SASL - Current Newsletter -Electronic.indd


SASL - Current Newsletter -Electronic.indd
Newsletter of the San Antonio Symphony League
President’s Message
The Elections are FINALLY! over and our thoughts can now
turn to the enjoyment of family and friends during Thanksgiving and the fast approaching holiday season. During this
same time, our Symphony will offer eight Nutcracker and
three Messiah performances, providing a time convenient for
your family, friends and out-of-town guests to enjoy the magical and mystical music of the season.
Since the last Tempo issue, the League celebrated its season opener at La Fonda
On Main; sponsored three belle Symphony education classes; welcomed six new
musicians to the Symphony during the League’s Orchestra Luncheon; and was
recognized by SAS CEO Fishman at the League’s Appreciation Concerts.
Our latest venture is our beginning discussions about fun and innovative new
fundraisers (and some old ones) to add to our agenda in order to involve and
accommodate the talents of our many new members and continue to support
our Symphony. Stay tuned for ideas culled—and get your imagination working
about how you might contribute as you join in the fun.
As we approach the holiday season, let us all count our blessings. Thank you
for your continued support, generosity and service to the League and our Symphony. Be safe,
Remembering Two Special Ladies
Doris Staffel, staunch supporter of our Symphony, passed away on
September 3, 2012. She was president of the Symphony League
from 1985-1987, which included the year when the Symphony had
to shut down (‘went dark”, as Doris put it). She played an important
role in the fundraising which turned the lights back on—even raising money in nickels and dimes from schoolchildren. When League
volunteers would have one of their Orchestra Luncheons, she would
prepare her famous tortilla soup or homemade sandwiches which
were always eagerly awaited by the orchestra members. As committee member of
the Symphony Maestro Society, Doris consistently promoted the Symphony and its
value to San Antonio and South Texas. She continued to work for the Symphony
right to the end and excelled at generating new fundraising ideas. Doris was a beautiful, happy soul, with an infectious laugh that caused others to laugh along with her.
She was a wonderful friend to all who knew her, and we will miss her greatly.
Martin Kushner, Editor
Upcoming Events
Dec. 5 - 10 am
Holiday Coffee
Home of Wendy Atwell
Jan. 15 & 16 - 9 am to Noon
Young People’s Concert #2
“Amadeus and Papa Hayden”
Trinity University
Laurie Auditorium
Jan. 24 - 11:30 am
Orchestra Hospitality Luncheon
Majestic Theatre Rotunda
Jan. 28 - 5:30 pm
Music at the Museum
San Antonio Museum of Art
Feb. 2 - 9 am to 5 pm
Future Stars Concerto Competition
Majestic Theatre
Feb. 23 - 9 am to 11:30 am
Future Stars Concerto Competition
Trinity University
Ruth Taylor Recital Hall
Feb. 24 - 3 pm
Belle Spring Fashion Show
Julian Gold
Feb. 27 & 28 - 9am to Noon
Young People’s Concert #3
“New Paths & Great Expectations”
Trinity University
Laurie Auditorium
Long-time San Antonio Symphony League member Dorothy Massy died peacefully on October 21, 2012.
She contributed to the League in many varying capacities, including many hours working on the annual
Show Houses and the Christmas Bazaars when they were major League fundraisers. She and her husband,
Gerald, also enjoyed hosting visiting artists, often feting them with parties and showing them through the
city's famous sites. Dorothy is possibly best remembered for her work as co-editor to Carolyn Wiedeman
on the San Antonio Cookbook II. After its 1976 publication, Dorothy spent many years promoting and
selling the book, which eventually raised $200,000 in support of the San Antonio Symphony. In addition
to her League duties, Dorothy also served on the Symphony Board and the Maestro Society Committee.We
remember her as a gracious and supportive lady, loved by many, and we will truly miss her.
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Holiday Coffee Is Awaiting You!
The League’s most popular membership get together is just around the corner—our annual Holiday Coffee—always held
in a unique and homey holiday setting. This year, Wendy Atwell graciously opens her welcoming home, 601 Ciruela in
Alamo Heights, for a morning of music and gaiety on Wednesday, December 5, 10:00am. Check out the home drawing
on your invitation—created by our hostess’ talented daughter!
The Class of 2015 Belle Moms are enthusiastically concocting and donating the refreshments, showcasing their favorite
holiday treats. Special thanks to Melany Andersen and her committee for creating what will be a gorgeous holiday display of savory and sweet treats. The UTSA Chamber Singers, directed by Dr. John Silantien and piano accompaniment
by Jeremy Daggett, will provide the holiday entertainment.
This coffee is hosted at no cost to members or guests and is an ideal event to introduce prospective League members
to our organization. We are hopeful that each member will bring a guest and help us grow our membership. You will
definitely want to make sure to include this lovely morning on your December 5 schedule... what a special way to ring in
the holidays.
Submitted by Lynette Farrimond Nelson, VP Social Activities
Welcoming the New Season with a Double Rainbow
League members and friends were undaunted by rain on September 27, when they gathered in the courtyard and party
room at La Fonda on Main for the League’s Season Opener. Over 50 guests were greeted with a sumptuous cuisine as
only Cappy can provide... gourmet empanadas, carnitas and more were served throughout the room, along with refreshing margaritas, wine and beer. The iconic San Antonio venue—filled with tropical plants and San Antonio’s own limestone—was the perfect backdrop to a relaxing evening with friends, all gathered through their common interest in supporting our outstanding symphony.
League President Kathy Rafferty welcomed the guests and shared a glimpse of the exciting 2012-2013 League events
to come and the many colorful concerts for the community and our youth. SA Symphony CEO Jack Fishman shared his
enthusiasm and knowledge about the future home of the Symphony—The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts.
We are so very appreciative of Suzy and Cappy Lawton’s generosity of donating the use of their lovely restaurant, including all the catering and rental fees. We hope that you and your family will share your thanks and add La Fonda on Main
to your plans for your next evening out... how about dinner before the concert?!
Submitted by Lynette Farmond Nelson, VP Social Activities
Jim Lowe, Jack Fishman, Jay Forrest
Lynn Amos and Dorothy Massy
Maureen Hillman, Maxine Farrimond,
Lynette Farrimond Nelson
Rub Elbows with Symphony Guest Artists
If you had the chance, what would you ask the technical advisor for Lang Lang? Or the two ‘wicked divas’ from Broadway? You HAVE that chance—a rare opportunity—when you volunteer for Guest Artist Hospitality. Members of this
committee are notified when there is an artist coming in who needs to be met at the airport, or taken back to the airport
from their hotel—The Valencia on Houston Street. Also there are times when concerts are in different places and the artist
needs to be transported to, say, Laurie Auditorium, or, in the case of the singers and conductor coming for The Messiah,
to different churches. What a privilege to meet national and international musicians and welcome them to San Antonio.
Please call or email me if you would like to join us—Penny 210-439-6333 or No meetings (promise!!) and it only takes an hour of your time. Just think, you may be transporting the guest conductor who loves to dress up
as a holiday ornament to engage and inspire the children in the audience. What would you ask him??!!
Submitted by Penny Wiederhold, Hospitality Chair
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43rd Annual Symphony Ball
“A Night In Imperial Saint Petersburg”
The San Antonio Symphony League’s forty-third annual Presentation Ball will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2013, at the
J. W. Marriott Hotel. We will present forty Belles, and celebrate with wonderful cuisine, fine wine, and dancing to the music of Max Class and the Class Act. Individual seats for adults this year are $275.00 per person, with tables of ten costing
$2,750.00. Individual tickets for teens are $200.00 per person, with teen tables for ten costing $2,000.00.
We are also offering additional sponsorship levels to help raise amounts that the San Antonio Symphony League will
ultimately be able to donate to the San Antonio Symphony. The additional sponsorship levels, and benefits associated with
these sponsorship levels are:
Seating for 10
Full page recognition in Program
Recognition as a Symphony Maestro Gold Donor
Dinner with Maestro Sebastian Lang-Lessing
Wine Tasting with a Symphony Guest Artist
Four (4) tickets to a Symphony performance
$ 7,500
Seating for 10
Full page recognition in Program
Recognition as a Symphony Maestro Gold Donor
Wine tasting with a Symphony Guest Artist
Four (4) tickets to a Symphony performance
Seating for 10
Full page recognition in Program
Recognition as a Symphony Maestro Gold Donor
Four (4) tickets to a Symphony performance
Seating for 10
Recognition as a sponsor in Program
Recognition as a Symphony Maestro Bronze Donor
We look forward to seeing you at “A Night in Imperial Saint Petersburg,” and appreciate your support of …OUR San
Antonio Symphony!
Submitted by David Kinder, VP Ways and Means
Mark Your 2013 Calendar
Music at the Museum XIII (M@M) will be held on Monday evening, January 28, 2012 at the San Antonio
Museum of Art (SAMA). This annual fundraising event is a joint project between the SAMA Docents and the Symphony
League. Plans are well underway for the event that will include wonderful hors d’oeuvers, wine, music, and other surprizes. Don’t forget that the League’s share of all M@M profits go into our Education Fund to support our many music education activities. Be on the lookout for your invitation to this fun event. See you at the 13th annual Music at the Museum!
The Belle Spring Fashion Show will introduce the Class of 2016 Belles to the Symphony League on Sunday,
February 24, 2013, 3 pm, at Julian Gold. More details will be in our February 2013 Tempo. Just want you to save the
date now!!
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Belle Activities
The 2013 Class of Symphony Belles at the Tea
2013 Symphony Ball Volunteers
Front Row: Katy Shetler, Milla Brusenhan, Anna Beck, Samantha Heard, Sedley Clark,
Embrey Nichols, Hilary Shaw, Linda Rubiola, Spencer Bobbitt, Jenna Marshall, Diana
Left to Right: Melissa McGuire, Acceptance
Rubin, and Carolina Roberts.
Tea Chair, Patti Anderson, Belle Chair, Linda
Middle Row: Anna Curl, Landry Stern, Annie Massari, Claire Prichard, Lizzie
Yarborough, Acceptance Tea Hostess, Vickie
Massari, Haile Bradley, Elisabeth Uhl, Louisa McCarty, Shelbie Shed, Sarah Dan,
Kinder, Ball Chair, Maureen Hillman, Ball
Marielle Holdsworth, and Maggie Beth Byers.
Reservations, and Jimmie Balling, Ball
Back Row: Chloe Connor, Mariah McFadin, Claudia Thornton, Brady Vanham, Sarah
Beth Krenger, Brooke Yarborough, Barrett Wolff, Amy Daniel, Sarah Howie, Jacqueline
Cabello, Hannah Gibson, Lauren Brockwell, and Grace Locke.
Belle Service at SAS Spooktacular
Boo! The San Antonio Symphony's First Family Concert of the 2012-2013 season, "Halloween Spooktacular", was held on Sunday afternoon, October 28th at
the Alamo Heights High School Auditorium. Fifteen
Belles from the Classes of 2014 and 2015, and several
Belle moms, assisted Mr. Brimhall with the interactive
activities preceding the concert. These fun activities
included bowling, "Ring the witches hat or spider",
origami, face painting, "Guess the Instrument", HalMacye Marshall & Claudia Kiolbassa loween coloring, and costume picture taking. A fun
time was had by all...the Belles and the participants!
And....these girls and moms have fulfilled their yearly
service requirement! Thank you! The next service
opportunity will be the "HolidayMagic" Family Concert on Sunday, December 23rd.
Paige Cheatham, Carol Johnson
and Joan Whiteley
Submitted by Joan Whiteley, Belle Service Chair
2016 Belles Abby Lynd, Taylor Nugent,
Jenna Belle Fuhrmann,
Sophie Aliece Hollis
Reagan Gulley, Jillian Fuhrmann, Carrie King
Ian Brusenhan, Jenna Belle
Fuhrmann, Count Bassie, Sophie
Aliece Hollis, and Taylor Nugent
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Belle Symphony Education Program
Mission Statement for Symphony 101 (Freshman Belles), 201 (Sophomore Belles), 301 (Junior Belles): To create an educational
program exclusively for Symphony Belles and their parents with the purpose of increasing and enhancing the nature of their
involvement and interaction with the San Antonio Symphony, its musicians and staff, and the Symphony League.
In June, I was asked to take part in a committee to discuss ways to bridge the gap beween the San Antonio Symphony and
League Symphony Belles. Our desire was to ensure these young ladies receive an appreciation and understanding of what
they were supporting by being a member of the Belle Program. We came up with a wonderful plan to have each belle class
meet at the beginning of the school year for a fun social gathering, where they would also have the opportunity to meet and
learn from several Symphony personnel: Akiko Fujimoto, the Symphony assistant conductor; a musician discussed their
instrument, then played with feeling and dexterity; Jeremy Brimhall (SAS Dir Educ) shared some basic understanding of
symphonic music along with rules of etiquette at a symphony performance; and Joan Whiteley walked the belles through
their belle service requirements. The girls thoroughly enjoyed getting together for some fun with their own belle class and
left a bit wiser on the subject of our Symphony and live classical music!!
Once the belles attended these classes (Symphony 101, 201, 301) our committee thought it only made sense to put all of
this new understanding to practical use, by having the girls attend a symphony performance with their respective belle
classes. Jeremy selected a schedule of Symphony concerts that would be appropriate for each grade. These events were
a huge success with the Belles and they really gained a better understanding of what they were supporting as a Symphony
I was able to attend Symphony 101 (Class of 2016) and the Halloween Spooktacular! concert at AHHS last month. It was
a fun surprise to hear the new belle class being welcomed from the stage!! In addition, it was so great for these new young
ladies to see the older belle classes perform their belle service at fun Halloween booths, set up for attending children to join
in on all the pre-concert festivities!! It is so important for these young ladies to understand the importance of the Arts in
our community and why we need to be supportive!! All in all, it was a huge success!!
Submitted by Joy Fuhrmann, Belle Development Chair
(Class of 2014 and Class of 2016 Belle Mom)
PRESIDENT’S NOTE. From a Class of 2015 Belle Mom: “What an amazing evening!! We were thoroughly captivated,
entertained and inspired! Several of us immediately purchased tickets to The Nutcracker as a result! Very impressive!!
Wonderful mother/daughter Girls Night Out!!” From a Class of 2016 Belle Mom: “My daughter enjoyed the concert—fun
and family oriented. She also appreciated the musician taking the time to perform for the class during Symphony 101.”
From a Class of 2013 Belle Mom: “Seeing the excitement of a LIVE performance was matched only by the high energy of
the conductor’s performance!”
Symphony League Appreciation Concerts
On October 19 and 20th (Classical Series) and
November 2 and 3rd (Pops Series) the San Antonio
Symphony honored the League for its many contributions to their operation. Prior to each concert
SASL President Kathy Rafferty was introduced
on stage and given an opportunity to talk about
the League and our various projects. In addition,
a number of SASL members volunteered to staff
a League table prior to and during intermission of
each concert.
Lisa Caldwell & Maureen Hillman
Telling the League Story and Recruiting
While we were not able to obtain photos of each
of our volunteers, we truly appreciate their efforts.
It is this type of activity that helps to get out the
good word about YOUR League.
Kathy Rafferty introduced by Jack Fishman
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From Jack Fishman, San Antonio Symphony CEO
Why a Brahms Festival!
Why a Brahms Festival? After highly successful Tchaikovsky and
Beethoven festivals in two consecutive seasons Johannes Brahms is
next! In January and February Music Director Sebastian Lang-Lessing,
the San Antonio Symphony and 19 artistic partners will celebrate The logo drawing of Brahms was created by Judy
this great late-romantic composer. Maestro Lang-Lessing is the
Geist ( All rights reserved.
artistic curator of the entire festival.
Brahms’s music is the culmination of the greatest traditions in Western music. He uniquely combined
innovative romantic harmonies and brilliant lyricism with the structures he loved and learned from Bach,
Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven. He is the towering and most beloved figure of the late 19th century.
Brahms was born just six years after the death of Beethoven. He lived from May 1833 to April 1897. Robert Schumann
anointed him the successor of Beethoven and the savior of music when Brahms was just 20 years old. Due to Schumann’s
endorsement, Brahms was famous throughout Europe before most people had heard a note of his music! The 2013
Brahms Festival will celebrate the romantic in Brahms and perhaps answer the questions we all have about his music—
was Brahms the ultimate innovator? a traditionalist? A romantic? the rival and musical opposite of Wagner and Liszt?
What is his place in history? and what is his place in our hearts?
First up for the Brahms Festival is another collaboration with the Symphony and KLRN. The Brahms concert will air on
KLRN on:
Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, December 30, 2012 at 5 p.m.
Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 6, 2013 at 1:30 p.m.
The all-Brahms televised program featuring the San Antonio Symphony, Sebastian Lang-Lessing, conductor includes:
Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80
Movement VI. Rondo from Serenade No. 1 in D major, Op. 11
Movement III. Poco allegretto from Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90
Hungarian Dances No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 5 & 6
The Symphony’s performances in February feature eight great Brahms masterpieces in just 10 days. The addition of three
world-class soloists makes this an even more spectacular event than last year’s Beethoven Festival. Plus two new onehour DISCOVER concerts on Sunday afternoons will add an inside look at Brahms’ genius. Music Director Sebastian
Lang-Lessing will conduct all six Symphony performances in the Majestic Theatre:
Friday, February 8, 2013 | 8 p.m. with Kirill Gerstein, piano
Piano Concerto No. 1 & Symphony No. 1
Saturday, February 9, 2013 | 8 p.m. with Kirill Gerstein, piano
Piano Concerto No. 2 & Symphony No. 2
Sunday, February 10, 2013 | 3 p.m.
Friday, February 15, 2013 | 8 p.m. with Vadim Gluzman, violin
Violin Concerto & Symphony No. 3
Saturday, February 16, 2013 | 8 p.m. with Vadim Gluzman, violin and Jian Wang, cello
Double Concerto for Violin and Cello & Symphony No. 4
Sunday, February 17, 2013 | 3 p.m.
For more information visit You’ll find a complete list of artistic partners and events. The
Brahms Festival is sponsored by The Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts.
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Music Adds So Much To Our Lives!
The following article was written by Drs. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz and appeared in the San Antonio Express News on Oct 13, 2012. (Reprint permission granted).
Music expresses complex emotions, impresses brain function and just plain makes us all happier and smarter. Infants who
play interactive music games with parents are easier to soothe and more expressive. And if you have just one to five years
of music lessons as a kid and you never touch an instrument again, you’ll be better at listening to others and at learning.
How does music do all that? It lights up many parts of the brain that groove to rhythm and melody, particularly centers
that control emotions, motion and creativity. And that increases your visual and verbal—not just auditory—skills.
So let the kids beat on the pots and pans (well, OK, maybe draw the line there), encourage piano lessons, and don’t let
your school eliminate music classes (in some states, half of all music classes have disappeared in the past five years).
And if you didn’t have music lessons as a kid, don’t feel discouraged. Adults who take up an instrument gain great rewards: stress reduction, increased self-esteem and a defense against dementia. Start up the band!
Ushering the Future Toward the Arts
When my husband and I retired as education professionals, we were open and ready for 9-to-5 opportunities that could not
be explored when we had students and co-workers counting on us. Our school days really ran from 7 A.M. until whenever we finished; there was little time or energy for other activities Monday through Friday or on Sunday afternoons.
Education is a full-time task.
We weren’t complete job-slaves, however. We have always participated in our church choir and in community functions
with an occasional evening class or weekend conference or family trip.
Now, as retirees, the doors to other wonderful opportunities opened. One of our League friends, Joan Whiteley, asked us
to consider ushering for the San Antonio Symphony’s Young People’s Concerts (YPCs). She knew, as career educators,
we enjoyed children and might like this volunteer opportunity. We took her up on it, and what an absolute pleasure it is!
Our contact for the first season was Edna Martin (YPC Usher Chair), and she and her husband Jerry have become great
co-workers in this educational outreach to our community. Waiting for the Symphony season to begin again is not unlike
the feeling of the first day of a new school year, when we receive the call that welcomes us back as volunteers and tells us
the program dates.
The very best part of our ‘job’, of course, is waiting for the buses of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade children to arrive at Laurie
Auditorium on the day of THEIR outing to the Symphony. Some are in school uniforms. Others are dressed to the nines
with ties on the guys and party dresses on the girls. The excitement on each of the students’ faces is a joy in itself.
We always try to take some time to sit in the auditorium and listen to the first part of the program. Often we learn something ourselves about the music or the composer, but we also hear what these students know and have been taught about
symphonic music and appropriate responses. Sometimes their enthusiasm bubbles over into applause when it’s really not
the “proper” time to clap, but generally it is very obvious that they respond with pleasure to the way our conductors and
musicians present the music to them.
I feel like we’ve been given a gift that we can reciprocate, as we usher and watch the children take in the sounds and emotions of really great music performed live for them.
For more information on the fun of ushering at our Young Peoples’ Concerts during the week, please contact Edna Martin
at 979-9043.
Submitted by Nancy Black, League YPC Usher
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San Antonio Symphony LeaguePage 8
Welcome to Our Newest League Members
Mrs. Paul Beuhler
Mrs. John Bruns
Mrs. Taylor Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Forrest
Mrs. Emily Heard
Ms. Stacey Hill & Mr. Erick Schlather
Mrs. George Kampmann, Jr.
Ms. Katie Kinder
Mrs. Carol Locke
Ms. Angela McFadin
Mr. Nick McFadin III
Mr. & Mrs. Houston Moore
Mrs. Joe Ortega
Mrs. Franklin Redmond
Mrs. James R. Redmond
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. George Samaras
Mrs. Baltazar R. Serna, Jr.
Mrs. Jean Tiedeman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Vance
Ms. Susanne Woodley Vanham
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Vaughan III