May 2016 -


May 2016 -
The Promise of Pentecost
Have you ever waited for a cherished promise to come true?
According to the Gospel of Luke, Christ bade his followers to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy
Spirit. He said, “Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you, but wait in the city until you are
clothed with power from on high” (Lk. 24:49).
And so they did, praying in the Temple each day and breaking bread with each other “with glad and
generous hearts” (Lk. 24:51). On the fiftieth day since their Passover with the Lord, they came together
“with one accord in one place” (Acts 2:1). Then the Spirit of God swept through their hearts like a mighty
wind, sending them clothed with the power of love out to the very ends of the earth. After twenty centuries
of holy history, the church is still being “sent,” and is still clothed with power from on high—even at 1105
Catalpa Lane.
As a vital congregation that is richly blessed, we can afford to be “of one accord in one place.” We can
afford to come together, not in spite but because of our many differences, to discern God’s will for our
We can pray about, and talk about where Jesus Christ is calling us as his chosen disciples to bear witness
to his resurrection.
When people asked Peter on that first Pentecost, “What shall we do?” he told them to repent, be baptized
and they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “For the promise is for you, and for your children, and
for all that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call” (Acts 2:37).
Knox is a long way from that first Pentecost, both in
distance and time. God’s promises are not. They
are here for us and for our children. They will be
here tomorrow as well. Take joy in the fullness of
God’s love for you! May we all in the days and
weeks ahead wait on the Spirit to clothe us “with
power from on high” and to send us forward “with
one accord.”
Because God always keeps his promises.
Rev. Clinton
Pentecost Sunday – May 15
Wear red in celebration!
All classes welcome newcomers at any time!
9:00 am - New study on Paul using the book, The Call by Adam Hamilton; study will run through May 29
(no class May 1); led by Brooks Reid in Senior High Room.
10:30 am - Christianity 323 - Christian Existentialism led by Jim Clinton in Room 202
Three Grand Inquisitors -- Dostoevsky, Kafka, Hesse
Christian Existentialism -- Bonhoeffer and Tillich
On May 15 we begin a new unit. "Skeptics and Believers: Religious Debate in the Western
Intellectual Tradition" examines the development of Christianity since the reformation era and
Christianity's response to critics such as Marx, Nietzsche and Freud. This video course is presented
by Dr. Tyler Roberts of Grinnell College.
5/15 Religion and Modernity
5/22 From Suspicion to the Premodern Cosmos
5/29 From Catholicism to Protestantism
7:00 pm - led by Frank Mayer in the Chapel.
9:00 am - led by Frank Mayer in the Middle School Room.
9:15 am - 11:15 am - Women on Wednesday - N. T. Wright’s study of Ephesians; leaders are Robin Kolar
( and Margaret Lambka (; begins in Fellowship Hall;
activities and childcare for infants through Kindergarten
7:30 pm - A study of the book of Romans continues using John Stott’s study guide; facilitated by Rev. Eric
Heinekamp at Hopvine Brewing Company, 4030 Fox Valley Center Drive
6:00 am - Men’s Daybreakers Group; facilitated by Rev. Clinton Roberts at the Coffee Bar
9:30 am - 11:00 am – Rev Cindy’s class will not meet on Thursday, May 5, but instead have a final outing
for the term on Thursday, May 12. All are welcome to meet at Colonial Cafe at 9:30 am for our gathering!
Knox Garden Walk
Saturday, July 9, 10 am to 4 pm
You are invited to take a stroll through six Naperville gardens this
summer during the Knox Garden Walk on Saturday, July 9 from 10 am to
4 pm. Hosted by Knox Presbyterian Women, the event is open to all.
Tickets, $15 each and $13 for each additional, will be available in the
Commons on Sundays beginning June 5 and online at On
the day of the event, tickets may be purchased at the individual houses
for $20 each.
All proceeds will benefit Oikocredit, a global microfinancing agency. You can learn more about this
empowering organization at
Where film, faith and fellowship come together!
PW & Adult Ed. invite the ladies of Knox and guests to this year's
final film presentation
"Big Fish"
Friday May 6
A charming, humorous film about an incredible life, as told by a dying man to his son. Are they tall tales, or
truly a life well lived? Come find out...Starring Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Albert Finney, and Jessica
Dinner 6:15 Movie and discussion starts at 7 pm Dinner $8, just a movie, always free.
Dinner will be a group favorite, Chinese from Yen Ching
Registration online here, Register in the commons April 24 and May 1.
We will also discuss choices for the 2016-17 series, already in the works!
Women on Wednesdays
will conclude our study of Ephesians
on Wed, May 4th. We have enjoyed learning what it means to be IN CHRIST and
all that we've been given IN HIM. We're now challenged to live and walk in His
light "making the most of every opportunity" as it says in Ephesians 5: 16. After
joining with Presbyterian Women for the luncheon on May 11th, we will break for the summer. Watch
upcoming newsletters for announcements of our new Fall study. WOW welcomes women of all ages and
Bible knowledge and includes childcare and activities for infants through Kindergarten. For more
information see the WOW link or contact Robin Kolar at,
Knox Book Club
The Knox Book Club will continue to meet in the Knox parlor on the 2nd Wednesday (note
the change of day) at 7:30 p.m. We will gather May 11 to discuss “Angry Housewives Eating
BonBons” by Lorna Landvik. Please plan to join us on our new night and location. Contact
Janice Wiles with questions at 630-416-9537 or
Presbyterian Women’s Annual Flower Sale,
May 5 – 10 am
Hanging baskets or Premium Combo Pots are our most popular Mother’s Day gift! Or,
pick out assorted flowers to plant for yourself, mother, wife or loved ones. Talk to
anyone who has ordered and find out how beautiful and durable these flowers are.
Flowers are grown in a Michigan Greenhouse and they offer us a great fundraising
price. Extras will also be available for cash and carry on May 5!
Pictures are available on the Knox website or at the church. Please tell your
friends and neighbors as they won’t be disappointed! Any questions,
contact Dee Dee Porter at 630-650-9340 or Proceeds go to
PW missions.
Yucatan Mexico Mission Trip
For this year’s Young Adult Mission Trip, we are again working with Amor
Ministries in Mexico, but in the Yucatan, near Cancun. We will be
participating in a special one-time “Amor Global Gathering” event,
partnering with hundreds of others for a day of worship & celebration,
followed by a week of building homes for needy families and community
engagement. We will be staying in a suite hotel with a pool, beach, and
meals/transportation provided by Amor. The expected weather is a high of
84 and a low of 59 degF.
adult sponsor on the trip.
This year’s trip is from Friday, Dec 30, 2016 to Saturday, Jan 7, 2016. We
encourage Knox young adults (college age and beyond) to invite friends,
and for adults interested in joining us to prayerfully consider serving as an
For anyone interested in this trip, please contact the trip coordinator Bruce Burkelman
at or 630-209-1421, and you will be put on the e-mail list for trip updates,
which will include the trip informational packet (with specific fund raising guidelines) that will be coming
out in early May.
The trip informational meeting for participants and their parents/guardians will be on Saturday, June 4th
from 10:00 am to11:30 am in the Knox basement, but if you cannot attend this meeting, contact the trip
coordinator and we can fill you in separately. The commitment to go, and your completed fundraising
plan, can be turned in at any time, but will be required shortly after this meeting.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Annual Master’s Touch Friendship Dinner
The Missions Council of Knox is again inviting you and your spouse to attend a FREE Dinner on us, on
Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at Gaslite Manor Banquet Hall at 6:00 PM. Please consider joining members of
Knox to fill a second table or even more, as we have left room for you to come. This is the Annual Master’s
Touch Friendship Dinner, for one of our missions program that we have
support for many years Wayside Cross Ministries. Come and find out
more about how this ministry has been responsible for Transforming
Lives for men and women through Jesus Christ.
Gaslite Manor is located at 2485 Church Road in Aurora (just west of
Farnsworth and south of Butterfield Road). Call Bob Badertscher at (630)
851-5198 or e-mail at
This “inspiring get-together” has been very meaningful to our pastors,
elders and Knox members for many years. Please come and join us this
Opportunity Knox Dinner and Auction
October 28, 2016
Bolingbrook Golf Club
Our theme this year is "HOME". Our beneficiaries all have a desire to belong somewhere, to be in a safe
place, and to call that place HOME.
We are excited to announce this year's beneficiaries:
 Almost Home Kids
 Ecumenical Adult Day Care of Naperville
 Families Helping Families
 Family Shelter Service
 Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans
 Naperville Cares
We hope you'll join us for a fun-filled evening that
benefits those in need. More details on ticket
purchase/table reservations forthcoming.
Go and Serve 2016: Springfield, Ohio
Please consider supporting our youth Go and Serve mission trip in any of the following ways. Watch our
fundraising progress on the thermometer located on the South wall in the Commons Area. Thank you
for supporting our youth Go and Serve trip to Springfield, Ohio this summer!
Roses for the Mother in your life! On Mothers Day, Sunday May 8, our Go and Serve
youth will be selling roses for that special mother in your life! Roses will be available for
purchase between services from Go and Serve High School students in the Commons
Area. They can be purchased for $3/stem or $8/3 stems.
Be a Prayer Angel for a Go and Serve Participant! Sign up in the Commons Area on
Sundays - May 15, May 22 and May 29 to be a Prayer Angel. You will receive the name of a
participant and asked to pray for your participant before and during the Go and Serve mission
Time to wash away winter from your automobile! Have your car hand washed and
dried by our Go and Serve youth on Sunday, May 22 from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Drop your
car off in the parking lot along Gartner on the way into church and it will be cleaned and ready
for pick-up after the service. Donations welcome.
Third Thursdays at Hopvine! Join us every third Thursday at Hopvine Brewing Co
(4030 Fox Valley Center Drive, Aurora (next to the Comedy Shrine)) for lunch or
dinner! Our next day at Hopvine Brewing Co is May 19. Mention Knox Go and Serve (or
provide the coupon below) to your server and Knox Go and Serve will receive 10% of your
dining bill! Extra coupons are available in the Commons Area. Friends and family welcome!
Important Dates for Go and Serve 2016:
April 13-May 4 – Register Online Here – Go & Serve Early Registration $300 per person. Save $50
by registering early!
May 4 - Last Day of Early Registration at $300
May 11 - 7:30 PM - Go & Serve Mandatory Meeting (Sanctuary)
7:00 PM - Safe Haven Training for Adults (Sanctuary)
May 15 - Go & Serve Sunday (both services)
May 18 - Last Day to sign up for Go & Serve at $350
May 22 - Car Wash Fundraiser at Knox (8:30-noon)
May 31 - Adult Meeting (7 PM Knox Basement)
June 4 - Loading Day at Knox, 4-6 PM
June 5-11 - Go & Serve Mission Trip (leave after the 9 am service on June 5)
June 15 - Go & Serve Pizza Party (6:30-7:30 in basement)
June 19 - Go & Serve Celebration Sunday (both services)
Loaves & Fishes
The next Hunger Sunday is May 1. Donations can be left in or near the Loaves &
Fishes bin next to the Mission Council table. Thank you!
Most Needed Items
Hesed House
Next volunteer night: Saturday, May 28 at 6 pm. 11 pm and 3 am.
What changes when Summer Sunday School begins?
Number of Classes & Ages in Classes
 Only two classes at each Session (9:00 and 10:30)
Sandbox Set: age 3 (potty trained) to children entering kindergarten in Sept.
This class meets in room 14 (first floor, back hallway, at Noah Mural.)
Playground Pack: children entering 1st to 5th grade
This class meets often in the gym and middle school room. If it’s not in this room check hallway
poster for location.
There is NO class for 6th and 7th grade during the Summer. It will resume in September
Teaching Staff
 There is no teaching staff for the whole summer. Teachers and helpers are scheduled for each
 Parents are encouraged to teach or help in your child’s class 1 or more times during the summer.
It’s a great way to say Thank you to those who have worked so diligently throughout the year for
your kids!
 Members of the church are encouraged to volunteer on a Sunday. Take the plunge and be a
For Questions and Volunteering: Contact – Esther Moreno, Sunday School and Family Ministry
Coordinator, 630-355-4303,
Important Sunday School Dates
Last week of Regular Sunday School – May 22
Sunday School does not meet - May 29 – Memorial Day Weekend
Summer Sunday School - June 5 – August 28
Summer Sunday School does not meet – July 3 (holiday weekend) or
August 14 (outdoor worship service)
Pre-school Play Group at the Park this summer – We are
taking the fun outside!
Families of Toddlers and Preschoolers
Want to get out of the house and meet other young families of Knox? Meet us at Riverwalk Park near
Centennial Beach from 10:30 am to Noon. Bring a picnic lunch if you would like. For more information
contact Betsy Anderson at or call 630-865-8708.
Thursday June, 9
Monday July, 11
Monday August, 1
Register Online
Vacation Bible School
June 13 - June 17
Early Bird Registration ends May 13
Register Online
Age 3 by June 13
(Potty trained, no pull ups) – Entering 5th Grade
Lock In
– At Knox
Friday/Saturday, May6/7 – 8:30 p.m. – 7:00 a.m.
Register Online
Questions? Contact Jenny Hubbard
Baccalaureate Service
You are Invited! Special invitation for family and friends of our graduating
seniors. You are invited to the Knox Baccalaureate Service for our
graduating seniors on May 28 at 7:30 pm. in the Sanctuary. This is a unique
worship service and a special time for our seniors, as many of our graduates
will be speaking and leading us in worship. It also includes an opportunity for each senior to come up with
their family and receive a blessing. The event begins at 7:30 pm with worship and ends with dessert
(dinner is not included). If you would like to have your senior included we ask you to do two things
by Saturday, May 9:
1. RSVP to / 630-615-4309 yes or no regarding attending the service.
2. Send a short bio of your senior with a photo to We need a digital copy of the bio
and photo.
Please send the bio even if you are not able to attend as we display them for several weeks in the
Commons. The congregation enjoys seeing our seniors and reading their bios! We hope you will join us
for this cool recognition of our seniors by Knox.
May 15 - Go & Serve
Kick-Off Sunday
We hope you will join us in worship as we share about our
upcoming trip to Springfield, Ohio this summer!
A Lifetime of Generosity
Presented by Mayor George Pradel
Sunday, May 22 – 7 pm, Lehman Hall
Former Mayor Pradel will be speaking about the power of faith in leading Naperville to become one of the
best communities to live and raise families in the United States of America.
“Let’s Ride!”
Knox 50 Mile Bike Ride
Sunday May 29
10:30 am – 5:00 pm
Join Pastor Clint for Knox’s annual Memorial Weekend bike ride
from Channahan to Starved Rock along the I & M Canal! The
woods along the beautiful Illinois River will be our back drop as
we meet at Knox with our bikes and caravan down to
Channahan’s river park off U.S. 6 and I-55. The ride takes 3-4
hours and concludes with food and refreshments at the lodge at
Starved Rock prior to driving home. The ride requires a moderate level of conditioning and endurance
due to the distance being covered (a “sag-wagon” for weary cyclists will be provided). Women, men and
youth are encouraged to sign up!
Contact Bev at the office or call Clint at (630)220-7814 for details. “Are you ridin’ or are you hidin’?”
Eddie Knox to Preach on Trinity Sunday
On Sunday May 22, Knox will welcome the Rev. Dr. Eddie Knox, Pastor of Pullman
Presbyterian Church in Chicago to the pulpit. Dr. Knox is a long time friend of our
congregation who assisted in our building campaign (as Knox did in his) and whose
congregation donated the Chancel Bible which rests on the Communion Table. Dr.
Knox is an inspiring speaker and you won’t want to miss his message to us at 9:00
and 10:30 am on Sunday, May 22nd.
2016 Dr. Anne T Sherren Scholar
The 2016 Dr. Anne T Sherren Scholar is Joel Lynn. Joel will be a second year student at
Princeton Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. Please congratulate Joel if you see him.
New Childcare Coordinator
We are pleased to announce that Debbie Bunker has accepted the position of
Childcare Coordinator. She comes to us with a background in Nursing and
many years of experience working in our nursery. She is excited to continue
the quality care of our littlest members and already has some new ideas for
the nursery. Be sure to congratulate her when you see her!
Camille Liotine Senior Piano & Organ Recital
Sunday June 5 at 2pm
The Liotine family invites the Knox community, family and friends to Camille’s Senior
piano and organ recital on Sunday, June 5 at 2pm. After over a decade of practicing,
Camille is excited to share some of her favorite music with you. Plan to stay and enjoy
refreshments in the Commons area after the recital. Thank you Knox for all of the support
you have given to Camille!
Family Camp Weekend
September 23 - 25
Covenant Harbor, Lake Geneva
Registration will open online May 23 and will be on a first come first serve basis. We only have 17 rooms
available this year. Questions - Contact Jenny Hubbard at 630-615-4318,
Lights - Camera - Sign-up NOW!
It's time for a new Knox photo directory and
Sign-ups are now being taken for the dates below.
Have you ever seen somebody at church and spent the rest of
the day trying to put a name to the familiar face? It happens to
most of us and our new pictorial directory will help! Each family
will receive a complimentary 8x10 photo for their help in
making our book complete. Help us make this a
great directory, which will be available as both hardcopy and
online. The photo sessions will take place at Knox these dates
and times:
Tuesday, May 17 - Thursday, May 19, 3:00 - 8:30 pm
Friday, May 20, 1-7 pm
Saturday May 21 10 am - 4 pm
Sunday May 22, 1 - 7 pm
Monday May 23 - Thursday May 26th 3:00 - 8:30 pm,
Tuesday, June 7 - Thursday June 9, 3:00 - 8:30
Friday, June 10, 1 pm - 7 pm
Saturday, June 11, 10 am - 4 pm
Sign-ups are now available by clicking HERE
Questions? Email Joan at
Help Wanted
Job Opening - Financial Administrator
We are starting the process of looking for a replacement for our
Financial Administrator position. Even though we don't want to say
good-bye to Rita, our Financial Administrator of 10 years, she has said
that she is going to retire on September 9th! So we must start the
process of looking. This position requires an Accounting or Finance
Degree and a minimum of 3 years of experience. In addition to the
specifics of the job description, which can be found on our website,
this position requires a unique individual that has a genuine love for
people, utmost discretion regarding confidentiality and concern for the
welfare of the community.
Job Opening - Part Time Custodian
Part time custodian needed for Knox. You must be able to work a
flexible schedule including evenings and weekends. This position
performs custodial tasks and maintenance duties inside and outside
our church. You will help to set-up and take down furniture and
equipment for both church and community events that take place at
Knox and also help maintain a clean environment for all our
members and visitors. For more information please contact Ron
Mobley at 630-615-4305
Hall of Famers
Thursday, May 5, 2016 – 12:00 p.m.
(this date is a week earlier than our usual schedule)
Please plan to join us for our last Hall of Famers Luncheon for the year.
We will have a box lunch ready for you to enjoy in Lehman Hall in preparation for our program featuring
actress Leslie Goddard (see below) who will portray Amelia Earhart, the first female pilot to fly across the
Atlantic Ocean. Many of us will remember Leslie’s enactment as a Titanic survivor at Hall of Famers last
Worship and Communion will be held in the chapel at 11:30 a.m. before lunch at noon.
Please call Diane Heintz in the church office (630-355-8181) to make reservations. Cost is $7.00
Leslie Goddard as Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart’s courageous exploits and spirited personality made her
an international celebrity in the early twentieth century. In this lively
living-history program, meet Amelia and learn about her experiences as
the first woman to cross the Atlantic by airplane (1928) and the first
woman to fly solo across the Atlantic (1932). She'll describe how she
learned to fly, what inspired her adventurous spirit, and why she set off in
1937 for an around-the-world flight.
From a TPC recipient:
One Great Hour of Sharing for 2016
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Our 2016 contributions
totaled $5,647.81.
Thank you from Jeneane Ryan
Dear Knox family,
At the memorial service for my sweet husband, Tom, I found the beautiful Peace Lilly from my
Knox family . . . how fitting for that one and only flower to be in the center of His altar as we said our
final goodbyes. There was no way that I could not feel wrapped in ours and His love.
Then a week or so later, I received a card from the Knox staff. Oh my! Please thank EVERYONE
for the card and their precious words of love and support and for the beautiful flower. Please let my
whole Knox family know how much I love and miss them and that their prayers are making each day just
a little easier. I am so very thankful for this extended family.
I hope to make it back to Naperville this summer and will hope to visit Knox. Thank you for your
words and prayers.
Illness/Health Concerns:
Mel Gould (friend of former member Bill Miller)
Haroldine Chandler (Deb Roberts’ mother)
Paul Gartner (Rosalie Gartner’s son)
Winfred Stamp (Janice Wiles’ father)
Amy Bratsos (Edward Hospital)
Jack Parker (Edward Hospital)
Donovan McCoy (Tom Sieczynski’s grandson)
David Wayne (friend of Mark and Pam Guth)
Lynn Berg
Karen Hryciuk (friend of the Heath Family)
Roosevelt Gardner
Fran Slayton (Robert Slayton’s cousin)
Bunny Cox
Carole Mickelson (friend of Diane Charles)
Abby Swanson
Anja de Leeuw (friend of Ineke Pelella)
Marlene Parker
Patricia Renggli (mother of Anne Renggli)
Liz Lawrence
Brent Fry (friend of Carol and Charlie O’Neill)
Pat Gislain (hospice)
Don Stewart (friend of Helene Schaefer)
Ken Chapek
Stephanie Siczewicz (Pete Siczewicz’s aunt)
Edythe Bartlett
Marilyn Cortright (Bob Cortright’s mother) (hospice)
Theresa Inman
Larry Sieczynski Sr. (Tom Sieczynski’s brother)
Jeneane Ryan
Paul Norris (friend of Jim and Ruth Hutto)
Colleen Carosella (niece of Charlie and Carol O’Neill)
Gerry Cornett (friend of many Knox members)
Mark Scoughton (friend of Diane Charles)
Steven Obremski (son of co-worker of Kevin Williams)
Margie Kasper (friend of Carol O’Neill)
Diane Terry (Anne Sherren’s cousin’s wife)
Barb Stewart (friend of Helene Schaefer)
Shirley Sichel (aunt of Mariette Siczewicz)
Jack Romine (father of Jill Poskin)
Bob Stout (co-worker of Kevin Williams)
Elijah Georges (Arlene Beslic’s grandson)
Laura Armstrong (family friend of Gary and Ruth Dispensa)
Jo Ann Allen (good friend of the Du Chanes)
Michelle Sutton (friend of Bob and Jean Casper)
Jack Mathison (Brent Mathison’s father)
Marisa Kruger (friend of Lisa Bonomo)
Ryon Degenhart (relative of Pam Guth)
Charlie Hall (Harrisonburg, Virginia)
Tom Stone (brother of John Stone)
Cliff Preston (father of CDO teacher Marcia Meier)
Marleen North (friend of Betty Barcheski)
Bob Owensby (friend of Dave and Bonnie Olson)
Dede Massaro (sister of Lori Dickens)
Brandon McKenzie (nephew of Kathleen Olson)
Betty Bohlander (friend of Diane Charles)
Larry Ley (Rita Eagleson’s brother)
Susie Ley (Rita Eagleson’s sister-in-law)
Mary Anne Sacramento (Robert Sacramento’s sister-in-law)
Barb Eagleson (Rita Eagleson’s ex-husband’s wife)
Dr. Paul Parks (formerly of Samaritan Interfaith)
Home Recovering
Matthew Gill (friend of the Morten families)
Peg Little
Nancy Twaddle
Bob Casper
Carol Tice (Rosemary Park’s daughter)
Anneliese Schultz
Mike Mascal (son-in-law of Norah Johnson)
Mark Hopf
Claire Ovens
Carol Haerr
Larry Trimnell (Wynscape Rehabilitation)
Mark Bickler
Abby Swanson (Tabor Hills)
Katie Klyce
The friends and family of:
Tom Ryan on his death (Jeneane Ryan’s husband)
Jessie Cortes on his death (Robert Sacramento’s
Charles Werring on his death (Nancy Fry’s
Jeanette Hickey on her death (Bill Harris’ mother)
Lyle Feller on his death (Janet Feller Hyde’s father)
Christina Ancona on her death (Ken Ancona’s
Linda Lies on her death (John Lies and Sue Lies’
Joseph O’Neill on his death (Charlie O’Neill’s
Alexander & Emily Milldrum on the birth of their
son Quinn Lachlan on April 10. Proud grandparents
are Dane & Julie Milldrum.
Julie & Rob Pfaff on the birth of their daughter
Emma Harper on April 12. Proud greatgrandmother is Edna Shepherd.
Matt & Alyssa Van Iten on the birth of their son
Thomas James on April 9. Proud grandmother is
Karen Van Iten and great grandparents are Corrine
& Jerry Borg.
Jonathan Ballew
Matt Krempel
Morgan Plummer
Chris Hurford
Calvin Warren
Matt Cincotta
Adam Barnes
Scott Zweir
All military personnel & their families.
Nursing Home/Home Bound
Pick up a weekly prayer concerns card in the Commons for a
list of our members who are in nursing homes & home bound.