2015 Feb-Mar - Rolando Community Council
Volume 8, No. 2 February-March 2015 2:00 p.m. for post-show discussion with director and actors. The show will play through Feb. 22. For its 40 productions, including a number of world premieres and West Coast premieres, MOXIE has won 20 separate awards for excellence. It has elevated San Diego above the national average for production of works by female playwrights. Way to go, MOXIE! For ticket information, call (858) 598-7620. The theatre is located at 6633 El Cajon Blvd. Rolando is proud to be Moxie’s home. THEATRE ANYONE? By Aimee Lee Cheek Much honored MOXIE Theater, now celebrating its 10th year, is presenting the groundbreaking classic “Trouble in Mind” by pioneering black dramatist Alice Childress. The 1955 comedy-drama explores racism in the theater world and MOXIE is suggesting it will be the next big hit on Broadway. Childress (1916-1994) was the first African-American woman to receive a professional production in New York City. Don’t miss this presentation right here in Rolando. Moxie is offering a special $5 discount for Rolando residents. Mention this code “RCC” for your discount. Performances of “Trouble in Mind” are Thursdays at 7 :00 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m., and Sundays at 2:00 p.m. Special performance dates are Feb. 1 at 1:00 p.m. (so that viewers can catch the Super Bowl) and Feb. 8 at Don’t miss the fun at the Rolando Street Fair! See page 2. Photo: Jan Hintzman Rolando Events Rolando Community Council (3rd Tuesdays) | Clay Elementary School Auditorium (6506 Solita) 6:30 p.m. Social Time, 7:00 p.m. Meeting Begins February 17 Meeting: Neighborhood news & the latest on Street Fair Planning | March 17 Meeting: Water-Wise Landscaping/Gardening presented by David Clarke, Rolando landscape designer 19th Annual Rolando Street Fair | Sunday, March 29 | Rolando Blvd. south of El Cajon Blvd. | All day fun! Used Book Sales (first Saturdays) | Rite Aid Parking Lot | 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. www.RolandoCC.org Page 1 ROLANDO STREET FAIR COMING SOON! TRADER JOE’S NEARBY? IT DEPENDS ON YOU! By Sandi Buehner By Jan Hintzman The 19th Annual Rolando Street Fair will be held on Sunday, March 29. Can you believe it will be 19 years?! As with every year, planners are lining up wonderful food, great crafts, games, rides, and booths representing area businesses and nonprofits. There is something for everyone in the family. The musical entertainment includes: Sister Speak, The Earful, Arise Roots, Trey Tosh Band and, of course, Len Rainey & The Midnight Players. Neighbors in Rolando enjoy a good time and the Rolando Street Fair is fun at its best. The one thing this Street Fair still needs is for you to volunteer on the day of the fair. You don’t have to work all day, just give us a few hours of your time to allow our entire community to enjoy this event. We even have a few jobs that could work prior to the Street Fair or just after. What are you waiting for? Come to the February RCC meeting for a fair preview and/or contact Sandi at RolandoStreetFair@gmail.com to join in to help make our 19th year a big success. We’ve long heard community members express a desire for a Trader Joe's location near our community. Let’s make it happen. The El Cerrito Community Council is urging nearby communities to support the College Grove Market Place location previously occupied by Staples (3418 College Ave, SD 92115) as a great spot for a new Trader Joe’s. If you are interested in having a Trader Joe's closer to Rolando than is currently the case, you can send a request by visiting www.traderjoes.com/ contact-us/location-request and suggesting that lcation in the "Comments" box. (LtoR) Bill Simons, Joe Felton, and David Clarke volunteered to help set up the Rolando Information Booth at a recent street fair. Photo: Jan Hintzman www.RolandoCC.org “Rolando Night Out” returns. In January, neighbors gathered at Woodstocks and a good time was had by all! Coming up: Thursday, February 26, starting at 6:30 p.m., neighbors will converge at Next Door Wine and Craft Beer Bar at 7235 El Cajon Blvd. (Yes, this is in Rolando! We extend to 73rd street along the Boulevard.) Next Door is friendly and laid back. They offer limited food (cheese plates, etc) and you are encouraged to bring food in. Note: Ranchwood BBQ is right next door! Thursday March 26, same time, at Roboto Tokyo Grill, 6061 El Cajon Blvd near Big 5 at College Ave. Roboto’s opened this fall and has a great menu of Japanese and other Asian foods. Don’t miss out on this enjoyable way to explore Rolando eateries and meet new (and old) friends. Mark your calendars. Feb.-March 2015, Page 2 SDSU SOUTH CAMPUS PLAZA Last fall, the College Area Community Council and Planning Board heard a presentation on South Campus Plaza, the mixed use student housing and retail development soon to be built by San Diego State University at the intersection of College Ave. and Montezuma Road. The retail component will include a market and several restaurants on the ground floor, topped by student housing. There were many community concerns about changes to the project that have occurred after the 2010 Environmental Impact report. Changes to Design: In place of apartments, the two Artist rendering of SDSU South Campus Plaza towers will offer dormitory style housing on the upper floors. The towers have been increased in height from five to six stories, and the parking garage has risen from four to five above-ground stories. Board and audience members expressed support for the on-campus housing and excitement about the retail component, but disappointment at the boxy design of the towers. Changes to Streets: Of special concern is SDSU's proposal to change the previously approved design of the streets abutting the development. College Avenue would be narrowed to allow for bike paths and wider sidewalks fronting the project. While the College community supports bike paths and improved pedestrian access, in this case the cost may prove to be too great. According to the Environmental Impact Report, the slowdown in traffic on College Avenue would be severe enough to cause a serious increase in backups during the evening rush hour. This would cause drivers to divert their travel, impacting off- and on-ramp I-8 traffic at both Montezuma and 70th Street. The revised proposal is inconsistent with the College Area Community Plan. Since 1989 the Plan has called for the eventual widening of College Avenue to three lanes in each direction between I-8 and Montezuma Road. SDSU's proposed changes would preclude this future widening. In November the College Area board voted to oppose the September 2014 "Complete Streets" Addendum. It agreed that a Supplemental EIR is needed should the City approve this proposed change to the original South Campus Plaza plans. www.RolandoCC.org Feb.-March 2015, Page 3 www.RolandoCC.org Feb.-March 2015, Page 4 CIT CORNER: WATER WISE IN ROLANDO By Bob Scott At the November RCC meeting, Jo Ellen Jacoby of the City Public Utilities Department provided an informative presentation on Water Conservation Programs in San Diego. Almost all of our drinking water comes from far away sources like the Sacramento Delta and the Colorado River. Lower than normal precipitation and higher than normal average temperatures over the past few years have put us in an extreme drought, putting a crimp in our water supplies. Water conservation policy has been around in San Diego since the 1980s, and through these efforts, water use today is 17% less than in 2007. Continued awareness and conservation measures can help further reduce our thirst for water. However, it will take more than the rain we’ve had so far this winter to fill our reservoirs and restore our supply to healthy levels. City Ordinance 67.3803 identifies the following water use restrictions: no runoff/excessive irrigation no watering after 10:00 a.m. & before 4:00 p.m. (winter)/before 6:00 p.m. (summer); with some exceptions no watering of paved areas car washing only in a commercial car wash or using a hose with shutoff nozzle or a bucket no non-recirculating decorative water fountains no overfilling swimming pools and spas There are always creative ways we can conserve. Visit www.sandiego.gov/water/conservation/drought. The City provides surveys that can help you become more waterwise. Call: (619) 570-1999. For information on available rebates call (888) 376-3314. Please note that the turf conversion incentive is no longer available. City rain barrel rebates are $1.00 per gallon stored. Metropolitan Water District rebate of $75 per barrel (for info visit www.socialwatersmart.com) STORM WATER MANAGEMENT By Bob Scott Residents, homeowners and commercial businesses should be aware of the City’s amendments to its Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance (SDMC Section 43.03). These amendments have been made to meet the requirements of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit (Order No. R9-2013-0001) issued by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board in 2013. Non-storm related flows that are permitted require minimum Best Management Practices (BMPs) before they are deemed allowable into the storm drain system. BMPs are activities that you are required to implement to prevent pollution from leaving your property and entering the storm drain system. www.RolandoCC.org To name a few, these discharges include flows from pools, fountains, and vehicle and equipment washing. This water must either infiltrate on your property (provided it contains no hazardous substances) or be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. More information regarding the ordinance can be found at the City’s Think Blue website (www.sandiego.gov/thinkblue/) and the City Transportation and Storm water website (http:// w w w . s a n d i e g o .g o v /st o r m w a t e r / r e g u l a t io n s / index.shtml). Please note that there will be enforcement of the ordinance and violations could result in penalties in the form of fines. Feb.-March 2015, Page 5 ENHANCING CLAY PARK By Denise Armijo If you have ideas for making Clay Park more attractive and useful, you are invited to make them known. Park enhancement funds of $150,000 are available because of the settlement between developer Carmel Partners and the City over construction of BLVD63. Some background: In Spring 2012 when construction of the project began over strong community opposition, our council representative Marti Emerald stepped in to try to fashion a compromise between the community — represented by the Rolando Community Council (RCC) — and the developer. Agreement on the bigger issues was not to be. However, Carmel responded to community concerns over the impact of its project on the park and agreed to pay the City $150,000. The City is now planning to expend the park enhancement funds. The Colina del Sol Recreation Council, which oversees the park, has formed a subcommittee to explore options for the work. The subcommittee is composed of Daniele Laman and Howard Brealey, both Recreation Council members, and two Rolando residents, Denise Armijo and David Clarke. Denise represents Rolando on the Eastern Area Communities Council (EACPC). David is the RCC second vice president. The subcommittee has discussed ideas for improvements, as well as constraints, and will estimate rough costs in order to set realistic goals. Since the Clay sports field is owned by the school district, changes to the field are not feasible. The subcommittee agreed to pursue donations of labor and/or materials. To help stretch the budget further, the plans will minimize the need for administrative oversight. On a field trip to Clay Park on Jan. 3, the subcommittee reviewed actual site conditions and further envisioned possibilities. Several nearby residents attended and provided ideas to help buffer adjacent homes from noisy users. Current ideas include addition of decomposed granite paths around the perimeter; addition of decomposed granite and exercise stations in the shrub areas of the linear park across the street; a possible shade structure near the tot lot; an entry plaza with permeable pavers or decomposed granite, seating cubes, trees and an arbor at the west end in the underutilized shrub area; and additional shade trees throughout. Now is the time to hear from you. Contact Denise Armijo at jdsd07@cox.net or David Clarke at davidclarke1@cox.net with ideas or to add your name and email to our distribution list. www.RolandoCC.org Feb.-March 2015, Page 6 OUR LIBRARY IS MORE THAN BOOKS! By Armin Kuhlman Check out the offerings at your College-Rolando branch library, 6600 Montezuma Road: Arts and Crafts: Saturdays at Noon Kid’s Yoga: 1st and 3rd Fridays at 11:00 a.m. Family Story Time: every Friday at 10:30 a.m. Lego Play Lab: Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. Children and Nature, including hands-on activities for children ages 4+: Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. (Feb. 18 — Backyard Bandits! Mar. 18 — Wonderful Woodrats!) Zumba Fitness: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Zumba Gold: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 9:45 a.m. Aryn’s Family Yoga: 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. Book Club: 2nd Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. with “Ramona” by Helen Hunt Jackson as February selection Oasis Class: Mar. 6, 2:00 p.m. Book Room Sales: Tuesdays, 12:30-2:30 p.m. & Saturdays, 12:00-2:00 p.m. We welcome donations of books, DVDs and magazines in good condition. Join the College-Rolando Friends to support our library collections and programs. Our next Friends meeting is Mar. 24, 4:30 p.m. Visit www.collegerolandolibrary.org for more information. BAT BRIEF: ASKING THE CITY FOR ACTION By Jan Hintzman Existing San Diego code allowed BLVD63 to be built without any formal citizen input or environmental review. This experience and the work of the BLVD63 Action Team (BAT) have created the impetus to accomplish changes to city municipal codes to address student housing. When Mayor Kevin Faulconer's promise to Rolando at last spring’s Town Hall did not produce observable action, our Councilmember Marti Emerald, the Eastern Area Communities Planning Committee (EACPC), and BAT ramped up the effort. Their activism resulted in a victory in November when the City Council Committee on Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods directed the Mayor, Development Services Department, and City Attorney’s Office to bring forward recommendations www.RolandoCC.org for code changes. The desired outcome is to ensure: (1) that communities have a say; (2) that city codes recognize privately-developed student housing as a distinct product, different from typical multifamily housing. Other cities in California and around the country have made appropriate changes in how such projects are processed. San Diego has not. As a result, we have bad example No. 1: BLVD63. Following the November victory, the EACPC committee for code changes (including BAT leadership) has developed and presented extensive recommendations for suggested changes to city code based on strategies used by other cities. Now it’s up to the Mayor’s Office. BAT and EACPC will continue to monitor progress. Feb.-March 2015, Page 7 www.RolandoCC.org Feb.-March 2015, Page 8 COMINGS & GOINGS Holiday Lights. Thanks to neighbors who lit up our streets for the Holidays. RCC announced the winners of its holiday light competition. Selecting winners from the many great displays was difficult. Congratulations to the winners. BEST IN LIGHTS: Philip Gibbins on Seminole Drive; WILD CARD: Sue & Jenn on Carling Way; BEST IN LIGHTS RUNNER-UP: the Ades family on Lorca Drive. San Diego Clean Election Initiative. The RCC board voted to support the initiative, joining the San Diego chapters of the League of Women Voters, Common Cause and many other community groups from La Jolla and Rancho Peñasquitos south, and from OB and PB across communities to the east. The initiative is designed to level the playing field with a public funding program for candidates who are not independently wealthy, or don't have the support of major donors like developers, lobbyists and other special interests. Local Farmers Market. Use it or lose it! Vendor interest in our market is dependent upon their sales success. It’s up to you. The market happens on Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The entrance to the market is on El Cajon Blvd. directly across from Vons. Let’s support local growers. University Avenue Improvements. The Rolando Park Community Council has kicked off an effort to work with businesses on University Avenue with the goal of improving conditions along this business corridor. RCC would like to join in this endeavor. We need interested neighbors to lend a hand. If you want to see an improved University Avenue, get involved. Contact Bob Scott at bob@rolandocc.org. RCC Elections. It’s never too early to think about running for office! The RCC elections will take place in June. This year, RCC will elect a President, 1st Vice President, Treasurer and one Director. You must be a member to vote, so now is a good time to renew your membership. You can do it online at www.RolandoCC.org. We are seeking members to serve on the election committee as well. More Apartments Planned on ECB. Last fall, the 1.8 acre Campus Medical-Dental Center at 6244 El Cajon Blvd. was sold. The new owner is Rize Eagles LLC., and their intent is to develop a new apartment community. Zoning for the site reportedly allows up to 150 apartments. The site housed one of the Rolando News regular advertisers, the Megan Clarke dental office. That office is relocating to La Mesa. PRESERVING OUR “GREEN MILE” By Lerissa Patrick What happens when those beautiful Silk Oaks on Rolando Boulevard start to die off? Technically, the City is supposed to remove the dead ones and replace them. However, that hasn’t happened yet. There are three or four empty spaces on Rolando Boulevard that used to have trees; there are three or four more where the property owners replaced the missing grevilleas with trees of their own choosing. What this means for Rolando is that our “green mile” – the semi-canopy that greets us as we drive in on Rolando Boulevard – is gradually going away. Without some intervention, it will be gone one day. The Rolando Community Council’s Community Improvement Team (CIT) has proposed that we hire a certified arborist to help us figure out how to preserve a canopy after the silk oaks are gone. Stay tuned! We’ll report progress here and on the RCC website: www.RolandoCC.org. www.RolandoCC.org Feb.-March 2015, Page 9 NEIGHBORS AT WORK Many of our neighbors have small business operations based in Rolando. They provide a variety of services. Take a look below at the many skilled neighbors offering services you might need. Let’s support our neighbors! RCC members are welcome to submit their information free of charge by emailing copy to hintzman@cox.net. Jeff Wilson — Wilson Woodscape. Full service landscape construction company specializing in decks, fences and patio covers. License #945974. (619) 838-1398 Jolyne Harris — Jolyne L. Harris Photography — PhotOptions. At your location within San Diego and portable studio available. www.facebook.com/PhotOptions PhotOptions@live.com or call (619) 500-6336 David Clarke — Custom residential landscape and garden design (specializing in drought-tolerant and native CA plants). Member, Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Email: david@davidclarkedesign.com Call: (619) 787-0686 www.davidclarkedesign.com Brenda King — Integrative Fitness Nursing. Licensed RN fitness expert. Maximize fitness goals, reduce your waistline, and restore health. New: Gentle Fitness Classes, B12 shots, Lawn Yoga. www.IntegrativeFitnessNursing.com (619) 200-1911 Aleah Cohen — Teen Babysitter. Energetic, responsible and fun. CPR and First Aid certified. Available to babysit for your children. (619) 246-7993. Aron Oakes — Acorn Garage Doors. Installation, repair and service of garage doors and garage door openers. License #897261. Neighborhood references. (619) 218-1581 Tim Heasman — Interior/Exterior Painting. Twenty-three years in Rolando. Many references. (619) 886-9369 timheasmanpainting@gmail.com Carolyn Jaynes — Music Entertainment Service. Oldies & 50s music entertainment for birthday parties, anniversaries and holiday celebrations. www.CarolynJaynes.com (760) 274-5875 carolynjaynesmusic@gmail.com Kevin Dorst — Mobile Notary Service. Kevin, (760) 331-7754, and Yoshuen (619) 990-7628, will come to your Rolando home or office 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Mention this ad and you will receive a 10% discount on our services. Robert C. Martinez — Law Offices of Robert C. Martinez. General civil litigation attorney with 20 years trial experience in state and federal courts. www.rcmartinezlaw.com. Free consultation: (619) 3008745. Nicole Lasky — Freelance Computer Training. Customized training in Microsoft Office applications with a strong focus in Microsoft Excel. Expand your technical skills at your own pace with applicable data and examples. (847) 529-5787. RCC USED BOOK SALE By Jackie Flohr The RCC Used Book sale has had great success the past two months. We would like to thank everyone who came out to browse and buy. We missed the sale in October because of the extreme heat and in November we were rained out. No worries, we sold nearly $400 in books in December and January. Not bad since the books sell for $0.50 to $2 each! It is a great way to spend some time the first Saturday of each month (volunteering or buying). I have really enjoyed chatting with the neighbors of Rolando and nearby communities. See you next month. www.RolandoCC.org Feb.-March 2015, Page 10
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