January 10, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish


January 10, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish
Blessed Sacrament
Roman Catholic Parish
11300 N. 64th Street • Scottsdale, AZ 85254 • 480-948-8370 • www.blessedsacramentscotts.org
January 10, 2016 ~ Baptism of the Lord
Mass of Remembrance Monday, November 2, 7pm in the Church. We Invite You to Bring a Picture of Your Deceased Loved One to Display on the Altar. Pastor’s Corner
The baptism of Jesus reminds us of our own baptism.
There are many offices that people can hold in the
Church. But all of these pale when compared to the
basic gift of all: baptism. When we stand before the
throne of God, these other offices will be of no importance. Our dignity will depend on one thing – the extent to which we have lived out our baptismal calling.
The ceremony of baptism is a beautiful one. In it we
were formally given a name and welcomed into the family
of God’s people. Lovely prayers are said over us. Our
body is signed with the sign of the cross, the mark of
Christ’s love for us. Water is poured over us. Water is a
symbol of cleansing, and in baptism we are cleansed of
sin. But it is more especially a symbol of life. In baptism
we are given a share in the undying life of God.
Not once but twice our bodies were anointed with
holy oil. Just as the bodies of athletes were smeared
with oil to give them strength to compete, so we were
anointed with holy oil to give us strength for the inevitable struggle against evil. And just as kings, prophets and
priests were anointed with oil and thus marked out as
God’s ministers to the community, so we are anointed
with the oil of chrism that we may be envoys of Christ in
the world.
Our body was covered with a white garment, the outward sign of our Christian dignity. We were given a candle lighted from the Easter candle to signify the precious
light of faith. God called us out of darkness into the wonderful light of his Son.
What happened at the baptism of Jesus happened at
our baptism. too. God called us by name. He said to
each of us, “You are my beloved son” or “You are my beloved daughter.” And the Spirit descended on us in order
to help us to live the life of a Christians and to participate
in the mission of Jesus.
From a spiritual point of view, baptism is the greatest
thing that can happen to us. To be baptized is to be
christened, that is, to be made like Christ. But this
doesn’t happen automatically as a result of being baptized. One has to learn what it means to be a Christian,
and to grow into it. This is the task of a lifetime. Towards
the end of his life a saint was asked if he was a Christian
and he replied, “Not yet.”
There are many vocations in the
Church. But the most important vocation
of all is common to all the baptized. It is
the vocation we received at baptism – the
vocation to be disciples of Jesus. This is
the core vocation. Every other vocation in the Church
must be seen in relation to this one.
We celebrate birthdays. So we should celebrate our
baptismal day, because this was the day we were born as
children of God. Every time we enter the church and sign
ourselves with holy water we are reminding ourselves of
our baptism and committing ourselves to live up to it. To
live one’s baptism is to live as a disciple of Jesus.
Many thanks for the many cards, gifts, and goodies. I
gained about 15 pounds over the holidays so I have work
to do to get those extra pounds off. But it was nice while
it lasted.
Thank you for all you are and do for the parish. We
give thanks for the blessings of 2015 and we look forward with hope and mercy to 2016.
God Bless! Fr. Pat
Scripture Readings
Sun 1/10
Mon 1/11
Tue 1/12
Wed 1/13
Is 40:1-5, 9-11
1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-19/Mk 1:14-20
1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Mk 1:21-28
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10/Mk 1:29-39
Thu 1/14 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25/Mk 1:40-45
Fri 1/15 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-19/Mk 2:1-12
Sat 1/16 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-7/Mk 2:13-17
Sun 1/17 Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11
January 10, 2016 │ 3
Parish Activities for All Ages
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Legion of Mary
In the Adoration Chapel every day, 24 hours a day. Come and
spend some time with the Lord.
Meets Thursdays at 10am in PLC 5. We invite you to learn how
you can be a part of the new evangelization and bring others to
Christ through the Legion of Mary. To learn more & for info, call
Lolaine at 602-996-3961 or Kate at 602-953-3663.
Adult Formation
A variety of programs are available for Adult Catechesis. Call the
Faith Formation office at 480-998-1665 for information.
Boy Scout Troop 648
Blessed Sacrament has a very active Boy Scout Troop for boys
11-17. For more info visit http://bsatroop648.org/or call
Scoutmaster David at 602-741-5640 or Bob at
480-688-1685. Meets every Tuesday, 7 to 8:30pm.
Catholic Business Network
Networking sessions 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month. Start
with 7am Mass then meet in PLC 7 until 9am; cost: $3 to
cover refreshments. For more info, call/email Nick at 602-9891592 or petra@azreallink.com.
Christian Initiation Ministry (Adults & Children)
Adults & children meet Wednesdays at 7pm in PLC 7. Contact Larry
Fraher 480-998-1665 x216 or lfraher@blessedsacramentscotts.org.
A retreat that has opened a door to an understanding of Jesus
Christ and what he is calling each of us to do. Contact your
parish representatives Brian & Jen at jen.kelly@cox.net or call
Homecoming for Returning Catholics
No matter how long you’ve been away, you can come home
again! Check out www.catholicscomehome.org for info
Mary’s Knights
Mary’s Knights is the ladies auxiliary to the Knights of
Columbus. Our purpose is fellowship, support of multiple local
charities, as well as support of our Knights of Columbus. All
women over the age of 18, especially K of C wives, are invited
to join us. The charities we support include: First Way, Shoebox
Ministry, Phoenix Children’s Project, One at a Time, and
Respite Shelter for Homeless Men.
Pro-Life Ministry
This ministry coordinates pro-life activities for the parish and acts
as an information resource by providing educational events on
various aspects of pro-life issues, other pro-life organizations, and
activities in the diocese. To join the group or for more information,
please contact Jim at BSC_Prolife@cox.net or call 602-951-4254.
Saint Vincent de Paul
Our mission is to grow spiritually by person-to-person service to
those in need. SVdP meets Thursdays at 7pm in PLC 7 & 8. Call
480-948-8370 x266 for information.
Senior Friendship Club
Jan. 11, 2016, Social Hall, 10:30am, board games, refreshments,
socializing, cards, book/magazine exchange.
Small Christian Communities
HTBC Cancer Ministry
To learn more about this spirit-filled and inspiring ministry, contact the
Parish Office.
Healing Through the Body of Christ Cancer Ministry. Prayer
shawls, cards, and medals are available. For info, call 602-5491188 or see www.blessedsacramentscotts.org.
Welcome Ministry
Interacts socially with visitors, newcomers, and parishioners to
encourage/develop a spiritual community - Info: 480-948-8370.
Women’s Club
The JustFaith Ministry provides life-changing opportunities for
members of our parish to study, explore, and experience
Christ’s call to care for the poor and vulnerable in a lively,
challenging, multifaceted process in the context of a small
faith community. Call the parish office for more information.
Knights of Columbus
An active, service-oriented organization of parish women that supports
the parish and the community. Meets on 2nd Monday of the month at
6:30pm Sept. through May. All women of the parish are eligible to be
members and welcome to attend meetings. No dues required—you are
already a member. For information, contact Cheryl (602-569-1696),
Theresa (480-991-6674), or Dana (480-703-5094).
If you are interested in helping those in need, serving your
parish, growing in your faith, or having an exclusive access to
top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights
of Columbus is the organization for you. For more information,
visit www.kofc10050.org, find us on Facebook, or call Jerry at
(602) 561-0945.
Community and Parish Events
TV Mass Ministry: Broadcast Sunday mornings at 9am on
KAZT-TV (AZ-TV7 or Cable Channel 13). Followed by local
Catholic talk show “Catholics Matter.” View Mass live at
www.catholictvmass.com Sunday mornings & during the week.
The Bishop’s Hour: Every Monday at 11am on radio 1310 AM.
Issues from a Catholic viewpoint.
Immaculate Heart Radio: Faith, Hope, and Love…there when
you need it on Immaculate Heart Radio 1310 AM and
streaming audio at ihradio.com.
4 │ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish • Scottsdale, AZ
Parish Events
January 12, Come & See Q & A
January 16, Mary’s Knights Rummage Sale
January 17, K of C Basketball Free-Throw
January 23, Shred-A-Thon
January 23, Snow Day in Flagstaff
January 24, 26,Strong Catholic Families/
Strong Catholic Youth meeting
Give Unto the Lord
December 25, 2015………$69,581
December 27, 2015………$29,213
RRR (12/27)………………...$17,997
New Year’s Day……………..$5,375
January 3, 2016…………….$23,090
RRR (1/3)…………………….$16,764
Thank You For Your Gifts!
Knights of Columbus
Free-Throw Championship
Sunday, January 17, 2016
9:00am - 12:00pm
Blessed Sacrament Basketball Court
All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to
participate in the local level of competition for the 2016
Knights of Columbus Free-Throw Championship.
For Info: Contact Frank at 480-991-5255.
Bob wasn’t very good at baseball, even
though his dad was the coach. Bob tried the
outfield; he couldn’t track long fly balls. Bob
tried the infield; he couldn’t figure out the footwork to field the ball well. He did want to try one position,
catcher, but his dad kept saying, “no.” Bob liked catching. He
could see the whole field. He had a knack for stopping pitches in the dirt, and best of all, he got to wear the cool gear.
One night the team’s regular catcher didn’t show up for
the game. Bob’s dad reluctantly made Bob the catcher. Bob
caught the entire game. In the final inning, Bob’s team was
winning by one run. The tying run was on third base and there
were two outs. The batter hit a dribbler back to the pitcher;
Bob stood up and rushed to the front of the plate. The pitcher, instead of throwing to first, threw the ball to Bob. Bob
caught it and went to make the tag. There was a collision and
everything went dark for a moment. Bob came back to his
senses with his team standing over him, smiling. Bob could
still feel the ball pressed into his catcher’s mitt by his right
hand. Bob’s dad, picked him up and with great excitement
yelled, “By golly! I think I’ve found us a catcher!” Mercy helps us to see the best in others.
● In what ways are you like Bob? In what ways are
you like the dad?
● Who is doing good things around you? Have you
told them?
● During this week seek out a person who may
need to hear a message of “I am pleased with
you, I am proud of you,” and tell them.
Hearing the Word of God More Clearly
Over the past year, Deacon Bob Evans has led a set of
weekly lectures on the readings we hear at Mass. We've
recorded his sessions and reprinted his handouts in a comprehensive set. Stop by the Gift Shop to purchase your copy!
Proceeds benefit our RRR Capital Campaign.
Xavier Make-Up Exam
Saturday, January 23, 2016, 7:30am to 11:30am, make-up
Admission Exam for those who have not tested elsewhere.
Registration is required. To register, call 602-277-3772,
x3112. Fee of $50 (cash or check) will be collected at the
beginning of the exam. Applications are available in person
at Xavier and are not available online. Visit www.xcp.org for
the complete admission process.
Christians at Risk
We are all aware of the persecutions being suffered by fellow Catholics and Christians in the Middle East as well as other locations
within the Muslim world. The Knights of Columbus have already
contributed over $3.7 million dollars toward relief efforts that has
included food, medical supplies, and construction of shelters in
refugee camps. Your local Council will participate in the effort to
provide help beginning in 2016. Information and programs will be
made available. For more info, visit Christiansatrisk.org.
January 10, 2016 │ 5
Pray For...
May Odish
Connie Siedlecki
Elia Harper
Russell Harper
Joel Smith & Family
Mary Burns
Charles J. Brown
Lis Neylon
Casey Sulej
Ed Gooderham
Eva Siderewicz
Niemo Toilolo
Dottie Bowe
William Healey
Timothy Gwin
Colette Hughes, Jr.
Maryanne Waszak
Pamela Pflueger
Billie Stalebrass
Judy Klinger
Pat Lichok
John Bergmann
Joyce Turlip
Bill Berech
Charlie & Nancy
Chad Ettmueller
Richard Bodinet
Arleen Kaizer
John Kaizer
Joan Abramek
Robert Rusoff
Fr. John Coleman
Carol Schele
Ken Walsh
Michael Kaupanger
Scott Trayer
Peggy Zozzaro
Brandon Marximan
Jim & Janet McBride
Kenneth Smith
Andrew Reyna
Ned Goodrich
Patty Peterson
Rose Musuraca
Jim Tuttle, Jr.
Nick Putnam
Joseph Cosentino
Stu Stewart
Florence Prejs
Henry Prejs
Cindy Keller
Noah Montemayor
Karen Apostol
Georgiann Scritsmier
Janice Nickels
Linda Benedetti
Clarence Menke
Troy Olson
Esther P.
Mary Jo Wilson
Mary Ann Miller
Emmett Salinas
Mike Elert
Ana Lucia Van Assche
Leon Bourgeois
Pam Hellestrae
Craig Hollsinger
Rene Gero Family
Maria Magat
Ronnie Tobin
Patrick Spiers
Carolyn Quatros
Prudence H. Wisdom
Fr. Eric Houseknecht
Hank Ulloa
Don Monson
Richard Phillips
The Deceased: Richard McClung...and all those in our book of intentions.
Those Serving Our Country: Please pray for our men and women in the military. Pray also for their families.
Are You Still Sick? If you no longer need your name on the sick list, please call the parish office to have it removed.
If you have a request for our Parish Prayer Line and/or prayers at Masses, call the Office at 480-948-8370.
Stewardship Reflection ~ Jan 10, 2016
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of
the Baptism of the Lord. This officially
brings to an end the season of
Christmas. You might say this is a
second Epiphany. It is important to us
as Catholics and Christians because it
represents a second creation involving
the entire Trinity.
In fact in the Eastern Church this
feast is called Theophany because God appears in three
persons. Jesus the Son is baptized; the Holy Spirit
descends upon Him; and God declares “You are my
beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.”
We recall our own Baptism on this day, because
Christ’s Baptism represents in many ways what occurred
at our Baptism. At Christ’s Baptism the Holy Spirit
descended upon Him. At our Baptism the Trinity
occupied our soul; Christ was declared the “Beloved
Son”; at our Baptism we became a child of God. At
Jesus’ Baptism the heavens were opened, and at our
Baptism heaven was opened to us.
On this Holy Day we need to reflect upon our own
Baptismal calls — calls to live and love on this earth, a
command to seek holiness, to actively be disciples of
Christ, calls which can be achieved in part by embracing
stewardship as a way of life. The Catechism of the
Catholic Church (#1213) states: “Holy Baptism is the
basis of the whole Christian life, the door which gives
access to the other sacraments. We are incorporated
into the Church and made sharers in her mission.”
Saint Vincent de Paul
As we begin this bright New Year, we ask that the Lord’s loving presence rekindle our faith, strengthen
our spirit, and help us to be sensitive to those in need around us. St. Vincent de Paul can be your link to
making a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are struggling. Call us at 480-948-8370
Ext. 266.
│ Blessed
Blessed Sacrament
Sacrament Roman
Roman Catholic
Catholic Parish
Parish •
• Scottsdale,
Scottsdale, AZ
The Blessed Sacrament youth group and parishioners help distribute Angel
Tree Gifts at the St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room.
Angel Tree gifts waiting to be distributed.
Terry Wilson & Friend
October 10,
11, 2016
2015 │
│ 77
Strong Catholic Families - Strong Catholic Youth
Parish Blanket Drive
The nights are cold and people are homeless; let’s share the warmth of God’s mercy. Between now and January 17, bring a
new or gently used and clean blanket to
the Faith Formation & Education Office. All
collected blankets will be given to local
agencies for distribution to homeless people.
Casino Trip
The Senior Friendship Club is sponsoring a trip to Cliff
Castle Casino on Monday, January 18. Departure is
8:30am and return is around 5pm. Cost is $15 per person and you will receive $25 in free play credits. We
must have 40 people in order to do the trip. Everyone is
welcome to participate. Sign up now at seniorfriendship@blessedsacramentscotts.org with your name, telephone number, and number on your Cliff Casino Card if
you have one. Payment is due by Jan. 15.
Parents, Grandparents, & all Adults are invited to join
together for an information and education session about
re-igniting the faith in our families on Sunday, Jan. 24th
at 11:45am or Tuesday, Jan. 26th at 6:30pm in the Parish Social Hall. Children are welcome and will participate
in an activity & craft during the parent session.
This is the Parent Orientation for Confirmation & First
Eucharist Preparation. Children must be concurrently
enrolled in either Religious Education classes or attend
Catholic School while attending the Sacramental Prep.
Classes. For questions or to enroll your child, please contact the FFE Office at 480-998-1665.
A Fun Day in the Snow
All families and teens are invited to play
in the snow at Wing Mountain Snow
Play Area on Saturday, January 23. Wing
Mountain is 15 miles NW of Flagstaff.
Cost is $25 per person. Transportation
departs at 7:30am and returns by
5:00pm. Please bring your own sled. The registration
form must be returned to the FFE office by January 18.
For more info, contact Randall at 480-998-1665 or
Year of Mercy Mobile App
The 365 Days to Mercy app is free in the iTunes and
Google Play app stores and is designed to accompany
you on a spiritual journey during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The resources in this app put valuable prayers, Catholic teaching, Scripture, and meditations at your fingertips
to assist you in growing in your understanding of the Father’s mercy, accepting his mercy, and giving mercy.
Parish Shred-A-Thon
Saturday, January 23, 2016
9am to 11am
North parking lot.
Safely dispose of old documents
& support our parish.
Shredding is FREE
Donations are appreciated.
Monday Faith
“Lost & Found” - January 16, 9:30am & 6:30pm in
the Church classroom. This session will explore how
and why we are saved.
Save the Date — Annual Business Expo
Sponsored by Catholic Business Resources on February
27 & February 28 in the Blessed Sacrament Social Hall.
Catholic Business Resources is a group of Catholic profession men and women who come together to grow professionally and to grow their business. For more info contact Nick at 602-989-1592 or petra@azreallink.com
Will You Be the Voice?
On January 22, 2016, join Bishop Olmsted and thousands of other pro-lifers of all nationalities and faith
backgrounds from around the state in downtown Phoenix
for the Arizona for Life March and Rally, an event celebrating and advocating for the beauty and dignity of every human life. Gather at 11am. March begins at 11:30am.
Rally from 12:30—2pm. Music, food trucks at launch site,
family friendly, celebrate life, and defend life! Additional
details at www.azliferally.org
Women’s Club
“I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” ~ Psalm 27:13
► Our first meeting of 2016 is on January 11. The Steel Drum Nuns will perform for a fun and
entertaining evening. Don’t forget to mark your calendars!
► Don’t forget...Happy Hour at Z’Tejas on Tuesday, January 26. Come one, come all!
► If you are aware of any members who are ill or hospitalized, please let us know.
► The Women’s Club supports our military deployed overseas with cards, letters, and packages from home. If you have a
friend or relative serving our country overseas, please contact Rita (480-948-6240) with details. You can correspond with
these service people related to our parishioners by picking up a “Support our Troops” data slip at the gift card table.
► Call Cheryl (602-569-1696), Theresa (480-991-6674), or Dana (480-703-5094) with questions or for more info.
8 │ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish • Scottsdale, AZ
This Week’s...
Blessed Sacrament Mass Schedule
Adoration Every Day
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
Mass of Anointing:
8am, 4pm
7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm
7am & 8am (M--F)
24 Hours a day
Sat, after 8am Mass, Tues. 6 to 7pm
Call Parish Office
Call Parish Office
Call Parish Office
Local Parish Mass Schedules
St. Patrick: M-F 8am; T-Th 5:30pm; Sat 5pm; Sun 8:30am,
10:30am, 5pm - 10815 N. 84th St., Scottsdale
St. Maria Goretti: M-Sat 8am; Sat 5pm; Sun 7:30am, 9am, 11am 6261 N. Granite Reef Rd., Scottsdale
St. Bernadette: M-F 8:30am; Sat 8:30am, 5pm; Sun 8am, 10am,
5pm - 16245 N. 60th St., Scottsdale
St. Joan of Arc: M-Sat 8:30am; Sat 4:30pm; Sun 8:30am,
10:30am, 12:30pm (Spanish) - 3801 E. Greenway Rd., Phx.
St. Joseph: M-F 8am; Sat 4pm; Sun 8:30am & 10:30am 11001 N. 40th St., Phx.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 9, 2016
†Marie Vattraino
†Brock Wolf
Sunday, January 10, 2016
†Robert J. Ready
†John Murphy
Pastoral Mass
†Bill Cox
Monday, January 11, 2016
†Florence Prejs
†Ron Bozzi
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
†Frederick Welker
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
†Patricia Hubalik
†Thomas Indovino
At Pueblo Norte: †Special Intentions of the Florence
Prejs Family
Thursday, January 14, 2016
† Steve Richards
Friday, January 15, 2016
†William Wilson
Saturday, January 16, 2016
†John Seibel
†Robert Georgevich
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Pastoral Mass
†Lois Stuart
†Francis Tomars
†David Hoffman
January 10, 2016 ~ January 17, 2016
Sunday, January 10
Masses at 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm
Continental Breakfast after morning Masses
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 8am
Christian Initiation Ministry Dismissal 10:30am
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir rehearsal
Life Teen
Church Classroom
FFE Conf. Rm.
Church Classroom
Daily Mass
Senior Friendship Club
Elementary RE Classes
Women’s Club
The Edge
Charismatic Prayer Group
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
4:30pm & 6:30pm
Multi-Purp. Rm.
Daily Mass
Elementary RE Classes
Children’s Initiation
Mary’s Knights
Youth Ministry Core Meeting
Come & See
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
FFE Conf.
PLC 7, 8
PLC/Multi-Purp. Rm.
Daily Mass
Catholic Business Network
Bible Study
Small Christian Communities
Just Faith
Choir Rehearsal
Christian Initiation
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
PLC 7, 8
Church Classroom
PLC 7, 8
Daily Mass
Bible Study
Legion of Mary
K of C 4th Degree
Choir Rehearsal
Debtors Anonymous
Bible Study
St. Vincent de Paul
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
Church Classroom
PLC 1, 2
Church Classroom
PLC 7, 8
Daily Mass
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
Mary’s Knights Rummage Sale
Daily Mass
Sunday Vigil
After 8am Mass
After 8am Mass
SH/PLC 7, 8
Daily Mass Chapel
Monday, January 11
Tuesday, January 12
Wednesday, January 13
Thursday, January 14
Friday, January 15
Saturday, January 16
Sunday, January 17
Masses at 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm
K of C Breakfast after morning Masses
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 8am
Christian Initiation Ministry Dismissal 10:30am
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Youth Choir rehearsal
Church Classroom
FFE Conf. Rm.
Church Classroom
January 10, 2016 │ 9
Our Parish Mission Statement
Our Parish Vision Statement
“We are a Christ-centered Eucharistic Community. We
are led by the Holy Spirit to love God and one another,
to grow in faith, and to serve all. We welcome
everyone on the journey toward the fullness of life.”
Blessed Sacrament Parish is moving toward
…Following Jesus Christ more fully.
…Learning and sharing our faith.
…Becoming an engaged, inclusive community.
Our Parish Values Statement
Faith  Hope  Love through Prayer  Family  Discipleship
Contact the Parish Office for an appointment to begin
preparation for this sacrament.
Contact Parish Office at least 9 months prior to
the date of marriage.
Saturday after 8am Mass and 6-7pm Tuesday
Christian Initiation Ministry (Adults & Children)
Wednesday at 6:30pm; call 480-998-1665 for info.
Confirmation/First Eucharist & Reconciliation
call 480-998-1665 for info.
Small Christian Communities
Times vary — contact Parish Office
Charismatic Prayer
7:00pm Mondays in the Church
Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
7:00pm Tuesdays in the Church
Scriptural Rosary
After 8:00am Mass weekdays
Grief Support
Contact Parish Office
Prayer Line
Contact Parish Office
Returning Catholics
Contact Parish Office
House Blessings
Contact Parish Office
Annulments: Contact Jim Nappe at the Parish Office.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS (Subject to change)
Monday-Thurs.: 9am to 5pm
Friday: 9am to 2pm
Closed for Lunch: Noon to 1pm Mon-Fri.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 8am to Noon
Holidays: Call for hours.
Monday - Friday: 9am to Noon
Saturday: 8:30am—Noon / 3:00pm—5:30pm
Sunday: 7:30am—Noon / 4:30pm—6:30pm
Clergy ..................................................................................................... 480-948-8370
Rev. Patrick Robinson .................................................................. Pastor
Rev. John Shetler…………………………………………………… Parochial Vicar
Rev. George Schroeder (Retired)
Deacons ............................................................................................... 480-948-8370
Deacon Ted Childs
Deacon Clemens Czapinski
Deacon Bob Evans
Deacon Jim Nazzal
Deacon Fred Giesner
Main Number .................................................................................. 480-948-8370*
Fax .................................................................................. 480-951-3844
Parish Manager.................................................... 480-948-8370 X229
Parish Life Ministries ........................................... 480-948-8370 X204
Liturgy & Music Office.......................................... 480-948-8370 X202
Faith Formation & Education ........................................ 480-998-1665
Youth Ministry ................................................................ 480-998-1665
(Life Teen and EDGE Programs)
Bulletin Editor ...................................................... 480-948-8370 X220
Parish Event Calendar ......................................... 480-948-8370 X226
Facility Rentals ..................................................... 480-948-8370 X226
Finance Manager ................................................. 480-948-8370 X211
Gift Shop ........................................................................ 480-948-1160
Parish Preschool & Kindergarten……………………………...480-998-9466
Notary Public..........................................................480-948-8370 X226
Email.......................................... parish@blessedsacramentscotts.org
Website ......................................... www.blessedsacramentscotts.org
*Sick, hospitalized, and/or terminally ill—call Parish Office; instructions will
be provided at this number.
The information in this section is provided for informational purposes only.
These institutions and organizations are not affiliated with Blessed Sacrament
Roman Catholic Parish.
AZ Licensed Counselor ........................................ 480-948-8370 X233
Sharon Taylor-Wood, MSW, MAPsy, LCSW
Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine
Foundation for Senior Living........................................ 602-285-1800 x179
Senior Life Options — Counseling and Referrals
Duet: Partners in Health & Aging 602-274-5022; www.duetaz.org
St. Vincent de Paul .............................................. 480-948-8370 X266
Catholic School Community (K-8):
Saint John XXIII ........................................................... 480-905-0939
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School...............................480-874-3720
Catholic School Community High School:
Notre Dame Prep High School ................................... 480-634-8200
All “print-ready” articles must be in Parish Office 9 days prior to
actual Bulletin Weekend. Email your “copy-ready” Word
Document to: rking@blessedsacramentscotts.org.
Russ King, Editor
10 │ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish • Scottsdale, AZ