July / August - Reading Area Community College


July / August - Reading Area Community College
The Front Street Journal
Reading Ar ea Community Colleg e
Reading, PA
News in and around RACC n http://www.racc.edu/stu_activities/FSJ.html n JULY/AUGUST 2007 n Vol. XI n No. 4 n Free
Reading Area Community College Welcomes Dr. Anna D. Weitz
By Janel Spiegel
Sudent Writer
Photo courtesy of Dr. Anna D. Weitz.
Dr. Anna D. Weitz is the new
president of Reading Area
approaches the college with
great optimism and has nothing
but kind words for her
predecessor. Dr. Kratz left the
college in good hands with a
leader who is optimistic, smart,
and looking to the future. The
Front Street Journal had the
opportunity to sit and meet with
Dr. Weitz in her office located in
Berks Hall. Angelina Wolf,
Weitz's Senior Administrative
Assistant, was kind enough to set
up the meeting. Weitz’s office is
still quite bare with photos
waiting to adorn the walls, but
her desk is full of items. She is
certainly taking the time to
familiarize herself with Reading
Area Community College. She
attended the “Making A
Difference” breakfast held for
student leaders where she spoke
to several students. As I spoke to
her, she told me about her
professional journey and how
she arrived at RACC. Weitz
explained, “I actually started my
professional career many years
ago. I grew up in New England
and after I got my Master's
degree, my first full time
professional job was at Lycoming
College in Williamsport. From
there, I went to the community
college in Williamsport, which
actually does not even exist
anymore. It is now Penn College
of Technology, and is owned by
Penn State."
Weitz has worked for quite a
few colleges. She has worked in
administrative positions for
Fulton-Montgomery Community
College, Johnstown, N.Y.; Raritan
Valley Community College,
Somerville, N.J.; Williamsport
Williamsport, Lycoming County;
Lycoming College, Williamsport.
Due to this vast experience, she
has plenty of knowledge
regarding community colleges.
Before she arrived at RACC she
was set to remain in Johnstown.
"I was more than likely going to
stay at my position in Johnstown."
When the position became open
at RACC though, she decided to
give it a try. She certainly was a
good choice; someone to lead
RACC forward as Dr. Kratz and
Dr. Zogas had done in the past.
Weitz has over thirty years of
experience. She spoke about her
many years of experience and
her thoughts on community
colleges. She spoke about Boston
University and talked about the
busy elements of Boston
compared to the city of Reading.
She feels the spirit of the city, just
as she did in Boston. Weitz said "I
administratively and then went
to the senior administrative
position at a community college
in Upstate, N.Y. I was there for
about twelve years and then I was
Highlands in 2002. I came to
RACC because of a number of
different things. I fell in love with
the concept of community
colleges and moved to a
community college in New
Jersey, where I was in student
services, career development,
and financial aid."
continued on page 3 ä
RACC Students Visit NYC
Marvin Wiley
Student Writer
The International Student
Club and the Phi Theta Kappa
Honor Society organized a bus
trip to New York City on May 12,
2007. The purpose of the trip was
to explore the United Nation’s
Headquarters, the Metropolitan
Art Museum, and Saint Paul’s
Chapel located near the World
Trade Center. During RACC’s
tour of the U.N, our tour guide
explained to us how the U.N
operates and the role it plays in
the global community. We
learned that the General
Assembly, Security Council, and
the Economic and Social
Council make up the main
bodies of the U.N. The General
Assembly is the main deliberative
body of the U.N. The General
Assembly of the United Nations
consists of representatives from
countries that are members of
the U.N. Each representative
from a country has one vote on
important issues regarding
security, peace and admission of
new members. The purpose of
the Security Council is to
maintain international peace
and security. The Economic and
Social Council is responsible for
promoting employment, higher
standards of living, identifying
solutions to global, social, and
economic and health problems,
and also to encourage economic
and social progress. We learned
how the U.N works with the
international community to
make the world a better place
today and for future generations.
After touring the U.N, we
took a break and ate at the world
famous Hard Rock Café in Times
Square. Everyone marveled at
the rock memorabilia and
enjoyed their meals over
contemporary rock music. After
eating, many people spent their
remaining free time shopping in
the Hard Rock Café gift shop.
The brave few opted to venture
out into the busy, fast-paced New
York streets to experience the
city in its rawest form. Milla
Cassidy managed to find time to
shop at one of her favorite
clothing stores, Strawberry,
located within the New York port
authority. Other students were
able to shop at the popular Hello
Kitty store located about four
blocks away from Times Square.
When it came time to board the
bus to leave the Hard Rock Café
many people noticed a film crew
and actors filming scenes for a
possible future feature film. After
a ten minute bus ride we arrived
at Saint Paul’s Chapel located a
few minutes from the World
Trade Center. Many people
explored the self-guided 9/11
exhibit while others reflected
silently standing behind the
gates that separate ground zero
from the present modern world.
Our last destination in the big
apple was a visit to the
Metropolitan Art Museum.
There, we explored the history of
all cultures and places from the
statues of the Greek gods to the
Pharaoh’s tombs of Ancient
Before departing, a handful
of people visited Central Park
and enjoyed the warm breeze
coming off the lake. Denise
Tevenal returned to the bus
carrying many souvenirs from
her excursion of vendor street
shopping. Not only did people
return to RACC with souvenirs
from New York but also with
pleasant, fun-filled memories of
a beautiful day of learning,
exploring and having a greater
understanding of ourselves and
each other.
Look inside . . .
Page 4
Page 6
Club Corner
RACC Idol:
An Insider’s
by Diem H. Bui
Page 6
Page 7
The Inspiration
DVD Review
by Destiny Martell
by Janel Spiegel
The Front
Street Journal
The Student Newspaper of
Reading Area
Community College
The Student Union Building
10 South Second Street
Reading, PA 19603
610-372-4721, Ext. 5262
Danelle Bower
Layout & Design
Reading Area Community
College Graphics Department
Printed by The Windsor Press
Megan Domanski
Associate Editor
Janel Spiegel
Letter from the Outgoing Editor
By Megan Domanski
A Letter from the Incoming Editor
By Diem Bui
Staff Writers
Abigail McFerran
Kat Drexler
Jaclyn Fenstermacher
Associate Editor
Launick Saint-Fort
SAB Representative
Sophia Rivera
Staff Writer
Pam Glogg
The opinions expressed in this
newspaper are the opinions of the
writers and do not reflect the views of
the college administration, faculty, or
The mission of the Front Street Journal
is to provide a forum of the free
exchange of ideas and information
among all members of the college
All letters must be signed. Keep it
short, simple and to the point.
Character assassination will not be
allowed. Letters should be typed or
neatly printed with the writer’s name,
address and phone number clearly
visible. The Front Street Journal
reserves the right to reject any letter
for publication. No reason must be
also elected an associate editor for next year;
Launick Saint-Fort; and Sophia Rivera will serve as
SAB representative. Though I’m moving on to my
four-year institution, I’m looking forward to
keeping tabs on the Front Street Journal and seeing
where this year’s staff takes it. Already they’re
planning for the Front Street Journal’s involvement in
the Greater Berks Literary Fest this October, make
sure to keep an eye out for what they have in store.
This is an exciting time for RACC. We have a
new president, and the transition from terms to
semesters. Through it all, the staff of the Front Street
Journal will strive to keep students, staff, and faculty
informed of what’s going on on campus. As always,
if you’re interested in joining, contact us, we’re
always happy to have someone new join the club.
Well this is it, my final issue as editor of the
Front Street Journal. It’s been a challenging year but
enjoyable, and definitely a good learning
experience. This issue serves as a sort of wrap-up
for the 2006-2007 school year, covering a lot of
events that happened in May and June. Be sure to
check out the club corner to read about what some
of the clubs have been involved with this year, and
consider joining them as they move on to next
With this issue, I am completely turning over
the reins to our newly elected Editor-in-chief for
the 2007/2008 school year, Diem Bui (see her
letter below). She has already shown a great v
enthusiasm for the paper and wants to see the Front
Street Journal better serve RACC. I am confident the
newspaper will thrive under her supervision. We’ve
Business Manger
Tabitha Warden
Diem Bui
Dear student friends and faculty,
My name is Dee Bui. Being
from the small town of Telford,
north of Philadelphia and east of
Reading, I have grown to love the
city and familiar faces at RACC.
People say college is your second
home; RACC really is my second
home because I am here almost
everyday of the week, trying to
distribute my time between
attending classes on a full-time
schedule; working in the Center
for Academic Success under Al
Vanim, Advantage Program
Coordinator, alongside Milla
Gillam, work-study and the
Advantage staff; participating in
Association and (my favorite) the
Front Street Journal. RACC is the
“right place, the right choice,”
because I am experiencing it all;
getting my education, making
friends, working for the college,
and having the opportunity to
grow as an independent learner.
Although it is disheartening
to detach from our previous
Editor, Megan Domanski, I must
tell you that I am truly excited to
become the new Editor of Front
Street Journal. In the past few
weeks while working closely with
Megan on this last issue and
preparing for the responsibilities
of becoming the new Editor, I
blossomed onto a deeper level.
Megan taught me so much
already, but there is so much
more to learn!
participating for the first time
with Alvernia College and
Kutztown University, in the
Festival.” Throughout October
the entire Berks County will be
dedicated to the events of the
inaugural “Reading Reads.”
“Organized by a volunteer
committee of Berks County
authors, educators, artists, and
illustrators, the Literary Festival
is designed to raise the awareness
of the area's literary heritage, the
interest in contemporary writing,
and the importance of reading
and the written word” (excerpt
from readingreads.org). Restaurants,
bookstores, libraries, Alvernia
College, Kutztown University,
and Reading Area Community
readings, book readings, book
microphone” programs.
I am earnestly looking
forward to participating in the
Greater Reading Literary Festival
and I encourage anyone to
contact me if you are interested
in being a part of this special
event. Please check out the
website for more information on
the “Greater Reading Literary
Festival” in October. Log onto
I hope to steer the Front Street
Journal in a postitive direction;
we have so much to look forward
to! The nominations and
elections are now over. Besides
myself, Launick Saint-Fort is the
new Associate Editor, and Sophia
Rivera is the new SAB
representative. In addition, we
would love to have someone fill
in for the Business Manager. We
are also anticipating new
equipment, a voice recorder for
interviewing purposes and a
Summer is a time for
vacations and relaxation . . . not
for many of us! Because we are
on a time crunch to get this issue
out to you, I will keep my
comments short and sweet. Let
me leave you with this quote by
Thomas Paine, “That which we
obtain too easily, we esteem too
lightly. It is dearness only which
gives everything its value.
Heaven knows how to put a
proper price on its goods.” As
you walk the campus, please ask
yourself what difference you can
make for our college and get
your voice heard through Front
Street Journal. Don’t be afraid to
take action, try something new
and get involved.
Thank you for welcoming me
to Front Street Journal!
Diem H. Bui (Dee)
“That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too
lightly. It is dearness only which gives
everything its value. Heaven knows how
to put a proper price on its goods.”
~ Thomas Paine
A Jazzy Afternoon
Lou Zmroczek
Contractors were installing
sod around the Miller Center for
the Arts in the May sunshine.
The Bertoia fountain was finally
in place, having spent several
months on the lawn outside
Yocum Library. Inside the Miller
Center, the contractors worked
steadily to finish the stainless
steel facing on the stairs to the
balcony. It was Thursday, May 24
and the Parsons Group was
scheduled to perform at a gala
on June 2.
Before that grand celebration, however, a special
performance was scheduled for
the RACC community– students,
faculty and staff. The Dave
Cullen Jazz Quartet performed a
lunchtime concert to an
appreciative audience at 12:30
p.m. I know because I was there.
It’s unusual to hear jazz in the
afternoon – jazz musicians are
used to a late night schedule that
is incompatible with driving in
from Philadelphia early in the
morning for an afternoon
concert. But there they were –
looking and sounding mellow.
Dave Cullen (on guitar)
Posmontier on keyboards, Erik
Johnson on drums and Chico
Huff on bass. Dave Cullen, a
local musician, is currently an
Artist-in-Residence at Elizabethtown College and teaches Jazz
and Classical Guitar at Kutztown
As the audience relaxed in
the cool darkness, the band
played jazz standards as well as
compositions by Dave Cullen and
Dave Posmontier. As I listened to
the band play, it somehow
seemed appropriate that a local
musician should be the first to
perform in the Miller Center.
At the conclusion of the
concert, an appreciative audience
applauded both the theatre and
the band. Then everyone
tumbled out of the theatre into
the dazzling sunshine, smiling as
they walked toward their
afternoon commitments.
If you’re curious about Dave
Cullen, you can find information
Spring Fling
Welcome Dr. Weitz
continued from page 1 ä
In speaking with Weitz about
a number of topics, it is evident
that she is investing a great deal
of time and energy into RACC.
She is dedicated and truly takes
an interest in the students and
faculty. She demonstrated this
act today as she was making her
rounds on campus. While the
students had classes in Yocum,
Weitz paid us a visit. She stopped
in our Spanish 1 class and was
welcomed by our instructor,
Alexis Jardine. It shows true
dedication on her behalf. She is
well educated on community
colleges. She spoke about the
Highlands. She is aware of the
new Schmidt Training &
Technology Center. She spent
one of her first days there for the
grand opening. Dr. Weitz takes
the initiative to fully educate
herself. She said, "I really
understand the system or the
organization rather, of community colleges. I've been a
community college educator for
many years."
She also encourages social
responsibility. "I believe in social
responsibility, disagreeing in
ways that are not destructive.”
When Dr. Weitz is not at
RACC, she enjoys going to
antique shops. She likes Jazz
music and said, "I am looking
forward to the Jazz music in the
area." She mentioned if the
students do enjoy antiques, they
would catch her out and about.
She looks for useful items and
she also enjoys reading. She
spoke about the light mysteries
she reads or "English cozies" as
she refers to the readings. She
reads books by Dick Francis and
Sara Paretsky. Both of the
authors write the type of material
that Dr. Weitz enjoys reading;
good mysteries with an Agatha
Christie twist. She has a motto
that she sticks to, "To thy own
self, be true." She said she feels
that it is a positive message. She
also mentioned that she does a
lot of professional reading.
RACC now has another leader
who will work hard to make sure
we always move forward.
Welcome to RACC, Dr. Weitz.
Sources for the article and the
photo: Dr. Anna Weitz, The Reading
Eagle and Angelina Wolf
For further information:
Dr. Anna Weitz: http://www.racc.
For more information on:
Sara Paretsky: http://www.sara
Sophia Rivera
Student Writer
Labor Day (College Closed)
Practical Nursing Graduation (6pm)
Academic Success/Orientation Program
(8am – 2pm)
Last Day to Apply for Fall 2007
10-Oct. 5 Financial Aid Bookstore charges
Academic Success/Orientation
Program (8am – 2pm)
Academic Success/Orientation Program
Megan Domanski
On June 9th, 2007 at 7 p.m.,
the curtain lifted at the Miller
Center for the Arts to reveal the
RACC Concert Choir in all their
red carpet glory. The ball gown
and tuxedo-clad choir members
treated students, staff, faculty,
family and friends to “A Night at
the Movies”, a spring concert
showcasing some well-known
songs from movies. The concert
opened with a medley of songs
from MGM musicals, continuing
on through a variety of music
from musicals, Disney movies,
and others. Some members sang
solos, especially in the second
act. The closing song was a
memorable gospel rendition of
“Bridge Over Troubled Water”.
This concert was significant
in two ways. One, it was the first
the choir had in an actual
theater, and two, it was the last
with director Ray Rhoads. Linda
Ebersole, who has previously
served as accompianist, is now
the director, helping the choir
prepare for next season.
As a member of the choir, I
know the great amount of time
and effort put into this concert;
and it was well worth it to hear
how much people enjoyed their
evening. In my opinion, this was
the choir’s best concert thus far,
and it’ll be exciting to see what
Linda has in store for next year.
On May 17, 2007, The
students and faculty of Reading
enjoyed a fun-filled day at its
annual Spring Fling. The event
was almost like a mini carnival.
There were games, clowns,
contests and music. Students
were also offered a free lunch or
All of the different clubs got
together and did their part to
entertainment for this event.
The International Students Club
provided visors for the children v
to decorate with stickers of their
choice. At the end of the day, the
members of the club helped all
the children of the Early
Learning Center design their
own visor. The Student Activities
Board held a scavenger hunt; the
prize was a gift certificate to the
All of the proceeds raised
from this event went to a fund to
benefit those affected by the
Virginia Tech tragedy. We were
able to raise about five hundred
dollars. At the end of the day it
felt good to have done our part.
Everyone had a good time but it
felt better to know we had a part
in helping those in need.
A Night at
the Movies
Parents’ Orientation Program (5-8pm)
Last Day for Placement Testing for the
Fall 2007
Faculty Return & Staff Development
Last Day to Register for Fall 2007 Term
(All Students)
Last Day to Withdraw from the Fall
(with a Full Refund of Tuition and Fees)
Club Corner
International Club
“Students of the World”
Submitted by Mandy Schneider
The International Student
Club had a very busy and
successful school year 2006/07.
The Club was involved in many
different events on campus and
off campus.
In the beginning of the year,
International Fall Festival, which
was held on October 6, 2006. We
had a lot of food from various
restaurants like Buca de Peppo,
Wegman’s, Panda Haven, and
many more. We also had great
On January 23, 2007 the
International Student Club
participated at the Festival of
Holidays held by the Berks
County Chambers of Commerce.
This event was similar to our
International Fall Festival. In the
same week on January 25, 2007
the Club helped out at the Games
Night with the Children’s Home
of Reading. This event was
planned by the Student Activities
Board and all the members
thought is was wonderful and
had a lot of fun with the
In addition, our members
participated in this year’s Relay
for Life of Reading, which was
held on April 13, 14, 2007. The
Club had an outstanding team
with the name “Students of the
World”. We stayed all night at the
event and played games while we
were walking around the track.
Our theme was based on the
country Egypt and we raised
more than $1,000. We look
forward to next year’s Relay for
Life of Reading.
The International Club and
Phi Theta Kappa organized a bus
trip to New York on May 12,
2007. The trip sold out very
quickly and students had the
chance to visit the United
Nations, Hard Rock Café,
Metropolitan Museum.
International Club’s upcoming
events for the new, 07/08 school
year. If you would like to take
part in this year’s activities please
contact the International Club
“Students of the World” advisor,
Jill Crammer at extension #
Phi Theta Kappa
Submitted by Rick Weinhoffer
The Alpha Sigma Rho Chapter
of Phi Theta Kappa at Reading
completed the academic year
with pride in their accom-
anticipation for the 2007/2008
During June 2006, Project
Graduation collection resulted in
76 books, 70 food items and 87
non-food items, which were
donated to Berks Women in
Alex’s Lemonade sale at the
Spring Fling raised $110 for
Pediatric Cancer Research. And
Alpha Sigma Rho members
served as ushers at the First
Annual Solar Flair Art Walk.
Just before the Fall term
began at RACC in September,
the student leaders of all of the
campus organizations were
invited to a weekend retreat at
Camp Conrad Weiser. The
activities involved team building,
problem solving and learning to
do things the RACC way.
In October, a bake sale was
held to benefit the gift bag
project for senior citizens.
In mid-November the chapter
welcomed 30 new members at
the Fall Induction ceremony
where Dr. Gary E. Rizzo, RACC’s
new Vice President of Academic
Affairs/Provost, was the main
In the mad rush of the
holiday season, Kappans were
very busy with chapter activities
including Gift wrapping at
Borders in Wyomissing and
another day-long leadership
seminar in the Schmitt Center.
Alpha Sigma Rho held a bake
sale in the Berks Hall lobby to
raise money for chapter travel
expenses. And we participated in
perhaps the most fun-filled
activity of the year, Game Night
with some of the youngsters from
the Children’s Home of Reading.
Members of all of the campus
clubs had dinner and played
games with these young people.
Each of our guests left the SUB
with some RACC souvenirs,
excited to attend next year.
The Student Government
Association sponsored the First
Brown Bag Lunch in February
which gave the club officers
another chance to meet and talk
and find out how the different
clubs are progressing.
During March, Tara Braam,
Jessica Cho and Peggy Mull
traveled to Valley Forge with Dr.
Singleton for the 2007 Mid States
convention. The RACC chapter
of Phi Theta Kappa was
recognized as a Five Star
Chapter, which means that it has
reached the highest levels in the
areas of Leadership, Scholarship,
Fellowship and Service.
Peggy Mull also chaired The
Better World Book project which
collected 386 gently used text
books for redistribution in other
areas of the United States.
The Alpha Sigma Rho’d Crew
participated in Relay for Life in
April and raised over $3600.
This year the Kappans began
a new partnership with the Berks
County Conservancy and on
April 28 worked with some of the
residents of South 10th Street to
revitalize Amanda’s garden.
The International Students’
Club and Phi Theta Kappa
sponsored a bus trip to New York
City in May to visit Ground Zero,
The United Nations and the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Ceremony, in May, welcomed 33
new members to Alpha Sigma
Rho which brings the total
membership to over 1000. It was
also announced the First Annual
Scholarship was awarded to Lou
Zmroczek, Peggy Mull and Rick
Weinhoffer. The enhanced
membership is obtained through
attendance and participation in
chapter activities.
For those who may have
noticed the flower beds along
the walkway to the Yocum
Library, that is the latest project
of the Kappans. On May 19, we
started to carve out what we hope
will become an ongoing project
to beautify our campus.
RACC Concert Choir
Submitted by Megan Domanski
The concert choir has just
ended its last season with Ray
Rhoads as conductor. They had a
very productive year with two
major concerts and some smaller
In December, the choir once
again shared selections from
Handel's Messiah with the
college and community. Also in
December, members of the choir
joined students, staff, and faculty
in Christmas Caroling and gift
bag distribution and the Reading
Elderly Housing complex.
The theme for the spring
concert in June was "A Night at
the Movies" and featured
selections of music from movies.
This was the first concert held in
the new Miller Center for the
Other events choir members
participated in were both fall
and spring Phi Theta Kappa
induction ceremonies, and
December and June commencement.
Student Activities Board
Submitted by Megan Domanski
This year has been very busy
for the Student Activities Board.
Towards the beginning of the
school year, we brought in Hilby
the Skinny German Juggle Boy to
entertain students in the RACC
cafeteria. SAB also sponsored
Jeff Yalden, a motivational
speaker who came to talk to
students in November.
Around the holidays, SAB was
involved with community service
projects such as the Salvation
Army Angel Tree and the holiday
caroling and gift bag distribution
to the residents at the Reading
Elderly Apartments.
In January, RACC invited
residents from the Children’s
Home of Reading to come and
eat dinner and play games with
student leaders. SAB helped plan
this event and invited members
of other clubs to come out and
A new event for this year was
the Mardi Gras celebration held
in March. This event successfully
raised slightly over a thousand
dollars for the American Cancer
Society’s Relay for Life. Also in
March we attended the APCA
training and to choose some
groups and individuals to come
to the college in the 2007-2008
school year.
In May, the SAB held the
Spring Fling, a big party and
picnic for RACC students, staff,
and faculty. Over $400 was raised
for a fund to benefit Virginia
Tech victims.
In the last few weeks of the
school year, Celebration of the
Arts and RACC idol showcased
the talents of members of the
RACC community.
Already there are some
exciting events planned for next
year from SAB, and more to
come. Make sure to keep an eye
out, there’s lots of room for
Student Government Association
Submitted by Launick Saint-Fort
The Student Government
Association had quite a few
accomplishments this year.
Contributions to the RACC
community and the community
in general included: gifts for the
elderly, the discount card
program for students, DVDs for
the Yocum library, providing
student services (fax, copier),
wireless internet in the Student
Against Cancer Chapter, Lobby
continued on page 7 ä
Congratulations Graduates!
Commencement exercises were held Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at The Sovereign Center
Associate in Arts Degree
Baba M. Abdallah
Nicole E. Albert-Walsh
**Ashley K. Allgyer
Berline Almonacy
Sheena E. Anene
Paula L. Arndt
Georgine E. Born
***Georgia L. Brown
Kenneth J. Brown
Dawne R. Buchman
*Leola C. Bungie
Belitza Burgos
*Evelyn F. Burke
Jesse L. Bussell
Corey L. Castner
Sarah K. Chandler
*Megan J. Domanski
Alexis DeJesus
Sharon A. DellaMonica
Lindsey E. Dierolf
Shirley M. DiPillo-Caputi
Laura Donnelly
Tyler J. Donohue
John T. Donovan
Julie B. Edlow
Sevinc Erdas Uzumcu
*Arianna Estes
Brittany A. Farina
Megan R. Faulkner
Susan M. Feaster
Jaclyn R. Fenstermacher
*Konstance A. Folk
Derek P. Fontana
**Tara L. Frymoyer
*Aimee R. Gilmore
Judith Gonzalez
Tiffanie M. Guiles
Cindy A. Heimbach
Michael W. Hepner, Jr.
Brian Scott Hettrick, Jr.
**Matthew R. Higgs
Christy J. Horst
*Alicia J. Hunter
Jayme L. Hunter
*Emelinda V. Huyett
Jessica L. Jolly
*Cristina Johnson
Jason A. Jones
***Tiffani L. Jones-Montgomery
**Eric M. Kaag
Christopher J. Kantner
*Janet E. Keehn
*Amy B. Keeney
Nadine M. Khateeb
Frances Khawaja
Charles Kimball
Jason J. Kiwak
*Dominique M. Kopashy
***Linda L. Kozlowski
**Samantha L. Kramer
Andrew S. Lavine
**Brandon C. Levesque
**Douglas L. Litchert
Kimberly Ann Livingood
Terry M. McFadden
Vitali Mikhniuk
***Thomas R. Miller
Yvonne D. Miller
Melissa M. Millisock
MaryBeth Miozza
*Jennifer L. Motley
***Peggy L. Mull
*Veneica C. Neil
**Paul M. Newman
Carl P. O’Brien
Adolfo Ortiz
Denise Pagan
Natasha Peguero
Marisol Perez
Genele L. Perry
Kandra L. Pitcher
Perla M. Plasencia
Courtney B. Pursell
Caitlin A. Rearden
Cheryl L. Reigle
*Deborah J. Rissmiller
Kathleen E. Roche’
*Krystle Lynn Rothenberger
*Herlinda Ruiz
Michael Savoy
Jessica L. Schmidt
Suzanne Schneider
*Mehak Sharma
**Cathy J. Skrocki
Stephanie N. Stanton
Lisa M. Strause
*Hanni Swisher
Geralyn A. Thomas
Cilia A. Torres
*Christina M. Vaccaro
Enesmi Ventura
Shelley A. Vojtasek
Pearl L. Walker
Tameka L. Wansley
David Washington, III
***Richard A. Weinhoffer, Sr.
Laura E. Werley
Joseph V. Wurster
***Shuyu Xu
Patricia M. Zieverink
***Lou A. Zmroczek
Associate in Applied
Science Degree
Deborah A. Adair
Lynn H. Adams
*Ashley E. Agresta
Larry O. Albright II
Natasha V. Andrews
Aelish M. Antosy Brooks
Jeannette C. Ascencio
Brian H. Baker
Tedescung Bandy
*Paul Barr, Jr.
Ozias Batista
Loretta A. Beasley
Diana L. Bigos
**Kathleen T. Boczar
Scott W. Bogust
Valerie F. Bohn
*Alicia N. Boskoski
Joshua A. Breslin
**Dennis D. Brillantes
Julia A. Brought
*Hope Brown
*Keith A. Brown
Anita T. Brutto
Todd W. Burgert
*Loreto L. Cacayan
Shylane E. Chavis
Elizabeth A. Christi
Nancy Clemmons
***summa cum laude
***Laura M. Conlin
Anne L. Conrad
Lynne F. Cook
Magdala D. Cordon
Ana K. David
Sarah J. Davies
*Valerie S. DellAngelo
Alysson Dengler
**Karen L. Derecola
*Timothy Dietrich, Jr.
Dorene R. Dragan
Amy M. Dreibelbis
Tracy Lynn Eavis
*James B. Edwards
Samantha L. Eisenhauer
Amal El-Rayes
Susan M. Feaster
**Candace L. Focht
**Maria Fontanez
Justin F. Forrester
Lisa A. Freeman
Jamie E. Frick
Vivian Garay
Debra J. George
Diana M. George
*Wendy E. Gill
Judith M. Giorgio
Lisa A. Grady
Sheila R. Graeff
**Colleen M. Grazioli
Elaine F. Griffith
Melanie Ann Gring
Carol V. Haas
Amy L. Harding
Christopher B. Harris
Ashley M. Harter
Lori A. Hinnershitz
Sara M. Horning
Duane E. Hostetter
*Tina L. Huber
**Brad A. Ibach
Tia M. Jackson
Marci R. Jackson-Gentles
Doris D. Jeter
**Donna L. Johnson
Jamilla S. Johnson
**Wanda L. Keener
Penny M. Kelly
**Lorraine D. Kelsch
*Scott B. Klein
Gwen A. Kline
Shaun Kloeffel
Timothy J. Knapp
Mary E. Knepper
Amanpreet Kohli
**Michele Ann Kolasa
Jessica M. Landis
Tara N. Lantz
Matthew S. Lawson
Melissa Diane Leiby
Ana R. Leonor
Angela N. Lessig
*Karen S. Lessig
**Mary Liber
Luz D. Liberato
Marian Y. Lippert
Lauren Ashley Long
Patricia A. Lyczak
Naomi L. Manegold
Peggy S. Marmontello
*Cristina R. Martin
**Marie E. Martin
John J. Maslar, Jr.
Joshua Mayer
Erica D. McKay
Autumn S. McMinn
Carmen Luz Medina
Nikaurys M. Mejia
Estherlina P. Melvin
Stephanie D. Millard
Tara Miller
Heather N. Miner
***Heather M. Monterroso
Sandra L. Moyer
Melissa D. Muller
Linda Marie Mullis
**Laura J. Natale
Lori M. Nester
Holly E. Newman
John M. Ngige
Adrianne S. Norris
David P. Orlando
Michelle A. Orlando
Araceli Ortiz
David Ortiz, Jr.
**Gail E. Otero
Amy J. Payne
Melanie J. Perez
Holly C. Pinkerton
Desiree E. Pleva
Jan Ryszard Pluto
Heather M. Rawson
*Heather L. Readinger
Ashley M. Rhoads
*Diana Rios
Yvonne Rios-Loubriel
**Christine A. Rissmiller
**Rachel K. Ritter
Hugo L. Rivera
*Jose Rivera
Brenda L. Robinson
Eberkue Rodriguez
Maria E. B. Rodriguez
Yrene Rodriguez
Luis A. Rosario
Justin E. Rothenberger
*Amanda F. Russo
Lizania Sanchez
**Michael Sanocki
Isaac T. Santiago
Christina A. Scheetz
Stephen R. Schmidt
Heather D. Scholl
Tanya M. Schran
Corey M. Shepler
Lisa M. Shinn
**Meggan M. Shobe
Jennifer L. Shunk
*Trina K. Simcox
*Raimonda J. Skipper
**Alison E. Smith
Jamie L. Smith
Marijo Smith
Tina M. Smith
*Dawn C. Sorg
*Lori A. Spohn
Catherine M. Spragley
Tim L. Sterner
Jennifer N. Stine
*Christina M. Strickler
*Rance M. Strunk, Jr.
*James M. Sushinski
Tyler R. Sweigart
Erica G. Syp
**magna cum laude
Agnes S. Szeremeta
**Kemeisha Najai Taylor
Christopher Thomas
**Cynthia D. Todd
**Shawn J. Van Goethem
Ramonita Vega
Elizabeth Velez
Michelle M. Velez
Elizabeth A. Weber
Alisa Sue Weidenhammer
Natalie L. Weitzel
Terry L. Werley
Jason D. Wert
*Martina Williams
Shannon D. Williams
*Shelly L. Williams
*Taryn N. Wolf
Michael Xavios
Brent Yetto
Brett A. Yoh
Krysten M. Young
Adam Yourkawitch
*Timothy L. Youse
Robert L. Zarzuela
Melanie Zeiber
Associate in
General Studies
Kathy L. Bowman
Noel M. Christman
***Fredericka Cope
Angela L. Drebushenko
Leticia L. Gonzalez
Maria Del Carmen Gonzalez
Kelly A. Gyomber
Consuelo A. Jones
Linda S. Lias
Erin J. Lovell
Nikaurys M. Mejia
Tracy Miller
Alonso Montano
*Cindy R. Quinter
Kimberly J. Santoro
**John C. Schultz
Tiffany Ann Shea
*Suzanne Sobjak
Julie M. Steffey
Andrea L. Ulrich
Francisco Villa
Julie Wagaman
*David B. Washington
Matthew J. Wiley
Laura E. Werley
Certificate of Specialization
Martha E. Bollinger
David B. Erb
Tracy Freed
***Wendy J. Harding
***Christopher Kelly
**Cynthia Lerch
Diploma Candidates
Cheryl M. Chavez
Kate M. Cuba
Tammy J. Lockhart
Melissa L. Loiacono
Lisa M. Quillan
Luzivette Vazquez
*cum laude
INternational Fall Festival
Featuring ethnic food & live entertainment
Friday, October 5
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. International Food
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Entertainment
• Students - $3.00 • Staff/Faculty - $6.00 • Children (2-6) - $6.00 • Guests - $12.00
Tickets on sale in the Bookstore beginning September 17th (Student I.D. required)
Schmidt Training and Technology Center
Sponsored by the International Club - Students of the World
Better than
American Idol?
RACC Idol: An Insider’s Perspective
Diem Bui
On Friday June 8, 2007, at
5:00 P.M., RACC held its second
annual RACC Idol competitions.
11 contestants were handpicked.
I was one of the lucky 11.
I entered the talent contest at
the suggestion of my friend and
co-worker, Milla Cassidy. My
performance was a short musical
which I sang in my native
tongue. Vietnamese is my prime
language and English is my
second, but I embrace both
languages by keeping fluent in
Vietnamese and trying to
improve my English.
I have always loved singing.
“Tan co,” the Vietnamese word
for musical, is a unique form of
traditional instruments such as
chordophone of Viet majority.
"Dan Bau" is made of two kinds
of material: bamboo and wood.
The body of dan bau is a tube
120 cm in length and 12 cm in
diameter. The surface is formed
by the splitting of an appropriate
outer layer on a certain section
of the bamboo or wooden tube.
The soft-wooden bottom of the
soundboard is flat and has a
sound hole. Bau consists of four
(resonator), spout, gourd, string
and tuning peg. Among many
kinds of monochord of countries
all over the world, there are the
Tuntina of Indai, Cung of East
Africa, and Tushuenkin of
China, but none of them can
produce such a popular and
overtones as that of Bau of
Vietnam. Dan Bau produces a
sad but soothing sound to the
ears when played. Vietnamese
music has had a long history of
influences from other cultures
At RACC Idol, I had to do
without the assistance of dan
bau. Luckily, a close friend of
mine, Jarvis Speas, a rising
musical artist and gospel rapper
in Reading who recently
published his CD “Wake Up,”
used his keyboard and musical
technology to help me with the
music that when along with my
I was nervous about my
wondered how the audience
would receive it since it was
going to be in Vietnamese and
couldn't be translated into
English word for word. Although
it was foreign to the audience, I
received a few comments from
different people after the show
who said that it sounded
beautiful. It wasn’t so bad
standing up on that stage, with
hot lights beaming at me, many
people in the audience watching
and staring, children crying and
the silence waiting for me to
sing. I just took my time and sang
with all my heart. It was an
experience that if I could do it
again I would do it even better.
The first place winner was
Joel David Dobbins, who showed
his musical talent by playing his
guitar and singing his own song.
This young star has entered a few
songwriting competitions and
competitions; earning 2nd and
4th place in two of them with a
three-piece band. He also plays
his acoustic guitar at Fred's Music
on Wednesday nights. Every
Sunday he leads worship at West
Wyomissing Chapel, singing and
playing the piano. While Joel also
exceeds in other areas, music is a
big part of his life. I believe
everyone agrees that Joel
deserved to win for his
performance was extraordinary.
Melissa Adams, 3rd place winner,
says "I thought Joel did great!
The people who won deserved
their place. RACC Idol was a lot
of fun. It was my first time
entering RACC Idol and it gave
me a first time chance to sing
solo on stage and to let people
know that I could sing. In fact, I
used to travel around in Texas
with my gospel group for Church
and I was also the president of
my church's choir. The judges
were fair and everything was
beautiful." Trenay White, who
earned 2nd place, swept the
audience off their feet with the
song "I Heard it Through the
Let's also give a round of
applause to Marvin Wiley, who
did a spectacular job as the MC
and entertainer for RACC Idol.
He goes by his stage name,
Marvolous, and enjoys hip hop
and writing his own rap songs.
Marvin jazzed up the night's
event -- a little dancing to the
The Inspiration
Destiny Martell
Student Writer
Been feeling lost and lonely
With no one to love and hold me
My heart feels like a burning flame
Cuz for a while, it's like I put myself to shame
I have to deal with this pain, I know it's true
But it's the only way to prevent me from being blue
My soul deep inside is hurting me
Cuz my whole life I've heard words full of trickery
As I lift my head up to the bright blue sky
I pray to the lord saying I feel like ima die
As the tears start to run down my face
I'm so unfamiliar with the surrounding and place
Then I feel a hand touch upon my shoulder
As I feel the air starting to get warmer
Then I hear this voice saying its ok
No matter what ima be here always
I am going to love and forgive you regardless
Then I start to smile feeling so marvelous
I start to think and be so curious
Never heard a voice, so mysterious
I decided to ask who is this
Feeling like its some type of trick
Then the voice again says I am He
The brother, the father, and the maker of the sea
Then I stop my heart starts to beat
Is it really him the maker of me?
The one who gave his life for me
Who died on the cross because he loves me?
Yes child it is me
The father who forgives and wants you to be free
My child, I don't want your life to be full of misery
I want you to be born again and come live with me
music, some comedy, funny
stories, and improvised rapping
went along with the MC's act to
give the audience an enjoyable
evening. RACC Idol ran
committee which consisted of a
graduated from RACC with an
Associate's degree in Education,
Ruth Muchimba, who is a
current student in the nursing
program, Cindy Lerch, and the
For everyone who did not get the
chance to attend the show, other
performances included Tara
Hyneman ("In my Daughter's
Eyes"), Genelle Perry ("Have I
Told You Lately"), Sophia Rivera
("Saving All My Love"), Manuel
Guzman ("I Believe I Can Fly"),
Linda Lias ("Memory"), Char'da
Willis ("I'm Going Down"), and
Zach Ellison ("Reasons"). I feel
that they all deserve recognition
for being a part of RACC Idol.
Arts & Entertainment
"Pride" DVD Review
Janel Spiegel
Student Writer
Starring: Terrence Howard, Bernie Mac,
Kimberly Elise, Tom Arnold, Nate Parker.
Played by Brandon Fobbs, Alphonso
McAuley, Nate Parker, Kevin Phillips and
Evan Ross.
Terrence Howard plays Swim Coach Jim
Ellis in "Pride." The film starts out with Ellis
beginning his swim career. The film jumps
ahead a few years and Ellis winds up in
Philadelphia. He begins to look for a new job
and finds himself at the Marcus Foster
(Nicetown area of Philadelphia, in 1971). He
meets Elston, played by Bernie Mac - a
cynical, truthful man who is losing faith and
his recreation center. A councilwoman, Sue
Davis (played by Kimberly Elise), believes the
recreation center is a danger to the teens
and the community. While Ellis begins his
job, he and Elston do not get along too well
until Ellis discovers an opportunity that
could help - one of the films’ lead characters:
a swimming pool. He finds it located and
abandoned in the recreation center. He
begins to clean the pool and eventually fills
it. Ellis also discovers a way to help the teens
who have made the recreational center their
own and do not know that they plan to close
it down. He invites the group into the PDR in
a subtle way. They discover the pool. Ellis
begins to work with Elston. They discover the
teens have a great deal of talent. Ellis has
been a coach for over thirty years. This film
is a tribute to his hard work and dedication
to life.
He begins coaching and teaching in a
calm manner. The teens discover that there
are obstacles to beat and challenges ahead.
They wind up not taking things seriously and
Ellis challenges them. They begin to take the
swim meets and their training very serious.
They make it through and the film takes you
on a trip. The suspense keeps you on the
edge of your seat.
All in all it is a little cliché, but the
challenges that Ellis and these kids had to
face made this film worth watching. Howard
and Mac give fine performances. The
emotions are up and down. The film
contains comedy thanks to the camaraderie
that Howard and the cast share. There is
drama and suspense, a few unwelcome
characters that distract the teens. Overall, I
would say this a great DVD to see. It features
extras and footage of the real Coach Jim
Ellis, who inspired this emotional story.
Information on Ellis and Philadelphia: http://www.
phila.gov/Recreation/Biographical Information on
Ellis: www.kepplerspeakers.com/speakers/speakers.
Club corner continued
continued from page 4 ä
Day in Harrisburg, $10,000 SGA Scholarship, Civic Leader Series,
Volunteering for the Salvation Army, Class Gift, Participation in
Relay For Life, Hosting of all clubs meeting, Completion of Raven’s
Nest for the use of student leaders, Contribution to Virginia Tech,
and participation in the Games Night with the Children’s Home of
All RACC credit students, staff, and faculty are welcome at SGA
If you want to become a Senator (voting member of SGA)
ReadingCollege08-01-07:Layout 1 8/1/07 2:30 PM Page 1
the procedure is simple. The academic requirement is a minimum
grade point average of 2.0 and completion of one term. It is now
mandatory to attend three consecutive meetings before deciding to
petition for senatorship. The next year will be an exciting one for
SGA and we want to make sure that every member has an
opportunity to grow and learn from their experience. If you have
any questions, please feel free to stop by the SGA office in SUB 112
during our office hours or email me at lsaintfort@racc.edu
Reading’s Darkside
By Pamela Glogg
Reading, Pennsylvania.
To some people, it’s the
place you’d want to hang
out in.
To me, it’s a place
of mystery. . .
A place with a dark side.
I should know . . .
It’s my destiny
to solve its
A place of suspense. . .
But at night . . .
I’m a Paranormal
Detective solving
the mysteries of . . .
My name is Raven Langlin.
By day, I’m just
your average
college student at
Reading Area
Community College
Coming up next . . .
The Borden Case