Publication - Apache Junction News
Publication - Apache Junction News
H H H H H H H H H H H The Area’s Largest Newspaper DIRECT FROM BRANSON For tickets call 480-982-3141 10 or more call 877-461-4441 Apache Junction Gold Canyon Superstition Mountain Country NEWS On The World Wide Web At: ✰ 1075 S. Idaho Rd. Suite 102, Apache Junction, Az. 85119 Inserts Cathedral Health Services Hardware Inside The News Wild Arizona see page A-5 Bluegrass! see page A-5 Time Out see Sports, A-9 ers t t e L the to tor Edgie A-8 pa Public Meetings Apache Junction City Council regular meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014 City Council Chambers 300 E. Superstition Blvd. Index Business Directory ....A-13 Classifieds..................A-12 Kollenborn...................A-7 Letters to Editor...........A-7 Local Happenings......A-13 Obituaries.....................A-2 Opinion Page................A-7 Sports......... A-9, 10, 11, 14 Worship Directory........A-3 Sports, A-10 Big Week MLK Day January 20, For AJHS 2014 Girls! LEGENDS OF COUNTRY MUSIC Saturday, February 8TH, 7 P.M. H H H H H H H H H H H • (480) 982-6397 ✰ serving Northern Pinal County Arizona 50¢ E-Mail: Volume XVIII Issue 3 January 20 - January 26, 2014 High Speed Chase Ends In Arrests Couple crashes stolen car By Ed Barker The News An Apache Junction man and a Mesa woman are in custody after attempting to outrun Pinal County deputies last week in a stolen car. Police say the car, driven by Duane Michael Parks, 36, of Apache Junction, with a woman passenger, Melissa Scala, 20, of Mesa, attempted to outrun deputies around 8:15 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2014. The chase began in Gold Canyon and ended in Apache Junction when the car, a Ford Mustang, crashed through a fence gate in the 1000 block of East Junction Dr. in Apache Junction and came to a stop. The Pinal County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) said deputies first tried to stop the vehicle, reported stolen out of Apache Junction, near Alameda Dr. and Kings Ranch Road in Gold Canyon, but the driver sped off. Officers said that when the Duane Michael Parks (PCSO) suspect realized he was going down a dead end road, he made a U-turn and drove head-on toward the deputy’s vehicle, missing the patrol ve- Page A-1 hicle by only inches. Deputies deployed two sets of stop sticks, but the driver turned westbound onto U.S. 60 toward Apache Junction and was clocked at nearly 100 mph as he sped through stop signs and red lights, according to PCSO. The car crashed through a closed gate in the 1000 block of East Junction in Apache Junction and came to a stop. The car’s two occupants ran from the scene, but Scala was quickly captured. Using clues from the car, deputies located Parks later and took him into custody at his residence in Apache Junction. Authorities reported finding him at his home, two miles away, with marijuana and a marijuana pipe. PCSO said Parks resisted arrest and was booked into the Pinal County Jail for aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, theft of means of transportation, felony flight, resisting arrest, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, charges of criminal damage and leaving the scene of the accident. State Senator Bob Worsley, who brought the stakeholders together for negotiations at the urging of State Senator Al Melvin, expressed his excitement for the progress the two sides are making. “The State Land Department and Union Pacific deserve great credit for their efforts to find common ground on this important project, which has the potential to be a significant job creator for central Pinal County.” Progress Announced On Proposed Rail Yard Land Department, Union Pacific will hire consultants to study Red Rock classification yard in Pinal County Negotiations aimed at exploring the auction of state trust land in Pinal County for the construction of a classification rail yard took another step forward recently with the Arizona State Land Department and Union Pacific Railroad announcing their retention of engineering consultants who will examine the technical questions involving the proposed ‘Red Rock’ project. State Land Commissioner Vanessa Hickman announced that her department has retained the services of RBF, a national planning, design, and construction firm. Union Pacific has also secured an outside firm to assist with the analysis. “We are happy that that this phase of the proposed project is moving forward,” Hickman declared. “We are confident that the expertise of the parties involved will lead to a full understanding of the issues being studied.” The move by the Land Department and Union Pacific to retain a team of consultants follows several months of positive discussions between the two parties and other stakeholders regarding the proposed Red Rock classification yard. State Land Commissioner Vanessa Hickman expressed that progress is being made. “This has been a positive and productive dialogue. The decision to retain technical consultants is a clear sign that both parties are committed to working through the complex technical questions that surround large projects such as this one. I look forward to receiving the consultants’ report and making a determination regarding whether Union Pacific’s application is in the best interests of the State Land Trust.” Zoe Richmond, Director, Public Affairs, Union Pacific, stated, “We look forward to continuing to work with the State Land Department in an effort to purchase property for a future rail facility in Pinal County. We appreciate the willingness of State Land to commit the resources necessary to confirm that a future land purchase meets the state’s legal obligations.” Cadet Earns Navy Scholarship AJHS JROTC Cadet Pilas will get a full-ride to college For the 8th-consecutive year, the Apache Junction High School Navy JROTC program is proud to announce one of its cadets has been selected for a full-ride, Navy ROTC college scholarship. AJHS senior Uziel Pilas will receive up to $180,000 toward a four-year college degree at any college or university in the United States that offers Navy ROTC. The scholarship covers 100-percent of tuition, books, fees, and a monthly stipend for living expenses. Pilas plans to attend Arizona State University in the fall. Selected applicants for the NROTC Scholarship Program are awarded scholarships through a highly competitive AJHS senior Uziel Pilas national selection process, and receive full tuition, books stipend, educational fees and other financial benefits at many of the country’s leading colleges and universities. Upon graduation, midship- men are commissioned as officers in the unrestricted line Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve. Students selected for the NROTC Scholarship Program make their own arrangements for college enrollment, room and board, and take the normal course load required by the college or university for degree completion. Pilas was nominated for the scholarship through the AJHS Navy JROTC program. He is currently completing his 4th year in the unit and ranks as one of the school’s top cadets. He is currently the JROTC’s Executive Officer (2nd in Command) and has served as commander of the Academic Team and Air Rifle Team. Computers Donated To School Supervisor House delivers computers to Avalon School District 5 Supervisor Todd House showed up to the front door of Avalon K-8 School in mid-December with 104 used county computers for the students. These used computers will help the school when the state changes from AIMS to the new College and Careers Ready Standards test in 2015. “We had these computers here and they were collecting dust,” said Supervisor House. “We usually sell them at auction for pennies on the dollar. This way the computers are put to really good use to help educate the future leaders of this county, state and nation.” Before the computers were donated, all the hard drives were removed by Pinal Coun- Area’s Only H The Hometown Owned ty Information Technology staff members. “The new College and Careers Ready Standard test will be taken online, unlike the AIMS test,” explained Avalon K-8 School Director Michael McCord. “This donation will be pretty helpful to us, we are grateful.” McCord added that the school is in the process of procuring new hard drives for the donated computers. Supervisor House said he is hopeful the county can help again in the future. “There are a lot of schools out there that are in need of these type of resources. If we are able to help out another school with a donation like this, I am all for it.” see Rail Yard, A-6 State Legislators Visit City Council Sen. Farnsworth, Reps. Coleman & Townsend invited to Jan. 21 meeting public is invited to attend the meeting Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Council District 16 state legisla- Chambers, 300 E. Supertors have been invited to stition Blvd. in Apache this week’s Apache Junc- Junction. tion City Council meeting. The Jan. 21 meeting will Senator David Farnsworth, also include consideration Representative Doug Cole- and action on the proposed man and Representative contract with Mid-West Kelly Townsend will share GIS, Inc. for a Citywide their priorities as they start Traffic Sign Inventory in the new state legislative an amount not to exceed session. The Council will $65,450. also have an opportunity There will also be a public to update the legislators on hearing regarding the draft what the city is doing and development fee study enits expectations from the titled “Land Use Assumpstate. tions and Infrastructure ImAlthough most Apache provement Plan.” Junction residents know The Council’s work sesRep. Coleman, Rep. sion meeting, originally Townsend from Mesa and scheduled for Monday, Sen. Farnsworth (appointed Jan. 20, was cancelled due to fill a district vacancy last to the Martin Luther King fall) are less familiar. The holiday. By Bill Van Nimwegen The News The News Kidcast Mostly sunny with highs in the mid-70’s and lows in the mid-40’s. This week’s Weather “Artoonist” Supervisor Todd House (left) and Avalon K-8 Executive Director Michael McCord stand with students to show off some of the donated computers from Pinal County. Rachelle Barraza Age 5 Desert Vista Elementary The News— The Hometown Newspaper Area’s Only H The Hometown Operated Page A-2 January 20 - 26, 2014 Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ City Court Apache Junction City Magistrate Court 300 E. Superstition Blvd. City Magistrate James Hazel, Presiding January 14 - Francesca X. Foray - 49, of AJ, guilty of driving on a suspended license. Sentenced to $250 fine. January 14 - Christopher N. Eriksen, 33, of AJ, guilty of driving on a suspended license. Sentenced to $1,000 fine. January 14 - Timothy J. Donner, 28, of AJ, guilty of driving on a suspended license. Sentenced to $1,000 fine. January 14 - Olivia Stamper, 56, of AJ, guilty of resisting an order. Sentenced to $500 fine. January 14 - Eric J. Daniels, 32, of AJ, guilty of failure to appear in the second degree. Sentenced to $500 fine. January 14 - Jude T. Hutnak, Jr., 38, of AJ, guilty of theft. Sentenced to 24 months unsupervised probation, 120 days jail postponed, $633.44 restitution, $250 fine. January 14 - Cynthia N. Collins, 26, of AJ, guilty of shoplifting. Sentenced to 24 months unsupervised probation, 60 days jail postponed, $1,000 fine. Commercial Rehab Funds Available Small businesses inside redevelopment area qualify The City of Apache Junction invites eligible Apache Junction business owners to submit applications for funding under the commercial rehabilitation program. This program is funded in whole or in part by federal Community Development Block Grant funds, therefore all federal requirements apply. Eligible businesses must be a small business located within an identified redevelopment area and outside of a floodplain within the City of Apache Junction. Eligibility requirements, a detailed description of the program and grievance procedures can be found on the city’s downtown website at Applications are available on-line at http://downtownaj. com/. Completed applications are due to the city’s economic development department at 300 E. Superstition Blvd., Apache Junction, AZ 85119 no later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, January 30, 2014. Questions may be directed to E’lan Vallender at (480) 474-5071 or Heather Patel at (480) 474-2635, 300 East Superstition Blvd, Apache Junction, which is accessible for persons with disabilities. The City of Apache Junction reserves the right to reject any and all applications and to waive technicalities and informalities. Yard Sale To Benefit JAMES TIRE AJHS Band 480-982-7422 1755 W. Apache Tr. • Apache Junction COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR BY CERTIFIED AUTO TECHNICIANS 1999 OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $ INCLUDES FREE TIRE ROTATION Must present coupon at time of service Plus Tax WE CAN HANDLE ALL OF YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! Kyhn s Jewelers “Your Family Jeweler Since 1972” January Birthstone Jewelry 60% OFF Similar styles (Reg. prices) APACHE JUNCTION 3061 W. Apache Trail 480.982.0300 Layaway Available On Premise Repairs SAFEWAY & 99¢ PLAZA (SE Corner Meridian & Apache Trail) The Arizona sun can be brutal. Protect your eyes and eyelids with quality sunglasses. Ask us about prescription and non-prescription sunglass options. IMAGE EYECARE Jason H. Moulton, O.D. 480-380-5116 1075 S. Idaho Rd., Ste. 105B, Apache Junction Financing Options through Most Insurance Plans Accepted FIRST Choice The Apache Junction High School Band Program will host a Yard Sale fundraiser on Saturday, January 25, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the school’s west parking lot off Ironwood Drive in front of the main entrance. Come shop for bargains and support AJHS’ musicians. Call AJHS at (480) 474-3980 for more information. Donations of items for the Yard Sale are also welcomed and appreciated. CAC Requests Public Comment Central Arizona College (CAC) is seeking third party comments about the institution in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. CAC will host a visit March 25-27, 2014, with a team representing the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. Central Arizona College has been accredited by the commission since 1971. The team will review the college’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation. The public is invited to submit comments regarding Central Arizona College in writing to: Public Comment on Central Arizona College; The Higher Learning Commission; 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500; Chicago, IL 606041411 The public also may submit comments online at www. Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs. Comments must be in writing. All comments must be received by Feb. 25, 2014. WE BUY – tte Ba ries, Copper, Brass, Aluminum, Radiators CASH FOR C A NS GLASS & MIRROR COMPLETE GLASS SERVICE 480.983.1151 JAN 28-30 $399 PPDO ROCKY POINT ON. JAN 26-27; FEB 12-13 $139 3 DAYS JAN 22-24; FEB 19-21; MAR 19-21 -$259 ROCKY POINT & BEYOND FEB 25-27 -$279 PRICE IS RIGHT GAME SHOW IN LA JAN 28-29; FEB 25-26; MAR 18-19 -$229 COPPER CANYON 7 DAYS TOUR BOOK NOW -$1299 COME TO OFFICE FEB 22-1PM FOR INFO-$100 DISCOUNT FOR ATTENDEES TOMBSTONE/BISBEE FEB 6-7 -$199 CATALINA ISLAND FEB 26-28 STAY ON ISLAND -$499 GAMBLING LAUGHLIN COLO BELLE ON FEB 12-13; 27-28 -$69 3 DAYS EDGEWATER FEB 3-5; 5-7; 26-28; MAR 5-7 -$99 RIVERSIDE W/SHOW & FOOD OAKRIDGE BOYS FEB 11-12 -$179 LAS VEGAS 4 QUEENS JAN 21-23; 28-30; FEB 3-5; 4-6 $139 PPDO South of the Freeway US 60 Baseline Rd Meridian Auto Glass Replacement • Windshield Repair Chip Repair • Single Pane & Dual Pane Windows Mirrors • Tabletops Heavy Equipment Glass Commercial Store Fronts CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS/VALLEY WIDE SERVICE Approved By Major Insurance 900 W. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 85120 RONALD REAGAN LIBRARY/ AIRFORCE ONE/J.PAUL GETTY/ VILLA HOLLYWOOD MUSEUM x N The Hometown Newspaper ✰ Clifton “Cliff” Axt Clifton “Cliff” Axt passed away January 11, 2014 at home. He was born June 12, 1936 in Fresno, CA. He served in the Army from October 1954 through July 1956. He is survived by his wife of 19 years, Donna Mattson Johnson Axt, 3 children, Michelle, Bryon and Doug, 2 step children, Jeff and Jill and 2 grandchildren. He was past president of Apache Junction Chamber of Commerce and past owner of Realty Executives Sales office in Gold Canyon. No services will be held at his request. Joe P. Watters Joe P. Watters passed away on December 17, 2013 surrounded by the love of his family at the age of 75. He was born in 1938 in Oklahoma and served 22 years in the Navy. He is survived by his wife, Linda Watters of Gold Canyon, daughter, Gina Watters of Las Vegas, son, Ronaldo Watters of San Diego, granddaughter, Chanel Sinclair of Las Vegas, grandson, Michael Sinclair II, USN, step-son Adrian Watters of Tucson and numerous other grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, please remember Joe for the wonderful, kindhearted person he was. Smart Cremation is handling final arrangements. Memorial service, Friday, January 24th, 11am, National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona. Alice Lorraine “Mikki” (Wilson) Arnspiger Alice Lorraine “Mikki” (Wilson) Arnspiger, age 83, died December 30, 2013, in Mesa, Arizona. She and her identical twin sister were born on October 14, 1930, in a neighbor’s ranch house, east of Sundance, WY, to Erva Claire (Ives) and George Fearn. Their mother died shortly following their birth. Their father, unable to care for the two infants, consented to their adoption by his wife’s sister Winifred Beatrice (Ives) Wilson and FAIR Engage • Educate • Entertain Saturday, February 1st • 9am-2pm Apache Junction High School Cafeteria Sponsored by- 2525 S. Ironwood Dr. BUFFALO BILLS JAN 26-28 -$99 PPDO AVI RESORT 3 DAYS FEB 9-11 -$1,291 Apache Junction Clip & Save 480-338-0759 480-982-1238 480-985-4200 NEW HRS: MON-FRI 9AM - 3PM her husband the Reverend Albert Dewey Wilson, a Methodist minister. Due to various church assignments, the family lived in several different communities throughout Wyoming and Colorado. Mrs. Arnspiger was a 1949 graduate of Vernon High School, Vernon, CO. On October 4, 1950 she married Charles William Arnspiger in Grand Junction, CO. The couple had two children, Glen Allen and Patricia Lynn, and became legal guardians of Charlotte Lanell Tiger when she was four years old. They formally adopted Charlotte after she reached adulthood. The couple lived in Colorado until the early 1960’s when they moved to Bell Gardens, CA, and later to Cypress, CA. In 1988 and following retirement, “Mikki” and “Chuck” moved to Apache Junction. Chuck passed away on December 11, 2003, in Apache Junction, following fifty-three years of marriage. Mikki worked ten years at Disneyland and fifteen years at Knox Berry Farm where she was a buyer and warehouse manager. She was a direct descendant of six of the passengers on the Mayflower and was eligible for membership in the Mayflower Society. She enjoyed making miniature homes, setting up her Christmas villages and collecting hundreds of Santa Clauses. Until she lost her vision, she also enjoyed attending garage sales and flea markets. Besides her husband, Mikki was preceded in death by her biologic parents, her adoptive parents, her twin sister Erva Claire “Nikki” Paulus, and two brothers, Royce Charles Fearn and Albert Dale Wilson. She is survived by her son Glen Arnspiger of Banning, CA, her daughters Patricia (Daniel) Riley of Apache Junction and Charlotte (Robb) Lewis of Colorado Springs, CO. She is also survived by grandchildren Charlotte Renee Arnspiger, Shane Arnspiger, Dawn Arnspiger, Demi Nichole Lewis, Robbie Ann Lewis, Brandy Lewis, Billie Lewis (Chris) Covey, step-grandson Sean Riley, step granddaughters Erin (Gabriel) Ochoa and Megan Riley, and six great grandchildren and seven step great grandchildren. Other survivors include a sister Mildred Post of Reno, NV, a brother Don E. (Jerilyn) Wilson of Longmont, CO, and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Local Businesses Prizes Drawn every Hour Free Coffee • Food Vendors Local Entertainment For more information contact: Katie at (480) 982-3141 or ACCESSORY SPRING SALE Superstition Mountain Dental JUST GOOD LOW PRICES! We offer all the comforts of home to ensure the best dental experience possible. NO FALSE DISCOUNT Storage Cover NOW Reg. $108 $ Side Mirror Set 59 NOW $ 30 Reg. $49.98 Under Seat Trays Fleece Seat Covers NOW $ Reg. $64 ‘82-up Club Car 30 NOW Reg. $48 $ 24 Robinson Golf Car Supply 480-983-1234 2165 S. Coconino, Apache Junction, AZ 85120 (Idaho and Southern) $ 70ANY OFF SERVICE Must Present Coupon At Time Of Visit. SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY • NO CASH VALUE FIRST TIME PATIENTS ONLY. Expires 1-26-14 Matthew Scheerhorn, D.D.S. Jonathan Lovell, D.M.D. • New Patients Welcome • Walk Ins Welcome • Same-Day Emergencies • Same-Day Crowns • Satisfaction Guaranteed Dentures • Senior Discounts • Complimentary 2nd Opinions • Accept Most Insurances • 12 Months Same As Cash (OAC) Open Evenings... Call for an appointment! Major Credit Cards Welcome 5331 S. Superstition Mountain Dr. Suite #108 • Gold Canyon (in Bashas’ Plaza) • 480-671-7777 Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ The Hometown Newspaper January 20 - 26, 2014 ✰ Page A-3 Get What’s Coming To You From IRS Banner Hosts Free Earned Income Tax Credit available to low-income workers Heart Seminar The IRS may owe you money! You may qualify for federal tax credits and not even know it. The Earned Income Credit (EIC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) are federal tax benefits for working people like you. Some workers can receive a refund even if they don’t owe taxes. The EIC and CTC are valuable but complex tax breaks for working people that could be worth over $5,000. Residents who qualify for EIC and CTC may also receive free tax preparation assistance and free E-filing of their tax returns by IRS trained community volunteers. You could earn extra credit through the CTC! Workers raising children could get an even larger refund by claim- ing the CTC. Workers who raised a child under age 17 who lived with them for more than half the year could be eligible. The CTC is worth a maximum of $1,000 per child. Most families receive a credit worth several hundred dollars. To claim the CTC, a worker, spouse and child must have an SSN or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Get all the money YOU earned! If you were eligible for the EIC or CTC in the past but did not claim them, you can get your refund for up to three back years. Ask the volunteer tax preparers at the free tax help sites for help. Free Tax Preparation Services Don’t miss out on free tax preparation services! The Apache Trail Supply RIP’S Auto “Apache Junction’s NAPA Store” NATIONALLY KNOWN BUT LOCALLY OWNED BEST COVERAGE • COMPETITIVE PRICING QUICKEST DELIVERY TIME IN THE EAST VALLEY! HOURS: M-F 7:30 - 5:30 PM Saturday 8-4 PM Rip Vaché, Owner 50 Years Combined Experience We make A/C 986-7800 and Hydraulic Hoses 11206 E. Apache Trail (Next to Trails Transmission) Experts will address heart failure risks & prevention on Feb. 12 City of Apache Junction and the Apache Junction Public Library, in collaboration with the Internal Revenue Service and AARP Tax Aide, are offering a free tax preparation E-filing site in Apache Junction for ALL residents regardless of your eligibility for the above credits. The location for the free Efiling tax preparation site is the Apache Junction Public Library, 1177 N. Idaho Road, from February 5, 2014 to April 12, 2014. The tax preparation service is provided two times per day, Wednesday through Saturday, between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Reservations are required and can be made at the Library’s service desk or by calling (480) 4748555 after January 1, 2014. Reservations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. For further information regarding tax credits or volunteering to be a tax preparer, please contact Heather Patel, City of Apache Junction, at (480) 474-2635 or hpatel@ People should come prepared with the following items: • Proof of identification • Social Security Cards (or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, ITIN) for you, your spouse and dependents and/or a Social Security Number verification letter issued by the Social Security Administration • Birth dates for you, your spouse and dependents on the tax return • Current year’s tax package if you received one (not required when filing electronically) • Wage and earning statement(s) Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, from all employers • Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099) • A copy of last year’s Federal and State returns if available • Bank Routing Numbers and Account Numbers for Direct Deposit • Total paid for day care provider and the day care provider’s tax identifying number (the provider’s Social Security Number or the provider’s business Employer Identification Number) • The above site is an E-file site only; all returns will be filed electronically. Therefore, if married filing a joint tax return, both spouses must be present to sign the required forms. This program is sponsored by the City of Apache Junction, Apache Junction Public Library, the Internal Revenue Service and AARP Tax-Aide Banner Heart Hospital will offer a free heart failure seminar, “Success Over Failure: When Someone You Love Has Heart Failure,” from 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Primrose and Lupine Rooms at the facility, 6750 E. Baywood Ave. Topics will include disease prevention, modifiable risk factors, managing symptoms, signs of heart failure, and self-care management techniques. The event will include a question-and-answer session featuring panel of experts, including a registered dietician, clinical pharmacist, registered nurse, cardiologist, and an exercise physiologist. About 5.1 million people in the nation have heart failure, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To register, call (602) 2302273. FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE Health & Leisure Expo! Friday, January 24 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. Over 50 local health, wellness, and recreational service providers and businesses will share information, products and services. DOOR PRIZES! samples & literature will be available. (Door prize winners will be notified for the same day pick-up) Montesa @ Gold Canyon 7373 E. US Highway 60 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 SUNWEST DENTAL CENTERS Family Dentistry & Dentures Financing Available Through Chase Healthcare, Citi Health & Care Credit in house denture lab Repairs & Relines Available Eight Locations Valleywide Visit us at: and FREE 30 April 2012 Discover Sunwest Smiles Hi Ivory: EXAM, ORAL CANCER SCREENING & NECESSARY X-RAYS Below is the info that we would like to place in your paper. We would like it the normal size ($195.00/13 weeks) in the Worship Services section. Fr. Pinti does not think the logo is necessary. I have set it to the side on the copy below. If you would like to include it as an option that we could look at that would be great. If you too feel that it is too much, just omit it. Thanks for all of your help. Let me know if you have any questions. Peace - Must present this coupon Christine Ollive Walk-ins, Emergencies, Most Insurance & AHCCCS Plans Welcome! Apache Junction • 1601 W. Apache Trail, Suite 2 • 480-982-4200 St. George Catholic Church 300 E. 16th Avenue, Apache Junction, Arizona 85119 Phone: 480-982-2929 Family of Faith Bible Church 2/10 St. George Catholic Church Summer Liturgy Schedule May—August: Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Confessions 3:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 480-529-4201 Liturgy Schedule November: Saturday Mass 1:15, 3 & 4:30 p.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Sunday Mass 6:30, 8:15, 10, 11:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Holy Days of Obligation: 8, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. Sunday Service 10:00 AM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM 1075 S. Idaho Rd. Suite 107, Apache Junction, AZ 300 E. 16th Avenue, Apache Junction, Az. 85119 Phone: 480-982-2929 Church of Christ 4/14 609 S. Grand Dr., AJ Interpretations for Deaf Time of Services Sunday Bible Study 10:00am Worship 10:55am & 5:30pm Wednesday Bible Study 6:00pm office: 982-4744 David J. Lewis, Evangelist 1/27 Delaware Dr. Email: • Web: 11/10 4/14 Sunday Programs Worship Services–9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School– 9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School–10:30 a.m. Church of Christ Sunday Services: 10:30am and 2:00pm 105 S. Delaware Dr #11 • Apache Junction 480-659-3353 Bob Orear –Evangelist Sunday School... Worship... Traditional 8 & 9:30am Adult 8am Child/Youth 9:30am Praise 10:50am Children 10:50am Country Western Worship 5pm *Childcare available at all services 6640 S. KINGS RANCH RD • 480-982-3776 (North of Hwy. 60 in Gold Canyon) • 480.982-8266 1150 W. Superstition Boulevard, Apache Junction, AZ 85120 (480) 982-4081 Mid-Week Programs For Adults: Bible Studies & Life Groups For Youth: American Heritage Girls, Trail Life USA, High School & Middle School Groups Wed. Nights: Prayer Circle, Dinner & Study 4/21 2/3 2122 S. Goldfield Rd Mark Friedrich Pastor Winter Worship Schedule: Traditional Worship: Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Praise) and Sunday 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Praise Service (FLC) Sunday Adult Bible Study: 9:30 a.m. (coffee & fellowship preceding) Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (begin in sanctuary) email: Service Times Sunday “A Community of Faith” RANDY HALE - PASTOR 2001 S. Starr Road, AJ 480.982.9120 Web: “Where people are treasured more than gold” Come as you are • Family Friendly Sunday Services 10:00 a.m. 5810 S. Alameda Rd. Gold Canyon (On the corner of Alameda & Kings Ranch Rd.) (480) 288-5600 3/10 Fellowship Time 9:00 a.m. Bible Study all ages 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship & Children’s Church 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 p.m. Children & Youth Ministry Nursery available all services Advertise Your Place Of Worship Call 480.982.6397 3/3 3/31 Member of the AJ Chamber Of Commerce Since 2011 Page A-4 January 20 - 26, 2014 AJUSD Achievers Board honors Students/Employees of the Month for December Back row (left to right): Dr. Wilson, Clayton Young, Christian Pugarin, Carma Ihler, Alonzo Quintana, Katie Pan, Trentin Smith, AJ Elks Byron ‘Hux’ Russell. Front row (left to right): Mackenzie Dillon, Michelle Harper, Melissa Lofgreen, Michael Penge and Natalie Delintt The following students were recognized as Students-ofthe-Month for December at the January 14 meeting of the AJUSD Governing Board. The awards are sponsored by the Apache Junction Elks Lodge #2349. Chandler Donalds and Katie Pan from AJ High School; Carma Ihler and Alonzo Quintana from Cactus Canyon; Mackenzie Dillon and Christian Pugarin from Desert Vista; Michelle Harper and Clayton Young from Four Peaks; Melissa Lofgreen and Michael Penge from Peralta Trail; and Natalie Delintt and Trentin Smith from Supersti- Left to right: Jayne Ewell, Ana Baez, SMES Principal Heather Wallace and Lori Wine tion Mountain. AJUSD also honored Ana Baez, Jayne Ewell and Volunteer Lori Wine of Superstition Mountain Elementary School. ✰ Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News The Hometown Newspaper ✰ Golden Vista Resort Legacy Quartet Sings This Sunday Ribbon-cutting World-renowned group comes to Gold Canyon United Methodist Church Celebrating with Apache Junction Chamber of Commerce were (from left) Tracee Matthews, Century 21 owner; Percy Matthews, Century 21 broker/owner; Tracy Lane, Century 21 Realtor & Branch Manager; Deserie Perry, Golden Vista Resort Manager; and Heddi Mackey, Century 21 Realtor & Property Manager. Golden Vista Resort celebrated its 1st Annual Homeowner Appreciation Party & the Grand Opening of the Century 21 Towne & Country branch office at the resort on January 9. Homeowners at the resort enjoyed an afternoon of fun, free food, generous door prizes & live music. The event was hosted by Tracy Lane of Century 21 Towne & Country Realty and was also attended by Mayor John Insalaco, Vice-Mayor Robin Barker, Councilmember Gail Evans & County Supervisor Todd House. Golden Vista Resort is located at 3710 S. Goldfield Rd. Apache Junction, AZ (Goldfield and Baseline). For more information about Golden Vista Resort and owning your own land please contact Tracy Lane at (602) 904-0774 or email Tracy@ The Gold Canyon Film Festival celebrated their 2014 Spirit Awards Jan. 11 at the Gold Canyon Golf Resort. We Deliver 124 S. Ironwood • 480-982-1851 We Welcome: searching for new ways to praise God and thank Him for His many blessings! This concert is open to the public at no charge, as a free will offering will be received. Everyone is asked to please bring at least on non-perishable food item per person for the Gold Canyon United Methodist Church Food Bank. Come enjoy some great music by great musicians! Bring your family, friends and neighbors—they will thank you! The church is located at 6640 S. Kings Ranch Rd., one block north of Hwy 60 (Walgreens on the corner) in beautiful Gold Canyon, five miles east of Apache Junction. For more information, please call the church at (480) 982-3776. All are invited to free community event Gold Canyon Film Festival presents 2014 Spirit Awards Apache Junction Flowers Legacy Quartet Shop Local Fair GC Film Heritage Celebrated The festival was sponsored ing the film history of by the Apacheland Historical Apacheland Studios. Society, Inc., a nonprofit Ten years ago on “Sweetgroup committed to promot- heart’s Day” the Apacheland Studios was destroyed by fire during a Valentine’s Day dinner. Two of the surviving buildings, the Elvis MemoA Floral & Gift Gallery for any Occasion rial Chapel, that was built • Fresh Cut Flowers for the movie Charro, and • Stuffed Animals/Gifts the Apacheland barn were • Blooming Plants moved to Superstition • Green Plants Mountain Museum by Gold • Weddings Canyon volunteers. The • Funeral Designs move was coordinated by • Balloon Bouquets Larry Hedrick, who was in • And much more! charge of special operations Your Hometown Florist Since 1974 and is the co-founder of Superstition Historical Society. The Apacheland Cowboy Spirit Award 2014 went to Tom Kollenborn, who in the 1960s was a working cowboy for the Barkley Cattle Company that later became the location for Apacheland. “My first involvement with Apacheland was when my wife Sharon and her friend purchased a hundred shares New Patients and each of the first stock options offered for sale to the public Winter Visitors by Superstition Mountain Same day appointments Enterprises, Inc. in July usually available 1960,” he wrote in “Kollenborn’s Chronicles.” Hours: The Apacheland Cowgirl Monday-Friday Spirit Award 2014 went to 8am-5pm Sharon Kollenborn for her early investment in the Dr. Jason Heavens, M.D. Apacheland dream—a dream Board Certified - Family Medicine that became a reality: Apacheland Studios 1959-2004. Mike Moroff Burciaga, is the recipient of the Apacheland Spirit Award 2014. Presented by Master of Ceremonies, Ron Nix. Mike worked twenty-five years with World Champion, Ben Johnson, singing the National Anthem. One day The Gold Canyon United Methodist Church’s Performing Arts Series again presents the Legacy Quartet in their 8th annual concert in the fabulous acoustics of the church’s Sanctuary on Sunday, January 26 at 3 p.m. This very popular group is world-renowned, having performed six tours of South Korea, three tours of Australia and many venues in Canada. Additionally, they have toured Cuba with Dr. Jim Groen and Global Connections, International, and throughout Central and Western United States. They began in 1981 as a quartet in the Southern Gospel tradition but have become so much more, incorporating Contemporary Christian music, even some traditional sacred music, Broadway, patriotic and popular music. This group not only does it all, but does it all very well, indeed! Their music truly is timeless and their audience continues to grow as they continue to increase their repertoire, Emcee Ron Nix (right) presented Mike Moroff Burciaga with the 2014 Apacheland Spirit Award. Johnson ask Mike if he knew how to ride. After working with Ben Johnson, Mike won 26 Team Roping Championships as a heeler. While working as a DJ for KPHX, Mike was persuaded to try his hand at acting by Jorge Rivero and Andres Garcia. Mike never looked back at radio. His film history includes LaBamaba, Robo Cop, and Scarface. Mike has appeared in more than 120 movies and 140 television productions and gives credit to Ben Johnson for his success. The Apache Junction Chamber of Commerce 2014 Shop Local Fair will be held Saturday, Feb. 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Apache Junction High School campus in the cafeteria, 2525 S. Ironwood Dr. The fair will have table displays from local businesses and leaders as well as local entertainment and food carts. Free coffee and prizes! Open to the public, admission and parking are free. AZ Foot & Ankle Certified Anodyne Neuropathy Center Specializing In: • Diabetic Care • Heel Pain • Ingrown Toenails • Custom Orthotics • Diabetic Shoes • Ankle Sprains • Custom Braces Glen N. Robison DPM Less than 10 min. drive for AJ residents 10238 Hampton Ave. Ste. 501, Mesa AZ 85209 (In the Mountain Vista Medical Center) 480-984-FEET (3338) NEW LOCATION!! Serving the community for over 15 years! osmetic Dent ily & C i 209 W. Apache Trail R. Abedi DDS Fam stry Apache Junction, AZ. 85120 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL 49 $ Walk-Ins Welcome EXAM X-RAYS CLEANING One coupon per person. New patients only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 1/26/14. Complimentary 2nd Opinions • Senior Discounts Free Implant/Denture Consultations Same Day Emergencies call today! (480) 288-5955 Jacobs Ranch Located at Southern and Tomahawk, Apache Junction, AZ 85119 Sales Office Hours: 10am to 5pm (480) 888-7826 Only 26 Lots Left 6 Available Spec Homes Heated Pool • 2 Playground Areas • Basketball Court • BBQ Grills • Volley Ball Court • Dog Park • Gated Community Club House w/Big Screen TV • Pool Table • Weight Room • Nearby Hiking Trails • Great Mountain Views PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $850 PER MONTH • KAUFFMANHOMES.COM Broadway San Marcos Haciendas Del Este Located at Broadway and San Marcos, Apache Junction, AZ 85120 Sales Office Hours: 10am to 5pm (480) 982-4100 Located at N. Wesley and University Rd., Mesa, AZ 85207 ( Just East of Crismon) • Sales Office Hours: 10am to 5pm (480) 357-3775 Only 8 Lots Left • 6 Available Spec Homes Only 30 Lots Left • 6 Available Spec Homes Club House w/Big Screen TV • Sand Tot Lot • Outside Patio Sitting Dog Park • Pool • Weight Equipment • Great Mountain Views • Gated Community Small Family Community • Covered Picnic Tables • BBQ Pits Dog Park • Great Mountain Views The Hometown Newspaper ✰ Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ January 20 - 26, 2014 Page A-5 Phil Rakoci’s ‘Wild Arizona’ Discover Superior This Week AJUSD’s Arizona Lecture Series goes wild January 27 6th Annual Superior Home & Building Tour: Jan. 25-26 While normally focused on the two-legged creatures that helped develop Arizona’s history and culture, the Jan. 27 edition of the 2014 Arizona Lecture Series will feature the four-legged, no-legged, and feathered inhabitants of our state as part of Phil Rakoci’s Wild Arizona. Through hands-on analysis using live creatures, ‘Wildman’ Phil will highlight the unique characteristics of desert wildlife, their desert homes, and the way the lives of these vastly different animals are interwoven, creating a community where each has its purpose and place. Rakoci will discuss the defensive strategies and interesting adaptations of these creatures, while separating fact from fiction in the world of scorpions, rattlesnakes, tarantulas and other desert fauna. Naturalist and humorist Phil Rakoci captivates audiences by combining elements of a wildlife safari with a handson science expedition to teach Naturalist and humorist Phil Rakoci captivates audiences by combining elements of a wildlife safari with a hands-on science expedition. respect for the environment, identifying dangerous creatures and situations, and dispelling some of the myths about life in the desert. An Arizona native, Rakoci has a passion for all things prickly, pointy and venomous. His home is a living laboratory of the desert and Rakoci takes his ‘pets’ on the road throughout the western U.S. to entertain and educate audiences of all ages. Lectures begin at 7 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center, located at 2525 S. Ironwood Alliance Steel Building Company “Your Steel Building Professionals” INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL Any Size Available RESIDENTIAL • PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS • CUSTOM BUILT SHOPS • Rigid Frame Steel Buildings • Designed & Built To Suit Your Needs • Maintenance FREE 25 Year Paint Guarantee • Metal Roofing Available FREE ROC# RES/COMM. 191386 QUOTES 480-986-6655 52 N. Meridian Rd. • Apache Junction, AZ 85120 Lotus Garden Chinese Cuisine $ Your Neighborhood Chinese Restaurant 3 OFF GREAT CHINESE FOOD Wines & Beers Also Available Any purchase of $15 or more. $ Take out or dine in. Must present coupon. One per table. Expires 2/10/14. 5 OFF Any purchase of $20 or more. LUNCH COMBOS 79 Starting at $ Dinner Only. Take out or dine in. Must present coupon. One per table. Expires 2/10/14. 5 183 W. Apache Trail #104 • Apache Junction AZ 85120 National acts, local favorites, an incredible quilt show, fabulous food, a giant model train exhibit, a classic car show and so much more are all on tap at the Annual Festival held at the Pinal Fairgrounds and Event Center. Two stages packed with talented musicians provide nonstop toe tapping music. The fun begins Friday, Jan. 24 and runs through Sunday Jan. 26. Just $8 includes all of the entertainment. Big name bands include Special Consensus, James Reams and the Barnstormers, Silverado Bluegrass Band, Thomas Lions Club 480-671-8668 Country & Variety Music Show 11am-9pm Setting The Standard For Family Dentistry AFFORDABLE DENTAL CARE • Emergencies Seen & Walk-ins Welcome • Same Day Dentures or Denture Lab Located On Site • Invisalign (Clear Braces) Denture Reline Partials • Zoom! 1 Hour Whitening Available • Dental Implants Available • Senior Discount With New Patients Exam, • 0% Financing Available (Care Credit) X-Rays & Cleaning • Most Insurance Accepted & FREE Filed For You $ ~ Consultation • Se Habla Espanol 179 100 OFF $ FREE TEETH WHITENING 50 OFF Crowns & $225 OFF Immediate Dentures Owners George Ybarra & Lola Rubal Ybarra One Hour HOURS Denture Mon-Fri Repairs 8am-5pm Call for Sat Appt. 480-354-6177 10839 E Apache Trail Ste. #119, Apache Junction, AZ 85220 Located at Old Goodwill Plaza (SE Corner of Signal Butte & Apache Trail) 17th Annual 1 Performance Only Fri. Jan. 31st 6 to 9 p.m. AJHS Performing Arts Center Southern & Ironwood Featuring: H H “The King’s Quartet” H H Old Time Gospel Songs H Kevin Huang & H H Lion Gary Gjerstad H H Accomplished Violinist H Paula Williamson H H Sings Patsy Cline Songs & H 5 Time Yodeling Champion H H Red Mountain Brass H Quintet H H $5 per Student $10 General Admission Benefit for High School Scholarship Fund Canned foods appreciated for Food Bank Tickets available at the Chamber of Commerce in Apache Junction, purchase at the door the night of the show, or from any member of the Lions Club. For “Will Call” reservations call: 480-982-9260, 480983-4460. For more information call any of the numbers listed. The Chamber of Commerce number is 480-982-3141. Complimentary wheelchair service will be available from parking lot curbside to front door. Wheelchairs have been donated for use from RTA Home care Inc. Fresh, Friendly & Festive For the most authentic and flavorful Mexican food in town! Happy OPEN EARLY Super FOR BREAKFAST Hour Breakfast Monday-Friday 2-5pm Margaritas & Domestic Beer SAT/SUN 5 NEW! MEXICAN BREAKFAST MENU 30 TACO TUESDAYS! Chicken, Beef or Pork Dine In Only 2 $ 50 Available SAT/SUN 8-10AM $ 51 2 $ 50 OFF ONE ENTREE % With purchase of 2 drinks & entree of equal or lesser value. One coupon per table. Not to be combined with any other offers. Expires 1-26-14. DINE IN ONLY mous Mata Ortiz potters from Mexico will be crafting and firing their unique pottery during the event. Engage in a didgeridoo show at one of the homes on Sunday. Gaze at the majestic mountains and “Discover Superior.” Tour begins at the Chamber of Commerce, 165 W. Main Street, Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $12 for tour ($10 prepaid), good both days. All other events free. BONUS! All ticket holders receive 2 for 1 tickets to the Boyce Thompson Arboretum and the Renaissance Festival! (520) 689-0200 or (602) 625-3151. Agri-Country Bluegrass Festival Gets Ready to Jam Apache Junction Open 7 Days Unique, renovated, homes and buildings are on the tour and meet Wyatt Earp on Saturday. Bluegrass Festival Jan. 24-26 (SW Corner of Idaho Rd. & Apache Trail by Fry’s) $ Dr. on the campus of Apache Junction High School. Individual tickets are available for $5 and season tickets are available for $50. Tickets may be purchased at the door, at the AJUSD District Office, or online at by clicking on the ‘Community’ tab, then ‘PAC Tickets.’ The 2014 Arizona Lecture Series continues Monday, February 3rd, with Superstition Wilderness Backcountry by Lon McAdam. For more information, call (480) 9821110, ext. 2250. Nestled at the foot of the Apache Leap Mountain is the little town of Superior, just 30 minutes East of Apache Junction. Thousands of people drive by but rarely get off the highway to look around. For the past ten years the town has been rebuilding, after being hard hit by copper mine shutdowns in the 1980s. Superior proudly shows off her progress at the 6th annual Home and Building Tour on Saturday, Jan. 25 and Sunday, Jan. 26. Unique, renovated, homes and buildings, several with an artist’s touch, will reach out to you. Visit Mattie Earp’s grave and meet Wyatt Earp on Saturday! Enjoy a featured art studio along with an art show. Shop a great antique show at the recently refurbished Magma Club (c.1920) while live music is played on the veranda. Authors and historians will share fascinating facts about the area. Take a guided tour of the Pinal Cemetery on Saturday. The fa- SAT/SUN 8AM-3PM Mariachis 5:30-7:30pm 1st Monday of every month 280 S. Phelps • 480-288-LOCO(5626) • Porter and The Copper River Band, Jeff Scroggins and Colorado, Run Boy Run, and many more. Visit for a complete list of bands and schedule. The Agri-Country Bluegrass Festival is a rain or shine event. The main stage is indoors, as is the quilt show and train display. The festival is held at the Pinal Fairgrounds and Event Center at 512 S. 11 Mile Corner Road, Casa Grande. Mark your calendars now for January 26–24, 2014. Kids 12 and under are free! Admission for 13 and over is just $8 and includes all of the great entertainment. Camping is available on site and includes festival admission. For more details visits or call (520) 723-7881. The Agri-Country Bluegrass Festival features big-name bands like Special Consensus (right). Air Conditioning ~ Plumbing ~ Electrical Licensed • Bonded • Insured Over 30 years experience serving customers in the valley Service & New Installation Commercial & Residential 10% Discount for Seniors & Mulvey Plumbing Veterans and Mechanical 480.832.0356 ROC#’s 283413 K-39 & 284254 K-37 Sierra Electric 480.215.0585 ROC# 175765 We accept Cash, Checks and Credit Cards Page A-6 January 20 - 26, 2014 ✰ Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ The Hometown Newspaper AJ Mounted Rangers Donate Children’s Author To Speak Cellos To Cactus Canyon Band At Superstition Mtn. Museum Award-winning science writer Conrad Storad speaks Jan. 23 By Betty Swanson Special to the News Interstate Carports We’ve got your covered! Carports • RV Covers • Buildings • Garages 3All steal construction 3Fire & rust resistant g At Startisnt ju $ 795 Dealer A-Plus Product Source 832 North Main Dr. Apache Jct. 480-288-8331 d installe Call NOW (Corner of Superstition for free quote Blvd & N. Main Dr.) Rail Yard, A-1 Initially proposed by Union Pacific in 2006, the ‘Red Rock’ project would involve the auction and purchase state trust land by Union Pacific near Red Rock in central Pinal County. The land would be developed into a Union Pacific classification yard where rail cars would be separated and classified and trains assembled, improving Union Pacific’s ability to create value for its many customers in Arizona. Advocates of the project believe the new yard will create jobs and generate new tax revenue for local governments and schools. A focused dialogue among the interested parties recently culminated in an agreement to a study period of roughly one year in which a series of unanswered questions regarding Union Pacific’s ability to purchase the property will be addressed. The stakeholders will carefully study how to protect the provision of access to the I-10 freeway and neighboring parcels of state land, address drainage and flood control and determine land value. The negotiations are expected to last at least one year. Award winning children’s author Conrad Storad will address the SMM lecture series attendees on Jan. 23. Book Award, and a Best Book Award from USA Book News. Storad has also been honored by being named “Arizona Children’s Author of the Year.” During his presentation, Storad will share some of his methods for getting young readers “turned on” to read- “Because Experience Matters” See us at the AJ HIGH SCHOOL ROTC CAR SHOW Saturday, Feb 8, 2014! Your Hometown Realtor The market is back! 2013 AZDRE Audit Honor Role 1000 West Apache Trail, Suite 107 Apache Junction, AZ 85120 (480) 983-9600 RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE Superstition Search & Rescue A 501c 3 nonprofit organization – All donations welcome Smith & Wesson M&P 5.56NATO/.223 16” 30RD $5 a ticket 5 tickets for $20 MSRP $1069 Call Roger at 602-919-2707 or purchase your tickets at AJ Chamber. Drawing held Feb. 23, 2014 at the Lost Dutchman Days Rodeo Grounds. Winning ticket holder will be contacted and published in The Apache Junction/Gold Canyon NEWS. Raffle prize will need to be picked up at “The Gun Depot” in Mesa, Arizona. Winner may opt out and accept $600 cash. Need not be present to win. RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE A tuition-free STEM College Preparatory Campus Discover how our 21st Century education prepares you for college, career, and life. )'&"!$"#$#$% )!"!"$%%%% )'!$" !&&" '!&("% )#"$&%' $ #% % ) '%$!%#"$&&"!!"'$"$"" Call, click, or come in today! 480-355-0530 Nothing says “I love you” like a good breakfast. • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • Imagine Prep: from • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • RAFFLE • Lugging that large, bulky instrument to and from school is over for two lucky cello players at Cactus Canyon Junior High School. The Apache Junction Mounted Rangers have brought two of the expensive stringed instruments to the school’s band as a gift and received smiles from the kids as their reward. The Rangers’ next project will be to donate a new drum set. A good nonfiction story should be more than just a bunch of facts, according to author Conrad J. Storad. “Nonfiction stories should be fun,” he states. And he has spent his career trying to do exactly that with each and every book that he has written for children and young adults. Storad will share his philosophy on presenting science and other non-fiction using storytelling techniques when he speaks at the Superstition Mountain Museum on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 2 p.m. as part of the museum’s free annual lecture series. Former award-winning Director of Research Publications at Arizona State University, Storad is an academic science writer and an awardwinning author of children’s books, as well. In some ways science writer and children’s author might seem an odd combination. But Storad has taken this unique combination of skills and used his vivid imagination and vast scientific knowledge to create entertaining books to get kids excited about science. In 2012, Arizona Way Out West & Witty, co-authored with Lynda Exley, was named “One Book Arizona for Kids.” Every student in Arizona read the book in 2012 as part of Arizona’s Centennial celebration. It was also selected to represent Arizona as part of the “52 Great Reads” program run annually at the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. by the National Center for the Book at the Library of Congress. The Arizona Way Out West & Wacky activity book won the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award, the Moonbeam Children’s ing. Many of his books will be available for purchase and signing after the presentation. Admission is free and the presentations are held outdoors in the amphitheater. Attendees can bring a lawn chair or cushion to sit on. As a museum fundraiser, raffle tickets for weekly prizes and a season-end Grand Finale Drawing for a special prize are sold each week. The Superstition Mountain Museum is run by the Superstition Mountain Historical Society, a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving and collecting the history and legends of Superstition Mountain and the surrounding area. For more information about the 2014 Free Lecture Series and other upcoming events, go to or call (480) 983-4888. Looking For An Affordable Dentist? NO INSURANCE? NO PROBLEM! Ask about our in-house dental plan NEW PATIENT SPECIAL $29 Includes... EXAM, X-RAYS & CLEANING* *In absence of gum disease. New patients only. Expires 2/4/14. Family Owned & Operated 70 YEARS 1944 – 2014 Franklin D. Hulme, D.D.S. 3061 W. Apache Trail, Suite 1 Apache Junction 982-9009 671-1111 Located on Kings Ranch Rd. & US 60 next to “Urgent Care” ® © 2014, Hickman's Family Farms Franklin D. Hulme, D.D.S. 6804 S. Kings Ranch Road, Suite 102, Gold Canyon Located on the S.E. corner of Meridian & Apache Trail in Safeway Center The Hometown Newspaper The News is the area’s ONLY full size newspaper, the ONLY locally owned newspaper The News 1075 S. Idaho Rd., #102, Apache Junction, 85119 January 20 - 26, 2014 ✰ Page A-7 Viewpoint & Opinion Guest Commentary Source: Arizona Newspaper Association Directory ers Lett the to tor Edi Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News “Everyone has the power for greatness -- not for fame, but greatness, because greatness is determined by service.’ — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., ... and reaches more people in Apache Junction & Gold Canyon than any other publication ✰ Deadline for letters to the editor is 4:30 p.m. Thursday. The News does not print anonymous letters. Letters must include your name for publication. Letters must also include an address and phone number, which will not be published, but is used for verification of authenticity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less and do not use CAPITALIZATION for emphasis. Kudos to Chuck Baker I would like to say “Thank you” to Chuck Baker and the AJ News for the awesome articles you write and have written about the Student Athletes of Apache Junction. It is great joy to see your child’s name in the paper and the way you write is super!! I believe I speak for all the parents, Aunts, Uncle and Grandparents of athletes in AJ!! The best article I ever read was about my nephew Tim Harlan when he won sate in wrestling--everyone I know shed a few tears!! I remember the joy I received when I would see my name in the Shiawassee County Journal - Perry, MI :) and I know these young athletes feel the same! I will continue to look forward to more articles as more of family enjoys sports in Apache Junction. Thanks again Mr. Baker and please keep writing. A Forever Fan, Shelly Powser Aliens Referring to your editorial (Que Pasa) about surveys and their results; very interesting and sadly amusing. I think that the question about aliens needs clarification, however. There really should be two questions: (1) does life, perhaps intelligent life, exist outside of Earth? (2) have we been visited by any of that life? I believe that the answer to (1) is probably “yes.” It is the height of human arrogance to think that of all the billions of planets in the Universe, ours is the only one on which life has evolved. The answer to (2), however, is almost certainly “no.” The laws of physics and the great distances involved make interstellar travel all but impossible. Robert Ryden, Apache Junction The bird I am a winter visitor from Canada. When we first came to Apache Junction there was a large statute of a Quail on Phelps Dr. I remember it was stolen. Did it ever turn up? We walk past the location and the foot prints are still there. We never did hear the outcome of the bird. Any information would be appreciated. Jill Barden, Rock Shadows Editor’s note: The large, beautiful statue of a desert quail which was erected by the City of Apache Junction on S. Phelps Drive was not stolen, but repeatedly vandalized until it’s condition was no longer safe for the public. The statue was finally removed by the city and officials say they have no plans for the future of the statue. It’s been a gas! It is with a little bit of sadness that Saturday, January 25, Apache Propane, Inc. will be closing it’s doors. Apache Propane has served Apache Junction, Queen Valley, Queen Creek and East Mesa with their propane needs for 53 years. Paul and Donna Munyon started Apache Propane back in 1961 and their son Steve took over in 1982 when they retired. Steve married Georgi in 1995 and they have been running the company together to this day. We and our faithful employee Bruce wanted to thank all our loyal customers for propane and UHaul we have had over the years. We will truly miss you all. Steve and Georgi Munyon, Apache Propane Open letter to Supreme Court According to State Law, you are not meant to divulge a Whistle-Blower yet Lawrence M. WHARTON did exactly that to me when he ‘outed’ me publicly. He did this by bringing the case against me and using my name in the public domain (rather than “John Doe”). Elliott Fisher CR 2012-02-576 (Still Pending). Remember, Wharton was meant to uphold the law not simply to prosecute in his former capacity as Deputy Attorney for the Pinal County Attorney’s Office. Under the color of law, he acted with an evil eye and an uneven hand. My background here in Pinal County is political so his motivation could stem from politics. I was a candidate in 2008 for Pinal County Supervisor, former District II. I feel compelled to protest his name being considered for the position of a Superior Court Judge. His lack of integrity has brought dishonor that should not be rewarded and potentially discourages other Whistle-Blowers from coming forward. This will impede good government for years to come if the State of Arizona does not protect Whistle-Blowers. Wharton had not considered either State or Federal laws when he brought the charges against me and in what manner he did so using my legal name. Wharton’s lack of sensitivity caused me severe embarrassment and harm in my political aspirations as a community advocate and medical provider. Elliott Fisher, Apache Junction, Licensed Practical Nurse Apache Junction Gold Canyon An Educated Workforce Critical to Arizona’s Future By Dr. Chad Wilson Superintendent, Apache Junction Unified School District While the tide may slowly be turning, unemployment in Arizona still hovers near eightpercent with thousands of prospective workers facing limited opportunities, long lines at job fairs, and an uncertain financial future. The irony of the situation is there are many jobs available with companies desperate to fill them. So what’s the problem? The problem has never been a lack of workers in this state, but a shortage of skilled labor. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics found that in Arizona alone, nearly 60,000 manufacturing jobs have left the state over the past 10 years, leaving us with an economy led primarily by office support, sales and food services— jobs with median salaries ranging from $18,000 to just over $30,000. Meanwhile, the growing industries of technology, solar, engineering and health care endure a shortage of qualified applicants, forcing companies to search out of state to fill their vacancies. To compound the problem, Arizona’s workforce is growing older and even less-skilled. Arizona State University’s Morrison Institute reports that Arizona will lose 123,000 college-educated workers to retirement by 2020. Unfortunately, not nearly enough college graduates are in the pipeline ready to replace the retiring employees. A study by the Arizona Board of Regents reports that of the 53,392 students who graduated from Arizona high schools in 2006, only 19 percent went on to graduate from a four-year college institution. Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce says by 2018, 61-percent of jobs in Arizona are expected to require a college degree. Without an influx of skilled workers, either produced instate, or brought in from the outside, Arizona’s economy will continue to struggle under present conditions. The time to raise the bar of expectations in our schools has arrived and every student from kindergarten through graduate school must answer the call. High school diplomas are no longer a guaranteed ticket to at least a middleclass way of life. Our state cannot be satisfied with simply preparing students to get in to college; we must also build the academic foundation to help students succeed after they arrive on campus. To provide an educated workforce to fill “skilled” jobs that provide a decent salary and drive Arizona’s economy, attention and resources must be given to real-world application learning. At the Apache Junction Unified School District (AJUSD), our College Readiness For All expectation strives to address this very need at every grade level with a curriculum that provides rigorous instruction relevant to the needs of today’s workplace. Using both Blended and Project-Based Learning, students learn through doing rather than memorizing and repeating information in order to develop problem-solving, creative-thinking skills that will help our students stand out among their peers. Beginning with last year’s Class of 2013, Apache Junction High School requires four years of mathematics to graduate, in addition to the current requirements of three years of science and one year of Career Foundations that can include any number of Career Technical Education (CTE) courses. AJHS also offers nine Advanced Placement and PreAdvanced Placement courses in science and math, as well as partnerships with the East Valley Institute of Technology and Central Arizona College Dr. Chad Wilson, AJUSD Superintendent to give students a variety of options for developing their skills at the college level while still in high school. AJUSD also recognizes technology as a critical component for most skilled jobs. Today, students require a high level of technical literacy to be competitive in tomorrow’s job market. To give students that exposure, we are proud to offer a ‘one-to-one’ opportunity in Grades 7-10 where each student has daily access to Chromebook and Netbook computers for their assignments and research. Despite the intimidating unemployment numbers we are facing, high-paying jobs are out there and ready to be filled. Not providing a sufficient number of skilled candidates to the industries shaping our future is unacceptable. Communities and school systems must make the commitment that tomorrow, we will be better than we are today. Kollenborn’s Chronicles Read the Chronicles archive at Why the Story of the Dutchman’s Lost Mine? By Tom Kollenborn (c) 2014 The News Many times the question has been asked, “Why the story of the Dutchman’s lost mine?” How did such a story get started? Some sources will tell you this is the “grand daddy” of all lost gold mine stories, dating back to the 1890s when the first article about the lost mine appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1895. P.C. Bicknell, a free-lance writer and prospector with an imaginative mind wrote the article. The Arizona Republican printed its first story about the Dutchman’s lost mine on December 7, 1895. The German prospector known as the Dutchman died on October 25, 1891, and both articles appeared about four years after his death. These events set the stage for the evolution of the “grand daddy” of all lost gold mine stories in America. Yes, there were many storytellers of the period that helped carry the story along its course to stardom. These names included men like Herman Petrasch, Rhinehart Petrasch, Richard Holmes, James Bark, Sims Ely, and others of this era. Julia Thomas Shaffer enlightened the story and became the first searcher of the Dutchman’s lost mine. During her search of August 1892, she unknowingly walked over the rich gold mine known as the Mammoth on the way to a pointed peak behind Superstition Mountain. Her search for the mine produced nothing. By the turn of the 20th Century the lost mine story had been well infused in the historical fiber of Arizona. By 1925 many authors were picking up of the tale. Will -Member- Tom Kollenborn For more on the Superstition Wilderness go online to Kollenborn Chronicles Barry Storm’s book Thunder God’s Gold became the basis of the 1949 movie Lust For Gold (above) starring Glenn Ford and Ida Lupino. Left: The Lost Dutchman Monument. Robinson mentioned the lost mine in his book Alluring Arizona and of course Frank J. Dobie’s book, In The Footsteps of Coronado, published in 1931. Actually, by 1931, the story of the Dutchman’s lost mine had been well established in the American fiber of lost mine stories. However, nothing opened the story to national publicity like the disappearance of a Washington, D.C. resident in the early summer of 1931. Adolph Ruth was reported missing from his camp in West Boulder Canyon at Willow Springs by William A. Barkley in May of 1931. A twomonth search was initiated and produced an enormous amount of publicity for the lost Spanish or Mexican gold mine Ruth was looking for in the Superstition Mountain. Many of these stories printed in the papers added credibility to the story of lost gold in the rugged mountains east of Arizona Newspaper Association Apache Junction Chamber of Commerce Gold Canyon Business Association NEWS Owners 1075 S. Idaho Rd. Suite 102 Apache Junction, Az. 85119 Chuck & Pattie Baker • (480) 982-6397 • FAX 982-3707 •Web Site: • E-Mail: Ed & Robin Barker Publisher/Editors News - Ed Barker Sports - Chuck Baker Office Staff Joni Wilson, Mgr. Luana Shaw Apache Junction. The Ruth story helped create the tale of the Dutchman lost mine on a national level. The tragic story was followed by a surge of authors writing about the area. First there was Oren Arnold, then Barry Storm, followed by Barney Barnard and many more writers of the period 1934-1952. These writers set the world stage for the story of the Dutchman’s lost mine. No, you cannot give the local Chamber of Commerce credit for creating this story to attract tourists to the area. This story was here long before any tourists visited Arizona, even before the first “lungers” came to the desert around 1900 with hopes of finding a cure for “consumption” or Tuberculosis. Barry Storm wrote a book in 1945 titled Thunder God’s Gold. This book became the basis of a Hollywood movie titled Lust For Gold starring Glenn Ford and Ida Lupino Writers/Reporters Chuck Baker Ed Barker Bill Van Nimwegen Joni Wilson Tom Kollenborn in 1949. This movie converted many a person into a lost gold mine adventurer. I could list the names of many who followed in the footsteps of that story. Actually believing there was twenty million dollars in gold just to be picked up in the mountains. They would have to wait at the right spot for the moonlight to point out the location of the mine or cache of gold according to the movie. It is interesting how many devoted follower of this story exist today. It’s a story I have followed all my life and even my father before me. But, I’m a skeptic as far as the story goes. I have met some of the most honest and sincere people who believe with all their heart and soul that there is buried gold in the Superstition Mountain range. I can’t deny the fact that these mountains could hide something buried there a hundred years ago, but yet I find it difficult to believe. There are many stories of hidden or buried gold in these mountains. Take you pick because men and women will be searching for their dreams forever. Human nature has a tendency to accept segments of our dreams and proceed toward reality. There is a Dutchman’s lost mine because there are those in society who have chosen to honor the dreams of prosperity. Therefore, why not a lost gold mine in the Superstition Mountains? Advertising Trish Barwick, Mgr. Denise Veneklasen Joni Wilson - Classified Graphic Design Trisha Beltran, Mgr. January 20 - 26, 2014 ✰ Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News Discover Arizona Parks A letter from State Parks Director Bryan Martyn By Bryan Martyn AZ State Parks director of Arizona. More than re-discovering Arizona’s natural beauty, I discovered an amazing passion among those who come to Arizona. People really love this state. They come from all over the world to vacation, hike, explore, live and work. They appreciate all that Arizona has to offer and return again and again. This year’s Federal Government shutdown took place during my Campout Series. It was amazing to see first-hand the reaction of our state’s guests and the impact upon Federal Park employees and local businesses. (Arizona State Parks remained open as we are a State entity and not Federal). Make no mistake, outdoor recreation and tourism drives the economies of rural Arizona. People from all over the world want to spend their time and money in Arizona’s outdoors. As Arizonans, we need to ensure we protect and promote our outdoor treasures. We must make every effort to preserve our deserts, forests, lakes, rivers, streams and trails. President Theodore Roosevelt said The last half of this year I embarked upon a journey throughout Arizona to the majority of our State Parks. The journey was called “The Director’s Campout Series.” The idea was to get out to the parks. I wanted to see and experience the treasures of our State Parks’ system, to camp and hike and explore, to talk and listen, to interact with our customers, volunteers, camp hosts and Rangers. I wanted to use the facilities, the bathrooms, the showers, the ramadas, the fire pits, the lakes, the streams and the trails. I wanted to experience the parks as our customers experience the parks. I discovered far more than I thought I would. Arizona is an amazing state. Living all over the world for more than 20 years in the military, I have seen some incredibly beautiful places. From Europe, to Asia, to the Middle East and across America, I’ve truly ventured far and wide. There is no place on the planet that boasts the diverse beauty Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014 9am - 2pm Free Admission & Parking DRAGER SCBA EQUIPMENT PHOENIX VEHICLE/FIREARM AUCTION @ 8AM T HURSDAY J ANUARY 23 RD TO T UESDAY J ANUARY 28 TH SATURDAY J AN 25 th 3570 NW Grand Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85019 Preview: Friday, January 24th 8am-5pm. Doors open at 7am morning of sale Repo • Seized • Government AUCTIONS INCLUDE: • 2009 Chevrolet Malibu • 2002 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Ext Cab • 2005 Dodge Durango 4x4 • 2003 Ford Expedition, and More - PLUS • 200+ Firearms Check the website for details: Preview by Appointment - Call Sierra Auction at 602-242-7121 LIVE ONLINE BIDDING AT SIERRAAUCTION.COM Phoenix: 602.242.7121 Purchase any entree and two beverages and receive a second entree of equal or lesser value (480) 474-1588 Idaho Rd. & US 60 FREE! Apache Junction (480) 699-6542 5055 E. McKellips W. of Higley Rd. in Mesa Valid at these locations only. Not valid with specials, any other offer or discount. Expires 1/26/14. Dine-In Only. Maximum Value of $6.00. Valid Monday-Friday Only. Proudly Serving Chicken, Burgers, Steaks, Salads, Soups, Chili & Desserts Too! Open 24 Hrs ~ 7 Days A Week FREE Entree! Join Us For Breakfast, Lunch AND Dinner! Apache Greyhound Park Daily Special Delicious 1/3 lb. ONLY Cheeseburger & FriesDine In Only $ 00 6 HRS: SUN-THURS 6AM-10PM FRI & SAT 6AM-MIDNIGHT OPEN LATE IN THE LOUNGE KARAOKE Fri/Sat 8:30PM-12:30AM 99¢ Coffee w/purchase of a meal COUPON BREAKFAST This coupon is valid M-F 6am-11am. Not valid on Holidays. 2 $ 99 2 Eggs, Hashbrown & Toast 2 Eggs, Hashbrown & Toast With Bacon or Sausage 3 Happy Hour 4-6pm $2.25 All Draft Beers HORSE AND GREYHOUND WAGERING OPEN DAILY 10 AM - Midnight 220 S. Delaware Dr. • AJ 480-982-2371 Expires 1/24/14 AJN The Apache Junction Public Library now offers Culture Passes! The Culture Pass Program allows patrons to check out passes for two free admissions to participating Phoenix Metro area museums and cultural institutions. The Culture Pass gives library members a chance to visit the following institutions: Arcosanti in Cordes Junction, Arizona Historical Society, Arizona Science Center, Cave Creek Museum (October–May), Children’s Museum of Phoenix, Deer Valley Rock Art, Desert Botanical Garden (available June 2014), Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix Zoo, Pueblo Grande Museum, Rosson House Museum, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art and the Superstition Mountain Museum. The library has a limited number of Culture Passes that can be checked out. Patrons can check out a card from the Culture Pass display at the circulation desk, where they will receive a due date Superstition FREE WI-FI Mountain VFW Post #9399 133 N. Saguaro Drive, AJ • 480-982-5039 Thanks for your service to our Country! MON. Euchre 6 PM Kitchen Open 5-7 PM • Not Just Burgers Karaoke w/Frankie 5-9 PM WED. 500 Cards Noon Bar Bingo 4 PM • Darts 7 PM Texas Hold’em 7 PM THURS. Kitchen Open 5-7 PM Burger Night • Hilery 5-9 PM FRI. Meat Raffle 6 PM Fish Fry 5-7 PM • Country Soul 5-9 PM SAT. 500 Cards Noon Music By Slade Gallagher & Dave Waggoner 1-5 PM • Lunch Served noon til gone $3 Dist. 10 Steak Fry: 5PM Cocktails/6PM Dinner SUN. Bar Bingo 1 PM Kitchen Open 5-7 PM Jam Session 3 Speed 5-9 PM Hot Dogs, Sandwiches & Pizza now available at bar when kitchen closed DARTS 2 PM TUES/THURS All Our Events Open to Members & Their Guests receipt, good for seven days, for the institution they selected. The institution will collect the check-out slip. You do not need to return anything to the library. The passes will automatically check in on your library account on the date noted on your check-out slip. Some restrictions apply. For more information on the Culture Pass program, please visit the library located at 1177 N. Idaho Rd., call (480) 983-6012 or visit www.ajpl. org. The Act One Culture Pass is made possible by the Act One Foundation, www. Cancer survivors will again lead the walk on Sat., Jan. 25, 2014 for Crushing Cancer One Step at a Time. Local residents are invited to join the residents of Canyon Vistas on Saturday, Jan. 25, for a three to five mile walk throughout the resort. Pledges to the American Cancer Society will be accepted at the walk’s registration beginning at 9 a.m. The walk commences at 9:30. Tickets for raffle prizes will be available for purchase and a silent auction for craft items and donated services of area We Buy Steel! WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY 8 $ 49 2pm-7pm eVERYDAY Mon. - 2pm to close $2 Well drinks Tues. - 2pm to close $150 16oz draft We accept American Express! EVERYDAY WEDNESDAY ISH F sPECIAL SPECIAL SUN/TUES/FRI Cod Dinner 95 w/french fries $ Spaghetti & Meatball ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT & coleslaw 6 Bread & $ 95 COD Pollock Dinner $ 95 95 w/french fries $ & coleslaw 6 Specials are dine in only until 6PM 5 Butter Dine in only w/french fries & coleslaw 9 Dine in only Come, Taste the Difference! We buy only the best... 1200 W. Apache Trail, A.J. • 480-982-3188 Welcome Back Winter Visitors Open 7 days • 5am-2pm Weekly Mon-Fri Only Breakfast Specials Pig In Blanket & 1 Egg... ......................................$6.25 Sliders.......................$6.25 Daily Specials Monday, Jan. 20 Tuesday, Jan. 21 Wednesday, Jan. 22 Tacos 11am-5pm NFL Buckets Lunch 11-1:30 Ladies Bar Bingo 2pm Burger Baskets 5-7:30 Breeze 5-9 Lunch 11-1:30 Infamous Chicken 5-7:30 D.J. Matt 5-9 Thursday, lUNCH 11-1:30 • Jan. 23 Friday, Jan. 24 Saturday, Jan. 25 Lunch 11-1:30 Fish or Ribs 5-7:30 U.S. Marshals 5-9 Meat Raffle Wednesday~ Liver & Onions............$6.25 Fish, Fries & Slaw.......$6.25 Thursday~ Large Tuna Salad......$6.25 Breakfast 8-12 Member Hold’em 12 Bar Bingo 4 NFL Buckets • Snackatizers 1-5 250 S. Phelps Dr. 480-671-6239 Dumplings.............$6.25 Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy & Veggies...........$5.95 Sunday, Jan. 26 Veteran organization members, invited guests and prospective members Monday~ Tuesday~ Lunch 11-1:30 Steak or Shrimp 5-7:30 U.S. Marshals 5-9 NFL Buckets VFW Post 7968 “All American Post” Daily Specials Monday................. Homemade Cabbage Rolls Tuesday-FREE COFFEE.....Homemade Meatloaf Wednesday............................ Beef Brisket and .......................... All You Can Eat Alaskan Cod Thursday....................................Pot Roast and ..................................All Your Can Eat Catfish Friday.............................. Seafood Gumbo and .......................... All You Can Eat Alaskan Cod Saturday.......................................... Prime Rib Friday~ Fish or Shrimp w/Fries & Slaw........$6.25 1408 W. Apache Trail Apache Junction 480-671-5755 Gold Canyon Cafe 5301 S. Superstition Mountain Dr. #109A Gold Canyon (Located in the Bashas’ Plaza) 480-983-1933 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Breakfast Brunch Buffet Saturday & Sunday 9am -1pm Hours: Monday-Saturday 6am-8pm Sunday 6am-2pm 1535 E. Old West Hwy Apache Junction, AZ 85119 480-982-3480 99¢ coffee All Day Every Day Cobb’s Family Restaurant & Lounge Scrap Inc. Valid thru 1-28-14. With this coupon. 480-982-5979 Restaurant Tuesdays & Saturdays... & Lounge Come check it out! HAPPY HOUR IN THE BAR Cans 5¢ Over Gate Price 351 S. Meridian, Apache Junction FRIED CHICKEN 944 W. Apache Trail Apache Junction 480-982-3233 ALL YOU T CAN EA businesses will end at noon. Following the walk, a luncheon honoring cancer survivors begins at 11:30 a.m. If you would like more information about any of the events, please contact Shelly, Canyon Vistas RV Resort’s activity director, at (480) 648-1001. Canyon Vistas RV Resort, a CalAm Property, is located along Highway 60 in Gold Canyon. All proceeds are donated to the American Cancer Society. CASH for Aluminum Cans! And Scrap Metal! Come check out our NEW MENUS! Call for our Daily Specials! $ 99 944 W. Apache Tr. • 982-3233 Bryan Martyn it best, “Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children.” In this new year, I’d like to encourage all Arizonans to make the time to explore outdoor Arizona. We are blessed with natural, historic and cultural treasures like none in the world. Step away from your computer, smart pad and TV. Nobody ever remembers their best day of computer games. Everyone remembers their best days spent outdoors. See you in the parks! Now in its 6th year, Canyon Vistas RV Resort in Gold Canyon will be hosting Crushing Cancer One Step at a Time on Jan. 22-25. The resort is hosting this event to raise money for cancer awareness and research. Through its past pledges, raffles, auctions and resort activities more than $65,000 has been donated to the American Cancer Society. The events will start with a luminaria social at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evening, Jan. 22. Handcrafted items donated by resort artisans will be displayed and auctioned as sealed bids. The state baskets’ live auction will be Thursday afternoon, Jan. 23. Residents bid on baskets of donated items produced in the various states and provinces represented at the resort. The Chauffeurs will provide dancing music on Friday evening, Jan. 24. Rumor has it someone will be arrested that evening and will need bail money before being released. RY P UBLIC A UCTIONS (10) Sets of 10 SCBA Pack 2 Piece Fit Tester 3000 & (6) AKRON Brass Co. Monitors ‘Crushing Cancer One Step at a Time’ event Jan. 22-25 Free entry to participating museums Dreamland Villa • Farnsworth Hall 6159 E. University Dr. , East Mesa Online ONLY Canyon Vistas Event Benefits American Cancer Society Culture Passes At The AJ Library Arts & Crafts Show The Hometown Newspaper ✰ F Page A-8 Biscuits & Gravy 2 Eggs, 2 Bacon M-F 6-2pm 499 $ All You Can Eat Alaskan Cod 1099 Liver & Onions $ 99 4 Friday All Day $ All Day EVERYDAY Page A-9 P The Hometown Newspaper – Serving Apache Junction & Gold Canyon P January 20 - January 26, 2014 Sports & Recreation AJHS Freshmen Boys Score 98 In Win Over Globe, see page 10 Frederick AJHS Wrestling Champ Time Out Captures 160-pound division title; now has 112 career wins By Chuck Baker The News Prospector 160-pound senior Daniel Frederick went a perfect 9-0 at the AJHS Wrestling Tournament held January 10 and 11 to capture his weight class title and improve his career record to 112-45. That puts the Apache Junction senior ninth all-time for career wins at AJHS and with the Payson Tournament held this past weekend, plus upcoming duals versus Cortez and Tempe, and the Sectional and State tournaments still to come, Frederick will likely be moving up that list. With results from the Payson Tournament pending, Frederick is now just five wins away from tying Trent McMinn (117-20) for 6th all-time, and six wins away from tying Wayne McMinn (118-0) for 5th all-time. He likely passed both Mike Armagost (113-26, 8th all-time) and Kyle McMinn (114-28, 7th all-time) at the Payson Tournament, barring an injury. Frederick, one of only two seniors on this year’s AJHS squad, has a ways to go to catch Rob McMinn’s career wins of 130 for fourth alltime but might have a shot at that total by season’s end. For the record, Rob McMinn went 130-2 in his AJHS career and was a four-time state champion. Third all-time for career wins is three-time state champ Brandon Hays (14111), second all-time is Kevin Combs (145-18), who never won a state title, and the alltime AJHS wrestler in career wins is Jared Sutter (150-13), a two-time state champion back in 1996 and 1997. Also at the AJHS Tournament, sophomore 285-pounder Michael Uehling suffered just his second and third losses of the season, both to Shay Valdieso from Skyline, one in the 5th-6th place team finals and one in the miniindividual tournament finals where he finished runner-up at 285 pounds. AJHS junior John Saldivar went 7-2 overall and placed 3rd in the miniindividual tournament at 170 pounds, and junior Jordan • Lots to get caught up on so let’s get started. Former Prospector linebackers Nate Scola and Tyler McCullen were both named to the North Coast Athletic Conference 1st team defense while playing for Wabash College this past football season. Scola was also named the NCAC’s “defensive player of the year,” and was also chosen for the NCAA Division III AllAmerican Team. Nate led the 9-1 Wabash College Little Giants with 72 total tackles, 23 of those for losses, 8.5 sacks, two forced fumbles and two fumble recoveries. “T-Mac” had 22 total tackles, 3.5 sacks and a forced fumble. Prospector senior Daniel Frederick atop the podium after capturing the 160-pound weight class at the AJHS Wrestling Tournament on December 11 (submitted ) Mitchell went a combined 5-4 overall at 145 pounds, and placed 4th in his weight class. As a team, the Prospectors went 4-3 with wins over Desert View, Agua Fria, Chaparral and Catalina Foothills, and losses to Tempe, Desert Ridge and Skyline. Tempe won the team title at • Former Prospector lineman and Glendale Community College lineman John LaChapelle will be playing next year for Western Illinois University. the AJHS Tournament beating Combs 47-27 in the finals. Desert Ridge took third beating Perry 33-25 in their last match, and Skyline defeated Apache Junction 36-28 in the 5th-6th place team final out of fourteen competing schools. This week, the Prospectors see Win Streak Hits Four For AJHS Girls By Chuck Baker The News AJHS girls basketball fan Bill Wooster has taken some excellent photos this season and posts them all on Facebook. Here, from last Wednesday’s game at Coronado, he catches Makena Gateb (#23) with a lay-up (above and left) and Naavah Johnson (above, #54) pulling down a rebound. Be sure to check out hundreds of other Lady Prospector basketball photos taken by Bill and posted on Facebook. Apache Junction High School is lucky to have a fan, and photographer like Bill. Imagine Prep Panthers Roll Over Paragon In Hoops By Chuck Baker The News STEVE LEACH A-Frames • Windows • Doors • • Gold Canyon professional golfer Lisa Grimes paired up with Joy Bonhurst and won the 2013 LPGA Teaching & Club Professional’s National Team Championship played December 8-10 at Palm Valley Country Club in Palm Desert, California. Grimes and Bonhurst beat out 42 other teams that included such LPGA notables Time Out, page 10 Lady Prospectors Tie Combs, 0-0 The Apache Junction girls varsity basketball team stretched their win streak to four with victories over both Coronado and McClintock this past week. The Lady Prospectors crushed Coronado 55-16 on Wednesday and toppled McClintock 6229 on Friday. Both games were away and individual player statistics from the games were not available at press time. This week, the Lady Prospectors will host Poston Butte on Tuesday, January 21, and will also play at Seton Catholic on Friday, January 24. For both days, the AJHS junior varsity will play at 5:30 p.m., followed by the varsity at 7:00 p.m. Following a lethargic firstquarter performance in which they scored just four points and trailed 10-4, Imagine Prep coaches were trying just about every tactic they could think of during the time out between periods to get their Panthers to pick up their tempo versus Paragon Science Academy this past Tuesday. The coaches preached “effort” during the break and boy did the Panthers players respond. With Derron Wallace leading the way, Imagine Prep outscored Paragon Science Academy 28-6 in the second quarter, and then 19-4 in quarter number three, and cruised to a 55-24 victory, the podium after winning the 160-pound weight class at last week’s AJHS Wrestling Tournament, carries a 4.22 G.P.A. In addition, seniors Brett Darling, Connor Brennan and Hunter Hallford, and junior Adam Abbatacola, were all selected All-Academic Honorable Mention. • Apache Junction linebacker Daniel Frederick, who had fifty-two tackles this past season for the Prospectors, was named to the Division III-V All-Academic Football 1st Team. Frederick, pictured to the left atop see Wrestle, page 10 By Chuck Baker The News Chuck Baker, Sports Editor The Lady Prospectors played Combs to a 0-0 tie this past week, before dropping a 6-0 decision to Queen Creek, and a 6-0 decision at Tempe, to finish the week with a 3-10-1 overall record. Combs came into Monday’s match with an 8-4 record but stellar defense by both teams was the story. AJHS keeper Codye Beyer came up with a penalty-kick save in the final minute of regulation, and in overtime, Apache Junction freshman Vie Luff was awarded a penalty kick but Combs’ keeper made that save. Also helping out at the defensive end were Brittany Frix, Wacey Lloyd, Dani Glass, Chasity Thurmond, Erin Weaving, Haylea Erickson, Kendra Heninger and Jocelyn Digos. This week, the Lady Pros- pectors play at Arcadia on Tuesday, January 21 and will host Campo Verde on Friday, January 24. For both days, the junior varsity girls will play at 4:00 p.m., followed by the varsity match at 6:00 p.m. J.V. Falls 2-1 The Lady Prospector junior varsity team dropped a hardfought 2-1 decision to Queen Creek last Wednesday. Danae Liguori scored Apache Junction’s only goal from an assist by Hannah Covarrubias. Also playing well on offense were Larissa Armendariz, Iliana DiMauro, Jasmine Young, Sheniah Mansfield and Emily Anderson. The J.V. defense was led by keeper Payton Sams, Shianne McMinn, Haylee Eckhardt, Ashley Osback, Jamie Digos, Cynthia Duncan and Kendal Gould. see AJHS, page 10 BACK LOT LIQUIDATION SALE! Imagine Prep’s Jorge Vega (#22) battles a Paragon Science Academy player for this rebound in Tuesday’s game improving to 8-2 overall on quarter, and finished with a game-high 26 points. He the season. Wallace tossed in 13 points also grabbed eight rebounds in the second quarter alone, see , page 10 added 11 points in the third Hoops Serving Apache Junction and Gold Canyon Businesses Since 1979 “ ALL PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED!! Rates as low as (O.A.C.) Model Year ‘13 or ‘14. 80% loan to value. 48 months at 740 credit tier or higher. stop in and 4 Serving your needs since 1971 4 Engine 4 Life warranty program* have lunch on 4 Lifetime Lift warranty* us! 4 NO high pressure sales tactics * On 4 Over 50 lending institutions for all credit types 4 Apache Junction’s leading #1 locally owned dealer select vehicles HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUES AND LOW FINANCE OFFERS 480-982-4044 Truck Lettering • Signs • Banners • Storefronts • Magnetics 1.9 % Financing 837 W. Apache Trail • Apache Junction • 480-671-5600 Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-7pm • Saturday 8am-6pm • Sunday 10am-5pm A+ January 20 - 26, 2014 ✰ Hoops, continued from page 9 and came up with three steals. Point guard Joey Eiland played his usual all-around solid game with 11 points, five assists, five steals and three rebounds. Center Cory Wright added 11 points and five boards, Nate Cannon scored four points to go with four rebounds, Jorge Vega knocked down a threepointer and added seven rebounds, Darius Mason had three rebounds, and Derrion Pope grabbed two rebounds. The Panthers also played last Friday at Jefferson Prep but results from that game were not available at press time. This week, the Panthers play at LFPA Gilbert on Tuesday, January 21 and will battle Sequoia Pathway for the third time this season on Friday, January 24. Imagine Prep, a 1A division school in the Canyon Athletic Association, has faced 2A division foe Sequoia twice and lost both times. The game versus Sequoia won’t count toward CAA standings but the Panthers have a score to settle after suffering two close defeats. Tip-off for the Tuesday game is at 4:30 p.m. while Friday’s game at Sequoia begins at 6:30 p.m. Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News Prospector Freshmen Beat Globe, 98-31 By Chuck Baker The News The Prospector varsity basketball dropped both of their home games this past week, falling to Coronado 80-57 on Wednesday, and losing to McClintock 83-59 on Friday. In the Coronado game, James Castaneda had 12 points, four rebounds and three assists to lead AJHS. Jordan Jewell also scored 12 points and grabbed four rebounds, Adam Abbatacola posted a double-double with 11 points and 11 boards, Jose Robledo netted eight points, Jason Karm added four points and six rebounds, and Emilio Couchee, Kyle Gering, Calvin Taylor, Jesse Esqueda and Jonathan Carbajal all scored two points. Coronado shot 7-of-30 from three point range and sank 21-of-35 free throws. Apache Junction made just 1-of-17 from three-point range and went 9-for-13 at the charity stripe. In the McClintock game, Esqueda netted 13 points and handed out six assists, Robledo also tallied 13 points, Castaneda contributed 11 points, four rebounds and four steals, Abbatacola had eight points, 10 rebounds and two assists, Jewell also scored eight points,, CarbaImagine Prep Panthers Derron Wallace (#32) skies to atjal scored three points, and tempt to block this shot by a Paragon Science Academy Karm had two points. player during last Tuesday’s basketball game This week, AJHS plays at Poston Butte on Tuesday, January 21 and will host A-1 Boat Complete Service & UPHOLSTERY Furniture • Auto • Boats • Golf Carts 2134 S. Idaho Rd. Apache Junction Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-12 noon Formerly Insalaco Upholstery • Come in and see Johnny! Go Painlessly® with THERA-GESIC. Affordable Quality R.V. Repair Motor Homes • 5th Wheels • Travel Trailers Mobile Homes & Park Model Repairs recognized, and AJHS junior varsity wrestlers have a tournament at Greenway this coming Saturday. as Amy Alcott, who has won 29 tournaments in her LPGA career, and 18-year LPGA tour veteran Amy Benz, who is in the top 100 for LPGA ca- Boys Soccer The AJHS boys soccer team dropped both matches last week, 7-0 to Queen Creek, and 11-0 to Tempe. This week, the Prospectors host Arcadia on Tuesday, host Williams Field on Wednesday, and plays Apache Trail High School ACADEMICS COMMUNITY CHARACTER • Highly qualified & certified teachers • FREE and reduced lunch program • Individualized instruction & tutoring • College & career counseling • Dual enrollment opportunities • Credit for work experience • Student government • FREE Bus transportation • Credit recovery & accelerated programs • Traditional calendar with block scheduling • Football and expanded sports programming Y at Campo Verde on Friday. For the Tuesday and Friday dates, the junior varsity team plays at 4:00 p.m., followed by the varsity at 6:00 p.m. On Wednesday, only a varsity match will be played, starting at 4:00 p.m. Only Includes semi-metallic pads! Includes Parts & Labor *Pads only • Per axle • Rear disc extra 4X4, Rear Discs & Pressed Rotors, and some other grades of pads extra. Exp. 1-26-14 AJN Signal Butte Exp. 1-26-14 AJN Most vehicles. Add $2.50 for disposal fee. Apache Trail US 60 EAST Meridian *Pads or Shoes • Labor & standard Bendix brake pads • Machine rotors & drums • Clean & pack wheel bearings where applicable • Up to 5 quarts of 5w30 or 5w20 • Pennzoil Oil Filter Stop. Go. Pennzoil™ Mountain Road Includes: And Up $ 19 99 $3.00 Disposal Fee On Most Vehicles 1500 OFF Alignment Exp. 1/26/14. Must present coupon. AJ1111 FREE BRAKE INSPECTION $ On Most Vehicles 3000 OFF COMPLETE BRAKE JOB Exp. 1/26/14. Must present coupon. AJ1111 NETWORK AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTERS FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED • 40 years experience • Hours: M-Sat. 8-5 • Walk Ins Welcome From last Wednesday’s AJHS junior varsity soccer match, above is Danae Liguori (#8), who would score the team’s only goal on this kick in the first half OIL CHANGE SPECIAL Signal Butte 99 ALIGNMENT CHECK BRAKEMASTERS.COM EXPRESS x US 60 EAST 480-354-8585 Includes: FREE = n Alternative A to Your Dealership! Oil Change Special All for $ WE REPAIR MOST DIESELS 11140 E. Apache Trail, Apache Junction Plus $2.50 Disposal fee all or to No job too sm Thomas Renovations Apache Trail Accredited A+ Rating 1895 an yEm nOd ICES hOa HOME SERV E T g bi UR C MPL o Includes: • Lube, Oil & filter • 5 qts. (5w30 bulk) • Tire Rotation • Check Tire Inflation • Check Air Filter • 22 pt. Safety Inspection • Battery Clean Service ($15 Value) • Starting and Charging System Check WE ACCEPT COMPETITORS’ COUPONS $ A+ WITH BBB 7999 Save$60 Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30am to 5:30pm $ Call me for quote: Bill Edwards (480) 980-9168 Local to AJ - No service call fee East of Ellsworth Reg.$ Enroll today 480-288-0337 SAVE $20 • Mobile Service • Carpentry incl. Decks • Rubber Roof Repairs • Awning Repairs & • All Appliances New Installs • 110 & 12 Volt Repairs • Plus Much More! reer winnings Lisa also won this tournament back in 1994 and 1995 when paired with Kris Hanson. ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITIES ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR BLOCK 3! DELUXE LIFETIME* Brakes 14 Yrs Exp. AJHS, continued from page 9 Maximum strength analgesic creme for temporary relief from: • Joint and Muscle soreness • Arthritis • Back aches LIFETIME BRAKES* onds left, and the Prospector freshmen team edged Coronado 46-45 on Wednesday. Jacob Minich scored 12 points and came up with four steals for AJHS, Samson Cranmer added 10 points and nine rebounds, Miller finished with nine points to go with his eight rebounds, Josh Abrahamsen contributed six points, six rebounds and two blocks, Patrick Huey scored five points, Tyler White had two points and six rebounds, and Josue Padilla scored two points and came up with three steals. In Wednesday’s 98-31 win over Globe, Kyle Gering tossed in a season-high 29 points for the Prospectors, White scored 23, Miller had 11 points, Minich scored 10 points, Padilla and Jonathan Giron had nine points, and both Cranmer and Abrahamsen scored four points. The Prospectors put up 63 firsthalf points and cruised to the easy win. In Friday’s 66-44 loss to McClintock, Padilla had 14 points, Cranmer scored nine points and grabbed nine rebounds, Minich netted six points to go with three assists and three steals, White added five points and four boards, Abahamsen had four points, four rebounds and six blocks, and Giron and Miller each scored three points. Time Out, continued from page 9 THG-13902 Prospector Adam Abbatacola (#34) puts in two points in last week’s varsity game against Coronado Seton Catholic on Friday, 14 points, Araiza scored 13 January 24. The AJHS fresh- points, Jason Karm added men team tips off at 4:00 10 points, nine rebounds p.m. both days, followed and two assists, Taylor had by the junior varsity at 5:30 eight points and three asp.m. and the varsity at 7:00 sists, Villar added seven p.m. points and seven rebounds, Cranmer netted six points, J.V. Sweeps Two Wooten had four points and In Wednesday’s 65-39 win four rebounds, Billy Apoover Coronado, Alex Araiza daca scored a bucket, Antossed in 19 points, Steven thony Brandt made a free Wooten posted a double- throw and grabbed three double with 11 points and 10 rebounds, and Gering sank a rebounds, Kyle Gering also free throw. scored 11 points, Sergio Villar scored 10 points and had Freshmen Go 2-1 six boards, Jose Robledo Preston Miller made a free netted 10 points, Shane Tay- throw with 23.2 seconds left lor and Preston Miller each and Coronado missed two had two points, and Samson free throws with 1.4 secCranmer grabbed seven rebounds and had two blocks. In Friday’s 66-55 win over McClintock, Robledo had Wrestle, continued from page 9 will host Cortez on Wednesday, January 22 in their final home match of the season where seniors Frederick and Kevin Figueroa will be 480-982-9282 The Hometown Newspaper ✰ Meridian Page A-10 MANAGERS SPECIAL ANY SERVICE AND TAKE 25 OFF $ 00 Spend $150.00 or more and we’ll take $25.00 OFF the bill. Not good with any other offer, coupon or in-store special. Exp. 1-26-14 AJN FREE BRAKE INSPECTION MOST VEHICLES 480-984-6714 11250 E. Apache Trail • Apache Junction The same great team you’ve trusted for over 20 years! YOUR MAJOR BRAND HEADQUARTERS! $ “We offer the full line of Toyo Tires” Contact us for your size & pricing 19 99 With FREE Four Tire Rotation & 20 Point Vehicle Inspection! Please call for appointment • Most cars • Up to 5qts. 5W30 Bulk Oil • New Filter • Chassis Lube • With Coupon • Resetting TPMS not included Environmental Waste Oil Charge $2.00 per vehicle will be added • Other Oil Weights $8.00 extra per vehicle • Canister Oil Filters extra Pickups, Vans & SUV’s $2.00 extra per vehicle • 3/4 Ton Pickups & Custom Vans $4.00 extra • AJN Expires 2/3/14 Apache Junction Tires & Service Apache Junction • 740 West Apache Trail • 480-982-8489 • HOURS: M-F 8am-5:30pm Sat 8am-2pm please call for appointment “STATE OR LOCAL TAXES OR SURCHARGE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WILL BE AN EXTRA CHARGE” Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ AJ Parks & Recreation experiments. Please bring a white tee shirt for your lab coat. This program is for ages 5-12 year olds and the fee is $8 or $4 with an MGC membership. (visit or call 983-2181 for info) Student Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament “Golf Balls From Heaven” Ball Drop Sunday, March 9, 2014 Mtn. Brook Golf Club Tee Off Gold Canyon, AZ 8:30 a.m. Information Registration 480-982-2929 7:00-8:15 a.m. Charity golf event will be a 4-person scramble. You may sign up as a team or as an individual; Both Men’s & Mixed Flights will be offered. $80.00 per player/$320 per 4-person team If registered by February 9th. After February 9th, fee goes up to $85 per player or $340 per team. (includes green fees, cart, lunch at St. George Social Hall, raffle and prizes); “Golf Balls From Heaven” Ball drop – closest to the hole wins $1,000. Tickets $10 each – only 1,000 tickets will be sold. To purchase tickets call Christine 480-982-2929 or Rene 602-206-2286 Sponsorship Packages: Gold ($500) - includes foursome for tournament, 10 tickets for “Golf Balls from Heaven” ball drop, tee box sign and media recognition; Silver ($150) - includes 5 tickets for “Golf Balls from Heaven” ball drop, tee box sign and media recognition; Bronze ($50) - includes tee box sign and media recognition. Gold Sponsors Sons of the American Legion Squadron 27 The “Hometown” News • Aqua-Tronics Red Manor Realty (Rene, John & Tom Lesieutre) Mountain View Funeral Home and Cemetery, LLC, Gregory Coury Edward Jones, Abe Dye, Broker Mike and Cheryl Deyman Simon & Pauline Mears Silver Sponsors Weichert Realtors (Tony Vehon) Lost Dutchman Aerie #3850 F.O.E. Loyal Order Of Moose – (Apache Junction Lodge #2039) Knights of Columbus, Pope John Paul 1. Number 7243 The Hometown Newspaper ✰ FREE (1/23) CONQUER PICASA PHOTO EDITING – Picasa is a free downloadable program from Learn to edit photos from a digital camera, scanner, downloaded from the Internet or from an email attachment. Learn how to change their size, brighten them, remove red eye, caption and create a collage. Manual included. Bring a Flash Drive to save class projects. Bring your own laptop if you wish. This class is offered for ages 16 and older and the fee is $50. (1/23) AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM – This class is a comprehensive defensive driving course designed for the driver age 40 & older (although open to all ages) to update driver safety knowledge & to provide strategies to drive crash free. Bring driver’s license to class. This class is offered for ages 16 and older and is $$25 or $18.75 with the AARP discount. (1/25) SO YOU WANT TO BE IN RADIO – So you want to be in radio presentation on radio history, scripts, audio equipment, sound effects and more. This is a free class offered for ages 13 years and older. *Pre-registration is required. ht Engine Lig Scan At ROBERT HORNE FORD 3400 S. Tomahawk Road—US 60 & Tomahawk Road— 10% OFF Tomahawk January 20 - 26, 2014 Idaho Page A-11 US 60 N OIL CHANGE BATTERIES 3400 S. Tomahawk Rd. To All Apache Junction Military Personnel 1-888-822-7030 $14.95 $89.95 See advisor for details QUICKLANE.COM Installed Synthetic Blend Oil & filter change FREE— FREE—Tire Inspection FREE— FREE—Top off all fluids FREE— FREE—Battery Test! FREE— FREE—MultiMulti-Point Inspection Judy Holder Insurance Agency Up to five quarts of Motorcraft® oil and oil filter. Taxes, diesel vehicles, and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded. Expires 07/31/2010. Generic brake pads and labor only. Fits most makes and models. Includes complete brake system inspection. Rotors turned, if necessary, for $59.95. All parts carry 12 month/12,000 mile warranty for parts and labor. Expires 07/31/2010. Insuring The East Valley Since 1970 Direct to Quick 472 866472--9995 See us forline your... • HomeLane • Auto •866 Life •-Business • Bonds FLOOD INSURANCE COME IN OR CALL FOR A FREE FLOOD INSURANCE QUOTE! WE INSURE VACANT HOMES Representing These Fine Companies. (1/25) PARENT/TOT SOCCER – Parents and toddlers will gain an understanding of basic soccer skills from a contracted instructor. This is designed to better prepare for organized sports as well as help parents feel more comfortable in teaching and coaching youth. Participants must have turned 3 years old prior to the start of class. Each participant will receive a FREE Challenger British Soccer T-Shirt (while supplies last) and a medal. No games will be played in the traditional sense. Parents are required to actively participate in this program. Please make sure you are able to keep full attention on the child you have registered in the program and to limit outside distractions for the 45 minutes of the program. 4 col inches by phone or you can visit our office” “Quotes 480-982-0273 • 288 N. Ironwood #111 • AJ 85120 1/20/14 COLOR East End APACHE JUNCTION NEWS BARBERSHOP PROOF Created By: Date: (1/28) TEEN WEIGHT TRAINING – Teen Weight Training is for 13-15 year olds interested in learning how to properlyThis Proof is submitted for your approval as to wording, Please readAJ Barber, Well known use weights, learn weight room etiquette, design a fitness figures, drawings, and/or photographs. Carefully and indicate any errors or changes. program and learn proper nutrition. Transportation from WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR Dean Winterroth, ERRORS NOT INDICATED AT THIS TIME. Cactus Canyon Junior High is available. The fee is $13 for nowcopy. at new location. Please sign proof and return with original We MUST MGC members and $45 for non-members. have a signed proof before we can proceed with work on PROOF IS: Stop in today! your Ad. THANK-YOU. (1/30) CONQUER BASIC WORD – Learn the basic set-up O.K. O.K. with NEW PROOF Quality Hair Cuts Corrections REQUIRED of Word so that you will be more productive and efficient in AS IS Finished Off With A Proof Deadline Thursday 5pm for Current Publication. your work. Learn the fundamentals of page setup, (margins Hot Lather and orientation). Learn to format & change the look of text. APPROVED BY: DATE: Neck Shave 100 W. Apache Trail, Ste. 6 • 480-878-8378 Learn to copy, cut and paste text, add page numbers, use (Idaho & Apache Trail - Across from Fry’s) spell check, and saving/retrieving and printing documents. Hrs: Mon, Tues & Wed 8-4 • Thurs & Fri 8-5 • Sat 8-3 Manual included. Bring a Flash Drive to save class projects. Bring your own laptop if you wish. This class is offered for ages 16 years and older. The fee is $50. (1/31) PARENT’S NIGHT OUT – WEIRD SCIENCE Parents! Looking for a night out? Sign your child up today for a fun-filled, themed evening spent at the AJ MGC! The night will be filled with arts and crafts, sports activities, a snack and access to our game room and rock wall. The theme of the night is: Weird Science. Children will make their own lab coats, and participate in off the wall science $ 19 99 OIL CHANGE Bronze Sponsors Vintage Housekeeping Dirtwater Springs Restaurant L & L Rock • Mickey D’s Cafe Robinson Golf Cart (Paul Robinson) Snow Restorative Dentistry (Dr. Snow) Kabat Family of Frontier Ace Hardware (UP TO 5 QUARTS PENNZOIL CONVENTIONAL OIL) Includes 5/20, 5/30, 10/30 Basic Oil Filter Included CHARGES MAY APPLY FOR SOME FILTERS. PRICES MAY VARY FOR SYNTHETICS, BLENDS AND DIESELS. Only valid at Gold Canyon location. Exp. January 26, 2014 Must present coupon. Limit one per customer visit, not good with any other offer. FREE To become a sponsor, register a team or purchase Golf Balls from Heaven, call 480-982-2929. OTHER SERVICES: Radiator Flush Power Steering Flush Transmission Service Serpentine Belts Fuel Filters Fuel Injection AC Service Differential or 4x4 Service Battery Cleaning Tire Rotation Wiper Blades Air Filters Cabin Air Filters Radiator Caps We feature CAR WASH ($10.00 Wash Package) WITH OIL CHANGE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED 6987 E. US Hwy. 60 • Gold Canyon, AZ • 480-288-4447 Residential Waste & Recycling Pick-up F RAD also provides trash & recycling pick-up in Apache Junction 480-983-9101 •TRANSMISSION• • sERVICE 69 • $ 99 *On Most Vehicles Plus Tax Family owned & operated for over 30 years! 480-964-3832 AC Service special $ •• 19 99 *Freon Extra Plus Tax ECK ENGINE LIGH T & ACCURATE DIAGNOSTICS CH ECK! A $99 Value with this ad • • • DIFFERENTIAL sERVICE 59 •• $ CARS • TRUCKS • RV’S • 4X4 2 Year - 24,000 Mile Warranty On Most Repair Work www.buytransmission.NET 99 *On Most Vehicles Plus Tax • n 60 DOUG’S Performance Transmission X 37th Ave Baseline Ave. Ironwood Dr F Low Flat Rates F NO Hidden Fees F Great Customer Service F Meticulously Maintained Equipment • CLUTCH REPAIR • DIFFERENTIAL • AIR CONDITIONING • TRANSMISSION REPAIR Meridian Rd We guarantee to save you money on your current trash bill REE F CH Signal Butte Right Away Disposal January 20 - 26, 2014 WWW.AJNEWS.COM Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ Classifieds Largest Your classified ad canThe also beArea’s found at READERS NOTICE: The News will not knowingly accept advertisement that is illegal, misleading or fraudulent. If you have doubts concerning an ad, the News recommends you contact the Consumer Fraud Line of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office (602.542-5763) or the Better Business Bureau (602.264-1721) regarding the validity of the ad before responding or sending money. Lost and Found 150 200 S e r v i c e s Employment 310 Merchandise 500 Home Furnishings 510 520 Appliances Sporting Goods 555 Bldg Materials 565 Pets & Supplies 575 Yard Sale 600 Employment All Classified Ads Must Be Paid In Advance- Standard Rate: $5.00 per line (3 line minimum) or $30.00 per column inch (average 6 lines per inch). Classified Deadline: thursdays 4:00 pm Call 480-982-6397 or e-mail 8 ft polished brass floor Primo elect adjustible lamp, 4 arms $50 480- bed, 8” memory foam mattress w/sheets 982-3676 1/26 $500 480-983-4225 Lg couch, loveseat Tools 550 (both light green) like new $500 both OBO, will deliver 602-791Rigid pipe dies 3/8” to 4912. Call for pics 1/26 1-1/4” pipe wrenches $400 OBO 480-305Camel colored love- 4645 2/2 seat/rocker/recliner $175 480-983-1648 Stihl chain saw 18” bar & 25” bar $350 OBO 2/2 480-305-4645 1/26 Beautiful Grandfather clock $1000, like new Sporting Goods 555 480-250-8489 1/26 Vertical fabric blinds, 62”x40” (1), 78”x48” (1), incl. hardware $50 480-671-7778 2/2 3/9 310 HELP, HELP. Licensed AZ cosmetologists F/T or P/T. Lease or commission avail. Call 480-671-0916 or stop by 1000 W. Apache Trail, Ste 5, AJ 1/26 Seasonal landscaper wanted. Experience req’d 480-326-5288 1/26 Appliances 520 Old stamp books w/ Palm Harbor Luan stamps & old books 28”x80” panelized $100 480-982-0667 M a y t a g d i s p e n s e r interior door & mold- 2/2 fridge $350 480-983ing 80” tall 480-3501034 1/26 7220/480-213-4450 Printer Stand – Low, 1/26 has lower shelf for Flat Iron grill, out of paper – $30.00 231- restaurant, good conAntiques 485 622-9193 2/2 dition, $50 602-2283592 2/2 Water trailer, hvy Watch fobs $20 each duty, 500 gal steel AJ NEWS firm. No cat 480-984- tank $500 480-229480-982-6397 8568 1/26 1655 2/2 Mobile/Manuf HFS 40 AJ 3bd/1ba xtra lg lot, Motor Hm $325/mo, SIX MONTH FREE $750/mo 602-750- inc all util AJ 480-695- RENT w/ home pur4885/480-329-5889 c h a s e . O w n y o u r 3028 1/26 1/26 home for $500 down Apt Rentals 25 and 12 easy payments Mobile/Manuf HFS of $433 per month , 40 that’s right own your home in 1 year with 0 MOVE-IN SPECIAL interest, the payment Save $250.00 New also includes space wood floors & paint. Gold Dust MHP Off-street parking. 2 mos free lot rent. 1 r e n t . Wo w ! C l e a n Huge 2bd, 1ba $535/ bd homes. 480-982- homes, 1 and 2 bed to choose from. Betmo + dep, 1 yr lease, 6916 2/9 ter hurry, it won’t last. includes water/trash Mike 480-252-1515 AJ 1bd, 1ba, furn’d, Bad credit no prob8x28 deck, lg shed, lem! 55+ park. Call 2 bd 1ba 507 E Linda A / C , W / D 5 5 + p k Mary or Barb 480-986Ave AJ. Sec 8 ok. $5,900 480-380-3686 1514 or 480-390-5082 480-223-7644 2/2 1/26 Mobile Hm Rentals 30 RENT clean 1 or 2 bedroom homes for $449 per month with zero down. Bad credit, no problem. Minimum 1 yr lease. 55+ park. What a deal won’t last! Call Mary or Barb 480986-1514 or 480-3905082 2/2 ‘99 Cavco pk model, shed, W/D, laminate floors, gas stove & heat, A/C, fully furn’d, like new $12,000 AJ 480-982-9444 3/2 PER MONTH (4 weeks from last date ad ran) RV Space Rental 52 Welcome winter visitors! RV space rentals, $300/month 480-9826916 2/9 Otero Realty see our ad on page A6 For Rent ~ Firewood interior/exterior paint $850/mo. F 3 bd 2 ba 2 car garage corner lot $895/mo. For Sale ~ F 2 bd 1 ba large lot NO HOA $48,000 F Furnished 2 bd 2 ba 2 car garage Townhome $125,000 F 3 bd 2 ba 2 car carport block home with wood burning fireplace $135,000 F 2 bd 2 ba 2 car garage 1700 sq ft Optional HOA $150,000 F 3 bd 2 ba 2 car garage Loads of upgrades NO HOA $205,000 Lost Dutchman Realty MLS 124 S. Ironwood Dr. #5, AJ • 480-982-8000 Buy • Sell • Short Sale • Property Management $700 Total Move-In Exceed Apache Junction Realty 1922 S Monterey 2/1 $450 480-288-0985 1944 S Monterey 2/1 $495 1574 E 29th Ave 2/1 $495 PETS OK w/restrictions 441 W 20th 2/1 $525 Next rent due February 1st Every page, every story, every ad The entire newspaper ONLINE Every week! More than 10,000 readers ONLINE 615 Tires Mens/ladies/kids new/ used saddles, blankets, hats, gloves, helmets, boots, strap gds & pack equip 160 N. Mtn Vw Rd, AJ 480-621-0459 Fri/Sat 9a-4p 3/2 708 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED TIRES 480-983-6508 Fill Dirt Delivered 480.330-2256 Granite 480.330-2256 Arizona Classified Advertising Network Statewide Classifieds — Reach Nearly 2 Million Readers In Arizona -- It’s As Easy As 1-2-3... (1.) Call The NEWS at 982-6397. (2.) Place your 25 word ad for $330 ($11.00 each word over 25) by Tuesday at 3pm (3.) Your AzCAN ad will now reach nearly 2 million people The ANA does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. We do not knowingly accept ”Help Wanted” ads that are not bona fide job offers. All real estate ads are subject to the Fair Housing Act and we do not accept any ad that is in violation of the law. State law prohibits discrimination based on color, religion, sex, national origin, or handicap. Adoption CENTRAL MESA 3 bed, 2 bath, upgrades throughout, family park $12,500. EAST VALLEY Large 3 bed, 2 Listings bath, family park $13,000. Wanted!! IMMEDIATE 55+ Furnished 2 bed, 2 bath, Arizona room $15,500. 9901 E. Apache Trail TO SETTLE ESTATE Move in condition 28x48 Palm Mesa, AZ 85207 Harbor $23,900. ADOPTION: Unplanned pregnancy? Caring licensed adoption agency provides financial and emotional support. Choose from loving pre-approved families. Call Joy toll-free 1-866-922-3678 or confidential email: Adopt@ (AzCAN) Manufactured Home Sales & Realty Business Opportunity MOBILE HOME LOTS Winter Haven 480-986-1010 Apache Junction Branch If you’re selling or buying, we can handle all of your escrow needs! 115 N. Apache Trail, Suite A • Apache Junction, AZ 85120 480-425-3180 Linda Grabner Branch Manager Trisha Getz Assistant Escrow Officer Years of local expertise to Apache Junction Cimmarron 3br/2ba 1,350 sq.ft. $145,000 1971 Manufactured Home 3br/2ba Remodeled $71,900 MLS Cortez Ranch 3br/2ba/den 165,000 Realtor® Jacobs Ranch 3br/2ba 145,000 Direct 480-586-0754 Superstition Villa 3br/2ba $125,000 Cami Garcia Realtor® Saddle/Tack Public Auction Thurs/Sat Nights Sheds 650 Preview 3:30 pm Auction 6:00 pm Load your own 300 W. Apache Trail #103 Set of 4 P215/65R16 NW Corner Phelps/Trail 8’x12’ aluminum shed, tires, gd cond, $100, 928-812-1935 2/2 exc cond. Must re- 480-671-5882 2/2 480-982-1822 move. $400 OBO Bldg Mat’ls 565 Auto/RV Acc 715 610-533-2834 2/2 Huge clothing sale 26th & Mtn View Fri/ Sat. Most items $5 2/9 Automobiles 700 Hi-point 40cal, 2 clips Travel trailer stabiliz$300. Mossenburg 22 ing hitch. $200 520Patio Sales Desert rifle w/scope $200 480820-6531 (in AJ) 1/26 Dawn Estates 830 358-6714 1/26 Ellsworth,Sat 1/25 8-1 ‘87 Suzuki Samari 5th Wheels 734 hardtop, no dings, tow Huffy 24” girl’s bike, R e a s o n a b l e bar incl $2,700 480exc cond $50 480- Wyatt Works Trucking Furn, fridge, hshlds, antiqs. 2288 E. 39th 229-1655 474-0155 2/2 35’ 5th wheel Nuwa Ave. AJ. Sat 1/25 & Mad Dog backpack ‘62 Corvair Manza 4dr, Premier II, 3 slide Sun 1/26 8a-4p camo $20 480-962needs restoring, no outs, W/D, Rent pd 4979 2/2 Raindance Flea Mar- title $400 OBO/trade in E. Mesa Pk till 4/1. 480-354-2601 1/26 ket 2605 S. Tomahawk 623-256-7699 1/26 Race bike, Italian Delivered Rd. Sat., 1/25 8a-1p. made 10-speed, very 2007 KEYSTONE MONTANA-34ft. AJ Fully Reasonable Bake sale & raffle gd cond $50 480-671furnished-pots/pans; dishes; silverware; coffee Options Available 1522 2/2 Patio & Bake Sale Jan maker; knife set; toaster. Loads of storage & Square two irons (Cal- Wyatt Works Trucking 25th 8a-2p 11435 E. hiding places; low mileage; new tires & awning Apache Trail, Sticky 2012; rear kitchen; fireplace; ceiling fan; two laway copy) 3-9 + W, buns, coffee, lunch A/C; BIG picture window; screen door. Call xtra nice, little use $50 sandwiches. Raffles. with email for YouTube pictures or available for 319-464-0010 2/2 1/26 viewing 9a-1p. Call Al Smith 614-395-1305 Sheena Gray F 3 bd 2 ba 2 car garage new 600 Mesa Bazaar Rummage Sale - Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 612 S. Ellsworth Rd. Fri Jan 24th 8a-1p Sat Jan 564 25th 8a-11a Proceeds benefit charities. 1/26 Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise”any preference,limitation or discrimination basedon race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18.This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.To complain of discrimination call the Arizona State Attorney General’s office, Phoenix(602) 542-5263 or Tucson(520)628-6500. The telephone number for the hearing impaired in Phoenix is (602)542-5002 and hearing impaired in Tucson, (520)628-6872. Mobile Hm Rentals 30 FREE CLASSIFIED AD For ONE used item up to $500 • Price must be included in ad • 4 line limit • Runs for 2 wks • one FREE ad per household Foosball table cost $349 new, selling for $125 Cash Only 480606-8648 1/26 Real Estate The Area’s Largest Circulation Classifieds! Home Rentals 20 480-982-NEWS (6397) Circulation Classifieds! Hm Furnishing 510 Health Supplies 525 Sporting Goods 555 Yard Sale 310 ResCare HomeCare is looking for Caregivers in the Apache Junction area! Great Candidates: Have a Desire to Give Back to the Community / Have Life Experience Caring for a Loved-One or Professional Services 200 Caregiving Skills / Caring and Compassionate / Seeking Part-Time and Flexible Hours / Have Reliable Transportation. We provide S e w i n g m a c h i n e free training. Call our Mesa office for more repairs done in the details @ 480-491-1140. comfort of your home. 500 One year service at no Wanted to Buy 400 Merchandise charge*. Call for more infomation 480-8970338 2/2 German & Jap- Floor tile 18x18, 65 pieces. Cream & tan, Cupcakes & Cakes a n e s e m i l i t a r y $75 OBO 480-646i t e m s . G u n s , 1366 1/26 Any flavor/theme! Any occasion! swords, daggers, Coffee Pot-10 Great prices! medals. Highest Bunn cup – White, Ex.Cond. Visit : www.facebook. prices paid! Don $50.00 480-671-2765 com/babycakez4u Ariel 602-743-2133 6 2 3 - 8 4 9 - 9 2 3 6 2/2 Employment The Hometown Newspaper ✰ Direct 602-319-0701 Office: 480-982-5537 Fax: 480-982-5516 • Acacia Villa Mobile Home Park • Rent to Own • No Interest Single 2 & Doublewide • Low Down Payments 3 Bedroom Homes Homes • Pet Friendly Available Available • Easy Qualifying • Close to Schools & Shopping Ask about our other parks! 1770 N. Valley Drive • Apache Junction • 480-240-0060 WHAT’S FOR RENT •5284 E Pioneer St 2bd 2ba + Den HORSE SET UP $1200 p/mo •2955 S Mariposa Rd 3bd 2ba Double Master $900 p/mo •1551 E 28th Ave #3 2bd 1ba $495 p/mo COMING SOON... •2155 S Apache Dr #3 2bd 1 ba $550 p/mo •5654 S Estrella Rd Unit D Gold Canyon 2bd 2ba $525 p/mo •652 S Grand Dr Unit D 2bd 1ba $520 p/mo CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! 480.982.3099 Sales & Rental Management • Mon.-Fri. 9 AM-5 PM ATTN: 29 SERIOUS PEOPLE to work from anywhere using a computer. Up to $1500-$5000 PT/FT. www.pticoncepts. com. (AzCAN) Health/ Medical PELVIC / TRANSVAGINAL MESH? Did you undergo transvaginal placement of mesh for pelvic prolapse or stress urinary incontinence between 2005 and the present? If the mesh caused complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Charles H. Johnson Law and speak with female staff members. 1-800-535-5727. (AzCAN) Help Wanted ADVERTISE YOUR JOB Opening in 84 AZ newspapers. Reach over 1 million readers for ONLY $330! Call this newspaper or visit: www.classifiedarizona. com. (AzCAN) NEW YEAR, NEW YOU, NEW CAREER! Southwest Truck Driver Training. GI Bill accepted & EARN $35K your 1st year! Prehire letters before you even begin training! Phoenix: 602-904-6602, Tucson: 520-216-7609. (AzCAN) LEGAL/LAW ENFORCEMENT Navy Reserve Serve part-time. Elite training. Great pay & benefits. Sign-on bonus up to $20K. Travel. Call Mon-Fri (800)354-9627. (AzCAN) $330! Call this newspaper or visit: (AzCAN) 39 ACRE WILDERNESS Ranch, $193 month. Secluded, quiet 6,100’ northern AZ ranch. Evergreen trees / meadowland blend. Sweeping ridge top mountain / valley views. Borders 640 acres of Federal woodlands. Free well access, camping and RV ok. $19,900, $1,990 dn., guaranteed financing. Pics, maps, weather, area info: 1st United 800-9666690. (AzCAN) GORDON TRUCKING: CDL-A Truck Drivers. Up to $5,000 Sign-on bonus & .54 CPM. Solos & Teams. Full-time & Parttime. Consistent miles, Satellite/TV benefits, 401k, EOE. Call 7 days/wk! 866-837-5997 DISH TV Retailer. StartG o r d o n Tr u c k i n g . c o m . ing at $19.99/month (for (AzCAN) 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/ Land For Sale month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME 57 ACRES: $57,900. DAY Installation! CALL Prescott area, Ruger Now! 1-800-318-1693. Ranch. Rugged mountain (AzCAN) property bordering State Land. 1st come basis. DirecTV: Over 140 chanFinancing & ADWR re- nels only $29.99 a month. port available. Call AZLR Call Now! Triple savings! (866)632-0877. (AzCAN) $636.00 in Savings, Free upgrade to Genie & 2013 LENDER REPO SALE: 5 NFL Sunday ticket free!! acres, $12,900. Show Low, Start saving today! 1-800Windsor Valley Ranch. 644-2857. (AzCAN) Quiet county maintained Schools/ road with electric. Excellent climate, nearby trout Instruction fishing. 1st come basis. Financing & ADWR re- MEDICAL BILLING port available. Call AZLR TRAINEES needed! Train (866)552-5687. (AzCAN) to become a Medical Office Assistant. No experience needed! Online training at SC Train gets you Job ADVERTISE YOUR Ready! HS Diploma/GED HOME, property or busi- & PC/Internet needed! ness for sale in 84 AZ 1-888-926-6058. (AzCAN) newspapers. Reach over 1 million readers for ONLY Real Estate ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ Page A-12 ACTOS? If you have been taking ACTOS (Pioglitazone) and have been diagnosed with Bladder Cancer or are experiencing the following symptoms: Blood in Urine, Urinary Urgency, Pain in Urination, Back or Abdominal Pain Call us immediately at 877.369.8800, as you may have a legal claim. Your personal, professional consultation is FREE 350 W. Superstition Blvd. #121 • Apache Junction • Moeller Law Office 3433 E. Fort Lowell, Ste 105 Tucson, AZ 85716 The News While this firm maintains joint responsibility, most cases are referred to other attorneys for principal responsibility. ✰ Local Happenings ✰ Call 982-6397 To Add Your Listing AJ Lions Club - Country & Variety Music Show benefiting AJ High School Students. Kings Quartet old time gospel, Kevim Huang accomplished violinist, Red Mtn brass quintet, Paula Williamson 5 time yodeling champion, Gary Gjerstad. Tickets avail AJ Chamber of Commerce, any Lions club member & at the door on night of performance. Friday, Jan 31, 6-9p AJ Performing Art Center (Southern & Ironwood). Tickets $10.00, $5.00 students. Thurs each month OctApr @ 7:00 pm at our lapidary shop 2151 W Superstition 480-9827760 www.ajrockclub. com. Rock Art Show weekends 9a-4p. Arizona Living Well Institute - Six week Diabetes Workshop, Weds. Feb. 12 - Mar. 19, 1:00p-3:30p, Stanford Univ. workshop is grant funded & free of charge. Healthy snacks will be provided. Registration for the six week workshop is required prior to Feb 12th. Class size is limited & fills quickly. AJ Mounted Rangers 2066 W. Apache Trail, meets at: The Boys Ste. 116, AJ. For info & & Girls Club, 1755 N. to register, please call Idaho Road, AJ 85119 Chris Ackerson 480the first Friday of each 982-3118 (ext. 119). month @ 7 p.m. Joan Felkner, AJMR Public Gold Canyon Lions Relations Officer (480- Jan.31 5-8p Spaghetti fund raiser donation $9 288-6152). at the GC Community AJ ROCK and GEM Church. Entertainment CLUB - Meets 2nd & raffles. Tickets can be Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ The Hometown Newspaper purchased at the door. turing Norm Seiss, on Sat., Jan. 25 at 3:00p & Sun., Jan. 26, at 10:30a. The Polka Service is the same basic worship service celebrated with a unique mode of music, in which the melodies are joyous and inspiring with unusual music, and presented in a manner of dignity that enhances the solemnity of the service. Please join us - everyone welcome. Mind Menders Support Group – for Caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s. Every 2nd & 4th Fri 10am Gold Canyon UMC, Educational Bldg. Contact Jeanette (480) 671-9888 or Nancy (480) 9823686 for more info. 69th Montana State Picnic Feb 9, 2014 at Pioneer Park, 526 E. Main,(Between Hobson & Lesuer) Mesa, AZ from 10:00a to 2:00p. There will be drawings for cash & other prizes. Lunch available for purchase. We are looking for pictures & stories from some of the earlier picnics. Contact Ken Rygh or Dean Coats at mt.state. com. The Four Chaplains’ Memorial Service Saturday, 2/1/14. 10am American Legion Post #27 1018 S. Meridian Rd, AJ 85120. V FW Pos t 9399 – Kitchen hours Mon, Fri, Sun 5-7p, Sun: Bar Bingo at 1p, Jam Session 5-9p, Mon: Karaoke 5-9p Weds: Bar Bingo 4p, Texas Hold’em 7p. Fri: Men’s Auxiliary Meat Raffle 6p, Music/ Dancing 5-9p. Happy Hrs Daily 8-11a. Dart Tournaments Tues. & Thurs. 2p, 500 cards at noon Weds & Sat, Euchre Mon. & Thurs. 7p. Post & Ladies Auxiliary mtings 2nd Tues. of each month at 7p., Men’s Auxiliary meet 1st Tues. of month at 6:30p. Call (480) 9825039 for more information or visit www. TOPS 0315 - meets at lst Assy of God Church Writing Open House: 615 N. Ocotilla, AJ each Wed & Thurs in Mondays 12:30-2p. January, 2-4p, FREE half-hour coaching sesTOPS AZ 337 – AJ sion w/professional edchapter meets every itor & coach. Mountain Mon 7:00 am - 9:00 Brew Coffee House, am. Weigh-in 7:10 am 6832 S. Kings Ranch to 7:30 am in the Fel- Road, #5, GC. Quilllowship Hall at Desert or Trina Chapel UMC, 462 N. at Trina@QuillStudios. Palo Verde Dr. AJ. Call com or 602-703-5308. Betty at 480-984-9075. Mountain View Lutheran Church Polka Worship Service 2122 So. Goldfield, Rd., AJ, AZ, 480-982-8266 will hold a polka praise worship service fea- ✰ January 20 - 26, 2014 Page A-13 Apache Junction/GoldCanyon News Local Happenings Policy Change 1. If you currently advertise with The News on a regular basis, your “local happenings” listing can continue to run every week without charge. Call 982-6397 for more details. 2. If you are a non-profit organization, your local happenings listing (now limited to a five-line maximum) can run once a month for free. You will need to establish the week you wish to run. It will be your responsibility to notify us of any changes in your local happenings listing, otherwise, the notice we have on file will be the one published. Non-profit organizations are encouraged to limit their local happenings listing to organization name, meeting dates, times and locations, and a contact phone number to be able to stay within the allotted five-line maximum. 3. The “local happenings” section is now available to both for-profit and non-profit organizations. If you wish to run every week, or more than once a month for non-profit (free listing) without also advertising in the paper, the charge will be $4.00 per line, payable prior to your notice running. ****AUCTION**** JANUARY 25, 2014 - Saturday - 9:00AM Construction Equipment, Farm Machinery, and Vehicles Cochise County - Willcox Area Farmers Harvest Equipment, Tractors, Planters, Irrigation Equipment, and Much, Much More! Directions: 1. 1-10 west of Willcox, Arizona to Exit 331, 2. South on Hwy. 191 for 13.3 miles-just past Mile Marker #54 to Richland Way, 3. Right on Richland Way (west) for 2 miles to Desert Rd at Mile Marker #1, 4. Left (south) on Desert Rd .2 miles to Auction Site. Contact Bill Tingle: 520-253-0158. LOOK FOR ORANGE FLAGS! For further information contact Charles F Dickerson, Inc, International Auctioneers Ofc: 575-526-1106 Cell: 575-644-7445 E-Mail: Photos/Directions/Lists/WebPage: Business & Service Directory The Area’s Largest Circulation Business & Service Directory! Notice: Make sure your contractor has a city business license, has the proper permits for the work to be done, is registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission and abides by the rules of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. A/C & Heating A&A Cooling and Heating, LLC 1/20 Service • Repair • Installation NON COMMISSION BASED COMPANY Apache Junction/ Gold Canyon Preventative Maintenance Check up 480-671-8137 Licensed•Bonded•Insured Carpet Cleaning RED MOUNTAIN CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING •Highest Quality Available •100% “Every Inch” written guarantee •FREE In Home, no obligation, written estimate Carpet Plus Color Tile Flooring Sales & Installation (480) 380-3211 •Sales •Service •Repair •Installation 2011 Apache Junction Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year ROC #247803 •Lic •Bonded •Ins Ask about the SRP rebate programs that could save you $$$$! 3/3 Residential/Commercial 480.671.0833 $34.95 Cacti Rodeo Cactus 480-593-2893 10 Years Experience 1/27 Cleaning Service Cleaning by Linda 2/3 For all your cleaning needs Personal Care • Errands References Available Honest & Dependable 480-540-3463 Licensed - Bonded - Insured Commercial & Residential ROC146571 • ROC146035 FREE ESTIMATES Gates Honest & Reliable 15 Yrs Exp./insured CLEAN INSIDE & OUT pressure washing exterior windows 480-982-7276 QUALITY • HONESTY • INTEGRITY Jay Erschen 480-388-5781 or Scott Lance 602-818-6610 email: or visit our website at Be true to your work, your word, and your friend! Construction All Jobs Construction Roc #B-1 207884 Roc #B 207299 Commercial & Residential • Tenant Improvements • Ground Up Buildings • New Homes • Remodels • Additions Chad Lipps 480-695-6612 THE NEWS • 480-982-6397 Target The More Than 50,000 Residents Of The Apache Junction Gold Canyon Area with an ad in the News Affordable Gate Co., LLC Serving East Valley for 21 years! • Maintenance Free Composite • Wood & Iron Gates See our display at Mesa Marketplace Space A149 The News (480) 982-6397 480-988-1825 2/17 Lisa 480-338-0522 Visit us on Facebook: HopToTrotPetSittingLlc 2/17 •Trees/Bushes Trimmed Removed •Weeds Removed •Full Property • Spray for Weeds FREE Estimates 480-343-0433 602-657-0505 Licensed • Bonded 2/3 Todd’s LANDSCAPING • Tree/Bush/Cactus Shaping & Removal •Drip & Sprinkler Repair •Yard & Garage Cleanup Weekly/Bi-weekly/Monthly Residential/Commercial Free Estimates aj resident • Licensed Robinson Golf Car Supply Use An Ad In The News! Call 480.982-6397 6 VOLT $79 •Block Fences • Concrete •Repairs •Fire Pits •Pavers & Stone Veneers 480-983-1234 OUTDOOR DISPLAY 2000 W. Apache Trail from Exchange plus tax 2165 S. Coconino, Apache Junction (Idaho & Southern) Golf Car Place 2/3 2/17 FREE Estimates Handyman Adams Home Repair •Plumbing •Carpentry •Electrical •Drywall •Painting •Hauling •Drain Cleaning Free Estimates • 35yrs exp WILD WEST Golf Cars 480-354-4843 SON IN LAW DJ 480-776-4929 FREE ESTIMATES 36 Years Experience Not a licensed contractor 1/20 480.241.2067 yman haURnCOd ME SERVICES MPLETE HO o big YO all or to No job too sm Thomas Renovations Superstition RV RV Sales & Service Onan Generator Repair A/C & Furnace Repair Roof Treatment • Battery Service Interior/Exterior Servicing & Cleaning •Drives•Patios•Walks •BBQ•Fake Grass •Decorative Concrete Pavers•Walls•Stucco Quality work, Reliable Free Estimates 10131 E. Apache Trail • Apache Junction, AZ 85120 1-888-820-3433 • Hrs: M-F 9am-4:30pm; Sat 9am-3pm Welding Not a lic contractor 3/24 Tara Plumbing All Work Guaranteed Affordable Prices Retired New York City Licensed Plumber Pay by the JobNot by the Hour FREE ESTIMATES! You’d be plumb crazy not to call! 2/24 YOUR ELECTRONIC EXPERTS Welding Supplies • Welding Gas • CO2 • Helium • Argon • ect. • Plasma Cutter • Welders • Miller • Lincoln • Longevity 9333 E Main, Mesa 480-986-8877 Cell 480-390-3905 4/28 EAST SIDE PLUMBING, LLC Mobile Service Registered Business in Arizona since 2001 servicing thousands of customers Honest, Affordable, Dependable Service Residential/Commercial Manufactured Home Specialists •Drain Cleaning •Faucet, Toilet & Sink Repairs •Lines Replaced •All Plumbing Emergency Calls •Water Heater Repair Not a Licensed Contractor/Registered Contractor w/State of AZ 2/3 Welcome Back Winter Visitors! Discounts to first time customers NOT A LICENSED CONTRACTOR A+ WITH BBB 2/10 1/27 Plumbing/Drains 2/17 •Handyman •Maintenance •Honey Do’s 2/24 RV Sales & Service 1/6 480-600-7357 •Licensed •Bonded •Insured 480-221-7375 1/20 (SW corner of Apache Trail & Ironwood) Senior Services Family Owned & Operated Credit Cards Accepted PRO-HANDYMAN Fans/Lights/Plugs New Tubs/Showers Carpentry/Cabinets Drywall Repair/Texturing Tile/Laminate Flooring Same Day Service Call Vuna 1721 W. Superstition Blvd. Apache Junction, AZ 85120 •Interior/Exterior •Drywall Repairs •FREE Estimates Small Jobs Welcome! M-F 8:30am-4pm 1735 W. Apache Trail #5, Apache Junction HHHHH 13% OFF (480) 671-5769 •Total Yard Clean-Up •We do trim, cut & removal of frost damaged trees, plants & shrubs •Weed removal & hauling •You name it, We do it! Craig Allen Painting Mobile Service Sales & Leasing 480.628.1554 Not a licensed contractor 3/10 ROC #271263 Urethane Foam Specialist Unlimited Landscaping Painting (480) 982-3473 2/17 480-255-0763 480-983-9779 1/27 480.983.3974 2011 Club Car Golf Cars $3395.00 HHHHH FREE ESTIMATES Bonded/Insured Trees & Shrubs Trimmed Irrigation • Hauling • Granite Weed Control • Fertilization 480.358.6714 2/3 ROC #269438 •Bonded • Insured Bonded Insured Accredited Business LANDSCAPE & TREES Residential & Commercial Your Masonry Specialist Batteries Parts Rentals Chargers Summer Storage Pick Up / Delivery Sales and Service 186 N. Ironwood JEFF “ER” GEE’S Rod Bywater • 480-265-7840 Apache Junction ROC # 274346 Licensed 2/17 2/3 1/27 FREE ESTIMATES Masonry/Concrete Sales - RENTALS - repairs RESIDENTIAL REPAIR • RE-ROOF • COATINGS ROOF MAINTENANCE • WARRANTIES Shingle • Tile • Walk Decks Shakes • Water Proofing • Flat Foam Roofs • New Roofs Rabbits to Horses • Cats to Dogs Your animal family will be treated with loving attention. Bonded & Insured 480.390.5511 Golf Cars Golf Car Batteries COMMERCIAL Specialized Pet Care for any occasion. U-Call Yard Service & Hauling 1/20 2/17 Cheryl’s Cleaning Service SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL REMODELS NEW BUILDS • TENANT IMPROVEMENTS ADDITIONS Framing/Drywall/Painting/Electrical Finish Carpentry/Flooring/Water & Fire Damage/More Proud Member of the Fishin’ Without Bait? 480-982-4523 Landscaping • Move or Remove all kinds of trees • Buy & Sell All Kinds Of Cactus General Contractor Commercial / Residential ROC 281383 KB-1 A+ • Service Upgrades, Repair & Installations. Breaker Replacement • Lighting: Security, Yard, Parking Lot, Recessed & Decorative Lighting • AC & Swamp Cooler Service & Repairs • Residential Solar Systems 24/7 Emergency Service - (602)722-8674 Saguaro Cactus JTI Construction LLC 2/10 Everything Electrical, Lighting & Solar Hop To Trot Pet & House Sitting, LLC Construction 2/10 Apache Dee’s Electrical Services Air Conditioning & Heating Family Owned 24/Hr & Weekend Service no premium charge All other locations call for pricing. ROC191953 2/17 Three Phase Mechanical Roofing House/Pet Sitting Electric Whole House Drain Cleaning DBA: M.D. Plumbing & Rooter SPECIAL! 24-Hour FREE Service Estimates Residential/Commercial • Family Owned & Operated 480-288-4584 Licensed •Bonded •Insured www.eastside 480.834.6166 Mobile: 480.560.4207 Office Be as true to your customers as you are to yourself! Business License 14509232 Not a Licensed Contractor Page A-14 January 20 - 26, 2014 ✰ Apache Junction - Gold Canyon News ✰ The Hometown Newspaper
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and water sheds while encour- NEW HRS: MON-FRI 9AM - 3PM
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