trail a time or two. "Are you", "Checking!", and "OnOn!!" could be heard up and down the trail. Ultimately, the Hashers and Harriettes were rewarded at the peak with spectacular views of Haikou city in the distance and the beautiful Shishan Volcano Crater Park. The descent into the valley was equally as challenging as the trail up the hill but again, the countryside was pristine and the Hashers felt the pull of the end of the trail. Next came Meisha village and a sprint along concrete paved roads back to Happy Farm Resort. The charming resort with its stone and wood lodges, swimming pool and grey brick and beam dining hall was a welcoming site for the thirsty returning runners. Everything wasset up with cases and cases of ice cold beer, bottled water & fresh fruit as well as three massive blocks of ice ready for the Down Down. The usual banter, beer chugging and good natured hilarity ensued. The GMs of each Hash Kennel were duly singled out for a seat on the ice along with individuals who were first timers, complainers, or in general decided to be deserving, for one reason or other, for a few inglorious minutes on ice. Over the wall, curious villagers who had followed the Hash parade assembled to stare and comment to each other on the strange rituals. The sun was setting and the amazing aromas wafting from the kitchen of the dining hall were impossible to ignore. As stars began to appear in the clear night sky, the Hashers made their way to tables filled with delicious Hainan seafood specialities along with steaming platters of chicken, beef, pork, fresh vegetables, and ornately carved plates of fresh tropical fruit. The GMs went from table to table toasting all the Hashers and each other repeatedly and enthusiastically. The celebration of the successful 2014 bid combined with the warmth and camaraderie of seeing old friends and meeting new friends lasted well into the night. CONTENTS e l c Cir UP! 1ss2 ues RETURNERS DEPARTMENTS Contributors HHH Pubs Hash The World Calendar Running Calendar On the Ice Hash Boy Back Issues ents Cont 6 24 38 43 45 65 70 NEWBEES FEATURES 13 17 20 26 30 34 50 56 66 Hashing in the Dark Continent Running in the Ruins Danish Hash La Paz - Breathless in Bolivia Syria - A Hash in Limbo Tex Mex Border Blowout Las Vegas RDR Hashing in Kunming, China Sheraton Krabi Adventure Race i ar! e Y r pe Monthly Digital Edition 1 Special Introductory Membership Offer: Year membership gets 12 monthly Digital Editions for only 10 $ US Aug 2012 Digital Only Membership entitles you to access the monthly Digital Editions, and all recent back issues since 2009. half off the 12 month Membership price of US $20 Sep 2012 Digital Only VISITORS Siam Sunday Hash, Bangkok, Thailand EVENTS CONTENTS 2 14 39 39 40 41 41 42 60 61 62 63 Hainan Interhash 2014 Pan Africa Hash 2013 -Ghana Inaugural Snooky Hash Wild Wolf Birthday Bash Las Vegas Red Dress Run Brussels Beer Odyssey 2014 Fiji Interhash 2014 15th Amari Charity Midnight Run Indochina Mekong Hash 2012 Angkor Prelube to Indochina Mekong Bangkok Harriettes 30 Years Saih Nash Hash 2013 Check out this full Digital Edition (60 pages) Now for just US $1 with a 1 month trial membership USE Coupon Code HHHALF CONTENTS As a print subscriber you are entitled to have full access to the monthly digital editions that come out in addition to the quarterly print editions. If you have misplaced your digital edition user name and password, please contact Lisa at Julie “Yark Sucker” Burgess Julie “Yark Sucker” Burgess started Hashing in Brussels where she finally found a group of people who understood her sense of humour, including her future husband, Rumple Foreskin. An engineer by trade, Yark has since lived in various places throughout Europe and hashed regularly with Copenhagen H3 and Stuttgart H3. As the current GM of Stuttgart, she is planning this year’s German Nash Hash. Other activities include planning DIVAhhh events, like the Champagne Weekend and the Amsterdam Red Dress Run. Yark’s big new adventure is helping Higgins with Brussels 2014. Eric “Digit” McGaw Digit, who got his name after his finger was crushed off in an Indian train mishap, started Hashing with Kuala Belait HHH in Brunei in 1980. He considers Manila HHH his personal mother club, however, because that’s where his Hashing addiction became lethal. After helping to mismanage the Thrilla in Manila (Interhash 1990) he moved to India where he founded the Hyderabad and Goa kennels. In 2002, for his manifold sins and wickedness, he was anointed GM of the 13th World Interhash in Goa. Exasperated by his nonsense, India finally threw him out in 2005. He sought refuge in Dubai, where he ran with both Creek and Desert HHH, at one point even assuming GMship of the former club. He later gravitated south to the Dark Continent, where he infested both Nairobi and Accra. He is currently GM of Accra Hash, host of Pan Africa Hash 2013. Andrew Longworth Andrew ‘Likker in Front’ Longworth is the current GM of La Paz’s Highest Hash House Harriers. He first started hashing in Jordan, where he found out that it is possible to get some good exercise, drink a load of beer, and be politically incorrect in the process. LPH4 (La Paz’s Highest Hash House Harriers) is his third hash. Currently, Likker and the rest of Mismanagement are planning a weekend getaway outside of La Paz for the 20th run since LPH4 was restarted. Satisfaction, clean mountain air, and a keg of good Saya brew are guaranteed! 6 HARRIER CONTENTS HAR- CONTENTS Vol. 11 No.4 October 2012 (Formerly Asia-Pacific Harrier) Editor’s Notes: While a print subscription includes access to the monthly digital editions, the most affordable choice for most in these tough financial times is a digital edition subscription which is now only $10 for 12 monthly editions. In the midst of the realities we all face in today’s world, hashing offers a brief respite from the more mundane aspects of our daily lives. We love the hashing lifestyle, and truly appreciate the participation and encouragement of our contributors, advertisers and readers. Without your support there would surely not be a Harrier Magazine like the one you are reading today. Editor/Publisher Jim Edens Administration Lisa Sukita On-On to 10 more years! Design and Photography Jimmy Wilkins Jim “Bimbo” Edens Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Harrier Magazine - Fun on the run since 2002 International Edition with readers in 100 countries Editorial Director Drew Jeschke America Correspondent Sean Gilmour Europe Correspondent Julie Burgess Australia Correspondent Hans Kumpel Contributors: Editorial / Photos / Graphics Peter Bandrup, Mike Bartlett, Kurt Bodmer, Julie Burgess, Calapso, Jim Edens, Drew Jeschke, Andrew Longworth, Eric McGaw, Randall Salisbury, Ian Slater, Jimmy Wilkins, Paul Woodford On The Cover: Beautiful Beach Babes welcome you to Pan Africa Hash in Cape Coast, Ghana! Photos by Digit Contributors Welcome! We welcome anything related to hashing. * All submissions are subject to the editor’s axe or scissors. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of Print edition published quarterly since 2002 Digital edition published monthly from July 2012 WHERE’S MY MAG ?! Welcome to the 10th anniversary edition of Harrier Magazine. Launched at Goa Interhash in 2002, AsiaPacific Harrier, as we were then called, stepped up to the plate to fill a literary void left by our respected predecessor Harrier International, which ceased publication with the passing of Tim “Magic” Hughes in 1998. Like any good hash trail, our journey has not been easy or without travail. We strive for each issue of Harrier Magazine to be better than previous editions. This challenging goal continues to keep us on our toes, with our eyes open for ideas and new content to help make Harrier a better magazine. Printing costs, like nearly everything else, have increased significantly over the past 10 years. The scope and cost of quality graphic design have also gone up, as have mailing rates. These costs limit us from publishing larger or more frequent print magazines. The good news is that Harrier Magazine now publishes a monthly digital edition, with 30% more content than we could afford to include in our quarterly print magazine. The larger digital edition allows us to cover more of the increasing volume of HHH content from around the globe each month. ADVANCE WARNING: We will soon raise our print subscription rates in order to more effectively align rates with costs. If you like getting the print magazine, we recommend that you renew your subscription before the new rates go into effect on 1 January 2013... WE WANT YOU! • Photos • Articles • Letters to Editor See your stuff published around the world! Submit yours to 30 days after publication, report non-delivery to CONTENTS CONTENTS Lao Airlines Timetable FLT No QV441 QV415 QV415 QV4571 QV4575 QV442 QV425 QV425 QV4570 QV4574 QV312 QV920 QV322 QV921 QV921 QV920 QV512 QV522 QV535 QV545 QV515 QV525 QV817 QV827 QV635 QV645 QV818 QV828 QV633 QV643 QV513 QV931 QV523 QV930 QV930 QV313 QV931 QV323 QV512 QV513 QV522 QV523 QV213 QV223 QV515 QV525 QV213 QV223 CONTENTS Days TIMETABLE TIMETABLE Valid from 25Mar2012 to 27Oct2012 Valid from 25Mar2012 to 27Oct2012 INTERNATIONAL ROUTES DOMESTIC ROUTES Routing Dep Arr AC VIENTIANE - BANGKOK - VIENTIANE Daily VTE BKK 07:30 08:35 320 247 VTE BKK 16:15 17:50 AT7 1356 VTE BKK 16:40 17:50 320 Daily VTE BKK 13:50 14:55 734 Daily VTE BKK 21:50 22:55 734 Daily BKK VTE 09:35 10:45 320 247 BKK VTE 18:55 20:40 AT7 1356 BKK VTE 18:55 20:05 320 Daily BKK VTE 11:45 12:55 734 19:55 21:05 734 Daily BKK VTE VIENTIANE - HANOI - VIENTIANE Daily VTE HAN 15:15 16:25 320 Daily VTE HAN 17:50 19:20 321 Daily HAN VTE 17:25 18:35 320 Daily HAN VTE 09:55 11:00 321 VIENTIANE - PHNOMPENH - VIENTIANE Daily VTE PNH 11:45 13:15 321 Daily PNH VTE 17:50 19:20 321 VIENTIANE - SIEMREAP - VIENTIANE 2457 VTE REP 06:30 09:25 AT7 2457 REP VTE 10:05 13:00 AT7 VIENTIANE - SINGAPORE - VIENTIANE 247 VTE SIN 15:40 19:40 320 247 SIN VTE 20:40 22:40 320 VIENTIANE - HOCHIMINH - VIENTIANE 136 VTE SGN 08:30 12:30 AT7 136 SGN VTE 13:30 17:30 AT7 VIENTIANE - KUNMING - VIENTIANE Daily VTE KMG 07:20 09:50 320 Daily KMG VTE 10:50 11:20 320 LUANGPRABANG- CHIANGMAI - LUANGPRABANG 23567 LPQ CNX 13:15 14:15 AT7 23567 CNX LPQ 15:15 16:15 AT7 LUANGPRABANG - JINGHONG - LUANGPRABANG 247 LPQ JHG 11:20 13:20 AT7 247 JHG LPQ 14:00 14:10 AT7 LUANGPRABANG - BANGKOK - LUANGPRABANG Daily LPQ BKK 07:35 09:15 AT7 Daily BKK LPQ 10:40 12:20 AT7 LUANGPRABANG- SIEMREAP - LUANGPRABANG 136 LPQ REP 10:55 14:20 AT7 Daily LPQ REP 11:55 13:50 AT7 136 REP LPQ 15:00 18:10 AT7 Daily REP LPQ 14:30 16:25 AT7 LUANGPRABANG - HANOI - LUANGPRABANG Daily LPQ HAN 17:05 18:20 AT7 Daily LPQ HAN 17:10 18:10 AT7 Daily HAN LPQ 09:50 11:15 AT7 Daily HAN LPQ 18:50 19:50 AT7 PAKSE - SIEM REAP - PAKSE 2457 PKZ REP 08:25 09:25 AT7 1356 PKZ REP 13:20 14:20 AT7 2457 REP PKZ 10:05 11:05 AT7 1356 REP PKZ 15:00 16:00 AT7 SAVANNAKHET - BANGKOK - SAVANNAKHET 1357 ZVK BKK 10:30 12:00 MA6 1357 BKK ZVK 13:05 14:35 MA6 PAKSE - HOCHIMINH - PAKSE 136 PKZ SGN 10:55 12:30 AT7 136 SGN PKZ 13:30 15:05 AT7 PAKSE - BANGKOK - PAKSE 1357 PKZ BKK 09:20 12:00 MA6 1357 BKK PKZ 13:05 15:35 MA6 STP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PKZ PKZ 0 0 PKZ PKZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PKZ 0 PKZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZVK ZVK FLT No QV109 QV111 QV101 QV103 QV112 QV102 QV104 QV110 QV513 QV523 QV501 QV502 QV901 QV902 QV601 QV602 QV401 QV402 QV512 QV515 QV201 QV522 QV525 QV202 QV201 QV203 QV205 QV204 QV206 QV202 QV201 QV202 Days Routing Dep Arr AC VIENTIANE - LUANGPRABANG - VIENTIANE 136 VTE LPQ 09:15 10:10 AT7 247 VTE LPQ 09:15 10:10 AT7 Daily VTE LPQ 11:45 12:30 320 Daily VTE LPQ 17:00 17:55 AT7 247 LPQ VTE 14:30 15:15 AT7 Daily LPQ VTE 13:30 14:15 320 Daily LPQ VTE 18:25 19:20 AT7 136 LPQ VTE 18:40 19:25 AT7 LUANGPRABANG - PAKSE - LUANGPRABANG 136 LPQ PKZ 10:55 12:35 AT7 136 PKZ LPQ 16:30 18:10 AT7 VIENTIANE -OUDOMXAY - VIENTIANE 2467 VTE ODY 10:30 11:20 MA6 2467 ODY VTE 11:50 12:40 MA6 VIENTIANE- HOUEISAY - VIENTIANE 1357 VTE HOE 11:00 11:55 MA6 1357 HOE VTE 12:35 13:30 MA6 VIENTIANE - LUANGNAMTHA-VIENTIANE 1357 VTE LXG 12:00 13:00 MA6 1357 LXG VTE 13:30 14:30 MA6 VIENTIANE - XIENGKHUANG-VIENTIANE 13457 VTE XKH 10:00 10:30 MA6 13457 XKH VTE 11:00 11:30 MA6 VIENTIANE- PAKSE - VIENTIANE 2457 VTE PKZ 06:30 07:45 AT7 136 VTE PKZ 08:30 09:45 AT7 1357 VTE PKZ 07:35 08:50 MA6 2457 PKZ VTE 11:45 13:00 AT7 136 PKZ VTE 16:05 17:30 AT7 1357 PKZ VTE 16:05 17:20 MA6 VIENTIANE - SAVANNAKHET-VIENTIANE 1357 VTE ZVK 07:35 09:50 MA6 12345 VTE ZVK 06:00 07:00 AT7 12345 VTE ZVK 14:15 15:15 AT7 12345 ZVK VTE 09:30 10:30 AT7 12345 ZVK VTE 15:45 16:45 AT7 1357 ZVK VTE 15:05 17:20 MA6 PAKSE - SAVANNAKHET - PAKSE 1357 PKZ ZVK 09:20 09:50 MA6 1357 ZVK PKZ 15:05 15:35 MA6 STP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PKZ 0 0 0 0 PKZ 0 0 Remarks : All times are local times 1 = Monday 2 = Tuesday 3 = Wednesday 4 = Thursday 5 = Friday 6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday * QV4570/ QV4571/ QV4574/ QV4575 Operated by THAI AIRWAYS * QV920/ QV921/ QV930/ QV931 Operated by VIETNAM AIRLINES IMPORTANT NOTICE All schedules/types of aircraft and information are subject to change without notice and to government approval. For more information, please contact any Lao Airlines reservation office. 02 Pangkham Rd, P.O. Box 6441 Vientiane , Lao P.D.R Tel: +856 21 212016, 212051-54 Fax: +856 21 212056, 212058 CONTENTS A frica hits the bulls-eye on many travellers’ radar map as the dream trip, the ultimate ‘bucket list’ vacation. The Dark Continent, both the second largest and second most populated on Earth, is where human history began. Hashing the Dark Continent By Eric “Digit” McGaw But most guidebooks fail to mention Hashing, which is alive, well and growing in Africa. Hashers are invited to Pan Africa Hash 2013, being hosted at Cape Coast, Ghana. The dates are June 7-9, 2013. Cape Coast is an ancient capital replete with slave castles, sun-swept beaches, and florid jungles. It’s also perfect for hashing, featuring great year-round weather and varied terrain. Registration information for Pan Africa Hash 2013 is available on the Accra HHH’s website, at Accra is the host hash. 12 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS Cape Coast is 130 km west of Accra, Ghana’s capital. Properly lubricated coaches will be arranged for transport from Accra Airport direct to Cape Coast. Accommodation is plentiful, but the best rooms are the surprisingly posh guest houses on the campus of the University of Cape Coast, the venue of the event. The campus is lush and beautiful and the students will be on holiday – the whole place will belong to Pan Africa Hash. Most hashers take advantage of travelling to new places to look around. The Pan Africa Hash 2013 committee is in the process of arranging an intriguing range of forays afield. One of these will be a special Beach Hashfari. Working westward from Cape Coast, this post-lube will stop at a different beach resort each night, with a run in each location. And on the eastern front, a Mountain Paradise option will treat participants to mountain trails with enchanting waterfalls. And best of all, neighboring Hash clubs are arranging special events in places like Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Other options include booking safaris or side trips to other locations in Africa, especially if CONTENTS travelling from afar. Accra is one of the major airline hubs in Africa, with daily flights to Nairobi, Johannesburg, Addis Ababa and Dubai, as well as several destinations in Europe and the US. Many eastern and southern African countries vie for tourists’ safari dollars in accommodations ranging from rustic campgrounds to luxury lodges in game parks. Africa moves at a slow pace, and visitors should expect delays in transport, at border crossings and just about anywhere else that scheduling is a factor. It’s best to take a step back, relax and enjoy the ride, no matter how long it takes. This is how Africa works best. This will be a decidedly different Pan Africa Hash than the previous ones, all of which were held in eastern and southern Africa. Although Ghana is Anglophone, most West Africans speak French, not English. That being the case, a deal has been struck with the Lomé Hash, from next door in Togo to run a special circle for Frogophone visitors. One last thing, if these photos give the impression that Ghanaian Harriettes are oversexed party animals, it’s true. Be warned. Ghana is many things, and many of them are unique. Take death, for instance. Everybody dies, of course, but Ghanaians take death to the next level. Everyone has special funeral clothing, and it gets plenty of use. Not that Ghanaians die more frequently than others, they just spend more energy on it. The coolest thing about death in Ghana is the coffins. If you’re a baker, your coffin is designed as a loaf of bread. If you made your living as a musician, you get buried in a big guitar. And of course if you’re a Hasher, you go to the great On Home in a giant beer bottle. Visitors to Africa Hash 2013 are invited to put deposits down on customized coffins. CONTENTS Running Ruins in the I magine running through thick jungle. It’s hot, humid and the trail seems to lead deeper and deeper into the tangle of vines, trees and bushes. Suddenly, there is an opening. Seemingly framed by a thicket of trees and jungle canopy is a massive stone building, with five distinct mountain-shaped towers. Harriers at the Angkor Hash in Siem Reap, Cambodia have the opportunity to experience this whenever they go out on trail. The ruins of Angkor Wat are one of many sights hashers can see while running on the monthly Angkor H3. by Jim Edens When one thinks of Angkor Wat, part of the 400 square kilometer Angkor Archeological Park, ancient stone monuments of once great Instead of a hash horn, the Angkor H3 beats a drum on trail. Hashing through antiquity. 16 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS The scenic Angkor Wat Half Marathon is on 2 December 2012. rag tag marching band as they tromp through bush, rivers, and native villages en route to the beer. The average Angkor H3 pack is 30 to 40 people. Runs are normally held monthly, usually on the third Saturday, but it’s best to check before scheduling a vacation to coincide with the hash. The Angkor H3 website is http://www. Since the Angkor H3 has been back in action, it has hosted outstation runs in Battambang, Kep and Kampong Cham. Angkor Wat and the surrounding ruins is what draws visitors to Cambodia as one of the top tourist attractions in Asia, if not the world. Some of the temples in the vicinity are Buddhist and some are Hindu. Angkor Wat means “Temple City” in the local Khmer language. Cambodia is largely Buddhist, but the main temple, Angkor Wat, is Hindu. It is the largest religious building in the world. civilizations are most likely to come to mind. Scholars tell us that construction on these astounding structures began in the ninth century, some 1000 years before the relatively recent beginnings of the Hash House Harriers in 1938. The Angkor Hash is an infant on the hash family tree. The current kennel was resurrected in 2009, after a previous incarnation that fizzled out in 2002. In three years, the Angkor H3 has emerged from the ruins, and developed a unique character. For starters, the Angkor H3 might be the best deal in the hash world. Five dollars will get you transport from the Angkor Victoria Resort, a mid-trail refreshment stop, libations and snacks at the circle, and dinner afterwards to boot. One recent run ended with a scrumptious Japanese feast at the resort, and some runs have included a free micro-fiber t-shirt for each participant. The prime mover behind the Angkor H3 is Hanno Stamm, General Manager of the CONTENTS Victoria Resorts in Vietnam and Cambodia, and resident GM of the Angkor Victoria Resort & Spa in Siem Reap. Stamm’s love for hashing started in Kenya where he spent his early years, and was rekindled when he moved to Vietnam in 1995 where he ran with Hanoi and Saigon kennels. Stamm started the Can Tho Hash in 2004, and Phan Thiet Hash in 2007, but both of these Vietnamese groups are now defunct. Many of the local Angkor hashers work at the Angkor Victoria Resort. Stamm uses the hash as an opportunity to educate his staff about the benefits of fitness and to offer them a fun day out. Many of the Cambodians at the Angkor H3 have not hashed elsewhere, and much of the after dinner laughter and singing are in the local Khmer language, rather than in English. One thing that’s obvious to even a first-time visitor is that locals love coming to the Angkor Hash. Angkor hashers beat a large drum along the trail, instead of sounding the more common Hash Horn. The group sometimes resembles a Named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992, the Angkor Archeological Park sells admission passes to foreign visitors for periods of one, three and seven days. Costs range from $20-60. There are many ways to visit the ruins including private cars with guides, group tours, tuk tuks (motorcycles with trolleys), bicycles or even walking, but the complex is large and temperatures regularly reach 35 degrees Celsius. Highlights of the larger archeological park include the iconic Angkor Wat with its five towers representing the mythical Mt Meru, Angkor Thom and the Bayon Temple with faces carved in stone looking in every direction, and rugged Ta Prohm which is not excavated. The temples are best visited early in the morning and late afternoon when the heat is not as much of a factor. Siem Reap International Airport is undergoing a major expansion which includes lengthening the runways to accommodate larger jets, and hence, more tourists. Non-stop flights are available from many large Asian cities including Tokyo, Shanghai, Seoul and Bangkok. Visas are available on arrival for residents of most countries. CONTENTS Hans Christian Anderson’s Little Mermaid watching the hashers run around the harbour Danish Hash The famous Nyhavn Pub district, the place to go on Fridays in the Summer By Julie Burgess D anes speak perfect English, yet the calls of ‘on on’ and ‘checking’ in Danish may sound like they come from a person with a permanent case of throat disease. This is mainly because consonants are not pronounced in Danish. Rest assured, Danish hashers are amongst the friendliest and most fun in Europe. Denmark is the land of Vikings, Hamlet, Hans Christian Anderson as well as blond bomb shells like Brigitte Nielsen. With only 5.5 million inhabitants, there are active hashes in three cities, the capital of Copenhagen, Odense-Nyborg and Aarhus. Aarhus hosted the Eurohash in 2003, and will host a prelube to Eurohash 2013. Copenhagen Viking Wankers will host Interscandic 2013 on the Island of Bornholm, May The even more infamous red vinyl Danish Nurses consuming red jelly shots 3-5. Bornholm is a very different part of Denmark. It is an island off the southern coast of Sweden, and it has a rich and varied history. Legend has it that when the gods created the Nordic countries, they had a bit left of all the best pieces of nature. They had the steepest rocks, the most foaming sea, the finest sand, the most beautiful views, and the most wonderful forests. The gods kneaded all these bits together and then threw them far out in the Baltic Sea. The Island of Bornholm was born. More recent legend says Hans Christian Andersen would frequent the island regularly in search of inspiration from the tall white cliffs, scenic beaches and rolling green fields. Bornholm is also where he first brewed the local spirit called Gammel Dansk in 1839. While perfecting his recipe, he spoke with the ‘Little Mermaid’ and met the ‘The Saucy 10HARRIER HARRIER International Edition 20 CONTENTS CONTENTS Boy’. The wildlife in Bornhom not only includes mermaids, yet also ‘Wild Swans’ and cliff hanging trolls. The architecture of Bornholm is very unique. The round churches and medieval castles gave Andersen inspiration for ‘Ole, the Tower Keeper’ and ‘The Princess and the Pea’.” One can only understand the mystery of Bornholm by visiting the enchanting island. Information about Interscandic 2013 can be found online at Due to their Viking ancestry, the Danes will use any excuse to party. There are full moon pub crawls, Christmas parties, annual invasions to Oslo and excursions to the Oktoberfest across the German border in Flensburg. For a Red Dress Run through the red light district of Copenhagen, join the H.A.R.D.O.N. Hash to meet the infamous red vinyl nurses, Joint Venture, Red Carpet and Fanny Chill and enjoy a shot of spunk in one of the local pubs. H.A.R.D.O.N will host a red dress run prelube to the Eurohash 2013. A few times a year, harriettes from around Denmark will gather at a summer cottage and host a ladies only hash. These are of course top secret, yet it is known that there is wine, beer, games and lots of shiggy. At hash weekends around Europe, one might experience a Danish Hasher serving a medicinal, brown morning drink, Gammel Dansk, or Old Danish, which is theoretically supposed to help with one’s digestion. It has a very distinctive taste. Along with Gammel Dansk, traditional Aquavit and herring are must tries for a complete hash weekend in Denmark. Tuborg and Carlsberg are the traditional beers, but there is also an extensive list of excellent microbrews. The Danes may age, yet it is not sure if they ever grow up. They love to play games and go to the amusement parks. At hash weekends, there are typically games played before the Saturday trail. There are two classic and charming amusement parks in Copenhagen. Tivoli is located in central Copenhagen a few steps from Central Station. First opened in 1843, it is the most visited theme park in Scandinavia. Locals tend to go to Bakken, just north of Copenhagen. It is the oldest amusement park in the world, dating from 1583. In Denmark, trails cover varied terrain. There are plenty of forest trails, rivers, bogs and beaches to keep hashers happy in the shiggy. In the winter, the greatest challenge can be the wind, ice and snow. One might even find crystals in the down down beer if not consumed fast enough, however, with the Danish Hashers, this is rarely a problem. Ma Bouche, Gorf and Doggy Style play a game of Coke cup goggle football before the Saturday trail. (Eurohash) Danish hashes online: Copenhagen Viking Wankers Aarhus H3 Odense Nyborg Danish Harriets Hashers around the world are cordially invited to these upcoming major hash events in Denmark and other parts of Scandinavia: 3-5 May, 2013 –Interscandic– Bornholm, Denmark Yark Sucker drinks from the arm, one of the fun drinking tools in Denmark. 13 August, 2013 – Århus prelube to Eurohsah 14 August, 2013 – H.A.R.D.O.N. Red dress Run in Copenhagen 15 August 2013 – Party Ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki 16-18 August, 2013 –Eurohash 2013 – Helsinki, Tallin and Stockholm CONTENTS Joint Venture and One White One having fun in the shiggy at a Danish Bunny Hash CONTENTS Codpiece showing off his gold medal at the Jernbanecafeen Fanny Chill Chilling before the H.A.R.D.O.N. Red Dress Run HHH PUBS This column features favorite hash pubs around the world, profiling watering holes that readers can visit at upcoming hash events, or old favorites. What makes the pub hash friendly? What drink discounts are offered? Be the place in town where visitors can getinformation about the local hash and meet up with hashers on non-running days. Hash pub owners, event organizers, or any hasher who wants to share a favorite bar with our readers should email: Copenhagen Crawl By Calapso G oing out for a beer in Copenhagen isn’t the cheapest experience in the world, but it can be very rewarding. Avoid tourist traps and excellent and unusual bars with a wide range of interesting beers can be found. Whether planning a trip to Interscandic Hash 2013 in May, Copenhagen Hash is the host, or just taking a trip around Europe, Copenhagen offers many venues for thirsty hashers. Standing in Rådhuspladsen, the central square in Copenhagen there are three microbreweries within a five minute walk. Throw in a few bars with interesting character and clientele within a short bus ride and a fun night out is assured. In the summer, if the weather is good, then the pack can usually be found quayside across from Nyhavn 17. One side of Nyhavn is lined with bars and restaurants where the tourists are happy to pay DKK 60 ($10) for a beer. But local hashers buy a few cans from the supermarket (usually DKK 10-12) and sit quayside enjoying the same sun and scenery at a fraction of the price. The hash mantra is 17 @ 17, Nyhavn 17 at 17:00. In bad weather, or in the winter, the hash pub is a moveable feast, but the current default is usually Cafe Kildevæld, Østerbrogade 167, a traditional pub with friendly staff. The range of beers is fairly limited, but a pint will only cost about DKK 36-40, it’s warm, not too busy and just across the road from Svænemøllen station and on major bus routes. Jernbanecafeen is next to central station. Hashers can drink a number of the special Jernbanecafeen microbrews and win medals (gold, silver and bronze). One must drink 27 Calapso, Codpiece, Rumple, Biggles and Thunderpiss drink at the portable CH3 pub, a party to GO! beers to get a gold. Number of beers consumed is tracked on a punch-card. Most go for the gold over the course of several visits. But the Copenhagen Hash will sacrifice an evening in a pub to help out visiting hashers achieve a gold medal in one sitting. The Brewpub is a microbrewery, that has a wide range of beers of all styles, all brewed on the premises. It’s close to the center of town and it has a restaurant. Beautifully decorated in ornate Victorian style, Vesterbro Bryghus usually has four or five house beers on tap and is near the middle of town. If it’s available, try the Amber Lager. Instead of going into the main gate of Tivoli gardens look left and find the Bryggeriet Apollo, the first brew pub in Denmark. There is a limited list of beers but the standard house pilsner Apollo - is always good and the beer of the month is guaranteed to be interesting. Order a liter of beer in a Kwak style glass and a shoe is required as a deposit Mikeller features 20 taps of its own beer plus the best craft beers from around the world. Mikeller is passionate about beer and it shows, the barmen are friendly, helpful and willing to offer samples before buying. The beer menu always changes. 24 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS By Andrew Longworth At 3,300 meters altitude, expect A LOT of hills and canyons. LaPaz Hashers in La Paz, downtown, mugging for the camera. Breathless in Bolivia S ome hashers get high from running; others need beer and multiple down downs before they feel any affect. But hashers in La Paz, Bolivia, take a breath of clean, mountain air and start getting light headed. Billing itself the world’s highest kennel, the La Paz Hash House Harriers was reborn last year, after a two-year hiatus. And locals swear that once visitors get over their fears of altitude sickness, not many places offer the physical workout that can be found on trail in La Paz. A well-set hash trail provides plenty of obstacles on its own, but couple those with the thin air found at 12,000 feet above sea level, and it’s easy to take a hasher’s breath away, not just with stunning scenery, but also because of a lack of oxygen. At altitude, the concentration of oxygen in the air does not change, but the air density decreases. So literally, the air is thinner and more breaths are needed to consume the necessary amount of oxygen needed to carry energy to the body. La Paz, Bolivia’s capital city, is the highest metropolis in the world with heights reaching 13,300 at the city’s international airport. Even though La Paz is near the equator, it occasionally snows. Founded nearly 500 years ago in 1548, La Paz is Bolivia’s second most populated city with nearly 900,000 residents. Only Santa Cruz has more people with 1.5 million inhabitants. Maintaining the hash in a city like La Paz has its challenges. The frequency of the hash depends on the availability of hares, generally once every 2-3 weeks. The expat community is not as large as sea level Santa Cruz, but once hashers overcome the altitude, locals say there isn’t a better place to hash or to get in shape. People who believe in physical fitness swear they can move buildings once they’ve returned to sea level. every hasher can count on a run or walk that will include several stunning vistas as a reward for dragging themselves up that far. La Paz has a unique geography compared to other famous international cities associated with the mountains. Some cities are hilly like Amman, Jordan. There are places that have mountains around them, like Kathmandu, Nepal. But La Paz is in the middle of the Andes, and was virtually built on mountains itself, so Recently built bridges in La Paz are popular destinations or checkpoints for hashes as well as for wedding parties, who use the bridge as a photo op to commemorate their special day. Imagine the newlyweds’ shock when a pack of drunken hashers storms past them like Vikings charging a village. In La Paz, there are gorges and canyons rivaling the Grand Canyon, the only difference being that the city itself was built inside the chasms. Locals say there isn’t a flat stretch of running trail that goes beyond 200-300 yards in La Paz. 26 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS What better place to have the Hash than at a brewery (the Saya brewery, outside of La Paz)? The Hashers enjoying a scenic view at a holding check. Visitors to La Paz are, justifiably, a little hesitant to run when they get there and opt for the less strenuous but still physically demanding walk instead. No matter how long the run is and whether it goes through the mountains or the city, each hasher is guaranteed to get a good workout. the run site, barbecues are often awaiting the pack. The circle is run either by the GM or the RA. Since the La Paz H3’s rebirth last year, there have been nine baptisms. These ceremonies, as well as the hash markings, are done with 100% pure, biodegradable shredded US Embassy paper. It’s difficult for visitors to understand the climate in La Paz. They think it will be cold during certain months, and it can be, but very rarely during the day. Temperatures in La Paz never exceed 75 Fahrenheit, and yet people swear they have never witnessed a more intense sun that can result in quick sunburns and dehydration. Only the bravest (or dumbest) newly arrived hashers will take on the challenge of a run. For anniversary hashes, special trips are planned in places tucked far away into the mountains and Lake Titicaca. When the hashers return to the on-in, they are rewarded with La Paz’s finest beer, Saya, a microbrew from nearby Achocalla, a little community in the mountains that hashers have visited multiple times. Depending on La Paz is probably best known for its majestic views of the surrounding Andes Mountains. Other non-hashing activities in La Paz include local markets, preserved colonial buildings and several museums. One museum is the Coca Museum which includes displays and samples of the coca plant, used to make cocaine. Tea made from the Coca Leaf is used to combat altitude sickness. Buying travel insurance and/or a consultation with a doctor is recommended before travel. h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / La-Paz-Highest-Hash-House-HarriersLPH4/237875362899136 La Paz website Every visitor has confirmed La Paz to be an unforgettable hash. CONTENTS CONTENTS A hash in Limbo Syria Religious Advising by Drew Jeschke I n the middle of a relentless battle between rebel and government forces, where thoughts of survival trump all others, it’s difficult to imagine that Syria was once home to some thriving chapters of the Hash House Harriers. In July, attack helicopters shelled and missiles targeted Syria’s most populated city, Aleppo, its commercial and cultural center. More than 200,000 of Aleppo’s two million residents fled, those remaining hunkered down behind closed doors and sought shelter in basements. The Syrian crisis started in March 2011, part of Arab Spring, with a government crackdown of the peaceful protest seeking the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Assad family has ruled Syria for more than four decades. Harrier Magazine has been in contact with former Religious Advisor Imad “I’m Mad” Haidar of the now defunct Halab Hash House Harriers on Facebook. Haidar lives in Aleppo, located in northern Syria. Aleppo’s history traces back more than 7,000 years and is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Once ruled by Alexander the Great, Aleppo was near the end of the Silk Road trading route connecting China with Europe. At the height of the fighting, when the “mother of battles” loomed, Haidar took a brief respite to share some recollections about hashing in Aleppo, along with his ongoing fears for personal safety. “I can’t sleep, I’m feeling so stressed,” Haidar said when contacted in July. He said locals are used to hearing constant explosions. But Haidar was happy talking about the more peaceful times in Aleppo, running trails, giving down downs and punishing people with seats on the ice. Hashing in Aleppo was safer than walking on the streets for the past 18 months with no fears of roadside bombs, stray bullets or mines. “It was safe, we could go anywhere,” Haidar said laughing. “Even when trails were stupidly planned near military bases, things usually went so smoothly.” The Halab Hash was a family kennel that ran twice a month. Average attendance was 50 runners, but on occasion 100 harriers joined in the fun. The majority of hashers were foreigners who worked in Syria for the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. Haidar said foreigners have returned to their homelands since fighting began last year. The Halab Hash died out and was resurrected on several occasions. Haidar said committee decisions, lack of hares, bad weather and general laziness made sustaining the local hash difficult at times. Currently, the kennel is not active for safety reasons, though Haidar is hopeful that harriers will be back on trail soon when political tensions subside. He said there is still much interest in hashing even during this hostile time from both locals and expats anxious to return. Haidar went as far as to say Syria would be a great setting for a large international hash event. The Halab kennel was planned in 1992 on the beach in Arsuz, Turkey, where Efes Beer was the drink of choice. The first run took place May 8, 1992 at Bab al-Hawa, near the border. Finding beer was never a problem for the Halab Hash, and new shoes were used as drinking vessels per the usual hash tradition. Halab co-hosted joint runs with the Damascus Hash House Harriers, the oldest hash in Syria, founded in 1983. Damascus is the capital 30 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS of Syria. The only other known Syrian hash chapter was Deir ez-Zor. Halab also partnered with the Greater Beirut (Lebanon) Hash for joint international runs. Aleppo is located about 75 miles from the Mediterranean Sea and 30 miles from the border of Turkey. The city is surrounded by farmland growing mainly olive and pistachio trees. To the east, the Syrian Desert approaches the city offering a myriad of hashing trails. CONTENTS Haidar hopes things get back to normal soon in his country, and expats along with tourists are able to return. Syria features ruins from some of the most ancient cultures on the planet including Greek, Roman and Ottoman. Weather is temperate year round. And Syrians are known as some of the friendliest people in the world. “People who have visited are good ambassadors (of Syria),” Haidar said. “I get calls and messages every day from friends offering any kind of help. But what can they do?” CONTENTS Tex Mex Border Blowout Intercourse El Paso Hash 2013 By Peter Brandrup O ut in the west Texas town of El Paso, there’s a bunch of hashers who drink, hash, and fall down. The El Paso Hash House Harriers have been going strong for 25 years. Best described as a family hash made up of half-minds of all ages, the EPH3 focuses on good trails with just the right amount of debauchery and douchebaggery. The El Paso H3 is getting ready for its 13th annual Tex-Mex Intercourse, a premiere hashing event always held during the Martin Luther King Jr Holiday weekend in January. Tex-Mex is a five-day event with highlights including a death-defying trail to Juarez, Mexico, fantastic costume themed pub-crawls, and an a**hole trail that will leave you pissed. 34 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS Tex-Mex averages 100-140 attendees who pound about 20 kegs in the first few days. The El Paso H3 provides great prizes, giveaways, and the best home-cooked food all for a bargain basement registration price of $69.69. The next Tex-Mex Intercourse will be held January 17-21, 2013. When one considers bang-for-buck, TexMex just may be the most affordable travel hash in the USA. Although public fornication is generally frowned upon in some parts of the world, morality and discretion seem to take a back seat at the TexMex. The hash hotel, the Mesa Inn, boasts a 30-person hot tub, which holds 50 or more during Tex-Mex, that is clothing optional. Most of the rumors circulating about the “love tub” are unfortunately true and more than a few hashers have been named for their hot tub exploits. One hasher earned his name “Instant Regret” after a rather public interaction with a harriette, who clearly had no regrets! “Shock The Pussy” was named after “Hose Handler” (fireman by profession) tried to electrocute her with the pool light. She was not hurt but rather enjoyed the thrilling electric sensations! A favorite hash irony to those with Tex-Mex history had to do with two well-seasoned hashers who had many of their own legendary hot tub exploits in the early days of Tex-Mex. They came looking for their teenage daughter late one night. Much to their horror, but not to their surprise, she was in the hot tub proving the old cliché, “Like mother like daughter.” The take home message here is to not bring beautiful young daughters to the hash, or one day she will grow up to be a beautiful harriette! In an attempt to preserve precious dignity, some hashers decide to avoid the shenanigans. While this is totally acceptable behavior, some hashers like “Hag Fag” make of mistake of being lulled into a false sense of security. Hag was unaware of some of the hashers’ lock picking skills. One night, Hag had more than his share of the keg and retired to his bed a little early. Much to his surprise, when he woke up in the morning, he had been part of one of the most famous drunk-whileasleep photos ever taken. In addition to providing t-shirt size on the registration papers, hashers must declare a color code as well. Green means single, free to hook up, or married, to a sharing, understandable spouse. Yellow means no promises, but if enough beer is involved who knows what will happen. Red is for old crabby hermits or hashers who are married to jealous gun owners not afraid to use them. No matter what a hasher’s flavor might be, TexMex is a stop that should be on everyone’s calendar. The hospitality and camaraderie of the El Paso H3 is second to none. El Paso H3 & Tex-Mex website: CONTENTS CONTENTS Nosy Cuddling Ca mper (*yawn) Hashing in Laos d Half-Min r a d n e l a C h Has Compiled by er Flying Boog Oct 4-7 2012: DC Red Dress Weekend. Washington DC, USA. Oct 4-8 2012: Texas Crab Hash 20th Anniversary. Houston TX, USA. Oct 5-7 2012: Florida/Georgia Intercourse. Tampa FL, USA. Oct 5-8 2012: USA Nash Hash. Memphis TN, USA. Oct 6-8 2012: Japan Nash Hash. Hiroshima, Japan. Oct 11-14 2012: Rumson H3 Rat Race. Wall NJ, USA. Oct 19-21 2012: DIVA H3 Prosecco Weekend. Conegliano, Italy. Oct 19-21 2012: Angkor H3 Pre Lube Oct 19-21 2012: Kunming Spring City Run #1 Kunming, China WWW.VELKOMMENGUESTHOUSE.COM HARRIER 39 CONTENTS CONTENTS d Half-Min r a d n e l a C h Has Compiled by Hashing in Afric a CONTENTS er Flying Boog Oct 21-31 2012: Virtual Nash Bash. Australia. Oct 26-28 2012: Amsterdam H3 1000th. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Oct 26-28 2012: BerZuBa 2012. Transylvania, Romania. Oct 26-28 2012: Las Vegas RDR. Las Vegas NV, USA. Oct 26-28 2012: Indochina Mekong Hash. Hanoi, Vietnam. Nov 16-18 2012: Hogtown H3 25th Anniversary. Toronto, Canada. Jan 19-26 2013: Babe’s Hash Cruise 2013 (Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Saint Kitts, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Thomas). San Juan, Puerto Rico. Feb 15-17 2013: NZ Nash Hash. Canvastown, Nelson, New Zealand. CONTENTS Proudly sponsored by the Amari Midnight Charity Run Running Calendar 2012-13 October 07 Colombo Marathon/Half/10k/5k Colombo, Sri Lanka December 2 Singapore Marathon/Half/10k Singapore October 20 Amari Watergate Midnight Run Bangkok, Thailand January 20, 2013 Maui Oceanfront Marathon October 21 Beijing Marathon/Half/9k/Mini Beijing, China November 18 Bangkok Marathon Bangkok, Thailand November 18 Penang Bridge Int’l Marathon/Half/10k Penang, Malaysia December 2 Angkor Wat 1/2 Marathon/10k Siem Reap Cambodia From USA: January 20, 2013 Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon speednewsshow/14528521.cms January 27, 2013 Khon Kaen Marathon/Half/ Mini11.55k,WalknFunRun4.5k February 3, 2013 Hong Kong Marathon/Half/10k Hong+Kong+Marathon.html February 24, 2013 Tokyo Marathon OUR Y E T O PROM T! EVEN ils to: ent deta com send ev ierMagazine. r r er@Ha publish R&R Calendar compiled by Kurt Bodmer R&R Cal Editor CONTENTS HARRIER International Edition 39 CONTENTS Looking Ahead Latest HHH News Upcoming Events Exotic Destinations Informative Features Entertaining Columns Monthly Digital Editions Hashing in Laos O ne of the things that a columnist for any successful magazine (or even this one) requires is inspiration and it is often in short supply. Thus I was truly grateful recently while out running with my home kennel, the Bangkok Monday Hash, when our illustrious Grand Master struck up a conversation with me during the run. “Ajarn Keemau” he said, “it seems I am called on to be the hare for the Bangkok Hash on October 25, a date that should have some resonance for a man with literary pretensions such as yourself.” On the Ice is proudly sponsored by: “Indeed it does” I replied, “for it’s St. Crispin’s Day, the day on which the English gave the French a lesson in the use of pike and longbow at Agincourt and which Shakespeare later immortalized in Henry V.” A general discussion among hashers within earshot then ensued as several competed in offering quotations from the famous speech by Harry to his men on the eve of the battle. This may surprise but I assure readers I am not the only pinhead intellectual on the BMH3, nor am I the only loudmouth. And so it was that our running was accompanied by stirring lines like: “We few, we happy, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile, This day shall gentle his constitution.” Of more interest (and relevance to this column) was the discussion which followed. Talk of St. Crispin led to talk of Saints in general and to consideration of who might be the Patron Saint of hashing. It is this topic which I propose to consider today. I realize On the Ice is traditionally concerned with the screw-ups that actual, living hashers perform, and which might end up with them receiving a cold, wet seat in the centre of the circle. Yet it is engaging to consider to whom, as he takes his position on the ice, a hasher might offer up a prayer for speedy deliverance. Taking St. Crispin as our starting point, we do not find too much to favour him. He and his brother evangelicised in Gaul before being beheaded by the Romans (a good hasher’s end?). While no mention exists of them having been runners, they were in fact shoemakers so there is at least some connection to hashing but not, I think, strong enough. A better bet may be St. John of God. He apparently had a wild and misspent youth (good) followed by a battle with insanity (better) and he came to be the Patron Saint HARRIER 45 CONTENTS CONTENTS Ice the munchki ns! (Laos) We’ll Be There! ? u o Y l l i W 19-21 October 2012 Angkor H3 Pre Lube to Indochina Mekong Hash Siem Reap, Cambodia 20 October 2012 15th Amari Watergate Midnight Charity Run Bangkok, Thailand of alcoholics (better still!). Or perhaps St. Julian the Hospitaller whose life story is worthy of any hasher. As a young man Julian married a wealthy widow which basically set him up for life. Later, while out hunting, a stag spoke to him (happens to me all the time) and told him that he would murder his parents. Not wishing to do this he moved far away but his parents ultimately located him and came to visit. His wife allowed the weary travelers to sleep in her bed and when Julian came home he murdered them, mistaking the pair for his wife and a lover. Better still, he ultimately became the Patron Saint of clowns, hotelkeepers and wanderers. Not bad qualifications from a hashing point of view. Perhaps however, confining the search to actual Patron Saints may be a little restrictive. Maybe we should look to the classical gods of antiquity. After all, that well-known member of the Philosopher’s Hash, Aristotle, said “Even the Gods like a laugh.” The most obvious candidate among the Romans is Mercury, whose winged sandals singled him out immediately. However his obvious speed and role as messenger of the Gods make him perhaps a little too unlike the average hasher. Moreover his role as the God of Commerce I think counts against him. Another God with something of a link to Hashing would be Diana, who was Goddess of the Hunt. However her other job as the Virgin Goddess of the Moon would probably rule her out. A God with higher potential would be Bacchus, the God of wine, who, along with enjoying a drink, liked to keep company with the Maenids, a bunch of wild dancing women (that’s more like it). In addition, he was the God of theatre which, given the amount of acting and bullsh*tting that goes on in the-average Hash, strengthens his chances. An alternative source of inspiration may be the Bible. Here the man with the obvious background and skills to be a Hash deity would be Onan. It was he in the Book of Genesis who was slain by God because he “spilled his semen on the ground”. Surely a man with the “right stuff” to be a Patron Saint of Hashers! 26-29 October 2012 Mekong Indochina Hash 2012 Hanoi Hanoi, Vietnam 2 December 2012 Angkor Wat Half Marathon Siem Reap Cambodia This brief review leads me to believe that perhaps the best approach may be to throw the discussion open to all (or at least the six or so people who ‘read this column). Please remember though that any proposed Patron Saints should have the appropriate characteristics. You may take some of my suggestions in this column as guidelines, or you may like to consider the reflections of old Marshall Villeroi of France who, in his youth, had known St. Francis de Sales. Villeroi apparently said, on hearing him called Saint, “I am delighted to hear that Monsieur de Sales is a Saint as he was fond of saying indelicate things and used to cheat at cards. In other respects he was a perfect gentleman, although a fool.” Sounds like a contender. Any others? This originally appeared in the October-December 2003 edition of Asia-Pacific Harrier Magazine. CONTENTS CONTENTS Victoria Angkor Resort & Spa Le Charme de l'Indochine October 2012 Digital Edition 24 Bonus Pages Discover the Angkor Temples and Explore the Khmer Empire with Victoria Victoria Angkor Resort & Spa, inspired by 20th century colonial architecture and design, is located next to the King’s Residence, overlooking the Royal Gardens. At only ten minutes from the Angkor Vat, the hotel provides a sense of serenity with the nostalgic comfort and elegant refinement of the French Art de Vivre. To book, please contact us : VICTORIA ANGKOR RESORT & SPA - Central Park P.O. Box 93145, Siem Reap Town, Kingdom of Cambodia Tel : +855 63 760 428 Fax : +855 63 760 350 Email : CONTENTS CONTENTS Las Vegas Red Dress Run By Sean Gilmore O n the last weekend of October, the Las Vegas hashing community will host their ninth annual Red Dress Run. Las Vegas has hosted their Red Dress Run on the weekend closest to the Halloween holiday for the past 6 years. “We want to make the Las Vegas Red Dress Run synonymous with Halloween so hashers can plan for it each year,” says Adios Motherfucker, the Red Dress Run’s Czar. For the third consecutive year the weekend will kick off on Friday night with a Halloween costume ball. “I’m excited to see what the hashers will come up with this year. Themed costumes were very popular last year, and I’ve already got wind of several groups traveling in together who are planning a common theme,” Adios adds. As many know, prizes will be given away for the best group, scariest, sexiest, and most original costumes. “I don’t think the prize is the draw, it’s the fun of knowing people are saying look at those guys from that hash, they look awesome!” 50 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS The popularity of the Las Vegas Red Dress Run has been rapidly growing since 2003. “When I took the reins in ’09 I new this event had huge potential, we’re Las Vegas, our Red Dress Run should be over the top,” boasts Adios. In 2009 attendance nearly doubled, and 2010 added another increase in attendance, so much that a change in venue was needed. “We went from a couple hundred to almost four hundred, we had to make some changes,” says Adios. “I CONTENTS was proud to make the move to the Las Vegas Country Saloon, a concert venue complete with a mechanical bull, I knew hashers would love it!” Having a history in events, Adios knew the Las Vegas Red Dress Run needed it’s own entertainment too. After a couple phone calls, two acts comprised of southern California hashers were booked, The Painted Toes and The Hash Band. This will be both bands third year playing the event. However, Las Vegas saw a decline in attendees last year. Adios attributes the decline to America’s Interhash in Savannah, “the vast majority of our attendees travel to our event, last year they had to choose between Savannah and the Las Vegas Red Dress Run, the dates were really close.” While some of the regulars chose Interhash, Las Vegas noticed an increase in the number of newcomers. Attendance is limited to 500, which may be a good thing; they’re expecting to see one of their largest crowds this year. “So many of the new boots from last year said they plan to return, plus I think we’ll be getting back all the people we lost to Savannah,” says Adios, “every year people come and have a great time, when they go home they tell their friends and those friends are registering the following year.” CONTENTS The Las Vegas Red Dress Run is hosted in historic downtown Las Vegas in the Fremont St. area, home to ten legendary casinos, and Viva Vision, perhaps the largest video screen in the world. “Leading hundreds of hounds down the strip wouldn’t offer even half as good an experience,” Adios claims. In the past two years a zip line was even added, “who else has a zip line over their Red Dress Run route?” The hash hotel is the Golden Nugget Las Vegas, with one of the most amazing pools in the city touting a water slide through a live shark aquarium. Many hashers enjoy the poolside atmosphere in the hours before the Red Dress Run. A group rate with the hotel is offered until September 21st. As an incentive to sign up early, Las Vegas Red Dress Run offered a VIP check in for the first 100 hashers to register. The first 100 will be able to check in for the Red Dress Run, getting their wristbands and giveaways at the Golden Nugget pool earlier in the day, not at the venue. Proceeds from the Las Vegas Red Dress run are donated to Safe Nest, a local charity operating the only 24-hour emergency shelters in the city for battered women and children. Safe Nest was established in 1977, and is the oldest and largest domestic violence program in Southern Nevada, offering not only shelter but counseling. Safe Nest has been the charity of choice for the Las Vegas Red Dress Run for over 5 years. Information and registration can be found at the new website for Hashing in Las Vegas, encompassing all the Las Vegas kennels: CONTENTS CONTENTS Kunming City of Eternal Spring A fter an absence of four years, hashing is returning to Kunming, the capital of China’s Yunnan Province. Some years ago, Jen “Dildo Shaggins” Anderson started the “Dry Hump H3” but it folded after only a couple of runs when he had to unexpectedly return to the US. Picking up the mantle now are a couple of experienced hashers who have recent moved to the city, Roomboy and HEIDE. The re-inaugural run no 1 is now set for October 20th with run 1A or 2 as some people might call it following the next day Sunday. There will also be a bar crawl hash of sorts on the Friday night with both visitors and locals alike to get to know each other. Kunming is ideal hashing territory courtesy of its mild climate (it is known as the city of eternal spring) and its surroundings with hills and mountains of differing sizes and lots of rich lush fauna, so good runs can be expected. Kunming famous for its minority people and some of those in traditional clothing should be spotted along the way. Also, Kunming is known to be China’s home of cigarettes, flowers, mushrooms and tea all of which can be seen, sampled, bought or consumed during the weekend. For the American history buffs, it was also the home to the flying Tigers during the 1940s and there are places in the city and Province to reflect back on those times. Kunming is the gateway to the rest of Yunnan Province where there is so much diversity to be seen. In Shilin close by, there is the Stone forrest re-inaugural run October 20, 2012 56 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS where a collection of vertical stone pillars reminds of a forest but made of stone instead of Trees. To the north there are the cultural centres of Dali and Lijiang which have to be visited, and Shangri-la is just up there road from there. To the south, Xishuangbanna and Jinhong are the gateways to South East Asia. So for those of you looking for an extended holiday with plenty of interesting places to visit, why not make a tour of Yunnan and take in these unique destinations. Details and registration: Email: CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS d Half-Min r a d n e l a C h Has Compiled by er Flying Boog Apr 5-Jun 30 2013: 80 Days Hashing Around the World (literally just what it says). Commercial event. Starts & ends in Frankfurt, Germany. Apr 6-19 2013: European Hash Bus Tour (Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Latvia, Estonia). Commercial event. Starts & ends in Frankfurt, Germany. Apr 12-14 2013: Philippine Nash Hash 2013 (note: separate event from the one listed below). Barrio Barretto, Olongapo, Philippines. Apr 19-21 2013: Wild Wolf Philippines Hash Bash (note: separate event from the one listed above). La Union, Philippines. Apr 26-May 1 2013: Tracks Hash 2013: Hashing Off the Rails. Cairns QLD to Brisbane QLD, Australia. May 3-5 2013: InterScandi 2013. Bornholm, Denmark. Hashing in Cambo dia May 4-5 2013: Aussie Nash Hash 2013. Brisbane QLD, Australia. May 10-12 2013: Herts H3 1500th. UK. CONTENTS CONTENTS d Half-Min r a d n e l a C h s Ha Compiled by er Flying Boog May 24-27 2013: Global Trash Hash 2013. Contact Stray Dog. Heidelberg, Germany. May 24-27 2013: Former Hashers of Korea in Transit Reunion IX. Hershey PA, USA. May 25-Jun 8 2013: Silk Road Train Adventure. Commercial event. Starts & ends in Almaty, Kazakhstan. May 31-Jun 2 2013: Borneo Nash Hash 2013. Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. Jun 7-9 2013: Pan-Africa Hash 2013. Cape Coast, Ghana. Jun 15-Jul 2 2013: Vodka Train 2013. Commercial event. Moscow to Beijing. Jul 5-7 2013: Pan-Asia Hash 2013. Jomtien Beach, Thailand. Jul 19-21 2013: Devon Lunatics H3 Full Moon Nash Hash. Dartmoor, UK. Jul 26-28 2013: Isle of Wight H3 30th Anniversary. Isle of Wight, UK. Jul 26-28 2013: Isca H3 Roman Awayday. Topsham, Exeter, UK. Aug 9-11 2013: Surrey H3 2000th. Plumpton College, Sussex, UK. Aug 16-18 2013: Eurohash 2013. Start in Helsinki, Finland; Eurohash ferry to Tallinn, Estonia and Stockholm, Sweden. Aug 23-26 2013: UK Nash Hash 2013. Dorset, UK. Aug 30-Sep 2 2013: InterAmericas Hash 2013. Playa Blanca Resort, Farallon, Republic of Panama. Sep 13-15 2013: ROTT (Really Over the Top) Long Distance Hash Trail 2013. Cambridge, UK. Hashing in Bali 64 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS The Sheraton Krabi Trophy 2012 Adventure Race “The Sheraton Krabi Trophy” brings the spectacular and fast growing sport of Adventure Racing to the South of Thailand. “The Krabi Trophy 2012” consists of 3 days of activities including: · · · · · · · An expo for sponsors to promote their products/services Parties and VIP hospitality A spectacular Sprint Adventure Race Sports activities on the beach Shows, dances and entertainment Trophy presentation A children club inside the Sheraton premises Supported by Sheraton, MBK Group, PTT and The The Krabi Trophy Adventure Race will offer 4 disciplines: Tourism Authority of Thailand, this inaugural Adventure Running, Cycling, Kayaking and Swimming. Race is set to attract 120 teams from around the world. The competitors will hike and run through unspoilt Scheduled on November 3rd 2012 and part of the jungle, paddle and swim on the turquoise waters of the Amazing Thailand Adventure Race Series, the race Andaman Sea and cycle over the hills with spectacular will start and finish on the magnificent Klong Muang views on the ocean. Beach where the Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort is located. Adventure Racing is a highly visual and dynamic sport “As we offer 2 divisions, Adventure (easier course) and genre, stretching competitors to their limits. It is a sport Extreme (longer course), the race is really accessible that is rapidly capturing the imagination of sporting to everyone!” concludes Henkens. people in Thailand and around the world. “After the tremendous success of the recent Koh Samui Trophy, we are very excited to bring another competition in the paradiseof Southern Thailand” explains Serge Henkens, the Race Director and managing director of Active Management Asia. “Krabi is one of the most scenic place in the world with dramatic limestone peaks, the blue ocean, forests, mountains, waterfalls, sandy beaches and a very rich fauna and flora. The perfect recipe for great Adventure Racing” continues Henkens. The winners of the extreme division are expected to complete the course in approximately 4:30. The fastest team in the Adventure division is planned to finish in around 3:30h. 66 HARRIER CONTENTS CONTENTS The Race offers 2 divisions: About Active Management Asia: Ø Adventure (Short course for newcomers and W.E. warriors) Adventure racing is a new sport that has exploded in popularity across Asia and Thailand. Active Management Asia is leading that growth in Thailand with its highly popular Amazing Adventure Race Series supported by the Tourism Authority of Thailand.AMA is also organizing high profile triathlon, MTB and trail running events. Ø Extreme (Long course for confirmed athletes and experienced Racers) Disciplines: Running, Kayaking, Biking, Swimming and other mystery tests Teams of 2 racers Categories will be: Men, Women, Mixed, Masters Men (over 80 years combined) and Seniors Men (over 100 years combined) About Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort: Logo - Situated in the exotic province of Krabi, Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort enjoys a beachfront location on the 1.8 kilometre Klong Muang Beach. Though you’ll feel miles away from everything, the resort is only 30 minutes from Krabi Airport. Nestled discreetly in 16 landscaped hectares, all 246 comfortable guestrooms, including 30 Zen Rooms and six Executive Suites, featuring refined Thai design influences, give a unique urban resort feel..The natural appeal of the surroundings with tropical trees, lush foliage, and stunning views make Sheraton Krabi a popular choice. Now in its sixth year of operation, Active Management Asia has established an international reputation for solid logistics and challenging race courses. These non-stop races, ranging in length from 4-8 hours, require teams to run, trek, mountain bike and paddle, while navigating a course through the wilderness. Likened to an expedition with a stopwatch, adventure racing requires teamwork, perseverance, strategy and determination. Active Management Asia is also a leader in corporate training, specialized in experiential learning. For more information: Active Management Asia Co., Ltd Khun Nid-Khun Golf Tel: 02 7189581-2 Fax: 02 7189583 Email: CONTENTS CONTENTS BACK ISSUES RETURNERS DEPARTMENTS Polls HHH News Red Dress Run Calendar Hash Calendar Hash Boy Running Calendar Featured Running Event On the Ice Contributors 36 9 10 52 52 57 61 62 66 70 VISITORS EVENTS Bangkok Harriettes 30 Years Hainan Interhash 2014 Brussels 2014 Beer Odyssey Fiji Interhash 2016 Bid 11th All China Nash Hash 2012 Las Vegas RDR 2012 Angkor H3 Prelube 14th Indochina Mekong Hash Pan Africa Hash 2013 Amari Watergate Midnight Run 24 NEWBEES FEATURES 24 30 36 42 Hashing in Germany Hashing in the Philippines Hashing in The USA Interhash 2012 Revisited e l c Cir UP! ents Cont 17 19 19 21 53 54 55 55 58 60 42 Click on this page to check out the August 2012 Issue! CONTENTS CONTENTS BACK ISSUES RETURNERS NEWBEES Polls 9 DEPARTMENTS FEATURES CONTENTS HHH News 10 Dir. 12 Praise for World Hash Red Dress Run Calendar 52 14 Wither Interhash? Hash Calendar 52 20 Tuff Liver Hash Boy 57 26 DIVAS Running Calendar 61 30 College Town Hashing Featured Running Event 62 World in 80 days 36 Hash the On the Ice 66 40 Beer Mile Contributors 70 46 Hashing in Randsburg 36 14 24 NEWBEES RETURNERS FEATURES 24 30 36 42 20 DEPARTMENTS Hashing in Germany Welcome HashingEditor’s in the Philippines Letters Hashing in The USA Interhash 2012 Red Dress RunRevisited Calendar Hash Calendar Hash Boy Running Calendar Featured Running Event On the Ice Contributors e l c ir C ! P U VISITORS VISITORS 2 12 50 50 55 59 60 65 70 ents Cont EVENTS EVENTS Bangkok Harriettes 30 Years 17 Bangkok Harriettes 302014 Years Hainan Interhash 19 9 11th All China Nash Hash 2012 Brussels 2014 Beer Odyssey 19 51 Las Vegas2016 RDRBid 201221 52 Fiji Interhash Angkor H3 Prelube 11th All China Nash Hash 2012 53 53 14th Indochina Hash Las VegasMekong RDR 2012 54 53 Pan Africa Hash 2013 Angkor H3 Prelube 55 54 HainanMekong Interhash 2014 14th Indochina Hash 55 57 Pan Hash 2013 Fiji Africa Interhash 2016 Bid 58 57 Amari Watergate Midnight Run 60 58 Amari Watergate Midnight Run Wild Wolf BD Bash 2013 68 Snooky Hash 68 40 42 Click on this page to check out the September 2012 Issue! CONTENTS CONTENTS
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