noTes To The finanCial sTaTemenTs
noTes To The finanCial sTaTemenTs
Table of Contents Vision, Mission and Slogan 1 Chairman’s Statement 2 Corporate Information 4 Members of the Board 5 Senior Management 6 Introduction 7 Organisation 7 Staff 7 Finance and Accounts 8 Consumption 8 Production 8 Quality Control 9 Maintenance, Repairs and Improvement 10 Development 10 Rural Water Supply 10 Main Extension 11 Non-Revenue Water 11 Training 11 ISO 9001:2000 Certification Programme 12 Visitors 12 Conclusion 12 Some Activities during the Year (2008) 13 Performance Indicators 19 Financial Performance – Five Years Trend 20 Annual Accounts 21 Appendices 41 Our Vision To Be a Dedicated and Dynamic Water Supply Agency With Culture and Values that are Excellence Driven and Performance Oriented which Consistently Provides Services that meet Full Consumer'S Satisfaction. Our Mission To Provide Adequate and Reliable, Quality Potable Water Supply at Acceptable Charges to All Consumers within its Area of Jurisdiction at the Highest Attainable Standards in Quality and Service. Our Slogan Towards Service Excellence. 1 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD chairman’s statement Dato Sri Ahmad Tarmizi B. Hj. Sulaiman Chairman Kuching Water Board INTRODUCTION On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present the Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Board for the financial year ended 31 December 2008. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE In line with the economic growth in 2008, the Board recorded water sales of RM79.664 million during the year, an increase of 3.9% from 2007. The total revenue of the Board increased by 4.4% to RM93.466 million. During the year, the Board commissioned the Module 7 Water Treatment Plant and this contributed to a significant increase in the annual depreciation charges. The Board is facing a challenging task to continue to finance some development projects. However, the cashflow of the Board is still strong due to the slower implementation of the major development projects, whose financing is largely from the soft loans from the government. Up to the end of 2008, the Board had accumulated long-term loans amounting to RM210.228 million. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT The Board’s development programme for the year had been drawn up to meet the projected increase in water demand due to growth and development in Kuching City and the surrounding areas in line with the State’s socio-economic development plan. To further increase the level of service to higher areas in Petra Jaya, particularly the Siol Kandis Areas, construction work for the 500mm pipeline along Jalan Astana to Siol Kandis commenced on 18 November 2008. Construction work for another three (3) elevated reinforced concrete reservoirs (capacity of 4.5MI each) at Sama Jaya Free Industrial Zone to further increase the water storage and reliability of water supply in the area had commenced on 11 June 2008. In order to enhance the raw water source from the Sungai Sarawak Kiri River Basin, construction works for the Bengoh Dam had commenced on 7 August 2007. PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION In 2008, the Board produced a total of 143,175 megalitres of fully treated water representing a 3.7% increase over 2007 water production. An estimated 600,000 people in Kuching City and the surrounding areas enjoyed the supply of fully treated water. The average daily consumption rose from 378 megalitres in 2007 to 391 megalitres in 2008, an increase of 3.4%. The maximum daily consumption during the year was 433 megalitres Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 2 whereas the minimum daily consumption was 349 megalitres. WATER QUALITY CONTROL In compliance with the National Drinking Water Quality Surveillance Programme, 1,437 water samples were collected for bacteriological examination and 402 water samples were collected for physico-chemical testing and sent to the Department of Chemistry for analysis. For treated water, K u c h i n g Wa t e r B o a r d r e g i s t e r e d a bacteriological compliance rate of 98.7%. Practically all or close to 99.7% of the treated water samples were free from Faecal Coliform bacteria throughout the year. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY In line with the Board’s effort to upgrade and enhance its computer systems in order to provide better service to its customers, the Board had signed two contracts with SAINS in 2004 for the implementation of an Integrated Financial, Asset & Material Management software and a Human Resource cum Payroll software. The implementation of the software is almost completed. The Board is also working with SAINS since 2005 for the development and implementation of a more sophisticated Customer Relations & Billing software. The new software is expected to strengthen management credit control functions on outstanding water bills and also to upgrade the customer relations management by the Board. The year 2008 had seen an active participation by staff in Human Resource Development Program. A total of 200 officers attended the in-house programs and 273 officers attended various external programs locally and in Semenanjung Malaysia. The Board had also provided industrial training for twenty six (26) students from various institutions of higher learning and three (3) Ar my Personnel from Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). APPRECIATION On behalf of the Board, I wish to thank the Management and staff for their hard work, dedication and loyalty throughout the year in their efforts to provide the best service to our consumers. To our Board Members, I wish to thank them for their dedicated service and valued contributions towards the positive progress and performance of Kuching Water Board. I also wish to thank both the State and Federal Governments for their continued support, the Minister of Public Utilities, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Utilities and JKR Personnel for their guidance, assistance and support. Human Resource Development had continued to be given emphasis in year 2008. Last but not least, I wish to thank our customers for their support and cooperation especially in promptly reporting water leakages and other supply shortcomings to Kuching Water Board. We will continue to upgrade the level of service and enhance our capacity in our endeavour to provide safe, reliable and consistent supply of water to our customers. During the year, the Board had also been collaborating with Jabatan Ketua Menteri (JKM), Malaysian Productivity Corporation Sarawak Region (MPC), Akademi Binaan Malaysia Wilayah Sarawak (ABM), Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), NIOSH and other training institute to help further develop and harness the human resource potential of Kuching Water Board Dato Sri Ahmad Tarmizi B. Hj. Sulaiman Chairman Kuching Water Board HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 3 thereby improving the quality of service to consumers. Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD MEMBERS OF THE BOARD CHAIRMAN State Financial Secretary YBHG. DATO SRI AHMAD TARMIZI B. HJ. SULAIMAN, PNBS, DJBS MEMBERS Director of Public Works YBHG. DATU HUBERT THIAN CHONG HUI, DJBS, AMN, PBK, PPB Director of Medical Services DR. MOHD. KAMIL HASSAN, AMT Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Utilities TUAN HAJI UBAIDILLAH BIN HAJI ABDUL LATIP, PPC, PBK, PPB Chairman of Kota Padawan Municipal Council YB KR. TAN JOO PHOI, ABS YB HAJJAH NANCY HAJI SHUKRI DR. ZAIEDI HAJI SUHAILI, KMN, PBS, ABS ENCIK ONG CHEE CHIANG ENCIK LAU TING PING ENCIK PETER ONG YII BOON, ABS, AMN ENCIK GOH LENG YEU GENERAL MANAGER ENCIK MOHAMMAD ARIS YUSOP (w.e.f. 3.6.2008) SECRETARY PUAN VESMAWATI JAFFAR Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 4 members of the board 2 1 3 6 7 9 4 8 10 1. YBHG. Dato Sri AHMAD TARMIZI B. HJ. SULAIMAN 6. Encik Peter Ong Yii Boon 2. YBHG. DATU Ir. HUBERT THIAN CHONG HUI 7.yb hjh nancy hj shukri 3. Dr. Kamil Hassan 8. DR. zaiedi hj suhaili 4. TUAN HAJI UBAIDILLAH BIN HAJI ABDUL LATIP 9. ENCIK lau ting ping 5. YB KR. TAN JOO PHOI 10. ENCIK ONG CHEE CHIANG 11. ENCIK goh leng yeu 5 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 5 11 Chief Executive Officer General Manager Sung Siew Eng, PPC, PPB (till 25.2.2008) / Mohammad Aris Yusop (w.e.f. 3.6.2008) / Paul Chan Phoo Thien, P/B (Acting from 1.3.2008 – 2.6.2008) Head Planning, Development & Production Department (Planning & Development, Production & Plant Operations, Maintenance & Water Quality Control) Deputy General Manager Paul Chan Phoo Thien, PPB Head Distribution Department (Distribution, Leakage Control, Investigation, Design & Development) Deputy General Manager Moses A. Joseph, ABK Head Administration Department (Administration & Establishment, Consumer Service & Security) Secretary Vesmawati Jaffar Head Finance Department (Finance, Electronic Data Processing, Enforcement & Store) Chief Accountant Su Yu Jit, PPB Auditors Auditor-General Malaysia Principal Office Kuching Water Board Batu Lintang Road 93200 Kuching Tel: 082-240371 Fax: 082-244546 Website: Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 6 INTRODUCTION The annual report covers the forty-nine year of operations of the Kuching Water Board from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008. The Board was established on 1 January 1959, by authority of the Kuching Water Board Order 1959, Notification No. S.12 of 1959, made under Sections 2 and 3 of the Water Supply Ordinance to take over the Kuching Water Supply from the Public Works Department Sarawak. The Board is responsible for the administration, management and supervision of all waterworks situated within its area of supply and the policy of the Board is to extend mains and to develop other facilities to provide an adequate and reliable supply of fully treated quality water within its area of supply. The water supply system conforms in all respects to modern requirements and the development programme is drawn up to meet the projected growth in demand. Originally, the area of supply covered only 44.8km² (17.3 sq. miles). The supply area was subsequently increased in stages over the years to cater for the water demands of developments outside it as they could not be conveniently or feasibly supplied by Jabatan Kerja Raya. In 1963 and 1973, the supply area was increased to 90.7km² (35 sq. miles) and 225km² (87 sq. miles) respectively. The supply boundary was extended further in 1988 to cover the current area of 730km² (282 sq. miles) as shown in Appendix No.21. On 1 Jun 1995, the existing Water Supply Ordinance (Sarawak Cap. 141) was repealed and replaced by the Water Ordinance 1994. On 1 January 2001, the Board was re-established under the Kuching Water Board Order, 2001. From 1 January 2001, the Board consists of the following members:- - - - - - the State Financial Secretary or his nominee (Chairman); the Director of Public Works, Sarawak; the Director of Health, Sarawak; the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Utilities; the Chairman of Padawan Municipal Council; and six other members to be appointed by the Minister. Board Meetings were held on two occasions during the year as follows:- 25 April 2008 - 10 December 2008 7 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD ORGANISATION Since the Board’s inception in 1959, it has operated as an independent state owned organization. It has its own offices, treatment plants, workshops, stores and transport facilities. The Board operates two SBBS Counters to cater for the public’s needs, one at Jalan Song Thian Cheok and the other at the Head Office at Jalan Batu Lintang. STAFF In April 1966, legislation was passed specifying the Kuching Water Board as a public body for the purposes of the Pensions and Widows and Orphans Pensions Ordinance and in November 1968 the Gazette Notification in respect of the Board’s Pensionable Officers was approved by the Yang Dipertuan Agong. By early 1969 eligible contract staff and daily paid personnel were transferred to Pensionable Establishment. In September 1969, the Employees Provident Fund was extended to Sarawak and staff who were not on pensionable terms of employment were registered with the Employees Provident Fund. Commencing from 15 October 1973, the Board’s employees were covered by the Employment Injury Insurance Scheme under the Employees’ Social Security Act 1969. When SALA Act (Act 239, Pension for Statutory Bodies and Local Authorities) was implemented, the Board’s Established Staff who were holding pensionable posts under the Sarawak Pension Ordinance (Cap.89) became pensionable under this Pension Act and all staff who had completed 10 years’ service were emplaced into pensionable status. Those who have yet to complete 10 years’ service including daily paid staff continued to contribute to EPF until such time when they have completed 10 years’ service and eligible for emplacement into pensionable status. In 1976, all staff were absorbed under the Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet (JKK) scheme of service. On 1.1.1992, a new scheme called Sistem Saraan Baru (SSB) was effective and all staff opted to join it. All staff opted to join the improved version of the SSB or the Sistem Saraan Malysia (SSM) which took effect from 1.11.2002. Under SSB staff could either opt for pensionable scheme after 10 years service or continue to contribute to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). Under SSM probationary staff who have passed the requirements under their scheme of service can be confirmed in their service from 1 to 3 years and are given the option to either opt for pensionable scheme or continue to contribute to EPF. MANPOWER The actual manpower for the year 2006, 2007 & 2008 are as follows: Year 2006 2007 2008 Professional Support & ManagerialGroup 15 16 18 525 511 508 Total 540 527 526 FINANCE & ACCOUNTS The current water tariff rates was effective since 1 January 1992. Water sales increased by 3.9% during the year to RM79,663,657. The gross revenue increased by 4.4% during the year to RM93,466,062. The gross revenue included RM13,802,405 from other operating income. During the year operating expenditure increased by 11.7% to RM86,346,189. Operating and Administrative expenditure were summarised as set out below : RM Water Production 36,903,885 Distribution & Selling 33,693,364 Administration 12,425,865 Other Operating Expense 2,393,005 Finance Cost 102,491 Taxation 827,579 --------------- 86,346,189 In 2008, the Board made an operating profit after tax of RM7,119,873 which was transferred to Reserves. CONSUMPTION (Appendix Nos.3, 4, 5 & 10) About 600,000 people in Kuching City and surrounding areas enjoyed the supply of fully treated water. The average daily consumption rose from 378 megalitres in 2007 to 392 megalitres in 2008 an increase of 3.7%. The maximum day consumption during the year was 433 megalitres whereas the minimum day consumption was 349 megalitres. The total number of services as at end of 2008 was 129,212. PRODUCTION (Appendix Nos.3, 8 & 15) The Board’s Treatment Plants at Batu Kitang and Matang produced a total of 143,175.111megalitres of fully treated water in 2008. This represents a 3.7% increase over 2007 treated water production volume. Batu Kitang Waterworks The Batu Kitang Treatment Plant is situated near the bank of Sungai Sarawak Kiri about 40 miles from the sea. Raw water is pumped from the river to the Treatment Plant where it undergoes the conventional treatment process of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection and pH adjustment. Coagulation is by the alum- lime process and disinfection is by chloramines. Fluoridation has been practiced since 1966. The fully treated water is pumped to the various reservoirs and service tanks in Kuching for distribution. Module No.1 of the Treatment Plant with its first raw water intake and a capacity of 3MgD was commissioned in 1957. In 1965 the capacity was increased to 4MgD by changing the pump impellers and the construction of a second stage pumping station and two underground reservoirs at Batu Lintang. Extension work to further increase the plant capacity to 6MgD commenced in October 1968 and was completed in 1970. The extension of Module No.1 is designated as Module No. 2. In November 1976, construction work on Module No.3, with a present capacity of 9MgD and comprising of a new treatment plant and raw water intake, was started and commissioned in November 1978. To cope with the ever increasing demand for water, construction work on Module No. 4 commenced in November 1983. An extension of the Module No.3, the maximum capacity of Module No.4 is 12MgD. It was substantively commissioned towards the end of 1986. The construction of Module No.5 Treatment Plant with a capacity of 100MlD including a new raw intake under the Stage 2 Expansion of Kuching Water Supply “Big Leap” Development Project commenced in December 1991 and was substantively completed and commissioned in August 1994. In order to cater for the increasing water demands and to ensure reliable supply up to the completion and commissioning of Module No.5 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 8 Plant in 1994, major staged improvement works to Raw Water Intake Nos. 1 and 2 including the laying of an 840mm steel raw water pumping main from Intake No.2 to Module Nos. 3 and 4 were commenced in 1990 and were substantively completed by the end of 1992. The improvement works included installation of new submersible pumpsets, booster pumpsets, back rack screens for debris removal and desludging systems at both intakes and refurbishment of existing Kubota pumpsets at Intake No.2. Other notable improvement works carried out in 1994 included the upgrading of standby power generator set for Module Nos. 3 and 4 and Intake No. 2. Around mid-1996 work commenced on the design and construction for the Batu Kitang Module 6 of 100MlD capacity to meet rapidly increasing water demands of Kuching City and surrounding areas for another 10 years. Construction works on the Module 6 Plant commenced on 24 March 1998 and was practically completed and commissioned in May 2000. The detailed design for the Module 7 Plant 4 was substantively completed in 1998. Earthwork for the Module 7 Plant had commenced on 1 December 1997 and was practically completed in September 1998. Due to KWB’s tight financial position, however, the construction of the 100MlD capacity of the Plant had to be deferred to commence early in the 8MP. Construction work for Module 7 Plant actually commenced in June 2002 and was completed in 9th August 2006. Batu Kitang Treatment Plant accounted for 98.98% of the total water production in 2008. Matang Waterworks The original waterworks constructed by the Rajah to supply Kuching Town was situated in the Matang Hills some 12 miles from the town. The water was relatively clear and was distributed untreated. This source continued to be in use even after the Batu Kitang Plant was commissioned in 1957. In 1960, chlorination was introduced and the possibility of building a treatment plant in the Hills was investigated. Construction of a 2MgD treatment plant near the Matang Dam was commenced in 1964 and the plant was put into operation in March 1966. Raw water from the mountain streams was piped to the plant where full treatment similar to that at Batu Kitang Plant was carried out before it gravitates into the distribution system. 9 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD However, production from Matang Treatment Plant was dependent on rainfall and during the dry months output may fall to as low as 10% of its maximum capacity. To improve the reliability of the water supply, work was commenced in December 1973 on the construction of a 60 million gallon earth storage basin at Matang below the Sungai Sebubut catchment. The storage basin was completed in February 1976. With the development of the Kuching North Bank it was decided to extend the Matang Treatment Plant to increase the capacity from 2MgD to 3.5MgD. Extension works which included the construction of a 1.5 million gallon balancing reservoir commenced in January 1976 and was completed in April 1977. The extension was commissioned in July 1977. Matang Water Sources continued to be an important supply of treated water in particular to areas around Matang, which is being developed at a rapid pace. To ensure that Matang Treatment Plant can adequately sustain the reliability and meet the demands for treated water, upgrading and retrofitting works at the Matang Treatment Plant proper commenced in early January 2001 and works was substantively completed at the end of March 2002. Two other major works also implemented in tandem to ensure continued reliability and sustainability of Matang raw water sources were the renewal of the raw water pipeline from Sungai Cina to Matang Plant which commenced in March 2001 and the raising of the Sungai Sebubut basin catchment which commenced in January 2002 for increased live storage to 520 Ml. These works were substantively completed in July 2003 and April 2003 respectively. Matang Treatment Plant accounted for about 1% of the total water production in 2008. QUALITY CONTROL (Appendix Nos. 6 & 7) The execution of the Board’s stringent water surveillance programme augmented by the National Drinking Water Quality Programme ensured that safe and wholesome drinking water supply was maintained throughout the year. During the year, 27,021 water samples from Raw Water Source, Treatment Plant Pumping Mains, Reservoirs & Tanks and Distribution Systems were taken for Physico-chemical and Bacteriological Examination. Out of the total number, 20,559 samples were analysed physicochemically while the remaining 6,462 samples were examined bacteriologically. New Service Connections (Appendix No. 17) A total of 25,182 samples or 93.19% of the total were analysed at the Board’s Water Quality Control Laboratory while the rest of 1,839 samples or 6.81% were sent to the Department of Chemistry for analysis. The breakdown of samples analysed is shown below: The total number of new services connected during the year was 5,657. Of this 4,796 or 84.78% of connections were for domestic consumers and 861 or 15.22 % were for commercial consumers. Board’s Chemistry Parameter/LocationLaboratory Department DEVELOPMENT Physico-chemical Examination Intakes & Sources 962 Water Treatment Processes 14,629 Treatment Plant P.M. 1,722 Reservoirs & S. Tanks 703 Distribution System 1,625 Special Sample (Sungai Sarawak) 516 48 83 88 168 Total 402 20,157 5,025 I. TREATMENT PLANTS A.Batu Kitang Module 7 Treatment Plant The detailed design for the Module 7 Plant was substantively completed in 1998. Earthworks for the Module 7 Plant commenced on 1 December 1997 and was practically completed in September 1998. Due to KWB’s tight financial position, however, the construction proper had been deferred to commence early in the 8th Malaysia Plan (2001 – 2005). Construction work for Module 7 Plant actually commenced in June 2002 and was completed on 9 August 2006. 15 Bacteriological Examination Intakes & Sources 982 Treatment Plant P.M 1,720 Reservoirs & S. Tanks 701 Distribution System 1,622 Special Sample (Sungai Sarawak) - Total During the year 2008 the Board spent RM18,017,036 million on development and the major water supply projects are briefly given as follows: 196 341 350 535 15 1,437 II.MAJOR PIPELINES MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS Mains During the year, 548 repairs were carried out on trunk and distribution mains. The Board’s emergency service was operated on a 24 hours basis with the number of service calls and minor repairs attended to during the year at 4,937. Regular flushing of dead end mains were carried out during the year and exposed mains and valve boxes were repainted. Pipelines and valves were also inspected regularly. Meters Routine checking on water meters were carried out. A total of 524 meters were repaired and 7,978 meters renewed during the year. One (1) major pipeline totaling 2.68km was commenced in 2008 as follows:1. Construction work for the proposed 500mm D.I. pipeline along Jalan Astana to Siol Kandis commenced in November 2008 and is expected to be completed in July 2009. III.Reservoirs Construction work for the proposed three (3) numbers of 4.5Ml elevated reservoirs, undertaken by the Ministry of Industrial Development, commenced in June 2008 and is expected to be completed in June 2010. RURAL WATER SUPPLY Under the 9th Malaysia Plan, the Rural Water Supply Schemes were implemented on turnkey basis through 100% Federal Grant by the Federal Ministry of Rural & Regional Development instead of the previous 80% loan and 20% grant in the previous Malaysia Plan. In 2008, a sum of RM25,984 was spent on the laying of minor pipelines to serve rural areas. Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 10 MAIN EXTENSION (Appendix No. 9) A total length of 48.09 km of new water mains ranging in size from 100mm to 600mm was laid inhouse during the year. They were all laid by developers to serve housing estates and commercial developments. Appendix 9 gives a comparison of pipe lengths laid (km) against pipe type and size (mm) for 2008. NON-REVENUE WATER (Appendix No. 16) Active Leakage Control Since 1993, leakage control programmes were implemented with the setting up of Leakage control zones (LCZ) each comprising of 200-2000 consumers. The leakage control zones have to be continuously monitored and its leakage level controlled and maintained at an achievable economic level. As at 31 December 2008, a total of 171 leakage control zones had been set up within the Kuching Water Board Supply Boundary to monitor and control leakage level of the Board’s distribution system. Since the implementation of active leakage control in year 1993, a total of 2,336 numbers of leaks from pipes and services and 838 numbers of water theft had been detected and addressed. NRW Level The Board’s Non-Revenue Water (NRW) level for the year was 33.72% as compared with the national average of about 40% and the nationally accepted satisfactory level of 25%. The Board targets to reduce the NRW level to 25% by the end of 9th Malaysian Plan. The table in Appendix 16 indicates the NRW levels for the year 19992008. Approach in Reducing NRW The Board had implemented a total approach towards reducing its NRW by ensuring faster renewal/upgrading of leakage prone and particularly asbestos cement pipelines, prompt detection and prompt repair of all leakages, a continuous replacement of old water meters to minimize meter under-registration, quality design and quality construction of new distribution system and pressure/flow control of the distribution system. Inculcating a culture of reporting leaks and other supply shortcomings both within the Department and from the public such as through the introduction of “Friends of KWB” System is part of the Board’s strategy to help achieve earlier 11 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD detection and repair of leakages. During the year, a total of 3,244 numbers of leaks from pipes and services and 54 cases of water stealing were repaired/addressed. The Board’s NRW Task Force Committee had in 2000 concluded that most of the NRW was attributed to leakages from the pipeline network system and particularly from the aged asbestos cement pipes. About 40% of the Board’s total pipelines then was of asbestos cement and they contributed to about 70% of all pipeline bursts. A most important way for the Board to reduce NRW is therefore to accelerate the renewal/upgrading of the typically old asbestos cement and some lead jointed cast iron pipes with priority accorded to the worst areas. Mains Renewal/Upgrading Commencing from year 2000, action was initiated to renew/upgrade the existing aged asbestos cement pipes and other old pipes in a more systematic manner. A total length of 14.90 km of pipelines had been renewed/upgraded in 2008. As at the end of 2008, 34.2% or about 205km of some 600 km of old asbestos cement and cast iron pipes had been renewed/upgraded. TRAINING Kuching Water Board is committed to Human Resource Development. For the year 2008, a sum of RM260,000.00 was allocated for training to cater for regular in- house programs as well as sending staff at all levels to attend external programs. A total of 200 officers attended in-house programs and 273 officers attended external programs both locally and in Semenanjung Malaysia. Eight (8) in-house programs were conducted to cater training needs for all levels of staff in Kuching Water Board. Safe Handling of Chlorine was the first program conducted for the Water Quality Control Section and it was held in Batu Kitang Water Treatment Plant on 19 February 2008. Route Manager Application (RMA) for Meter Reader was conducted on the job training for the upcoming Senior Meter Reader. It was conducted in four (4) sessions on 14-17 March 2008, 18-30 March 2008, 31 March-13 April 2008 and 14-27 April 2008 respectively at Kuching Water Board Headquarters, Jalan Batu Lintang. In conjunction with the ‘Amalan 5S’, training had been conducted for the Board’s 5S Internal Auditor on 11 April 2008 at Holiday Inn, Kuching. ‘Kursus Persediaan Bakal Pesara’ was conducted on 31 March - 1 April 2008 at Holiday Inn, Kuching. ‘Taklimat Mengenai Keselamatan’ was conducted in two (2) sessions in two separated places namely at Kuching Water Board Headquarters, Jalan Batu Lintang and Batu Kitang Treatment Plant on 14 and 15 March 2008 respectively for Management and Section Head Group. A demonstration and meeting on the Wiselmage Software was conducted on 9 June 2008 for the Management Group and the Draughtmans. Green Card program was conducted at CIDB Complex, Jalan Sultan Tengah, Samariang by Akademi Binaan Malaysia for two sessions on 19 July 2008 and 26 July 2009 for the drivers group. Training for the Draughtmans on Bentley Water Solution Software was conducted on 12-13 September 2008 on Machines, Installation and Microstation for Geo Engineering. As for Bentley Map and XFM Training it was conducted on 14-16 September 2008 at our Kuching Water Board Headquartes Library. The Board had also organized motivation talks for all level of staff with great emphasis on ‘Amalan 5S Di Tempat Kerja’ which was been facilitated by Malaysian Productivity Corporation Sarawak Branch. A total number of 245 staffs had attended the motivation talks conducted on nine (9) occasions throughout the year. In year 2008, the Board had also provided industrial training for seven (7) students pursuing Degree courses. Four (4) students in Chemical Engineering and three (3) students in Civil Engineering. Nine (9) students pursuing Diploma courses and four (4) Civil Engineering students attached to New Service, Meter and Survey Section. One (1) Chemical Engineering student attached to Water Quality Control Section, one (1) Electrical Engineering student attached to Electrical section and three (3) Office Management students attached to Administrative Section. As for students pursuing certificate courses which were ten (10) students, one (1) student in Draughting, two (2) students in Electrical Engineering, one (1) student in Chemical Engineering, one (1) student in Mechanical Engineering, one (1) students in Accounting, two (2) students in Civil Engineering and one (1) student in Automation. Three (3) army personnels from Angkatan Tentera Di Raja Malaysia (ATM) were attached to Distribution South and North Section. The students and trainers had gained valuable exposure and hands-on experience during their vacation training periods. ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME For the year 2008, Internal Quality Audit was conducted from 13-15 May 2008. External Surveillance Audit was conducted by the auditor M/s Moody International on 10-11 November 2008. The ISO 9001:2000 Certification granted on 16 December 2003 was re-certified extended in year 2006 for another three (3) years to expire on 15 December 2009. VISITORS A total of 512 visitors comprising of Waterworks Engineers, Consultants, Students and Teachers, Health Inspectors and Tutors, Overseas Specialists and VIPs visited the Batu Kitang and Matang Treatment Plants during 2008 compared with 1,451 in 2007. CONCLUSION The year under review saw steady growth of the Board. Average daily consumption rose by 3.45% over that of the previous year. The capital works carried out during the year may be summarized as follows:(a) The laying of 48.09 km of mains in-house including through developers and the renewal of 14.90 km of mains. (b) The connection of 5,657 new services. Progress since the Board’s inception in 1959 are as follows:-Area of supply was increased from 44.8km² (17.3 sq. miles) to 730km² (282 sq. miles). (a) Area of supply was increased from 44.8km² (17.3 sq. miles) to 730km² (282 sq. miles). (b) The capacity of the Batu Kitang Treatment Plant was increased from 14MID (3MgD) to 464MID (102MgD). (c) A Weir across Sg. Sarawak Kiri was constructed to increase source reliability at Batu Kitang. (d) Storages with a total capacity of 160MID (35MgD) was constructed. (e) The number of services has risen from 4,472 to 129,212. (f) The annual water sales revenue had increased from RM0.782 million in 1959 to RM79.66 million in 2008. (g) The average daily consumption has risen from 9.9 megalitres to 391 megalitres. (h) The cumulative capital development expenditure up to the end of 2008 was RM778,723,671. Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 12 IQA, 2008 Gotong Royong at Batu Lintang 13 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 5S visit To Baitulmal Gotong Royong at Batu Kitang Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 14 Visit to Kampung Annah Rais with Datuk Awang Tengah 15 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Union AGM 2008 YB Sharifah Hasidah visit to Kuching Waterboard Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 16 Visit to Taiyo Yuden Visit to Sri Aman Perbarisan 31 Ogos 2008 17 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD KTAK visit at Batu Kitang External Audit by Moody 2008 Lembaga Lembaga Air Air Kuching Kuching Kuching Kuching Water Water bOARD bOARD 18 18 Performance Indicators AverageAverage I Physical Performance Indicator 2007 2008 1 Annual Treatment Plant Reserve Margin (%) Total Plant Capacity - Actual Production x 100% Total Plant Capacity 21.16 18.29 2 Network Density = Total Km of Pipeline 2.8 2.88 Total Sq.Km Area 3 Population/km of Pipeline = Total Population 293.27 305.5 Total Km of Pipeline Service Performance Indicator 2007 2008 II 1 No. of connections per employee 208.96 220.19 2 No. of connections per meter reader 2912.65 3020.55 3Length of pipeline (Km) per employee 3.45 3.65 4 Total Output of Treated Water (ML) per employee 19.48 20.66 5 No. of pipeline breakages per kilometer 0.27 0.021 6 No. of complaints received per 1000 connections 30.27 25.09 7 Actual No. of meters replaced/Expected No. of meters to be replaced 1.11 0.66 8 % of Non-revenue Water 32.66 33.66 9 Actual consumption (cu.m) per capita - overall 16.62 11.9 10 % of No. of treated water NTU >5.0 violation 0 0.16% 11 % of No. of treated water bacteria/E-coli violation 0.93 1.14% 12 % of No. of treated water true colour >5.0 violation 0.75 0.00 III Financial Performance Indicator 2007 2008 1 i) Average O & M cost increase, % 7.01 11.72 ii) Average increase in water production cost, % 14.62 15.89 Total O & M Cost 0.56 0.60 2 Unit Production Cost (sen) = Total cu.m. water produced Total O & M Cost 0.85 0.92 3 Average cost of Water Sold (sen) = Total cu.m. water sold 4 Average tariff (sen) = Total Revenue 0.84 0.85 Total cu.m. water sold 5 Operating ratio = Total O & M Cost 1.01 1.08 Total Revenue (exclude interest) 6 Ratio of Total Domestic Consumption 1.44 1.12 Total Industrial Consumption 7 Ratio of Total Revenue of Domestic Consumption 0.90 0.71 Total Revenue of Industrial Consumption 8 Collection Efficiency = Total Annual Collection 0.92 1.00 Total Annual Billing 9 Average Collection = Total Debt x 365 days 69 75 Period of Debts (days) Total Billed Notes: Average O & M Cost = Average Annual Expenditure Total O & M Cost = Total Expenditure Total Revenue = Total Water Sales Only Domestic = Domestic + Standpipe Only Industrial = Domestic/Commercial, Commercial, Special Commercial, & Ship Supply NRW Target for Year 2008 = 30% 19 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD financial Performance FIVE YEARS TREND 2004 2005 2006 2007 Water Sales (RM'000) 63,033 64,952 70,353 76,706 Total Revenue (RM'000) 72,831 75,646 82,937 89,511 Operating Expenditure (RM'000) 63,104 64,507 72,220 77,285 Net Profit (RM'000) 9,726 11,138 10,717 12,226 Total Net Assets (RM'000) 333,274 367,420 388,485 421,602 Long Term Loan (RM'000) 165,804 204,078 221,046 209,824 2008 79,664 93,466 86,346 7,120 439,676 210,228 Performance Ratio Net Profit Ratio Current Ratio Return on Total Net Assets Long Term Debt to Equity (Reserves) 13.4% 14.7% 12.9% 13.7% 7.6% 1.7 2.4 3.3 3.7 3.2 2.9% 3.0% 2.8% 2.9% 1.6% 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 20 Financial statements penyata pengerusi dan seorang ahli lembaga pengarah 21 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Financial statements pengakuan oleh pegawai utama yang bertanggungjawab ke atas pengurusan kewangan lembaga air kuching Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 22 Financial statements SIJIL KETUA AUDIT NEGARA MENGENAI Penyata Kewangan LEMBAGA AIR KUCHING BAGI TAHUN BERAKHIR 31 DISEMBER 2008 23 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 The notes on pages 28 to 40 form an integral part of these accounts. Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 24 Income statement as at 31 December 2008 The notes on pages 28 to 40 form an integral part of these accounts. 25 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD statement of changes in equity as at 31 December 2008 Retained Profit RM Balance as at 31 December 2006 94,874,305 Changes in Income Tax Exemption 3,366,588 Net Profit for the year 12,226,117 Balance as at 31 December 2007 110,467,010 Decrease in Provision for Deferred Taxation 3,683,000 Net profit for the year 7,119,873 Balance as at 31 December 2008 121,269,883 The notes on pages 28 to 40 form an integral part of these accounts. Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 26 cash flow statement as at 31 December 2008 The notes on pages 28 to 40 form an integral part of these accounts. 27 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 28 notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 29 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 30 notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 31 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 32 notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 33 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 34 notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 35 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 36 notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 37 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 38 notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 39 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 25 26 27 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 40 Appendices Appendix Description 1. Carta Organisasi Lembaga Air Kuching 2 Senior Staff List for 2008 3 Water Production & Gross Consumption – 2008 4 Water Consumption Analysis – 2008 5 Consumers’ Normal Monthly Consumption – 2008 6 Kuching Water Board Raw Water Quality – Extracted from the Report of Chemistry Department for the Year 2008 7 Kuching Water Board Treated Water Quality – Extracted from the Report of Chemistry Department for the Year 2008 8 Treatment Plants and Pumping Stations 2008 9 Comparison Pipe Lengths Laid (Km) Against Pipe Type and Size (mm) for 2008 10 Metered Water Consumption – 2008 11 Profitability Trend 1999 - 2008 12 Annual Water Sales 1999 – 2008 13 Revenue and Expenditure 1999 – 2008 14 Analysis of Consumers Connections, Consumption and Revenue for 2008 15 Daily Water Production 1999 – 2008 16 Percentage of NRW for Years 1999 – 2008 17 KWB New Service Connections 1999 – 2008 18 KWB Mains Laid 1999 – 2008 19 KWB Mains Renewed 1999 – 2008 20 Scale of Water Charges 21 Statutory Boundary of Kuching Water Board 41 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 42 SETIAUSAHA, N48 PENOLONG JURUAUDIT, W32 PEN.PEGAWAI PENGUATKUASA, N32 PENOLONG PEGAWAI SISTEM MAKLUMAT,F32 PENYIASAT DAN SURVEI PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM],J36 SURVEI JURUTERA [AWAM], J41 BEKALAN AIR LUAR BANDAR PELAN DAN REKOD PELUKIS PELAN, J22 REKABENTUK SISTEM JURUTERA [AWAM], J41 REKABENTUK SISTEM, PERANCANGAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN UNTUK PROJEK BESAR PENGUATKUASA PEN.PEGAWAI TADBIR [STOR], N32 PENOLONG AKAUNTAN, W32 D.P.E. STOR PENTADBIRAN DAN SUMBER MANUSIA KESELAMATAN AKAUN PEN.PEGAWAI TADBIR, N27 PEMBANTU TEKNIK [MEKANIKAL] J36 LOJI MATANG, PERAWATAN, KAWALAN MUTU AIR UJIAN CONTOH UNTUK KERJA BARU DAN SISTEM AGIHAN JURUTERA [AWAM] J41 LOJI MATANG & STESEN PAM PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM], J36 OPERASI LOJI DAN PENGENDALIAN AWAM LOJI BATU KITANG I,II,III & STESEN PAM PENTADBIRAN LOJI PENGURUS LOJI, PENTADBIRAN, PENGELUARAN, OPERASI LOJI LOJI BATU KITANG I,II,III, PERAWATAN. KAWALAN MUTU AIR PENOLONG PEGAWAI SAINS, C27 AHLI KIMIA, PEGAWAI SAINS, C41 PEMBANTU TEKNIK [LETRIK], J36 PENGENDALIAN ALAT-ALAT ELETRIK & SISTEM TELEMETRI AHLI KIMIA, PEGAWAI SAINS(KUP), C48 KAWALAN MUTU AIR MAKMAL BATU KITANG & MATANG PENGENDALIAN ALAT-ALAT MEKANIKAL PEMBANTU TEKNIK [MEKANIKAL], J36 PENGENDALIAN LOJI PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM], J36 PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM], J29 KAWALAN KEBOCORAN PEMASANGAN BARU, KELULUSAN KERJA PAIP DALAMAN DAN PELESENAN JURUGEGAS PAIP PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM], J36 PEMASANGAN BARU METER PEMBACAAN METER & PENGHANTARAN BIL., PENGENDALIAN, PENGUJIAN METER DAN MENYIASAT ADUAN PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM], J36 JURUTERA [AWAM], J41 PEMASANGAN BARU, METER DAN PEMBANGUNAN PEMBANTU TADBIR, N22 PERHUBUNGAN AWAM/ PERKHIDMATAN PENGGUNA OPERASI DAN PENGENDALIAN SISTEM PENGAGIHAN, STANDBY 24 JAM PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM], J38 PENGAGIHAN JURUTERA [AWAM], J44 SISTEM PENGAGIHAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN REKABENTUK,PEMASANGAN SALURAN PAIP DAN KELULUSAN PERMOHONAN PELAN PEMBANTU TEKNIK [AWAM], J36 SALURAN BARU JURUTERA [MEKANIKAL], J41 PENGENDALIAN MEKANIKAL AM JURUTERA [AWAM], J41 SALURAN BARU DAN PEMBANGUNAN TIMBALAN PENGURUS BESAR, AGIHAN, J48 AGIHAN,KAWALAN KEBOCORAN,PENYIASATAN, REKABENTUK DAN PEMBANGUNAN PENGENDALIAN M/E TIMBALAN PENGURUS BESAR, J52 PENGELUARAN, PERANCANGAN & PEMBANGUNAN PERANCANGAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN, PENGELUARAN & OPERASI LOJI, PENGENDALIAN M/E DAN KAWALAN MUTU AIR PENGENDALIAN AM, PENGANGKUTAN KENDERAAN & ALAT-ALAT BERAT AKAUNTAN, W41 KETUA AKAUNTAN, W48 KEWANGAN PEN.PEGAWAI TADBIR, N32 PENOLONG SETIAUSAHA, N41 PENTADBIRAN PENGAUDITAN DALAM PENGURUS BESAR, J54 JEMAAH LEMBAGA CARTA ORGANISASI, CARTA ORGANISASI,LEMBAGA LEMBAGAAIR AIRKUCHING KUCHING Appendix 1 Senior staff list for 2008 Appendix 2 GENERAL MANAGER - Mohammad aris yusop, B. Eng (Mechanical) (w.e.f 3.6.2008) SUNG SIEW ENG, PPC, PPB B.E.(Hons.)(Civil), P.Eng., M.I.E.M., C.P.Eng.AUST., M.I.E. AUST., M.C.I.W.E.M., MBA (seconded to Ministry of Public Utilities w.e.f. 25.2.2008) DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (PDP) - PAUL CHAN PHOO THIEN, PPB DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (D) - MOSES A. JOSEPH, ABK SECRETARY - VESMAWATI bte. JAFFAR, ADIA, DIA CHIEF ACCOUNTANT - SU YU JIT, PPB SENIOR CHEMIST - WONG SOON SING, PPB EXECUTIVE ENGINEER - TEO SEO LIN, PPB B.Eng, (Monash), P.Eng., M.I.E.M., M.I.E. AUST., MBA B.Sc.(Hons.)(Civil Eng.), P.Eng., M.I.E.M., MBA B.Sc.(Civil Eng.), P.Eng., M.I.E.M. B.COM., MBA, Diploma Management, C.A.(M.), C. A. (N.Z)., FCTIM, M.N.ZI.M. B.Sc.(Hons) (Chemistry), A.M.I.C., MBA - IGNATIUS CHANG YI LEE B.Eng.(Hons) (MONASH), B.Sc.(Maths/Stats), P.Eng., M.I.E.M., MBA - ROZITA BT. MOHD. IBRAHIM, B.Eng.(Hons), Dip. Civil, Eng., UTM - ISMAIL BIN ALI, B.Eng. (Civil) UTM - SAMHARIS BIN AHMAD OSMAN, B.Eng. (Civil, UTM) - wahab hj. lias, B.Eng. (Civil) UTM, Dip. Eng. (Civil) - YII MING ANG, B. Eng (Electrical) - friddy bin sonong, B.Eng (Civil) UTM, Dip. Eng. (Civil) ACCOUNTANT - ANNA RICHARD, B.Accountancy, C.A. (M) ASSISTANT SECRETARY - AGATHA AHAM SUNI, MBA, BPA (Hons), DPA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CONTRACT) - FATMAH'TUL HIDAYAH BT AHMAD ZAINI, B.Sc. (General Management), CHEMIST - RAHAYU BTE AHMAD BOHARI, B.Sc (Hons.) (Resource Chemistry), A.M.I.C. SENIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT - RAYMOND LEE MOH LIM, PPT (on contract w.e.f. 3.6.2004) - roger ak howell, B.Eng. (Civil) UTM, Dip. Eng. (Civil) - PATRICK KUEH TECK HENG, PPT -GEPAIRI BIN JOL, Dip. Land Surveying - THEN YEN LING, Dip. Civil Eng. SENIOR PROGRAMMER - YEE WUI MEN, PPT SENIOR ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT -HAJJAH SAPTUYAH ZAMAHARI, PPT ASSISTANT INTERNAL AUDITOR - DYG. NORAINI BT ABG. ZAWAWI, PPT MBA (Public Sector Management), Diploma Management, NZ (on Contract) Dip. Mech. & Marine Eng. Dip. Accountancy Dip. (Banking Studies) (retired on 1.5.2008) ASSISTANT Administrative Officer (I) - josephine nagai, B.Sc (HRD), Dip. in Stenography PROGRAMMER -LAI CHOON NGA, B. Business -HAYATI BINTI MORSHIDI, BBA (Finance), Dip. Computer Science - CHUNG NGEE KWONG, PPT TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (CIVIL) - Hossen bin sondong, PPT 43 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Appendix 3 WATER PRODUCTION & GROSS CONSUMPTION - 2008 (IN MEGALITRES) Appendix 4 WATER CONSUMPTION ANALYSIS 2008 (IN MEGALITRES) Commercial Month Metered Percentage Commercial/Domestic No.of Consumption Consumption Services Metered Percentage Consumption Consumption Domestic No.of Services Metered Percentage Consumption Consumption Standpipes No.of Services Metered Percentage Consumption Consumption Processed No.of Services Metered Percentage Consumption Consumption Total No.of Metered No.of Services Consumption Services Appendix 5 CONSUMERS' NORMAL MONTHLY CONSUMPTION 2008 5,857 5.76 86 4.08 1750 12.79 7 5.88 6,770 6.66 196 9.3 2798 20.45 2 1.68 2 7,057 6.94 241 11.44 1737 12.7 5 4.2 9,275 9.12 182 8.64 1021 7.46 1 0.84 2.52 10,628 10.45 141 6.69 741 5.42 3 10,700 10.53 154 7.31 588 4.3 - 9,755 9.6 123 5.84 498 3.64 1 0.84 8,326 8.19 124 5.89 420 3.07 3 2.52 0.84 12.5 - 2 6,910 6.8 105 4.98 348 2.54 1 5,465 5.38 85 4.03 284 2.08 2 1.68 4,406 4.33 82 3.89 253 1.85 2 1.68 1 13,827 13.6 381 18.08 1390 10.16 19 15.97 1,657 1.63 110 5.22 537 3.93 4 3.36 429 0.42 44 2.09 301 2.2 10 212 0.21 14 0.66 193 1.41 11 9.24 7.56 8.4 2 12.5 6.25 12.5 92 0.09 7 0.33 133 0.97 9 51 0.05 16 0.76 91 0.67 5 4.2 1 6.25 42 0.04 4 0.19 68 0.5 4 3.36 1 6.25 33 0.03 4 0.19 63 0.46 3 2.52 1 6.25 17 0.02 1 0.05 43 0.31 3 2.52 148 0.15 7 0.33 424 3.1 24 20.17 6 37.5 101,657 100 2,107 100 13,681 100 119 100 16 100 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 44 Appendix 6 Kuching Water Board RAW Water Quality Extracted from the Report of Chemistry Department for the Year 2008 45 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Appendix 7 Kuching Water Board Treated Water Quality Extracted from the Report of Chemistry Department For the Year 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 46 Follow sample color Appendix 8 Treatment Plants and pumping stations 2008 47 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Appendix 9 COMPARISON OF PIPE LENGTHS LAID (Km) AGAINST PIPE TYPE AND size (mm) FOR 2008 Appendix 10 METERED WATER CONSUMPTION 2008 Month Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 48 Appendix 11 PROFITABILITY TREND 1999–2008 Year Appendix 12 ANNUAL WATER SALES 1999–2008 Year 49 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Appendix 13 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE 1999 – 2008 Year Appendix 14 ANALYSIS OF CONSUMERS CONNECTIONS, CONSUMPTION AND REVENUE IN 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 50 Appendix 15 % of NRW DAILY WATER PRODUCTION (1999-2008) Year Appendix 16 % of NRW For years 1999 - 2008 Year 51 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Appendix 17 KWB New Service Connections 1999-2008 Appendix 18 KWB MAINS LAID 1999-2008 Appendix 19 KWB MAINS RENEWED 1999 - 2008 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 52 Appendix 20 Scale Of Water CHarges Effective From 1st January 1992 Domestic Rate Per 1,000 litre Minimum Charge in any one month RM4.40 1,000 to 15,000 litres in any one month RM0.48 In excess of 15,000 litres but not exceeding 50,000 litres in any one month RM0.72 The excess over 50,000 litres in any one month RM0.76 Domestic / Commercial Rate Minimum Charge in any one month RM18.70 1,000 to 25,000 litres in any one month RM0.83 The excess over 25,000 litres in any one month RM0.95 Commercial Rate Minimum Charge in any one month RM22.00 1,000 to 25,000 litres in any one month RM0.97 The excess over 25,000 litres in any one month RM1.06 Special Commercial Rate for Water Processed for Sale Minimum Charge in any one month RM27.50 1,000 to 25,000 litres in any one month RM1.21 The excess over 25,000 litres in any one month RM1.33 Public Standpipes RM0.43 Water Collected at Depot (Customer’s Transport) RM0.43 Water to Ships RM1.70 Meter Rents Per Month or Part of a Month 15mm RM0.55 20mm RM1.65 25mm RM2.20 53 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD Appendix 21 Lembaga Air Kuching Kuching Water bOARD 54