Winter Activities Day - Greater Johnstown School District, Johnstown


Winter Activities Day - Greater Johnstown School District, Johnstown
A monthly publication from
♦ January 2016
From the Knox Guidance Office!
Prospective Student Open House
305 Jansen Avenue
Wednesday, January 20
2 Sessions 5:30 & 7:00 pm
(Prospective students must attend one of the
information sessions.)
Are you PTECH (Pathways in Technology) material?
PTECH students are incoming ninth-graders who will
simultaneously earn Regents high school diplomas and
associate’s degrees at no cost to their families from
FMCC in 4-6 years.
PTECH students:
 Are motivated to learn in new and exciting ways
 Are innovative and creative
 Are interested in applying science, technology,
engineering and math
Work well in a collaborative team environment
Thrive in a non-traditional classroom setting
Are you ready to write your story?
Important Dates for students interested in applying to the
PTECH program:
1/20/16 Open House at Jansen School (required for interested students)
2/5/16 Completed and signed applications due to Knox Guidance Office
Month of March - Student interviews scheduled at Knox
4/2/16 Acceptance and wait list letters mailed home
Brochures were offered to every 8th grade student. Information and enrollment packets are available in the guidance office and online at:
During the month of December, Knox students came down to
the guidance office and put time, care and love into
making many holiday cards for the children at
St. Jude’s Hospital.
12th Annual
Many Pictures Inside!
Winter Activities Day
On Wednesday, December 23, we took the time to celebrate school
spirit by holding our 12th Annual “Winter Activities Day”. Students
and staff were treated to a band concert in the morning, followed by an
assembly and then community service activities. As a continuation of
our participation in an “Acts of Random Kindness” initiative, we made
ornaments that were then randomly delivered throughout the
surrounding Knox community. Band members visited and performed at
the Wells House and Pineview Commons. Another group of staff and
students went Christmas Caroling and delivered delicious treats to our
neighborhood fire and police departments as well as city hall.
In the afternoon, students enjoyed a variety of other fun activities such
as: candy making, creative writing, singing karaoke, arm knitting,
computer and board games, etc. A special thank you to the staff and
students who worked hard organizing the day.
***Important Dates to Remember!***
Jan 4 School Resumes
Jan 13 PTSA Mtg. 6:30
Jan 18 Martin Luther King Day
No School
Jan 20 P-TECH Open House
Jan 21 Concussion Discussion at
Johnstown Movie Plex
Jan 22 PTSA Dance 7-9
Jan 22 Knox 2nd Quarter Ends
Jan 26 Arts in Education Workshops
Jan 28 2nd Quarter Report
Cards Distributed
Jan 29 Superintendent’s Conference Day
No School for Students
Congratulations to all of the Knox Musicians
who performed in the Winter Concert!
The audience was entertained with music from
the Jazz Band, 7th Grade Chorus, 7th Grade
Band, 8th Grade Chorus and 8th Grade band.
Some of the groups then repeated a portion of
the program along with a lesson on audience
concert etiquette on Winter Activities Day.
Feb 5 P-TECH Apps Due to Guidance
Feb 5 & 6 All County Festival at
Feb 10 PTSA Mtg. 6:30 Library
Feb 14 Valentine’s Day
Feb 15-19 Winter Break
No School for Students
Feb 23 Half Day for Students.
Knox dismissal at 11:00
Feb 23 8th Grade Visit to JHS-AM
Feb 26 PTSA Dance 7-9 pm
Pictures from one of our
many practice sessions.
Students of the Week
For December
Shain Krutz
Camron Sweet
Abigail Rizzo
“GJSD has HART” Breast Cancer Fundraisers
$500 Presented to New York Oncology/Hematology
The Greater Johnstown School District has been raising money for breast cancer awareness. “GJSD has Hart”
magnets and bracelets were sold throughout the District at the elementary, middle and high schools. The modified
football teams conducted a bake sale at their last home game at which pink decorations were displayed, players
wore pink socks, and staff who are breast cancer survivors or are currently battling cancer were recognized. $500
was raised and proceeds were donated to NYOH in the form of gift cards for patients.
Staff and students alike could be seen wearing their bracelets and also t-shirts to show support as well as
displaying magnets on lockers and in offices.
Approximately 50 pillows (as pictured in the Oct/Nov edition of the Knox News and below) and inspirational
messages made by Linda Rusnica’s 8th grade life studies students were also presented at an assembly on Winter
Activities Day. Thank you to the many people who helped with all of these endeavors.
Dr. Karen Tedesco, Medical Oncologist, and
Ms. Karen Diamond, practice manager, from New
York Oncology Hematology were on hand to accept
donations on behalf of patients in their care.
“Concussion Discussion”
January 21, 2016
6-9 pm
At Johnstown Movie Plex
FREE showing of the movie
Followed by a discussion led by Johnstown
School District Athletic Director James
Robare and Dr. Richard Solby
Sponsored by Nathan Littauer Hospital and
its family of health services
Seating is limited and reservations are
required! To reserve:
Please call HealthLink Littauer at 736-1120
or email StopSportsInjuries
Student representatives from Life Studies classes and
Student Council Officers were on hand to help with
the presentation.
The Knox School Climate Committee
raffled off baskets donated by various
Knox community members to raise
money for student activities such as
upcoming field trips.
Approximately $300 was raised selling
tickets at 25 cents each!
Winter Activities Day Fun
Thank You
Knox PTSA, Staff &
Community Members
For very generous donations to
Knox families in need over the