Former Paragon Terminal/Apollo Street Creek Parcels 2011 Annual
Former Paragon Terminal/Apollo Street Creek Parcels 2011 Annual
January 31, 2011 Mr. Edward Hampston, P.E. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Remediation Remedial Bureau D – 12th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-7013 Re: Former Paragon Oil Terminal and the 100-120 Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint Section – Brooklyn, New York 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Dear Mr. Hampston: SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC (SAIC), on behalf of Texaco Inc. (Texaco), respectfully submits to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) the 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report for 2011. The report summarizes the corrective action activities completed on both of the above referenced properties for 2011. All work has been completed in accordance with the amended order on Consent Case No. D2-1111-01-09AM between Texaco and NYSDEC dated May 15, 2009. If you have any questions concerning the information presented in this report, please do not hesitate to contact either Ms. G. M. Harris of Chevron Environmental Management Company on behalf of Texaco at 713-432-2248 or Mr. Peter Cagnetta of SAIC at 717-901-8841. Sincerely, SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Peter J. Cagnetta, CPSS Senior Project Manager/Soil Scientist PJC:pr cc: G.M. Harris (Texaco) Neil Fletcher (Texaco) Stan Luckoski (Texaco) Jerry Ross (Pillsbury) Sal Geneva (Empire Merchants) Elizabeth Knaur (SPR) Steve Malinowski (CA Rich) Justin Kennedy (Roux) Steve Trifiletti (ExxonMobil) Nick Onufrak (BP) Joe White (NYSDEC) Kevin Lumpe (Steel Equities) Ivy Marvel (Brooklyn Public Library) SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 6310 Allentown Boulevard / Harrisburg, PA 17112 / tel: 717.901.8100 / 2011 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT AND 4TH QUARTER STATUS REPORT (OCTOBER 1, 2011 TO DECEMBER 31, 2011) FOR THE FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL AND THE 100-120 APOLLO STREET PROPERTY GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK FACILITY #304209 Prepared for: Texaco Inc. 4800 Fournace Place E520A Bellaire, Texas 77401 Prepared by: SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 6310 Allentown Boulevard Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17112 January 31, 2011 SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 6310 Allentown Boulevard / Harrisburg, PA 17112 / tel: 717.901.8100 / 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property January 31, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................1 2.0 4th Quarter Status Report.........................................................................................................2 2.1 Landside Recovery System ............................................................................................2 2.1.1 Total Fluids Recovery System Operations ....................................................... 2 October 2011 ...................................................................................... 2 November 2011 .................................................................................. 3 December 2011 .................................................................................. 4 Total Fluids Recovery System Maintenance ..................................... 4 2.1.2 PSH Thickness and Groundwater Elevation Monitoring.................................. 6 2.1.3 Treated Water Discharge Monitoring ............................................................... 6 2.1.4 Indoor Well Inspections and Slab Maintenance ............................................... 7 2.1.5 Sub-Slab Depressurization System ................................................................... 7 2.2 Newtown Creek Containment Booms ...........................................................................8 2.2.1 Former Paragon Oil Terminal ........................................................................... 8 2.2.2 100-120 Apollo Street Property ........................................................................ 9 2.2.3 Creekside Bulkhead Inspection and Resealing ................................................. 9 2.2.4 Containment Boom Enhancements ................................................................. 10 2.3 Site Characterization Activities ...................................................................................10 2.3.1 Regional Groundwater and PSH Gauging ...................................................... 10 3.0 Annual Progress Report ........................................................................................................11 3.1 Landside Recovery System ..........................................................................................11 3.1.1 Total Fluids Recovery System Performance and Maintenance ...................... 11 3.1.2 PSH Thickness and Groundwater Elevation Monitoring................................ 13 3.1.3 Treated Water Discharge Monitoring ............................................................. 14 3.1.4 Indoor Well Inspections and Slab Maintenance ............................................. 14 3.1.5 Sub-Slab Depressurization System Performance............................................ 15 3.2 Newtown Creek Containment Booms .........................................................................16 3.2.1 Former Paragon Oil Terminal ......................................................................... 16 Summary of Containment and Absorption System Monitoring ...... 16 Summary of Seep Mitigation ........................................................... 17 3.2.2 100-120 Apollo Street Property ...................................................................... 17 Summary of Containment and Absorption System Monitoring ........ 17 Summary of Seep Mitigation ........................................................... 17 3.2.3 Summary of Bulkhead Inspections and Resealing.......................................... 18 3.2.4 Containment and Absorption System Enhancements ..................................... 18 3.3 Summary of Additional Activities ...............................................................................18 3.3.1 Summary of Regional Groundwater and PSH Gauging ................................. 18 SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property January 31, 2011 3.3.2 Nuisance Odor Control Measures ................................................................... 19 3.3.3 Oil-Water Separator Upgrade ......................................................................... 19 3.3.4 Ambient Air Monitoring Program .................................................................. 19 3.3.5 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Event ......................................................... 20 3.3.6 Removal of Tree from Newtown Creek.......................................................... 21 4.0 Activities Planned for 2012 ..................................................................................................22 4.1 Continued Operation of the Landside Recovery System .............................................22 4.1.1 Continued Operation of the TFR System........................................................ 22 4.1.2 Installation of TFR System Recovery Wells .................................................. 22 4.1.3 PSH Thickness and Groundwater Elevation Monitoring................................ 23 4.1.4 Treated Water Discharge Monitoring ............................................................. 23 4.1.5 Monthly Indoor Well Inspections and Slab Maintenance............................... 23 4.1.6 Sub-Slab Depressurization System ................................................................. 23 4.1.7 Installation and Start-up of the Vapor-Phase Recovery System ..................... 23 4.2 Continued Operation of the Newtown Creek Containment Booms.............................24 4.3 Planned Site Characterization Activities .....................................................................24 4.3.1 Annual Groundwater Monitoring ................................................................... 24 4.3.2 Semiannual Ambient Air Monitoring ............................................................. 24 SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property January 31, 2011 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Site Location Map ................................................................................ Following Text Location of Site Monitoring Wells and Total Fluids Recovery System ............................................................. Following Text Figure 3 Total Fluids Recovery System Process Flow Schematic .................... Following Text Figure 4 4th Quarter Recovered PSH and Maintenance Timeline ...................... Following Text Figure 5 Cumulative and Weekly PSH Recovered ............................................ Following Text Figure 6a 4th Quarter Lower Bulkhead Monitoring Wells, PSH Thickness vs. Time ...................................................................... Following Text Figure 6b 4th Quarter Upper Bulkhead Monitoring Wells, PSH Thickness vs. Time ...................................................................... Following Text Figure 7 Sub-Slab Depressurization System ...................................................... Following Text Figure 8 Sub-Slab Depressurization System Process Flow Schematic .............. Following Text Figure 9 Plan View of Boom Containment and Absorption System ................ Following Text Figure 10a Annual Lower Bulkhead Monitoring Wells, PSH Thickness vs. Time ...................................................................... Following Text Figure 10b Annual Lower Bulkhead Monitoring Wells, PSH Thickness vs. Time ...................................................................... Following Text Figure 10c Annual Upper Bulkhead Monitoring Wells, PSH Thickness vs. Time ...................................................................... Following Text Figure 11 Sheen Detections in the Boom Systems from 2008 to 2011 ................ Following Text Figure 12 Ambient Air Sample Locations ........................................................... Following Text Figure 13 Location of Replacement Recovery Well Installations Proposed for 2012 ................................................................................ Following Text LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Summary of Total Fluids Recovered on a Weekly Basis .................... Following Text 4th Quarter Total Fluids Recovery System Operation .......................... Following Text 4th Quarter Summary of Estimated Individual Well Flow-Rates ......... Following Text 4th Measured Quarter PSH Thicknesses in Bulkhead Monitoring and Recovery Wells ............................................................................. Following Text 4th Quarter NYCDEP Discharge Permit Compliance Results ............. Following Text 4th Quarter Internal Quality Assurance Discharge Results ................. Following Text 4th Quarter Summary of Sub-Slab Depressurization System Monitoring Results............................................................................... Following Text 4th Quarter Newtown Creek Containment Boom System Activities Paragon Site ......................................................................................... Following Text 4th Quarter Newtown Creek Containment Boom System Activities Apollo Street Site ................................................................................. Following Text Annual Summary of Total Fluids Recovered ...................................... Following Text SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 Table 17 Table 18 January 31, 2011 Annual Summary of Fluids Removed from System during Equipment Cleaning Activities ............................................................ Following Text Annual Measured PSH Thickness in Bulkhead Monitoring and Recovery Wells ............................................................................. Following Text Annual Summary of NYCDEP Discharge Permit Compliance Results ............................................................................. Following Text Annual Summary of Internal Quality Assurance Discharge Results ... Following Text Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results, February and September 2011 ............................................................. Following Text Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons, 2010 & 2011 ..... Following Text Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for Target Contaminant List Compounds, 2010 & 2011 ...................................... Following Text Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for PCBs, RCRA Dissolved Metals, and Total Dissolved Solids, 2010 & 2011 ............. Following Text LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F NYCDEP Treated Groundwater Discharge Permit ............................ Following Text Photographs of OWS Upgrade Activities........................................... Following Text Recovered Fluids Transportation and Recycling Documentation ...... Following Text 2011 Organoclay and Carbon Waste Profile Laboratory Reports...... Following Text Completed Boom Inspection Forms ................................................... Following Text Photographs of Tree Removal Activities ............................................ Following Text LIST OF PLATES Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Groundwater Contour Map, December 7, 2011.......................................... In Back Pocket PSH Thickness and Extent, December 7, 2011 .......................................... In Back Pocket 2011 Quarterly PSH Extent ........................................................................ In Back Pocket Extent of Groundwater Exceedances in 2010 & 2011 ................................ In Back Pocket SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Status Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -1- January 31, 2011 1.0 INTRODUCTION SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC (SAIC), on behalf of Texaco Inc. (Texaco), respectfully submits to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) the 4th Quarter Status Report and 2011 Annual Progress Report for the corrective action activities performed at the former Paragon Oil Terminal property located at 16, 42, and 50 Bridgewater Street, Brooklyn, New York (Paragon site) and the adjacent 100-120 Apollo Street property (Apollo Street site). Figure 1 presents the regional site setting and identifies the site. The Paragon Oil Company operated a petroleum bulk storage terminal on the Paragon site from 1934 to 1958, and Texaco operated a petroleum bulk storage terminal on the Paragon site from 1958 to 1968. Neither the Paragon Oil Company nor Texaco ever owned or maintained operations on the Apollo Street site. In May 2009, Texaco signed an amended Order on Consent Case No. D2-1111-01-09AM for the implementation of site-wide corrective action on both properties. This report presents corrective action activities completed from October 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011 (4th Quarter Status Report) and summarizes activities for 2011 (Annual Progress Report). SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Status Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -2- 2.0 January 31, 2011 4TH QUARTER STATUS REPORT This section summarizes the activities completed on the Paragon and Apollo Street properties from October 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011. The activities include the performance, maintenance, enhancement, and monitoring of both the landside recovery system and the Newtown Creek containment system. 2.1 Landside Recovery System This section presents operational details concerning the performance, maintenance, and monitoring of the total fluids recovery (TFR) system, which has been operational since September 14, 2007. The TFR system currently operates along bulkheads bordering Newtown Creek (Figure 2) on both sites. This is the location of a former phase-separated hydrocarbon (PSH) seep through the bulkhead. The primary objective of the TFR system is to maintain a zone of capture in this area for groundwater and PSH and to prevent migration of PSH and groundwater into Newtown Creek. 2.1.1 Total Fluids Recovery System Operations During the 4th quarter of 2011, 205 gallons of PSH were recovered by the TFR system, and 2,475,512 gallons of groundwater were recovered and treated at an average rate of 31,352 gallons of water per day (gpd). This discharge rate is in compliance with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) dewatering permit discharge limit of 43,200 gpd. Figure 3 provides a process flow diagram for the TFR system. The NYCDEP permit documentation is presented in Appendix A. Figure 4 presents the weekly and cumulative recovered PSH values, as well as key upgrade and maintenance activities completed this quarter. Figure 5 presents the weekly and cumulative recovered PSH values since the recovery system became operational in September 2007. Table 1 presents weekly total system volumes of treated effluent water and recovered PSH this quarter. October 2011 During the month of October, 82 gallons of PSH and 980,965 gallons of water were recovered. The fluids were processed through the treatment system at an average rate of approximately 23 gallons per minute (gpm) (33,340 gpd). Twelve of the 13 TFR wells were operational during the month of October. CMW-64R remains off-line, pending replacement of the well. A total system uptime of 94.9% was maintained during October 2011. A summary of individual SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -3- January 31, 2011 recovery well uptimes is presented in Table 2. The following is a list of operational enhancements and maintenance activities completed during October 2011: October 18 – Replaced the nuts and bolts on the single-chamber bag filter unit in the filtration building. This task was completed to increase the corrosion resistance of the unit and to maintain optimal performance of the bag filter. October 19 – Installed new 316 stainless steel nuts and bolts on the 6-chamber bag filter unit in the oil-water separator (OWS) building. This task was completed to increase the corrosion resistance of the unit and to maintain optimal performance of the bag filter. October 31 – Replaced the drive belt on the SM10 air compressor to maintain efficient operation of the TFR pumps. November 2011 During the month of November, 45 gallons of PSH and 560,475 gallons of water were recovered. The fluids were processed through the treatment system at an average rate of approximately 21 gpm (30,230 gpd). Twelve of the 13 TFR wells were operational during the month of October. CMW-64R remains off-line, pending replacement of the well. A total system uptime of 100%, not including planned downtime for the OWS upgrade, was maintained during November 2011. Total system uptime, including the planned downtime of 61.8%, was maintained during November 2011. The following is a list of operational enhancements and maintenance activities completed during November 2011: November 1 – The TFR pump in CMW-17R was pulled and cleaned and the regulator was serviced. November 6 – The TFR system was taken off-line for the scheduled upgrade of the coated steel OWS with a corrosion-resistant fiberglass model. November 17 – The TFR system was restarted to check all critical devices that control the operation of the system. The float stem in the untreated water tank was replaced as a result of these system checks. November 18 – The TFR system resumed full-time operations. November 22 – MW-74R and MW-75R were taken off-line for the long holiday weekend to prevent a total suspended solids (TSS) buildup in the system that could have caused an unplanned shutdown. November 28 – MW-74R and MW-75R resumed operations. November 29 – The TFR pump in MW-75R was pulled and cleaned and the hose clamps were replaced. Between November 6 and November 18, 2011, SAIC completed the upgrade of the coated steel OWS to a new corrosion-resistant fiberglass model with the internal finish sealed with resin. The upgrade was completed to improve oil-water separation performance. The coated steel OWS was removed, and a new corrosion-resistant fiberglass OWS was installed. In addition to being corrosion-resistant, two major performance enhancements with the new OWS were the presence of a sludge chamber below the coalescing plates and improved coalescing plates. The sludge chamber will prevent sediments and sludge from backing up into the coalescing plates SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -4- January 31, 2011 and reducing flow. The new coalescing plates have an increased surface area over the previous OWS, increasing the separation performance of the oil and water passing through them. Additionally, during the OWS upgrade, the secondary containment pan of the OWS building underwent maintenance to improve its corrosion resistance. The floor was cleaned using Marine-CleanTM and prepared using Prep & ReadyTM. The secondary containment pan was then coated with three coats of POR-15® rust-preventative epoxy paint. To add a second layer of protection, an additional three coats of Flexcote® chemical resistant topcoat were applied. The resurfaced secondary containment pan was allowed to cure for over 72 hours before the new OWS was placed in the building. Photographs are presented in Appendix B. December 2011 During the month of December, 78 gallons of PSH and 934,072 gallons of water were recovered. The fluids were processed through the treatment system at an average rate of approximately 21 gpm (30,131 gpd). Twelve of the 13 TFR wells operated during December 2011. CMW-64R remained off-line pending replacement of the well. A total system uptime of 100% was maintained during December 2011. The following is a list of operational enhancements and maintenance activities completed during December 2011: December 13 – The TFR pumps in MW-73R and PW-2R were pulled, cleaned, and serviced. December 20 – The TFR pumps in CMW-17R, CMW-43R, CMW-53R, CMW-59R, CMW-63R, MW-68R, MW-70R, MW-74R, MW-75R, and PW-1R were pulled, cleaned, and serviced. Total Fluids Recovery System Maintenance A vacuum truck was utilized three times for TFR equipment maintenance during the 4th quarter. During this reporting period, all vacuum truck services were contracted through Atlantic Response, Inc., of East Brunswick, New Jersey. A vacuum truck was used to complete the following activities: Removal of recovered PSH from the product holding tank; Removal of accumulated sludge in the OWS and the pre-OWS fractionation tank; and Removal of accumulated backwash sediment in the backwash tanks. The primary objective of these cleaning events was to maintain optimal performance of the coalescing media in the OWS, to limit sludge buildup in the PSH transfer pumps, and to clean and confirm the functionality of the various float switches in the process equipment. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -5- January 31, 2011 Removal and cleaning activities were completed on October 18, November 6, and December 15, 2011. An estimated 8,030 gallons of recovered fluids were transported to FCC Environmental in Wilmington, Delaware, for recycling. The bills of lading and receiving reports for the transportation of the recovered fluids are presented in Appendix C. Weekly inspections were performed on recovery wells to confirm that the air pressure regulators and cycle counters associated with each pump (located in the well vault) were operational. Cycle counter readings were collected during these weekly inspections and used to calculate an estimated flow rate per recovery well. A summary of the weekly TFR flow rates per well is presented in Table 3. TFR pumps that were identified as potentially not operating properly were inspected and serviced by removing them from the well to verify the integrity and proper operation. The pumps were put back in service once the proper operation was verified. Zinc anodes are utilized on each of the TFR pumps to limit the effects of corrosion from the brackish groundwater. The anodes are installed below the pumping water level in each well and replaced every one to two months, as needed, during regularly scheduled maintenance. The organoclay and granular-activated carbon (GAC) filtration media were replaced on October 19, 2011. The spent carbon (3,000 pounds) and spent organoclay (1,000 pounds) remained on-site through the end of the 4th quarter pending off-site regeneration of the carbon and disposal of the organoclay. The spent organoclay generated from the treatment of the groundwater since September 2007 had been classified as characteristically hazardous and disposed of off-site as a hazardous waste. The spent organoclay was characteristically hazardous for benzene, which had exceeded the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) criteria for benzene when the waste profile was first developed in 2007. Since 2007, the untreated influent water entering the organoclay has contained much lower concentrations of benzene. Untreated influent water was as high as 2,200 micrograms per liter (µg/L) in 2007 and currently is approximately 100 µg/L. During the 4th quarter, the spent organoclay was containerized on-site in new 55-gallon drums and sampled for TCLP volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The results presented in Appendix D indicate that the spent organoclay is not a hazardous waste. SAIC is currently working with Waste Management, Inc., to finalize the nonhazardous waste profile for the organoclay. The 1st quarter 2012 report will contain the current nonhazardous waste profile and any nonhazardous manifests associated with the off-site transport of the waste. The spent organoclay and the spent carbon that were changed out on October 19, 2011, were also analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), specifically arochlors. Analytical laboratory reports are presented in Appendix D and indicate that PCBs are not present in either the spent organoclay or carbon. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -6- January 31, 2011 2.1.2 PSH Thickness and Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Monitoring wells along the upper and lower bulkheads were gauged at least once per month this quarter using an oil-water interface probe for depth to water and PSH thickness. PSH thickness observations for bulkhead monitoring and recovery wells are provided in Table 4. PSH thickness observations in the upper bulkhead monitoring wells are presented in Figure 6a, and lower bulkhead monitoring wells are presented in Figure 6b. A measureable thickness of PSH in the upper bulkhead monitoring wells was limited to CMW-54, where the thickness ranged from non-detect to 0.85 feet. The five other monitoring wells on the upper bulkhead (MW-72, CMW-23S, CMW-23D, CMW-55, and CMW-56) did not contain PSH in the 4th quarter of 2011. PSH was present in four out of five monitoring wells on the lower bulkhead. Both the maximum (1.29 feet) and the minimum (non-detect) PSH thicknesses this quarter were measured in CMW-57. PSH thicknesses in the remaining monitoring wells fell between these values. The monitoring wells that contain PSH on the lower bulkhead (MW-67, MW-69, CMW-57, and CMW-58) are within the capture zone of the recovery wells. Monitoring well MW-66, bordering the eastern end of the capture zone, did not contain PSH and historically has not contained PSH. The hydraulic and PSH containment and capture induced by recovery wells MW-68R and MW-70R have prevented sheens from appearing in the creek in the boom compartments fronting the area of the lower bulkhead during this quarter. Sheens have been absent in compartment C1 since November 2008 (37 months) and in compartment C2 since January 2009 (35 months). SAIC began removing PSH on July 7, 2011, from CMW-54 on the upper bulkhead and CMW-57, CMW-58, MW-67, and MW-69 on the lower bulkhead using a peristaltic pump. PSH removal from the monitoring wells along the bulkhead continued through the 4th quarter of 2011. PSH thicknesses measured prior to purging are included in Table 4 and Figures 6a and 6b. Since manual removal of the PSH began in July 2011, the ensuing gauged thicknesses in the wells have been declining. 2.1.3 Treated Water Discharge Monitoring In accordance with a June 14, 2011, approval letter from NYCDEP, Texaco is conditionally authorized to discharge 43,200 gpd of treated effluent to the combined sewer. Compliance with the discharge permit requires one sample to be collected quarterly from the final treated discharge and analyzed for the list of constituents presented in Table 5. The final treated discharge sample port is identified as TS-4. The required quarterly compliance sample was submitted for analysis on November 30, 2011. Permit compliance has been maintained through the 4th quarter of 2011 (Table 5). SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -7- January 31, 2011 Additional internal quality assurance (QA) sampling events for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) and methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) were used to monitor the influent chemistry (mass loading) and to assist in scheduling organoclay and carbon change-outs. Table 6 presents the analytical data from the internal QA performance monitoring samples collected this quarter. BTEX and MTBE samples were collected from the following locations: TS-1: Untreated Influent; TS-2: Post-Organoclay Unit; TS-3: Post-GAC Unit 1; and TS-4: Final Treated Discharge (Post-GAC Unit 2). The system effluent met NYCDEP effluent standards for all permitted analytes. 2.1.4 Indoor Well Inspections and Slab Maintenance Monthly inspections of all indoor monitoring wells were completed. The purpose of each inspection was to ensure the structural integrity of the steel lids and the compression caps to prevent the possibility of vapor migration. Components examined included the steel well flushmount lids, gaskets, and compression plugs. Individual components were replaced, as necessary, to maintain the integrity of the surface seals. After the inspection had been completed, the flushmount lids were re-caulked to create an airtight seal with the floor, further reducing the potential for vapor migration from the subsurface. On December 7, 2011, new flush-mount lids were installed on CMW-4, CMW-5, and CMW-18, and new compression plugs were installed in CMW-5 and CMW-61. 2.1.5 Sub-Slab Depressurization System The voluntary Sub-Slab Depressurization (SSD) system operates while SAIC personnel are on-site (10 hours per day, 4 days per week). The SSD system is composed of three lateral and seven vertical extraction points that can be individually controlled. Currently, two of the laterals (H-1 and H-3) are actively extracting sub-slab air while the remaining points are used for monitoring. Monitoring occurs once per week, with the measurement of induced subsurface vacuum values at vertical points E-1 through E-7 and lateral H-2. Methane and photoionization detector (PID) concentrations were determined at the header manifold and at both vapor-phase carbon units. Air velocity readings are determined at the manifold and each actively extracting lateral. Figure 7 shows the locations of each of the extraction points and laterals. Figure 8 shows a process flow schematic for the SSD system. The system was designed to achieve a minimum of 0.01 inches of water column (in. WC) in the subsurface while effectively capturing hydrocarbon vapors. The system operated at an average induced vacuum of 0.039 in. WC, which is above the subsurface design vacuum of 0.01 in. WC. The average extraction flow rate is 9 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The concentration of methane in the final discharge to the atmosphere remains below the discharge limit of 1% (or 20% of the SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -8- January 31, 2011 lower explosive limit [LEL]). Table 7 summarizes the field monitoring parameters collected during the 4th quarter of 2011. Effective capture of any hydrocarbon vapors under the office floor continues to be maintained. 2.2 Newtown Creek Containment Booms The Newtown Creek boom containment systems are installed along 360 linear feet of Newtown Creek fronting the Paragon site and 67 feet of the Apollo Street site. This boom system is maintained by Texaco. The 427 linear feet of globe boom (primary containment) is divided into 5 watertight compartments, with compartments 1 to 4 (C1-C4) fronting the Paragon site and compartment 5 (C5) fronting the Apollo Street site. A fence boom extends the entire 427 feet along both properties (secondary containment). An additional three-compartment containment boom system (SE1, SE2, and SE3), installed by ExxonMobil and maintained by Texaco, extends from the western terminus of the secondary containment fence boom to the west end of Apollo Street, with SE1 adjacent to C5 and SE3 adjacent to Apollo Street. Figure 9 presents a plan view of the two boom systems. During the 4th quarter of 2011, a total of 4 sheens independent of the boom system were observed in the channel of Newtown Creek outside of the secondary containment fence boom. Two sheens were observed in October 2011, and two sheens were observed in December 2011. No sheens were observed in Newtown Creek in November 2011. The sources of these sheens are unknown, and they were not associated with the Paragon and Apollo Street sites. 2.2.1 Former Paragon Oil Terminal Compartments C1 to C4 were inspected and photographed once daily at least four days per week. A summary of these inspections revealed that: Sheens were absent in C1, C2, C3, and C4 this quarter. There has been no sheen present in C4 for 10 months. The most recent sheen in C4 was present on March 1, 2011. A sheen has not been observed in C1 since November 2008 (37 months) or in C2 since January 2009 (35 months). A sheen has not been observed in C3 since August 2010 (16 months). Table 8 provides a summary of details of the boom containment system fronting the Paragon site. Completed boom inspection forms for this quarter are included as Appendix E. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property -9- 2.2.2 January 31, 2011 100-120 Apollo Street Property Compartment C5 is inspected and photographed once per day at least four days per week, and interconnected compartments SE1, SE2, and SE3 are inspected when visible from land and photographed during monthly creekside bulkhead inspections. The location of the threecompartment boom system often prevents taking daily photographs from land due to the sloped earthen embankment and associated vegetation above the Apollo Street site concrete gravity wall. A summary of the inspections reveals that: Sheens were absent in C5 this quarter. One sheen was present in both SE1 and SE2 on October 24, 2011. Sheens were absent in SE3 this quarter. There have been no sheens present in C5 and SE3 in 2011. Table 9 provides a summary of details of the boom containment system fronting the Apollo Street site. Completed boom inspection forms for the quarter are included in Appendix E. 2.2.3 Creekside Bulkhead Inspection and Resealing Once every six weeks, a creekside inspection of the containment boom systems along both sites is completed by boat. The inspection includes the floating boom systems in Newtown Creek along both sites, the steel bulkhead and epoxy-sealed seams on the Paragon site, and the concrete gravity wall and barrier membrane fronting C5 on the Apollo Street site. The purpose is to confirm the integrity of the containment systems, ensure they are performing as designed, and maintain or repair them, as needed. The containment boom systems were inspected for possible rips, tears, and other deficiencies in the high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner. In addition, the booms were checked to ensure no restriction to travel with the tides on their vertical anchoring points and that they were in good general condition. A seam-by-seam visual inspection of the Paragon site steel bulkhead and the Apollo Street site membrane barrier was conducted concurrently with the boom maintenance activities on November 21, 2011. The portions of the steel bulkhead and barrier membrane above mean sea level were inspected by boat. During the November 21 inspection, no supplemental epoxy was added to any of the previously sealed bulkhead seams. Creekside photographs of the containment boom sections along the Paragon site (C1 through C4) and along the Apollo site (C5, SE1, SE2, and SE3) were taken during the November 21 creekside inspection. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 10 - January 31, 2011 On December 9, 2011, the tree that had previously fallen over the globe boom of SE1 was cut and removed from Newtown Creek, the temporary absorbent booms were removed, and the globe boom was restored to its original location. The tree was cut from the bulkhead in pieces to preserve the integrity of the globe boom and towed to the lower bulkhead by Atlantic Response, Inc., where the pieces were lifted from the water and cut into two-foot sections by Greenleaf Landscaping and Tree Care, Inc. The cut pieces of the tree are currently being stored on-site pending final disposition off-site. The tree sections were sampled and analyzed for total PCBs (Method 8082), Target Compound List (TCL) VOCs (Method 8260B), TCL semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) (Method 8270C), and TCLP Metals (Methods 6010B and 7470A). A nonhazardous waste profile is currently being developed with Waste Management, Inc. Photographs of the tree removal are presented as Appendix F. 2.2.4 Containment Boom Enhancements No enhancements were needed for the Paragon site and Apollo Street site containment boom systems. Currently, solidifier booms occupy all compartments in the containment boom systems on both sites. 2.3 Site Characterization Activities Site characterization activities in the 4th quarter of 2011 consisted of on-site and regional well gauging. 2.3.1 Regional Groundwater and PSH Gauging A regional monitoring well gauging event coordinated between BP, ExxonMobil, and Texaco was conducted on December 7, 2011. Regional monitoring well gauging events are scheduled to coincide with a high or low tide. The 4th quarter event coincided with a high tide. Wells that have been identified as being influenced by the tide from Newtown Creek were gauged between one hour before and one hour after the designated National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted high tide. The wells that are not influenced by the tide from Newtown Creek were gauged the same day, as close to the NOAA-predicted high tide as possible. The gauging data from the December 7, 2011, event were used to construct a regional groundwater contour map, which is presented as Plate 1. Groundwater elevations observed are generally consistent with those observed in the past. The hydraulic gradients and interpreted groundwater flow direction remain away from Newtown Creek (at both high and low tide) and toward the TFR system. A PSH thickness and extent map is presented as Plate 2. The lateral extent of the PSH is generally consistent with previously observed data. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 11 - 3.0 January 31, 2011 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT This chapter summarizes the activities completed from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011. The activities summarized are related to the landside recovery system and the Newtown Creek containment system. 3.1 Landside Recovery System This section presents operational details concerning the annual performance, maintenance, enhancements, and monitoring of the TFR system. 3.1.1 Total Fluids Recovery System Performance and Maintenance Nine hundred ninety gallons of PSH and 9,828,447 gallons of water, treated at an average rate of 28,922 gpd, were recovered by the TFR system in 2011. The NYCDEP dewatering permit was renewed on June 14, 2011, decreasing the permitted limit from 57,600 gpd to 43,000 gpd. Permit compliance has been maintained throughout 2011. Table 10 presents the recovered fluids for 2011 by month. The TFR system has recovered 31,561 gallons of PSH since start-up in September 2007, and prior to operation of the TFR system, 11,697 gallons of PSH were recovered from bulkhead monitoring wells. As shown in Figure 5, the cumulative PSH recovery from the TFR system has declined in what appears to be an asymptotic curve. With the groundwater table depressed along the bulkhead and PSH recovery slowing, the phase-change recovery technology of vapor-phase recovery (VPR) is planned to increase the mass removal of residual-phase PSH from the dewatered zone along the bulkhead. SAIC has previously submitted design documents for the planned installation of a VPR system to operate in conjunction with the TFR system. This system is scheduled for start-up in the 1st quarter of 2012. A vacuum truck was utilized periodically during 2011 for TFR system maintenance. All vacuum truck services were contracted through Atlantic Response, Inc., of East Brunswick, New Jersey. A summary of the off-site removal activities in 2011 is presented in Table 11. A total of 35,644 gallons of recovered liquids were transported to FCC Environmental in Wilmington, Delaware, for recycling in 2011. The organoclay and carbon filtration media were replaced twice during the year—on June 9, 2011, and October 19, 2011. A total of 1,000 pounds of organoclay were incinerated at the Veolia SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 12 - January 31, 2011 Environmental Services facility in Port Arthur, Texas, and 3,000 pounds of spent carbon were reactivated at Siemens Industry, Inc., in Darlington, Pennsylvania, in 2011. As of December 31, 1,000 pounds of organoclay and 3,000 pounds of spent carbon remained on-site, pending off-site disposition, as discussed in Section of this report. In addition to the standard operational maintenance activities performed during 2011, many operational enhancements were completed. These operational enhancements were implemented with the purpose of increasing operational efficiency, reducing maintenance time and costs, and repairing or upgrading existing equipment. The following operational enhancements and basic maintenance activities were implemented in 2011: January 6 – Replaced check valve on fluid intake to TFR pump in CMW-59R. January 11 – Repaired the air line that operates the TFR pumps in CMW-17R and CMW-43R. January 27-31 – Repaired the TFR pump in MW-74R. The pump was not operating properly on January 27 but was stuck in sediment at the bottom of the well. The pump could not be serviced until it was removed from the sediment using a tripod and hoist on January 31. The pump was repaired and made operational on January 31. February 21 – The TFR pump in MW-75R was not operating and was replaced with an on-site spare QED Tall AP-4/TL pump. March 3 – Repaired the TFR pump in CMW-53R after pump was not operating properly. March 17 and 30 – Installed sound-dampening insulation on a section of the HDPE discharge line that runs above the 50 Bridgewater Street office space. March 28 – Replaced the two drums of vapor-phase carbon used to remove nuisance odors from the OWS building. The spent carbon was removed from the site in April. April 5 – The cycle counter on PW-1R was repaired. April 27 – The hose clamps on the fluid line and the fluid intake screen on CMW-73R were replaced. May 5 – The cycle counter and regulator on PW-1R was replaced. May 9 – A new TeflonTM line for the Verox-8 biocide chemical feed was installed. May 24 – The pneumatic valve for the pre-OWS tank transfer pump was cleaned, and the two-inch 316 stainless steel true union was replaced. May 26 – Due to a disproportionate amount of TSS entering the TFR system from MW-74R and MW-75R, these two recovery wells were taken off-line between May 26 and May 30 to maintain a total system uptime through the long holiday weekend. June 7 – The regulator and cycle counter on PW-2R were replaced and repaired, respectively. July 26 – Cleaned the auto-drain on the SM-10 air compressor that powers the 13 TFR wells. August 2 – Replaced the hose clamps on both the fluid and air lines for the TFR pump in PW-1R. August 3 –The TFR pumps in CMW-53R, CMW-17R, and MW-70R were cleaned and maintained. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 13 - January 31, 2011 August 9 – Cleaned the auto-drain on the SM-10 compressor and ordered a replacement. Replaced the float stem in the untreated water holding tank. August 15 – Replace auto-drain on SM-10 compressor. Cleaned and maintained the TFR pumps in CMW-53R and CMW-63R. August 16 – Replaced hose barb for air line on the TFR pump in PW-1R. August 18 – Replaced the pressure gauge on the bag filter unit in the treatment building. August 25-30 – TFR system operations were temporarily suspended during Hurricane Irene. Operations resumed August 30 after an extensive system component inspection and test of all critical devices. September 13 – While attempting to remove the TFR pump in CMW-64R, the pump became stuck in the well. The pump was taken off-line for the remainder of the quarter, pending repair or replacement of the well. October 18 – Replaced the nuts and bolts on the single-chamber bag filter unit in the filtration building. This task was completed to increase the corrosion resistance of the unit and to maintain optimal performance of the bag filter. October 19 – Installed new 316 stainless steel nuts and bolts on the 6-chamber bag filter unit in the OWS building. This task was completed to increase the corrosion resistance of the unit and to maintain optimal performance of the bag filter. October 31 – Replaced the drive belt on the SM10 air compressor to maintain efficient operation of the TFR pumps. November 1 – The TFR pump in CMW-17R was pulled and cleaned and the regulator was serviced. November 6 – The TFR system was taken off-line for the scheduled replacement of the coated steel OWS with a corrosion-resistant fiberglass model. November 17 – The TFR system was restarted to check all critical devices that control the operation of the system. The float stem in the untreated water tank was replaced as a result of these system checks. November 18 – The TFR system resumed full-time operations. November 22 – MW-74R and MW-75R were taken off-line for the long holiday weekend to prevent TSS buildup in the system that could have caused an unplanned shutdown. November 28 – MW-74R and MW-75R resumed operations. November 29 – The TFR pump in MW-75R was pulled and cleaned and the hose clamps were replaced. December 13 – The TFR pumps in MW-73R and PW-2R were pulled, cleaned, and serviced. December 20 – The TFR pumps in CMW-17R, CMW-43R, CMW-53R, CMW-59R, CMW-63R, MW-68R, MW-70R, MW-74R, MW-75R, and PW-1R were pulled, cleaned, and serviced. 3.1.2 PSH Thickness and Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Monitoring and recovery wells along the upper and lower bulkheads were gauged using an oilwater interface probe for depth to water and PSH thickness periodically during 2011. The tidal SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 14 - January 31, 2011 cycles of Newtown Creek regularly influence the depths to water and PSH thickness in the wells along the bulkhead. PSH thickness observations for all upper and lower bulkhead wells for 2011 are provided in Table 12 and Figures 10a, 10b, and 10c. During 2011, the measured PSH thicknesses in the wells on both the upper and lower bulkhead have, on average, decreased. This can be seen in Figures 10a, 10b, and 10c, where the linear trend lines show the general behavior of the PSH thicknesses. On July 7, 2011, weekly PSH bailing commenced in the five monitoring wells that contained PSH in 2011. Bailing continued through the end of the 4th quarter of 2011. 3.1.3 Treated Water Discharge Monitoring The analytical results from quarterly and additional internal QA sampling events for 2011 are presented in Tables 13 and 14, respectively. All analytical results for TS-4 from permit compliance samples have satisfied the NYCDEP permit criteria. 3.1.4 Indoor Well Inspections and Slab Maintenance SAIC, on behalf of Texaco, performs monthly inspections of all indoor wells. Components that are examined include well vault lids, gaskets, and compression plugs. Individual components are replaced as necessary to maintain the integrity of the wells. After each well has been inspected, the flush-mount vault lids are caulked to create an airtight seal with the floor, thus reducing the potential for vapor migration from the subsurface. On December 7, 2011, new flush-mount lids were installed on CMW-4, CMW-5, and CMW-18, and new compression plugs were installed in CMW-5 and CMW-61. On July 18-21, 2011, during the annual two-week warehouse shutdown, slab maintenance activities were completed on the floor of the 16, 42, and 50 Bridgewater Street warehouses, along with the 100-120 Apollo Street warehouse. A total of 135 cracks, seams, and joints, totaling an estimated 2,522 linear feet, were sealed using 3M DP-600 concrete epoxy, Rockite cement, or Sikaflex Self Leveling Sealant, depending on the location. A comprehensive PID survey of the building was conducted concurrently with the slab maintenance. PID measurements were collected along all interior and exterior walls, along the majority of the cracks and seams throughout the warehouse (prior to sealing), and in the breathing zone throughout the warehouse. No breathing zone PID measurements were observed above background levels. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 15 - January 31, 2011 Roughly 500 PID measurements were collected during the initial survey. Thirty-one of the 500 measurements were above background levels, and of those, 21 were below 5 parts per million (ppm). Each of the locations resulting in a measurement above background levels was sealed using epoxy or sealant. A second survey was conducted several weeks later to confirm that any PID measurements along cracks and seams were mitigated by the sealing process. The maximum initial PID reading was 40.8 ppm, and after sealing, the reading was 0.0 ppm. All 31 measured PID responses were mitigated by the slab maintenance activities. These activities were completed to further reduce the potential for vapor migration. Additionally, a total of approximately 6,115 feet of interior and exterior walls were surveyed, and a total of 5 seams and cracks (included in the above total of 31 PID measurements above background) were identified, all located in the 42 Bridgewater Street warehouse. Each of these five locations was treated using sealant or epoxy. The following summarizes the findings in each building: 16 Bridgewater Street, 50 Bridgewater Street, and 100-120 Apollo Street (a total of approximately 4,965 linear feet) had no PID measurements above background along the interior and exterior walls. 42 Bridgewater Street (a total of 1,150 linear feet) had 5 PID measurements above background along the interior and exterior walls. The highest of these was 11.8 ppm. The primary purpose for sealing cracks in the warehouse floors and walls is a precautionary measure to further reduce the potential for any hazards associated with possible vapor migration. The results of the ongoing indoor air monitoring program conducted by CA Rich on behalf of the property owner from 2005 through 2009 and the 2010 to 2011 data collected by SAIC have indicated that no indoor air hazards associated with subsurface impacts are present. The sealing of the floor seams and cracks serves to further reduce the potential for any hazards. 3.1.5 Sub-Slab Depressurization System Performance The voluntary SSD system continued to perform above design specifications in 2011. The average induced vacuum in 2011 was 0.11 inches of water (in. WC), which was above the design specification 0.01 in. WC. The system operated with an average applied vacuum of 2.5 in. WC and an average system flow rate of 11.7 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The methane concentration in the effluent was, on average, 0.029%, which remains below the discharge limit of 1%. The carbon in the two 1,000-pound vapor-phase GAC units was replaced on April 12, 2011, and transported that day by Siemens Industry, Inc., to their Darlington, Pennsylvania, facility for recycling and reactivation. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 16 - January 31, 2011 3.2 Newtown Creek Containment Booms This section presents operational details concerning the annual performance, maintenance, enhancements, and monitoring of the Newtown Creek containment booms. Observations of the surface water within the boom system were made during 201 days of 2011. For 198 days, a sheen was absent from the surface water in the boom system. Therefore, a sheen was not present 98.5% of the days observed. Two sheens were observed in C4 (February 16, 2011, and March 1, 2011), and one sheen was observed in each SE1 (October 24, 2011) and SE2 (October 24, 2011) in 2011. During 2011, a total of 11 sheens were observed on Newtown Creek that were not associated with the Peerless project area. The sources of these sheens were unknown as they were not associated with the Paragon or Apollo Street sites. The sheens observed in Newtown Creek are summarized by quarter below: 3.2.1 4 sheens were observed during the 1st quarter 3 sheens were observed during the 2nd quarter 0 sheens were observed during the 3rd quarter 4 sheens were observed during the 4th quarter Former Paragon Oil Terminal Summary of Containment and Absorption System Monitoring During 2011, observations of boom compartments C1 to C4 revealed that: No sheens were observed in C1 in 2011 across 201 observation days. Sheens were absent 100% of the observed time. No sheens were observed in C2 in 2011 across 201 observation days. Sheens were absent 100% of the observed time. No sheens were observed in C3 in 2011 across 201 observation days. Sheens were absent 100% of the observed time. Two sheens were observed in C4 in 2011 across 201 observation days. Sheens were absent 99% of the observed time. Observations in C1 through C4 began on January 1, 2008. Figure 11 shows sheen detections in compartments C1 through C4 within the boom containment system of the Paragon and Apollo Street sites along Newtown Creek from 2008 to 2011 by quarter. There has been a significant reduction in the number of sheens observed in 2011. The number of sheens observed were SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 17 - January 31, 2011 highest in the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2008 and decreased steadily into 2011. A total of 484 sheens were observed in 2008 in compartments C1 through C4, compared to a total of 2 sheens observed in 2011 in compartments C1 through C4. This is a 99.6% reduction of observed sheens in the boom containment system along the Paragon site from 2008 to 2011. The reduced frequency of sheens is attributable to the continued operation of the landside TFR system, the installed grout wall, and the completion and maintenance of the Paragon site bulkhead seam sealing. Summary of Seep Mitigation The visual condition of the water in compartments C1 through C4 has been improving steadily since the construction of the grout wall in the 4th quarter of 2006, the start-up of the TFR system in September 2007, and the sealing of the bulkhead seams of the Paragon site in September 2008. 3.2.2 100-120 Apollo Street Property Summary of Containment and Absorption System Monitoring During 2011, observations of boom compartments C5, SE1, SE2, and SE3 revealed that: No sheens were observed in C5 in 2011 across 201 observation days. Sheens were absent 100% of the observed time. One sheen was observed in SE1 and SE2 in 2011. Both were observed on October 24, 2011. Sheens were absent 99% of the observed time in SE1 and 98% of the observed time in SE2. SE3 was visible 58 times in 2011. No sheens were observed in SE3 in 2011. Sheens were absent 100% of the observed time. Sheen observations in C5 began on January 1, 2008 and in SE1, SE2, and SE3 on January 1, 2009. Figure 11 shows the sheen detections in the boom systems of the Paragon and Apollo Street sites along Newtown Creek from 2008 to 2011 by quarter. The number of sheens detected were highest in the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2008 and decreased significantly into 2011. A total of 250 sheens were observed in 2008 in C5, compared to no sheens observed in 2011. A total of 33 observed sheens in SE1, 9 observed sheens in SE2, and 2 observed sheens in SE3 in 2009 are compared to 1 observed sheen in SE1, 1 observed sheen in SE2, and no sheens observed in SE3 in 2011. This is a significant reduction in the observation of sheens in the boom containment system along the Apollo Street site. Summary of Seep Mitigation SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 18 - January 31, 2011 The absence of sheens fronting C5 is attributed to the ongoing operation of CMW-43R as a recovery well, the completion of the Apollo Street site barrier membrane in December 2008, and the continuing operation of CMW-17R as a recovery well. Compartments SE1, SE2, and SE3 are outside of the zone of the historic PSH seep; however, the water quality in these compartments has improved between 2009 and 2011, as evidenced by the decrease in observed sheens. 3.2.3 Summary of Bulkhead Inspections and Resealing During the monthly inspections, areas where supplemental epoxy was needed were noted on the inspection forms. These areas were reinforced during the bulkhead inspections or soon thereafter. A summary of the 2011 bulkhead and/or barrier application activities follows: 1st quarter – No additional epoxy required for the seams in the steel bulkhead nor the seals in the Apollo Street membrane. 2nd quarter – 28 seams in the steel bulkhead and none of the seals in the Apollo Street membrane required additional epoxy. 3rd quarter – three seams in the steel bulkhead and none of the seals in the Apollo Street membrane required additional epoxy. 4th quarter – No additional epoxy required for the seams in the steel bulkhead nor the seals in the Apollo Street membrane. These preventive maintenance measures contribute greatly to the continued decline and absence of sheens. 3.2.4 Containment and Absorption System Enhancements No enhancements were needed for the Paragon site and Apollo Street site containment boom systems in 2011. Currently, solidifier booms occupy all compartments in the containment boom systems on both sites. 3.3 Summary of Additional Activities The following is a summary of additional activities performed in 2011. 3.3.1 Summary of Regional Groundwater and PSH Gauging Three regional monitoring well gauging events were coordinated between BP, ExxonMobil, and Texaco during 2011. These events were completed on March 18, June 29, and December 7, 2011. One regional monitoring well gauging event was coordinated between ExxonMobil and Texaco SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 19 - January 31, 2011 on September 13, 2011. BP was unable to coordinate with the September event and conducted their gauging on September 21, 2011. The September 21 BP data were not considered in the generation of the regional groundwater and PSH maps. The gauging data were used to construct regional groundwater contour maps and PSH thickness and extent maps. The maps created from the most recent quarterly gauging data of December 7, 2011, are presented as Plates 1 and 2. The data depicted on these plates are consistent with historical data and provide an indication of the potential groundwater movement in the area. The interpreted groundwater flow and lateral PSH extent are consistent with previously reported data. 3.3.2 Nuisance Odor Control Measures SAIC continued to monitor and maintain the nuisance odor control measures that were implemented in 2010. Maintenance activities included the replacement of fittings and gaskets, as well as the continued use of the existing 55-gallon carbon drums to remove nuisance odors from inside the OWS building. 3.3.3 Oil-Water Separator Upgrade Starting on November 6, 2011, SAIC began the scheduled upgrade of the coated steel OWS to a corrosion-resistant fiberglass model with the shutdown of the TFR system and the dismantling of the requisite piping and infrastructure. In addition to being corrosion-resistant, the new OWS has a sludge chamber below the coalescing plates and improved coalescing plates. The steel OWS was removed from the building on November 7 by American Hauling and Rigging, Inc. Following the removal of the OWS, the steel secondary containment pan was cleaned and resurfaced using POR-15® products (cleaners, epoxy paint, and chemical-resistant topcoat) to inhibit rust formation. The fiberglass OWS was installed on November 14 by American Hauling and Rigging, Inc., and immediately thereafter, the piping and infrastructure were reinstalled. Testing of critical devices occurred on November 17, and TFR system operations resumed on November 18, 2011. 3.3.4 Ambient Air Monitoring Program Ambient air quality monitoring events occurred at the Empire Merchants warehouses and office spaces at 16, 42, and 50 Bridgewater Street and at the 100-120 Apollo Street warehouse on February 26-27, 2011, and September 17-18, 2011. A total of 17 SUMMATM canisters were deployed across the site during the February sampling event, and a total of 18 SUMMATM canisters were deployed across the site during the September sampling event. Fourteen SUMMATM canisters were located inside the warehouses and office buildings during the February event, and 15 SUMMATM canisters were deployed inside the warehouses and office SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 20 - January 31, 2011 buildings during the September event. During both events, three SUMMATM canisters were located outside the buildings at ground level. The locations of collected air samples are presented in Figure 12. The laboratory results for both ambient air quality monitoring events in 2011 are summarized in Table 15. Breathing zone air quality was also monitored using a PID during SUMMATM canister deployment. There were no detections above background levels with the PID. The laboratory data indicate that the subsurface hydrocarbons are not adversely affecting air quality. 3.3.5 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Event Groundwater was sampled from a total of 37 monitoring wells on the Paragon and Apollo Street sites between June 4 and July 19, 2011. Samples were collected from monitoring wells that did not contain PSH and were collected using low-flow collection protocols (United States Environmental Protection Agency, Standard Operating Procedure for Low-Stress [Low Flow]/Minimal Drawdown Ground-Water Sample Collection, June 16, 2010). All samples were analyzed for the NYSDEC Spill Technology and Remediation Series (STARS) gasoline and fuel oil contaminants. In addition, eight of the samples were analyzed for TCL, dissolved Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, and total dissolved solids (TDS), and six of the samples were analyzed for PCBs. The samples were analyzed by TestAmerica Laboratories using Methods 8260B, 8270C, 8082, 6010B, 7470A, and 2540C. The results of the monitoring event are presented in detail in the SAIC document entitled “3rd Quarter Status Report (July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011) for the Former Paragon Oil Terminal and the 100-120 Apollo Street Property, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY,” dated October 31, 2011. Tables 16, 17, and 18 summarize the 2010 and 2011 groundwater monitoring events. The following conclusions have been presented in the October 2011 report: Analytical results from the 2011 annual groundwater monitoring event are similar to the 2010 results in both magnitude and spatial distribution throughout the site. The groundwater that contains exceedances of New York State Ambient Water Quality (NYSAWQ) Standards is proximal to the PSH extent (see Plates 3 and 4). Samples from 15 of the 37 monitoring wells had no exceedances of the NYSAWQ Standards. These wells were predominantly located in the areas where PSH is absent on the properties. Arochlor 1016 was detected at an estimated concentration of 0.18 µg/L at MW-26 along Bridgewater Street south of the Apollo Street site. No other PCBs were detected during the sampling event. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 21 - 3.3.6 January 31, 2011 Removal of Tree from Newtown Creek On August 30, 2011, following Hurricane Irene’s landfall in New York City, a tree was discovered to have fallen across the globe boom of SE1. The tree remained rooted in the earthen embankment on the Apollo Street site, with the trunk and branches submerging a short section of the SE1 globe boom under water. Atlantic Response placed absorbent booms around the compartment until the tree could be removed. On December 9, Atlantic Response and Greenleaf Landscaping and Tree Removal, Inc., together with SAIC, removed the tree from SE1 and returned the globe boom to its original configuration. The tree was cut and lifted onto the lower bulkhead, where it was cut into two-foot lengths. The remains of the tree are stored on-site until proper disposal can occur in the 1st quarter of 2012. Photographs of the tree removal process are presented as Appendix F. Disposal through Waste Management, Inc., as a nonhazardous waste is pending. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 22 - January 31, 2011 4.0 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR 2012 This section summarizes the site characterization and remedial measures planned for 2012. 4.1 Continued Operation of the Landside Recovery System The existing landside recovery system at the Paragon and Apollo Street sites will continue to operate through 2012. The following sections summarize specific enhancements and planned operations for the upcoming year. The spent carbon from the October 19, 2011, change-out was removed from the site by Siemens Industry, Inc., for reactivation at their Darlington, Pennsylvania, facility on January 5, 2012. The spent organoclay profile has been approved, and the manifest is being prepared for shipping the material off-site to be disposed of as nonhazardous waste. 4.1.1 Continued Operation of the TFR System Operation of the TFR system will continue through 2012 at the Paragon and Apollo Street sites with the primary objective of maintaining the reversed gradients for continued mitigation of the seep. Treated effluent will continue to be discharged to the combined sewer system under an NYCDEP discharge permit. 4.1.2 Installation of TFR System Recovery Wells Installation of two replacement recovery wells for the TFR system will occur in 2012 (see Figure 13). The first replacement recovery well, CMW-65R, is planned to be installed directly between MW-74R and MW-75R on the upper bulkhead. The majority of the TSS entering the TFR system comes from these two wells, which were monitoring wells that were later converted into recovery wells. By replacing these two wells with a properly constructed recovery well, it is anticipated that the TSS loading into the TFR system will be reduced significantly while still maintaining the reversed gradient at both high and low tide. The second replacement well, CMW-67R, will be installed near the water treatment building. This well is planned to replace the angled well, CMW-64R, which ceased operating in September 2011 due to the likely collapse of the screen and the subsequent loss of the pumping equipment inside the well. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 23 - January 31, 2011 4.1.3 PSH Thickness and Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Throughout 2012, monitoring of the PSH thickness and groundwater elevation in the upper and lower bulkhead wells will continue on a monthly basis. These data will be used to evaluate the performance of the TFR system. Regional groundwater monitoring events will continue throughout 2012 on a quarterly basis. Regional gauging data will be used to evaluate the lateral extent of PSH in the area of the Paragon and Apollo Street sites. 4.1.4 Treated Water Discharge Monitoring SAIC will continue to monitor the TFR system effluent throughout 2012 and ensure compliance with the existing NYCDEP discharge permit. SAIC will renew the discharge permit in the 2nd quarter of 2012. 4.1.5 Monthly Indoor Well Inspections and Slab Maintenance SAIC, on behalf of Texaco, will continue to perform monthly inspections of all indoor wells in 2012. In addition, SAIC will continue to perform inspections of indoor warehouse slabs on the Paragon and Apollo Street sites. Cracks and seams will be visually inspected and monitored for any vapor seepage with a PID. Cracks and seams will be sealed using a combination of concrete sealant and concrete epoxy during scheduled warehouse shutdowns. 4.1.6 Sub-Slab Depressurization System Operation of the SSD system will continue through 2012 at the Paragon site. The system will continue to operate utilizing the two laterals (H-1 and H-3) as the extraction points, with the vertical points and remaining lateral (H-2) used to monitor the performance of the system. 4.1.7 Installation and Start-up of the Vapor-Phase Recovery System Installation and start-up of the VPR system are tentatively scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2012. This includes the completion of VPR piping, the installation of an extraction blower, and the installation of a catalytic oxidizer to treat the off-gas. The objective of the VPR component is to ensure long-term mitigation of the seep. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 24 - January 31, 2011 The VPR will be a component of the existing TFR system and will be operated concurrently with TFR. The purpose is to remove residual PSH in the vapor phase. System design specifications were present in the Phase II Vapor Phase Recovery System Design letter submitted on July 1, 2009. A construction completion report will be submitted to NYSDEC after start-up of the VPR component. 4.2 Continued Operation of the Newtown Creek Containment Booms Operation of the existing Newtown Creek containment booms will continue through 2012 at the Paragon and Apollo Street sites. The primary goal of the boom system remains preventing the intermittent sheens from entering Newtown Creek. There are currently no enhancements planned in 2012 to the boom observation schedules or the creekside inspections. The use of solidifier booms in all of the boom compartments will be continued through 2012. 4.3 Planned Site Characterization Activities The following are site characterization activities planned for 2012. 4.3.1 Annual Groundwater Monitoring In 2010, SAIC, on behalf of Texaco, began a groundwater sampling program for wells not containing PSH. These wells will be sampled one time in 2012 for NYSDEC STARS gasoline and fuel oil parameters, and approximately 15% of the wells not containing PSH will be sampled for RCRA metals, TDS, PCBs, and TCL VOCs, and SVOCs. 4.3.2 Semiannual Ambient Air Monitoring In 2012, SAIC, on behalf of Texaco, will continue to implement the existing ambient air sampling program for the Paragon and Apollo Street sites. Ambient air monitoring will occur on a semiannual basis, in February and August of 2012. SUMMATM canisters will be deployed at previous sampling locations during each monitoring event. Breathing zone air quality will be monitored using a PID during SUMMATM canister deployment. EPA Methods TO-15 and 3C will be used to analyze the air samples. Results from the ambient air sampling events will be reported in the quarterly progress reports. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 2011 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property - 25 - January 31, 2011 Report Limitations This technical document was prepared on behalf of Texaco and is intended for its sole use and for use by the local, state or federal regulatory agency that the technical document was sent to by SAIC. Any other person or entity obtaining, using, or relying on this technical document hereby acknowledges that they do so at their own risk, and that SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC (SAIC) shall have no responsibility or liability for the consequences thereof. Site history and background information provided in this technical document are based on sources that may include interviews with environmental regulatory agencies and property management personnel and a review of acquired environmental regulatory agency documents and property information obtained from Texaco and others. SAIC has not made, nor has it been asked to make, any independent investigation concerning the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of such information beyond that described in this technical document. Recognizing reasonable limits of time and cost, this technical document cannot wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the vertical and lateral extent of impacted environmental media. Opinions and recommendations presented in this technical document apply only to site conditions and features as they existed at the time of SAIC’s site visits or site work and cannot be applied to conditions and features of which SAIC is unaware and has not had the opportunity to evaluate. All sources of information on which SAIC has relied in making its conclusions (including direct field observations) are identified by reference in this technical document or in appendices attached to this technical document. Any information not listed by reference or in appendices has not been evaluated or relied upon by SAIC in the context of this technical document. The conclusions, therefore, represent our professional opinion based on the identified sources of information. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property January 31, 2011 Figures SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC East River Apollo Street Site Former Paragon Oil Terminal Site Newto w n Cre ek Greenpoint yn kl o o Br Q s en ue Ex pr sw es ay NOTE: Aerial photography was collected in April 2004 by the USGS at 0.5 meter resolution and is natural color. 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet Legend 110-120 Apollo Street Former Paragon Terminal ³ FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL AND APOLLO ST. PROTERTY TEXACO FACILITY #304209 Map Location: GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NY Site Location Map drawn AGM checked date date 10/27/2010 job no. initials 26011A045A date JAK 11/2/2010 approved date file no. revision PJC 11/2/2010 Site_Location_2012-01-06 figure no. 1 Treatment System Layout Legend CMW-42 CHEMICAL FEED SHED WATER TREATMENT BUILDING ´ " ´ " Recovery Well ´ " Monitoring Well Treatment System Layout OIL WATER SEPARATOR BUILDING ´ " Treatment System Building CMW-17R Fence UNTREATED WATER TANK Tank ´ " RIMW-01 PRE OIL WATER SEPARATOR TANK Piping CMW-43R CONCRETE PAD ´ " New two PW-1R PSH TANK ´ " ´ " CMW-55 COMPRESSOR SHED CMW-64R MW-73R ´ " BACKWASH TANK ´ " nC reek TRANSFER PUMP CONTAINMENT BOX CMW-23 S/D " ´ " ´ ´ " MW-74R MW-21 ´ " Bulkhead ´ " CMW-56 CMW-39 ´ " CMW-63R PW-2R MW-72 ´ "´ " ´ " CMW-59R RECOVERY PIPES CMW-54 ´ " ´ " MW-75R CMW-53R MW-70R ´ " ´ " CMW-58 Regional View ´ " ´ "´ " " ´ "´ ´ " ´ "´ " ´ " MW-69 ´ " CMW-41 S/D MW-1 CMW-16 MW-88D ´ "´ "" ´ " ´ " ´ "" ´ "´ "´ ´ " ´ ´ "´ "´ " " ´ ´ " ´ "´ ´ " "´ "´ "´ "´ "´ "´ " ´ " ´ " " " ´ " ´ ´ " ´ ´ " MW-88S CMW-42 RIMW-02 CMW-40 MW-56 CMW-17R CMW-43R CMW-22 RIMW-01 PW-1R CMW-64R EE T ST R ´ " AP OL LO ´ " PW-2R CMW-63R CMW-23 S/D MW-72 MW-74R CMW-59R CMW-57 won C CMW-53R MW-75R CMW-58 MW-69 MW-67 MW-68R reek ´ " CMW-57 MW-68R CMW-38 ´ " CMW-19 S/D ´ " CMW-45 MW-32 MW-66 CMW-12 ´ " CMW-8 CMW-33 ´ " CMW-38 ´ " CMW-44 ´ " CMW-13 ´ " CMW-34 S/D CMW-18 MW-57 ´ " ´ " CMW-14 MW-2 ´ " MW-64 ´ " CMW-4 CMW-9 ´ " CMW-35 ´ " CMW-47 S/D ´ " CMW-62 S/D ´ "´ " RW-25 APO LLO CMW-36 S/D CMW-24 S/D GE T M STREE VAN DA WA TE R CMW-32 ´ " CMW-10 ´ " ET ´ " CMW-5 CMW-61 ´ " CMW-31 CMW-1 ´ " CMW-29 S/D ´ " ´ " CMW-6 ´ " ´ " R KE EE M CMW-2 CMW-28 ´ " U EN AV E MW-60 ´ " CMW-27 CMW-30 VARICK ´ " CMW-26 STREET ´ " MW-61 125 250 MW-3 7 0 500 IC K ST R EE T NU AVE ART VA R Greenpoint, NY\2011\Projects\Treatment System\TS_20110909.mxd 12.5 25 Feet Feet W STE AVE NUE MW-62 MW-63 0 NAS SAU ´ " ´ " ´ " CMW-46 MW-59 STR E CMW-15 CMW-60 S/D ´ " BRID ´ " MW-78 MW-58 STREET ´ " ´ " " ´ " ´ ´ " ´ " ´ " " ´ "´ MW-77 MW-26 ´ " CMW-25 S/D MW-76 CMW-37 ´ " MW-70R CMW-54 CMW-39 CMW-20 Newt CMW-55 MW-73R CMW-56 CMW-21 MW-2 3 MW-76 50 £ FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NY Location of Site Monitoring Wells and Total Fluids Recovery System drawn AGM checked date date 1/19/2010 job no. initials LAB LAB LAB 26011A045A JAK 7/29/2010 revision date 7/25/11 Update data frame positions Correct fluid line location 9/9/11 11/17/11 Update logo/job # approved date PJC 7/29/2010 file no. TS_20110909 Figure No. 2 ´ " E FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 TOTAL FLUIDS RECOVERY SYSTEM PROCESS FLOW SCHEMATIC 3 Figure 4 4th Quarter Recovered PSH & Maintenance Timeline October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York 46,000 100 Cumulative Recovered PSH (gal) 45,000 Weekly Recovered PSH (gal) 90 Equipment Cleaning Event Upgrade Event 44,000 80 43,000 70 42,000 60 41,000 50 40,000 40 39,000 30 Carbon/Clay change-out 10/19/11 38,000 20 11/6/11 - TFR System offline for OWS upgrade 11/6/2011 12/15/2011 10/18/2011 37,000 10 11/18/11 - TFR System online 36,000 9/30/2011 0 10/12/2011 10/24/2011 11/5/2011 11/17/2011 Date 11/29/2011 12/11/2011 12/23/2011 Weekly PSH Recovere ed (gallons) Cumulative PSH Recov vered (gallons) Carbon/Clay Change-Out Figure 5 Cumulative & Weekly PSH Recovered October 1, 2007 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 G i t B kl N k Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New Y York 45,000 1,500 Cumulative Recovered PSH (gal) Weeklyy Recovered PSH (gal) (g ) 40,000 30,000 1,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 500 10 000 10,000 43,258 gallons of PSH recovered To Date 205 gallons of PSH recovered in the fourth quarter of 2011 990 gallons of PSH recovered in 2011 5,000 0 10/5/07 0 3/23/08 9/9/08 2/26/09 Note: Cumulative PSH Recovery includes 11,697 gallons recovered during interim recovery activities that occurred between July 2005 and September 2007. Weekly PSH values were calculated on a Sunday to Saturday week. week 8/15/09 2/1/10 Date 7/21/10 1/7/11 6/26/11 12/13/11 Weekly PSH Recovere ed (gallons) Cumulattive PSH Recov vered (gallons) 35,000 Figure 6a 4th Quarter Lower Bulkhead Monitoring Wells PSH Thickness vs. Time October 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 4 3.5 3 PSH Thickn ness (ft.) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 9/30/2011 10/15/2011 10/30/2011 Note: Gauging data collected on 10/5, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/3, 11/28, 12/6, 12/12, 12/21, and 12/29 were collected during PSH bailing activities. The wells were gauged prior to bailing PSH from the wells. 11/14/2011 11/29/2011 12/14/2011 12/29/2011 Date CMW‐57 CMW‐58 MW‐67 MW‐69 MW‐66 Figure 6b 4th Quarter Upper Bulkhead Monitoring Wells PSH Thickness vs. Time October 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 4 3.5 3 PSH Thickn ness (ft.) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 9/30/2011 10/15/2011 Note: Gauging data collected on 10/5, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/3, 11/28, 12/6, 12/12, 12/21, and 12/29 were collected during PSH bailing activities. The wells were gauged prior to bailing PSH from the wells. 10/30/2011 11/14/2011 11/29/2011 12/14/2011 12/29/2011 Date CMW‐23S CMW‐54 CMW‐55 CMW‐56 MW‐72 NEW TOW NC REE K FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL AND APOLLO STREET SITE TEXACO FACILITY #304209 SUB-SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM 7 FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL AND APOLLO STREET SITE TEXACO FACILITY #304209 SUB SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM PROCESS FLOW SCHEMATIC FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 PLAN VIEW OF BOOM CONTAINMENT AND ABSORPTION SYSTEM KEY PLAN 9 Figure 10a Annual Lower Bulkhead Monitoring Wells PSH Thickness vs. Time January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 4 3.5 3 PSH Thickn ness (ft.) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1/1/2011 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 9/28/2011 Date Note: PSH bailing activities began on July 7, 2011 in wells CMW‐57 and CMW‐58. CMW‐57 CMW‐58 12/27/2011 Figure 10b Annual Lower Bulkhead Monitoring Wells PSH Thickness vs. Time January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 4 3.5 3 PSH Thickn ness (ft.) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1/1/2011 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 9/28/2011 Date Note: PSH bailing activities began on July 7, 2011 in wells MW‐67 and MW‐69. MW‐67 MW‐69 MW‐66 12/27/2011 Figure 10c Annual Upper Bulkhead Monitoring Wells PSH Thickness vs. Time January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 4 3.5 3 PSH Thickn ness (ft.) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1/1/2011 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 9/28/2011 Date Note: PSH bailing activities began on July 7, 2011 in well CMW‐54. CMW‐23S CMW‐54 CMW‐55 CMW‐56 MW‐72 12/27/2011 Figure 11 Sheen Detections in the Boom Systems from 2008 to 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 100 Newtown Creek C1 90 90 85 C2 C3 C4 C5 (Apollo St Site) SE1 (Apollo St Site) 2008 SE2 (Apollo St Site) Note: 1. The number associated with each location indicates the number of sheens observed during that quarter. 2. Sheen observations in Newtown Creek were not recorded until January 1, 2009. Sheens in Newtown Creek are independent of the boom containment system located along the bulkhead of the Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street sites. 3. Sheen observations in compartments C1‐C5 did not begin until January 1, 2008. 4. Sheen observations in compartments SE1‐SE3 did not begin until January 1, 2009. SE3 (Apollo St Site) 2009 85 83 2010 2011 • 4 Sheens in 201 observations (across only 3 days). • Sheen was absent 98.5% of the days. • The 2 4th quarter sheens were both detected on October 24, 2011. • Sheen was absent 100% of t+he time in the 2nd & 3rd Quarters. 80 70 70 Number of Sheen n Observations 66 60 51 50 42 39 40 35 30 24 22 20 17 13 3 1st Quarter 2008 2nd Quarter 2008 7 4 0 0 4th Quarter 2008 11 1 1st Quarter 2009 12 11 11 8 3 00 1 8 7 5 4 0 3rd Quarter 2008 10 6 5 2 11 10 9 10 13 12 11 1 2nd Quarter 2009 3 2 00 0 00 3rd Quarter 2009 00 5 4 1 5 2 2 0 4th Quarter 2009 000 0 2 2 0 1st Quarter 2010 Quarter 5 00 0 11 2 0 2nd Quarter 2010 1 2 4 2 4 3 1 0 00 1 00 0 0 000 000 0000 000 00000 000 000000 3rd Quarter 2010 4th Quarter 2010 1st Quarter 2011 2nd Quarter 2011 3rd Quarter 2011 00 000 00 11 0 4th Quarter 2011 FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 AMBIENT AIR SAMPLE LOCATIONS FOR 2011 12 Legend CMW-42 ´ " ´ " ! ´ Proposed Replacement Recovery Wells ´ " Recovery Well ´ " Monitoring Well Treatment System Layout CMW-17R Treatment System Building Fence ´ " RIMW-01 Tank CMW-43R ´ " Piping CMW-67R ! ´ ´ " ´ " CMW-55 PW-1R CMW-64R MW-73R ´ " ´ " CMW-23 S/D " ´ " ´ ´ " ´ " CMW-56 MW-74R CMW-39 MW-21 ´ " ´ " CMW-63R PW-2R MW-72 ´ "´ " CMW-54 ´ " CMW-59R CMW-65R ! ´ ´ " ´ " CMW-53R MW-75R MW-70R ´ " ´ " CMW-58 Regional View ´ " ´ "´ " " ´ "´ ´ " ´ "´ " ´ " MW-69 ´ " CMW-41 S/D MW-1 CMW-16 MW-88D ´ "´ "" ´ " ´ " ´ "" ´ "´ "´ ´ " ´ ´ "´ "´ " " ´ ´ " ´ "´ ´ " "´ "´ "´ "´ "´ "´ " ´ " ´ " " " ´ " ´ ´ " ´ ´ " MW-88S CMW-42 RIMW-02 CMW-40 MW-56 CMW-17R CMW-43R CMW-22 RIMW-01 PW-1R CMW-64R EE T ST R ´ " PW-2R CMW-63R MW-72 CMW-59R ´ " MW-70R CMW-54 CMW-57 CMW-53R MW-75R CMW-58 MW-69 MW-67 CMW-57 MW-68R CMW-38 ´ " CMW-19 S/D ´ " CMW-45 MW-32 MW-66 CMW-12 ´ " CMW-8 CMW-33 ´ " CMW-38 ´ " CMW-44 ´ " CMW-13 ´ " CMW-34 S/D CMW-18 MW-57 ´ " ´ " CMW-14 MW-2 ´ " MW-64 ´ " CMW-4 CMW-9 ´ " CMW-35 ´ " CMW-47 S/D ´ " CMW-62 S/D ´ "´ " RW-25 APO LLO CMW-36 S/D CMW-24 S/D GE T M STREE VAN DA WA TE R CMW-32 ´ " CMW-10 ´ " ET ´ " CMW-5 CMW-61 ´ " CMW-31 CMW-1 ´ " CMW-29 S/D ´ " ´ " CMW-6 ´ " ´ " R KE EE M CMW-2 CMW-28 ´ " U EN AV E MW-60 ´ " CMW-27 CMW-30 VARICK ´ " CMW-26 STREET ´ " MW-61 125 250 MW-3 7 0 500 IC K ST R EE T NU AVE ART VA R Greenpoint, NY\2011\Projects\2012 Proposed RWs.mxd 190 380 Feet Feet W STE AVE NUE MW-62 MW-63 0 NAS SAU ´ " ´ " ´ " CMW-46 MW-59 STR E CMW-15 CMW-60 S/D ´ " BRID ´ " MW-78 MW-58 STREET ´ " ´ " " ´ " ´ ´ " ´ " ´ " " ´ "´ MW-77 MW-26 ´ " CMW-25 S/D MW-76 CMW-37 ´ " MW-68R CMW-23 S/D MW-74R CMW-39 CMW-20 AP OL LO ´ " CMW-55 MW-73R CMW-56 CMW-21 MW-2 3 MW-76 760 £ FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NY Location of Replacement Recovery Well Installations Proposed for 2012 drawn AGM checked date date 1/19/2010 job no. initials LAB LAB LAB LAB 26011A045A date 7/25/11 9/9/11 11/17/11 1/6/12 JAK 01/06/2012 revision Update data frame positions Correct fluid line location Update logo/job # Add prop. wells. approved date PJC 01/16/2012 file no. 2012 Proposed RWs Figure No. 13 ´ " E Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property January 31, 2011 Tables SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Table 1 Summary of Total Fluids Recovered on a Weekly Basis September 14, 2007 through December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Date Cumulative Groundwater Treated (gal) Cumulative PSH Recovered (gal) Interim Vac Truck Recovery (June 2005 to July 2007) Not Recorded 11,697 TFR System (9/14/2007 to 9/30/2011) 31,778,810 31,356 10/1/2011 31,811,765 31,357 10/8/2011 32,032,420 31,378 10/15/2011 32,243,940 31,394 10/22/2011 32,431,925 31,411 10/29/2011 32,685,075 31,432 11/5/2011 32,932,165 31,450 11/12/2011 32,963,520 31,452 11/19/2011 33,025,575 31,462 11/26/2011 32,932,165 31,450 12/3/2011 33,421,801 31,488 12/10/2011 33,644,953 31,501 12/17/2011 33,864,230 31,521 12/24/2011 34,075,943 31,541 12/31/2011 34,254,322 31,561 TFR System Recovery in 4th Quarter of 2011 2,475,512 205 Cumulative Recovery (9/14/2007 to 12/31/2011) 34,254,322 31,561 Total PSH Recovery From June 2005 to December 31, 2011 43,258 Page 1 of 1 Table 2 4th Quarter Total Fluids Recovery System Operation October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Well ID % Uptime October 2011 Maintenance Notes November 2011 Maintenance Notes % Uptime % Uptime December 2011 Maintenance Notes CMW-17R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.7% Pump pulled, cleaned, and regulator serviced on Nov 1, 2011; System was offline during OWS upgrade between Nov 6 and Nov 18, 2011 99.9% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011. CMW-43R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 99.9% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011. CMW-53R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 100.0% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011. CMW-59R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 100.0% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011. CMW-63R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 100.0% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011. CMW-64R 0.0% Pump stopped working on September 13, 2011. Pump is stuck in well due to sediments; could not remove with water jetting & tripod hoist. 0.0% Not operating. 0.0% Not operating. MW-68R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 99.9% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011; Replaced hose clamps on Dec 20, 2011. MW-70R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 99.8% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011. MW-73R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 99.9% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 13, 2011. MW-74R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 42.6% 99.9% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011; Replaced hose clamps on Dec 20, 2011. MW-75R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 42.5% 100.0% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011. PW-1R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 100.0% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 20, 2011; Replaced hose clamps on Dec 20, 2011. PW-2R 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; No downhole pump inspection performed due to components operating properly. 61.8% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between November 6 and November 18, 2011 99.9% Pump pulled, cleaned, and serviced on Dec 13, 2011. System uptime 94.9% Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between Nov 6 and Nov 18, 2011; Well throttled back over Thanksgiving weekend due to high sediment loading Wellhead components operating correctly; System was offline during OWS upgrade between Nov 6 and Nov 18, 2011; Well throttled back over Thanksgiving weekend due to high sediment loading 61.8% Total operational uptime 100.0% Operational uptime taking planned OWS upgrade into account 100.0% Notes: 1. "Percent Uptime" is a measurement of the amount of time a recovery pump operated in the given period. On occasion, individual pumps may be shut down for maintenance or repairs. 100% uptime is determined as continuous operation for 24 hours per day for the entire month. 2. System uptime calculation for November 2011 does not include the planned downtime for the OWS upgrade. Page 1 of 1 Table 3 4th Quarter Summary of Estimated Individual Well Flow-Rates October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY CMW-17R CMW-43R CMW-53R CMW-59R CMW-63R CMW-64R MW-68R MW-70R MW-73R MW-74R MW-75R PW-1R PW-2R Date of Estimation (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) 10/3/2011 2.62 3.15 2.59 3.17 3.59 0.00 2.03 3.97 1.52 0.40 1.03 2.22 0.98 10/10/2011 2.76 3.17 2.58 3.23 3.37 0.00 1.19 3.81 1.46 0.37 0.92 2.08 0.92 10/18/2011 2.83 3.04 3.41 2.69 0.09 0.00 1.66 3.85 1.07 0.38 0.93 1.78 1.28 10/24/2011 2.57 2.82 4.37 4.04 0.42 0.00 1.36 3.51 1.16 0.34 0.84 1.55 1.85 11/15/2011 3.00 3.18 3.69 3.82 1.74 0.00 1.56 3.56 1.25 0.45 1.10 1.81 1.68 11/21/2011 3.01 3.55 3.81 5.83 4.21 0.00 1.47 3.95 0.87 0.44 12.08 1.60 4.95 12/1/2011 2.52 2.73 3.56 2.05 3.43 0.00 1.79 3.42 1.33 0.20 2.07 1.74 4.64 12/7/2011 3.51 3.67 3.42 4.54 4.18 0.00 1.27 3.88 1.30 0.53 1.35 1.63 4.74 12/13/2011 2.70 3.35 3.09 4.00 4.09 0.00 1.26 3.64 0.89 0.44 0.96 1.44 4.54 12/20/2011 2.60 3.37 3.27 3.28 3.47 0.00 1.43 3.72 1.03 0.44 0.95 1.55 2.29 12/29/2011 2.10 2.75 3.22 1.92 2.89 0.00 1.53 3.30 1.03 0.32 0.90 0.37 1.81 Note: 1. Flow rates are estimated based on total system uptime and individual well cycle counter readings. Page 1 of 1 Table 4 4 Quarter Measured PSH Thicknesses in Bulkhead Monitoring and Recovery Wells October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Phase II Recovery Wells Phase I Recovery Wells Monitoring Wells th Location Units CMW-23D CMW-23S CMW-54 CMW-55 CMW-56 CMW-57 CMW-58 MW-66 MW-67 MW-69 MW-72 MW-68R MW-70R MW-73R MW-74R MW-75R PW-1R CMW-17R CMW-43R CMW-53R CMW-59R CMW-63R CMW-64R PW-2R ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 10/5/11 NM NM 0.02 NM NM 1.09 0.15 NM 0.82 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 10/11/11 10/18/11 10/25/11 NM ND NM NM ND NM ND 0.01 ND NM ND NM NM ND NM 0.24 1.21 ND 0.24 0.27 0.13 NM ND NM 0.31 1.00 0.52 0.57 0.58 0.04 NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM ND NM NM NM NM NM ND NM 11/3/11 NM NM ND NM NM ND 0.14 NM 0.65 0.06 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Date 11/15/11 11/28/11 ND NM ND NM NM ND ND NM ND NM 0.17 ND 0.15 0.23 ND NM 0.34 0.70 0.03 0.05 ND NM ND NM ND NM ND NM NM NM ND NM ND NM ND NM ND NM ND NM ND NM ND NM NM NM ND NM 12/6/11 NM NM 0.85 NM NM 1.21 0.99 NM 0.80 0.77 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 12/7/11 ND ND ND ND ND 0.26 0.21 ND 0.29 0.08 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NM NM ND 12/12/11 12/21/11 12/28/11 NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.18 0.34 0.30 NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.04 0.74 0.30 0.79 0.53 0.48 NM NM NM 0.76 0.55 0.46 0.29 0.19 0.04 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM Notes: 1. Recovery wells were operating at the time of measurement. 2. 3. ND NM Indicates PSH was not detected. Indicates a well was not measured. 4. Gauging data from 10/5, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/3, 11/28, 12/6, 12/12, 12/21, and 12/29 were collected during PSH bailing activities from the 5 monitoring wells that regularly contain PSH along the upper and lower bulkheads. 5. CMW-54 and MW-74R were not gauged on 11/15/11 because they were covered by OWS upgrade equipment. 6. CMW-64R has been offline since September 2011 when the well screen apparently collapsed. NM NM Table 5 4 Quarter NYCDEP Discharge Permit Compliance Results October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY th Analyte NYCDEP Concentration Limit Daily Monthly TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent (11/30/2011) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug/L) <10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ug/L) <9.6 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (ug/L) <10 Aroclor 1016 (ug/L) <0.058 Aroclor 1221 (ug/L) <0.058 Aroclor 1232 (ug/L) <0.058 Aroclor 1242 (ug/L) <0.058 Aroclor 1248 (ug/L) <0.058 Aroclor 1254 (ug/L) <0.058 Aroclor 1260 (ug/L) <0.058 Benzene (ug/L) 134 Cadmium - Total (mg/L) 2 57 <10 0.00096J Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) <10 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L) 16.4b Chloride (mg/L) 10,100B Chloroform (ug/L) Copper - Total (mg/L) <10 5 0.055 Ethylbenzene (ug/L) 380 Flashpoint (°F) >140 142 >176.0 <10 Hexavalent Chromium Total (mg/L) 5 0.014 Lead - Total (mg/L) 2 0.0089 Mercury - Total (mg/L) 0.05 <0.00020 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (ug/L) 50 Naphthalene (ug/L) 47 Nickel - Total (mg/L) 3 <10 19 0.012 Nitrate-Nitrite (mg/L-N) pH, Field (S.U.) <4.8 <0.050 5-12 6.63 Phenol (ug/L) <4.8 SGT Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (mg/L) 50 <5.0 14.4 Temperature, Field (°C) <150 Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 20 Toluene (ug/L) 74 <10 28 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L-N) <10 0.95 Total Residue, at 103°C (mg/L) 19,700 Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 350 Total Xylenes (ug/L) 74 Zinc - Total (mg/L) 5 <4.0 28 <20 1.5 Zinc - Total (mg/L) Page 1 of 1 Table 6 4th Quarter Internal Quality Assurance Discharge Results October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location Date Sampled Time Sampled Benzene (ug/L) Ethylbenzene (ug/L) Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (ug/L) Toluene (ug/L) Total Xylenes (ug/L) TS-1 Untreated Influent 11/30/2011 14:20 15J 16J <25 <25 18J TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 11/30/2011 14:00 <10 <10 <10 <10 <20 25 TS-1 Untreated Influent 12/20/2011 9:05 18 23 <4.0 2.6J TS-2 Post OC 12/20/2011 9:10 17 23 <4.0 2.6J 25 TS-3 Post GAC 1 12/20/2011 9:15 5.6 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 12/20/2011 9:20 New York City Effluent Standards, applicable to TS-4 only <2.0 134 <2.0 380 <2.0 50 <2.0 74 <4.0 74 Note: 1. Compliance with NYCDEP discharge criteria is specific to the treated effluent only (TS-4). Page 1 of 1 Table 7 4th Quarter Summary of Sub-Slab Depressurization System Monitoring Results October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Date Location Type of Reading Units 10/4/11 10/10/11 10/18/11 10/24/11 10/31/11 11/8/11 11/16/11 11/21/11 11/29/11 12/5/11 12/12/11 12/21/11 12/28/11 "WC 0.245 0.25 0.25 0.06 0.1 0.19 0.2 0.18 0.25 0.195 0.25 0.22 0.25 "WC 0.165 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.11 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.19 0.235 0.2 0.25 CFM 5.4 14.1 14.9 8.2 2.8 11.5 11.8 3.4 9.4 3 11.1 4.8 15.5 E-1 "WC 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.03 0.35 0.08 NM 0.02 E-2 "WC 0.085 0.07 0.065 0.025 0.04 0.055 0.05 0.05 0.16 0.07 0.085 NM 0.035 E-3 "WC 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.02 0.02 0.065 0.03 0.033 NM 0.045 "WC 0.015 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 NM 0.055 "WC 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.02 0.015 0.015 0.06 0.02 0.015 NM 0.03 E-6 "WC 0.065 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.045 0.08 0.075 0.075 0.19 0.07 0.075 NM 0.1 E-7 "WC 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.01 0.045 0.015 0.015 NM 0.015 H-2 "WC 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.015 0.015 NM 0.045 H-1 Active Vacuum H-3 Manifold E-4 E-5 Flow Rate Induced Subsurface Vacuum Post GAC 2 Methane % 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 NM 0.02 0.03 Post GAC 2 PID Reading ppm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 Notes: 1. NM - Not Measured 2. Post GAC 2 location is the final treated discharge to the atmosphere 3. Methane discharge limit is 1% 4. The most recent spent vapor phase carbon changeout occurred on April 12, 2011 5. "WC - Inches of water column 6. CFM - Cubic feet per minute 7. ppm - parts per million Page 1 of 1 Table 8 4 Quarter Newtown Creek Containment Boom System Activities (Paragon Site) October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY th November 2011 October 2011 Component Name Type Location Date Installed Compartment 1 Solidifier Boom Inside Globe Boom Compartment 2 Solidifier Boom Compartment 3 December 2011 Activity & Frequency Condition Activity & Frequency Condition Activity & Frequency Condition March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (17 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (15 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (16 total observations) Inside Globe Boom March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (17 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (15 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (16 total observations) Solidifier Boom Inside Globe Boom March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (17 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (15 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (16 total observations) Compartment 4 Solidifier Boom Inside Globe Boom March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (17 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (15 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (16 total observations) Globe Boom (C1-C4) Hard Boom (Primary Containment) Parallel to Bulkhead July 2005 Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Fence Boom Hard Boom (Secondary Containment) Outermost Component May 2006 Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Notes: 1. 4 sheens not associated with the Paragon and Apollo Street sites have been present on Newtown Creek beyond the fence boom and of unknown origin. A total of 4 sheens were observed in Newtown Creek during the fourth quarter, with monthly occurrences as follows: • October 2011 - 2 (10/26/2011 & 10/27/2011) • November 2011 - 0 • December 2011 - 2 (12/7/2011 & 12/21/2011) Page 1 of 1 Table 9 4th Quarter Newtown Creek Containment Boom System Activities (Apollo Street Site) October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY October 2011 Component Name Type Location Date Installed Compartment 5 Solidifier Boom Inside Globe Boom Globe Boom (For C5) Hard Boom (Primary Containment) Fence Boom November 2011 December 2011 Activity & Frequency Condition Activity & Frequency Condition Activity & Frequency Condition March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (17 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (15 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (16 total observations) Parallel to Bulkhead July 2005 Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Hard Boom (Secondary Containment) Outermost Component May 2006 Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Inspection - Daily Functional Compartment SE1 Solidifier Boom Inside Globe Boom March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen observed once (12 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (4 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (6 total observations) Compartment SE2 Solidifier Boom Inside Globe Boom March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen observed once (4 total observation) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (2 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (5 total observations) Compartment SE3 Solidifier Boom Inside Globe Boom March 2, 2010 Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (5 total observation) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (2 total observations) Changeout - None Inspection - Daily Sheen not observed (3 total observations) Globe Boom (For SE1-SE3) Hard Boom (Primary Containment) Inspection - Daily Fallen tree over globe boom in SE1. Absorbent boom installed around SE1. SE2 & SE3 are functional Inspection - Daily Fallen tree over globe boom in SE1. Absorbent boom installed around SE1. SE2 & SE3 are functional Inspection - Daily Tree Removed on December 9 and Globe Boom was restored to original position Parallel to bulkhead 2006 Notes: 1. Texaco never owned or operated on the 100-120 Apollo Street Property. 2. 4 sheens not associated with the Paragon and Apollo Street sites have been present on Newtown Creek beyond the fence boom and of unknown origin. A total of 4 sheens were observed in Newtown Creek during the fourth quarter, with monthly occurrences as follows: • October 2011 - 2 (10/26/2011 & 10/27/2011) • November 2011 - 0 • December 2011 - 2 (12/7/2011 & 12/21/2011) Page 1 of 1 Table 10 Annual Summary of Total Fluids Recovered January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Month Groundwater Treated (gal) During Period PSH Recovered (gal) Period January 745,500 50 February 632,915 65 March 762,995 84 April 832,145 81 May 978,645 119 June 937,800 85 July 919,475 99 August 723,585 130 September 819,875 72 October 980,965 82 November December 560,475 934,072 45 78 Total Recovery in 2011 9,828,447 990 Total Recovery with Current System 9/14/2007 to 12/31/2011 34,254,322 31,561 Total Interim Recovery From June 2005 to July 2007 NA 11,697 Total PSH Recovery From June 2005 to 12/31/2011 Notes: 1. NA = Not Applicable 43,258 During Table 11 Annual Summary of Fluids Removed from System during Equipment Cleaning Activities January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Date of Cleaning Event 1/26/2011 3/1/2011 4/17/2011 5/16/2011 5/31/2011 7/19/2011 8/9/2011 8/10/2011 8/22/2011 9/28/2011 10/18/2011 11/6/2011 12/15/2011 Total Recovery in 2011 Total Fluids Recovered (gallons) 3,105 2,175 3,000 2,732 2,718 2,985 2,538 2,795 2,526 3,040 2,639 2,601 2,790 Calculated Volume of Water (gallons) 3,012 2,110 2,910 2,650 2,664 2,925 2,462 2,683 2,425 2,949 2,560 2,523 2,706 Calculated Volume of PSH (gallons) 93 65 90 82 49 60 76 112 101 91 79 78 84 35,644 34,579 1,060 Notes: 1. Calculated volumes of recovered water and PSH are based on estimated percentages provided by the recycling facility. 2. The volumes recorded in this table are included in the total volumes recovered as presented in tables 1 and 10 of this report. 3. Fluids are transported by Atlantic Response for treatment by FCC Environmental. Phase II Recovery Wells Phase I Recovery Wells Monitoring Wells Table 12 Annual Measured PSH Thicknesses in Bulkhead Monitoring and Recovery Wells January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location Units CMW-23D CMW-23S CMW-54 CMW-55 CMW-56 CMW-57 CMW-58 MW-66 MW-67 MW-69 MW-72 MW-68R MW-70R MW-73R MW-74R MW-75R PW-1R CMW-17R CMW-43R CMW-53R CMW-59R CMW-63R CMW-64R PW-2R ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1/5/11 NM NM 0.45 ND ND 0.88 NM ND 0.84 NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.01 0.71 ND 1/11/11 1/17/11 1/26/11 NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.25 0.69 NM ND ND NM ND ND NM 0.97 0.81 NM NM 2.12 NM ND ND NM 1.10 0.75 NM 0.85 0.82 NM ND ND NM ND ND NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.24 ND ND ND ND ND ND NM ND ND NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.05 ND 0.01 1.60 0.96 1.69 ND ND Notes: 1. Recovery wells were operating at the time of measurement. 2. 3. ND NM Indicates PSH was not detected. Indicates a well was not measured. 4. Gauging data from PSH bailing activities is not included in this table. ND 2/1/11 NM NM ND ND ND 0.76 NM ND 1.01 NM NM ND ND ND 0.02 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.00 2/7/11 ND ND 0.25 ND ND NM NM ND 1.09 NM NM ND ND ND 0.74 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.90 2/16/11 ND ND 0.54 ND ND 1.13 NM ND 1.06 NM NM ND ND ND 0.82 0.03 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.40 3/8/11 ND ND 0.58 ND ND 0.70 2.47 ND 1.08 1.08 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.66 ND ND ND ND 3/15/11 3/18/11 3/22/11 3/30/11 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.63 0.01 0.61 0.86 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.49 0.82 0.60 0.86 2.39 2.37 2.38 1.47 ND ND ND ND 1.02 1.11 1.04 1.24 0.88 1.23 1.39 1.30 ND ND ND ND NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.95 1.60 2.54 2.20 ND ND ND ND Date 4/5/11 ND ND 0.59 ND ND 0.37 2.75 ND 1.05 1.38 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.05 ND 4/14/11 ND ND 0.57 ND ND 0.56 3.09 ND 0.88 1.19 ND NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.15 4/19/11 ND ND ND ND ND 0.89 2.76 ND 0.72 0.85 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.00 5/24/11 ND ND 0.31 ND ND 0.74 2.58 ND 0.13 0.41 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2.75 6/29/11 ND ND 0.10 ND ND 0.96 2.40 ND 0.40 0.52 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.20 7/25/11 ND ND 0.11 ND ND 0.71 0.24 ND 0.60 0.96 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.01 ND ND ND ND ND ND 9/13/11 ND ND 0.25 ND ND 0.61 0.01 ND 0.60 0.33 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NM 10/18/11 ND ND 0.01 ND ND 1.21 0.27 ND 1.00 0.58 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NM 11/15/11 ND ND NM ND ND 0.17 0.15 ND 0.34 0.03 ND ND ND ND NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NM 12/7/11 ND ND ND ND ND 0.26 0.21 ND 0.29 0.08 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NM ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Table 13 Annual Summary of NYCDEP Discharge Permit Compliance Results Janaury 1, 2011 Through December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility # 304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY NYCDEP Concentration Limit TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent (11/30/2011) TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent (3/1/2011) TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent (6/13/2011) TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent (9/8/2011) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ug/L) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ug/L) <49 <9.9 <9.4 <9.6 Analyte Daily Monthly 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (ug/L) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 Aroclor 1016 (ug/L) <0.058 <0.057 <0.057 <0.058 Aroclor 1221 (ug/L) <0.058 <0.057 <0.057 <0.058 Aroclor 1232 (ug/L) <0.058 <0.057 <0.057 <0.058 Aroclor 1242 (ug/L) <0.058 <0.057 0.15 <0.058 Aroclor 1248 (ug/L) <0.058 <0.057 <0.057 <0.058 Aroclor 1254 (ug/L) <0.058 <0.057 <0.057 <0.058 Aroclor 1260 (ug/L) <0.058 <0.057 <0.057 <0.058 <5.0 <5.0 27 <10 0.001 0.00078J 0.00064J 0.00096J Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/L) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L) 16.3 3.7b 18.7 16.4b Chloride (mg/L) 13,100 9,450B 5,050 10,100B Chloroform (ug/L) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 <0.010 <0.010 0.0085J 0.055 Benzene (ug/L) 134 Cadmium - Total (mg/L) 2 Copper - Total (mg/L) 57 5 Ethylbenzene (ug/L) 380 <5.0 <5.0 1.2J <10 Flashpoint (°F) >140 142 >176.0 >176.0 >176.0 >176.0 Hexavalent Chromium Total (mg/L) 5 0.02 <0.010 <0.010 0.014 Lead - Total (mg/L) 2 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 0.0089 Mercury - Total (mg/L) 0.05 <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (ug/L) 50 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 Naphthalene (ug/L) 47 <25 <5.0 <4.7 <4.8 Nickel - Total (mg/L) 3 0.0017J 0.0035J 0.0015J 0.012 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 6.74 6.63 6.7 6.63 <25 <5.0 <4.7 <4.8 <4.9 7.5 3.2J <5.0 19 Nitrate-Nitrite (mg/L-N) pH, Field (S.U.) 5-12 Phenol (ug/L) SGT Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (mg/L) 50 Temperature, Field (°C) <150 8.8 20.5 22.9 14.4 Tetrachloroethene (ug/L) 20 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 Toluene (ug/L) 74 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L-N) 2.7 2.3 1.6 0.95 Total Residue, at 103°C (mg/L) 21,800 B 23,500 12,700 19700 <4.0 <4.0 <4.0 <4.0 <10 <10 1.1J <20 0.01 0.075 0.033 1.5 Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 350 Total Xylenes (ug/L) 74 Zinc - Total (mg/L) 5 28 28 Table 14 Annual Summary of Internal Quality Assurance Discharge Results January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location Date Sampled Time Sampled Benzene (ug/L) Ethylbenzene (ug/L) Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (ug/L) Toluene (ug/L) Total Xylenes (ug/L) TS-1 Untreated Influent 1/5/2011 11:40 88 130 <1 9.3 180 TS-2 Post OC 1/5/2011 11:45 76 77 0.93J 6.1 120 TS-3 Post GAC 1 1/5/2011 11:50 19 13 <1 1.3 20 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 1/5/2011 11:55 <1 <1 <1 <1 <2 TS-1 Untreated Influent 2/8/2011 9:15 100 150 <2 13 310 TS-2 Post OC 2/8/2011 9:10 89 120 0.82J 11 220 TS-3 Post GAC 1 2/8/2011 9:05 24 3.7 <1 0.67J 4.5 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 2/8/2011 9:00 18 4.2 <1 0.57J 5.8 TS-1 Untreated Influent 3/16/2011 15:05 83 94 <2 9.6 150 TS-2 Post OC 3/16/2011 15:10 81 85 <2 8.6 110 TS-3 Post GAC 1 3/16/2011 15:15 55 34 <1 4 44 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 3/16/2011 15:20 1.3 1.1 <1 <1 1.2J TS-1 Untreated Influent 4/6/2011 9:00 93 130 <10 16 280 TS-2 Post OC 4/6/2011 9:05 96 110 <10 15 200 TS-3 Post GAC 1 4/6/2011 9:10 72 39 <10 <10 62 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 4/6/2011 9:15 3.6J <5 <5 <1 <10 TS-1 Untreated Influent 4/19/2011 10:30 100 88 <10 12 210 TS-2 Post OC 4/19/2011 10:35 92 53 <1 8.2 94 TS-3 Post GAC 1 4/19/2011 10:40 82 36 <1 6 62 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 4/19/2011 10:45 33 9.6 <1 1.7 16 TS-1 Untreated Influent 4/27/2011 10:50 87 100 <2 15 220 TS-2 Post OC 4/27/2011 10:55 69 94 <1 12 150 TS-3 Post GAC 1 4/27/2011 11:00 69 50 <1 7.9 75 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 4/27/2011 11:05 22 2.1 0.76J 0.61J 2.1 TS-1 Untreated Influent 5/12/2011 7:30 95 86 <10 13 190 TS-2 Post OC 5/12/2011 7:35 79 69 <5 10 130 TS-3 Post GAC 1 5/12/2011 7:40 74 46 <5 8.2 85 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 5/12/2011 7:45 40 16 <5 2.8J 24 TS-1 Untreated Influent 5/18/2011 9:40 100 84 <5 15 180 TS-2 Post OC 5/18/2011 9:45 95 87 <5 14 160 TS-3 Post GAC 1 5/18/2011 9:50 94 52 <2 9.7 89 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 5/18/2011 9:55 48 6.5 <1 1.6 8.9 TS-1 Untreated Influent 7/6/2011 11:45 88 94 <40 <40 240 TS-2 Post OC 7/6/2011 11:50 83 78 <10 13 210 TS-3 Post GAC 1 7/6/2011 11:55 27 14 <2 2 35 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 7/6/2011 12:00 <1 <1 <1 <1 <2 Note: 1. Compliance with NYCDEP discharge criteria is specific to the treated effluent only (TS-4). Page 1 of 2 Table 14 Annual Summary of Internal Quality Assurance Discharge Results January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location Date Sampled Time Sampled Benzene (ug/L) Ethylbenzene (ug/L) Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (ug/L) Toluene (ug/L) Total Xylenes (ug/L) TS-1 Untreated Influent 8/10/2011 12:30 170 130 <5 17 230 TS-2 Post OC 8/10/2011 12:35 180 100 <2 15 190 TS-3 Post GAC 1 8/10/2011 12:40 96 15 <2 4.3 21 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 8/10/2011 12:45 5.1 <1 <1 <1 <1 TS-1 Untreated Influent 9/8/2011 9:00 51 84 <25 6.6J 120 1.1J TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 9/8/2011 9:20 27 1.2J <5 <5 TS-1 Untreated Influent 11/30/2011 14:20 15J 16J <25 <25 18J TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 11/30/2011 14:00 <10 <10 <10 <10 <20 TS-1 Untreated Influent 12/20/2011 9:05 18 23 <4.0 2.6J 25 TS-2 Post OC 12/20/2011 9:10 17 23 <4.0 2.6J 25 TS-3 Post GAC 1 12/20/2011 9:15 5.6 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <10 TS-4 Post GAC 2: Treated Effluent 12/20/2011 9:20 New York City Effleunt Standards, applicable to TS-4 only <2.0 134 <2.0 380 <2.0 50 <2.0 74 <4.0 74 Note: 1. Compliance with NYCDEP discharge criteria is specific to the treated effluent only (TS-4). Page 2 of 2 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Methane (%) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2-Butanone (MEK) 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 3-Chloropropene 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene Acetone Benzene Benzyl chloride Bromodichloromethane CAS 74-82-8 71-55-6 79-34-5 79-00-5 75-34-3 75-35-4 120-82-1 95-63-6 106-93-4 95-50-1 107-06-2 540-59-0 78-87-5 108-67-8 106-99-0 541-73-1 106-46-7 123-91-1 540-84-1 78-93-3 95-49-8 591-78-6 107-05-1 622-96-8 99-87-6 67-64-1 71-43-2 100-44-7 75-27-4 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 16 Bridgewater Street Warehouse IA-5 IA-15 IA-1 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.054 <0.064 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <3.7 4.5 2.5 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 13 1.1 4.1 6 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 <1.1 17 32 4.2 0.82 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.06 <0.068 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J 1.5 1.6 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 31 1.4 2.8 2.9 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 12 16 2.8 1.4 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 IA-16 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.067 <0.11 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J <0.98 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 3.6 0.95 2.1 4.1 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 22 1.5 1.1 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 NS <0.062 NS <1.1 NS <1.4 NS <1.1 NS <0.81 NS <0.79 NS <J NS 1.2 NS <1.5 NS <1.2 NS <0.81 NS <0.79 NS <0.92 NS <0.98 NS <0.44 NS <1.2 NS <1.2 NS <18 NS <0.93 NS 5.8 NS <1 NS <2 NS <1.6 NS <0.98 NS <1.1 NS 33 NS 0.7 NS <1 NS <1.3 Page 1 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Bromoethene Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethane Cumene Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Ethanol Ethylbenzene Freon 22 Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane Isopropyl alcohol m,p-Xylene methyl isobutyl ketone Methyl methacrylate Methyl tert-butyl ether Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Butane CAS 593-60-2 75-25-2 74-83-9 75-15-0 56-23-5 108-90-7 75-00-3 67-66-3 74-87-3 156-59-2 10061-01-5 98-82-8 110-82-7 124-48-1 75-71-8 76-14-2 64-17-5 100-41-4 75-45-6 87-68-3 110-54-3 67-63-0 m,p-Xylenes 108-10-1 80-62-6 1634-04-4 75-09-2 91-20-3 106-97-8 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 16 Bridgewater Street Warehouse IA-5 IA-15 IA-1 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.3 1.3 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 51 6.2 <1.7 <1.7 2.7 2.9 <1.4 <1.4 2600E 2300E 3.2 1.7 3 5.1 <2.1 <2.1 38 4.2 <12 20 10 4.1 <2 <2 13 <2 <0.72 <0.72 2 1.9 <2.6 <2.6 38 10 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 1.5 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 1.2 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 30 3.9 <1.7 <1.7 2.6 3 <1.4 <1.4 3500E 5500E 5 1.6 2.3 9.7 <2.1 <2.1 48 4.9 <12 19 13 4.1 <2 <2 6.8 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 62 9.6 IA-16 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 1.2 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 7 2.6 <1.7 <1.7 2.6 2.6 <1.4 <1.4 3300E 4100E 0.96 0.97 <1.8 4.2 <2.1 <2.1 8.9 3.3 <12 12 2.8 2.2 <2 2.3 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 12 6 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 NS <0.87 NS <2.1 NS <0.78 NS <1.6 NS <1.3 NS <0.92 NS <1.3 NS <0.98 NS 1.2 NS <0.79 NS <0.91 NS <0.98 NS 3 NS <1.7 NS 2.7 NS <1.4 NS 1800E NS 1.5 NS 5.3 NS <2.1 NS 2.3 NS 22 NS 4.2 NS <2 NS <2 NS <0.72 NS <1.7 NS <2.6 NS 11 Page 2 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte n-Butylbenzene n-Heptane n-Propylbenzene o-Xylene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butyl alcohol Tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Trichlorotrifluoromethane Vinyl chloride Xylenes, Total CAS 104-51-8 142-82-5 103-65-1 95-47-6 135-98-8 100-42-5 75-65-0 98-06-6 127-18-4 109-99-9 108-88-3 156-60-5 10061-02-6 79-01-6 75-69-4 76-13-1 75-01-4 1330-20-7 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 16 Bridgewater Street Warehouse IA-5 IA-15 IA-1 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 13 2.4 <0.98 <0.98 3.4 1.3 <1.1 <1.1 0.99 0.95 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 2.6 <15 <15 21 26 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.4 1.6 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 13 5.4 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 15 2.2 <0.98 <0.98 2.9 1.3 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 2.5 2.5 <15 <15 9.4 18 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.6 2 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 16 5.4 IA-16 3 Result (ug/m ) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 2.9 1.8 <0.98 <0.98 0.86 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <15 <15 5.4 15 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.5 1.8 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 3.7 3.1 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 NS <1.1 NS 1.9 NS <0.98 NS 1.2 NS <1.1 NS <0.85 NS <15 NS <1.1 NS 3.1 NS <15 NS 13 NS <0.79 NS <0.91 NS <1.1 NS 1.5 NS <1.5 NS <0.51 NS 5.4 Page 3 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Methane (%) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2-Butanone (MEK) 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 3-Chloropropene 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene Acetone Benzene Benzyl chloride Bromodichloromethane CAS 74-82-8 71-55-6 79-34-5 79-00-5 75-34-3 75-35-4 120-82-1 95-63-6 106-93-4 95-50-1 107-06-2 540-59-0 78-87-5 108-67-8 106-99-0 541-73-1 106-46-7 123-91-1 540-84-1 78-93-3 95-49-8 591-78-6 107-05-1 622-96-8 99-87-6 67-64-1 71-43-2 100-44-7 75-27-4 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. IA-2 16 Bridgewater Street Office IA-3 IA-4 42 Bridgewater Warehouse IA-6 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.077 <0.065 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <3.7 1.1 1 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 1.3 <0.93 2.7 4.3 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 15 25 1.4 0.79 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.07 <0.07 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <3.7 1.2 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 1.3 <0.93 3.3 4.6 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 22 25 1.4 0.67 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.067 <0.071 1.2 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <3.7 1.2 1.3 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 1.9 <0.93 2.5 3.2 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 17 17 1.7 0.64 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.053 <0.072 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J 1.1 1.1 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 71 2.3 4.1 1.9 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 22 14 4.6 5 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Page 4 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Bromoethene Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethane Cumene Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Ethanol Ethylbenzene Freon 22 Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane Isopropyl alcohol m,p-Xylene methyl isobutyl ketone Methyl methacrylate Methyl tert-butyl ether Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Butane CAS 593-60-2 75-25-2 74-83-9 75-15-0 56-23-5 108-90-7 75-00-3 67-66-3 74-87-3 156-59-2 10061-01-5 98-82-8 110-82-7 124-48-1 75-71-8 76-14-2 64-17-5 100-41-4 75-45-6 87-68-3 110-54-3 67-63-0 m,p-Xylenes 108-10-1 80-62-6 1634-04-4 75-09-2 91-20-3 106-97-8 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. IA-2 16 Bridgewater Street Office IA-3 IA-4 42 Bridgewater Warehouse IA-6 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 1.3 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 5.7 2.9 <1.7 <1.7 10 9.8 <1.4 <1.4 3100E 790E 1.1 1 280D 140 <2.1 <2.1 10 1.8 74 37 3.4 2.7 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 13 4.9 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 1.5 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 4.9 2.5 <1.7 <1.7 6.3 8 <1.4 <1.4 2800E 910E 1.1 <0.87 160D 94 <2.1 <2.1 9.4 1.7 65 33 3.4 2.3 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 12 5.7 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 1.3 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 6.1 2.3 <1.7 <1.7 5 6.6 <1.4 <1.4 2700E 770E 1.1 0.87 83 75 <2.1 <2.1 12 1.4 62 33 3.3 2.7 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 14 4.6 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 1.1 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 35 19 <1.7 <1.7 2.5 2.6 <1.4 <1.4 3200E 5300E 9.1 1.1 3.2 4.7 <2.1 <2.1 40 22 <12 <12 22 2.4 <2 <2 7.3 <2 <0.72 <0.72 2 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 51 19 Page 5 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte n-Butylbenzene n-Heptane n-Propylbenzene o-Xylene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butyl alcohol Tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Trichlorotrifluoromethane Vinyl chloride Xylenes, Total CAS 104-51-8 142-82-5 103-65-1 95-47-6 135-98-8 100-42-5 75-65-0 98-06-6 127-18-4 109-99-9 108-88-3 156-60-5 10061-02-6 79-01-6 75-69-4 76-13-1 75-01-4 1330-20-7 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. IA-2 16 Bridgewater Street Office IA-3 IA-4 42 Bridgewater Warehouse IA-6 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 3.8 2.4 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 0.92 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <15 <15 9.6 6.5 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.6 1.4 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 4.6 3.6 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 3.4 2.7 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <15 <15 7.6 5.3 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.6 1.6 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 4.6 3.1 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 4.5 2.1 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 0.97 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <15 <15 8.1 6.5 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.6 1.5 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 4.4 3.7 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 11 5.3 <0.98 <0.98 4.8 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 0.83 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 4.3 1.5 <15 <15 16 22 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 3.8 11 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 26 3.2 Page 6 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Methane (%) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2-Butanone (MEK) 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 3-Chloropropene 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene Acetone Benzene Benzyl chloride Bromodichloromethane CAS 74-82-8 71-55-6 79-34-5 79-00-5 75-34-3 75-35-4 120-82-1 95-63-6 106-93-4 95-50-1 107-06-2 540-59-0 78-87-5 108-67-8 106-99-0 541-73-1 106-46-7 123-91-1 540-84-1 78-93-3 95-49-8 591-78-6 107-05-1 622-96-8 99-87-6 67-64-1 71-43-2 100-44-7 75-27-4 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 50 Bridgewater Office IA-7 50 Bridgewater Warehouse IA-8 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.06 <0.065 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J <0.98 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 1.3 <0.93 <1.5 <1.5 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 <12 1.4 0.83 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.064 <0.07 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J 1 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 2.7 2.7 1.7 2.9 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 24 3.7 4.1 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 50 Bridgewater Rear Offices IA-9 IA-10 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.059 <0.055 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J <0.98 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 50 <0.93 3.1 1.7 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 13 <12 1.5 <0.64 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.071 <0.076 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J <0.98 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 <0.93 <0.93 2.8 1.7 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 <12 1.3 <0.64 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Page 7 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Bromoethene Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethane Cumene Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Ethanol Ethylbenzene Freon 22 Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane Isopropyl alcohol m,p-Xylene methyl isobutyl ketone Methyl methacrylate Methyl tert-butyl ether Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Butane CAS 593-60-2 75-25-2 74-83-9 75-15-0 56-23-5 108-90-7 75-00-3 67-66-3 74-87-3 156-59-2 10061-01-5 98-82-8 110-82-7 124-48-1 75-71-8 76-14-2 64-17-5 100-41-4 75-45-6 87-68-3 110-54-3 67-63-0 m,p-Xylenes 108-10-1 80-62-6 1634-04-4 75-09-2 91-20-3 106-97-8 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 50 Bridgewater Office IA-7 50 Bridgewater Warehouse IA-8 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 1.9 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 1.9 2.5 <1.7 <1.7 4.9 6.7 <1.4 <1.4 500E 110 <0.87 <0.87 <1.8 3.5 <2.1 <2.1 2.3 1.6 <12 12 <2.2 2.6 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 10 11 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 1.2 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 38 36 <1.7 <1.7 2.6 2.7 <1.4 <1.4 3200E 4700E <0.87 1.3 <1.8 4.4 <2.1 <2.1 38 25 <12 <12 <2.2 <2.2 <2 <2 7.2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 28 19 50 Bridgewater Rear Offices IA-9 IA-10 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.3 1.4 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 7.8 1.6 <1.7 <1.7 4.4 2.8 <1.4 <1.4 290E 220E 6.9 <0.87 8.6 2.1 <2.1 <2.1 3.8 0.72 20 <12 17 <2.2 <2 <2 4 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 26 2.7 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 1.4 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 6.5 1.4 <1.7 <1.7 5 3 <1.4 <1.4 220E 210E <0.87 <0.87 12 2.6 <2.1 <2.1 3.5 0.89 <12 12 <2.2 <2.2 <2 <2 2.8 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 9.4 3.5 Page 8 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte n-Butylbenzene n-Heptane n-Propylbenzene o-Xylene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butyl alcohol Tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Trichlorotrifluoromethane Vinyl chloride Xylenes, Total CAS 104-51-8 142-82-5 103-65-1 95-47-6 135-98-8 100-42-5 75-65-0 98-06-6 127-18-4 109-99-9 108-88-3 156-60-5 10061-02-6 79-01-6 75-69-4 76-13-1 75-01-4 1330-20-7 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 50 Bridgewater Office IA-7 50 Bridgewater Warehouse IA-8 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 1.3 1 <0.98 <0.98 <0.87 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 1.9 <15 <15 2.7 3.2 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.4 1.4 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 2.3 3.5 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 7.6 5.8 <0.98 <0.98 <0.87 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <15 <15 4.4 32 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 3.5 6.8 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 2.8 2.8 50 Bridgewater Rear Offices IA-9 IA-10 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 5.1 <0.82 <0.98 <0.98 3.6 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 0.94 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 3.1 <1.4 <15 <15 8.6 2 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.5 1.2 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 20 1.1 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 2.8 <0.82 <0.98 <0.98 <0.87 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <15 <15 2.5 1.2 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.4 1.4 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 2.7 <0.87 Page 9 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Methane (%) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2-Butanone (MEK) 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 3-Chloropropene 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene Acetone Benzene Benzyl chloride Bromodichloromethane CAS 74-82-8 71-55-6 79-34-5 79-00-5 75-34-3 75-35-4 120-82-1 95-63-6 106-93-4 95-50-1 107-06-2 540-59-0 78-87-5 108-67-8 106-99-0 541-73-1 106-46-7 123-91-1 540-84-1 78-93-3 95-49-8 591-78-6 107-05-1 622-96-8 99-87-6 67-64-1 71-43-2 100-44-7 75-27-4 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. IA-AP1 100-120 Apollo Street Warehouse IA-AP2 IA-AP3 16 Bridgewater Outside OA-3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.069 <0.076 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J 1.3 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 <0.93 1.7 2.1 3.4 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 29 4.7 2.1 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.062 <0.068 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J 1.2 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 31 1.8 2.9 2.6 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 15 20 3.1 2.4 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.054 <0.066 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J <0.98 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 <0.93 0.96 <1.5 <1.5 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 <12 1.3 1.1 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.061 <0.057 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <3.7 <0.98 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 12 <0.93 <1.5 1.6 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 13 0.85 <0.64 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Page 10 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Bromoethene Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethane Cumene Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Ethanol Ethylbenzene Freon 22 Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane Isopropyl alcohol m,p-Xylene methyl isobutyl ketone Methyl methacrylate Methyl tert-butyl ether Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Butane CAS 593-60-2 75-25-2 74-83-9 75-15-0 56-23-5 108-90-7 75-00-3 67-66-3 74-87-3 156-59-2 10061-01-5 98-82-8 110-82-7 124-48-1 75-71-8 76-14-2 64-17-5 100-41-4 75-45-6 87-68-3 110-54-3 67-63-0 m,p-Xylenes 108-10-1 80-62-6 1634-04-4 75-09-2 91-20-3 106-97-8 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. IA-AP1 100-120 Apollo Street Warehouse IA-AP2 IA-AP3 16 Bridgewater Outside OA-3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 1.1 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 62 18 <1.7 <1.7 2.7 <2.5 <1.4 <1.4 3900E 2700E 1.4 1.2 <1.8 2.4 <2.1 <2.1 52 11 <12 <12 4.1 <2.2 <2 <2 11 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 40 10 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 1 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 30 21 <1.7 <1.7 2.5 2.6 <1.4 <1.4 3200E 3000E 3.7 0.94 1.9 3 <2.1 <2.1 25 15 <12 <12 9.4 <2.2 <2 <2 5.5 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 34 12 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 1.2 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 6.5 8.5 <1.7 <1.7 2.6 2.8 <1.4 <1.4 1300E 1300E <0.87 1.1 <1.8 4.2 <2.1 <2.1 5.5 5.9 <12 <12 <2.2 2.8 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 9.6 9.5 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 1.1 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 <0.69 1.2 <1.7 <1.7 2.5 2.6 <1.4 <1.4 29 45 <0.87 <0.87 <1.8 3.3 <2.1 <2.1 0.89 <0.7 <12 <12 <2.2 <2.2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 6.8 4.4 Page 11 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte n-Butylbenzene n-Heptane n-Propylbenzene o-Xylene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butyl alcohol Tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Trichlorotrifluoromethane Vinyl chloride Xylenes, Total CAS 104-51-8 142-82-5 103-65-1 95-47-6 135-98-8 100-42-5 75-65-0 98-06-6 127-18-4 109-99-9 108-88-3 156-60-5 10061-02-6 79-01-6 75-69-4 76-13-1 75-01-4 1330-20-7 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. IA-AP1 100-120 Apollo Street Warehouse IA-AP2 IA-AP3 16 Bridgewater Outside OA-3 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 11 2.8 <0.98 <0.98 1.2 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <15 <15 5.6 89 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 3 3 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 5.3 2.9 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 7.1 3.3 <0.98 <0.98 2.4 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 1.8 <1.4 <15 <15 9 52 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 2.4 3.6 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 12 2.4 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 1.6 1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <0.87 0.88 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 2.1 <15 <15 1.9 20 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.8 2.4 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 1.9 3.6 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 <0.82 <0.82 <0.98 <0.98 <0.87 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 1.6 <15 <15 2.4 1.9 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.3 1.3 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 2.3 2 Page 12 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Methane (%) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2-Butanone (MEK) 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 3-Chloropropene 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Isopropyltoluene Acetone Benzene Benzyl chloride Bromodichloromethane CAS 74-82-8 71-55-6 79-34-5 79-00-5 75-34-3 75-35-4 120-82-1 95-63-6 106-93-4 95-50-1 107-06-2 540-59-0 78-87-5 108-67-8 106-99-0 541-73-1 106-46-7 123-91-1 540-84-1 78-93-3 95-49-8 591-78-6 107-05-1 622-96-8 99-87-6 67-64-1 71-43-2 100-44-7 75-27-4 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 50 Bridgewater Outside OA-5 100-120 Apollo St. Outside OA-8 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.066 <0.07 <1.1 <2.2 <1.4 <2.7 <1.1 <2.2 <0.81 <1.6 <0.79 <1.6 <3.7 <J <0.98 <2 <1.5 <3.1 <1.2 <2.4 <0.81 <1.6 <0.79 <1.6 <0.92 <1.8 <0.98 <2 <0.44 <0.88 <1.2 <2.4 <1.2 <2.4 <18 <36 1.6 <1.9 <1.5 <2.9 <1 <2.1 <2 <4.1 <1.6 <3.1 <0.98 <2 <1.1 <2.2 <12 <24 1.1 <1.3 <1 <2.1 <1.3 <2.7 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.062 <0.058 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 <1.4 <1.1 <1.1 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <3.7 <J <0.98 <0.98 <1.5 <1.5 <1.2 <1.2 <0.81 <0.81 <0.79 <0.79 <0.92 <0.92 <0.98 <0.98 <0.44 <0.44 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <18 <18 <0.93 <0.93 <1.5 4.1 <1 <1 <2 <2 <1.6 <1.6 <0.98 <0.98 <1.1 <1.1 <12 18 1.2 <0.64 <1 <1 <1.3 <1.3 Page 13 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte Bromoethene Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroethane Cumene Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Ethanol Ethylbenzene Freon 22 Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane Isopropyl alcohol m,p-Xylene methyl isobutyl ketone Methyl methacrylate Methyl tert-butyl ether Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Butane CAS 593-60-2 75-25-2 74-83-9 75-15-0 56-23-5 108-90-7 75-00-3 67-66-3 74-87-3 156-59-2 10061-01-5 98-82-8 110-82-7 124-48-1 75-71-8 76-14-2 64-17-5 100-41-4 75-45-6 87-68-3 110-54-3 67-63-0 m,p-Xylenes 108-10-1 80-62-6 1634-04-4 75-09-2 91-20-3 106-97-8 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 50 Bridgewater Outside OA-5 100-120 Apollo St. Outside OA-8 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <1.7 <2.1 <4.1 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <3.1 <1.3 <2.5 <0.92 <1.8 <1.3 <2.6 <0.98 <2 1.1 <2.1 <0.79 <1.6 <0.91 <1.8 <0.98 <2 2.5 <1.4 <1.7 <3.4 2.6 <4.9 <1.4 <2.8 21 <19 <0.87 <1.7 <1.8 <3.5 <2.1 <4.3 3.7 <1.4 <12 <25 <2.2 <4.3 <2 170 <2 <4.1 <0.72 <1.4 <1.7 <3.5 <2.6 <5.2 8.2 2.4 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <0.87 <0.87 <2.1 <2.1 <0.78 <0.78 <1.6 <1.6 <1.3 <1.3 <0.92 <0.92 <1.3 <1.3 <0.98 <0.98 1.1 1.3 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <0.98 <0.98 1.3 2.1 <1.7 <1.7 2.6 2.8 <1.4 <1.4 16 42 <0.87 0.95 <1.8 4.6 <2.1 <2.1 1.8 0.75 <12 <12 <2.2 2.7 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.72 <0.72 <1.7 <1.7 <2.6 <2.6 13 7.5 Page 14 of 15 Table 15 Summary of Ambient Air Sampling Results February and September 2011 Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY Location: Sample ID: Analyte n-Butylbenzene n-Heptane n-Propylbenzene o-Xylene sec-Butylbenzene Styrene tert-Butyl alcohol Tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Trichlorotrifluoromethane Vinyl chloride Xylenes, Total CAS 104-51-8 142-82-5 103-65-1 95-47-6 135-98-8 100-42-5 75-65-0 98-06-6 127-18-4 109-99-9 108-88-3 156-60-5 10061-02-6 79-01-6 75-69-4 76-13-1 75-01-4 1330-20-7 Note: 1. Methane results are presented in % volume. 50 Bridgewater Outside OA-5 100-120 Apollo St. Outside OA-8 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <2.2 1.9 <1.6 <0.98 <2 <0.87 <1.7 <1.1 <2.2 <0.85 <1.7 <15 <30 <1.1 <2.2 <1.4 <2.7 <15 <29 2.1 <1.5 <0.79 <1.6 <0.91 <1.8 <1.1 <2.1 1.3 <2.2 <1.5 <3.1 <0.51 <1 1.8 <1.7 Result (ug/m3) Feb 2011 Sept 2011 <1.1 <1.1 0.94 <0.82 <0.98 <0.98 <0.87 <0.87 <1.1 <1.1 <0.85 <0.85 <15 <15 <1.1 <1.1 <1.4 2.9 <15 <15 2.7 2.7 <0.79 <0.79 <0.91 <0.91 <1.1 <1.1 1.3 1.3 <1.5 <1.5 <0.51 <0.51 2.2 3.5 Page 15 of 15 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-1 CMW-4 Sample ID: CMW-1-0/0-01 CMW-4-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/22/10 12:50 6/4/11 16:05 7/22/10 8:05 6/4/11 13:30 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 81 29 5U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 35 38 5U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 4.8J 3.5J 10U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5.3 8 5U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 46 50 5U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 4.4J 5U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 8.6 7.8 5U 1U Fuel Oil Range Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 0.85J 1.3J 9.6UJ 5.2U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2UJ Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2U Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 0.39J 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.8U 5.1U 9.6UJ 5.2U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 1 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-5 CMW-9 Sample ID: CMW-5-0/0-01 CMW-9-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/26/10 2:25 6/4/11 12:35 7/21/10 1:05 6/4/11 11:05 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 10U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 1U 78 10 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 25 4.8 m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U 12J 2.4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 7.2J 0.71J n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 8.8J 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 34 6.9 o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5.1J 1.2 sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 1.6 tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 9.9J 1.4 Fuel Oil Range 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 0.76J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 0.36J Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 4.8UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 4.8UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 4.8UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 0.32J Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 0.58J 0.63J Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 0.67J Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 9.6U 4.8UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 2.6J 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 1.4J 1.6J Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 0.62J 0.7J Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 2 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-13 CMW-14 Sample ID: CMW-13-0/0-01 CMW-14-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/23/10 9:35 6/5/11 12:15 7/23/10 8:35 6/14/11 18:30 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 5U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U 10U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 8.8 25 5U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 1U Fuel Oil Range 5U 4.8U 5U 4.7U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 5U 4.8U 5U 4.7U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 5U 4.8U 5U 0.34J Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 5U 4.7U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 5U 4.7U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 5U 4.7U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 5U 4.7U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8U 5U 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 5U 4.8U 5U 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 5U 4.7U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 4.8U 5U 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 5U 4.8U 5U 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 5U 4.8U 5U 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 3 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-15 CMW-16 Sample ID: CMW-15-0/0-01 CMW-16-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/26/10 10:00 6/5/11 10:15 7/26/10 9:10 6/14/11 12:00 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 2.8 1U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 0.87J 1U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 2.3 1U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 0.66J 2U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1 n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 2.2 1U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1.2 1U 1U Fuel Oil Range 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.8U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 4 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-19D CMW-21 Sample ID: CMW-19D-0/0-01 CMW-21-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/21/10 8:50 6/4/11 17:00 7/20/10 12:10 2011 Analyte CAS Standard Units 4U 10U 20U NS 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 4U 10U 20U NS Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 4U 120 210 NS Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 4U 18 27 NS Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 4U 130 150 NS m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 8U 22 23J NS Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 4U 10U 20U NS Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4U 96 130 NS n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 4U 28 36 NS n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 4U 180 210 NS o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 4U 10U 20U NS p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 4U 19 20 NS sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 4U 18 20 NS tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 4U 10U 20U NS Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 4U 15 22 NS Fuel Oil Range 0.79J 5.2 6.7 NS Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.9UJ 1.2J 2.4J NS Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.9UJ 0.7J 1.3J NS Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.9UJ 4.7UJ 0.66J NS Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.9UJ 4.7UJ 0.54J NS Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7UJ 4.7U NS Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9UJ 0.79J 1.4J NS Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9UJ 1.5J 3.1J NS Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.9UJ 6.3 9.3 NS Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.9UJ 4.7UJ 4.7U NS Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.9U 82 88 NS Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.9UJ 11 19 NS Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.9U 1.7J 3.7J NS Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 5 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-22 CMW-23D Sample ID: CMW-22-0/0-01 CMW-23D-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/20/10 2:40 6/5/11 9:08 7/27/10 11:20 6/16/11 10:30 Analyte CAS Standard Units 2.2 3.3 5U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 1U 0.82J 5U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 56 55 5U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 1.3 1.1 5U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 11 9.8 5U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 5.6 8.4 10U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 26 29 5U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 2.6 1U 5U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 10 7.5 5U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 1.5 2.1 5U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 0.54J 1U 5U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 1.5 1.1 5U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5 5.2 5U 1U Fuel Oil Range 18 7.3 5 7.1 Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.9U 5.6U 5U 4.7U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 5.6U 5U 4.7U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 5.6UJ 5U 4.7U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.9U 5.6UJ 5U 4.7U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 5.6UJ 5U 4.7U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 5.6UJ 5U 4.7U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 5.6U 5U 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 1.9J 0.85J 5U 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 5.6UJ 5U 4.7U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 12 2.6J 5U 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 0.69J 5.6U 5U 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.9U 0.38J 0.43J 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 6 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-23S CMW-24D Sample ID: CMW-23S-0/0-01 CMW-24D-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/27/10 10:10 6/16/11 11:25 7/28/10 9:50 6/15/11 11:40 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 1U 15J 12 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U 1.6J 10U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1.3 21 Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Fuel Oil Range 0.57J 4.7U 2.3J 1.5J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.8UJ 0.38J 0.35J 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 0.33J Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8UJ 0.48J 4.8U 4.8U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U 4.8U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 0.45J 0.78J 4.8U 4.8U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 7 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-24S CMW-25D Sample ID: CMW-24S-0/0-01 CMW-25D-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/28/10 8:30 6/15/11 10:10 7/23/10 10:00 6/5/11 10:25 Analyte CAS Standard Units 8.2J 5.2 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 10U 5U 1U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 1300J 780 2.5 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 25 59 1U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 19 12 1U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 35 19 2U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 91 74 1U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 29 6 1U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 10U 4.7J 1U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 30 18 1U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 9.9J 5U 1U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 10U 5U 1U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 10U 5U 1U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 10U 5U 1U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 19 14 1U 1U Fuel Oil Range 60 24 4.7U 4.8U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 1.6J 0.32J 4.7U 4.8U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 0.39J 0.36J 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U 4.8UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U 4.8UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U 4.8UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 0.31J 4.7U 4.8UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 0.45J 0.41J 4.7U 4.8U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 19 5.5 4.7U 4.8U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U 4.8UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 3.4J 7.8 4.7U 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 28 1.4J 4.7U 4.8U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 0.5J 0.33J 4.7U 4.8U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 8 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-25S Sample ID: CMW-25S-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/23/10 8:50 6/5/11 9:15 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 3.2J 2.2 Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U Fuel Oil Range 4.8U 4.7U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.8U 4.7U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.7U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.7UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.8U 4.7UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.7UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.7UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.8U 4.7UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.8U 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.8U 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 9 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-26 Sample ID: CMW-26-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/28/10 9:10 7/28/10 12:00 6/16/11 20:00 6/16/11 20:00 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1.6 1.4 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 23J 21J 2.8 2.7 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 3.5 3.3 1U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 1.6J 1.5J 2U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 1U 1U 1.4 1.4 Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.4 4.3 1U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 4.4 4 1U 1U Fuel Oil Range 2.4J 2.6J 4.7U 4.8U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 0.52J 0.48J 4.7U 4.8U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 3J 3.2J 4.7U 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 0.47J 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 4.7U 4.8U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 10 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-27 CMW-28 Sample ID: CMW-27-0/0-01 CMW-28-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/28/10 7:10 2011 2010 6/4/11 14:25 Analyte CAS Standard Units 68 NS NS 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 1500 NS NS 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 20 NS NS 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 57 NS NS 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 9.9J NS NS 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 36 NS NS 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 10U NS NS 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 93 NS NS 2.7 Fuel Oil Range 5.2U NS NS 4.7U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 5.2U NS NS 4.7U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 1.2J NS NS 4.7U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 1.9J NS NS 4.7UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 5.2UJ NS NS 4.7UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 5.2UJ NS NS 4.7UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 5.2U NS NS 4.7UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 5.2U NS NS 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 0.54J NS NS 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 1.3J NS NS 4.7UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5.2U NS NS 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 5.2U NS NS 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 1J NS NS 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 11 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-29D CMW-32 Sample ID: CMW-29D-0/0-01 CMW-32-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/22/10 11:30 2011 7/22/10 9:25 2011 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1U NS 190 NS 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 1U NS 130 NS Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 1.5 NS 4800 NS Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 1U NS 900 NS Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 1U NS 41 NS m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 2U NS 970 NS Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 0.71J NS 5U NS Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 1U NS 230 NS n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 1U NS 5U NS n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 1U NS 61 NS o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 1U NS 36 NS p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 1U NS 5.2 NS sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 1U NS 5U NS tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 1U NS 5U NS Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 1U NS 100 NS Fuel Oil Range 2.5J NS 2.1J NS Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.7U NS 0.31J NS Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.7U NS 5U NS Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.7U NS 5U NS Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.7U NS 5U NS Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.7U NS 5U NS Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.7U NS 5U NS Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.7U NS 5U NS Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.7U NS 1.5J NS Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.7U NS 5U NS Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.7U NS 77 NS Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.7U NS 1.8J NS Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.7U NS 0.51J NS Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 12 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-34D CMW-41D Sample ID: CMW-34D-0/0-01 CMW-41D-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/21/10 9:40 6/4/11 15:40 7/26/10 11:35 6/14/11 13:35 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1 5U 5U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 96 75 5U 5U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5.5 7.8 5U 5U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 3 5U 5U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 1.6J 10U 10U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 6.7 14 5U 3.3J Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 72 54 5U 5U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1.5 5U 5U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1.6 5U 5U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 4.9 5U 5U Fuel Oil Range 120 140J 4.7U 4.8U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 0.99J 0.81J 4.7U 4.8U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 3.1J 3J 4.7U 4.8U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 45 37J 4.7U 4.8U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.8UJ 4.7U 4.8U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 32 28J 4.7U 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 20 16J 4.7U 4.8U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 1.4J 1.6J 4.7U 4.8U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 13 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-41S CMW-42 Sample ID: CMW-41S-0/0-01 CMW-42-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/26/10 10:35 6/14/11 14:35 7/26/10 8:00 6/13/11 16:20 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 5U 5U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U 10U 10U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 5U 5U Fuel Oil Range 4.7U 4.8U 0.84J 4.8U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.7U 0.35J 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 0.35J 4.7U 4.8U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U 4.8U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 4.7UJ 4.8U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 14 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-46 CMW-47D Sample ID: CMW-46-0/0-01 CMW-47D-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/28/10 7:15 6/15/11 12:25 7/21/10 1:55 6/4/11 10:15 Analyte CAS Standard Units 19 120 5U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 10U 9.6 5U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 620J 2100 72 16 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 48 190 5U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 10U 14 5U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 24 240 10U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 130 5U 200 81 Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 10U 32 5U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 10U 3.3J 5U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 10U 18 5U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 10U 21 5U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 10U 3J 5U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 10U 5U 5U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 10U 5U 5U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 11 44 5U 1U Fuel Oil Range 17 11 5.7 2.8J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 5U 0.26J 4.8U 4.7UJ Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 5U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7UJ Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 5U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 5U 4.7U 0.43J 4.7UJ Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 3.1J 1.4J 1J 0.54J Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 0.89J 4.7U 4.8U 4.7UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 26 25 4.8U 4.7UJ Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 0.49J 4.7U 0.67J 4.7UJ Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 5U 0.33J 0.49J 0.49J Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 15 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-55 Sample ID: CMW-55-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/27/10 9:00 6/16/11 14:00 6/16/11 14:00 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 1U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U Fuel Oil Range 0.76J 0.39J 0.46J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.7U 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 16 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-62D MW-2 Sample ID: CMW-62D-0/0-01 MW-2-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/21/10 10:20 6/5/11 16:35 7/22/10 3:30 6/5/11 11:25 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1U 1U 5U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 1U 0.74J 5U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 2U 2U 10U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 1U 0.67J 5U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 1U 0.68J 5U 1U Fuel Oil Range 0.69J 2.1J 4.8U 4.8U Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.9U 4.9U 4.8U 4.8U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.9U 4.8U 4.8U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.9UJ 4.8U 4.8UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.9U 4.9UJ 4.8U 4.8UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.9UJ 4.8U 4.8UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.9UJ 4.8U 4.8UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.9U 4.8U 4.8U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 0.7J 4.8U 4.8U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 4.9UJ 4.8U 4.8UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.9U 4.9U 4.8U 4.8U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.9U 0.63J 4.8U 4.8U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.9U 4.9U 4.8U 4.8U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 17 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: MW-26 MW-62 Sample ID: MW-26-0/0-01 MW-62-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/27/10 2:35 7/19/11 9:05 7/26/10 1:00 6/5/11 9:05 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U NA 5U 10U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U NA 5U 10U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 1900J 970 1500 410 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 18 30 4J 9.5J Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 35 57 24 13 m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 16 NA 11 14J Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 5U 5U 10U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 3.3J NA 5U 10U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U NA 8 10U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 40 NA 36 12 o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 6.6 NA 5U 10U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U NA 5U 10U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 3.8J NA 3.9J 10U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U NA 5U 10U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 31 40 10 6.7J Fuel Oil Range 1.6J 2.6J 1.2J 1.3J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 0.5J 0.74J 4.8U 4.8UJ Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 0.37J 0.46J 4.8U 4.8UJ Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.8U 4.8UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.7U 0.38J 4.8U 4.8UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.8U 4.8UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 0.39J 0.64J 4.8U 4.8UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 1.5J 1.6J 4.8U 0.44J Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 1.9J 2.5J 1.7J 1.6J Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.8U 4.8UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.7U 11 4.8U 4.8UJ Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 3.9J 4.8 1.7J 1.1J Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 1.5J 1.8J 0.4J 0.46J Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 18 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: MW-63 MW-64 Sample ID: MW-63-0/0-01 MW-64-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/23/10 10:55 6/5/11 11:05 7/22/10 2:05 6/5/11 11:45 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 1UJ 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 4.8J 1.4 1.1 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1.6 1U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U 2U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1.2 1U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 0.63J 1U 1U Fuel Oil Range 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8UJ 10U 4.8UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.7U 4.8UJ 10U 4.8UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8UJ 10U 4.8UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8UJ 10U 4.8UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.8UJ 10U 4.8UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.8U 10U 4.8UJ Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 19 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: MW-66 Sample ID: MW-66-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/23/10 10:35 7/23/10 10:40 6/14/11 15:40 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 5U 5U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 79 110 370 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 4.2J 5.9 5 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 4.2J 5.3J 17 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 19 19 5U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 5U 5U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 5U 7.8 p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 5U 5U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 3J 4J 11 Fuel Oil Range 5.1 4.9J 1J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 0.67J 0.63J 0.38J Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 0.94J 0.95J 4.7U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 0.65J 0.55J 4.7U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 0.65J 0.49J 4.7U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 5U 4.7U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 0.99J 0.83J 4.7U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 1.8J 1.5J 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 0.57J 0.56J 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.9U 5U 4.7U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.9U 5U 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 0.58J 5U 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 1.8J 1.8J 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 20 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: MW-72 MW-88D Sample ID: MW-72-0/0-01 MW-88D-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/27/10 1:20 6/16/11 9:25 7/27/10 11:30 6/17/11 10:50 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 1U 10U 2U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 2U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 5U 1U 140 150 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 2U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 13 21 m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 2U 20U 11 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 2U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 2U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 2U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 7.4J 12 o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 3.5 p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 2U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 1.7J tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 10U 2U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 7.5J 8.6 Fuel Oil Range 1.6J 2.1J 0.84J 0.92J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 0.41J 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 1.1J 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 9.9U 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 0.53J 4.7U 4.8U 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 1.1J 0.34J 4.8U 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 21 of 22 Table 16 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for NYSDEC STARS Gasoline Range and Fuel Oil Range Hydrocarbons 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: RIMW-01 RIMW-02 Sample ID: RIMW-01-0/0-01 RIMW-02-0/0-01 Date & Time: Gasoline Range 7/20/10 9:45 6/4/11 11:05 7/20/10 11:15 6/4/11 10:04 Analyte CAS Standard Units 5U 10U 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5 ug/L 5U 10U 1U 1U Benzene 71-43-2 1 ug/L 360 28 1U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5 ug/L 8.4 10U 1U 1U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 5 ug/L 63 44 1U 1U m,p- Xylene m,p- Xylene 5 ug/L 10U 20U 2U 2U Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 10 ug/L 5U 10U 1U 1U Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 5U 10U 1U 1U n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 5 ug/L 6.9 10U 1U 1U n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5 ug/L 37 10U 1U 1U o- Xylene 95-47-6 5 ug/L 5U 10U 1U 1U p-Cymene 99-87-6 5 ug/L 5U 10U 1U 1U sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 5 ug/L 8 8.2J 1U 1U tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 5 ug/L 5U 10U 1U 1U Toluene 108-88-3 5 ug/L 8.3 10U 1U 1U Fuel Oil Range 2.5J 1.7J 1.5J 0.93J Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 ug/L 0.54J 0.66J 9.4U 4.7U Anthracene 120-12-7 50 ug/L 4.7UJ 4.9U 9.4U 4.7U Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 4.9U 9.4U 4.7UJ Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 ND ug/L 4.7UJ 4.9U 9.4U 4.7UJ Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 1.5J 9.4U 4.7UJ Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.002 ug/L 4.7U 0.35J 9.4U 4.7UJ Chrysene 218-01-9 0.002 ug/L 0.39J 4.9U 9.4U 4.7U Fluoranthene 206-44-0 50 ug/L Fluorene 86-73-7 50 ug/L 1.4J 4.9U 9.4U 4.7U Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.002 ug/L 4.7UJ 4.9U 9.4U 4.7UJ Naphthalene 91-20-3 10 ug/L 4.7U 4.9U 9.4U 4.7U Phenanthrene 85-01-8 50 ug/L 3.6J 3.1J 9.4U 4.7U Pyrene 129-00-0 50 ug/L 0.41J 0.73J 9.4U 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. U indicates a non-detect. The reporting limit was reported for all non-detects. 5. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 6. NA indicates that the analyte was not analyzed. Page 22 of 22 Table 17 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for Target Contaminant List Compounds 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-1 CMW-5 CMW-14 CMW-24S Sample ID: CMW-1-0/0-01 CMW-5-0/0-01 CWM-14-0/0-01 CWM-24S-0/0-01 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds 6/4/11 16:05 6/4/11 12:35 6/14/11 18:30 6/15/11 10:10 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 5U 1U 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.04 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.0006 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.6 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 3 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U 2-Butanone 78-93-3 50 ug/L 17J 10U 10U 50U 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 50 ug/L 25U 5U 5U 25U Acetone 67-64-1 50 ug/L 43J 10U 3.4J 27J Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 50 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Bromoform 75-25-2 50 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Bromomethane 74-83-9 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 60 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Chloroethane 75-00-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 3.6J Chloroform 67-66-3 7 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 6 Chloromethane 74-87-3 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 24 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 0.4 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 50 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 3 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 3 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Styrene 100-42-5 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 0.4 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 5 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 5U Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 2 ug/L 5U 1U 1U 14 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Trichloroethene 120-83-2 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 10 ug/L 10U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 10 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 5 ug/L 10U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 5 ug/L 10U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 5 ug/L 10U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U Atrazine 1912-24-9 7.5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Biphenyl 92-52-4 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 1 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 108-60-1 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 5 ug/L 5.1UJ 4.7UJ 4.7U 4.7U Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 50 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 50 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 50 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 50 ug/L 0.34J 4.7U 0.38J B 0.4J B Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 50 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.04 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 5 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Isophorone 78-59-1 50 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.4 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 50 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 ug/L 10U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U Phenol 108-95-2 2 ug/L 5.1U 4.7U 4.7U 2.6J Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. U indicates a result of non-detect. 4. J indicates an estimated result. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 1 of 5 Table 17 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for Target Contaminant List Compounds 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-55 MW-26 Sample ID: CWM-55-0/0-01 MW-26-0/0-01 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds 6/16/11 14:00 6/16/11 14:00 7/19/11 9:05 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 5U 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.04 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.0006 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.6 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 3 ug/L 1U 1U 5U 2-Butanone 78-93-3 50 ug/L 10U 10U 50U 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 50 ug/L 5U 5U 25U Acetone 67-64-1 50 ug/L 10U 10U 28J Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 50 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Bromoform 75-25-2 50 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Bromomethane 74-83-9 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 60 ug/L 0.32J 0.36J 5U Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 5 ug/L 1U 1U 30 Chloroethane 75-00-3 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Chloroform 67-66-3 7 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Chloromethane 74-87-3 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 0.4 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 50 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 3 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 3 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Styrene 100-42-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 0.4 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 5 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 2 ug/L 1U 1U 5U Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Trichloroethene 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 120-83-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 10 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 10 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7UJ Atrazine 1912-24-9 7.5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Biphenyl 92-52-4 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 5 ug/L Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 1 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 108-60-1 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 2.2J Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 2J Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 0.79J B Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.04 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 5 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Isophorone 78-59-1 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.4 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 50 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U Phenol 108-95-2 2 ug/L 4.7U 4.7U 5.6 MW-66 CWM-66-0/0-01 6/14/11 15:40 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 50U 25U 18J 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 4.7U 9.5U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 9.5U 4.7U 9.5U 4.7U 9.5U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 0.33J B 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U 9.5U 4.7U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. U indicates a result of non-detect. 4. J indicates an estimated result. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 2 of 5 Table 17 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for Target Contaminant List Compounds 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: RIMW-01 CMW-4 CMW-9 Sample ID: R1MW-01-0/0-01 CMW-4-0/0-01 CMW-9-0/0-01 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds 6/4/11 11:05 7/22/10 8:05 7/21/10 1:05 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 10U 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 5 ug/L 10U 5U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.04 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.0006 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.6 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 3 ug/L 10U 5U 10U 2-Butanone 78-93-3 50 ug/L 100U 50U 100U 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 50 ug/L 50U 25U 50U Acetone 67-64-1 50 ug/L 100U 50U 100U Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 50 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Bromoform 75-25-2 50 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Bromomethane 74-83-9 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 60 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Chloroethane 75-00-3 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Chloroform 67-66-3 7 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Chloromethane 74-87-3 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 0.4 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 50 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 3 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 3 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Styrene 100-42-5 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 0.4 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 5 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 2 ug/L 10U 5U 10U Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Trichloroethene 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U 120-83-2 5 ug/L 9.8U 9.6UJ 9.6U 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 10 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 10 ug/L 9.8U 48UJ 48U 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 5 ug/L 4.9U 19UJ 19U 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 5 ug/L 9.8U 48UJ 48U 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 5 ug/L 9.8U 48UJ 48U 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Atrazine 1912-24-9 7.5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Biphenyl 92-52-4 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 5 ug/L Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 1 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 108-60-1 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 5 ug/L 4.9UJ 9.6UJ 1.8J Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 50 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 50 ug/L 4.9U 0.74J 9.6U Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 50 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 50 ug/L 0.34J 0.65U 0.74U Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 50 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.04 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 5 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Isophorone 78-59-1 50 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.4 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 50 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U 48UJ Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 ug/L 9.8U 48U Phenol 108-95-2 2 ug/L 4.9U 9.6UJ 9.6U CMW-19S CMW-19S-0/0-01 7/20/10 2:45 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 200U 100U 200U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 20U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 47U 19U 47U 9.4U 47U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 0.8U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 9.4U 47U 9.4U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. U indicates a result of non-detect. 4. J indicates an estimated result. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 3 of 5 Table 17 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for Target Contaminant List Compounds 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-26 MW-64 Sample ID: CMW-26-0/0-01 MW-64-0/0-01 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds 7/28/10 9:10 7/28/10 12:00 7/22/10 2:05 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 5 ug/L 0.84J 0.81J 1U 1U 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.04 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.0006 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.6 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 3 ug/L 1U 1U 1U 2-Butanone 78-93-3 50 ug/L 10U 10U 10U 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 50 ug/L 5U 5U 5U Acetone 67-64-1 50 ug/L 10U 3.2J 10U Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 50 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Bromoform 75-25-2 50 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Bromomethane 74-83-9 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 60 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Chloroethane 75-00-3 5 ug/L 5.6 5.2 1U Chloroform 67-66-3 7 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Chloromethane 74-87-3 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 5 ug/L 51 51 1U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 0.4 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 50 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 3 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 3 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Styrene 100-42-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 0.4 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 5 ug/L 1U 1U 1U Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 2 ug/L 62 61 1U Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Trichloroethene 9.4U 9.4U 10U 120-83-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 10 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 10 ug/L 47U 47U 52U 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 5 ug/L 19U 19U 21U 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 5 ug/L 47U 47U 52U 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 5 ug/L 47U 47U 52U 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Atrazine 1912-24-9 7.5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Biphenyl 92-52-4 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 5 ug/L Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 1 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 108-60-1 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 50 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 50 ug/L 1J 0.89J 0.63J Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 50 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 50 ug/L 0.3U 0.61J B 0.49U Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 50 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.04 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 5 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Isophorone 78-59-1 50 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.4 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 50 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 ug/L 47U 47U 52U Phenol 108-95-2 2 ug/L 9.4U 9.4U 10U MW-72 MW-72-0/0-01 7/27/10 1:20 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 50U 25U 50U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 5U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 50U 20U 50U 9.9U 50U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 1.2U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 9.9U 50U 9.9U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. U indicates a result of non-detect. 4. J indicates an estimated result. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 4 of 5 Table 17 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for Target Contaminant List Compounds 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: RIMW-02 Sample ID: RIMW-02-0/0-01 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds 7/20/10 11:15 Analyte CAS Standard Units 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5 ug/L 1U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 5 ug/L 1U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 5 ug/L 1U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1 ug/L 1U 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 5 ug/L 1U 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 5 ug/L 1U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 5 ug/L 1U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.04 ug/L 1U 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.0006 ug/L 1U 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.6 ug/L 1U 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1 ug/L 1U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 3 ug/L 1U 2-Butanone 78-93-3 50 ug/L 10U 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 50 ug/L 5U Acetone 67-64-1 50 ug/L 10U Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 50 ug/L 1U Bromoform 75-25-2 50 ug/L 1U Bromomethane 74-83-9 5 ug/L 1U Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 60 ug/L 1U Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 5 ug/L 1U Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 5 ug/L 1U Chloroethane 75-00-3 5 ug/L 1U Chloroform 67-66-3 7 ug/L 1U Chloromethane 74-87-3 5 ug/L 1U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 5 ug/L 1U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 0.4 ug/L 1U Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 50 ug/L 1U Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 5 ug/L 1U m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 3 ug/L 1U Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 5 ug/L 1U o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 3 ug/L 1U Styrene 100-42-5 5 ug/L 1U Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 ug/L 1U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 5 ug/L 1U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 0.4 ug/L 1U Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5 ug/L 1U Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 5 ug/L 1U Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 2 ug/L 1U Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Trichloroethene 9.4U 120-83-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 10 ug/L 9.4U 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 10 ug/L 47U 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 5 ug/L 19U 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 5 ug/L 47U 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 5 ug/L 9.4U 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 5 ug/L 47U 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 5 ug/L 9.4U Atrazine 1912-24-9 7.5 ug/L 9.4U Biphenyl 92-52-4 5 ug/L 9.4U Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 5 ug/L Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 1 ug/L 9.4U Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 108-60-1 5 ug/L 9.4U Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 5 ug/L 9.4U Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 50 ug/L 9.4U Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 50 ug/L 9.4U Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 50 ug/L 9.4U Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 50 ug/L 0.83U Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 50 ug/L 9.4U Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.04 ug/L 9.4U Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.5 ug/L 9.4U Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 5 ug/L 9.4U Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 5 ug/L 9.4U Isophorone 78-59-1 50 ug/L 9.4U Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.4 ug/L 9.4U N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 50 ug/L 9.4U Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 ug/L 47U Phenol 108-95-2 2 ug/L 9.4U Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. Yellow indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. 3. U indicates a result of non-detect. 4. J indicates an estimated result. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 5 of 5 Aroclors Analyte Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor-1262 Aroclor-1268 Total PCBs (Sum) Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids Table 18 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for PCBs, RCRA Dissolved Metals, and Total Dissolved Solids 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-1 CMW-5 CMW-14 CMW-24S Sample ID: CMW-1-0/0-01 CMW-5-0/0-01 CWM-14-0/0-01 CWM-24S-0/0-01 Date & Time: 6/4/11 16:05 6/4/11 12:35 6/14/11 18:30 6/15/11 10:10 CAS Standard Units 12674-11-2 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 11104-28-2 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 11141-16-5 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 53469-21-9 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 12672-29-6 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 11097-69-1 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 11096-82-5 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 37324-23-5 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 11100-14-4 ug/L NS NS 0.47U 0.47U 0.09 ug/L NS NS ND ND 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7439-92-1 7439-97-6 7782-49-2 7440-22-4 25 1000 5 50 25 0.7 10 50 TDS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.015 2.8 0.00047J 0.004U 0.0032J 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.01U 0.25 0.00059J 0.0013J 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.01U 0.42 0.00074J 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.012 0.86 0.0007J 0.004U 0.0044J 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U mg/L 1700 936 6060 1540 Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. U indicates a result of non-detect. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 1 of 4 Aroclors Analyte Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor-1262 Aroclor-1268 Total PCBs (Sum) Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids Table 18 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for PCBs, RCRA Dissolved Metals, and Total Dissolved Solids 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-55 MW-26 MW-66 RIMW-01 Sample ID: CWM-55-0/0-01 MW-26-0/0-01 CWM-66-0/0-01 R1MW-01-0/0-01 Date & Time: 6/16/11 14:00 6/16/11 14:00 7/19/11 9:05 6/14/11 15:40 6/4/11 11:05 CAS Standard Units 12674-11-2 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.18J 0.47U 0.48U 11104-28-2 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 11141-16-5 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 53469-21-9 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 12672-29-6 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 11097-69-1 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 11096-82-5 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 37324-23-5 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 11100-14-4 ug/L 0.47U 0.47U 0.49U 0.47U 0.48U 0.09 ug/L ND ND 0.18J ND ND 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7439-92-1 7439-97-6 7782-49-2 7440-22-4 25 1000 5 50 25 0.7 10 50 TDS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.01U 0.024 0.00099J 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.01U 0.025 0.00098J 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.01 0.73 0.00082J 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.01U 0.73 0.00075J 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.0097J 0.81 0.00094J 0.0034J 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U mg/L 23700 21900 2040 6610 21300 Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. U indicates a result of non-detect. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 2 of 4 Aroclors Analyte Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor-1262 Aroclor-1268 Total PCBs (Sum) Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids Table 18 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for PCBs, RCRA Dissolved Metals, and Total Dissolved Solids 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: CMW-4 CMW-9 CMW-19S CMW-26 Sample ID: CMW-4-0/0-01 CMW-9-0/0-01 CMW-19S-0/0-01 CMW-26-0/0-01 Date & Time: 7/22/10 8:05 7/21/10 1:05 7/20/10 2:45 7/28/10 9:10 CAS Standard Units 12674-11-2 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 11104-28-2 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 11141-16-5 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 53469-21-9 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 12672-29-6 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 11097-69-1 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 11096-82-5 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 37324-23-5 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 11100-14-4 ug/L 0.47U 0.48U 0.49U 0.47U 0.09 ug/L ND ND ND ND 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7439-92-1 7439-97-6 7782-49-2 7440-22-4 25 1000 5 50 25 0.7 10 50 TDS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.0079J 0.236 0.001U 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.01U 0.229 0.001U 0.004U 0.005U 0.0001J 0.015U 0.003U 0.0116 0.929 0.001U 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.0101 0.195 0.001U 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U mg/L 913 2480 2210 1040 Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. U indicates a result of non-detect. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 3 of 4 Aroclors Analyte Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor-1262 Aroclor-1268 Total PCBs (Sum) Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids Table 18 Summary of Groundwater Chemistry Results for PCBs, RCRA Dissolved Metals, and Total Dissolved Solids 2010 and 2011 Results Former Paragon Oil Terminal and Apollo Street Property Texaco Facility #304209 Location ID: MW-64 MW-72 RIMW-02 Sample ID: MW-64-0/0-01 MW-72-0/0-01 RIMW-02-0/0-01 Date & Time: 7/22/10 2:05 7/28/10 12:00 7/27/10 1:20 7/20/10 11:15 CAS Standard Units 12674-11-2 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 11104-28-2 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 11141-16-5 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 53469-21-9 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 12672-29-6 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 11097-69-1 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 11096-82-5 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 37324-23-5 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 11100-14-4 ug/L 0.48U 0.47U 0.5UJ 0.49U 0.09 ug/L ND ND ND ND 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7439-92-1 7439-97-6 7782-49-2 7440-22-4 25 1000 5 50 25 0.7 10 50 TDS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.01U 0.117 0.001U 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.0089J 0.194 0.001U 0.004U 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.01U 0.0797B 0.001U 0.0011J 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U 0.0324 0.659 0.001U 0.0012J 0.005U 0.0002U 0.015U 0.003U mg/L 1760 1120 24700 25600 Note: 1. When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 2. U indicates a result of non-detect. 3. J indicates an estimated result. 4. NS indicates that no sample was collected. 5. Shading indicates an exceedance of the associated groundwater standard. Page 4 of 4 Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property January 31, 2011 Appendices SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC APPENDIX A NYCDEP TREATED GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC APPENDIX B PHOTOGRAPHS OF OWS UPGRADE ACTIVITIES SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Fig. B-1: Old Oil-Water separator inside building. Picture taken 11/7/2011. Fig. B-2: Removing the old OWS from the building. Picture taken 11/7/2011. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Fig. B-3: Removing the old OWS from the building. Picture taken 11/7/2011. Fig. B-4: OWS containment pan before cleaning and resurfacing. Picture taken 11/9/2011. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Fig. B-5: OWS containment pan after cleaning and resurfacing. Picture taken 11/14/2011. Fig. B-6: New polyolefin OWS inside building. Picture taken 11/15/2011. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC APPENDIX C RECOVERED FLUIDS TRANSPORTATION AND RECYCLING DOCUMENTATION SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC APPENDIX D 2011 ORGANOCLAY AND CARBON WASTE PROFILE LABORATORY REPORTS SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 1 2 3 4 ANALYTICAL REPORT TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. TestAmerica Buffalo 10 Hazelwood Drive Amherst, NY 14228-2298 Tel: (716)691-2600 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 Client Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint For: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Bellaire Office Building, E536C 4800 Fournace Road Bellaire Bellaire, Texas 77401 Attn: Gesele Harris 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Authorized for release by: 11/15/2011 11:27:27 AM John Schove Department Manager I The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 Table of Contents Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions/Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QC Association Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lab Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 2 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Definitions/Glossary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 3 Qualifiers GC Semi VOA Qualifier Qualifier Description X Surrogate is outside control limits 4 5 Glossary 6 Abbreviation These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ☼ Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis %R Percent Recovery CNF Contains no Free Liquid DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Reanalysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample EDL Estimated Detection Limit EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) ND Not detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RL Reporting Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 3 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Case Narrative Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 3 Job ID: 480-12273-1 Laboratory: TestAmerica Buffalo 4 Narrative 5 Job Narrative 480-12273-1 6 Comments No additional comments. 7 Receipt All samples were received in good condition within temperature requirements. 8 9 GC Semi VOA Method(s) 8082: The laboratory control sample (LCS) for batch 480-38909 (LCS 480-38909/2-A), has one Surrogate outside recovery limits, though the secondary surrogate is within limits. 10 No other analytical or quality issues were noted. 11 Organic Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted. 12 13 14 15 Page 4 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Detection Summary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 Client Sample ID: TS-C-0/0-05 Lab Sample ID: 480-12273-1 No Detections 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 5 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Client Sample Results 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 Client Sample ID: TS-C-0/0-05 Lab Sample ID: 480-12273-1 Date Collected: 11/02/11 11:30 Date Received: 11/03/11 09:30 Matrix: Solid Percent Solids: 57.8 Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac PCB-1016 ND 400 78 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 PCB-1221 ND 400 78 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 PCB-1232 ND 400 78 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 PCB-1242 ND 400 87 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 PCB-1248 ND 400 79 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 PCB-1254 ND 400 85 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 PCB-1260 ND 400 190 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (7AR) ND 400 87 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier 4 5 Method: 8082 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Analyte 3 Limits Prepared Analyzed DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 59 34 - 148 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 Dil Fac 1 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 58 35 - 134 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:44 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 6 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Surrogate Summary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 3 Method: 8082 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA 4 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) DCB1 TCX1 (34-148) (35-134) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 480-12273-1 TS-C-0/0-05 59 58 LCS 480-38909/2-A Lab Control Sample 127 139 X MB 480-38909/1-A Method Blank 108 122 5 6 7 Surrogate Legend DCB = DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 8 TCX = Tetrachloro-m-xylene 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 7 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 QC Sample Results 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 3 Method: 8082 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Lab Sample ID: MB 480-38909/1-A Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39125 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 38909 MB MB Analyte Prepared Analyzed PCB-1016 Result Qualifier ND 210 RL MDL Unit 41 ug/Kg D 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 Dil Fac 1 PCB-1221 ND 210 41 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1232 ND 210 41 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1242 ND 210 45 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1248 ND 210 41 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1254 ND 210 44 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1260 ND 210 98 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (7AR) ND 210 45 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Limits Prepared Analyzed DCB Decachlorobiphenyl %Recovery Qualifier 108 34 - 148 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 122 35 - 134 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 480-38909/2-A Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39125 Dil Fac Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 38909 Spike Analyte Added LCS LCS Result Qualifier %Rec. Unit D %Rec 2140 2790 ug/Kg 131 59 - 154 PCB-1260 2140 2670 ug/Kg 125 51 - 179 LCS LCS %Recovery Qualifier 6 7 8 9 Limits DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 127 34 - 148 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 139 X 35 - 134 Page 8 of 15 11 12 13 14 Limits PCB-1016 Surrogate 5 10 MB MB Surrogate 4 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 15 QC Association Summary 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 3 GC Semi VOA Prep Batch: 38909 4 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 480-12273-1 TS-C-0/0-05 Total/NA Solid 3550B LCS 480-38909/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3550B MB 480-38909/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3550B Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method 480-12273-1 TS-C-0/0-05 Total/NA Solid 8082 38909 LCS 480-38909/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8082 38909 MB 480-38909/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8082 38909 5 6 Analysis Batch: 39125 Prep Batch General Chemistry 7 8 9 10 Analysis Batch: 38981 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method 480-12273-1 TS-C-0/0-05 Total/NA Solid Moisture Prep Batch 11 12 13 14 15 Page 9 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Lab Chronicle 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 Client Sample ID: TS-C-0/0-05 Lab Sample ID: 480-12273-1 3 Matrix: Solid Percent Solids: 57.8 4 Date Collected: 11/02/11 11:30 Date Received: 11/03/11 09:30 Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method Total/NA Prep 3550B 38909 Total/NA Analysis 8082 1 39125 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 38981 Run Dilution Batch Factor Number Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab 11/04/11 09:36 CM TAL BUF 11/06/11 11:44 JM TAL BUF 11/04/11 13:40 ZLR TAL BUF Laboratory References: 5 6 7 8 TAL BUF = TestAmerica Buffalo, 10 Hazelwood Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2298, TEL (716)691-2600 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 10 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Certification Summary 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 Laboratory Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID TestAmerica Buffalo Arkansas State Program 6 88-0686 TestAmerica Buffalo California NELAC 9 1169CA TestAmerica Buffalo Connecticut State Program 1 PH-0568 TestAmerica Buffalo Florida NELAC 4 E87672 TestAmerica Buffalo Georgia Georgia EPD 4 N/A TestAmerica Buffalo Georgia State Program 4 956 TestAmerica Buffalo Illinois NELAC 5 100325 / 200003 TestAmerica Buffalo Iowa State Program 7 374 TestAmerica Buffalo Kansas NELAC 7 E-10187 TestAmerica Buffalo Kentucky Kentucky UST 4 30 TestAmerica Buffalo Kentucky State Program 4 90029 TestAmerica Buffalo Louisiana NELAC 6 02031 TestAmerica Buffalo Maine State Program 1 NY0044 TestAmerica Buffalo Maryland State Program 3 294 TestAmerica Buffalo Massachusetts State Program 1 M-NY044 TestAmerica Buffalo Michigan State Program 5 9937 TestAmerica Buffalo Minnesota NELAC 5 036-999-337 TestAmerica Buffalo New Hampshire NELAC 1 2337 TestAmerica Buffalo New Hampshire NELAC 1 68-00281 TestAmerica Buffalo New Jersey NELAC 2 NY455 TestAmerica Buffalo New York NELAC 2 10026 TestAmerica Buffalo North Dakota State Program 8 R-176 TestAmerica Buffalo Oklahoma State Program 6 9421 TestAmerica Buffalo Oregon NELAC 10 NY200003 TestAmerica Buffalo Pennsylvania NELAC 3 68-00281 TestAmerica Buffalo Tennessee State Program 4 TN02970 TestAmerica Buffalo Texas NELAC 6 T104704412-08-TX TestAmerica Buffalo USDA USDA TestAmerica Buffalo Virginia NELAC Secondary AB 3 460185 TestAmerica Buffalo Virginia State Program 3 278 TestAmerica Buffalo Washington State Program 10 C1677 TestAmerica Buffalo Wisconsin State Program 5 998310390 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 P330-08-00242 Accreditation may not be offered or required for all methods and analytes reported in this package. Please contact your project manager for the laboratory's current list of certified methods and analytes. Page 11 of 15 3 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Method Summary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 Method Method Description Protocol Laboratory 8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography SW846 TAL BUF Moisture Percent Moisture EPA TAL BUF 3 4 5 Protocol References: EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency 6 SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. 7 Laboratory References: TAL BUF = TestAmerica Buffalo, 10 Hazelwood Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2298, TEL (716)691-2600 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 12 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Sample Summary 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12273-1 2 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix 480-12273-1 TS-C-0/0-05 Solid Collected Received 11/02/11 11:30 11/03/11 09:30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 13 of 15 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 14 of 15 11/15/2011 1 Login Sample Receipt Checklist 2 Client: Science Applications International Corp Job Number: 480-12273-1 Login Number: 12273 List Source: TestAmerica Buffalo List Number: 1 3 4 5 Creator: Wienke, Robert 6 Question Answer Comment Radioactivity either was not measured or, if measured, is at or below background True The cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. True The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. True 8 Samples were received on ice. True Cooler Temperature is acceptable. True 9 Cooler Temperature is recorded. True COC is present. True COC is filled out in ink and legible. True COC is filled out with all pertinent information. True Is the Field Sampler's name present on COC? True There are no discrepancies between the sample IDs on the containers and the COC. True Samples are received within Holding Time. True Sample containers have legible labels. True Containers are not broken or leaking. True Sample collection date/times are provided. True Appropriate sample containers are used. True Sample bottles are completely filled. True Sample Preservation Verified True There is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs True VOA sample vials do not have headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4") in diameter. True If necessary, staff have been informed of any short hold time or quick TAT needs True Multiphasic samples are not present. True Samples do not require splitting or compositing. True Sampling Company provided. True Samples received within 48 hours of sampling. True Samples requiring field filtration have been filtered in the field. N/A Chlorine Residual checked. N/A 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 SAIC TestAmerica Buffalo Page 15 of 15 11/15/2011 1 2 3 4 ANALYTICAL REPORT TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. TestAmerica Buffalo 10 Hazelwood Drive Amherst, NY 14228-2298 Tel: (716)691-2600 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 Client Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint For: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Bellaire Office Building, E536C 4800 Fournace Road Bellaire Bellaire, Texas 77401 Attn: Gesele Harris 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Authorized for release by: 11/15/2011 11:49:06 AM John Schove Department Manager I The test results in this report meet all 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI requirements for accredited parameters, exceptions are noted in this report. This report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. For questions please contact the Project Manager at the e-mail address or telephone number listed on this page. This report has been electronically signed and authorized by the signatory. Electronic signature is intended to be the legally binding equivalent of a traditionally handwritten signature. Results relate only to the items tested and the sample(s) as received by the laboratory. Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 Table of Contents Cover Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions/Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Client Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surrogate Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QC Sample Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QC Association Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lab Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certification Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chain of Custody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receipt Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 2 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Definitions/Glossary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 3 Qualifiers GC/MS VOA 4 Qualifier Qualifier Description J Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. 5 GC Semi VOA Qualifier Qualifier Description X Surrogate is outside control limits 6 7 Glossary Abbreviation These commonly used abbreviations may or may not be present in this report. ☼ Listed under the "D" column to designate that the result is reported on a dry weight basis %R Percent Recovery CNF Contains no Free Liquid DL, RA, RE, IN Indicates a Dilution, Reanalysis, Re-extraction, or additional Initial metals/anion analysis of the sample EDL Estimated Detection Limit EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency MDL Method Detection Limit ML Minimum Level (Dioxin) ND Not detected at the reporting limit (or MDL or EDL if shown) PQL Practical Quantitation Limit RL Reporting Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference, a measure of the relative difference between two points TEF Toxicity Equivalent Factor (Dioxin) TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (Dioxin) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 3 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Case Narrative Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 3 Job ID: 480-12274-1 Laboratory: TestAmerica Buffalo 4 Narrative 5 Job Narrative 480-12274-1 6 Comments No additional comments. 7 Receipt All samples were received in good condition within temperature requirements. 8 9 GC/MS VOA Method(s) 8260B: The following sample(s) was diluted due to the nature of the TCLP sample matrix: TS-OC-0/0-05 (480-12274-1), (LB 480-39294/1-A). Elevated reporting limits (RLs) are provided. 10 No other analytical or quality issues were noted. 11 GC Semi VOA Method(s) 8082: The laboratory control sample (LCS) for batch 480-38909 (LCS 480-38909/2-A), has one Surrogate outside recovery limits, though the secondary surrogate is within limits. 12 13 No other analytical or quality issues were noted. 14 Organic Prep No analytical or quality issues were noted. 15 Page 4 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Detection Summary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 Client Sample ID: TS-OC-0/0-05 Lab Sample ID: 480-12274-1 No Detections 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 5 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Client Sample Results 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 Client Sample ID: TS-OC-0/0-05 Lab Sample ID: 480-12274-1 Date Collected: 11/02/11 11:40 Date Received: 11/03/11 09:30 Matrix: Solid 4 5 Method: 8260B - TCLP Volatiles - TCLP Analyte 3 Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 6 Benzene ND 0.010 0.0041 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.010 0.0027 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 Chlorobenzene ND 0.010 0.0075 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 Chloroform ND 0.010 0.0034 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.010 0.0021 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.010 0.0029 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.050 0.013 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.010 0.0036 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 Trichloroethene ND 0.010 0.0046 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 Vinyl chloride ND 0.010 0.0090 mg/L 11/10/11 19:00 10 10 Dil Fac 11 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 89 66 - 137 11/10/11 19:00 10 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 88 71 - 126 11/10/11 19:00 10 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 82 73 - 120 11/10/11 19:00 10 PCB-1016 Result Qualifier ND RL 250 MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed 50 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 Dil Fac 1 PCB-1221 ND 250 50 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 PCB-1232 ND 250 50 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 PCB-1242 ND 250 55 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 PCB-1248 ND 250 50 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 PCB-1254 ND 250 54 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 PCB-1260 ND 250 120 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (7AR) ND 250 55 ug/Kg ☼ 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 61 34 - 148 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 63 35 - 134 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 11:59 1 Page 6 of 17 8 9 12 13 Method: 8082 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Analyte 7 Dil Fac TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 14 15 Surrogate Summary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 3 Method: 8260B - TCLP Volatiles Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA 4 Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) 12DCE TOL BFB (66-137) (71-126) (73-120) Lab Control Sample 90 89 85 Lab Control Sample 90 89 84 MB 480-39779/5 Method Blank 91 89 84 MB 480-39980/5 Method Blank 91 88 82 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID LCS 480-39779/4 LCS 480-39980/4 5 6 7 Surrogate Legend 8 12DCE = 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) 9 BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 10 Method: 8260B - TCLP Volatiles Matrix: Solid Prep Type: TCLP Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) 12DCE TOL BFB (66-137) (71-126) (73-120) TS-OC-0/0-05 89 88 82 Method Blank 90 89 83 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 480-12274-1 LB 480-39294/1-A LB 11 12 13 14 Surrogate Legend 12DCE = 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 15 TOL = Toluene-d8 (Surr) BFB = 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) Method: 8082 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Matrix: Solid Prep Type: Total/NA Percent Surrogate Recovery (Acceptance Limits) DCB1 TCX1 (34-148) (35-134) Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 480-12274-1 TS-OC-0/0-05 61 63 LCS 480-38909/2-A Lab Control Sample 127 139 X MB 480-38909/1-A Method Blank 108 122 Surrogate Legend DCB = DCB Decachlorobiphenyl TCX = Tetrachloro-m-xylene Page 7 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 QC Sample Results 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 3 Method: 8260B - TCLP Volatiles Lab Sample ID: MB 480-39779/5 Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39779 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA 5 MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Benzene ND 0.0010 0.00041 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.0010 0.00027 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0010 0.00075 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 0.0010 0.00034 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 Chloroform 0.000450 J 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0010 0.00021 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 ND 0.0050 0.0013 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 0.0010 0.00036 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 2-Butanone (MEK) Tetrachloroethene 0.000501 J Trichloroethene ND 0.0010 0.00046 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 Vinyl chloride ND 0.0010 0.00090 mg/L 11/10/11 12:38 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 MB MB Surrogate 4 %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 12 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 91 66 - 137 11/10/11 12:38 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 89 71 - 126 11/10/11 12:38 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 84 73 - 120 11/10/11 12:38 1 13 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA 14 Lab Sample ID: LCS 480-39779/4 Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39779 Spike LCS LCS 15 %Rec. Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit Benzene 0.0250 0.0247 mg/L D %Rec 99 Limits 71 - 124 Chlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0230 mg/L 92 72 - 120 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0244 mg/L 98 75 - 127 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0246 mg/L 98 65 - 138 Tetrachloroethene 0.0250 0.0225 mg/L 90 74 - 122 Trichloroethene 0.0250 0.0242 mg/L 97 74 - 123 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 90 66 - 137 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 89 71 - 126 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 85 73 - 120 Lab Sample ID: MB 480-39980/5 Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39980 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA MB MB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Benzene ND 0.0010 0.00041 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.0010 0.00027 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0010 0.00075 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 0.0010 0.00034 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 Chloroform 0.000352 J 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0010 0.00021 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0050 0.0013 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 0.0010 0.00036 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 Tetrachloroethene 0.000375 J Trichloroethene ND 0.0010 0.00046 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 Vinyl chloride ND 0.0010 0.00090 mg/L 11/11/11 12:51 1 Page 8 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 QC Sample Results 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 3 Method: 8260B - TCLP Volatiles (Continued) Lab Sample ID: MB 480-39980/5 Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39980 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA 5 MB MB Surrogate 4 %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 91 66 - 137 11/11/11 12:51 1 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 88 71 - 126 11/11/11 12:51 1 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 82 73 - 120 11/11/11 12:51 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 480-39980/4 Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39980 Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Spike LCS LCS 6 7 8 9 %Rec. Analyte Added Result Qualifier Unit Benzene 0.0250 0.0246 mg/L D %Rec 98 71 - 124 Chlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0227 mg/L 91 72 - 120 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0238 mg/L 95 75 - 127 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0245 mg/L 98 65 - 138 Tetrachloroethene 0.0250 0.0223 mg/L 89 74 - 122 Trichloroethene 0.0250 0.0241 mg/L 96 74 - 123 10 Limits 11 12 13 LCS LCS Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier 14 Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 90 66 - 137 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 89 71 - 126 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 84 73 - 120 15 Lab Sample ID: LB 480-39294/1-A LB Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39980 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: TCLP LB LB Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Benzene ND 0.010 0.0041 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.010 0.0027 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 Chlorobenzene ND 0.010 0.0075 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 Chloroform ND 0.010 0.0034 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.010 0.0021 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.010 0.0029 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.050 0.013 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 0.010 0.0036 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 Tetrachloroethene 0.00424 J Trichloroethene ND 0.010 0.0046 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 Vinyl chloride ND 0.010 0.0090 mg/L 11/11/11 13:52 10 LB LB Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Limits Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (Surr) 90 66 - 137 11/11/11 13:52 10 Toluene-d8 (Surr) 89 71 - 126 11/11/11 13:52 10 4-Bromofluorobenzene (Surr) 83 73 - 120 11/11/11 13:52 10 Page 9 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 QC Sample Results 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 3 Method: 8082 - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Lab Sample ID: MB 480-38909/1-A Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39125 Client Sample ID: Method Blank Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 38909 MB MB Analyte Prepared Analyzed PCB-1016 Result Qualifier ND 210 RL MDL Unit 41 ug/Kg D 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 Dil Fac 1 PCB-1221 ND 210 41 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1232 ND 210 41 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1242 ND 210 45 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1248 ND 210 41 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1254 ND 210 44 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 PCB-1260 ND 210 98 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (7AR) ND 210 45 ug/Kg 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Limits Prepared Analyzed DCB Decachlorobiphenyl %Recovery Qualifier 108 34 - 148 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 122 35 - 134 11/04/11 09:36 11/06/11 10:09 1 Lab Sample ID: LCS 480-38909/2-A Matrix: Solid Analysis Batch: 39125 Dil Fac Client Sample ID: Lab Control Sample Prep Type: Total/NA Prep Batch: 38909 Spike Analyte Added LCS LCS Result Qualifier %Rec. Unit D %Rec 2140 2790 ug/Kg 131 59 - 154 PCB-1260 2140 2670 ug/Kg 125 51 - 179 LCS LCS %Recovery Qualifier 6 7 8 9 Limits DCB Decachlorobiphenyl 127 34 - 148 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 139 X 35 - 134 Page 10 of 17 11 12 13 14 Limits PCB-1016 Surrogate 5 10 MB MB Surrogate 4 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 15 QC Association Summary 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 3 GC/MS VOA Leach Batch: 39294 4 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method 480-12274-1 TS-OC-0/0-05 TCLP Solid 1311 LB 480-39294/1-A LB Method Blank TCLP Solid 1311 Prep Batch 5 6 Analysis Batch: 39779 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method 480-12274-1 TS-OC-0/0-05 TCLP Solid 8260B LCS 480-39779/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8260B MB 480-39779/5 Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8260B Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method LB 480-39294/1-A LB Method Blank TCLP Solid 8260B LCS 480-39980/4 Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8260B MB 480-39980/5 Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8260B Prep Batch 7 8 9 Analysis Batch: 39980 Prep Batch 10 11 12 GC Semi VOA Prep Batch: 38909 13 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method Prep Batch 480-12274-1 TS-OC-0/0-05 Total/NA Solid 3550B LCS 480-38909/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 3550B MB 480-38909/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 3550B Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method 480-12274-1 TS-OC-0/0-05 Total/NA Solid 8082 38909 LCS 480-38909/2-A Lab Control Sample Total/NA Solid 8082 38909 MB 480-38909/1-A Method Blank Total/NA Solid 8082 38909 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Prep Type Matrix Method 480-12274-1 TS-OC-0/0-05 Total/NA Solid Moisture 14 15 Analysis Batch: 39125 Prep Batch General Chemistry Analysis Batch: 38981 Page 11 of 17 Prep Batch TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Lab Chronicle 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 Client Sample ID: TS-OC-0/0-05 Lab Sample ID: 480-12274-1 Date Collected: 11/02/11 11:40 Date Received: 11/03/11 09:30 Matrix: Solid Batch Batch Prep Type Type Method TCLP Leach 1311 TCLP Analysis 8260B Total/NA Prep 3550B Total/NA Analysis 8082 1 Total/NA Analysis Moisture 1 Run Dilution Batch Factor Number 10 Prepared or Analyzed Analyst Lab 39294 11/07/11 18:02 KV TAL BUF 39779 11/10/11 19:00 RJ TAL BUF 38909 11/04/11 09:36 CM TAL BUF 39125 11/06/11 11:59 JM TAL BUF 38981 11/04/11 13:40 ZLR TAL BUF Laboratory References: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TAL BUF = TestAmerica Buffalo, 10 Hazelwood Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2298, TEL (716)691-2600 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 12 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Certification Summary 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 Laboratory Authority Program EPA Region Certification ID TestAmerica Buffalo Arkansas State Program 6 88-0686 TestAmerica Buffalo California NELAC 9 1169CA TestAmerica Buffalo Connecticut State Program 1 PH-0568 TestAmerica Buffalo Florida NELAC 4 E87672 TestAmerica Buffalo Georgia Georgia EPD 4 N/A TestAmerica Buffalo Georgia State Program 4 956 TestAmerica Buffalo Illinois NELAC 5 100325 / 200003 TestAmerica Buffalo Iowa State Program 7 374 TestAmerica Buffalo Kansas NELAC 7 E-10187 TestAmerica Buffalo Kentucky Kentucky UST 4 30 TestAmerica Buffalo Kentucky State Program 4 90029 TestAmerica Buffalo Louisiana NELAC 6 02031 TestAmerica Buffalo Maine State Program 1 NY0044 TestAmerica Buffalo Maryland State Program 3 294 TestAmerica Buffalo Massachusetts State Program 1 M-NY044 TestAmerica Buffalo Michigan State Program 5 9937 TestAmerica Buffalo Minnesota NELAC 5 036-999-337 TestAmerica Buffalo New Hampshire NELAC 1 2337 TestAmerica Buffalo New Hampshire NELAC 1 68-00281 TestAmerica Buffalo New Jersey NELAC 2 NY455 TestAmerica Buffalo New York NELAC 2 10026 TestAmerica Buffalo North Dakota State Program 8 R-176 TestAmerica Buffalo Oklahoma State Program 6 9421 TestAmerica Buffalo Oregon NELAC 10 NY200003 TestAmerica Buffalo Pennsylvania NELAC 3 68-00281 TestAmerica Buffalo Tennessee State Program 4 TN02970 TestAmerica Buffalo Texas NELAC 6 T104704412-08-TX TestAmerica Buffalo USDA USDA TestAmerica Buffalo Virginia NELAC Secondary AB 3 460185 TestAmerica Buffalo Virginia State Program 3 278 TestAmerica Buffalo Washington State Program 10 C1677 TestAmerica Buffalo Wisconsin State Program 5 998310390 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 P330-08-00242 Accreditation may not be offered or required for all methods and analytes reported in this package. Please contact your project manager for the laboratory's current list of certified methods and analytes. Page 13 of 17 3 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Method Summary Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint 1 TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 Method Method Description Protocol Laboratory 8260B TCLP Volatiles SW846 TAL BUF 8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography SW846 TAL BUF Moisture Percent Moisture EPA TAL BUF Protocol References: 3 4 5 6 EPA = US Environmental Protection Agency SW846 = "Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, November 1986 And Its Updates. 7 Laboratory References: 8 TAL BUF = TestAmerica Buffalo, 10 Hazelwood Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2298, TEL (716)691-2600 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 14 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 Sample Summary 1 Client: Chevron Environmental Management Corp. Project/Site: Texaco - Greenpoint TestAmerica Job ID: 480-12274-1 2 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix 480-12274-1 TS-OC-0/0-05 Solid Collected Received 11/02/11 11:40 11/03/11 09:30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 15 of 17 TestAmerica Buffalo 11/15/2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 16 of 17 11/15/2011 1 Login Sample Receipt Checklist 2 Client: Science Applications International Corp Job Number: 480-12274-1 Login Number: 12274 List Source: TestAmerica Buffalo List Number: 1 3 4 5 Creator: Wienke, Robert 6 Question Answer Comment Radioactivity either was not measured or, if measured, is at or below background True The cooler's custody seal, if present, is intact. True The cooler or samples do not appear to have been compromised or tampered with. True 8 Samples were received on ice. True Cooler Temperature is acceptable. True 9 Cooler Temperature is recorded. True COC is present. True COC is filled out in ink and legible. True COC is filled out with all pertinent information. True Is the Field Sampler's name present on COC? True There are no discrepancies between the sample IDs on the containers and the COC. True Samples are received within Holding Time. True Sample containers have legible labels. True Containers are not broken or leaking. True Sample collection date/times are provided. True Appropriate sample containers are used. True Sample bottles are completely filled. True Sample Preservation Verified True There is sufficient vol. for all requested analyses, incl. any requested MS/MSDs True VOA sample vials do not have headspace or bubble is <6mm (1/4") in diameter. True If necessary, staff have been informed of any short hold time or quick TAT needs True Multiphasic samples are not present. True Samples do not require splitting or compositing. True Sampling Company provided. True Samples received within 48 hours of sampling. True Samples requiring field filtration have been filtered in the field. N/A Chlorine Residual checked. N/A 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 SAIC TestAmerica Buffalo Page 17 of 17 11/15/2011 APPENDIX E COMPLETED BOOM INSPECTION FORMS SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC APPENDIX F PHOTOGRAPHS OF TREE REMOVAL ACTIVITIES SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Fig. F-1: Tying off fallen tree in preparation for cutting. Picture taken 12/9/2011. Fig F-2: Preparing to cut the branches from the fallen tree. Picture take 12/9/2011. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Fig. F-3: Tree branch secured to boat to be towed to lower bulkhead. Picture taken 12/9/11. Fig. F-4: Towing cut branches to the lower bulkhead. Picture taken 12/9/11. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Fig. F-5: Lifting the cut branches from Newtown Creek with a grapple truck. Picture taken 12/9/2011. Fig. F-6: Cut tree branches awaiting disposition onsite. Picture taken 12/9/2011. SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC Annual Progress Report and 4th Quarter Status Report Former Paragon Oil Terminal #304209 & Apollo St. property January 31, 2011 Plates SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC 5 4 1 2 " ´ ARW-7 1.04 Legend 2 ARW-12 -1 -5.12 " ´ " ´ 4 AMW-10 -0.54 5 -1 AMW-9 " 2.25 ´ " ´ (CMW) Texaco Monitoring Well AOW-10 " ´ ExxonMobil and BP Monitoring Wells " ´ (CMW-R,MW-R, PW-R) Texaco Recovery Well " ´ (RW) ExxonMobil and BP Recovery Wells " ´ Not Gauged XÏ (NC) Newtown Creek Gauging Location 3 " ´ " ARW-3 ´ -1 -8.26 AMW-12 -0.58 " ´ ARW-13 -3.94 ARW-11 -6.16 AMW-8 " -0.14 AMW-19 -0.61 ´ " ´ " ´ GE WA TER STRMW-59 EET -1.8 " ´ -2.96 " ´ " ´ 0 ET -3 -3 " ´ MW-40 -1.42 -4 -4 " ´ MW-93 IC K ST " ´ RW-C -3.97 " ´ MW-25 -0.09 ´ MW-116 2.33 MW-113 MW-119 MW-24 1.25 1.1 " ´ " ´ " ´ MW-117 1.18 MW-35 1.6 MW-7 -0.19 " ´ MW-99 0.35 " ´ Former ExxonMobil Properties MW-22 1.4 " ´ " ´ RW-K -6.73 THO -5 MW-23 2.46 MW-97 0.83 AV E REE MW-36 -1.02 ER EE K M T -3 -2 T 4 BRO Q YN OK L U EE NS 5 8 14 9 -1 T REE MW-16 -1.2 " ´ MW-30 0.7 0 S TR EET MORGAN 185 370 MW-100 -1.41 740 SCALE IN FEET NU AVE 10 E AVENUE STREET UE T WAR STE SUTTON ND AVEN " ´ WAY ESS R P EX ICK VAR KINGSLA ST RRY CHE " ´ MW-4 -2.46 MW-20 16.82 MW-91 2.75 ´ T NOTE: 1.) The location of CMW wells obtained from surveys conducted by Borbas Surveying for Texaco. All non-CMW well locations provided by ExxonMobil or BP. 2.) Well identifiers are included on maps only if data for well is available. 3.) This regional gauging event was coordinated among ExxonMobil, BP and Texaco personnel to gauge tidally influenced wells within an hour of the projected high tide at approximately 13:08 PM. 4.) Within the tidally influenced zone on the Former Parargon and Apollo sites, the wells were gauged at approximately at high tide (~13:08 PM) 5.) ExxonMobil monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-64 as well as Texaco monitoring wells CMW-19D, CMW-23D, CMW-25D, CMW-60D, and CMW-62D are screened in the deeper semi-confined aquifer of the Paragon and Apollo St. sites and are not considered in this interpretation. REE " ´ " ´ ST MA S K ST RW-L -4.14 "MW-39 ´ " ´ RW-F -1.82 MW-61 -0.41 " ´ MW-28 -0.95 IC VAR -3 N STREE HA U S M A " ´ " ´ -1 " ´ " ´ -3 1 11 12 " ´ Currently BP Terminal E RW-E ER ´ "-´ " EK 4 -4.9 EMW-29 M -2 -0.71 E RW-A -4.84 MW-31 -2.28 MW-60 -0.22 NU AVE TREET 10 " ´ AV U EN " ´ MW-111 2.86 Former Paragon Oil MW-115 1.82 MW-3 " -0.1 ´ 2 T WAR STE MW-15 -2.5 MW-112 STREET S APOLLO " ´ " ´ RW-D -3 -4.59 " ´ -4 VAN DAM 9 " ´ RW-I -3.17 ExxonMobil Off-Site PlumeREET -3 " ´ -2 -3 8 -4 MW-90 -1.59 VA R MW-RWB " ´ ´ Apollo Street Site MW-118 2.89 " ´ -4 RW-24 P RW-24 W -4.65 -9.44 ENUE NASSAU AV " ´ RW-G MW-62 2.45 NC-2 RW-J -4.96 ENUE ´ CMW-26 -0.83 CMW-1 3.7 CMW-2 1.75 CMW-27 0.8 " ´ " ´ E -2 NASSAU AV MW-63 3.54 ´ 1 N U 6 7 " ´ " ´ MW-38 -2.14 MW-37 -2.56 " ´ " ´ ´ " ´ MW-14 3.46 " ´ -6 -5 STREET E " ´ " MW-27 ´ -1.5 " ´ -2 " ´ -2.51 " ´ 3 CMW-30 -1.3 0 RE VARICK ST HAUSMAN 5 D AVENU TREET AVENUE S SUTTON N KINGSLA -3 CMW-6 -1.32 RW-H -2.95 " ´ -2 -5 RW-23 -7.19 " ´ CMW-50 CMW-15 3.25 MW-107 " 2.8 ´ CMW-28 4.46 2 1 TREET 1 CMW-31 -1.62 " ´ " ´ " CMW-29S ´ 2.93 4 2 " ´ " ´ Former Paragon Oil Terminal Site CMW-5 -0.41 -1.58 MW-34 -1.6 MW-64 ´ " "´ ´ RW-26 W RW-22 -5.04 -4 " ´ CMW-32 2.08 " CMW-61 ´ RW-26 P -2.01 CMW-4 2.45 " ´ " ´ " ´ CMW-14 2.93 SW AY CMW-33 1.34 Well Identifier and Groundwater Elevation (Feet AMSL) ES " ´ MW-58 -1.59 " ´ MW-2 " ´ " ´ " ´ " ´ CMW-1 3.36 CMW-13 1.68 PR BR ID CMW-25S 2 CMW-46 CMW-47S CMW-24S -1.19 ´ " -1.01 -1.28 ´ " "´ " CMW-60S ´ MW-78 ´ " Dry -1.42 CMW-10 " -1.53 ´ M O RG A N " ´ CMW-36D -2.02 S VAN DAM 4 MW-92 6.38 CMW-62S -1.52 ´ " Interpreted Groundwater Flow Direction MW-66 -0.59 " ´ MW-77 " 0.36 CMW-9 ´ " 1.29 ´ CMW-35 " -1.48 ´ MW-5 -1.6 CMW-57 " ´ -0.65 -2 ´ " ´ "´ " ´ " CMW-8 " 1.08 ´ CMW-34S " ´ 1.15 -2 TREET " ´ CMW-12 -1.09 CMW-18 -1.44 RW-25 -2.75 -1 CMW-56 CMW-54 0 MW-76 0.02 0.88 ´ " -1 -2 CMW-36S "´ " -1.83 ´ S APOLLO -3 " ´ " ´ " ´ CMW-37 " -1.16 ´ MW-26 -1.61 " ´ " CMW-38 ´ 0.74 CMW-45 -1.07 "´ ´ " CMW-53R -7.62 EX " ´ " ´ CMW-44 -1.22 -2 MW-9 Dry " ´ MW-57 -1.63 MW-33 -1.72 RW-21 -3.1 MW-75R -3.75 Groundwater Contour (Feet AMSL) MW-67 -0.78 NS " ´ CMW-49 -1.62 " ´ CMW-59R " -0.78 ´ " ´ UE E " ´ CMW-19S " -0.55 ´ MW-32 -1.33 Apollo Street Site " ´ MW-74R -2.19 " ´ "0 ´ -Q " ´ " ´ CMW-39 1.21 " "´ ´ " ´ "´ ´ " Inferred Groundwater Contour (Feet AMSL) MW-68R -8.47 O KL YN MW-105 -1.63 MW-106 -1.46 " ´ MW-69 -1.23 MW-70R -4.31 BR O ST " ´ " ´ AMW-3 -1.45 -1 " ´ " ´ -4 AMW-1 2.34 MW-95 3.09 ARW-5 -8.01 CMW-21 " 1.61 ´ MW-72 0.03 PW-2R -0.78 2 " ´ ARW-9 -2.16 " ´ " ´ CMW-64R "´ -1 ´ "" ´ Groundwater Contour (Feet AMSL) CMW-58 -1.76 CMW-63R -0.96 2 MW-81 6.29 AMW-20 -1.44 " ´ CMW-22 -0.73 CMW-55 -0.65 CMW-23S -0.54 1 " ´ 3 " ´ AGP-8 19.68 AOW-8 -1.34 " -2 ´ RIMW-01 1.99 ´ " CMW-20 " -0.53 ´ -2 " ´ " ´ " ´ RIMW-02 2.01 " ´ MW-56 -0.72 CMW-17R -1.46 CMW-43R -3.59 " ´ 3 " ´ AGP-7 3.81 AMW-21 -1.56 " ´ RE 4 AMW-2 -1.22 -3 " ´ " ´ AOW-4 7.08 " ´ MW-88S 3.5 AMW-4 -0.89 3 5 AGP-6 " Dry ´ " ´ 6 CMW-40 3 ´ " MW-73R -0.67 CMW-42 -0.75 -1 AGP-5 7.66 ´ " AMW-22 -1.06 1 " ´ MW-88D " -0.57 "´ ´ 2 PW-1R -2.09 CMW-16 -0.78 -2 2 " ´ " ´ 1 2 " ´ AMW-6 0.1 " ´ " ´ MW-1 "3 3.27 ´ AOW-7 -0.46 CMW-41S -0.69 -1 1 0 ARW-1 -1.13 AMW-5 2.37 " ´ BP Terminal AGP-3 2.67 AGP-4 2.62 ´ " AOW-3A 1.82 ´ " 0 ET " ´ " ´ AOW-11 ´ " -0.63 ARW-8 -1.43 ´ " 0 -3 " ´ 0 1 ARW-4 -4.08 ´ " AOW-3 1.98 O AGP-2 Dry AOW-9 -0.51 -1 -2 LL AMW-7 0.32 0 -1 " ´ ARW-6 -7.74 AP O " ´ " ´ -2 ´ AOW-6 -0.42 -1 " ´ AGP-1 AOW-1A 7.02 -2.19 -2 ARW-10 " -6.47 ´ NEWTOWN CREEK 6 -1 0 2.05 " ´ " ´ " ´ 1 ARW-2 " ´ FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 3 MW-98 4.96 GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NY " ´ ANT H ON Y EE S TR T N AVE 7 ENUE DRIGGS AV GROUNDWATER CONTOUR MAP December 7, 2011 MW-18 4.55 TE R PO R 15 16 6 UE RD MB A Y ST R EE T checked date 01/04/2012 date job no. initials T OOR " ´ MW-19 16.63 LO ERV S E D VAN N AVE UE N LY EN PR 13 GAN MO R N AVE K OO R B E QU EX AY W S S drawn LAB 26011A045A date JAK 01/06/2012 approved date 01/16/2012 file no. revision PJC Dec_2011_GW plate no. 1 UE AOW-3 1.94 AOW-9 0.18 ! « ! µ ! µ ! µ ARW-4 0.34 AOW-11 3.71 ! + ! µ AOW-3A ARW-8 AMW-5 0.03 ! µ ! µ BP Terminal Site CMW-41S ! µ ² CMW-41D MW-1 ! µ ! MW-88D ² ! µ MW-88S AOW-7 0.07 ! + CMW-16 CMW-55 RIMW-02 ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ CMW-22 ! µ CMW-43R ! µ CMW-20 0.81 ! µ AMW-2 0.97 AMW-20 0.09 ! µ CMW-39 0.09 Apollo Street Site AMW-21 0.78 ! µ ! µ MW-72 ! µ CMW-59R ! CMW-53R µ ! µ MW-70R CMW-37 ! µ 0.46 ! µ CMW-12 0.05 ! µ CMW-58 0.21 MW-69 ! 0.08 µ MW-67 ! µ 0.29 MW-66 ! µ µ MW-68R ! ! µ CMW-57 0.26 ! µ ! µ CMW-25S ! µ ² CMW-25D MW-76 CMW-34S 0.68 ! CMW-34D µ ² CMW-8 1.37 ! µ ! µ CMW-33 3.03 ! µ ! µ CMW-13 MW-2 ! µ MW-57 0.35 CMW-18 2.03 ! µ MW-77 2.6 ! µ CMW-44 1.17 ! µ ! µ CMW-35 1.99 ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ CMW-9 ! µ CMW-24S ! CMW-46 ! ²µ CMW-24D µ ! µ MW-78 ! CMW-60D ² 0.2 CMW-62S ! ² 1.27 µ CMW-62D MW-58 ! 1.8 µ ! µ ! µ ! µ CMW-4 ! µ NC-2 CMW-15 MW-63 ! µ RW-G µ ! MW-118 MW-62 Former Paragon Oil Terminal Site " ´ ! µ CMW-10 ! 3.24 µ ! µ RW-26 P 0.48 ! « ! + ! MW-59 µ RW-26 W 0.15 ! µ " ´ MW-64 CMW-32 ! CMW-61 µ 0.84 MW-5 0.12 CMW-14 " ´ CMW-47S ! µ ² CMW-47D MW-26 CMW-36S RW-25 ! µ ! ² 3.04 1.46 µ CMW-36D 2.86 RW-21 1.9 ! ² ! µ MW-33 0.41 CMW-49 0.88 CMW-63R ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + CMW-45 0.27 ! µ MW-105 0.7 PW-2R ! µ CMW-19S ! µ ² CMW-19D MW-32 0.54 AMW-3 0.53 MW-106 0.5 ! + ! ²µ CMW-56 µ ! µ !µ µ ! MW-74R CMW-54 CMW-38 0.07 ! « ! µ CMW-23D MW-75R ARW-9 0.34 ! µ ARW-5 0.78 CMW-21 ! µ AOW-8 0.39 CMW-23S PW-1R !µ µ ! ! µ CMW-64R ´ ! " + ! µ AOW-4 MW-73R CMW-17R RIMW-01 ! « 0.01 MW-56 1.24 AMW-4 2.89 ! µ CMW-42 CMW-40 ! µ ! µ ! + NOTE: Legend 1.) PSH- Phase Separated Hydrocarbon Monitoring, Observation, Recovery, and Sump Wells 2.) PSH Thickness values are in Feet and represent in-well thicknesses and not formation thicknesses. ! + No PSH Measured and No Well Construction Information Available 3.) The location of CMW and PW wells obtained from surveys ! µ No PSH Measured, Water Level Within Screened Interval conducted by Borbas Surveying for Texaco. All non-CMW or PW well locations provided by ExxonMobil ! ² No PSH Measured and Water Level is Above Screened Interval or BP. ! « PSH Measured and No Well Construction Information Available 4.) Recovery wells (PW-1R, PW-2R, CMW-43R, CMW-53R, MW-68R, MW-70R, MW-73R, MW-74R, and MW-75R) ! ¡ Only PSH Measured, Water Not Detected are actively recovering PSH and groundwater with total ! ² PSH and Water Level Measured Above the Screened Interval fluids recovery pumps, where the fluid level in each well under pumping conditions is generally maintained at the ! µ PSH Measured and Water Level is Within Screened Interval pump intake. This condition allows for the immediate removal " ´ Not Gauged, Dec. 2011 of PSH as it enters the well and does not allow PSH to accumulate in the well. Therefore, these wells are coded red. PSH Extent, Dec. 2011 5.) Recovery wells (CMW-17R, CMW-59R and CMW-63R) are Apollo Street Site actively recovering groundwater with total fluids recovery pumps. However, prior to their conversion to recovery wells, Former Paragon Oil PSH was generally not present in the wells. Therefore, Currently BP AmocoTerminal these wells are coded green. 6.) Monitoring wells (CMW-23S, CMW-55, and CMW-56) would Former ExxonMobil Properties have measurable PSH thicknesses if not for the nearby recovery wells. Therefore, they are considered part of the PSH extent, despite the absence of measurable PSH thicknesses in these wells. MW-112 ! µ ! µ MW-107 MW-115 MW-111 MW-3 1.44 CMW-5 ! µ CMW-29S ! µ ² CMW-29D ! µ CMW-1 CMW-31 0.17 ! µ ! µ ! µ CMW-6 ! µ CMW-28 MW-25 1.48 CMW-2 1.58 ! µ MW-29 ! µ MW-34 0.9 " ´ MW-113 ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! RW-E µ 1.64 MW-60 1.4 CMW-30 0.17 ! µ MW-116 MW-27 ! µ RW-F 1.07 CMW-27 ! µ ! µ MW-119 ! µ ! µ MW-24 CMW-26 RW-H 2.5 ! µ ! µ MW-61 Trace MW-117 MW-35 1.05 ! µ ! µ ExxonMobil Off-Site Plume MW-90 0.95 MW-40 0.38 ! µ RW-22 0.91 RW-D 1.22 ! µ RW-I 1.12 ! µ ! µ ! µ RW-23 2.88 " ´ ! µ ! µ MW-7 MW-99 ! µ MW-22 MW-93 ! µ CMW-50 1.04 RW-J 2.1 ! µ MW-37 1.09 ! µ ! µ MW-38 2 ! µ " ´ MW-RWB MW-28 0.32 ! µ RW-24 P ! µ ! 1.07 ² ! µ MW-23 0 75 RW-C 3.72 ! µ ! µ RW-24 W 150 300 SCALE IN FEET MW-97 FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 MW-15 1.71 GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NY ! µ PSH Thickness and Extent December 7, 2011 RW-A 1.3 ! µ RW-K 1.58 " ´ ! µ MW-31 1.25 MW-36 0.45 ! µ ! µ drawn LAB checked date date 01/03/2012 job no. initials 26011A045A date JAK 01/04/2012 MW-4 approved date PJC plate no. 01/16/2012 2 file no. revision Dec_2011_PSH_Thick.mxd ! + ! « ! + ! « ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! « ! ² ! + ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ² !! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! « ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + ! !µ µ ² !+ µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ² !µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ « + !! µ " ´ ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ PSH Extent 1st Quarter 2011 March 18, 2011 ! µ PSH Extent 2nd Quarter 2010 June 29, 2011 " ´ Not Gauged Former Paragon Oil ! + ! « " ´ " ´ NOTE: 1.) PSH- Phase Separated Hydrocarbon 2.) PSH Thickness values are in Feet and represent in-well thicknesses and not formation thicknesses. 3.) The location of CMW and PW wells obtained from surveys conducted by Borbas Surveying for Texaco. All non-CMW or PW well locations provided by ExxonMobil or BP. 4.) Recovery wells (PW-1R, PW-2R, CMW-43R, CMW-53R, MW-68R, MW-70R, MW-73R, MW-74R, and MW-75R) are actively recovering PSH and groundwater with total fluids recovery pumps, where the fluid level in each well under pumping conditions is generally maintained at the pump intake. This condition allows for the immediate removal of PSH as it enters the well and does not allow PSH to accumulate in the well. Therefore, these wells are coded red. 5.) Recovery wells (CMW-17R, CMW-59R and CMW-63R) are actively recovering groundwater with total fluids recovery pumps. However, prior to their conversion to recovery wells, PSH was generally not present in the wells. Therefore, these wells are coded green. 6.) Monitoring wells (CMW-23S, CMW-55, and CMW-56) would have measurable PSH thicknesses if not for the nearby recovery wells. Therefore, they are considered part of the PSH extent, despite the absence of measurable PSH thicknesses in these wells. ! µ ! µ ! µ PSH Measured and Water Level is Within Screened Interval ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ Former ExxonMobil Properties ! µ " ´ " ´ ! µ PSH and Water Level Measured Above the Screened Interval ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! ² Currently BP AmocoTerminal ! µ ! µ ! µ Only PSH Measured, Water Not Detected " ´ ! µ " ´ ! ¡ PSH Extent ! µ ! µ ! µ PSH Measured and No Well Construction Information Available ! µ ! µ ! µ ! « ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ No PSH Measured and Water Level is Above Screened Interval Apollo Street Site ! µ ! µ ! ² " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ !µ µ ! " ´ ! µ " ´ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ No PSH Measured, Water Level Within Screened Interval ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ " ´ " ´ ! µ ! µ « !! µ No PSH Measured and No Well Construction Information Available ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ !µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! + " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! ² ! µ ! ² !µ µ ! µ ! µ ² " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ µ !µ ! µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + ! !µ µ ² !+ µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ Monitoring, Observation, Recovery, and Sump Wells ! µ ! µ ! µ ! « ! µ ! µ ! ² ! µ ! ² !µ µ ! ² ! µ ! + ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + ² !! µ ! « ! µ µ !µ ! µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ² " ´ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ " ´ ! + ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! « ! µ " ´ ! µ Legend ! ² ! + ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! « ! µ ! µ ! + ! « ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! « ! + ! µ ! µ " ´ " ´ " ´ " ´ " ´ " ´ ! µ " ´ ! µ " ´ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ !µ µ ! ! ! " µ ´ + ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! + ! ! µ ²µ !+ µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! ² µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! ² ! µ ! ² µ ! µ ! µ ! ² " ´ ! µ ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! ² µ !µ µ ! ! ² µ !µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ 0 ! µ ! µ " ´ !µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! + !« µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! ² ! µ ! ² !µ µ ! ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ µ !µ ! µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ " ´ SCALE IN FEET " ´ ! µ ! µ GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NY ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ 2011 Quarterly PSH Extent ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ drawn LAB checked date date 01/10/2012 job no. initials ! µ ! µ PSH Extent 3rd Quarter 2010 September 13, 2011 ! µ PSH Extent 4th Quarter 2010 December 7, 2011 680 FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 ! µ ! µ ! µ ² 340 ! µ ! µ " ´ 170 ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! ! + !µ µ ² !+ µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + " ´ ! µ " ´ ! µ !µ µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! « ! µ ! µ ! « ! µ « + !! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! ² ! µ ! ² !µ µ ! ² !µ µ ! ² ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + ! + " ´ ! µ µ !µ ! µ ! ! µ ! µ ! µ ² ! !² µ ! µ ! µ ! ² µ ! µ ! µ ! µ ! + ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! « ! µ " ´ ! µ ! µ ! + ! µ " ´ " ´ ! « ! µ ! µ ! + ! !² µ " ´ " ´ ! µ ! ² µ " ´ " ´ ! µ ! µ 26011A045A date JAK 01/10/2012 approved date PJC plate no. 01/16/2012 3 file no. revision 2011_PSH_extent AOW-3 1.94 AOW-9 0.18 Location ID: CMW‐41S Sample ID: CMW‐41S‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: ! « ! µ ! µ ! µ ARW-4 0.34 Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene ! + !4.7U µ 4.7U ! µ BP Terminal Site Sample ID: Date & Time: 140 13 20U 7.4J 7.5J 4.8UJ ! + 150 21 11 12 8.6 CMW-22 RIMW-01 ! « 0.01 CMW-21 CMW-20 0.81 AMW-20 CMW‐22‐0/0‐01 0.09 7/20/10 2:40 6/5/11 9:08 Sample ID: ! µ Volatile Organic Compounds ARW-5 Benzene 0.78 Isopropylbenzene ! µ Result (ug/L) 56 11 5.6 26 10 5 m,p‐Xylene Naphthalene n‐Propylbenzene Toluene Result (ug/L) MW-105 120.7 ! µ Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds Naphthalene Location ID: CMW‐19D Sample ID: CMW‐19D‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: ! µ Volatile Organic Compounds CMW-49 Benzene 0.88 4U MW-106 0.5 CMW-44 1.17 ! µ MW-33 0.41 Sample ID: CMW‐19S‐0/0‐01 ! µ MW-26 7/20/2010 2:45 2011 Date & Time: Result (ug/L) Volatile Organic Compounds Benzene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene n‐Butylbenzene n‐Propylbenzene Toluene 460 32 130 39J 15J 140 28 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds CMW-37 ! µ 0.46 PW-2R ! + CMW-63R ! ²µ CMW-56 µ ! + ! µ ! µ !µ µ MW-72 ! MW-74R CMW-54 0.42J 0.4J ! µ CMW-59R 0.94J 0.65J 0.99J 0.95J 0.49J 0.83J Date & Time: 7/23/10 9:35 6/5/11 12:15 Volatile Organic Compounds Result (ug/L) Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether 8.8 25 4.7U 4.7U 4.7U Location ID: CMW‐25D Sample ID: CMW‐25D‐0/0‐01 7/23/10 10:00 6/5/11 10:25 Result (ug/L) Volatile Organic Compounds Benzene CMW-58 ! 0.21 µ ! MW-69 MW-70R µ ! 0.08 µ MW-67 ! µ 0.29 ! µ µ MW-68R ! ! µ CMW-57 MW-66 0.26 ! µ CMW-12 0.05 2.5 1U Location ID: MW‐64 Sample ID: MW‐64‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds Sample ID: RIMW‐01‐0/0‐01 Benzene ! µ Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene n‐Butylbenzene n‐Propylbenzene CMW-36S RW-25 sec‐Butylbenzene ! µ ! ² 3.04 1.46 µ Toluene CMW-36D 2.86 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds NS NS NS NS RW-21 1.9 NS ! µ NS NS Benzo(k)fluoranthene Chrysene 360 8.4 63 6.9 37 8 8.3 CMW-8 1.37 ! µ ! µ ! µ CMW-9 CMW‐14 Sample ID: CMW‐14‐0/0‐01 ! µ 5U ! µ MW-64 CMW-15 ! µ CMW-32 MW-63 ! µ ! µ ! µ CMW-29S ! µ ² CMW-29D CMW‐15 7/26/10 10:00 6/5/11 10:15 Location ID: MW‐62 Result (ug/L) Sample ID: MW‐62‐0/0‐01 5U 2.8 RW-G µ ! CMW-6 ! µ CMW-28 " ´ Result (ug/L) MW-3 1.44 4.8J MW-112 ! µ ! µ ! µ MW-29 1.4 MW-60 1.4 CMW-30 0.17 RW-E Benzene 1.64 Isopropylbenzene n‐Butylbenzene n‐Propylbenzene RW-F 1.07 Toluene ! µ ! µ MW-27 ! µ CMW-27 ! µ ! µ 81 35 5.3 46 8.6 MW-119 CMW-26 ! µ MW-61 Trace Location ID: CMW‐29D Sample ID: CMW‐29D‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: MW-35 1.05 " ´ 29 38 8 50 7.8 MW-113 MW-24 ! µ MW-117 7/22/10 11:30 2011 Result (ug/L) Volatile Organic Compounds Benzene 1.5 NS 2011 Result (ug/L) NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Result (ug/L) 1.3J 0.54J 1.4J 88 NS NS NS NS Location ID: MW‐26 Sample ID: MW‐26‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: ExxonMobil Off-Site Plume 7/27/10 2:35 7/19/11 9:05 Volatile Organic Compounds Benzene RW-23 Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene 2.88 ! µ Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene CMW-50 1.04 n‐Propylbenzene ! µ o‐Xylene Toluene Result (ug/L) 1900J NS 18 35 16 40 6.6 31 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds Result (ug/L) Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Chrysene Naphthalene 0.37J 4.7U 0.39J 4.7U 970 30 30 57 NS NS NS 40 MW-15 1.71 ! µ Location ID: CMW‐24D Sample ID: CMW‐24D‐0/0‐01 RW-J 2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds ! µ Date & Time: MW-37 1.09 Benzene ! µ Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether 0.46J 0.38J 0.64J 11 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene ! µ ! µ ! µ 15J 1.3 12 21 Location ID: Result (ug/L) 0.35J 4.8U Acenaphthene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Sample ID: 4.8U 0.33J CMW‐24S‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds 7/28/10 8:30 6/15/11 10:10 Result (ug/L) 8.2J 1300J NS 25 19 35 91 29 30 9.9J 19 NS 5.2 780 24 59 12 19 74 6 18 5U 14 14 CMW‐9 Sample ID: CMW‐9‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: CMW‐46 7/22/10 9:25 2011 CMW‐46‐0/0‐01 7/28/10 7:15 6/15/11 12:25 Benzene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene m‐Dichlorobenzene MW-28 Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether 0.32 ! µ Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n‐Butylbenzene RW-C n‐Propylbenzene 3.72 p‐Cymene ! µ Toluene Result (ug/L) 19 10U 620J 48 10U 24 130 10U 10U 10U 11 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds Result (ug/L) 0.89J 4.7U 26 120 9.6 2100 190 14 240 5U 32 18 21 44 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds 9.6U Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds CMW‐47D Sample ID: CMW‐47D‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: Result (ug/L) MW-31 1.25 MW-36 0.45 ! µ ! µ NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Volatile Organic Compounds 1,2,4‐Trimethylbenzene Benzene Ethylbenzene m,p‐Xylene o‐Xylene Toluene Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds Benzo(a)anthracene Indeno(1,2,3‐cd)pyrene 7/28/10 7:10 2011 Result (ug/L) 68 1500 20 57 36 93 NS NS NS NS NS NS Result (ug/L) 1.2J 1.3J NS NS ! µ MW-23 0 75 150 300 SCALE IN FEET 77MW-97 NS FORMER PARAGON OIL TERMINAL TEXACO FACILITY #304209 CMW‐26 CMW‐26‐0/0‐01 7/28/10 9:10 7/28/10 12:00 6/16/11 20:00 6/16/11 20:00 Volatile Organic Compounds 7/21/10 1:55 6/4/11 10:15 ! µ CMW‐27‐0/0‐01 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compunds Standard (ug/L) 1,1'‐Biphenyl 5 2,4‐Dichlorophenol 5 2,4‐Dimethylphenol 50 2,4‐Dinitrophenol 10 2,4‐Dinitrotoluene 5 2,6‐Dinitrotoluene 5 2‐Chloronaphthalene 10 2‐Nitroaniline 5 3,3'‐Dichlorobenzidine 5 3‐Nitroaniline 5 4‐Chloroaniline 5 4‐Nitroaniline 5 Acenaphthene 20 Anthracene 50 Atrazine 7.5 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.002 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.002 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.002 Bis(2‐chloroethoxy)methane 5 Bis(2‐chloroethyl)ether 1 Bis(2‐chloroisopropyl) ether 5 Bis(2‐ethylhexyl) phthalate 5 Butyl benzyl phthalate 50 Chrysene 0.002 Diethyl phthalate 50 Dimethyl phthalate 50 Di‐n‐butyl phthalate 50 Di‐n‐octyl phthalate 50 Fluoranthene 50 Fluorene 50 Hexachlorobenzene 0.04 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.5 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 5 Hexachloroethane 5 Indeno(1,2,3‐cd)pyrene 0.002 Isophorone 50 Naphthalene 10 Nitrobenzene 0.4 N‐Nitrosodiphenylamine 50 Phenanthrene 50 Pyrene 50 ! µ Sample ID: Location ID: 72 200 Sample ID: MW-22 0.32J 25 Benzene Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether CMW‐27 410 9.5J 13 14J 10U 12 6.7J Result (ug/L) Naphthalene Location ID: Volatile Organic Compounds RW-K 1.58 10 1U 4.8 2.4 NS 1U NS 0.71J 1U 6.9 1.2 1.4 190 130 4800 900 41 970 230 61 36 5.2 100 ! µ Location ID: 1500 4J 24 11 8 36 10 Result (ug/L) Chrysene Date & Time: 24 0.36J 0.31J Result (ug/L) 78 10 25 12J 10U 10U 10U 7.2J 8.8J 34 5.1J 9.9J Result (ug/L) 1,2,4‐Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5‐Trimethylbenzene Benzene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene Naphthalene n‐Propylbenzene o‐Xylene p‐Cymene Toluene 7/21/10 1:05 6/4/11 11:05 Volatile Organic Compounds 1,2,4‐Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5‐Trimethylbenzene Benzene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether Naphthalene n‐Propylbenzene o‐Xylene Toluene Indeno(1,2,3‐cd)pyrene Naphthalene Result (ug/L) 60 0.39J 4.9U CMW‐32‐0/0‐01 Volatile Organic Compounds Location ID: MW-99 Date & Time: CMW‐32 Date & Time: Result (ug/L) Sample ID: 1,2,4‐Trimethylbenzene Benzene cis‐1,2‐Dichloroethene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether Naphthalene n‐Propylbenzene o‐Xylene Toluene Vinyl Chloride Location ID: 7/28/10 9:50 6/15/11 11:40 CMW‐24S Volatile Organic Compounds MW-7 Sample ID: Location ID: Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds RW-A 1.3 ! µ MW-93 " ´ " ´ MW-RWB RW-24 W RW-D 1.22 ! µ ! µ Date & Time: ! µ MW-40 0.38 RW-I 1.12 MW-38 2 RW-24 P ! µ ! 1.07 ² MW-90 0.95 ! µ MW-115 Volatile Organic Compunds Standard (ug/L) 1,1,1‐Trichloroethane 5 1,1,2,2‐Tetrachloroethane 5 1,1,2‐Trichloro‐1,2,2‐trifluoroethane 5 1,1,2‐Trichloroethane 1 1,1‐Dichloroethane 5 MW-116 1,1‐Dichloroethene 5 ! µ 1,2,4‐Trichlorobenzene 5 1,2,4‐Trimethylbenzene 5 1,2‐Dibromo‐3‐chloropropane 0.04 1,2‐Dibromoethane (EDB) 0.0006 1,2‐Dichlorobenzene 3 1,2‐Dichloroethane 0.6 1,2‐Dichloropropane 1 1,3,5‐Trimethylbenzene 5 1,3‐Dichlorobenzene 3 1,4‐Dichlorobenzene 3 2‐Butanone (MEK) 50 2‐Hexanone 50 Acetone 50 Benzene 1 Bromodichloromethane 50 Bromoform 50 Bromomethane 5 Carbon disulfide 60 Carbon Tetrachloride 5 Chlorobenzene 5 Chloroethane 5 Chloroform 7 Chloromethane 5 cis‐1,2‐Dichloroethene 5 cis‐1,3‐Dichloropropene 0.4 Dibromochloromethane 50 Dichlorodifluoromethane 5 Ethylbenzene 5 Isopropylbenzene 5 m,p‐Xylenes 5 Methylene Chloride 5 Methyl‐t‐Butyl Ether (MTBE) 10 m‐Xylene & p‐Xylene 5 Naphthalene 10 n‐Butylbenzene 5 n‐Propylbenzene 5 o‐Xylene 5 p‐Cymene 5 sec‐Butylbenzene 5 Styrene 5 tert‐Butylbenzene 5 Tetrachloroethene 5 Toluene 5 trans‐1,2‐Dichloroethene 5 trans‐1,3‐Dichloropropene 0.4 Trichloroethene 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 5 Vinyl chloride 2 CMW‐1 CMW‐1‐0/0‐01 MW-25 Date & Time: 7/22/10 12:50 1.48 6/4/11 16:05 ! µ Volatile Organic Compounds Result (ug/L) ! µ Result (ug/L) MW-111 ! µ CMW-2 1.58 7/26/10 1:00 6/5/11 9:05 Benzene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene n‐Butylbenzene n‐Propylbenzene Toluene MW-118 MW‐63 CMW-1 ! µ 210 27 150 23J 130 36 210 20 20 22 Date & Time: Volatile Organic Compounds Sample ID: ! µ Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Chrysene Naphthalene Not Gauged, Dec. 2011 CMW‐15‐0/0‐01 MW‐63‐0/0‐01 MW-107 7/23/10 10:55 ! 6/5/11 11:05 µ Location ID: RW-H 2.5 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds " ´ Sample ID: Sample ID: Benzene CMW-5 ! µ Benzene Ethylbenzene RW-22 Isopropylbenzene 0.91 m,p‐Xylene ! µ Naphthalene n‐Butylbenzene n‐Propylbenzene p‐Cymene sec‐Butylbenzene Toluene PSH Measured and Water Level is Within Screened Interval Location ID: ! µ 7/20/10 12:10 ! µ Former ExxonMobil Properties Location ID: Volatile Organic Compounds ! µ Volatile Organic Compounds PSH and Water Level Measured Above the Screened Interval MW-62 Date & Time: CMW-10 ! 3.24µ ! µ CMW-61 0.84 ! µ Date & Time: ! ² ! µ Former Paragon Oil Terminal Site MW-34 0.9 CMW‐21‐0/0‐01 Only PSH Measured, Water Not Detected 0.34J Benzene NC-2 ! µ Sample ID: ! ¡ Result (ug/L) Date & Time: CMW-4 ! µ CMW‐21 PSH Measured and No Well Construction Information Available Currently BP AmocoTerminal Volatile Organic Compounds CMW-31 0.17 Location ID: ! « 7/23/10 8:35 6/14/11 18:30 " ´ ! µ No PSH Measured and Water Level is Above Screened Interval Former Paragon Oil Location ID: MW-2 ! ² CMW-24S ! CMW-46 ! ²µ CMW-24D µ ! µ MW-78 ! CMW-60D ² 0.2 NS NS ! ² " ´ RW-26 P 0.48 ! « ! + ! MW-59 µ RW-26 W 0.15 ! µ MW-5 0.12 No PSH Measured, Water Level Within Screened Interval 1U ! CMW-13 µ CMW-33 3.03 ! µ ² 1.5J 0.35J ! µ Apollo Street Site 1.1 CMW-47S CMW-47D 28 10U 44 CMW-62S 10U ! ² 1.27 µ 10U CMW-62D 8.2J 10U Result (ug/L) MW-58 ! µ 4.7U 1.8 4.7U ! µ No PSH Measured and No Well Construction Information Available CMW-25S ! µ ² CMW-25D ! µ 7/20/10 9:45 6/4/11 11:05 CMW-35 Result (ug/L) 1.99 ! + Result (ug/L) CMW-14 RIMW‐01 Monitoring, Observation, Recovery, and Sump Wells PSH Extent, Dec. 2011 Date & Time: MW-77 2.6 ! µ Location ID: Legend 7/22/10 2:05 6/5/11 11:45 Benzene MW-76 CMW-34S 0.68 ! CMW-34D µ ² Result (ug/L) Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene 370 5U 5 5U 17 5U 7.8 11 CMW‐13‐0/0‐01 Result (ug/L) Date & Time: ! CMW-53R µ ! µ ! µ Volatile Organic Compounds 1.2 CMW‐19S 110 NS 5.9 5U 5.3J 19 5U 4J Sample ID: Notes: 1.) Only samples that had at least one exceedance in 2010 or 2011 are included. 2.) Only analytes that had an exceedance in either 2010 or 2011 are shown. 3.) Yellow highlight indicates a NYSDEC Ambient Water Quality Standard exceedance. 4.) A qualifier of "U" indicates a non-detect. 5.) A qualifier of "J" indicates an estimated value. 6.) "NS" indicates that the well was not sampled. 7.) When human health risk and aesthetic standards both exist for groundwater, human health risk standards were used. 8.) PSH Extent and thickness is from Dec. 2011 gauging event. Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds Date & Time: ! µ ! µ Location ID: 79 NS 4.2J 5U 4.2J 19 5U 3J Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds CMW-23D CMW-18 2.03 ! µ Result (ug/L) Benzene Bromodichloromethane Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene m,p‐Xylene Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether o‐Xylene Toluene CMW‐13 ! µ MW-57 0.35 7/21/10 8:50 6/4/11 17:00 140J 28J Result (ug/L) Location ID: Benzo(a)anthracene Apollo Street Site 2.6J 7/23/10 10:35 7/23/10 10:40 6/14/11 15:40 CMW-45 0.27 ! µ AMW-3 0.53 ! µ Date & Time: CMW-23S ! µ CMW-19S ! µ ² CMW-19D MW‐66‐0/0‐01 Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Chrysene MW-75R ! µ 55 9.8 8.4 29 7.5 5.2 120 32 CMW-38 0.07 MW-32 0.54 Result (ug/L) MW-73R !µ PW-1R µ ! ! µ CMW-64R ´ ! " + ! µ CMW-39 0.09 ! µ ! µ ARW-9 0.34 ! « 75 7.8 14 54 CMW-42 CMW-17R ! µ CMW-43R µ ! MW‐66 Sample ID: Volatile Organic Compounds 96 5.5 6.7 72 Acenaphthene Naphthalene CMW-55 RIMW-02 Location ID: Result (ug/L) Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl tert‐Butyl Ether Naphthalene 0.38J ! µ AOW-8 0.39 7/21/10 9:40 6/4/11 15:40 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds ! µ ! µ CMW‐34D‐0/0‐01 Volatile Organic Compounds CMW-16 MW-56 1.24 AMW-4 2.89 CMW‐22 Date & Time: AMW-21 0.78 Result (ug/L) Benzo(a)anthracene ! µ AMW-2 Location ID: 0.97 ! µ ! µ Result (ug/L) Benzene Isopropylbenzene AOW-4 ! + m,p‐Xylene n‐Propylbenzene Toluene Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds ! µ CMW‐34D Sample ID: Date & Time: CMW-41S ! µ ² CMW-41D MW-1 Location ID: 7/27/10 10:10 6/16/11 11:25 CMW-40 ! µ 7/27/10 11:30 6/17/11 10:50 Volatile Organic Compounds AMW-5 0.35J 0.03 0.35J ! MW-88D ² ! µ MW-88S AOW-7 0.07 MW‐88D ! µ MW‐88D‐0/0‐01 Location ID: ! µ CMW‐23S‐0/0‐01 Date & Time: Result (ug/L) ARW-8 AOW-3A CMW‐23S Sample ID: 7/26/10 10:35 6/14/11 14:35 Semi‐Volatile Organic Compounds AOW-11 3.71 Location ID: 16 81 Benzene Chloroethane cis‐1,2‐Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN, NY Result (ug/L) 23J 5.6 51 62 21J 5.2 51 61 2.8 NS NS NS Extent of Groundwater Exceedances in 2010 & 2011 2.7 NS NS NS " ´ drawn LAB checked date date 01/10/2012 job no. initials 26011A045A date JAK 1/10/2012 MW-4 approved date PJC plate no. 01/16/2012 4 file no. revision GW chem 2010 & 2011
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