July-August 2016 Issue - Dairy Deli Bakery Council of So California
July-August 2016 Issue - Dairy Deli Bakery Council of So California
JULY/AUGUST 2016 : rg at l.o us oca sit cs Vi ddb w. w w Calendar OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DDBC of Southern California www.ddbcsocal.org In This Issue: A look back at DDBC events Attendees of the June meeting of the DDBC were treated to the third Jean Dreshner Memorial Casino Night, named in honor of the late popular retailer who died in 2013. Besides lots of fun and games, attendees were rewarded with some outstanding prizes as well as a scrumptions buffet of Italian foods. Stories and photos begin on Page 23. 48th DDBC National Seminar Two prominent members of the retail grocery community – Jaime Prager of Albertsons/Vons/Pavilion and Andy Copeland of Food 4 Less – will be keynote speakers at the 48th National DDBC Seminar, scheduled for Sept. 9-11 at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort and Spa in Dana Point. “Staying relevant in a changing world” is the theme. See more information on the Seminar beginning on Page 6. The Big Cheese Doug Threadgill (Smart & Final) is profiled as the July Big Cheese Award honoree. Find out more about him beginning on Page 14. Advertiser index Advantage Solutions 31 Bar-S Foods 4 Cacique 2 Eggland’s Best Cover, 30 Evergood Sausage 13 GlenOaks 17 Hoffy 5 Horizon Sales Corp. 21 Karoun Dairies 11 Lactalis Land O Frost Marin Cheese Mastro & Associates Plumrose USA Premier Sales Solution Reynaldo’s Mexican Foods Utz Quality Foods 16 19 30 15 16 18 19 16 Advertising, editorial information For advertising information in the DDBC News, contact Dalva Fisher at 435-674-3504 or Pacific Rim Publishing Co., P.O. Box 4533, Huntington Beach, CA 92647-4533. 714-375-3900. FAX: 714-375-3906. Items to be submitted for editorial consideration should be sent to: Editor, DDBC News, P.O. Box 4533, Huntington Beach, CA 92605-4533. All submissions are subject to editing for style and content. DDBC NEWS (USPS 152-360, ISSN 00117862) is published 6 times per year for the DDBC of Southern California. Published by Pacific Rim Publishing Co., P.O. Box 4533, Huntington Beach, CA 92605-4533. 714-375-3900. FAX 714-375-3906. The DDBC address is P.O. Box 1872, Whittier, CA 90609. Phone 562-947-7016. FAX: 562-947-7872. Subscription rates are $30 per year. Membership in the DDBC includes a subscription. Copyright 2016 by the DDBC of Southern California. All rights reserved. July 4 – Independence Day. 12 – DDBC Membership Meeting, Embassy Suites Hotel, Garden Grove. Information: 562-947-7016. August 17-18 – Unified Grocers Expo, Long Beach Convention Center. Information: www.unifiedgrocers.com. September 5 – Labor Day. 9-11 – DDBC National Seminar, Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa, Dana Point. Information: 562-9477016. 15 – Monterrey Food Show, La Costa Resort, Carlsbad. 16 – Mexican Independence Day. October 2-4 – Rosh Hashanah. 11-12 – Yom Kippur. 13 – DDBC Membership Meeting, Embassy Suites Hotel, Garden Grove. Information: 562-947-7016. November 1 – DDBC Election Night, Embassy Suites Hotel, Garden Grove. Information: 562-947-7016. 11 – Veterans Day. 24 – Thanksgiving. December 24-Jan. 1 – Hanukkah. 25 – Christmas Day. More calendar Page 30 About the cover Eggs have been getting better over the years and Eggland’s Best is leading the way ... being selected as “America’s Best Tasting Egg” by American Culinary Chefs Best five years in a row. Eggland’s Best eggs have 10x more Vitamin E, 2x more Omega3, 3x more Vitamin B12, 4x more Vitamin D, 25% less saturated fat and less cholesterol than other eggs. Look for them in your grocer’s egg case. DDBC News, July-August 2016 3 Happy National Hot Dog Month CONG R AT UL AT I ONS 1/2-page ad here Recipient to July’s Big Cheese Award Bar-s 4-c direct to you DOUG THREADGILL Bar-S is the #1-Selling Hot Dog in America Ten Years In a Row! * *Nielsen period ending 5/28/16 . O FFICIAL P UBLICATION DDBC of Southern California Dave Daniel, Editor www.ddbcsocal.org VOL. LIII NO. 3 2016 • ISSN 00117862 Executive Director: Susan Steele OFFICERS: President: Silvia Quiroz (Cardenas Markets); First Vice President: Dave MacDonald (Hood Foods); Second Vice President: Sue Bargsten (DPI Specialty Foods); Third Vice President: Jim Veregge (Unified Grocers); Secretary: Emily Aguilar (Daisy Brand); Treasurer: Bill Mackie (Processor’s Marketing and Research); Advisor: Cheryl Van Den Hende (Monterrey). DIRECTORS: Robert Burke (Emkay Food Brokers); Donna Harkema (Farmer John), Matt Hebert (Insight Food Sales); Sokha Lim (Norseland, Inc.), Jaime Prager (Albertsons/Vons/Pavilion). Laura Taketomo (Food 4 Less), Nancy Tyler (Acosta), Damian Valdez (Super King Markets), Lulu Vargas (Magnolia Foods), Becky Villasenor (Cacique, Inc.), Miriam Welch (Albertsons/Vons/Pavilion). PAST PRESIDENTS: §Sydney Fisher, 1960; §Loyd Knutson, 1961; §Sam Freed, 1962; §Harry Schneider, 1963; §Earl Anderson, 1964; §Leo Cohen, 1965; §Art Jelin, 1966; §George Hobbs, 1967; §Eli Coleite, 1968; Bill Trapani, 1969; §Pete Uraine, 1970; §Otto Schirmer, 1971; §John Andikian, 1972; Ted Hopkins, 1973; §Stan Coop, 1974; §Ray Ferry, 1975; §A.A. “Bud” Moorman, 1976; Bill Schwartz, 1977; Eleanor Bennett, 1978; §Bob Garcia, 1979; §Harold Davis, 1980; Randall Chew, 1981; Gary Illingworth, 1982; §Ken Tisdell, 1983; John Vitale, 1984; Gary Provenzano, 1985; Joe Jimenez, 1986; Dick Schwebe, 1987; Diane Beecher, 1988; Joe Matyasik, 1989; Don Fisher, 1990; Mark Stringer, 1991; §Jerry Lewis, 1992; Mark Dixon, 1993; Kathie Porter, 1994; Jim Allumbaugh, 1995; Jim Veregge, 1996; Rona Reeves, 1997; Joy Sawhill, 1998; Debra Zimmerman, 1999; Peter Hejny, 2000; Jeff Merrill, 2001; Bill Hankes, 2002, Manny Marin 2003-04; Bob Dressler, 2005; Jon Amidei, 2006; Sue Bargsten, 2007; §Rigo Landeros, 2008; Rey Garza, 2009; Lisa Juarez, 2010; Stacy Gilbert, 2011; Neil Swanson, 2012; Bill Mackie 2013; Connie Thatcher 2014; Cheryl Van Den Hende 2015. HALL OF FAME: §Harry Schneider, 1983; §Sam Freed and §Ralph Levey, 1984; §Pete Uraine, 1985; §Al Berger, 1986; §Eddie Goldstein and §George Hobbs, 1987; §A.A. “Bud” Moorman, 1988; §Morrie Rosenfeld and §Claus Simon, 1989; §Otto Schirmer and §Andy Stylianou, 1990; §Ray Ferry, 1991; §Bob 4 DDBC News, July-August 2016 Garcia and §Art Jelin, 1992; §Lou Agrati, 1993; §Bernie Brener, 1994; Mark Levey, 1995; §Harold Davis, 1996; Eleanor Bennett and §Joe Malin, 1997; Gary Illingworth and §Ken Tisdell, 1998; §Jo Ann Benci and Ken Hanshaw, 1999; Tom Keyes, 2000; John Vitale, 2001; Bill Schwartz, 2002; Ted Hopkins and Dick Schwebe, 2003; Diane Beecher, §Stan Coop, and §Jerry Lewis, 2004; Don Fisher and Rona Reeves, 2005; §Bill MacAloney and Rob Willardson, 2006; Jim Veregge, 2007; Mark Dixon, 2008; Kathie Porter, 2009; John Brass, 2010; Jim DeKeyser and Burhan Nasser, 2011; Jack Taylor, 2012; Jeff Merill and Judy Norton, 2013; Dave Daniel and Cheryl Kennick, 2014; Jim Allumbaugh and Debra Zimmerman, 2015. RETAILER OF THE YEAR: §Stan Coop, 1975; §Bill MacAloney, 1976; §Eddie Goldstein, 1977; §Pete Uraine, 1978; §Art Jelin, 1979; §A.A. “Bud” Moorman, 1980; Ken Hanshaw, 1981; Eleanor Bennett, 1982; Gary Illingworth, 1983; §Harold Davis, 1984; John Vitale, 1985; Eddie Hoggatt, 1986; Don Fisher, 1987; §Fred Brandt, 1988; Diane Beecher, 1989; Les Taylor, 1990; Bob Johnson, 1991; §Jerry Lewis, 1992; Dave Wolff, 1993; Dave Fernandez, 1994; Kathie Porter, 1995; John Brass, 1996; Jim Veregge, 1997; §Bernie Brener; §Jean Dreshner, 1998; Cindy Mulvaney, 1999; Mark Miale, 2000; Mickey Gold, 2001; Andre Mesropian, 2002; Joe Rodriquez, 2003; Pete Hejny, 2004; Manny Marin, 2005, Jim Roesler, 2006; Sue Bargsten, 2007; Steve Nguyen, 2008; Matt Reeve, 2009; Robin Bell, 2010; Gayle DeCaro, 2011; Dennis McIntyre, 2012, Silvia Quiroz, 2013; Laura Taketomo, 2014; Miriam Welch, 2015. PRESIDENTS AWARD: §Don Lee, 1992; §Louis Vitale, 1995; §A.A. “Bud” Moorman, 1997; Diane Beecher, 1998; Eleanor Bennett, 1999; Mark Dixon, 2007; Debra Zimmerman, 2012. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: §Walt Scheck, 1999; §Ken Tisdell, 2001; Larry English, 2001; Charlice Makowski, 2005; Mark Roth, 2006; Tom Ilharreguy 2006; John Vitale, 2010; Terry Fyffe, 2011; Mickey Gold, 2012; §Bill MacAloney, 2012; Gilbert de Cardenas, 2013; Eleanor Bennett, 2014; Kevin Davis, 2014; Tom Keyes, 2015. SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR: §George Hobbs, 1975; §Lou Agrati, 1976; §Chico Santillan, 1977; Mark Levey, 1978; §Morrie Rosenfeld, 1979; §Ken Tisdell, 1980; §Walt Scheck, 1981; Larry English, 1982; §Bob Garcia, 1983; Ted Hopkins, 1984; Bob Fetzner, 1985; Joe Wilson, 1986; §Claus Simon, 1987; §Joe Malin, 1988; Tom Keyes, 1989; §Creighton Wiggins, 1990; Gary Illingworth, 1991; Paul Yates, 1992; Rob Willardson, 1993; Mark Dixon, 1994; Dick Schwebe, 1995; Jim Allumbaugh, 1996; Paul Christianson, 1997; Rona Reeves, 1998; Bill Schwartz, 1999; Jim DeKeyser, 2000; Burhan Nasser, 2001; Jeff Merrill, 2002; Bill Hankes, 2003; John Brass, 2004; Debra Zimmerman, 2005, Jack Taylor, 2006; Jon Amidei and Bob Dressler, 2007; Paul Miller, 2008; Monica Stone, 2009; Judy Norton, 2010; Ann Dressler and Rey Garza, 2011; Lisa Juarez, 2012; Fred Rowen, 2013; Craig Covell and John Nielsen, 2014; Barbara Dolbee, 2015. § — Deceased. From Hollywood’s Original Natural Casing Beef Franks to the newest favorite, Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs, only Hoffy brings you all the family favorites backed by decades of dedication to quality. © 2016 Square-H Brands, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Smoky sweet Hoffy Bacon puts the sizzle into breakfast, BLTs, Bacon Cheeseburgers and everything bacon-wrapped! Hot and spicy straight from the grill. Our hearty Smoked Sausages are ready for picnics and pre-season tailgating. 48th DDBC National Seminar Key retailers set to speak at Seminar Two notable Southern California retail executives have agreed to speak at the DDBC’s 48th National Seminar, according to Laura Taketomo (Food 4 Less), the returning General Chairman for the event. Jaime Prager, Assistant Sales Manager for Albertsons/Vons/Pavilion, and Andy Copeland, Grocery Merchandiser at Food 4 Less, will cover topics concerning the rapidly changing retail landscape in Southern California. Prager is the Assistant Sales Manager at Albertsons Companies Southern California Division (Albertsons/Vons/Pavilion). He has been in the Grocery Industry for 36 years. He started as a courtesy clerk at Vons in 1980 and worked through various store positions including Store Manager and then in Marketing as a Category Manager for a total of 22 years. He then worked as a Regional Manager for Tazo Tea and Full Sail Brewing and at a few Independent Markets in Southern Cali- Jaime Prager Albertsons/Vons/ Pavilions Andy Copeland Food 4 Less fornia, including Jons Marketplace as the Director of Operations. He joined Smart & Final in 2008 and was the Director of Non-Foods and Beverages before joining the new player in town, Haggen in 2015. He has been at Albertsons since October 2015. Prager earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Cal State University Fullerton, attended the USC Food In- dustry Management Program, and the Cornell University Food Executive Management Executive Program. He has been married to Julie for 30 years. They have three children, Rory, 27, Katie, 25 and Kellie, 20. Copeland began his grocery career in 1987 as a courtesy clerk for Hughes Family Markets. He held various store level positions, including Service Manager, before being promoted to the corporate office as a Buyer’s Assistant in 1996 and then to Buyer in 1997. In 1999 he joined the Food 4 Less team as a Category Manager in Grocery. In 2004 he was promoted to Director of Liquor/Fuel and then to Grocery Merchandiser in 2007. To expand his experience, in 2015 Copeland served as the Grocery Coordinator in District 25. He has recently returned to the role of Grocery Merchandiser. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from UC Continued on Page 10 Reknown sand artist added as keynote Joe Castillo – artist, author, storyteller “SandStory” – will be a featured presenter at the 48th National Seminar presented by the Dairy Deli Bakery Council (DDBC) of Southern California in September. A native of Mexico City, Castillo grew up surrounded by art and the cosmopolitan culture of an international city. In his teenage years he moved to Florida, attended Ringling School of Art, and graduated from Florida Bible College. He founded The Advertising Library, an agency in Knoxville, Tenn. After 21 years in advertising, he developed “SandStories,” a new way of telling stories in sand. In the past 7 years he has performed for presidents, kings and dignitaries in 45 states and 23 foreign countries and reached the finals on America’s Got Talent. “SandStory” is the most compelling 6 DDBC News, July-August 2016 new art form in decades. Sand scattered on a light box is formed and reformed into ever changing shapes and images that tell visually powerful stories. Choreographed to music these images inspire, challenge and motivate in a captivating way. Castillo is certainly the premier “SandStory” in the world using a live performance art presentation … with a twist. Using his artwork, he speaks, inspires and motivates and relates life-story applications that touch the heart. The stories literally come alive as the drawing unfolds, captivating both the ear, the eye and the heart. These life lessons are memorable life-changing events. Having spoken to hundreds of thousands of people over a period of 32 years, Castillo has mastered the ability to share stories that inspire, and motivate. Speaking to children, teens, adults, churches, businesses, and conferences has made him a much-requested storyteller and raconteur. You may laugh, cry, hurt, heal and leave his talks and stories feeling uplifted and filled with a desire to be more than you ever thought you could have. Visit youtube.com/user/joecastillo to see examples of his presentation. 48th National Seminar Presented by the DDBC Laguna Cliffs Marriott • Dana Point; Sept. 9-11, 2016 Two-Night Package By Aug. 1 After Aug. 1 Deluxe Room Couple $1,399.00 $1,499.00 Deluxe Room Single $1,049.00 $1,199.00 Additonal night stay – Available for $250.00 each night. Two-night Seminar package includes hotel, taxes, resort fees, internet access, valet parking for one vehicle, all meals, entertainment and business sessions. Children’s packages are available for $150.00 per child (Ages 5-12). GOLF/SPA PACKAGES GOLF: 8th Tisdell Cup – National DDBC Golf Scramble at Monarch Beach GC Friday, Sept. 9, 8:15 Call to carts 8:30 Tee Time Complimentary transportation from hotel to course, 7:45 a.m.. $250 Per Golfer or $950 Per Foursome SPA: at Laguna Cliffs Marriott Spa, $250 Per Person PAYMENT INFORMATION Register early to save money. Rooms are limited. Cancellation policy: Payment of Seminar package will be refunded, less $100 administrative costs, if received prior to Aug. 1. After Aug. 1, payment fee is NOT refundable. Names (For badges; include spouse’s name) Company name Enclosed payment summary: Seminar Payment $__________ Additional room night $__________ Golf $__________ Spa $__________ Children’s package $__________ Sponsorship/Hosting $__________ Make checks payable to: “DDBC of Southern California” and mail registration, along with payment, to: DDBC, P.O. Box 1872, Whittier, CA 90609. Packages E-mail address Golf Spa Specify: Couple ___ Single ___ Specify: Thursday ___ Sunday ___ Sponsor Levels Available: General $400 ___ Bronze $1,500 ___ Silver $2,500 ___ Gold $5,000 ___ Platinum $10,000 ___ Other ___ Total enclosed $__________ Name on Credit Card__________________________________ Signature___________________________________________ Credit Card number___________________________________ Expiration Date______________________________________ Zip Code for Card____________________________________ Security code for card ________________ DDBC of Southern California, P.O. Box 1872, Whittier, CA 90609; 562-947-7016; FAX: 562-947-7872; DDBC News, July-August 2016 7 office@ddbcsocal.org. 48th National DDBC Seminar Sponsorship Form Planning for the DDBC’s 48th National Seminar, which is scheduled to take place Sept. 9-11 at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort in Dana Point, is well underway. Each sponsorship aids in the development of quality programs and learning experiences. $400 General Sponsor $1,500 Bronze Sponsor We ask you to be a part of the seminar by donating to this fund. Your company’s name will be added to the list of sponsors and published each month in the DDBC News as well as recognition at the seminar. Sponsors of $1,500 or more will have their company logo on signage and in DDBC News. $2,500 Silver Sponsor $5,000 Gold Sponsor $10,000 Platinum Sponsor Company Name Individual’s Name Business Address City, State, Zip Please mail your check, made payable to the DDBC, and mail to P.O. Box 1872, Whittier, CA 906091872, along with this form. Thank you for your consideration. Your Sponsorship levels General Sponsor ($400) Includes: • Recognition in DDBC News • Recognition in Program Brochure Bronze Sponsor ($1,500) Includes: • Recognition in DDBC News • Recognition in Program Brochure • Company Logo Displayed on Large Screens during All Business Sessions at Seminar Silver Sponsor ($2,500) Includes: • Recognition in DDBC News • Recognition in Program Brochure • Company Logo Displayed on Large Screens during All Business Sessions at Seminar • Company Logo Displayed on Signage at Seminar • Includes Golf Twosome at the DDBC Tisdell Cup Tournament, Monarch Beach Course • Company Logo Displayed on Signage at Seminar 8 DDBC News, July-August 2016 Gold Sponsor ($5,000-$9,999) Includes: • Recognition in DDBC News • Recognition in Program Brochure at Event • Company Logo Displayed on Large Screens during All Business Sessions at Seminar • Company Logo Displayed on Signage at Seminar • Includes Golf Foursome at the DDBC Tisdell Cup Tournament, Monarch Beach Course OR 2 Night Single Seminar Package including room, meals, Business Sessions & Entertainment at La Costa Resort and Spa Platinum Sponsor ($10,000+) Includes: • Recognition in DDBC News • Recognition in Program Brochure • Company Logo Displayed on Large Screens during All Business Sessions at Seminar • Includes Golf Foursome at the DDBC Tisdell Cup Tournament, Monarch Beach Course • Includes 2 Night Complete Seminar Package Including Room, Meals, Business Sessions & Entertainment (Single or Couple) at La Costa Resort & Spa • Specific Event Hosting and Recognition During Seminar: Specific Event Choice Will Be Offered on a First Reserve Basis. Includes Extra Signage Recognition and Event Banner at Specific Hosted Event. Sponsoring Company Products Will Be Highlighted and/or Sampled During Event. Platinum Sponsors Receive Platinum Recognition!!! Send news of your company to: Editor, DDBC News P.O. Box 4533 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 or email: dave.pacrim@verizon.net 48th National DDBC Seminar Sponsors As of June 20 Platinum Gold Silver Seminar Sponsors As of June 20 1. Bar-S Foods 2. Reynaldo’s Mexican Foods 3. Carl Buddig/Old Wisconsin 4. Alta Dena Dairy 5. Coastal Marketing Group 6. Eggland’s Best 7. Don Jose 8. Florida’s Natural 9. Premier Action Group 10. Rosemary Farm 11. Johanna’s Beverages 12. Plumrose USA 13. Mission Foods 14. Sunny Delight Beverage 15. Messana 16. Golden Cheese of California 17. Butterball, LLC 18. Challenge Dairy 19. Smithfield/Farmland 20. La Mexicana Salsa 21. Tillamook 22. Saputo Cheese 23. GlenOaks Farms, Inc. 24. Cacique, Inc. 25. Food 4 Less 26. DPI Specialty Foods 27. Sargento Bronze Golf at Monarch Beach features a scenic layout encompassing the shoreline and ocean. DDBC News, July-August 2016 9 48th DDBC National Seminar 2016 DDBC’s National Seminar Committee General Chairman Laura Taketomo ............................................ Food 4 Less Committees *Ed Silva (Audio/Visual) .............................. Ralphs Michael Rodrigues (Audio/Visual) .............. Ralphs *Connie Thatcher (Program/Speakers) ...... Advantage Jaime Prager (Program/Speakers) .............. Albertsons Josh Baum (Program/Speakers) .................. Savi Sales *Patti Winsell (Food/Beverage) ................... DDBC Member Della Frorenza (Festival Luncheon) ............ Red Apple Cheese Darlene Ethridge (Festival Luncheon) ........ DDBC Member Barbara Gibbons (Festival Luncheon) ....... Maplehurst Bakeries Lisa Leandro (Festival Luncheon) .............. Eggland’s Best Emily Aguilar (Festival Luncehon) ............. Daisy Brand *Steve Nguyen (Golf) .................................... Unified Grocers Bob Dressler (Golf) ....................................... Advantage Fresh Rafael Pineda (Golf) ...................................... Mission Foods JoAnn Dunn (Silent Auction) ....................... LALA Arselie Miller (Silent Auction) ..................... Dannon Anne Abate (Silent Auctioin) ........................ Dannon *Melissa Griffin (Decor) ............................... Stater Bros. Irene Stiles (Decor) ........................................ Quest Sales Dottie Beamer (Decor) .................................. Premier Sales ......................................................................... Solutions *Diane Murdoch (Goodie Bags) .................. TrueFresh LLP Monica Stone (Goodie Bags) ........................ Fuji Foods Lulu Vargas (Goodie Bags) .......................... Magnolia Foods Sokha Lim (Goodie Bags) ............................. Norseland, Inc. *Brian Svoboda (Troop Build) ..................... Carl Buddig Dave MacDonald (Troop Build) ................... HP Hood Larry Eiffert (Troop Build) .......................... JTJ Sales Mary Crocker (Troop Build) ........................ Alta Dena Francisco Medrano (Troop Build) ............... Tampico Spice Valerie Kalic (Troop Build) .......................... Food 4 Less *Silvia Quiroz (Sponsorship/Hosting) ......... Cardenas Mkts. Jim Veregge (Sponsorship/Hosting) ............ Unified Grocers Susan Duran (Sponsorship/Hosting) ........... Rich Products Damian Valdez (Sponsorship/Hosting) ........ Super King Mkts. Bill Mackie (Treasurer) ................................ Processor’s ......................................................................... Marketing Susan Steele (DDBC) ..................................... DDBC Executive ......................................................................... Director Dave Daniel (Pacific Rim Publishing) ......... DDBC News *Patrick Jacobo (Silent Auction) ................. V&V Supremo * -- Committee chairman. Key retailers scheduled to speak at 48th Seminar Continued from Page 6 Santa Barbara in Aquatic Biology. He is also a graduate of the USC Food Industry Management Program, the USC Food Industry Executive Program and the Dale Carnegie Course. He also served on the Food 4 Less Division Cultural Council from 2010 thru 2013. Copeland and his wife, Kaarn, live in Huntington Beach with their two daughters, Madison, 14, and Erin, 11. The Seminar will be conducted Sept. 911 at the Marriott Laguna Cliffs Resort in Dana Point. The theme is “Staying Relevant in Changing Times” which reflects the changes that have happened and the many changes to come in the retail supermarket industry as it pertains to the perishables categories. A Troop Appreciation building event will follow the National Deli Festival Luncheon on Saturday. Personal items have been do- 10 DDBC News, July-August 2016 The Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort at night. nated to fill boxes that will be sent to service personnel overseas. Last year’s event was highly popular and successful. “The Committee is actively seeking additional donations of products to be included in the boxes this year,” Taketomo said. “We need personal care items, different edibles that have a long shelf life, books, snacks, etc. and would appreciate any company or representative with available products to contact us at the DDBC office to make arrangements. We are increasing the number of boxes from 250 to 300 this year.” The Tisdell Cup National Deli Scramble golf tournament will kick off the Seminar Friday morning at the Monarch Beach Golf Club. “The earlier tee time will allow golfers to finish early and have more time to freshen up and enjoy what the resort has to offer,” Taketomo said. Attire for all weekend events will once again be “resort casual”. A registration form is provided in this issue of DDBC News. Congratulating DDBC News July 2016 Big Cheese Award Honoree DOUG THREADGILL Thanking you for your continued support of our “Karoun Dairies® International Dairy Set for Ethnic Shoppers” karouncheese.com July is Hot Dog Month Hot dogs are a home run at ballparks Like candy on Halloween, hot dogs are the quintessential summer ballpark food, and the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) estimates that baseball fans will consume more than 19.4 million hot dogs and more than 4.3 million sausages during the 2016 Major League baseball season. The combined hot dog and sausage total could stretch from Tropicana Field in Tampa Bay, Florida, to Angel Stadium in Anaheim. The hot dog total alone would reach as high as 5,425 One World Trade Centers, the tallest building in the U.S. “There are challengers galore, but hot dogs remain king of the concession stand,” said NHDSC President Eric Mittenthal. “From childhood through old age there are two things guaranteed to put a smile on your face: baseball and hot dogs. It’s the perfect combination.” The Dodgers can relish in victory as the team’s fans are once again projected to consume the most hot dogs, totaling more than 2.6 million – a jump of more than 100,000 from last year. That is enough to round the bases at Dodger Stadium 3,693 times, and based on last year’s attendance, means that nearly 70 percent of fans at Dodger home games will eat a hot dog. The New York Yankees have again claimed second place, as fans are expected to consume more than 1.55 million hot dogs. Batting third are the Cleveland Indians at 1,252,463 hot dogs, followed closely behind by the Texas Rangers with 1,206,780 anticipated hot dog sales. The Chicago Cubs round out the lineup of top hitters, with fans expected to consume more than 1,000,000 hot dogs, representing a 17 percent increase over last year. In perhaps the greatest upset this season, the San Francisco Giants have unseated defending sausage champions the Milwaukee Brewers to reclaim the top spot, with 475,000 sausage sales expected. The St. Louis Cardinals threw a curve ball, rising to clinch second place with fans expected to consume 400,000 sausages. The Boston Red Sox, meanwhile, earned third place with Fenway Fans expected to eat 327,500 sausages this year. The Brewers rank fourth at 280,000 sausages. While perennial hot dog favorites remain staples at ballparks across America, teams are introducing new creations that are sure to be all-stars. With so many new options, the NHDSC launched a new guide highlighting photos and descriptions of this season’s most unique hot dog and sausage offerings, along with a sampling of classic favorites. Now, fans can savor all the choices available to them in one, convenient location. Some of the top 2016 MLB rookies include: • Cracker Jack & Mac Dog: Pirates fans will no longer have to choose between two of baseball’s most cherished foods: Cracker Jack and hot dogs. This creation, offered by Aramark, features a hot dog topped with Cracker Jack, mac and cheese, salted caramel sauce and fried jalapeños on naan bread. • T.E.D. – “The Everything Dog:” Braves fans should come hungry to eat this standard foot-long hot dog, layered with fries, chili, nacho chips, beer cheese and jalapenos, topped with popcorn and a Coca-Cola infused BBQ sauce served in a pretzel bun. 12 DDBC News, July-August 2016 • Cheeseburger Dog: Diamondbacks fans can indulge on this hot dog made of char-grilled hamburgers that have been ground up and mixed with chopped smoked bacon, green onion and cheddar cheese. They are then breaded with milk and flour, deep-fried and served on a bun with smoked bacon and secret sauce. • Wicked Pig: This sandwich topped with sausage, pulled pork, Danish bacon, prosciutto, ham, coleslaw and pork rinds, finished with BBQ sauce, is sure to please any pork loving Rangers fan. “The hot dog and sausage innovation at ballparks is truly amazing” said Mittenthal. “Just a few years ago, macaroni and cheese or pulled pork were considered unusual hot dog toppings, but today almost anything goes.” Another trend is local hot dogs, such as at Wrigley Field where Cubs fans can enjoy new hot dogs and sausages from local favorite Hot Doug’s and Gilbert’s Craft Sausages while the Nationals are debuting a stand from local restaurant Haute Dogs and Fries and the Indians will feature hot dogs from Happy Dog, including one topped with Fruit Loops. One hot dog more stadiums might consider in the future is the West Virginia Dog, the newly crowned 2016 Hot Dog Madness regional hot dog champion. The West Virginia Dog features chili, mustard and coleslaw on a steamed bun. Fans chose it by voting on the NHDSC Facebook page. We Make the Sausages YOU CRAVE. TM For 90 years, Evergood sausages have been known for their superior flavor and quality. Family-made in the Bay Area, our sausages are made with the freshest ingredients and only the finest cuts of USDA inspected meat and poultry. Evergood has a full line of classic sausages such as our Smoked Bratwurst, Louisiana Hot Links and Polish sausage. We also continue to innovate and develop new favorites like our Pineapple, Chipotle and Cheddar Link sausage. In Southern California, Evergood is represented by Big Cheese Award July Doug Threadgill, Smart & Final By DAVE DANIEL Editor, DDBC News Imagine that you are a Senior Category Manager in the rapidly growing Dairy Deli area for a large and continually expanding retail chain based in the highly competitive Southern California market. After juggling the wide variety of the many new items in the burgeoning “betterfor-you” trend for a few months, you need to get away … really get away … for a few days. If you are Doug Threadgill at Smart & Final, the above description fits you perfectly … and you head out of town for a relaxing weekend of camping before the onslaught begins again. Threadgill is the Senior Category Manager for Dairy-Deli at the 252-store-andcounting Smart & Final Warehouse and Market chain… and the Big Cheese Award honoree for July by the Dairy Deli Bakery Council (DDBC) of Southern California. He will receive his award at the October meeting. “We have made a great push to incorporate Natural and Organic products in all phases of our stores,” he said. “We have included all the items in our normal sets all around the store. “At almost every presentation by a vendor to us, we let them know that this is what we are looking for, so they are sending us Natural, Organic, Low-Carb, Gluten Free and similar products. We have 28 Organic sets around the store … and this number continues to grow and continues to be a focus for us.” 14 DDBC News, July-August 2016 Doug Threadgill Threadgill has been at Smart & Final for three years, but has more than 25 years of experience in the Southern California food industry. He got his start with the now defunct PIA Merchandising for about 8 years before moving to Food 4 Less, where he worked in merchandising for the first 5 years before being promoted to Dairy Deli Category Manager then working in GM/ HBA. He followed that with a 7-year stint for Jon’s Marketplace before joining Smart & Final. “When I started here in July of 2013, we had 183 stores,” he said, “and we opened 6 new stores that first year. We had 10 percent growth the next year and already have a 15 percent growth so far this year and are at 252 stores with more on the way as the company is still in a growth mode.” But he loves camping with the family and loves playing golf. He and wife Melissa and stepson Jonathan, who enters high school in the fall, take their camping trailer out locally whenever there is enough time on a weekend. “We like to head to local beaches or to Carlsbad when we get the chance,” he said. “During the summer, we always try to plan an 8-to-10 day camping trip to the Sierras.” “We started camping when Melissa and I were dating,” he said. “First we went tent camping, then we moved to a pop-up trailer, and now we have a travel trailer. I had been camping a lot when I was younger.” On the golf course he plays to a 4-handicap. One of his laments is that he is so busy, he cannot play in the myriad of industryrelated golf events around the Southland. “I can get to one or two a year, but I haven’t recently. I’ve been playing golf since I was 13,” he said. “My stepfather was a professional and got me interested in the game.” He has golfed with many of the same friends for 30 years. “One year a buddy and I traveled to Scotland and played at St. Andrews and Carnoustie. It was fantastic … the weather was great because there was none of the usual rain at that time. We were very lucky in that aspect of the trip.” Melissa owns a day spa near their home in Monrovia and when their schedules are in sync, they love to travel. “Melissa actually got me started with traveling,” he said. “Her father was in the Army and they were stationed in Italy for a time. We took a trip there together and it was like homecoming to her. We are planning a trip to New Orleans and to the Northwest – Portland and Washington. We’ve also been to Vancouver and to Hawaii.” He relaxes at home by puttering around the house. “I love to work in the yard,” he said. “I do the gardening and planting.” He joined the DDBC in 2000 while at Food 4 Less. “It is difficult for me to get to many meetings, but we always try to get to the National Seminar in September every year. There is always great networking opportunities and both Melissa and I have made some very good friendships there. “The feeling of comradeship among the DDBC members is real, despite most of us being competitors in some way. I thank the Council for this honor; it is greatly appreciated, especially the spirit behind the award.” Please join the DDBC in saluting Doug as the Big Cheese Award honoree for July. ® ® Whether traditional or “better for you”, we have the high-quality snacks to complement your picnic and summer activities 1/4-page ad here plumrose usa new 4-c from deirdre 1/4-page ad here utz 4-c new direct to you Everyone here at Plumrose is proud to congratulate Doug Threadgill of Smart & Final on his great honor of being named DDBC’s Big Cheese! Contact: Thomas Martin 503.287.1443 tmartin@utzsnacks.com We are so proud to congratulate Doug Threadgill on his great honor. DDBC Big Cheese. Way to go! 1/2-page ad here lactalis 4-c new from deirdre 16 DDBC News, July-August 2016 Premier Sales Solutions, Butterball & Land O Frost Are Proud to Congratulate of Smart & Final DDBC BIG CHEESE JULY 2016 Congratulations to Doug Threadgill of for being selected as THE BIG CHEESE! 1/2-page ad here land o frost 4-c new direct to you Find LOF on LandOFrost.com Land O’Frost® name, Land O’Frost® logo are trademarks of Land O’Frost, Inc. © 2016. 1/2-page ad here reynaldos mexican food 4-c new from deirdre Doug Threadgill Smart & Final DDBC Big Cheese Congratulations, Your Friends at Reynaldo’s Mexican Food Company LLC DDBC News, July-August 2016 19 DDBC Member News Concept-Premier Action Group Longtime DDBC broker members Premier Action Group of San Dimas and Concept Food Brokers of West Covina have merged, effective June 5. “This is a win-win situation for all concerned,” said Gary Illingworth and Bill Schwartz of Concept in a written statement. “In reality, Concept is simply moving to a new location, and making a name change. The entire Concept staff, office, and sales, will continue to function much the same as we have for more than 35 years, but with some improvements. “We will be joining Steve Sipp and his competent and aggressive group, that will allow for improved service to our retailers, and provide opportunities for future growth. Premier Action Group represents many outstanding products that complement the existing Concept lines. It will expand the foot- print in each retailer operation that allows representation with experience, expertise, and new sales in all departments.” The Concept statement continued: “We have known Sipp, who heads up Premier Action Group, a DBA of Action Perishables and Marketing, Inc., for more than 20 years. We believe Steve and his staff have the same ethics, honesty and commitment to the industry that Concept has always strived to achieve. “The entire Concept staff – Gary, Bill, Gina and Alex – are always available to assist our customers at any time. Yes, our name is changing, but the people are not. Our phone, fax, email will not change, however we will be adding new numbers in the future. “If your system is set up to communicate or place orders with Premier, that will work as well.” Carmelita Chorizo George Garcia has joined Carmelita Chorizo as Account Executive. Previously, he was with Marques Brothers and Cacique, Inc. Garcia can be reached at 323-262-6751 (office), 323-794-3335 (direct) or george@carmelitachorizo.com. Maplehurst Bakeries Barbara Audelo Gibbons has joined Maplehurst Bakeries as Key Account Manager for the Western U.S. Previously, she was with Bonert’s Pies for 10 years. She was married in May to Don Gibbons. She can be reached at 714-412-8507 or Barbaragibbons75@gmail.com. Meal kit delivery services are flourishing We have officially entered a new era of culinary convenience. Meal kit delivery services are here. They are flourishing, and in the process consumers nationwide have found that answering the age old question “What’s for dinner?” has perhaps never been easier. According to Meal Kit Delivery Services in the U.S., a new report from leading market research publisher Packaged Facts, meal kit delivery services have exploded over the past few years by bridging the space between homecooked meals and takeout. The services offer people a convenient way to cook at home without having to do the meal planning and grocery shopping. Online portals let consumers order meals ahead from picture menus showing beautiful photos of the finished dish, and the services deliver the premeasured fresh ingredients along with recipes to their doorstep to help them cook chef-like meals at home. Based on the number of meal kit delivery services around the country, the current numbers of meal shipments and growth rates claimed by marketers, and 20 DDBC News, July-August 2016 the almost certain entry of such services from retailers and food marketers, Packaged Facts conjectures that the U.S. meal kit delivery services market will generate approximately $1.5 billion in sales in 2016 and will grow to a multi-billion market over the next five years. Despite the positives, the growing presence of meal kit delivery services comes with a caveat for various other segments of the food and beverage industry. Meal kit delivery services have the potential to disrupt both the restaurant industry and the grocery industry because they allow people to cook restaurant-quality meals at home without going out to grocery shop. “These days, consumers have access to almost everything without leaving their home and – through the power of smartphones – without even speaking to another human being. Rather than worrying whether meal kit delivery services will cut into their business, some grocers and food marketers are taking the bull by the horns and starting their own such services,” says David Sprinkle, research director, Packaged. This first edition report covers online meal kit delivery services, defined as companies that offer and deliver to consumers’ doors (or arrange for delivery of) a box or bag of fresh ingredients for one or more meals, along with a stepby-step recipe with photos showing how to cook each meal at home. The everything-in-a-box kits promise convenience by eliminating the need to plan meals, find recipes, and shop for groceries. Ingredients are portioned in just the right quantities for the recipe, and sometimes even prepped (pre-cut, marinated, packaged with pre-cooked sauce components, etc.) to speed and ease consumers’ time spent in the kitchen. Excluded from this report are services that deliver completely cooked heat-and-eat meals, and services that deliver frozen foods Packaged Facts, a division of MarketResearch.com, publishes market intelligence on consumer market topics, including consumer demographics and shopper insights, consumer financial products and services, consumer goods and retailing, and other services. Industry News DDBC Scholarship Program The deadline for application for the DDBC Scholarship Program is Aug. 31. Applications must be postmarked or delivered by that date, according to DDBC Executive Director Susan Steele. Scholarships in the amount up to $1,000 each will be awarded for Fall & Spring semesters. Money for these scholarships is raised by the members of the Council and is generated from generous donations and fund raisers, including opportunity drawings at various events. The DDBC provides educational programs through meetings, networking, speakers, seminars, panel discussions, deli schools, and symposiums relevant to the business interests of Association members. Scholarships are an extension of these educational programs. Since reaching out is a way of recognizing and investing in our future, the importance of the scholarship is an asset to our organization. To be eligible an applicant must: 1. Be a current member (regular or associate) of the DDBC or an immediate, legal family member. 2. Be enrolled in or applying for college and must be accepted to attend at the time the check is issued. 3. Demonstrate above academic achievement. (3.0 GPA or greater) 4. Submit two letters of recommendation (one from instructor from current or past year and one from an employer, community service group or additional instructor). 5. Submit letter describing how the scholarship may assist in meeting his/her professional goals. 6. Copy of official school transcript. 7. Copy of current enrollment. 8. Agree to attend awards presentation program meeting as a guest of the DDBC. 9. Scholarship recipient check will be issued to recipient and school they are attending. IDDBA The IDDBA’s Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar & Expo, held June 5-7 in Houston, hosted 9,294 registered attendees, which included top-tier retail buyers, merchandisers, executives, food manufacturers, brokers, distributors, and leading industry professionals. The sold-out expo consisted of a recordbreaking 1,926 booths, representing 739 companies. Exhibitors and retailers cultivated relationships, new business, and fresh ideas and concepts throughout the active expo floor. The Show & Sell Center showcased best-in-class merchandising ideas and innovative retailing concepts, along with new products, workshops, and demonstrations. It was a hub of activity and a highlight of the show. Workshop speakers engaged attendees in live demonstrations and presentations that covered various industry-specific topics including cheese, cakes, bakery, deli, and meals. Leading up to the show, teams of dedicated volunteers donated months of their time and talent to create the amazing merchandising concepts displayed throughout the Show & Sell Center. 1/2-page ad here horizon sales 4-c new from deirdre DDBC News, July-August 2016 21 June Meeting of DDBC Casino Night fun attracts large crowd The third Jean Dreshner Memorial Casino Night and Mixer had a two-fold purpose in June ... to honor one of the more active retailers in the Dairy Deli Bakery Council (DDBC) of Southern California, and to have some fun while raising funds for the Lymphoma Foundation. Dreshner died of lymphoma in 2013. A portion of the proceeds from the event were donated to the Lymphoma Foundation. The gathering gave the DDBC members in attendance the opportunity to meet many members of the Dreshner family, including her husband, Bob Hernandez, son Greg Hernandez, and many other family members. Following a buffet dinner consisting of Italian dishes, approximately three hours of gaming took place, featuring Black Jack tables, roulette, craps, and Texas Hold’em games. Winners collected tickets in proportion to their amount of winnings and were able to place them in raffles for a wide variety of prizes donated by member companies. DDBC Scholarship Fund increases The DDBC Scholarship Fund has $11,211.59 as of mid-June, according to Executive Director Susan Steele. That is an increase of approximately $500 since March, she reported. Upcoming events July 12 – Membership meeting, Garden Grove Sept. 9-11 – 48th National Seminar, Dana Point Oct. 13 – Membership meeting, Salute to Normark & Associates and three generations of the Levey family, Garden Grove Nov. 1 – Election Night meeting, Garden Grove 22 DDBC News, July-August 2016 Bob Hernandez, husband of the late Jean Dreshner, poses with Sue Bargsten (DPI Specialty Foods) and Irene Graves (Quest Sales & Marketing), both longtime friends of Jean and Bob. Below, some members of the Dreshner extended family who were on hand (not all are pictured) as the DDBC honored Jean Dreshner’s memory with a fun evening of games. June Meeting of DDBC Blackjack was a popular game as all tables remained full all evening. Seminar Chairman Laura Taketomo (Food 4 Less) plays third base at this blackjack table Another full table, some luckier than others, at this blackjack station. Jose Cardenas (Cacique) makes a pass at the craps table, which became more and more crowded. Craps players await the payoffs during throws of the dice. George Garcia and Pete Gonzalez, both of Carmelita Chorizo, have rejoined the DDBC after a lengthly absence by the company. DDBC News, July-August 2016 23 June Meeting of DDBC Early players at the roulette table had elbow room before the game became really crowded a little while later. The first players to be seated at a Texas Hold’em table await more players before getting started. Steve Nguyen (Unified Grocers), Josue Islas (Dannon), and Mark Dixon (Acosta) relax between practicing their poker faces. Candace Allen and Matt Hebert, both of Insight Food Sales, show a few of the chips they won at the tables. Juan Torres and Flavia Ruvalcaba-Torres (KDS Marketing) were the winners of a luxury Dodgers ticket package for the second year in a row. Lucky fans indeed. A tasty buffet of Italian food, including pasta with alfredo or tomato sauce and lasagne. 24 DDBC News, July-August 2016 June Meeting of DDBC Marc Draper (LeGrand Marketing) was among the first to deposit his tickets for raffle prizes. Jim Veregge (Unified Grocers), President Silvia Quiroz (Cardenas Markets), and Bill Mackie (Processor’s Marketing) were in charge of the highly successful raffle. Thank you to Casino Night sponsors DDBC News, July-August 2016 25 DPI Specialty Foods Show Food expo continues to grow in stature DPI Specialty Foods continued to grow its annual spring food show in Temecula at the Pechanga Hotel Casino and Resort with a three-day event that concluded with a golf tournament. “We are especially proud of our vendor-retailer meetings on the opening day of the show,” said Sue Bargsten, Vendor/Broker Relations Manager. “These meetings allowed selected vendor partners one-on-one meetings with retailer representatives in a quiet and productive setting that benefited both parties.” The main day of the show featured the largest number of exhibitors in DPI’s history, filling the main ballroom, the adjacent large lobby/reception area, and both sides of the hallway leading from the hotel lobby. An elegant dinner followed for all with the final day golf tournament wrapping up the Food Show. One of the typically crowded aisles at the DPI Specialty Foods Show on May 12 in Temecula. Damian Valdez (Super King Markets), Tomas Salado (El Burrito) with Stephanie and Mike Martinez and Laura Mastro, all of Mastro & Associates. John Brass, Diane Yanek, Juan Chavez, and Bret Presley, all of J. Brass Company. Sue Bargsten (DPI Specialty Foods) with Esther Hawksley (Maruken Vinegar U.S.A., Inc.). Arneita Langford (Acosta), Jodi Koves (Sweet Sams) and Mark Dixon (Acosta). 26 DDBC News, July-August 2016 DPI Specialty Foods Show Maureen Parks and Lou Tulley, both representing English Bay Batter. Kevin Draper (Le Grand Marketing), Kristen Marucci (Gonnella) and Jon Erickson (Gonnella). Geoff and Marc Draper, both of LeGrand Marketing with Brad McKiben and Alexis Trujillo, both of Loma Linda Market. Matt Davis (Reser’s Fine Foods), Bob Dressler (Advantage Fresh), and Danny Alva (Ocean Beauty Seafoods). Bryn Mathison, Barry Zuroff, and Talisa Lopez, all of Horizon Sales Corp. Mike Lanphere (Progressive Food Sales), Leonor Calisto (CSM), Nelba Canales (CSM), and Bob Lanphere (Progressive Food Sales). DDBC News, July-August 2016 27 DPI Specialty Foods Show Sokha Lim (Norseland, Inc.). Henry Rodriguez (Nasser Co., Inc.) and Vars Injijian (Sierra Nevada Cheese Co.). Elliot Budd, Aimee Mizrahi, and Ben Nadim, all of Anderson International Foods/Sincerely Brigitte. Phil Kaupp of Tillamook. Mark McKenzie surrounded by his bread products at Tree House Foods. Della Frorenza of Red Apple Cheese. 28 DDBC News, July-August 2016 DINNER MEETING RESERVATION REPLY Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Guest Speaker: “Big Glove” Mickey Hatcher Baseball Legend April Big Cheese Rich Gilmore Gelson’s Markets May Big Cheese Joe Theis Eggland’s Best Embassy Suites, 11767 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 5:00PM Social Hour – 6:00PM Dinner – 7:00PM Program Tickets are $60.00 per person advance notice & $70.00 per person at event. Cancellations are non-refundable unless notified at least 1 day prior to meeting. DDBC of So. Calif., PO Box 1872, Whittier CA 90609-1872 562-947-7016, FAX 562-947-7872 E-mail: office@ddbcsocal.org Contact Person:________________________________________ Phone or email:________________________________________ Payment Enclosed:________ Please Bill Me: ________ Name of Attendee/Company (tables are in rounds of 10) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Calendar Continued from Page 3 2017 January 16 – Martin Luther King Jr. birthday. February 20 – President’s Day. March 10-12 – Natural Products Expo West, Anaheim. April 11-18 – Passover. 16 – Easter. 25 – City of Hope Fashion Show. Information: www.coh.org. May 5 – Cinco de Mayo 6-10 – Western Association of Food Chains Convention, Palm Desert. 29 – Memorial Day. June 4-6 – IDDBA Dairy Deli Bake, Anaheim Convention Center. Information: www.iddba.org. July 4 – Independence Day. DDBC Directory Corrections September 4 – Labor Day. 16 – Mexican Independence Day. 20-22 – Rosh Hashanah. 29-30 – Yom Kippur. November 11 – Veterans Day. 23 – Thanksgiving. December 13-30 – Hanukkah. 25 – Christmas Day. 2018 May 5 – Cinco de Mayo. 5-9 – Western Association of Food Chains Convention, JW Marriott Hill Country, San Antonio, Tex. June 8-10 – IDDBA Dairy Deli Bake, Houston. Information: www.iddba.org. Send your industry news to: Editor, DDBC News P.O. Box 4533 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 email: dave.pacrim@verizon.net We are proud to congratulate Joe Theis on his honor of being named DDBC Big Cheese for April 2016. Deli Business P. O. Box 810217 Boca Raton, FL 33481 561-994-118 ext 205 FAX 561-994-1610 www.delibusiness.com Mark Gold mgold@phoenixmedianet.com Fountain of Health 714-357-1809 450 Deslauriers St. Laurent, Quebec H4N IV8 Christina Vukojevich CVNHB@aol.com Rosemary Farm P.O. Box 3848 Ontario, CA 91761 909-902-0211 FAX 909-902-0311 Jim Pitsenberger (R) jimp@rosemaryfarm.com MARIN CHEESE COMPANY Specializing in fine 1/4-page ad here eggland’s best 4-c new direct to you imported 1/6-page ad here and domestic marin cheese p.u. from march-april 2016 cheeses as well p. 34 as a wide variety of gourmet foods. 63 Paul Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903 Phone: (415) 479-1200 www.marincheese.com 30 DDBC News, July-August 2016 Advantage Solutions and Advantage Fresh are proud to congratulate Doug Threadgill on his “Big Cheese” Award! GlenOaks Farms Drinkable Yogurt nly ® Eggland’s Best gives you the best in taste, nutrition, and variety. THINK ALL EGGS ARE THE SAME? Then you haven’t experienced Eggland’s Best. Compared to ordinary eggs, Eggland’s Best eggs have five times the Vitamin D, more than double the Omega 3, 10 times the Vitamin E, and 25 percent less saturated fat. Plus, EBs are a good source of Vitamin B5 and Riboflavin, contain only 60 calories, and stay fresher longer. Hungry for better taste? EBs deliver more of the farm-fresh flavor you and your family love. Any way you cook them! There’s only one egg that gives you so many outstanding varieties, too. Eggland’s Best. *Voted Most Trusted Egg Brand by American shoppers. Based on the 2016 BrandSpark/Better Homes and Gardens American Shopper Study egglandsbest.com Better Taste. Better Nutrition. Better Eggs.®
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