Table of Contents - Restoration Supply Company
Table of Contents - Restoration Supply Company
Table of Contents —A— Accessory Lights 10 Acetylene Burner Tips 2 Acetylene Lamp Lenses 2 Acorn Nuts 42 Adapters, Grease Gun 20 Adhesives 63 Adjusters, Sliding Arm 55 Air Pump Hose 26 Aluminum Molding 28-29 Aluminum, Pyramid 33 Aluminum Repair 64 Alvin Products 63 —D— Dash Lamps 7 Decals & Emblems 58-61 Delrin Rod 30 Distributor Boots 2 Distributor Terminals 3 Door Latch Springs 46 Door Latches 53 Draw Bolts 53 D-Rings, Brass 48 Drip Rail 29 Drive Coupling Material 50 Drive Screws 41 —B— Bakelite Plugs 8 Battery Brush 5 Battery Cable 4 Battery Clamps 5 Battery Disconnects 6 Battery Lugs 5 Battleship Linoleum 32 Bearing Greaser 23 Beeswax 63 Black Oxide Kit 63 Blue Steel Tacks 35 Body Cushion 51 Body Nails 35 Bolts 36-41 Books 66 Braided Sleeving 11 Brake Band Springs 46 Brass Coating, Spray 63 Brass Conduit 11 Brass Flat Bar 31 Brass Hinges, Undrilled 55 Brass Molding 28-29 Brass Rivets 39 Brass Sheets 31 Brass Tubing 30 Bullet Light, LED 10 Buckles 48 Bulb Horn Parts 59 Bumper Bolts 41 Bus Bar, Electrical 12 —C— Carburetor Floats 17 Carriage Bolts 41 Carriage Keys 53 Carriage Knob & Eyelet 52 Cast Iron Repair 64 Ceramic Paper, Tape & Rope 27 Chassis Paint 64 Clamps, Tube 13 Clamps, Brass 65 Cleaning Supplies 63 Clevis Pins 47 Cloth Covered Wire 4 Coco Mat 34 Coil Box Latch Assby 53 Coils, Ignition 2 Common Hot Feed Fuse Blocks 12 Common Sense 52 Compartment Latches 53 Conduit 11 Contact Cement 63 Control Swivels 47 Coolant 14 Cork Block 17 Cork Gasket, Sed. Bowl 17 Cork Flooring 32 Cowl Lacing 51 Crank Holders 49 —E— Electrical Connectors 5 Electrical Plugs, Sockets 8 Electrical Switches 6-7 Electrical Tape, Friction 12 Electrical Wire 4 Emblems & Decals 58-61 Engine Oil 21-25 Enots Fittings 19 Epoxy 62 Escutcheon Pins 35 Evans Coolant 14 Eyelets, Conduit 11 Exhaust Cutout 26 EZ Turn Lube 17 —F— Felt 45 Fender Welt 51 Ferrules 11 Fiber Washers 44 Fillister Head Screws 38 Fittings, Grease 20 Flashers, Electrical 6 Flexible Tubing 11 Float Material 17 Floor Board Trim 29 Floor Covering & Mat 32-34 Footman Loops 48 Friction Tape 12 Fuel Shut-Off Valve 18 Fuel Tank Liner 63-64 Fuel Pump 17 Funnels 20 Fuse Block & Fuses 12 —G— Gano 13 Gas Filter 17 Gas Tank Etch 64 Gas Tank Sealer 64 Gaskets 45 Gauge, Gas Red Fluid 17 Gauntlets 60 Gear Oil 22-25 German Silver Conduit 11 German Silver Sheet, Wire 31 Glass Setting Tape 61 Goggles 60 Grease 22-25 Grease Cups 18-19 Grease Fittings 20 Grease Gun Adapters 20 Grommets, Brass 52 —H— Halogen Bulbs 9 Handy Packer 20 Hasps, Brass 53 Head Lamp Plug Socket 8 Headlamp Lenses, Burners 2 Headlamp Refl., Gskts 10-11 Helmets, Leather/Cotton 60 Heritage Oils 21 Hex Nuts 43 Hex Stock 30 High Head Bolts 40 High Temperature Sleeve 27 Hinge Pins 47 Hinges 55 Hirsch Products 64 Hood Corners 51, 54 Hood Lace, Hooks 51 Hood Latch 53 Hood Strap Leather 49 Hood Strap Springs 49 Horn Button 7 Horns Parts, Bulbs 59 Hose Clamps 15-16 Hose, Radiator 15 —I-J-K— Ignition Coils 2 Insulation 34 Key, Door Latch 53 Klaxon Horn Button 7 Klaxon Horn Terminal 7 Knurled Nuts 43 Kwik Poly 62 —L— Lace, Double Bead 51 Lab Metal & Solvent 63 Lacquer Spray 61 Lamp Plug, Caps & Sockets 8 Lamp Wicks 2 Latches, Brass 53 Latch Cover & Key 53 Latching Rail Hinges 55 Leather Belts and Loops 49 Leather Cleaner 65 Leather Conditioner 65 Leather Helmets 60 Leather Tool, Punch 49 Leather Trunk Handles 54 Leather, Hood Strap 49 LED Bullet Lights 10 Lens Clips 12 Lenses, Headlamp 2 License Plate Frames 57 Light Bulbs 9-10 Light Pigtails 8 Light Sockets 8 Lights, Accessory 11 Lights, Dash 7 Line Clamps 17 Linen Cord 12 Link Belt 50 Linoleum & Glue 32 Lock Washers 44 Lubricants 21-25 Lubrication Fittings 18-20 Lubriplate 22-23 —M— Machine Screws 37 Magneto Terminals 2 Meropa Oil 21 Mesh, Wire 34 Mirrors 56-57 Molding, Half Oval, Round 28-29 Motometers 58 Motor Oil 21-25 Muffler Sections 26 Muffler Wrap 27 Murphy Fasteners 52 —N-O— Nails 35 “The Right Stuff!” Nitrophyl® Float Material 17 No-Rosion® 14 Nuts 42-43 Oil 21-25 Oil Cups 14-15 Oil Guns & Pumps 20 Oval Iron 28 Stock, Rod/Hex 30 Switches, Electrical 6-7 Syringes 13 —T— Packing, Graphite 16 Padlocks, Brass 53 Paint, High Temp 64 PB Blaster 23 Penrite Lubricants 24-25 Pin Molding 28 Plugs, Pipe 18 Polishes 65 Poly-Slide 47 Port Gaskets 45 Priming Cups 15 Pull Rings 54 Pump Caps Leather 18 PVC Matting 34 Pyramid Aluminum 33 Pyramid Vinyl 33 Pyro-Putty 61 “T” Rubber 59 Tacks 35 Tank Strap End 41 Terminals 5 Thermostats 16 Threaded Rivets 38 Ties, Stainless 16 Tire Pump Repair Kit 26 Top Bow Pins 52 Top Material 34 Top Nuts 32 Trunk Corners 55 Trunk Handles 55 Tube Clamps 12 Tubing, Stainless Steel 30 Tubing, Brass 30 Tubing, Flexible 11 Tubing, Red Rubber 12 Tubing, Vacuum 2, 25 Tubular Post Screws 41 Turn Signal Switch 6 —Q-R— —U-V— —P— Q-Dope 12 Quick Release Fasteners 49 Radiator Cap 58 Radiator Hoses 15 Red Fiber Block 12 Red Fiber Washers 44 Reflector Blanks 2 Reflectors, Headlamps 10 Relay, Electrical 6 Ring Pull 54 Rings, Brass 48 Rivets 38-39 Rivet Setter Tools 39 Rod Ends 47 Round Stock 30-31 Rubber Flooring 32-33 Rubber Rod & Sheet 31 Running Board Trim 29 Rust Killer Paint 64 —S— Screws 36-38, 41 Sealed Beam Lamps 10 Sealers 63-65 Sediment Bowl 17 Sediment Bowl Screen 17 Shebler Floats 17 Sheet, Brass 31 Sheet, German Silver 31 Smith & Co. Products 63 Snap Connectors, Brass 48 Sockets, Light 8 Snubber Belt 51 Solder Slugs 5 Solenoids, Electrical 6 Spacers, Cadillac/La Salle 42 Spark Plug Boots 2 Spark Plug Caps 3 Spark Plug Nuts 3 Spark Plug Terminals 3 Spark Plug Wire 4 Speedometer Ends 50 Split Rivets 39 Spring Belting 50 Springs 46 Steel Molding 28 Steering Box Lube 25 Step Bolts 40 Step Plates & Emblems 61 Upholstery Seat Springs 46 Upholstery Tacks 35 Vacuum Tank Gasket 45 Vacuum Tubing 25 Valves 18 Valve Stem Cover 26 V-Belting 50 Vinyl Flooring 32-33 —W— Washers 44 Water Pump Grease 23, 25 Water Pump Packing 16 Weatherstripping 61 Wenol 65 West Systems Products 62 Wheel Bolts 40 Wicks, Lamp 2 Window Regulator Springs 46 Windshield Channel 29, 59 Windshield Weather Strip 61 Windshield Wipers 55 Wing Nuts 43 Wiper Arms & Motor 55 Wire Cloth 34 Wire, Cloth Covered 3-4 Wire Connectors 5 Wire Loom 11 Wire Ties, Aluminum 12 Wire, German Silver 31 Wolf Whistle 59 Wood Filler 62 Wood Screws 37 —Y-Z— Yoke Ends 47 ZDDP Oil Additive 23 Zerk Fittings 20 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Head Lamp Multiplex Diverging Lenses Nickel Plated Brass Reflectors These lenses were commonly installed in Rushmore Lamps. These lenses will spread the light beams out to give you a wider field of illumination. The 2" glass strips run vertically and are flat on the rear side, while the front side is accurately ground and polished to a convex curvature. The lenses are custom made for each order. You will need to supply us with a cardboard template for lens assembly outer diameter. To replace glass mirrors For mirror size 5-1/2 ELE552 $105.00 Lamp Parts Wedges for reflectors ELE553 $13.00ea ACC150 $600.00 per pair 12” diameter plastic mirrored reflectors that you can cut to size. Not authentic, but possible substitute. ELE551 $21.00ea Burner Authentic acetylene burner which has a brass base with 1/8" pipe internal thread and a “Y” shaped porcelain burner with two flame holes (which burns 3/4 cu ft of gas per hour.) It will fit most gas head- Lamp Wicks For kerosene lanterns, range in length from 5” to 8”. Sold by the each. ACC224 3/8’’ $2.10 ACC222 1/2’’ $3.20 ACC223 5/8’’ $3.20 Acetylene Burner Post Mounted Halogen Lamps Adapter connects inside your Acetylene lamps and gives you more light without altering the lamps. The holder slides onto the burner post and the wire can be pulled up through an existing opening. Sold by the each, bulb included. 55w 12v ELE289 $24.20 ea 55w 6v ELE318 $26.30 ea ELE120 $45.95 Red Rubber Tubing and “T” Fitting Our red rubber tubing is specifically used with acetylene lights to give your gas lighting system an original appearance with functionality. These tubings will not discolor and are made to fit the original 1/4 brass tubing shown on page 30. Sold by the foot. “T” Fitting Fits red tubing 1-3/8’’ wide, 7/8’’ tall ,1-1/4’’ Dia. at tips Spark Plug Accessories “T” Fitting BRA217 $8.00 Standard black ignition coil and bracket; excellent replacement on many engines. 6V Coil ELE247 $36.00 12V Coil ELE248 $27.00 Bracket ELE249 $7.00 Spark Plug Cap Stamped brass caps are a clever way to “age” your modern spark plugs. Put them on top of the porcelain insulators for the look of “vintage brass top” plugs. ID .475" ID .621" ELE106 $2.90 ELE241 $3.20 1/4’’ID x 7/16’’OD Cloth pattern RUB011 $9.50 Use clamps Bra240 1/4’’ID x 1/2’’OD Smooth sided RUB012 $2.10 Use clamps BRA308 or BRA239 7mm straight spark plug boot for use with RAJ007 and RAJ020; 2 1/2" long. Black Rubber ELE039 $1.10 Red Rubber ELE061 $2.70 Authentic plug-in magneto terminals straight and 90 degree angle; 3/16 prong; fits 7mm wire. For 9mm wire, use a razor blade to reduce the diameter of the insulation at the terminal end. When ordering, please specify if you want your terminals marked with successive rings. Straight 90° degree ELE213 $20.00ea ELE214 $22.00ea 90 degree black rubber distributor boot; .600’’ ID Black rubber coil boot; fits 7mm wire; ID .725’’ ELE060 $1.00 90 degree 7mm spark plug boot; use with RAJ013/RAJ 014 Black Rubber Red Rubber ELE035 $.80 “The Right Stuff!” -2- ELE040 ELE107 $3.50 $2.70 Straight black rubber distributor boot .600" ID; will fit most caps with 7mm wire. ELE057 $.70 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company We offer one of the largest selections of unique spark plug wire ends, including the famous Rajah terminals. Terminals fit 7mm wire, unless stated otherwise. RAJ001, 2, 5 & 6 have ribbed black caps. Solderless screw cap Solderless screw cap Solderless screw cap; Solderless screw cap; Solderless screw cap Solderless screw cap Solderless screw cap fully enclosed terminal fully enclosed terminal RAJ001 $2.70 RAJ002 $4.00 NOS solderless screw cap with Rajah logo RAJ003 $3.70 *Solderless Smooth cap RAJ004 $4.50 RAJ005 $2.70 RAJ006 $2.90 RAJ016 $2.70 *Smooth cap Solderless *Solderless Smooth cap Solder cap nickel plated Solder cap nickel plated Solder cap nickel plated Burgundy only. 7mm RAJ021 $3.70 RAJ025 $3.40 RAJ026 $3.40 RAJ027 $3.40 RAJ012 $2.00 RAJ012 $2.00 RAJ013 $2.40 Solderless screw cap; knurled nickel plated Solderless screw cap; knurled nickel plated Solderless screw cap; knurled nickel plated Solder cap nickel plated Solder cap nickel plated *Straight 7mm spark plug terminal *Ignition straight terminal RAJ028 $1.60 RAJ029 $2.70 RAJ020 $1.90 12mm or 9mm brass wire end Brass Terminal RAJ037 $1.90 Brass Eyelet Spark Plug Terminal for Lincoln, Packard, Hupmobile V-12 & V-16 ELE231 $1.60 *9mm brass wire end *7mm brass w/spike eyelet .190 hole ELE408 $0.80 ELE500 $2.10 *7mm copper terminal *7mm NP spade w/ spike terminal 7mm Solder ELE370 $2.10 *7mm NP w/ spike .190 hole ELE501 $2.10 *7mmBrass terminal 7mm crimp style; steel Solder cap nickel plated New Items * RAJ014 $1.90 Spring clip Spark plug screw cap nickel plated ELE118 $1.00 ELE162 $3.50 RAJ019 $2.00 *12mm brass ring barrel terminal *12mm brass spade barrel terminal *9mm brass spade fork end ELE405 $2.00 ELE406 $1.70 ELE407 $0.80 *9mm brass spade barrel terminal *7mm brass spade w/ spike terminal ELE502 $1.90 ELE505 $2.10 7mm brass distributor cap terminals Light duty 7mm brass distributor cap terminals Heavy duty New Items * *9mm br ass distributor cap terminal Heavy duty ELE506 $2.10 ELE507 $0.90 ELE510 $0.75 ELE068 $0.30 ELE189 $1.00 Tall spark plug nut Tall spark plug nut Knurled brass nut Used with ring type terminals Knurled brass nut Used with ring type terminals Knurled brass nut Used with fork type ends. Knurled brass nut Used with fork type ends. 8-32 4x7mm 8-32 4x7mm Used with Rajah fork . 8-32 7/8’’ TALL BRASS ELE435 $8.40 Used with Rajah fork . 4 X 7mm 7/8’’ TALL ELE436 $8.40 NUT143 $1.00 NUT270 $1.00 “The Right Stuff!” -3- NUT303 $2.50 Spark Plug Terminals RAJ008 $2.80 RAJ009 $2.90 RAJ010 $4.00 RAJ017 $2.70 RAJ007 $2.70 ELE163 $3.90 Solderless screw cap; knurled nickel plated ELE409 $0.40 NUT341 $2.50 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Cloth Spark Plug Wire All of our spark plug wire has copper conductors and modern insulation. (Sold by the foot; 10% discount on 100ft rolls) Steel Gray Lacquered Just like the wire produced by Packard Electric in the 1930’s. Authentic wire for the “classic” period. Copper conductor. Cloth covered with heavy silver lacquer, high Cloth Covered 7mm ELE069 $1.40 gloss (color “C” See color guide on inside back cover) Packard 440 Black Rubber Packard wire was the original equipment on many engines. It has a heavy tinned copper conductor covered by black rubber. The lettering can be removed with 7mm lacquer thinner if desired. *limited quantities (Color: “G” see inside back cover ) Black Cloth Covered High gloss black finish. Copper conductor. Cloth covered w/ heavy black lacquer, high gloss. For the 40’s look. (Color: “B”; see inside back cover) Electrical Wire Black & Red Cloth Covered Colored Cloth Covered with Tracers 7mm ELE323 A light lacquered cloth covered wire commonly used during the teens, twenties and thirties. It gives many engines the correct “vintage” look. Copper conductor. (Black-Color: “E”, Red-Color: “K” See color guide on inside back cover ) Light lacquered cloth covered wire in yellow, dark orange, or brown with different colored tracers. It was commonly used on pre-WWII engines. Copper conductor. See color guide on inside back cover. See color guide on inside back cover for color reference. ELE186 Oak (Dark orange) 7mm ELE104 $1.75 9mm ELE092 $2.00 $3.00 $1.50 Black 7mm ELE187 $1.60 9mm ELE188 $2.00 Red 7mm ELE348 $1.40 Lemon with black 7mm ELE328 $1.60 Brown 12mm ELE122 $3.70 Lemon with red & black 7mm ELE215 $1.75 Electrical Wire Primary Wire. Stranded Copper wire insulated with modern Poly and covered with Woven Cloth. All single conductor wire has a solid cloth covering, with a light varnish coating. The Two Conductor wire, Red/Black cable, is also covered with black thread light varnish. The armored cable is modern poly wires wrapped with galvanized steel. Sold by the foot; 10% discount for 100’ lengths of wire (full roll). Gauge 18 gauge 16 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 12 gauge 12 gauge 12 gauge 10 gauge 10 gauge 10 gauge 8 gauge 6 gauge 4 gauge Color (Ref) Yellow/Blk (D) Black (E) Brown (N) Green (L) Blue (O) Red (K) Yellow (M) Black (E) Yellow (M) Black (E) Red (K) Black (E) Red (K) Yellow (M) Black (E) Black (E) Black (E) Conductor(s) Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Part# Price/Ft Gauge ELE399 ELE324 ELE380 ELE124 ELE123 ELE116 ELE105 ELE103 ELE101 ELE102 ELE243 ELE100 ELE143 ELE242 ELE383 ELE382 ELE381 $0.80 $0.90 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $1.00 $1.20 $1.20 $1.30 $1.80 $1.80 $1.80 $2.10 $3.50 $4.70 12 gauge 12 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 14 gauge 16 gauge Price/Ft $2.70 $3.70 $1.50 $3.20 $2.50 $3.75 2 gauge Black (E) Battery Cable ELE089 $6.00 1/0 gauge Black (E) Battery Cable ELE090 $8.30 2-gage for 12 volt, 1/0-gage for 6-volt “The Right Stuff!” -4- Color (Ref) Conductor(s) Part# Armored (J) Single ELE321 Armored (J) Two ELE322 Red/Black (I) Two ELE108 Armored (J) Two ELE109 Armored (J) Single ELE137 Armored (J) Triple ELE142 See color guide on inside back cover for color reference. Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Double receptacle ELE041/042 $12.60 Lug Wire Style #6 16-10 Ring 1/2" 10-4 Ring 1/4" 16-10 Flag Ring #10 16-10 Flag Ring Each $0.30 $0.30 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.50 $0.40 $0.50 $0.90 NOS Brass Terminals Part # Each ELE419 $0.60 ELE422 $0.80 ELE423 $0.80 ELE424 $0.80 ELE432 $0.60 ELE253 $0.60 Battery Clamps Terminal Lugs For solder connections. These units are properly sized for the positive and negative posts. Sold by the each. For Solder Connections. All lugs are solid Copper. Wire Size Hole Dia. Clamp Style Wire Size Terminal Part # Each $0.50 $0.80 $0.60 $0.60 Lug Wire Style Part # Each #6 16-10 Ring ELE410 $0.60 #8 16-10 Ring ELE411 $0.60 3/8" 10-4 Ring ELE415 $0.80 #8 16-10 Fork ELE416 $0.80 #10 16-10Fork Double ELE433 $0.80 #10 18-14 Flag Ring ELE418 $0.80 #8 16-12 Flag Ring ELE252 $0.60 NOS Copper Terminals Lug Wire Style #8 16-10 Ring 1/4" 10-6 Ring 3/8" 10-6 Ring 3/8" 10-4 Ring #6 16-14 Flag Fork #10 14-8 Flag Fork Part # ELE425 ELE427 ELE428 ELE429 Each Part # Each #2 1/4" ELE338 $2.00 #2 5/16" ELE339 $2.00 $7.90 #2 3/8" ELE302 $2.00 $7.90 1/0 1/4" ELE336 $3.00 1/0 Positive ELE330 $12.00 1/0 5/16" ELE337 $3.00 Wire In & Out 1/0 Negative ELE331 $12.00 1/0 3/8" ELE303 $4.00 Clamp on Left 1/0 Positive ELE332 $10.50 Clamp on Left 1/0 Negative ELE333 $10.50 Straight On #2 Positive ELE304 $7.20 Straight On #2 Negative ELE305 $6.90 Straight On 1/0 Positive ELE306 Straight On 1/0 Negative ELE307 Wire In & Out Clamp on Right 1/0 Positive ELE334 $10.50 Clamp on Right 1/0 Negative ELE335 $11.60 Wire Terminals Part # ELE352 ELE353 ELE354 ELE355 ELE356 ELE357 ELE358 ELE350 ELE351 ELE440 $5.00 NOS Tinned Terminals New Tinned Terminals Lug Wire Style #8 16-14 Ring #10 16-14 Ring #8 10-12 Ring #10 10-12 Ring 1/4" 10-12 Ring 5/16"10-12 Ring 3/8" 10-12 Ring #8 16-14 Flag Fork #8 10-12 Flag Ring Plugs & Connectors Plug-in connectors allow you to easily connect and disconnect any circuit. The Double bullet connectors. female connector has insulating rubber. The machined male ends require solder- Can fit up to 4 wires. ing. Max. voltage 24V. **Sold in pkg of 20 male ends and 10 female ends. Comes with 4 male ends. Solder Slugs For the do-it-yourself Battery Cable Maker. Just drop in the connector hole, apply the torch until it melts, then shove in your battery cable. Battery Brush High quality wire brush for male and female connectors with a locking cap. ELE361 $11.80 Wire Size 2 gage 1/0 gage Part # ELE300 $2.10 ELE301 $2.75 “The Right Stuff!” -5- Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Heavy Duty Battery Disconnect Switch Post Mount Disconnect Switch The most common switch for 6V and 12V Systems. Rated 1000A intermittent/175A continuous; ELE009 800A intermittent/175A continuous. Attaches to the battery post and requires no modification to install. Simply unscrew knob to disconnect circuit, and your old post clamp attaches to SW end. ELE050 $14.00 Battery Disconnect Switch 3/16" neck length 15/16" neck length 7/8" neck w/key lock Face Plate 2-1/2’’ OD ELE009 $62.00 ELE032 $85.00 ELE296 $90.00 ELE017 $4.00 Battery disconnect switch with a removable key; tough ABS plastic housing won’t rust or corrode; heavy duty copper terminals; 50 amps continuous, 500 amps intermittent; easy to mount. ELE010 $21.00 6V Starter Solenoid Ford style metal can starter solenoid with push button activator; all copper contacts and nuts just like the original. 12V Starter Solenoid w/ Button NEW ELE096 $35.00 Universal heavy duty, steel solenoid. Switch terminal must be grounded to activate. ELE443 $62.00 Turn Signals & Flashers Universal mount, die cast chrome plated switch clamps to the steering column. No drilling, cutting or modification needed. It requires a Heavy Duty 6V or 12V flasher. Wiring diagram provided. ELE208 $40.00 Turn Signal Controller System 6 Volt ELE256 $12.50 12 Volt ELE029 $11.50 Extra Loud Flasher Use ELE287 for socket. 2 Pin 12 Volt 4 PRONG Horn Relay 6V ELE047 $32.00 12V ELE257 $44.00 ELE442 $135.00 Plug Socket New Works on 5-pin relays, as well as 2- and 3pin flashers. Heavy duty construction with 14 gauge color coded wire. ELE520 $200.00 Heavy Duty Flasher 5 PRONG Mounted to the steering column with a metal band that affixes to the unit with two separate half collar clamps. Turn signal unit is housed completely in black plastic with indicator lights and with a pull-out hazard light switch. Use with 3-wire flasher, 3-pin. Switch length- 4". Clamp band- 10" x 5/8". Wires- 19" from base of unit. Self-cancelling, designed to function with either positive or negative ground cars, 6-volt or 12-volt batteries. Comes with wiring diagram. 3 Pin, 6 and 12 Volt. Needed for ELE208. Use ELE287 for socket. 5 PRONG Heavy Duty Turn Signal Switch Turn Signal Switch 3-pin Heavy Duty magnetic switch to handle the high current draw of electric horns and head lamps. Use socket ELE287 Headlamp Relay 6V ELE049 $38.00 12V ELE015 $19.00 12V ELE016 $16.00 Starter Solenoid 12v ELE295 $48.00 6v ELE232 $63.00 Relay Switches ELE287 $7.50 Regular Duty Flasher Use ELE287 for socket 3pin 6V ELE034 $11.00 2pin 12V ELE036 $4.20 Flasher Holder Flat Panel Turn Signal Switches Flat mount turn signal switches available in plain black and an internally lighted switch lever to act as a warning light (12v system ONLY). These switches do not self cancel. Switch shaft fits through a 1˝ diameter hole. Non-illuminating ELE319 $35.00 Illuminating ELE320 $47.00 Universal mounting with three variations. Will not work with 3-pin turn signal. ELE308 $20.80 ELE363 $6.30 “The Right Stuff!” -6- Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Push/Pull Switch Early style Hole spacing 1-1/4’’ Hole size 1-7/8’’ Size of plate 1-3/4’’ Pin Switch Push/Pull Button Switch Push Button Switch Brass on/off switch; chrome plated knob screws off so you can machine your own style knob; mounts in a 3/8" hole in panels up to 1" thick. Push on/spring off momentary contact switch; case sealed against moisture; chrome button and clamp nut. Mounting stem 5/8-32 thread; 1" long. ELE159 $35.00 ELE028 $18.00 Push/Pull Switch, Fused Dome Lamp Switch ELE550 $43.00 The Shaft of the switch is threaded 1/4-20. It comes with a terminal connector, Shaft is one side of switch. When pin is out, switch contacts are closed. ELE362 $7.00 Door Jamb Switch Operates courtesy lights and running board step lights. Plunger dia: 7/16" Plate: 1x1-3/4"Body dia: 45/64" Depth: 1-15/16" Slide on slide off. Hole centers 1-5/16’’ ELE011 $20.00 ELE031 $28.00 ELE325 $11.50 ELE298 $20.00 Toggle Switch Horn Button Toggle Switch A double pole, single throw on-off switch, to energize both terminals at the same time. A single pole, double throw switch. Mounting hole diameter 15/32"; fits panels up to 3/16" thick; 1 1/16" chrome plate handle. ELE033 $26.00 ELE037 $26.00 Push pull plunger for stop and back up lights. Recommended for use with type 6 spring on page 46 (B14068) . Normally closed Contacts Lever actuated, two 10-32 mounting holes; 5/8" on centers; 2-7/8" lever NO Push to close ELE233 $37.00 NC Push to open ELE293 $21.00 ELE012 $11.20 NO Push to Close Dimmer Switch Foot-operated, heavy duty switch that mounts through the floorboard. Flush mount with momentary contact switch; ideal for magneto kill, horns, starter solenoid, etc; stamped steel case with black plastic button. Universal Stop Light Switch Stop Light Switch NC Push to Open ELE019 $6.50 ELE119 $36.00 Universal Stop Light Switch Foot-Operated Starter Switch Lever actuated to ON, spring return to OFF; two 13/64" dia mounting holes; ½" on centers; 5" universal spring lever. Heavy duty switch . 1.83" plunger length ELE004 $38.30 ELE234 $56.00 1.00" plunger length ELE230 $32.00 Molded terminal with brass inserts and the word “Patented” on the screw cap; correct for motor-driven Klaxon horns. Imported from England. Imported from England CAV012 $41.00 ACC162 $65.80 Fits 11/16" hole; threaded base is 3/8" long; does not have integral on/off switch; wire leads included. Recommended bulbs: 6V ELE175, 12V ELE176 Flush mount with integral on/off switch; well suited to automotive and marine applications; covers 11/16’’ hole. Hole centers at 2.2’’ Recommended bulbs: 6v ELE175 12V ELE176 ELE007 $42.00 Threaded Base “The Right Stuff!” -7- Dash Lamps Chrome Plated Dash Lamps Buttons Klaxon Horn Button Klaxon Horn Terminal Flange Base Switches Heavy duty universal one circuit OFF/ON switch; integral fuse and chrome plated knob; supplied with 20 amp fuse. ELE008 $33.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Lamp Sockets, Plugs & Caps All sockets and plugs in this section are with equal pin spacing (not offset pins) unless otherwise noted. Socket IDs are standard 19/32. Light bulbs are sold on page 9. Screw-On Bakelite Plug 9/16-24 internal thread Old style Bakelite plug with screw on ribbed cap just like the originals; fits all standard sockets with equal pin spacing. 9/16 - 24 threads 0.402" Bore 0.342" Bore 0.270" Bore Sgl Contact ELE140 $15.30 Dbl Contact ELE141 $15.30 Brass Socket 2 Contact Double Contact ELE056 $24.00 ELE048 $25.20 Universal Light Socket Universal light socket. Fits standard bayonet bulb base, straight pin. Snaps into a 3/4" hole. ELE238 $4.80 Screw-On Plug Flush Mount Socket 2 hole mounting 11/4’’ apart. Mounts in 11/16’’ hole. Old style Bakelite plug with screw on ribbed cap. Non-polarized Fits socket ELE045 ELE045 $15.00 Pigtails Accepts standard light bulbs. Mounts in 11/16’’ hole. 2 hole mounting, oval 1-1/4’’ apart. Single contact. Universal Light Socket For 3/8" base bulb. Single Contact straight pins. Snaps into 5/8" hole. ELE082 $10.00 Pigtail Pigtails with spring and insulator for repairing many standard single and double contact bayonet sockets. 9/32 Dia. Single Contact ELE073 Single Contact Double Contact Wire w/Contact ELE126 $3.70 ELE223 $3.70 ELE360 $2.50 3/16’’ Contact Button 5/16 ’’ Contact Button ELE364 ELE369 ELE067 $19.00 Flush Mount Socket for 1"Hole ELE237 $5.30 3/4"Hole ELE260 $5.30 ELE127 $10.00 Single Contact ELE173 $19.00 $24.00 $30.00 Universal Light Socket For miniature light bulb Flush mount nickel plated brass threaded socket that fits panels up to 3/4" thick with 11/16" hole; used for plug in accessories such as spotlights, trouble lights, etc. Prefocus Socket (Single contact has concealed screw terminals) Standard 3 contact plug assembly which fits sealed beam headlamps and our halogen bulbs ELE147,ELE149,ELE23 5, and ELE236 Nickel Plated Brass 0.402" Bore CAP002 $8.00 0.342" Bore CAP004 $8.00 0.270" Bore CAP006 $8.00 ELE138 $22.50 $20.00 Non-flush mount brass socket with exposed screw terminals; accepts standard light bulbs; mounts in 11/16" hole in panel thickness up to 3/8". Headlight Plug $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 Single Contact ELE258 ELE006 $21.00 Double Contact OFFSET pins. Solid Brass CAP003 CAP005 CAP007 Double end socket which holds a light bulb in one end, plug in the other; perfect for wiring head, tail and cowl lights. Double Contact Bayonet socket with nickel plated brass housing and recessed insulated wire connectors; diameter is 11/16"; double contact. Double Contact ELE018 Single Contact ELE229 Caps fits and replace cap on ELE140 and ELE141. Our conduit on page 11 fit the bore for these. Caps Single Contact Double contact ELE239 $10.00 ELE240 $10.00 Screw-On Plug ELE046 $8.00 Old style Bakelite plug with screw on ribbed cap. (polarized) Triple Pigtail $3.70 $2.00 $2.00 Headlamp Plug 2-1/4’’ Headlamp Plug 1-3/4’’ ELE290 $14.50 ELE291 $14.50 Both contact buttons fit #14 wire “The Right Stuff!” -8- Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Candle Pwr Standard bayonet base with 19/32’’ diameter; equal pin unless noted. Candle Pwr Volts Contact/Pins Price 1188-12 1124 1196 1195 1144 1143 1188-6 1000 1110 1184 1183 1134 1133 ELE161 ELE148 ELE180 ELE218 ELE179 ELE228 ELE151 ELE160 ELE170 ELE178 ELE168 ELE177 ELE117 $4.00 $5.60 $5.25 $6.30 $3.20 $6.30 $6.30 $6.30 $5.00 $5.00 $7.90 $2.10 $6.30 Large Globe Head Light 12 sgl/straight 1141 ELE153 $2.10 21 21-3 32 21 15 21 21-3 21-3 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 dbl/straight dbl/straight sgl/straight sgl/straight Sgl/straight dbl/straight dbl/straight dbl/offset 1142 1176 1680 1129 1137 1130 1158 1154 ELE190 ELE184 ELE121 ELE152 ELE444 ELE181 ELE183 ELE156 $4.00 $2.10 $2.10 $2.10 $2.10 $2.10 $2.10 $4.20 4 4 21-4 6 3 3 21-4 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 dbl/straight sgl/straight dbl/offset sgl/straight dbl/straight sgl/straight dbl/offset 68 67 ELE176 ELE155 ELE093 ELE261 ELE175 ELE154 ELE288 $2.10 $1.10 $2.70 $2.70 $2.70 $3.20 $4.20 1.5 6 sgl/straight 55 ELE157 $2.40 1 6 sgl/straight 51 ELE169 $2.10 1 12 sgl/straight 53 ELE225 $1.60 2 12 sgl/straight 57 ELE167 $1.60 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 21 Standard Globe Tail, Side, Fender Small Globe Dash Miniature Dash Lights dbl/straight dbl/straight dbl/straight sgl/straight dbl/straight sgl/straight dbl/straight dbl/straight dbl/straight dbl/straight sgl/straight dbl/straight sgl/straight 81 64 63 (small 3/8"base) Festoon Bulb 12V/3W 12V/5W Halogen Bulb 1.140" long 1.395" long 6V/35W no base ELE150 $2.10 ELE185 $4.80 ELE246 $15.30 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 Prefocus 3-Pin -Flange- Contact/Pins Bulb No. Part No. Price sgl/pref dbl/pref dbl/pref dbl/pref sgl/pref dbl/pref dbl/pref sgl/pref dbl/pref $15.80 $5.00 $21.00 $16.80 $5.00 $18.90 $4.20** $4.20 $4.20 1327 13007-12 2336 2326 1007 2330 2331 1501 13007-6 ELE078 ELE079 ELE283 ELE217 ELE074 ELE075 ELE091 ELE076 ELE077 ** ELE091 has pins rotated 90°. For 36-39 Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge, Nash, Studebaker, Terraplane, Desoto, Hudson, and Lafayette. Prefocus Halogen Watts Volts Contact/Pins Bulb No. Part No. Price 45-40 35-35 35-35 35-35 12 6 6 6 dbl/pref dbl/pref dbl/pref sgl/pref $36.80 $42.00 $33.60** $35.70 ELE134 ELE135 ELE365 ELE366 Much brighter halogen bulb with a standard prefocus base to fit directly into original prefocus sockets of American cars, trucks, and motorcycles. ** ELE365 has pins rotated 90°. For 36-39 Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge, Nash, Studebaker, Terraplane, Desoto, Hudson, and Lafayette. 12V/55W (4.6 amps) 6V/55W (9.2 amps) 6V/55W (fits ELE318) 12V/55W (fits ELE289) Halogen Headlamp H4 H4 H3 H3 ELE149 ELE147 ELE312 ELE446 $6.00 $20.00 $8.40 $6.30 If performing a retrofit you will need a special mounting kit. ELE145/146. Bulb connects to a standard 3 prong plug, same as sealed beam headlamp, ELE127. Watts 60-55 35-35 35-35 Volts 12 6 12 Contact/Pins dbl/straight dbl/straight dbl/straight Part No. ELE094 ELE095 ELE445 Price $40.20 $33.60 $33.60 Light Bulbs Bulb No. Part No. 50-32 32-32 50 50 32 32 50-32 32-32 21-21 50 50 32 32 Volts 32 50-32 32-32 32-21 32 32-32 32-32 50 50-32 Old style straight pin in bayonet-based halogen bulb. Halogen Watts Halogen Side, Tail, Stop and Turn Light 50 50-20 23 23-6 23-6 5 5 Volts Contact/Pins Part No. Price 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 sgl/straight dbl/offset sgl/straight dbl/straight dbl/offset small globe mini dash ELE171 ELE063 ELE064 ELE065 ELE066 ELE367 ELE368 $10.50 $22.50 $21.00 $21.00 $21.00 $21.00 $21.00 Amber Light Bulbs Candle Volts Pwr 21 - 3 52 21-3 32 - 4 4 2 6 6 6 12 12 12 Bulb # 1158A 1156NA 1154A 1034A 1178A 1895A Bulb Style Standard Standard Standard Standard Small Globe Mini Dash Contacts/Pins dbl/straight sgl/straight dbl/offset dbl/offset dbl/straight sgl/straight Part No ELE277 ELE274 ELE276 ELE285 ELE279 ELE286 Price $7.90 $3.70 $7.40 $2.70 $5.30 $5.30 Additionally, we have hundreds of different new old stock type bulbs. If you don’t see what you are looking for, give us a call. “The Right Stuff!” -9- Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company 7" Halogen Sealed Beam Replacements. DOT Approved for On-Road Use!! These units will fit right into a 7" PAR 56 lamp socket and they have high and low beam elements. For use with 2-headlamp systems. They connect to a 3 pin plug, same as a standard 7" bulb. 12 Volt bulb included. 12v Systems = ELE236 $32.00 each They are similar to the 12v system, except the 6v version is not DOT endorsed. 6v Systems = ELE235 $32.00 each Sealed Beam Amber Lamps Headlamps Chrome Plated Brass Halogen Reflector Kits We offer many Sealed Beam Amber Lamps. Listed below are a few of our more popular ones. Let us know if you need one not listed, or clear or even red ones. Give your vehicle bright modern headlamps without modifying your original reflectors, by replacing them with our chrome plated die stamped reflectors that are fitted with modern replaceable halogen high/low beam headlamps. The Non-Turn Signal kits come with 2 reflectors with special sockets installed, 2 halogen bulbs, 2 electrical connector plugs and 2 gaskets. The “With Turn Signals” kits come with the above, but also includes an installed parking lamp dual-contact sockets and 2 replaceable dual-filament amber bulbs. These parking lights can also support turn signal operation. Reflectors diameters are measured across total width or widest part of flange. Diameter is measured to the outside of the mounting flange. Bulb # # Each Size 4012A 5001A 4412A 4415A 5-3/4" 5-3/4" 5-3/4" 4-1/2" Without Turn Signals Dia. 12 volt 9-1/4" 8-3/4" 8" 7" ELE200 ELE202 ELE204 ELE206 Dia. 12 volt 9-1/4" 8-7/8" 8-1/2" 8" 7" ELE024 ELE026 ELE292 ELE222 ELE220 $102.90 $102.90 $102.90 $102.90 6 Volt Price ELE201 ELE203 ELE205 ELE207 $102.90 $102.90 $102.90 $102.90 6 Volt ELE025 ELE027 ELE297 ELE221 ELE219 Halogen Reflector Kit Round Silicon Headlamp Gasket 9’’ in diameter. Sold by pair. Price $131.30 $131.30 $131.30 $131.30 $131.30 Sold by pair. Dimensions are 27 1/2" x 5/16" x 3/16" ELE259 $8.00pr Reflectors Reflectors with Parking and/or Turn Signals 2 Bulb ELE195 $36.80 ELE197 $36.80 ELE198 $40.30 ELE199 $36.80 1-bulb Style ELE309 ELE327 ELE310 ELE311 $35.00 $31.50 $34.00 $36.50 Red ELE438 $25.00 Amber ELE437 $22.50 Halogen Reflector Kit w/ turn signals Save your tired original reflectors and replace them with our chrome plated die stamped brass ones. For less than you can restore your originals, you can be on your way with these non tarnishing, ultra bright reflectors. You can also add parking lights and turn signals by using the two-socket reflectors. Diameter 1 Bulb 9-1/4" ELE194 $35.00 8-3/4" ELE196 $35.00 8" n/a 7" n/a 2-Screws 2 Pin Plug 2-Screws 2-Screws These new and bright 12v LED lights come in red or amber and are great for an aftermarket safety addition to your brake, hazard or directional lighting; small enough to be hidden but bright enough to get you seen. The light is bullet shaped, 3/4" dia. at the base, standing 1" high. They are mounted with a threaded nipple that is 7/32" wide and 3/4" long. Single wire end is 12" long and pre-tinned for easy connection or splice. Sold by pair. Cork Headlamp Gaskets ELE434 $12.60pr 6 12 12 12 LED Bullet Lights With Turn Signals $131.30 $131.30 $131.30 $131.30 $131.30 Volts Connections Part 2-bulb style “The Right Stuff!” - 10 - Lens Clips 6Pk 6 Pk 2" ELE165 $4.00 3-1/2" ELE166 $5.00 COWL / TAIL LAMP CLIPS 4Pk 1-1/8 " ELE174 $4.10 Halogen Conversion Kits This high and low beam conversion kit will fit any reflector or mounting with a 1’’ or larger hole. The kit contains two bulbs, mounting rings, and connector plugs. Great easy upgrade for existing headlamps with reflectors. 12V ELE145 $45.00 6V ELE146 $57.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Small 1-3/4"w x 1-1/8"h x 1-5/8"d ELE128 $16.00 ea Medium Double Filament 2-1/4"w x 1-1/4"h x 1-5/8"d Large Replacement Lenses $3.70 ea $4.20 ea $8.00 ea Replacement Bulbs Replacement Lenses $3.70 ea $4.20 ea $8.00 ea Replacement Bulbs Amber ELE132 Red ELE133 Clear ELE144 Double Filament 2 1/2"w x 2"h x 2-3/4"d ELE130 $20.00 ea German Silver Replacement Bulbs 6V ELE157 $2.40 ea 12V ELE167 $1.60 ea Amber ELE132 Red ELE133 Clear ELE144 ELE129 $18.00 ea Sorry, but we can not exchange lenses or bulbs. Replacement Lenses $4.20 ea $4.20 ea Amber ELE131 Red ELE125 Single Filament This German Silver conduit made exactly like the original square lock type will polish beautifully. It has the correct look which no other material offers. It’s useful in wire loom applications as well as speedometer cable covers. Brass OD 0.185" 0.250" 0.385" 0.525" Braided Sleeving Wire Loom 0.265" 0.337" 0.485" 0.620" ELE072 ELE071 ELE070 FLX001 ID OD .300" .520" .770" Bore Length .268" .331" .410" .440" .455" .490" .625" .695" .680" .875" .390" .450" .540" .560 .500" .500" .550" .530" .550" .510" 1.000" .845" .840" .845" .680" .680" .730" .760" Per ft Per ft FLX006 $11.90 FLX005 $14.50 FLX011 $15.70 OD Part No. 0.750" 1.000" 1.240" Per ft FLX002 $7.20 FLX003 $7.90 FLX013 $10.50 1/8" - 3/8" ID ELE052 $2.10ft 1/4" - 1/2" ID ELE051 $3.20ft Original black asphalt laden cloth braided wire loom used to protect wires on many vintage vehicles. Ferrules ID 0.620" 0.895" 1.13" $4.20 ea $2.70 ea $11.90 $14.50 $15.70 Part No. .395" .620" .875" An authentic way to cover one or multiple wires, tubes, or hoses. This tinned copper braided sleeving will expand/contract approximately ¼". Sold by the foot. We have been asked many times about parts to terminate our flexible tubing and similar products. Our stamped ferrules are the answer to some of these problems. 0.452" 0.502" 0.552" 0.625" 0.628" 0.675" 0.782" 0.880" 0.960" 1.158" 0.475" 0.550" 0.650" 0.750" $4.00 $4.40 $5.20 $5.90 Part No. .395" FLX007 .540" FLX004 .620" FLX014 Used from the teens into the 40’s, this sheathing can be painted, or polished. ID OD Part No. Per ft ID Stainless Steel 6V ELE288 12V ELE093 $4.20 ea $3.00 ea Material Part # Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass SS SS SS SS CAP010 CAP011 CAP012 CAP017 CAP013 CAP018 CAP014 CAP015 CAP025 CAP016 CAP030 CAP031 CAP032 CAP033 Price . $0.80 $0.90 $0.90 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.30 $0.80 $1.10 $0.90 $1.30 ID Part No. Per ft 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" FLX018 FLX019 FLX020 FLX021 FLX022 FLX023 $0.80 $0.90 $1.00 $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 ID Part No. Per ft 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" FLX024 FLX025 FLX026 FLX030 FLX031 FLX032 $1.40 $1.60 $1.90 $2.80 $3.70 $4.00 Conduit Eyelets Flexible Conduit and Supplies A duplicate of the original square lock tubing with cord wrapped joints, we had the 5/8" size made specifically for the bulb horns. Like the German Silver conduit, it makes a great wire loom material and speedometer drive covers. ID .300" .435" .562" 6V ELE288 12V ELE093 Accessory Lights These lights can be adapted to fit on bumper braces, front splash aprons, and other concealed places. They have chrome plated, die cast bodies, and come standard with amber lenses and 12V bulbs. For 6V bulbs and different colored lenses, see chart at right. This screw-together brass eyelet makes a unique grommet for finishing a hole, especially where flexible conduit enters the body BORE OD .312 5/16" .590 .437 7/16" .790 .610 5/8" 1.140 “The Right Stuff!” - 11 - ID Part .437 BRA064 .590 BRA065 .765 BRA066 Price $5.00 $6.00 $9.50 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Electrical Hardware & Materials Restoration Supply Company Fuse Block Common Hot Feed 4-gang ELE402 $23.00 6-gang ELE403 $26.00 Fiberboard insulator base, brass terminals and screws, and nickel plated fuse clips; accepts standard glass fuses. Solid brass bus bar (hot feed) w/Bakelite base uses #10-32 terminals; two mounting holes. ELE115 $11.10 Friction Tape Old style black cloth tape used on electrical systems. 60’ roll Lg– 1-1/2’’ x 3/8’’ 32 volts max. Sm-1-1/4’’x 1/4’’ Bus Bar $10.00 $12.00 $16.00 $30.00 $34.00 Glass Electrical Fuses Large Glass Electrical Fuses Small 3/4" ADH004 $6.00 1-1/2" ADH003 $14.50 Packs of 5 5 Amp ELE516 $0.60 ea. 10 Amp ELE517 $0.60 ea. 15 Amp ELE518 $0.60 ea. 20 Amp ELE519 $0.60 ea. 5 Amp ELE521 $8.00 10 Amp ELE522 $9.00 20 Amp ELE523 $10.00 Red Fibre Block 5 Amp ELE270 $7.00 10Amp ELE271 $8.00 20Amp ELE272 $9.00 ELE193 ELE212 ELE216 ELE191 ELE192 ELE136 $21.00 Alum. ELE172 $3.20 Brass ELE244 $4.80 $0.60 $0.80 $1.40 $1.60 $2.00 Linen cord was used extensively for wrapping (whipped wire end) wire ends on early electrical systems. A heavy beeswax coating keeps it Color in place while wrapped, Ivory ELE097 $10.00 coat it with our Q-Dope Black ELE098 $11.00 (at right) for an authentic Brown ELE099 $12.00 look. 25yd roll Light Duty Steel Line Clamps Tube Dia Width .400 Length .750 3/16" FAS019 $0.60 Width .500 Length .837 3/16" FAS210 $2.10 Zink Plated Steel Clamps Heavy Duty Stainless Double Line Clamps Tube Dia 1/4" ELE013 $1.00 3/8" ELE014 $1.10 Heavy Tube Dia 3/16" FAS118 Duty 1/4" FAS119 Stainless 5/16" FAS120 Line 3/8" FAS121 Clamps 1/2" FAS122 Q-Dope coil coating is perfect for sealing wire ends that have been wrapped with our linen cord. It’s clear insulating liquid is specifically designed to brush on bare spots on windings and coils. An excellent sealer, the 2 oz bottle has a selfcontained brush. Authentic lightweight Aluminum and brass wire tie to correctly “tie stuff” together on vintage vehicle 8x14’’ x .032 thick Linen Cord Thickness .062 (1/16") .125 (1/8") Q-Dope Wire Tie Our red fibre block is vulcanized fibre that’s tough and durable, perfect for insulators and other fabrications. You can saw, machine, and shape it easily. Priced by the square inch.. .250 (1/4") .500 (1/2") .750 (3/4") Tube Clamps # circuits 1 ELE110 2 ELE111 3 ELE112 4 ELE113 5 ELE114 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.60 $2.60 5/8" FAS123 $3.50 3/4" FAS124 $3.50 7/8" FAS125 $3.50 Tube Dia 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8” 3/4" 7/8" 1" Electrical Insulating Coating Insulator for electrical and electronic connections, this material is applied in liquid form and then cures, bonding with components and connections. Just clean the contact area, brush it on, allow time to dry. Increased insulating and dielectric properties with additional applications. ELE347 $23.00 Tube Dia 3/16" FAS126 1/4" FAS127 5/16" FAS128 3/8" FAS129 1/2" FAS130 5/8" FAS131 3/4" FAS132 7/8" FAS133 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 Tubing Clamps Neoprene Dipped B17361 $.80 B17362 $.80 B17363 $.80 B17364 $.90 B17365 $1.00 B17366 $1.00 B17367 $1.00 B17368 $1.20 Plain B17369 B17370 B17371 B17372 B17373 B17374 B17375 B17376 “The Right Stuff!” - 12 - Tube Dia $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.90 $0.90 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Brass 3/16" B17380 15/64" B17386 7/16" B17381 11/16" B17382 13/16" B17383 15/16" B17384 1" B17385 $1.40 $2.10 $2.10 $2.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Gano Coolant Filters The Gano Filter is a full flow filter that is designed to be installed in the upper radiator hose of your automobile. It prevents rust scale, rubber , gasket material and other matter from clogging your radiator. Filters are available in clear plastic, aluminum and brass. We also have them in three different sizes. Stops radiator clogging Removes scale and rust Never needs replacing Easy to install Easy to clean Gano Filters *Kits includes 2 clamps Small 1-1/8’’ to 1-3/8’’ CLEAR GAN014 $40.00 ALUM GAN015 $40.00 BRASS GAN016 $45.00 Medium CLEAR ALUM BRASS 1-1/2’’ to 1-3/4’’ GAN017 $40.00 GAN018 $40.00 GAN019 $40.00 Large 1-3/4’’ to 1-7/8’’ CLEAR GAN020 $40.00 ALUM GAN021 $40.00 BRASS GAN022 $45.00 Gano Heater Core Filter *Kit includes 2 clamps and extra filter 5/8’’ ID GAN023 $20.00 3/4’’ ID GAN024 $20.00 WWW.GANOFILTERS.COM "The Right Stuff!" - 13 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company 375°F Boiling Point at Zero psi No Cavitation No Boil-over No Corrosion No Silicates Not Toxic Trucks Motorcycles Rails & Bajas Anything with a Water Pump EVANS lifetime, corrosion free, WATERLESS engine coolants have been proven on professional race circuits and private multi million dollar test tracks, exotic engine dynomometers, and in competition with virtually every major sanctioned body of racing. Cooling Stuff Waterless Antifreeze. Evans coolant NPG+ c and Heavy Duty are fully synthetic & waterless. Compatible with ALL cooling systems with a water pump. If your cooling system has poor circulation flow-no coolant will work well. As with any system change, caution should be used to ensure proper operation of the cooling system. NPG+c is for light duty diesel and all gas cars in conditions ranging from –40°F to 375°F. UsingNPG+c eliminates water-caused corrosion, electrolysis and cavitation. Heavy Duty is for larger diesel systems. Powersports Coolant provides similar benefits for motorcycles, ATVs and snowmobiles. Available in half-gallon bottles. See or call us at the number below for product details, application, & information. NPG+c Heavy Duty Power Sport Prep Fluid LUB200 LUB201 LUB202 LUB034 $53.00/Gal $52.50/Gal $36.50/Half-Gal $40.00/Gal No-Rosion Additive No-Rosion Cooling System Corrosion Inhibitor stabilizes coolant pH and protects all six metals most commonly found in cooling systems from corrosion and electrolysis—including aluminum. Polymer dispersants in No-Rosion prevent hardness in water, and inhibitors in antifreeze, from dropping out of solution to form gels that cause scales and deposits that cause overheating. Proper use of No-Rosion extends coolant life to five years. The flush is a powerfull industrial grade formula that helps remove antifreeze gels and rust particles. It neutralizes weak acids, and cleans, and cleans/primes metal surfaces inside the cooling system. LUB170 $18.00 LUB171 $18.00 Flush "The Right Stuff!" - 14 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company BRICK RED & BLACK RADIATOR HOSE Our red and black radiator hose is hand-wrapped to duplicate the look of original hoses. It’s "the right stuff" with no writings, markings, or stripes. Sold by the foot. Hose clamps are listed by ID/OD Range. Check your hose OD when ordering to get the correct size clamps. To assist you with ordering, we’ve listed the correct hose clamp for each of our red and black radiator hose sizes. Hand-Wrapped Radiator Hose BRA240 $15 1/2 - 19/32" BRA309 $11 BRA239 $10 9/16 - 5/8" BRA310 $11 BRA280 $10 FAS177 $2.70 BRA313 $21 BRA326 $6.00* BRA241 $10 FAS188 $2.70 11/16 - 13/16" BRA311 $11 3/4" 1/2" 7/8" RUB075 $15 RUB051 $15 BRA312 $11 29/32 - 1" 1 - 1-1/16" 5/8" 1-1/16" RUB076 $16 RUB058 $16 15/16 - 1-1/8" BRA314 $26 BRA282 $4.00 FAS180 $3.00 3/4" 1-3/16" RUB077 $17 RUB001 $17 1-1/8 - 1-1/4" BRA099 $26 BRA283 $4.00 FAS181 $3.00 7/8" 1-1/4" RUB078 $18 RUB002 $18 1-1/4 - 1-5/16" BRA102 $26 BRA283 $4.00 1" 1-3/8" RUB079 $19 RUB003 $19 1-7/16 - 1-1/2" BRA344 $42 BRA299 $4.00 FAS187 $3.00** FAS081 $6.00 1-1/8" 1-1/2" RUB084 $20 RUB017 $20 1-1/2 - 1-5/8" BRA299 $4.00 FAS182 $5.00 FAS009 $6.00 1-21/32" RUB080 $21 RUB018 $21 1-5/8 - 1-3/4" BRA067 $40 1-1/4" FAS104 $6.00 FAS105 $6.00 1-3/8" 1-3/4" RUB085 $22 RUB019 $22 1-3/4 - 1-7/8" BRA068 $40 1-1/2" 1-7/8" RUB081 $22 RUB041 $24 1-13/16 - 1-15/16" BRA069 $40 1-5/8" 2" RUB086 $23 RUB042 $24 1-7/8 - 2" BRA070 $40 FAS185 $5.00 FAS106 $7.00 1-3/4" 2-1/8" RUB082 $24 RUB043 $24 2 - 2-1/8" BRA071 $40 FAS079 $5.00 FAS083 $10.00 1-7/8" 2-3/8" RUB087 $24 RUB044 $24 2-1/4 - 2-3/8" BRA350 $33 BRA072 $40 FAS186 $5.00 FAS107 $7.00 2" 2-3/8" RUB083 $25 RUB045 $25 2-3/8 - 2-1/2" BRA321 $42 BRA073 $40 FAS089 $5.00* 2-1/8" 2-1/2" RUB046 $27 2-1/2 - 2-5/8" BRA079 $42 BRA351 $33* 2-1/4" 2-3/4" RUB047 $28 2-5/8 - 2-3/4" 2-3/8" 2-3/4" RUB056 $30 2-3/4 - 2-7/8" BRA080 $42 2-1/2" 2-7/8" RUB057 $30 2-7/8 - 3" FAS082 $10.00 FAS010 $7.00 BRA353 $33* FAS088 $5.00 BRA307 $42 BRA355 $33* Use FAS035 on page 19 3-1/4" BRA081 $42 3-9/16" BRA323 $42 Radiator Hoses & Hose Clamps BRA308 $11 Steel Double Wire 7/16 - 1/2" Galvanized Steel Classic Band Clamp ID/OD Range Light Duty Brass Red Hose Heavy Duty Sherman Style Brass Black Hose Genuine Heavy Duty Sherman Brass (NOS)* Hose ID OD Hose Clamps 3-3/4" * ** NOS ALSO AVAILABLE IN COPPER PLATED STEEL FAS073 $4.50EA "The Right Stuff!" - 15 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Adjustable Stainless Steel Band Clamp Zinc Plated Steel Band 1/2" Wide (trim to size) An authentic looking clamp that fits hose ODs of 1" to 4-1/2". Just insert the end of the strap through the clamp lock and trim off excess. Tighten screw to secure hose. Highly adjustable—Starts flat. 1/2"wide 11/16 - 2-5/8" ID 1-3/4-5" ID FAS035 $4.90 Adjustable Band Clamp I.D. I.D. "Ideal" was the most effective fully adjustable 1-1-1/8" screw clamp ever made. While originally developed for vintage aircraft, it was widely 1-1/2-1-5/8" used on a number of vehicles, particularly race cars. Limited supply (NOS). FAS027 $5.60 FAS028 $7.70 FAS002 $4.80 1-3/4-1-7/8" Zn FAS006 $6.00 1-3/4-1-7/8" SS FAS014 $6.00 Zn FAS005 $4.80 1-7/8-2" Zn FAS007 $6.00 Zn Hose Clamp Strap Correct zinc plated strap material for the hose clamp locks below. Strap wraps around hose twice. Length of strap needed per clamp = 2x hose circumference + 1-1/2". Sold in 3FT rolls. 3/16" (5mm) BEL014 $9.00 11/32" (9mm) BEL015 $11.00 Hose Clamp Strap Locks For use with above strap, these reusable locks wind up, tighten, and lock in place strap on hoses, muffler bodies, etc. Recommended for use with our exhaust wrap sold on page 27. Twist Lock (non-ratchet) 9mm BEL003 $32.60 Ratchet Lock 5mm BEL002 $4.80 9mm BEL019 $5.80 Tower Type Hose Clamps Stainless Steel Ties Galvanized Steel Band Style w/Philister Slotted Screw. Also available with slotted hex head screws upon request. These Stainless Steel Self Locking ties are designed to secure exhaust wrap, fasten other insulation products and we have found them useful in many different areas. Made of high grade 304 SS and a tensile strength over 100 lbs these can withstand temperatures in excess of 2500 degrees F. These ties facilitate easy installation with a quality finish. Sold by the each. 8" tie has 2" diameter bundle size FAS212 $1.60 14" tie has 4" diameter bundle size FAS213 $1.90 Hose Size Clamp ID Part # Price 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 1-1/2" 1-5/8" 1-3/4" 1-7/8" 2" 2-1/8" 7/8"- 1-1/4" 7/8"- 1-1/16" 7/8"- 1-1/4" 1-7/8"- 1-1/2" 1-7/8"- 1-1/2" 1-3/4"- 2" 1-3/4"- 2" 1-7/8"- 2-1/4" 1-7/8"- 2-1/4" 1-7/8"- 2-1/4" 2"- 2-9/16" 2"- 2-9/16" FAS200 FAS200 FAS199 FAS201 FAS201 FAS202 FAS202 FAS203 FAS203 FAS203 FAS204 FAS204 $6.00 $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $7.00 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 In Line Thermostat Water Pump Packing 160° thermostat will maintain the coolant at efficient operating temperature; clamp it inside the upper hot water exit. A woven fiber packing impregnated with lubricant which conforms and adapts to loose tolerances caused by worn bearings and scored shafts. Rated at –170°F to 500°F, pressure rated at 300psi; tolerates high shaft speeds; seals with 25% less pressure. Sold by the foot. ACC173 Width 1/8" GAS007 $3.50 3/16" GAS059 $7.60 1/4" GAS058 $7.40 5/16" GAS060 $10.00 Diameter ACC038 1-1/2" ACC038 $55.00 2" ACC173 $15.00 "The Right Stuff!" - 16 - Width 1/8" 5ft kit 3/16" 5ft kit 1/4" 5ft kit 5/16" 5ft kit GAS101 GAS102 GAS103 GAS104 $13.40 $25.80 $46.20 $63.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company NITROPHYL® Float Material Shebler “D” Foat Shebler “L” Float OD 2-7/8’’ ID 1-5/8’’ OD 2-3/4’’ ID 1-5/8’’ Buick Float CAR002 $90.00 CAR003 $30.00 Zenith Model ‘T” Float Detroit Lub. Float Detroit Lub. Float HT 7/8’’ OD 2’’ HT 7/8’’ OD 1-15/16’’ Shebler “RL” Float OD 2-5/8’’ ID 19/16’’ OD 2-9/16’’ ID 1-3/4’’ HT 3/4’’ ID 2’’ CAR001 $90.00 HT 3/4’’ OD 1-7/8’’ Shebler “R” Float NIT001 $68.30 NIT002 $18.90 NIT003 $12.60 CAR017 $90.00 CAR018 $90.00 Cork Block Brass Float 4 x 8 x 3 must be sealed when used with Can be adapted to repair gas and oil lever gauges. 1.380 Dia. 2.420 Long CAR019 $70.00 CAR020 $70.00 CAR021 $70.00 Sediment Bowl Assembly Sediment Bowl with Filter Heavy Duty Comes in a vial. Enough to fill one gauge. ACC194 $18.00 ACC013 $44.80 Replacement Filter Replacement Filter for ACC147 Cork Gasket for Sediment Bowl Sediment Bulb Brass Screen ACC148 $14.20 ACC192 $.70 ACC193 $1.50 HT 2.350’’ ID 1.640’’ OD 2.100’’ ACC079 $10.00 Fuel Bowls &Filters ACC147 $47.30 w/Mesh Screen ACC149 $60.00 BRA288 $16.80 Telegauge Gas Gauge Red Fluid Die cast body with heavy duty glass bowl, fine mesh brass screen, gasket, and mounting nut. Die cast body with glass bowl and replaceable filter. 1/8’’FNPT inlet & outlet. Glass Sediment Bowl COR001 $13.70 Nitrophyl Material 6"x 6”x 1" 3"x 3"x 1" 2"round x 3" This modern material is used to replace old cork floats; it’s machinable, and impervious to gasoline. Closed cell does not have to be sealed. EZ Turn Lubricant ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP This multipurpose lubricant is fuel resistant with a high temp rating, and mil spec. Extremely effective where Hi Octane fuels, chemical compounds, salt water and harsh environments are presented. It will not crack or dry and is great for anti-corrosion, anti-seize, anti-wear agents, gasket paste, gas valves and many other applications. This is the good stuff. 5 oz Tube LUB168 $27.50 EZ Turn Lubricant External electric fuel pump is rated at 30 gph, 4 psi, 1/8’’ pipe inlet/outlet. 6V FLU091 $71.00 12V FLU092 $63.00 "The Right Stuff!" - 17 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Valves & Plugs Leather Cups Leather Pump Cups Used for hand air pressure pumps. 1’’ CAR004 $9.00 1-1/4’’ CAR005 $9.50 1-5/8’’ CAR008 $11.00 3/4’’ 1-13/16’’ CAR009 $11.00 1-1/8’’ CAR013 $10.00 1-5/16’’ CAR006 $11.00 1-7/8’’ CAR010 $11.00 1-3/8’’ CAR014 $11.00 1-1/2’’ CAR007 $11.00 2’’ CAR011 $14.00 1-3/4’’ CAR015 $11.00 Priming Cup Brass Cock Authentically styled brass priming cup, similar to many originals. Height 2.340"; cup diameter .625 Thumb grip lever. Solid brass Female pipe threads on both ends. 1/8PT 1/4PT 1/8" FLU003 $32.00 1/4" FLU012 $33.00 FLU013 $13.60 FLU014 $15.50 Male pipe threads on both ends 1/8PT FLU008 $11.50 Fuel Shut-Off Valves Solid brass body with Buna-N o-ring seals. 30psi. -40° to +250°, Rated for gas, oil, kerosene, air and LP. 1/8 PT FLU005 $10.50 1/4 PT FLU010 $14.20 1/8 PT FLU053 $10.50 1/4 PT FLU054 $10.50 1/8 PT FLU058 $14.60 1/4 PT FLU059 $14.20 End style Size 1 male/1 female 1/8 pt 1/8 PT FLU055 $6.90 1/4 PT FLU056 $8.10 1/8 PT FLU036 $13.10 1/4 PT FLU042 $15.20 Flat Grease Cups OD #000 13/16" #00 1-1/16" PT 1/8" 1/8" Part No. Price FLU072 $67.20 FLU071 $70.90 #000 13/16" #00 1-1/16" 1/8" 1/8" FLU067 $63.00 FLU066 $66.20 Size 1/8 pt 1/4 pt 3/8 pt 1/2 pt "T"Top Part # Price FLU082 $1.00 FLU083 $1.90 FLU084 $3.20 FLU085 $4.00 Flat Top "T"Handle Unpolished brass grease cap. We have installed a Zerk fitting as a modern convenience. T-Handle screw down feed . T"Top Flat Top These authentic unpolished brass grease cups with locking caps are correct for Pierce-Arrows and other cars of the period. The listed prices are without logo. If you want them stamped, please add $5.00 each. "T" Square Head Brass Plugs 1/8 PT FLU004 $2.80 1/4 PT FLU057 $2.90 Lunkenheimer Style Part # . FLU015 $29.90 FLU016 $30.50 FLU017 $31.50 1/8 PT FLU051 $9.20 1 male/1 female 1/4 pt 1/4 PT FLU052 $10.30 2 female 1/4 pt Brass Slotted Head Plug Grease Cups 1-15/16’’ CAR016 $11.00 CAR012 $9.00 "T" #000 Flat #000 T Handle #00 T Handle #00 Flat Cap #00 Spring PT 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" Part No. FLU074 FLU073 FLU061 FLU062 FLU090 Replacement spring for Bowens and Other cups. "The Right Stuff!" - 18 - OD 13/16" 13/16" 1" 1-1/8" 19/32" Price $38.90 $37.80 $78.80 $68.30 spring Loaded $21.00 FLU079 $1.10 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Grease Cup Grease Cup Machined Brass Grease Cup Stamped Steel OD Thread 9/16" 5/16-22 FLU037 $38.00 OD 13/16" 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 1-1/2" 2" PT 1/8" 1/8" 1/4" 1/8" 1/4" Grease Cup FLU086 FLU024 FLU087 FLU025 FLU026 $18.90 $66.00 $20.00 $80.00 $76.00 Machined brass OD 9/16" 9/16" Thread 1/4"-32 BR FLU040 $20.00 1/4"32 NI FLU041 $23.10 Oil Cup 3/8" 3/4" 1/8 LUB092 $8.00 1/4-32 LUB097 $7.00 5/16-32 LUB098 $6.00 1/4" 32 5/16"32 1/4" PT 1/8" PT 1/8" PT NiBR LUB104 $26.80 BR LUB109 $26.80 Cap Oiler, steel LUB235 LUB067 LUB068 LUB193 LUB190 $29.00 LUB191 $32.00 Twist Top Oiler 1/8 PT, nickel plated brass, 1-1/16" high Spring 1/8 pt LUB063 $30.00 1/8 1/8 pt LUB064 $31.50 10-32 All Valve Oil Fitting 1/4-32 All valve oil fitting, zinc-plated brass 5/16-32 (NOS) 7/16" 1/2" $10.50 $10.50 $18.00 $17.40 $18.00 $15.80 $7.00 $7.00 $3.20 Press fit 3/16 LUB075 $11.00 Press fit 1/4 LUB069 $7.00 Press fit 5/16 LUB070 $6.00 Brass Ni Pl Brass Ni Pl Brass Brass Ni Pl Brass LUB192 LUB102 LUB079 LUB099 LUB100 $15.50 $15.50 $20.00 $12.50 $15.00 Spring Cap Oiler Oilers Thds Cap without chain Cap with chain Telescope Oiler Bowen Pull/Flip Top Oiler Solid Brass Height w/out Thds FLU027 FLU028 FLU068 FLU069 FLU070 Solid Brass. Ideal for '08 Fords, '06 and '08 Cadillacs and any car using a McCord Pump oiler. PT 1/8" FLU032 $33.00 1/8" FLU033 $35.00 "D" Series Wrench Size PT 1/8" 1/8" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" McCord Oiler Cap Machined Brass OD 3/4" 7/8" OD 13/16" 1" 1" 1-3/8" 1-1/2" Grease Cups Machined brass cup with steel base; Imported from England 90° Zinc die cast flip top oiler, 1/8PT, 5/16" thread length, 3/4" overall height, 1-1/8" overall length. LUB065 $20.00 Enots Oiler & Cap Enots Gun Adapter. Threads on 1/8 pt gun. Oiler 5/16 BSF LUB005 $15.80 1/8 PT LUB006 $15.80 Cap LUB007 $15.50 LUB072 $70.90 "The Right Stuff!" - 19 - Enots Oilers Common on British cars, notably Roll-Royces; caps fit original oilers. They are nickel plated, ready to install. 5/16" BSF measures 19/64" across threads; 1/8" PT measures 3/8". Imported from England Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Alemite 1/8 PT Oil Accessories and Grease Adapters and Fittings Alemite Straights PT1/8 NI PT1/8BR PT1/4NI 7/16-20"NI LUB086 $9.00 LUB096 $9.00 LUB105 $10.00 LUB108 $15.00 Nickel 90° LUB087 $9.00 Nickel 45° LUB095 $9.00 Brass 90° LUB106 $10.00 Zerk non-threaded, 5/16 press in, steel Zerk Straight, 1/8 PT threaded, steel LUB081 $1.50 LUB082 $2.00 Alemite dust cover, nickel with spring. LUB091 $4.00 Zerk 25° hex 5/16 non- Zerk installation drive tool threaded, steel for LUB081 LUB083 $2.00 LUB088 $10.00 Alemite grease gun adapter, steel. Alemite Pin type adapter. Threads on 1/8pt gun. LUB090 $25.50 LUB071 $38.80 Zerk 25° ball type 1/8PT, steel LUB089 $2.50 LUB093 $10.00 Push/Pull-on Button Head Adapter Threads on 1/8 pt gun. Push on LUB076 $15.80 Pull on LUB077 $15.80 Button head, steel 1/8 PT 1/4 PT LUB084 $4.70 LUB085 $3.20 Articulated button head Threads on 1/8 pt gun. Button head grease gun adapter. Threads on 1/8 pt gun. LUB078 $29.80 LUB094 $52.50 Oil Guns Our brass, self-filling oil guns are made for forcing heavy oil into transmissions, rear axels, and other hard to reach spots. They also work well for removing oil where there’s no drain, particularly in marine applications. 1-1/2" x 12" barrel FLU035 $150.00 Oil Gun & Hose 1-1/4" x 7" barrel FLU034 $84.00 Handy Packer It is 22" long and comes with a 5-inch long rigid connection tube with an adapter for zerk fittings. The gun and the connecting tube have 1/8"npt threads. We sell separately an 18" rubber connection tube and adapters for button head, Enots, Pin-type and old style zerk fittings. This is the gun recommended by the Silver Ghost Society. This device will quickly flush out old grease and replace it with new grease. It works on bearings up to 3-1/2" OD. Oil Gun LUB165 $200.00 18’’ Flex. Hose LUB166 $26.40 LUB074 $ 38.90 Syringe Autovac Funnel This reusable/disposable 1/2oz syringe is perfect for dispersing lubricants and epoxies such as Kwik Poly. No shop should be without these! LUB020 $2.50 Made of sturdy polypropylene, It fits the autovac’s 1/8 pipe hole; top diameter 3’’stem diameter .285 FLU065 $12.00 "The Right Stuff!" - 20 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Meropa 1500 Gear Oil Gear Oil This is the thickest and heaviest oil we can pour. It pours like molasses and it will flow. Great for early transmissions and rear axles. Good with yellow metals. 1quart LUB026 $10.50 1 gal LUB164 $45.00 Heritage Machine & Motor Oils Blue Velvet SAE30 Motor Oil, Non-detergent ISO100 Quart Gallon LUB220 LUB221 $9.50 $29.30 Blue Velvet SAE40 Motor Oil, Non-detergent ISO150 Quart Gallon LUB222 LUB223 $9.50 $42.00 Green Velvet SAE85W Lt. Gear Oil, Pin, Bearing, Journal ISO100 Quart Gallon LUB224 LUB225 $13.40 $36.30 Green Velvet SAE90 Lt. Gear Oil, Pin, Bearing, Journal ISO220 Quart Gallon LUB226 LUB227 $13.40 $37.30 Green Velvet SAE140 Lt. Gear Oil, Pin, Bearing, Journal ISO460 Quart Gallon LUB228 LUB229 $13.40 $37.30 Green Velvet SAE250 Dark Gear Oil, Sapon-A-Non1000 ISO1000 Quart Gallon LUB230 LUB231 $13.40 $37.80 Green Velvet ISO1500 Dk Gear Oil, Sapon-A-Non1500 ISO1500 Quart Gallon LUB232 LUB233 $13.40 $37.80 Grn Velvet (Whitmore) #2 Soda Grease, PB&J220SO #2 Sodium Soap ****Good For Grease Cups**** 14 oz LUB234 $17.50 "The Right Stuff!" - 21 - Heritage Oils Blue Velvet non-detergent motor oils blended from high quality group I and group II base stocks faithfully reproduce the premium-grade motor oils that became available in the early 1930’s. They contained the first solvent refined base oils for greater clarity and less sludge-forming deposits plus the first oxidation inhibitors (ZDDP) to further reduce sludging and rust inhibitors to reduce engine parts corrosion. Blue Velvet oils are blended from the same solvent refined base stocks, further clarified with modern hydrotreating processes. The oxidation inhibitor/anti-rust additives retain the Type SB concentrations for a highquality motor oil that offers complete protection, superior lubricity and excellent resistance to sludging and viscosity degradation. Intended for use in all vintage engines, especially low oil pressure engines with, or without dippers on the connecting rods. The old practice of changing oil every 500 to 1000 miles is recommended when using Blue Velvet non-detergent oils. Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Lubriplate Lubricants Fiske Brothers Refining Co. manufacture Lubriplate lubricants and they are America's oldest lubricant company, manufacturing the highest quality industrial lubricants for 135 years. SPO Gear Oil Lubriplate Lubricants LUBRIPLATE SPO Lubr icants ar e designed for a wide var iety of industr ial applications such as gear cases, machine ways, chains and general purpose lubrication. These oils will provide a long-lasting wear resistant film that reduces friction and heat. The polar affinity of SPO protects metal surfaces from rust and corrosion as well as chemical corrosion. These oils have excellent remissibility, oxidation resistance and thermal stability, thus extending lubricant life. These SPO oils can be mixed with each other for viscosity tuning. Actual field operations have proven that LUBRIPLATE SPO Lubricants provide a tacky, superior lubricating film for high-sliding action in worm, bevel, helical and spur gears as well as machine ways, chains etc. This series of products will reduce friction and heat, thus improving efficiency. The anti-wear properties are compatible with brass, bronze and silver-alloy metals. They are excellent for areas of high moisture, heat and load found in many industries ranging from quarries and mills to food processing. 1 quart bottles. Oil Weight Lubriplate Number RSC Part Number Price 90W SPO-255 LUB014 $20.20 110W SPO-266 LUB015 $20.20 140W SPO-277 LUB010 $20.20 250W SPO-288 LUB012 $20.20 600W SPO-299 LUB008 $20.20 Super HDS Motor Oil LUBRIPLATE SUPER HDS MOTOR OILS ar e for mulated with a pr oven chemistr y of additives designed for the severe service capability needed to meet the exacting new automotive and military requirements for internal combustion engines. Contains approx. 800ppm ZDDP. See website for chemical analysis. 1 quart bottles. Oil Weight Lubriplate Number Price RSC Part Number 10w L0788 LUB139 $6.30 5-20w L0789 LUB140 $6.30 SAE 30 L0791 LUB023 $6.30 SAE 40 L0792 LUB141 $8.30 SAE 50 L0793 LUB142 $8.30 Non-Detergent Motor Oil LUBRIPLATE Non-Detergent Motor Oils ar e high V. I., high flash and fir e, extr a clean motor oils r ecommended wherever operating conditions require an oil of this type. Quart Bottles. Oil Weight SAE 10w Lubriplate Number L0804 RSC Part Number LUB135 Price $7.00 20-20w L0806 LUB136 $7.00 SAE 30 L0807 LUB022 $7.00 SAE 40 SAE 50 L0808 L0809 LUB137 LUB138 $7.00 $7.00 "The Right Stuff!" - 22 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Specialty Greases and Lubricants Semi Fluid MAG-00 Grease 1000w 1500 Water Pump Grease 115 LUB002 $27.00 LUB120 $30.00 Calcium grease, NLGI # 4. Ideal water pump lubricant. 14 oz can. LUB003 $11.60 LUB122 $12.50 Aero Grease AERO A neutral lithium base lubricant, manufactured with a light viscosity mineral oil that remains plastic down to -70°F, has an ASTM Dropping Point of over 350°F and is an NLGI No. 1 consistency. Good chassis lube. 14 oz can. Wheel Bearing Grease L0220 A non-corrosive, extreme pressure, water resistant, shear stable lubricant designed for all type of wheel bearings. Ok for disk brake wheel use. 16 oz tub LUB024 $15.00 No. 105 A white, grease type lubricant possessing exceptional anti-seize properties and recommended extensively for coating all moving parts for motor assembly and rebuilding. It will dissipate into the oil with no deleterious results. 10 oz squeeze tube. LUB025 $7.90 L0135 A lubricating, penetrating and cleansing fluid designed for a multitude of applications. Will not produce a dry surface; it will maintain a moist film that will not pick up dust and dirt, but rather acts as a cleansing agent. 12 oz aerosol. LUB021 $8.00 Engine Assembly Lube Chain & Cable Fluid This is the straight ZDDP additive for your oil. Add to your 5qt oil change to take ZDDP levels back to the levels your engine needs. Call us for more information or visit We are often asked to recommend a good penetrating solvent. PB Blaster, a concentrated co-polymer penetrate, is our #1 choice. 4oz bottle LUB103 $10.50 12 oz aerosol LUB001 $16.50 "The Right Stuff!" - 23 - ZDDPlus & PB Blaster PB Blaster ZDDPlus Lubriplate Lubricants Semi Fluid Grease 1500w A shear stable, multi-functional, non-corrosive extreme pressure, water resistant, semi-fluid polymer type lubricant for both plain and anti-friction bearings, gears, cams and slides. Works well with older transmissions and rear ends with sever leakage problems. White, 1 quart bottle. NLGI No. 00 A lithium complex grease that can be used for a variety of industrial, automotive and heavy-duty construction applications. This rugged, extreme pressure lubricants can withstand higher operating temperatures than traditional lithium multi-purpose greases as well as most lithium complex greases. Can be used for a variety of industrial and automotive applications. It is ideally suited for use in leaky gear cases that require a semi-fluid grease. White, 1 quart bottle, rebottled from drum. NGLI No. 00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Founded in Australia in 1926, Penrite has a wealth of experience behind its products. After all, the company was lubricating many classics when they were new! Liquids Conversion Chart 50 gram = 1.7635 oz. 500 gram = 17.64 oz. 125ml = .13 quarts 150ml = .32 pints 500ml = .53 quarts 1 litre = 0.2642 gallons 1 litre = 2.1134 pints 1 litre = 1.0567 quarts 2.5 litre = 2.64 quarts 5 litres = 5.2835 quarts 1 fl ounce = 29.57353 mil litres 1 gallon = 3.7853 litres 1 pint = 0.4732 litres 1 quart = 0.9463 litres Penrite Lubricants Penrite offers a complete range of oil and greases for classic, veteran and vintage cars and motorcycles, specifically formulated to meet original engine and vehicle requirements, but utilizing the very best of modern technology. As each vehicle’s needs are different, Penrite has made recommendation for most every Vintage and Classic vehicle manufactured up to 1979. To get the specific recommendations for your vehicle, MSDS sheets and detailed product specification sheets, including chemistry, visit Penrite Engineered Engine Oils Classic HPR Range. Designed for vehicles from 1950's - 1979 Classic HPR 30 Light 20w-60 motor oil 1-litre jug LUB046 $13.70 5-litre jug LUB049 $53.00 Classic HPR 40 Medium 25w-70 motor oil 1-litre jug LUB047 $13.70 5-litre jug LUB050 $57.00 Classic HPR 50 Heavy 40w-70 motor oil 1-litre jug LUB048 $13.70 5-litre jug LUB051 $50.00 Shelsley Range. Designed for vehicles from 1920's - 1950's Shelsley Light 20-60W 30w motor oil Shelsley Medium 20-70W SAE 40 motor oil Shelsley Heavy 40-70W SAE 50 motor oil 1-litre jug LUB040 $13.70 5-litre jug LUB043 $51.50 5-litre jug LUB036 $70.00 1-litre jug LUB042 $13.70 5-litre jug LUB044 $65.00 Heritage Range. Designed for vehicles Pre-1920 Light-to-Medium 30w motor oil -- 5-litre jug LUB112 $50.00 Medium-to-Heavy SAE 40 motor oil -- 5-litre jug LUB113 $80.00 Specialty Engine Oils HPR 15w-60 Semi-synthetic HPR Gas 10 Semi-syn 15w-50 -- Classic 20w-50 Non-synthetic -- 5-litre jug LUB045 $51.50 Running In Oil First 300 miles 1-litre jug LUB110 $13.70 5-litre jug LUB111 $51.50 Our Best Seller—STEERING BOX LUBE 1200w, EP non-leaking, manual box specialty gear oil 500ml LUB009 $16.60 "The Right Stuff!" - 24 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Penrite Engineered Gear Oils Transoil Range. Non-additive. Straight Bevel & Worm gears Transoil 90 Transoil 140 Transoil 250 OK w/yellow metal OK w/yellow metal OK w/yellow metal 1-litre jug LUB029 $14.70 1-litre jug LUB030 $14.70 1-litre jug LUB031 $15.80 5-litre jug LUB037 $60.00 5-litre jug LUB038 $60.00 5-litre jug LUB011 $80.00 Gearbox Range. Straight, Synchro & Epicyclic gears & Overdrives Gearbox 30 OK w/yellow metal 1-litre jug LUB052 $14.70 5-litre jug LUB053 $60.00 Gearbox 40 OK w/yellow metal 1-litre jug LUB054 $15.80 5-litre jug LUB055 $65.00 Specialty Gear Oils Pro Gear 75w-90 Pro Gear 80w-140 Mild EP SAE 90-140 Hypoid 80w-90 GL-5 Hypoid 85w-140 Limslip 85w-140 GL-6 Steering Box Lube SU Dashpot Carb oil SU Damper Carb oil Shocker Oil #1 Shocker Oil #2 ATF DX-III Full synthetic -Full synthetic -OK w/yellow metal 1-litre jug LUB116 $16.80 No Yellow Metal 1-litre jug LUB133 $18.00 No Yellow Metal No Yellow Metal -1200w, EP, non-leaking, manual boxes OK w/yellow metal Pre-1940 SU and Stromberg w/damper Post 1940 SU and Stromberg w/damper Single and double acting incl Jackall system Heavier for increased damp & non-piston Fully Synthetic ATF MerconV, Dextron III etc. 2.5-litre jug LUB157 2.5-litre jug LUB158 5-litre jug LUB117 5-litre jug LUB039 5-litre jug LUB130 5-litre jug LUB126 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $58.80 $52.00 $52.00 500 ml LUB009 $17.00 40 grams LUB032 150 ml LUB059 500 ml LUB114 500 ml LUB115 $9.50 $9.50 $16.00 $16.00 50 grams LUB028 125 ml LUB119 500 ml LUB027 500 gram can LUB056 500 gram can LUB129 $9.50 $16.50 $16.50 $15.00 $15.00 Penrite Lubricants Penrite Engineered Lubricants Greases Water Pump Grease Cam Assy Lube Semi-fluid Grease Graphite Grease HI-Melt Grease Rubber Grease NLGI 4, Calcium based, waxy Assembly lube, disolves in oil Approx 1500w, squirt bottle, self level Water resistant, ideal for shackle&leafs Lithium base, vintage and classic wheel bearings Red Clay base, for natural or synthetic rubber, not for brake backing plates 500 gram can LUB167 $21.00 Specialty Products Corrosion Protection ValveShield Classic car coolant—for optimum corrosion protection Lead substitute from UK. Mix 1ml/litre 1 litre jug LUB058 $16.00 1-litre jug LUB125 $23.00 Copper EZ Anti-seize temp resistant to 2000 deg F, use on studs, nits, bolts, etc. For easy assembly/disassembly 500 gram can LUB131 $22.00 50 gram tube LUB132 $9.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 25 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Air Pump Hose and Kit Valve Stem Cover Valve Stem Covers Valve Stem Cover, Winged Early Michelin-style; comes w/adapter for rubber or metal-stemmed tubes. Overall length 2-1/2"; wingspan 2" Brass ACC300 $90.00 ea Nickel ACC301 $90.00 ea Air Pump Hose This tire pump hose replaces the old, dried or cracked hose on all kinds of air pumps. The hose is black with a cloth covered appearance and is 19" long. Sold by the each. Hardware includes 2 period correct clamps and a valve stem adapter. Hose ACC176 $10.00 Hardware ACC178 $12.00 Muffler Sections Exhaust Cutout It is unlikely you’ll find a restorable large bore cutout, so we made some exact iron replica which are correct down to the foundry number and patent dat. (pat. June 24, 1913) A full deflector type which diverts all the exhaust out of the opening, it has machined inlet and outlet openings so you can bore it to your own specifications. It accommodates pipes 21/2’’ - 3-1/4’’OD. MEC025 $625.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 26 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Muffler Sections Designed for the Powell Muffler these stamped steel sections are 6-1/2" in diameter and stand 2" tall. Each section will add 1-1/2" to your muffler overall length. Stack together as many pieces as you need. You will need to provide your own end sections. Sold by the sectional piece. MEC030 $21.00/piece A substitute for asbestos, this 1/8" thick ceramic wrap is ideal for wrapping mufflers and straight pipes. It’s easy to handle and cut, and we recommend our hose clamp strap and locks sold on pages 16-17 to hold it in place. It is heat resist to 2300°F. 24" wide, sold by the linear foot; white only. CLO043 $9.50 Muffler Wrap Ceramic Tape Adhesive Ceramic Tape Ceramic Rope Muffler Wrap Woven Blanket This 1" wide x 1/8" thick white ceramic tape has the same properties as the ceramic rope below. It’s an excellent insulation material for high temperature exhaust systems on many antique and classic vehicles. We suggest you overlap each wrap about 1/2" to give it the correct look and maximum insulation. Secure the ends with wire or our band clamps sold on pages 16.17. Fine Weave. Note: This product may smoke heavily during burn-in. CLO022 $1.70/ft This ceramic tape is similar to CLO022 above, except it has a coarser weave and an adhesive backing to aid in installation. Good to 1500°F. Sold by the foot. Note: this product may smoke heavily during burn in. 1" CLO046 $2.40/ft 2" CLO051 $3.40/ft Ceramic rope is the correct replacement for old asbestos cord used to wrap exhaust systems. Ours is a high density, high temperature, non-hazardous material which is the closest to the original we’ve found so far. Its diameter is 3/8" but reduces to approximately 5/16" when stretched around an exhaust. Sold by the foot. Note: This product may smoke heavily during burn-in. CLO021 $1.00/ft This blanket is also asbestos free, however, it has an appearance much like it. It has a coarse weave and is tan in color. The blanket is very pliable and will wrap nicely without the fear of tearing. High strength, durable, dimensional and chemically stable. Will not burn and resistant to molten sparks and splashes. Use up to 1500°F. As well as making a good welding splash shield, it works for insulation, padding, and gaskets. The blanket is 1/16" thick and on a 40" wide roll. Sold by the linear foot. NOTE: This product may smoke heavily during burn-in. CLO053 $18.90/lf High Temperature This sleeving is asbestos free, but still has the old, coarse weave and look of it. Use Woven Sleeving up to 1500°F. Perfect for wires or tubes that you want to protect from heat. Coarse weave and tan in color. Will not shrink or burn and electrically resistant. Sold by the linear foot. NOTE: This product may smoke heavily during burn-in. 1/4" ID CLO054 $2.00/ft 1/2" ID CLO055 $2.70/ft Ceramic Paper Ceramic Paper made from asbestos-free Alumina based refractory fibers. Melting point of 3200°F, and continuous temp of 2300°F. Resistant to thermal shock, corrosion. It can be cut with ordinary hand scissors, folded, wrapped, rolled and will mold around sharp corners. Ideal for gaskets, furnaces, electrical insulators. Sold by the square inch. Be sure to specify what size you need. Roll width is 12 inches. NOTE: This product may smoke heavily during burn-in. 1/16" tk CLO057 $0.20/sq. in 1/32" tk CLO056 $0.20/sq. in “The Right Stuff!” - 27 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Our extruded molding is sold by the foot for 4’ and 8’ lengths only. (Steel is in 80” lengths.) Please note that all lengths of moulding will ship UPS (except MOU043-12ft drip rail.) Note: steel molding usually comes with light surface rust from the mill. Metal Prices highly subject to change due to market conditions. BRASS Half Oval Molding Half Oval Height 3/32" 3/16" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 5/16" Width 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 8 foot length MOU020 $37.80 n/a MOU003 $39.90 MOU021 $58.40 MOU002 $68.90 MOU023 $123.90 MOU024 $157.50 MOU025 $180.00 4 foot length MOU080 $13.00 n/a MOU081 $20.00 MOU082 $20.00 MOU083 $23.00 MOU085 $40.00 MOU086 $80.00 MOU087 $90.00 ALUMINUM STEEL 8 foot length n/a MOU040 $38.10* n/a MOU029 $36.60 MOU032 $38.70 MOU030 $46.20 n/a n/a 80 in. length . n/a n/a n/a n/a MOU036 $31.72 MOU037 $36.47 MOU038 $35.70 MOU039 $52.97 Half Round Molding BRASS Half Round Height 5/32" 7/32" 9/32" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 39/64" Width 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/4" 8 foot length MOU026 $37.40 MOU005 $48.00 MOU007 $55.00 MOU010 $85.00 MOU013 $85.00 n/a n/a n/a 4 foot length MOU088 $15.00 MOU089 $20.00 MOU090 $20.00 MOU091 $25.00 MOU092 $40.00 n/a n/a n/a STEEL 80 inch length n/a n/a MOU009 $ 24.90 MOU012 $ 26.30 MOU015 $ 25.20 MOU011 $ 38.70 MOU016 $ 47.80 MOU018 $ 66.80 Pin Molding Beautiful half oval brass moulding, hollowed out and lead filled. The perfect trim piece. You bend to fit and then solder in the nails for a clean and fastener-less appearance. Ends can be shaped and formed cleanly for beautiful terminations. Sold in 8ft. Pcs. Width 0.250" 0.375" 0.500" 0.500" Height 0.115" 0.150" 0.187" 0.210" Part # 8 foot length . MOU060 $130.00 MOU061 $130.00 MOU067 $147.00 MOU062 $147.00 Pin Moulding The correct oval shape for fender irons or top irons as well as many other areas. Sold by the foot in 4 and 8 foot increments. Oval Iron Height Width 1/2" 1/4" 5/8" 3/8" 8 foot length MOU014 $35.70 MOU017 $52.50 “The Right Stuff!” - 28 - 4 foot length MOU093 $17.90 MOU094 $26.30 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Brass r unning boar d tr im, 5 r ibbed top; 8’ length only Brass r unning/floor boar d tr im, oval top, 8’ length only Inside Top Inside Leg Inside Top Inside Leg . . Brass r unning/floor boar d tr im, flat top, 8’ length only Inside Top .437" wide .062" thick Inside Leg .875" high, .075" thick MOU046 $68.00 MOU045 $52.00 MOU048 $52.00 Aluminum “T” molding with .035" step head; 7/8" leg; 8' lengths only Web .050" Width 1/2"“ Brass r unning boar d tr im with four ribs; can be trimmed on a carbide blade table saw or sanded with a belt sander; polished beautifully; 8' length only. Outside Top .680" Wide Outside Leg 2.00" High Leg .070" Thick MOU095 $57.00 MOU049 $155.00 Aluminum Running / Floor Board Trim. Sloped top. 8' length only. Extruded. Aluminum Running / Floor Board Trim. Oval top. 8' length only. Extruded Aluminum Running / Floor Board Trim. Oval top. 8' length only. Extruded and undrilled. Inside Top .171" Wide Inside Leg .875" High Leg .062" Thick Inside Top .485" Wide Inside Leg .795" High Leg .055" Thick MOU053 $36.00 MOU054 $44.00 Brass oval fir ewall edge trim, 1" wide and fits 3/4" thick material; 8ft length only. Web .094" Width 3/4”" MOU035 $43.00 MOU047 $52.00 Aluminum Running / Floor Board Trim. 4-rib top. 8’ length only. Extruded and undrilled. Inside Top .640" Wide Inside Leg .875" High Leg .080" Thick MOU065 $45.00 MOU066 $46.00 MOU063 $48.00 Floor Trim Molding 0.032" thick. 0.25" horizontal leg. 0.875" vertical section as measured under the leg. Great for floor trim molding with 1/8" mat or linoleum mounted on ¾" floor boards. Sold in 4’ lengths only. Available in 4 different materials. BRASS GERMAN SILVER STAINLESS STEEL ALUMINUM MOU050 MOU055 MOU051 MOU052 $19.00 $32.00 $19.00 $19.00 Brass Windshield Setting Channel Aluminum Drip Rail Molding Fits over 1/4’’ safety glass. Will fit into 3/8’’ channel Sold in 12ft lengths only, cut to your specifications for shipping. *Remember, anything over 8’must go truck freight. MOU043 $75.00 .628" Wide 1.00" High .087" Thick Molding Aluminum Running / Floor Board Trim. 3-rib top. 8’ length only. Extruded and undrilled. Inside Top .473" Wide Inside Leg .875" High Leg .080" Thick Inside Top Inside Leg Leg MOU096 $125.00/6-ft length “The Right Stuff!” - 29 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Stainless Vacuum Tubing O.D. Tubing Rigid vacuum tube is the correct way to run a vacuum line from behind the dash and up the windshield post to the vacuum wiper motor. Our 304 stainless tube bends easily and can be polished to look like nickel or chrome, thus avoiding the expense of plating. I.D. Wall 3' Lengths Only 1/8" .055 .035 1/8" .081 .020 3/16" .117 .035 TUB009 $14.20 TUB007 $23.10 TUB008 $13.70 Brass tubing bends easily with any standard bender sold in hardware stores. Rigid Brass Tubing O.D. Wall 1/8" 0.020" 3/16" 0.032" 1/4" 0.040" 5/16" 0.031" 3/8" 0.062" 7/16" 0.065" 1/2" 0.065" 4 foot length TUB031 TUB032 TUB033 TUB034 TUB035 TUB036 $ 13.70 $ 17.50 $ 17.90 $ 22.10 $ 27.50 $ 31.50 8 foot length TUB004 $ 25.00* TUB003 $ 27.30 TUB002 $ 29.90 TUB006 $ 35.70 TUB001 $ 44.21 TUB021 $ 47.00 TUB019 $ 63.00 O.D. Wall 9/16" 0.065 5/8" 0.065 3/4" 0.035 3/4" 0.065 7/8" 0.065 1" 0.065 4 foot length TUB037 $35.70 TUB038 $42.50 TUB039 $43.10 TUB040 $48.80 TUB041 $52.50 TUB042 $59.30 8 foot length . TUB018 $71.40 TUB015 $84.90 TUB016 $86.10 TUB020 $94.50 TUB022 $105.00 TUB023 $118.50 *6 ft. length only Hex Stock Rod Stock We sell bar and hex in short lengths for machining and fabricating the necessary parts for a complete and correct restoration. Used extensively on nickel period cars, German silver polishes like nickel and is easy to machine. The 303 Stainless machines and polishes well and is good for water pump shafts, fasteners, and miscellaneous parts. Priced by the foot; diameters above 1/2” can be sold by the inch. Stock prices subject to change based on market. 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" ROD029 ROD047 ROD020 ROD069 ROD001 ROD070 ROD002 ROD003 ROD004 Brass Round 1" $7.00 1-1/4" $7.00 $10.50 1-3/8" 1-1/2" $7.00 $15.00 2" $21.00 $21.00 $22.00 $25.00 ROD005 ROD006 ROD007 ROD008 ROD010 Brass Hex Size Part # Per Ft. Size 1/4" ROD014 $6.00 9/16" 5/16" ROD015 $7.00 5/8" 3/8" ROD030 $9.00 3/4" 7/16" ROD046 $12.00 1" 1/2" ROD016 $22.00 $45.00 $45.00 $50.00 $66.00 $185.00 German Silver Round 3/16" ROD054 $12.60 1/4" ROD021 $15.80 5/16" ROD049 $24.00 3/8" ROD022 $36.00 1/2" ROD023 $36.00 5/8" ROD024 $46.00 3/4" ROD025 $100.00 1" ROD026 $105.00 303 Stainless Round 3/16" ROD031 $6.00 1/4" ROD066 $6.00 5/16" ROD032 $9.00 3/8" ROD033 $9.00 7/16" ROD051 $10.00 1/2" ROD034 $18.00 9/16" ROD052 $19.00 5/8" ROD053 $26.00 3/4" ROD028 $28.00 7/8" ROD035 $30.00 1-1/16" ROD036 $36.00 1-1/4" ROD037 $42.00 303 Stainless Hex Part # ROD068 ROD017 ROD018 ROD019 Per Ft. $18.00 $18.00 $45.00 $60.00 Size 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" Part # Per Ft. ROD038 $6.00 ROD039 $7.00 ROD040 $9.00 ROD041 $11.00 ROD042 $13.00 Size 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" Part # ROD048 ROD043 ROD044 ROD067 ROD045 Per Ft. $22.00 $25.00 $32.00 $30.00 $33.00 Priced by the foot Delrin Rod Black delrin machines easily and resists moisture, gasoline, and solvents. It has natural lubricity and polishes easily to resemble original composition parts. It’s a good replacement for original bakelite and hard rubber parts. Sold by the foot through 1"diameter; by the inch on larger sizes. All sizes priced by the foot. Diameter 1/4" PLA028 3/8" PLA025 1/2" PLA001 5/8" PLA002 3/4" PLA003 7/8" PLA004 1" PLA005 “The Right Stuff!” - 30 - Per ft. $2.30 $2.30 $3.20 $5.60 $10.00 $10.00 $12.00 Diameter 1-1/4" PLA010 1-1/2" PLA011 2" PLA012 2-1/2" PLA013 3" PLA014 3-1/2" PLA027 4" PLA026 Per ft. $16.00 $22.00 $38.00 $54.00 $75.00 $125.00 $141.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company German Silver Sheet Thickness .015" SHE010 $.50/sq in. German silver works like brass and .025" SHE005 $.50/sq in. polishes to a beautiful nickel appear.032" SHE002 $.70/sq in. ance. . Thickness .040" SHE007 $.90/sq in .050" SHE003 $1.50/sq in .064" SHE006 $1.10/sq in Sold by the sq in. German Silver Wire Diameter .064" WIR001 .080" WIR002 .101" WIR003 .1285" WIR004 Because it has the right nickel appearance, it’s very useful in applications where nickel and German silver are used. Priced and sold by the foot. 1" wide Brass Flat Bar (Alloy 360) 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" Free machining brass flat bar. Bars are 1" or 2" wide. Priced and sold by the linear inch. ROD100 ROD101 ROD102 ROD103 Brass Sheet (Alloy 260) Half hard brass sheet. These pieces are sold by the square inch, just let us know what dimensions you need. $3.00/ft $4.00/ft $6.00/ft $9.00/ft 2" wide $0.80/in $0.90/in $1.50/in $1.50/in ROD111 ROD112 ROD113 Thickness 0.031" 0.050" 0.062" Part # SHE011 SHE008 SHE009 $1.20/in $1.80/in $2.40/in Price . $0.30/sq in $0.40/sq in $0.60/sq in Neoprene Rubber Sheet This is the perfect stuff when you require a smooth, black surface. Made from commercial strength neoprene rubber this stuff maintains its resiliency even after extended compression. It also has good weather ability, good resistance to abrasion even with rough handling, and good resistance to most alkalies and acid, with moderate resistance to oils. 1/8" thick. Sold by the linear foot. Black 36" wide RUB031 $45.00/lf Rubber Rod This black Buna-N rubber rod is perfect for hard stops and bumpers. Durometer 75A. 1200 psi Tensile Strength. Sold by the inch. Diameter Part # Price Diameter Part # Price 3/4" RUB007 $1.50/in 1-3/4" RUB066 $5.00/in 1" RUB004 $1.90/in 2" RUB006 $5.00/in 1-1/4" RUB065 $2.50/in 2-1/4" RUB067 $9.00/in 1-1/2" RUB005 $4.00/in 2-1/2" RUB068 $9.00/in “The Right Stuff!” - 31 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Battleship Linoleum Floor Covering Burlap Backed. 1/8" thick. The Right Stuff for running boards and floorboards. Sold in 78" widths and priced by the square foot. However it is now available in pieces 13" x 96" for running boards. Please allow for slight shrinkage. Linoleum Glue Developed for Linoleum, this water based adhesive sets extremely quickly. Manufacturer recommends application with a 1/16” square notch trowel. Apply adhesive to surface, let it develop body (but not dry out), then place flooring on adhesive and weight down until dry. Spread rate: approx. 15 sq.ft./ pint. Sold by the pint. 1 pint ADH046 $20.00 Linoleum Cleaner and Conditioner Flooring Black Grey Red Brick Med. Green-Gray Blue-Gray Leather Orig. Brown RUB060 RUB061 RUB063 RUB069 RUB070 RUB072 RUB073 $9.50/sq ft. $10.20/sq ft. $10.50/sq ft. $10.00/sq ft. $10.00/sq ft. $10.00/sq ft. $10.50/sq ft. Designed by the linoleum manufacturers to clean, seal and protect. The Cleaner is used first to clean and the Floor Finish seals, protects and beautifies. Cleaner 1qt PRO025 $27.00 Conditioner 1qt PRO026 $31.00 Cork Flooring Mat 36" Wide sold by linear foot. 1/8" thick. Sticky back. Compounded of cork and urethane rubber. Can be used on running boards, floor boards, and trunk linings. Seal with Smiths Epoxy on page 62. COR002 $40.00/lf IHC Circle Rubber Mat Reproduced to look just like original. One sheet will do two high wheeler running boards. 3/16" thick. Black. 35 x 28" RUB033 $175.00/piece Flat Top Rip Mat - Rubber Ribs are square on top, 1/4" across and spaced 1/4" apart, Ribs run lengthwise. Thickness at the ribs is 3/16" and they stand up at 1/16". Black 36" wide RUB035 $21.00/lf V Ribbed Mat - Vinyl The most common type of ribbed mat, it is 1/8" thick and the ribs form a sharp “V” on the top. Ribs run lengthwise. Please allow for slight shrinkage. Black 36" wide Black 48" wide “The Right Stuff!” - 32 - RUB022 RUB048 $16.80/lf $21.60/lf Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Pyramid Vinyl 1/8" thick with nondirectional pyramids 45 degrees to the edge. Pyramid base size: 5/32" (1.56”). Please allow for slight shrinkage. Black Black Brown White 36" wide 48" wide 48" wide 48” wide RUB023 RUB032 RUB034 RUB038 $23.00/lf $28.00/lf $28.00/lf $28.00/lf Pyramid Rubber 5/32" thick rubber pyramid mat. There are 6 pyramids per inch, and the base size of each pyramid is 5/32". Pyramids run parallel to the edge; available in 36" wide black or white. 36" wide 36" wide RUB009 RUB098 $16.80/lf $31.50/lf Very limited quantities of white remaining Pyramid Aluminum We offer the correct pyramid aluminum used on many Pierce-Arrows and other vehicles, fire trucks, and vintage aircraft. The aluminum is .025 thick, overall thickness of a stamped sheet is .065, base of the pyramid is .135, and there are 7 pyramids per inch. Available in 16"x 80" sheets only. ALU001 $375.00/sheet Floor Coverings Black Creamy White Wide Ribbed Rubber 1/8" thick deluxe ribbed mat that makes excellent running board material. The flat ribs measure ¼", and on either side there are six small ribs totaling 5/32". Ribs run lengthwise. Black only. Black Black 36" wide 48" wide RUB015 RUB020 $16.80/lf $18.90/lf For Contact Cements and Cleaners See pages 63-65 Corrugated Mat - Vinyl Ribs are rounded on top and valleys are slightly wider than the normal hardware store mat. 1/8" thick; rib and valley widths 1/8"; ribs run lengthwise. Please allow for slight shrinkage. White Black Black 36" wide 36" wide 48" wide “The Right Stuff!” - 33 - RUB030 RUB010 RUB036 $34.00/lf $14.70/lf $19.50/lf Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 PVC Matting Restoration Supply Company PVC Matting Smooth semi-gloss black matting. 1/8’’ thick. 36’’ wide. Good for flooring. RUB097 $20.00/lf Top Material Top Material We have found the right stuff to beautifully finish the top of your car. This black top cover comes in 54’’ wide and is sold by the linear foot. Call for a sample. MAT008 $16.00/lf Coco Mat Coco Mat Coco Mat is extremely durable and gives a correct period look. Ours looks like the original, but the fibers are mounted in a vinyl backing which prevents raveling and shedding when cut. It makes excellent trunk and rear floor board matting. Available in natural (tan) only; 1/2" thick. Priced by the SQUARE foot. MAT001 $17.00/sq. ft. Insulation Insulation A jute material with reflective foil bonded on both sides, this insulation is excellent for use under carpeting, door and side panels, transmission tunnels, firewalls, floor pans, etc. Rated are R-18.3, 40/700 degrees F, it’s also a good noise suppressor. 5/16" thick; sold by the roll only, 48" wide x 72" long. MAT007 $37.80 Wire Mesh Wire Cloth Wire cloth, better known as wire screen, serves as a fuel, oil, and air filter, As well as bug screen for air vents and horns. We carry brass and stainless in a variety of mesh counts (#of openings per inch.) Ex: bugscreens 50; fuel filters 100. Priced by the square foot. Mesh 6 Brass CLO065 $15.00 18 CLO026 $22.00 4 CLO060 $17.00 20 CLO038 $29.00 8 CLO037 $17.00 24 CLO039 $30.00 12 CLO059 $10.50 30 CLO040 $9.00 18 CLO035 $9.00 50 CLO00l $10.50 30 CLO025 $9.00 80 CLO036 $10.50 50 CLO024 $9.00 100 CLO034 $10.50 “The Right Stuff!” - 34 - Mesh Stainless Steel 3 CLO061 $23.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Body/pin beading nail Body nail Body nail Screw nail Screw nail Molding nail Description Steel, tapered head with spiked shank Hardened steel with annular shank Steel with screw shank Zink-plated with screw shank Steel with domed head and smooth shank 304 stainless steel with annular ring shank Finish Natural Black Black Zink Black Natural Body Dia .085 .065 .080 .080 .080 .072 15 Gauge Head Dia .175 .125 .160 .187 .190 .180 Head Type Tapered Flat Flat Flat Domed Flat 1/2" FAS022 $12.00 (pkg of 100) 3/4" FAS042 $2.30 (pkg of 100) 1" FAS045 $5.00 (pkg of 100) Length 5/8" FAS030 7/8" FAS031 1" FAS024 1.25" FAS025 (each) $.20 $.20 $.20 $.20 1" 1" FAS026 $7.50 FAS041 $2.30 (pkg of 400) (pkg of 100) Domed Head Nail A domed nail is the correct way to finish off trunk moldings and other areas where decorative heads will show. Our nails have brass heads which can be polished to a brilliant luster or plated if desired. Head .225’’ .400’’ Length .500’’ .500’’ Part Each NUT194 $.10 NUT192 $.10 Head .450’’ .635’’ .950’’ Durable and Made in America these Blue Steel Tacks are great for securing all kinds of fabric. Length 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" Part FAS220 FAS221 FAS222 FAS223 FAS224 1/2lb Pkg $20.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $8.00 Big Headed Upholstery Tacks Black big headed tacks used for tops, panels and upholstery. Length is ½” and the head is 7/16" in Diameter. Sold in packages of 50. Glossy finish Part NUT196 NUT197 NUT198 Each $.20 $.20 $.30 Escutcheon Pins Blue Steel Tacks Size #2 #3 #6 #10 #14 Length .600’’ .650’’ .650’’ 7/16" FAS236 $6.40 These pins have an oval head for a smooth finished appearance. Great for wood or thin sheet metal. Sold in pkgs of 50. Gauge 18 16 14 Gauge 18 16 14 Length ¾” ¾” ¾” Length ¾” ¾” ¾” “The Right Stuff!” - 35 - Brass Head dia .098” .136” .172” Part FAS230 FAS232 FAS234 Pkg of 50 $2.60 $4.10 $6.60 Stainless Steel Head dia Part .098” FAS231 .136” FAS233 .172” FAS235 Pkg of 50 $8.00 $10.00 $20.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company 5/16-18 5/16-24 *Assorted Kit of Brass Oval Head Machine Screws Brass oval head machine screw assortment of 18 common sizes (#6 to 1/4-20) indicated by an “*” above. We pack 25 per size in a convenient plastic box with a snap lid. KIT002 $78.50 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.25 $0.30 $0.10 $0.75 $0.15 $0.20 $0.10 $0.25 $0.30 $0.15 $0.10 $0.50 $0.30 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 $0.15 $0.10 $0.30 $0.20 $0.40 $0.40 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.75 $0.15 $0.10 $0.40 $0.25 $0.30 $0.60 $0.40 $0.50 $0.70 $0.40 $0.45 $0.45 $1.15 $1.40 $0.75 $2.00 $1.10 $2.20 $3.00 5/16-24 3/8-16 “The Right Stuff!” - 36 - 4-40 NUT420 NUT421 NUT422 NUT423 NUT424 NUT177 NUT425 NUT426 NUT178 NUT427 NUT428 NUT835 NUT179 NUT429 NUT430 NUT180 NUT431 NUT181 NUT432 NUT515 NUT438 NUT439 NUT440 NUT441 NUT248 NUT442 NUT444 NUT516 NUT182 NUT433 NUT183 NUT434 NUT184 NUT435 NUT436 NUT437 NUT506 NUT507 NUT445 NUT254 NUT446 NUT447 NUT448 NUT870 NUT449 NUT450 NUT451 NUT452 NUT517 NUT454 NUT821** NUT754** NUT455** NUT456** NUT755 6-32 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3’’ 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 1/2’’ 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 8-32 $0.10 Size 10-24 NUT266 4-40 3/16” 5/16-18 Part No Price 10-32 Oval Head Screws have a slightly rounded top and are used in countersunk holes. The underside of the head has an angled bearing surface. These screws, when used with finish washers (page 44), provide a more decorative appearance to any project. 2-56 6-32 $0.30 $0.20 $0.15 $0.40 $0.30 $0.15 $0.40 $0.15 $0.20 $0.40 $0.30 $0.20 $1.00 $0.20 $0.80 $0.30 $0.40 $0.40 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.20 $0.40 $0.50 $0.80 Length 8-32 NUT407* NUT096* NUT408* NUT348* NUT409* NUT140* NUT410* NUT411* NUT347* NUT141* NUT362 NUT415* NUT416* NUT417* NUT418* NUT419 NUT069 NUT509 NUT412* NUT499 NUT413* NUT349* NUT414* NUT363 NUT510* NUT512* NUT513* NUT068* NUT514 Size 10-24 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 1/2” 5/8’’ 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 10-32 Length Part No Price Round - Brass 12-24 Round - Stainless 12-24 6-32 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.40 $0.30 $0.40 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.40 $0.40 $0.20 $0.30 $0.50 $0.60 $0.60 $0.30 $0.20 $1.00 $0.40 $1.00 $0.30 $0.40 $0.40 $0.20 $1.00 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.90 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.60 $1.70 $1.00 $3.00 8-32 NUT055 NUT379 NUT059 NUT092 NUT056 NUT380 NUT057 NUT097 NUT381 NUT058 NUT139 NUT138 NUT382 NUT383 NUT060 NUT384 NUT061 NUT385 NUT386 NUT406 NUT392 NUT393 NUT394 NUT062 NUT395 NUT063 NUT443 NUT508 NUT834 NUT224 NUT387 NUT064 NUT388 NUT389 NUT390 NUT065 NUT391 NUT396 NUT397 NUT398 NUT399 NUT501 NUT502 NUT503 NUT504 NUT066 NUT400 NUT401 NUT402 NUT403 NUT404 NUT255 NUT256 NUT225 NUT226 10-24 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-/3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-/3/4” 2” 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 3/4” 1’’ 3/4’’ 2’’ Size 10-32 Length Part No Price 1/4-20 8-32 10-24 10-32 1/4-20 12-24 Slot Head Screws 6-32 4-40 Size Oval - Brass 1/4-20 Oval - Stainless Machine Screws Round Head 1/4-20 Machine Screws Oval Head 5/1618 3/8-16 Length Part No Price 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 1/2” 5/8’’ 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 3’’ 1/2” 1-1/2” NUT457 NUT458 NUT459 NUT460 NUT461 NUT462 NUT463 NUT464 NUT367 NUT466 NUT467 NUT072 NUT469 NUT470 NUT368 NUT472 NUT473 NUT474 NUT518 NUT482 NUT483 NUT484 NUT370 NUT485 NUT486 NUT487 NUT488 NUT475 NUT505 NUT476 NUT369 NUT477 NUT478 NUT479 NUT480 NUT481 NUT489 NUT246 NUT490 NUT491 NUT351 NUT493 NUT494 NUT495 NUT496 NUT497 NUT875 NUT891 NUT892 NUT893 NUT889 NUT890 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.15 $0.20 $0.20 $0.40 $0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.10 $0.30 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.15 $0.30 $0.60 $0.90 $0.50 $0.30 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.40 $0.60 $0.75 $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $7.00 $4.00 $7.00 Round Head Screws have a thicker rounded top. The underside of the head has a flat bearing surface. Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Machine Screws Sheet Metal & Wood Screws Oval Head Flat Head Flat - Stainless 12-24 10-32 10-24 8-32 6-32 4-40 Size 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 Length Part No Price 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 1” NUT700 NUT701 NUT702 NUT703 NUT705 NUT707 NUT708 NUT710 NUT711 NUT713 NUT714 NUT715 NUT720 NUT721 NUT722 NUT723 NUT716 NUT717 NUT718 NUT719 NUT747 NUT724 NUT748 NUT725 NUT726 NUT727 NUT728 NUT817 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.50 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.40 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.80 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.60 $0.50 $0.30 $0.40 $0.30 $0.60 $1.00 2-1/2’’ NUT730 $2.00 1’’ NUT729 $0.80 Oval - Sheet Metal Stainless Size #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 Flat - Brass Size 4-40 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 12-24 1/4-20 5/16-18 5/16-24 Length Part No Price 1/2” 1” 1/2” 1” NUT731 NUT732 NUT733 NUT734 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 1-1/4 3/4” 1’’ NUT709 NUT735 NUT843 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 1-1/2’’ 2’’ 1” 2” 1” 2” 1’’ NUT736 NUT737 NUT740 NUT741 NUT738 NUT739 NUT769 $0.30 $0.80 $0.30 $0.50 $0.30 $0.50 $1.10 1-1/2” NUT742 $0.60 1’’ 1-1/2” 2” NUT749 NUT743 NUT744 $1.10 $1.20 $0.80 1” 1-1/2” NUT624 NUT606 $0.80 $2.00 2-1/2’’ NUT745 $1.60 #14 Length Part No Price 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 2-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-3/4” 2” 7/8” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 2-1/2” NUT202 NUT203 NUT098 NUT093 NUT132 NUT519 NUT112 NUT094 NUT204 NUT113 NUT133 NUT520 NUT114 NUT095 NUT205 NUT116 NUT051 NUT050 NUT342 NUT521 NUT117 NUT118 NUT206 NUT119 NUT522 NUT120 NUT343 NUT523 NUT134 NUT247 NUT135 NUT524 NUT525 NUT136 NUT526 NUT137 NUT340 NUT529 NUT530 $0.30 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.40 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.50 $0.45 $0.40 $0.60 $0.40 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.50 $0.50 $0.20 $0.40 $0.30 $1.00 $0.75 $0.80 $0.80 Oval - Wood Brass Size #5 #6 #7 #8 #10 #12 #14 Round - Sheet Metal Stainless† Length Part No Price 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8’’ 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” NUT127* NUT128* NUT227* NUT129* NUT175 NUT222* NUT207* NUT102* NUT208* NUT220 NUT221 NUT299* NUT300* NUT124* NUT125* NUT209* NUT100* NUT210* NUT218 NUT219 NUT101 NUT122 NUT121* NUT211* NUT070 NUT212* NUT213 NUT217 NUT103 NUT115 NUT108 NUT104 NUT746 NUT531 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.20 $0.50 $0.20 $0.20 $0.40 $0.40 $0.20 $0.50 $0.50 $0.80 $0.40 $0.40 $0.70 $0.30 $0.40 $0.20 $0.40 $0.20 $1.20 $0.50 $0.75 $0.40 $1.20 $0.30 $0.70 Size #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 #14 *Assorted Kit of Brass Oval Head Wood Screws Brass oval head wood screw assortment of 18 common sizes (#5 to #10) indicated by an “*” above. We pack 25 per size in a convenient plastic box with a snap lid. KIT003 $78.50 “The Right Stuff!” - 37 - 1/2’’ NUT648 $0.20 3/4” 1’’ 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 3/4’’ 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4’’ 1” 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 1” 1-1/2” NUT650 NUT824 NUT655 NUT656 NUT822 NUT657 NUT658 NUT823 NUT659 NUT660 NUT661 NUT662 NUT663 NUT664 NUT665 NUT667 NUT668 $0.30 $0.20 $0.50 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.50 $0.30 $0.75 $0.70 Wood Screws Round Head Round - Wood, Brass Size #4 #5 #6 Oval Head Screws have a slightly rounded top and are used in countersunk holes. The underside of the head has an angled bearing surface. These screws, when used with finish washers (pg. 44), provide a more decorative appearance to any project. Length Part No Price #8 #10 #12 #14 Length Part No Price 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” NUT620 NUT621 NUT622 NUT623 NUT625 NUT626 NUT627 NUT630 NUT631 NUT632 NUT633 NUT634 NUT635 NUT636 NUT637 NUT638 NUT639 NUT640 NUT641 NUT642 NUT643 NUT644 NUT645 NUT646 NUT647 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.40 $0.20 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.40 $0.30 $0.70 $0.70 $0.30 $0.70 $0.80 Round Head Screws have a thicker rounded top. The underside of the head has a flat bearing surface. Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Stainless Steel Threaded Rivets Threaded Rivets Size Length 3-48 Flat - Sheet Metal Stainless Size #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 #14 Length Part No 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4’’ 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/4’’ 1-1/2” 2” 1” 1-1/2” NUT670 NUT671 NUT672 NUT675 NUT676 NUT677 NUT678 NUT679 NUT680 NUT681 NUT682 NUT683 NUT690 NUT684 NUT685 NUT691 NUT686 NUT687 NUT688 NUT689 Wood Screws Flat Head #4 #5 #6 #8 #10 #12 #14 Length Part No Price 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 1” 1-1/2” 2” $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.50 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.20 $0.40 $0.20 $0.30 $0.30 $0.40 $0.60 $0.88 $0.88 $1.30 $1.30 NUT550 NUT551 NUT552 NUT553 NUT554 NUT555 NUT560 NUT561 NUT562 NUT563 NUT564 NUT565 NUT570 NUT532 NUT527 NUT528 NUT571 NUT572 NUT576 NUT577 NUT578 NUT579 NUT580 NUT581 NUT582 NUT583 NUT584 NUT585 NUT586 NUT587 NUT588 Each NUT608 $0.50 3/8” Round 0.111” 0.204” NUT268 $0.60 5/8” Round 0.111” 0.204” NUT269 $0.60 3/4’’ Round 0.111’’ 0.204’’ NUT149 $0.60 3/4” Truss 0.111” 0.251” NUT250 $0.60 1/2” Truss 0.130” 0.312” NUT075 $0.70 5/8” Round 0.130” 0.245” NUT267 $0.70 5/8’’ Truss 0.130’’ 0.312’’ NUT251 $0.70 3/4” Truss 0.130” 0.312” NUT158 $0.70 5/8” Round 0.158” 0.290” NUT080 $0.80 5/8” Truss 0.158” 0.378” NUT076 $0.80 3/4” Round 0.158” 0.290” NUT109 $0.80 3/4” Truss 0.158” 0.378” NUT160 $0.80 1” Round 0.158” 0.290” NUT164 $0.80 1-1/2” Round 0.158” 0.290” NUT162 $0.80 5/8’’ Round 0.178’’ 0.342’’ NUT081 $1.50 8-32 5/8” Truss 0.178” 0.430” NUT077 $2.00 1’’ Round 0.178’’ 0.342’’ NUT079 $2.00 1” #6Truss 0.178” 0.335” NUT078 $1.00 1-1/2” Round 0.178” 0.335” NUT601 $0.90 1” Pan 0.250” 0.485” NUT161 $1.00 1/4-20 1” Round 0.250” 0.450” NUT265 $1.00 5/16-24 2’’ Round 0.312 0.561’’ NUT600 $1.45 10-32 Brass Threaded Rivets Size Length Flat - Wood, Brass Size Part No 0.187” 6-32 Hex Nuts sold on page 43. Head Dia. 0.0099” 4-40 Unslotted machine screws, the perfect substitute for hard-touse rivets because it looks like a rivet on top but is held securely in place by a standard nut. Threaded rivets are absolutely indispensable. Body Dia. Round Price $0.20 $0.30 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 $0.20 $0.30 $0.50 $0.30 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.50 $0.80 $1.20 $1.00 $0.80 Head 3/8” Slotted Stainless Steel Size 4-40 6-32 8-32 10-32 12-24 1/4-20 1/4-28 Length Part No Price 1/4” NUT780 $0.20 1/2” NUT781 $0.20 1/4” NUT839 $0.20 1/2” NUT782 $0.20 1” NUT783 $0.60 2” NUT784 $0.60 1/2” NUT785 $0.30 1” NUT786 $0.40 2” NUT787 $0.60 3/4’’ NUT799 $0.40 1” NUT788 $0.90 2” NUT789 $0.40 3” NUT790 $1.00 3/4” NUT797 $1.40 1” NUT798 $0.60 3/4” NUT836 1” 2” Head Body Dia. Part No Each 3-48 3/8 Round 0.099” 0.187” NUT612 $0.50 4-40 1” Round 0.111” 0.204” NUT602 $0.60 6-32 8-32 1’’ Round 0.130’’ 0.240’’ NUT148 $2.00 1” Round 0.158” 0.290” NUT147 $1.00 Cup Point — Stainless Steel Size 1/4-20 Length Part No Price 3/8” NUT825 $1.20 1/2” NUT826 $1.30 5/8” NUT827 $1.30 3/4” NUT828 $1.30 1” NUT750 $1.40 1/2” NUT830 $1.60 5/8” NUT831 $1.70 $0.80 3/4” NUT832 $1.80 NUT837 $1.00 1” NUT751 $2.00 NUT838 $1.50 3/4” NUT833 $2.50 3/4” NUT794 $1.00 1’’ NUT052 $1.00 1” NUT752 $2.60 “The Right Stuff!” - 38 - 5/16-18 3/8-16 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Common rivet head styles Flat Countersunk Pan Split Rivet Tool Designed to spread the legs uniformly LEA017 $19.60 Tubular Rivet Punch Designed to flare out the end of the rivet LEA018 $25.20 Brass Round Head Solid Rivets Rivet Setters These round head rivets have the length measured under the head. Priced by the each. 1/8" body dia. 3/16" body dia. 1/4" body dia. Length 0.219" head dia. 0.094" head ht. 0.328" head dia. 0.141" head ht. 0.438" head dia. 0.188" head ht. 5/16" RIV124 $0.20 -- -- -- -- 3/8" RIV125 $0.20 RIV130 $0.40 -- -- 1/2" RIV126 $0.25 RIV131 $0.60 RIV134 $1.50 5/8" RIV127 $0.30 RIV132 $0.80 -- -- 3/4" RIV128 $0.30 RIV133 $0.60 RIV135 $1.50 1" RIV137 $0.45 Part No. Hole Size Price TOL001 Size 0 .281 $31.50 TOL002 3 .191 $28.40 TOL003 7 .125 $28.40 German Silver Rivet Our German Silver Rivets are made specifically to replace original rivets on prewar Rolls -Royce hoods. Now you can disassemble the hood panels for .124" body dia repair and reassem.225" head dia ble them with the proper solid rivets .095" head ht. Length which have the same appearance as your hood hinge and other German .375" RIV037 $2.00 silver trim. .750" RIV121 $2.00 Full Tubular Rivets 9/64" body dia 5/16" head dia Hammer together Jiffy Rivets. 3/8" Head, 3/16" Shank Diameter, 1/4" Grip Length Brass RIV042 Nickel Plated RIV043 $.20 $.20 Length 5/16" 5/16" 3/64" head ht. Material Brass RIV038 Ni on Br RIV039 $0.20 $0.20 Semi-Tubular Rivets These are 150-degree countersunk rivets designed for low-stress applications, like brake lining. Made from Alloy 270 brass. Internal hole depth is equal to rivet diameter. Hole size is 0.156" for 9/64" dia rivets and 0.199" for 3/16" rivets. Length is overall under head. Priced each Length 9/64" body dia 5/16" head dia 3/64" head ht. 9/64" body dia 3/8" head dia 3/64" head ht. 3/16" body dia 3/8" head dia 3/64" head ht. 3/16" body dia 1/2" head dia 1/16" head ht. 1/4" RIV100 $0.30 -- -- -- -- -- -- 9/32" RIV101 $0.30 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5/16" RIV102 $0.30 RIV104 $0.30 -- -- -- -- 3/8" RIV103 $0.30 RIV105 $0.30 RIV107 $0.40 -- -- 7/16" -- -- RIV106 $0.30 RIV108 $0.40 -- -- 1/2" -- -- -- -- RIV109 $0.40 RIV110 $0.40 Tubular Rivets These rivets are great for attaching leather straps together or wherever else you can get a good swing to spread the ends. Rivet post length should be 1/16" to 1/8" longer than material to be riveted. Length is overall under head. Priced each. Jiffy Rivets Rivet Tools & Solid Rivets Round Truss Rivet Tools Split Rivets Length 4/16" 5/16" 6/16" 7/16" 8/16" 10/16" 12/16" 14/16" 1/8" body dia .210" head dia RIV047 $.20 RIV048 $.20 RIV049 $.20 — RIV050 $.20 RIV051 $.20 RIV052 $.20 RIV053 $.20 5/32" body dia .310" head dia — RIV061 $.20 — — RIV062 $.20 RIV063 $.30 — — Brass 5/32" body dia .365" head dia RIV054 $.20 RIV055 $.20 — RIV057 $.20 RIV058 $.20 RIV059 $.20 — “The Right Stuff!” - 39 - 9/64" body dia .310" head dia . RIV079 $.30 — RIV080 $.80 RIV081 $.80 RIV082 $.80 RIV083 $1.00 RIV084 $.80 — Split Rivets Nickel Plated Steel Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company High Head Bolt Authentic old style high head bolts with slight dome. Machined from 4142 steel that is heat-treated. The cor r ect style for many vintage vehicles. Black oxide finish. Grade 5 “B” “C” “D” Part 2-3/4" 1-1/4" .346 9/16" NUT803 $8.00 4" 3" .470 9/16" NUT761 $10.00 1" 3/4" .400 9/16" NUT758 $6.50 1" “B” “C” “D” 1/4-28x3/4 3/4" 5/8" .270 7/16" NUT304 $5.00 3/8-16x2-3/4 1" 3/4" .270 7/16" NUT305 $6.00 3/8-16x4 1/4-28x1-1/4 1-1/4" 1-1/4" .270 7/16" NUT762 $7.00 3/8-24x1 1/4-28x1-1/2 1-1/2" 7/8" .270 7/16" NUT306 $7.00 3/8-24X1-1/4 1-1/4" 1" 7/8" .270 7/16" NUT800 $7.00 3/8-24X1-1/2 1-1/2" 3/4" 5/8" .270 7/16" NUT307 $6.00 3/8-24x2 1" 3/4" .270 7/16" NUT308 $6.00 7/16-14x1-1/2 1/4-20x1-1/4 1-1/4" 1" .270 7/16 NUT763 $7.00 7/16-14x2 1/4-20x1-1/2 1-1/2" 7/8" .270 7/16" NUT309 $7.00 7/16-14x2-1/2 1" 3/4" .370 1/2" NUT310 $6.00 7/16-14x3 5/16-18x1-1/4 1-1/4" 1-1/4" .370 1/2" NUT764 $6.50 1/2-12x1-1/2 5/16-18x1-1/2 1-1/2" 7/8" .370 1/2" NUT311 $6.50 1/2-12x3 2" 1" .370 1/2" NUT312 $8.00 1/2-13x1-1/2 3/4” 5/8” .312 1/2” NUT960 $6.60 1/2-13x3 1" 3/4” .370 1/2” NUT492 $6.90 1/2-20x1-1/2 5/16-24x1-1/4 1-1/4" 1" .325 1/2" NUT765 $6.90 1/2-20x3 3” 2-7/16” .562 5/16-24x1-/12 1-1/2" 1-3/16" .325 1/2" NUT766 $6.90 9/16-12x2 2" 1-3/4" 9/16" NUT313 $6.50 5/8-11x2 1-3/4" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 1-3/4" 1/4-24x1 1/4-20x3/4 1/4-20x1 5/16-18x1 5/16-18x2 5/16-24x3/4 5/16-24x1 3/8-16x1 1" 3/4" .400 Each . “A” “A” 1/4-28x1 Part Size Size 3/8-16x1-1/4 1-1/4" 7/8" .400 9/16" NUT374 $6.50 3/8-16x1-1/2 1-1/2" 1-1/8" .400 9/16" NUT314 $7.50 3/4-10x3-1/2 2" 1-1/8" .400 9/16" NUT315 $8.00 3/8-16x2 Black oxide finish, Grade 5 3/8-16 3/8-16 7/16-14 5/16-18 (Head Dia 1.023") 3/8-16 (Head Dia 1.197") NUT767 $6.50 9/16" NUT768 $6.50 2" 1-1/8" .470 9/16" NUT759 $7.00 1-1/2" 1-1/8" .470 5/8" NUT316 $8.00 2" 1-1/8" .470 5/8" NUT317 $8.00 2-1/2" 1-5/16" .470 5/8" NUT318 $9.00 3" 1-13/16" .470 5/8" NUT540 $9.00 1-1/2" 1-1/4” .470 3/4” NUT756 $10.00 3" 2-1/2” .470 3/4” NUT757 $11.00 1-1/2" 1-1/4" .500 3/4" NUT377 $12.00 3" 2-1/2" .500 3/4" NUT378 $13.00 1-1/2” 1-13/16” .562 3/4” NUT961 $13.00 3/4” NUT962 $14.00 .550 13/16" NUT801 $18.00 .610 7/8" NUT802 $18.00 1-9/16" .540 7/8" NUT818 $20.00 1" NUT819 $25.00 7/16-14 7/16-20 NUT850 $20.00 NUT858 $21.00 NUT855 $21.00 Step Bolt 1/4-20 (Head Dia 0.820") 9/16" .710 Wheel Bolts 2-3/8" 2-1/2" 2-3/4" NUT165 NUT166 NUT167 NUT371 NUT372 NUT168 NUT169 NUT170 NUT123 NUT126 NUT171 NUT172 NUT173 NUT373 3" NUT856 $24.00 3-1/8" NUT857 $28.00 Flush Head Bolt Similar to carriage bolts, step bolts have a much larger head diameter and are the best replacement for fender bolts and others with large heads. Black oxide finish. 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" .400 1-3/16" .400 2" 5/8-11x3-1/2 Each These bolts are like Step bolts except $0.60 $0.60 $0.50 $0.40 $0.90 $0.75 $0.60 $0.75 $0.80 $0.75 $1.10 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 their heads are wider, completely flat and counter-sunk like a flat head screw. An excellent choice for fastening floor and running boards which must be covered with floor matting. All bolts are fully threaded and are zinc plated steel. “The Right Stuff!” - 40 - 1/4 - 20 (Head Dia 0.985") 2" NUT590 $1.50 3" NUT591 $1.50 5/16 - 18 (Head Dia 1.210") 2" NUT592 $1.00 3" NUT593 $1.00 3/8 - 16 (Head Dia 1.330") 2" NUT594 $2.50 3" NUT595 $2.40 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Stainless Carriage Bolt 5/16-18 (Head Dia 0.700") 3/8-16 (Head Dia 0.800") 3/4" NUT107 $0.30 --- 1" NUT288 $0.40 NUT301 --$2.50 1-1/2" NUT289 $0.50 --- --- 2" NUT290 $0.50 NUT260 $3.00 2-1/2" NUT214 $0.60 --- --- 3" NUT073 $0.60 --- --- 1" NUT291 $0.50 NUT261 $2.00 1-1/2" NUT292 $0.60 NUT344 $2.50 2" NUT293 $0.70 NUT286 $2.00 2-1/2" NUT543 $3.00 --- --- 3" NUT544 $3.00 --- --- 3-1/2" NUT545 $3.00 --- --- 1" NUT294 $0.70 --- --- 1-1/2" NUT295 $1.00 --- --- 2" NUT296 $1.50 NUT287 $2.00 3/8-16xl-1/2" B03822 $1.40 7/16-14xl-l/2" B03100 $1.50 1/2-13xl-l/2" B03102 $2.50 B B C A A A 1-1/4" 1" B C 3" 3-3/4" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" Thread ½-20 MEC026 $27.00 3/8-16 MEC007 $30.00 A 2" 1-3/4" 2" Drive Screw B 3-1/2" 2-3/4" 3-1/2" Thread 3/8-16 3/8-16 ½-13 MEC019 $15.80 MEC020 $15.80 MEC022 $15.80 Tubular Post Screw This solid brass and nickel screw attaches accessories through leather, windshield posts, firewalls, trunks, etc. The post is domed and unslotted, while the screw is identically shaped with a straight slot for a screwdriver. Head dia .410; Tube dia .200; Thread 8-32 Size Length Hole Sz Body Dia Hd Dia Head Ht Part # 0.052 0.067 0.086 0.104 0.104 0.120 0.120 0.144 0.161 0.060 0.075 0.100 0.116 0.116 0.140 0.140 0.167 0.182 0.099 0.127 0.162 0.211 0.211 0.260 0.260 0.309 0.359 0.034 0.049 0.069 0.086 0.086 0.103 0.103 0.120 0.137 NUT105 NUT106 NUT152 NUT795 NUT156 NUT796 NUT791 NUT792 NUT793 Brass Price ea $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 Length 3/16" 1/4" 3/8" Length NUT185 $.90 NUT186 $.70 NUT187 $.70 5/8" 3/4" 1" Nickel Black Length Length 3/16" 1/4" NUT617 $1.40 NUT615 $1.40 “The Right Stuff!” - 41 - NUT189 $1.70 NUT190 $2.50 NUT191 $3.00 1/4" 1/2" Specialty Screws A drive screw is the correct way to attach name plates to generators, starters, firewalls, etc. It works on anything that has a blind hole or an area where you can’t use a nut, and it’s designed to be forced into a hole slightly smaller than the screw. # 00 3/16" # 0 3/16" # 2 3/16" #4 1/4" #4 3/8" #6 1/4" #6 3/8" #8 3/8" # 10 3/8" Tank Straps Steel Tank Strap Forgings Bumper Bolts Bumper Bolt with Hex Nut Round stainless capped head; Zinc plated steel body. Carriage Bolts 1/4-20 (Head Dia 0.575") Brass NUT610 $0.70 NUT619 $0.80 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Chrome Plated Steel acorn nuts, exact duplicates of originals which were commonly used on many marine engines, commercial vehicles, fire trucks, race and passenger cars. Jaguar “D” Washer ID OD Thickness Part Each .465" 1.000" .135" WAS001 $5.00 A B C Style 1 Packard V-12/Pierce .845 3/4 .410 Thread Part Price Style 1 Packard 8 .795 3/4 .365 7/16-20 NUT007 $6.50 Style 2 Stude Valve Cover .709 1/2 .406 5/16-24 NUT010 $2.90 Style 2 Stude Valve Cover .725 1/2 .325 5/16-24 NUT018 $2.90 1/2-20 NUT008 $7.00 Style 3 Lincoln .860 11/16 .360 7/16-20 NUT006 $7.00 Style 4 Jag Head 1.000 3/4 Style 5 Jag Cam Cover .630 7/16 .420 Style 6 Ford Flat Head .910 11/16 .375 7/16-20 NUT003 $5.50 Style 7 Cad/LaSalle Head .875 11/16 .365 7/16-20 NUT004 $6.00 Style 7 Cad/LaSalle Man .715 9/16 .340 Style 7 T-Bird Valve Cover .726 1/2 .323 5/16-24 NUT009 $3.00 Style 7 Pierce Head .960 3/4 .437 OD .680" Thickness Part Each .324" WAS008 $5.00 1/4-28 NUT002 $3.50 3/8-24 NUT005 $4.00 1/2-20 NUT011 $5.60 Pierce Head Washer Cadillac/LaSalle Spacer ID .440" .575 7/16-20 NUT001 $5.00 ID OD Thickness Part Each .537" 1.000" 1.25" NUT012 $5.00 Back In Stock High Crown Polished Stainless Steel High Head Our high crown acorn nuts are machined with a large, slightly pointed cap and large flats for a classy look. Finishes are highly polished to show quality. They are perfect for cars, boats, hot rods, commercial vehicles, fire trucks and anything else that moves! Size 8-32 10-24 10-32 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 1/2-13 1/2-20 A .456 .520 .520 .605 .605 .700 .725 .800 .820 .900 .900 1.050 1.064 B 5/16 3/8 3/8 7/16 7/16 1/2 1/2 9/16 9/16 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 C .235 .175 .175 .180 .180 .250 .325 .280 .335 .280 .325 .405 .464 Size Stainless 4-40 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 Brass Size 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 Part NO. NUT176 NUT239 NUT607 NUT241 NUT242 Price $1.40 $0.70 $0.70 $0.50 $0.80 Stainless NUT036 NUT037 NUT038 NUT039 NUT040 NUT041 NUT042 NUT043 NUT044 NUT047 NUT046 NUT045 $4.00 $2.90 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 $10.00 $15.10 Size Price Size NUT235 NUT236 NUT237 NUT238 $0.50 $0.70 $0.50 $0.50 12-24 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 Part NO. Part NO. Part NO. 12-24 NUT605 1/4-20 NUT243 1/4-28 NUT035 5/16-18 NUT244 5/16-24 NUT110 Part NO. NUT604 NUT229 NUT230 NUT231 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" NUT279 NUT280 NUT281 NUT282 Price $1.30 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.70 Price $0.70 $0.70 $0.60 $1.50 Price Size 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 1/2-13 Size 5/8" 11/16" 3/4" 7/8" $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Part NO. NUT154 NUT245 NUT534 NUT533 NUT542 Part NO. 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 NUT232 NUT233 NUT234 NUT271 Size Part NO. Price $0.80 $1.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 Price $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 $2.00 Price Size 1/4-20 NUT812 $2.50 5/16-18 NUT814 $2.50 10-32 NUT811 $2.00 1/4-28 NUT813 $2.00 3/8-16 “The Right Stuff!” - 42 - NUT155 $9.00 NUT131 $12.00 Just slip our chrome plated nut covers over your standard nuts for a new look. Dimension given is the wrench size of the nut to be covered. NUT810 $2.00 Part NO. 7/16-20 1/2-20 Acorn Nut Covers 8-32 Size Chrome Chrome NUT618 $4.00 NUT013 $2.30 NUT014 $2.40 NUT015 $2.50 NUT016 $2.50 NUT017 $2.50 NUT018 $2.90 NUT019 $2.90 NUT020 $3.00 NUT021 $3.50 NUT022 $4.00 NUT023 $5.00 NUT024 $5.50 A=13-16”, B=3/4”, C= 7/16” (See above diagram) This highly polished high head stainless acorn nut is custom machined to authentic old style dimensions. Price NUT283 NUT284 NUT285 NUT500 Size $2.00 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Part NO. 1/2-20 NUT541 Size Part NO. Price $3.70 Price 7/16-20 NUT272 $2.40 1/2-13 NUT252 $2.50 1/2-20 NUT273 $2.50 Size 1/2-20 Part NO. Price NUT816 $4.00 NUT815 $3.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Slotted/Castellated Plain Steel Hex Nuts Zinc Plated Steel Hex Nuts Tall Nuts 1/4-20 Across Flats Ht 7/16 9/32 Part Ea 1/4-20 NUT325 $.85 5/16-18 23/64 NUT321 7/16-14 3/4 27/64 NUT322 $.60 7/8 31/64 NUT323 $1.50 9/16 13/32 NUT329 $1.50 1/2-13 3/8-24 9/16 13/32 NUT330 $2.70 5/16-18 1/2 21/64 NUT327 $.70 5/16-24 1/2 21/64 NUT328 $.90 Plain Steel Finish Heavy Wide Nuts Grade 5 Across Flats 7/16-14 11/16 29/64 NUT331 $1.30 7/16-20 11/16 29/64 NUT332 $1.50 9/16 NUT333 $2.00 1/2-20 3/4 9/16 NUT334 $2.00 15/64 NUT319 1/4-20 $.40 1/4-28 $.40 5/16-18 $.40 5/16-24 19/64 NUT320 3/8-16 3/4 1 /2 Ea 9/16 9/32 1/2-13 Part 11/16 7/16 NUT326 $1.00 Ht 3/8-16 1/4-28 Ht Part Ea 1/4-20 1/2 15/64 NUT535 $0.40 5/16-18 9/16 19/64 NUT536 $0.40 3/8-16 11/16 23/64 NUT537 $0.60 7/16-14 3/4 27/64 NUT538 $1.00 1/2-13 7/8 31/64 NUT539 $1.00 9/16-12 1-5/6 37-64 NUT546 $1.00 Standard Hex Nuts Stainless 2-56 3-48 4-40 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 12-24 NUT841 NUT611 NUT151 NUT259 NUT258 NUT302 NUT277 NUT753 $.30 $.30 $.30 $.20 $.20 $.20 $.20 $.20 Brass NUT616 NUT083 NUT084 NUT085 NUT086 NUT087 NUT088 1/4-20 1/4-28 5/16-18 5/16-24 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 S S S S C S S S S C S S C S S S S C S S C S 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 7/16-20 1/2-13 1/2-20 9/16-12 9/16-18 5/8-11 5/8-18 3/4-10 3/4-16 7/8-14 Stainless $.20 $.20 $.20 $.30 $.30 $.30 $.60 Slotted/ Castellated Size Across Flats NUT278 NUT054 NUT297 NUT603 NUT298 NUT335 NUT356 NUT357 $.30 $.20 $.20 $.20 $.60 $.20 $.20 $.40 Part # Ea. NUT930 NUT931 NUT932 NUT933 NUT903 NUT934 NUT935 NUT936 NUT937 NUT907 NUT938 NUT939 NUT909 NUT940 NUT941 NUT942 NUT943 NUT913 NUT944 NUT945 NUT915 NUT916 $.60 $.60 $.60 $.60 $.60 $.60 $.70 $.60 $.60 $.90 $.60 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $.60 $.90 $1.50 $.90 $2.00 $2.25 $4.00 Brass — NUT089 $.30 NUT090 $.30 NUT082 $.40 NUT091 $1.00 NUT336 $.60 NUT609 $2.25 — Square Nuts Stainless Steel 4-40 6-32 8-32 10-24 10-32 n/a NUT028 NUT048 NUT025 NUT026 $.20 $.20 $.20 $.20 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 7/16-14 1/2-13 NUT027 $.20 NUT034 $.60 NUT337 $.70 NUT338*$.90 NUT339 $1.50 Hex, Square, Slotted & Castellated Nuts Heavy Wide Nuts Limited quantities remaining *CAD plated steel NUT157 $2.50 Chrome Plated 3/8-24 Brass Wing Nuts are rough castings so that you can drill and tap your own thread size up to 5/16" (3/8" if you're careful!) Height 1"; base diameter: .550; overall width 1-1/2" BRA034 $4.00 .382" A "thumb" nut transforms the top of a spark plug to an old style .440" appearance. It also provides a unique look to other applications. .495" Solid brass. .495" .630" .440" “The Right Stuff!” - 43 - ACC160 $9.30 O.D. Thread 6/32" NUT142 8/32" NUT143 10/24" NUT144 10/32" NUT145 1/4-20" NUT146 4 x .7mm NUT270 $.30 $.50 $.50 $.50 $2.00 $1.00 Knurled Nuts Knurled Brass Nut Windshield Wing Nut Lever & Wing Nuts Wing Nut Lever Nut When you need a unique nut to attach a fuse box cover, windshield latch, or other decorative accessory, a cast brass lever nut works perfectly. It's drilled and tapped 10x32. 3/4" long Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Lock Washers Flat Washers Bolt Size #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" Brass WAS100 WAS101 WAS102 WAS103 WAS095 WAS096 WAS097 WAS098 WAS099 Bolt Size #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" Stainless Steel WAS104 $0.12 WAS105 $0.12 WAS106 $0.12 WAS107 $0.12 WAS113 $0.25 WAS108 $0.12 WAS112 $0.12 WAS109 $0.25 WAS110 $0.20 WAS111 $0.45 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.30 $0.30 $0.35 $1.00 $0.70 $0.40 Nickel plated brass w/lip Finish Washers Flush Flush finish washers are designed for use under all flat and oval head wood, sheet metal, and machine screws so they can be tightened without chewing up the surface finish. They work particularly well on varnished surfaces such as window garnish mouldings and interior wood pieces. Standard flush finish washers have a small lip which protrudes beyond the head of the screw. Finish washers without a lip still protect the surface from the twisting of the screw but do not extend beyond the head. Countersunk w/flange Stainless Steel #6 WAS021 $.12 #8 WAS022 $.12 #10 WAS023 $.14 #4 #6 #8 #10 1/4" WAS024 WAS066 WAS067 WAS025 #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 1/4" 3/8" WAS085 WAS086 WAS087 WAS088 WAS089 WAS090 Countersunk ID OD Thickness Cad/LaSalle Head .397 .875 .125 WAS005 $4.00 Lincoln Head .450 .900 .120 WAS006 $5.00 Packard 8 Head .460 .939 .150 WAS002 $5.00 Packard 12 Head/Pierce .520 1.000 .170 WAS003 $5.00 T-Bird Valve Cover .345 1.047 .078 WAS007 $2.00 Lincoln, KB, KA, K, V-12 .460 .920 .080 WAS009 $3.50 ID 5/32 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 7/16 OD 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 7/16 9/16 ½ 5/8 5/8 WAS034 WAS035 WAS036 WAS037 WAS038 WAS039 WAS040 WAS041 WAS042 $.20* $.20* $.20* $.20 $.20* $.20* $.20* $.20* $.20* $.25 WAS074 $.25 $.30 WAS075 $.25 $.30 WAS076 $.30 WAS077 $.40 $.60 Stainless Steel Nickel Plated Brass $.12 $.12 $.20 $.20 $.20 $.30 WAS140 WAS141 WAS142 WAS143 WAS144 WAS145 WAS156 $.12 $.12 $.12 $.15 $.18 $.22 $.45 WAS146 WAS147 WAS148 WAS149 WAS150 WAS151 $.20 $.20 $.25 $.27 $.40 $.40 Sizes are shown in inches Our extra thick chrome washers have been made to exact dimensions for those vehicles listed at left. They are perfect for many other applications where heavy washers should be used, such as cylinder heads and chassis assemblies. Sizes are shown in inches. A red fiber washer makes a neat, finished appearance under fasteners where paint and plating distortion may occur. It withstands high compressions and helps to seal fuel and oil lines. Thickness: 1/32”. Sizes are shown in inches. WAS078 WAS079 WAS080 n/a WAS082 Stainless w/out lip Solid Copper Washers Head/Manifold Washers Part Stainless w/lip $.14 $.14 $.14 $.14 Brass Stainless Steel Part Number Each WAS120 $0.12 WAS121 $0.12 WAS122 $0.12 WAS123 $0.12 WAS129 $0.12 WAS124 $0.12 WAS125 $0.20 WAS126 $0.35 WAS127 $0.35 WAS128 $0.80 Each ID 1/2 1/2 1/2 9/16 5/8 5/8 21/32 21/32 11/16 Bolt Size 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 OD 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 3/4 7/8 25/32 7/8 15/16 ID 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 WAS043 WAS044 WAS045 WAS046 WAS047 WAS048 WAS054 WAS049 WAS050 OD 7/16 5/8 1/2 11/16 9/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 13/16 Thickness Part 1/32 B15911 1/16 B15914 1/32 B15912 1/16 B15915 1/32 B15913 1/16 B15916 1/16 B15917 1/16 B15918 3/32 B15919 Metric Sizes 8x12 mm GAS003 $.40 12x16mm GAS001 $.60 $.20 $.20* $.20 $.20* $.20 $.20* $.20 $.20* $.20* ID 3/4 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1 1-1/32 1-3/16 1-1/4 OD 1 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-3/16 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-5/16 1-9/16 1-5/8 WAS051 WAS068 WAS069 WAS052 WAS070 WAS053 WAS071 WAS072 WAS073 Each $.40 $.40 $.40 $.45 $.30 $.45 $.60 $.60 $.80 $.20* $.20 $.40* $.40* $.40* $.40* $.40 $.40 $.60 Red Fiber Washer Assortment – An assortment of 18 common sizes of red fiber washers, as indicated by an * above. We’ve packed 10 per size in a convenient compartment box. WAS091 $39.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 44 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Copper Crush Port Gaskets Our port gaskets and “O” rings are a copper wrapped, asbestos-like material which is perfect for sealing water jacket bolts, fuel lines, valve port plugs and anything that needs a crushable, temperature and fluid resistant washer. They are approximately .090 thick before being crushed. Standard Metric (shown in inches) ID 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/32 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-17/32 1-5/8 1-11/16 1-11/16 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-13/16 1-7/8 1-15/16 1-15/16 2 2-1/16 OD 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 13/16 1 1-1/16 1-3/16 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 2 1-7/8 1-15/16 2-5/16 2-1/16 2 2-1/4 2-1/16 2-1/8 2-5/32 2-5/16 2-1/4 2-5/16 Part GAS037 GAS038 GAS039 GAS074 GAS047 GAS040 GAS048 GAS049 GAS008 GAS009 GAS010 GAS051 GAS024 GAS011 GAS071 GAS016 GAS065 GAS053 GAS055 GAS012 GAS050 GAS046 GAS017 GAS041 GAS044 GAS018 GAS056 Each $1.80 $1.80 $1.60 $2.50 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $3.00 $2.90 $2.50 $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $3.00 $3.00 (shown in millimeters) ID 2-1/16 2-1/8 2-1/4 2/5-16 2-3/8 2-7/16 2-1/2 2-5/8 2-3/4 2-3/4 2 13/16 2-7/8 3 3-1/16 3-1/16 3-1/4 3-3/4 3-5/16 3-3/8 3-1/2 3-7/8 4 4-1/4 4-3/8 4-41/64 5-1/4 OD 2-9/16 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-9/16 2-5/8 2-11/16 2-3/4 2-7/8 3 3-1/8 3 1/16 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-1/4 3-7/16 3-1/2 4 3-9/16 3-5/8 3-3/4 4-1/8 4-1/4 4-1/2 4-3/4 5 5-3/4 Part GAS052 GAS015 GAS013 GAS042 GAS032 GAS033 GAS014 GAS020 GAS034 GAS021 GAS075 GAS022 GAS023 GAS069 GAS073 GAS035 GAS063 GAS043 GAS045 GAS062 GAS061 GAS036 GAS064 GAS054 GAS072 GAS057 Each $2.00 $3.00 $4.50 $4.40 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.70 $5.60 $5.00 $5.60 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $4.80 $5.00 $4.90 $4.90 $5.00 $5.30 $6.30 $5.60 ID 6 6 8 10 10 12 16 18 22 24 26 28 30 32 35 38 OD x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 10 12 14 14 16 16 22 24 27 32 32 35 36 38 41 44 Part GAS004 GAS019 GAS006 GAS005 GAS002 GAS026 GAS030 GAS027 GAS028 GAS029 GAS008 GAS009 GAS025 GAS010 GAS024 GAS011 Each $1.40 $1.40 $2.00 $2.00 $1.40 $1.00 $1.40 $1.50 $2.50 $2.00 $2.00 $3.00 $2.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 White Felt This white medium density soft felt is very resilient and ideal for lubrication wicks, grease seals and wipers. Temperature range is -80 to +200 degrees. Sold and priced by the square inch. Thickness 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" GAS066 GAS067 GAS068 $0.30 $0.50 $0.50 Stewart Fuel Vacuum Tank Gasket OD= 4-1/2 inches ID = 3-3/8 inches Hole Center = 3-7/8 inches Thickness = 0.062" GAS070 $7.10 “The Right Stuff!” - 45 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Extension Springs Overall Length 10.000" 6.375" 6.438" 5.850" 6.500" 3.250" 4.000" 4.500" 4.062" 4.000" 5.250" 2.594" 2.656" 1.438" 1.125" Type 3 1 2 5 1 4 1 3 1 3 6 5 5 3 3 Coil Length 9.250" 5.500" 5.575" 5.215" 5.925" 2.750" 3.450" 3.575" 2.750" 2.825" 3.000" 1.500" 1.500" .825" .700" Wire Size OD .500" .435" .328" .553" .328" .375" .250" .484" .734" .719" .531" .750" .750" .344" .234" Overall Length Coil Length OD 11-1/2" 1-7/8" 13/32" 1/32" B14097 $1.30 4-3/8" 2-1/2" 1/2" 1/16" B14098 $2.00 1-13/16" 1-1/2" 3/8" 1/32" B14099 $1.70 8-1/2" 1-7/8" 3/4" 3/32" B14100 $2.00 5-3/4" 2-3/8" 25/32" 3/64" B14101 $2.00 18-1/2" 2" 13/16" 3/32" B14102 $2.50 Wire Size .062" .050" .035" .090" .035" .041" .028" .063" .062" .105" .062" .105" .080" .048" .020" Part # Price LBS Rate per Inch 1.8 Approx lb load@ reference ext. 10.2@12" 1.1 2.2@8.500" 7.5oz 1.9 13oz 6.2 1.4 12.5 5.0 46.0 10.3 15.0 12.0 1.6@7.750" 5.2@5.250" 1.9@6.000" 14@6.500" 4.3@6.062" 36.5@5.000" 8.5@6.250" 29.5@2.968" 12.5@3.656" 10@1.812" 9oz@1.625" Part Each B14058 B14059 B14060 B14061 B14062 B14063 B14064 B14065 B14066 B14067 B14068 B14069 B14070 B14072 B14074 $3.90 $2.00 $2.00 $6.50 $2.50 $2.00 $2.30 $2.30 $2.50 $2.50 $8.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.40 $2.60 Heavy Duty Spring with Tapered Ends Overall Length hook –hook 5-7/8" Coil Length 4.05" OD Wire Part # Size Price .875" 0.110" FAS058 $9.90 Internal Brake Band Spring 17-1/2" 3-1/2" 3/4" 1/16" B14103 $2.50 Fits Buick and others Overall Length hook –hook 8-1/4" 2" 7/16" 1/16" B14104 $1.80 3.3” Coil Length 2.07” Steel Door Latch Springs 7/8" 5/8" 1-1/8" 3/4" OD Wire Part # Size Price .470” .080” FAS060 $13.20 Window Regulator Spring 1 7/8" FAS053 $4.90 0.065" wire gauge 0.215" spring thickness 0.906" coil width 1.812" overall length FAS054 $3.90 0.077" wire gauge 0.188" spring thickness 0.890" coil width 2.018" overall length FAS055 $4.20 FAS056 $3.90 FAS057 $10.50 0.077" wire gauge 0.193" spring thickness 1.187" coil width 1.906" overall length 0.070" wire gauige 0.143" spring thickness 0.750" coil width 2.218" overall length 0.087" wire gauge 0.226" spring thickness 1.800" coil width 2.687" overall length Upholstery Seat Springs Size 3-1/2" 4-1/2" 5" 6" Lined clip 3 prong clip edge wire Part # UPH001 UPH002 UPH003 UPH004 UPH005 UPH006 UPH007 Each $5.25 ea $5.80 ea $6.10 ea $6.30 ea $0.20 ea $0.20 ea 15.00 12FT PC When it is time to redo your seats, these are what you will need to replace those broken down old springs. These are made for seat duty from 0.135" spring steel. New “The Right Stuff!” - 46 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Spring Width LUB016 $14.70 LUB017 $15.30 LUB018 $17.90 1-3/4" 2" 2-1/4" Poly-Slide Channel shaped poly sheets inserts between spring leaves for a permanent smooth ride. Thickness .040" 20 foot roll only. Forged Steel Yoke End Thread Size 10-32 ¼-28 5/16-24 3/8-24 7/16-20 1/2-20 Overall Length 1-3/4" 2" 2-1/4" 2-1/2" 2-7/8" 3" Inner Width 3/16" 9/32 11/32 7/16 1/2" 9/16 Outer Width 7/16" 5/8" ¾" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" Part # B10000 $7.00 B10737 $4.90 B10738 $4.80 B10739 $5.00 B10740 $5.00 B10741 $5.60 Correct Clevis Pin PIN003 $1.00 PIN001 $1.00 B09435 $1.00 B09441 $1.00 PIN002 $1.70 B09446 $1.00 Dia 3-16" Length 1/2” 7/8" PIN003 $1.00 PIN010 $1.00 1/4" 11/16" 29/32" 1" PIN001 $1.00 B09433 $1.00 B09434 $1.00 5/16" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-5/8’’ B09435 B09436 B09437 B09438 B09439 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 1-9/16" B09866 $9.20 B09867 $10.30 B09868 $14.20 Length 7/8" 1" 1-1/16" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" B09440 B09441 B09442 B09443 B09444 B09445 7/16” 1-1/4’’ 1-3/32" 1-3/32" PIN002 $1.70 PIN004 $1.70 1/2” 1-11/32" 1-19/32" B09446 $1.00 B09447 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Control Swivels Rod Ends 10-32 1/4-28 5/16-24 Dia 3/8” Made of low carbon steel; seat members are made of C1008 steel. Ball stud and seats are case hardened; plated and treated for corrosion resistance. Carburetor control rod ends made of low carbon steel; units are plated and dichromate treated for corrosion resistance. 1/4-28 Thread (straight) A 1/4-28 Thread (straight) B 1/4-20 Thread (angled) C B13607 $8.40 B13606 $9.00 FAS037 $9.70 Rod Ends and Yoke Ends Steel Clevis Pin Quick Release Rod Ends 10-32 1/4-28 5/16-24 3/8-24 B09862 $20.00 B09863 $20.00 B09864 $20.00 BO9865 $20.00 A Length 1-13/16" 2-1/2" 2-3/4" “The Right Stuff!” - 47 - Dia .250 .275 .275 C FAS075 $5.10 FAS076 $5.40 FAS077 $5.90 Hinge Pins Hinge Pin If you have a door hinge that's worn out or broken, our stainless steel replacement pin will make it as good as new. Just select the appropriate size at right, and cut it to size. B Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Nickel Plated Steel Footman Loops Brass Zinc Plated Steel Stainless Steel Forged Bronze Strap Length Overall Length 1" 2-5/8" 1-1/4" 2-3/4" 1-1/2" 3-1/8" 1-1/4" 2-3/4" 1-1/2" 3-1/8" 1" 2-1/2" 1" 2-1/2" 1-1/4" 2-3/4" 1-1/2" 3-1/8" 1-1/2" 3-1/8" Black Hole Centers 2-1/8" 2-1/4" 2-5/8" 2-1/8" 2-2 5/8" 2-1/8" 1-15/16" 2-1/8" 2-9/16" 2-1/2" Part # BRA301 BRA302 BRA303 BRA077 BRA078 BRA213 BRA076 BRA089 BRA075 BRA212 Price $2.10 $2.40 $2.40 $4.00 $4.50 $2.70 $2.10 $2.40 $2.70 $4.80 1-1/4" 2-3/4" 2-1/4" BRA328 $9.00 1-1/2" 3-1/8" 2-1/2" BRA329 $8.20 Buckles Our high quality polished cast brass buckles look like the originals, and they have rollers for an authentic look. Also available in Stainless Steel for 1-1/4” and 1-1/2” size straps. Strap Width Strap Width Strap Width 1/2" SS 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1" SS 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" SS 1-1/2" 1-1/2" SS 1-3/4" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" Dia 1/2" BRA264 5/8" BRA265 3/4" BRA266 7/8" BRA267 1" BRA268 1-1/8" BRA269 1-1/8" BRA360* $2.80 $2.80 $2.80* $3.00 $3.00* $3.70** $3.50 $4.50* $4.50** $5.80* $5.30** $7.40* 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" BRA005 $2.50 BRA009 $3.00 BRA025 $3.00 BRA008 $3.00 BRA003 $3.00 BRA336 $3.50 1" SS 1-1/8" BRA026 $3.50 1-1/4" BRA004 $3.50 1-1/4" SS BRA334 $4.00** 1-1/2" BRA010 $5.00 1-1/2" SS BRA335 $5.00** 1-3/4" BRA027 $5.00 2" BRA014 $6.00 *Larger buckles available with stainless tongue only ** Cast stainless steel Rings BRA024 BRA021 BRA019 BRA022 BRA002 BRA338 BRA020 BRA007 BRA332 BRA006 BRA333 BRA023 $.80 $.80 $.80 $.80 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 Dia 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 1-3/4" 2" 2-1/2" 3" BRA270 BRA271 BRA272 BRA273 BRA274 BRA237 $1.00 $1.50 $1.00 $2.70 $2.10 $2.70 Dee Ring 1" SS 1-1/4" 1-1/4" SS 1-1/2" 1-1/2"SS 1-3/4" BRA037 BRA038 BRA039 BRA040 BRA041 BRA337 BRA043 BRA330 BRA044 BRA331 BRA045 Strap Width $2.80 $2.80 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.50 $4.50 $4.50** $5.30 $5.30** $5.00 Strap Width 1/2" BRA058 $.80 1-1/8"SS BRA062 $1.20 5/8" BRA059 $.80 1-1/4" 3/4" BRA060 $.80 1-1/4" SS BRA342 $1.80 7/8" BRA061 $1.00 1-1/2" BRA012 $1.90 1" BRA028 $1.50 1-3/4" BRA063 $2.00 BRA029 $1.60 1" SS BRA339 $1.40 1-1/2" SS BRA343 $2.00 *Nickel Plated Brass Snap Connectors Loop snaps are correct for attaching top straps to the frame and they make an excellent quick strap release. Polished cast brass unless noted otherwise. Swivel base. Spring loaded, thumb operated pin locks it in place; good for quick connect applications. 3/4" 7/8" 1" BRA052 $3.50 BRA053 $3.50 BRA054 $3.60 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" BRA055 $3.70 BRA056 $4.00 BRA011 $5.30 Trigger operated snap with fatter hook which requires a larger attaching point; ideal for more elaborate cars. 3/4" 1-1/8” 3/4" 1" BRA049 $3.10 BRA050 $3.70 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" Buckles Hooks Cast stainless steel. For 1" straps BRA340 $15.80 ea BRA046 $4.20 BRA048 $4.50 5/8" 3/4" “The Right Stuff!” - 48 - 1-3/4" 5/8" SS 11/4"SS BRA108 BRA109 BRA111 BRA112 BRA113 BRA114 BRA115 BRA013 BRA015 $3.50 $3.60 $3.80 $5.00 $5.00 $5.30 $5.70 $2.80 $3.00 Spring loaded cast lever which locks it into place. It is an excellent choice for top straps. Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Quick Release Fastener This connector is ideal for joining two hood straps, as you can “quick release” the top strap for opening the hood without using a conventional buckle. An interesting and authentic piece of cast hardware, it will add a lot of character in any application. Overall length 4-1/2"; strap width: 1-1/4". This fastener is not suitable for seat belts. Solid Brass BRA031 $9.00 Stainless Steel BRA032 $9.00 Black BRA030 $9.00 Hood Strap Springs Hood Strap Springs Stainless Steel. 0.135 diameter wire. 3.48" x 2.23". These custom wound springs are specifically designed for use on Hood Hold Down Straps. The Springs are designed for leather straps of 1-1/2" width, but they can also be used on straps from 1-3/4" to 1-1/4" FAS036 $24.00 Leather Straps We stock from 3/4’’ to 1-1/2’’ in Natural Tan, Black with black sides and Chestnut with black sides. Each belt is between 45" - 60", depending on length of the cow it was borrowed from. *w/black sides Size 3/4" Belt Natural LEA026 $12.00 Black* LEA031 $ 13.00 Chestnut* . LEA032 $13.00 3/4" Loop LEA035 $1.40 LEA040 LEA045 1" Belt LEA027 $14.70 LEA028 $21.00 LEA029 $21.00 1" Loop LEA036 $1.40 LEA041 LEA046 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 1-1/4" Belt LEA020 $17.00 LEA021 $21.00 LEA022 $21.00 1-1/4" Loop LEA037 $1.50 LEA042 LEA047 1-1/2" Belt LEA023 $21.00 LEA024 $27.00 LEA025 $31.00 1-1/2" Loop LEA038 $2.00 LEA043 LEA048 $1.50 $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 Leather Hole Punch This leather hole punch cuts a 3/16" hole in your leather. LEA019 $11.30 Crank Holder Custom made leather cover; one-piece construction with end cap. However, this holder is perpendicular to the strap for a more universal fit. Leather is black. Brass Buckle LEA010 Nickel Buckle LEA011 LEA012 $110.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 49 - $95.00 $100.00 Crank Holder Crank Holder Custom made leather cover; one-piece construction with end cap and nickel plated buckle; superb show quality; fits all Silver Ghosts from 1912. (Black Only) Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Speedometer End Thread Size Speedometer Our solid brass speedometer cable end fits the 5/8” flex tubing on page 11. By sliding a modern speedometer drive cable inside, you will have a smooth operating speedo/tach drive for many years. 3/4-20 7/8-28 7/8-18 5/8-18 Each FLX015 FLX016 FLX017 FLX067 $18.20 $18.20 $18.20 $16.30 Speedometer Cable and Housing We have the speedometer cable, housing and cable ends for your car. Four different diameters in drive cable and two different sizes of housing, these cables are perfect for slipping inside the 5/8” Brass, German Silver or Stainless Steel flex tubing and finished with our brass Speedometer end for a nice clean look under the hood. Cable drive end and driven end available for use on Stewart Warner speedometers and tachometers. Cable is sold by the foot and ends are sold by the each. Speedometer Drive Cable O/D .130" FLX052 $4.30 .150" FLX053 $5.50 .187" FLX054 $6.30 Choke Cable Stewart Jones Ford, Jones, Stewart Zinc-plated Speedometer Drive Cable Housing I/D O/D .170" .297" FLX055 $5.40 .250" .445" FLX056 $5.30 Cable Tips for FLX054 Cable I/D Shank Dia. .187" .203" FLX060 $10.00 .187" .187" FLX061 $8.40 .187" .150" FLX062 $24.00 Choke Cable Inner wire for choke .062 OD Swivel for choke FLX042 $0.42/FT Galvanized conduit .187 OD FLX044 $4.00/Each Link Belt - Black Spring Belting Specifically designed for V-belt drives in which a one piece belt cannot be installed, link belt is similar to “take apart” belts used in the teens and 20’s. Length can be easily increased or decreased by adding or removing individual links. Measure width of “V” at outermost edge of pulley; 21/32” is the most common size. Sold by the foot. Drive Coupling Black Black 1/2" 21/32" FLX046 $1.10/FT This is the correct belting for your spring drive pulleys. This continuous spring can be cut to fit your application. Use a spring connector that screws inside the continuous spring on each end and then join the two connectors together to make one continuous loop. Belting is sold by the foot and the connectors are sold individually, two connectors are required to make the loop. 5/16" Spring Belt 5/16" Belt Connector 3/8" Spring Belt 3/8" Belt Connector BEL006 $22.00 BEL010 $23.00 BEL008 BEL009 BEL011 BEL012 $4.90 $4.40 $5.10 $4.40 Drive Coupling Material Drive Coupling Material: Rubber impregnated cloth designed for use as u-joint and drive coupling medium. Material is to be stacked to fill larger distances. Sold by the square inch. State required dimensions when ordering. 1/4’’Only available in tan 3/16" thick MEC005 $0.70/sq “The Right Stuff!” - 50 - 1/4” thick MEC004 $0.80/sq in Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Fender Welt Snubber Belt Substitute We have been successful in creating a substitute for snubber belt. Customers have been very satisfied with us sewing two layers of our flat hood lace together. Black heavy coated, bright glazed drill, folded over a cord and glued to form a bead on one edge; resists flattening around sharp corners. Leg Back in Stock Part# Price 1-1/4” CLO070 $13.20/ft 1-1/2” CLO071 $13.20/ft 1-3/4” CLO072 $13.20/ft 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 2” 2” Dull & Texture 1-1/2” Silver 3/16 Stainless Steel Bead* 1-1/4” 3/16” 1/4” 3/16” 1/4” 1/4” 1-1/4 1/4” Per ft CLO030 $2.70 CLO031 $3.20 CLO032 $3.20 CLO033 $4.80 CLO052 $5.50 CLO020 $5.80 CLO042 $32.60/8ft *(min order 8-ft. long piece) Hood Lace This is the correct woven brown fiber with asphalt hood lace that looks just like the original. Widths vary slightly on this type of material. It’s usually attached with the split rivets shown on page 38. Flat Width Thickness 1/4" 1/8" CLO005 5/16" 1/8" CLO028 3/8" 1/8" CLO011 1/2" 1/8" CLO002 5/8" 1/8" CLO003 3/4" 1/8" CLO004 7/8" 1/8" CLO014 1" 1/8" CLO010 1-1/4" 1/8" CLO016 1-1/2" 1/8" CLO017 1-3/4" 1/8" CLO023 2" 1/8" CLO018 Per ft $1.40 $2.00 $2.10 $2.10 $2.70 $2.70 $2.70 $2.70 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 Width 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" Double Bead Thickness 3/16" CLO006 3/16" CLO007 3/16" CLO008 3/16" CLO012 3/16" CLO013 Per ft $2.10 $2.70 $2.70 $5.00 $5.00 Width 1-1/2" 1-3/4" 2" Body Cushion Thickness 1/16" CLO019 1/16" CLO041 1/16" CLO009 Per ft $2.00 $2.30 $2.30 Width 7/16" Hood Bumpers Oval Thickness Per ft 9/16" CLO050 $4.00 Hood Corners Hood Lace and Fender Welt Size Bead Part # Hood Lace Hook Molded Rubber All circular ACC220 $6.30 Mixed circular/triangular ACC221 $5.80 Black Molded 1-3/8"x 1-3/8" Rubber ACC026 $5.30 pr Black Sewn 1-3/4"x 1-3/4" Leather ACC025 $6.00 pr “The Right Stuff!” - 51 - 1.65” to inner bend ACC161 $.80 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Murphy Fasteners & Top Nuts Murphy Solid Cast Brass Fasteners We are pleased to offer these fine pieces reproduced to look, operate and feel just like the originals, right down to the M in the circle stamp mark. Sold by the each Male end, dual screw base, single Male end, dual screw base, double Male end, dual screw base, triple Heavier & rounded female grommet with washer Back Plate, brass Common Sense (Murphy Style) Stamped (DOT) Brass Fasteners Male end, prong base, Single Male end, prong base, Double Prong base backing washer FAS150 FAS151 FAS155 $1.60 ea $1.70 ea $0.20 ea Male end, Dual Screw base, single, Brass Male end, Dual Screw base, double, Brass Male end, Dual Screw base, single, NP Male end, Dual Screw base, double, NP FAS156 FAS157 FAS167 FAS168 $1.90 ea $2.10 ea $2.10 ea $2.10 ea Female side, Grommet Eyelet & Washer Brass Female side, Grommet Eyelet & Washer Nickel FAS300 FAS301 $0.60 ea $0.60 ea Wood Screw Base #8 x 5/8" — Brass, Sgl Wood Screw Base #8 x 5/8" — NP, Sgl Wood Screw Base #8 x 5/8" — Brass, Dbl Wood Screw Base #8 x 5/8" — NP, Dbl FAS147 FAS149 FAS153 FAS148 $2.50 ea $2.50 ea $2.50 ea $2.50 ea FAS162 FAS159 FAS158 FAS163 FAS169 $16.00 $17.00 $18.00 $4.00 $1.60 Murphy Eyelet Punch FAS164 $100.00 Top Bow Pins Top Bow “T” Cotters with Leather Straps These pins are the correct shape for the period. Made from solid brass. Pin attached with a rivet and straps measure 7”. Sold by the each. PIN005 $4.20 Pin w/Tan Leather Strap PIN006 $7.40 Pin w/Black Leather Strap PIN007 Carriage Drive Knob and Eyelet Top Prop Nuts Top Nuts Top Bow “T” Cotter Pin See us at Hershey Swap Meet Every Year in October! 7/16” Top Nuts; 1-1/4” dia. head Brass Black Chrome LEA050 LEA051 LEA052 $16.00 ea $16.00 ea $18.00 ea $7.40 Space Numbers RWN 9-13 7/8" knob 1" Eye. 1-1/4"Eye. FAS032 FAS033 FAS034 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 52 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Hasp Hood Latch This versatile spring loaded hood latch is made of highly polished stainless steel. Total ht:3-3/4’’ base to latch 2-3/4’’ Stainless hood latch that attaches to hood panel. Latch Hook FAS134 $17.40 Brass Hasp This solid brass hasp is identical or very similar to many of the original ones used on early cars and it’s perfect for running board and battery boxes, trunks, etc. Overall size: 4x2";base size: 3x2"; padlock hole: 1/4". FAS135 $4.00 BRA083 $30.00 Perfect for tool box closures and other types of compartments. Width Padlock eye dia 2" 2" 3" 3" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 3/8" Part # Price BRA095 BRA295 BRA296 BRA297 $21.70 $21.00 $23.10 $30.80* Bolt Size *No swivel Coil Box Latch Assembly Sturdy solid brass over center clamp used to secure tool box lids, compartment closures, trunks, etc; not designed for use with a padlock. Nickel Plated Steel 1-9/16" x 3-1/8" Nickel Plated Steel BRA224 $4.50 1-9/16" x 3-1/8" Brass Plated Steel BRA225 $5.50 2" x 3-1/2" BRA284 $17.60 1-3/4" x 3-1/4" BRA341 $15.10 Solid Brass Draw Bolt Latch Brass Padlock Our rugged padlock is machined from a block of solid brass and has a one piece case with no rivets or laminations. Easily polished, it can be plated. SS Shackle No handle 3/16" 1/4" 9/32" Case Size Part # Polished brass catch with phosphor bronze spring. Measures 1-3/8” x 1-1/4”. Requires six #5 screws. Price 1-1/8x1-1/8" BRA087 $19.90 1-1/2x1-3/8" BRA088 $20.50 1-1/2x1-3/8" BRA090 $24.70 BRA233 $24.00 Steel Door Latches 3-3/8" Right Brass Door Latch Slam with handle 4-1/4" 2" Le BRA141 $36.80 Draw Bolt Latch Draw Bolt Lock Shackle Dia Price . BRA105 $40.00 BRA106 $40.00 BRA107 $44.10 Clamp Compartment Lock Solid Brass Latch is 2-1/4" long; assembly includes screws and spacers; solid brass. BRA116 $15.80 1-1/2x2" Cyl ext 7/8" BRA230 $70.00 Brass Shackle Part # 5/16x2-1/4" 5/16x3-1/2" 3/8x4" Right 1-1/2" Le 2-1/4" Clamps, Latches and Locks Closed length Solid Brass Draw Fastener 1-3/8" 3" 2-3/8" 3-1/4" Right Left FAS172 FAS173 Right Left $12.60 $12.60 FAS170 FAS171 $37.00 $37.00 Latch Cover and Key FAS039 FAS040 FAS043 Striker Plate Latch Chrome plated spring loaded latch cover. Authentically shaped matching key with tapered square tang, fits most latches. Cover 1-1/8" diameter Key 2-1/2" x 3-1/2" Key 2-1/2" x 5" BRA390 $42.00 $15.30 $10.00 $14.00 steel Length Width Hole Ctrs 3.75" .75” 2.30" FAS038 $10.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 53 - Length Width Hole Ctrs 3.00" 1.00" 2.37” FAS052 $3.70 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Polished Brass Flush Ring Pulls 1-1/4x1-1/2" 1-1/2x1-7/8" 1-5/8x1-5/8" BRA084 $21.00 BRA127 $25.00 BRA294 $27.00 1-7/8x2-1/2" BRA128 $28.00 2-1/4x2-3/4" BRA129 $30.00 1-7/8x2-1/2" BRA211 $40.00 Recessed center with flat ring 1-5/8" OD BRA209 $24.00 Latch Recessed center with flat ring 1-1/4x1-1-5/8" BRA306 $60.00 1-1/2x2" BRA304 $61.00 1-1/2x2" BRA305 Recessed center with flat ring Recessed center with rounded ring Latch Recessed center with flat ring (spring loaded latch) Latch Recessed center with flat ring (spring loaded latch) $75.00 **NP** Polished Brass Pulls Hole Centers 3-15/16" 5-1/8" 1" FAS017 $18.00* “B” 4-1/8" 4-3/4" 11/16" BRA120 $15.80 “C” 3" 3-3/4" 1-1/8" BRA121 $15.80 3-1/2" 4" 1-1/16" BRA123 $15.80 4-3/16" 5" 1-3/8" BRA124 $15.80 3-1/2" 4-3/16" 1-1/8" BRA118 $11.60 5-1/4" 6-1/8" 1-5/8" BRA140 $25.00 “E” Solid Brass Tee Hinge Length Width 3/4 ‘’ 2-3/16 BRA166 $40.00 4’’ 2-1/2 BRA167 $40.00 5-7/8’’ 4 BRA168 $50.00 Heavy Duty! These undrilled Brass Hinges are great for any use. 1/4” at pin tapering to 3/16" at ends. Sold by the each. BRA361 2x3-3/4” $80.00 BRA380 1-1/8x2” $60.00 BRA381 1-3/4x4” $75.00 BRA382 1-3/4x2” $70.00 BRA383 1-1/2x2” $60.00 BRA384 1-1/2x4” $70.00 BRA385 2-1/2x4” $85.00 Decorative Brass Hinge Part # BRA092 BRA093 BRA094 Spring Hinge Offset Hinge Solid Brass Polish 3’’ Long 2-3/8 Wide Solid Brass Polish 3-1/2’’ Long 1-1/2’’ Wide 3/8’’ Offset BRA100 $37.80 Long Brass Door Hinges Width 1-3/16" 1-7/16" 1-9/16" Base Width “A” “D” Length 3" 3-1/2" 4" Length Each $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 Solid Brass Butt Hinge Handle Solid Polish Brass 3-1/4’’ Wide 2-1/4’’ Mounting Plate 1-1/2’’ Pole Pattern BRA243 $25.80 Ht x Open Width Part # Each 1-1/2x1" BRA187 $20.00 1-1/2x1-1/4" BRA188 $20.00 1-1/2x1-1/2" BRA189 $20.00 2x1-1/4" BRA190 $20.00 *Polished stainless steel BRA101 $32.20 Ht x Open Width Part # 2x1-1/2" BRA191 2x1-3/4" BRA192 2x2" BRA193 2-1/2x2" BRA194 Each $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Latching Rail Hinges Knife and fork hinge joints for latching rails on tops: occasionally used on trunk racks. Must be welded onto oval iron. Small are for 5/8"oval iron, large for 7/8" oval iron. Lost wax castings will need machining by you. Oval iron on page 28. Hinge, Large Rail Ends, Lg-Curved Rail End, Lg-Straight BRA362 $40.00 BRA366 $25.00 BRA368 $25.00 Hinge, Small Rail End, Small-Curved Rail End, Small-Straight BRA364 BRA367 BRA369 “The Right Stuff!” - 54 - $40.00 $25.00 $25.00 A hinge consists of 1 male/1 female piece. [Top Prop Nuts available on page 52.] Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Leather Trunk Handle Trunk Corner 9-1/2" Overall Length Nickel Plated Steel LEA015 $3.00 Brass Plated Steel LEA016 $3.00 Dowel 5/32" radius; extends1-5/16" Nickel Plated Steel Black LEA013 $14.50 Natural LEA014 $14.50 BRA298 $2.50 Trunk Corner Brass Sliding Arm Adjuster 3/16" radius, extends 1-3/4" Nickel Plated Steel 5/16x1" BRA235 $2.50 5/16x1-3/8" BRA231 $2.50 8" 10" 12" Arm Length BRA133 $40.00 BRA134 $45.00 BRA135 $50.00 NP Steel BRA245 $2.90 BP Steel BRA246 $5.30 Closed Length 10" 12" BRA207 $50.00 BRA208 $55.00 Corners, Dowels and Adjusters Trunk Handle Loop 1-7/8" overall length 1/2"radius, extends 1-1/4" NP Steel BRA247 $5.50 Wiper Arm Assembly 2 blades, 2 arms & swivels ACC012 $34.20 Knurled Drum Knurled drums for fitting wiper arms to 1/4" motor shafts; common from the late '20s to the '60s. Wiper Arm Wiper Arm Hook and saddle type. This unit is similar to our ACC011. This unit will clamp on any ¼” shaft, no hole necessary. It is 8” long, and it is extendable to 12”. This is the same arm that comes in our Wiper motor kits, ACC092 and ACC093. For use with the wrist-type wiper blades. Clamps on 1/4” shaft. No hole necessary. Hand Wiper Wiper Arm Wiper Blade Early style hand-operated wiper with 1/4" shaft; chrome plated with a high quality rubber blade. All stainless generic replacement which fits any 1/4" shaft with a 3/32" hole drilled through it; overall length 7-3/4". Hook & saddle type. ACC051 $32.00 ACC011 $11.60 Wiper Assembly This polished stainless steel wiper assembly contains stainless steel motor cover, arm,blade, and motor with 2-1/2” shaft which can be shortened. Wiring diagram included. 120° travel. 6V kit ACC092 $68.00 12V kit ACC093 $68.00 Wiper Motor 6" ext to 8" ACC094 $15.00 8” ext to 12” ACC095 $18.90 8” long, extends to 12" ACC080 $12.50 ea. 6” long, extends to 8" ACC085 $13.00 ea. For wrist type wiper arms. Fits on parts ACC094 & ACC095. Wiper Blade Wiper Blade Our stainless vintage wiper blade can be easily shortened and its mounting altered to accommodate most arms. Fits wiper arms ACCO11 and ACC085. Hook and saddle type. 11” long, hook and saddle type. This unit is similar to our ACC002. This unit has a more robust attachment area, giving less wobble during operation, but it is more difficult to trim the length. This is the same blade that comes in our Wiper Motor kits, ACC092 and ACC093. 7- 1/2" ACC081 $5.50 10" ACC002 $5.50 ACC146 $8.50 ea. This sturdy wiper motor has a 110 degree sweep and is self parking. The on/off switch is located on the black housing and it works with our wiper arms ACC011, ACC080, ACC085, ACC094, ACC095. The threaded wiper shaft is 5/16" in diameter and 3.125" long with the ability to be shortened to 2.5". Mounting holes are pre-packed with rubber bushings and are 1.75" from center of wiper arm on each side. Sold by the each. 12v 6v 6" ACC142 $20.50 8-1/4" ACC143 $19.00 10" ACC144 $20.00 ACC177 $51.00 ACC172 $54.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 55 - Wiper Motors & Wipers 1/2" OD ACC098 $10.00 Vacuum Hose Special black hose fits original wiper motors. Sold by the foot. 1/8’’ Fittings 3/16’’ Fittings LUB013 $1.60 LUB019 $1.90 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Deluxe Spare Tire Mounted Mirror Circular Rear View Side Mount Mirror Mounted with 2 – 30" leather straps on the spare tire this mirror is high quality all the way around. A solid 3 ½" post from the base supports mirror arm and provides large vertical adjustment. A 1" post from the mirror provides locking for the head adjustment socket. Mirror is 4 ¾" flat or convex. Mounting base of mirror is 3" x 8". Available in brass, nickel, and chrome by special order. Chrome Nickel Brass Flat ACC175 $350.00 ACC200 $400.00 ACC201 $350.00 Large windscreen pillar mounted early motoring mirror. The Convex lens is 5 5/8" in Diameter and fully adjustable on a 10" arm on which the mirror can travel. Clamps on round or semi round ¾” windshield channel. Convex ACC202 $350.00 ACC203 $400.00 ACC204 $350.00 Brass ACC169 $260.00 Nickel ACC219 $260.00 Brass Windshield Side Mirrors Mirrors Made of solid brass, these 5" x7" beveled glass mirrors are Top Quality. They have fully adjustable heads with locking hand-nut. The oval is extendable from 6 1/2" to 9". The rectangular is extendable from 6" to 8". It will clamp on a round, or semi-round ¾" windshield frame. It is not only an excellent reproduction; it is an important safety device as well. Instructions for disassembling ACC039 are included, if you choose to have it nickel-plated . 5" x 7" Oval Windshield Mirror, Brass ACC107 $160.80 5" x 7" Rectangular Mirror, Brass ACC039 $165.00 Show Quality Rear View Mirrors These mirrors come with a polished stainless bracket and either a rectangular 2-5/8"x5" beveled glass mirror or an oval 2-7/8"x5-3/4". Polished to perfection; mounts to any flat surface. Just select from the five stainless brackets A-E. Sold as complete mirrors only. "D" (cast stainless flat mount) Arm length is 2-1/2". Same mount as "“E”2” hole centers Rectangular ACC110 $65.00 Oval ACC145 $75.00 "A" (flat mount with lip) Rectangular ACC105 $52.00 Oval ACC127 $54.00 "B" (angle mount) Rectangular ACC106 $52.00 Oval ACC128 $54.00 "E" (cast stainless flat mount) Arm length is 1-1/2". Same mount as "“D" Oval ACC124 $82.00 "C" (curved mount) Rectangular ACC109 $52.00 Oval ACC129 $55.00 Oval Mirror head without bracket ACC126 $40.00 Side View Mirror Clamp on mirror that fits a round or semi-round post; 5" head diameter Polished brass ACC099 $57.00 Chrome plated brass ACC100 $63.00 Beveled Glass These high quality, beveled glass mirrors will fit many applications. Clip on Mirror Versatile mirror with two rubber padded clamping arms for attaching to wind wing glass; 3-1/2" diameter Polished brass ACC082 $39.80 Polished stainless ACC083 $38.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 56 - ACC015 ACC016 2-5/8" x 5" ACC021 2-1/2" x 4" ACC156 2-1/2" x 6" ACC157 ACC118 5" x 7" Rectangle 2-3/4" x 5-1/4" Rectangle 2-7/8" x 6" Chopped Oval Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle $7.50 $10.00 $9.00 $11.00 $13.00 $27.30 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Spare Tire Mounted Mirror Beveled Mirror with Bracket This Triple Chrome plated mirror stand is 6-1/2" tall and has a 4" diameter stainless steel mirror. It comes with a 22" long brown leather strap. Clamp on beveled mirror with swivel ball and socket bracket; clamp fits 7/8" diameter tube; easily modified. Mirror size: 2-3/4x6" Polished brass ACC017 $35.00 Polished stainless ACC007 $40.00 ACC084 $65.00 Hinge Pin Mirrors Rectangular Mirror 5" x 2" Glass held in a stainless steel cradle. Cast Stainless base with two-hole flange 1-5/8" hole centers. Arm is 2-1/2" high and mounts on dash or windshield frame. These mirrors fit into your hinge pin and come with a new hinge pin and necessary hardware. 4" locking swivel mirror. Right or Left mount. 9" Bent Arm 2-1/4" Hinge Opening 6" Arm 1-3/4" Hinge Opening ACC139 $60.00 ACC168 $55.00 ACC195 $57.00 Universal Mirror Flat Mount Mirror 2-5/8"x 5" rectangular beveled glass with polished stainless bracket ACC117 $38.00 This mount is also available with 2-7/8x5-3/4" oval stainless head ACC126 shown above.. ACC130 $54.00 ACC018 $25.70 Aluminum Mirror Stainless Mirror Head Aluminum mirror is 4-3/4" x 1-3/4. 4-1/8" diameter with 5/16" swivel mounting post 1-1/2" long; 3/4" thread length. Post Mirrors All Polished Stainless Steel. It has a 6" post and it has a 4" dia. locking swivel mirror. The ends of the posts are threaded for installation onto your bracket or post. 5/16-18 threads 2-5/16 hole centers ACC140 $54.00 ea 7/16-20 threads Glue on ACC137 $53.00 Screw On ACC136 $50.00 ACC111 $27.00 Suction Cup Mirror 2" x4-1/2" ACC123 $18.00 2-3/4" x6" ACC165 $26.00 2-1/2" x6" ACC166 $30.00 This Stainless Steel mirror clamps on most door edges and adjusts to many mounting angles. The arm is 5-1/4" long and the mirror with locking swivel is 4" dia. Rubber mounting pad and allen wrench included. ACC138 $34.00 ea License Plate Frames 1929 / 39 Early Style, chrome plated stamped steel ACC115 $21.00 ea 6-1/2" x14-1/4" overall, holes are 5-1/8" x7-3/4" center to center 1949 / 55 Good looking 6"x12" stamped stainless license plate frame that fits all modern plates. Polished to perfection. ACC125 $45.00 ea ACC114 $23.00 ea “The Right Stuff!” - 57 - License Plate Frames License Plate Frames ACC141 $55.00 ea Straight Arm 'Peep Mirror Good quality black plastic, fully adjustable mirror; great safety item. Just stick it on for GO and remove it for SHOW! Plastic Plastic S.S. Mirrors Universal mounting bracket which may be easily modified; especially suited for closed cars. Glass size 2-5/8" x 5"; black painted steel. Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Motometers Our motometers are show quality with die cast housings, original Boyce plate, beveled glass lenses, special glass tube thermometers, brass threaded mounting stem and stamped wreath or plain rims. By special order, you may substitute a specific emblem instead of the Boyce plate for an additional $10. (Please specify emblem # when ordering.) SR size is 3-3/8 dia. / JR size is 2-3/8 dia. Brass Stamped Wreath Stamped Wreath Plain Junior Senior Junior ACC019 $63.00 ACC020 $98.00 ACC030 $63.00 Chrome Stamped Wreath Stamped Wreath Plain Junior Senior Junior Emblems —ACC104 $6.10ea. 1. Ajax 6 3 American LaFrance 4. American Locomotive 5. American Motors Ind. 6. American Motors NY 7. Anderson 8. Anderson Detroit 9. Apperson Auto Co. 10. Auburn 11. Austin The Highway King 12. Autocar Script 13. Avanti Script 14. Bantam 17. Black Crow Script 18. Buffalo 19. Bugatti 33. Case 35. Chadwick Script 37. Chalmers 38. Chalmers Script 39. Checker Script 40. Chevrolet 43. Chevrolet Copper Cooled 44. Chevrolet Script 45. Chrysler 46. Chrysler 300 47. Chrysler Imperial 48. Chrysler Script 49. Cleveland 50. Cole 51. Cole Script 52. Columbia 53. Cobra 54. Cord 55. Crestmobile Script 57. Crow Elkhart 58. Cunningham 59. Cutting Script 60. Daimler 61. Dairs Script 62. DeSoto Crest 63. DeSoto Shield 64. DeSoto Script 65. De Vaux 66. Diana 68. Doble Script 73. Dort 74. Dover 76. Duesenberg Round 79. Dupont 82. EI Car 83. Elgin 84. E.M.F. 86. Erskine 89. Essex Terraplane 6 90. Essex Terraplane 8 91. Falcon Knight 92. Ferrari 94. Firestone Columbus 95. Flanders E.M.F. 96. Flanders 20 Script 97. Flanders Motor Co 108. Franklin 109. Franklin Round 110. Franklin Script 111. Frazier 112. Gardner 195. Oldsmobile Script 113. GMC 114. GMC Truck 115. Graham 116. Graham Brothers 117. Graham Paige 118. Gray 120. Harley Davidson No.1 121. 122. Haynes 123. Henderson-Excelsior 124. Henry J.S. 125. Hispano Suiza 127. Hudson Super Six 128. Hudson 8 130. Hupmobile 131. Hupmobile Round 132. Hupmobile Script 133. Indian 134. Isotta Fraschini 135. Jackson 138. Jewett 140. Kaiser 141. King 142. Kisselkar 143. Knox Script 144. Krit 145. Krit Script 146. LaSalle 147. LaSalle Script 148. LaSalle Emblem 150. Liberty 151 152. Lincoln Oval Red 153. Lincoln Oval Blue 154. Lincoln Continental 156. Lincoln V-12 157. Lincoln Zephyr 158. Little 159. Little Script 161. Locomobile Suript 162. Lozier 163. Lozier Script 165. Marmon Roosevelt 167. Maxwell 168. Maxwell Script 169. Mercedes-Benz Script 170. Mercer 171. Mercer Trenton N.J. 172. Mercer Script 173. Mercury 174. Metz 6 ACC045 $63.00 ACC023 $98.00 ACC029 $72.00 232. REO Crest 233. REO Wing 234. REO Speedwagon 235. Rickenbacker Hat 236. Rickenbacker Rectangle 237. Rockne 238. Rollin 242 Roosevelt 243. Roxton 244 Saxon 245. Schacht Script 246. Scripps Booth 247. Simplex Script 248. Speedwell Script 249. Stanley 251. Star 252. Stearns 254. Stephens 255. Sterling Script 257. Stoddard Dayton 258. Stoddard Dayton Script 259. Stop Sign Red 263. Studebaker Script 266. Stutz 8 269. Triumph 270. Tucker 271. Vauxhall 272. Velie 273. VelieScript 274. Whippet Six 276. Wills SI. Clair 277. Willys Knight 279. Willys Knight Red 280. Willys Knight Round 281. Willys Rectangle 175. Metz Script 176. Minerva 177. Minerva Script 178. Mitchell 179. Mitchell Script 180. Moon Blue 181. Moon Red 182. Moon Rectangle 183. Moon Script 184. Mustang Black 185. Mustang Yellow 187. Nash 6 190. Oakland Gold 191. Oakland Silver 194. Oldsmobile 88 Rocket 196. Oldsmobile World 203. Packard Super 8 204. Packard Twin 6 205. Packard Std. 8 207. Packard 120 208. Paige 210. Panhard 211. Peerless 212. Peerless Wing Oval 213. Peerless Wing Round 214. Peerless Script 217. Pierce 12 218. Pierce Script 219. Pittsburgh Six Script 220. Plymouth 221. Plymouth Shield Black 222. Plymouth Shield Red 223. Pontiac 224. Pontiac Indian Head 225. Pontiac 6 Script 226. Pope Hartford Script 227. Premier 228. Premier Script 229. Rambler Script 231. REO Script E-mail us for emblem pictures Brass Radiator Cap-Ext. Thread Washers & Nuts Rubber Washer for Motometer gasket Senior ACC170 Junior ACC159 2" Drilled hex cap, 1-31/32" dia. male thrd. $1.00 $1.00 Pol. Brass Chrome ACC190 $21.00 ACC191 $23.00 Wings Nut for Motometer thermometer jam nut Senior ACC171 Junior ACC158 Fits Junior not Senior $1.50 $1.30 Boyce Dials Only Motometer Repair Kit [2 beveled lenses (Jr. dia. 1-11/16”, Sr. dia.-2-5/16”), 2 die cut gaskets, and 8 brass or stainless screws] Brass Chrome Junior ACC068 $15.50 Junior ACC069 $16.50 Senior ACC070 $20.00 Senior ACC071 $20.00 Junior ACC112 $16.60 Senior ACC113 $22.10 SR Thermometer With nut and gasket ACC073 $45.00 (Jr not available) “The Right Stuff!” - 58 - 7-3/4” tip to tip Brass ACC022 $29.00 Chrome ACC031 $35.40 Dog Bone Junior Senior 6-1/4 overall length 8" overall length 2”x18 external thread 2"x18 internal thread Brass ACC090 $30.00 ACC091 $61.00 Chrome ACC078 $35.00 ACC077 $60.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Bulb Horn Parts REED TYPE 1 ADAPTER TYPE 2 ADAPTER TYPE 2 ADAPTRUBBER BULB FLEX MOUNTING BRACKET Type 1 short brass threaded adapter designed to hold the reed. One end solders to Adapter the horn; the other end screws into the #2 adapter. Thread size: 5/8x32 Type 2 long brass threaded adapter designed to cover the reed and/or connect the Adapter bulb to the mounting bracket. Thread size: 5/8x32 OD: .685 5/8" flexible tubing; the correct square lock type and inter wound with cord to Brass German Silver Tubing make it airtight. (It also makes a good speedometer drive housing.) It fits inside #2 adapter and #4 bracket. Sold by the foot. Mounting bracket designed to mount the horn bulb to almost any place on the car. Bracket It accepts the flexible tubing on one side, and it threads to #2 adapter on the other. Reed tuned Our horn reed is threaded and is designed to screw into adapter #1. It may also be inserted into an original horn that uses tapered reeds. Thread size: .525x32 Reed untuned Bulb Black rubber horn bulb, complete with brass ferrule, ready for mounting. Extra large bulb has small neck and is a better match to original. All horn bulbs fit the long adapter, ACC009 Bulb Throat Neck Dia Bulb Dia Overall Length Part # Extra small Small Large Extra Large 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 11/16" 7/8" 7/8" 1-5/8" 1-5/16" 2-7/8" 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 4-1/2" 3-3/4" 5" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" RUB014 RUB016 RUB008 RUB013 $10.00 ACC009 $17.00 FLX005 FLX014 $14.50 $15.70 ACC010 $22.00 ACC001 ACC005 $20.00 $9.00 Horns Reed ACC008 $26.00 $23.00 $32.00 $62.00 Early-style small neck Wolf Whistle Have a little fun while you’re out cruising! Guaranteed to add some excitement to any car tour or parade, our "wolf" whistle is absolutely the most fun accessory you can add to your vehicle. It’s easy to mount, and it works on the intake manifold vacuum. It has a cast stainless steel bell which can be polished if your "wolf" needs extra pizzazz. We recommend it for the young at heart. Please…use properly with consideration for public safety and have a blast. ACC116 $75.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 59 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Gloves, Helmets, & Goggles Restoration Supply Company Goggles Black Leather polished Chrome fr ame Black Leather w/polished Brass fr ame Brown Leather w/polished Chrome Angled Brown Leather w/polished Brass Lenses Black Leather w/painted Silver These classic vintage styled goggles are a must for the serious motorist. Authentically styled, these leather goggles are hand crafted and feature a comfortable, high-quality soft leather face mask. They have adjustable head straps and nose bridges, anti-fog vents and replaceable, ANSI rated safety glass lenses. They are available in the traditional angled lenses and with newer curved lenses. They can also be worn over some small eye glasses. Lenses are plastic. Brown Leather w/painted Silver Replacement -Clear Lenses Replacement -Tinted Lenses Black Leather w/polished Chrome Curved Brown Leather w/polish Chrome Lenses Black Leather w/painted Black Black Replacement Str ap Brown Replacement Str ap Leather Helmet ACC043 ACC041 ACC101 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 ACC042 ACC044 ACC044BR ACC064 ACC065 ACC132 ACC133 ACC155 ACC050 ACC050A $150.00 $95.00 $95.00 $52.00 $52.00 $115.00 $115.00 $70.00 $15.00 $15.00 Cotton Helmet Worn by early intrepid flyers and men of speed, these authentically styled aviator helmets are made from high quality soft leather. They have chin straps, flap air vents over the ears and cotton lining for comfort in all types of weather. The ultimate headgear! This helmet is made of lightweight cotton and is white in color. It is great for keeping the ladies comfortable and stylish while they enjoy the beauty of touring in an open car. Head Size–Inches Black Brown Sm Med Lg XL ACC061 ACC063 ACC046 ACC047 ACC062 ACC052 ACC048 ACC049 White Cotton Helmet, Small ACC151 White Cotton Helmet, Medium ACC152 White Cotton Helmet, Large ACC153 White Cotton Helmet, XL ACC154 6-1/8 to 6-1/2 6-5/8 to 7 7-1/8 to 7-1/2 7-5/8 to 8 Gauntlets $150 $150 $170 $170 $92.00 $92.00 $92.00 $92.00 Leather, lined, full-length Gauntlets. Imported from England. Made from the same top quality leather as the helmets. Extremely well crafted. Black Leather Black Leather Brown Leather Brown Leather Large Extra Large Large Extra Large ACC119 ACC120 ACC121 ACC122 $160 $160 $160 $160 Gauntlets, Helmets and goggles imported from England. Prices may vary due to fluctuations in pound/dollar exchange rate. “The Right Stuff!” - 60 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Bosch Scripps Nameplate Copper ACC035 $25.00 Silver ACC074 $25.00 You'll appreciate the high quality of these reproductions of the correct name-plates for Scripps 6 & 12 cylinder marine engines. White w/red ACC054W $50.00 "A" Coil Decal ELE255 $25.00 Etched German silver lettering with black background; an exact reproduction of the original patent plate which was mounted on the headlight bar of Barker dipping headlights; 11/16" x 2-7/8" These are correct oval reproductions of originals. 7/8" long ACC055 $35.00 Dunlop Emblems ACC003 ACC004 ACC027 ACC006 $14.00 $16.00 $31.00 $20.00 Round 2-1/4" diameter Oblong 2" x 7/8" Step Plate Emblems Owners Nameplate ACC076 $50.00 ACC075 $50.00 Ford Haynes Hudson Hupmobile Moon ACC089 $9.50 Overland Page Plymouth Reo Velie ACC103 $31.00ea Step Plate and Replacement Rubber Padding Beautiful die cast polished aluminum with black ribbed rubber insert; has small hole in toe plate for an emblem. Step Plate size: 8" x11-5/8" at front edge, 8" x 11-¼" at back. Replacement Pad size: 7 ½" x 11½" at front edge, 7-½" x 11" at back. StepPlates Install kit Replacement pads Replacement pad “T” Rubber Concave Head 3/4" leg 1" leg RUB053 $1.00 ft RUB054 $1.10 ft Brass Windshield Setting Channel MOU096 $100.00/6-ft ACC086 $80.00/pair ACC087 $4.50/pair ACC088 $21.00/pair Windshield Weatherstrip Windshield Weatherstriping For two-piece wind shields with 1/4’’ nonoverlapping glass. For two-piece windshields with 1/4’’ non-overlapping glass.42’’length only RUB055 $1.55 ft RUB059 $8.40 Glass Setting Tape Fits over 1/4’’ safety glass. Will fit into 3/8’’ channel. All 3 sizes are 1-1/2"wide “The Right Stuff!” - 61 - Weather stripping Seals the wind shield base. 9/32” head Step Plates & Emblems Buick Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge Brothers Emf Sizes range from 1-1/2"to 4-1/2" Step plate ACC174 $90.00 Brass ACC028 $25.00 Lucas Emblem Dia 9/16" 5/8" Chrome 13/16" Imported from 1-1/8" England Chris Craft Nameplate Boa Constrictor Nameplate Headlamp Bar Identification Emblems & Decals Two piece set of colored decals for Prest-a-Lite tank. Prestoa-Lite name is printed on 1 decal, tank data on the other; very authentic reproduction. RUB099 1/32” $0.70/ft RUB100 1/16” $1.10/ft RUB101 3/32” $1.60/ft Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company West System Epoxy Wood filler/Sealer WEST SYSTEM epoxy is a high-quality, two-part epoxy formulated and manufactured by Gougeon Brothers, Inc. It bonds to fiberglass, wood, metal, fabrics, and other composite materials and is easily modified for a wide range of coating and adhesive applications. It is used for construction and repairs requiring superior moisture resistance and high-strength, and is especially suited for marine applications. Cures at room temperature. Pot life, 9-12 min. Working time, 60-70 min. Cure to solid, 6-8 hours. When fully cured, it sands to a fine white powder. WEST SYSTEM products provide a complete system of epoxy resin and hardeners, dispensers, fillers, additives, reinforcing materials, application tools and instructional publications. We stock the resin (#105) in quart containers and the most common hardener (#205). In addition to the epoxy, we stock the high density filler (#404) which we use when a thicker consistency is required. We also stock the metering pumps which work great! All other WEST SYSTEM products and sizes are available through Restoration Supply Company upon request. Mix ratio 5:1. Resin #105, 1 quart ADH008 $50.00 Hardener #205, for 1 gal Resin Resin #105, 1 gal ADH011 $140.00 Hardener #205, for 1qt. Resin Metering Pump ADH007 $31.00 Filler, #404, high density, 15.3oz ADH012 $55.00 ADH009 $26.00 ADH010 $19.00 Kwik-Poly Excellent two part “water-like” epoxy. It soaks in, fills, and restores wood, fills tack holes, reinsulates windings, repairs cracked steering wheels, restores wood wheels, etc. Short pot life. 1 qt kit with instructions ADH001 $40.00 Smith and Company Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer (CPES) (also labeled MultiwoodPrime) is the best stuff we have found to seal wood and leave it ready to fill and paint. This stuff is great! This is the first coat on all of our wood. With a pot life measured in hours, you can brush it on, roll it on, soup it on, or even spray it on your wood. Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer (CPES) (Multiwood Prime) consists of a tough, flexible resin system in a solvent blend which dissolves the sap, oil and moisture found in wood. The resin system is derived from natural wood resin and develops a chemical bond to the wood fibers themselves. The wood is strengthened while allowing normal expansion and contractions with changes in temperature and humidity. Mix ratio 1:1. When repairing wood that has mild dry rot, the CPES will migrate along the abnormal porosity which dry rot fungus creates within the wood, as long as it continues to be fed in. Impregnation of wood with CPES changes the cellulose of wood (which fungi and bacteria find tasty and easily digestible) into epoxy-impregnated cellulose which resists further attack by fungi and bacteria while reinforcing the wood, accomplishing restoration. Paint or varnish will last longer because the paint has a strongly attached, chemically compatible surface to bond to. We stock the warm weather formula in various sizes, but we can quickly provide the cold weather formula or any size con- Fill-it. Fill-it is a high strength flexible epoxy filler. tainer your wish. Will cure down to 28 degrees. 12 oz kit ADH030 $28.00 CPES, Warm weather. 2 pint kit CPES, Warm weather. 2 quart kit CPES, Warm weather. 2 gallon kit CPES, Cold weather. 2 quart kit CPES, Cold weather, 2 gallon kit ADH025 ADH026 ADH027 ADH028 ADH029 $49.00 $110.00 $260.00 $84.00 $260.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 62 - Oak & Teak Wood Glue Oak & Teak wood glue is a serious glue. 60-90 minute working time. Cures down to 28 degrees. 12 oz kit ADH035 $33.00 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Spray Upholstery Adhesive Contact Cement A must when doing trim and upholstery work.. Bonds to foam rubber, urethane foam, glass, cardboard, cloth. For permanent and temporary bonds, water resistant. ADH002 $16.00 12 aerosol. ADH045 $12.70 PYRO-PUTTY PYRO-PAINT An incredible compound that can withstand temperatures of Pyro–Paint was developed to 2000°F, seals cracks and fills pits, voids, and potholes in cast iron protect high temperature industrial equipment. Stable to 1200°, and stainless steel; excelit can be brushed or sprayed on. 1 pt can lent for rough manifolds. 12oz kit Matte Black Cast iron gray White PRO015 $55.00 PRO016 $57.00 PRO023 $45.00 Adhesives, Paint, Putty This contact cement works well for gluing our matting to wood or metal surfaces. Complete instructions are included. 1 pint can. ADH005 $47.30 ADH006 $50.00 1400° Aluminum repair 2000° Iron/Steel repair Lab-Metal and Lab-Solvent PRO049 $16.80 PRO048 $23.10 Lab Metal Alvin Lab-Metal ready-to-use repair and patching compound is used to repair, fill and patch defects in metal and non-metal products. LabMetal spreads like paste, hardens into metal for fast, durable repairs. Adheres to metal, wood, plaster, glass and plastic. Hardened Lab-Metal can be drilled, tapped, and sanded smooth, and withstands temperatures to 350°F. May be painted or powder-coated. Clear Lacquer 1qt RFU PRO008 $40.30 Aerosol PRO009 $22.80 32 oz Black Oxide PRO012 $80.00 32 oz Degreaser PRO013 $35.00 12 oz areosal Prevent™ PRO014 $30.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 63 - Gas Tank Sealer This is what we use and recommend. 1qt ADH015 $50.00 Gas Tank Sealer This easy to use solution gives a tough, dull black protective finish to ferrous metal parts (steel or iron). No special ventilating system is required, and no heat is necessary. One quart of this tool black covers 100 -150 square feet. 10% off if you get all 3! Black Oxide Black Oxide Kit Clear Lacquer Developed and used extensively by the musical instrument industry, our clear lacquer brass coating is a superb air drying protection for polished brass and other tarnishable solid or plated metals. It’s nontoxic and contains no flourocarbons. Instructions included. The 1 quart can is “ready for use” with a spray gun and it works great. Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Hirsch Fuel Products Restoration Supply Company Gas Tank Sealer Stops rust, leaks & corrosion permanently. Resistant to all fuels including the new Phase II oxygenated fuels. Heavily compounded with rust inhibitors, and permanently bonds to all metal or fibre-glass gas tanks. The only sealer on the market approved for use in aircrafts. Outsells all other sealers on the market combined, over 1,500,000 cans sold in over 27 countries since introduction. Can be re-sealed and re-used. 1 pint Can ADH047 $25.00 1 quart can ADH048 $42.00 Gas Tank Etch Fuel Preservative & Stabilizer Will remove light buildup of rust inside of all tanks and will etch the inside of the tank leaving a gray phosphate coating. An excellent prep for your tank before introducing gas tank sealer. Prevents gum and varnish formation and corrosion in fuel tanks and systems. One ounce will keep 3 gallons of fuel fresh for at least 3 years. Contains no alcohol; will not harm metal or rubber parts. Unlimited shelf life, great for 2- and 4-cycle engines. 1 quart can PRO027 $21.00 1 pint bottle ADH049 $18.00 High Temperature Exhaust & Manifold Paint These finishes will withstand temperatures up to 2000°F. Withstands salt, moisture and virtually all weather conditions. Choose from either a Bright Aluminum finish or a soft silky black. Both are long lasting and will be the perfect touch to your exhaust system. 16oz Bright Aluminum aerosol PRO036 $30.00 16oz Black aerosol PRO038 $29.00 1 pint Bright Aluminum can PRO035 $33.00 1 pint Black can PRO037 $34.00 Hirsch Paints Miracle Paint The #1 Rust Killer A moisture cured non-porous paint that bonds to rusted and corroded metals like no other coating. It dries rock hard and will not crack, chip or peel. Impervious to gasoline, lacquer thinner, salt and most acids. Can be painted directly over rusty surfaces and is strengthened by moisture. Will seal concrete, grout, wood, metal and porous tile like nothing else. Can be sprayed, rolled or brushed. Comes with disposable gloves and info sheet. Use Miracle Solvent/Thinner for clean-up. 1 qt can-Black PRO028 $40.00 1 qt can-Silver PRO029 $38.00 1 qt can-Clear PRO030 $38.00 Miracle Solvent/Thinner Made specially for thinning and cleanup of Miracle Paint, this all purpose solvent can be used to thin most non-latex paints. Excellent for cleaning brushes and general clean-up work where a petroleum based solvent is required. 1 quart bottle PRO031 $14.70 Cast Iron Gray Paint No other product like it on the market. Dries with the look of freshly sandblasted cast iron. Highly resistant to all weather and temperature changes. 16 oz aerosol PRO040 $23.00 1 pint can PRO041 $33.00 Super Black Chassis Paint The finest black chassis paint. Not too glossy and not too dull. Very high-quality semi gloss paint which is most resistant to chipping, cracking, peeling and salt. Excellent for engine compartments and chassis. 16 oz aerosol PRO032 $25.00 1 quart can PRO033 $40.00 “The Right Stuff!” - 64 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company Leather Conditioner When it is time to give those precious leather seats and upholstery some care, we recommend Color Plus Leather Restoration Systems. They offer the best stuff we have found to rejuvenate tired and dull leather. Because each leather surface has an unknown background, please test all conditioning and restoration products in an area that does not show to ensure that desired result is achieved. Quart LEA001 $45.00 Gallon LEA002 $95.00 Bar Soap Concentrated Heavy Duty Multipurpose Cleaner SUPER-CLEANER is a powerful industrial strength, biodegradable, phosphate free concentrate. It easily removes both surface soil and dirt that has become embedded in the pores of the leather. SUPER- CLEANER is formulated to remove both oil and water based stains. Safe for leather and vinyl. Use on vinyl to prevent surface damage and the resulting tackiness caused by solvent cleaners. Not recommended for fabric and velour. A gentle, effective cleaner for lightly soiled new or older leather. An old-fashioned remedy for anything dirty. Sold by the bar Leather Conditioner SOFFENER™ - Original Formula Leather Conditioner WHY IT'S DIFFERENT? SOFFENER™ contains more natural oils. Absorbs deep into the interior layers of the leathers. Rehydrates and nourishes leather from the "inside out". Leather regularly conditioned with SOFFENER™ remains soft and supple for many years. SOFFENER™ is the most potent, beneficial leather conditioner available. Softens old, stiff leather, preserves new leather. In most cases SOFFENER™ will not darken light shades of leather. Natural leather smell. NOT FOR USE ON SUEDE. 32 Ounce can (1 quart) conditions approx. 300 sq. ft. LEA007 $4.00 32 Ounce (1 quart) LEA005 $50.00 Wenol Polish Wenol Metal Polish is a very gentle polish that cleans and preserves all blank metal surfaces. It produces a long -lasting water resistant layer that protects against rust and corrosion. Red is not recommended for painted and plated metals or anodized aluminum. Blue (Auto-Wenol) is an ultra soft polish which provides a high gloss luster to aluminum, chrome and stainless steel. To use: apply evenly over surface using a soft cloth or polishing pad, then polish up to a high-sheen finish. Can be used on wet surfaces. Master Formula – Metal Gloss PRO004 $13.30 PRO006 $16.30 PRO007 $50.00 PRO011 $1.90 Cape Code Metal Polish Cape Cod Metal Polishing Cloths are moist, re-usable cloths that clean, polish, and protect all types of metMetal Gloss is specifically formulated to polish all types of als: Silver, brass, pewter, gold, stainless steel, copper, metal. It removes oxidation & water spots, & restores your aluminum, and nickel. metal to a brilliant high gloss. Works on Aluminum, Kit includes Twelve 4x6 moist cotton cloths, Chrome, Brass, Stainless Steel and more. 12oz bottle. one buffing cloth, and one pair gloves. Metal Gloss PRO045 $27.00 Metal Sealer PRO046 $45.00 Dupli-Color Tire Shine This product is designed to provide a long lasting and durable shine for all tires. This is a silicone-free formula that bonds to the tire surface and will not sling or wash off. Kit PRO050 $20.00 Cloths PRO051 $5.00 Brush PRO052 $7.50 Vinyl Cleaner The original “Speed Clean” for plastic and vinyl cleaning and protecting. Provides anti-static control, as well, so you don’t attract dirt & dust. Bees Wax Nature’s wonder product. Handy for use on leather edges, brass screws, sanding belts for aluminum, etc. 2” dia x 1” tk, or 1 oz. Polishes & Cleaners Red 100 ml Blue 100ml Red 40oz Polish Cloth New...16 oz spray bottle. PRO042 $12.00 PRO003 $18.90 “The Right Stuff!” - 65 - PRO002 $6.50 Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company 1914 Mercedes Lautenschlager Though a century has passed since the great cars thundered through the small villages and traversed the undulating countryside gravel roads of France, echoes of the momentous race still ring today. Climb aboard and experience the thrills and vicissitudes of vintage racing as George Wingard pilots you though the circuit of the epic 1914 French Gran Prix. He’ll introduce you to the people, cars, and events that set the stage for one of the most important and memorable races in all of history. You’ll get to know two of the giants of early auto racing– Germany’s Christian Lautenschlager and America’s Ralph De Palma– discovering what mettle the racing pioneers were made of. Join the pit crew and see the racing machines at speed and at rest. You’ll get a close-up look at the engineering and craftsmanship behind the cars that broke world land speed records in the first decades of the 20th century. BOO014 $110.00 Antique Auto Body Book Series for the Restorer Books Softbound books which cover extensively all aspects of early automotive restoration. They feature detailed period illustrations and are still some of the best reference books available today. Great set - great price! Buy the 7 volume set and save 10% BOO001 BOO002 BOO003 BOO004 BOO005 BOO006 BOO007 $21.00 $21.00 $21.00 $24.00 $28.00 $22.00 $22.00 Model T Ford in of print for many years, but are available once again. Regardless Speed & Sport of the type of car you collect, you’ll find these books are fun! No Model T Owner These two books are simply the best ever published on the unique Supply Book accessories and speed equipment for “T” Fords, They’ve been out BOO011 auto library is complete without them. BOO012 $28.00 ea Buy the set and save 10%! Essentials of Upholstery and Trim Automotive Radiator Construction and Restoration An incredible reference book with a gallery of interior photos of cars from the opulent teens, twenties, and thirties. Even if you're not a trimmer, you can learn about the different period designs. Softbound Includes almost all there is to know about the different types of vintage radiators and cores, how they work (and why they don’t) and how they were made and repaired. This book is a must if your pre-War vehicle has a radiator! Hardbound BOO008 $21.00 BOO009 $21.00 The magazine for the automotive restorer and hobbyist. Each issue contains helpful, informative and hands-on articles about making repairs and maintaining and authentically restoring antique and classic collector cars and light trucks. For well over 30 years they’ve been supplying information on engines, transmissions, brakes, electrical, fuel, lubrication, tires, carburetion, body, cooling, cosmetics, and much more. Published monthly and available by subscription. $26/yr in US. website: e-mail: telephone: 714-963-1558 “The Right Stuff!” - 66 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company “The Right Stuff!” - 67 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843 Restoration Supply Company was formed in response to a need within the restoration industry to have “the Right Stuff” available, and it is our goal to provide quality items which are as correct and authentic as possible. In many cases, we’ve had items manufactured to our specifications in order to closely duplicate originals which no longer exist. We’ve been in the “hands on” restoration business since 1972, and we feel that our product line reflects this experience. We’ve tried to make our catalog informative and interesting, and we’ve carefully avoided empty “sales pitches.” On the other hand, we have not hesitated to personally recommend products which are particularly outstanding. We use—and stand behind—what we sell. If you are not satisfied with something you buy from us, please tell us. If you like what you buy, tell a friend! We are constantly adding to our product line. If you need something you don’t find listed, please contact us. We’re here to help and we always welcome your comments and suggestions. Thank you to all of our friends and customers for your continued support throughout the past 27 years. We hope to continue to locate and offer difficult-to-find parts for many years to come to allow you and future generations to enjoy restoring and driving vintage automobiles. We look forward to many more years of Restoration Stuff and continuing to grow our relationships with friends and customers. Thank you again for your support. —Allan & Beth Schmidt HOURS 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (PACIFIC TIME) MONDAY-FRIDAY Fax or e-mail anytime. ORDERING INFORMATION Order s can be taken by phone, e-mail, fax, or U.S. Mail. Please include customer number and phone number on all ordering correspondence. PAYMENT METHODS Visa, MC, Discover , Pr epaid, COD. Money Orders, Personal and Company checks accepted. (Returned check charge: $30). Payment terms available upon approval. U.S. Funds Only. PRICES Pr ices ar e subject to change without notice. Volume discounts are available on many items. SALES TAX San Diego r esidents will be char ged 8.0% . Other California residents will be charged 7.5%. DOMESTIC SHIPPING Shipping methods ar e UPS or US Mail. Shipping charges are based on the actual costs plus a nominal handling fee. Orders within the continental U.S. are shipped via ground service unless otherwise requested; additional charge for air delivery. Overpayments will be credited/refunded; shortages will be billed accordingly. Oversized packages engender premium shipping charges. Molding is shipped in heavy-duty cardboard tubes and subject to a shipping premium for handling and cost of tube. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING Inter national shipping will be US Postal Service Global Express, whenever possible. See for shipping requirements. SPECIAL ORDER We ar e happy to assist you in secur ing special orders. However, inbound freight will be charged. Minimum quantities may apply. Please do not send us stuff to match, create, fix, or restore without discussing it with us first. We cannot be responsible for samples shipped to us for analysis. Special order items are not returnable.. BACK ORDERS Unless other wise r equested, we will ship all parts in stock and subsequently ship backordered items upon their arrival to our shelves. RETURNS ALL RETURNS REQUIRE PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FROM US. Merchandise must be returned, prepaid, within 60 days of receipt to receive full credit. Merchandise in saleable condition will be accepted; merchandise that has been used or altered in any way will not be accepted. Special order items are not returnable.. WARRANTY All mer chandise is sold without war r anty, express or implied. GIFT CERTIFICATES Available upon r equest. WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR: LUBRIPLATE • EVANS COOLANT • PENRITE AUVECO • MIDWEST ACORN SMITH & CO • WEST SYSTEMS SHORTAGES Shor tages must be r epor ted within 10 days of receipt of merchandise. “The Right Stuff!” - 68 - Phone: 1-800-306-7008 Fax: 1-760-739-8843