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KNOX NEWS Knox News September 2015 Diverse in Culture ╬ United in Faith 不 同 文 化 ╬ Inside This Edition 共 同 信 念 U -TALKS U-TALKS is a new venture of Knox, Ebenezer and Toronto Chinese United Churches to provide a series of events in the area for members of our congregations and our community. The programs will be unique as we explore beyond the traditional and offer insights into the complex issues of the world. The theme for the November 1 event is For the Love of the World and the speakers are Women who are impacting the World. Lee McKenna is the Executive Director of Partera International, which works in partnership with many organizations for peace. Lee is a facilitator, trainer, author and ordained minister who will share her story about her experiences in conflict zones around the world. 2 General Council 42 3 Mission Trip to Bathurst NB Camping Trip 4 Syrian Refugee Crisis Sanctuary Air Conditioning Alpha Ministry 5 Fall Fair 6 Looking Ahead Congregational Survey 7 Worship Corner All Candidates Meeting Lunch Bunch 8 Horticultural EMS Heritage Fund Dr. Naila Keleta-Mae is an Assistant Professor of Theatre and Performance at the University of Waterloo. She is teaching an undergraduate course this fall entitled Gender and Performance, focused on Beyoncé’s self-titled album. We will celebrate the incredible contributions that these women are making and their influence. They will share stories of change: change that can bring peace in conflict; and change through education, women and leadership. And there will be music. Ken Whiteley embraces folk, roots, blues, bluegrass, world music and most definitely gospel. But he brings that folk attitude, speaking out for justice, peace and love. So, bring a friend on November 1 at 7:15 for an evening that will offer inspiration. The cost is only $10. Tel: 416-293-4424 Knox United Church 2569 Midland Ave. Agincourt ON M1S 1R3 Fax: 416-293-6128 email: Russ welcomes Alma to the “Over 90 Birthday Club”! website: Page 1 September 2015 General Council 42 conferences and individuals and considered all of the material received. by Marg Walker The final report, United In God’s Work, was available in March, 2015 and over 100 responses and proposals were sent to General Council. The 42nd General Council of the United Church met in Corner Brook, Newfoundland from August 8 to 14, 2015. I attended two previous General Councils in 2006 and 2009. Lynella attended the last three in 2006, 2009 and 2012 and served as a member of the General Council Executive from 2009 to 2015. And Knox was at the meetings in Corner Brook. We sent a prayer fish which was among the hundreds of fish that were displayed in “schools” around the meeting and worship space. Maya Landell, the worship leader said “It reminds us we are surrounded by the sea. It’s so rooted in who we are as Christ’s followers, with a fish as the secret sign. Every time we see the fish we are reminded of the stories of Jesus.” A 17-person Sessional Committee was established to review all of the proposals and consider the information. They met before GC42 and prepared a report to offer a ‘road map’. This was accepted by General Council and facilitated the discussion and decisions which were made during the week. The omnibus proposal passed with 95 percent of commissioners voting in favour and 4 percent against. The most important decision was that the church should change from a four court model of congregations, presbyteries, conferences and General Council to a three-council model consisting of communities of faith, regional councils, and a denominational council. The direction has been set. There are details that need to be further developed, including the number of regions, membership of regional councils and executives, and the relationship of the regional and denominational councils to staff. In addition, General Council commissioners received a palm-sized, hand-carved wooden fish to hold during times of prayer. Local wood carvers prepared 650 wooden fish. I was a GC42 junkie during the second week in August and watched the proceedings on-line with great interest. This year, a document called the Comprehensive Review was the focus of the work of the General Council. The Comprehensive Review Task Group was established following the 2012 General Council. Seven individuals from across the church and our moderator, Gary Paterson, asked for input from congregations, presbyteries, Page 2 There will be test projects for the three-council structure and other areas before a category 3 remit will be sent to presbyteries and pastoral charges regarding the changes prior to the meeting of the 43rd General Council which will be sometime in 2017, rather than in 2018. A fund to provide support to new ministries and new forms of ministry through an initiative tentatively called Chasing the Spirit will be established with 10 percent of annual Mission & Service givings to be invested in the initiative. More information about the Comprehensive Review is available at There was a celebration of closer relationships of our church with three other major faith groups in the U.S., Philippines and Korea: the United Church of Christ USA, the United Church of the Philippines and the Presbyterian Church of the Republic of Korea. Rev. Jordan Cantwell was elected and installed as Moderator during the final worship which was described as a ‘buoyant, joyous, and intercultural worship celebration that concluded the 42nd General Council meeting, and capped off what had been a long day of business.’ Cantwell was presented with symbols of the office of Moderator: a stole, a talking stick, a bowl, and a prayer shawl. She was also given a Heiltsuk eagle clan vest with abalone shell buttons by Jim White of Bella Bella, BC. This edition Thanks to everyone who has contributed articles to this edition of the Knox News. Editors: Marg Walker & Cheryl Amos. Photos: Don Boucher, Wendy Huang, Stephanie Ma, Paul Wang, Richard Wang, Helen Wong. Design: Tricia Cook. Please send any suggestions, articles and pictures to the Communication Committee c/o the church office, KNOX NEWS Mission Trip to Bathurst NB by Paul Wang Note: Paul is a member at Knox and attends the Agincourt Baptist Church (ABC) Youth Group on Friday evenings. This summer, Paul was part of this year’s East Coast Mission Team at ABC, a project of church youth from Agincourt to help meet community needs in Atlantic Canada. Camping Trip by Jim Ma It’s good to be back in Scarborough! As you may or may not know, I spent two weeks in July on a mission trip to Bathurst, New Brunswick, organized by Agincourt Baptist Church. Thank you for the generous contributions and support of the congregation which made it possible for me to take part in this trip. and effort was put in to planning. Some people found it tiring at times, but not me! Bathurst is a town with a population of only 15,000 people; our community of Scarborough is roughly 10 times as big, counting the population of our three wards (39, 40, 41). Our main goal was to run a vacation bible school. VBS was an opportunity to educate children with fun activities while also raising spiritual awareness in the immediate community. The entire staff of the camp were volunteers, including me. About 20 campers attended the VBS, and although it wasn’t especially difficult to conduct the 5-day camp, a lot of time I truly enjoyed my time on the trip, and found it an informative and worthwhile experience. For instance, did you know that New Brunswick is Canada’s only ‘official’ bilingual province? Provincial government institutions in New Brunswick offer services in both French and English. The trip wasn’t all work and no play. We had the opportunity to visit the waterfront several times, took part in several community gatherings, and had time to enjoy the beautiful scenery to be found in Bathurst. We hope that our outreach efforts will not be forgotten and will make their mark on the community for the future. In mid-August, Rev. Rob and a couple of families, including mine, from the Chinese fellowship went camping in Algonquin Provincial Park. For some of the families, this was a totally new and unforgettable experience. What impressed me most on a hiking trail was the former estate of Judge George Barclay. It was last occupied in 1953, but now the place has been completely taken over by the forest. I couldn’t imagine that there was a Away from the busy city life, we enjoyed building standing there 60 years ago. and embraced the Canadian wilderness. From what I have seen, only the dock and the tennis court floor remain. You We enjoyed chatting around the could really see how much nature has camp fire, watching the night sky and taken back. canoeing on the lake. Page 3 September 2015 Syrian Refugee Crisis The situation of refugees in the Middle East and Europe has moved many of us and we ask, how can we help? MONETARY DONATIONS may be made through your offering envelopes. Make the cheque payable to Knox United Church and mark your envelope Syria Appeal. Donations will be accepted until December 20, 2015 to qualify for the matching government funds. SPONSORSHIP TASK GROUP Council passed a motion that a task group be appointed to explore the possibility of Knox assisting in a direct way to sponsor a refugee family or individuals. If you are interested in joining this task group, please call the church office, 416-2934424 ext 0. Air Conditioning of the Sanctuary at Knox Next year, Knox will not be as warm on the hot days of summer. Knox Council, in September, voted to install air conditioning in the sanctuary this fall so that we will be cooler next summer. The cost will be $12,000 plus HST which is not in the current budget. Contributions to support this project can be made by including and noting the contribution on your envelope or placing a donation in an envelope designated for the air conditioning. For more information, please see Nick Walker, Property Chair or Dave Amos, Treasurer. Alpha Ministry by Tina Nicholl on behalf of the Alpha Team Fall courses Offered by Knox United and Knox Presbyterian Churches Fridays 6:30 pm – 9 pm, starting on Oct. 23, 2015, in the Heritage Room Our time together includes supper, singing & exercise, children’s program and child care. No charge. Page 4 How to live the Christian life in the 21st century Anyone with a basic knowledge of Christianity is welcome to join our course on A Life Worth Living. It is very suitable for people who have already taken the Alpha course. The course includes talks and discussions in English of the book of Philippians. For more info or to register, please contact Tina Nicholl at or contact the church. Learn to speak the right language when you say, “I love you.” Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages Course is for those who want to love their mate or future mate better. Whether you have a happy relationship or are facing challenges, you are invited to join us. It includes video talks and discussions. There will be discussion groups in English and in Mandarin. For more info or to register, please contact Helen Wong or James Gillespie, or contact the church, 416293-4424 x 0, KNOX NEWS Knox Fall Fair – Saturday, October 17 The continuing success of our Fall Fair depends on the support and contributions of our volunteers! Drop Off Pick-Up Any items that you are planning to contribute to the Fall Fair may be dropped off at the Christian Centre Building on Thursday, October 15 between 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., and Friday, October 16 between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. If you require items to be picked up, please contact: PLEASE: No Computers or Printers! The Bakery (Jeannette Mercer / Nancy Wayment) We would like to be inundated with baked goods! Each year the bake table sells all their goods and frequently we have more customers than goods. Please help us – all homemade baked goods are most welcome. Bangles, Baubles & Beads (Liz Lundy) This table is staffed by Nearly New Shop volunteers and others, and we welcome donations of your jewellery, scarves & handkerchiefs. Victoria’s Cupboard (Gloria Marshall) Don’t forget to set aside, china, silver, brass, crystal or collectibles for sale in this booth. Bob Lundy Ken Spracklin Samuel Mercer John Skears The Hardware Store & Bargain Bin ( John Skears ) We need any nuts, bolts, nails, etc. and tools you no longer need. Anything in the hardware line is most welcome. Donate your Canadian Tire money and we will turn it into hardware items! We welcome your nearly new items to sell at the Bargain Bin (with the exception of clothes). Nearly New Shop (Frieda Shea / Russ Gomme) Please keep saving good used clean clothing and jewellery. Items must be clean and preferably on hangers. Shoes, boots and handbags in good repair are also welcome. Silent Auction (Roy Fenwick) New or items of value and in good repair are required for the Silent Auction table. All contributions are most welcome. No computers or printers please. The Pantry (Gerry McArthur) Jars of jam, jelly, marmalade, pickles or chutney will be greatly appreciated for The Pantry. Flea Market (Margaret Thomson & Norma Offenbacher) We need your unwanted treasures, something that you don’t want, could be useful to others. All electronic items MUST be in working order. Handmade Originals (Elaine Dunk) We have a fine assortment of knitted goods and handmade articles, all made with loving care. Pastoral Care On the fourth Wednesday of each month, Knox United Church provides a Worship service at Shepherd Village. Rev. Leigh Olson, Rev. Rob Selby and Rev.Ian Manson ( St. John’s United) take turns leading the service. The residents 416-293-9835 (Event Chairperson) 416-291-0749 (Treasurer) 416-291-4973 905-479-6074 Children’s Corner (Jayne Bossert) New or gently used children’s toys, games, etc. are most welcome. Recently Read Books (Fay Pitman) Current Romance, Mystery and Adventure books of Fiction (paperback and hardcover), including popular novels, will be appreciated at this table. enjoy a meaningful message, prayer and plenty of lovely music thanks to Elaine Conner and Don Gordon. Often, soloists are invited to perform. A team of volunteers helps to transport the residents to the Village Hall in time for the 10:30 a.m. service. The Pastoral Care Committee is seeking help with this very rewarding job. It is a small time commitment; but some strength is required to assist with wheelchairs and walkers. If you are able to help, please call the church office. Page 5 September 2015 Looking Ahead October 4 & November 1 An opportunity to chat with Rob and others about the sermon following worship & coffee time. October 5 8 pm Garden Club meeting, CE Auditorium October 6 9:30 am Morning Glory Bible Study, Heritage Rm, continuing each Tuesday morning 7:30 pm UCW Unit 1, Heritage Rm October 7 9:30 am UCW Unit 2, Heritage Rm 7:30 pm Prayer & Praise, at Tina & Robin’s October 11 Thanksgiving Sunday October 13 7:30 pm Book Study Group @ E Conner’s October 14 9 am-12 pm Fall Fair Set-up 7:30 pm Worship Committee, Heritage Room October 15 9 am - noon Fall Fair Set-up 10 am Prayer & Praise, Joan C’s home October 16 All Day Fall Fair Set-up, CE Building October 17 9 am-1 pm FALL FAIR! October 18 & 25, November 8 Who Are We? An opportunity to explore the United Church of Canada following worship & coffee time. October 21 10 am Prayer & Praise at Joan C’s home 7 pm Church Council, Heritage Room October 23 6:30 pm Alpha programs begin (see page 4) October 25 12:15 pm Lunch Bunch at Remezzo’s November 1 7:15 pm U-TALKS Series, in the Sanctuary November 14 12 noon UCW Christmas Luncheon, CE Auditorium November 22 Knox Concert Series begins. Watch for details in the Sunday bulletin. November 28 Advent Dinner, CE Auditorium Sunday, November 1 Congregational Survey How Long have you been worshiping at Knox? 29%: last 5 years; 14%: last 6-10 years; 57%: for more than 10 years. What age-group do you belong? over 60 yrs: 72%; 31-60: 23%; under 30: 5%. Thanks to everyone who took time to complete the Knox Congregational Survey earlier this year and offered their comments about worship, life and work at Knox. Eighty-one surveys were submitted. The results have been compiled but an audit (re-count) is not yet complete. Following are some of the statistical results. Page 6 On average, about how many times have you attended Sunday Worship during the past year? seldom: 1%; once or twice a month: 8%; most Sundays: 91%. How many church groups, committees are you a member of or involved with? Three or more: 31%; Two: 29%; One: 21%; not involved: 19%. Do you regularly connect and access the internet? 81% have Internet access; 19% have no Internet access. There were 21 comments about worship, 8 suggestions and 51 wishes or thoughts regarding the future of Knox. These will be distributed when finalized. How long does it take to travel from home to Knox? less than 5 minutes:7%; Knox Communication Committee 5 to 15 minutes: 66%; 16 to 30 minutes 23%; more than 30 minutes: 4%. KNOX NEWS Worship Corner by Lynella Reid-James Celebrating Holy Communion At Knox, Holy Communion is celebrated in two different ways: offering the bread and individual cups while sitting in the pews; and coming forward to stations and dipping a piece of bread in a common cup. Each way offers worshipers spiritual insight and encouragement. When celebrated in the pews, Communion symbolizes Christ’s grace reaching out to you wherever you are in your life journey. We serve each other as Christ served, and when all have received, we eat and drink together showing our unity in Christ. When celebrated at stations, Communion symbolizes the desire to come into Christ’s presence. At the Table, each of us receives a personal word of grace. And while our friends are offered the bread and dip it into the cup, we can pray for them to experience Christ’s love. Many of us have a preference, yet both ways have a positive message to offer. May we affirm and respect both celebrations of Communion. And may Christ speak to every heart, when Communion is celebrated. All Candidates Meeting Scarborough North Riding 7-9 pm Thursday, October 8 Moderator: Rev. Rob Selby Candidates who have confirmed their participation: Shaun Chen, Liberal Eleni McDonald, Green Party Rathika Sitsabaiesan, NDP Upcoming Services: October 4World Communion Sunday October 18 M & S Sunday/ World Food Sunday. Guest speaker Carole Bennett, M&S Advisory Committee October 25 Stewardship Kick-off November 1 All Saints’ Sunday / In Memorial Service November 8 Remembrance Sunday November 15 Heritage (Anniversary) Sunday. Speaker: Rev. Patricia GaleMacDonald November 22 Stewardship Dedication November 29 First Sunday of Advent/ Holy Communion Share the celebration of your memories and/or special occasions with our Knox family. Sign up to light the Memorial Candles on the sheet on the bulletin board in the Heritage Room. At the same time, consider signing up to read the Scripture lesson. Lunch Bunch meets on the last Sunday of the month at Remezzo Italian Bistro at 3335 Sheppard Ave. E. (southwest corner at Warden), from September to November and January to May. Good food! Good Service! Good Fellowship! Separate bills. Speak to Ollie or Katharine for more information. Next Lunch Bunch: October 25. Page 7 September 2015 Knox United Church 2569 Midland Ave. Agincourt ON M1S 1R3 Tel: 416-293-4424 Fax: 416-293-6128 Email: Website: Rev. Rob Selby Rev. Leigh Olson Ross Inglis Jayne Bossert Richard Wang Jack Au Tricia Cook Lead Minister Minister of Visitation Director of Music Christian Education Coordinator Chinese Ministry Coordinator Church Custodian Church Office Administrator ext 12 ext 13 ext 16 ext 11 ext 15 ext 0 Sunday Worship & Church School at 10 am Knox Heritage Fund There are many ways to give: • Cash • Gifts In Kind • RRSP’s /RRIF’s • Life Insurance • Gift Annuities • Trusts Benefits to you: • Planned Charitable Giving • Immediate Tax Savings by giving today • Tax and Probate Savings for your Estate not otherwise available. Benefits to Knox: • providing resources for future generations • providing major capital in case of emergencies. For more information about the Knox Heritage Fund Contact the Church Office Knox United Church 2569 Midland Avenue Scarborough ON MIS IR3 (416-293-4424, Ext, 0) Send an Email: Look on the Website: Page 8 Horitcultural EMS On August 7 our custodian, Jack Au, reported that three quarters of the beautiful white Rose of Sharon in the Urn Garden had blown down while in full bloom. Don B assessed the bush and, since a large root was still attached, they found some iron posts and with strong twine and an old towel, proceeded to support the branches. With luck, the tree will survive another season!
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