Issue 2016/07 (July) - St Joseph`s Private School, Kuching
Issue 2016/07 (July) - St Joseph`s Private School, Kuching
St Joseph’s Private School Jalan Nagor, off Jalan Satok, 93400 Kuching | 082-414575 | 082-420575 | 014-6956575 News & Updates Education beyond the Ordinary Issue 2016/07 (July) U P C O M I N G 19 – 31 July 22 July Sarawak Independence D ay Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola 31 July S J P S C 2016 D areer ay 5 Aug Highlights • • • • • • Nasi Ulam Interact Club Red Crescent Society Form Four Field Trip Parish Family Day Achievements St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Nasi Ulam Pada 23 Jun 2016, kelas 2A bersama-sama dengan kelas 2B dan 2D telah mengadakan bengkel masakan nasi ulam. Kami telah diajar oleh Ms Doris Ooi, seorang guru yang begitu ghairah dalam masakan asli Melayu. Murid-murid dikehendaki menyediakan pelbagai jenis ulam dan rempah seperti : ikan bilis, daun selasih, daun pudina, daun kunyit, bunga kantan, serai dan nasi kuning. Tujuan bengkel tersebut adalah untuk mendedahkan cara menyediakan masakan asli Melayu dan cara menghiris ulam-ulaman dengan sehalus-halusnya. Melalui bengkel tersebut, kami telah dididik tentang kepentingan kerjasama dan perpaduan. Di samping itu juga, dapat mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim antara satu sama lain. Besar harapan murid-murid jika bengkel masakan dilangsungkan sekali lagi. Bengkel masakan nasi ulam merupakan suatu aktiviti pembelajaran murid-murid di luar kelas, Issue 2016/07 (July) 2/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Nasi Ulam kerana kami percayai bahawa ilmu pengetahuan tidak terkandung pada buku teks sekolah sematamata. Dengan menyertai bengkel masakan, sifat kreatif, inovatif dan berdisiplin telah dipupuk dalam sanubari setiap murid. Sehubungan itu, bengkel masakan ini secara tidak langsung telah melahirkan pelajar yang berupaya berdikari, mampu merancang dan seterusnya dapat mengaplikasikan kemahiran dalam kehidupan seharinya. Laporan disediakan oleh Dorothy Chang Shu Wen (F2A) Bengkel Masakan Nasi Ulam Pada hari 23-06-2016, bersempena dengan hari Khamis, Cikgu Doris telah mengadakan Bengkel Masakan Nasi Ulam untuk mendedahkan makan asli masyarakat Melayu. Bengkel ini sebahagian daripada pembelajaran mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu bagi kelas yang diajari beliau, iaitu kelas Tingkatan 2A, 2B dan 2D. Issue 2016/07 (July) 3/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Kami dikehendaki memakai baju Pendidikan Jasmani semasa penyediaan nasi ulam kerana lebih selesa dan sesuai untuk kerjakerja menyediakan nasi ulam. Kami dibahagikan kepada 9 kumpulan dan setiap kumpulan mempunyai 4 orang murid. Semua kumpulan menyediakan bahan-bahan nasi ulam yang diperlukan seperti daun limau purut, daun kunyit, daun selasih, bunga kantan, serai, nasi sejuk, nasi kuning, rempah-ratus, kerisik, ikan bilis, ikan masin, udang kering, telur goreng, kacang panjang, kacang goreng tanpa minyak, daun pisang dan lain-lain. Bengkel kelas kami bermula pada pukul 11.10 pagi di kantin sekolah. Sebaik sahaja menerima arahan dan tunjuk ajar daripada Cikgu Doris, kami menghiris semua bahan yang dibawa menggunakan pisau dan mengaulkan kesemua bahan yang dihiris ke dalam nasi bersama dengan rempah-ratus. Kami bekerjasama bagai aur dengan tebing semasa menyediakan nasi ulam. Bengkel tersebut telah mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim di antara murid. Bukan itu sahaja, kami juga mengenali budaya Melayu dan bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk menyediakan nasi ulam. Bengkel ini tamat pada pukul 1.30 petang dan kami mempelajari cara-cara menjamah nasi ulam menggunakan tangan. Kami juga mengemaskan kantin selepas aktiviti bengkel. Bengkel ini banyak membawa faedah kepada kami. Kami berharap agar bengkel seperti ini dapat dianjurkan lagi pada masa yang akan datang. Laporan disediakan oleh Moses Yek Wee Yang (F2A) Issue 2016/07 (July) 4/21 THE INTERACT CLUB St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Helping the Society for Kuching Urban Poor (SKUP) with food packing and distribution 25 June Petanak, Sungai Maong Issue 2016/07 (July) 5/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Interactors in Action Interactors Tham Wan Teng, Cheng Sze Teng and Bethany Chan together with the interactors from SMK Bandar Kuching No. 1 and SMK DPHA Gapor performed a modern Korean dance during the 31st Installation Dinner of the Rotary Club of Kuching Central on the 2nd of July at Riverside Majestic Hotel. Well done! During the dinner, the Interact Club of SJPS was given the Presidential Citation Award for actively engaging in a number of areas of service during 2015 - 2016. Some of the activities done by the club were fund-raising where the proceeds were donated to a charitable organisation, collection of second-hand books for Salvation Army and a visit to Home of Love at Emerald Road where interactors brought toiletries for the residents there. Issue 2016/07 (July) 6/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching ENGLISH LESSON IN FORM 3D SPEECH COMPETITION MARTIN LUTHER KING’S “I HAVE A DREAM” Issue 2016/07 (July) 7/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Red Crescent Society The Malaysian Red Crescent Society, Kuching Chapter, Blood Donors Recruitment Services SubCommittee and the Federation of Kuching and Samarahan Division Chinese Association, Youth Section, Kuching organised a Blood Donation Campaign at Plaza Merdeka on the 26th of June 2016. Eleven members of the Red Crescent Society, accompanied by the teacher-in-charge, Mr Albert Lee, Mr Peter Ling and Ms Grace Chua participated in this activity. Through this campaign, we learnt the importance of donating blood in helping those who are in need. Issue 2016/07 (July) 8/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Those who participated were: 1. Vanya Tan (F1A) 2. Quinsley Raymond (F1D) 3. Aidan Ling (F2A) 4. Emily Dawnwlle Fenler (F3D) 5. Joanne Raymond Bakeri (F3D) 6. Anne Shirley Wee (F3D) 7. Jordan Hu (F3D) 8. Zachary Chin (F3E) 9. Theresa Liu (F4ScTheta) 10. Rayna Chieng (F4ScTheta) 11. Amanda Bon (F5ScPhi) Issue 2016/07 (July) 9/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Sarawak Cultural Village Cat Museum On the 5th of July, the Form Four classes of 2016 experienced the heritage of Sarawak during our field trip. We left the school in the morning for Sarawak Cultural Village. As the doors opened, we milled in for a short briefing before exploring the 17-acre land in small groups. FieldTrip F F 5 July orm our At 10 a.m., the students were divided into groups to go for their respective cultural classes: beading, dancing and music. These classes were based on the rich Dayak culture unique to Sarawak. Later, we watched the cultural performance that showcased the unique cultural dances. Issue 2016/07 (July) 10/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching FieldTrip F F 5 July orm our In the afternoon, we left the sweltering heat for the Cat Museum. The one-of-akind place offered a display of items and artwork featuring the adorable felines. A special feature was an interactive room explaining the history and evolution of the domestic cat. We arrived back in school at 3.40 p.m., tired and sweating. It was an informative trip and although most students had experienced the wealth of both places, it was still fun because we did it together. Written By: Jemima Irina (F4ScPhi) Germaine Cassandra (F4ScPhi) More photos on the school website. Issue 2016/07 (July) 11/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Fewer students taking up Bible Knowledge subject PUTATAN, Sabah: The learning and teaching of the Bible Knowledge subject in all national schools is one of the accomplishments achieved by the United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organization (UPKO), having fought for that right for so long but, unfortunately, it is wasted effort as too few students are taking the subject, while others just dismiss it outright. UPKO Acting President, Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau said, getting the approval of the Cabinet to have the subject offered as one of SPM’s elective subjects was an arduous task but willingly undertaken by UPKO and, it was quite a victory when the Government finally agreed. “Getting the approval of the Cabinet wasn’t easy. But it was agreed in the end. An article from dated 29 Jan 2016 So don’t blame us, don’t blame the leaders saying that we did nothing. There was one leader recently who said we didn’t do anything. Did he actually open his eyes and see the churches built and beautified during Tan Sri Bernard Dompok’s time, when he was the Chief Minister?” he said. He added that UPKO was not just contented with having the Bible Knowledge subject approved in the Cabinet, the party went the extra mile by providing textbooks to be loaned out to students and teachers who would like to take up the subject in SPM. The problem now, he said, is that too few students are taking up the subject and too few parents want to encourage their children to do so. Issue 2016/07 (July) 12/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Fewer students taking up Bible Knowledge subject “The most challenging part is when school principals also discourage their students from taking the subject because they are scared their school’s performance will drop because the subject is purely in English. “Therefore, we are very concerned because this subject, which is very good, is not put to good use because the principals are concerned about their school’s ranking and two, the parents and the students are also scared they will fail because it is a two-year subject which they must study beginning in Form Four,” he said. Tangau explained that the subject only uses two textbooks, namely the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Even the teaching of the subject, he said, had already been settled, An article from dated 29 Jan 2016 with the Government making provision to allow outsiders to come and teach students in school if the school does not have qualified teachers. Really, Bible Knowledge is not theological. It is more historical. When we look at its contents, it is very historical. “And the Bible is in story-form. We always know the stories, the geography and the history. The main challenge, of course, is because the subject is in English.” Since 2010, the Ministry of Education has imposed a 10-subject limit on every candidate, while lowering the minimum number of subjects from eight to six. Issue 2016/07 (July) 13/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Fewer students taking up Bible Knowledge subject An article from dated 29 Jan 2016 Students are allowed to take two additional subjects (Arabic, Chinese, Tamil, Iban, Kadazandusun languages and Bible Knowledge) but they will not be taken into consideration for government scholarships. Lenten Appeal Boxes 2016 Primary School = RM9518.65 Secondary School = RM9864.00 ontribution CThank you very much St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish Family Day in aid of the ACCPC operations and maintenance fund Venue Date Time : SMK St Joseph : Sunday, 10 July 2016 : 7.30 am – 12.00 noon Issue 2016/07 (July) 14/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish Family Day in aid of the ACCPC operations and maintenance fund Venue Date Time : SMK St Joseph : Sunday, 10 July 2016 : 7.30 am – 12.00 noon Students from Cor Amoris helped out with the sale of can drinks, ice-cream and other goodies. Issue 2016/07 (July) 15/21 Achievement St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching 2016 History Challenge Samantha Wan Li Hui (F2B) took part as a delegate and representative of Malaysia, and shared her passion and dedication for the Performing Arts with her peers from around the world at the Dance Excellence 25, an international festival for young dancers celebrating their 25 years [Anne Mcquitty Productions Inc]. Congratulations organised by the History Club Consolation Prize: Lau Sau Jee (F5ScPhi), Adam Lau Kor Nguong (F5ScTheta), Yek Liang Tzi (F2A) Mathematics Competition Form 5 First: Terry Teo Yii Yuan (F5ScP) Second: Jocelyn Hiu Zhao Yeong (F5ScP) Third: Lau Sau Jee (F5ScP) Consolation: Sephine Tan Han (F5ScP) 2016 Mathematics Competition Form 4 First: Yong Chie Liang (F4ScP) Second: Germaine Cassandra (F4ScP) Third: Ng Guo Fu (F4ScP) Consolation: Miguel Then Ying Jie (F4ScP) 1st : Hong Zhi Hao (F3A) 2nd: Zachary Leong Mann Loong (F5Arts) 3rd: Tay Chen Pang (F5ScTheta) Issue 2016/07 (July) 16/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching First Kuching Regional Achievement Bible Knowledge Oral Quiz 2 0 1 6 organised by the Malayan Christian Schools’ Council (MCSC) jointly run by SMK St Joseph, St Joseph’s Private School and the Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild 25 June 2016, SMK St Joseph Second Third Fourth Alyssa Ng Tze Hui (F5ScPhi) Nicola Chan Ling (F5ScPhi) Ashley Yap May Yee (F5ScPhi) Zachary Aw Zheng Quan (F5ScPhi) Zachary Liew Zhe Xi (F4ScPhi) Chris Wong Lee Hung (F4ScPhi) Issue 2016/07 (July) 17/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching First Kuching Regional Achievement BK16 Quiz organised by the Malayan Christian Schools’ Council (MCSC) jointly run by SMK St Joseph, St Joseph’s Private School and the Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild 25 June 2016, SMK St Joseph Top Ten Freddy Yong Dee Hang (F3B) Erica Tiong Syn Hui (F3A) Issue 2016/07 (July) 18/21 Achievement St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Congratulations Quiz 1 Winners: Ignatius the Soldier Ivy Ng Shie Yin (F3B) Theodore Lee Soon Hur (F4ScT) Hannah Chiang Ru Chyong (F3C) Quiz 2 Winners: Ignatius the Mystic Ivy Ng Shie Yin (F3B) Sebastian Tharan (F5Arts) Nichol Adam Shim Wei Wan (F5ScT) Issue 2016/07 (July) 19/21 St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Congratulations Sports Achievement Kejohanan Catur Majlis Sukan Sekolah Sarawak 2016 26 – 28 April, Pustaka Negeri Sarawak Sushil Pubalan (F5ScPhi) – Pingat Emas Pasukan Lelaki 18TKB Germaine Cassandra George (F4ScPhi) – Pingat Emas Pasukan Perempuan 18TKB Squash Racquet Association of Sarawak (SRAS) Sarawak Closed Boys U-15, 1 – 3 July 2016, Stadium Negeri Clifford Tay Ye Jie (F3C) - Champion Donald Ho Guan Hui (F2D) - 4th place KGS monthly medal Nicole Wong Yen Ping (F3D) A group photo with KGS pro-juniors - 1st KGS June monthly medal from St. Joseph's Private School Issue 2016/07 (July) 20/21 Go lf St Joseph’s Private School, Kuching Some of our students are taking part in this national sports event. We wish them all the best. 19 – 31 July Long and Triple Jump Swimming Duncan Lei Han Wen (F4Arts) Zachary Tan Kian Phen (F3C) Gimrama Wushu Mandy Lim Xin Hui (F3D) Sarah Ng Xi Yan (F1B) Emilie Nara Zi Yi Jabu (F1C) Shooting Stephanie Sim Shu Ming (F1D) Selina Sim Shu Siang (3D) Issue 2016/07 (July) 21/21
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Jalan Nagor, 93400 Kuching | 082-414575 | 082-420575 | 014-6956575