Livret 15062012 final
Livret 15062012 final
GRIGNARD : 100 ans de modernité d’un Prix Nobel 21-22 Juin 2012 CPE Lyon - École Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Journées organisées sous l’égide de l’Académie des Sciences 1 et avec le soutien de la Société Chimique de France GRIGNARD : 100 ans de modernité d’un Prix Nobel 21-22 Juin 2012 CPE Lyon - École Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Journées organisées sous l’égide de l’Académie des Sciences 2 et avec le soutien de la Société Chimique de France GRIGNARD : 100 ans de modernité d’un Prix Nobel Victor Grignard a reçu le prix Nobel de chimie en 1912 pour ses travaux réalisés alors qu’il était professeur assistant à la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. Victor Grignard a aussi dirigé l’ESCIL (École Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon), devenue CPE Lyon, de 1921 à 1935. C’est à ce titre que CPE Lyon, en collaboration avec l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 et l’Institut de Chimie de Lyon, ont décidé de célébrer le centenaire du prix Nobel de Victor Grignard en organisant les journées « Grignard : 100 ans de modernité d’un Prix Nobel » les 21 et 22 juin 2012. Cet évènement est également soutenu par la famille Grignard. La découverte par Victor Grignard de la réactivité des organomagnésiens vis-à-vis d'électrophiles carbonés a révolutionné la façon dont sont construites les liaisons carbonecarbone dans les molécules organiques. Au cours du siècle précédent, un grand nombre de méthodes de synthèse initiées par les travaux de Grignard ont vu le jour et ont permis de construire des molécules carbonées toujours plus complexes, trouvant des applications dans de nombreuses disciplines, de la chimie de spécialité jusqu'à la médecine. Cent ans après le prix Nobel attribué à Victor Grignard, cette chimie s'est largement diversifiée et modernisée, s'étendant à des métaux plus sélectifs comme le zinc et le bore, et bénéficiant de l'apport de la catalyse par les métaux de transition. Ainsi, le prix Nobel de chimie 2010 attribué à Richard F. Heck, Ei-Ichi Negishi et Akira Suzuki témoigne de cet héritage et de l'impact toujours puissant de ces travaux. Dans un début de vingt-et-unième siècle marqué par la recherche de voies de synthèse plus efficaces, sélectives et éco-compatibles, les réactifs de Grignard sont plus que jamais d'actualité en raison de l'innocuité et l'abondance du magnésium et des métaux apparentés. Les applications industrielles et la maîtrise de ces composés particulièrement réactifs au moyen de réacteurs intensifiés seront aussi décrites. Ce symposium rendra hommage à ce grand chimiste lyonnais et, à travers des conférences de spécialistes du domaine, démontrera la modernité toujours vibrante de ses travaux. La Division Histoire de la Chimie de l'American Chemical Society (ACS) a choisi d’honorer l'Université de Lyon en lui décernant son "Chemical Breakthrough Award" en 2010, pour la publication originale sur les organomagnésiens de Victor Grignard. C’est dans le bâtiment du même nom que l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 a choisi de lui rendre hommage en affichant cette prestigieuse distinction et en découvrant la plaque aux côtés de tous les congressistes comme de la famille Grignard. 2 GRIGNARD : the Nobel Prize, 100 years of innovation Victor Grignard was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1912 for his work on organomagnesium reagents. These landmark discoveries were made while he served as assistant professor at the Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. Victor Grignard directed the ESCIL (École Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon), now CPE Lyon, from 1921 to 1935. Thus, it is appropriate that CPE Lyon, the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and the Institut de Chimie de Lyon should join together to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Victor Grignard’s Nobel Prize with a symposium entitled “GRIGNARD : the Nobel Prize, 100 years of innovation.” The event will take on June 21-22, 2012, and will be attended by members of the Grignard family. The breakthrough discovery of the reactivity of organomagnesium reagents with carbon electrophiles revolutionized the manner in which carbon-carbon bonds are formed in the synthesis of organic molecules. Over the course of the last century, a tremendous number of new synthetic methods have been developed based on Grignard’s original discovery. These methods have enabled the synthesis of ever-more complex organic structures and have found applications in fields ranging from specialty chemicals to medicine. In the 100 years since the Nobel Prize was awarded to Victor Grignard, the chemistry of organometallic nucleophiles has been continuously diversified and improved. It has been extended to more selective metals including zinc and boron and has benefited from the power of transition metal catalysis. The 2010 Nobel Prize awarded to Richard F. Heck, Eiichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki attests to the powerful impact Grignard’s discovery continues to have today. As we continue to search for ever-more efficient, selective, and eco-friendly synthetic methods in the 21st century, Grignard reagents are more relevant than ever, considering the low toxicity of magnesium and related metals. Industrial applications of these highly reactive compounds are facilitated by the development of intensified reactors. The conference, led by world-renown scientists, will honour the great chemist from Lyon and present the full range of innovation, discovery, and excitement that this landmark discovery continues to stimulate today. The Division of the History of Chemistry of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has chosen to honor Victor Grignard’s work by granting the Université de Lyon its prestigious 2010 Citation for Chemical Breakthrough award for his landmark publication in Comptes Rendus 1900. The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 will unveil the plaque in the building that carries Grignard’s name, during an award ceremony in the presence of conference attendees, university and government officials, and members of the Grignard family. 3 4 Sommaire / Outline Victor Grignard, Université de Lyon, France Nobel Prize 1912 Sur quelques nouvelles combinaisons organométalliques du magnésium et leur application à des synthèses d’alcools et d’hydrocarbures. 6 Jean-Marie Lehn, ISIS-Université de Strasbourg, France Nobel Prize 1987 Perspectives in Chemistry: From Supramolecular Chemistry Towards Adaptive Chemistry 10 Yves Chauvin, Lyon, France Nobel Prize 2005 12 Alexandre Alexakis, Université de Genève, Switzerland Some aspects of using Grignard reagents in asymmetric synthesis. 14 Marika Blondel-Mégrelis, Club « Histoire de la Chimie », SCF Victor Grignard, chimiste français. 16 Yves Fort, Nancy-Université, France Lithiated Polar Organometallics: towards toolboxes for regioselective functionalization of azaheterocycles. 18 Paul Knochel, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany Polyfunctional magnesium and zinc reagents in organic synthesis. 22 Bruce H. Lipshutz, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Organometallic Chemistry in Just Water at Room Temperature. What Would Victor Grignard Think? 24 Jacques Maddaluno, Université de Rouen, France Nucleophilic addition of alkyllithiums: enantioselective and catalytic? 26 Ilan Marek, Technion, Israël Selectivity in Carbon-Carbon Bond Activation. 28 William R. Roush, The Scripps Research Institute, Floride, USA Synthesis of Bifunctional Allylboron Reagents via Allene Hydroboration Reactions. 30 Victor Snieckus, Queen’s University, Canada Following the star of Grignard and those of Wittig and Gilman. 32 Jun-Ichi Yoshida, Kyoto University, Japan Hot reagents in High-tech Reactors. 36 Remerciements / Acknowledgements 40 Comités / Committees 41 Programme / Programme 42 5 VICTOR GRIGNARD† Professeur, Université de Lyon, France François Auguste Victor Grignard was born in Cherbourg on May 6, 1871. In 1889 He won a scholarship to the École Normale Spécial at Cluny. After two years, the school was closed because of a dispute between supporters of the "classic" and "modern" methods of secondary education. Grignard himself had the good fortune to join the University of Lyon where He gains the degree “Licencié ès Sciences Mathématiques” in 1894. The same year, He joins as a junior faculty member and then began his long association with Philippe Barbier. He obtained the degree “Licencié-èsSciences Physiques” and in 1898 he became “chef des travaux pratiques” and also wrote his first paper, jointly with Barbier. His discovery of the classic preparation of magnesium alkyl halides was first communicated by Henri Moissan to the Académie des Sciences on May 11, 1900. In 1901 he submitted his brilliant thesis on organic magnesium compounds Sur les Combinaisons organomagnésiennes mixtes, and was awarded the degree Docteur ès Sciences de Lyon. In 1905, He was appointed Maître de Conférences at the University of Besançon but he returned to Lyon in 1906 with a similar position until his election as Professeur-adjoint de Chimie Générale in 1908. In 1909 he took charge of the Department of Organic Chemistry at Nancy, and in the following year he became Professor of Organic Chemistry. At the beginning of the First World War, Grignard was mobilized in his former rank of corporal, but he was soon to be commissioned to study, at Nancy, the cracking of benzols and, later, to work on problems of chemical warfare in Paris. He visited the United States during 1917-18 as the chemical representative on the Tardieu Committee and he delivered a lecture at the Mellon Institute. After the war he returned to Nancy and in 1919 he succeeded Barbier as Professor of General Chemistry at Lyon. In 1921 he took an additional position as Director of École de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon (NFR: now CPE Lyon), becoming a member of the University Council, and in 1929 he became Dean of the Faculty of Sciences. Grignard's investigations concerned branched unsaturated hydrocarbons, organomagnesium compounds (on Barbier's recommendation!), constitution of unsaturated compounds by quantitative ozonization, condensation of aldehydes and ketones, ketone splitting of tertiary alcohols, the cracking of hydrocarbons in presence of aluminium chloride and catalytic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes under reduced pressures. Grignard quickly developed the immediate applications of the elegant and simple organomagnesium reagents, which were destined to play such an important part in organic synthesis that, at the time of his death in 1935, there were over 6,000 references in the literature. Grignard was the author of some 170 publications and, at his death on December 13, 1935, he was working to fulfil his ambition to see a great chemical reference work in the French language. Two volumes of his Traité de Chimie Organique (Treatise on organic chemistry) had already been published, two more were ready for the press and the editorial work for another two was well advanced. In 1937, two of his students, Jean Cologne and Roger Grignard - V. 6 Grignard’s son - published Précis de Chimie Organique (Survey of organic chemistry) which is based on Grignard's lecture course in organic chemistry. Victor Grignard received several Awards including the Cahours Prize (Institut de France 1901 and 1902), the Berthelot Medal (1902), the Prix Jecker (1905), the Lavoisier Medal (1912), the Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1912), the Légion d'Honneur (He was appointed Chevalier in 1912, Officier in 1920 and Commandeur in 1933). 7 8 9 Jean-Marie LEHN Professeur Honoraire au Collège de France, Paris Professeur émérite à l’Université de Strasbourg Jean-Marie LEHN was born in Rosheim, France in 1939. In 1970 he became Professor of Chemistry at the Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg and from 1979 to 2010 he was Professor at the Collège de France in Paris. He is presently Professor Emeritus at the University of Strasbourg. He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987 for his studies on the chemical basis of “molecular recognition” (i.e. the way in which a receptor molecule recognizes and selectively binds a substrate), which also plays a fundamental role in biological processes. Over the years his work led him to the definition of a new field of chemistry, which he has proposed calling “supramolecular chemistry” as it deals with the complex entities formed by the association of two or more chemical species held together by non-covalent intermolecular forces, whereas molecular chemistry concerns the entities constructed from atoms linked by covalent bonds. Subsequently, the area developed into the chemistry of "self-organization" processes and more recently towards "adaptive chemistry". Author of more than 900 scientific publications, Lehn is a member of many academies and institutions. He has received numerous international honours and awards including the CNRS Bronze Medal (1963), the Prix Adrian of the Société Chimique de France (1968), the CNRS Silver Medal (1972), the Prix Raymond Berr of the Société Chimique de France (1978), the CNRS Gold Medal (1981), the Pierre Bruylants Medal, Louvain (1981), the Prix Paracelse of the Société Chimique Suisse (1982), the Alexander von Humboldt Forschungspreis (1982), the Rolf-Sammet Price of the Frankfurt Univeristy (1985), the George Kenner Price from the University of Liverpool (1987), the Nobel Price for Chemistry (1987). 10 Perspectives in Chemistry: From Supramolecular Chemistry Towards Adaptive Chemistry Jean-Marie LEHN ISIS, Université de Strasbourg, France Supramolecular chemistry explores the design of systems undergoing self-organization, i.e. systems capable of generating well-defined functional supramolecular architectures by self-assembly from their components, thus behaving as programmed chemical systems. Chemistry may therefore be considered as an information science, the science of informed matter. The design of molecular information-controlled functional self-organizing systems also provides an original approach to nanoscience and nanotechnology. Supramolecular chemistry is intrinsically a dynamic chemistry in view of the lability of the interactions connecting the molecular components of a supramolecular entity and the resulting ability of supramolecular species to exchange their constituents. The same holds for molecular chemistry when the molecular entity contains covalent bonds that may form and break reversibility, so as to allow a continuous change in constitution by reorganization and exchange of building blocks. These features define a Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry (CDC) on both the molecular and supramolecular levels. CDC takes advantage of dynamic constitutional diversity to allow variation and selection in response to either internal or external factors to achieve adaptation. Implementations of this approach for chemical reactivity and dynamic materials will be discussed. The merging of the features: - information and programmability, - dynamics and reversibility, -constitution and structural diversity, points towards the emergence of adaptive and evolutive chemistry. References Lehn, J.-M., Supramolecular Chemistry: Concepts and Perspectives, VCH Weinheim, 1995. Lehn, J.-M., Dynamic combinatorial chemistry and virtual combinatorial libraries, Chem. Eur. J., 1999, 5, 2455. Lehn, J.-M., Programmed chemical systems : Multiple subprograms and multiple processing/expression of molecular information, Chem. Eur. J., 2000, 6, 2097. Lehn, J.-M., Toward complex matter: Supramolecular chemistry and self-organization, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2002, 99, 4763. Lehn, J.-M., Toward self-organization and complex matter, Science, 2002, 295, 2400. Lehn, J.-M., Dynamers : Dynamic molecular and supramolecular polymers, Prog. Polym. Sci., 2005, 30, 814. Lehn, J.-M., From supramolecular chemistry towards constitutional dynamic chemistry and adaptive chemistry, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2007, 36, 151. 11 YVES CHAUVIN CPE Lyon, France “I was born on 10 October 1930 in Menin (Menen in Flemish) in western Flanders, on the border between Belgium and France. To be perfectly truthful, I was not a very brilliant student, even at chemistry school. I chose chemistry rather by chance, because I firmly believed (and still do) that you can become passionately involved in your work whatever it is. Various circumstances, mainly to do with my military service, prevented me from doing a PhD and I have often regretted it, though you do need to choose the "right" supervisor in the "right" discipline – no easy task when you are totally inexperienced. So I took a job in industry, but the fact that process development consisted primarily of copying what already existed, with no possibility of exploring other fields, prompted me to resign. Furthermore, I discovered that this was a very common attitude among managers. They are afraid of anything new: "Do what everyone else does and change as little as possible: at least we know it will work." It is the opposite of my way of thinking, which, I must admit, is a bit of an obsession! I have often got into arguments about it. My motto is more, "If you want to find something new, look for something new!" There is a certain amount of risk in this attitude, as even the slightest failure tends to be resounding, but you are so happy when you succeed that it is worth taking the risk. The whole contradiction of research (whether applied or fundamental) generally lies in the fact that we have to start out with the knowledge handed down by our predecessors, but be able to depart from it "at the right time. I joined Institut Français du Pétrole in 1960 and managed to focus my work on what I thought would be most interesting. I got married the same year and over the course of time we had two sons and five grandsons. The oil industry essentially uses heterogeneous catalysis: cracking, reforming, hydrodesulphurization, hydrogenation, etc., but that was not what interested me. I have always tried to avoid areas that have been perfected with time. At the time, nothing much was being done in France on coordination chemistry, organometallics or homogeneous catalysis by transition metals and I was fascinated by the achievements in Italy (G. Natta), Great Britain (J. Chatt), Germany (at the Max-Planck-Institute in Mülheim) and the United States. As a result, I unwittingly became the French specialist in these disciplines, which brought me into contact with both the positive and the unwieldy aspects of the various commissions at the CNRS. I spent the best part of my time on applied chemistry, which was what I had been employed for and which I was quite happy about. This was how I came to develop two homogeneous catalysis processes. The first one, which uses a nickel-based catalyst, was called "Dimersol" and exists in 2 basic versions. The "gasoline" version consists of dimerising propene to high-octane 12 isohexenes. There is, quite often, an excess of propene, especially in oil refineries that do not have petrochemicals, as in the United States. There are currently (NDR as in 2005) 35 plants in operation (including 18 in the USA ), with a combined annual output of 3.5 million tonnes. It was the first and only time that coordination catalysis had been used in refining. The "chemical" version of the process consists of dimerising n-butenes to isooctenes, basic inputs for plasticizers, using the "oxo" reaction. Current production levels stand at 400,000 tonnes a year. The second process I developed, and which uses a titanium-based catalyst, was called "Alphabutol." It consists of dimerising ethylene to 1-butene, the co-monomer of lowdensity linear polyethylene. The benefits of such a process were not evident to begin with and stem from a number of causes. There are currently 20 plants operating worldwide, with a combined output of 400,000 tonnes a year. However, others are under construction, which will take total output to over 0.5 million tonnes a year. While there are obvious drawbacks to not having done a PhD (especially when you supervise them!), the advantage is that at least your mind is free to focus on whatever presents itself. At the time, I was working on batteries and, in particular, the non-aqueous electrolytes used to extend their electrochemical window. I thought it would be a good idea to try to use these electrolytes, which belong to the class of ionic liquids, as catalyst solvents. These liquids feature very low vapour pressure and virtual non-solubility in hydrocarbons, paving the way for a biphasic catalysis. The mixture of alkylimidazolium chloride and aluminium chloride forms a liquid with a very low melting point (below ambient temperature) (Figure 4). It proved to be a first-rate solvent for nickel-based dimerisation catalysts ("Dimersol" catalysts). The diagram for this process, called "Difasol," is shown in Figure 5. The reaction volume required for a biphasic system is 10 times smaller than for a homogeneous system (important for safety: refineries do not like to have large volumes in reaction because they are potential "bombs," especially at start-up); likewise for nickel consumption. This new process, dealt with in a PhD project in 1990, will see the light of day thanks to the inventiveness and determination of Hélène OlivierBourbigou, who took over from me in the laboratory. What applied chemistry has taught me is the need for absolute solidarity between the research laboratory and the "downstream" side (pilot testing, marketing, setting up industrial plant): same enthusiasm, same determination, especially when everything goes wrong! There is no difference between fundamental research and applied research. Although this is my view, based on personal taste and the areas I have worked in, it is not necessarily true for others. The PhD either led to, or were derived from processes. I have spoken so much about "processes" because they took up about three-quarters of my working time. However, I also took an interest in other aspects of coordination chemistry, such as palladium catalysis, rhodium catalysis, asymmetric amino-acid synthesis, and so on. After retiring in 1995, I was invited to work in J.-M. Basset's laboratory in Lyon (at the CPE Lyon facilities), which allows me to pursue a reasonable level of activity.” From “Les Prix Nobel”. The Nobel Prizes 2005, Editor Karl Grandin, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 2006. This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. Yves Chauvin is still active in research, working in particular with Dr. Catherine Santini in the Laboratory of Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymers and Processes headed by Professor Bernadette Charleux, at CPE Lyon. 13 Alexandre ALEXAKIS Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland Professor Alexandre Alexakis was born in Alexandria in 1949. He graduated from Paris VI University in 1971 and received his PhD in 1975. After a postdoctoral stay at Johns Hopkins University, he joined the CNRS at Pierre et Marie Curie University in 1977, as Attaché de Recherche, then Directeur de Recherche in 1985. In 1994 he was awarded the silver Medal of the CNRS. After being appointed full Professor at Pierre et Marie Curie University, in 1996, he moved to the University of Geneva in 1998. He was awarded the Novartis Lectureship in 2002. Professor Alexakis current research interests are in several fields: asymmetric synthesis and methodologies by using both metal (particularly copper reagents) and nonmetallic catalysts (organocatalysis); Chiral bases and chiral protonation reagents; on the development of new reactions and new methodologies for organic synthesis ; The design of new chiral ligands, particularly the ones derived from C2 symmetrical diamines and diols and last the application to the synthesis of natural products. 14 Some aspects of using Grignard reagents in asymmetric synthesis Alexandre ALEXAKIS Dpt of Organic Chemistry, University of Geneva 30 quai Ernest Ansermet, Geneva 4, Switzerland 1211 The conjugate addition of usual organometallic reagents (RMgX, R2Zn, R3Al …) is generally performed under Cu catalysis. The asymmetric version of this reaction needs chiral appropriate ligands for this metal. The Michael acceptor is usually a cyclic or acyclic enone, ester, lactone, lactame or nitro-alkene. Despite this variety, several challenges still remains. One of these is the conjugate addition to substrates bearing a trisubstituted double bond, leading to all-carbon chiral quaternary centers. We shall focus on the use of Grignard reagents in these reactions, which appear to be the most efficient in this case. O 2% CuTC, 4% L* + R-M O * R On the other hand, the allylic substitution is a powerful synthetic tool if the regio-, stereo- and enantioselectivities can be controlled. Copper catalysis allows the introduction of non-stabilized nucleophiles, whereas other transition metals are more suitable for stabilized nucleophiles. We have found that phosphoramidite ligands are efficient in Cu catalysis with Grignard reagents, providing high regio- and enantioselectivities. GP + R' R Mét R-Mét. GP + R-Mét. R' R References: 1. For reviews see : a) Alexakis, A.; Benhaim, C. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2002, 3221. d) Hayashi, T., Acc. Chem. Res. 2000, 33, 354. b) Christoffers, J.; Koripelly, G.; Rosiak, A.; Rössle, M. Synthesis 2007, 1279 c) Alexakis, A.; Backvall, J. E.; Krause, N.; Pamies, O.; Dieguez, M. Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 2796; d) Harutyunyan, S.R.; den Hartog, T.; Geurts, K.; Minnard, A.J.; Feringa, B.L. Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 2824. e) C. Hawner, A. Alexakis, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 7295-7306. 2. For reviews see : a) A. Alexakis, C. Malan, L. Lea, K. Tissot-Croset, D. Polet, C. Falciola, Chimia 2006, 60, 124-130; b) C. A. Falciola, A. Alexakis, Eur. J. Org.Chem. 2008, 3765-3780; c) A. Alexakis, J. E. Bäckvall, N. Krause, O. Pamies, M. Diéguez, Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 27962823. 15 Marika BLONDEL-MEGRELIS Club « Histoire de la Chimie », SCF, France Marika Blondel-Mégrelis, Ingénieur ESCIL ((École Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon, actuellement CPE Lyon), Docteur-Ingénieur, Docteur en Philosophie, a exercé son activité dans le cadre de l'IHPST (CNRS/Paris I). En étudiant certaines séquences de l'histoire de la chimie (chimie organique du 19è siècle, chimie agricole, chimie théorique en France...), et en relation avec les sciences voisines, elle s'est efforcé d'identifier et de situer la nature et les mécanismes du progrès scientifique. Elle a organisé la journée scientifique Victor Grignard et le Traité de Chimie organique, qui s'est tenue en 2003 à CPE Lyon. 16 Victor Grignard, chimiste français Marika BLONDEL-MEGRELIS Club « Histoire de la Chimie », SCF, France Victor Grignard (1871-1935) est un chimiste de nos provinces que rien ne prédestinait à la chimie. Chercheur puis professeur conscient de ses devoirs et de ses responsabilités, il a sans doute été l'un des derniers chimistes à pouvoir embrasser l'ensemble de la chimie organique. Sa personnalité, à la fois traditionnelle et novatrice, est résumée dans ses prises de position dans le travail d'élaboration d'une nomenclature internationale dans lequel il a pris une part importante. Ce chimiste apparemment si tranquille, s'est battu avec énergie pour que la France se dote et de laboratoires de recherche et d'une industrie chimique, et accède ainsi à une autonomie économique, seule voie pour la pacification des relations internationales, au lendemain du premier conflit mondial. 17 Yves FORT Full Professor of Organic Chemistry, Université de Lorraine, France Since 1998, professor Yves Fort is full Professor in organic and organometallic chemistry at Nancy University, presently Université de Lorraine, after being CNRS researcher from 1985. Before that, He studied organic chemistry and photochemistry under the supervision of Pr J-P. Pete in Reims University (PhD (Thèse de 3ème cycle), 1983, summa cum laude) and organometallic chemistry under the supervision of P. Caubère (Doctorat d'Etat, 1987, summa cum laude). From 1983 to 1985, Yves Fort was appointed by AAUL (Association des Amis des Universités de Lorraine) as associated researcher and worked for SNPE (Société Nationale des Poudres et Explosifs, Vert le Petit). In 1988, in a post-doctoral context, He was seconded from CNRS to Atochem (presently Arkema) and worked in the field of acrylic chemistry. Deputy director in 2005-08, Yves Fort is head since 2009 of the Molecular Chemistry Department of Université de Lorraine (SRSMC, University/CNRS research unit 7565, ca. 130 people). At the University, He is responsible of the Bachelor of chemistry and member of scientific committee. He is also involved in national scientific committees such as ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), AERES (Agence d'Evalaution de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur) and C-Nano (Network in Nanotechnologies). Since 1983, Yves Fort is the author or co-author of more than 150 articles, 8 reviews, 8 world patents, 7 applications and 1 French patent, as well as 30 conferences and seminars and more than 150 communications. He has directed 27 PhD and 3 Habilitation theses, and participated to 50 PhD committees. Professor Fort research efforts are presently devoted to Li superbases, Ni catalysts usable for C-C or C-N bond formation, heterocyclic chemistry with potential applications in biology and in molecular materials and nanomaterials for hearth. 18 Lithiated Polar Organometallics: towards toolboxes for regioselective functionalization of azaheterocycles. Yves FORT Equipe SOR-HéCRIN (HeteroCycles: Reactivity and Interactions) UMR 7565 SRSMC, Université de Lorraine CNRS F-54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France Over the past few decades, many efforts have been made to develop metalation reactions for the functionalisation of heterocycles. Such reactions are proving to be powerful tools because of the large range of functionalities that can be introduced. In this context, for several years, our group has had a great interest in the development of new polar organometallic reagents (i.e. superbases) as powerful lithium reagents.1 In pioneering works, it was discovered that the combination of n-BuLi and an aminoalkoxide forms aggregates which exhibit specific interactions on the pyridine nitrogen atom of azaheterocycles. New polar organometallic reagents resulting from a bi-site (anionicneutral activation) were born. The archetype of these reagents is the monometallic nonnucleophile [n-BuLi/LiDMAE] superbase, a simple association of n-BuLi with lithium dimethyl-aminoethoxide (LiDMAE) in an apolar solvent (i.e. hexane). This lithiated superbase [n-BuLi/LiDMAE] produced the regioselective and unprecedented lithiation on the -position of pyridine nitrogen of azaheterocycles, even if an ortho-directing group (Cl, SMe,…) is present. As the α-position is the primary site of metalation in hexane, this reaction can be considered as a pyridino-direction. The pyridino-direction principle Many substituted pyridines, pyrazines, as well as fused azaheterocycles containing several complexing heteroatoms (i.e. azaindoles and furopyridines) are then lithiated before various functionalizations. 2 Extension of the bi-site activation of n-BuLi next conducted to other original reagents with a particular interest in [TMSCH2Li-LiDMAE] which allows the deprotonation or halogenmetal exchange under non-cryogenic conditions.3 Recent works showed that the combination of superbases ([n-BuLi/LiDMAE], [TMSCH2Li-LiDMAE]) with classical lithiating agents (n-BuLi, n-BuLi-TMEDA, LDA, 19 LiTMP) under appropriated conditions, constitutes a toolbox which allows the design of original procedures of poly-functionalization of simple or fused heterocyclic derivatives.4 These procedures benefit from (i) classical ortho-directing metalations or halogen-metal exchanges efficiently completed by (ii) pyridino-lithiations, unusual Cl/Li and SMe/Li permutations as well as (iii) new one-pot Nu-E double functionalizations.5 H Li i) Regioselective metallation Y,Z X E ii) E-Nu Y,Z X Y,Z Nu Azaheterocycles with Y, Z = CH,N,O X = F, Cl One-pot double functionalization Nowadays, it appeared that the present and future of polar organometallics have to be discussed in terms of aggregates and their stabilization, aggregation degree and structure, stabilizing or activating agents, dynamic reactivity as well as nucleophilicity/basicity ratio, all the principles that Victor Grignard imagined a century ago. References: 1. Gros, P. and Fort, Y Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2002, 3375-3383; Gros, P. and Fort, Y Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 4199-4209. 2. Khartabil H. K.; Gros P. C.; Fort Y.; Ruiz-Lopez M. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2010, 24102416. 3. Comoy, C.; Banaszak, E. and Fort, Y. Tetrahedron 2006, 62, 6036-6041; Chartoire, A. Comoy, C. and Fort Y. Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 10867-10873; Chartoire, A. Comoy, C. and Fort Y. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 2227-2235; 4. Gros, P. and Fort, Y Curr. Org. Chem. 2011, 2329-2339. 5. Chartoire, A. Comoy, C. and Fort Y. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 1839-1845. 20 21 Paul KNOCHEL Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany Paul Knochel was born 1955 in Strasbourg (France). He did his undergraduate studies at the University of Strasbourg (France) and his Ph.D at the ETH-Zürich with Prof. D. Seebach. He spent 4 years at the CNRS at the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris with Prof. J.-F. Normant and one year of post-doctoral studies at Princeton University in the laboratory of Prof. M. F. Semmelhack. In 1987, he accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan. In 1991, he became Full Professor at this University and in 1992, he moved to Philipps-University at Marburg (Germany) as C4-Professor in Organic Chemistry. In 1999, he moved to the Chemistry Department of Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (Germany). His research interests include the development of novel organometallic reagents and methods for use in organic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis and natural product synthesis. Author of about 600 scientific publications and 50 books or book chapters, inventor in more than 30 patents, Paul Knochel is a member of many academies and institutions. He received several Awards including the Berthelot Medal of the Academie des Sciences (Paris) 1992, the IUPAC Thieme Prize (1994), the ECS - European Chemical Society Chiroscience Award for Creative European Chemistry (1995), the Otto-Bayer-Prize (1995), the Leibniz-Prize (1996), the Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Award (2000/2001), the V. Grignard-Prize (2000), the Dr. Paul Janssen Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis (2004), the Cope Scholar Award of the American Chemical Society (2005), the Lilly European Distinguished Lectureship Award (2007), the Karl-Ziegler-Preis (2009), the Gold Nagoya Medal of Organic Chemistry (2012). 22 Polyfunctional Mg and Zn Reagents in Organic Synthesis. Paul KNOCHEL Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany New general methods for the preparation of functionalized organometallics will be described. The first preparations involve a direct metal insertion, whereas the second method involves a directed metalation. A range of new TMP-bases of Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe, La and Al have been prepared for the regioselective metalation of various aromatic and heterocyclic compounds providing polyfunctional organometallics. These highly functionalized organometallics react with a range of electrophiles and undergo especially mild cross-couplings. New BF3-promoted metalations allow a new access to polyfunctional pyridines. Applications to the synthesis of bioactive molecules and material precursors via new cross-coupling reactions will also be shown. For leading articles, see : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) B. Haag, M. Mosrin, H. Ila, V. Malakhov, P. Knochel, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 9794-7824. Tomke Bresser, P. Knochel, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 1914. M. Jaric, K. Karaghiosoff, P. Knochel Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 5451-5455. S. Bernhardt, G. Manolikakes, T. Kunz, P. Knochel, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 9205-9209. S. Duez, A. Steib, S. Manolikakes, P. Knochel Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7686-7690. T. Thaler, P. Knochel, Nature Chemistry 2010, 2, 125. S. Seel, T. Thaler, K. Takatsu, P. Knochel J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 4774. 23 BRUCE H. LIPSHUTZ Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Bruce H. Lipshutz graduated from Yale University in 1974, where he also received his doctor’s degree under the supervision of Prof. Harry Wasserman in 1977. As a postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the American Cancer Society (1977-1979) He worked with E.J. Corey at Harvard University. He then joined the faculty at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1979 as an assistant professor, then Associate and professor in 1987. Professor Lipshutz received several Honors, Awards, and Professional Recognition including: the American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Research Award, 1981-1983 ; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow, 1984-1988 ; the Harold J. Plous Memorial Teaching Award, UCSB, 1984 ; the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 19841989 ; the American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, 1997 ; UCSB Foundation Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, 2002 ; the Solvias Ligand Prize, Basel, 2003. 24 Organometallic Chemistry in Just Water at Room Temperature. What Would Victor Grignard Think? Bruce H. LIPSHUTZ Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 New technology for effecting a variety of transition metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions under green chemistry conditions; i.e., in water at room temperature, will be described. These are enabled by virtue of the “designer” surfactant TPGS-750-M, which quickly forms nanomicelles upon dissolution in water, in which the reactions take place. Reactions to be discussed include unpublished results on Pd-catalyzed Stille couplings, Cu-catalyzed conjugate additions, and Zn-mediated halide reductions 25 Jacques MADDALUNO Université de Rouen, France Jacques Maddaluno, born 1958, graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris in 1982 and a PhD. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Paris VI in 1986 under the supervision of Dr Jean d’Angelo. Further, He received the Research Direction Capacity (Habilitation) from the Université de Rouen in 1989. After two postdoctoral positions in 1986 first at the Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Théorique Université Paris VI, France then at the Nancy Pritzker Laboratory , Stanford University, he joined the CNRS as Attaché de Recherche, then Directeur de Recherche at the Université de Rouen. Dr. Maddaluno is the Author of more than 125 scientific papers, 6 book chapters and has given more than 100 conferences. He has directed more than 20 PhD work, served as Head of the board of the National Committee for Organic Chemistry of CNRS (2008-2011) and He is currently Deputy Director of the Institute of Chemistry (INC) at the CNRS headquarter in Paris. Dr. Maddaluno main research area concern high pressure chemistry, functionalized dienes and cycloadditions, asymmetric synthesis using chiral lithium amide: chemistry, spectroscopy, theory and carbometallation of alkynes. 26 Nucleophilic addition of alkyllithiums: enantioselective and catalytic ? Jacques MADDALUNO Université de Rouen, France - Mixing chiral lithium amides and alkyllithium in THF at low temperature leads to aggregates of well-defined stoichiometry and structure. These robust entities associate an asymmetric partner to a highly reactive nucleophile, and can be employed for instance as chiral equivalents of butyl- or methyllithium in asymmetric synthesis. On the basis of previous spectroscopic and theoretical studies on the solution structure of the aggregates of chiral 3-aminopyrrolidine lithium amides and alkyl, aryl and vinyllithium derivatives, we will present recent extensions that have led to a catalytic substoichiometric version of this reaction. Our results suggest that significant ee’s can be obtained provided the spectroscopic and theoretical data are fully taken into consideration to design the catalytic cycle. 27 Ilan MAREK Professor, Technion, Israël Ilan Marek, FRSC, born in Haifa in 1963 but educated in France moved to the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in 1997. He is Professor of chemistry and since 2005, he holds the Sir Michael and Lady Sobell Academic Chair. The research group of Prof. Ilan Marek is primarily concerned with the design and development of new and efficient stereo- and enantioselective strategies that do not have precedent in classical organic chemistry for the synthesis of important complex molecular structures. His vision is that challenging synthetic problems should be answered with efficiency and elegance. Prof. Marek heads the Mallat Family Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry since 2011. He has received several major international awards over the years including the 2012 Janssen Award for creativity in organic synthesis, the 2011 Royal Society Chemistry Organometallic Award, the 2011 Taiwan National Science Council Visiting Scholar, the 2010 German-Technion Award for Academic Excellence and Scientific Collaborations, the 2009 Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence, the 2005 Bessel Award of the Humboldt Foundation, the 2004 Merck Sharpe and Dohm Lecturer, the 2003 Prize for Excellent Young Chemist from The Israel Chemical Society and the 2002 Michael Bruno Memorial Award 2002, administrated by the Rothschild Foundation. He has received several awards for excellence in teaching. Prof. Marek also serves on the Advisory board of international leading journals such as Chemical Communications and Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, both from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). He also serves as Associate Editor of Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry and Associate Editor of Israel Journal of Chemistry, Wiley-VCH. He is Member (and past chairman) of the International Scientific Committee of European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC), and Vice-Chair of the organic division of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EUCHEM) organic Division. 28 Selectivity in Carbon-Carbon Bond Activation. Ilan MAREK The Mallat Family Laboratory of Organic Chemistry Schulich Faculty of Chemistry & the Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Haifa, 32000 Israel The presentation of Prof. Marek focuses on metal-promoted selective cleavage of carboncarbon bonds. This field is of major interest since it can lead to the design of new, selective and efficient processes for the functionalization of non-reactive hydrocarbons. Following the original activation of C-C single bonds of cyclopropylcarbinyl Grignard reagents, the carbon-carbon activation of strained molecules through transition metal catalysts have emerged. However, the attractive but often troublesome feature of such systems is their multiform reactivities that may lead to the formation of a variety of products. A predictable control of their reactivities would be synthetically important for the formation of a unique product and therefore the design of new substrates in which only a restricted numbers of possible reactions may occur is highly desirable. In this lecture, we are proposing few solutions and the first approach concerns the zirconocene-mediated transformations of substituted alkylidenecyclopropanes (ACPs). Through a mechanism that will be discussed in details, the zirconocene-mediated reaction of ACPs followed by the selective carbon-carbon bond activation and further selective reactions with two different electrophiles led to linear adducts possessing several stereocenters including the challenging all-carbon quaternary stereogenic centers in acyclic systems. Importantly, distant stereoinduction is accessible via this strategy. To further demonstrate the utility of this method, the complete synthesis of two interesting molecules will be performed such as the challenging molecules: (R)-4-ethyl-4-methyloctane, the smallest possible fully saturated chiral organic molecule with a quaternary stereogenic center, and the (S)-[2H1, 2H2, 2H3]-neopentane, with its Td symmetric electron distribution. The latter case is the archetype of molecule that owes its chirality exclusively to an asymmetric distribution of the masses of their nuclei. Then, taking advantages of allylic C,H-bond activation followed by a carbon-carbon bond activation reaction, both promoted by the same zirconocene complex, any cyclopropane derivatives possessing a remote double could be transformed into the previously described linear products. 29 William R. ROUSH Professor of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, Floride, USA Dr. William R. Roush, a native of Chula Vista, California, received the Bachelors Degree in Chemistry, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1974, where he performed undergraduate research with Professor Julius Rebek, and the Ph. D. Degree in Chemistry from Harvard University in 1977 under the direction of Professor R. B. Woodward. After an additional year as a postdoctoral associate in Professor Woodward's laboratory, he joined the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Assistant Professor. He moved to Indiana University in 1987, and was promoted to the rank of Professor in 1989 and Distinguished Professor in 1995. In 1997 he moved to the University of Michigan as the Warner Lambert/Parke Davis Professor of Chemistry. He served as Chair of the Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, from 2002-2004. He moved to the new Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Florida, as Professor of chemistry, Executive Director of Medicinal Chemistry, and Associate Dean of Scripps’ Kellogg Graduate School in 2005. Dr. Roush has been a Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, an Eli Lilly Grantee, and the holder of the Roger and Georges Firmenich Career Development Chair in Natural Products Chemistry at MIT. He received a Merck Faculty Development Award in 1981, the 1992 Alan R. Day Award of the Philadelphia Organic Chemist's Club, the 1994 Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award of the American Chemical Society, and the 1996 American Chemical Society Akron Section Award. In 1998 he received a Merit Award from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and in 1999 he received a Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award from the University of Michigan. In 2002 Dr. Roush received the Paul G. Gassman Distinguished Service Award of the American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry, and in 2004 he received the American Chemical Society Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Natural Products. In 2006, Dr. Roush was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Most recently, in 2009 Dr. Roush was elected to the inaugural class of Fellows of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Roush has served terms as Secretary-Treasurer and Chairman of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry, and as Chairman of the NIH Medicinal Chemistry Study Section. He currently is Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society, and serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Organic Letters, Accounts of Chemical Research, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, and Chemical Biology & Drug Design. He is a Director of Organic Reactions, Inc., and of Organic Syntheses, Inc., and is a consultant for several companies. Dr. Roush's research interests focus on the stereocontrolled synthesis of stereochemically complex natural products, and on the design and development of new reactions and synthetic methods. He is known for his stereochemical studies and synthetic applications of the intramolecular DielsAlder reaction and his work in the area of asymmetric and acyclic diastereoselective synthesis, specifically the use of tartrate ester modified allylboronates and other allylmetal compounds for the aldol-like construction of propionate-derived systems. He has also made important contributions the synthesis of deoxyglycosides and polyhydroxylated natural products (his total synthesis of olivomycin A is particularly noteworthy), and to the design and synthesis of inhibitors of cysteine proteases targeting important human pathogens (e.g., Trypanosoma, Plasmodium and Entamoeba species). Since moving to Scripps Florida, his program in chemical biology and medicinal chemistry has expanded to include research on the development of inhibitors of kinases, inhibitors of certain epigenetic targets, inhibitors and activators of nuclear receptors, and small molecule inhibitors of carboxylic acid transporters as potential therapeutic agents. 30 Synthesis of Bifunctional Allylboron Reagents via Allene Hydroboration Reactions, and Applications to the Synthesis of Natural Products. William R. ROUSH Department of Chemistry, Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter FL 33458, USA - During recent studies on the extension of the double allymetallation reaction developed in our laboratory, we had occasion to examine the hydroboration reaction of racemic allene 1 with (dIpc)2BH.1 Remarkably, both enantiomers of racemic 1 undergo hydroboration by (dIpc)2BH to give the same chiral allylborane reagent (S)-(E)-2 by chemically distinct enantioselective pathways. This reaction constitutes an example of the enantioconvergent reaction of the two enantiomers of a racemate to give a single, enantiomerically enriched product. The details of this reaction will be analyzed, along with synthetic applications of the new, enantioselective reagent (S)-(E)-2 which has proven to be exceptionally useful in mismatched double asymmetric reactions with chiral aldehydes. (1) M. Chen and W. R. Roush, “Enantioconvergent Hydroboration of a Racemic Allene: Enantioselective Synthesis of (E)-δ-Stannyl-anti-Homoallylic Alcohols via Aldehyde Crotylboration,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 5744. (2) M. Chen and W. R. Roush, “Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of Anti, AntiSteriotriads: A Solution to the Long-Standing Problem of Challenging Mismatched Double Asymmetric Crotylboration Reactions,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 3925 31 Victor SNIECKUS Professor, Queen’s University, Canada Victor Snieckus was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1937 and spent his childhood in Germany during World War II. He received the B.Sc. degree at the University of Alberta (1959) where he was strongly influenced by an iconoclastic teacher, Rube Sandin, the discover of the diphenyliodonium salt. At the University of California, Berkeley, he received thorough training in physical organic chemistry (M.Sc. with D.S. Noyce) but decided that there should be more to organic chemistry than Hammett sigma-row plots and migrated to Oregon where he learned that he truly had a passion for synthesis by studying with teacher and research mentor par excellence (Ph.D. with V. Boekelheide). He returned to Canada for a postdoctoral year with O.E. Edwards, insufficiently recognized for steroid and alkaloid manipulations and nitrene reactions (NSERC, Ottawa) and then joined the faculty at the University of Waterloo in 1966. He held the Monsanto/NRC Industrial Research Chair, 1992-1998 and the Bader Chair in Organic Chemistry, Queen's University, 1998-2009. He is now continuing fundamental research as Bader Chair Emeritus as well as Director of Snieckus Innovations, an institute for synthesis of small molecules for the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. 32 Following the star of Grignard and those of Wittig and Gilman Victor SNIECKUS Queen’s University, Department of Chemistry, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada “Before the advent of DoM, the preparation of contiguously substituted (e.g. 1,2-, 1,2,3- or 1,2,3,4-) aromatic compounds, using the directing effect of the various substituents in SEAr reactions was a major challenge and required many steps to accomplish”. Kürti, László, Czakó, Barbara Strategic Application of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005, p 420 … but Kürti and Czakó failed to recognize the significance of VNS which should also be sine qua non in the armamentarium of synthetic chemists, a reaction also o Name Reaction status. The Directed ortho Metalation (DoM) reaction, discovered by Wittig and Gilman over 70 years ago and propelled into prominence by Hauser, Beak, Christensen, Gschwend, Meyers, Muchowski, and others, is now beginning to infiltrate undergraduate organic texts and is increasingly practiced on mg to metric ton scales, e.g. Sustiva™ (DupontMerck BMS, anti-AIDS), Silthiofam™ (Monsanto, fungicide). The link of transition metal catalyzed reactions (e.g. Heck, Suzuki, Sonogashira, Grubbs) to DoM is providing the synthetic chemist with a variety of effective combined protocols and is also finding application on large scale, e.g. Losartan™ (BMS, anti-inflammatory). The common theme in our laboratories is the invention and development of new DoM aromatic chemistry, separate and linked to transition metal catalyzed processes, and their demonstration in bioactive molecule, natural product, and materials construction. A selection of these themes (below) including new departures into Ir, Rh, and Ru catalyzed DoM-enhancing connections will be described. 33 Hartung, C.G., Snieckus, V. In Astruc, D. Ed. Modern Arene Chemistry, Wiley-VCH; New York, 2002, pp 330-367 Whistler, M.C.; MacNeil, S.; Snieckus, V.; Beak, P. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 2206-2225 Anctil, E. Snieckus, V. In Diederich, F., de Meijere, A. Eds. Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions, 2nd Ed., 2004, pp 761-813 Macklin, T.; Snieckus, V. In Dyker., G. Ed. Handbook of C-H Transformations, 2005, Wiley-VCH, New York, pp 106-119. 34 35 JUN-ICHI YOSHIDA Professor, Kyoto University, Japan Jun-Ichi Yoshida was born in Osaka, Japan in 1952. He graduated from Kyoto University in 1975, where he received his doctor’s degree under the supervision of Prof. Makoto Kumada in 1981. In 1979 Yoshida joined the faculty at Kyoto Institute of Technology as an assistant professor. In the meantime, he visited University of Wisconsin during 1982-1983, where he joined the research group of Prof. B. M. Trost. In 1985 he moved to Osaka City University, where he was promoted to an associate professor in 1992. In 1994 he was appointed as a full professor of Kyoto Univ. His research interests include integrated organic synthesis on the basis of reactive intermediates, organic electron transfer reactions, organometallic reactions, and microreactors. Professor Yoshida received several Awards including: the Progress Award of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (1987), the Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work (2001). the Nagoya Medal Prize (Silver Medal) (2006), Humboldt Research Award (2007), and Green and Sustainable Chemistry Award (2010). 36 Hot reagents in High-tech Reactors. Jun-Ichi YOSHIDA Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Kyoto University Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan Grignard and organolithium reagents are most powerful carbanion equivalents and are widely utilized in organic synthesis. Although high reactivity is the most advantageous feature of these hot reagents, it also causes a serious problem, especially from a view point of selectivity. Recently, flow microreactor synthesis has emerged as high-tech reactors for synthesizing chemical substances and has enjoyed various applications in organic chemistry and polymer chemistry.1 Flow microreactors are especially useful for conducting extremely fast reactions in a highly controlled way and enable chemical reactions that cannot be done in bat (flash chemistry).2Use of flow microreactors solves the problems of Grignard and organolithium reagents without decreasing their reactivity, and enhance the capability of the hot reagents not only in laboratory organic synthesis but also in in chemical and pharmaceutical industries. This presentation provides a new aspect of chemistry of these hot reagents using high-tech flow microreactors. We focus on the following points: 1. Control of highly exothermic reactions by fast heat exchange3 2. Control of competitive consecutive reactions by fast micromixing4 37 3. Protecting-group-free synthesis based on high-resolution reaction time control5 Some industrial applications will also be presented. References 1. (a) Hessel, V.; Hardt, S.; Löwe, H. Chemical Micro Process Engineering; Wiely-VCH Verlag: Weinheim, 2004. (b) Wirth, T. Microreactors in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis; Wiley-VCH Verlag: Weinheim, 2008. (c) Hessel, V.; Renken, A.; Schouten, J. C.; Yoshida, J. Micro Process Engineering; Wiley-VCH Verlag: Weinheim, 2009. 2. (a) Yoshida, J. Flash Chemistry. Fast Organic Synthesis in Microsystems: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. (b)Yoshida, J.; Nagaki, A.; Yamada, T. Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 7450. (c) Yoshida, J.; Kim, H.; Nagaki, A. Chem. Sus. Chem.2011, 4, 331, and references cited therein. 3. (a) Wakami, H.; Yoshida,J.Org. Process Res. Dev. 2005, 9, 787. See also (b) H.Krummdradt, U.Koop and J.Stold, GIT Labor-Fachz., 1999, 43, 590. (c) Schwalbe,T.; Autze, V.; Hohmann, M.; Stirner, W. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2004, 8, 440.(d) Riva, E.; Gagliardi, S.; Martinelli, M.; Passarella, D.; Vigo, D.; Rencurosi, A. Tetrahedron 2010, 66, 3242 4. (a) Hessel, V.; Hofmann, C.; Löwe, H.; Meudt, A.; Scherer, S.; FSchönfeld, F.; Werner, B. Org. Process Res. Dev., 2004. 8, 511.See also (b) Nagaki, A.; Togai, M.;Suga, S.; Aoki, N.; Mae, K.; Yoshida, J. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 11666. 5. Kim, H.; Nagaki, A.; Yoshida, J. Nat. Commun.2011, 2: 264.See also(b) Nagaki, A.; Kim, H.; Yoshida, J.Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 7833.(c) Nagaki, A.; Kim, H.; Yoshida, J. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 8063. 6. Tomida, Y.; Nagaki, A.; Yoshida, J. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2011, 133, 3744. See also (b) Nagaki, A.; Takizawa, E.; Yoshida, J.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2009,131, 1654. (c) Nagaki, A.; Takizawa, E.; Yoshida, J. Chem. Lett. 2009, 38, 486. 38 39 Remerciements / Acknowledgments Le Comité d’Organisation tient à remercier l’Académie des Sciences, la Société Chimique de France et l’Institut de Chimie du CNRS sans qui l’organisation de cet évènement aurait été impossible. La famille Grignard a apporté un soutien sans faille et continu en autorisant la reproduction de l’ouvrage de Roger Grignard dédié à son père, en prêtant des objets de valeur historique et en participant concrètement à l’exposition et à ces journées. Qu’ils en soient remerciés avec l’espoir que le patrimoine scientifique et historique ainsi mis en valeur puisse constituer la base d’un fond de documentation unifié. Enfin, de nombreuses entreprises et organisations ont aidé concrètement à la réalisation de cette fête de la chimie. Qu’elles en soient remerciées. Académie des Sciences Bayer Crop Science Département de Chimie et Biochimie de la Faculté des Sciences et Technologies de Lyon École Doctorale de Chimie de Lyon École Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie Institut de Chimie de Lyon Institut de Chimie du Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique Rockwood Lithium Sigma-Aldrich Société Chimique de France Strem Chemicals Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 40 Comités / Committees Comité Scientifique et de Parrainage Bernard Bigot, Président de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie Gérard Ferey, Académie des Sciences, Vice-président de la Société Chimique de France Sophie Jullian, Directrice scientifique, IFP Énergies Nouvelles Philippe Sautet, Académie des Sciences, Directeur de l’Institut de Chimie de Lyon Régis Réau, Directeur de l’Institut de Chimie du CNRS Comité de Pilotage François-Noël Gilly, Président de l’Université Claude Bernard de Lyon 1 Gérard Pignault, Directeur de l’Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon Jean-Marc Lancelin, Directeur de l’Ecole Doctorale de Chimie de Lyon Loïc Blum, Directeur ICBMS, Lyon Bernadette Charleux, Directrice C2P2, Lyon Patrick Monassier, Président de l’association des ingénieurs CPE Lyon, ICPI & ESCIL Jean-Marc Le Lann, Président de la Fédération Gay-Lussac Comité d’organisation Claude de Bellefon, Directeur Scientifique CGP, CPE Lyon - CNRS (Président /Chairman) Olivier Baudoin, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 François Bayard, CPE Lyon - CNRS Jacques Bousquet, Délégué général de la Fédération Gay-Lussac Jacques Breysse, Club « Histoire de la Chimie » Société Chimique de France Béatrice Dias, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Peter Goekjian, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Arnaud et Pierre Grignard Christine Legrand, CPE Lyon Hélène Parrot, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 41 Programme / Programme Jeudi 21 juin / Thursday June 21st 8h00-9h30 Enregistrement / Registration 9h30-10h00 Accueil / Welcome address Avec la participation de / With a contribution from Yves Chauvin, CPE Lyon 10h00-10h45 Following the star of Grignard and those of Wittig and Gilman. Victor Snieckus, Queen’s University, Canada 10h45-11h30 Lithiated Polar Organometallics: towards toolboxes for regioselective functionalization of azaheterocycles. Yves Fort, Nancy-Université, France 11h30-12h15 Selectivity in Carbon-Carbon Bond Activation. Ilan Marek, Technion, Israël 12h30-13h30 Pose de la plaque commémorative décernée par l’American Chemical Society ACS Citation for chemical breakthrough award celebration François-Noël Gilly, Président de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Gérard Pignault, Directeur de CPE Lyon Jeff Seeman, Division History of Chemistry ACS, Richmond, USA Grignard Familly 13h30-14h30 Cocktail dans le hall de l’amphithéâtre Grignard, bâtiment UCBL Light lunch at the Grignard amphitheatre hall, University building 14h30-15h15 Synthesis of Bifunctional Allylboron Reagents via Allene Hydroboration Reactions. William R. Roush, The Scripps Research Institute, Floride, USA 15h15-16h15 Perspectives in Chemistry: From Supramolecular Chemistry Towards Adaptive Chemistry Jean-Marie Lehn, ISIS-Université de Strasbourg, France 16h15-17h00 Victor Grignard, chimiste français. Marika Blondel-Mégrelis, Club « Histoire de la Chimie », SCF 17h00-19h00 Exposition « Grignard, un Homme dans la science et l’éducation » Exhibition “Grignard, a Man in science and education.” 18h00 - Cocktail / Cocktail party 42 Programme / Programme Vendredi 22 juin / Friday June 22nd 8h30-9h15 Polyfunctional magnesium and zinc reagents in organic synthesis. Paul Knochel, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany 9h15-10h00 Some aspects of using Grignard reagents in asymmetric synthesis. Alexandre Alexakis, Université de Genève, Switzerland 10h00-10h45 Nucleophilic addition of alkyllithiums: enantioselective and catalytic? Jacques Maddaluno, Université de Rouen, France 10h45-11h15 Pause / Cofee break 11h15-12h00 Hot reagents in High-tech Reactors. Jun-Ichi Yoshida, Kyoto University, Japan 12h00-12h45 Organometallic Chemistry in Just Water at Room Temperature. What Would Victor Grignard Think? Bruce H. Lipshutz, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 12h45-13h00 Clôture des journées / Closing 43 44 FONDATION DE LA MAISON DE LA CHIMIE