annual RepoRt
annual RepoRt
“I have hope now that is such a wonderful, sunshine word.” HOPE annual Report 2012 Administrative & Outreach Offices 6181 Thompson Road, Ste 100 Syracuse, NY 13206 Ve r a House Ce le br a te s 3 5 Yea rs ! Message from the Executive Director Randi K. Bregman In 2012, Vera House celebrated our 35th anniversary. When a small group of dedicated community members led by Sister Mary Vera courageously set out to create a shelter for battered women, I don’t think that they had any idea how their vision would blossom. On July 19, 1977, Vera House officially opened our doors welcoming our first resident. In the early years, we were able to shelter up to 10 women. It was not until 1979 that Vera House began to shelter children accompanying their mothers. The founders of Vera House had a few simple ideas: • No one should be hurt, humiliated or put in fear by someone who is supposed to love and care about them. Three and a half decades later in 2012, Vera House was pleased to celebrate our 35th Anniversary. Over the years, tens of thousands of women, children and men have come through our doors to find hope and healing. Today we’re proud of the reputation that we’ve earned for providing comprehensive and compassionate care to those suffering from domestic and sexual violence. To learn more about our extensive programs and services, please review our 2012 Program and Service Statistics on pages 8 & 9. • We have a responsibility to create a safe, respectful community. • Challenging established norms is often required to accomplish the goals above. Thirty-five years later, we still fervently embrace these principles. We have built upon the foundation established by our early leaders to offer comprehensive domestic and sexual violence services. As you read through this Annual Report, please take a moment to reflect on: • The truly amazing work of our dedicated staff and volunteers; • The strength and courage of the women, children and men we serve; and • The work we still have left to do to fulfill the vision of our founders. Thank you for your dedication to the mission of Vera House. We could not do this work every day without the support of a very caring and generous community. Sincerely, B ui l d er s f or the Fu t u re Vera House would not be here today without the vision and determination of Sr. Mary Vera and the founding board. The highlight of our 35th Anniversary celebration was held on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 when we welcomed nearly 300 guests to our Annual Recognition and Celebration Luncheon. We were thrilled to have founding Board members Mary Jo Coleman, Sr. Gloria DeCotis, Carol Sheppard-Peterson and Elizabeth Suarez attend the event. Looking ahead to the future, our vision is to have a world in which domestic violence and sexual assault no longer exist, where every person is honored and respected in their relationships, and every child can trust the adults in their life to keep them safe. Vera House Board members, staff and volunteers work hard to make that reality come to fruition. We are sincerely grateful for our supportive community helping us along the way. Sister Mary Vera The following individuals have made a commitment to support Vera House through our planned giving initiative, Builders for the Future. We thank them for their thoughtful planning which will help ensure that the important work of Vera House continues for those who need it long into the future. If you are interested in including Vera House in your estate plans, please contact Vera House Development Director Carol Charles at (315) 425-0818 or Elizabeth & Charles W. Beach ▪ Kathleen Bice ▪ Caroline Brust ▪ Margery Burstein Peggy Clark ▪ Sharon Conway ▪ The DeAugustine Family Virginia Denton - in honor of my parents, Dr. Henry & Grace Rieger ▪ Julie & Irwin Flack Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. Foran ▪ Miesje & Bill Havens ▪ Beverly Kendrat Antje Bultmann Lemke - in honor of Dorothy C. Witherill ▪ Jonathan B. Levick Family Robert & Naomi Penney Annual Report 2012 Founding Vera House Board Members enjoy our Annual Recognition & Celebration Luncheon. Quick Fact: On January 1, 2005, two agencies with similar missions, Rape Crisis Center of Syracuse & Vera House, became one, merging their programs and staff in order to provide the same quality services . . . “together for hope and healing.” 2 3 Annual Report 2012 Survivors’ Voices and more... “Survivors’ Voices” Video Launched Brought to you by Verizon Wireless, Verizon Hopeline, Vera House, Inc. and Visionary Audacity. Creating Hope - Creative Healing Group Our Domestic Violence Education Support Group – Creating Hope – allows survivors to come together and explore the process of creative expression to assist in the transformation of a life free from abuse. Goals of the group include: What does it mean to be a survivor? What does it mean to use your voice? •• Recover a sense of Safety In January 2012, former Vera House Advocate Christina Carney embarked on a journey to chronicle the stories of four courageous survivors of domestic violence. After months of meetings, filming, editing and production the 54 minute video, “Survivors’ Voices” was created and premiered Friday, September 14, 2012 at Eric Mower and Associates. You’re invited to view the video and hear Julie, Angela, Tisha and Katie’s powerful stories in their own voices at or visit Christina Carney’s website at How will you use your voice? •• Recover a sense of Relaxation •• Recover a sense of Power •• Recover a sense of Possibility •• Recover a sense of Identity “Each of the four women were consistently authentic and present throughout this project, and I did my best to offer the same in return. These elements are the ingredients for transformation, healing and empowerment: a delicious recipe for change. I know my life will never be the same.” Here are just some of the many art pieces created by individuals from the Creative Healing Group. Christina Carney, “Survivors’ Voices” Producer & Director Project Phoenix "Great class! I felt very free and relaxed. It was great to de-stress and get lost in something that was for me; The workshop was able to help focus me on the future and find my goals." Creative Healing Group Participant Project Phoenix, is a collaboration between the South Side Innovation Center, the WISE Women’s Business Center and Vera House, Inc. to empower survivors of domestic violence through entrepreneurship and business ownership. Launched in 2012, this program is sponsored by Verizon HopeLine Empowerment Program and includes the following amazing independence building opportunities: •• 24-hour training at the South Side Innovation Center with topics such as financial literacy/credit repair, public speaking and more •• Entrepreneurial Awareness Training Participants made “Power Shields” to symbolize their power, abilities and strengths. •• WISE Orientation - Exploring Entrepreneurship •• Technical Assistance up to 8 hours of individual business counseling •• Help developing a business plan •• Access to Verizon HopeLine continuation grants For more information on how you can join Project Phoenix please contact Roseanne, Vera House Victim Advocate at (315) 425-0818 or Annual Report 2012 4 5 Annual Report 2012 Left to right: Joanne Lenweaver, WISE Women’s Business Center; El-Java Williams Abdul-Qadir, South Side Innovation Center; Roseanne Olszewski, Vera House, Inc. Vera House’s Engaging Men Program The Vera House Engaging Men Outreach Initiative receives funding from the Office on Violence Against Women to encourage men and boys to work as allies with women and girls to prevent domestic and sexual violence and create healthy relationships. The program engages men in a preventive dialogue. This year the Engaging Men Outreach message was delivered through campus programming, in faith communities and to other diverse audiences. Here are some examples of the Engaging Men Program at work. •• We presented to 74 Huntington School fathers on take your child to school day. We had a great conversation about the importance of fathers setting good examples for their sons. Abuse in Later Life Grant In 2012, Onondaga County, with Vera House as the lead organization, was among 9 communities nationwide to receive a highly competitive 3-year Abuse in Later Life Grant from The Office on Violence Against Women. This elder abuse grant allows Vera House to continue its collaborative work with grant partners from the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office, the Onondaga County District Attorney’s Office and Onondaga County Adult Protective Services, as well as other members of the Syracuse Area Domestic & Sexual Violence Coalition’s Elder Abuse and Justice Committees. Elder abuse can manifest itself in many forms: physical and sexual abuse, emotional abuse, John Balloni, Civil and financial exploitation and neglect. It is underAdministrative Chief for the recognized and under-reported, with only 1 in 35 Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office cases being reported to authorities in our region. It victimizes 14% of senior citizens across all genders, socioeconomic levels, cultures and races. •• At Syracuse University we provided sexual assault and dating violence prevention training to campus groups and Greek organizations. Young men defined and discussed what sexual abuse and dating violence are, how these issues impact others and how to be an empowered bystander. •• We also offered presentations and workshops to community based organizations and groups, including Matawan Development, Southwest Community Center, Team Angel and the Junior Frontiers. This grant allows Vera House to enhance our community’s response to elder abuse in several ways. Direct training will be done with local law enforcement, prosecutors and judges. Cross-training will be provided to those who offer services to victims. Finally, this grant funds our ability to enhance our multi-disciplinary approach to the issue. Vera House’s 12 Men Model was further developed to engage and train male leaders in the community on preventing domestic and sexual violence. Men in the program participated in dialogues on healthy masculinity, abuse and respect, being an empowered bystander, and understanding the cycle of abuse within their sphere of influence. We expect to continue to develop this network and expand the training in 2013, including faith based outreach. Elder abuse is everybody’s business and everyone’s responsibility. The only way to solve the issue of elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation is by coming together as a community, and grant partners are doing just that. Drake Harrison, Director of the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program at Onondaga Community College and one of the community leaders connected to Vera House’s 12 Men Model, had this to share on the impact of the program… “When asked to participate in the 12 Men Project, I saw it as an opportunity for personal growth and I felt a sense of responsibility to publicly support women in our community. Domestic violence or violence of any type against women is unacceptable. Vera House training programs have helped individuals develop the skills necessary to defuse, resolve and more importantly prevent violent situations. We are fortunate that Vera House serves our community with their programming and dedication.” Rolo & Liz Liz Quinlin, a dedicated Vera House volunteer and staff person, has been involved in dog rescue and training for the past 25 years. She specifically chose Rolo for use as a therapy animal because of his friendly and loving personality. Rolo was 12 weeks old when Liz first brought him to the shelter, and the children at shelter instantly fell in love with him. Alternatives & Steps Programs In an effort to hold people accountable for their actions, while also giving them tools to make better choices, Vera House offers three programs for perpetrators of domestic violence: Rolo became a familiar face each week and made children’s group very fun and exciting. They would play fetch with his ball, count his teeth and toe nails, and walk him on his leash. The children that did not speak English were taught hand gestures so that they could also interact with Rolo. He spent Thanksgiving and Christmas at shelter and attended several birthday parties, allowing everyone to discover that Rolo loves cake! The Domestic Violence Impact Program is a 4 hour course offered one Saturday a month at the Justice Center. This gives people with a violation level offense the opportunity to learn about domestic violence and the impact it has on their victims. The Alternatives Program for men and the Steps Program for women are longer programs targeting higher level or repeat offenders of domestic violence crimes. These individuals are mandated by courts, probation and parole to attend weekly sessions that focus on power and control, effects of domestic violence on their partners and children, taking time-outs to prevent themselves from becoming violent, and personal responsibility. Quote: “I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” 6 Rolo at Destiny USA helping to support the White Ribbon Campaign For the last two years, Rolo has participated in Vera House’s White Ribbon Campaign Kick-Off Walk in downtown Syracuse, sporting a large white bow around his neck. Most recently Liz and Rolo went to Destiny USA and sold ribbons, bracelets and gourmet dog treats to benefit Vera House. Vera House has been very fortunate to watch Rolo grow up and bring so many smiles to our residents. Thank you, Liz and Rolo! ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Annual Report 2012 Volunteer Recognition Corner 7 Annual Report 2012 Vera House Programs & 2012 Service Statistics New Directions: Rape Crisis & Sexual Assault Services 24-Hour Crisis & Support Line Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling: (315) 468-3260 (315) 484-7263 - TTY Crisis Line for the Deaf community during business hours 4,546 calls were answered in 2012 Emergency Shelter Volunteer Program Envisioning Change & Healthy Short-term counseling, support groups, and advocacy with legal, medical and social systems for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and other crimes. In collaboration with the Onondaga County Probation Department, ECHO targets Juvenile Delinquents and Persons in Need of Supervision with the intent of preventing placement in out-of-home care through home-based family therapy. 1,571 individuals were served in 2012 43 teens served in 2012 Syracuse Area Domestic & Sexual Violence Coalition Alternatives & Steps Programs 497 male Alternatives participants in 2012 46 female Steps participants in 2012 35 Domestic Violence Impact Program participants in 2012 358 women & men served in 2012 391 youth served in 2012 Prevention & Education Programs School-based, community and professional education and prevention programs are offered on a variety of topics including: sexual abuse prevention, domestic violence awareness, healthy relationships, dating violence and elder abuse. Options for Families (ECHO) 398 women, children and men were sheltered in 2012 Domestic violence education and accountability programs designed to challenge the beliefs and attitudes of individuals who have been abusive to their partners and/or ex-partners. Specialized individual, family and group counseling services to meet the unique needs of youth affected by sexual abuse and/or domestic violence. Services include 24-hour crisis response; individual, family and group counseling; medical advocacy; and information & referral for victims of sexual assault. Outreach & Advocacy Comprehensive emergency sheltering services for individuals and families in crisis, at two confidential locations. Youth Counseling Services The Coalition brings together community members and representatives from a broad spectrum of organizations and professional groups to develop and coordinate an integrated community-wide response to domestic violence, sexual assault and elder abuse while building a culture of equality and non-violence. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE) Project EMERGE A specially trained team of nurses provides timely and compassionate care with 24-hour response for victims of sexual assault. A collaboration of local service providers and law enforcement focusing on providing accessible, trauma informed services to survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence with disabilities or who are Deaf. 220 responses in 2012 Vera House volunteers are recruited and trained for many service opportunities, including: crisis calls, sexual assault advocacy, shelter programs, non-direct service, family court or special events. International Victims Program Over 90 active volunteers in 2012 19,127 people reached in 2012 Abuse in Later Life Program A collaboration with the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office, Onondaga County District Attorney’s Office and Onondaga County Adult Protective Services that focuses on enhancing the community’s response to victime of elder abuse. Pet Foster Care Under the leadership of the Hiscock Legal Aid Society, a Vera House Advocate offers support to survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault who are immigrants, migrants or refugees. 31 participants in 2012 Vera House is committed to ensuring our programs and services are welcoming to everyone. Annual Report 2012 8 9 Annual Report 2012 Volunteers in this program take companion animals into their homes to enable abuse victims to seek shelter and know that their pets will be well cared for. Main Shelter Bathroom Renovation! Vera House receives such wonderful support from the community. We would like to recognize some of our young donors who go above and beyond to help support the mission of Vera House. A special thank you goes out to Sehej Bajwa who, for the second year in a row, generously donated her birthday gifts to the children staying in our shelter program. In 2012 Vera House’s main shelter resident bathrooms underwent a comprehensive remodeling. Our bathroom facilities had not had a major renovation in nearly 30 years. With the help of many, we transformed old, outdated dormitory style bathrooms into a more functional facility for the hundreds of women, children and men we help each year. The changes made a world of difference to our residents who are seeking safety and privacy in their time of crisis. Students from Donlin Drive Elementary School’s Student Leadership group purchased and donated toiletry items for our residents. We are grateful to the NAACP Youth Chapter for their donation of winter coats, which they collected on behalf of Vera House. Several of our residents have commented on how appreciative they are to have private, comfortable bathrooms to use during their stay at shelter. Before We’d like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to the following for their contributions to make our renovation project possible: Hueber Breuer Construction Co. King & King Architects GE ELFUN Volunteers For the third year in a row, Michael DiBiase has requested that birthday party guests bring school supplies for Vera House in lieu of gifts. Michael delivered a large box full of all the essential supplies the kids at Vera House needed for backto-school. Allyn Foundation Mary Kay Foundation After Grainger Foundation Howard Green Family Foundation Nationwide Insurance Foundation GE Foundation Sposato Floor Covering Companies Hundreds of generous community members who contributed to the project via our Summer Appeal mailing Photos show progress of our renovated shelter bathrooms. The old dormitory style toilet stalls have been updated to individual, private bathrooms. Annual Report 2012 10 11 Annual Report 2012 Girl Scout Troop 126 in Manlius organized a service project for Vera House’s Foster Pet Care Program. The girls visited our offices and presented 70 hand-decorated memory photo book albums and picture frames that will be given to families who are using our Foster Pet Care Program. Thank you to the young ladies from Girl Scout Troop 10190 for their wonderful donation of pajamas and toiletries. Heartfelt Giving Foundation . $10,000 - $24,999 Thank you for your kind and generous support of our work here at Vera House and for keeping those we serve close at heart. Recognition of donors who made gifts of $500 or more for the 2012 fiscal year and authorized Vera House to publicly acknowledge them. We apologize to anyone inadvertently omitted from this list. The Allyn Foundation John & Carol Cirando The Galloo Foundation Thanks for all you do, Mike & Shelly Gambino Grainger Foundation The Howard L. Green Foundation Hueber-Breuer Construction Co. Lamar Outdoor Advertising The Employees of Liberty Mutual Insurance Mary Kay Ash Charitible Foundation Nationwide Insurance Foundation In memory of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Anne Skultety, children Joseph, Anne & Nada Time Warner Cable Verizon Wireless Leadership . $5,000 - $9,999 To honor the work of Christine Allen David & Michele Bellso Bernie B. & Ona Cohn Bregman in memory of our parents National Honor Society / C.W. Baker High School Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. CNY Community Foundation - John A. Santelli Fund Community Bank, N.A. Cygnus Management Foundation, Inc. Fastrac Markets, LLC Gorman Foundation Kinney Drugs Foundation In loving memory of Jill A. Little M&T Bank Northwestern Mutual Financial Network / The Greater New York Group Cheryl & Jerry O’Dell Raymour & Flanigan Furniture Company The Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman Foundation In honor of Anne Ruffer & Mitchell Lebowitz The John Ben Snow Foundation Syracuse University The TJX Foundation Anonymous (1) Visionary . $1,500 - $4,999 In memory of JoAnn L. Armani from her loving family Janet & Don Barter Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beach Berkshire Bank (Beacon Federal) Bristol-Myers Squibb Company C&S Companies Carrols Restaurant Group Central New York Community Foundation In memory of Joseph J. Chiarizia, II Cicero Swamp Angels Young At Heart Club Costello, Cooney & Fearon, PLLC Crouse Hospital Employees & Medical Staff Crucible Industries, LLC Donna Curtin, Grace Auto Body and Paint Vera Society . $500 - $1,499 continued... Empower Federal Credit Union Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Mary Foley Memorial Bike Run Mark and Polly Fuller GE Volunteers Jud & Roz Gostin Greater Syracuse Moving & Storage Mary Grublauskas For Strength, Courage & Healing - Linda Trumble Hook The Horowitch Family Herbert S. & Eleanore L. Howard Charitable Foundation Immaculate Conception Parish, Fayetteville, NY Impact Martial Arts & Fitness In memory of those we’ve lost & in honor of those who have endured Sheldon & Mateele Kall King & King Architects Mackenzie Hughes LLP Daniel and Kathleen Mezzalingua Eric & Judy Mower William M. and Kathleen M. Murphy National Grid “Here with you. Here for you.” In memory of Leslie London Neulander from her loving husband Robert, Kids and Grandkids The Neumann Family Bob & Sally Neumann Patricia J. Numann, MD Alice Nykaza Carolyn D. Palmer Faye Panasci Pathfinder Bank Robert & Naomi Penney The Employees at SEFCU Sorella Society of Colgate University SRC, Inc. St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center Chris & Arnie Steenstra Thank you Vera House - Jan, Griffin and Paige Upstate Medical University Wegmans Food Markets Linda Witherill Marilyn & Tom Wolfe Anonymous (17) Vera Society . $500 - $1,499 AAA Western & Central NY Kate Brust Adams & Steve Adams, Jack and Mason AHEPA Syracuse Foundation, Inc. Alpha Epsilon Phi - Iota Chapter Alter Image Photography Jane Amico Anoplate Corporation ARISE The Armory Group at Morgan Stanley At Home Independent Living AXA Advisors LLC AXA Equitable Annual Report 2012 12 Estate of Fred Benedict Patricia Bergsbaken Bishop Grimes High School Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC Tilda Booker Nigel and Linda Bowers The Breakers Palm Beach Randi K. Bregman and Ted Gottbrecht Jim and Cathy Breuer Scott and Tracy Buckingham Patrice Bucktooth Ann Marie Buerkle Bull & Bear Pub Elaina Burdick Jim & Kathy Burns Mr. Mark Burstein and Mr. Anthony Balbona Byrne Dairy Inc. Customers of Cameron’s News Camillus Surgery Center William Campbell Mary Cardinal The Jerome & Phyllis Charney Foundation Ms. Joan M. Christy and Dr. Thomas Bersani Carroll Clark Jeffrey and Lisa Clark Richard and Diane Clark Cooper Crouse Hinds Mary Karen Cronin George and Lynette Cunningham D’Arcangelo & Co. CPA’s In Memory of Ruth Davis Virginia Denton Diana Jewelers Linda Drogo Jack Durant Todd Engel Drs. John Epling and Cynthia Morrow Eric Mower and Associates Erie Materials Express Mart First Niagara Bank First Niagara Benefits Consulting First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia William J. Fitzpatrick, District Attorney Onondaga County Julie and Irwin Flack Fleet Feet Sports In memory of Stuart Forster Linda and Parrish Gabor Gillette Road Middle School Student Council Paul and June Goggi The Greene-Milstein Family Foundation Raymond Hackbarth Hancock Estabrook, LLP Martha Hanson Mary Hanus Miesje and William Havens Nancy & Bud Haylor 13 Annual Report 2012 Heid’s of Liverpool Joseph and Mary Ellen Hennigan Jenny Hicks Hiscock & Barclay, LLP Elizabeth Holtze Joyce Homan Lisa Honan Lynn and David Horowitch Giampaolo and Judith Huober Immanuel United Methodist Church J Jill Dr. Fathi A. Jishi JPMorgan Chase Foundation JR Clancy Bruce and Linda Kenan The Key KeyBank Audie Klotz and Paul Fenwick Sarah Korcz Timothy and Suzanne Krueger Philip & Deborah Kugler Laci’s TAPAS Bar Landscaped Interiors Robert and Kathleen Lane Dr. Karen Lawitts and Dr. Howard Wolhandler Ann Littleboy Liverpool Community Church Lockheed Martin Federated Fund Arthur Lux Brian & Lynn MacGorman Craig Marcinkowski Andre Martineau Drs. Robert and Barbara McClure Leslie Rose and Michael McDonald Ms. Lorraine McGee Denise and Owen McGraw Thomas McSweeney Metro Mattress Million Dollar Bracelet LLC Mirbeau Inn & Spa Mohawk Global Logistics Ms. Katharine F. Mooney Pierre and Joye Morrisseau Michael Murphy Thomas and Robin Murphy Northeastern District Baptist Association Notifier of NY, Inc. Robert O’Brien Oneida Nation Foundation Onondaga County Retired Teachers Assoc. David and Janice Panasci In honor of Kathy, Jennifer, Christina and Madison from PaPa The Employees of PCI Paper Conversions, Inc. In memory of Gretchen Pearson Pinnacle Investments, Inc. Tracy and Michael Porter Pyramid Management Group, Inc. Julie Reap for my children, Analiese & Luciano David Reynolds Right Coast, Inc. Rosemary Rochford Steve and Nancy Rogers Adelina Romano Gene & Loretta Romano, Pacemaker Steel of Utica, in honor of Margery & Alan Burstein Liz Ross Joanie Rupprecht Gwen and David Sacia Michele Scardetta Peter Schaffer Scolaro, Shulman, Cohen, Fetter & Burstein, P.C. Estate of Patricia Judge Sears Rev. Thomas Servatius, St. Augustine’s Church Dr. Jeremy M. Shefner Sisters of St. Joseph Skaneateles Jewelry John Skehan and Jill Ozinsky Sharon and David Slater Amanda and Greg Slisz Denise Smith Frank Smith James and Vicki Smith Estate of Patricia M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. George A. Soufleris Dr. Elinor Spring-Mills St. James Roman Catholic Church Statewide Aquastore, Inc. J. William and Deborah Strott Chacea and Donald Sundman Charles and Cathymarie Sweeney Syracuse Label & Surround Printing Syracuse Woman Magazine In memory of Robert Szlosek Tessy Plastics Corp. Toshiba Business Solutions Lauren Townes Barb and Greg Tresness Brian and Theresa Underwood Robert Ungerer The UPS Foundation, Inc. V-Day Syracuse Visual Technologies Corp. David & Mary Anne Wall In memory of Anna M. Walsh Barbara T. Walzer Barbara Watkins Theodore and Pia Weinheimer Dr. Robert Weisenthal and Mrs. Jennifer Paterson Christopher and Melissa Whyland Steven and Tracy Windhausen Woronov Interiors Anonymous (6) 2012 Support & Revenue Statement of Activities for year ending December 31, 2012 United Way 7% Support & Revenue: Government Fees & Grants 606,695 United Way 260,873 Fees 148,264 Total Support & Revenue Other Revenue 3% 87,738 $3,563,482 Private Donations 17% Government Fees & Grants 69% $977,182 683,699 Prevention & Education 564,113 Alternatives & Steps 128,093 Counseling 773,396 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner 190,235 2012 Expenses Administrative 2% Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner 5% Total Supporting Services Total Expenses Increase in Net Assets Fundraising 3% Education Director Loren Cunningham, MSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 208 ▪ $62,785 99,286 Counseling 22% Emergency Shelter 28% $84,693 Alternatives 4% Prevention & Education 16% Director of Communications & Special Events Chris Benton ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 248 ▪ Shelter Services Coordinator Karen Lucyszyn ▪ 315-468-3260 ▪ Men’s Outreach Program Coordinator George Kilpatrick ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 228 ▪ Project Coordinator - Abuse in Later Life Grant Jenny Hicks, MSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 221 ▪ $162,071 $3,478,789 Development Director Carol Charles ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 212 ▪ Volunteer Coordinators Dotti Barraco-Hetnar, MSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 242 ▪ Karen Hargrave ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 249 ▪ $3,316,718 Supporting Services Fundraising Programs Administrator Melissa A. Marrone, MSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 203 ▪ Clinical Director Ellen Ford, LCSW-R ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 206 ▪ Outreach & Advocacy Administrative (315) 484-7263 (TTY - business hours for the Deaf community) Outreach & Advocacy Program Coordinator Lauren Townes ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 207 ▪ Program Services Total Program Expenses (315) 468-3260 Program Services Coordinator Colleen A. O’Brien, LMSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 243 ▪ Expenses: Emergency Shelter 24-Hour Crisis & Support Lines: Executive Director Randi K. Bregman, LMSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 204 ▪ $2,459,912 Private Donations Other Revenue Fees 4% Administrative & Outreach Offices 6181 Thompson Road, Suite 100 Syracuse, NY 13206 Phone: (315) 425-0818 ▪ Fax: (315) 425-8942 ▪ Outreach & Advocacy 20% Alternatives & Steps Program Coordinator Amber Vander Ploeg, MSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 229 ▪ Project EMERGE Director Jennifer Shaw, MSW ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 227 ▪ Finance & Benefits Manager Christine Goodman, CPA ▪ 315-425-0818 ext. 202 ▪ Contact Vera House Vera House, Inc. 2012 Financial Summary VERA HOUSE, INC. Visit our website for information on Vera House programs & services, upcoming events, news & more! Vera House, Inc. Administrative & Outreach Offices 6181 Thompson Road, Ste 100 Syracuse, NY 13206 While you’re online, sign-up for our electronic newsletter: Vera House Notes Vera House is committed to ensuring our programs and services are welcoming to everyone. Vera House is a comprehensive domestic and sexual violence service agency providing shelter, advocacy, and counseling services for women, children and men, education and prevention programs and community coordination. 2012 Vera House Board of Directors Jeremy Cali, President Linda Gabor, Vice President Francine Karam, Vice President Kathleen McDermott, Treasurer Deborah Kugler, Secretary Steven J. Baratta Aislinn Brackman Carrie Conroy Sean Foran Mark Fuller Michael Gambino Melody Holmes Patrick Jones Michael Kerwin Denise McGraw Edward “Buster” Melvin II Patricia Mills Kevin Morrow Megan Grant Ruddy Richard “Chris” Simone Carrie Smith John Stepanian MaryJo Timpano Albert Turner Jennifer Ploetz Williams John A. Cirando – Agency Counsel Dr. Ann Botash – Medical Advisor Randi K. Bregman ▪ Vera House Executive Director U.S. Postage PAID Non-Profit Org. Permit #1146
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