C8 , C8 Turn - Sirona - Technical Documentation
C8 , C8 Turn - Sirona - Technical Documentation
C8+, C8+ Turn English 1 Notes on these operating instructions................................................................ 6 1.1 1.2 General information on the Operating Instructions ................................................................... Explanation of the symbols used .............................................................................................. 6 7 Warning and safety information .......................................................................... 10 2.1 General warning and safety information ................................................................................... 10 Maintenance........................................................................................................... 20 3.1 3.2 3.3 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team................................................................ Inspection and maintenance ..................................................................................................... Safety checks ........................................................................................................................... 20 20 21 Unit description ..................................................................................................... 22 4.1 4.2 Standards/Approvals ................................................................................................................ Technical data .......................................................................................................................... 22 23 System versions.................................................................................................... 25 Putting the system into operation ....................................................................... 29 6.1 System ON/OFF switch ............................................................................................................ 29 Patient chair........................................................................................................... 30 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 Patient positioning .................................................................................................................... Adjusting the armrest ................................................................................................................ Flat headrest/articulated headrest ............................................................................................ MultiMotion headrest ................................................................................................................ Changing the patient position by turning (C8+ Turn only)......................................................... Chair programs – factory settings ............................................................................................. Chair programs – reprogramming............................................................................................. Foot switch – reprogramming ................................................................................................... Emergency stop function for chair movement .......................................................................... Patient chair, options ................................................................................................................ 30 31 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 Dentist element...................................................................................................... 41 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 41 42 42 43 44 45 46 47 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Locking the dentist element ...................................................................................................... Adjusting the instrument position .............................................................................................. Swivel arm ................................................................................................................................ Dentist element C8+ Cart.......................................................................................................... Starting an instrument............................................................................................................... Adjusting the driving air pressure ............................................................................................. Instrument spray ON/OFF – chip blower .................................................................................. Instruments – adjusting the spray intensity............................................................................... 3 English Table of contents French English Table of contents Spanish Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Table of contents 9 10 11 12 Dentist element options........................................................................................ 48 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 Negatoscope ............................................................................................................................. Tumbler holder .......................................................................................................................... Silicone handles, right/left ......................................................................................................... Tray ........................................................................................................................................... Silicone mat............................................................................................................................... 3-way SPRAYVIT syringe ......................................................................................................... 3-way syringe ............................................................................................................................ Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light ................................................................................................. SL or BL ISO C electric motor................................................................................................... SIROSONIC L scaler ................................................................................................................ SIROSONIC L endodontic scaler.............................................................................................. Rinsing the water lines .............................................................................................................. 48 48 49 49 49 50 51 52 54 57 58 59 Assistant element.................................................................................................. 61 10.1 Suction handpiece/saliva ejector .............................................................................................. 61 Assistant element - options ................................................................................. 62 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 3-way syringes .......................................................................................................................... Microswitch for vacuum system control .................................................................................... Air jet pump ............................................................................................................................... Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light ................................................................................................. 62 62 62 63 Water unit............................................................................................................... 64 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 64 65 66 66 Cuspidor flushing time - factory settings ................................................................................... Cuspidor flushing time - reprogramming ................................................................................... Tumbler filling - factory settings ................................................................................................ Tumbler filling - reprogramming ................................................................................................ Combination of rinsing position S with tumbler filling and flushing controlled by dentist element .................................................. Assistant element control panel - cuspidor flushing .................................................................. Assistant element control panel - cuspidor flushing - reprogramming ...................................... Assistant element control panel - tumbler filling ........................................................................ Assistant element control panel combination of mouth rinsing position S with tumbler filling and cuspidor flushing ................... Fresh water bottle ..................................................................................................................... Switching between tap water/fresh water C8+ .......................................................................... Hydrocolloid connection ............................................................................................................ Dürr wet suction system............................................................................................................ Amalgam separator................................................................................................................... Disinfection system ................................................................................................................... Conversion of water unit right-handed left-handed version.................................................. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Operating light - option......................................................................................... 81 13.1 13.2 13.3 81 83 84 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 13 4 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn SIROLUX E ............................................................................................................................... SIROLUX FANTASTIC ............................................................................................................. LEDview .................................................................................................................................... 67 69 69 70 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team ....................................... 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15 Table of contents 85 Care and cleaning agents ......................................................................................................... Patient chair.............................................................................................................................. Dentist element ......................................................................................................................... Assistant element ..................................................................................................................... Water unit ................................................................................................................................. Sanitation of the treatment center............................................................................................. SIROLUX E operating light ....................................................................................................... SIROLUX FANTASTIC operating light ..................................................................................... LEDview.................................................................................................................................... 85 86 89 92 93 98 104 106 107 Options................................................................................................................... 108 Working stool CARL ................................................................................................................. PAUL working stool (not available in the Federal Republic of Germany) ................................. HUGO working stool ................................................................................................................. 108 108 108 Spanish French English 15.1 15.2 15.3 English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 5 1 Notes on these operating instructions 1.1 General information on the Operating Instructions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 1 Notes on these operating instructions 1.1 General information on the Operating Instructions 2EVHUYHWKH2SHUDWLQJ,QVWUXFWLRQV 3OHDVH IDPLOLDUL]H \RXUVHOI ZLWK WKH XQLW E\UHDGLQJWKURXJKWKHVHRSHUDWLQJLQ VWUXFWLRQVEHIRUHSXWWLQJLWLQWRRSHUD WLRQ ,W LV HVVHQWLDO WKDW \RX FRPSO\ ZLWK WKHVSHFLILHGZDUQLQJDQGVDIHW\LQIRU PDWLRQ .HHSGRFXPHQWVVDIH $OZD\V NHHS WKH RSHUDWLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQV KDQG\LQFDVH\RXRUDQRWKHUXVHUUH TXLUHVLQIRUPDWLRQDWDODWHUSRLQWLQ WLPH 6DYH WKH RSHUDWLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQV RQ WKH3&RUSULQWWKHPRXW 6KRXOG\RXVXEVHTXHQWO\VHOOWKHXQLW HQVXUHWKDWWKHRSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV DUH LQFOXGHG ZLWK WKH XQLW LQ SDSHU IRUP RUDVHOHFWURQLFVWRUDJHPHGLDVRWKDW WKH QHZ RZQHU FDQ EH VXLWDEO\ LQIRUPHG DERXWWKHIXQFWLRQRIWKHXQLWDQGWKH ZDUQLQJDQGVDIHW\LQIRUPDWLRQSURYLG HG 2QOLQH3RUWDOIRU7HFKQLFDO'RFXPHQWV )RUWHFKQLFDOGRFXPHQWVZHKDYHFUH DWHG DQ RQOLQH SRUWDO DW KWWSZZZVLUR QDFRPPDQXDOV7KHUH\RXFDQ GRZQORDGWKLV2SHUDWLQJ,QVWUXFWLRQV DQGIXUWKHUGRFXPHQWV,I\RXZRXOG SUHIHUDGRFXPHQWLQSDSHUIRUPDW SOHDVHILOORXWWKHZHEIRUP:HZLOOEH GHOLJKWHGWRVHQG\RXDSULQWHGFRS\ IUHHRIFKDUJH +HOS ,I \RX UHDFK DQ LPSDVVH GHVSLWH KDYLQJ WKRURXJKO\VWXGLHGWKH2SHUDWLQJ,Q VWUXFWLRQVSOHDVHFRQWDFW\RXUGHQWDO GHSRW 6 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Explanation of the symbols used Symbol Explanation Symbol Explanation ON Patient chair up OFF Patient chair down CAUTION Patient chair upright Fuse Patient chair inclined Clean with water Factory settings Warning of danger Activate chair program S, rinsing position (Last memory function) Emergency stop function Activate chair program 0, entry/exit position Wrong Activate chair program 1, upper jaw treatment position no/not OK Activate chair program 2, lower jaw treatment position Right Individual programming, rinsing position S Maximum load Individual programming, entry/exit position 0 Wrong Individual programming, upper jaw treatment 1 English 1.2 1 Notes on these operating instructions 1.2 Explanation of the symbols used T 10A H Individual programming, lower jaw treatment 2 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 7 1 Notes on these operating instructions 1.2 Explanation of the symbols used Symbol Explanation Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Symbol Short acoustic signal Explanation 274 3 min Can be sterilized in the autoclave at 134°C/274°F Long acoustic signal Can be thermodisinfected in the thermodisinfector at 93°C/197°F Time in seconds 3-way syringe – water Time in minutes 3-way syringe – air Stop chair movement 3-way syringe – spray Brake applied Can be set only by the service engineer Brake released Tumbler filler Speed increase Cuspidor flushing >10s <10m Speed reduction Press and hold key 8 + 1 80 60 40 ENDO 20 Observe operating instructions of the manufacturer Release key 1 80 60 40 ENDO 20 Spray cooling Press key briefly 1 80 60 40 ENDO 20 Changing the intensity of spray air/spray water LEDview/SIROLUX E/ SIROLUX FANTASTIC Maximum brightness +/– 8 Increase/reduction of a variable LEDview/SIROLUX E/ SIROLUX FANTASTIC Reduced brightness 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Symbol Explanation 1 Notes on these operating instructions 1.2 Explanation of the symbols used Symbol Explanation Heat dissipation or Approximately Amalgam recycling Tap water CW rotation of electric micromotor After consulting hours CCW rotation of electric micromotor English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Reprogramming 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 9 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Intended use This dental treatment unit is intended for use in the field of dentistry and may only be used by properly trained personnel.Intended use Contraindications for the use of the dental treatment center, if any, are listed in the individual chapters, e.g. Treatment Instruments. This device is not intended for operation in areas subject to explosion hazards. Intended use also includes compliance with these Operating Instructions and the relevant maintenance instructions. General safety information The equipment may only be operated by properly trained personnel. The "On-site installation" must have been performed according to our requirements. As manufacturers of electromedical equipment and in the interest of the operational safety of your system, we stress the importance of having the maintenance and repair of your treatment center performed only by ourselves or by agencies expressly authorized by us. Furthermore, safety-critical system components must always be replaced with original spare parts upon failure. When having such work done, we suggest that you request a certificate stating the type and extent of work performed, including information about any modifications of the rated parameters or of the operating ranges (if applicable), as well as the date, name of organization and signature. Modifications to this unit which might affect the safety of the system owner, patients or other persons are prohibited by law! Modifications and extensions of the system Modifications to this system which might affect the safety of the system owner, patients or other persons are prohibited by law. For reasons of product safety, this product may be operated only with original Sirona accessories or third-party accessories expressly approved by Sirona. The user is responsible for any damage resulting from the use of non-approved accessories. If any devices not approved by Sirona are connected, they must comply with the applicable standards, e.g.: • • IEC 60950 for information technology equipment (e.g. PC) and IEC 60601-1 for medical electrical equipment. The treatment center monitor must fulfill the requirements of the IEC 60950 standard. The loudspeaker port of the monitor may be connected only to a device that complies with IEC 60950 (e.g. a PC) or IEC 60601-1. Under no circumstances may it be connected e.g. to a stereo system, etc.. If a system is created during the installation process, the requirements of IEC 60601-1, 3rd edition, must be fulfilled. The system author assumes responsibility for conformity of the system with the 93/42/EEC Directive. 10 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Hygiene and disinfection 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Highly immunosuppressed patients should not come in contact with water from the treatment center. The use of sterile solutions is recommended. The national requirements and recommendations for hygiene and disinfection must be observed (e.g. RKI, ADA, CDC etc.) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) The C8+, C8+ Turn complies with the requirements of IEC 60601-1-2. Medical electrical equipment is subject to special EMC preventive measures. It must be installed and operated in compliance with the specifications provided in the document “Installation Requirements” for the respective treatment center. Portable and mobile RF communications equipment may interfere with medical electrical equipment. Therefore, the use of mobile wireless phones in medical office or hospital environments must be prohibited. With video systems: Electromagnetic disturbances in the environment of the treatment center may result in reduced image quality. In such cases, it is advisable to repeat the exposure before saving the image. When a line drop occurs, the image data stored in the video camera may be lost. Deposit the camera and repeat the exposure. Image artifacts may possibly occur as a result of radio-frequency interference caused by the transmitters of e.g. radio services or radio amateurs. Influencing of cardiac pacemakers The treatment center contains strong magnets. These magnets can affect cardiac pacemakers implanted in patients, users and technical personnel. Therefore, please observe the safety information on page 31. Treatment of highly immunosuppressed patients Highly immunosuppressed patients should not come in contact with water from the treatment center. The use of sterile solutions is recommended. Identification of warning and safety information To avoid personal injury and material damage please also observe the warning and safety information provided in the present operating instructions. All such information is highlighted by the signal words NOTE, CAUTION or WARNING. Information on the unit Accompanying documents This symbol is affixed next to the unit rating plate. Meaning: When operating the unit, observe the operating instructions. This symbol is affixed on the unit rating plate. Meaning: The accompanying documents are available on the homepage of Sirona. Ventilation slots Under no circumstances may the ventilation slots on the unit be covered, since otherwise the air circulation will be obstructed. Do not spray disinfectants or other similar products into the ventilation slots. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 11 English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Water/air supply quality Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn The air and water supplies must meet the requirements specified in the installation instructions. Use only drinking water and dry, oil-free and hygienically clean air for the water and air supplies of the treatment center. If no clean drinking water is available, use fresh water bottles (optional). Water quality compliance To ensure compliance with the medical and national legal requirements for water from treatment centers, Sirona recommends equipping the treatment center with a disinfection system. As owner of the treatment center, you are responsible for the water quality and may have to take alternative measures to ensure its compliance if you operate the treatment center without a disinfection system. Please contact your specialized dealer or your relevant dental association for the respective national requirements and measures. Adhere to the instructions in chapters 9.12 and 14 regarding water quality. Connection to the public drinking water sys- Provided it is equipped with a disinfection system, the treatment center tem provides free discharge in the water supply (isolating distance 20 mm). This isolates the public drinking water system from the water supplies following free discharge. The requirements of EN 1717 are thereby fulfilled. The treatment center meets the requirements of the DVGW (German Gas and Water Association) and therefore fulfills the requirements of W270 and KTW (plastics in waterways). The German Gas and Water Association (DVGW) approval can be viewed on a label next to the rating plate. Provided the treatment center is not equipped with a disinfection system, structural measures may be required beyond the unit to protect the public drinking water system. Please always adhere to the national requirements with regard to connecting treatment centers to the public drinking water system. This approval of the treatment center expires if a media block is installed in the base of the chair (see page 40 and page 74). Vacuum system The suction removal of aluminum and other metal oxides from blasting devices via the automatic separator and the amalgam separator integrated in the treatment center is prohibited. This would cause extreme wear and clogging of the suction and water paths. A separate vacuum system must be used in connection with metal oxide blasting devices. Treatment centers equipped with a central wet suction system are generally suitable for suction removal of the above material. However, make sure to observe the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your vacuum system. No restrictions apply when using salt blasting devices in connection with Sirona treatment centers. However, in such cases, make sure that the system is subsequently flushed with an adequate amount of water. Cuspidor bowl Do not use any foaming domestic cleaning agents! Electric micromotors in dentist element Intermittent operation: According to dental treatment Drive motors for chair and backrest 6% duty time, cycle time 250s. 12 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Maintenance of the treatment center 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Despite the outstanding quality of your treatment center and regular care by the practice team, preventive maintenance must be performed at scheduled intervals in the interest of operational safety. In order to ensure the operational safety and reliability of your treatment center and to avoid damage due to natural wear, as the system owner you must have your system checked regularly by an authorized service engineer from your dental depot. Furthermore, safety checks must be performed. Please contact your dental depot to obtain a maintenance offer. For details please refer to chapter 3 “Maintenance”. Dismantling and reinstallation 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. When dismantling and reassembling the system, proceed according to the installation instructions for new installation in order to guarantee its functioning and stability. 13 English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Disposal Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Your product is marked with the adjacent symbol. Within the European Economic Area, this product is subject to Directive 2002/96/EC as well as the corresponding national laws. This directive requires environmentally sound recycling/disposal of the product. The product must not be disposed of as domestic refuse! Please observe the disposal regulations applicable in your country. Disposal procedure Please note that this product is subject to the stipulations in EC Directive 2002/96 governing waste electrical and electronic equipment and must be disposed of in line with these special requirements within the European Union (EU). Prior to disassembly/disposal of the product, it must be fully prepared (cleaned/disinfected/sterilized). When disposing of equipment permanently, please proceed as follows: In Germany: To initiate return of the electrical device, please send a disposal order to "enretec GmbH". 1. You can find a form for placing a disposal order on the com- pany's homepage at www.enretec.de under the menu item "Entsorgung elektrischer und elektronischer Geräte" (Disposal of electric and electronic devices). The form can either be downloaded or completed online. 2. Fill out the form with the corresponding details and send it either as an online order or fax it to enretec GmbH at +49(0)3304 3919 590. You can also get in touch with the following contacts for disposal orders and any questions relating to this you may have: Phone: +49(0)3304 3919 500; E-mail: pickup@eomRECYCLING.com Post: enretec GmbH, Geschäftsbereich eomRECYCLING Kanalstrasse 17, 16727 Velten ~ Your equipment that is not permanently installed will be collected in the practice, while your permanently installed equipment will be collected curbside at your address at the agreed time and date. All disassembly, transport and packaging costs are to be borne by the owner/operator of the equipment. The disposal itself is free of charge. Worldwide (outside Germany): Please contact your local dental equipment specialist for country-specific information on disposal. 14 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Please observe the maximum load capacity of the patient chair, including accessories, of 135kg according to EN ISO 6875 (tested with multiple safety according to EN 60601-1). Safety stop for patient chair STOP STOP 1. STOP • • • Head support Backrest Toeboard STOP 2. Hand/foot placement right wrong CAUTION Make sure that no obstacles (e.g. window wings, drawers, devices, …) extend into the movement range. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 15 English Maximum load capacity of the treatment chair 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Safety stop for assistant element STOP STOP Safety stop for cuspidor C8+ Turn C8+ "Long cuspidor" Position of the dentist element CAUTION When moving the chair (via program or manually), make sure that the patient does not under any circumstances come into contact with the support arm or the dentist element. 16 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information The curing light contains powerful LEDs. In accordance with IEC 62471, they are classified in risk group 2 with the light bar removed. right! wrong! right! wrong! ATTENTION! Potentially dangerous optical radiation! L.E.D. beam exit aperture CAUTION Do not stare into the beam path for longer periods, as this can cause eye damage. Do not under any circumstances stare into the beam path when the light bar is removed. Do not look into the light reflected by the tooth surface. Do not observe the light aperture with optical instruments which can decrease the beam cross-section (e.g. magnifying lenses). Use the glare shield! The light beams emitted by this instrument may be hazardous and may never be directed to the eyes of any person, even if this person wears goggles with protective lenses. The light may be directed exclusively to the treatment area in the oral cavity. Heavy line voltage drops may lead to a shutdown of the Mini L.E.D. The fault is signaled by a double beep. Check the selected operating mode and restart the Mini L.E.D. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 17 English Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Additional safety information Any condensation occurring in the handpiece of the Mini L.E.D. may cause impairments (e.g. fogging of the L.E.D.). When moving the handpiece from a cool environment to a warm room, always wait for it to reach room temperature before putting it into operation. Curing lights must not be used on persons who are suffering from or have in the past been afflicted by photobiological reactions (including solar urticaria and erythropoetic porphyria). Nor should they be used on persons currently being treated with any medications which increase one’s sensitivity to light (including methoxsalene and chlorotetracycline). Any persons who have in the past suffered from retinal or eye lens disorders or have undergone eye surgery, especially for gray cataracts, must consult their medical eye specialist before using the light or undergoing treatment with the Mini L.E.D. Caution is advisable even if the patient gives his or her consent, since the light intensity can cause accidents. It is especially advisable to always wear appropriate protective goggles (UV filter). Operation and optical specification see chapter 9.8 18 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 2 Warning and safety information 2.1 General warning and safety information ! right ! SIROSONIC L English wrong right SIROLUX E/SIROLUX FANTASTIC wrong SIROLUX E CAUTION Never operate without cover: Watch out for overheating of lamp components and let them cool down. SIROLUX FANTASTIC CAUTION Pay attention to elevated temperature of the lamp components; and let these cool down. Fresh water bottle CAUTION LE LEMON MO N Use only Sirona fresh water bottles! wrong 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 19 3 Maintenance 3.1 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 3 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Maintenance Despite the outstanding quality of your treatment center, it is necessary to perform inspections and preventive maintenance as well as safety tests at scheduled intervals in order to ensure its operational safety. These events are documented in the Maintenance Manual. Care and cleaning is done by the practice team. For details please refer to the following sections. 3.1 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team The practice team is responsible for regular cleaning and care of the treatment center, with the aim of minimizing the risk of contamination for patients and users. The work to be performed is specified in the chapter "Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team". 3.2 Inspection and maintenance In order to ensure the operational safety and reliability of your treatment center and to avoid damage due to natural wear, annual inspection and maintenance must be performed on your treatment center. This is done by an authorized service engineer from your dental depot. The steps to be performed as well as the parts which must be replaced are specified in the document "Maintenance Certificate". An overview of the inspection and maintenance work performed is additionally recorded by the service engineer in the "Installation Report/Warranty Passport". This document is part of the "Maintenance Manual". 20 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Safety checks Medical equipment is designed in such a way that the first occurrence of a fault does not create a hazard to the safety of patients, users or other persons. Hence it is important to detect such faults before a second fault occurs, which might then lead to safety hazards. For that reason it is essential to perform safety tests every 2 years which aim particularly at detecting electrical faults (e.g. isolation defects). This is done by an authorized service engineer from your dental depot, most practically together with the work to be performed according to section 3.2. The check includes a visual inspection as well as measurements of the protective ground wire connections and the equivalent leakage currents. The inspections and measurements to be performed are specified in the "Maintenance Manual". The measured values must be documented there by the service engineer. Safety tests must also be performed and documented during initial startup, after extensions/upgrades (conversion) of your treatment center and after repair work which might affect the electrical safety of the system. i NOTE The treatment center must not be operated if it has failed to pass the safety tests! 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 21 English 3.3 3 Maintenance 3.3 Safety checks 4 Unit description 4.1 Standards/Approvals Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 4 Unit description 4.1 Standards/Approvals The treatment center complies with the following standards: • • • • • • • • • IEC 60601-1 (electrical, mechanical, and software safety) IEC 60601-1-2 (electromagnetic compatibility) IEC 60601-1-6 (serviceability) ISO 6875 (Patient chair) ISO 7494-1 (Dental treatment devices) ISO 7492-2 (dental treatment units, water and air supply) ISO 9680 (Operating light) ISO 11143 (amalgam separator), see also below (provided amalgam separator option is available) EN 1717 (connection to the drinking water system), see also below (DVGW) Original language: English This product bears the CE mark in accordance with the provisions of the Council Directive 93/42/EEC of June 14, 1993 concerning medical devices (MDD). 0123 The treatment center meets the requirements of the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) in accordance with CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1-08. SIRONA Dental Systems GmbH 64625 Bensheim Fabrikstrasse 31 Z-64.1-14 The amalgam separator achieves a separation efficiency of > 95%. The requirements of the ISO 11143 standard are thereby fulfilled. Separating procedure type 1: Centrifugal system The amalgam separator is approved by the German Institute for Structural Engineering (DIBT) and by the AFNOR (France). When equipped with a disinfection system, the treatment center complies with the technical rules and requirements on safety and hygiene for connection to the public drinking water supply. The unit is certified according to the requirements of the DVGW (Deutscher Verein für Gas und Wasser = German Gas and Water Association). It fulfills the requirements of W270 and KTW (plastics in waterways) as well as the EN1717 standard (see also chapters "General warning and safety information" [pg. 10]). This unit meets the requirements of BELGAQUA and may therefore be connected to the public drinking water supply in Belgium. 22 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Technical data Model designation C8+, C8+ Turn Power supply line 100 V / 115 V / 127 V / 230 VAC Nominal current 11.5 A 10 A 9A 5A English 4.2 4 Unit description 4.2 Technical data 50 / 60 Hz at 100 V AC at 115 V AC at 127 V AC at 230 V AC ,QDGGLWLRQPD[ $IRUH[WHUQDOGHYLFHV (see page 40) Main unit fuse T 10 A H, 250 V AC , REF 10 77 460 Transport and storage conditions Temperature: Relative humidity: Air pressure: -40°C – +70°C (-40°F – +158°F) 10% – 95% 500hPa – 1060hPa Operating conditions Ambient temperature: Relative humidity: Air pressure: 10°C – 40°C (50°F – 104°F) 30% – 85% (no condensation) 700hPa – 1060hPa Maximum load capacity of the patient chair 135 kg, including accessories Installation site °‹3000 m above sea level Pollution degree 2 acc. to IEC 60664-1 Protection class Class I device Device class in accordance with Directive 93/42/ EEC Class IIa equipment Degree of protection against electric shock Type B applied parts, except SIROCAM 3/SIROCAM C: Type BF applied parts Degree of protection against ingress of water Ordinary equipment (not protected) The foot switch has an IPX1 degree of protection against liquids (drip-proof). Operating mode Continuous operation with intermittent loading corresponding to the dental mode of working. Permanently connected unit. Year of manufacture (on rating plate of chair) 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 23 4 Unit description 4.2 Technical data 24 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 5 5 System versions English System versions C8+ OTP 5. 2. 4. 3. 1. C8 + P 1. Patient chair/Patient chair Turn1 2. OTP dentist element 3. Water unit 4. Assistant element 5. Operating light 6. Instrument foot switch with program positions 7. Instrument foot switch 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 6. P1 P2 7. C8+ with swivel arms 5. 2. 4. 3. 1. C8 + P 0 1. Patient chair/Patient chair Turn1 2. Dentist element with swivel arms 3. Water unit 4. Assistant element 5. Operating light 6. Instrument foot switch with program positions 7. Instrument foot switch S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 6. P1 P2 7. 1. Alternative equipment, not illustrated 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 25 5 System versions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn C8+ Cart 5. 3. 4. 2. 1. 1. Patient chair/Patient chair Turn1 2. Dentist element 3. Water unit 4. Assistant element 5. Operating light 6. Instrument foot switch with program positions 7. Instrument foot switch 6. 7. C8+ Turn 5. 1. Patient chair Turn 2. OTP dentist element/Dentist element with swivel arms2 Cart dentist element1 3. Water unit 4. Assistant element 5. Operating light 6. Instrument foot switch with program positions 7. Instrument foot switch 8. Swivel arm for right-handed/lefthanded conversion 2. 3. 4. 1. C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 6. P1 P2 7. 8. 1. Alternative equipment, not illustrated 2. Alternative equipment, not illustrated 26 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 5 System versions 4. 3. 1. Patient chair/Patient chair Turn1 2. Water unit 3. Assistant element 4. Operating light English C8+ without dentist element 2. 1. i NOTE For operation of the SIVISION 3 video system, please refer to Operating Instructions 59 67 893. 1. Alternative equipment, not illustrated 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 27 5 System versions Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Dentist element equipping options i 1 2 3 4 5 NOTE The BL ISO C option is not available in all countries. C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 Option: Option SL motor Motor SL 1 2 3 4 SPRAYVIT SPRAYVIT Highspeed Turbine handpiece Highspeed Turbine handpiece Highspeed Turbine handpiece oderor/ or ou / o oder or / or ou / o oderor / or ou / o oder or/ or ou / o 5 SIROSONICL L SIROCONIC oderor / or ou / o SIROCAM 3/C SIROCAM 3/C SL motor Motor SL SL motor Motor SL Mini LED curing oderor/ or ou / o light Polymerisationslicht Mini L.E.D. Mini LED curing light Polymerisations- licht Mini L.E.D. Sprayvit SPRAYVIT Option: Option BL ISO C Motor motor BL ISO oderor/ or ou / o Highspeed Turbine handpiece BL ISO C Motor BL ISO motor Highspeed Turbine handpiece oder or/ or ou / o SIROSONICL L SIROSONIC oderor / or ou / o SIROCAM 3/C SIROCAM 3/C oderor/ or ou / o Mini LED curing Polymerisationslight licht Mini L.E.D. Mini LED curing light Polymerisationslicht Mini L.E.D. 28 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 6 Putting the system into operation 6.1 System ON/OFF switch 6 Putting the system into operation 6.1 System ON/OFF switch English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 29 7 Patient chair 7.1 Patient positioning Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 7 Patient chair 7.1 Patient positioning C8 S + 0 100 80 60 40 ENDO P 20 1 P C8 0 P 2 S 1 + Option S 0 S 0 2 1 1 2 C8 + P 1 2 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 Option S 0 Option 0 S 0 S 1 2 1 P 30 2 2 1 P 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Adjusting the armrest B C A Folding armrest (option) B Wide backrest C Narrow backrest English 7.2 7 Patient chair 7.2 Adjusting the armrest A CAUTION Risk of collision! The following versions must not be retrofitted with an armrest: • C8+ with fixed water unit in combination with long cuspidor 7.3 Flat headrest/articulated headrest A A Flat headrest B Articulated headrest (option) 1 WARNING B The head pad (A) contains a strong magnet (1) on its bottom side. This magnet could affect any cardiac pacemaker located nearby. Therefore, do not allow patients, users and technical personnel with a cardiac pacemaker to be located near this magnet. Furthermore, direct contact of the head pad with magnetic cards can lead to data loss. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 31 7 Patient chair 7.4 MultiMotion headrest 7.4 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn MultiMotion headrest Adjustment to patient's height The headrest can be adjusted to the patient's height by pulling out or pushing in the headrest extension. This adjustment is usually required at the beginning of treatment! i NOTE Before positioning the patient on the headrest, make sure that the head support has been optimally adjusted to the patient's height. This simplifies all subsequent work with the MultiMotion considerably, since readjustment to the patient's height can thus be omitted when changing over from mandibular to maxillary treatment. The MultiMotion enables you to adjust the patient's head in a way that optimally supports viewing of areas of the mouth which are difficult to access. Adjustment of hyperextension Mandibular position A The mandibular position can be set by pulling the operating handle (A). The anatomical movement of the arched extension keeps the patient's head in the support. i Pull the headrest out of the guide by pulling handle A. NOTE You can reduce the adjustment noise by pressing release A. 32 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 7 Patient chair 7.4 MultiMotion headrest Take the load off the headrest by lifting it slightly. Press release A in the key recess area on the handle. Let the headrest slide down slowly. Let go of the release when the headrest reaches the desired position. Rotation and tilt The MultiMotion enables rotation of the patient's head about the longitudinal axis of his body as well as lateral tilting of his head. The MultiMotion is set to the desired position as follows: B B 1. Press and hold one or both of the two side control elements B. The rotation and tilt adjustment locks of the headrest are now released. 2. Set the headrest to the desired position. 3. Let go of the control elements B. The supporting surface is fixed in place. Make sure that the headrest is indeed locked in place after you let go of the control elements! 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 33 English Maxillary position A 7 Patient chair 7.4 MultiMotion headrest Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Removing the MultiMotion For certain treatments (e.g. of children) it may be expedient to remove the MultiMotion completely in order to obtain better access to the patient. The patient's head will then be supported on the contact surface of the headrest extensionF. C D To remove the MultiMotion, proceed as follows: E 1. Press release button C. 2. Pull the complete headrest out of the headrest extension. 3. Cover the opening of the headrest extension with cover cap E. 4. If a children's head pad D is available, place it on the headrest extension. The head pad is held magnetically. F WARNING The children's head pad (D) contains a strong magnet on its bottom side. This magnet could affect any cardiac pacemaker located nearby. Therefore, do not allow patients, users and technical personnel with a cardiac pacemaker to be located near this magnet. Furthermore, direct contact of the head pad with magnetic cards can lead to data loss. i NOTE Store the removed MultiMotion in a safe place where it cannot fall onto the floor. Inserting the MultiMotion To insert the MultiMotion, proceed as follows: 34 Check the guide of the removed headrest for contamination. Remove any contamination. Remove the cover cap E. Reinsert the MultiMotion in the guide from above until it audibly locks in place. Pull on the headrest again to make sure that it is locked securely in place. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Changing the patient position by turning (C8+ Turn only) Turning the patient chair The patient chair can be turned max. 17° to either side. CAUTION A S Risk of collision! When turning the chair, make sure that it does not collide with any other components of the treatment center, persons, furnishings or equipment. Turn the chair only if all treatment instruments are in place. 1. Step on foot pedal A to release the locking brake. 2. Turn the patient chair to the desired position. 3. The chair locks in place as soon as you release foot pedal A. 0 17° 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 17° 35 English 7.5 7 Patient chair 7.5 Changing the patient position by turning (C8+ Turn only) 7 Patient chair 7.6 Chair programs – factory settings 7.6 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Chair programs – factory settings S 0 1 Last Memory function 2 S 1.S 0 2.S P P S 0 <3s <3s 1. 2. 1. C8 2. + C8 ENDO P Option P 100 80 60 40 + 0 S 2 1 20 1 P 0 S 2 0 Option S 1 0 S 1 C8+ without dentist element: alternatively 2 2 1 0 P S C8 2 + 1 P P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 P P 1 2 <3s 1. <3s 2. 1. 1 2. 2 P1 P2 Option S 1 P1 P2 0 36 2 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 7.7 7 Patient chair 7.7 Chair programs – reprogramming S 0 1 English Chair programs – reprogramming 2 S 0 1 C8 2 + C8 10 80 60 40 ENDO P 0 20 1 P + Option P S 2 1 0 S 2 0 Option S 1 0 S 1 2 2 1 0 P S C8 + 2 1 P C8+ without dentist element: alternatively P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 S 0 1 2 100 80 60 40 ENDO 100 80 60 40 20 C8 1 P + ENDO 20 1 P S 0 0 S P 2 1 2 >3s S 0 1 P 1 0 2 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 37 7 Patient chair 7.8 Foot switch – reprogramming 7.8 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Foot switch – reprogramming P1 P2 Option >3s 38 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Emergency stop function for chair movement English 7.9 7 Patient chair 7.9 Emergency stop function for chair movement C8 + Option P 0 S 2 1 Option Option 0 S 2 1 P alternatively or 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 39 7 Patient chair 7.10 Patient chair, options 7.10 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Patient chair, options Patient chair media block Additional equipment which is approved for dental use (e g by EMS) and the hydrocolloid coolant supply (see page 74) may be connected to a media block on the base of the chair (observe manufacturers’ specifications for the additional equipment). Water Air T 6.3 AH The media block is equipped with quick couplings for air and water and an outlet with a separate fuse (6.3A) for non-heating equipment. Line voltage Sirona does not assume any liability for possible damage to the connected equipment! Technical data and requirements DVGW approval: Pressure Flow rate Water min. 2.5 bar max. 6.0 bar (corresponding to input pressure on treatment center) max. 1000 ml/min Air 4.4 0.5 bar max. 70 Nl/min 40 The DVGW approval of the treatment center expires if a media block is installed. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 8 Dentist element 8.1 Locking the dentist element 8 Dentist element 8.1 Locking the dentist element English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Brake applied Maximum load Brake released CAUTION A = You must not place any objects on this dentist element! Brake applied A A Maximum load Brake released Option 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 41 8 Dentist element 8.2 Adjusting the instrument position Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 8.2 Adjusting the instrument position 8.3 Swivel arm 1. OK 3. 2. Click NO 42 CAUTION IMPORTANT: Swivel arms that are locked in place must not be pushed backward! To reset, pull the instrument hose out again. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Dentist element C8+ Cart Maximum load capacity 2kg max. CAUTION Risk of toppling over! Move cart slowly and only on even floors without any obstacles! CAUTION Distribute the additional loads on the dentist element evenly! 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 43 English 8.4 8 Dentist element 8.4 Dentist element C8+ Cart 8 Dentist element 8.5 Starting an instrument 8.5 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Starting an instrument A = Unused holders should be sealed with a ball! A NO OK A OK CAUTION Do not operate the instrument without spray. Always place the instrument back in the correct holder. i NOTE Also observe the operating instructions for the treatment instruments and the video system. A CAUTION NO 44 Use only treatment instruments approved by Sirona! 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 8.6 8 Dentist element 8.6 Adjusting the driving air pressure English Adjusting the driving air pressure ! ! Only by a service engineer C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 alternatively 1P or 2P + 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 45 8 Dentist element 8.7 Instrument spray ON/OFF – chip blower 8.7 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Instrument spray ON/OFF – chip blower C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 A B C A = Spray OFF B = Spray ON C = Chip blower or B A alternatively C i NOTE For the adjacent foot switch, "Spray ON" (B) is indicated by a green signal in the upper left corner. P1 P1 P2 46 P2 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 8.8 8 Dentist element 8.8 Instruments – adjusting the spray intensity ! ! 2. ! 1P 1. English Instruments – adjusting the spray intensity 2P C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 3. C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 alternatively or 4. + 1P 5. 2P A A = Spray WATER + B = Spray AIR C8+ Cart Control choke can be adjusted by a service engineer only 6. B 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 47 9 Dentist element options 9.1 Negatoscope Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 9 Dentist element options 9.1 Negatoscope 1. x 9.2 48 2. x Tumbler holder 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 9 Dentist element options 9.3 Silicone handles, right/left Silicone handles, right/left 9.4 Tray English 9.3 A A= B 9.5 Silicone mat, optional Maximum load Silicone mat 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 49 9 Dentist element options 9.6 3-way SPRAYVIT syringe 9.6 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 3-way SPRAYVIT syringe C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 3 min 134°C 274°F C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 Click Check Option 50 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 3-way syringe English 9.7 9 Dentist element options 9.7 3-way syringe C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 134°C 274°F 3 min Check 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 51 9 Dentist element options 9.8 Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light 9.8 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light Dentist element equipping options C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 Operating modes Mode 1,2,3 Mode 1 0 5 10 Mode 2 Sec. 0 5 12,5 Mode 3 Sec. 0 5 10 15 20 Sec. CAUTION Always use the glare shield! CAUTION Do not stare into the beam path for longer periods, as this can damage your eyes. right! wrong! right! wrong! ATTENTION! Potentially dangerous optical radiation! CAUTION Also observe the safety information on the Mini L.E.D. on pp. 17 ff. L.E.D. beam exit aperture 52 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 9 Dentist element options 9.8 Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light Technical data English General technical data Model: Mini L.E.D. Weight of handpiece without hose: 105 g Dimensions: dia. 23 x 240 mm Current draw of handpiece: 5 V DC / 0.65 A Thermal safety: Overheat protection Optical specification Wavelength: Max. intensity: 420nm – 480nm at 450nm Light power dia.7.5 mm (standard version): 1100 mW/cm2 Light power dia.5.5 mm (optional, available from Satelec): 2000 mW/cm2 Light power: 450 mW – 500 mW Classification acc. to IEC 62471: Risk group 2 with light bar removed Hazard distance (HD) and exposure hazard value (EHV) according to IEC 62471 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. HD EHV Blue light: Free group 907 mm 20.6 Blue light: Risk group 1 323 mm 2.6 Blue light: Risk group 2 - 0.01 Thermal hazard to the cornea Free group - 0.97 53 9 Dentist element options 9.9 SL or BL ISO C electric motor 9.9 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn SL or BL ISO C electric motor Motor and coupling versions i NOTE The BL ISO C option is not available in all countries. CAUTION BLBL-ISO ISO C motor motor C8+holder3 hanger 3 C8+ Damage to BL ISO C electric motor: The BL ISO C electric motor may be connected only to a treatment center intended for this motor. The suitability of the treatment center for operation with the BL ISO C electric motor is indicated by a label on the dentist element. Depending on the equipment configuration, either collector motors of the SL line or brushless motors of the BL ISO C line can be connected to the treatment center. The motors of the SL line and the motors of the BL ISO C line all require separate control electronics. It is not possible to combine collector and brushless motors. Only Sirona electric motors may be connected to the treatment center! BL ISO C motor C BL IS O siron a. 012 3 BL ISO C GN 54 Brushless motors are designed as threephase motors (without carbon brushes). They are characterized by precise controllability and longevity. Their speed range lies between 200 and 40,000 rpm (revolutions per minute). These motors can be sterilized. The black (BK) coded instrument hose must be used for the BL ISO C motor. The BL ISO C motor is directly equipped with an ISO coupling. T1 Line and T2 Revo handpieces can thus be used (without an adapter). In comparison to the SL and BL motors, the BL ISO C motor has a higher torque. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 9 Dentist element options 9.9 SL or BL ISO C electric motor Collector motors are DC motors in which the voltage supply is realized via carbon brushes. The speed range lies between 200 and approx. 40,000 rpm (revolutions per minute). GN GN The green coded instrument hose (GN) must be used for the SL motor. The SL motor can be operated with two different motor couplings For more information, please refer to the "SL Motor Operating Instructions". The SL motor is designed for direct operation of T1 Classic handpieces. In order to connect e.g. T1 Line and T2 Revo handpieces, an ISO adapter must be used. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 55 English SL motor 9 Dentist element options 9.9 SL or BL ISO C electric motor Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Setting the speed Speed in % LED/display 1 1-4 X 5 - 14 X 20 40 60 80 100 X 15 - 24 X 25 - 34 X X 35 - 44 X 45 - 54 X X 55 - 64 X 65 - 74 X X 75 - 84 X 85 - 94 X 95 - 100 X X A = Preselected maximum speed Speed + Speed A The set value is saved when the instrument is placed back in its holder. B B = Direction of rotation Motor CCW M Motor CW M i C NOTE CCW rotation is not saved when the instrument is placed back in its holder. C= Motor speed control only with the Sirona unit foot switch alternatively or Error message for the BL ISO C motor option If the BL ISO C motor is defective or was screwed on improperly, all LEDs will flash once per second when the motor is removed from holder 3. 56 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 9.10 9 Dentist element options 9.10 SIROSONIC L scaler ! wrong Power in % LED/display 1 1-4 X 5 - 14 X 20 40 60 80 100 X 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 15 - 24 X 25 - 34 X 0 1 2 ! right C8 + 100 80 60 40 ENDO X 35 - 44 X 45 - 54 X X 55 - 64 X 65 - 74 X 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 + X 75 - 84 X 85 - 94 X 95 - 100 A 100 80 60 40 ENDO X X A = Water +/- 20 1 P _ B = Preselected maximum intensity S 0 1 2 _ + + - Intensity + A B + + _ Intensity - 100 80 60 40 1P 60 100 80 60 40 2P 20 alternatively or 1 60 20 1 100 80 60 40 100 80 60 40 = 60 20 1 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 20 CAUTION = 70 The set value is saved when the instrument is placed back in its holder. 1 57 English SIROSONIC L scaler 9 Dentist element options 9.11 SIROSONIC L endodontic scaler 9.11 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn SIROSONIC L endodontic scaler In endodontics mode, the maximum intensity of the ultrasonic handpiece is restricted to ensure safe operation. Power LED/display 1 Step 1 20 40 60 80 100 X Step 2 X Step 3 X Step 4 X Step 5 X Step 6 X A = Water +/- A B = Preselected maximum intensity A Intensity + B Intensity - alternatively or CAUTION The set value is saved when the instrument is placed back in its holder. 58 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 9.12 9 Dentist element options 9.12 Rinsing the water lines Rinse water lines Microorganisms can grow in the water lines of the treatment center. Use a large amount of water for rinsing the lines prior to starting patient appointments. 1. Activate the cuspidor flushing of the cuspidor bowl for at least one minute. Purge function To reduce the amount of germs, the water lines of the water carrying instruments of the dentist element and the SPRAYVIT M multifunctional syringe of the assistant element are purged with water. 1. 1. A 2. 1. Remove the instruments to be rinsed and set the maximum water flow rate. 2. Remove the handpieces from the instrument hoses. 3. If an SL motor is installed, plug the purge adapter A into the motor. 4. Place the instrument hoses back in the holder. 5. Remove the instrument from holder 2 and hold it above the cuspidor. 6. Turn the switch to the "Purge" position. The instrument hose water line is rinsed for 60 seconds. 3. i NOTE Pressing and holding the footswitch B suspends the purge function. 5. 4. B 7. Place the rinsed instrument back in holder 2. 8. Remove the next instrument (holder 3) and hold it above the cuspidor. After 5 seconds have elapsed, the instrument hose water line is rinsed for 30 seconds. 9. Repeat the procedure for all instruments. 10. After completing the purge procedure, turn the switch back to the "OFF" position. 6. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 10. 59 English Rinsing the water lines 9 Dentist element options 9.12 Rinsing the water lines Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn i NOTE It is possible to rinse all instruments at once. The purge procedure is then executed automatically. 11. Remove the 3-way syringe and hold it above the cuspidor. 12. Activate the water button for 30 seconds. 13. Replace the 3-way syringe. 60 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 10 Assistant element 10.1 Suction handpiece/saliva ejector 10 Assistant element 10.1 Suction handpiece/saliva ejector English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn A A = Suction handpiece B B = Saliva ejector wrong 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 61 11 Assistant element - options 11.1 3-way syringes 11 Assistant element - options 11.1 3-way syringes 11.2 Microswitch for vacuum system control 11.3 Air jet pump 62 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light English 11.4 11 Assistant element - options 11.4 Satelec Mini L.E.D. curing light Operation: see Chapter 9.8 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 63 12 Water unit 12.1 Cuspidor flushing time - factory settings Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 12 Water unit 12.1 Cuspidor flushing time - factory settings 30s C8 + C8 P 0 S 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 max. P 1 kg 2 P + Option 0 S 2 1 1 S 1 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 64 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Cuspidor flushing time - reprogramming 10s 1. English 12.2 12 Water unit 12.2 Cuspidor flushing time - reprogramming 10 m 2. C8 P + Option 0 S 2 1 2s 10s 3. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 10 m alternatively 4. 5. C8+ 5. C8+ Turn 65 12 Water unit 12.3 Tumbler filling - factory settings 12.3 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Tumbler filling - factory settings 4s C8 + C8 + Option P 0 S Pmax. 1 kg P 0 100 80 60 40 ENDO 2 1 20 1 alternatively S 2 S 1 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 12.4 Tumbler filling - reprogramming >3s 8 <15s + 1. 100 80 60 40 ENDO C8 2s P 20 1 P + Option 0 S 2 1 alternatively 2. >3s 8 <15s + 3. 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 66 1 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 12 Water unit Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 12.5 Combination of rinsing position S with tumbler filling and flushing controlled by dentist element 12.5 English Combination of rinsing position S with tumbler filling and flushing controlled by dentist element + P + S <3s C8 + 100 80 60 40 ENDO P 20 P 1 0 S 2 S 1 C8 0 1 2 P + Option 0 S 2 1 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 P S + <3s S P S + <3s S P S <3s S 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 67 12 Water unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 12.5 Combination of rinsing position S with tumbler filling and flushing controlled by dentist element Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Combination of rinsing position S with tumbler filling and flushing controlled by foot switch Only by a service engineer + S + P1 P2 P1 max. 1 kg P2 + S + P1 S Option P2 P1 P2 S S P1 P2 S 68 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Assistant element control panel - cuspidor flushing English 12.6 12 Water unit 12.6 Assistant element control panel - cuspidor flushing 30s max. 1 kg 12.7 Assistant element control panel - cuspidor flushing - reprogramming 10s 1. 10 m 2. 2s 3. 10s 10 m 4. 5. C8+ C8+ Turn 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 69 12 Water unit 12.8 Assistant element control panel - tumbler filling 12.8 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Assistant element control panel - tumbler filling Operation 4s 0 S 2 1 P Reprogramming >3s <15s 1. 2s 0 S 2 2. >3s <15s 3. 0 S 70 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 12 Water unit Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn12.9 Assistant element control panel - combination of mouth rinsing position S with tumbler filling and 12.9 Only by a service engineer P + S <3s + Option 0 S 2 1 P 0 S 2 1 P P S <3s + S P S <3s + S P S <3s S 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 71 English Assistant element control panel combination of mouth rinsing position S with tumbler filling and cuspidor flushing 12 Water unit 12.10 Fresh water bottle 12.10 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Fresh water bottle CAUTION + Use only Sirona fresh water bottles! LE MO N Fill with Sirona: Dentosept P 2. 1. ! CAUTION Replace deformed, scratched or discolored bottles immediately! 100 : 1 Operating temperature: +10 °C – +45 °C. H2O or ! ! Do not continue using the bottle after its maximum period of use has expired! ! ! ! 3. Example above: Replace bottle by September 2014 at the latest wrong ! 72 5. LEMON 4. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Switching between tap water/fresh water C8+ English 12.11 12 Water unit 12.11 Switching between tap water/fresh water C8+ P1 P2 alternatively 1P or + 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 2P 73 12 Water unit 12.12 Hydrocolloid connection 12.12 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Hydrocolloid connection Extra equipment OPEN CLOSE 74 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Dürr wet suction system Daily after consulting hours 1liter H2 O C8+ Turn simultaneously 10s 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 75 English 12.13 12 Water unit 12.13 Dürr wet suction system 12 Water unit 12.14 Amalgam separator 12.14 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Amalgam separator AM TEST 95 % AMALG DESINF SAN 0% ! A A= ! Please replace amalgam container ! B= !! Replace amalgam container !! AM TE ST AM ALG DES INF SA N AM TEST 100 % AMALG DESINF SAN 0% !! B AM TE ST AM ALG DES INF SA N AM TEST AMALG Error/fault DESINF SAN AM TE ST AM ALG DES INF SA N 20042005 .... 20022003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 5 9 610 711 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 8 5 9 610 71115121613171418 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 8 5 9 610 71115121613171418 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 9 10 111512161317141822192320242125292630273128 15 16 17 1822192320242125292630273128 22 23 24 25292630273128 29 30 31 AM TEST AM TEST AM TEST i AMALG DESINF AMALGAM test at least 1x annually NOTE Information on replacing the amalgam separator can be found on page 96. SAN AM TE ST AM ALG DES INF SA N OK 76 ! 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Disinfection system English 12.15 12 Water unit 12.15 Disinfection system A A = ! If the DESINF indicator flashes, refill 1 liter of DENTOSEPT P! Refill with Sirona: Dentosept P 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 77 12 Water unit 12.16 Conversion of water unit right-handed left-handed version 12.16 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Conversion of water unit right-handed left-handed version Conversion only possible on a C8+ Turn CAUTION Danger of falling objects! Prior to conversion, remove all objects loosely deposited on any components of the treatment center. i NOTE Please observe the minimum clearances specified in the document “Dimension Drawing, Technical Data”. 78 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 12 Water unit 12.16 Conversion of water unit right-handed left-handed version English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 79 12 Water unit 12.16 Conversion of water unit right-handed left-handed version 80 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 13 Operating light - option 13.1 SIROLUX E 13 Operating light - option 13.1 SIROLUX E English Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn ON/OFF – brightness reduction C8 C8 P + Option 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO P + 20 1 P alternatively 0 S 2 S 1 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 Composite setting Light intensity: 22000 lux C8 + 100 80 60 40 ENDO P 20 P 1 0 Light intensity: 8000 lux S 2 S 1 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 CAUTION wrong 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. right Do not use without transparent cover! 81 13 Operating light - option 13.1 SIROLUX E Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Focusing CAUTION When focusing, make sure you turn the cover cap only slightly and just up to its stop. If the cover cap is turned counterclockwise past the stop, it will spring out of its catch and the halogen lamp can fall down. 75 mm 3 ’’ Click m 0m 18 ’ ’ 7 82 700 mm 28 ’’ 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 13.2 13 Operating light - option 13.2 SIROLUX FANTASTIC SIROLUX FANTASTIC C8 C8 P + + Option 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO P English ON/OFF – brightness reduction 20 1 P alternatively 0 S 2 S 1 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 1 P S 0 1 2 Composite setting Light intensity: 24000 lux C8 + 100 80 60 40 ENDO P 20 P 1 0 S Light intensity: 8000 lux 2 S 1 0 1 2 C8 + P 0 S 2 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 83 13 Operating light - option 13.3 LEDview Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Focusing CAUTION When focusing, make sure you turn the cover cap only slightly and just up to its stop. If the cover cap is turned counterclockwise past the stop, it will spring out of its catch and the halogen lamp can fall down. 100 mm 4 ’’ Click m 0m 20 ’ ’ 8 13.3 700 mm 28 ’’ LEDview Operation of the LEDview operating light: see LEDview Operating Instructions: REF 62 07 687 84 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team To maintain the value and safe functioning of your treatment center, it is necessary to have it cared for, cleaned and disinfected by the practice team regularly. This will minimize the risk of contamination for patients and users and ensure proper functioning. The national requirements and recommendations for hygiene and disinfection must be observed, e.g. Robert Koch Institute (RKI), American Dental Association (ADA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), etc. i NOTE The time intervals specified for disinfection, care and cleaning are reference values. Please adapt the time intervals to suit your personal method of working and your national requirements 14.1 Care and cleaning agents CAUTION Unsuitable cleaning agents can damage or affect the surface of the device or functions. To this end, only use care and cleaning agents that have been approved by Sirona. You will find a list of all agents approved at the time of delivery in the documentation supplied with your treatment center. A continuously updated list of approved agents can be downloaded from the Sirona Internet homepage under REF 59 70 905: www.sirona.com If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact your dental depot to order the list. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 85 English 14 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.1 Care and cleaning agents 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.2 Patient chair 14.2 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Patient chair Upholstery/foot switch/chair Care for and clean upholstery: Care and cleaning of the synthetic leather upholstery must be performed weekly. The cleaning agent also performs care simultaneously. CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! Disinfecting the upholstery CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! Do not use any other disinfectants! Wipe disinfection Foot control Clean the bottom of the base plate using a damp cloth moistened in water. 86 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.2 Patient chair The surfaces can be spray and wipe disinfected with surface disinfectants. Intensive cleaning and disinfection of the head support The contact surface of the headrest can be removed to facilitate intensive cleaning and disinfecting if necessary. The surfaces can be spray and wipe disinfected with surface disinfectants. G i Press one side of head pad G inward from the outside (to unlock it) and remove it in a upward direction. NOTE Fast and frequent removal of the head pad from the front or rear can damage the snap-in noses. Clean and disinfect the head pad and headrest. Hook on the head pad again laterally. CAUTION Damaged pads, e.g. with scratched surfaces, must be replaced. For reorders: Contact surface: 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. REF 61 82 047 87 English MultiMotion headrest Disinfecting the surfaces 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.2 Patient chair Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Cleaning the filter, replacing the main fuse If you notice any changes in media flows, check the water and air filters for permeability. The filters must be changed if necessary: 1. Switch the treatment center off at the main switch. The water and air supply is disconnected. 2. Remove the cover A. B C A i NOTE Any remaining water flows out of the water filter when it is opened. You should therefore place an absorbent cloth underneath the filter. 3. Unscrew and remove the screw-on cap of the water filter and/or the air filter. 4. Check the filters and replace them if necessary. 5. Reinsert the rubber ring B in the screw-on cap. 6. Then plug the filter in, as shown in the drawing. 7. Screw the screw-on cap back onto the water unit. C = Fuse T 10A H 88 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14.3 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.3 Dentist element 00 80 60 40 ENDO Instrument hoses/instrument rack 20 1 P CAUTION S 0 1 2 1. 2. Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! 3. 4. 2. 3 min CAUTION 5. 134°C 273,2°F Egress of air when changing hose: If the hose is removed from the 3-way syringe when the treatment center on the dentist element is switched on, air escapes from the connection flange. To prevent this, switch the treatment center off and release pressure from the 3-way syringe before replacing the hose. i 7. NOTE For care and cleaning of the motors, the straight and contra-angle handpieces, the highspeed handpiece and the SIROSONIC L scaler, please refer to the corresponding operating instructions. 6. 5x 5x Wipe disinfection 8. 7. A A = Unused holders should be sealed with a ball! 6. 8. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 5x 5x 89 English Dentist element 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.3 Dentist element Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 3-way SPRAYVIT syringe 134°C 274°F 3 min 1. 2. 3. 3-way syringe 134°C 274°F 3 min 90 H2O Spray disinfection/wipe disinfection 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.3 Dentist element CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1) 3 min Always make sure that the Mini L.E.D. light is switched off before using disinfectants. Do not use any abrasive cleaners. Prior to each use, check the light guides to make sure that no composite residues have adhered to them. If this is the case, remove these residues immediately and check to make sure that the surface of the insert has not been damaged. If you find any damage, replace the damaged light guide. Surfaces CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! Wipe disinfection C8 C8 + P + P 0 0 S S 2 2 1 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 20 1 P S 1 Option S 0 0 1 1 2 2 Option P1 134°C 274°F P2 3 min C8 C8 + + P P 0 0 S S 2 2 1 1 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 1 S 0 0 1 2 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P S 1 2 91 English Satelec Mini L.E.D. 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.4 Assistant element 14.4 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Assistant element Suction handpiece/saliva ejector 2. 100 80 60 40 ENDO CAUTION 20 1 P Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! S 0 1 2 1. CAUTION Egress of air when changing hose: If the hose is removed from the 3-way syringe when the treatment center on the assistant element is switched on, air escapes from the connection flange. To prevent this, switch the treatment center off and release pressure from the 3-way syringe before replacing the hose. No amalgam! Amalgam recycling 3. Wipe disinfection 3 min According to manufacturer’s specifications Every 2 hours: 2 glasses Every day after work 1 liter i 92 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14.5 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.5 Water unit Water unit CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! No amalgam! Amalgam recycling Spray disinfection/wipe disinfection So ap So ap CAUTION 0, De 75 l sin f. Do NOT use household detergents or acidic agents! Daily before the lunch break and after consulting hours The vacuum system is subjected to septic secretions, saliva and blood daily. For hygienic reasons the system must therefore be disinfected with a detergent/disinfectant approved by Sirona. Air jet pump 1x weekly C8+ 2. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 3. 60s 8 20 P C8+ Turn 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 2. Open the flap on the base of the water unit. CAUTION 100 80 60 40 ENDO C Pour the disinfectant into the cuspidor. + 4. None Amalgam! 1. 5. 1 The collecting tank may contain amalgam and must not be emptied into the wash basin. 3. Remove the siphon and empty it into a special collecting tank. 4. Replace the siphon and close the flap again. 5. Activate the cuspidor flushing of the cuspidor bowl for at least one minute. 93 English Water unit 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.5 Water unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Fresh water bottle i NOTE Perform sanitation very 4 weeks! 2. 1. 2. Sanitation (1) Fill with Sirona: Dentosept P 4. 1P 3. 2P 4. P1 20 s P2 alternatively 5.1 5. 5.2 or 5.3 Tumbler filling 2x 5.4 Switch OFF the system for 24 hours 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 S 0 1 2 6. 94 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.5 Water unit English Fresh water bottle Sanitation (2) H2 O 2. 1. Fill with water 2. 100 80 60 40 ENDO 20 P 1 6.3 S 0 1 2 3. alternatively 1P or 4. 2P 5. P1 P2 20 s 6. 6.1 6.2 6.4 Tumbler filling 2x 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 95 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.5 Water unit Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Amalgam separator C= D= Change amalgam container! Change amalgam container at least 1x annually E= Signal during removal! F= Clean siphon once a month D C 2. C8+ Turn 1. E F G = Do not reuse! 3. Amalgam recycling! Replacement: Amalgam rotor REF 14 34 138 G 4. 5. 6. 96 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.5 Water unit Perform the microbiological water test at regular intervals and after periods of disuse > 1 week. Start the checkups in intervals of no more than two weeks and adjust the time intervals depending on the results. 30s In addition to running laboratory tests, you can also use the "total count tester" as a simple means of performing this test. You can obtain the "total count tester" using REF 58 53 775 via the dental specialist dealer. CAUTION The “Total Count Tester” has a maximum durability of 1 year after its date of delivery. The cardboard disk contains a dehydrated nutrient medium. It is activated by the sample and serves as culture medium for a number of bacteria. The number of germs provides information on the hygienic condition of the water. Performing the test • • • 35 24 h • • • Allow water to run out of the 3-way syringe for about 1 minute. Then take a water sample from this syringe. Fill in water up to the upper mark on the container. To neutralize the disinfecting agent of the water sample, add approx. 1.5 g of fixing salt (sodium thiosulfate). Do not touch the inside of the container or the part of the tester to be immersed. Immerse the tester in the filled container for 30 seconds. The cardboard disk with the nutrient medium will now absorb 1ml of the water sample. Remove the tester and shake off excessive water. Empty the container completely. Place the tester into the empty container for incubation: Keep either for two days at room temperature or for 24 hours at a temperature of 35C. Then count all germs found on the surface of the tester. CAUTION If the number of germs significantly exceeds 100, then sanitation is required (see next page). 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 97 English Microbiological water test 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.6 Sanitation of the treatment center 14.6 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Sanitation of the treatment center Disinfection system – sanitation Sanitation must be performed: AM TEST + AMALG DESINF SAN = o.k.! • • every 4 weeks after prolonged periods of disuse (> 1 week) if the germination index exceeds 100 germs per milliliter (see page 97). • AM TEST ! = DESINF SAN No sanitation possible, Refill with Dentosept P! DENTOSEPT P AMALG + A= 1% DENTOSEPT P 99% H2O B= 100% DENTOSEPT P For reorders: A 3. DENTOSEPT P 1 case = 6x1 liter, REF 33 18 156 For Canada/USA only: 1 case = 6x1 liter, REF 59 69 535 AM TEST >2s AMALG DESINF 2. 1. Starting sanitation SAN CAUTION A TEM ST AM DE AL G SI NF SA A Sanitation can only be started if the DISINF LED is not lit. If the DISINF LED is lit, Dentosept P must be refilled. 4. N 1. ! 5. Press the SAN button and hold it down for at least 2 seconds. The SAN LED lights up and a short audible signal sounds. The following steps are performed automatically: • The mixing tank is emptied through the tumbler outlet. AM TEST • The SAN LED begins to flash as soon as the mixing tank is completely empty. AMALG DESINF 6. SAN A TEM ST AM DE AL G SI NF SA 98 N 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.6 Sanitation of the treatment center Rinsing the tumbler outlet B= 100% DENTOSEPT P • The mixing tank is filled with DENTOSEPT P. The procedure takes approximately 10s. The SAN LED flashes. • The tumbler outlet is rinsed. The SAN LED flashes. 1. • After the rinsing procedure is complete, an audible signal sounds (two short beeps). The SAN LED continues flashing. B apB B OK 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. ! 99 English Disinfection system – sanitation 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.6 Sanitation of the treatment center Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Disinfection system – sanitation Rinsing instruments B= Rinse the water-carrying instruments with 100% DENTOSEPT P (B): 1. B 100% DENTOSEPT P 1. Remove the 3-way syringe and rinse it for at least 20s. 20s alternatively or 2. 2. Activate the spray function using the foot switch. 3. Remove an instrument. 4. Rinse the instrument for at least 15s, by activating the foot switch. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all instruments connected. 6. Switch off the treatment center. The LED indicating operational readiness on the control panel switches off. Switch OFF the system for 24 hours 15s 3. 4. 100 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.6 Sanitation of the treatment center Implement sanitation after 24h of effective time B= 100% DENTOSEPT P 1. Switch the treatment center on again after 24 hours have elapsed. The LED indicating operational readiness on the control panel lights up. The treatment center is in sanitation mode. The SAN LED is flashing. A permanent audible signal sounds (2 short beeps, 5s pause). 2. Press the SAN button and hold it down for approximately 3s. 1. B 4. >3s 2. B 3. 1. 5s 4. 5s The following steps are performed automatically: • The mixing tank is emptied through the tumbler outlet. The SAN LED continues flashing. 5. 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 101 English Disinfection system – sanitation 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.6 Sanitation of the treatment center Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Disinfection system – sanitation A= 1% DENTOSEPT P 99% H2O • The mixing tank is filled with water and DENTOSEPT P. 1. A 5 - 10 s A 2. • The tumbler outlet is rinsed with a solution of 99% water and 1% DENTOSEPT P (A). The SAN LED is lit up constantly. 3. • After the rinsing procedure is complete, a permanent audible signal sounds (3 short beeps, 10s pause). The SAN LED is lit up constantly. 3. 3. 102 10s 10s 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.6 Sanitation of the treatment center Rinsing instruments Rinse the water-carrying instruments with a solution of 1% DENTOSEPT P and 99% water (A). 1. 1. A Remove the 3-way syringe and rinse it for at least 20s. 20s alternatively or 2. 2. Activate the spray function using the foot switch. 3. Remove an instrument. 4. Rinse the instrument for at least 15s, by activating the foot switch. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all connected instruments. The SAN LED switches off. Sanitation is complete. 15s 3. + 5. OK 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. ! 103 English Disinfection system – sanitation 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.7 SIROLUX E operating light 14.7 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn SIROLUX E operating light Replacing the halogen lamp CAUTION Always turn the main switch of the lamp off before replacing the lamp (see page 29)! CAUTION Pay attention to elevated temperature of the lamp components; and let these cool down. CAUTION i Only: REF 48 89 965 Type OSRAM 64 440 CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! Spray disinfection/ wipe disinfection The reflector should be cleaned with a dry, lint-free cloth if necessary. Spots and fingerprints on the reflector can be removed with 70% alcohol. 104 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.7 SIROLUX E operating light English Cleaning or disinfecting the handles CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! Spray disinfection/ wipe disinfection i NOTE To change the handle position, proceed as follows: • • • 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Press and hold down the button. Slightly pull out the handle and turn it until it has reached the desired position. Release the button and let the handle lock in place. 105 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.8 SIROLUX FANTASTIC operating light 14.8 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn SIROLUX FANTASTIC operating light Replacing the halogen lamp CAUTION Always turn the main switch of the lamp off before replacing the lamp (see page 29)! CAUTION Pay attention to elevated temperature of the lamp components; and let these cool down. i CAUTION Only use halogen bulbs REF 62 03 629! CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! Spray disinfection/ wipe disinfection The reflector should be cleaned with a dry, lint-free cloth if necessary. Spots and fingerprints on the reflector can be removed with 70% alcohol. 106 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn 14 Care and cleaning instructions for the practice team 14.9 LEDview English Cleaning or disinfecting the handles CAUTION Use only cleaning agents which are approved by Sirona (see page 85, section 14.1)! Spray disinfection/ wipe disinfection i NOTE To change the handle position, proceed as follows: • • • 14.9 Press and hold down the button. Slightly pull out the handle and turn it until it has reached the desired position. Release the button and let the handle lock in place. LEDview • Care and cleaning of the LEDview operating light: see LEDview Operating Instructions: REF 62 07 687 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. 107 15 Options 15.1 Working stool CARL 15 Options 15.1 Working stool CARL Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions C8+, C8+ Turn Please observe the operating instructions for the CARL working stool: Order No. 63 16 819 15.2 PAUL working stool (not available in the Federal Republic of Germany) Please observe the operating instructions for the PAUL working stool: Order No. 63 16 827 15.3 HUGO working stool Please observe the operating instructions for the HUGO working stool: Order No. 61 94 240 108 59 42 896 D3417 D3417. We reserve the right to make any alterations which may be required due to technical improvements. © Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2007-2013 D3417. 05.2013 Sprache: English Ä.-Nr.: 116 724 Printed in Germany Imprimé en Allemagne Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Fabrikstrasse 31 64625 Bensheim Germany www.sirona.com Order no. 59 42 896 D3417
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