Mediadata 2016 - Filtrieren und Separieren
Mediadata 2016 - Filtrieren und Separieren
D 11665 F 3/2015 Filtrieren und Media Information Separieren EVOLUTION? R THdeEr MeRtallgewebe-Filter-Technologie. DY FO REASie dung rfin ue Ne die 2016 Erleben nd C87 15 Halle 5.0, Sta 15. – 19. Juni 20 Filtertressen Hochleistungs er RPD HIFLO-S t Die neuen Hav schnell, effizien se zes pro ons rielle Filtrati ewebe machen indust ben Sie Filterg Erle or. zuv nie ich wie und wirtschaftl chaften – ehenen Eigens mit noch nie ges auf olution bei uns Rev die Sie erleben 2015! MA HE AC der OECKER H AV E R & B ACHEMA 2015 English version F&S Filtrieren und Separieren 30th Volume 2016 FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN Our information – an essential basis for our readers ● F&S Filtrieren und Separieren is the only German-language trade journal with a comprehensive coverage of the main technologies in the field of filtration and separation. Areas such as textile filtration media, membrane technology, centrifuge technology, dust separation and high purity water are regularly discussed. ● Each issue will highlight new developments of methods, equipment, apparatus and process chains and will focus on successful applications. Thus, the trends in a still growing market are being described. ● The magazine is an important link between science, industrial suppliers and users. ● Many companies, executives and decision-makers have subscribed to the magazine and they regularly read it. ● Readers come from all relevant sectors, including the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, food industry, environmental and laboratory and analysis technologies. Yours Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Ripperger Chief Editor 1 Media information FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN 01F&S brief summary: F&S – Filtrieren und Separieren is the only German-speaking trade journal with practical reporting covering the entire field of filtration and separation. Fields such as for example textile filter media, membrane technology, centrifuge technology, dust separation and ultrapure water technology are being discussed. New developments of methods, equipment, apparatus and process chains are presented and successful applications are investigated. The journal is the link between science, industrial providers and users. F&S is being read in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in biotechnology, the food industry and in the areas of water extraction and wastewater treatment technologies, as well as the pure and the laboratory and analysis technologies. 02 Organ: Independent trade and technical magazine 03 Publisher: VDL-Verlag GmbH Verlag & DienstLeistungen 04 Editorial office: Chief Editor Prof. Dr.–Ing. Siegfried Ripperger Birkenstraße 1a, 67724 Gonbach, Germany Phone: +49 (0)6302 57‑71 or 57‑07 Fax: +49 (0)6302 57‑08 Email: 05 Ads: Margot Görzel International Sales Manager Phone: +49 (0)6196 / 65 32 11 Email: Eckhard von der Lühe Phone: +49 (0)6074 / 92 08 80 06Volume: 30th Volume 2016 7 x per year Publication frequency: Editor / Publisher Volume Analysis Content Analysis 2016 7 Publishing company: 08 Postcode: 09 Phone: 10 Fax: 11 Email: 12Internet: 13 Publication / Editorial Calendar: 14 Purchase price: Annual subscription Single issue VDL-VERLAG GmbH Heinrich-Heine-Straße 5, 63322 Rödermark, Germany +49 (0)6074 / 92 08 80 +49 (0)6074 / 9 33 34 see Appendices € 60.00 (incl. VAT) plus postage / shipping costs € 10.00 (incl. VAT) plus postage / shipping costs 15 Volume Analysis 4/2012 – 3/2013 Magazine format: Total volume: Editorial part: Advertising part*: Own ads: *of which Format ads: Supply sources: 16 Content analysis of the editorial part 2013 in % (approx.) Main topics: 37 % Technical information: 33 % Product information: 15 % Industry forum: 18 % Read for you: 14 % Conference calendar: 12 % Other: 11 % = 7 Issues DIN A4 496.00 pages = 100,00 % 323.65 pages = 165,25 % 155.85 pages = 131,42 % 16.50 pages = 113,33 % 067.15 pages = 143,10 % 088.70 pages = 156,90 % Pricelist no. 30, valid from 01. 01. 2016 2 Media information FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN Circulation and Distribution Analysis 2016 17 Circulation analysis: copies per issue 1. July 2014 – 30. June 2015 18Geographical distribution analysis: 6,450 copies Economic area Actual distributed circulation: 6,354 copies Germany International Copies sold: 0.660 subscription copies 0.660 copies Actual recorded circulation Average print run: Complimentary copies: Residual, archive and specimen copies: 5,694 copies 100 copies Share of total circulation % Copies 92.0 8.0 5,845 0.509 100.0 6,354 19Recipient analysis: Chemical and pharmaceutical industries Water and wastewater industry Engineering firms for process engineering and environmental technology Food and beverage industry Systems and component engineering Research + development, science Analysis, measurement and control engineering Occupational safety Authorities and associations Other Total 20% 18% 17% 15% 15% 5% 5% 2% 2% 1% 100% (Average values, Issues 1/2014 – 6/2014) Recipients within the industries mentioned: Engineers, Process engineers, Operations managers, Heads of environmental protection, Managing directors. Media information FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN Advertisement price list no. 30, effective from 1. 1. 2016 Place of publication: 63322 Rödermark, Germany Actual recorded circulation as an annual average: 6,354 copies 2016 1 Magazine format: 210 mm wide, 297 mm high, DIN A 4 2Type area format: 177 mm wide, 260 mm high Number of columns: 3 columns, column width: 55 mm 3 Printing and binding process, printing materials: offset printing, saddle stitching. Requirements for digitally delivered data The following file formats can be processed: PDF, EPS, TIFF or open Quark X-Press files. It is important that the required PostScript fonts for open files are also supplied, or to factor in the fonts into the supplied EPS formats. As data carrier, CD-ROM, USB-stick and e-mail are possible. All data must be prepared for the MAC standard. As a control the following are required: start printing, proof or laser printout. 4Dates: Frequency: 7 issues per year Publication date: see schedule Advertising deadline: see schedule 5 Publisher: VDL-Verlag GmbH Verlag & DienstLeistungen Heinrich-Heine-Straße 5 63322 Rödermark, Germany Phone: +49 (0)6074 / 92 08 80 Fax: +49 (0)6074 / 9 33 34 email: Internet: 6 Payment terms: Agency commission: 15% Bank direct debit: 2% discount VAT Ident. No.: DE 219 106 460 Tax number: 04424751069 Tax authority VTB K20, Offenbach-Stadt Bank details: Deutsche Bank AG BIC/SWIFT-Code: DEUTDE DB 505 IBAN: DE 4850 5700 2401 5601 0100 Account holder: VDL-Verlag GmbH Pricelist no. 30, valid from 01. 01. 2016 Media information FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN Advertising Formats and Prices 2016 17.Advertising formats and prices: Format Width x Height s/w 2-C 3-C 4-C 177 x 260 mm € 3,710.– € 4,160.– € 4,610.– € 4,960.– 2/3 Page 116 x 260 mm/177 x 173 mm € 2,480.– € 2,800.– € 3,120.– € 3,440.– 1/2 Page 85 x 260 mm/177 x 130 mm € 1,870.– € 2,110.– € 2,350.– € 2,590.– 1/3 Page 55 x 260 mm/177 x 87 mm € 1,255.– € 1,445.– € 1,635.– € 1,825.– 1/4 Page 85 x 130 mm/177 x 64 mm € 945.– € 1,085.– € 1,225.– € 1,365.– 1/8 Page 85 x 65 mm/177 x 33 mm € 480.– € 620.– € 760.– € 895.– 384 x 260 mm € 6,040.– € 6,495.– € 6,950.– € 7,405.– Front page1 (4c + 1/2 Page 4c title caption) 210 x 205 mm title caption 85 x 260 mm € 4,800.– 4th Cover page 177 x 260 mm € 5,050.– 1/1 Page Double Page Format 2/1 Page Premium positions Surcharge for special colors € 1,000.– / 1(right of withdrawal excluded) 08.Discounts:* 11. Special insert types Bound inserts are printed matters of an advertiser bound in the magazine. Bound insert price: two-page bound insert four-page bound insert for purchase within 12 months (calendar or advertising year) Frequency discount: Volume discount: 2 issues = 15% 2 Pages = 15% 4 issues = 10% 4 Pages = 10% 6 issues = 15% 6 Pages = 20% 09. Employment ads: 12Inserts* are printed matter loosely inserted in the magazine Insert price for total circulation: up to 25 g single weight Higher weights on request We give a 25% discount on the above-mentioned advertising rates for job offers. € 3,575.– € 5,175.– € 1,710.– Other formats: Job offers, per mm: 1 column, 55 mm wide (b/w price) 2 columns, 115 mm wide (b/w price) 3 columns, 177 mm wide (b/w price) € 4.50 € 9.00 € 13.50 Situations wanted, per mm 1 column, 55 mm wide (b/w price) 2 columns, 115 mm wide (b/w price) 3 columns, 177 mm wide (b/w price) € 2.50 € 5.00 € 7.50 20% surcharge for colour ads Box-number Employment ads are also published in PDF form on the website up until the appearance of the next F&S paper edition. € 25.00 10. Byers‘ Guide (1 column, 40 mm wide) (b/w) Price per line and issue – 13 keywords 15% – 16 keywords 10% – 19 keywords 15% – 12 keywords 20% – 15 keywords 25% € 6.40 13Insert stickers will be glued to a basic ad so that they can easily be detached and used by interested readers. Insert sticker prices (printed matter): Manual gluing per thousand Machine gluing per thousand € 220.– € 75.– Other Glued inserts (e.g. samples, CD-ROM) on request Calculation according to the price list. All prices for special inserts are quoted without VAT. 14 online advertising Banner advertising on the Homepage of F&S Half Size Banner (234 x 60 Pixel) Price for 2 months: € 300.– Price for 6 months: € 650.– The banner advertisement is shown on a rolling basis on the welcome page and many subsequent pages of the Homepage. * Supplements, inserts, placement surcharges and additional technical charges are not discountable. Only entries in 6 consecutive issues, extended for further 6 issues if no notice is given. Standard color surcharge e.g. for the colored imprint of the company logo 20% Pricelist no. 30, valid from 01. 01. 2016 Media information FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN Publication Program and Topics 2016 Issue/ Publ.-date Deadline ads Deadline for documents Subjects* Trade Fairs and Conventions 1 / 2016 25 February 6 February 13 February Separation processes in production technology Gas purification Particle measurement technology Laboratory technology Analytica, 10-13 March, Munich 2 / 2016 25 April 4 April 14 April Separation processes in environmental engineering Water and wastewater technology Filter media Centrifuge technology Powtech/Partec, 19-21 April, Nuremberg Hannover Messe Industrie, 25-29 April International Edition 2016 23 May 3 May 13 May English special edition with editorial highlights from 2015 in English with international distribution IFAT, 30 May – 3 June, Munich parts2clean, 31 May - 2 June, Stuttgart 3 / 2016 21 June 1 June 8 June Membrane technology Dynamic filtration processes Dedusting technology Pumps and valves 15 August Separation processes in chemical and pharmaceutical technology Dedusting technology Centrifuge technology Water and wastewater technology FILTECH, 11-13 October, Cologne Aachener Membran Colloquium, 2-3 November, Aachen Brau Beviale, 8-10 November, Nuremberg Intervitis-Interfructa, 27-30 November, Stuttgart 4 / 2016 26 August 8 August 5 / 2016 4 October 12 September 20 September Developments in the field of filtration and separation technology Filter manufacturing and testing Filtration media, FILTECH 2016 6 / 2016 12 December 21 November 28 November Food and beverage technology Biotechnology and sterile filtration Wastewater Technology Measurement and Automation Technology * Subjects and focal points are subject to change without notice. In spring 2016 the bilingual „Global Guide of the Filtration and Separation Industry 2016-2018“ will be published. F&S Buyers‘ Guide FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN Present yourself in the market leader! Issue by issue, in more than 6,000 copies of the F&S and the internet at – at attractive rates: P rice per line and issue: (1 line corresponds to 2 mm in height) € 6.50 You can choose the category under which your entry will be placed. Terms and conditions: Six consecutive issues, only extended for a further six issues if no notice is given. Your contacts to the advertising department: Margot Görzel, International Sales Manager Phone: +49 (0) 6196 / 65 32 11 Email: Eckhard von der Lühe Phone: +49 (0)6074 / 92 08 80 Email: Pricelist no. 30, valid from 01. 01. 2016 Advertiser Directory FILTRIEREN UND SEPARIEREN 3M A2Z AAPEG Aerofil International Ahlstrom AKO-Filter AKW Apparate + Verfahren Alantum Europe Albint International Alfa Laval Altair Andritz Andritz Fiedler Andritz KMPT Aqua Technology Hanson Aquachem Arotech atech innovations Atofina Awas-Ihne Axiva B&P Process Equipment Baker Process Bandelin electronic BASF Vom Baur Sohn Begerow Beloh Magnetsysteme Bekaert Advanced Filtration Bekaert Progressive Composits Bellmer Berghof Berkefeld Beroplan Bilfinger Water Technologies Bioengineering BHS Sonthofen Bioengineering Bird Machine Bloom Filtertechnologie Blücher Börger Bokela Boll & Kirch Filterbau Bonar Bopp + Co. Broadbent Bristol T&G International BTG Instruments Bucher Filtrox Systems Bucher Unipektin Bückmann Büdenbender Burger Filtertechnik BV Metaalgaasweveris Dinxperlo BWF-Tec Camfil Carbonit Celgard Centrimax Centro Umwelttechnik CEPA Carl Padberg Cerex Advanced Fabrics CFF Christ Chrystal Ciba Spezialchemikalien CINC Clean Air Europe Clear Edge Cleartec Water Technology CM-CELFA cmc Instruments Colbond Conwed Plastics Contec Coperion Copor Corning CSM Cuno CUT Membrane Technology CWG Danish Separation Systems DECHEMA Delta Filter Dauborn MembranSysteme Deukum Dielen Meßsysteme DGMT e.V. Christian Dierig Dillinger Fabrik gelochter Bleche DIW Ingenieurbüro DMT Donaldson Filtration Dorr Oliver Eimco Driesen + Kern Dorstener Drahtwerke Dover Pump Solutions DOW Water and Process DRM Dr. Müller Eaton Filtration Ecolab Europe Ecosmart EDAK AG EDUR-Pumpenfabrik Elf Atochem Elga Berkefeld Elmarco Elfo AG eloona Elsässer Filtertechnik EMA Deutschland Emde Industrie Technik Emmerich Pumpenfabrik EMW filtertechnik Enviro-Chemie K. & H. Eppensteiner Eriez Magnetics ESTA Apparatebau Eurocarb Products Euroslot Eurovlies Süd Evodos Evonik Fibres Exekia Expo-Net Fairey Filtration Faltec Fanafel Fasam Fasse Filter Faudi Process Ferguson Perforating Ferrum H. Fiedler Fiatec Filter & Aerosol Technologie FiberMark Gessner FilaTech Filament Technology Filcon Filox Filtertechnik Filtech AG Filtech Europa Fil T Eq Fil-Tec Rixen Filtertechnik.Europe Filtraguide Filtratec Filtration Society Filtres Guérin Filtrontec Filtrox Fiola Filtertechnik FILTREX Fischer Planning FLSmidth Dorr Oliver Eimco FLSmidth Wiesbaden Flottweg Flow-Test Försterling Formzeug Franken Filtertechnik Fraunhofer IKTS Fraunhofer Institut ITWM Freudenberg Vliesstoffe FRG Filter Recycling Frintrup, Hans Fristam Pumpen Fröhlich + Wolff FSI Filter Specialists Int. Fugafil-Saran FUHR FVG-Filter-Vertrieb Fyltis GEA Air Treatment GEA Deichmann GEA Delbag Lufttechnik GEA Jet Pumps GEA Westfalia Separator GEA Wiegand GEFA G. Geißel Maschinenbau GKD Gebr. Kufferath GKM Siebtechnik GKN Sinter Metals Filters GMN Graf. Maschinenbau Nordhausen W.L. Gore & Associates Graver Technologies Grimm Aerosoltechnik Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GTV Guangzhou Longhuiling Filter Gubatex Günther Bio Membran Systeme Haase Abwassertechnik Hablützel Häcker Maschinen Jakob Härdi Hagenhoff Hahnemühle FineArt Halag Chemie Haus der Technik Haver & Boecker Hayward Heimbach Hein, Lehmann Heinkel Process Technology Helsa-Werke Helmut Sandler Helsatech Henkel Herding Filtertechnik Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik HETA Verfahrenstechnik Heuser Apparatebau Philipp Hilge Hiller Hobra Skolnik Hoelschertechnic gorator Höntzsch Hoesch & Söhne Hoffmann Hollandfilter Hollingworth & Vose Karl Hopf Hosokawa Mikropul HPS Filtertechn. Anlagen Huber Hülswitt Hydac Filtertechnik Hydac Process Hydranautics I.F.T.S. IB-FT Filtertestanlagen IB MEMbrantechnik IBENA Textilwerke IBS-Schäfer iFIL ILK Dresden Imi Nogren-Buschjost Inabata Europe Inatec Infastaub Infiltec Infolabel Infraserv Knapsack Ing.-Büro Lindenthal Inge Innovatec inopor Inspec Fibres Intensiv-Filter Internormen Irema Filter ItN-Nanovation ITT Lowara ITW Dynatec IVT Aachen Jack Filter Jaudt Dosiertechnik JCEM Jentschmann Johns Manville JOS Zimmermann Junker Filter Jura Filtration JVK Filtration Kabel-Zaandam Kalthoff Luftfilter u. Filtermedien Kayser Keim Ingenieurbüro Kerafol Kermel Kern und Liebers KHS Maschinen u. Anlagenbau Kienbaum Executive Consultants KIK Kunststofftechnik Kla-Tec Klebchemie M.G. Becker Klinkau KMPT Koch International Koch Membrane Systems Königsteiner Agentur Köpp, Wilhelm, Zellkautschuk Koller Krettek Verfahrenstechnik Krone Filtertechnik Krupp Fördertechnik Krusta Wasserfilterbau Kübler Filtrationstechnik Küfner Küma Apparatebau Kureta Lantor Lanxess Lanz-Anliker Larox Lehmann&Voss Leiblein Lenser Filtration Lenzing Technik Leyco Wassertechnik Liesegang Plastikverarbeitung Limburger & Dilger Linn High Therm Liquitec LK Metallwaren Lowara LPU LTA Lufttechnik L.U.M. Madison Filter Mahle Filtersysteme Mahle InnoWa Mann + Hummel Mantec Technical Ceramics Frat. Mariani Markert Gruppe Massmann Automation Designs Math2Market Mavag Melicon Membraflow Membrana Messe Basel Messe Düsseldorf Messe Frankfurt Messe Leipzig Messe München Messe Nürnberg Messe Stuttgart Metaalgaasweverij B.V. Metal Déployé MFT Membran-Filtrations-Technik MGF Gutsche Microdyn-Nadir Microfilter Mikropul Millipore Minntech MKR Metzger MLM Tubes NADIR-Filtration Nanovia Naue Nederman Filtration Neenah Gessner Netzsch Filtrationstechnik Norafin Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke Novasep Novoflow NTZ Oel-Filter OKO-tech Orelis Orgexpo Osmo Membrane Systems Osmonics Outokumpu P2i PALAS Pall Pall Fluid Dynamics Pall Schumacher PAMAS Panholzer Pannevis Passavant-Geiger Paul Pentair Water Treatment Pentair X-Flow Permabond Engineering Adhesives Pfaff Industriesysteme Pfleiderer Water Systems PGI Polymer Group Pieralisi Pilatus Filter Pinta Filtration Porotec Precision Eforming Preziehs Prime Water Systems Progress Siebe PS Prozesstechnik Puron PVF-Vertrieb Quantachrome R + B Filter Karl Rabofsky Rai-Tillières REKO Siebtechnik Rentschler-Reven Rettenmaier & Söhne Rhodia Orelis Riensch & Held RMIG ROBU Glasgeräte Rochem UF-Systeme Gebr. Röders Rokon Filterbau Romfil Rosedale Rosenmund Rousselet Centrifugation Russell Finex Ruwac Industriesauger RWTH Aachen S+S Separation + Sorting S.L.P. Special Materials SaatiTech Saint Gobain Industriekeramik Salsnes Filter Sandler Sartorius Stedim Biotech Sattler Saxonia Ecotec Schenck Process Josef Schimmel Schlesinger Maschinenbau Schmidt + Clemens F. Carl Schröter Schoneweg Filtertechnik Georg Schünemann Bernd Schwegmann Second First Maschinenhandel Seebach SEFAR Sefil tec SeitzSchenk Filtersystems SERFILCO SF-Filter AG Siebtechnik Siemens Axiva SIMA-tec Sion Nordifa Société des Céramiques Soliton Somicon Sommer + Straßburger Sondermann Pumpen + Filter Sonoco Crellin Sparkler International Speck-Triplex Southcorp Umweltechnik SP-Sondermaschinen Willy Spee Filtertechnik Spörl KG STA Separatoren-Technik Stauffenberg Stawag Biotech Steinecker Steinert Elektrobau Steinhaus Stockmeier Urethanes Stork Veco Strassburger Filter Sulzer Chemtech Sweco Europe Sympatec Synthesechemie TAG Composites Tamfelt Filtration Tami Deutschland TBB Techn. Betriebs-Beratung TBK Kullik & Partner Tecan Technical Absorbands Technische Textilien Lörrach Tecnofil Filter Technotrans TEKA Telsonic Testori Group Textest TGS Sommer ThyssenKrupp Tipp Verfahrenstechnik Topas Toray Membrane Tridelta Siperm TRM Filter Turbo-Separator ts-systemfilter TSI T.S.W. TWE Bocholt Tyco Umwelttechnik Ullmann Plastics ULT Ultrafilter ultrafilter international Unifrax Unislot United Air Specialists Universität Karlsruhe USF Edwards & Jones USF Fluid Dynamics USF Schumacher UrMaTi Filtertechnik Ventilatorenfabrik Oelde Veolia Water Verseidag Techfab Viscotherm Vogelsang Voigt Volz Luftfilter VWS Deutschland Waiweldai Wängi Mesh WAT Membratec Weise Water Systems Weisse & Eschrich Werner Reinstwasser Westfalia Separator Westfalia Separator Membraflow World Filtration Congress 10 / 12 Whitehouse Scientific Winkler Filtertechnik WOKU-Filtermedien Württ. Filztuchfabrik Geschmay X-Flow Xylem Water Systems Zehnder Pumpen ZELU CHEMIE Zimmermann Zind Verfahrenstechnik Zoltek As of: September 2015
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