Borg Olivier to face criminal charges on VAT irregularity
Borg Olivier to face criminal charges on VAT irregularity
€1.00 maltatoday WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY • 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 • ISSUE 568 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Borg Olivier to face criminal charges on VAT irregularity PM says “he did not intervene to stop VAT commissioner from proceeding with criminal charges” page 7 Dalli: PN needs new direction TIFFANY PHOTO BY RAY ATTARD See full interview on page 12, 13, See Editorial pg 23 See Saviour Balzan pg 15 UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH page 3 Newspaper post Revealing interview with former leadership contender who describes today’s PN as ‘party of political apartheid’ 2 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 One flew over the Central Med One of two tagged honey buzzards is safely through to Algeria on its maiden voyage towards its wintering grounds in West Africa: but doubts linger as the second draws closer to Malta. RAPHAEL VASSALLO the migratory habits of Europe’s most mysterious raptor Two tagged honey buzzards last year covered 4,850km in just over one month EBERHARD Meyer has been following weather reports in Italy with some trepidation over the past few days. His concern? The fate of Michael Lawrence, who, though just over six months old, has already travelled nearly 800 km, and is now delayed by bad weather somewhere just north of Rome. Together with his sister Carmen, Michael Lawrence began his 5,000 km journey three weeks ago in Carinthia, Austria, where his first forays out of the nest were filmed by Meyer as part of a documentary about bird migration for German TV. At the time of writing, the latest satellite reports revealed that Carmen is already in Algeria, having bypassed the southern Italy-Malta route by crossing the Mediterranean over Sardinia and the western Tyrrhenian. From the Barbary coast, she will cross the Sahara in just 10 days on her way to her final destination: most likely Benin, though at this stage it’s hard to say with any certainty. This is, after all, only her first trip abroad. As for Michael Lawrence, his exact whereabouts are at present unclear. Meyer – who was in Malta until yesterday, filming the activities of German anti-hunting lobby group CABS – admits he hopes the bird will follow its sister’s example, and opt for the less hazardous western route over the risks of ‘trigger-happy’ Malta. If not, he is likely to fly over Malta at any given moment – possibly even today. Whether he will continue his southward journey after that is another question. From the start of Raptor Camp until yes- terday morning, Birdlife Malta has counted at least 21 honey buzzards shot dead or shot at by poachers over Malta; with another six seen flying with visible gunshot wounds. A further 28 other raptors of different species were shot at by poachers, with 19 others injured – and these are the statistics compiled only by Birdlife Malta, not taking into account the data collated separately by CABS. Even if Michael Lawrence avoids Malta, the young raptor will still face untold danger on his way to central Africa – for Sardinia and Sicily have their fair share of poachers too, and other threats come also in the form of pesticides, high voltage cables, etc. But if he does make it through the gauntlet of the central Mediterranean, his movements are likely to shed invaluable light on Carmen, the older of the two birds, arrived in Algeria last Thursday German film-maker Eberhard Meyer has been following the honeybuzzards since they hatched in Austria last spring the little-known migration habits of this spectacular bird of prey. For though a fairly common autumn visitor to Malta, the honey buzzard – Pernis apivorus, or ‘kuccarda’ in Maltese – remains one of the least known of central and eastern Europe’s breeding raptors. Tagged as part of an ongoing research project led by Prof. Anita Gamauf of the Austrian Museum of Natural History Museum in Vienna, the two juveniles are being closely monitored by means of regular satellite updates, and already the researchers have unearthed some previously unknown facts. For reasons that remain unclear, it seems that it is mostly juveniles that opt for the central migration route down Italy and across to North Africa over Malta. As they grow older, adults tend to prefer the longer overland routes over the Eastern or Western Mediterranean littorals: evidence, the researchers joke, that honey buzzards may be a good deal more intelligent than is generally assumed. 3 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER One strut away from victory Tiffany Pisani, photographed at Palazzo Parisio. Photography: Ray Attard, Clothes: New Look, Make-up: Revlon MARTINA SAID AN offshoot of its American counterpart and hosted by worldfamous supermodel Elle Macpherson, Britain’s Next Top Model was never really that popular in Malta. However things started to change when it emerged that an 18-year – old local girl was participating. “I never even thought I’d make it into the competition, let alone to the top three,” Tiffany said during a brief visit to Malta. The latest episode, aired last Monday on Living TV, confirmed the three girls that made it to the final, one of whom is Tiffany. “I cried when they called me out in the last episode; it was very overwhelming.” Prior to her big break, the short-haired brunette beauty worked with various local magazines. However, separate competitions in Germany and Milan, especially the latter in which she resided there for a few months, truly opened her up to the world of modeling. Tiffany was discovered by her agent and director of mt, Carina Camilleri, at the young age of fourteen. The tall and thin teenager was spotted in the street while Carina was looking for parking. She stopped her in the middle of the road, along with her mother and sister, and asked if she’s ever tried modeling. Tiffany was slightly dazed after having just pulled out a tooth, but the pair met afterwards and started shooting together weeks later. Out of her modeling experiences to date, Britain’s Next Top Model tops them all. Through it, she has met shoe designer Jimmy Choo, bikini designer Melissa Odabash and world-class photographer Terry O’Neill, to name a real few. Was it ever intimidating? “Yes, I felt intimidated… very often actually. Knowing that you have to make a good impression all the time was quite nerve-wracking.” On first impression, the local bombshell might not come off as an average Maltese girl; her freckled face, pale skin, and (previously) blonde hair enabled her to blend in well with the British pack. But did the fact that she’s Maltese ever draw criticism from her fellow housemates or judges? “The girls did try to bring it up that I was the ‘foreigner’ on the show but it didn’t bother me,” she said. “I’m proud of who I am and where I come from, so I didn’t take any of it to heart.” As for the judges? “There were times the judges brought it up but it wasn’t aired on TV. What they did comment on was my heavy accent, which isn’t even a Maltese but a mixture of everything,” she said candidly. This leads to the next much talked-about issue – her voice. “When I first watched the program I thought to myself ‘Oh my God, it sounds terrible!’ My voice is deep and gets deeper when I’m nervous, but overall I’m fine with it. It’s natural, there’s nothing I can do!” When asked whether viewers were denied certain moments of the show due to heavy editing, Tiffany replied loud and clear, “Loads and loads of things weren’t shown on TV. Small things like conversations which would lead to an important scene, or which explained why certain things were said, were cut.” So did viewers get to see the real characters of the girls? Perhaps characters began to emerge as we diminished in number but there is much more to each girl than it appeared.” One wonders how Tiffany fared in such a competitive environment. “I got along well with Charlotte especially, as well as Joy and Susan. I really tried to get along with everyone and I did with the majority, though I think everyone had a few quarrels with Kirsty because she had such a different personality…” After tasting success, Tiffany has been driven to pursue a career abroad. “I’ll be leaving for London soon, I want to take the opportunity I’ve been given and try my best there. I still want to work here though, so if I get the opportunity to work in a local campaign I’ll be more than happy to do it.” Tiffany has high hopes for the season finale, which will be aired live for the first time and involve the public through televoting. “I’ll be leaving here for the live finale on the 28th. I really hope all goes well; I’m nervous but certainly excited.” The last episode of Britain’s Next Top Model will be aired on 4 October. 2010 4 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Effort needed to integrate ethnic minorities into schools RACHEL ZAMMIT CUTAJAR INV ITAT I ON T O TE NDE R FACILITIES available to educate the children of migrants have been found to be lacking, according to a study conducted by three Maltese educators. It was concluded that the new reality emerging locally – that of a multi-cultural and multiethnic society – needs to be addressed to enhance social inclusion of migrants. No official data is available on exact numbers of children of ethnic minorities being educated in schools in Malta. Colin Calleja, Michael Grech and Bernard Cauchi studied the situation of 555 students attending nine different schools – primary and secondary – hailing from 76 different countries in a document entitled Education and Ethnic Minorities in Malta. Education for children of migrants is regulated in Malta by legal notice 259 of 2002. This stipulates that children of people classed as refugees or those granted humanitarian protection have a right to free education between the compulsory ages of five and 16. The European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia states that not only is inclusion of ethnic minorities a fundamental human right, but will also improve the productive capacity of human capital to achieve greater economic prosperity. Despite a substantial amount of migrant children in schools, efforts to integrate them properly have been found lacking, a study has shown Despite legal responsibilities being fulfilled, these children are not receiving an education that will encourage social integration for a number of reasons. Calleja et al have made some recommendations to encourage social inclusion of migrants and acceptance of multi-culture among Maltese pupils. The presence of children of different ethnicities is a reality, yet teachers and school leaders are not being trained in intercultural communication and skills to help them deal with them. Grouping the children in one locality will make for the worst possible policy, as ghettoisation of migrant children will further facilitate social exclusion. Calleja et al are recommending housing migrant families in different parts of the island to avoid this. A dangerous practice common in most schools is to group these children, who require further educational support with children with special needs (disabilities). It is a disservice to these chil- ESF PROJECT 2.85 LINKING INDUSTRIAL NEEDS AND VET TO OPTIMISE HUMAN CAPITAL The Principal of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology notifies that offers from interested parties will be received for: MCAST T. 13/10 TENDER FOR FACILITATION SERVICES DURING INDUSTRY SECTOR GROUP MEETINGS AT MCAST MAIN CAMPUS CORRADINO, PAOLA Tender documents may be collected from the Accounts Department from Monday to Friday, between 08:30 hrs to 12:00 hrs and 14:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs against a fee of € 35. Tenders are to be submitted in a sealed envelope and deposited in the appropriate tender box at the Administration Building, at the address below, by not later than Monday 4 October 2010 at 14:00 hrs. MCAST reserves the right to accept or refuse in part or in whole, any or all tenders submitted. LAT E AND INCOMPLETE A PPL ICATION S WILL N O T BE CO N SIDERED. MCAST Main Campus Corradino Hill, Paola PLA 9032 Tel: 2398 7100 Fax: 2398 7316 For more details log on: Operational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life Project part-financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF) Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds Investing in your future dren whose needs are entirely different to those with learning disabilities. Data collection, analysis and evaluation will help in decisions of policy regarding the education of migrant children. A monitoring department within the Education Department could also provide support to these vulnerable children. Other recommendations made in the report are to have intensive language courses in English and/or Maltese to help children and their par- ents communicate better with the outside world. Where possible, it is recommended to offer teaching of the child’s language of origin in collaboration with NGOs and embassies. Some schools have provided good practices that can be adopted by other educational facilities. These include Birzebbuga Primary, Miriamal Batool Islamic school and Sliema Primary School, which are encouraging social acceptance of different cultures and religions. Gozitans get an ODZ pistol shooting range THE Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) has approved an open-air shooting gallery on 650 square meters of abandoned land between the road leading to Ramla Bay and San Blas Valley. The applicants argued that the development has little impact on the site and that projectiles are always collected. They also argued that the development has to be located away from habitable areas and that the site’s topography is ideal for a shooting range, with the natural layout of the site providing a high degree of safety at the target-end without the need of interventions. The site will only accommodate six shooters at a time. Unlike a previous application, which involved massive construction works, the present one only in- volved the levelling of the f loor and the construction of rubble walls. But by approving this application, the Development Control Commission has overturned the negative recommendation of the case officer who argued that by approving the shooting range, MEPA could create a precedent for similar developments in other areas of the countryside. The case officer report states that the development is incompatible with the designation of the site as an Area of High Landscape Sensitivity. The shooting range was approved in the absence of a policy on shooting ranges, which still lacks ministerial approval. MEPA’s own Forward Planning Unit objected to the development, arguing that this could prejudice the emerging policy. 5 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Breast Cancer mortality rising among 55 to 64 year olds JAMES DEBONO THE Health Authorities are noticing a trend of increased breast cancer mortality among 55 to 64 year olds, the same age group which is targeted for the government’s breast screening programme. While 77 women in this age group lost their life to this disease between 2000 and 2005, the number of deaths in the following five years totalled 120. And while a third of breast cancer deaths between 2005 and 2009 occurred within the 55 to 64 age group, women in this age group represented only 21% of all breast cancer deaths between 2000 and 2005. ing each year. The second most at risk age group were women aged between 55 and 64. Only 5% of those who died of breast cancer in the past five years were under the age of 45 but 15% were aged between 45 and 55 – an age group which is not entirely covered by the breast screening programme. Screening is restricted to over 50-year-olds because mammography is not as effective in pre-menopausal women, as the density of the breast tissue makes it more difficult to detect problems. The incidence of breast cancer is also much lower in the pre-50 age group. According to the demographic review in 2009, deaths due to breast cancer went up by 44% 120 The total number of Maltese women who died in the last five years from breast cancer According to the Health Ministry, this is the only apparent statistical trend related to breast cancer deaths. “The only notable apparent trend is within the 55-64 group. However, one has to keep in mind that given the small numbers involved, one would require a longer period of observation to establish whether a trend is being sustained or not”. A positive aspect noted by the Health Ministry is that the recommended age groups for breast screening coincide very well with age groups who are most at risk of breast cancer. The Malta Breast Screening Programme provides free breast screening every three years for all women aged 50 to 60 years. Around 14,000 women are being invited for screen- over 2008. According to the National Office of Statistics this was mainly due to a sharp increase in deaths caused by breast cancer among women between 45 and 54 and women aged between 65 and 74, when compared to 2008. 2009 registered the highest number of breast cancer deaths since 2000. But these statistical fluctuations in total figures do not have any statistical relevance. “Given the small size of Malta, the numbers fluctuate wildly. This may give rise to apparent rises or falls from one year to the next that are simply due to random variation,” the Ministry spokesperson explained. A total of 753 women have lost their life to breast cancer during the past decade. Breast screening for over 50 -year-olds is covered by the Health department A total of 753 women have lost their life to breast cancer during the past decade Number of breast cancer deaths in the past decade 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 All ages 55-64 % aged 55-64 103 73 64 69 61 71 77 74 66 95 19 16 15 11 16 17 25 25 24 29 18.4 21.9 23.4 15.9 26.2 23.9 32.5 33.8 36.4 30.5 6 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Both parties welcome MaltaToday’s latest poll Trust Barometer mtsurvey 50 40 30 20 10 September 2008 Legend September 2009 March 2010 September 2010 Given a choice between Lawrence Gonzi and Joseph Muscat who do you trust most? Lawrence Gonzi Joseph Muscat No Answer None JAMES DEBONO THE result of last week’s survey showing Muscat losing 6 points in his trust rating while still retaining a 9-point lead over Gonzi was welcomed by exponents of both major parties. While Labour sources expressed satisfaction that Muscat has still managed to maintain a substantial lead over Gonzi despite a lull in visibility following an incident which left him unable to conduct normal political activities, Nationalist sources took the survey as an indication that while the worse could be over for the PN, Muscat’s honeymoon with the electorate is definitely over now. “Your surveys clearly show that Joseph Muscat has lost 10 percentage points since he was appointed leader… This indicates Lawrence Gonzi Joseph Muscat None No Answer that the Labour leader has peaked too early …it is a sign that our message that Muscat is not leadership stuff and that his message is full of contradictions is slowly but steadily filtering down.” The PN source expects the trend to continue over the next months, with the party pushing the message that the Labour leader is rearing for a downfall. As regards PN, sources indicated that “the worse seems to be over,” and despite a political earthquake which saw four PN mayors losing their office, Gonzi’s trust rating remained stable. One silver lining for the PN in the survey is that Gonzi seems to be recovering trust among former PN voters. The survey shows that in the past year, the number of PN voters who assess Gonzi’s performance positively has grown from just 36% last year to 52%. Sep 2010 24.6 33.3 17.3 24.8 March 2010 26.3 38.9 21.4 13.4 “This is an indication that the message is starting to filter in… with the economy turning round and with people seeing deliverables like public transport reform and the new parliament with their own eyes in the next months, the message will start filtering down to other categories of voters who remain uncommitted.” According to the PN source, the survey confirms that although perceptions of widespread corruption cannot be ignored, these have a limited impact on people’s voting intentions. “With all that the government has passed through in the last months, the effect could have been far more dramatic.” On the other hand Labour sources attributed the drop in Muscat’s trust rating to the summer lull. “The fact that Muscat retained Sep 2009 23 36.3 25.2 15.6 Sep 2008 30.8 43.7 17 8.5 a considerable lead at a time when he was partially invisible due to an accident which hampered his mobility is a clear sign that we are very competitive indeed.” Another positive aspect in the survey for the PL is that it confirms that Muscat is appealing for a category of former Nationalist voters. “Your survey shows that 16% of PN voters in 2008 now prefer Muscat to Gonzi. It also shows that 12% of PN voters would now vote PL. This is clearly Muscat’s greatest accomplishment… that of making inroads among pale blue voters while losing practically nothing from the core vote. The survey simply confirms the shift in the 2008 MEP elections.” But the Labour source acknowledged that this new influx of support can be very unstable and is easily swayed away by the slightest mistake or mishap. “The survey shows that we cannot be in any way complacent both as regards substance and image… and we must be wary of repeating the mistake of ignoring the impact of new voters as we did last time.” But the Labour source insisted that the party is in a much better position than it was before the 2008 election. “At that time, your surveys always showed Gonzi enjoying a better trust rating than Alfred Sant despite the government’s inherent unpopularity. The PN intelligently responded by morphing into GonziPN on the eve of the election. It seems that this trump card will be less effective come 2013.” 7 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Borg Olivier facing criminal charges on VAT Prime Minister says he ‘did not intervene’ with Commissioner of VAT to stop proceedings against PN secretary-general for unpaid VAT Former PN secretary-general Joe Saliba PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier is to be charged in court on 14 October, for failing to file his VAT return in time, MaltaToday has learnt. A writ by the VAT Commissioner, seen by this newspaper, has asked the Commissioner of Police to file criminal proceedings against Borg Olivier on VAT evasion charges. Specifically, Borg Olivier is being charged with not having filed his VAT return within the 75-day deadline after the end of the August 2006 tax period. He will be appearing in the court of Magistrate Doreen Clarke. The offence carries a fine of anything between €700 and €3,500, but if convicted Borg Olivier can request a total or partial remission of the penalty, provided that the prosecution and the VAT Commissioner agree to such request. A spokesperson for the Office of the Prime Minister told MaltaToday the prime minister “did not intervene” with the Commissioner of VAT over the procedures that were about to be taken against the secretary-general, when specifically asked. In comments to MaltaToday sent via email a week Former AD chairperson Harry vassallo after questions were made to him, Borg Olivier said he had regularised his position with the VAT department. “I was not secretary-general at the time,” Borg Olivier said, referring to the fact that the VAT number is registered in his personal capacity as a lawyer. Borg Olivier did not reply to MaltaToday’s questions as to whether he felt his position was now untenable given that he is the subject of criminal proceedings. Only this week, parliamentary secretary Chris Said resigned his post over criminal charges he faces for perjury, saying that “it was correct politically and serious” of him to stand down. Borg Olivier also set much store on ethical standards when he demanded that Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech resign his post for admitting to criminal charges under police interrogation. Even more embarrassing for the PN secretary-general is the fact that the criminal charges are redolent of the arrest warrant served to chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika, Harry Vassallo, two days before the 2008 general election. Vassallo had not even been served with the warrant when he was asked by a journalist from Nationalist TV station Net, on the matter. Vassallo said the unfilled VAT returns had been an unresolved issue from a defunct company he once formed part of. Then PN secretary-general Joe Saliba had defended the actions of the party journalists, claiming that Vassallo had collected VAT from customers without passing on the money to VAT department. Vassallo was served with two arrest warrants in connection with a VAT-related case, four hours after a Net TV journalist had asked him about the case, two days before the 2008 general election. The warrants were for the non-payment of Lm6,000 (€14,000) in fines for non-filing of VAT returns for a company he had not been involved with for the past 10 years. However, he was still registered with the VAT department as the person responsible for the company. Vassallo said he had been present for various court sittings in connection with this case, explaining he could not present the returns of a company for which he had not been employed for more than 10 years. GRTU president accuses Sandro Chetcuti of ‘unethical business dealings’ MATTHEW VELLA A scathing attack by the Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) president Paul Abela has accused the new Malta Developers’ Association (MDA) and its vicepresident Sandro Chetcuti of having “benefitted from the greatest money laundering exercise of hundreds of millions of tax-evaded monies.” The diatribe, penned in the GRTU’s newsletter, accuses Chetcuti – who faces charges of attempted murder after assaulting GRTU director Vince Farrugia – of having “basked under the tax amnesty awarded by minister Tonio Fenech.” Chetcuti was last week appointed vice-president of the MDA, whose president is the former Nationalist minister Michael Falzon. Its 60 members include construction magnate Charles ‘ic-Caqnu’ Polidano. Chetcuti is effectively described by Abela as a multi-millionaire who benefited from the government’s tax amnesties, and who was kicked out due to his unethical business record. Chetcuti, 38, was accused of the attempted murder of Vince Farrugia when he assaulted him in the GRTU offices on 11 March, 2010. According to Abela, Farrugia was instructed by the GRTU council to tell Chetcuti that “his record of unethical business dealings” made his position as a GRTU vice-president untenable. Abela, describing himself as a “lifelong member of the PN”, also writes that he will be requesting the party to “dismiss Michael Falzon from the party” for “cheekily covering up for [Chetcuti] and accepting him as deputy.” Asked for his reaction, Chet- cuti told MaltaToday he is seeking legal counsel over the “false allegations in [his] regard.” “These words are not coming from the heart of my friend Paul Abela,” Chetcuti said. “I’m confident the truth will be revealed. I will continue to respect everyone’s opinion. As to the comments about my pending court case, I choose to voice my opinion after the case is decided.” Michael Falzon described the article as an unwarranted “vitriolic personal attack… senseless and ludicrous.” “I don’t know how my membership in the Nationalist Party comes into it. As far as I know irking Paul Abela is not tantamount to betraying the party’s principles. What is more weird is that this comes from a man who recently twice attacked the Prime Minister publicly because the PM had not consented to a proposal made by his consortium to speculate on public land by building residences in the White Rocks site!” Contacted by MaltaToday, Vince Farrugia said that Chetcuti had joined GRTU with the aim of lobbying finance minister for a tax amnesty. “The MDA does not represent people like GRTU members who buy land and develop it. The MDA represents speculators who hoard property until it is time to sell it off.” Chetcuti had lobbied for an amnesty on some €233 million in undeclared income, that had been booked as ‘shareholder loans’. Government had been requested to extend its tax amnesty for company shareholders who had re-invested undeclared income back into their own firms, but the request was not accepted in the end. 8 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 The makings of the G So hard in the heels of his comeback speech at the Granaries and on the same day of John Dalli’s vindication in a court sentence, the timing of Chris Said’s resignation could have been a major factor in the formulation of the ‘Gonzi doctrine’ BY accepting Chris Said’s resignation as Junior Minister last Thursday, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi set a bold precedent: any member of his cabinet facing proceedings in court will now have to step down. But does this inaugurate a “culture of resignations”, marked by expectations of high standards of ethical conduct on the part of politicians? Gonzi’s tolerance of other politically embarrassing cases – albeit of a non-criminal na- ture – suggests otherwise. The Prime Minister saw nothing wrong in his Finance Minister Tonio Fenech accepting a flight on a prominent businessman’s private jet to watch a football match, in breach of the ministerial code of ethics. Nor did he expect his former and present party’s general secretary to resign after spending his holidays on the yacht of a prominent businessman who bids for, and wins, government contracts. By James Debono Both cases fuelled perceptions of a shady area where political decisions and business interests mix. Nor has anyone assumed political responsibility for the BWSC saga, despite a report by the Auditor General who questioned the change of emissions laws right in the middle of a tendering process, in a way which favoured a particular company while listing a number of other irregularities and conflict of interests. Arguably, by dismantling Austin Gatt’s ‘Super Ministry’ and adding Enemalta to Tonio Fenech’s finance portfolio, Gonzi has partially addressed this issue without demanding a mea culpa from his abrasive minister. Ironically, Chris Said’s arraignment on charges of perjury in a case that involved the custody of a child, pales in contrast to the more politically charged cases mentioned above. Although perjury in a court of Gonzi had accepted Dalli’s resignation from Foreign Minister despite the lack of any formal investigations or criminal proceedings against his former Minister law is a serious matter and cannot be dismissed as “trivial,” (as described by the former junior minister himself), Said’s case was completely unconnected to his Ministerial duties and deals with his testimony in a child custody case in his capacity as lawyer. What the Prime Minister has done is mark a clear line which cannot ever be crossed: that of having his own ministers or junior ministers facing criminal investigations. So far he has failed to mark his line on politically embarrassing cases which do not result in criminal proceedings. Ironically, Gonzi’s own words that he cannot have a “minister under investigation”, directed towards John Dalli six years ago, have returned to haunt the Prime Minister on the same day that the law courts confirmed a prison sentence against Joe Zahra, the private investigator found guilty of fabricating evidence against John Dalli. On that occasion, Gonzi had accepted Dalli’s resignation as Foreign Minister despite the lack of any formal investigations or criminal proceedings against his former minister. And while the Auditor’s investigation on airline ticket purchasing turned out to be a generic one on the practices of all ministries, the Zahra report, which prompted the Prime Minister to utter those words, turned out to be a criminal fabrication. The timing which saw the two unrelated cases, one affecting his rival for the leadership and the other affecting a close political aide, converge on the same day may well have been a factor Advertise NOW on ww 9 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 onzi doctrine in the Prime Minister’s decision to draw a clear line and show that what applied to Dalli five years ago applies to others. The timing of Chris Said’s case also came a few days after Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s annual address on the Granaries in Floriana, where he promised to get tough on corruption in what was perceived as the end of the summer lull and Gonzi’s return to the political stage. It also comes in the wake of criminal proceedings against two PN mayors accused of soliciting bribes, one of which was expelled from the party. While Said’s case had nothing to do with corruption, having a junior minister facing perjury charges would have dented the government’s morality drive. Instead by accepting Said’s resignation, Gonzi may well have tried to demonstrate that his speech was not just hot air and that he really means business. But despite a degree of appreciation for Said’s correctness in promptly presenting his resignation, his resignations represent a major setback for Lawrence Gonzi’s political project, in which Said was clearly a rising star. Gonzi could have betrayed his discomfort at losing an ally in his reply, in which he augured “a quick conclusion of this legal process” to be in a position to re-appoint Said in the same post he occupies today, thus prompting criticism that he is exerting pressure on the courts by making it a foregone conclusion that Said will be found innocent. The political reverberations in Gozo – a strategic district where the next election may well be decided – are obvious, with Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono fending off another challenger for the party’s de facto leadership in Gozo. Debono was reported to have resisted attempts to remove her from her entrenched position in the Gozo Ministry in the latest government reshuffle. By revealing that he had denounced his own brothers to MEPA over planning infringe- ments in an interview with MaltaToday in 2007, Said had tried to project an image which contrasted with Debono’s ‘queen of Gozo’ status. Gonzi has also (at least temporarily), lost the contribution of a media savvy junior minister who also manages to project the image of a ‘doer’, tackling sensitive issues like medicine prices. His resignation also comes at a time when local government is being shaken by a series of bribery allegations, which Said claims have only surfaced because of a strengthening of checks and balances brought about be a law which is still being implemented. In a public interview published two weeks ago by MaltaToday, Said claimed that by taking steps against Nationalist mayors the government has proved that corruption is not institutionalised. Now by handing his own scalp to Gonzi, Said could be proving the point that nobody under investigation can remain in government. Gonzi could have betrayed his discomfort at losing an ally in his reply, in which he augured “a quick conclusion of this legal process” Said described the ‘perjury’ accusation as trivial 10 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Smart City road will be a “total disaster” for Fgura, says report Fgura Major Byron Camilleri: “Although we are in favour of the SmartCity project we cannot accept a situation where all traffic passes from Fgura as this will have a massive impact on residents’ health, which is already serious: with present traffic flows more residents are complaining of asthma” JAMES DEBONO A 643 meter road dual carriage way linking Bieb is-Sultan in Zabbar to Triq San Rokku next to the Capuchin convent in Kalkara will be a “total disaster” for the residents of Fgura if the link road is not extended up to talBarrani, a social impact study by sociologist Mario Vassallo concludes. He comes to this conclusion because of the estimated 23,000 daily car trips solely generated by the Smart City project will have to pass directly from an already polluted and congested Fgura. A Master Plan published by Transport Malta already shows how Smart City will eventually link with the Tal-Barrani Area to alleviate traffic problems in Fgura but the report states that the larger project will only be finalised by 2020. If the government sticks to this deadline, Fgura residents will have to endure a “very long period of ten more years,” during which the extra traffic created by Smart City traffic will only pass from Fgura, Vassallo contends. His report calls on the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) not to issue a permit for the new link road unless a “strong and verifiable commitment” is taken to “radically” shorten the time frame for the development of the TalBarrani link road. Otherwise the development “despite its usefulness for The estimated 23,000 daily car trips solely generated by the Smart City project will have to pass directly from an already polluted and congested Fgura Fgura council concerned Byron Camilleri expressing serious reservations on the new development. “Although we are in favour of the SmartCity project we cannot accept a situation where all traffic passes from Fgura as this will have a massive impact on residents’ health which is already serious: with present traffic flows with more residents are complaining of asthma.” The council is still studying the reports in the EIA but Camilleri made it clear that the council would be demanding compensation in the form of planning gains for the local community if the road is deemed to be inevitable. But extending the new road to Tal-Barrani could result in further environmental problems. The present proposal already results in the loss of 14,500 square meters of agricultural land. Further encroachments on agricultural land could result if the road is extended to Tal-Barrani. Amendments to the Grand Harbour Local Plan (Policy GT03) approved in 2007 did not envision a Link Road from Bieb is-Sultan to Triq Santu Rokku, Kalkara, but one linking the TalBarrani road to Kalkara. Sources in MEPA have told MaltaToday that it would make more sense to assess the impact of the whole road linking TalBarrani with Smart City, rather than a piecemeal approach through which the link road is being approved in segments. Moreover, concern is mounting among residents in Fgura, with the new locality’s Mayor SmartCity” would simply lead to “a new bottleneck creating more and very serious social problems, with a high social price, than what it seeks to solve for a long period of at least ten years.” The EIA describes driving through Fgura as being already very problematic at present and the proposed road on its own will make things much worse for the inhabitants of that town. “It would create much more pollution than at present with the obvious negative consequences on the health of the population there”. In the absence of a link with tal-Barrani, “the situation at the outskirts of Żabbar and within Fgura could potentially be much worse than at present” because the new road will simply pump huge amounts of new traffic, into junctions which are already over capacity handling traffic from Żabbar and Marsascala onto a densely populated Fgura. If the link road project joining Kalkara to Tal-Barrani is not completed, the negative social impacts of the new project would be substantial, because rather than spreading the negative impact of the larger volume of traffic generated by the SmartCity and Cottonera developments along existing routes, it would consolidate them into one, already over-tensioned, densely inhabited stretch. If the link road project joining Kalkara to Tal-Barrani is not completed, the negative social impacts of the new project would be substantial 11 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Eco-warrior extraordinaire The state of our local environment is in urgent need of policy to protect the few natural resources we have. Petra Bianchi, president of Din l-Art Helwa, talks to RACHEL ZAMMIT CUTAJAR about the dire situation of our finite limestone resources, our limited fresh water as well as use of land and protecting our pocket sized countryside AFTER a bit of a run in with Wesley, the gorgeous talkacca dog guarding the Bianchi residence, we settled down in the garden of her home on a pleasant Friday evening. The old Zebbug town house is beautifully restored, combining the traditional features of the splendid Maltese architecture with modern comforts. Bianchi immediately launches into a brief history of Din l-Art Helwa, emphasising on how their aims and objectives are still the same today as they were since their launch in 1965 – to safeguard Malta’s national heritage and natural environment for the enjoyment of future generations. “The organisation was set up with both these issues in mind, though in the past have focused more on national heritage. Environmental concerns have become more forefront in the It is predicted that limestone will run out in just 30 years. If we do not do something about it now there won’t be anything to be done later as there will be nothing left eye of the public and thus these issues have become more pressing.” Bianchi talks about the need for long term vision when it comes to planning environmental issues, such as the use of the underground water table, limestone, land use and alternative energy among others. “Each issue primarily requires some sort of vision, then laying out of objectives and allocating resources efficiently to reach the desired effect.” Here she heavily criticises the government saying that the vision simply is not there, objectives are shaky at best, and resources are badly managed, so much so that our few natural resources are over-exploited to the point that if something drastic is not done soon then there will be nothing left to protect. Bianchi is concerned about the natural water table. Over extraction of fresh water through bore holes creates a loss of pressure in underground reservoirs, encouraging the intrusion of sea water which will eventually render fresh water useless due to high salinity. British geologist Gordon Knox has predicted this will occur as soon as 2025. She offers alternatives in the treatment of wastewater to second-class fresh water that although will not be drinkable, can be used for irrigation. Questions of price, quality and distribution need to be addressed so that this alternative can be exploited in a feasible manner. Limestone is another finite, non-renewable resource that bears protecting. “The pale yellow colour limestone lends to the buildings in Malta is part of our heritage and it would be a shame exhaust this resource that has been associated with our buildings over the centuries. “At the moment there is are no mechanisms in place to reduce waste of limestone. Buildings are being demolished and perfectly useable limestone is simply being discarded. Recyclability is not even considered. Government needs to be providing incentives for recycling limestone now.” Targets to be met are steep due to the inactivity in the past. Some targets are set by the nature of the resources we are using. When dealing with finite resources we have to ensure that they will last as long as possible. “It is predicted that limestone will run out in just 30 years. If we do not do something about it now there won’t be anything to be done later as there will be nothing left.” Other targets are set by the EU. By 2020, 20% of our energy is to come from renewable sources yet we still rely almost exclusively on fossil fuels. Land is another finite resource that merits some kind of management. As one of the most densely populated countries in the world, we need to have better policies on the use of land and the protection of our pocket sized countryside. There are still a large number of vacant properties, while new properties continue being built, making for inefficient use of land and jeapordising our biodiversity and natural landscapes. Planning policies are riddled with inconsistencies. “Take the issue of high rise buildings for instance. Applications for high-rise buildings were accepted before any sort of policy was created. There should be some kind of vision – places where high-rise buildings are allowed and places where they aren’t. Instead we have a few haphazard towers scattered over the island. “There is a moratorium on high-rise buildings until a policy can be created. However rather than creating a policy before the applications came in government will now have to take into consideration pending applications when creating the policy.” The presence of a good policy is important for all environmental issues because mistakes are so difficult to rectify. In the instance of high-rise builds this becomes even more evident, due mainly to ownership issues. “Implementing any sort of changes in an apartment block housing four families is difficult enough. If owners are in the hundreds then it becomes almost impossible to achieve any changes.” Another issue close the Bianchi’s heart is the attention to “green zones” within urban areas. Hardly any attention is given to the aesthetics of built up areas. “Manoel Island in Gzira would have been an ideal ground for a recreational Petra Bianchi centre in close proximity to many families. Instead it is being developed into and extension of the already massive Tigne Point.” This is not to say that it is all bad news out there. Government has put together a National Environment Policy, though Bianchi says if this is considered in isolation it will do nothing but gather dust on the back shelves. Environmental policy needs to be integrated into other strategies; transport, energy, industry, construction and tourism: all of which have conf licting targets and impact the environment in a negative manner. Din l-Art Helwa is responsible for the management of two of Malta’s first nature parks. Foresta 2000 in Mellieha is a project Din lArt Helwa manages a large site on the Marfa Ridge of 300,000 square metres, in collaboration with Bird Life Malta and the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. “We are working hard to restore the area that was altered by human activity, recreating Mediterranean woodland to encourage biodiversity and increasing access to the general public.” The Majjistral Nature Park in the Northwest of the island from which it takes its name. It includes the costal cliffs and Golden Sands beach and is managed by Din l-Art Helwa, Nature Trust (Malta) and Gaia Foundation. Financing of the foundation has always been tough, as with any charitable institution, but Bianchi is positive. Financing comes from members’ subscriptions, corporate members as well as fund raising events. “So far, we have never had a project that was unable to be pursued because of lack of funding but it is always challenging to put together enough money to get our projects off the ground. “It is more difficult to secure financing for maintenance work than for new projects as people as well as corporations feel more inclined to help out when something they can see the difference their money is making.” Bianchi has a full-time job as well as two teenage children to look after. She manages her commitment to Din l-Art Helwa in the evenings and at weekends. “It is like this for the rest of the volunteers who donate their time to our cause. We all have work and family commitments and somehow have to fit everything in. This is why some projects take off before others. Whoever takes a personal interest in a particular project makes sure it gets off the ground as soon as possible but somehow everything fits into place.” Recent work taken on by Din l-Art Helwa include the Our Lady of Victory Church in Valletta, which was handed over to them by the government, the Great Siege monument, the Queen Victoria Statue in Valletta, the Vilhena Lion Statue and several niche monuments of various saints. “We are always on the look out for new properties where our work is badly needed in the restoration of heritage sites or environmental areas to their former glory.” 12 Interview By Karl Stagno Navarra ‘The PN needs n THIS week the Appeals Court upheld a guilty verdict in the case of Joe Zahra, confirming the pseudo-private investigator’s 17-month jail term for having fabricated a report alleging corruption during the procurement of a multi-million euro Mater Dei contract – the same report which had ousted John Dalli from his post as foreign minister in July 2004. Dalli was ‘politely’ asked to resign by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, who – basing himself on the contents of the damning but fabricated report (which implied that Dalli’s brother Sebastian was in cahoots with the director of contracts in a network of kickbacks from the successful bidder Inso SpA) – had specifically told him: “I cannot have a minister under investigation.” Dalli spent the next years in the government backbench, occasionally expressing his personal view of the Gonzi administration in a newspaper column. Then he was ‘rehabilitated’ by Gonzi himself, just ahead of the 2008 general election, denouncing the fabrications of Zahra, and announcing that Dalli was to be his advisor on financial affairs – a symbolic posting aimed at giving the impression that his former leadership rival was now his ally at the OPM. By the time he was re-elected and given the social policy superministry, Dalli was once again riding the crest of a new wave of backbench disillusion. And it was at this moment that Gonzi decided to appoint the minister as European Commissioner. But even with his sojourn in Brussels, the imprisonment of Zahra in Corradino Prisons, where he will stay for at least a minimum of 10 months, has rekindled Dalli’s memory of what he calls was a “political assassination” by people close to Lawrence Gonzi. I meet the EU Commissioner the day after the Appeals Court confirmed Zahra’s conviction. Journalist Ivan Camilleri: Dalli claims he and his brother Alan, formerly the PM’s spokesperson, were part of a ‘media conspiracy’ that aided his downfall. Camilleri is today The Times’s correspondent in Brussels. Asked to react to Zahra’s final conviction, Dalli calmly recalls the personal hardship he and his family endured. “We have been through a lot, and this is why I say Zahra’s conviction is really not enough: firstly because the directors of Dutch firm Simed who contracted Zahra, promising him €2 million should they have been awarded the Mater Dei medical equipment contract, have amazingly got away with murder.” Dalli insists the company directors were directly involved in his downfall. “The directors of Simed actually fomented the report with Zahra, and even passed on the fabricated accusations to the Prime Minister who had me removed. They were instrumental in my political assassination.” At the same time, however, Dalli hints there was more than just corruption involved. “I don’t believe that this was a simple case of greed for money on Joe Zahra’s part. This whole saga carried a clear political stamp with it.” Today, John Dalli believes it is perfectly legitimate to ask who is going to shoulder political responsibility for his removal. “There is a high level of political responsibility to shoulder for my case, because at the same time there was a well coordinated attack in my regard through the media.” Is Dalli convinced that there was a hidden hand? “It’s not a case of a hidden hand, it was a prepared plan intended to get rid of me,” Dalli says, hinting at the political maneuvering that had got underway during the 2004 leadership contest against Lawrence Gonzi, and the events after Gonzi’s formal election. “It was the way things were fabricated and secretly passed around behind my back, while a series of other allegations were being fabricated in my regard.” Dalli insists that he never knew about the Joe Zahra report, not even when it was on the Prime Minister’s desk – delivered to him by Si med ’s directors a full month before the PM first asked Dalli to resign, and then gave the report to the Commissioner of Police to investigate. “This, to me, was shattering because it breached the principle of transparency and loyalty, as I was kept in the dark about what I was being accused of. “Simultaneously, other stories were being conjured up, such as the one about the purchasing of airline tickets by my ministry, that was eventually also thrown out by the Auditor General,” Dalli says, referring to the Times report detailing the purchase of airline tickets by Dalli’s foreign ministry secretariat from Tourist Resources Ltd, a company with direct ties to his daughter. “I dare say that all these things happened with one specific scope: to have me removed, because perhaps I was considered a threat to certain people,” Dalli says. CONSPIRACY “There are those who had clear political interests, who ganged up together to have me ousted, and we all know how the clique that was formed in the media: mostly in the Times, the Sunday Times and TV production company Where’s Everybody.” Dalli also alludes to a concerted campaign orchestrated by the media in the same period of time in 2004, when he was also facing allegations by Labour that he had used his ministerial influence to get the Irisl shipping line to choose his son-in-law’s shipping agency as their Malta reps. “There are those who had clear political interests, who ganged up together to have me ousted, and we all know how the clique that was formed in the media: mostly in the Times, the Sunday Times and TV production company Where’s Everybody.” Dalli doesn’t mince his words and goes straight to mentioning the names of who he believes played an intrinsic role in 2004 that contributed to his resignation. He mentions Times journalist Ivan Camilleri – who was already mentioned as the PBS journalist ‘who kept up the attack on several occasions’ in his 2004 letter of resignation – and his brother Alan Camilleri, then spokesman for Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, and today the chairman of Malta Enterprise. So is Dalli expecting prosecutions? “If we are looking for transparency, then all these people who fabricated and conjured this very serious attack, must be investigated,” he insists. I interrupt Dalli to explain to him that the Appeals Court stressed that Joe Zahra’s actions could have spelt “serious national consequences.” “Of course… there were definitely serious national conse- WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW ON MALTATODAY.COM.MT quences because I had to resign and – at the risk of sounding presumptuous – I was a leading minister in cabinet, and I was forced to resign because the fabrications were serious.” Dalli says he now feels his integrity has been restored, calling it the ‘most important thing’. “I always insisted with Gonzi, in the many discussions we had at that time, that I wanted my name back, and I made sure that he got the message, because my name was ruined.” He goes further, claiming the plotters behind his resignation wanted him “dead and buried”. After Gonzi’s symbolic rehabilitation of Dalli in late 2007, Dalli was eventually elected from his home district, but he also managed to garner 1,800 on the POLITICAL ASSASSINATION I dare say that all these things happened with one specific purpose: to have me removed, because perhaps I was considered a threat to certain people Tenth electoral district, the Sliema stronghold. “That district was rife with disillusioned voters, and I was more than satisfied to have garnered so many votes from people who were hurt and found refuge in voting for me, who like them was hurt.” Dalli says he faced a bewildered Joe Saliba, then PN secretarygeneral, when he informed him about his decision to contest Sliema. “He looked at me, dismayed, and asked me if I was serious, and I replied, ‘yes I am going to contest there because those are people who need me there,’ and I was proved right.” Today he is European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs. While jet-setting from capital to capital on EU business, Dalli admits his mind and heart never departed from the vicissitudes of both Malta and the PN. He says his relationship with Gonzi is somewhat functional. “We talk… I’m in Brussels, and he is in Malta… We exchange messages should there be any need of anything, but the relationship reflects our respective roles: I being the Commissioner, and he the Prime Minister,” he states, giving the picture of a rather formal and professional, albeit distant, political relationship. Dalli still claims to be a Maltese politician in spite of his posting away from the island. “I attend most political activities, I am 13 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Six years after his forced resignation from Lawrence Gonzi’s Cabinet over a report now proved to have been a fabrication, European Commissioner John Dalli asks: who will shoulder political responsibility for his political ‘assassination’? ew direction’ LEADERSHIP The PN is in need of a new direction – a climate of apartheid has crept into the party, where today’s leader feels he must have all singing the same tune extremely interested in all that is happening in Malta, and I remain in personal contact with many people, especially at political level because I want to be informed on all that is going on, and intervene where I could give a helping hand.” Indeed, he is now within the same building that houses Michel Barnier, the commissioner who is leading infringement procedures against the irregular Delimara power station extension procurement, which Brussels claims was against EU competition law. “All I can say is that the Maltese government has replied to my colleague Michel Barnier, and it is now up to his department to evaluate the replies. It is now a question of either the EU accepting the Maltese government’s explanations, or they could insist that the procurement process be annulled, or impose a fine on Malta or take the nation to court for not following established procedures.” But his view of the PN today could not be more critical, and his enigmatic replies stir up the old rivalry that existed inside the party. “I believe the PN is in need of a new direction… a climate of apartheid has crept into the party, where today’s leader feels he must have all singing the same tune, which is definitely wrong,” Dalli says, in a direct reference to Gonzi’s style of leadership. They are bold claims, and he draws the difference between today’s PN and the one led by Eddie Fenech Adami. “We had a party built on diverse opinions, made of people who were free to think, debate, and even contradict, and that is what made the PN stronger and stronger over the years, as its values were consequently strengthened…” This, he says, led to an automatic process of clarity in ideas and vision: “an open internal debate created a filter that perfected ideas… but when you have someone who dictates and leaves nobody the space to contradict, as it would mean certain elimination, I say that this is surely not the way to foster a democracy, nor to lead an organization such as the PN.” Does he see the evolution of the party, manifesting itself even in the government itself? “It’s an established fact that the party is very influential on government, in the sense that the party in government reflects the vision of the Party, so when that vision starts to become blurred, government’s efficiency is the first to suffer… This is where I believe that in real and immediate terms, we must take stock of the situation and be concrete in addressing the situation and identify where we are doing well and faring badly.” But Eddie Fenech Adami’s party also left little space for ideological differentiation or personal initiative from MPs. Take the issue of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s private members’ bill on the introduction of divorce: that could have never happened under the stubborn, Catholic direction of Fenech Adami. “I would opt to separate the issue in two parts: content and method… the method was a ‘bombshell’, because I would have never expected such an initiative during my time, when we were the PN under Eddie Fenech Adami. Because when I explained to you that we had an ongoing and lively internal debate, there was an element of control and discipline. “But I must say that in our time, we had the space to speak out and express our ideas, and there was never any need to take any extraordinary initiatives… in simple words, we were bonded by absolute loyalty towards each other. “We may have disagreed between us on certain matters, but we remained friends, we didn’t fight. So if one of us had an idea or a proposal to bring forward, he or she had the space to do it freely within the party and develop it…” Dalli’s stand on divorce is cautious. He had already declared himself in favour of a “real”, not “emotional” debate on divorce in the country, and not solely on the premise that Malta must have divorce because it exists elsewhere in the world. But he disagrees with Gonzi’s approach to the matter by saying that divorce will not be decided by parliament but by referendum, as it is “too big an issue for 65 MPs to decide upon…” “I totally disagree with this. A referendum depends on the question being put forward… I honestly do not think you can place a question on an issue such as divorce, with all its problems aside… and this is why I believe that all MPs who were elected by the people have to assume the responsibility of deciding on this matter.” 14 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Over €200,000 in bingo prizes paid out monthly ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Great Prizes Excellent service State-of-the-art comfortable setting Free transport to all areas Seperate smoking areas Open 24 hours Coffee Mornings Tuesdays to Fridays St. Julians Qawra Fairplay Bingo St. Julians Dragonara Road St Julians e-mail: Tel: 2137 2926 Fairplay Bingo Qawra Dolmen Street Qawra e-mail: Tel: 2157 7677 Fairplay Bingo is licensed by the Malta Lotteries and Gaming Authority ! Minimum age of entry: 18 years. Don’t gamble unless you know the facts. Being responsible about gambling means knowing whether to gamble and how much money or time to spend. For further information visit our website: 15 Opinion p maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Saviour Balzan C A week is a long time... hris Said looks like an average, decent guy. But average looks, it seems, are important if you happen to be fickle, downright stupid and have just had a lobotomy. Take Labour deputy leader Toni Abela as a perfect example: he is what many Nationalist diehards and bloggers describe as a lajburist. You see, being a lajburist, as one woman married to a Nationalist crony once told me at the City of London, is like being a retard. Yes, she actually said ‘a retard’. Well, good to know I suppose. Those who know Abela have a different story to tell. He is well – read, cultured, intelligent, multi-lingual and can talk about everything from the real Carbonara to Rosa Luxembourg to Monet more than what the average Nationalist prototype can handle. More importantly, he fought corruption, bad politics and sacrificed his own career when Labour was in government before 1987. That, it seems, has little or no importance to many of the sycophants who spout venom from their cosy nests. On the down side, he looks a bit like Pancho Villa. But then again, Gonzi isn’t exactly George Clooney, as I’m sure we’ve all realised. But since when do we appreciate our politicians because of their looks? Chris Said has average looks, is softspoken and dresses like every Nationalist should… you know: blue tie, blue shirt, dark blue suit and shiny black pointed shoes. Said was, of course, on the road to replacing Giovanna Debono as the regent for Gozo (Giovanna must be a very happy person). Said had Gonzi’s backing, and knew how to handle the media, feeding them with interesting nuggets of information. When his brothers were involved in a very serious case of statutory rape and a hit-and-run incident, the press did not even dare ask the question whether his position was tenable. He withstood the storm and sailed on. This time round, he could not stop the maelstrom from hitting him right in the face. On the same day that Justice Michael Mallia decided on the case, the Prime Minister was faced with the other news. It has been a bad week for Dr Gonzi. Joe Zahra, who happens to be Lou Bondi and Joe (aka Peppi Azzopardi)’s bosom friend, was sentenced to 17 months imprisonment for fabricating a story about File pictures of Joe Zahra: Showing off his Freemason’s regalia, posing with Lou Bondi Why Bondi kept him by his side all John Dalli and others, insinuating that he the time escapes me. But really, should was taking kickbacks. we be so surprised? After all, Bondi is a In another country, the press would man of principles who continues to win be questioning the role of Zahra in the marketing contracts for Government. innumerable Lou Bondi programmes on Those weeks before July 2004 on State TV, and asking whether Where’s PBS, Lou Bondi purposely organised Everybody should be allowed to get on TV programmes linked to the Mater with producing programmes on PBS. In Dei contracts. He did not divulge his this country, however, Lou Bondi and knowledge of the report, but quizzed Dalli Joe Azzopardi are untouchables, so don’t and built up perceptions with the public. expect any decision here. When the Dalli resignation did take The PBS Chairman Joe Mizzi, along place in July 2004, I have no doubt that with PBS Head of News Natalino Fenech, those in the Prime Minister’s Office Head of the Editorial Board Joe Pirotta also carefully whispered to those in the and the former head of the editorial board friendly media about the so-called ‘Joe Joe Borg – the priest – will of course look Zahra story’. The link between nasty the other way and evade the whole issue. bloggers, the ever-faithful Times, Where’s They will not look back to see what Everybody and the Office of the Prime involvement this Zahra had in the Minister, had never been more real. production of so many programmes, Ivan Camilleri, a Richard Cachia including the ones directed by the Gonzi Caruana acolyte employed with The clan at political enemies. Times, seems to have known what was Perhaps some reminders are required here. The Prime Minister believed Zahra’s happening. No big deal: Alan Camilleri is his brother, and was the PM’s right hand lies. Zahra had prepared his fairy tale for man, while others in The Times seem to a foreign company bidding at Mater Dei, but Gonzi chose not to tell John Dalli. The have known as well. The only person not to have known people surrounding the Prime Minister – was Dalli. And when he resigned, he did namely Edgar Galea Curmi and the man so because he simply could not take the who runs our country’s investment, Alan Camilleri – must have smiled as they read backstabbing anymore. His words, not mine. through Zahra’s report. When he asked the Prime Minister what To appreciate the dynamics of the whole was happening, all he got was a blank story, you really have to go back to 2004. stare. I have no doubt in my mind that Zahra When the police did finally resolve let those people he worked with in the the matter – and I suppose some media and those around him in on his congratulations are in order here – they so-called discovery. I know him as a very discovered that Joe Zahra was a bloody superficial person, incapable of writing liar. proper English and Maltese and a first He is not alone. class liar who loves to blab. There are others who have alleged that kickbacks have taken place. One former Nationalist MP has alleged that a person involved in the contracts division could not have purchased a flat. I can only fathom that this allegation is based solely on his imagination and paranoia, for the person mentioned was not responsible for any contracts issued at Mater Dei. This saga, however, is not about Joe Zahra the man – whose story spans back to his days when he was driver and bodyguard with Lorry Sant, down to his involvement with Freemasonry. It is not about Lou Bondi, who everyone prays will stop appearing on our screens. It is not about Ivan Camilleri, Alan Camilleri or The Times. It is about Lawrence Gonzi. It is he who has egg on his face. It is he who believed Zahra and passed on the report to the Police Commissioner. Let’s face it: Gonzi wanted Dalli out at all costs. This was his greatest opportunity to rid himself of his nemesis. Unlike Fenech Adami who had embraced his leadership contender Guido de Marco and appointed him his deputy, Gonzi relished the idea of destroying Dalli. Truly, if anyone should talk of DNA, then the Gonzi DNA was in full play. Like his uncle, renowned for his nasty streak, Gonzi personified what a politician should never be. Some readers will say that I have it against the Nationalist party. They are wrong, simply because there IS no Nationalist party. Not anymore: it’s now all about expired politics and new politics. About failed politics and new politics. And since we’re on the subject of resignations, I wonder what will Paul Borg Olivier – who faces criminal charges on failing to fill a VAT form – do now. Will he be treated the same way Harry Vassallo was treated before the last election, when he was Green leader? Will all the bloggers and unfriendly press take Paul Borg Olivier to task as they did with Vassallo? Will Edgar Galea Curmi visit me at home, as he did in early 2008, and ask me to publish the story about Vassallo’s failure to fill in a VAT form? Should people who fail to fill out their VAT form be criminally prosecuted? Well, no. But then, it is not us who legislate, and why should Borg Olivier be treated any different to anyone else? The bottom line is that Borg Olivier, like Said, should resign. At once! 16 Opinion maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Martin Scicluna Divorcing myth from reality In the first of a 10-part weekly series, MARTIN SCICLUNA takes on the popular fallacies surrounding the divorce debate, starting with: POPULAR FALLACY 1: This is a problem that can only be fixed by strengthening marriage N obody can possibly argue with the proposition that every effort must be made to strengthen the institute of marriage. It follows that if government is serious about stemming the current shocking increase in marriage break-downs, it must be prepared to take the necessary steps to strengthen it by all the means at its disposal, including legislative measures. There have been several sensible practical proposals made to this effect, including by the Today Public Policy Institute. But even if the government were minded to take the practical action needed, it cannot just stop there. This is not a problem that can be fixed simply by seeking to strengthen the institution of marriage, important though it is to do so. While in an ideal world marriage would be for life, it must be recognised that we live in an imperfect world. The government has also to cater, therefore, for the reality of modern Maltese life that – despite best efforts to avert breakdown – marriages will continue to do so. In the 10 years between the census of 1995 and 2005, the number of individuals whose marriages in Malta were annulled or whose foreign divorces were recognised, together with those who were granted legal separations, rose by 160% from 5,098 in 1995 to 13,354 in 2005. The number of legal separations alone increased by 175% during the same period. All these marriages collapsed even though divorce cannot be obtained in Malta. The total figure of marriage breakdowns has continued to increase in the five years to date. All the evidence indicates that it is well on course to reach the figure of 35,000 individuals in broken marriages by 2015, as predicted by the Maltese Church’s own Institute for Research on the Signs of the Times, DISCERN. The situation in Malta today is anomalous and discriminatory. While couples whose marriages have broken down, either because they have been annulled or because a divorce was obtained abroad, are permitted to remarry, those whose marriage break-down has led to a legal separation are not – no matter how long they have been separated. The only missing element in the present law on legal separation, therefore, is that these people are not allowed under any circumstances to re-marry. We have legal remedies equivalent to divorce in every respect except one – the right to re-marry. When marriages fail, the government must give legal recognition to this fact in such a way as to encourage the institution of marriage. It should do this by allowing those who have been legally separated and whose marriages have irretrievably broken down to re-marry, if they wish to, after the civil dissolution of their marriage. Re-marriage after legal separation would provide greater stability in our society by avoiding the adverse social consequences arising from any subsequent relationships. This would benefit the common good of society as the frame-work for a stable family relationship to an extent which today’s dislocation caused by cohabitation never could. To leave matters as they are is no longer an option. The current situation is intolerable and seems likely only to get worse. The legal provisions in place are inadequate, insufficient and unjust. It would be wishful thinking to suppose that the trends of marriage breakdown in Maltese society can be reversed, or that any steps to strengthen marriage will succeed on their own in eliminating marital breakdowns. The reality is that there will always be some marriages that break down irretrievably. We should face that reality. A civilised society has to deal with the consequences of broken marriages as fairly as it can. The wellregulated civil dissolution of marriage after legal separation should be seen as another legal remedy (in addition to annulment or legal separation). It is the way of minimising the negative consequences to families of failed marriages who wish to re-build their lives. Raphael Vassallo Perjury and prejudice S omeone once told me that “you learn something new every day”. And I can personally confirm that this is true. Just today, for instance, I learnt that the person who once told me that was a compulsive liar. So… um… there you have it: something new, every day. The other new thing I learnt this week? That ‘perjury’ actually exists. No, I don’t mean only in Scrabble (where it tends to score rather highly as a seven-letter word containing a ‘J’). I mean also in the country’s statute books, where it can land you with a nice, new criminal record and – at an admittedly unlikely stretch – also a short spell at the Corradino Hotel and Leisure Facilities in Paola. The day I learnt this was Thursday, when a certain parliamentary secretary named Chris Said, said he had to resign because of something he had said in court (or at least, something Said said he had said), and … hang on, what was it Said said he said? OK this is getting confusing. But having Said all this: whether the said Said said what he said he said or not, the fact remains that up until that moment he said so, I had no idea that it even against the law to lie under oath… still less that one could conceivably go to jail for it. And not without good reason. Consider the following remarkable coincidence: on the same day Said said whatever he was supposed to have said, the magistrates’ court said something else entirely: namely, that the sworn testimony of four prison warders, currently facing charges of assault and battery, was “hard to believe” and therefore thrown headlong out of court. The case concerns a spectacularly unsuccessful attempted jailbreak some two years ago, when Perry Ingmar Toornstra – a Dutch national currently serving a 15-year sentence for drug trafficking – tried to give four prison warders the slip while on prison leave. Well, the four warders gave Toornstra something else in return: namely, a fractured rib, and bruises (including two bootmarks) to his forehead, both sides of his face, his neck, his chest, his shoulder, his back, his armpit (!) and both his knees. Oh, and they also very generously charged Toornstra with ‘violently resisting arrest’ and causing injuries to two among their numbers – including, horror of horrors, a ‘contusion to a small toe’. As it happens, Toonstra denied all these charges except for one: the attempted escape. And last Thursday, Magistrate Doreen Clarke found the f leeing Dutchman guilty of the latter charge, and sentenced him to an additional nine months to add to his 15. Significantly, however, she also acquitted him of the charge of ‘violently resisting arrest’, and added the following, rather glaring observation to her overall judgment (note: all emphasis added by yours truly): “It is very hard to believe that the aggressive and violent behaviour of defendant, as described by the correctional officers, resulted only in the (abovementioned) injuries sustained by CO 57 and CO 124… “In view of the foregoing and in view of all the evidence brought before it, the Court cannot give credibility to the versions given by the correctional officers in their testimony.” Now, maybe I have a tendency to read too much into such things, but… doesn’t this also mean that the sworn testimony of four prison warders (all suspended, by the way) was rejected by the court as, at best, implausible, at worst, a downright lie? And if someone like Chris Said can face criminal charges for allegedly getting facts wrong in a sworn testimony – on a relatively far less consequential matter, I might add – then the question arises as a matter of course: why have the four warders concerned not been charged with perjury, as Chris Said was for something so comparatively trivial? First three correct answers win a free bootmark on an anatomical feature of your choice… bruises and abrasions for runners-up. 17 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 SETTING THE AGENDA BREAKING NEW GROUND 18 Opinion maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Evarist Bartolo Dr Gonzi’s ‘no regrets’ A few months after Dr Lawrence Gonzi was elected PN leader and became Prime Minister six years ago, an evaluation report on his government’s commitment against corruption was carried out by GRECO of the Council of Europe, made up of a group of states against corruption. The Evaluation Report was published in Strasbourg on 1st July 2005 and concluded: “…the country still lacks a comprehensive anticorruption strategy in the public sector and in specific areas of law. Further improvements are recommended with respect, for example, to access to official documents, procedures for reporting and processing suspicions of corruption, and abusive migration of public officials to the private sector (pantouflage). Finally, tax authorities, accountants and auditors could also play a more significant role in detecting and reporting corruption.” Since then, Dr Gonzi has failed to address these weaknesses and corruption has continued to spread and has become a way of life. Since Dr Gonzi became Prime Minister, Malta has continued to slide year after year in Transparency International’s annual surveys of perceived corruption in 180 countries. In the 2005 index Malta ranked 25th, dropped to 28th in 2006, slid to 33rd in 2007, went down to 36th in 2008 and placed in the 45th position last year. A fortnight ago the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index for 2010/11 showed that when compared to the rest of the world over last year’s results, Malta has slipped back three places where public trust of politicians is concerned and is now ranked 33. While we rank 48th in the world on irregular payments and bribes, judicial independence also fell two places to 33rd place, while reliability of police services fell by a staggering five points to 35th place. Another interesting statistic to note is a place backwards (46) concerning favouritism in decisions of government officials. Dr Gonzi has been very complacent about corruption. His attitude is that there is no real corruption in Malta and all claims of corruption are politically motivated. But that is only his public face. He privately knows that corruption in Malta is not just a matter of perception or a ploy by the Opposition to undermine his government. Last Monday evening he found himself in the absurd position of saying that there is no corruption in Malta and at the same time promising to take measures to intensify the fight against corruption. He was even more absurd when he announced that to lead this fight he would resurrect the Permanent Commission Against Corruption, giving it the power and tools to investigate any allegations of corruption. For more than 20 years, this Commission has been left without any real teeth and resources, with no budget and staff. Since its inception, the Commission has never found anyone guilty of corruption. Betraying his lack of commitment to tackle corruption, Dr Gonzi last Sunday told One news journalist Charlon Gouder he had ‘no regrets’ about the BWSC scandal. The PM has said he has no regrets about the way the BWSC case developed and he would do all he had done all over again. He defended all those implicated in the BWSC scandal from small fry like Joseph Mizzi, to big fish like Zaren Vassallo, business magnate and Nationalist benefactor whose company has been subcontracted by BWSC to build the controversial power station extension to operate on heavy fuel oil. Gonzi’s government changed the local environmental laws to permit BWSC to bid and win the contract. Gonzi’s government also changed its 2006 policy to abandon heavy fuel oil plants and have new power stations in Malta operate on gas. Dr Gonzi sees nothing wrong in how BWSC’s local agent Mizzi used his access to Enemalta officials and top people in the political hierarchy to help obtain the contract for BWSC. He sees nothing wrong in having GVTH, a local law firm, doing work at the same time for the government, Enemalta, Joseph Mizzi, the PN and BWSC. Gonzi sees nothing wrong that KPMG does consulting work for government, Enemalta, BWSC and Sumimoto Mitsui Banking Corporation. He sees nothing wrong in how Enemalta is caught in a web woven by Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. that owns BWSC and Sumimoto Mitsui Banking Corporation, a prime money lender to Enemalta and is a partner with MAN that placed second in the adjudication of the tender to build the power station extension. Gonzi has no regrets that Enemalta appointed Lahmeyer International (BWSC’s agent Mizzi also used to be their agent) as an “independent consultant” to evaluate technically the bids of the renderers when this company built three power stations with BWSC in Iraq. He sees nothing wrong in the fact that BWSC itself was implicated in cases of corruption in the past and most of its subcontractors now: ABB, Siemens, Wartsila, Pauwels … have also been involved in corruption and bribery. Throughout the BWSC saga, Gonzi has consistently continued to give his backing to Alex Tranter, former chairman of energy corporation Enemalta and employed by Zaren Vassallo, whose construction company was awarded a sub-contract by BWSC. And he defended David Spiteri Gingell, who was on the adjudicating committee that awarded BWSC the contract to build the power station extension, and who a few months later became also a consultant of Vassallo Builders Ltd, Zaren Vassallo’s company. No wonder that Dr Gonzi failed to act on the recommendations of the GRECO Evaluation Report of 2005: “…there are no significant restrictions on senior public officials who resign to take up employment in the private sector. It considers that (while this may not have, as yet, posed a problem in Malta) here is a potential risk that a promise of future lucrative employment may be used to influence serving officials, and that former officials may abuse their contracts and inside knowledge of their former work areas, especially in cases where their new employment is closely related to their previous functions.” The report recommends “to introduce clear rules/guidelines for situations where public officials move to the private sector in order to avoid situations of conflict of interest.” In his six years as PM, Dr Gonzi has failed to formulate and implement a comprehensive anticorruption strategy in the country. He has only himself to blame that since he was appointed to his post, many more of our citizens believe that Maltese society is indeed infected by corruption to a greater extent than officially and reluctantly admitted. 19 Opinion maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Michael Falzon Immigration and Europe’s future S weden became the latest European nation to see a breakthrough for populist right-wingers when the antiimmigration Sweden Democrats won their first parliamentary seats in the elections held last weekend. In other Scandinavian countries, such as Denmark and Norway, populist antiimmigration parties have been successful for years, but the Swedish anti-immigrant party had never gained sufficient support to overcome the 4% threshold they needed to be represented in Parliament. This time the Sweden Democrats won 5.7% of the vote that translated into 20 seats. Sweden has been regarded by many observers as a bastion of liberalism and tolerance and immune from far-right politics. However the integration of minorities in Swedish society has become a growing preoccupation for Swedes, especially in cities with high rates of immigration. The Swedish election result follows the trend evident in other European countries such as the Netherlands, Austria and Italy where the ‘Lega Nord’ is a vital component of the Berlusconi Government. In Malta, we do not have an anti-immigration party that can be taken seriously. Norman Lowell’s ‘Imperium Europa’ is simply an eccentric’s one man band. But one cannot ignore the widespread resentment against illegal immigrants in Malta, which is mostly of a racist nature. For more than the last decade or so, we have had an influx of foreigners passing through the normal travel channels, breaching their visa conditions, working illegally in Malta and even marrying Maltese and having children. These have mostly come from Eastern European countries that were part of the now-defunct Soviet empire, from those countries that were once Yugoslavia and from the Middle East. Anyone visiting any significant building site where works are in progress will certainly find a number of workers who are recent immigrants from these countries – some with working permits but many more without. These foreigners in Malta today probably surpass the number of people who have ended up here without any passport or identification documents after a Mediterranean crossing that went wrong. However no one is afraid that Serb construction workers, Syrian plasterers or Bulgarian lap dancers pose a threat to Malta or to our national identity by being a part of a plot by foreigners conspiring to take over our country. Yet as soon as a boatload of Africans lands in Malta the scaremongering resumes. Many resent those who did not want to come to Malta but ended up here accidentally but do not mind those who purposely came to Malta to work here and did so by buying an airline ticket and posing as tourists at Malta International Airport! The relevant question here is: why all the fuss about Africans and the acquiescence about other immigrants coming from Europe or the Middle East? The answer must be in the colour of their skin. The Africans are black, while the others come in all sorts of acceptable shades! In short: the Maltese anti-immigration stance is simply a racist stance. It would be folly for all our leading politicians and political parties to behave as if there is no such thing as the racism that is an unfortunate aspect of the warped values of many a misguided Maltese. The countries where this happened have seen an unprecedented rise in the popularity of extreme right wing political parties who have used the racial card to attract votes that they don’t deserve. Gaddafi’s recent request for €5 billion from Europe to control the influx of African migrants arriving in Europe via Libya has raised more than a few eyebrows. The prospect of a ‘Moslem takeover’ of Europe is definitely unpalatable – if not terrifying to many – but the harsh truth is that civilisations have been supplemented by others since the beginning of mankind and I can think of no good reason why this should stop now. Trying to stop human migration is tantamount to attempting to reverse a historical trend that has withstood the test of time. Man has moved from one part of the planet to another since time immemorial. The Germans were pushed into Europe by the Asians and this destroyed the Western Roman Empire in the process. All of North Africa was Christian before the spread of Islam. The Arabs were finally stopped in France; as were the Mongols under Attila who rode into Europe from Asia. When such a clash of civilisations occurs, one cannot predict the outcome. In most cases, after the initial blood letting, the defeated locals were integrated. This is what happened in South America. The women usually do better in survival terms. Many marry forcibly – or not so forcibly – the new boy on the block. This is how Rome and so many other cities were populated. In Malta’s case, we have seen it all. Our forefathers used to adore the Phoenician god Astarte; had a temple dedicated to Juno in Marsaxlokk; and were then converted to the eastern Christian church… only to become Moslems for at least 400 years until we were liberated from Arab rule and led straight into the arms of the Roman Catholic Church. From a long term historical perspective, there is no reason why this continuous development should stop here! The historical reality is that the migration phenomenon is bigger than the myopic view some people might have about it. History indicates that migration is unstoppable. It is triggered by many factors including population numbers, economic strength which leads to military supremacy, climate change and political developments. Europe itself is losing the numbers game. Populations in North Africa are booming. Egypt will soon reach the population of Russia. Half the North African population is under 40. The choice facing Europe is not an easy one. We can try to hold back the influx, build an apparently impenetrable bastion around Europe and pay Gaddafi his blood money to sort this out for us in his inimitable way. Or else we can embrace change. We need not become Moslems overnight, as Gaddafi suggests, but we have to change some of our ingrained concepts of life. More importantly we have to teach the new arrivals the principles of freedom, democracy and tolerance. They are not used to this and they also have to change. Morals apart, this is likely to be more effective than paying blood money to an oil-rich country led by someone with a huge chip on his shoulder. Europe’s is a stronger civilisation, because it is able to embrace change. The more one look backwards into history the more one can see into the future. Those who want to cling to the slippery present and refuse to perceive and embrace the future will probably end up militating in anti-immigration parties. 20 Opinion inion maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Charles Mangion Air Malta’s future is still obscure S everal months after it was announced that the government and Air Malta’s management are engaged in negotiations with the European Commission to tackle the future of our national airline, no details have so far been made public. The hundreds of workers who so loyally serve this company are understandably worried about their future. It is time for government to start defining what needs to be done to energise this company. The biggest risk that this phase of negotiations faces is the failure of the bureaucrats in Brussels to appreciate that the mission of Air Malta must always remain that of supporting the tourism industry in Malta, come rain or shine. An equally dangerous risk is that the Nationalist government will cave in to the pressure of the Brussels bureaucrats to privatise our national airline on the pretext that this will improve operational efficiency. Both these risks are avoidable if the political will really exists to save our national airline for the good of the tourism industry in Malta. There will, undoubtedly, be a need to take some efficiency promoting measures. These may affect workers who may have to get used to different more flexible and efficient ways of doing their work. The industry has changed immensely in these last twenty years when low cost airlines changed the dynamics of how air travel is managed as a business. We cannot expect low cost airlines to suddenly disappear, because they will not. Many travellers have entered the overseas tourism market simply as a result of the growth of the low cost airline industry. This is good for Malta too. This year we have seen the tourism industry gaining some momentum again, and the increase of low cost capacity seat on the routes to and from Malta have meant that our targeted market has become bigger. Hopefully, the industry will continue to recover so that those thousands of workers who work directly or indirectly with tourists will be more secure about the future of their jobs. But our concern today is for the Air Malta employees who continue to face uncertain times. Every week that passes without any official announcement on where negotiations in Brussels are heading can only increase the stress of these workers and their families. One just hopes that the Maltese negotiators are taking a stand that is at least as tough as that taken by the Italian government when Alitalia was facing as similar situation just over a year ago. One solution could be the forging of an alliance with one of the major airline groupings. Such a solution could benefit from the economies of scale that come for those participating in a large alliance. Such an arrangement will have to guarantee to the local airline enough strategic management independence to continue with Air Malta’s long commitment to support our tourism industry by means that go beyond the purely commercial logic. More also needs to be done to ensure that the core workers of the airline are convinced to remain loyal to their company. Some key workers may unfortunately be lured to other airlines as they identify better opportunities abroad with perhaps less uncertainty about their future. This is another reason why the government needs to take the people in its confidence as soon as possible to explain the deal (if any) that is being forged in Brussels. The PL will support the Maltese government to the hilt if it is shown that national interests are not being sold cheaply in the quest to appease the European Commission. PL leader Joseph Muscat has spelled out our Party’s stand very clearly: Air Malta should never be put up for sale because no private investors can ever support effectively the mission of Air Malta as the main enabler of tourism in Malta. One hopes that in the coming days, the government will reveal more details on the stage reached so far in the negotiations with the European Commission. One hopes that this announcement helps to dispel the uncertainty that at present is shrouding the future of our national airline, its workers and the tourism industry. Charles Mangion is the main PL spokesman for finance. FIMBank plc, 7th Floor, The Plaza Commercial Centre, Bisazza Street, Sliema SLM 1640, Malta. E-mail: Tel: +356 2132 2100 Keep it simple 3.25% 3.50% 3.75% FIMBANK 12 Month Term Deposit FIMBANK 24 Month Term Deposit FIMBANK 36 Month Term Deposit We cannot expect low cost airlines to suddenly disappear, because they will not Classic Term Deposit Minimum Deposit €50,000. We also pay premium rates for US Dollar and Pound Sterling. FREEPHONE: 8007 3110 FIMBank plc is a licensed credit institution in Malta, regulated by the MFSA and listed on the Malta Stock Exchange. This Euro based product falls within the Depository Compensation Scheme established pursuant to the Banking Act. Terms and conditions for this offer are applicable and available upon request. 21 Opinion O maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Claudine Cassar Pride and Prejudice A few days ago an irresponsible soul broke into an Enemalta substation and cut a length of cable – presumably to resell the copper, which should fetch approximately €200. The result was a power surge that blew up most of the appliances in eight apartment blocks in Cospicua. In one extreme case, the television in a bedroom exploded, with the sparks setting the furniture in the room on fire. Residents suffered thousands of euros worth of damage and were obviously distraught, particularly in cases where they were not covered by insurance. What was astounding, however, was the reaction of people commenting about the article. Apparently the great majority of online commentators felt that a family from Cospicua was not entitled to own four air conditioners, a PC and a satellite dish. The general opinion seemed to be that if you live in the South you are obviously on welfare and receiving a range of subsidies from the government. Some people even went so far as to say that clearly the woman who claimed to have had such damage must be working illegally and not paying tax. Would they have made the same assumptions had the family in question lived in Mosta, or Balzan, or anywhere in the Northern part of the island? I bet not. It is clear that the Maltese are a prejudiced lot. We are not only prejudiced against our African neighbours, but we have actually managed to create a clear division and prejudice between different areas of this very small island of ours. We have the Northern Stereotype: the tal-pepe with their nose stuck up in the air who vote Nationalist; and the Southern Stereotype – the hamalli who live off welfare and vote Labour. For goodness sake, how can people be so narrow-minded? We should be sympathising with the lady whose electrical goods literally went up in smoke for no fault of her own, not coming up with ridiculous theories about how she came to own the appliances in the first place! It is none of our business what political party the woman votes for. If that woman managed to save up the money to buy four air conditioners, a PC for her kids and a satellite dish, good on her, I say! Ultimately the nasty, prejudiced comments said more about the people who made them than they did about the people of Cospicua. Some people really ought to be ashamed of themselves. Déjà vu FKNK statements have become rather predictable. Every time BirdLife and CABS make a statement about some new illegal bird massacre, the so-called Conservationists retort that the whole story is a fabrication and that BirdLife and/or CABS have manufactured the entire situation. It is really starting to sound like a broken record. I have a challenge for FKNK. If they really believe that BirdLife and CABS are lying, they should call their bluff and join them. Yes, I repeat – JOIN THEM. FKNK claim that they have zero tolerance in cases where iron-clad proof is provided of illegal hunting. Well, if that is the case they should sit around a table with volunteers who are monitoring hunters and make arrangements to send a responsible FKNK representative with them on bird-watching patrols. Having an FKNK member patrolling with CABS and BirdLife will settle the matter once and for all – surely the representative would notice if his team members suddenly pulled defrosted birds out of a bag and planted them under a stone just before the press turn up? So FKNK, stop complaining and start doing something about the situation! Car Free Day On Wednesday the big news hit the stands. None of the government ministers drove (or were driven) to work in their usual cars on this most important of days. No, ministers who live far away from their offices drove to work in a hybrid or an electric car. What can I say? Are we seriously supposed to be impressed about the fact that on Car Free Day some ministers were driven around in an electric car as opposed to their usual gas guzzlers? I drive a Hybrid all year round – am I entitled to a medal? The only ministers who set an example were the ones who caught the bus or walked to work from home. This is the kind of message that needs to be passed on to the people, for more reasons than one. True, it is good for the environment, but it is also good for our health. We are rapidly becoming a nation of obese sloths – we really need to move more. So next year, if you really want to impress us, get out a bike or get ready to hike! 22 Letters maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Send your letters to: The Editor, MaltaToday, MediaToday Ltd. Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 | Fax: (356) 21 385075 E-mail: Letters to the Editor should be concise. No pen names are accepted. Disappointed with bank’s reaction As an investor in the La Valette Property Fund, I find myself in a state of panic by the revealing and worrying revelations by Finco Treasury in their judicial protest against BOV/VFM/Insight/ SICAV. The fact that more than €14 million were redeemed and withdrawn in the immediate period before the official suspension to the general public looks most suspicious, and if it were to be verified, most damning. It appears that the inner circle of friends, the elite, the chosen, were forewarned of the impending doom, while we, The Others, were left innocently ‘grazing in our pen’. Meanwhile we have been offered a miserly 0.26 cents per share against our original €1. Apparently, this is what BOV and VFM meant in their publicity material when they said “you will have the peace of mind that specialist experts in this field continuously monitor your investments”. As a common citizen paying my taxes to finance the salaries and expense of running regulatory authorities, I ask: “What does the MFSA intend to do about this? Is there a contingency account to make up for the losses suffered by the shareholders? What measures does the MFSA propose to take in order to safeguard us, the shareholders who trusted VFM /BOV with our money? This Fund has been advertised and termed by BOV/ VFM as being ‘on a long term basis’ since it deals with property, but ironically, it was suspended just after three years of its inception. It was first introduced in 2005 and suspended in 2008. As far as I can recollect I have never heard of such a fiasco. This brings shame on the formidable team of experts namely VFM/SICAV/Insight and most of all to BOV who is the Custodian, the Keeper and Guardian of The Fund. VFM and BOV have chosen not to respond to the damning allegations in the investors’ judicial protests. Instead they try to bulldoze their way with us small investors by telling us to “shut up”. What do they have to show to refute the allegations that they were not diligent in their work, they did not choose the right funds to invest our money, that they did not do any subsequent monitoring, that they breached the Investments Restrictions, that they did not communicate with investors material information in a timely manner? During the shareholders’ meetings, we were never ever informed of the impending disaster but were merely formally accosted and shown numerous graphs depicting unemployment in Europe, the rise in the price of oil, price of property going down so as to justify the collapse of the Fund when they had emphasised so much in their publicity material of the Fund that this had “little correlation with other asset classes”. We were never informed that the Fund spiralled downwards, mainly because the Licensed Fund Managers chose to invest in the Belgravia Funds, whose directors are being probed for fraud by the Jersey Police and who have since fled the country. The La Valette Multi Manager Property Fund is licensed by the Authority as an ‘Experienced Investor Fund’ but at the same time I have received communication by BOV stating that I am a ‘retail investor’ which means that my application should not have been endorsed by VFM. We honestly hope that the MFSA shows the personality to enforce the Regulations it has enacted over the years and that it does not prove to be the case of another Authority that is toothless with the big boys. After all, the MFSA was mainly set up in order to protect the small investor. E. Grech, Via email No conflict of interest I refer to the article by Raphael Vassallo entitled Prison in uproar over Chief Justice appointment and published in the 5 September edition of this newspaper, which suggests that the appointment of the Dr Silvio Camilleri to the post of Chief Justice is being perceived as impinging on the objectivity, and therefore on the impartiality, of the Courts of Justice in criminal matters. In the first place, to suggest that such an appointment could wrap the proper administration of criminal justice is an indirect insult to former Chief Justice Sir Anthony Mamo and John J. Cremona (to limit oneself to the post-war period), both of whom were appointed to the first and second most important judicial post directly from the post of Attorney General – Sir Anthony was made Chief Justice in 1957, and Prof. Cremona vice-president of the Constitutional Court and of the Court of Appeal in 1965. Others were appointed to the Bench directly from the Attorney General’s office: Gawdenz Borg, Oliver Gulia, Wallace Gulia, Maurice Caruana Curran, Vincent De Gaetano, Silvio Meli, and Lawrence Quintano. Never was there the slightest suggestion that the fact that they had occupied a post in the A.G.’s office made them in any way partial cases involving the prosecution (A.G. or the Police). The article is also a direct insult to the judges who will invariably compose the appellate courts in those cases where the new Chief Justice will have to abstain according to law. The suggestion is that they will be unwilling to “rule against their new boss”. How contrary to the facts and the truth! There is a lay list of judgments delivered by the above which is proof of the fallacy of this argument. Judge Giovanni Bonello’s description of the A.G.’s role is taken out of context. Judge Bonello was commenting on the dual role that the Attorney General has as chief public prosecutor and, at the same time, chief legal adviser to the government. It was never suggested by him that once that a person ceases to perform the function of Attorney General and is appointed to the Bench, his judgment would be in any way suspect. In most European countries, people move from the prosecution to the Bench (and sometimes back again to the prosecution) more frequently than in Malta, and procedural safeguards like the ones obtaining in Malta ensure the right to a fair trial at any time. Finally, in the Clayton Galea case mentioned in article, the Court of Criminal Appeal never said that the A.G. had presented “incorrect facts” as evidence. Your correspondent has not read the judgment or, having read it, has not understood it. Darrell Pace Communication Co-Ordinating Officer Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs In praise of Malta Red Cross Discrimination of EU citizens in Malta Firstly I would like to wish my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Gharb firework factory. I am a little displeased that no one deemed to mention the work of the Malta Red Cross Gozo branch and the help they offered during the tragic incident that took place in Gharb. The volunteers where part of the first group of rescuers who arrived on scene, just a few seconds after the ambulance of the Gozo General Hospital and the first CPD fire truck arrived on the spot. Part of the work of these volunteers included the handing out of water to all the personnel was working on the search and rescue, the lighting of the search area with the aid of a generator and flood lights which helped prolong the search hours, psychological support to persons in need from a team of certified psychological support volunteers and much more. All of this work was done in an organised and professional manner. Having said all this, I got to know from well informed sources that the Secretary General and the President of the Malta Red Cross are not at all pleased that the Gozo branch responded to this situation. Rumors suggest that the high board officials of the Gozo branch are being harassed and given unjust disciplinary actions after acting swiftly to provide a needed service. Can somebody from high up provide an explanation on all this? M. Grech Via email Roll on bus reforms As I was taking my usual daily stroll around the village of St Paul’s Bay, I witnessed a shocking experience at around 18:20. Three Spanish tourists were waiting for a bus No.645 from Cirkewwa to Sliema, on a bus stop at St Paul’s Bay main road. The bus just drove past without stopping even though they waved it down, but the driver was too busy on his mobile and did not notice them… either that or he just did not bother to stop. The bus was not full, and even I waved at him to stop but to no avail. I stopped at the Police Station to report the matter but as I did not manage to get the bus number it was not possible to lodge a report, though the officer was very helpful and offered to call the bus terminus to see what if anything could be done. Roll on bus reforms, and let’s see some customer care and satisfaction. Michael Scicluna St Paul’s Bay It is still not understandable why six years after Malta has joined the EU, its nationals residing in Malta are still discriminated. Why are they not treated the same as Maltese nationals by government and private companies and institutions? Why have they been removed from the electoral list before the last European elections? Why does an EU national need to submit more documentation (FS3) to Enemalta than a Maltese to benefit from the same rights? Why do EU nationals have to pay a deposit when they apply for a landline? Why do EU nationals, when they apply for a credit card, need to block the same amount on a savings account when Maltese nationals don’t? It is even more gross when this is imposed by Banif Malta, itself being a Portugese bank (well, its mother bank is). It is time to wake up and to stop this nonsense, and time to understand that we foreigners living here also contribute to the local economy and do not like to be treated as aliens (A). Henrik Piski Qormi maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 23 MaltaToday, MediaToday Co. Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 MANAGING DIRECTOR: ROGER DE GIORGIO MANAGING EDITOR: SAVIOUR BALZAN Tel: (356) 21 382741-3, 21 382745-6 • Fax: (356) 21 385075 Website: E-mail: Editorial Resignation matters When asked by a journalist what was most likely to blow governments off course, former UK Prime Minister Harold Macmillan famously replied: “Events, dear boy, events!” And it has indeed been a highly eventful week for Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi: whose government, while perhaps not blown off course altogether, has nonetheless had to weather a number of unexpected (and unwelcome) developments in the past few days alone. Of these, the most significant was the surprise resignation of Chris Said, parliamentary secretary for information and local government, following the news that criminal charges had been filed against him for perjury. Without entering the merits of the case itself, Said’s resignation makes a commendable change from the usual pattern of behaviour we have come to expect from politicians caught up in similar situations – that is to say, a stolid refusal to stand down, usually citing the same old argument that the “allegations had not been proven”. In this case, allegations have not been proven either – indeed, the case against him has not even begun – but Said nonetheless acknowledged, to his credit, that it would have been unbecoming of a junior minister to retain his post, and go about his ministerial duties as usual, while also fighting to clear his name of criminal charges. For much the same reason, the Prime Minister’s decision to accept his resignation – in stark contrast with his rejection of a similar resignation offer by former Transport Minister Jesmond Mugliett, as well as his more recent defence of Finance Minister Tonio Fenech– is equally a landmark in local political history: creating a precedent whereby politicians can no longer rely on their governments to defend them in the face of serious allegations, as they have so often done in the past. Admittedly, the nature of the charges against Chris Said – i.e., perjury – are not exactly ‘trivial’, as the junior minister himself attempted to suggest in his press conference on Thursday. But then again, considering the precise circumstances of the case – and above all, the comparative seriousness of other issues for which some of his colleagues have got off so lightly – one tends to sympathise with his claim that he is being victimised over something relatively inconsequential. Having said all this, a cursory glance at the sequence of events leading up to this week’s resignation will also reveal that, up to a point, neither Chris Said nor the Prime Minister had very much choice when it came to taking their respective decisions. After all, it was only very recently that the Nationalist Party, responding to allegations against its mayor on the Sliema council, issued an ominously-worded statement to the effect that it expected ‘the highest ethical standards’ of its elected representatives. This was echoed to the letter by the Prime Minister himself just last Monday, speaking before the party faithful at the annual Independence Day rally on the Fosos. But altogether more significant was the extraordinary coincidence that, on the same day that Said announced his resignation, the Court of Criminal Appeal upheld the verdict against Joe Zahra: the private investigator found guilty of fabricating a dossier that had led to former minister John Dalli’s resignation in 2004. On that occasion, too, Lawrence Gonzi had accepted Dalli’s resignation – famously declaring that he “could not have a minister under investigation” in his Cabinet. It seems these words were destined to return to haunt the Prime Minister this week, when he was forced by circumstance to repeat the same overall gesture, this time with a junior minister facing criminal charges in court. With this in mind, what emerges from the concatenation of events is not so much the similarity between the two ministerial resignations; but rather the differences in the way they were handled by the Prime Minister. In 2004, Gonzi was only too ready – some might say eager – to accept a resignation that Dalli himself to this day argues was a ‘political assassination’ orchestrated by forces within his own party. In the case of Chris Said, however, Gonzi’s reluctance to accept the resignation was so evident, that he even expressed his intention to reappoint Said to the same ministry as soon as possible: an inauspicious choice of words, which Opposition leader Joseph Muscat unsurprisingly seized on to suggest that the Prime Minister was attempting to pressurise the courts into an early acquittal. This is naturally open to interpretation, but the Prime Minister’s inconsistency in handling the two cases is clear for all to see. Coming from an administration which so recently reiterated its call for the ‘highest ethical standards’, one sincerely hopes that the handling of Chris Said’s resignation – as opposed to John Dalli’s – will provide the blueprint by which future cases are decided. Quote of the week The things that happened to me had one specific scope… to have me removed because I was perhaps considered a threat to certain people. EU Commissioner John Dalli, on his forced resignation in 2004 24 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Gourmet Today past issues Y TODA Going the ile extraem Arches Seasonal delightsooking Four home-c their enthusiasts reveal a secret recipes for ty par fabulous dinner Th Restaurant reviewed JPO’s dream dinner party Guess who’s invited to dinner at Jeffrey’s? Cooking in the fast lane Salmon in n tes 10 minu 2 20 es pe recip e de insid Y TODA ISSUE NUMBER )RRGWR WDONDERXW 6HDVRQDO GHOLJKWV V GH0RQGLRQ UHYLHZHG 2XUKRPHFRRN VKDUHUHFLSHVIRU &KULVWPDVOXQFK *RXUPHW WR JXLGH 2SHQLQJ 'UHDP DUW\ GLQQHUSPP LW &KDPSDJQH DQGOD\LQJD WDEOHZLWKVW\OH .HQQHWK=D R 7DERQDWHOOVXVZK KLVGUHDPGLQQHU JXHVWVZRXOGEH ,035(66 )25/(66 'LQQHUIRUWZR IRU€ RYHU V H HV SH S F FLS HFL UH VLGH LQVLG 5 • MAY 2010 '(66(57 $/(57 ISSUE NUMBER *RXUPHW JXLGHWR VDOVDDQG SLFNOHV 2XU+RPH &RRNVKDYH :RUOG&XS )HYHU +RZWR PDNHD PH HD DOOI IU IUR RP OHIW OH IWR RY YH HUUV V ISSUE NUMBER 6 • AUGUST 2010 $OO$ERDUG 2010 3 • FEBRUARY ;DQGUX VKRZVXV DORYHO\ORZ FRVWPHDO 2XU+RPH &RRNVJHW URPDQWLF *RXUPHW JXLGHWR DSKURGLVLDFV $OIUHG 6DQW·QHVU GUHDPGLQ JXHVWOLVWLV LQWHUHVWLQJ UHDGLQJ 29(5 UHFLSHV LQVLGH €2.00 WHERE SOLD 0DULRQ0L]]L PDNHVDJXLOW IUHHSXG Y TODA €2.00 WHERE SOLD TODAY 6HDIRRGEHDFK IRRGDQGERDW IRRGVSHFLDOLVVX H *RXUPHW *XLGHWR ILOOHWLQJILVK 6DUD*UHFK PDNHVD KRPHO\ PHDO 2XU-XQLRU &RRNVPDNH DVLPSO\ GHOLFLRXV PHDO %ULWDLQ·V 6H[LHVW &KHIJUDFHV RXUSDJHV 29(5 UHFLSH LQVLGHV ;6+(@ €2.00 WHERE SOLD 1HZ +HDOWK\ (DWLQJ VHFWLRQ 'U0DULR 6WHOOLQL EUHDNV GRZQ,%6 *DE\ +ROODQG QHZ VHDVRQDO YHJVHULHV 29(5 UHFLSH LQVLGHV Receive all past issues of Gourmet Today now! Send us a cheque of €12 along with your contact details, to receive all back issues of the Gourmet Today magazine MediaToday Co. Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 25 maltatoday, THIS WEEK SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 CULTURE | TV | FILM CINEMA LISTINGS FOOD | WHAT’S ON x Prominent local painter Isabelle Borg dies ISABELLE Borg, known to be one of Malta’s best female artists, died on Thursday morning. Borg, whose works are among prestigious private and public collections, had made a name for herself internationally. News about her death has shocked the arts community. The Malta Council for Culture and the Arts (MCCA) expressed “the deepest sorrow” at her passing, and claimed that she was an artist who “over the past three decades left an indelible mark on the history of Maltese art as well as its teaching.” Painter and fellow teacher Ceasar Attard was deeply saddened by her death. “Her death is great loss to the entire art department… she was a great colleague who welcomed collaboration where others would perhaps shun it.” Painter Robert Zahra, who was taught by Borg at the University, remembers her for her dynamism as a teacher. “What had especially impressed me about her at first was her willingness to use her house as a studio, since there wasn’t one on campus. She always treated us very well, she had a very dynamic approach towards teaching, based on direct observation.” Borg lived in London (her birthplace, 1959) and Malta, as well as spending periods in Berlin, and West Cork, Ireland. She studied painting at the Camberwell School of Art, London, graduating BA (Hons) in 1986. Since gaining an MA (History of Art) in 1994, she taught art full-time at the University of Malta. Since 1985, she had regularly held solo exhibitions of her paintings, and often been asked to participate in-group shows. Her work is found in a number of public and private collections. One painting in particular, Lovers in the Bull (1984), has left a strong impression. The MCCA described it as “a milestone in Maltese twentieth century art,” which “quickly asserted itself as one of the foremost works by a Maltese artist inspired by the imagery of Malta’s prehistoric past.” Photographer Patrick Fenech, who knew Borg since her University days in England, said that her primitivist and fauvist style developed from an initial fascination with the works of Jackson Pollock. “There is a great luminousness to her works. In her landscapes of Malta in particular, I think this helps to accurately reproduce Maltese heat – the hot, baking stones…” Fenech, a “proud owner” of two Borg paintings, also commented on her strong character. “She was definitely more Mars than Venus!” Malta’s ambassador to Tunisia Vicky-Anne Cremona, who was known to be a very close friend, described Isabelle Borg as a “person who loved life so much and embraced it in all its aspects.” Artist Jeni Caruana stressed that Isabelle Borg will be “sadly missed”. “Isabelle was always good fun to be with – never afraid to say what she thought and to stick up for what she believed in. I loved her paintings too; those great sweeping vistas of rich colour summed up her character and her joie de vivre. I admired not only her sheer talent but also her integrity and professionalism when it came to her art. She will be sadly missed by her friends, family and colleagues The whole art community will mourn her passing.” Borg’s early solo landscape exhibitions Marine and Maritime Paintings (1991) and Bastions and Harbours (1992) concentrated on Malta’s constructed coastline. Later, Two Islands (2004, with photographer Graham Cooper, who was also her partner) and Maltese Landscape (2006) were inspired by natural scenery and atmospheric conditions. Much of this change came from time spent painting the Irish landscape since 2000, whilst based in Clonakilty, West Cork. Her most recent exhibition Strange Cargo (National Museum of Fine Arts, Malta, 2008) explored the effect of this series of journeys and homecomings, and re-defines an earlier interest in figurative art. 26 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 MUSIC The sounds of Europe ROBERT PISANI WHEN I attended the first edition of Europavox back in 2006 I was immediately struck by its unique concept. Bringing together record labels, bookings agents, journalists and more from all across Europe, this boutique music fair held in Clermont-Ferrand, France combines workshops and other music industry activities with a music festival. Jump four years forward for my second visit, and not only have there been major improvements with the line-ups and organization, but that intimate atmosphere is still there and strong. By the end of the second day you practically know everybody. Contrary to most other festivals, which tend to focus only on the UK and USA band circuits, Europavox serves as an eye opener to a much wider spectrum because it showcases bands from all over Europe. I arrived in Clermont quite late, so on my first night I was only able to catch one band, the Latvian electro-pop duo Instrumenti. Now, when I see groups dressed up in costumes (and these guys wore panda outfits) I am a bit wary that the gimmicks will overshadow the music, but on the whole the tunes were pretty catchy and they got the crowd pumped up and jumpy. Straight after Spain’s The Requesters came on and played a ferocious DJ set chockfull of early 90’s style rave mashed up with current electronica. Did I dance? Definitely. Saturday’s first band was the UK’s Band of Skulls. Now I had Continues on page 27 Europavox serves as an eye opener to a much wider spectrum because it showcases bands from all over Europe heard them on record and wasn’t too impressed, but live the band is a different beast and there’s no other word to describe them. For 45 full minutes I was treated to a set filled with drones, reverb, squeal- ing and feedback. Live, these guys are heavy and very no nonsense. If 27 maltatoday, THIS WEEK SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Continues from page 26 you’re up for comparisons think of Texas’ The Black Angels crossed with Queens of the Stone Age, and yet BOS are more melodic, though heavily disguised. Definitely ones to check out. Next up was Peter Hook, who formed a band around a tribute to Joy Division’s ‘Unknown Pleasures’. I had mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, its great that the Joy Division’s bassist was unearthing his band’s past, but also it felt like a cash cow. Hook is not a great singer and the songs did not have the verve one expected, leaving me feeling disappointed. After that I rushed off to see Richard Hawley. Hawley has to be one of the UK’s best singer/songwriters ever, and a very consistent one at that. With five stunning albums under his belt, I felt that this gig could be a winner, and from what I saw it certainly looked like it. Armed with a seven-piece band (including a saw player!), Hawley went through his back catalogue with his Roy Orbison croon. With a voice like that, he can melt hearts and induce goosebumps. This was, without a doubt, the highlight of the festival. Last band of the night was Swedish act JJ. Earlier this year their second album ‘No.3’ was the core record of the Rough Trade Album Club, which is how I got to know this band. They’ve been touring with The XX (a similar sounding act) to many varied reviews so I was curious to see what they were like live. Their Evox set started off with lead singer Elin Kastlander and her acoustic guitar going through the folkier songs from the two albums. Halfway through, the other band member Joakim Benon switched on his laptop and Elin sang to canned beats with bizarre projections on the wall. In the meantime Joakim goofs off by hugging Elin, running into the audience and playing around with a towel. Trust me it does make an entertaining show, whilst also acknowledging that JJ have some infectious tracks too. Sunday was a bit of a downer; being close to leaving behind three days brimming with sun and fun dampens your views on everything. But when Ireland’s Funeral Suits hit the stage they got the place jumping with their oddball brand of angular post-punk and a strong stage presence; and underneath all that choppy guitar playing there were tunes and tons of charisma. I see a lot of potential. The band should be recording their debut with Stephen Street (Blur, Sleeper, Kaiser Chiefs), and I do hope he’ll bring out their more melodic side. Last artist of the night was Pete Doherty. Unfortunately it was one of the biggest disappointments. Doherty’s set spanned from both his Libertines and Babyshambles albums, and he did prove to be a charming frontman and a great lyricist, but badly hindering his performance was the fact that he was without a band, robbing the songs of any punch. The two Union Jack-draped ballerinas were nothing but annoying. During the three days, journalists went through a series of workshops, excursions and luncheons which enhanced musical relations as well as lots of geeky music talk which added to a wholesome musical experience. Swedish act JJ © EuropaVox 2010. Photo by Florent Giffard Band of Skulls from the UK © EuropaVox 2010. Photo by Melanie Bodolec 28 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 THIS WEEK WHAT’S ON NIGHTLIFE be given to those who eat at Chains Restaurant, St Julian’s. OCTOBER 2 A Night with DJEDJOTRONIC Squadron and DonDisko present French DJ Djedjotronic, playing at Tattingers, Rabat at 22:00. DJ lineup incluces Mathematikal, Squeak, Jan Jensen and more. More info and ticket prices will be out soon. MUSIC TONIGHT Elton John & Ray Cooper Elton John will be sharing the stage with Ray Cooper at the Granaries in Floriana at 23:00. The event is organised by NNG Promotions and is set to be a solo show but with Ray Cooper on percussion - the first time that the duo have played together since 1995. Ticket prices range from €35 to €200. More information: www. EXHIBITIONS ENDS TODAY UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30 Honours List Collective Exhibition Art Exhibition at Rux Gallery The Malta Society of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce is organizing an exhibition showcasing the work of winning artists of the National Art Competition and Silver Palette Competition at the San Anton Palace, Attard. Art works exhibited will be for sale, part of proceeds going to the Community Chest Fund. Participating artists are Jude Zammit, Aleksandar Sasha Matic, George Farrugia, Ivan Fenech, Zell Osborne, George Muscat, Anna Galea, Charles Bonnici, Carmen Pizzuto, Antoine Paul Camilleri, Sean Camilleri, Winston Hassal and Nathan Portelli. More info: www.artsmalta. org, or 21244339/21244400. UNTIL SEPTEMBER 29 Pjazza live sessions ENDS TODAY Music nights at Café Premier, Valletta with violinist Puse on Wednesday and jazz from Charles ‘City’ Gatt, Dominic Galea and Mario Abela on Fridays. Reservation is advisable. More info: info@ Unframing Migration OCTOBER 5 A photo-journalism exhibition depicting the daily lives of migrants on the island at Heritage Malta Headquarters, Merchants Street, Valletta. Main photographers are Kasia Peukert, Thomas Kelsey and Malika Delrieu. Rookies Boat Party 2 Skimmed and Dolls for Idols will be performing on the Hornblower, leaving Bugibba at 17:00. Tickets at €15 on sale at Rookies Sports Bar, Bugibba. A €5 discount will Vittoriosa. Open every day between 09:00 and 20:00 except Sundays and public holidays. More info: 21316708 or 99844653 or email UNTIL SEPTEMBER 29 After Caravaggio Exhibition of Caravaggioinspired artwork by Olaug Vethal (1946-2007) at the Malta Maritime Museum, Collective exhibition at Rux Art Gallery, Sir Antonio Micallef Street, Balzan. Featuring paintings by Damian Ebejer, the late Francis Ebejer, Giuseppe Cassar, Frank Schembri, John Busuttil Leaver, David Xuereb and Millie Burn; with ceramics by Sina FarrugiaMicallef, Zell Osborne, Julie Apap and Sue Mifsud, and sculptures by Ivan Fenech and Guzeppi Theuma and silver art works by Kevin Attard. THEATRE OCTOBER 28 AND 30 La Traviata The well-known opera La Traviata will be making a welcome return to the Teatru Astra in Victoria, Gozo twenty-one years after it was presented for the first time in April 1989. This new production will be under the artistic direction of renowned Marco Gandini, set design by Mauro Tinti, Joseph Cauchi is scenic artist and Carmel Zammit Stage Manager. FOLK FESTIVAL UNTIL SEPTEMBER 27 UNTIL OCTOBER 3 Spartacus Chetwynd and Jess Flood-Paddock A series of screenings, talks, performances, workshops and collaborations by artists Spartacus Chetwynd and Jess Flood-Paddock at the Malta Contemporary Art, St James Cavalier, Valletta focusing on a cultural journey of discovery, recreation and collaboration resulting in an open ended presentation based on their research. More information: www. UNTIL OCTOBER 4 Mostalgia Exhibition of paintings celebrating the town of Mosta by Mark Schembri will be held at the Art Academy, 131, Constitution Street, Mosta. Opening hours: 09:00 to 12:30 and from 16:00 to 19:00. Qala International Folk Festival A festival of traditional music, food and drink across the Qala streets, featuring amongst other the Menhir Qala Folk Group. More information: http:// AIRSHOW TODAY Malta International Airshow A large variety of airplanes, both military and civilian, will be on display at the Malta International Airport. Entrance is free for children under 14, €10 for adults. More information: http://, 99471429, reachair@ BELLY DANCING FROM OCTOBER 2 Belly dance classes in Gozo Bellydance Classes at Bern’s & Hersey’s, Ghajnsielem, Gozo. Classes for complete Beginners, will take place from 10:00 till 11:00, for beginners with experience, 11:15 till 12:15. Tickets are at €70 covering 8 lessons of 1 hour each, plus €5 onetime registration fee payable by newcomers. Classes will focus on classical and cabaret Egyptian style. More information:, 99065142. Class sizes are restricted, early booking recommended. 29 THIS WEEK maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 WHAT’S ON Elton John will be performing at the Granaries, Floriana tonight A variety of planes will be on display at the Malta Airshow, held at the Airport today 30 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 THIS WEEK TELEVISION TVM milionario 20:00 Tg5 20:40 Striscia la domenica 21:30 Distretto di Polizia 10 23:30 Terra! 01:00 Tg5 01:30 Striscia la domenica 02:10 L’amico di famiglia ITALIA 1 08:00 Casper, scuola di paura 08:25 Kilari 08:50 Pearlie 09:05 Gormiti – L’eclissi suprema 09:30 Bakugan Battle Brawlers 09:55 Tartarughe Ninja 10:25 Blue Dragon 10:50 Knight Rider 11:50 Grand Prix 13:00 Guida al Campionato 14:00 Dr Dolittle 3 16:00 Capogiro Junior 18:30 Studio Aperto 19:00 Mr Bean 19:15 Charlie’s Angels: Più che mai 21:25 Colorado 00:35 Le Iene 02:05 Mediashopping NET TV RETE 4 ONE RAI UNO 07:00 L-Ghodwa T-Tajba 07:50 Kelma Ghall-Hajja (repeat) 08:00 L-Quddiesa Tal-Hadd 08:45 Ghanafest 2010 09:45 Mill-Grilja 10:15 Missjoni Etijopja 11:15 TVM Shop Easylife 11:30 Venere 12:00 News 12:05 Deal or no Deal 12:55 Hadd Ghalik 16:00 Passagg ghall-Eurovision 16:50 TVM-Shop 17:20 Baqghu Maltin 18:00 Sign News 18:05 Zmeraldi 18:35 Mhux ghal Kulhadd – Henry Miller 19:00 X’Qala L-Bahar (repeat) 20:00 L-Ahbarijiet 20:40 Niltaqghu Abbord 21:15 Liquorish 22:30 Starboard 23:00 L-Ahbarijiet 23:15 News 23:20 QalbInnies 07:00 Net News 09:00 Niltaqghu 10:45 Wheelspin 11:30 Ucuh 13:00 4Given 14:00 Net News 14:05 Mr Fisherman 15:00 Net News 15:05 Indifest 17:00 Zero91 18:00 Net News 18:10 Net Tube 18:40 Wheelspin 19:45 Net News 20:30 Simpatici Weekend Break 21:30 Net News 21:35 Simpatici Weekend Break (cont.) 22:00 Net Television 2010 Launch Preview 22:30 Ippakja u Itlaq 23:00 Net News 09:20 Artezip 09:25 Basilicata – Da Bernalda a Melfi 10:00 S. Messa 11:00 Pianeta mare 11:25 Anteprima Tg4 11:30 Tg4 13:30 Pianeta mare 13:45 Vie d’Italia – Notizie sul traffico 13:55 Ieri e oggi in TV 14:20 Tutti per Bruno 15:25 Una povera bimba milionaria 17:00 Tarzan in India 18:50 Anteprima Tg4 18:55 Tg4 19:35 Colombo 21:30 Quarto grado 23:20 Controcampo 01:15 Tg4 Rassegna stampa 01:30 Nella città l’inferno 08:00 One Morning 08:15 Kids Programmes & Cartoons 08:45 Bil-Kelma t-Tajba 09:15 Clint on ONE 11:15 Konfini 11:45 Teleshopping 12:00 Unici 12:15 Expressions 13:15 Teleshopping 13:30 One News 13:45 BBQ 15:15 Marvin – Double Bill 17:30 One News 17:45 Londri 19:00 Ieqaf 20 Minuta 19:30 One News 20:15 Fresh & Funky 21:00 Egos 21:30 Il-Madonna tac-Coqqa 23:15 One News 06:30 Mattina in famiglia 10:00 Linea Verde Orizzonti Estate 10:30 A sua imagine 10:55 Santa Messa 13:10 Pole Position 13:30 Tg1 13:40 Pole Position 14:00 F1 Gara 15:45 Pole Position 16:30 Tg1 16:35 Il parco delle meraviglie 17:35 La nave dei sogni – Sri Lanka 18:50 L’eredità 20:00 Tg1 20:35 Rai Tg Sport 20:40 Soliti ignoti 21:30 La ladra 23:30 62° Premio Italia 00:30 Tg1 Notte CANALE 5 RAI DUE 08:50 TgCom 09:10 Finalmente soli 09:40 Verissimo 13:00 Tg5 13:40 Domenica 5 18:50 Chi vuol essere BBC WORLD NEWS 200 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 Our World 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 The Record Europe 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Fast Track 09:00 BBC World News 09:10 World Features 09:30 Talking Movies 10:00 BBC World News 10:10 World Features 10:30 Dateline London 11:00 BBC World News 11:10 World Features 11:30 The Real... 12:00 BBC World News 12:10 World Features 12:30 Russia Business Report 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 Newsnight 14:00 BBC World News 14:10 World Features 14:30 Click 15:00 BBC World News 15:15 Sport Today 15:30 The Bottom Line 16:00 BBC World News 16:30 One Square Mile 17:00 BBC World News 17:10 The World Debate 18:00 BBC World News 18:30 India Business Report 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 Our World 20:00 BBC World News 20:15 Sport Today 20:30 Click 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 Talking Movies 22:00 BBC World News 22:10 World Features 22:30 One Square Mile 23:00 BBC World News 23:10 World Features 23:30 The Real... BBC ENTERTAINMENT 300 06:00 Gigglebiz 06:15 Teletubbies 06:40 Me Too! 07:00 Tikkabilla 07:30 Gigglebiz 07:45 Teletubbies 08:10 Tikkabilla 08:40 Strictly Come Dancing 10:05 Doctors 10:35 Doctors 11:05 Doctors 11:35 Doctors 12:05 Doctors 12:35 Robin Hood 13:15 Only Fools and Horses... 13:45 Only Fools and Horses... 14:15 Hyperdrive 14:45 Hyperdrive 15:15 Hyperdrive 15:45 Only Fools and Horses... 16:15 Robin Hood 17:00 Casualty 17:50 Casualty 18:40 Strictly Come Dancing 20:05 Strictly Come Dancing 20:50 The Only Boy for Me 22:20 New Tricks 23:15 Casualty E! ENTERTAINMENT 306 06:00 THS: Women Of Sex and The City 07:50 25 Most Stylish: Red Carpet Moments 08:40 THS: Hollywood Heartthrobs 09:30 E! News 10:00 Girls of the Playboy Mansion: Girl Crazy 10:25 Holly’s World: It Takes Balls 10:50 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Delivering Baby Mason 11:15 THS: The Kardashians 12:15 E! News 12:45 Keeping up with the Kardashians: The Wedding 14:30 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Scott on the Rocks 15:20 E! News 15:50 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Hot Cup of 21:00 – Alien Storms [Documentary] – Discovery Science (Channel 402) 07:00 Il diario di Bindi 07:20 Art Attack 08:15 Tutti odiano Chris 08:35 Karkú 09:00 Unfabulous 09:20 The Love 16:15 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Baby Blues 16:45 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Shape up or Ship Out 17:40 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Must Love Dogs 18:05 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Body Blows 19:00 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Weekend from Hell 19:30 Keeping up with the Kardashians: I Want Your Sex 20:00 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Blame It on the Alcohol 21:00 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Delivering Baby Mason 21:30 Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami: Broken Family 22:00 Keeping up with the Kardashians 22:30 The Spin Crowd 23:00 E! News 23:30 Dr 90210: Age Ain’t Nothin’ but a Number FINE LIVING NETWORK 307 06:00 Breathing Space Yoga 06:25 Breathing Space Yoga 06:50 Carribean Workout 07:15 Carribean Workout 07:40 Making It Big 08:30 Easy Entertaining with Michael Chiarello 09:00 Small Space, Big Style 09:25 Kitchen Impossible 09:50 Cook’s Tour 10:15 Extreme Cuisine with Jeff Corwin 11:05 Around the World in 80 Homes 11:30 Giada’s Weekend Getaways 12:00 Rachael Rays Tasty Travels 12:25 Easy Entertaining with Michael Chiarello 12:50 Saturday Kitchen 13:15 Saturday Kitchen 13:45 Kitchen Impossible 14:10 Designing for the Sexes 14:35 Designing for the Sexes 15:00 Small Space, Big Style 15:25 Around the World in 80 Homes 15:50 World’s Most Extreme Homes 16:15 Kitchen Impossible 16:40 Kitchen Impossible 17:05 Bathtastic! 17:30 Bathtastic! 18:00 Extreme Cuisine with Jeff Corwin 18:55 Designing for the Sexes 19:20 Designing for the Sexes 19:45 Designing for the Sexes 20:10 Designing for the Sexes 20:35 Designing for the Sexes 21:00 Designing for the Sexes 21:30 Designing for the Sexes 21:55 Designing for the Sexes 22:20 Designing for the Sexes 22:45 Designing for the Sexes 23:10 Designing for the Sexes 23:35 Extreme Cuisine with Jeff Corwin ZONE REALITY 308 06:00 Medical Detectives 06:25 Medical Detectives 06:50 Untold Stories of the ER 07:40 The Incurables 08:05 Paramedics 08:55 Crime and Justice 09:20 Crime and Justice 09:45 Lifeline 10:35 I’m Still Alive 11:25 Beyond Chance 12:15 Medical Detectives 12:40 Medical Detectives 13:05 Para- 21:00 – NCIS – Rai Due Naked Brothers Band 09:50 Ragazzi c’è Voyager 10:20 A come Avventura 11:00 Numero Uno 11:30 Mezzogiorno in famiglia 13:00 Tg2 Giorno 13:30 Tg2 Motori 13:45 Quelli che aspettano... 15:30 Quelli che il calcio e... 17:05 Stadio Sprint 18:00 Tg2 L.I.S. 18:05 90° minuto 19:00 Numero Un 19:35 Squadra speciale Cobra 11 20:30 Tg2 21:00 NCIS 21:50 Castle – Detective tra le righe 22:35 La Domenica Sportiva 01:00 Tg2 medics 13:55 Crime and Justice 14:20 Crime and Justice 14:45 Lifeline 15:35 I’m Still Alive 16:25 Beyond Chance 17:15 Untold Stories of the ER 18:05 White Out 18:55 Border Force 19:45 The Incurables 20:10 Street Court 20:35 Street Court 21:00 Crime and Investigation Australia 21:50 Unsolved Mysteries 22:40 Crime and Justice 23:05 Crime and Justice 23:30 Crime Stories GRANADA TV 309 06:00 60 Minute Makeover 07:00 Coronation Street Omnibus 09:00 Weather from Hell 10:00 Live the Dream... As Seen on Screen 11:00 Help Me I’m a Teen Mum 11:30 The Real Good Life 12:00 Forger’s Masterclass 12:30 Driving Mum and Dad Mad 13:00 Parkinson 14:00 Michael Winner’s Dining Stars 15:00 The Dark Side of Fame with Piers Morgan 16:00 Stars in Their Eyes 17:00 I Saw You 18:00 Parkinson 19:00 Michael Winner’s Dining Stars 20:30 The Dark Side of Fame with Piers Morgan 21:00 Stars in Their Eyes 22:00 I Saw You 23:00 Coronation Street Omnibus TCM 310 06:00 Battle Taxi 07:35 Screening Room 08:00 Rawhide 09:00 Bonanza 10:00 The Horse Soldiers [U] 12:15 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum [PG] 14:00 Miracles [PG] 15:30 Screening Room 16:00 Rawhide 17:00 Bonanza 18:00 Five Guns West [U] 19:45 Of Mice and Men [PG] 22:00 A Dry White Season [15] MGM CHANNEL 312 07:35 Clifford [PG] 09:05 The Black Stallion Returns [PG] 10:45 The Charge of the Light Brigade [PG] 12:55 Little Man Tate [PG] 14:35 The ’60s 16:40 Book of Days 18:10 Inherit the Wind 20:00 Jiminy Glick in Lalawood 21:30 The Basketball Diaries [15] 23:10 The French Lieutenant’s Woman [15] HALLMARK 313 06:00 Judging Amy 06:55 7th Heaven 07:50 Dallas 08:45 Dallas 09:45 Dallas 10:45 Alice 11:15 Alice 11:50 Alice 12:20 Alice 12:50 Great Women 13:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 14:49 Great Women 15:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 16:50 Great Women 17:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:44 Great Women 19:00 Agatha Christie’s 22:00 – John Travolta [Biography] – Bio (Channel 411) RAI TRE 09:45 TGR - Speciale Ambiente Italia 13:25 Passepartout 14:00 Tg3 Regione 14:15 Tg3 14:30 In 1/2 h 15:00 Tg3 Flash L.I.S. 15:05 Un’agenda che vale un tesoro – Filofax 16:45 Occhio al testimone 18:30 Kilimangiaro Album 19:00 Tg3 20:00 Blob 20:20 Pronto Elisir 21:00 Presa diretta 23:05 Tg3 23:15 Tg Regione 23:20 Caternoster 00:20 Tg3 Marple 20:44 Verouillage Central 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 22:44 5 Recuerdos 23:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot COMEDY CENTRAL 314 06:00 M*A*S*H 06:30 M*A*S*H 07:00 Teleshopping 07:30 Teleshopping 08:00 Teleshopping 08:30 Teleshopping 09:00 Teleshopping 09:30 Teleshopping 10:00 Scrubs 10:30 Scrubs 11:00 Scrubs 11:30 Scrubs 12:00 Scrubs 12:30 Scrubs 13:00 Scrubs 13:30 Scrubs 14:00 Scrubs 14:30 Scrubs 15:00 Scrubs 15:30 Scrubs 16:00 Scrubs 16:30 Scrubs 17:00 Scrubs 17:30 Scrubs 18:00 Scrubs 18:30 Scrubs 19:00 Scrubs 19:30 Scrubs 20:00 Two and a Half Men 20:30 Two and a Half Men 21:00 The Rules of Engagement 21:30 Scrubs 22:00 The Office 23:00 Grumpy Old Holidays 23:40 Grumpy Old Women Minute Meals 08:30 Tyler’s Ultimate 09:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 09:30 Barefoot Contessa 10:00 Unwrapped 10:30 Paula’s Party 11:30 Paula’s Best Dishes 12:00 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 12:30 Guy’s Big Bite 13:00 Barefoot Contessa 13:30 Everyday Italian 14:00 30 Minute Meals 14:30 Throwdown with Bobby Flay 15:00 Iron Chef America 16:00 Barefoot Contessa 16:30 Unwrapped 17:00 Paula’s Best Dishes 17:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 18:00 Throwdown with Bobby Flay 18:30 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 19:00 Guy Off the Hook: Special 20:00 Barefoot Contessa 20:30 Everyday Italian 21:00 Iron Chef America 22:00 Throwdown with Bobby Flay 22:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 23:00 Guy Off the Hook: Special DISCOVERY CHANNEL 400 06:05 Nothing to Declare 06:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Teleshopping 07:30 Teleshopping 08:00 Jerry Springer 08:25 Jerry Springer 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 10:30 Four Weddings 11:00 Four Weddings 11:30 Four Weddings 12:00 Four Weddings 12:30 Bulging Brides 13:00 Stepmom [12] 15:30 Passport Patrol 16:00 Nothing to Declare 16:30 Nothing to Declare 17:00 Airways 17:30 Airways 18:00 Teen Moms 19:00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 21:00 Ghost Whisperer 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 06:00 Wheeler Dealers: VW Type 25 06:25 How It’s Made 06:50 How Does it Work? 07:15 Nextworld: Future Ships 08:10 Mythbusters 09:05 Destroyed in Seconds 09:35 Destroyed in Seconds 10:00 American Loggers: Blood and Greenhorns 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 Tornado Rampage 12:45 Deadliest Catch: Breaking ’Em In 13:40 Mythbusters 14:35 Nextworld: Future Ships 15:30 Time Warp: Stone Breaking 16:00 Time Warp: Dry Ice Bomb 16:25 Motorcycle Mania 17:20 Chop Shop 18:15 Fifth Gear 18:45 Fifth Gear 19:10 Street Customs Berlin: The Grand Opening 20:05 Mythbusters 21:00 Ross Kemp on Gangs: Moscow 21:55 Banged up Abroad: Venezuela 22:50 I Escaped Death: Cult Massacre 23:45 True Crime Scene: Strangler THE STYLE NETWORK 352 DISCOVERY WORLD 401 LIVING 315 06:00 The Year in Fashion 07:00 Clean House 08:00 My Celebrity Home 09:00 Dallas Divas & Daughters 09:30 Dallas Divas & Daughters 10:00 How Do I Look? 11:00 Jerseylicious 12:00 What I Hate About Me 13:00 What I Hate About Me 14:00 What I Hate About Me 15:00 What I Hate About Me 16:00 What I Hate About Me 17:00 What I Hate About Me 18:00 What I Hate About Me 19:00 What I Hate About Me 20:00 How Do I Look? 21:00 Dress My Nest 22:00 Tacky House 23:00 Clean House 06:00 Discovery Atlas 07:45 Massive Engines 08:15 Danger Hunters 09:05 Fearless Planet 10:00 Man Made Marvels Asia 10:55 Man Made Marvels Asia 11:50 Man Made Marvels Asia 12:45 Man Made Marvels Asia 13:40 D-Day in Colour 14:35 Weapons of Combat 15:30 When Weather Changed History 16:25 Discovery Atlas 18:15 Greatest Tank Battles 19:10 Inside Planet Earth 21:00 Dive to the Bottom of the World 21:55 Royal Inquest 22:50 Solved 23:45 Mysterious Journeys FOOD NETWORK 353 DISCOVERY SCIENCE 402 06:00 Paula’s Best Dishes 06:25 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 06:50 Guy’s Big Bite 07:15 Barefoot Contessa 07:40 Everyday Italian 08:05 30 06:00 Junkyard Mega Wars 07:00 Scrapheap Challenge 08:00 Sci-Fi Saved My Life 08:55 Brainiac 09:50 Da Vinci’s Machines 10:45 Da Vinci’s 23:00 – The True Story: Jurassic Park [Documentary] – History (Channel 412) 31 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 THIS WEEK TELEVISION 21.00 – Imagine That [Film] – melita movies (Channel 801) Friends 19:50 Thomas and Friends 20:00 Dorothy the Dinosaur 20:10 James the Cat 20:15 James the Cat 20:20 Dougie in Disguise 20:30 Tiny Planets 20:35 Tiny Planets 20:40 Little Fables 20:45 Igloo-Gloo 21:00 Rubbadubbers 21:10 Sea the Sea 21:15 Oswald 21:30 Oswald 21:45 Mio Mao 21:50 Kipper 22:00 Kipper 22:10 Fluffy Gardens 22:17 Fluffy Gardens 22:25 Baby Antonio’s Circus 22:30 Baby Antonio’s Circus 22:35 Pingu 22:40 Pingu 22:45 Benjamin’s Farm 22:50 Slim Pig 23:00 The Mighty Jungle 23:15 I Spy 23:30 P.B. Bear and Friends 23:35 The Magic Key 23:45 Angelina Ballerina 23:52 Thomas and Friends MTV 500 06:00 Breakfast Club 07:30 Teen Cribs 08:00 My Super Sweet 16 08:30 Jessica Simpson: The Price of Beauty 09:00 My Life as Liz 09:30 The Hills 10:00 The City 10:30 Hosted Top 20 12:00 Made 12:30 Teen Cribs 13:00 My Super Sweet 16 13:30 Jessica Simpson: The Price of Beauty 14:00 My Life as Liz 14:30 The Hills 15:00 The City 15:30 Hosted Top 20 17:00 Made 18:00 Cribs 18:30 Exiled 19:00 Made 19:30 Pimp My Ride 20:00 Taking the Stage 21:00 Jersey Shore 22:00 Hard Times of RJ Berger 22:30 Valemont 23:00 The Dudesons 23:30 The Dudesons MEZZO 510 09:00 Bach: Johannes Passion (La Passion selon St Jean) 11:10 Bernstein : Kaddish symphony 12:05 Divertimezzo 13:00 Nuit Maya au Châtelet. Orchestre de Paris 15:00 Blue Note : a Story of Modern Jazz 17:00 Donizetti - ‘La fille du régiment’ 19:15 Divertimezzo 20:30 ‘Raymonda’ au Bolshoï, chorégraphie revue par Yuri Grigorovi 22:55 Los Van Van live au Zenith de Paris EUROSPORT 600 Machines 11:40 Da Vinci’s Machines 12:35 Da Vinci’s Machines 13:30 Da Vinci’s Machines 14:25 Savage Planet 14:55 Eco-Tech 15:50 The Gadget Show 16:15 The Gadget Show 16:45 How Stuff’s Made 17:10 How Stuff’s Made 17:40 Alien Storms 18:30 The Perfect Disaster 19:20 Engineered 20:10 NYC Inside Out 21:00 Alien Storms 21:50 The Perfect Disaster 22:40 The Colony 23:30 The Colony The Dog Whisperer: Fondue, Chip, Hope, & JoyJoy, & Elmer 12:00 The Dog Whisperer: Lotus and Joey 13:00 Caught in the Act: Dangerous Games 14:00 Rescue Ink: No Bull 15:00 Devil’s Bible 16:00 Bible Uncovered: Secret Code of Revelations 17:00 The Koran 19:00 Tribal Odyssey: Dinka 20:00 Bombing of Germany 21:00 Nazi Twin Mystery 22:00 Earth Investigated: Hawking’s Universe 23:00 Bombing of Germany DISCOVERY TRAVEL & LIVING 403 NAT GEO WILD 407 06:00 Jon & Kate Plus 8 06:25 Cake Boss 06:55 Little People, Big World 07:20 Say Yes to the Dress 07:50 My Greek Kitchen 08:15 Chic Eats 08:45 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 09:40 Build, Buy or Restore Abroad 10:05 The Restorer Guy 10:30 Take Home Chef 10:55 Say Yes to the Dress 11:25 Toddlers and Tiaras 12:15 Jon & Kate Plus 8 12:40 Cake Boss 13:05 Little People, Big World 13:30 My Greek Kitchen 13:55 Ultimate Cake-Off 14:45 Build, Buy or Restore Abroad 15:10 The Restorer Guy 15:35 Say Yes to the Dress 16:00 Toddlers and Tiaras 16:50 What Not to Wear 17:40 LA Ink 18:30 Jon & Kate Plus 8 18:55 Cake Boss 19:20 Little People, Big World 19:45 Say Yes to the Dress 20:10 Ultimate Cake-Off 21:00 Toddlers and Tiaras 21:50 LA Ink 22:40 Body Work 23:30 Little People, Big World 23:55 Say Yes to the Dress INVESTIGATION DISCOVERY 404 06:00 Forensic Detectives 06:50 The FBI Files 07:40 CSU 08:30 Diagnosis Unknown 09:20 Forensic Detectives 10:10 Mystery Diagnosis 11:00 Real Emergency Calls 11:25 Real Emergency Calls 11:50 Final Days of an Icon 12:40 Diagnosis Unknown 13:30 Forensic Detectives 14:20 The FBI Files 15:10 CSU 16:00 Diagnosis Unknown 16:50 Forensic Detectives 17:40 Mystery Diagnosis 18:30 Real Emergency Calls 18:55 Real Emergency Calls 19:20 Final Days of an Icon 20:10 On the Case with Paul Zahn 21:00 Disappeared 21:50 Deadly Women 22:40 I Almost Got Away With It 23:30 Autopsy ANIMAL PLANET 405 06:00 Animal Crackers 06:25 Meerkat Manor: The Next Generation 06:50 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:15 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:40 Daniel and Our Cats 08:35 Animal Battlegrounds 09:00 Cats 101 09:55 Monkey Life 10:20 Vet on the Loose 10:50 Miami Animal Police 11:45 E-Vets: The Interns 12:10 Pet Rescue 12:40 Animal Cops Miami 13:35 Wildlife SOS 14:00 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14:30 Britain’s Worst Pet 14:55 Britain’s Worst Pet 15:25 Dogs 101 16:20 Cats 101 17:15 Animal Cops Houston 18:10 Venom Hunter With Donald Schultz 19:10 Planet Earth 20:05 Jungle 21:00 Whale Wars 21:55 Your Worst Animal Nightmares 22:50 Ultimate Air Jaws 23:45 Untamed and Uncut NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 406 06:00 The Dog Whisperer: Dasher, Riley and Fosse 07:00 Mystery Gorilla 08:00 Chimps: Nearly Human 09:00 World’s Deadliest Animals: Central America 10:00 Mystery 360: Ghost Behind Bars 11:00 06:00 Animal Rescue Squad 06:30 Animal Rescue Squad 07:00 Dog Town 08:00 Monkey Thieves 08:30 Monkey Thieves 09:00 Seconds from Disaster 10:00 Dam Beavers 11:00 Surviving the Jungle 12:00 Surviving the Savannah 13:00 Planet Carnivore 14:00 Planet Carnivore 15:00 Planet Carnivore 16:00 Planet Carnivore 17:00 Dolphin Army 18:00 Predator CSI 19:00 Chimps: Nearly Human 20:00 Life of Hummingbirds 21:00 Shark Island With Nigel Marven 22:00 Dangerous Encounters 23:00 When Nature Strikes Back TRAVEL CHANNEL 410 06:00 Globe Trekker Specials 07:00 Swiss Railway Journeys 08:00 Rose Parade 09:00 PhotoXplorers 09:30 Essential 10:00 World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides 11:00 Globe Trekker Specials 12:00 Intrepid Journeys 13:00 Essential 13:30 Hollywood and Vines 14:00 Luxury Getaways 14:30 The Thirsty Traveler 15:00 Globe Trekker Specials 16:00 Journey Into Wine: Spain and Portugal 16:30 Journey Into Wine: Spain and Portugal 17:00 Journey Into Wine: Spain and Portugal 17:30 Journey Into Wine: Spain and Portugal 18:00 48 Hours In... 18:30 Great Scenic Railways: 175 Years 19:00 Culinary Asia 20:00 Word Travels 20:30 Essential 21:00 Cruising to the Northern Lights 22:00 Globe Trekker 23:00 Julian and Camilla’s World Odyssey BIO 411 06:00 Bio: Franz Ferdinand 07:00 Steven Seagal: Lawman: Medicine Man 07:30 Steven Seagal: Lawman: Crack War 08:00 Bio: Val Kilmer 08:30 Bio: Keanu Reeves 09:00 Bio: Joaquin Phoenix 10:00 Bio: Reese Witherspoon 11:00 Kaiser Chiefs Live: Main Square Festival in Arras 12:00 Bio: Franz Ferdinand 13:00 Steven Seagal: Lawman: Medicine Man 13:30 Steven Seagal: Lawman: Crack War 14:00 Bio: Val Kilmer 14:30 Bio: Keanu Reeves 15:00 Bio: Joaquin Phoenix 16:00 Bio: Reese Witherspoon 17:00 Kaiser Chiefs Live: Main Square Festival in Arras 18:00 Bio: Franz Ferdinand 19:00 Bio: Barry Manilow: Songs from the 70s 20:00 Bee Gees: Live by Request 21:00 Bio: Olivia Newton-John 22:00 Bio: John Travolta 23:00 Saturday Night Fever: The Inside Story HISTORY 412 06:00 Sliced: Vending Machines 06:30 Sliced: Trash; Garbage Truck 07:00 Thomas Telford: The Man Who Built Britain 08:00 Life After People: Home Wrecked Homes 09:00 Life After People: Depth’s of Destruction 10:00 American Pickers: Big Bear 11:00 Sliced: Vending Machines 11:30 Sliced: Trash; Garbage Truck 12:00 Toughest Carrier Jobs 13:00 UFO Files: Pacific Bermuda Triangle 14:00 Sink the Manchester 15:00 Cutty Sark: Out of the Ashes 16:00 Underwater Universe 18:00 Mega Movers: Lost and Found 19:00 Mega Movers: Massive Bridges 20:00 Mega Movers: Oil Machines 21:00 Pawn Stars: Old Man’s Booty 21:30 Pawn Stars: Fired Up 22:00 The Six Wives of Henry VIII: Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves 23:00 The True Story: Jurassic Park NAT GEO HD 421 06:05 Predator CSI 07:00 Mad Labs 07:25 Predator CSI 08:15 Dangerous Encounters 09:05 Dangerous Encounters 09:55 Dangerous Encounters 10:45 Hunter Hunted 11:35 Predator CSI 12:25 Ancient MegaStructures 13:15 Hunter Hunted 14:05 Gorilla Murders 14:55 Thunder Beasts 15:45 Mad Labs 16:10 Engineering Connections 17:00 Nazi Scrapbooks from Hell 17:50 Ancient MegaStructures 18:40 Predator CSI 19:30 Mad Labs 20:00 Master of Disaster 20:55 Air Crash Investigation 21:45 Perilous Journeys 22:35 Master of Disaster 23:25 Air Crash Investigation DISNEY CHANNEL 450 06:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 07:00 The Suite Life on Deck 07:25 Wizards of Waverly Place 07:50 Jonas LA 08:15 Hannah Montana Forever 08:40 Good Luck Charlie 09:00 Sonny With a Chance 09:30 Read It and Weep 11:00 Hannah Montana 11:25 Jonas 11:50 Wizards of Waverly Place 12:15 The Suite Life on Deck 12:40 The Fairly Odd Parents 13:00 Sonny With a Chance 13:25 The Replacements 13:50 Phineas and Ferb 14:15 Jonas 14:35 The Fairly Odd Parents 15:00 Sonny With a Chance 15:25 Hannah Montana 15:45 The Suite Life on Deck 16:10 Wizards of Waverly Place 16:30 Jonas 17:00 Hannah Montana Forever 17:20 Good Luck Charlie 17:45 Sonny With a Chance 18:10 The Luck of the Irish 19:40 Hannah Montana 20:00 Wizards of Waverly Place 20:25 Wizards of Waverly Place 20:50 The Suite Life on Deck 21:15 Good Luck Charlie 21:40 Sonny With a Chance 22:05 Jonas 22:30 Hannah Montana 22:55 Hannah Montana 23:20 The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 23:45 The Suite Life of Zack and Cody NICKELODEON 452 06:15 Little Kingdom 06:40 Dora the Explorer 07:05 Go, Diego, Go! 07:30 Ni Hao, Kai-lan 07:55 Dora the Explorer 08:20 The Wonder Pets 08:45 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:10 iCarly 09:35 iCarly 10:00 iCarly 10:25 iCarly 10:50 iCarly 11:15 iCarly 11:40 iCarly iDate a Bad Boy 12:30 The Elephant Princess 12:55 SpongeBob SquarePants 13:20 The Fairly Odd Parents 13:45 Avatar: The Legend of Aang 14:10 Jimmy Neutron 14:40 The Mighty B 15:05 The Penguins of Madagascar 15:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 15:55 iCarly 16:20 Drake and Josh 16:45 The Troop 17:10 Unfabulous 17:35 Back to the Barnyard 18:00 Avatar the Last Airbender 18:25 The Fairly Odd Parents 18:50 The Penguins of Madagascar 19:15 SpongeBob SquarePants 19:40 iCarly 20:05 The Troop 20:30 Drake and Josh 20:55 The Elephant Princess 21:20 Avatar: The Legend of Aang 21:45 My Life as a Teenage Robot 22:10 Jimmy Neutron 22:35 Back at the Barnyard 23:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 23:25 The Fairly Odd Parents 23:50 The Mighty B CARTOON NETWORK 453 06:00 Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes 06:30 Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes 06:40 The Cramp Twins 07:00 Robotboy 07:30 Chop Socky Chooks 08:00 Bakugan: New Vestroia 08:30 Bakugan: New Vestroia 09:00 Ben 10 09:30 Ben 10 10:00 Ben 10 10:30 Ben 10 11:00 Johnny Test 12:00 The Secret Saturdays 12:30 The Secret Saturdays 13:00 Chowder 13:30 Chowder 14:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy 14:30 The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy 15:00 The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack 15:30 The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack 16:00 Ben 10 16:30 Ben 10 17:00 Johnny Test 18:00 Ben 10 18:30 Ben 10 19:00 The Secret Saturdays 19:30 The Secret Saturdays 20:00 Chowder 20:30 Chowder 21:00 The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack 21:30 The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack 22:00 Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes 22:30 Skatoony 23:00 Robotboy 23:30 The Cramp Twins JIM JAM 458 06:00 Rubbadubbers 06:10 Sea the Sea 06:15 Oswald 06:30 Oswald 06:45 Mio Mao 06:50 Kipper 07:00 Kipper 07:10 Fluffy Gardens 07:17 Fluffy Gardens 07:25 Baby Antonio’s Circus 07:30 Baby Antonio’s Circus 07:35 Pingu 07:40 Pingu 07:45 Benjamin’s Farm 07:50 Slim Pig 08:00 The Mighty Jungle 08:15 I Spy 08:30 P.B. Bear and Friends 08:35 The Magic Key 08:45 Angelina Ballerina 09:00 Bob the Builder 09:10 Fireman Sam 09:20 Tork 09:30 Barney and Friends 09:55 Tigga and Togga 10:00 Tigga and Togga 10:05 Dorothy the Dinosaur 10:15 James the Cat 10:20 Dougie in Disguise 10:30 Tiny Planets 10:35 Tiny Planets 10:40 Little Fables 10:45 Igloo-Gloo 11:00 Rubbadubbers 11:10 Sea the Sea 11:15 Oswald 11:30 Oswald 11:45 Mio Mao 11:50 Kipper 12:00 Kipper 12:10 Fluffy Gardens 12:17 Fluffy Gardens 12:25 Baby Antonio’s Circus 12:30 Baby Antonio’s Circus 12:35 Pingu 12:40 Pingu 12:45 Benjamin’s Farm 12:50 Slim Pig 13:00 The Mighty Jungle 13:15 I Spy 13:30 P.B. Bear and Friends 13:35 The Magic Key 13:45 Angelina Ballerina 14:00 Bob the Builder 14:10 Fireman Sam 14:20 Tork 14:30 Barney and Friends 14:55 Tigga and Togga 15:00 Fireman Sam 15:10 Fireman Sam 15:20 Fireman Sam 15:30 Fireman Sam 15:40 Fireman Sam 15:50 Fireman Sam 16:00 Fireman Sam 16:10 Fireman Sam 16:20 Fireman Sam 16:30 Fireman Sam 16:40 Fireman Sam 16:50 Fireman Sam 17:00 Kipper 17:10 Fluffy Gardens 17:17 Fluffy Gardens 17:25 Baby Antonio’s Circus 17:30 Baby Antonio’s Circus 17:35 Pingu 17:40 Pingu 17:45 Benjamin’s Farm 17:50 Slim Pig 18:00 The Mighty Jungle 18:15 I Spy 18:30 P.B. Bear and Friends 18:35 The Magic Key 18:45 Angelina Ballerina 19:00 Thomas and Friends 19:10 Thomas and Friends 19:20 Thomas and Friends 19:30 Thomas and Friends 19:40 Thomas and 08:30 WATTS 08:45 Marathon: Berlin [Live] 11:30 Superbike Corner 12:00 World Superbike Series: Imola: Race 1 [Live] 13:00 World Supersport Series: World Championship: Imola [Live] 14:00 Weightlifting: World Championship: Men’s 105kg 15:30 World Superbike Series: Imola: Race 2 [Live] 16:30 Snooker: World Open: Semi-finals [Live] 18:00 Weightlifting: World Championship: Men’s 105kg Plus 19:30 Motorsports Weekend 19:45 Snooker: World Open: Semi-finals 21:00 Snooker: World Open: Final [Live] EUROSPORT2 601 07:30 Eurosport 2 Weekend News 08:00 International Rally Challenge: Italy: Day 2 08:30 Eurosport 2 Weekend News 09:45 The Daily Surf Report 10:00 World Superbike Series: Imola: Superpole 10:30 World Superbike Series: Vallelunga: Superstock [Live] 11:00 Women’s Football 12:30 Eurosport 2 Weekend News 13:00 The Daily Surf Report 13:15 Dew Tour 14:15 World Superbike Series: Silverstone: Race 1 [Live] 15:00 Jez Do It 15:30 Australian Rules Football 16:45 British Superbikes: Silverstone: Race 1 17:15 The Daily Surf Report 17:30 Twenty20 Cricket 20:30 Eurosport 2 Weekend News 21:00 Dew Tour 22:15 Women’s Football 23:15 The Daily Surf Report 23:30 British Superbikes: Silverstone: Race 2 ESPN CLASSIC 1 603 06:00 DTM Racing Series 07:00 Top 20 FIFA World Cup Moments 08:00 Sports Years 09:00 Sports Years 10:00 30 for 30 11:00 World’s Strongest Man 12:00 ESPN Big Fights 13:00 FIFA World Cup Stories 13:30 FIFA World Cup Stories 14:00 FIFA World Cup Stories 14:30 FIFA World Cup Stories 15:00 Prem Classics 15:30 FA Football Matches 16:00 Prem Classics 16:30 Prem Classics 17:00 Sports Years 18:00 Sports Years 19:00 Sports Years 20:00 30 for 30 21:00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches 22:00 Wimbledon Tennis Championships 23:00 FIFA World Cup Stories 23:30 FIFA World Cup Stories ESPN AMERICA 605 08:00 To Be Announced 10:30 To Be Announced 13:00 To Be Announced 15:30 College Football Final 16:30 NFL Matchup 17:00 Sunday NFL Countdown 19:00 NFL Football: Atlanta at New Orleans [Live] 22:00 NFL Football: Indianapolis at Denver [Live] YACHT&SAIL 611 06:00 Cruises to a World of Discovery 07:00 Hot Water 08:00 Des Top News 08:06 Meteo 08:15 Powerboat Racing 08:45 World Boat 09:45 Powerboat Racing: World Championship: Sweden 10:45 Des Top News 10:51 Meteo 11:00 Powerboat Racing 11:30 Cruise...Adventure 12:00 Sea People 12:15 Sea People 12:30 Hot Water 13:30 Des Top News 13:36 Meteo 13:45 Powerboat Racing 14:45 World Boat 15:15 Cruises to a World of Discovery 16:15 Des Top News 16:21 Meteo 16:30 Powerboat Racing 17:00 Nansens’s Footsteps 18:00 Aquanauts 18:30 Shark Gordon 19:00 Des Top News 19:15 Powerboat Racing 19:45 Coastguard: Antipollution Activity 20:15 World Boat 20:45 Des Top News 21:00 The Global Challenge 21:30 Sport Magazine 22:00 Des Top News 22:15 Powerboat Racing 22:45 World Boat 23:45 Des Top News 32 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 THIS WEEK FILM IN CINEMAS TODAY EMBASSY CINEMAS Valletta Tel. 21 227436, 21245818 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ THINKER | ★ ★ ★ ★ TAILOR | ★ ★ ★ SOLDIER | ★ ★ SPY | ★ AWRY A philosopher’s epic Step Up 3 (U) 10:00, 12:15, 14:30, 16:45, 19:00, 21:15 Agora (12) 10:15, 13:25, 16:00, 18:35, 21:00 Dinner for Schmucks (14) 16:05, 18:30, 20:50 Grown Ups (14) 10:00, 12:10, 14:20, 16:30, 18:40, 20:50 Salt (12) 10:00, 12:10, 14:20, 16:30, 18:40, 20:55 EDEN CINEMAS St Julians Tel. 23 710 400 Grown Ups (14) 14:20, 16:35, 18:50, 21:00, 23:10 Inception (12) 14:25, 18:15, 21:10 Step Up 3 (U) Showing at: 14:10 16:25 18:40 20:55 23:10 Salt (12) 14:15, 16:30, 18:45, 21:05, 23:15 The Switch (12) 14:15, 16:30, 18:45, 21:05, 23:15 The Other Guys (14) 14:05, 16:25, 18:50, 21:15, 23:35 She’s Out of My League (14) 14:00, 16:20, 18:30, 20:50, 23:00 Repo Men (18) 14:00, 16:20, 18:35, 20:55, 23:15 Letters To Juliet (U) 14:00, 16:20, 18:30, 20:45, 23:00 Marmaduke (U) 14:00, 16:20, 18:35 The Runaways (18) 20:50, 23:00 Piranha (3D) (18) 14:15, 16:30, 18:45, 21:15, 23:25 Dinner for Schmucks (14) 14:00, 16:20, 18:40, 21:05, 23:25 The Expendables (16) 14:20, 16:35, 18:50, 21:00, 23:10 The Last Airbender (U) 14:05, 16:15, 18:25, 20:45, 22:55 Knight and Day (PG) 14:10, 16:25, 18:40, 21:00, 23:20 Agora (12) 14:30, 18:25, 21:10, 23:45 Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (12) 14:05, 16:25, 18:45, 21:10, 23:30 EMPIRE CINEMAS Bugibba Tel. 21 581 787, 21 581 909 The Hole (12) 13:30, 18:30 Step Up (3D) (U) 10:50, 16:00, 21:15 Piranha 3D (18) 11:05, 14:00, 16:15, 18:45, 21:00 The Other Guys (14) 11:15, 13:50, 16:20, 18:40, 21:10 Salt (12) 11:00, 13:55, 16:15, 18:35, 20:55 Grown Ups (14) 13:45, 16:05, 18:20, 21:05 The Expendables (16) 14:05, 16:25, 18:50, 21:15 Agora (12) 13:30, 16:10, 18:40, 21:30 AGORA (12) ★ ★ ★ While the rest of the world squabbles about its portrayal of Christianity and its historical inaccuracy, Maltese audiences can take some very simple pleasure out of Alejandro Amenábar’s historical ‘reason vs. superstition’ epic Agora. It is the first film in recent memory to give Malta – and a plethora of Maltese actors – an undeniable prominence, and to fully integrate the island and its talent into the overall texture of the film, rather than simply employing it as backdrop and prop. Beyond this, it’s difficult to gauge how audiences will respond to it. While the Chilean-born director, whose previous work includes the Nicole Kidman ghost drama The Others and the Javier Bardem-starring The Sea Inside, adds a definite gravitas to already weighty subject matter, there is definitely something missing throughout. The story takes us back to th 4th century AD, with Egypt under the gradually waning hold of the Roman Empire. Violent religious upheaval in the streets of Alexandria spills over into the city’s famous Library. Trapped inside its walls, the brilliant astronomer Hypatia (Rachel Weisz) and her disciples fight to save By Teodor Reljic the wisdom of the ancient world. Among them are the two men competing for her heart: the witty, privileged Orestes (Oscar Isaac) and Davus (Max Minghell), Hypatia’s young slave, who is torn between his secret love for her and the freedom he knows can be his if he chooses to join the unstoppable surge of the Christians. Call it a knee-jerk reaction to any historical drama that isn’t punctuated by arbitrary sex scandals and stirring, bloody battle scenes, but focusing on a philosopher, while definitely an admirable move, does not for heart-thumping cinema make. This is forgivable, however. The film makes up for its initially unexciting premise with some beautiful cinematography and costumes, plunging the audience into a world distinctly different from our own. What is less easy to stomach, however, is its inability to stick to a single plot strand or character. This is supposed to be Hypatia’s film and yet, the trajectory swerves out of her orbit for far too long, the large cast of religiously conflicted characters taking centre stage for long periods of time. Yes, this is a large, tangled story (it arguably contains one of the most important narratives of Western civilization), but it would have benefited from some narrative compression and emotional punch. As it is, the emotion is delivered in staggered dollops, the narrative just winds on. Once again, this is the way history works, but should films work this way too. While some of the supporting players disappoint, the key cast members deliver some powerful performances. Weisz is at her best (and she was never really bad at all) – inquisitive and dedicated, there are shades of her character in The Constant Gardener here. Oscar Isaac, convincingly playing both sides and torn apart by two religions, delivers masterfully and reminds us why he was, in fact, the best thing about Scott’s recent Robin Hood revamp. Expect great things from him soon enough. But it is Max Minghella who I’m most excited about. Juggling both vulnerable and violent, his character arguably becomes easier to latch onto as this winding epic crashes its way to a tragic conclusion. That Amenábar has an antiChristian bias (though perhaps ‘fundamentalism’ would be more accurate) is, try as we might, difficult to deny. As Christians are ransacking the famous Library of Alexandria, the camera pulls up, depicting them as a swarm of cockroaches. The erratic Bishop Cyril himself is also difficult to like, and Davus’s conversion feels less like a move towards true liberation than freedomthrough-terrorism. Amenábar’s prosaic delivery of the story – the gorgeous cinematography notwithstanding – seems to want to deflate its emotional heft in the hope that we would all just stop to give reason a chance. This is made very clear through the title itself: ‘Agora’ means forum. Even though, sadly, the religious squabbling that eventually leads to violence recalls another bulwark of local culture: The Times of Malta online comments section. 33 FOOD maltatoday, By Monique Chambers I SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Ta’ Kella The diet starts tomorrow N o, really it does. After coming back from the 30day food fest more than a couple of kilos heavier and now on a rapid countdown to a big birthday, I have decided that it is time for action. I have read about diets and even tried them for a day before, but I think that I have found the one that makes most sense, especially for someone in my position, who has to eat every food group and every course to be able to write a fair review. One very wise (but I thought at the time very cheeky) friend said to me “you know, you can just have a taste, you don’t have to eat it all” when I bitched about the slow steady increase in weight that directly correlated with the increase in my press cuttings file. Anyway, Paul McKenna (you know, the hypnotist chap) and I have a deal. He claims, and I quote, that if you a) eat when you are hungry, b) eat what you like, c) eat slowly and d) stop when you are full combined with a mere 15 minutes of extra movement a day, weight will fall drop off and a new sustainable lifestyle can begin. I shan’t bore you with a Bridget Jones-esque reportage, but please do forgive me if I vent via this column, though consider yourselves lucky: I have decided to diet, not become a driving instructor. The expletives will be so much milder. Before I made this decision to change my lifestyle, of course, I read a book which described the things to do before you start a diet (book sellers can see me coming). I didn’t finish it as I had Mr McKenna by my bedside willing me to pick him up instead (I devoured the book as if it were my last meal). The same day (the eve of Independence Day), I went to Ta’ Kella at the Valletta Waterfront with my sister, who goes regularly with her flurry of UK visitors. And this week, it was the turn of the ski-instructor and my sister’s goddaughter. We hadn’t booked, but there were a couple of tables left outside. Inside is worth a peek. The walls are covered in pictures; one of old buses, which make you want to drag whoever decided on the change in buses into the restaurant for a look, before it’s too late. Have they not noticed that the newer buses throw out as much smoke as the beautiful old Bedford’s, and have damaged suspension, not to mention the lack of air-flow and horrible furry seats? But I digress. The menu is traditional Maltese fare, with some things used creatively. For starters I had the aljotta (€5.70) which was almost as good as my mum’s. The colour and consistency were perfect, the flavour was lemony peppery tomato-y, but mum’s has all sorts of seafood in and this seemed to have one type of fish. To be fair, we were on land because the sea was a bit yukky, so I don’t expect the fishermen to go out in it either. The goddaughter took the garlic mushrooms (€5.75) and her mum the ski-instructor had the deep fried Gbejniet (€5.20), my sister had neonate (€5.95). It was a bit like a battlefield, with cutlery coming in from all directions as we tasted bits of each other’s dishes, all getting the thumbs up and all plates emptied. I was still hungry, having chewed my soup slowly. We did have a lovely bottle of Ulysses Shiraz (€18.75) – it’s our policy that when we have visitors we don’t stray off the island in terms of wine. We weree rewarded. h. Nice and very berry-ish. Now, you may not believe this but I get hate mail. Not often, but I do get the odd self-righteous type communicating their ideals, which is of course, their want. But frankly, Vault 5, I feel that child Valletta Waterfront labour for designer and sports goods Tel:21241000 and the damage we do daily to the environment are a bit ’m more important, and I’m unlikely to go down thee me a vegan Halal route nor become so the who, what, why, where and when of how something ends up on my plate can be their concern, but it just isn’t mine. I get sustainability but hardly eat fish, buy local where possible but let’s face it, your diet (wardrobe, transport and home…) would be quite limited otherwise, so I am not sure where I sit on the food miles argument and I certainly don’t deny myself anything. I’ll tell you now, I am anticipating a few mails this week because as I was proverbially so hungry I could eat a horse, I was lucky enough to be able to do just that (€15.95). The menu did offer nanna’s usuals; my dish came from the specials, where there was also a rack of ribs in carob sauce which sounded My sister had beef which was delicious and I’m sure I will try thinly sliced and used to protect the next time. Not because my a layer of spicy vegetables (€14.35) horse was not good, because it Unusually, she cleared her plate. was. The meat was tender and it Her 17-year-old goddaughter had was flavoursome. It had a bit of a chicken stuffed with Maltese kick in taste terms, quite peppery sausage (€14.50) and really enjoyed but I like that. It needed no further it. I did too: she proclaimed at seasoning and in fact, would be a point in time that she hadn’t an ideal dish for those trying the had Maltese sausage before and I Atkins diet as I had just one of laughed like a schoolgirl. So base. the roast potatoes and didn’t even The ski instructor had sea bass have any bread. It was rich and al cartoccio (€23) which I always wonderful, but I stopped when I think is so exciting, unwrapping was full, which was only about a the dish and being blasted with third of the way through the bowl. the flavour. This treatment should The others liked it too; the taste is be bestowed on so many other distinctive but reminds me of liver, dishes so you get to experience which I often have for breakfast. and enjoy the aroma of the dish Ta’ Kella rather than it be wasted on its journey towards you from the kitchen. She said it was fluffy and light and very yummy. Desserts were given a miss – in fact we didn’t even ask to see the menu again we were all so full. The visitors had Irish coffees and us locals had peppermint tisane. The ubiquitous limoncello was offered and was an instant hit. To the back of the eye balls. We left Valletta happy. In fact, I have a feeling the visitors will be visiting Ta’ Kella again before they depart and I have plans to take the next batch next week. After I have gone through the hate mail and will try the ribs in carob sauce. Your views Do you know of a restaurant that deserves our attention? Have you visited any of the restaurants we have reviewed? What are your top three favourite restaurants? Let me know by email: mchambers@mediatoday. 34 maltatoday, THIS WEEK SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 CULTURE Pinned and preserved – The Collector at St James October WHEN two persons find themselves together by no natural means but due to unforeseen circumstances, the results may be devastating. This is the case of Miranda Grey and Ferdinand Clegg in Vermiglio Theatre Productions’ interpretation of Mark Healy’s play The Collector. Based on the novel by John Fowles, the play explores the evolution of a forced relationship and the psychological battle which results in tragedy. Compassion, seduction, violence, wits, obsession, hope, fear, hate and love are some of the ingredients in this heady emotional concoction. Frederick Clegg, a lonely, luckless young man, works as a clerk at City Hall and collects attractive butterflies in his spare time. He’s obsessed with a beautiful art student, Miranda, but unable to make contact with her. Fredrick’s luck is about to change while Miranda’s luck may be running out when the two finally match wits. After winning a fortune at lottery, Clegg (Alan Fenech) acquires a huge country estate and in a planned-out scheme, kid- Michelle Zerafa and Alan Fenech in The Collector. Photo by Michael Sammut naps Miranda (Michelle Zerafa), an aristocratic art student that he worships and is obsessed with since he was a withdrawn, bullied child. Miranda – like his butterflies – is seen as just a 221. EURASIAN SPOONBILL collection to be preserved, pampered, indulged and imprisoned in a cellar as he neither wants sex or love from her. The play hinges of the ghastly outcome of this psychological battle. To book, call 77070701 or 99454117. For more information please visit the company’s official website GMOs – Commissioner Dalli admits EU food safety regime must change Europe’s health and consumer affairs commissioner John Dalli endured a barrage of criticism from delegates at a GMO-Free Regions conference in Brussels. Dalli rehearsed a Commission proposal to give member states new rights to ban GMO cultivation, but admitted to delegates that the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) needed to be reformed. Last Tuesday was a spectacular day for bird migration. Along with the hundreds of birds of prey that sailed overhead, nature lovers watching the event - myself included - were further spoiled with a flock of 22 Eurasian Spoonbills. Spoonbills (M: Paletta) are large white birds with long necks, long legs, and this strange ladle-shaped beak. This cumbersome-looking appendage is actually excellent for sifting small fish from the shallow lakes where these birds live. But being migratory, Spoonbills leave their beloved wetlands and travel to and from Europe and Africa twice a year. Here in Malta we get to see a few every year, so a nice big flock is a scarce treat. Meanwhile, the story of those 22 Spoonbills ended in tragedy: several were shot down by hunters, others maimed and the rest dispersed. If you want this butchery to end, join BirdLife. Text Victor Falzon Photo Chris Cachia Zammit Directed by Albert Marshall, one of Malta ’s leading and most established directors, The Collector will be staged at St James Cavalier on November 5, 6 and 7. The Commissioner was responding to challenges from well-known farmer and vice chair of the European Parliaments’ agricultural committee José Bové, who called for “draconian” reform of EFSA. One delegate called EFSA “a farce” of revolving doors and corporate control. Dalli said that as a non-scientist he was not able to judge the quality of EFSA’s work, but admitted that there was criticism of the agency in many areas and invited Bové and other NGOs to be part of the reform process. He added the recent case of contamination involving the BASF GM potato Amadea in Sweden had strengthened his hand, reinforcing the need for better monitoring of GMOs throughout the production process. Bové summed up the feeling among delegates: “Nobody should be forcing us to consume GMOs or destroy our farming for GMOs. It’s a political choice which is why we are here today.” The conference, held in the European Parliament building, brought together around 300 representatives from GMO-free regions, initiatives, farmers, environmental and consumers organizations of all EU member states and members of the European Parliament. The total number of GMO-free regions and municipalities with the EU has now exceeds 4,000 with the latest member being the Capital of Europe itself. Participants warned the Council and Parliament against any bargaining of health and environmental safety for national rights to ban GMOs, which de facto already exist. Instead, a moratorium on GMO approvals should be imposed at EU level until the Commission has rectified problems regarding risk assessment, strict seed purity laws and thorough consideration of socioeconomic impacts on farmers and food producers. GREEN IDEA OF THE WEEK 120: Green up your library – Next time you visit your library, ask them to stock more green titles. If they organise themed displays, suggest they create a display of books on an environmental theme. Visit Friends of the Earth’s website for more informaw tion about our work, as t well w as for information about how to join us www. a You can also f support us by sending a s blank SMS donation on b 50618070 (€4.66) or 5 50619223 (€11.65). 5 35 HEALTH maltatoday maltatoday, ,SUNDAY, SUNDAY,26 26SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER2010 2010 Women! Be aware, screen, detect OCTOBER is the month dedicated specifically to breast cancer awareness. Precisely because this campaign has become routine it runs the risk of blending into the recurring background of our life. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in women above the age of 30 in Malta (Prognostic Factors of Female Breast Cancer in Malta report – February 2002). This makes it extremely important that breast cancer awareness reaches every one of the females in our homes – and to also remind them that, if detected early, the chances of beating it through early effective treatment are very good. Screening is key! The positive aspect of breast cancer is that if detected in its early stages it stands a good chance of being treated, and a precious life being saved. Breast screening has to start from a woman’s early twenties, with regular self-breast examinations. Through these examinations, women familiarise themselves with their breasts and will be able to detect any unusual lumps that might develop in time. Ideally, they should also undergo a breast examination by a health care provider. They can have this done during their annual medical check-up or smear test appointment. From the age of 40, regular screening by mammography should start. If a history of family involvement exists, mammography screening should commence earlier. Women with abnormal results, or who are in the higher risk range, can also be advised to undergo a PET CT Scan or MRI for additional testing. Screening tests that produce abnormal results will be referred to specialists for treatment guidance. Can’t you Just wait for the symptoms to occur? The answer is a simple ‘No’. This is because, initially, breast cancer may not cause any noticeable symptoms. This is why it is often referred to as a ‘silent killer’. A lump may be too small for you to feel in your regular self-examination, or it might not cause any physical changes or reactions. It can however, be caught in a screening mammogram. This will invariably lead to further testing that will clarify the lump’s nature and the appropriate treatment to be followed. There are, nonetheless, a number of symptoms that all women have to be aware of and if you experience any of them you should seek immediate medical advice. • A new lump or mass felt in the breast • Swelling of all or part of the breast • Skin irritation or dimpling • Breast pain • Nipple pain/nipple turning inward • Redness or thickening of the nipple or breast skin • Nipple discharge other than breast milk •A lump in the underarm area Please keep in mind that not every symptom or sign automatically means breast cancer. The majority of changes experienced in the breast could be pointers towards non-cancerous conditions such as infections, cysts or fibroids. Having a symptom or sign checked out by a medical professional, however, will NEVER translate into a waste of time. 36 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 2010 Rouge Allure – a new weapon of seduction FOR the very first time, a gloss achieves the status of a luxury object. So precious, it incites curiosity and envy in its black and gold lacqured case. It combines the extreme shine of a gloss and the colour intensity of a lipstick. In perfect harmony with the bold style of Rouge Allure, all of the range colours brazenly opt for provocation and come in 10 radiant, luminous and sophisticated shades. Colourful and ultra-shiny: lips have never before indulged in such sensations with a gloss. Thanks to its high concentration of pigments, Rouge Allure Extrai de Gloss offers amazingly intense, long-last- ing colour in the first stroke with no pearly effect. Its second-skin gel texture lights up the smile with pure and exceptional shine. Rouge Allure Extrai de Gloss combines the comfort and spontaneity of a gloss with the makeup intensity of a lipstick. Specially developed for Chanel, its ultra-supple flocked applicator invents a new beauty step for a gentle feel and optimal precision. Its beveled, symmetric and twosided tip embraces the shape of the lips to delver the ideal dose of gloss. The smile is perfectly defined and dress in vibrant, ultra-shiny and even colour. Chanel is exclusively distributed by Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd Joues Contraste – the essential blusher from Chanel JOUES Contraste is the blusher beauty essential by Chanel. Perfectly round in its black lacquered case and equipped with a natural-bristle brush, the secret of vibrant cheekbones reinvents itself season after season. Peter Philips, Global Creative Director of Chanel Makeup, pays tribute to it. Over a pure, translucent foundation, Peter Philips concentrates intensity on the eyes. Palettes of grey, taupe of khaki eyeshadows are swept onto the eyelids, while cheeks blush with vitality and lips reveal candid freshness. At the heart of this collection, Joues Contraste by Chanel combines structured makeup in which eyes and cheeks balance each other to achieve a perfect harmony. Colour Focus of the Autumn 2010 Makeup Collection The face owes much of its charm to the cheekbones. Light finds full expression in this area and loves to play on these curves, which are a sign of femininity. Sharp, soft of plump, the cheeks light up with a smile, hinting at subtleties of temperament, Peter Philips pays tribute to Joues Contraste, the blush by Chanel by creating three bold shades Rose Temptation (Limited Edition): Tender rosewood for a delicate natural glow. Apply generously to cheeks and the top of temples. Pink Explosion: All the vitality of a fresh pink, full of spirit and fantasy. Plum Attraction: An intense plum with two facets: surprising and daring on a fair complexion or simply elegant on a dark complexion. Perfect for emphasizing and sculpting the prominent areas of the face. EYES LIPS Les 4 Ombre Enigma Spotlight on the eyes: Peter Philips developed a combination of intangible shades that waver between warm tones and the cool glimmer of metal. Shadowy violet, metallic grey touched with a blue effect, grey brown and pale pink spiced up with a dash of gold, to dress up the eyelids in shimmering reflections. Ombre Essentielle Taupe Grise and Vert Khaki: two slightly iridescent shades steeped in mystery for eyelids that show off their temperament. Stylo Yeux Waterproof Dense and luminous, Cassis enhances grey or metallic eyeshadows with its purple glow. An intense and precise line for a perfectly outlined eye contour. Le Crayon Khol The new Clair shade is a natural beige. Discreet and sophisticated, it adds and incredible touch of perfection to makeup. Applied inside the lower eyelid rim, a single line opens up the eyes. Four new shades from the Levres Scintillantes range: Pink Teaser, bright pink and gold Rose Dilemma, pink and silver Coral Love, apricot and gold Petit Peche, peach and silver Rouge Coco: Chintz: This shade refers to the ultimate English fabric, which Mademoiselle loved. Light and fruity peach is the natural, spicy touch of a delicious note. Rose Dentelle: A must-have shade: a soft, elegant pink for daily wear, both glamorous and romantic. Nails The final touch of beauty makeover that plays with contrasts: Demure, nails echo the translucent complexion and angelic lips with Le Vernis Jade Rose. Rebellious, nails emphasise the sensuality of the eyes and are with Le Vernis Paradoxal, a grey violet plum that dresses hands in an enchanting colour. Chanel is distributed by Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd 37 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 GO lands prestigious Alcatel-Lucent award GO plc – Malta’s leading communications and entertainment provider – was recently recognised by Alcatel-Lucent as one of its most customer-focused business partners. GO is Alcatel-Lucent’s main business partner in the Maltese Islands. At a meeting held exclusively for Alcatel-Lucent business partners and value-added distributors from around the world, GO Business landed one of the four high-powered Alcatel-Lucent Awards designed specifically to showcase top performing business partners in various aspects of their sales experience. The four Alcatel-Lucent awards were as follow: Award for Best Forecast Accuracy picked up by Nextira One, Award for Best Commitment to Alcatel-Lucent clinched by Comtel, Award for Best Supportive Partner achieved by Edslan and the Best-Win-AgainstCompetition Award landed by GO on grounds of its continued drive and motivation in strengthening Alcatel-Lucent presence among GO’s business customers. The award further consolidates the long-standing relationship that exists between GO and Alcatel-Lucent. GO’s business team – in particular its sales representative, Amanda Abela – was singled out as winner of the award from a large number of high-status communications companies that were in the running for the awards. GO landed the award after its sales representative made an excellent job of securing a top notch local key client for Alcatel-Lucent. It was a joint effort on the part of the GO Business team - charged with determination and perseverance – that ultimately reaped outstanding results. This was when the stakeholders of this prestigious local company opted for ALU solutions as their first communications choice despite stiff competition on all fronts of the telecommunications market. Indeed a feather in the GO Business team’s cap! The partnership with AlcatelLucent results in high profile innovative solutions from the high tech ALU portfolio for GO business clients. In addition, businesses purchasing hardware from GO – such as PBX systems that are an absolute must to all business entities – enjoy 24x7 support from GO’s highly trained technical team and even benefit from unlimited advantages such as attractive offers on Alcatel systems and convenient payment options. It is no wonder that GO supports the majority of Malta’s most elite private and public entities. Speaking about the AlcatelLucent Best-Win-AgainstCompetition Award that GO so successfully pulled off, GO Business Head, Kenneth Spiteri said: “We are absolutely delighted that GO has succeeded in landing the award – putting us in league with Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Israel. An exceptional achievement attained through the willpower and the hard work put in by all members of the GO Business team. The result is proof that GO Business is geared to deliver exceptional solutions to its clients and reach important goals.” “GO plc boasts a rich history with Alcatel-Lucent that From left: Amanda Abela from the GO Business team, Kenneth Spiteri Head of GO Business and Gianfranco Orienti, Channel Sales Manager at Alcatel-Lucent spans over twenty years and has matured into a powerful and exciting business experience that takes full advantage of the unique ALU portfolio. The catalyst of our mutual relationship was undoubtedly Alcatel-Lucent’s extensive involvement in GO’s submarine cable system linking Malta to Italy. Alcatel-Lucent designed and manufactured the submarine cable system, based on its dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology and cables – with the ability, in future, to be upgraded easily and cost-effectively,” he said. Meanwhile, Amanda Abela from the GO Business team said: “Alcatel-Lucent has been a key supplier of ours for several years now. Attractive benefits to key customers include Alcatel-Lucent’s robust and scalable infrastructure to support cost savings by centralisation, investment protection by leveraging existing hardware and software, new ways of communicating via enhanced enterprise agility and productivity, flexible solution adaptable to the customer’s needs and IT environment as well as pure software and openness solution for easy integration in the business environment – and more!” Gianfranco Orienti, Channel Sales Manager at AlcatelLucent congratulated GO for its achievement. “We look up to our partners as a crucial part of an overall mechanism that comprises our go-to-the market approach. Thanks to the support of our business partners we can continue to reinforce our commitment to global customers by delivering secure and reliable products, software services and solutions,” he said. Food, exotic travel, mystery – Allocation of more new shows on Melita terminals to Maltco’s agents THIS month, Melita TV subscribers can sit back and enjoy a variety of brand new shows ranging from culinary shows to investigation documentaries, offering good entertainment for everyone. For all the foodies out there, Nat Geo Adventure and Food Network are premiering their new shows this month offering new tantalising recipes. David Rocco’s Dolce Vita is premiering on Nat Geo Adventure (Channel 409) this month, following David Rocco around Tuscany as he visit the local markets and prepares local, easy-to-cook classic Italian dishes. The Food Network’s (Channel 353) array of new TV shows include Food Network Caters your Wedding, featuring Food Network favourites Bobby Flay, Giada de Laurentiis, Tyler Florence, Emeril Lagasse and Paula Deen, Paula’s Best Dishes with Paula Deen and two special Guy Off the Hook shows: Guy’s Family Feast and Guy’s Big Night with Chef Guy Fieri. Travel Channel (Channel 410) is also premiering new shows this month offering great ideas for travel destinations with shows such as Exotic Lives, Cruising the Northern Lights and Travel Today. For all Sherlock Holmes aficionados, tune in to Investigation Discovery’s (Channel 404) new show, Mystery Diagnostics, premiering this month. Investigation Discovery offers a gripping line-up of crime and investigative programming from the United States and around the world, focusing on the science of forensics and how it is used to solve the toughest real life crimes and most puzzling mysteries. The Travel Channel is available only on Melita’s L and XL TV packages whilst the Food Network, Nat Geo Adventure and Investigation Discovery are available exclusively on Melita’s XL TV package. For more information or to subscribe to Melita’s Television packages log on www.melita. com or call Melita on 27 270 270. IN the continuation of improvements, Maltco Lotteries will be distributing additional Coronis Terminals to its agents, with the objective of giving clients an even better and quicker service. This improvement would be achieved as it would increase the agents’ efficiency. This is also part of Maltco Lotteries’ strategy that through a continuous investment programme it constantly endeavours to improve the services offered to the players whilst at the same time supporting its agents. Mario Cassar, Maltco Lotteries’ General Director, commented that finally, this latest initiative continues to demonstrate Maltco’s commitment to enhancing the service provided to clients through the company’s support of the agent network. He also thanked Gejtu Vella, UHM’s General Secretary as well as Alfred Muscat, President of LRU for their fruitful co-operation. He emphasised that the deployment of these additional terminals represented Maltco’s significant investment to improve efficiency which in turn was also of benefit to both its agents and clients. Similar investments will take place in the future to continue accommodating upcoming needs of both clients and agents. 38 MOTORING maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Honda’s Malta branch revamps website THE new Honda Malta website is now online at www. The fresh design is based on international brand guidelines and the site features the entire Honda range including cars, motorcycles, power products and marine outboards. Customers can thus view all the details of our products including images and technical specifications. It is now easier than ever to request a test drive, view a brochure, book a service or even order parts online. The website was developed by Isle Creative, a Maltabased web design and development company headed by Jean Galea. Why not see for your self and visit our new and improved site: mt. It’s all in the mix By launching the world’s first full diesel Hybrid vehicle, the 3008 HYbrid4, Peugeot will create a new type of vehicle in terms of freedom of use and driving enjoyment Environmental Efficiency The name HYbrid4 designates the hybridisation of a diesel engine (2.0 litre HDi FAP 120 kW / 163 bhp) with an electric motor offering a maximum power output of 27 kW (37 bhp). Since diesel engines consume less fuel than petrol engines, they are the ideal choice for this type of hybridisation. With the 3008 HYbrid4 crossover, the environmentally friendly combination of diesel and electric power also paves the way for: - 4 wheel drive, - a maximum power of 200 bhp, - ZEV mode (Zero Emission Vehicle), - 3.8 litres/100 km, with 99 g/ km of CO2. The customer benefits are immediate with a high-level specification and a reduction of 35% in fuel consumption, a real breakthrough for a car of this size and performance. Driving pleasure Contrary to current beliefs, the use of hybrid technology also offers improved driving freedom and introduces new benefits at several levels: - high performance combined with excellent driveability - freedom and simplicity of use with the possibility of choosing four different operating modes: ZEV, 4WD, Sport, Auto - silent operation, with the possibility of driving in electric only mode - peace of mind offered by the safety inherent in four-wheel drive - environmental friendliness with emissions starting from 99 g/km of CO2. A technological and rewarding crossover The 3008 HYbrid4 is designed to appeal to demanding, technophile customers in search of a rewarding and original car. Its benefits reside in its ability to fuse together different genres: - through its external architecture, with a body which carries the genes of the SUV, MPV and saloon - through its specific stylistic codes in relation to the 3008 range overall, combining power and protection - strength and elegance, leisure and status - through its surprising and technological interior, combining the ambience of an exclusive hi-tech coupé with practical and efficient modularity - through its dynamic specification since thanks to Peugeot’s expertise and the technologies employed, this ‘tall single com- partment’ vehicle offers a level of driveability that is the envy of many a saloon. The 3008 HYbrid4 thus offers a new and highly technological approach to motoring, combining renewed driving enjoyment with a very low level of CO2 emissions. Peugeot’s choice of the diesel hybrid demonstrates that it is possible to combine uncompromising environmental demands with driving sensations until now not available in a hybrid vehicle. The 3008 HYbrid4 will be produced in France (in Sochaux and Mulhouse) and marketed in the spring of 2011 in Europe. 39 MOTORING maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Peugeot emerge victorious in first stretch of Le Mans Cup TEAM Peugeot Total kicked off its 2010 Intercontinental Le Mans Cup campaign on 12 September by winning the first race to count towards the newly-created series. The entire squad was eager to score this win, which was combined with second place for the Oreca-run Peugeot 908 HDi FAP. An assertive win After posting the fastest time in the morning’s warm-up session, Anthony Davidson was tasked with starting the race at the wheel of the N°1 factory Peugeot and he felt in a particularly confident mood. In front of home fans, including more than 3,000 guests of Peugeot UK, he succeeded in stealing second place from Bernhard at the start before engaging in a thrilling battle with the race’s early leader McNish. The two drivers went side by side at times in the course of their virile scrap, which certainly kept the spectators entertained. The final word ended up going to the Peugeot driver on Lap 9, which marked the beginning of a long solitary run. The faultless performance of the two Peugeot drivers was helped by slick pit work and by the outstanding performance of their Michelin tyres, which permitted them to complete double stints without any fall-off at all in performance. Anthony Davidson and Nicolas Minassian completed the race’s 1,000 kilometres in a little more than five hours to add an eagerly-awaited 17th win to the 908’s record. A one-two finish for the 908 HDi FAPs in the ILMC The honour of winning the first race to count towards the new ILMC went to Peugeot to mark the beginning of a new chapter in the history of endurance racing. In addition to the points harvested by its win, Peugeot also pocketed those that went with second place thanks to the first class result obtained by the Oreca-tended 908 HDi FAP. In the hands of Stéphane Sarrazin and Nicolas Lapierre, the Oreca 908 HDi FAP succeeded in clinching the 2010 Le Mans Series title for Peugeot, as well as the Drivers’ crown for Stéphane Sarrazin for the second time in his career following his first in 2007. Silverstone ended up being an extremely successful weekend for Peugeot which has every intention of targeting a similar result in the next two rounds of the ILMC at Road Atlanta (Petit Le Mans) on 2 October, and in Zhuhai (China) on 7 November, for which the team has entered two factory cars. Olivier Quesnel: “We absolutely needed a victory today to boost the team and get our Intercontinental Le Mans Cup off to a flying start because our aim is to win this new series. The team did a fantastic job, as did the drivers. I asked Anthony Davidson to try to take second place at the start, and that’s exactly what he did. The way the rest of the race unfolded exceeded my wildest hopes, and his thrilling early scrap was followed up by some strong stints by Nicolas Minassian. The pleasure of winning this race was compounded by the satisfaction of sewing up this year’s Le Mans Series titles for Peugeot and Stéphane Sarrazin thanks to the points earned by the 908 HDi FAP run by the 2010 Teams’ champions, Oreca.” Nicolas Minassian: “I felt very confident on my arrival at Silverstone and I was looking forward to the prospect of racing in the Peugeot 908 HDi FAP again. Anthony did an excellent job during the early part of the race and all he left me to do was control from in front! This win is a great way to celebrate my final competitive outing in this car, which is quite simply fantastic. This was my second win in the 908.” Anthony Davidson: “I thoroughly enjoyed myself during the early part of the race for two reasons: it was the first time I had been given the task of start- ing in the Peugeot, and also because it was such an exciting scrap. It’s a shame that McNish left me on my own! The result is a great way to kick off the championship for Peugeot.” 40 MOTORING maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Toyota recall work swiftly handled TOYOTA’S local representatives, Michael Debono Ltd, have tackled the recent recall swiftly and professionally as per Toyota standards. Geoffrey Debono (Michael Debono Ltd’s Managing Director) had immediately held a press conference wherein he explained the nature of the problem and announced that all affected clients would be contacted as soon as the full list of potentially affected models had been received from Toyota. This promise has been kept and in fact all concerned were contacted and modification work is now 100% completed, to the satisfaction of all affected parties. It is imperative to emphasise that there have been no reported cases in Europe of unintended sudden acceleration. In reality, customers did not require much reassurance as they had ample experience of the reliability of Toyota products and could see beyond the excessive hype with which the whole matter was internationally handled, particularly in the USA. Overall, market survey results show that customer confidence is still extremely high vis-a-vis the brand and this is clearly visible from the recently published yearly fiscal results which show the company achieving healthy profits and an overall increase in sales. 41 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Three Magellan awards for MSC Splendida and Royal Suites of MSC Yacht Club MSC Cruises has been recognized with three prestigious 2010 Magellan Awards from Travel Weekly, a leading travel industry publication, earning recognition in the contemporary ship design, suite design and promotional video categories. MSC Splendida, one of MSC Cruises’ newest and largest ships, was selected as a 2010 Gold Magellan Award, winner in the Contemporary Ship category. MSC Cruises also received two Silver Magellan Awards: the line’s Royal Suite MSC Yacht Club was recognised in the Suite Design category, while its Canada/New England video was honoured in the Promotional Video category. The Magellan Awards is the premier awards program, honouring the best in the travel industry, from design to marketing to services. The 2010 Magellan Awards received entries from top travel organisations and professionals worldwide and were judged by a panel of prominent travel industry professionals. “MSC Cruises is honoured to be recognised by our industry peers with these prestigious Magellan Awards. The awards acknowledge our high standards and our ongoing commitment to offering our guests refined style and luxury, combining European charm with contemporary elegance,” said Richard E. Sasso, president and CEO of MSC Cruises (USA), Inc. Gold Magellan Award-winner MSC Splendida debuted in July 2009 and is the second in the line’s ‘Fantasia’ class of ships. Among its highlights is the MSC Yacht Club, a VIP area complete with 99 spacious suites and 24-hour butler service, as well as four swimming pools, a squash court and a Formula 1 simulator. In addition, the ship’s innovative technology includes energy-saving and environmentally-friendly features. The design of the Royal Suites of the MSC Yacht Club earned a Silver Magellan Award. Available on the ‘Fantasia’ class of ships (MSC Fantasia, MSC Splendida), the luxurious suites encompass 572 square feet, with a private balcony or panoramic view. Designed by De Jorio Design International, they include such luxurious amenities as a marble bathroom, spacious wardrobe, Egyptian cotton sheets, Dorelan pillow menu, and Myform memory ergonomic mattress, interactive TV, Ninten- do and much more. MSC Cruises also was honoured with a Silver Magellan Award for the promotional video of its inaugural season of Canada/New England cruises. The video documents how, beginning this month, guests will be able to experience the beauty of the fall foliage and scenic destinations from onboard MSC Poesia as she sails along the Atlantic Coast from New York City to Quebec City. MSC Cruises currently has the most modern fleet in the world (fleets of four ships or more), comprising eleven ships: MSC Splendida and MSC Fantasia (the largest ships ever built for a European ship owner), MSC Poesia, MSC Orchestra, MSC Musica, MSC Sinfonia, MSC Armonia, MSC Opera, MSC Lirica and MSC Melody. MSC Magnifica, the newest ship in the fleet, was launched in March 2010. The fleet cruises year round in the Mediterranean and seasonally in Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean, North America and Canada, South America, the Indian Ocean and South and West Africa. MSC Cruises is the only company in the world to receive the “6 Golden Pearls” award from the Bureau Veritas in recognition of its high level of quality management and environmental protection. MSC has also achieved ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 certification for the quality and food safety of all aspects of its catering, both onshore and onboard. MSC Cruises cares about the welfare of children, and as a responsible market leader believes in making a positive impact in the regions where it operates. To this end, the company recently forged a partnership with UNICEF to fund a community project aimed at providing disadvantaged children in Brazil with a quality education. MSC Cruises flagship, the 138,000 tonnes, 334 metres long, ‘MSC Splendida’ calls at Malta every Wednesday and cruises to Messina, Rome, Genova, Marseilles, Barcelona and Tunis. All MSC Cruises liners, including the “MSC Splendida” are exclusively represented in Malta and Gozo by their General Sales Agents Hamilton Travel of 4, St Publius Street, Floriana, Tel: 21241292. the European iPhone 4 arrives in Malta Anticipating Week for Waste Reduction VODAFONE has this Friday launched the iPhone 4 in Malta. Vodafone will offer customers in Malta a range of tariff plans tailored for iPhone customers. The iPhone 4 features FaceTime, which makes the dream of video-calling a reality, and Apple’s stunning new Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone, resulting in super crisp text, images and video. iPhone 4 also features a 5- megapixel camera with LED flash, HD video recording, Apple’s A4 processor, a 3-axis gyro and up to 40 percent longer talk time – in a beautiful all-new design of glass and stainless steel that is the thinnest smartphone in the world. The iPhone 4 comes with iOS 4, the newest version of the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, which includes over 100 new features. The revolutionary App Store provides access to more than 200,000 apps including the new iMovie app built just for iPhone 4. For more information on prices and deals for iPhone 4 visit iphone4. For more information on iPhone 4, please visit: Get online in Libya with Vodafone VODAFONE has announced that its data roaming service has now been extended to Libya, after it reached an agreement with Libyan operator Al Madar. Vodafone prepaid and postpaid customers travelling to Libya can now access data on their smartphones or Vodafone Internet Key starting at €1.75 per MB on a postpaid plan. “The demand for accessing data services from persons travelling to, and doing business with Libya, has increased,” said Alexandre Froment-Curtil, Head of Marketing at Vodafone Malta Ltd. “We have added Libya to our portfolio to enable our customers to use email, browse the internet and network on social sites from their Vodafone Internet Key, BlackBerry® smartphones, iPhone or any other smartphone.” Vodafone’s data roaming service has a default spending cap with an alert that notifies customers when they reach their desired spending limit. Detailed information is available on www.vodafone. Customers may check the website before they go abroad to find out which are Vodafone’s networks. These consist of 384 network partners in over 155 countries across the globe making it easier for Vodafone customers to roam whilst abroad. WASTE is generated out of everyday practices from businesses, industries, local authorities, government bodies, schools and the general public. In the recent past, much attention has been given to the re-use, recycling and waste management. Today, the importance is shifting to waste reduction for the simple reason that waste which is not created does not have waste management cost, does not consume the world’s natural resources and energy and does not impose a problem on the environment. 20 November 2010 will see the dawn of the second official European Week for Waste Reduction. With the support of the European Commission’s LIFE+ Programme, the EWWR aims to inform large numbers of European citizens about the simple actions that they can take in everyday life to help contribute to waste reduction efforts. The first edition, held in 2009, was a success: it involved 20 organisers in 10 countries and saw the implementation of 2672 actions across Europe. The 2010 edition of the EWWR will now be organised by 28 European public authorities across 15 European countries! WasteServ Malta Ltd. is the official organizer of this week in Malta! Under the coordination of the organisers, a variety of actors, including public authorities and administrations, associations and NGOs, businesses and industry, educational establishments, etc will get involved in the Week by carrying out awarenessraising actions on waste reduction. These project actions will focus on the various stages of the product cycle, ranging from production and consumption to reuse. Participating in this event is easy. Start by visiting Wastserv’s website,, to obtain more information in order to come up with an idea of a waste reduction action which you can practice during this week. The action should fall under one of the following categories: Too much waste; Better production; Better consumption; Longer life for products and Less waste thrown away. Moreover, one can choose this week to showcase a waste reduction action they may well have been doing for a long while. 42 Business maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Mark Lamb Weekly international investment round up to 24th September 2010 The Swiss blueprint T he Swiss made history last week when their parliament gave the majority of cabinet posts to women for the first time. Simonetta Sommaruga became the fourth female minister in the seven-member Federal Council, the ruling body under the country’s somewhat unique and complex political system where there is no Prime Minister and under its direct democracy model, the Sovereign of Switzerland is deemed to be its entire electorate. The gender power switch is all the more amazing considering women only gained the vote there at national level in 1971. Switzerland’s political and economic models have long been of interest to analysts, never more so than now, as they appear better placed than many to prosper in the postcredit crunch world, potentially offering a blueprint for other smaller nations to follow. Just like the Japanese yen the Swiss franc has been seen as a safe haven during the financial turmoil, recently hitting highs against both the euro and the dollar. Switzerland is also home to some of the world’s best brands. Swatch, the world’s largest watchmaker, has had a good year, with its share price up over 52%, while pharmaceutical giant Novartis, which makes up to 17% of the SMI’s weighting, has increased by almost 15% during the same period. Credit Suisse’s ‘The structure of the Swiss Economy 1998 to 2020’ report makes excellent reference material for those attracted to this country. Within it, the company’s economists state their belief that Switzerland now has a unique opportunity to position itself among its international peers as a model for the future. Growing government debt and demographic change are putting pressure on its traditional trading partners. At the same time, the huge markets of the heavily populated and fastgrowing emerging countries, with their status-minded and increasingly quality-oriented middle classes, will become irresistible magnets for Swissmade products and services. The report goes on to state that the availability of a highly qualified labour force and a favourable operating environment will prompt more and more WEEKLY MARKET ANALYSIS Stock markets • New female cabinet majority makes history in Switzerland • Can other small nations benefit from the Swiss model? 17/09/2010 wks chg 3,710.61 3,736.30 -0.69% Euro STOXX 50 2,738.61 2,784.61 -1.65% Dax (Frankfurt) 6,184.71 6,249.65 -1.04% 10,662.42 10,594.83 0.64% FTSE 100 5,547.08 5,540.14 0.13% FTSE All-Share UK 2,862.45 2,859.22 0.11% 22,109.41 21,925.67 0.84% 2,857.48 2,869.68 -0.43% Dow Jones Ind. Avg Hang Seng Shanghai CSI 300 Mumbai (BSE) companies to base themselves in Switzerland over the next ten years. In turn, this will give rise to clusters of corporate service providers and information specialists and together with the still-strong financial services industry, they will form the bedrock of its service sector. The growing high-tech industry will specialise primarily in engineering and development while owing to high pay levels and the persistently strong franc, even more production tasks are likely to be outsourced abroad. The report states that the pharmaceutical industry is likely to remain their most important manufacturing sector with the highest growth rates coming from the medical 24/09/2010 CAC 40 (Paris) 19,913.08 18,591.82 7.11% Nasdaq 2,327.08 2,303.25 1.03% Nikkei 225 9,529.79 9,633.57 -1.08% S&P 500 1,124.83 1,124.66 0.02% SMI (Zurich) 6,303.20 6,424.16 -1.88% engineering and ‘cleantech’ segments. Healthcare, wellbeing and sustainability will also be key future themes for Switzerland’s export sector. Switzerland’s small size and topography are seen as growth limiting factors; work space is scarce. The report highlights that the expected burgeoning growth in the economy and the population will call, more than ever before, for meaningful urban and regional planning. Should Ms Sommaruga and her colleagues prove successful in managing the Swiss environment no doubt private sector investors can look forward to a prosperous decade ahead. Mark Lamb is Head of the Life Dept. at Citadel Insurance plc which is authorised to carry on general and long term business of insurance under the Insurance Business Act, 1998 and is regulated by the MFSA. Contact by email; Tel; 25579000. Website; www. This article does not intend to give investment advice and its contents should not be construed as such. Information in this article has been obtained from various public sources and is given by way of information only. Readers are always encouraged to seek financial advice before making any investment decision. New Schindler Regional Manager for Malta AS Schindler’s new Regional Manager based in Malta, Mario Barbetti replaces the outgoing Regional Manager, Pascal Fournier, who had been managing the region for the past three years and has now been appointed to Schindler regional management in Dubai. In doing so, Barbetti assumes the responsibility of ensuring that all Schindler elevators and escalators are fully operational throughout the region. His previous responsibilities included the escalator and moving walks business for Schindler’s Italian mar- ket. While Schindler and Panta Lesco are partners in the local Schindler operating business (Schindler Ltd.), his company maintains all Schindler lifts and escalators in the region with Malta as the centre of that region. Barbetti was previously responsible for aligning Schindler in Italy to the Schindler Group as a whole. That will be replicated in Malta with Schindler Ltd., becoming more closely aligned to the Group through its operational effectiveness. A very experienced and accomplished Schindler professional, Barbetti will provide local Maltese clients with the reassurance that all maintenance work on Schindler lift products will be performed to the highest professional standards. He will also maintain and nurture ongoing client relationships. Given his engineering background and the advantages that a qualified engineer of his caliber represents, this will reinforce Schindler’s worldwide reputation and brand integrity. Schindler’s new Regional Manager, Mario Barbetti at Panta Lesco 43 Classifieds ANTIQUES ANTIQUE amusement machines, pintables, flippers 40 year old plus other arcade machine. To be sold as one lot. Price €15,000 for approximately 50 machines. Call 21558975, 99460726 COLLECTOR’S items, singer sewing machine in oak cabinet, 1950 model in working order. Price €100 ono. Call 79201942 ONE bergere classic, turned legs, mahogany, sound wood condition, seats five. Price €90. Call 21464096 evenings TWO millstones large French manufacture. Price €150 both. Call 21464096 evenings BOATS BOAT Crestline 22ft fibre Volvo Penta engine, trailer nice condition. Price €14,000. Boat chriscraft 30ft twin perkins, diesel engine, electric winch and trailer. Price €12,500. Call 21558975, 99460526 FIBRE glass, 10 feet including trailer with winch, motor Seagull plus oars and cover. Price €850. Call 79904109 ITAMA 11.75 mts, Ferretti Group, classic, original, 2x250HP Ford turbo intercooled, 25 knots max. Furuno GPS/fish finder, trailer. Consider exchange for smaller craft. Price €45,000. Call 79626626 FOR SALE ONE iron pregnant window, 36cm length by 204cm width. Two iron gates galvanised, 207cm length by 89cm width. Call 99201817 SAVIO College blazer, size 18. Worn nine months only. Price €35. Call 21433526, 99227103 ST Augustine College blazer, size 14. Price €35. Call 214433526, 99227103 THE world’s most popular musicals on CD’s. Complete set includes 78 CD’s. Brand new complete with relative illustrated literature. Price €200 ono. Call 79201942 FURNITURE ed lighting together with a double fronted wardrobe and computer desk. Selling as new. Call 99882988 BUNKBEDS in a very original layout with storage in steps to the top bed and under bottom bed. Ideal for children. Being sold with double fronted wardrobe. Mint condition. For more information call 99882988 LETTING BAHRIJA, country living with panoramic views. Two bedroom penthouse, two bathrooms, kitchen, living, dining, large front terrace, back balcony with country and sea views. Luxurusly and superbly fully furnished. Price €450 monthly. Call 21570123, 99428930 BAHRIJA, country living, luxuriously and superbly furnished maisonette. Having three bedroom, kitchen, living, dining, two bathrooms, front balcony, back balcony with views. Must be seen. Price €350 monthly. Call 21570123, 99428930 BIRKIRKARA/BALZAN, office in St.Aloysius College area, complete with desk for eight people, internet connections, air-conditioners, kitchenette, bathroom etc. Central location with no parking problems. Price €400 a month. Call 99261415 BUGIBBA/QAWRA/ST Paul’s Bay, one, two or three bedroom flats for long let, centrally located. Prices starting from €186 monthly. Call 99491837 FGURA, street level seven car garage (20x65ft) near HSBC, having water, electricity, bathroom and yard. Call 99849441 MGARR, new luxuriously and superbly fully furnished maisonettes all with views. Consist of three bedrooms, kitchen/living/dining, bathroom, ensuite, washroom, front and back terraces. Price €350 monthly. Call 21570123, 99428930. Must be seen ST JULIAN’S/PACEVILLE, ground floor compact studio flat. Centrally situated ideal for one person. Price €300 monthly including electricity. Call 99267747 ST JULIAN’S/PACEVILLE, spacious two bedroom flat, nicely furnished, large front veranda. Price €400 monthly. Call owner 99267747 ST PAUL’S BAY, limits of Bugibba, St Simon Street, first floor, two bedroom, MEPAwatch BEDROOM comprising of a duplex bed set up with ample storage and incorporat- maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 THE now amalgamated Environment and Planning Act provides for the appointment of a Parliamentary Standing Committee on Environment and Development Planning, consisting of five MPs. Government shall retain the majority of members, one of whom shall act as chairman. Its role is to review, and report back to Parliament, all plans and policies concerning ODZs, height limitations, local plans and regulations concerning compliance certification. Should the Committee fail to report to Parliament within the period by which it is requested to do kitchen, sitting, bathroom, front and back terraces, washroom. Fully furnished. Price €325 monthly. Call 21570123, 99428930. Must be seen PROPERTY EXCHANGE WILL consider exchanging house of character in Siggiewi, three four bedrooms, three bathrooms, garden and a new kitchen with an apartment or maisonette in St.Julian’s, Ibragg, Swieqi, Sliema area. Call owner 79228370 PROPERTY FOR SALE A brand new highly finished, very spacious, larger than average penthouse. Comprising hall, enormous open plan kitchen/breakfast, sitting/dining/living, kitchen can be separate, three double bedrooms, main bathroom, shower ensuite, washroom, boxroom. Splendid direct sea views from large terrace and lock up garage. Price €308,640. Call 99476949 ATTARD, good location, three bedroom terrace house with street level garage. Price €298,000. Call owner 99496713 BALZAN, well planned, traditional Terraced House in this much sought after residential location. Property comprises an entrance hall, TV lounge, separate dining room, open plan kitchen/breakfast leading onto a pretty back yard, three double bedrooms, bathroom, two showers (one en suite), front balcony, carport and terrace. Must be seen! Price €349,000. Call 79429400 BUGIBBA, furnished, large apartment on third floor, having a large terrace with sitting, two bedrooms with views. Nice block with lift. Bargain. Call owner 99492764 BUGIBBA, near Sirens Football ground, two bedroom flat with fantastic views. Brand new and with lift. Price €90,845. Call 99822203 BUGIBBA, one bedroom flat fully furnished. Bargain price €52,410 (Lm22,500). Call 79202072 BUGIBBA, three large bedroom flat, with large front and back balcony, fully furnished. Price €107,150. Call 79202072 FLEUR DE LYS, Birkirkara, corner shop 11m by 31m square with airspace. Price €605,800 (Lm260,000) negotiable. Call owner 79492602 FLEUR DE LYS, Birkirkara, large garage under the two bedroom flat, measuring 25m by 48m square. Price €151,450 (Lm65,000). Call owner 79492602 FLEUR DE LYS, Birkirkara, large showroom with office space, store, bathroom, two internal yards and toilet. Measures 92ft by 21ft. Price €431,050 (Lm185,000). Call owner 79492602 FLEUR DE LYS, Birkirkara, two bedroom flat. Price €88,540 (Lm38,000). Call 79492602 GHARGHUR, a state of the art converted and restored character house, corner on two roads on this lovely village with two entrances and good size private back garden with ample space for pool. Comprising wide entrance hall with rooms on both sides. Having separate fitted kitchen/breakfast, sitting, dining room, study and spacious family room, three/ four bedrooms, two bathrooms, ensuite, box room, washroom and large usable cellar. Offering incredible direct open sea and country views from first floor. Must be viewed. Price €617,285. Call 77436949 GHARGHUR, an attractive, expertly converted ready to move into, house of character, with a spacious 30 meter garden with swimming pool/deck area. Comprising three good size bedrooms, two ensuite bathrooms, fitted kitchen/breakfast, sitting/dining and living, laundry and a lovely courtyard. Recommended property. Price €687,000. Call 77436949 HAMRUN, new flat first floor, three bedrooms, kitchen, living, large box room, bathroom, spare toilet, lift and two balconies. Negotiable price. Call 27015894, 99981873 IBRAG, an enchanting Villa with one of the most sought after addresses on the Island! Set in tranquil surroundings this wonderful home boasts a lush front garden and a sizable swimming pool with ample deck area. Imposing entrance hall, lounge, dining area, living room, study, four double bedrooms, two bathrooms (one en suite), guest toilet, basement games-room and two-car garage, washroom, store room/ pantry. Price €907,500. Call 79429400 MADLIENA, a large sizable plot measuring approximately 1500sqm, located in the best part of this unique villa area. Set on high grounds on a hill side and two roads, offering outstanding direct sea views up to Sicily. Being offered with permits for two luxury villas with pool. Price €1,575,000. Call 99476949 NAXXAR, highly finished three bedroom apartment, air conditioned, fitted oak kitchen, own roof, washroom, lock up garage. Private enquires only. Must be seen. Price €163,000 (Lm69,987). Call owner 99892696 NAXXAR, well-priced three/four bedroom apartment in a quiet yet central location, close to all amenities. The block is served with lift and consists of striking and spacious sitting/dining room with front balcony and good town views, combined, fitted kitchen/b’fast, study, bathroom and shower. Garage available. Must be seen. Price €149,000. Call 79429400. QAWRA, garage 32ft long for sale. Call 79488137 QAWRA, seafront apartment fully furnished with lift. Price to sell €122,000. Call owner 99242312, 21411598 SAN GWANN, two garages, one in the village 80ft x 11ft. For sale or part exchange with property in Sicily. Call 21558975, 99460726 SAN PAWL TAT-TARGA / NAXXAR, one of only few remaining great character houses available on the market. A must see property. Located in an old and beautiful part of this village. This 300 year old house is set on two roads and besides a pretty courtyard; it boasts two large gardens, with ample space for pool, and space for garages. Retaining all its original features, nice old windows and a fireplace, it also has unobstructive sea and country views from its large terrace. Price €1,225,000. Call 99476949 SAN PAWL TAT-TARGA, a great opportunity! Fully Detached Villa on around 1000 sq meters of land and having a lovely mature garden with ample space for large pool and sun deck. Elegant entrance hall with marble flooring, large sitting room, formal dining room, separate large TV lounge, separate kitchen/breakfast room with interconnecting pantry and garage. All rooms lead directly to the surrounding garden and property has an abundance of light throughout. Five double bedrooms (four upstairs and a guest bedroom/office at ground floor level), two bathrooms, shower, large terraces, box room, four car drive/carport and more! Price €987,000. Call 79429400 SAN PAWL TAT-TARGA, a stylish, corner, Robert Musumeci’s analysis of the new MEPA law (Part 6) so by the Minister, the latter may request the Authority to finalise any policy document without further consultation. The Authority may also be requested by the Minister himself to review a plan or a policy which is already in force. In the event that the Authority is unable to meet such a function, the Minister shall request any person, including any government agency, other than the Authority, to prepare on his behalf a plan or policy or a revision of such a plan or such policy. In this way, the government can expedite the process, while securing a mechanism whereby specific planning policies are prepared in a timely manner. That being stated, should the Authority not agree with the outcome of a plan or policy, it will be legally bound to draw up a position statement indicating the changes which need to be made. In any preparation or review of policies, the Authority is obliged to publish a draft and invite representations on the plan or policy to be submitted to it within a specified period of not less than six weeks. Eventually, a statement of the representations and MEPA’s reaction to each representation are to be made public prior to the finalisation of such documents. The revised Act further provides that the Authority has the power to exclude land from an existing development boundary, in which case, the Authority is legally obliged to publish in two local daily newspapers a notice with the relative details of its intention. That being stated, the said Act does not provide for any compensation to that person who may feel aggrieved by such a decision. To be continued. A statement of the representations and MEPA’s reaction to each representation are to be made public prior to the finalization of a policy document 44 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 45 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 46 Classifieds fully air conditioned ground floor property having its own entrance and forming part of an elegant block. This maisonette comprises an entrance hall, open plan sitting and dining room with an annexed fitted kitchen and large sliding doors leading to a lovely front porch. There are three double bedrooms, a bathroom and an en suite shower as well as an internal yard. An underlying two car, lock up garage is also included! Price €233,000. Call 79429400 SIGGIEWI, 350year old converted house of character, three/four bedrooms, three bathrooms, large sitting/dining/kitchen, extra sitting rooms, study, laundry, good sized garden, full roof, parquet floors and much more. Quiet area close to church. Price €399,950. Call owner 79228370 SIGGIEWI, terraced house with four bedrooms. Call 79703637 SLIEMA, Bisazza street, opposite Inlingua School, one bedroom top floor, third floor, no lift, meters from seafront, plus separate room on roof. Central, good rental investment. Price €85,000. Call owner 79626626 SLIEMA, fully furnished 60sqm apartment, air conditioned, five minutes away from seafront. Rental investments. Private enquires only. Price €151,000 (Lm64,806). Call owner 99892696 SLIEMA/TIGNE, a brand new luxuriously finished, bright and airy corner direct sea front apartment, with extremely spacious living/sitting/ dining room leading to large terrace offering amazing views up to Manoel Island. Comprising hall, separate kitchen, three double bedrooms, ensuite maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 and main bathroom, box room, side balconies, fully airconditioned and complimented with a two car garage. Price €755,000. Call 77436949 ST.JULAIN’S/TA’ Giorni, pretty three bedroom apartment, yard, bathroom, shower room, part of roof with washroom, solar system, a/c, three car garage optional. Price €125,500. Call 79066680, 99236632. No Agents ST.JULIAN’S / Mensija, a large well priced hard to find semi-detached villa, set on land means over 400sqm, with ample space for sizable pool in its back garden. Comprising road level minimum five car garage, two impressive wide halls, with separate sitting, dining, living and study, fully fitted kitchen/breakfast, TV family room, two bathrooms, shower, washroom, boxroom and large room at roof level. Price €617,280. Call 77436949 TWO GARAGES for sale. Price €290,000. Call 79703637 ZABBAR, new three bedroom apartment in shell form with large open plan kitchen/ dining/living, three double bedrooms, two bathrooms, balcony and box room. Area of 140 sqm. Price €90,000. Call owner 79539411 ZEBBUG, expertly converted and restored character house located in this sought after village. Comprising hall, sitting/dining, kitchen/breakfast and living, three bedrooms with three bathrooms, with mil room and many original features retained, and with a specially designed spacious indoor pool with jacuzzi. Price €465,000. Call 77436949 = €3 subjects. Call 21697178, 99804695 SERVICES RENOVATIONS of farmhouses, flats, maisonettes or villas. 25 years of experience in turnkey work. No job is too big or too small for us. Call Chris 99470329 for a free estimate SITUATIONS VACANT A personal driver is required on a part-time basis. Applicants should be over 25 with clean police conduct. Call 99843441 ELECTRICIANS with a minimum of two years experience and plumbing installations are urgently needed for immediate full time employment with Electro Fix Limited - Qormi. Call 21675353 for an appointment MAID is required to work in family residence. Must be over 21 years of age, responsible and reliable. Call 79999928 STORE keeper with a minimum of five years experience is required for immediate employment with Electro Fix Limited Qormi. Only hard working, loyal individuals need to apply. Call 21675353 SITUATIONS WANTED WILLING to work as a nanny, any area in Malta. I have 20 years of experience in this job, available all day. Call 79837889 TUITION BACK to school. We can help you to study better and improve faster. Lessons start in October in Paola. Primary years 4,5,6. Forms 1 to 5, French, Italian, English, Maltese. Also Matsec course in the same COMPUTING, advanced/ordinary level lessons. Full course from theory to practice. Small groups with individual attention. Complete and up to date notes are provided. Lessons held in Poala. Call 79691162, 21691162 DRUM lessons, beginners are welcome. Lessons given by experienced rock drummer. Held in central area. Call 99894634, 21331736 FRENCH, one to one at the comfort of your home. Adults also welcome. Call 79412364 GRAPHICAL communication for beginners and Matsec 2010 - 2011. Accept individual attention. Call 21411598, 99242312 MALTESE, forms 1-5 O/I/Advanced Level 2011. Notes provided. University graduate. Also as a foreign language. Central area. Call 21410218, 79999928 MATSEC 2011. Lessons start in October in Paola. English, Italian, French, Maltese. Individual attention. Experienced tutor. Same subjects for forms 1 to 5 and for beginners. Call now to start improving immediately. Call 21697187, 99804695 SOCIOLOGY advanced and intermediate levels. Fully qualified and experienced tuition. Small groups and in central area. Call 99404820, 99894634, 21331736 VEHICLES & PARTS CAPRI, 1300. Price €550. CLASSIC cars, Chevrolet, Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Simca Morris, Mercedes among others. Private collector. Call 21558975, 99460726 EMPI alloy wheels for four stud, VW Beetle, set includes five rims with Pirelli tyres 185/75/15. Price €500 o.n.o. Call 79914320 FOUR used mountain bikes in very good condition. From €80. Call 99807755, 21826146 MARUTI Suzuki 1800, year 2004 model, looks and runs perfect, manual with low mileage. Price €2,400. Two lady owners. Call 79914320 MORRIS Marina diesel in good running order and without rust. Garaged with number plates at ADT. Can be separately sold for parts including engine and body or any other part. Price €500 or nearest offer. Call 99801019 ONE brand new mountain bike, price €350. One brand new tracking bike, price €380. Call 99807755, 21826146 SELECTION of all Smart models, Mercedes A140, A150, A180 Diesel, B170 models manuals/automatic; Renault Megane Cabrio CDi diesel, Mini Cooper latest model, VW Polo 2006. All cars loaded with extras, service history, etc. Value for money. Visit www. or call 79499229, 21377135 SUBARU Legacy in very good condition. One owner. Includes air condition and radio. Call 79221700 2 CLASSIFIEDS FOR 3 WEEKS Choose category. Fill in the boxes provided. Write in block letters. Your advert will appear for three weeks in both MaltaToday, MaltaToday Wednesday, and This offer does not apply to Real Estate agents. Send your form to: MaltaToday Classifieds, Media Today, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016. Together with a €3 cheque payable to MediaToday Co. Ltd. Name: ________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Tel: ___________________ email: _________________________________ ANTIQUES BOATS FURNITURE GENERAL LETTING PETS PROPERTY SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT SERVICE TUITION VEHICLES / PARTS WANTED ANTIQUES BOATS FURNITURE GENERAL LETTING PETS PROPERTY SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT SERVICE TUITION VEHICLES / PARTS WANTED ALL PRICES INDICATED FOR YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE MUST BE IN EURO 47 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 SPORTTODAY Photo: Ray Attard FOOTBALL Tarxien defeat Vittoriosa to register first win of the season Tarxien Rainbows .........1 Vittoriosa Stars .............0 TARXIEN left it late to get maximum points in a game that was fought evenly on both sides of the pitch. The first half ended goalless with Tarxien have most of the opportunities on goal. The second half saw Tarxien pressing and had a number of opportunities on goal. Close to the 70th minute mark, Tarxien had the perfect chance to take the advantage in the match. Anthony Ewurum of Vittoriosa put down Tarxien’s Ricardo Costa inside the area. Jorge Santos Silva took the honors for the penalty but Vittoriosa goalkeeper Simon Agius saved it. On the 85th minute Tarxien finally broke the deadlock when Ricardo Costa received a great pass inside the area and worked his way around the defender to shoot past goalkeeper Agius. Vittoriosa came close to equalizing in the final minutes of stoppage time when Tarxien’s Ricardo Costa tried to clear with a header and almost went into his own goal. The match ended 1-0 in Tarxien’s favor. Tarxien Rainbows - Anthony Curmi, Steven Sadowski, Everton Antonio Pereira, Gianluca Calabretta (70’ Ryan Grech), Ricardo Costa, Cristiano Dos Santos Rod- rigues, Mark Tanti (84’ Julian Vella), Luke Vella Critien, Orosco Anonam, Ryan Mintoff, Justin Grioli (59’ Sergio Hili). Vittorios Stars - Simon Agius, Carl Sammut (74’ Mauro Brincat), Justin Camilleri (88’ Ryan Sell), Sharlon Pace, Jeffrey Chetcuti, Carlos Compagnoli, Edison Luis Dos Santos, Jonathan Xerri, Jorge Santos Silva, Anthony Ewurum, Stephen Wellman. Referee – Glenn Tonna Terence Scerri gives Valletta narrow win Valletta .................1 Qormi ....................0 VALLETTA defeated Qormi 1-0 yesterday courtesy of a late goal from Terrence Scerri. Valletta and Qormi played evenly for most of the match. Valletta had better chances in the second half, but Qormi responded well. In a game that looked liked both teams would share the points, on the 83rd minute a shot by Kevin Sammut was blocked by the Qormi defender and Terence Scerri picked up the rebound and shot the ball past Qormi’s goalkeeper Matthew Farrugia. Valletta - Andrew Hogg, Steve Borg, Jonathan Caruana, Ramon Dos Santos, Jamie Pace, Kevin Sammut, Omonigho Temile (61’ Dyson Falzon), Denni Rocha Dos Santos (87’ Edmond Agius), Terence Scerri, Joseph Okonkwo (53’ Ian Zammit), Ian Azzopardi Qormi - Matthew Farrugia, Kang Hojung, Roderick Sammut, Joseph Farrugia, George Mallia (86’ Ben Camilleri), Stefan Giglio, Jason Vandelanoitte, Jonathan Bondin, Kosta Bjedov (79’ Cleavon Frendo), Matthew Bartolo (88’ Joseph Chetcuti), Abubakar Bello-Osagie. Referee – Kevin Azzopardi 48 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 49 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 SPORT DISCUSSION FORMULA ONE New faces for Sunday’s leading sports programme Alonso snatches crucial pole for Ferrari Replay is back on Net Television as from Sunday 3rd October 2010 at 21:00 Qualifying parc ferme (L to R): Sebastian Vettel (GER) Red Bull Racing, second; Fernando Alonso (ESP) Ferrari, pole position; Lewis Hamilton (GBR) McLaren, third The Replay team. Photo by: Rene Rossignaud IT’S that time of the year when all Maltese football lovers bite their nails as a new football season kicks off. Needless to say, Replay (winner of the Sports Journalism Award for the second year running) will be in the thick of it and ready to cross examine, argue upon and dissect all the action during a two hour weekly programme for this 11th edition. Media surveys have all indicated that Replay has once again topped the charts as the most popular program with Sunday TV viewers. This year will be no different. Just to give you a taste of what’s to come, prepare to feast your eyes on a new, stunning, female co-presenter, this year’s local winner of Miss Italia Nel Mondo, Sarah Agius who will be partnering Replay’s main anchor, Christian Micallef week in week out. They will be hosting the now lovedby-all Hugh Caruana, who in turn shall be flanked by none other than former Hamrun and Zurrieq striker, Konrad Sultana. The programme will then also occasionally feature Joe Caruana Curren and Oliver Spiteri, coach of Mosta FC. Replay will also be welcoming new journalist Kris Scicluna who shall be joining Roderick Vella, and with both mentor George Micallef and front man Christian Micallef working hand in hand as producers, we promise that this edition will offer the latest news updates, plenty of heated debates, controversial comments, detailed features and most importantly, best entertainment. FOOTBALL Diego Maradona wants to return as Argentina coach DIEGO Maradona says he wants to coach Argentina again and is willing to even get rid of his much-criticised assistants to return to the role. His 20-month reign ended in July after Argentina were beaten 4-0 by Germany in the 2010 World Cup quarter-finals. The 49-year-year-old was told he could only continue as coach if he changed his backroom team, and his refusal led to his contract not being renewed. “I’d give my life to be the national team coach,” Maradona said. “I’m dying to be with the team. I am thirsty for revenge.” However, the Argentine Foot- ball Association (AFA) has hired Sergio Batista as caretaker coach and the 47-year-old former midfielder is being tipped to get the job on a full-time basis. AFA president Julio Grondona said in August that it would take a “very large problem” for Batista not to get the job. Under Batista, Argentina beat the Republic of Ireland 1-0 before recording an impressive 4-1 victory over World Cup winners Spain. Batista, a team-mate of Maradona in Argentina’s 1986 World Cup-winning team, also has the support of key players such as Barcelona’s World Player of the Year Lionel Messi. Maradona, who acknowledged his chances of returning as Argentina coach were uncertain, praised Messi for his contribution during the World Cup in South Africa. “Messi lacked the good luck I had in 86,” reflected Maradona. “He and Spain’s Andres Iniesta were the best players at the World Cup, Diego Forlan was the most effective,” he added of the Uruguay player voted the best at the finals. Maradona has shown interest in a number of roles, including both the Mexico and Portugal jobs, but admitted: “The Mexicans said they didn’t want me, the Portuguese, I don’t know.” FERNANDO Alonso repeated his Monza pole position in Singapore on Saturday night as Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel failed to recover completely from a poor first run in Q3. A track that remained damp and slippery in places kept everyone on their toes. Alonso lapped in 1m 45.390s on his first run in that final session, and though he did not improve on that on his second it remained good enough to keep him ahead of Vettel. The German moved from seventh fastest on 1m 47.937s after his first run to second in 1m 45.457s, edging McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton off the front row. The Englishman did 1m 45.571s on his first run, then failed to improve. Both McLaren’s Jenson Button and Red Bull’s Mark Webber went quicker on their second runs. The Australian momentarily moved to fourth with 1m 45.977s before the Englishman took back the place with 1m 45.944s. Thus the five championship contenders start from the first five positions… Williams’ Rubens Barrichello’s first-run 1m 46.236s stood up for sixth, ahead of Nico Rosberg’s 1m 46.443s for Mercedes GP, Robert Kubica’s 1m 46.593s for Renault and Michael Schumacher’s 1m 46.702s for Mercedes GP. Kamui Kobayashi was 10th for BMW Sauber on 1m 47.884s. Jaime Alguersuari’s good weekend form continued all the way through to Q2, when he just failed to get into Q3 by a tenth of a second in the Toro Rosso. He lines up 11th on 1m 47.666s, ahead of Nico Hulkenberg who lapped his Williams in 1m 47.674s. However, the German drops to 17th because of a gearbox change. Renault’s Vitaly Petrov was 13th on 1m 48.165s despite spinning early in Turn Five and clipping the wall with his right rear wheel, then came Sebastien Buemi in the second Toro Rosso on 1m 48.502s, Nick Heidfeld in the BMW Sauber on 1m 48.557s and the Force Indias of Adrian Sutil on 1m 48.899s and Tonio Liuzzi, who missed the chicane on his first run and improved to 1m 48.961s right at the end. Q1 took out the usual suspects, with one notable exception. Timo Glock has had Lotus tucked up most of the weekend and was the fastest of the new teams in his Virgin VR-01, with 1m 50.721s, but right at the end Heikki Kovalainen banged in a respectable 1m 50.915s so they were 18th and 19th. Lucas di Grassi was next for Virgin with 1m 51.107s, leaving Lotus’s Jarno Trulli 21st on 1m 51.641s. Christian Klien was the faster HRT driver with 1m 52.946s, while Bruno Senna spun in Turn Five trying to better 1m 54.174s. The notable exception was poor Felipe Massa. With 10 minutes of Q1 still to go he brought out the red flag when his Ferrari stopped in Turn Eight on its out lap, before he had even recorded a time. His race could not thus have got off to a worse start, but he’ll be able to start from the back with the race stewards’ permission. Michael Schumacher (GER) Mercedes GP MGP W01 50 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 FOOTBALL Vucinic stuns Inter in stoppage-time Inter’s Sneijder and Roma’s Burdisso fight for the ball Mirko Vucinic dragged Roma out of their crisis with a stoppage-time diving header to send leaders Inter crashing. Daniele De Rossi whipped in a perfect cross from the right and Vucinic bravely dived in with the header to anticipate Lucio from six yards to give Roma a long awaited three points. In the earlier match Zlatan Ibrahimovic gave Milan a 1-0 win over Genoa. This results puts Milan only two points adrift from Inter. Tevez condems Chelsea to their first league defeat CHELSEA maintained their four-point advantage at the top of the Premier League - despite a 1-0 loss at Manchester City as Arsenal slumped to a shock 3-2 home defeat to West Bromwich Albion. Carlos Tevez condemned Chelsea to their first league defeat of the season at Eastlands, striking on the hour mark to score for the fifth-successive game against the Blues. After a tense first half devoid of many real chances, Tevez fired Roberto Mancini’s side ahead in the 59th minute after a Chelsea move had broken down. City broke quickly and David Silva’s ball from the left found the Argentina international, who ran wide of Ashley Cole and drilled his low shot past Petr Cech. But Arsenal were unable to capitalise on City’s win as they were stunned at Emirates Stadium by West Bromwich Albion. The surprise 3-2 defeat has ended the Gunners’ unbeaten start to the season - and dealt a huge blow to their title hopes ahead of a trip to Stamford Bridge next weekend. Arsene Wenger’s side appeared to have earned themselves a reprieve when Manuel Almunia saved Chris Brunt’s first-half penalty, but the visitors claimed the lead early in the second period as Peter Odemwingie tapped in from close range after fine work from former Arsenal winger Jerome Thomas. Shortly afterwards, West Brom took a huge step towards a first Premier League victory away from home in 19 attempts when a calamitous error from Almunia allowed Gonzalo Jara’s shot to slip into the net. Thomas appeared to have put his side out of sight when he made it 3-0, before Samir Nasri - in for the injured Cesc Fabregas - pulled two late goals back for the hosts. Liverpool’s difficult week continued as they were forced to settle for a disappointing 2-2 draw at Anfield against Sunderland. Coming off the back of a humiliating Carling Cup reverse against Northampton, the Reds powered into an early lead as Dirk Kuyt latched onto Michael Turner’s weak backpass - the defender thought the ball had gone dead for a free-kick to rifle home. But a brace of strikes from Darren Bent turned the game on its head, before Steven Gerrard rode to his side’s rescue with his first league goal at Anfield since February. The pressure was eased on West Ham United boss Avram Grant as he led his team to a vital 1-0 victory over Tottenham Hotspur at Upton Park, with a strike from Frederic Piquionne - his second of the week - hand- Chelsea’s Ashley Cole trying to block Carlos Tevez’s shot on goal ing the Hammers a first league triumph of the season. No such respite for David Moyes, whose Everton side are still without a win from their six Premier League games to date after being held to a 0-0 stale- mate against Fulham at Craven Cottage. Despite controlling the game Everton were unable to pierce the unbeaten Cottagers’ stubborn defensive line. Birmingham City extended their unbeaten home record in the Premier League to beyond a year with a 0-0 draw against Wigan Athletic, while a lastgasp goal from Brett Emerton handed Blackburn Rovers a 2-1 win over Blackpool at Bloomfield Road. 51 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 FOOTBALL Charlene Stars win 5 a side Tournament organised by Inter Club Malta CHARLENE Stars won the 5-a-side Tournament which -Inter Club Malta organised on the 8th September at the Qormi Hockey Grounds. This was the second victory for this team in the Tournaments organised by the Club. Twelve teams took part in this tournament and these were divided into two groups of six teams each. Group A, was the most evenly contested and Charlene Stars managed to win the Group after winning four from the five matches they played to top the group with twelve points. Serpenti was the second qualified team from this group after holding Tal-Ghama in a 2-2 draw to finish second a point above the latter. In Group B, JM Boyz had no difficulty in winning the group by getting maximum points while in the decisive match of this group, B’ Bugia Neroazzurra won the direct encounter against Blue Boys 4-1 to qualify from this group as the second place finisher after getting twelve points. The Semifinals saw Serpenti beating JM Boyz 3-0 while in the second semi-final, Charlene Stars needed the penalty shoot-out in order to beat B’ Bugia Neroazzurra. The result in regular time was 1-1 with Charlene Stars eventually going through after winning 5-4 on penalties. In the final, Charlene Stars The second place trophy being presented to the captain of Serpenti managed to avenge their 0-3 defeat in the group stage by beating Serpenti 4-3 while there was also some consolation for B’ Bugia Neroazzurra after the latter beat 6-5 on penalties JM Boyz in the final for third and fourth place. This match finished 1-1 in regular time. First place trophy presented to the captain of Charlene Stars Weather & Crosswords WEATHER: Rather cloudy with isolated showers possibly thundery at first VISIBILITY: Good WIND: Northwest force 4, becoming 3 to 4 SEA: Moderate becoming slight SWELL: Low Northwest TODAY TOMORROW GOZO FERRIES DAILY OPERATION TIMES USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS PHARMACIES OPEN TODAY MALTA & GOZO: 9 A.M. – NOON From 21st June 2010 till 26th September 2010 Emergency,Police,Fire, Ambulance ...................... 119 FLORIANA St Publius Pharmacy, 48, Triq il-Miratur HAMRUN Brown’s Pharmacy, 706, Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp STA. VENERA Lantern Pharmacy, Misrah il-Kebbies B’KARA Herba Pharmacy, 183, Triq il-Kbira PIETA’ St Anthony Pharmacy, 56, Triq San Guzepp ST JULIANS Potter Chemists Ltd., Triq Wilga, Paceville SLIEMA Drug Store: Anglo Maltese Dispensary Ltd., 382, Triq Manwel Dimech IKLIN Iklin Pharmacy, Triq Geronimo Abos MOSTA St Mary Pharmacy, 14, Pjazza Rotunda QAWRA El Medina Chemist, Triq il-Fliegu PAOLA Fleming Pharmacy, 65, Triq Haz-Zabbar KALKARA Kalkara Pharmacy, 8, Misrah l-Arcisqof Gonzi ZABBAR May Day Pharmacy, Triq il-Vittorja GHAXAQ Beta Pharmacy, 50/52, Triq Santa Marija LUQA Central Pharmacy, 6, Triq San Guzepp ZEBBUG Spizerija Hal-Mula, Triq Dun Salv Ciappara RABAT Ideal Pharmacy, 63, Triq il-Kbira GOZO Abela’s Pharmacy, 42, Triq G.P.F. Agius De Soldanis, Victoria GOZO St Joseph Pharmacy, 28, Pjazza San Guzepp, Qala Appogg 24hrs Supportline .179 Sedqa 24hrs Helpline.........151 Social policy info centre .... 159 Malta Red Cross ...... 21922645 St John Ambulance .. 21945740 Maltacom enquiries .........1182 Go Mobile enquiries......... 1187 Vodafone enquiries .........1189 Government info service ....153 Telephone faults ................133 Gozo ferry schedule ..................21915111 MEPA..................... 22900000 MIA flight enquiries ................ 21697800 MIA Weather forecast ................. 50043333 Enemalta faults report......................21923601 Water Services Corporation Freephone .............. 80072222 Chess 270/220 MOSTLY CLOUDY UV: 7 260/200 SHOWERS UV: 6 Solution to last week’s problem Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Sunday Solution to last week’s crossword Sudoku 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 A B C D E F G H White to play and mate in three moves A B C D E F G H White had to to play and mate in three moves Rxg7+ Kh8 Qxf7 b5 Qg8# (Rxh7#, Rg8#) Last week’s solution Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. Across 6. Saloon 7. Having the form of a cube 8. Grey 10. Device for catching rats 12. Plain-woven cotton cloth 14. Move about restlessly 16. Central part of a wheel 17. Institution for mentally ill 19. Within 22. Inhabitant of Malta 24. Sealing compound 26. Pole thrown by Scottish athletes 27. Murdering Down 1. Helps 2. Outing 3. Extreme 4. Protruded 5. Monetary unit of Italy 8. Proclaim with approval 9. Christmas foliage 11. Ceramic ware 13. Unit of electrical resistance 14. Law enforcement agency 15. Reflect 18. Workshop machinery 20. Teat 21. Student tables 23. Apart 25. Hue News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2010 Bengal tiger in good health a year after being found According to the tiger’s owner Spiteri Borg there are another four tigers and a cheetah in Malta JAMES DEBONO A Bengal tiger, found last year in an air-conditioned room in a warehouse in Mosta is now living in a spacious 40-foot long, one storey high stainless steel cage in Bahrija. “The tiger is being well taken care of, is in good health and it poses no security risk as it lives in a spacious cage”, animal welfare director Mario Spiteri told MaltaToday. MaltaToday has learned that Christopher Borg – the owner of a waterproofing company – has even employed a full-time veterinarian to take care of the animal, which is fed fresh meat. Spiteri described the tiger as being very friendly towards the owner. The tiger has also been registered under the list of exotic animals living in Malta. Spiteri explained that although new legislation will ban the importation of potentially dangerous animals to Malta, similar animals legally transported to Malta before the introduction of the new law have Gonzi visited Mintoff and asked to leave PRIME Minister Lawrence Gonzi was asked to leave the hospital room of an irate and erratic Dom Mintoff. The Prime Minister decided to visit the seriously ill former Labour prime minister a day after he was taken ill with pneumonia at Mater Dei. Ushered into the room, Mintoff turned round to Lawrence Gonzi and asked him to leave. “Have you come here to see me die?” an irate Mintoof told Gonzi. Gonzi, clearly embarrassed with Mintoff’s reception, promptly left the room. Throughout his stay at Mater Dei, Mintoff has been reported to be an extremely difficult patient with nursing and medical staff. Close family members admitted that Mintoff was not acting normally and they asked the media to respect his privacy. At age 94, Mintoff continues to defy death. When he was reported to be diagnosed with pneumonia, medical experts informed the family that his chances of survival were next to nil. Yet he has surprisingly made it out of his illness and is no longer in the intensive therapy unit at Mater Dei. to be registered. This means that the authorities will in a position to monitor the health of these animals and ensure that they are well taken care of. According to Spiteri Borg, he is not the only person to rear a tiger in Malta – he knows of at least four tigers and a cheetah which are kept by Maltese owners. A three-month-old Bengal tiger cub was discovered last year during a raid by members of the Animal Welfare Depart- ment, the police’s Administrative Law Enforcement and the Malta Environment and Planning Authority’s Environment Protection Department. It later transpired that the owner possessed a certificate issued by the Slovak authorities, con- firming that the tiger was captive bred in the Eastern European country where tigers are bred in specialised farms to be sold to prospective owners.
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