SPCS Newsletter December 18, 2015


SPCS Newsletter December 18, 2015
Weekly Newsletter
201 5
Monday 1/4/16
Weekly Scrip Orders
DUE by noon
——————————PPP Hours Collected
(only if you have hours
to be recorded)
BOB 2:35-3:30pm
Tuesday 1/5/16
Regular Day
Wednesday 1/6/16
Regular Day
Thursday 1/7/16
Institute of America
Friday 1/8/16
8:00am All School Mass
(dress uniform)
Institute of America
Girls Choir Sings At Carlsbad Tree
Nine girls from the St. Patrick Catholic
School Choir sang at the Carlsbad Tree
Lighting on Saturday, December 6th. The
Rotary Club sponsored this annual event
that took place on the corner of Coast
Hwy and Carlsbad Village Drive. St. Pat’s
was one of many groups to join in the
Thank you to the girls choir for doing
such a great job representing St. Pat’s
out in the community. A big thank you to
our music teacher, Mrs. Herriman, for
Pictured left to right: Natalie Shippen, Anna
organizing the choir and playing
Bruchez, Caroline Geiling, Clara Devlin, Maureen
Gergurich, Emerson Casola, Mikayla Nang, Maya
Basista and Capri Suarez.
Christmas Break
December 21, 2015-January 1, 2016
January 10, 2016
Gospel Reading
Principal Message...
Dear Parents,
Be the Light
Christmas is often described as a celebration of the moment when Jesus brought his light
into the world. By the example of his life he demonstrated how we, as Christians, could take
that light, make it our own and share it with others. It is that simple.
It is our hope that all of us will take to heart the Christmas message, making the light we
have been given burn even brighter. This way we can truly spread the Christmas message
amongst everyone who is in our lives. I hope your light burns brightly and that the message
of Christmas takes center stage in all of our lives as we welcome in another New Year.
We wish you a joy-filled, merry, grace-filled and bright
Mrs. Nelson and the entire staff at Saint Patrick Catholic School
Now the
people were
filled with
and all were
asking in their
whether John
might be
Luke 3:15
Message From Father Bill
“My Soul Magnifies the Lord”
Luke 1:39-55 = This Sunday’s Gospel at Mass
When Mary visits Elizabeth,
she exclaims, “Blessed is
she who believed that there
would be fulfillment of what
was spoken to her by the
Lord” (v.45). Blessed was
Mary for her hope and her
faith. Blessed are we, to
have this same hope and
faith in the fulfillment of
God’s promise to his
The way that Mary’s faith
was fulfilled was amazing. It
wasn’t quite the royal birth
that one would expect for
the King of Kings. Instead, it
was quite radically the
opposite. As the Catechism
of the Catholic Church notes,
“In this poverty heaven’s
glory was made
manifest” (525,cf. Lk 2:6-7).
It makes you think, doesn’t
it? Perhaps your faith is
shaken when things don’t
seem to be going according
to plan. The situation of the
Lord’s birth certainly
wouldn’t match most
parents’ hopes. But God
has a plan, and he never
fails. And what joy in the
fulfillment of our hope and
faith. Our souls can magnify
the Lord—he is coming!
May you and your family have
a Very Happy and Holy
~Fr. Bill
First Quarter Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following students who made Honor Roll for the first quarter. These
students earned straight A’s in every graded subject! These students received recognition at
Monday’s assembly and received a pizza lunch party. Way to go! Keep up the hard work!
5th Grade
Martin, Parker
McDonald, Henry
O’Bryan Annabelle
Jaxon Elsner
Ralph, Courtney
Ramirez, Blake
Ramirez, Zachary
Taitano, Maggie
6th Grade
Archdeacon, Sinead
Basista, Maya
Bayer, Emily
Burke, Lehli
Corrigan, Claire
Farwell, Coral
Grimes, Charles
Hartmann, Alyssa
Hitchcock, Abigail
Krommenhoek, Noel
McBride, Hayden
Munro, Thomas
Shebest, Shane
Suarez, Capri
VonHerbulis, Brinely
Washkowiak, Kayliegh
7th Grade
Blom, Carter
Elsner, Wyatt
Fanucchi, Vincent
Lomax, Alivia
Marquiss, Elizabeth
O’Bryan Ainsley
Park, Amanda
Rocha, Kiyomi
Rubio, Allison
Shatto, Katrina
Simons, Shea
Such, Shelby
Taitano, Annie
Torres, Zachary
Wagner, Wyatt
Welle, Chris
8th Grade
Archdeacon, Conor
Atilano, Teresa
Bell, Spencer
Bunchman, Annaliese
Corrigan, Finn
Dorocak, Jonathan
Elsner, Jaxon
Flores, Gabriella
Heitman, Layla
Knepler, Kylie
Lauro, Madelyn
Nash, Cameron
Nash, Nathan
Pentlarge, Catie
Schubert, Kendall
Wagner, Megan
Zyburt, Michael
208 Total students in
5th-8th; 26.92%
Send In Your Photos For the Yearbook
Break can be a perfect time for you to upload and share your photos of school events for the yearbook!!
We have a flickr account this year, follow the steps and upload your pictures into the folder that matches
the event. If your event does not have a folder created please email us at yearbook@stpaddys.org and
we will create one for you!
1. go to http://flickr.com/
2. for the user name type in: stpaddyscsbd
3. for the password type in: goirish
4. click on the
and choose which photos to upload
5. on the left side there is an option to “add to album” where you can select the appropriate
album to add the pictures to
6. when done, click the blue “upload photos” button to put the pictures into the appropriate albums
The more pictures we have to choose from, the better the yearbook! Keep capturing those precious moments!
Mrs. Herriman
8th Grade
6th Grade
1st & 2nd Grades
Faith, love and hope filled the church as the students of St. Pat’s sang their hearts out at this year’s Christmas Program.
The church was standing room only and those in attendance were treated to a beautiful, memorable evening. Thank
you to all the students for giving it your all and bringing the true meaning of Christmas to all of us. Thank you to Mrs.
Herriman for your vision and orchestrating these amazing nights! Thank you to Jeanette Carona, the musicians and all
the helpers who made this possible. What a blessing to be a part of such an amazing community! For more
pictures, go to the St. Pat’s PTG page on the last page of the school website.
Be In The Know!!! Important Info!!!
Thank you One Stone! Christmas
To Look
To view all the Sports
Mark your calendars! The Fall
Sweater/Jean Day raised $607 for the Capital Campaign!!
Ahead on the calendar click here.
Every date you need to know is on the school website calendar.
Schedules, please click here or contact your Team Parent.
Sports Awards will take place January 21, 2016 at 2:00pm in the assembly area.
PTG Happenings
by PTG Presidents: Dawn Simons and Thai Park
Hello St. Pat’s Families,
What a fantastic four months!
performances….just to name a
contributions to our
St. Pat’s is awesome! We
school. We wish each and
packed a crazy load of activity
into 15 weeks and celebrated so
many successes as a community,
all in the midst of ongoing school
construction. (Kindergarten
Picnic, Back to School Coffee
and Breakfast, Under the Big
Top Fall Festival, Seas the
Night Auction, family dinner
nights, One Stone jeans days,
St. Pat’s Angels food drive and
all sorts of community service
activities, Red Ribbon Week,
Veterans Day Mass, 9/11
Thank you Mrs. Herriman
and Mrs. Carona for
orchestrating the perfect
program to send all of us off
into Christmas break. All of
these wonderful
accomplishments could only
happen with a community
made up of enthusiastic and
energetic parents, students,
faculty, and staff. Everyone,
every one of you a restful
break, good cheer, and
time with your loved ones.
Remember that this
season is about Jesus.
Remain grateful for all of
your blessings. Have a
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year! We
look forward to seeing
everyone again in 2016!
please pat yourselves on the
~Dawn and Thai on
behalf of your entire
Memorial Mass, All Saints’
We would like to thank
Mass, sports wins, First
everyone for your continued
positive energy
for our Box
PTG Leadership
Tops and Scrip
programs, and
finally, 2
incredible nights
of Christmas
Pictured left to right: Treasurer, Kathleen Dea; Secretary, Jen O’Bryan; Co-President,
Thai Park; Vice President, Angela Ybarrondo; Co-President, Dawn Simons
Lifelong Learners:
Work diligently to achieve progress in all subject
Develop organizational and study skills.
Demonstrate curiosity, creativity, and enthusiasm
for learning.
St. Patrick Catholic School fosters a
community where students grow in
faith and knowledge in order to bring
Christ’s light to the world.
Independent Thinkers:
Apply problem-solving skills confidently.
Set, plan, and work toward achieving goals
Think critically and innovatively.
Grateful and Giving Individuals:
Display an attitude of gratitude.
Share their gifts with others.
Serve all of God’s creation.
Honest and Respectful Citizens:
Make good choices, seek truth, and are kind.
Accept responsibility for their choices.
Listen actively and respond appropriately.
We, as educators, serve our
community as a ministry of the
Catholic Church.
We believe faith formation is
essential in the development of a
We recognize and support parents in
their role as primary educator of
their child.
We believe every child can grow
academically to meet the challenges
of our changing world.
We guide students to be responsible
citizens who serve others.
St. Patrick Catholic School
Thoughtful Catholic Leaders:
Learn and grow in the teachings of the Church.
Know and model Catholic virtues.
Build and participate in a Catholic faith community.
Be the Light!
3820 Pio Pico Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: 760-729-1333
Admissions: 760-547-8391
Business Manager: 760-510-4823
Fax: 760-729-5174
School Website: www.stpaddys.org