January - Edmonton Catholic Schools


January - Edmonton Catholic Schools
January 2015
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back! As we begin 2016, let us take a moment to be grateful for our
abundant blessings as a school community! We are blessed with wonderful staff,
tremendous students, an abundance of resources, and the support of you, the parents!
I am excited to begin this new year of learning with each of your children, and anticipate a fantastic second half to the school year! We welcome Miss Nyitrai to our
staff, who will be taking over from Mrs. Yarmuch as she begins her maternity leave.
This is the time of year when we welcome our prospective Grade 7 and 10 students
from our feeder schools, as well as begin preparing our own Grade 9 students for
their transition to High School here at LSL. All of this will be upon us quickly, so
please be aware of information coming home regarding these events.
High School exams will be taking place from January 13th - 28th, and it is imperative that students prepare thoroughly for these assessments. Attending Baron Blocks
diligently, seeking extra support from teachers, students taking 30-level subjects accessing Diploma Exam review courses, and plain old hard work are all excellent
ways to ensure success at this critical learning time. The Diploma Exam schedule is
included in this newsletter, and it is posted on our website. Please be sure to check
all dates carefully.
We will be hosting two parent engagement evenings to provide a forum for parents
to gain information pertaining to youth and some common issues that arise in secondary school children. These sessions will occur on February 4th and March 2nd
here at Louis St. Laurent and I encourage your attendance. See the information at
the end of this newsletter and in our February parent newsletter for further information.
I remind you to make regular use of the PowerSchool Parent portal as a means of
maintaining regular information flow between home and school regarding the academic progress of your son or daughter. With current information, you as the parent
become empowered to be more actively engaged in the education of your child. This
is an important time for students to re-focus and re-establish high quality work habits
to ensure educational success. We also welcome your regular contact with ideas or
questions you may have.
Finally, thank you for your continued support and patience as our modernization
progresses! We are excited to have some renewed spaces back for students and staff
to use, and at the same time, we will see new disruptions as modernization moves to
a new area of the school.
Happy New Year to you all!
Mr. T. Wasylenko,
January 2016
When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at
its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped,
they were overwhelmed with joy. ~ Matthew 2: 9-10 ~
There is so much for us to learn from the story of the wise men as they sought out the Messiah. They had
just met with Herod, who was afraid of the coming of the Savior. The Magi, however, were not afraid;
they were drawn to seek Jesus by their faith. When they found him, in a lowly stable, a place of poverty,
they were filled with joy. This is rich with significance for us in our modern times. We are reminded not
to be afraid of what our faith asks of us, for the ultimate reward of our faith is joy. The journey may be
hard, but it is worth it! We are also reminded of the humble beginnings of our Savior. Pope Francis reminds us constantly that we are to be humble and to live our faith out in service to those who walk in the
marginalized circumstances that Jesus was born into, for it is in those places that we will most certainly
find Him. This is our Epiphany!
The New Year is a very exciting and busy time for us in Edmonton Catholic Schools. We have many celebrations of our faith on the immediate horizon. Our Ukrainian programs will celebrate Ukrainian Christmas on January 7th. February 1st will mark our first Father Michael “Catfish” Mireau Y outh Faith Day for
grade 8 students. Father Mike enjoyed working with all students, and we chose grade 8 students to engage
in a full day event that will have them participating in the Eucharist and listening to Jesse Manibusan and
Mike Patin, two amazing youth evangelizers. The theme for the day is Serve like a Superhero. On February 2nd, all of our staff will gather together to listen to Jesse and Mike and to celebrate the Eucharist, as
well, for our annual Faith Development Day.
We know that ongoing faith formation of staff is essential to our Catholic identity. This month, we look at
Mark 4 of Catholic School Identity: Sustained by Gospel Witness. An excellent Catholic school hires and
nurtures staff that are living witnesses to the Gospel, and intentional disciples of Jesus Christ and His
Church. Edmonton Catholic Schools, at the District and school levels, offer many opportunities for our
staff to continue to grow in their faith as they nurture children in their faith formation.
Our schools will begin accepting new registrations for the 2016-2017 school year this month. We are very
excited to be opening John XXIII Catholic Elementary/Junior High School in the Fall. Visit www.ecsd.net
to find a school, learn about programs, or to find Open House information.
Did you know that schools complete a 3-year School Plan for Continuous Growth each year? This plan is
tied to our District Goals and Priorities. Data from a variety of sources including Provincial Testing, the
Accountability Pillar, and Tell Them From Me Survey results are used to target areas of growth for each
community. You can find your school’s plan on their website.
Each year, the Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta (CCSSA) acknowledges teacher excellence in Catholic education across the province. Edmonton Catholic Schools will very proudly put forth
the names of three teachers/administrators to receive this award. Please consider nominating a teacher or
administrator who is an outstanding model for Catholic education for this important award. Your school
principal can share information about the nomination process with you. All nominations are due by 4PM
on January 29th, 2016.
In order to further our work with numeracy and literacy, there are professional development sessions this
year that are being offered to support teachers as they program inclusively with specific adaptations and
scaffolding required for English Language Learners in the early stages of language development as well as
struggling readers and writers in the literacy classroom. Similar numeracy sessions will also be offered.
From December 7th-11th, over 15,000 ECSD students in 68 schools participated in one of the largest
worldwide educational events in history, The Hour of Code. Students participated in a variety of fun programming activities as a way of exposing them to computer science for one hour.
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Coding can strengthen computational thinking, problem solving, numeracy, and literacy skills, and participating for one hour
during the week showed students that anyone can become involved and learn. Over 100 million learners in over 180 countries
have participated in the Hour of Code. For more information, visit https://hourofcode.com/ca.
In January, the Emerging Technologies team will be promoting an excellent multimodal digital poster creation tool for learning
called Board Builder. Students and teachers will have the opportunity to share their posters and be recognized. Stay tuned for
more details!
I would like to share a final thought with you from Pope Francis as we enter into our Year of Mercy. “God sent his Son, God
made himself man in order to save us, that is, in order to grant us his mercy” (General Audience, 10 September 2014). Our
schools have now created and blessed a Holy Door of Mercy to help them observe this special year on an ongoing basis.
Many blessings for 2016!
Joan Carr
The "Day After" Christmas
The joys of the Christmas Season are gone. We have exchanged gifts and greetings. We have feasted together and delighted in
fellowship. We have seen the angels, we have heard "... a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in
the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors" (Luke 2:13-14).
Now we are back to our daily lives. The intensity of the winter season is upon us. We have many bills to pay. We are experiencing
the let-down feeling that is nurtured by the long time we have spent getting ready for the festivities. After a few hours of celebrations, it is all over! We have expected so much but it lasted so short. It faded away and we are back in the everyday routine with
the same old problems.
But if this is what Christmas is all about, then it is a terrible mockery. If it lifts our spirits briefly only to crush them down later,
then Christmas is not hope, joy, peace, and good will, but utter cruelty. Clearly this is not what God has in mind for us.
Let us look briefly at the Wise Men to see how Christmas affected their lives. When the Magi learned of the plot of King Herod to
kill the infant Jesus, they did not come back to Herod, but went another way. What did the evangelist Matthew mean when he
wrote that the Wise Men "departed to their own country by another way" (Matthew 2:12)?
No doubt Matthew meant that the Magi took another route so as to frustrate Herod’s murderous intentions. But is there not more to
these words than that? The Wise Men took another road home in the spiritual sense, too. What they had seen in the manger in
Bethlehem had changed their lives. No one ever comes to Christ and goes back the same way they came. No one comes to Christ
and goes back by the same route. You are always changed.
Like the Magi, we have seen the star. Like the Wise Men we have followed the star to the newborn King. Like them, we have worshiped the Christ Child, brought Him our gifts, and received Him in the manger of our souls through the sacrament of the Holy
Communion. Now let us go another way, God’s way, leaving behind the old doubts, the old grudges, the old sins, and the old sorrows. Let us walk into the future with Christ, more loving and more conscious of the needs of others, for unto us is born a child,
Christ the Savior, Emmanuel – God with us.
As we take down our Christmas decorations to store them in the basement or the attic, let us be careful not to take down Christ. He
was meant not for the attic, but for the living room of your heart and mine the year round. After all, His presence with us is what
Christmas is all about.
Many years ago someone sent a card to a friend the day after Christmas and the words speak of great truth that we have tried to
capture today (the author is unknown):
When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry,
To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among brothers and sisters, To make music in the heart.
Alleluia! Unto us a child is born.
Fr. Julian Bilyj
District Chaplain
St. Matthew Catholic School
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
Chaplain’s Corner
Flex Thursdays at Louis St. Laurent have provided students the incredible opportunity to become
actively involved in community building, social
justice initiatives, and demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit
through service. On Thursdays, students have the opportunity to
sign up with Mr. Faught to volunteer at various agencies in the
community to demonstrate a Christ-like love to the less fortunate.
As an IB/MYP school, this opportunity gives students hands-on
experience in providing service to the local community and an
appreciation for how truly blessed we are in our daily lives. So
far, students have offered their services at the Bissell Centre,
providing child care and meal preparation for Edmonton’s homeless population, as well as the Mustard Seed, where they have
sorted donation items ranging from clothing, to toiletries, to
household items.
Be sure to watch for more great service opportunities in the New
Christmas Hampers
“God doesn’t look at how much we do, but with how much love
we put into the doing.” - Mother Teresa
Happy New Year! Thanks so much to everyone for your participation in our Advent Celebration. A big thank you goes out to Father
Glen from St. Joseph Parish, and to our Fine Arts Department who
led us in song, dance, and music.
Our most heartfelt gratitude goes out to each and every one of you
for helping us make and distribute thirty-eight Christmas hampers
this year! We also raised over one thousand dollars to cover the
cost of turkeys for the hampers.
As always, our LSL school community has
shown great generosity through their donations to all our December Social Justice projects. God bless you and yours in the New
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January Schedule Changes
Classes will resume for all students
after their Christmas break on Monday,
Jan. 4th, 2016 @ 8:24 AM.
Senior High
The last day of semester one regular
classes for Sr. High students is Friday,
Jan. 15th, 2016. Sr . High exams will
be written in the Louis gym from Jan.
19th to Jan. 28th except Part
A of the English and Social
30-1 & 30-2 exams, which
will be written in the morning on Jan. 13th & 14th.
Students MUST be at school
at least 15 minutes before the scheduled exam start times. There will be no
classes, other than scheduled exams, for
Sr. High students from Jan. 18th - 28th,
however, students will have regular
classes in the morning on Jan. 13th &
14th, unless they are writing the English
or Social exams listed above, and all
students have regular classes in the afternoon on Jan. 13th. It will be regular
12:15 PM dismissal on Jan. 14th. A
complete exam schedule will be posted
on our LSL website and the Diploma
exam schedule is on pg. 6 of this
Semester Two classes for Sr . High
students begin on Monday, February
1st, 2016. If students need to make
course changes for semester two, they
are encouraged to do so dur ing
exam week. January 29th has also
been set aside for Sr. High course
In order to make course changes,
students MUST come into the
office and fill out the Request for
Course and/or Schedule Change
form. Appointments will be made
with administration on a first come,
first served basis.
Junior High
Jr. High students will have regular
classes for the entire month of January. Second semester options will
begin for Jr. High students on Monday, February 1st, 2016. Class lists
for Jr. High options will be posted at
the Ancillary Room during the week
prior to the start of semester 2.
Gr. 11 Second Semester
Course Changes
All Gr. 11 students will write their CCAT
(Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test) in the
afternoon of January 18th. Gr. 11 students
will not be permitted to make any course
changes until their CCAT has been written.
Things To Know
For Sr. High Exams
 Student ID must be displayed on
the corner of the desk while writing exams.
 Students must stay in the exam
room for at least one hour.
 Students are to bring all materials
they require, such as an HB pencil,
pen, erasers, and, where allowed,
 Students are not to bring food, cell
phones, cards, CD players, IPODs,
or any electronic devices into the
exam room.
 Pencil cases, book bags, textbooks, purses and coats should be
left in lockers.
 Water bottles will be allowed in
exam rooms.
We wish all our Sr. High students good
luck with their upcoming exams.
Faith Development Day
On Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 all staff members will
be involved in a district-wide Faith Development Day at
the Shaw Conference Centre. There will be no instruction of students at school on that day.
Joan Carr, our Superintendent, calls Faith Development
Day “an outstanding opportunity for the staff of Edmonton Catholic Schools to come together to articulate and
celebrate our faith.”
This year, our theme is Life of Grace, Journey of Love.
Academic Café
Our Academic Café will resume on Wednesday, January 6th,
2016. It runs from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM on Wednesdays in room
223, organized by Ms. Lamoureux. High School students wishing to attend Academic Cafe have to book an appointment to see
Miss Lamoureux in person or by email to make sure that higher
level tutors are available. Junior High students do not need an
appointment. They just need to
show up after school on
Catholic education is an awesome vocation and responsibility. By being involved in the education mission of the
church, Catholic schools provide a hopeful response to
the great mysteries of life in an increasingly complex
world. Faith Development Day provides us, as a community of faith, with the opportunity to become more
deeply aware of the faith foundation of our lives and to
find inspiration to enter into our life’s work with deeper
I am confident that you will agree that such a day is critical to realizing our mission: “to provide a Catholic education that inspires students to learn and that prepares
them to live fully to serve God in one another.” (ECS
Mission Statement). For more information, please feel
free to call our school office at 780-435-3964.
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
SH Exam
Monday, Jan. 11
Regular classes
Tuesday, Jan. 12
Regular Classes
Wednesday, Jan. 13
Thursday, Jan. 14
9:00-12 noon
Eng. 30-1
Eng. 30-2
Part A
9:00-12 noon
Social Studies 30-1
Social Studies 30-2
Part A
Regular classes for
students who are not
writing this
Regular classes for
students who are not
writing this exam.
Tuesday, Jan. 19
Wednesday, Jan. 20
Thursday, Jan. 21
9:00-12 noon
English 30-1
English 30-2
Part B
Social 30-1
Social 30-2
Part B
Monday, Jan. 25
Tuesday, Jan. 26
Wednesday, Jan. 27
Thursday, Jan. 28
9:00-12 noon
Math 30-1
Math 30-2
9:00-12 noon
Physics 30
9:00-12 noon
Chemistry 30
9:00-12 noon
Science 30
Monday, Jan. 18
Friday, Jan. 15
Last Day of Sr.
High Classes
Friday, Jan. 22
9:00-12 noon
Biology 30
Friday, Jan. 29
Course Changes
***Please Note: all exams will be wr itten in the Louis gym except English & Social Studies Par t A
which will be written in the computer labs.
Personal Project
Attention: ALL Personal Project
students...It is not too late to start
work on and complete your personal
project. You can do it!
As you all know, the MYP program includes all students
from Gr. 7 to Gr.10. The Personal Project is a piece of
work that is the product of the student's own initiative
and creativity. It is a very important culminating activity, as it demonstrates the skills the student has developed over the course of the Middle Years IB Program. It is a school expectation that all Grade 10 students complete the personal project. Upon completion,
students receive 5 credits and are awarded the MYP
certificate awarded from Superintendent Joan Carr. If
you need help, see Miss Schatz in
room 124, or sign up for one of her
Baron Blocks.
Gr. 9 Immunizations
Capital Health nursing staff will be at Louis
St. Laurent School on Tuesday, February
16th to pr ovide all Gr ade 9 students
with their booster shots for Diphtheria,
Tetanus, and Pertussis and the vaccine to
protect against four strains of meningitis
bacteria. As well, students will receive their second
dose of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
Once immunization has been completed, the nursing
staff will stay at the school for 15 extra minutes to ensure that there are no adverse reactions to the vaccine.
Please make sure your child eats breakfast and wears
short sleeves to school on immunization day. Only
those students who have written permission from their
parents will receive the immunization. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
the Capital Health Centre in your area.
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Junior High Fun Day
In conjunction with our Phys. Ed. curriculum, we will have our annual Junior High Fun Day on Friday,
January 29th, 2016. Students can choose between visiting the W orld Famous W est Edmonton
Mall Water Park or visiting the majestic mountains of Jasper National Park and the Marmot Basin Ski
Resort. Permission forms for Marmot have already been sent home for parent signatures, and permission forms for WEM will be sent home on January 7th and are due back before January 21st. Please be
sure to sign the appropriate form and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher.
While the majority of students opt for some sun and surf at the Water Park, a handful of students make their way to the sunshine and blue skies of Marmot for the day. This year, we have one luxury coach bus hosted by Magic Bus tours that will
be taking approximately 50 students and 5 teachers to Jasper for the day. Students are asked to arrive at the school for 4:00
AM with buses depar ting at 4:30 shar p! Students will then have the oppor tunity to take par t in a mandator y one
hour lesson with a ski/snow board professional from the Marmot Ski Resort. After their morning lesson, students are free to
ski/board the hill at their leisure (within their ski/board abilities). We reunite as a group around 4:00 PM to turn in rentals
and board the bus for the return trip home. Students attending the Marmot Trip are also asked to bring change for lockers
and money for food. There are food services provided at the hill; however, these can be costly so students are also welcome
to bring bag-lunches/snacks. Students will not have access to the bus during the day (as the driver retires to one of the local
hotels to rest for the ride home). We encourage students to dress for the weather, but also to dress in layers. It is always
easier to take off layers than to find more warm ones. It can be very cold at the top of the hill and when riding on the chair
lifts. Wind chills can vary dramatically from the base of the mountain to the peak. Skiers and boarders are also encouraged
to take frequent breaks for hydration and to warm-up throughout the course of the day. The bus will return to the school at
approximately 9:00 PM.
In accordance with District policy, students going on the Jasper ski trip MUST also have participated in the ski trip to Rabbit Hill, which took place on Dec. 16th, 2015. District policy states:
“Mandatory Prerequisites:
a. All students who are assessed at beginner (green) ability shall participate in mandatory ski or snowboard lessons upon
arrival at the ski facility. Lessons shall take place before students are allowed to ski throughout the facility on their own.
Students who are assessed at intermediate (blue) or advanced (black) abilities shall also participate in mandatory lessons, but shall do so at any time during the day.
b. For all field trips occurring greater than 50 km outside of the City of Edmonton limits, one prior school sponsored ski
trip during the same ski season to a facility within 50 km of the City of Edmonton limits is required. This field trip shall
be used to familiarize students with the activity and assess their level of ability objectively. In the event that a student is
not able to attend the local ski trip, the student will not be allowed to participate in the subsequent field trip to the facility
that is located more than 50 km from the City of Edmonton limits.
For those students who choose to go to the West Edmonton Mall Waterpark, they are to be at school at the regular time of
8:24 AM with their bathing suits, towels, and any other swimming necessities. Chartered buses will transport students to
and from the Waterpark, and they will be back at the school in time for our regular 3:03 PM dismissal
time. There is a concession available at the waterpark, however it is quite expensive so students are
encouraged to bring a bagged lunch. They will also need to bring money for locker rentals. For safety reasons, parents cannot drop their child at the mall or pick them up early from the mall. ALL students will travel by chartered bus to and from the school.
If you have any questions or concerns, about either of these activities, feel free to contact the school
@ 780.435.3964. This will be a wonderful day of camaraderie and fun that we hope all junior high
students will be a part of, so mark the date on your calendar.
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
News From the
Business Office
January 14th, 2016 is the last day
to purchase January bus passes.
Please note that students must
have a January ETS bus pass if they want to use ETS
service after January 1st, 2016. Edmonton Transit
will not consider January 4th as a grace day. February bus passes will be sold from January 21st to February 10th, 2016 and if you want to avoid long
lineups you should purchase your February bus pass
January 15th, 2016 marks the end of Sr. High classes for semester one before exams start on January
19th. Students should return all semester one textbooks before they pick up textbooks for the next
semester. They must present their ID and
second semester schedules when getting
their new textbooks. All outstanding fees
for lost or damaged textbooks should be
cleared on the accounts before more textbooks will be issued.
If you have not already done so, please pay your outstanding school fees at the Business Office. Fees can
also be paid online through Powerschool. To discuss
payment options, contact our Business Manager, Ms.
JH Travel Plans
Travel to Ottawa & Quebec City
The Grade 9 Quebec Trip to the
Carnavale d’Hiver in Quebec City
is an annual excursion open to all grade 9 students.
Students arrive in Ottawa and take a tour of our nation’s capital. They see Sussex Drive, the Parliament
Building, the Supreme Court, and the National War
Museum of Ottawa and during the first night in town
they take a tour of an old prison, where the gallows
and cells are still intact. From Ottawa, they journey
onward to Quebec City, stopping in the middle to
have a meal in Montreal. Upon arrival in Quebec
City, students are enchanted by the charms and novelty of Quebec City. The culture, the language and the
European style of the city are all new experiences for
most the students attending. This trip is truly filled
with cultural richness. Activities include touring
around Old Quebec, dog sledding, a visit to an ice
hotel, and of course, spending time at the Winter Carnival. Le Carnaval de Quebec is a world renowned
winter carnival, and students always have a wonderful
experience participating in all the Canadian cultural
activities. This trip will take place from Jan. 27th to
Feb. 1st and we invite all gr. 9 students to consider
School Council
Our next School Council meeting will
take place at the school on Monday,
February 8th. We welcome all parents to join us at 7:00 PM.
JH Leadership
The month of December, was full of Christmas time
activities! The Leadership team was busy organizing
our Christmas event week, which happened from the 7th
to the 11th of December. During the week, Christmas
music was played in the foyer, staff and students were
encouraged to wear their Christmas hats on the Friday,
we showed Christmas movies during FLEX and we held
a gingerbread decorating contest. We also ran a Coats
for Kids Campaign, and the staff and students at LSL
brought in dozens of jackets, mittens, toques, scarves
and gloves. We sold candy cane grams and delivered
them to the recipients in everyone’s homeroom and last
but not least we organized our Christmas Dance! We
encouraged kids to dress up festively and it was a great
celebration to say farewell, until 2016!
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Graduation Banquet
June 2016
 The Graduation Banquet will take place on Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 @ the Shaw Conference Centre
 Begin on February 1st, 2016
 More information will be posted on the Louis St. Laurent website at a later date
 For any inquiries, please contact Mr. Sosnowski, Gr. 12 Graduation Commencement Ceremony and Banquet
Advisor, @ Clifford.sosnowski@ecsd.net
There are various functions associated with the Louis St. Laurent Graduation Commencement ceremonies and the
Graduation Banquet that require the assistance of parent volunteers. These include:
 Gr. 12 Graduation Liturgy and Commencement Ceremony tea (June 28th, 2016 from 8:00 PM – 10:30 PM at
St. Theresa’s Catholic Parish Hall)
 Gr. 12 Graduation Banquet (June 29th, 2016 at the Shaw Conference Centre)
The successful organization of these functions is not possible without your input and guidance. Your assistance
would be greatly appreciated.
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
Graduation Liturgy and Commencement Ceremony
June 2016
 The graduation Liturgy and Commencement ceremony will take place at St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Parish on
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016.
 Liturgy will begin at 8:00 PM.
 Contact Mr. Sosnowski, Grade 12 Graduation Commencement Ceremony Advisor at 780-435-3964 if you require
any Grad Commencement information.
 All Grade 12 graduates must register for the Graduation Liturgy and Commencement exercises.
 Registration started on Monday, December 7th, 2015 and must be completed by Friday, February 5th, 2016.
 To register, please see Mr. Sosnowski in Room 246. You can register daily between 11:30 AM - 12 noon.
 Registration costs $70.00, payable at the time of registration.
1. Grad Photo Cost (sitting fee & handshake photo).
2. Graduation Requirements (graduation cap & tassel, rental of graduation gown and V-Stole, and graduation portfolio
with a composite class photo, grad handshake photo, and graduation certificate).
3. One ticket to graduation Commencement ceremony. (Each graduate will receive 1 ticket to the ceremony. Extra
tickets must be purchased at a cost of $2.00 each).
 Caps and tassels, gowns, and V-Stoles will be distributed at St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Parish on June 28th at
6:30 PM. Gowns and V-Stoles must be returned following the ceremony.
 Composite photo, certificate, and handshake photo are presented at the ceremony.
 Grad photos will be taken fr om Tuesday, Febr uar y 16th to Thur sday, Febr uar y 18th, by appointment only.
Photos will be available for purchase during the first week of March and can be viewed and purchased on-line. More
information will come at a later date.
 Grad handshake photos of gr ads r eceiving their diplomas will take place on Fr iday, Febr uar y 19th star ting at
11:00 AM. All grads must have these photos taken at this time.
 Grad Retake Photos will be taken by appointment only. You must see Mr . Sosnowski to book an appointment.
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Coaches Corner
PE / Athletics Newsletter Submission
January, 2016
Welcome to 2016!! We hope your break was restful, safe and rejuvenating!!
As we enter the final weeks of semester one High School Phys. Ed. classes, please ensure that all of your son/daughter’s required components are completed, including any written assignments, service hours, etc.
Our Varsity Swim Team had a wonderful showing at the City Finals this year with a number of athletes placing extremely
well. Congratulations to: Madison Marquez-Stricker for winning the Silver Medal for the 200M fr ee style at the City
Championship! Way to go Maddie.
In Varsity Curling this year we had 3 teams compete in league play with two teams qualifying for playoffs. Good luck in
your playoff run and all the best in Zones. Qualifying for Provincials happens in the new year.
Basketball is in full swing. The Varsity Women are coached by Kevin Huber and Heidi McInnes. They have already completed two tournaments; Lillian Osborne Invitational and Sturgeon Composite “Rise Up!!” tournament. The Varsity Men are
coached by Mr. Tay Nsaliwa and have already enjoyed much success. They received the Bronze Medals in both the Lillian
Osborne Invitational and St. Paul Classic Basketball tournament.
Finally, the Junior Varsity Men’s basketball team is coached by Daniel Chrenek, Matthew Minenko and Kurt Engebretson;
Junior Varsity Women ar e coached by Ms. Stephanie O’Connor .
In Junior High Senior Basketball: Mr. Jason Moss and Ms. Jordan Anstice/Ms. Ashley Rakievich have picked their Senior
Teams and League play will begin in early January. They will be competing in their first tournament at Holy Trinity on January 6th - 8th, 2016.
The Junior High Junior Teams (Grade 7 and 8) will begin their tryouts in early January and will continue with practices and
tryouts before starting their exhibition play in late January. Ms. Jaclyn Lamoureux and Mrs. Sunshine Mauricio are teacher
sponsors for these teams and they will be coached by some of our Varsity Players. We are really excited about the young
new talent that is eager to play this year!!
The annual Green and Gold Basketball Classic is scheduled for Jan. 7th - 9th and features our Varsity Men, Varsity Women,
and Junior Varsity Men’s basketball teams with the opening game this year at 9:45 AM on Thursday, January 7th. We welcome your support for our Varsity Teams at this great event.
Finally, the High School Phys. Ed. ski trip to Lake Louise on March 21st - 23rd is fast appr oaching. All inter ested students need to have their payments in to Mr. Begoray by Feb. 1st, 2016. We look forward to this annual
highlight to our athletics year. Pray for lots of snow!
Welcome to the NEW YEAR!! It pr omises to be full of possibilities!
Jaret Peel
Athletic Director
Electronic Parent Newsletters
Are you getting our monthly parent newsletters via
email? If you do not receive our newsletters electronically, please ensure that we have a current
email address on file at the school. Also, on the
Student Verification Document that you signed at
the beginning of this school year, there was a Consent to Communicate Through Electronic Means
section that needed to be signed indicating your
consent to have communication from the school sent
to you.
There are two options available to you.
1. Receive all electronic communications from
2. Only receive attendance messages and emergency messages
If you choose option #2, you will not receive our
monthly school newsletters.
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
MYP Service Action
LSL’s CSI team was very active this month. MYP students volunteered their time at Rosedale Senior home
where they poured coffee and handed out cake at the
Christmas Tea. Students also had fun dancing with all
the seniors.
“It was really fun to serve, because you are helping people. It is a good experience to work with
your friends.”
-Trinity Grade 9
“It was lots of fun to visit with the seniors!”
- Abby Grade 7
Let’s Bake...
As part of MYP Service Action the CSI students led the
student bake sale for the Sign of Hope. With the help of
the whole CSI team, selling popcorn and baking, students were able to raise $175.00 to donate to those in
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
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