FSJ Pages - Reading Area Community College


FSJ Pages - Reading Area Community College
The Fr ont Str eet Jour nal
Reading Area Community College
Reading, PA
News in and around RACC ■ http://www.racc.edu/stu_activities/FSJ.html ■ March/April 2003 ■ Vol.8 ■ No. 3 ■ Free
RACC students protest war with Iraq
By Jodi Corbet, Opinions Editor
All over the world, people are protesting the United States war with Iraq. During December 2002, Dawn
Williams with the support of faculty member Bob Millar organized a RACC Peace Group, an affiliate of Berks
County’s Peace Group. On December 4, RACC’s Students for Peace held a rally outside the Student Union
Building during the day. Later that day they held a forum to discuss the U.S. government’s possible motives
and outcomes of involving our country in a war with Iraq.
Students Dawn Williams and Steve Mietelski also participated in the Washington D.C. and the New York
City Peace Rallies. The photo at left and story below are just a glimpse at our American right to protest. On
March 13, 2003, RACC held another peace forum but this issue of FSJ had already gone to print. We will
continue to report the peace group’s efforts. If you are interested in joining RACC’s Students for Peace
please e-mail: RACCStudentsForPeace @Hotmail.com.
Peace message loud and clear
By Steve Mietelski, RACC Student
It was a pleasant site to see the streets of New York City littered with more than the typical disposable
packaging and papers of the products of America’s busy lifestyles. After the February 15, 2003 Peace Rally
one could easily find anti-war and pro-peace signs lost in the sea of people and accompanying the usual trash.
continued on page 6
The Nation is at War
address cafeteria complaints
On March 19, 2003, the U.S. bombs Baghdad, Iraq, officially
launching the anticipated war with Iraq.
For up to date news read the Reading Eagle/Times, watch news
channels, CN8 (5), KYW (3), WFMZ (9), read the New York
Times online at http://nytimes.com/, or tune in to radio
stations WEEU - AM 850, or WRFY – FM Y102. Don’t be afraid,
but, be informed.
For information about Homeland Security Advisory System
Recommendations for the Berks County area, visit the
http://chapters.redcross.org/pa/berks/. For a Citizen’s
Emergency Personal Protection Guide, visit the Pennsylvania
Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) website at
http://www.pema.state.pa.us. For information about programs,
courses, and materials, that supports emergency preparedness
and response for Emergency Personnel, Teachers, Parents, and
Kids, visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
website at http://www.fema.gov/tab_education.shtm
By Adrienne Reed
By Adrienne Reed
In a move intending to
establish, “ASAP,” a much-needed
Food Service Committee, RACC’s
Vice President of Business
Services/Treasurer Ted Bassano
promises the SGA that he will
approach Dean of Student
Services Diane Adams.
According to Bassano, this
effort is intended to “balance the
relationship and service contract”
that RACC has with ARAMARK,
NEWS P 1-5
SGA pledges
Page 7
New Parking
& Faculty
Page 3
the vendor for food service and
food vending machines at RACC.
In a similar response, Paul
Florida, ARAMARK Food Service
Director, agrees that ARAMARK
will “work with” RACC to “stay on
top of” the issues raised.
These decisions followed a twohour meeting held on March 6,
2003, where a group of 19
individuals convened in a general
meeting and discussed cafeteria
food and service complaints.
Addressing student concerns,
continued on page 2
P 8-11
Joe Clark speaks
Page 10
P 12-16
Nursing Program
Support Services
Page 16
A Letter from the Editorial Board
The Front
to Reading Times on March and grab a beer at the fire hall to cultured graduates are the
Street Journal According
5, 2003, Pennsylvania’s 2003-04 laugh off the disappointment. foundation for renewing Berks
The Student Newspaper of
Reading Area
Community College
E-mail: front-street-journal-@racc.edu
The Student Union Building
10 S. Second St. • Reading, PA 19603
610-372-4721, Ext. 5472
Editor in Chief
Adrienne Reed, 2002-2003
News Editor
Mary Beth Miozza, 2002-2003
Opinions Editor
Jodi Corbett, 2002-2003
Features Editor
James Strauss
Office Manager
Christine DiMaria
Rachael Sabolis
Dawud Stewart
Lara Pursley
Andrew Kulp
Abraham Shapiro Jacob Shapiro
Stephanie Decker Steven Mietelski
David Leight
Layout & Design
Reading Area Community College
Graphics Department
Printed by
The Reading Eagle Co.
The opinions expressed in this
newspaper are the opinions of the
writers and do not reflect the views of
the college administration, faculty, or
Mission Statement
The mission of the Front Street Journal
is to provide a forum of the free
exchange of ideas and information
among all members of the college
Letters to the Editor
All letters must be signed. Keep it short,
simple and to the point. Character
assassination will not be allowed.
Letters should be typed or neatly
printed with the writer’s name, address,
and phone number clearly visible. The
Front Street Journal reserves the right
to reject any letter for publication. No
reason must be given.
budget includes a budget cut of “$57
million in aid to colleges and
universities.” According to Governor
Rendell, “I hate this budget with every
fiber of my body […] This budget does
nothing to change our future, nothing
to change the conditions we find
ourselves in the present...”
A promise must be kept
The student majority at RACC
is working class. Some of us are
first generation immigrants, first
generation college students, or
both. Too many students are retraining from job loss due to
Berks County citizens honored
their work as families grew and
communities built around the
time clocks of industry. Many of us
bet our dreams and our identity on
these companies that pulled the
punch-out clocks out from under
us. We were proud to say we
worked for Car-Tech, Lucent or
Dana. We held to our work-ethic
promise, however, that’s not
enough in today or future markets.
We shake our heads, push along,
Where do we fit? Did we miss our
chance, as author Stephen Crane
writes, to “nibble the sacred cheese
of life?”
No. We all share in the hopeful
choice to be educated. We have
invested in a community college
education to benefit our future.
RACC students need to make a
further investment to leave things
a little better for the next
generation. We feel the tired, but
proud, academic days pass as we
struggle for just a few more classes
towards graduation. Yet, in the
political arena, education is put on
the chopping block once again.
State funding helps community
colleges offer an affordable quality
education. RACC is the way the
working class can earn something
that no job can take away from
Reading Area Community
College needs the technology
center and theater. RACC’s future
students should have the learning
opportunity to be fluent with the
latest technology and to be
exposed to culture. Capable and
continued from page 1
the SGA alleged that ARAMARK, an international
company specializing in food services for campuses,
is providing RACC population with poor quality and
overpriced food. In addition, SGA says that student
objections include meal times, cafeteria hours,
menus that do not reflect the diverse student
population, portion sizes, poor service, and
ARAMARK representatives Paul Florida and Food
Service Manager Ronnie Heydt responded that they
were not aware of the concerns.
Faculty member Ron Borkert, countered the SGA
claim, stating that while “we can point out problems
with ARAMARK” Ronnie is a “gold mine” and that
students should have “brought their concerns”
directly to her. Pearl Levengood, SGA President,
disagreed stating, “SGA is the voice of the students
and acting as their liaison.” Bassano concurred that
SGA is one of the many different possibilities
students can use to address their concerns.
ARAMARK assured SGA however, that since they
are now aware of the problem, and while economical
changes make it difficult to uphold the same
standards they have in the past, they will address
County communities. The pen is a
powerful way to show our political
representatives what students want
from a community college
education. We must influence the
people who may be out of touch
with the working class. A good
education goes beyond preparing
a worker – it is much more about
finding identity and rebuilding
The City of Reading
House of Representatives:
PA Senate District 11:
Hon. Thomas R. Caltagirone (D)
127 South 10th Street
Reading, PA 19602
(610) 376-1529
Fax: (610) 378-4406
Hon. Dante Santoni, Jr (D)
4933 Kutztown Road
Temple, PA 19560
(610) 921-8921
Fax: (610) 921-9369
Senator Michael O’Pake (D)
1940 N. 13th Street, Suite 232
Reading, PA 19604
these concerns immediately, working with RACC to
find solutions comparable to both parties’ needs.
ARAMARK also brought their economical and
contractual concerns to the meeting. These include
SGA’s use of outside vendors for special events.
According to Stephanie Schwambach, SGA Secretary,
SGA is “within the contractual guidelines.”
Ted Bassano agreed that SGA is working within
the boundaries of the contract but cautioned that
care must be taken to maintain a balanced
relationship. He explained that “while the contract
specifically notes occasional use of other vendors the
term ‘occasionally’ was never specifically defined”
because it was his “intent to negotiate the contract
thinking in terms of large commencements, not
smaller SGA events.” “The lack of definition,” he said,
“is causing much of the angst” he sees between
Brad Mengel, SGA Vice President, also noted that
while quality and variety is a concern to using
ARAMARK for these events, the SGA also went for
bids acting in good faith to the use of SGA monies.
He stated that “just because we have money doesn’t
mean we need to spend it; it’s more cost effective” to
go for outside bids.
Florida assured that he is here to work with
RACC, which he says is “my job, my business.”
Board approves parking lot
and new faculty
Sale of Oritsky Property Contingent on
Environmental Inspection
James Strauss, Features Editor
Due to safety and environmental concerns, the Oritsky lot will remain
closed to student and staff parking until all property inspections are
complete and the following issues have been addressed:
By Jodi Corbett
Opinion Editor
Immediate concerns
• The building’s heating oil tank lies under the parking lot.
• The property is absent of lights for night students and staff
Best Use of Resources
• The brick building will either have to be torn down for more parking or
renovated for additional classrooms.
Other SGA Business
February 12, 2003 -- The Reading Area Community College Board
of Trustees purchased an additional parking lot and hired full-time
faculty for the 2003-04 school year. The Board of Trustees also discussed
state and federal funding for community colleges.
The Board addressed RACC's strained parking needs due to rapid
growth and record enrollment. The Board approved the purchase of
the Oritsky Property on Grape Street next to the Penske Building. The
parking lot will accommodate an additional 166 parking spaces for the
campus. In addition to the lot, a 69,000 square foot building is on the
property. The purchase, however, is contingent on a clean report
through an environmental inspection of the property. Administration
will notify the campus when the parking lot is officially open.
As prolonged unemployment hits a forty-year record high
nationally, Reading Area Community College plays a critical role in retraining Berks County's workforce. Nine full-time faculty positions are
approved for the 2003-2004 school year. The RN Program will gain four
new full-time faculty members. In addition, developmental classes and
general education classes, such as Reading and Study Skills,
Developmental Math, and English Composition will receive additional
faculty resources.
Dr. Dick Kratz, RACC President, and Ms. Connie Archey, Board
member, discussed their visit to Washington D.C. the weekend of
February 10. They went with a Pennsylvania Community College
delegation. According to Ms. Archey, additional community college
funding is not in President Bush's budget because of the possibility of
war. Even though Congress remains supportive of community colleges,
national defense is a priority. Federal and state funding is important to
a community college's financial equilibrium, however, funding is
intrinsic to RACC's ambitions for the Technology Center.
On the state level, Dr. Kratz wrote a follow-up letter to campaign
promises made by new Pennsylvania governor, Ed Rendell. Dr. Kratz
urged for Mr. Rendell's “commitment for Pennsylvania Funds” to “share
in the total project [technology center].”
In the region, there are people -- friends of RACC -- working hard to
impact the governor’s support of the [technology and theater] project.
– Gust Zogas, RACC Emeritus President,
personal interview March 5, 2003.
• SGA delegates unanimously voted to approve investigating the
replacement of the pool table in the SUB building.
• As part of an ongoing plan to promote a “general feeling of kindness,
respect, and tolerance” around campus, SGA has approached RACC
administration with behavior and language problems predominantly
noticed in the SUB building. Administration is working to determine
an appropriate approach.
• Joe Kornoski, Student Activities Coordinator, is working on
developing an “Act of Kindness program” that will help address
tolerance and kindness on campus.
• SGA officer elections are coming up May 12-17. Advertising flyers
posted around campus will announce the candidates and instructions
for casting ballots.
• SGA is currently recruiting Senators. Student candidates should have
attended RACC for at least 1 term and hold at least a 2.0 GPA.
• SGA has donated monies to the Student Activities Board to hire a
motivational presenter to speak at the end of May. A presenter has not
been chosen as of yet but topics will be relevant to student interests,
and a program will be planned that addresses topical or specific
subjects. Suggestions from students regarding future topics and
subjects will be investigated.
Reading Area Community College
International Student Club
is proud to announce the
8th Annual
International Festival
There will be international foods, dances, displays and much
more! All RACC students, their relatives, and friends are
invited to join us.
May 17, 2003 - 1:00 P.M.
RACC Cafeteria
Ticket price: $6.00 for adults & $3.50 for children under 12
RACC hires first Student Activities Coordinator
By Jodi Corbett
Opinion Editor
Administration hired Joe
Kornoski as Reading Area
Community College’s first Student
Activities Coordinator in January.
He worked in RACC’s Career
Counseling Center for a little over
a year before taking his new
position. The Student Activities
Coordinator position reports
directly to Diane Adams, Dean of
Students. His office is in the
Student Union Building, next to
RACC’s bookstore, and his office
hours are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Joe Kornoski is originally from
Berks County and a 1982 graduate
from Muhlenberg High School.
He has a Bachelor’s Degree from
De Salle University in Liberal
Studies. Mr. Kornoski also has
three Master’s Degrees. His Art
History Master’s degree is from
Sant’Anselmo, Rome, Italy. The
other two Master’s degrees are
from Mary Immaculate, North
Hampton, PA. One degree is
Divinity with a Concentration in
Counseling, and the other is
Theology. He speaks fluent Italian
and can read the Romantic
languages and German.
He formally worked for New
York University for two years. Mr.
Kornoski’s position as the Assistant
to Career Counseling was a
"fascinating job." NYU’s Career
Counseling Center was open to the
public, so he encountered all walks
of life seeking career advisement.
In both Career Counseling
positions he enjoyed creative
problem solving, which he said,
“[could] help people figure out
what they will do next in their life.”
As the first Student Activities
Director Mr. Kornoski’s job
description has three main facets.
His responsibilities include acting
as catalyst for new student
organizations, as well as, being a
resource for established student
organizes and coordinates student
activities, such as “New Student
Orientations” and “Make a
Difference Day Celebration.”
Thirdly, he is the Adviser to
Student Government. Student
Government currently manages
student activities, and Joe will
change that paradigm. He strongly
believes that Student Government
officers are to be “advocates for
improving the quality of campus
Currently Joe Kornoski is the
Chairperson for the Student
Activities Board. This first-year
student organization planned
three RACC events this past
summer. Students have enjoyed
the first two, and the Mystery
Dinner Theater is this month. The
Student Activities Board events, in
addition to other student activities,
are to offer students additional
cultural, learning, wellness and
According to Mr. Kornoski,
“compliment” to a student’s
academic career.
His position will also include
being an ombuds person. An
ombuds person listens to student
grievances between one another as
a non-partial arbitrator. He also
guides students with a grievance
through the right channels and
people at the college. Mr.
Kornoski is currently organizing
grievance policy in a pamphlet to
from left to right: Pearl Levengood, Joe
Kornoski, Brad Mengel, and Will Fultz
help educate students.
Students should ask Joe
Kornoski about the following
student initiatives if they wish to
get involved: An “Act of Kindness
Campaign,” a program aimed at
improving human relationships
and building tolerance on campus;
program to help clean up RACC’s
river front.
Lastly, Mr. Kornoski hopes to
invite non-profit groups, such as
United Way and Berks Shelter,
onto the campus to educate
students on community volunteer
Dr. Kratz and Dr. Battaglia discuss their new positions
By Rachel Sabolis
Senior Reporter
It has only been a short time since Reading
Area Community College appointed Vice
President Richard Kratz to President and
already he seems to love his new job. “I am very
happy to be President,” Dr. Kratz said during a
recent interview. He described his life since
becoming President of RACC as very busy,
saying he is now responsible for all aspects of
the entire college rather than just academic
affairs. He said his role as President is an
opportunity to spend time with the people who
support RACC outside the campus community.
His job has him spending more time off
campus than on campus. In particular, he
makes frequent visits to Harrisburg.
Since 1992, Dr. Kratz served as RACC'S
Vice President of Academic Affairs until last
year when then RACC President, Dr. Gust
Zogas, announced his retirement. Prior to
becoming Vice President of Academic Affairs
Dr. Kratz served 15 years as Dean of Students.
Dr. Kratz began serving as President Elect in
July 2002 followed by a six-month training
period, and officially became President on
January 1, 2003.
Dr. Peter Battaglia also seems to be
enjoying his job as Vice President of Academic
Affairs. He described his new position as what
he expected; mentioning that getting to know
the people in the community is the fun part of
his job. He appreciates the trust that his RACC
academic team has in one another and in him,
and considers it very rewarding to represent
them. He said he likes working with Dr. Kratz
because he keeps him focused.
Dr. Battaglia explained that he found out
about RACC's search for a new Vice President
on the Internet, and sent a video to the college.
Afterward, RACC flew him in for an interview,
which was an all day process. Following RACC's
offer and his acceptance of the position, he
started serving as RACC's new Vice President
on August 26, 2002. He said that one reason he
chose this job is that he has family living on the
East Coast. Welcome Aboard Dr. Battaglia!
Regarding RACC’s past image:
“[We] break [negative] stereotypes
through personal experience.”
--- Dr. Marilyn A. Zagora
(Middle States Interview
Quote 3/4/03)
Middle States Team Evaluates RACC
The Board receives Middle States self-study report
By Jodi Corbett
Opinion Editor
February 12, 2003 - Reading Area
Community College is evaluated by
Middle States for reaccreditation every ten
years. A self-study report is required for
Mid-States evaluation. Dr. Karen Jacobson,
Chair of the Middle States Steering
Committee, presented a summary of the
one hundred and twenty-page self-study
report on Reading Area Community
College to the Board of Trustees on
February 12, 2003. The "comprehensive steering committee and 131 people. The
with special emphasis" self-study was a two- self-study focused on the institution's
year process, involving a 10-member planning and resource allocation,
technology, and assessment.
This honest and open process analyzed
“We were pleased with Dr. Fannelli
the institution’s strengths and problems in
and his team. The team made good
order to make recommendations that will
recommendations that will help the
direct the college towards meeting
college improve. The exit review held
fourteen standards of excellence. The
no surprises.”
- - Dr. Richard Kratz, recommendations.
RACC President, recommendation asked that RACC focus
personal interview March 5, 2003 on student learning.
Middle States Team
“Assesses” RACC’s future
By Adrienne Reed
On Wednesday March 5, 2003, Dr. Sean A. Fanelli, President of
Nassau Community College, and Chair for the Middle States
Commission on Higher Education 9-member Accreditation Team,
reported in the exit evaluation that RACC’s continued success
depends on college-wide "assessment."
During their 4-day stay, the team interviewed and reviewed RACC
constituents and self-study reports in order to identify strengths and
suggest improvements. According to Dr. Richard Kratz, they were
"open, honest, and forthright in their evaluation and
The team used action words like "assess," "examine," "identify,"
"review," "evaluate," "re-evaluate," "improve," "adopt," "hire,"
"develop," "establish," and "implement," to convey their suggestions
(what RACC should do to improve) and recommendations (what
RACC must do to meet standards of accreditation).
According to the teams report, for RACC to continue to thrive it
must execute a college-wide policy of "institutional and student
outcome assessment." RACC leaders, Dr. Fanelli noted, need the
tools to help them "lead RACC, not the least of which is…a collegewide comprehensive strategic plan." He added that "coordinated
leadership" is the "comprehensive and unified approach" that RACC
needs to accomplish the "central activity of RACC, [which is] student
A full written report will be available for review by RACC
Administration, Faculty, Trustees, and Students sometime after June.
It will detail all suggested and recommended actions that RACC
needs to undertake to remain accredited.
Middle States Interview Quotes
Regarding athletics:
“Players are frustrated because we don’t have enough resources.”
--- Tamara Wright
Regarding the new Student Activities Coordinator:
“Students want to be involved in activities… [this position enables
RACC] to give more to the students.”
--- Stephanie Schwambach
Regarding faculty members and course selection:
“We need more multicultural classes...more ethnic faculty members
that represent the student body…we need to expand to include
drama and the theatre.”
--- Tamara Wright
Regarding curriculum:
“We need more writing across the curriculum.”
--- Adrienne Reed
Regarding Leadership roles and programs:
“RACC needs to offer more leadership opportunities to regular
students…let leadership be about EQ, not just IQ.”
--- Tamara Wright
Why did you choose RACC?
“Because of its egalitarian philosophy.”
--- Jodi Corbett
“It was a relative decision. RACC was the first
to accept my application."
--- Tudor Mazgareanu
Students Protest
continued from page 1
On February 15, 2003 an estimated 500,000 people gathered from
all over the world in New York City, and in other major cities
throughout the world, to tell the world they do not want to see a U.S.
led preemptive strike on Iraq.
The overall atmosphere was peaceful though crowded. A group of
about 15 people climbed on a newsstand, where holding an anti-war
banner and using a bullhorn they lead the crowd in chants. They held
an anti-war banner, and used a bullhorn to lead chants. The crowd
shouted in unison, chants like, "One, Two, Three, Four! We don’t want
your stupid war!" and "What do we want? Peace! When do we want it?
NOW!" The gathering was very peaceful with a positive energy
throughout the crowd.
However, the purpose quickly turned from demanding peace to
demanding respect from the New York City Police. The people were
denied a permit to march and were given a short permit for assembly
that ended at approximately 3:00 PM. Police then began to move in,
cramping the already crowded streets.
NYPD on horseback forced the crowd to move back and off the
streets. There were too many people for this to work, though. Instead of
forcing the people off the streets, the police forced the crowd into each
other and against the walls of nearby buildings. A group of 5 to 10
defiant protesters decided they had had enough of the cops ignoring
the pleas of the crowd to give time for people to clear the streets and sat
down cross-legged on the pavement.
Police immediately moved in and arrested at least half of these
activists, pushing and shoving them for no obvious reason. The crowd
immediately burst into a chant demanding the police "Let them go!"
Police actions lead to the lightning fast decision for hundreds of people
to sit down throughout the packed crowd, which forced the police to
cease pushing the crowd back.
One police officer responded to this peaceful act of defiance by
recording all of the faces of the protesters that sat down, apparently for
evidence for when the police began arresting protesters. Although the
peace message was loud and clear it appears to have fallen on deaf ears.
Students Want Answers
By Jennifer Pope
RACC Transfer Student
I am writing this letter with hopes that someone will be able to
answer a question that has been disturbing me for quite sometime
As some of my fellow students may or may not know, the
Student Government Association (SGA) has decided to donate
$30,000 for a baby grand piano for the new arts and theater
building. While I think it is great that RACC is expanding, I do
not think it is so great that SGA is spending so much student
activity money for a piano.
Because Reading Area Community College is a small college,
it’s been my experience that student involvement in extracurricular activities is limited because of a lack of money,
resources, and space.
As former captain of the men’s basketball cheerleading squad,
I personally know just how hard it is to begin an organization at
this school. The girls on the squad last season had to work extra
hard to keep cheerleading an option. Whatever we needed to
keep the squad going we had to provide ourselves.
While the basketball team got funding money for traveling to
away games and for uniforms, the cheerleading team got nothing.
We had to fundraise in a local mall, wrapping Christmas presents
just to come up with half of the money for our shoes. The other
half came out of our own pockets. We drove our own cars, on our
own gas mileage, just to support our team at the away games. Not
to mention, we had a limited number of uniforms and only four
sets of pom-poms. We also had no place that we could practice on
a regular basis.
When I first put flyers up to begin a squad, the number of girls
interested was remarkable. But, due to the lack of uniforms, pomI learned the difference between the right to assemble and the poms, and car space over half the girls who wanted to cheer could
right to march in New York on February 15, 2003.
not do it. There are many clubs and organizations at this school.
– Ed Kriner, RACC student Is the cheerleading club the only activity that suffers from lack of
“You know what's interesting about Washington? It's the kind
I am wondering how SGA, who is supposed to represent the
of place where second- guessing has become second nature.”
student body, can pledge such a large amount of money for only
George W. Bush, speech, May 17, 2002
one item? Why wasn’t the rest of the student body asked, outside
of a general SGA meeting, how they thought a large sum of
money should be spent?
I am confident that there are other ways that SGA could spend
money to benefit our new or already established extra1 APRIL 5
Washington D.C. Bus Trip
curricular groups in our school or meet the more pressing needs
2 APRIL 7 to 11
Teacher of the Year elections (Watch for signs)
of our college.
1 APRIL 22
Earth Day Awareness
@2:00 p.m. in front of SUB (on Front St side)
Couldn’t they donate that money to address our space
2 MAY 5
Cinco de Mayo - free food from 11-2 & 4-6
problems, like the overcrowded cafeteria, hallways, and parking
3 MAY 12 to 17
SGA OFFICERS Elections (Watch for signs)
lots? Or, why not help the smaller clubs who do not have the type
1 JUNE 3
The BIG BANG - free food from 11-2 & 4-6
of financial support they need in order to be successful?
2 JUNE 14
New York City Bus Trip
Will someone please give not only myself but also the rest of
the student body some answers to these questions?
Student Government pledges $30,000 for piano
Gift honors Dr. Zogas’s retirement
Editor note: SGA President, Pearl Levengood, a lot more questions were raised. SGA formed
responds to student questions about the grand piano a special committee to look into the possibility
of this request. Then the building campaign
was put on hold due to lack of state funds.
This past summer Dr. Zogas attended an
At a later date, SGA was asked if, and what,
SGA meeting to explain the expansion of the they were going to give Dr. Zogas for his
college. At that time he suggested that SGA retirement. Different ideas were thrown
give $10,000 for the next three years for a around like giving a plaque, naming the S.U.B.
piano to be placed in the new theater. There after him, planting a garden in his name, or
was a lot of discussion. I did not feel this pledging funds for the piano. We wanted to
regime should decide on how the money give something that the students would benefit
should be spent in years to come, only on the from, so the plaque was out. Naming the
money for this year. What would be the price S.U.B. was also out because that would need
of a piano? How would RACC students benefit the Board of Trustees and other committees’
from this purchase? Would students be able to approval, which there was not enough time to
play it? Why should SGA give the money? Plus do that. The garden would also take time and
future SGA members would be responsible for
maintaining the garden.
The piano, on the other hand, could and
would be an asset to students and the college
community. A Performing Arts Curriculum is
much needed at RACC. Especially with the
theater being built, the piano will enhance a
Performing Arts Curriculum. The Senators
voted on the piano. Two of the members were
against the decision but it passed as majority
rule. I do not do anything without the others.
Actually, as President, I have no vote! I wish
more students would get involved in things at
school, but I know everyone has a busy life.
The piano is not for Dr. Zogas, it is for all
students (past, present, and future).
RACC Student Activity acronyms and fees
By Jodi Corbett, Opinion Editor
RACC, which stands for
Reading Area Community College,
is an obvious acronym. Yet, other
Acronyms may confuse the listener
or reader when littered in our
speech and writing. Just one letter,
"B" or a "C," changes the meaning
committees. We have a SA"B" and
a SA"C" and the "FSJ," or Front
Street Journal, will explain the
difference. The FSJ and SGA share
an office in the SUB, which is of
course, in the Student Union
Building. Hopefully, by getting
RACC's lingo, we can help our
students so they will not be
“S.O.L.” (Readers please fill in
slang phrase.)
SAC - Student Activities
Committee: RACC's governing
committee for student activities.
SAC members are faculty,
administration, and students. Dr.
Donna Singleton is chairperson.
SAC reports to College Council.
extracurricular activities in order
to assure that there is a balance of
program offerings. They measure
student activities and initiatives by
considering programs that add
cultural, educationally, recreationally, or wellness values to
experience. Officially recognized
student clubs may petition SAC for
funds. In the 2002-03 Student
Handbook, student clubs can read
an explanation on page 27 on how
to petition for up to $500.00 from
SAB - Student Activities Board:
members are student club leaders
and officers. Joe Kornoski is
chairperson. The purpose of the
SAB is to “brainstorm ideas” and
decide a year in advance on three
programs, one a term, that would
benefit student life. This year, SAB
sponsored through Student Life
Funds and Student Government
funds a Diversity Workshop, guest
speaker Joe Clark, and a Mystery
Dinner Theater.
SGA - Student Government
Association: RACC's student
governing club which acts as "your
representatives in college affairs academic,
administrative" (p 27 2002-03
members are elected student
officers, in addition to petitioned
Senators. Joe Kornoski is Adviser.
SGA's purpose is "to represent and
act as the voice of the student
body" (p. 27 2002-03 Student
per class. Full-time Students who
take three classes will pay $6.00 per
$126.00 of institutional charges
towards either the SGA or the
Student Life budget per term.
Student Institutional Fee:
Found at the bottom of
institutional charge. As written on
page 5 of the 2001-03 Course
Catalogue, “This fee supports the
general operating budget related
to facilities & functions, cocurricular activities, various special
programs, and some studentrelated operating costs.” Below is
an explanation of the fee's portion
that goes directly to student
Students pay fourteen dollars
per credit for student activities,
which most of the time equals
$42.00 per class. (Exceptions
would be lab sciences, fitness and
student orientation classes). Out
of each fourteen-dollar credit,
SGA gets one dollar added to their
budget, and the other student
clubs get one dollar added to the
Student Life budget. Dean Adams
manages the Student Life budget.
So, on average, SGA gets $3.00
dollars and student clubs get $3.00
What happens to the one dollar?
According to Pearl Levengood,
“In the past SGA basically spent
the money by having potato bars
and cake on holidays and donated
organizations. This year the SGA
has planned at least one activity
per month for students, plus
purchase weights and stereo
equipment for the gym. Also there
are plans to purchase picnic tables
for the students.” (2/28/03).
What happens to the other dollar?
Student Life funds support the
other student clubs, such as, but
not inclusive of, the International
Club and Criminal Justice Club.
Another example of how Student
life funds are used is Legacy and
The Front Street Journal. Both
student publications are funded by
Student Life.
Further Student fee definitions
may be found in the 2001-03
Course Catalogue or the 2002-03
Student Handbook.
Arts & Entertainment
RACC and Berks County honor
April 2003 is National Poetry Month (NPM). Around the country, people will celebrate poetry and its vital place in American culture.
Thousands of businesses and non-profit organizations will participate through readings, festivals, book displays, workshops, and other
events. This years focus is "poetry in your community." For more information about NPM visit their online website at
Lehigh Valley Campus, Room
124C, 8380 Mohr Lane,
Fogelsville, PA; Gerry Gomez
Pearlberg; 4:30 PM
Thursday, April 24; TBA
Friday, April 25; Barnes & Noble,
Saturday, April 26; Cafe Stypsi, 1500 N
13th Street, Reading, PA; 3:00
Sunday, April 27; Nolde Forest;
Creative Writing Hike In The
Shapiro; 1:00 PM
Monday, April 28; Friends Meeting
House, 108 N. 6th St., Reading;
Peace Reading; 7:00pm
Tuesday, April 29; Mifflin Community
Library, 6 Philadelphia Ave.,
Shillington; "Beginners Guide
to Getting Published" taught by
Penny Talbert; 3:30-5:00
Wednesday, April 30; TBA; BerksBards
BardFest 2003, month-long poetry
National Poetry Month, April 2003,
planned, presented, and hosted by
BerksBARDS. For details of events see
posted sheets outside of FSJ office or
visit online to http://www.circle
Tuesday, April 1; Uptown Espresso
Bar, Main Street, Kutztown;
Rich Mackin; 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 2; Hard Bean Cafe 600 Penn Avenue, West
Reading, PA; 7:00 PM
Thursday, April 3; Brass Lantern, 1350
N. 12th Street, Reading, PA;
Mike Clipman & Drums; 9 PM;
Spoken word poets invited to
jam with the drummers
Friday, April 4; Jake's Place, Albright
College, Campus Center; 8 PM
Saturday, April 5; Penn State Berks
Campus, Room 101 Franco,
Tulpehocken Road, Reading,
PA; "When Poetry Was Play" Join kids and adults to read your
favorite children's poem. Call
information & registration 610-396-6041. 2:00 PM
Monday, April 7; Lancaster Library;
Workshop by Dianne Miller
Tuesday, April 8; Ephrata Public
Library, 550 South Reading
SERIES-Rumi, heart of the poet
(Documentary); 7:00pm
Wednesday, April 9; Zoetropolis, 235
West Lemon Street, Lancaster;
Thursday, April 10; Boyertown
Community Library; "Rhyme or
No Rhyme: Open Mic for
Children & Their Poetry"; 4:00
PM; "Rhyme or No Rhyme:
Open Mic for Adults & Their
Poetry"; 7:00 PM
Cafe Aroma Borealis - 52 North
Queen Street, Place Marie Mall,
Lancaster, PA, 717-509-9869;
Carl Kaucher; 7:30 PM
Saturday, April 12; John Gwinn
Studios, Stowe, PA; 7:00 PM
Sunday, April 13; Reading Area
Community College, 19 South
Second Street, Reading, PA;
Reading; 7:00 PM
Monday, April 14; Tattered Pages, 201
W. Lancaster Ave., Shillington;
7:00 PM
Tuesday, April 15; Penn State Berks
Campus, P.O. Box 7009,
Tulpehocken Road, Reading,
Regional Writers about Writing
Process - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 16; Penn State
Lehigh, Room 124C, 8380
Mohr Lane, Fogelsville, PA;
"The Grey Areas: Prose
Poetry/Poetic Prose Workshop
w/Jayne Brown; 4:30 PM
Thursday, April 17; Fleetwood
Library; 6:30 PM
Friday, April 18; TBA; Rayn Roberts;
Saturday, April 19; Police Athletic
League, 325 Walnut Street,
Reading, PA; Rich Hemmings &
Debberae Streett; 7:00 PM
Sunday, April 20; TBA; Stray Dogs
Poets Reading; TBA
Monday, April 21; Ephrata Public
Library, 550 S. Reading Road,
Ephrata, PA; 6:00 PM
Pearlberg & Jayne RelafordBrown 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 23; Penn State
5th Annual
Bruce H. Stanley
Memorial Poetry Reading
April 13, 2003, Palm Sunday,
is slated for the third of a
three-part series of poetry
The event will begin at 7:30
featuring Josée Vachon,
professional guitarist and
singer of French folk songs.
Michael Clipman will also
perform (no open mic).
Refreshments will be served.
Arts & Entertainment
National Poetry Month
A Nice Pair of Pajamas
By Jodi Corbett © 2003
A nice pair of pajamas -soft silk with little flowers
grace her weathered body
emaciated under
her tortoise shell skin
gaping with holes
from a missing breast
twenty-years emptied
into painful modesty never without the
A nice pair of pajamas.
What she wishes -Did she wish?
Hovered over the lid
of smooth Mahogany,
We showed up.
When the birthday candles -Blew out.
By Tamara Wright © 2003
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre
April 11 & 12
Berks Hall Cafeteria
Doors open @ 6 p.m. - Time 7 p.m.
Students $5 Others $10
War Drums
By Adrienne Reed © 2003
By Dawud Stewart © 2003
An ill wind
Bitterly cradles
The rusted sign
Within its rocking throes,
The tech and dribble,
the announcer’s Riddle,
But t.v.
it follows the camera
tapping’s, a flush of your
moves, photographing the
Floor, remember what
is now d.v.d.,
the audio plays on
the crowd roars, soaring
a motion to
Distant sirens,
That admonish,
Screech panic,
Forewarn, and
Riding on icy
Morning wings
Of discontent
It’s voice bemoans tragedy!
The Helena Fecho Tulip Conference
April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire...
The Wasteland, T.S. Eliot
Poetry Corner . .
A nice pair of pajamas -Muted purple and pink
to cover her soul -bruised in blue and black from a dead Irishman.
Into a shell of
smoke-stained wallpaper
QVC television
and tanked Oxygen,
accompanied by
a shrill, small bird
caged on the counter
next to the basket
of amber bottles -One time a day
Two times a day
Four times a day.
A muse’ical place
Arts & Entertainment
Student Activities Board sponsors Joe Clark
By Jodi Corbett
Opinion Editor
Group from l to r: Steph Swambauch, Joe Clark, Brad
Mengel, Pearl Levengood, Jodi Corbett, Judy Ogden,
Erin Roche
February 13, 2003 - Mr. Joe Clark spoke to
an audience of two hundred and fifty people at
Reading Area Community College. The event
was well advertised and free ticket distribution
went through our new Student Activities
Director, Joe Kornoski. Tickets sold publicly
for five dollars after February 3. Mr. Clark
spoke with humor, conviction, and multiple
syllables as he discussed his viewpoints on the
higher American identity found in service,
purpose, and courage.
Mr. Clark’s resume included being an army
drill instructor, which prepared him for his
benchmark success. His “my way or the
highway attitude” as Principal of the anarchic
Eastside High School in Newark, New Jersey
turned the school around to an exemplary
institution in just two years; 1981-1982. The
movie, Lean on Me, recounted the Eastside
story. Adding to his fame, Time Magazine
featured him on the cover, and Sixty Minutes
covered his story twice. He recently retired
from Essex County Youth House, a juvenile jail
in Newark, New Jersery. Mr. Clark’s most
recent accomplishment is his book, Laying
Down the Law.
The audience was immediately greeted by
Mr. Clark’s unique speaking style.
connected to the audience early when he said,
“to give me your time, you give me a portion of
your life.” As a man who proudly celebrates his
life, his anecdotes quickly reminded the
audience he enjoys a laugh at himself. He
quoted his mother saying, “Joe Boy, today’s
peacock is tomorrow’s featherduster.” In
between his ascorbic humor he got his
principles across about service and purpose.
“A life of service is to the highest good,” and
“give the world the best you have,” he
commanded. Mr. Clark used metaphors to
compare life to an echo that echoes back what
we give out. His sagacity sprinkled in irony
created phases such as, “Please endeavor to live
your life so well that when it comes time to die
even the undertaker will be unhappy.” The
audience was mesmerized as he paced the floor
with out-loud and well-prepared thoughts.
Mr. Clark discussed American identity with
a special focus on Black identity. His early
comment that he would “never subject my
principles to race” later bloomed into his
viewpoints on Black History Month. He
believed this to be a narrow depiction of
people “accidentally born black.” He honestly
spoke, “I personally, will not take just one
month,” particularly since it is the “shortest
month of the year.” The audience laughed
hard at this truth. Black History, he believed,
must be correctly chronicled – correctly. Not a
fact here or a fact there. As “extricated” human
history, the black identity has been cut-off. He
adamantly stated that Americans “must know
history in order to do great things.”
The evening would not have been “Crazy
Joe” complete without the explanation for his
intimidating bat and bullhorn. One was a
myth, the bat, which was a Time Magazine media
stunt. The bullhorn was his weapon to make
students realize he was omnipresent – if they
could not see him; they would hear him.
However, he talked about fear as an illusion to
overcome. He quipped, “the righteous do not
have time to die” but rather, “they die when
they want.” He exposed on the cowards who
know what is right and fail to do what is right.
“Be bold,” he said, “be bold.”
In conclusion, it may be too obvious to say
Joe Clark does not like political correctness.
His wise words were spiced with wisdom and
humor. His final thoughts summarized his
mission, “If you tricked the guy in the glass”
your life has been heartache and pain -- so, be
truthful to yourself and others. Joe Clark
finished the speech with quoting the poem, “In
Flander’s Field.”
Afterwards he signed
autographs and posed for pictures.
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,
though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
(lines 12- 15; John McCrae)
As momentum built this year for Student
Activities Board sponsored events, Joe Clark’s
visit was well attended and enjoyed by the
RACC community. The Student Activities
Board hosts the Mystery Dinner Theater in
April. Please plan to attend this last event to
show support for the RACC students who work
hard to broaden your college experience.
Bravo! Berks County
season finale of the Classical Gold
concert series, featuring Pianist
Santiago Rodriguez; and Berks
Entertainment around Berks County’s Star Series, starring
County during February and Gregory Hines.
March has been extraordinary,
In Celebration of Black
with choices galore. Three events
that caught my eye were the History Month, Ed Butler Jr., coco-directed,
Reading Community Players produced,
(RCP) Production of August presented August Wilson’s Jitney,
Wilson’s play, Jitney; The Reading in February 2003 at the Reading
Symphony Orchestra’s (RSO) Community Players theatre house
By Adrienne Reed
– following his tradition of
bringing the experience of Blacks
in America to Berks County
In an interesting and dramatic
interview, Butler says that he chose
this play because he could "hear
the voices of the characters" and
because at their core, Wilson’s
plays are "universal."
I too heard the voices of my
neighbors, the voices of my
family’s friends, and the voices of
my family, as the players captured
the essence of days gone by,
leading me down memory lane to
a place I’d not forgotten but also
had not remembered for some
time. It was indeed an experience I
will not soon forget.
The plays cast consisted of
Tony Baker (Reading Area
continued on page 11
Arts & Entertainment
Bravo Berks County
continued from page 10
Fashion Show celebrates
Black History Month
Community College (RACC) student), Michael H. Reese (RACC
graduate), Jerry Echols, John Foster, Spencer Chambers, Latissa
By Jodi Corbett
Donaldson, Ralph E. Scott, and Christopher Charlemagne. Damian
Ruth implemented lighting design; Baudi Hidalgo (RACC student) was Opinion Editor
in charge of sound execution, while Hector Gonzalez (RACC student)
worked on set construction. (Editor’s Note: In upcoming issues, I will be
featuring a series detailing the vision and the works of Ed & Carol Butler.)
Concluding their Classical Gold Concert Series Season, The
Reading Symphony Orchestra (RSO) opened to a sold out show on
March 8, 2003, with Peter Brye conducting the Reading Symphony
Youth Orchestra (RSYO) in Beethoven’s overture to "Fidelio." Not
surprisingly, they lured the audience through a journey of mature tones
and variations. The RSYO members then joined the RSO for a massed
performance of Saint-Saëns Danse Bacchanale from "Samson et Dalila,"
a blazingly strong piece.
Under the direction of Assistant Conductor, Andrew Grams, who
assumed the podium for his first complete concert with the RSO, and
featuring Pianist Santiago Rodriguez, RSO then performed the SaintSaëns Piano Concerto #5 (the "Egyptian"), concluding with a finale of
Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, with weeping violin solos by RSO
Concertmaster Christopher Lee.
February 2, 2003 – Volunteer students modeled AfricanIt was a musically delightful evening as the conductors masterfully American clothes as part of a fashion show to celebrate Black
evoked the players’ gracious melodies, dynamic contrasts, and exquisite
History Month in the Student Union Building. Ms. Angie
clean phrases.
A Star Stepped Into Reading. Berks County’s Star Series welcomed
the ever-diverse Gregory Hines on Sunday March 9, 2003. Hines, a
multi-talented individual, i.e. dancer, singer, Broadway star, and movie
sensation, captivated his audience with his musical performances, tap
dancing, and slapstick humor routines.
As humility would have it, this star opened his stage to the tap
dancers of Berks County, inviting all who had brought their shoes to
join him in the limelight, showcase their talent, and share in his
Opening for Hines, and under the direction of Music Minister
Kerry Crespo, the Spring Valley Nations of Praise Choir and music team
gripped the audience with its commanding performance of gospel
Cultural Series presents Aesop’s Fables
By Jodi Corbett
Opinion Editor
photo submitted by Florence Stein,
RACC student
February 8, 2003 - The
Cultural Series presented Aesop’s
Touchstone Theater Troupe from
Bethlehem, PA. Aesop was a Greek
moralist who lived from about 620
to 560 B.C. He told his fables on
the streets of Greece, which were
later written down. Aesop’s fables
teach basic human truths that
remain relevant today.
According to one RACC
student, Florence Stein, “the show
was nicely done.” The troupe
enacted three fables with hand
puppets, costumes, and props.
Spencer, an Assistant Teacher in the Early Childhood Education
Learning Lab, organized the event for Student Government. The
clothes on display were a part of Spencer’s own hand-sewn
Children and sewing have always been a part of Spencer’s life,
so her design name appropriately fits. "Oj Amam," or "Mama Jo"
spelled backwards, shows the vibrant spirit of the designer. She
chose this name for her fashion designs, because she has raised
twelve kids in her lifetime, who affectionately call her "Mama Jo."
Spencer’s mother taught her to sew doll clothes as a young
child. Her sewing skills continued to grow as a student at ReadingMuhlenberg Vocational School, where she received a tailoring
certificate in 1976. Instead of continuing her formal education in
fashion design she pursued her love for children. She holds dualdegrees from RACC, which are Early Childhood Teaching and
Early Childhood Management.
When Spencer attended RACC she was an active student who
helped organize the fashion shows to celebrate International Day.
This year’s fashion show, however, was the first time SGA focused
the entire show on Black culture. Spencer is grateful for SGA’s
support and student volunteers who helped make the show a
She said Black History Month offers her a way to "express that
part of her culture," but teased that "she will wear her green" for
St. Patrick’s Day. Her very young students can certainly learn their
colors from her bold designs.
If you are interested in Angie Spencer’s hand-made designs
she can be reached at 610 898-0487.
Student Profile:
Government funding helps student
By Mary Beth Miozza
News Editor
Situations in life can present
themselves unexpectedly. RACC
student Tammy Kershner decided
to look on the bright side of a
difficult situation when she was
“At first I was
devastated. Then I tried to make
good of the situation,” Ms.
Kershner shared. “When I knew I
could come back to school, the job
loss was really a blessing in
disguise,” she went on to say.
Ms. Kershner had attempted to
return to school while working full
time. However, the demands of
single parenthood and working
full time forced her to put her
goals on hold. She depends on the
Trade Readjustment Act (TRA) to
fund her education.
TRA is a program that aids the
unemployed who have lost their
job due to the overseas market
competition. For those forced to
shift careers, TRA will fund up to
two years of schooling.
Ms. Kershner is grateful for the
opportunity that TRA provides,
but that is not to say that there is
no stress involved. There are strict
guidelines within the program
once eligibility is determined. In
order for a student to be funded
for TRA the program of study must
be approved, the student must be
full time status, and grade point
average must be a 2.5 or higher.
Ms. Kershner also balances her
work-study with the responsibility
of mothering three young boys.
She says, “I keep my mind on my
goal and stay positive, and I pray
every single day.”
Group support from others is
also important to her. Talking with
other students in the program
helps her feel that she is not alone.
“There are others who have the
same struggles that I have.” Ms.
Kershner also feels that she can
Tammy Kershner
help others by sharing what has
helped her.
Enrolled in the Human
Service Worker Program at RACC,
Ms. Kershner plans to transfer to
Alvernia. Her long-term goal is to
do social work within the criminal
justice system.
RACC hosts Denmark
exchange students
Fitness Center benefits
student wellness
By Jodi Corbett , Opinion Editor
RACC fitness center extends hours
By MaryBeth Miozza
News Editor
from L to R: Camilla Rasch, Hanne Kwok, Majbritt Friis, Ditte Lorensen.
Not shown: Jette Jensen and Louise Bentzen.
Six exchange students stayed with RACC Administration for six
weeks during winter term. The students stayed in the homes of Richard
Kratz, President, Diane Adams, Dean of Students, and Mary Ellen
Heckman, Yocum Library Director.
When asked about their stay, they all said they enjoyed RACC’s
hospitality. During their visit they went to Philadelphia, New York, and
Washington D.C. They also went to Lancaster to learn about the
Mennonite and Amish. The four Denmark students, who participated
in the interview, agreed that Arlington Cemetery in Washington D.C.
was a favorite site. They were amazed at how large and orderly the
cemetery was. Majbritt Friis liked the Art Museum in Philadelphia and
Hanne Kwok enjoyed seeing how the Amish live.
The Denmark students left on February 15, 2003. They each hoped
to return to the United States again to see cities and national parks out
RACC’s fitness center now offers extended hours. The center is
open Monday thru Thursday 9AM to 9PM, Friday 9AM – 5PM and
Saturday 9AM – 12Noon. Ben Rosenberger, Registrar and Director
of Financial Aid, states that he sees more students using the center
than ever before.
Mr. Rosenberger is an avid “fitness nut.” He feels that there are
numerous benefits to working out. “The number one benefit is that
working out is good for self esteem. When you look better, you feel
better,” he said. “Aerobic activity produces a natural drug.
Endorphins work to soothe, relax and eliminate pain. They also have
an impact on stress.” Working out also brings with it a “sense of
accomplishment.” Mr. Rosenberger ensures that students will be
amazed at how much you improve after the first few weeks of a
regular fitness routine.
According to Rosenberger, intensive research went into
purchasing the fitness equipment. “We chose the best equipment
and did not stick to just one brand name," he said. Even though the
size of the room has limitations, he emphasizes that “you can get a
workout in every muscle on your body with the equipment we have
at RACC’s gym.”
Extended hours and top of the line equipment is complimented
by a fitness staff. Under the direction of Robert Angelo work-study
students, who also workout, operate the fitness center. The RACC
fitness center is a great benefit to student wellness.
The impact of Work-Study Employees
Career Corner
By Sue Gelsinger
Records/Financial Aid Assistant
As you walk around RACC’s campus, it’s impossible not to
notice the many work-study employees in the student services
offices, fitness center, bookstore, library, computer labs, and
various other areas. Extra security is available because of the
work-study program. The staff values the students who work with
us to provide quality services to all of our students. Reading Area
Community College staff and faculty have historically gone the
extra mile for our students. As we continue to grow, it is crucial
to have the assistance of quality work-study employees to
accomplish that level of excellence.
Did you know that not only do we have work-study employees
on campus, but we have them out in the community? Placements
have become available at Police Athletic League, Reading
Community Players, Food Bank, 11th and Pike Recreation Center,
Advocates Against Violence, Reading Museum, Berks Deaf and
Hard of Hearing Services, and the City of Reading. We are proud
to send RACC students to off-campus sites. This provides valuable
work/community service experience to the student as well as
showing our community the quality of students who attend RACC.
Recognition of that quality had been extended to one of our
work-study employees, Mike Lopez. Mike used to work on the
switchboard and is truly missed by us, but he accepted a position
with the Police Athletic League to make a difference in children’s
lives. He has been presented a certificate from PAL to recognize
him as "Employee of the Month" for the month of February. The
staff, administration, and faculty at RACC congratulate Mike on a
job well done.
“Dear Pat”
What is the best method of securing employment in these
difficult times?
Networking with friends, members of clubs/teams, social
groups, employers/employees, Career Counselors, and the
Career Center is absolutely the best way to "get in the door."
Responding to newspaper ads just doesn’t cut it. Only 10%
to 15% of newspaper ads are the real deal.
Is finding employment just a matter of submitting resumes
and/or completing applications?
No! In fact, choosing a career and finding employment in
the career of your choice is a job in itself.
After graduation what are my chances of finding a position
in my career field?
Perhaps, rather slim. Many of you will have to obtain the 4year degree to score. Statistically, graduates frequently have
to seek and accept positions in fields that are close -- or
sometimes not so close -- to their career choice. One needs
experience as well as a degree.
Therefore, during your college years, seek part-time
employment in your field and/or volunteer to get some
experience on your resume. Obviously, one doesn’t step into
a high-level spot immediately. We all have to climb the
ladder to get where we wish to be. That’s a given!
When should I begin to plan my career and employment
research and job-seeking skills training?
NOW! The moment you start to take classes is perfect. Learn
the Ins and Outs of the “Hiring Game” from day one!!!!
Remember, it’s never too early, AND it’s never too late!!!!!!
Contact Financial Aid for Applications. Refer any questions to Brenda Creasy.
American Business Womens Assoc Women with a 3.2 GPA
Stokes Stitt
Reside in Oakbrook or
Glenside housing
National Federation of Blind
Legally blind student
The Hispanic Center
Ethnic involved in school
or community
Good Samaritan Hospital
Lebanon Co. nursing student varies
Berks County Medical Soc Alliance Nursing student with fin
need and good acad
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Inst.Latino student w/ public srv $1,500
Altrusa Club
Berks County, completed
30 cred, GPA 3.0
PA Soc of Public Acct.
Accounting major, sophmore $1,000
Atlas Shrugged
Essay Contest
Three Rivers Assoc
Native American students
Nursing Forgiveness
Graduate of nursing program 25% of loan not set yet
and work in PA
Lancaster Building Industry
Building trades major
Why should I begin my job-skills training so early?
In order to get a jump start in a highly competitive job
market. You are most fortunate! All of the services and
resources of the Career Center and our Counselors are
readily available and FREE!!!!!!
I feel scared and confused. Is that unusual?
Not at all. It’s normal. College is a giant step--- whether you
are starting or starting over. You made the right decision.
RACC is a wonderful college. Go for it!!!!
Teaching, Health Care, Government,
Law Enforcement, and Information Technology.
Be smart. Go where the jobs are!!!
Pat Hale Woodring, Career Specialist/Counselor
Career Services
Career Corner
Taking Charge of Your Career
Based on an article by Anne Kadet, contributor to Smart Money
“Desperate Measures”
You’re in the middle of A job interview, and it’s going poorly. Very
poorly. Throw in the towel? Never ! Here’s how you can salvage the
Ever endure a job interview in which you couldn’t do anything
right? Consider the plight of John Smith. His nightmare began on the
drive to his appointment at a Toronto social service agency, when he
spilled coffee on his suit. As soon as he arrived, he made a beeline for
the bathroom to clean up. To his horror, the toilet overflowed, soaking
his shoes. He ran to find a janitor and returned to the bathroom to
clean his shoes. “I lost track of time and got to the interview a few
minutes late,” says Jones.
His meeting with an impatient interviewer/employer went poorly
and didn’t last long. But Jones, still hoping to make a good impression,
thanked the interviewer profusely as he got up to leave. Then he
opened the door and walked into a storage closet. “That was it,” recalls
Jones. “I just broke up laughing.”
Jones wrote off the interview as a lost cause. Sometimes, when so
many things go wrong, all one can do is wave the white flag. But not
every interview misstep dooms your job chances. Sometimes it serves as
a test to see how ruffled you get and what
recovery skills you need to cultivate.
How Do You Salvage an Interview Gone Bad?
“The Late Arrival” Showing up more than a few minutes late tells the
interviewer you are about as reliable as a ’74 Pinto. You have made a
serious error in the “Hiring Game.” Acknowledge the seriousness of
your error right away. Don’t offer excuses. Say, “I didn’t plan my time
effectively, but this is not a reflection of who I am. I apologize.”
“Wardrobe Woes” Torn stockings and magically appearing stains are
common woes. Protect yourself by arriving for your interview
sufficiently early to check for problems in the bathroom. Carry an extra pair of pantyhose and a stain remover with you.
Men, please check zippers. Please!
“The Embarrassing Gaffe” Whether you have knocked over a vase or
forgotten the name of the interviewer, just apologize and let it go! Move
on to more important things. Please do not accept beverages. That is
an invitation to "OOPS!" It is O.K., however, to admit that you are
“Playing the Critic” Even if you are raising legitimate concerns about
the company for which you are being interviewed, be very careful.
Saying something to the effect that you heard that employees didn’t
receive bonuses last year is akin to jumping off of a bridge. Frankly, a
thorough investigation of the company/companies you are considering
interviewing for should determine if you are interested or not and
whether you want to apply or not. Even in a tough job market, submit
your credentials only to those organizations/companies for whom you
wish to work!
“Interviewer Apathy” A meeting that simply goes flat is difficult to
remedy since the underlying problem may be hard to diagnose. Pick up
on body language and adjust your presentation. If your interviewer
appears distracted and crosses his/her arms or looks at his/her watch,
keep your responses brief but tell an interesting story.
The “deep freeze” may also indicate that the interviewer has
concerns about your qualifications. If this is the case, ask the interviewer
if he/she has any specific concerns, questions, or abilities that should be
addressed. If a response is mandated, rise to the moment by showcasing
your talents to the best of your ability.
If you’re at a total loss as to what’s wrong, try one last tactic by
complimenting the recruiter and thanking him/her. Whether fact or
fiction, a little flattery goes a long way and keeps the door open. The
“Remember the Drill” An excellent practice is to keep a record of all
interviews, noting both the high and low points. Writing these notes as
soon as you conclude the interview is a wonderful way to check yourself
and work on improving your skills in the future.
By all means, mail that thank-you letter the same day and call about
the status of the position in a week, remembering to identify yourself,
name the position, and the date you were interviewed.
An Invitation
Please remember that you are invited to work with me personally on
resume writing, cover letter development, and interviewing skills by
stopping by the Career Center in Berks Hall, room 200 or calling 610607-6246 to make an appointment with me. We can de-mystify the entire
“Hiring Game” and get you on track for success!!!!!
Be the Best You Can Be in 2003!
Pat Hale Woodring, Career Specialist/Counselor, Career Services
Presentation and Publishing
Opportunities for Student Works
RACC’s Scholarly Journal “Legacy”
Deadline for submission:
Date of Publication:
April 1, 2003
June 9, 2003
Student Colloquium
Deadline for submission:
Date of Event:
April 11, 2003
May 14, 2003
For specific guidelines: See your instructor or refer
to the flyers posted around campus.
to the wise
By Lois Moyer
Its, It’s or It is
Apostrophes! After taking off
our hats to the comma for causing
the most problems for writers, the
apostrophe is running a close
second. An apostrophe is used to
show possession (ownership), to
form contractions, and to show
plurals forms of letters and
When the writer wants to write
in a more concise fashion, he or
she writes: Mary’s umbrella instead
of the umbrella of Mary. Instead of
the home of the Wilsons, we write: the
Wilsons’ home. Since Mary is one
person - or singular - the apostrophe is placed before the -’s;
Wilsons means more than one - or
plural - so an apostrophe is placed
after the –s.
Inanimate objects are unable
to own anything; therefore, the
writer should not write: the wall’s
color, but: the color of the wall. The
author’s story may be correctly
addressed, but not the story’s author.
Money and time, however, are
exceptions to that rule. An
apostrophe is used in the writing
of: a dollar’s worth, or day’s fun, or
two week’s vacation.
Pronouns do not need the
apostrophe to show ownership;
they have a special case to show
this called, believe it or not, the
possessive case! These pronouns
include: in the singular form: my,
mine, your, your, his, hers, its
[please note here; there are no
apostrophes used]. In the plural
form the possessive pronouns
include: our, ours, your, yours,
their and theirs [no apostrophe].
The possessive case of who/whom
is not who’s but whose.
While apostrophes are not
used to indicate plurals, letters and
numbers are unusual plurals
because they sometimes dictate
the use of an apostrophe.
Following are some examples of
such usage: the three R’s, 1960’s,
scores in the 90’s, A’s and B’s, and
CPA’s. Contractions are formed
when an apostrophe is used to
indicate something is missing,
such as in the words: can’t = cannot,
won’t = will not, she’ll = she will,
shouldn’t = should not, here’s = here is,
there’s = there is, or you’re = you are.
These are but a few of the many
contractions in English, but the
one contraction causing the most
trouble is the form of it is. It’s can
mean it is or it has; it is never the
3rd person singular possessive case
which is: its.
My first advice to any student
writing an academic paper is not
to use contractions. Although we
use contractions in our speech and
sometimes in our informal writing,
contractions should never be used
in academic writing or in formal
writing of any kind. The way we
write gives our reader the first
impression of who we are.
RACC supports Nursing Program
By Mary Beth Miozza
News Editor
Part two of a three part nursing series
looking to meet the need for the
nursing shortage find Reading
Area Community College stepping
up to the plate with a line up of
supportive services and concerned
staff that help students enrolled in
its Nursing Programs. In an
ongoing effort to help students
complete a rigorous program,
RACC is offering an accommodating admissions process,
planning workshops, and personal
counseling sessions.
Admissions Advisor, avails herself
to help nursing students with
paperwork and criteria requirements for this selective admission
program. (Editor Note: Peggy is
currently on disability leave). Wetzel
comments, “We care about each
and every student here at the
college. Our goal is to see a
student become successful.” She
admits the Nursing Program can
be difficult, emphasizing that
“RACC offers an enormous
amount of support, academic and
emotional, as well as, help with
financial aid. If the goal is Practical
Nursing or Registered Nursing,
RACC will help the student to
Tutoring is available for
nursing students in various areas.
“We offer really good academic
support and a unique tutoring
center,” said Learning Specialist
and Tutor Coordinator, Tomma
Lee Furst. Tutoring is available in
A&P, Chemistry, Math, and
Nursing courses. Students may
contact Tomma Lee in the
Counseling Center (CCAD) Berks
209, to arrange study groups and
one-on-one tutoring sessions for
nursing courses.
The CCAD is also dedicated to
meeting the needs of nursing
students in the area of math. Lois
Vedock, Tutorial Center Manager,
explains that tutors support the
nursing staff with structured
tutoring for math testing. A fourweek program involves tutors
going into the classroom to help
nursing students prepare for the
math examination. The CCAD
offers tutoring in all levels of math
as well as videotapes and computer
tutorials. Vedock says, “There is
help out there. I hate to see a
student change their major
because they have a problem with
math. They [students] do not
realize that there is help for them.
Students create their own one-onone with the tutors. There is a
definite bond between students
and tutors. Students many times
find a tutor that fits their
Developed through a very
successful ‘group tutoring pilot,’
study sessions are offered in
Biology, Chemistry and A&P.
Group tutoring sessions meet
three to five days per week. Vedock
April Fools Puzzle
(some answers are word plays)
Created by Stephanie Decker, FSJ Staff
What’s black, white, and read all
7. Why did the _____ cross the
8. _______ fools!
9. George _____ (comedian)
11. Comedian Robin _______
12. This side of the bird has the
most feathers
What state do pencils come
3. A lobster never shares because
its ________
4. Comedy ________
5. A sick alligator
6. A room full of married people is
always empty because there’s not
a _____ person in it.
10. Cheese that you don’t own is
____ cheese.
says, “The students initiate the
topics that are covered in the study
groups.” These sessions follow the
class syllabus and reinforce what is
taught in the classroom. The
center also offers online quizzes
for the practicing student.
Workshops by Pat Parks,
Counselor for the Division of
Health Care Professionals and
current acting Director of
Admissions, are designed to help
RN students with academic
planning, overview the RN
Program, and answer individual
questions and concerns they may
have. Parks developed the
workshops based on student’s
questions. “The workshops offer
another measure of support for
our nursing students.” Parks also
helps students determine where
they are at in the selective
admissions process. She said,
“Many times questions raised by
students in the workshops help
others in the group look ahead at
their own academic plan.”
counseling RN students as well as
prioritizing a demanding curriculum. Tom Krick, second year
RN student, said, “Counseling with
Pat Parks has really been a big help
to me. I can talk to Pat about
anything. She is awesome.” Tom
feels that she is the one who has
helped him the most while here at
RACC. “She helped me to keep my
head on straight.”
Shelly Lawlor, Counselor for
emphasizes, “Anyone who comes
back to school will experience
changes in their lives.” She hopes
student’s look at the changes as
“temporary inconveniences for a
permanent improvement.” She
adds, “Student’s can end up in a
profession where they can be very
happy.” For the student entering
one of RACC’s nursing programs a
line of supportive services and
concerned staff are available to
help students succeed.