Look inside our Annual Report


Look inside our Annual Report
Mission: Vera House, Inc. prevents, responds to
and partners to end domestic and sexual
violence and other forms of abuse.
Vera House, Inc.
2015 Annual Report
Vision: a world free of violence and abuse
Executive Director Randi K. Bregman
Celebrating 25 Years of Service
The year 1990 saw some major historical events…the first web page was
written transforming communication forever, East and West Germany reunited
becoming one nation and Randi Bregman came to Vera House starting her
career with the agency as Coalition Coordinator. Twenty-five years later, Randi
is now our beloved Executive Director and leads Vera House with passion and
Randi has dedicated her professional career to ending domestic and sexual
violence and elder abuse through education, counseling, advocacy and shelter.
Her commitment to Vera House and our vision is unending. Although we want
to celebrate Randi and her leadership, we know what keeps Randi motivated to
do this work are the people that Vera House helps each and every day.
Randi K. Bregman
Vera House Executive Director
Randi reflected on her 25 years of service at our “New Beginnings” Gala on
December 5th and spoke so eloquently, “People often ask me how I got involved
with Vera House. I have usually responded to their inquiries by saying that I
answered an ad and then found my calling. I do this work because I believe that everyone deserves the same things
– safety, trust, honor, respect and even on the most difficult of days, unconditional love. In an ideal world, the one we
at Vera House envision, everyone will be encircled by people who will never hurt them and who will offer them what
they need most. We can and must all work together to re-dedicate ourselves to our vision, a world in which domestic
violence and sexual assault no longer exist, where every person is honored and respected in their relationships, and
every child can trust the adults in their life to keep them safe.”
Thank you, Randi for your tenacious leadership and bringing safety, hope and healing to so many in our community.
We are all grateful to work beside you supporting survivors on their healing journey and are motivated by you to help
transform our community to one that no longer tolerates violence.
- Your Vera House family
Vera House Staff Retreat at Highland Forest
Annual Report 2015
A Tribute to Ellen Ford & Janice Hamlin
They came to us seeking. One found shelter. Both found a calling.
Their collective service to Vera House spans decades. Their legacy: healed hearts
and mended souls. Their trauma-informed ways have given a new birth to
countless productive, empowered and renewed survivors in our community.
They are Ellen Ford and Janice Hamlin.
Ellen Ford is retiring from Vera House after
25 years of leading the clinical program
at The Rape Crisis Center of Syracuse and
Vera House. Prior to coming to this work,
Ellen said that she moved to new jobs
about every three years. This all changed
for her when she began to work with
the clients, the staff, and the community
members involved in what she knows has
been the most important and fulfilling
work of her lifetime. She believes the
people she has met and worked with over
the 25 years have “changed her life and
fed her soul”. And, this is not goodbye as
there are many other ways to remain a
part of the Vera House family!
Janice Hamlin, MSW will be returning to
her family in South Carolina to care for
her parents in their golden years. She has
been so effective with survivors because
she’s been there. She came to Vera House
to find a place of safety many years ago. Over the years, Janice has transformed
her life and has provided that safe haven
for others, most recently as Vera House’s
Shelter Resident Supervisor Coordinator.
Janice brings that rare combination of a
powerful strength and a gentle spirit that
welcomes and supports everyone she
serves. Physical distance may keep us from
seeing Janice regularly, but she will always
be in our hearts guiding our work.
Martin Luther King once said, "Everyone can be great because everyone can
serve." We are so very grateful that Ellen and Janice gave the best of themselves
in service to the mission of Vera House.
Annual Report 2015
'Survivors ii' Video
Vera House premiered the Survivors II video at the 2015 New Beginnings Gala. Survivors II was conceived and
produced by Solon Quinn Studios. It gives voice to sexual violence survivors, now able to speak their truth. The
powerful imagery of two men along with a woman, speaking their experiences, making it plain that "it happens to
men, too," tugs at the heart and creates an awareness around these often unspoken issues. Vera House is grateful to
Tim, Dan and Lauren for sharing their experiences for the benefit of others in such a lasting and impactful way.
To view Survivors II, visit verahouse.org and search keyword: Survivors II.
Highlights from the 2015 "New Beginnings" Gala...
Fuccillo automotive group
Donates $59,400 TO Vera house IN 2015!
Billy Fuccillo's extensive
marketing machine
jumped full force behind
domestic violence
awareness during the
month of October in 2014
and he did it again in
Over the last two years,
we have received over
$100,000 as a result of the
Fuccillo Automotive Group's
generosity. These gifts will
go a long way in supporting
the Vera House mission in
the Syracuse community.
Annual Report 2015
Mr. Fuccillo's willingness
to use his highly visible
brand and public platform
to invite others to support
domestic violence
agencies has brought
new public attention and
recognition to the work of
Vera House.
His promise to donate
$100 to Vera House
for each car sold was
fulfilled in a big way.
Vera House was the
recipient of $59,400 in
"I was drugged and sexually assaulted
during my freshman year at college and
everything changed. He was my resident
assistant, I trusted him and he violated
my sense of safety and my sense of self. I
no longer knew who I was anymore. This
crime altered every aspect of my daily life."
Meaghan Greeley
Survivor, Vera House Campus Project
Campus Sexual
& Relationship
V i o le n ce
Prevention &
I n t e r ve n t i o n
P r o jec t
The only thing more traumatic than the assault itself
was the response I received from my college. I was
alone, I was not believed, I was blamed, and I was
silenced. In the end I was encouraged to stop talking
about it. And that is exactly what I did, until last year.
No student should ever need to worry that they will be
victim to the type of horrific assaults that I experienced.
And just as important, any student who is victimized
must know that the school will do everything to hold
the perpetrator responsible.
As a graduate student at Syracuse University, I
advocated strongly for improved services and
support for students and as a result I was appointed
to the Chancellor's Workgroup on Sexual Violence
Prevention, Education, and Advocacy. In collaboration
with the workgroup, campus staff, students, other
survivors, and administrators, I evaluated the culture
on campus and made concrete recommendations for
change, most of which have been addressed within
this past year.
To learn more about our Campus
Sexual and Relationship Violence
Prevention and Intervention
Project, contact Meaghan Greeley
at (315) 425-0818
Annual Report 2015
Shaking hands
with Gov. Cuomo
after sharing
her truth at a
screening of "The
Hunting Ground,"
a documentary
sexual violence on
college campuses.
Partnering to advocate for Enough Is Enough legislation.
Seeing the changes that were beginning to take place at
Syracuse University, I began to feel motivated and inspired
to advocate for better services, programs, and reporting
mechanisms for all colleges and universities. I partnered
with Governor Andrew Cuomo to advocate for the
passage of the Enough is Enough legislation that supports
survivors on college campuses across the state of New
York. I spoke about my college sexual assault experience
with the New York State Senate, Assembly, and leaders of
New York State agencies.
Enough is Enough passed and now all campuses across the
state must engage in comprehensive primary prevention;
and implement a universal set of policies, including
affirmative consent and a student's bill of rights.
In October I shared my survivor story, highlighting the
importance of creating lasting culture change during the
It's On Us campaign at Syracuse University alongside other
survivors, advocates, student leaders and Vice President
Joe Biden.
As a community, we need to do more to end this kind of
violence, especially on college campuses where sexual
violence has become a silent epidemic. Vera House’s
Campus Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention and
Intervention Project focuses on the goal of eliminating
sexual and relationship violence on campuses located in
Onondaga County.
Following my vision for increased safety and support for
survivors and accountability for rapists and negligent
campuses, I spoke alongside Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
while advocating for the Campus Accountability and
Safety Act.
Meeting Vice President Joe Biden
Speaking on behalf of
Vera House and sharing
her truth as a survivor
during Vice President
Joe Biden's It's On Us
national campus tour
to address prevention
of sexual assault and
relationship violence on
college campuses.
Annual Report 2015
2015 Programs & Service Statistics
Outreach &
Short-term counseling,
support groups, and
advocacy with legal,
medical and social systems
for victims of domestic
violence, sexual assault and
other crimes.
1,535 individuals
were served
24-hour Crisis &
Support Line
Help is available 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week by
(315) 468-3260
(315) 484-7263 - TTY
Crisis Line for the Deaf
community during
business hours
5,502 calls were
New Directions:
Rape Crisis &
Sexual Assault
Services include 24hour crisis response;
individual, family and
group counseling; medical
advocacy; and information
& referral for victims of
sexual assault.
556 adults served
Prevention &
Education Programs
School-based, community and
professional education and
prevention programs are offered on
a variety of topics including: sexual
abuse prevention, domestic violence
awareness, healthy relationships,
dating violence and elder abuse.
Youth Counseling
Sexual Assault
Nurse Examiner
Program (SANE)
Our Prevention Educators were
present in 52 schools in addition to
local community youth groups.
A specially trained team
of nurses provides timely
and compassionate care
with 24-hour response for
victims of sexual assault.
18,967 people reached
266 responses
Specialized individual,
family and group
counseling services to
meet the unique needs of
youth affected by sexual
abuse and/or domestic
523 youth received
Alternatives, Steps &
DVIP Programs
Domestic violence education and
accountability programs designed to
challenge the beliefs and attitudes of
individuals who have been abusive
to their partners and/or ex-partners.
383 Male Alternatives
42 Female Steps Participants
70 DVIP Participants
Annual Report 2015
Vera House is committed to ensuring our programs and services are welcoming to everyone.
Pet Foster Care
Volunteers in this program take companion animals
into their homes to enable abuse victims to seek
shelter and know that their pets will be well cared for.
389 adults
and children
were sheltered
Comprehensive emergency shelter services
for individuals and families in crisis, at two
confidential locations.
Abuse in Later Life Program
A collaboration with the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office, Onondaga County District Attorney’s Office and Onondaga
County Adult Protective Services that focuses on enhancing the community’s response to victims of elder abuse.
As a result of the work of the Abuse in Later Life Program, the Evergreen Network, a division of Vera House, was formed. The
Evergreen Network consists of organizations from a wide variety of disciplines who work to identify, prevent, address and
eliminate elder abuse, neglect and exploitation and foster community awareness.
Annual Report 2015
Speakers Bureau
Pet Foster Care
Conference Assistance
Sexual Assault Volunteer Advocates
General Office Assistance
Family Court Volunteers
Clothesline Project
Special Event Volunteers
comes at the hands of
a family member
Crisis/Support Line Volunteers
Vera House had over
125 Active Volunteers in 2015
90% of the time it
Health Fairs
Did you know?
Elder Abuse can occur
anywhere but most
often occurs at HOME
Silent Witness Exhibit
In 2015, Vera House introduced three Silent Witness panels to honor the memory of Dale Schantz, Katie Socci and
Elaine Macholl. Thank you to our friends at Exhibits and More, Inc. who helped to personalize each panel, with
each Silent Witness bearing a striking resemblance to their namesake. Although a small detail, this personalization
has a huge impact on the victim’s families and a lasting impression on those who view the display.
Visit www.verahouse.org for more information on the Silent Witness Exhibit.
Dale Schantz, known and admired
for his gentle “spirit,” is our first
male Silent Witness. Dale died a
senseless death at the age of 36
as a result of a domestic violence
assault. A Silent Witness panel
was created to remember Dale
who was beloved by his family
and friends and left us too soon in
August of 2014.
Katie M. Socci was a
compassionate, magnetic and
amazingly funny young woman.
She was tragically taken from the
world at the age of 29. Her Silent
Witness panel serves as a tribute
to her beautiful spirit and her
Elaine Macholl was a mother,
a sister, a daughter, an aunt,
a cousin, and a friend. She is
remembered by her family as
an independent thinker and a
woman ahead of her time. She
died before Vera House was
established, three days before her
wedding day in October of 1976
at the hands of her fiance.
Dale, Katie and Elaine's silhouettes joined the Silent Witness Exhibit, a moving tribute and lasting impression of the
devastation and the void left by domestic violence. The exhibit was developed by the Junior League of Syracuse in
collaboration with Vera House to raise awareness of the issue of domestic violence and encourage action to create change.
Annual Report 2015
Builders for the Future
The following individuals have made a commitment to support Vera House through our planned giving
initiative, Builders for the Future. We thank them for their thoughtful planning which will help ensure that
the important work of Vera House continues for those who need it long into the future.
Joyce Edmonds: For a life well lived!
In memory of Ralph E. Edmonds
Robert & Naomi Penney
Sharon Conway
Margery Burstein
Virginia Denton: In honor of my
parents, Dr. Henry & Grace Rieger
Peggy Clark
Antje Bultmann Lemke:
In honor of Dorothy C. Witherill
Beverly Kendrat
Julie & Irwin Flack
Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. Foran
Elizabeth & Charles W. Beach
Jonathan B. Levick Family
The DeAugustine Family
Kathleen Bice
Miesje & Bill Havens
Caroline Brust
If you are interested in including Vera House in your estate plans, please
contact Vera House Development Director Carol Charles at (315) 425-0818
or ccharles@verahouse.org.
Annual Report 2015
Heartfelt Giving
Cornerstone . $25,000 & Up
Carol and John Cirando
Billy Fuccillo, Sr.
David & Lynn Horowitch in honor of Megan
& Alexandra Horowitch
Foundation . $24,999 - $10,000
Barclay Damon, LLP
Beth and Charlie Beach
Cerio Law Offices
Friends of First Niagara Financial Group
The Galloo Foundation
Neil and Helene Gold
The Gorman Foundation
The Howard L. Green Foundation
Heuber-Breuer Construction Co.
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
Doug and Margaret Martin
Lorraine McGee
Nationwide Insurance Foundation
Robert and Naomi Penney
The Rust Foundation
Silverhammers. The Hammers with a Heart
In memory of Leelah Alcorn. Solon Quinn
Warren D. Wolfson
Leadership . $9,999 - $5,000
To honor the work of Christine Allen
Randi K. Bregman and Ted Gottbrecht
In honor of our children Kate & Matt by
Caroline and Nick Brust
Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc.
In honor of staff and volunteers 1994. Alice
Community Bank, N.A.
Cygnus Management Foundation, Inc.
Erie Materials, Inc.
Fastrac Markets, LLC
Female Charitable Society of the Village of
Baldwinsville, NY
Thanks for all you do. Mike & Shelly Gambino
The Horowitch Family
Kim & Bill Jeffery
KeyBank, N.A.
Kinney Drugs Foundation
M & T Bank
Miss you will all of our hearts, Katie Marie.
Love, Mom, Dad, Jennifer & Sydney
National Grid
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network/The
Greater New York Group
Cheryl and Jerry O'Dell
Faye Panasci
Raymour & Flanigan Furniture Company
The Dorothy and Marshall Reisman
Anne Ruffer and Dr. Mickey Lebowitz
In honor of Anne Ruffer and Mitchell
Lebowitz - Ruth Ruffer
The employees of Sutherland Global
Syracuse University
Visionary . $4,999 - $1,500
Anaren, Inc.
The Armory Group at Morgan Stanley
Helena and Glenn Axelrod
Bell Group
In Memory of Lottie Kazel from David Bellso
Berkshire Bank
The employees at BNY Mellon
The employees and members of Bond
Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Carrols Restaurant Group
The Carta Group
Central New York Community Foundation
Carroll Clark
Columbus Foundation
Mary Karen Cronin - In loving memory of
Margaret Eleanor Cronin
Crucible Industries, LLC
Day of Joy Women's Conference
Dedicated to abused children: Let this brick
be your voice and strength
Virginia Rieger Denton
Dr. Nanette M. Dowling
Empower Federal Credit Union
Drs. John Epling and Cynthia Morrow
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
The employees of Fastrac Markets, LLC
Julie and Irwin Flack
In honor of Mark and Polly Fuller
Mark and Polly Fuller
Sondra and Steven Goldberg
Jud and Roz Gostin
Greater Syracuse Moving and Storage
Lisa Greenia
The employees of Douglas W. Halliday, Ph.D.,
MD Facial Plastic Surgery of Syracuse
In memory of John Parker from the staff at
Heid's of Liverpool
Joan and John Hession
Immaculate Conception Parish Fayetteville
IUE-CWA Local 320
Thanks for all you do. JGB Enterprises, Inc.
Sheldon and Mateele Kall
Jim and Kristin King
King + King Architects
The Leitgeb Family
In loving momory of Bonnie & Lee Morin
Pierre and Joye Morrisseau
Eric and Judy Mower
William M. and Kathleen M. Murphy
Bob and Sally Neumann
Patricia J. Numann, MD.
Alice Nykaza
Meg O'Connell and Eric Allyn
Onondaga Community College Foundation
Carolyn D. Palmer
The employees of Parsons-McKenna
Construction Co., Inc.
Tracy and Mike Porter
Rotary Club of Eastwood
The employees at SEFCU
Dr. Elinor J. Spring-Mills
St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center
Chris and Arney Steenstra
Russell Sturtz
Syracuse Area Psychiatric Nurses Association
Syracuse Label and Surround Printing
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists
Mr. and Mrs. Terry
The employees of Today's Options
The Honorable Sandra L. Townes
Upstate Medical University
Visions Federal Credit Union
Wegmans Food Markets
Welch Allyn, Inc.
Linda Witherill
Word of Life Assembly of God
Vera Society . $1,499 - $500
Aiello Family Charitable Trust
AKC Humane Fund
Kathy and Peter Alaimo
AlterImage Photography
Anoplate Corporation
Sally Berry and Bob Herz
Mary Beth Butler
Rachel Galusha Apicelli & Thomas Apicelli
Eugene Armani
LaVern Arrance-Doud
At Home Independent Living
Aminy I. Audi, In honor of the Stickley
Janet and Donald Barter
John and Patricia Beaudoin
Bousquet Holstein, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bowers
Vera House recognizes the generosity of donors
who gave $500 or more for the 2015 fiscal year and
authorized us to publicly acknowledge them. We
apologize to anyone inadvertently omitted.
Annual Report 2015
Bernard B. & Ona Cohn Bregman
Amy & Andy Breuer
Mark Briggs and Midge Ferris
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Bob and Darlene Brown
Elaina Burdick
In memory of Alan Burstein
Donald and Ginny Byers
Byrne Dairy, Inc.
Customers of Cameron's News
Chauncey and Candy Carvey
Cayuga Correctional Facility
The Jerome & Phyllis Charney Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. David Ciccone
Cicero Mattydale Lions Club, Inc.
Jeffrey & Lisa Clark
In memory of Peggy & Dick Clark
Rick and Diane Clark
Gina and William Clifford
Steve & Sally Cunningham
Phil & Jodi DeAugustine
Lynette and Mike DelFavero
Barbara DiPasquale
Susan Estabrook
Evolvene, LLC
Fayetteville-Manlius High School
Julie Featherstone
Howard Finch
Mary Ann Finn
First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia
Sarah & Patrick Fitzgerald
Five County Ag Charity Fund, Inc.
In memory of Stuart Forster
Fulton Savings Bank
Fust Charles Chambers, LLP
In Loving Memory of Lee Garner - Joan
Geddes Federal Savings & Loan Assn.
Arlene & Jerome Gerber Foundation
Shirley Gibson
Jeff and Gretchen Goldstein
Dr. Jeffrey D. Gonda and Dr. Jedidah Isler
Nancy Green and Tony Marschall
The Greene-Milstein Family Foundation
Grossman St. Amour, CPAs
Mary Grublauskas
M. Gail Hamner
Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC
Peter Hausler
Burnett and Nancy Haylor
Joseph & Mary Ellen Hennigan
Edward Hetnar and Dotti Barraco Hetnar
Joyce Homan
Herbert S. & Eleanore L. Howard Charitable Foundation
Giampaolo and Judith Huober
Immanuel United Methodist Church
Annual Report 2015
Margaret and Jeffrey Ireland
Elaine & Steve Jacobs
Francine Karam and Dr. Ralph Janicki
Drs. Fathi & Kawthar Jishi
Barbara and Mark Karper
Dr. Danielle A. Katz
Michael Kerwin
Margery Lange Keskin
Steve Kinne
Laci's Tapas Bar
Joe and Mary LaMacchia
Bruce Land
Drs. Tod Leggat and Shannon Magari Leggat
Students, Staff & Faculty of LeMoyne College
Liverpool First United Methodist Church
Liverpool High School Annex Students and Staff
Tucker and Lisa Lounsbury
Daniel and Lin Lowengard
In honor of Dale Schantz from the employees of Lowe's of Syracuse
Mackenzie Hughes, LLP
Tom Magnarelli
Cheryl Majesky
Rosemarie and Brian Martens
May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society
Mark & Mary Ellen McAnaney
Denise and Owen McGraw
Donald W. Meinig
Metro Mattress
Mexico Middle School
Celina Morice Molina and Klaus Werner
Katharine Mooney
Arthur E. Morris
Marla and Stephen Nash
Dr. Bart Natoli and Dr. Janice Scully
Paul F. Nozynski, DDS PC
OneGroup Center
Onondaga County Dept. of Social Services: Economic Security
Onondaga County District Attorney's Office
Oran Community Church
David and Janice Panasci
Sandra Parker
Patchwork Plus
Pathfinder Bank
Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church
Gary W. Pickard
Pinnacle Investments, Inc.
Productivity Leadership Systems, LLC
Pyramid Management Group, LLC
In honor of Solon Quinn from his parents
Peter and Nancy Rhodes
Elizabeth Ross
Rotary Club of DeWitt, Inc.
Barbara Rozyco
Dan, Kathy & Elizabeth Ruscitto Family Fund
Davis and Maria Rust
Cristal Sabatini
Gwen and David Sacia
Jim Schanzenbach
Catherine and John Schurig
Vince and Dorothy Scicchitano
Roland Shea
Ralph and Maggie Simone
Martha Sims
John Skehan and Jill Ozinsky
Gregory and Amanda Slisz
James and Vicki Smith
Solvay Bank
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Soufleris
Syracuse Rotary Foundation
Tessy Plastics Corporation
Gary and Lynn Toth
Lauren Townes
Robert Ungerer
Upstate Printing, Inc.
Visual Technologies Corp.
Volney Volunteer Fire Corporation
WCA Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., Inc.
Laura Walters
Barbara Walzer
Robert Weisenthal and Jennifer Paterson
Barry Wells and Claudette McGowan-Wells
Janice Whitcraft
In honor of Patricia Wickens
Jennifer Williams
Catherine and Jeffrey Youle
Anonymous (3)
Vera House receives
support from companies,
family foundations,
granting organizations,
community groups and
individuals who are
committed to making the
community better.
We are able to offer
help to so many
individuals and
families because
of the support of
The generous
contributions we people just like you.
receive make all
the work we do
Vera House 2015 Financial Summary
Statement of Activities* for year ending December 31, 2015
*reflects the combined financial totals of Vera House, Inc. & Vera House Foundation, Inc.
2015 Support & Revenue:
Government Fees & Grants
Private Donations
United Way
Loss on Investments
Total Support & Revenue
2015 Expenses:
Program Services
Emergency Shelter
Outreach & Advocacy
Prevention & Education
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
Alternatives & Steps
Total Program Expenses
Supporting Services
Total Supporting Services
Total Expenses
Increase in Net Assets
Vera House, Inc.
Administrative & Outreach Offices
6181 Thompson Road, Suite 100
Syracuse, NY 13206
Phone: (315) 425-0818 • Fax: (315) 425-8942
Crisis & Support
(315) 468-3260
Executive Director
Randi K. Bregman, LMSW • 315-425-0818 ext. 204 • rbregman@verahouse.org
Deputy Director
Colleen A. O’Brien, LMSW • 315-425-0818 ext. 243 • cobrien@verahouse.org
Outreach & Advocacy Program Coordinator
Lauren Townes • 315-425-0818 ext. 207 • ltownes@verahouse.org
Prevention & Education Director
Loren Cunningham, MSW • 315-425-0818 ext. 208 • lcunningham@verahouse.org
Clinical Program Coordinator
Tyler Sliker, LMFT • 315-425-0818 ext. 236 • tsliker@verahouse.org
Crisis & Support
Line for the Deaf
(Business Hours)
(315) 484-7263
Clinical Program Supervisor
Carrie Land-Steves, LMFT • 315-425-0818 ext. 206 • cland@verahouse.org
Development Director
Carol Charles • 315-425-0818 ext. 212 • ccharles@verahouse.org
Shelter Services Coordinator
Jennifer Shaw, MSW • 315-468-3260 • jshaw@verahouse.org
Volunteer Coordinators
Dotti Barraco-Hetnar, MSW • 315-425-0818 ext. 242 • dbarracohetnar@verahouse.org
Jolie Moran, MSW • 315-425-0818 ext. 249 • jmoran@verahouse.org
Campus Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention & Intervention Project
Meaghan Greeley • 315-425-0818 ext. 219 • mgreeley@verahouse.org
Men’s Outreach Program Coordinator
George Kilpatrick • 315-425-0818 ext. 254 • gkilpatrick@verahouse.org
Project Coordinator - Abuse in Later Life Grant
Jenny Hicks, MSW • 315-425-0818 ext. 245 • jhicks@verahouse.org
Alternatives & Steps Program Coordinator
Desiree Harrell, MSW • 315-425-0818 ext. 229 • dharrell@verahouse.org
Finance & Human Resources Director
Christine Goodman, CPA • 315-425-0818 ext. 202 • cgoodman@verahouse.org
Contact Vera House
Director of Communications & Special Events
Chris Benton • 315-425-0818 ext. 248 • cbenton@verahouse.org
Visit our website for
information on Vera House
programs & services,
upcoming events, news &
Vera House, Inc.
Administrative & Outreach Offices
6181 Thompson Road, Ste 100
Syracuse, NY 13206
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Vera House
Vera House is
committed to
ensuring our
programs & services
are welcoming to
2015 Annual Report
2015 Vera House Board of Directors
Kathleen McDermott, President
Jennifer Ploetz Williams, Vice President
Mark Fuller, Vice President
Patrick Leitgeb, Treasurer
Edward “Buster” Melvin II, Secretary
Gary Ayers
Lynette Delfavero
Darcy Dibiase
John Dooling
Sarah Fitzgerald
Anthony Germano
Farah Jadran
Barbara Karper
Vincent Love
Richard Maxwell
Jennifer Nadler
Michael Norton
Solon Quinn
Katie Stager
Jeffrey VanBuren
Bridget Yule
John A. Cirando – Agency Counsel
Dr. Ann Botash – Medical Advisor
2015 Vera House Foundation Trustees
Lynn Horowitch, Chair
Jodi DeAugustine, Vice Chair
Elaina Burdick, 2nd Vice Chair
Warren Wolfson, Treasurer
Russell Sturtz, Secretary
Kathy Alaimo
Helena Zera Axelrod
Charlie Beach
John Beaudoin
Dave Bellso
Randi Bregman
Amy Breuer
Christina Brozyna
Caroline Brust
Margie Burstein
Carroll Clark
Kathleen Davis
Virginia Denton
Paul Dodd
William Fitzpatrick
Julie Flack
Mark Fuller
Polly Fuller
Rachel Galusha
Neil Gold
Sondra Goldberg
Lisa M. Greenia
Miesje Havens
Colleen Walsh Heinrich
Kim Jeffery
Jim King
Kathleen McDermott
Lorraine McGee
Denise McGraw
Amy Neumann
Patricia Numann, M.D.
Tracy Porter
Jan Price
Megan Grant Ruddy
Anne Ruffer
Jeffrey VanBuren
Jennifer Ploetz Williams