NFM_BREF_REVISED_Chap9-Processes to produce
NFM_BREF_REVISED_Chap9-Processes to produce
Chapter 9 9 PROCESSES TO PRODUCE NICKEL AND COBALT 9.1 Applied processes and techniques Nickel is produced from oxidic (laterite and saprolite) or sulphidic ore, about 60 % of the nickel comes from sulphide deposits and 40 % from oxide deposits. There are several variations in the processes used to produce nickel from these ores and these variations are dependent on the grade of the concentrate and also on the other metals that are present in the material [ 92, Laine, L. 1998 ]. Cobalt is usually present in nickel and copper ores and is recovered during their production. Refining of the recovered by-product that contains cobalt is performed by a combination of processes governed by the composition of the concentrate and the physical and chemical characteristics of the final product. Cobalt arsenide ores are also sources of cobalt. These ores are roasted to remove the majority of arsenic as arsenic oxide [ 104, Ullmann's Encyclopedia 1996 ]. The process however is not used in the EU. Table 9.1 shows the composition of some ores. Table 9.1: Composition of some ores Source of ore Type Murrin Murrin (Australia) Cerro Matoso (Colombia) Selebi-Phikwe (Botswana) Sudbury area (Canada) Raglan (Canada) Vale INCO, Copper Cliff Cosmos (Australia) Mount Keith (Australia) Laterite Laterite Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide Ni (%) 1.07 2.16 0.77 1.18 2.56 1.55 5.7 0.6 Cu (%) 1.73 0.71 2 0.2 0 Co (%) 0.08 0.04 0.1 Secondary nickel and cobalt are consumed directly in the form of remelted scrap and other recycled products generally in the production of ferro-nickel and stainless steel [ 92, Laine, L. 1998 ]. Other secondary materials such as catalysts and precipitator dusts are recovered in the primary smelting processes, usually in the slag furnace. Because these metals are so closely associated, their production processes are dealt with together as far as possible [ 92, Laine, L. 1998 ]. 9.1.1 Nickel production Oxidic ores In laterite ores, nickel and cobalt are bound with iron and manganese oxides or silica compounds and are difficult to upgrade to a concentrate. Smelting of these ores with a source of carbon in an electric furnace can be used. Ferro-nickel is produced or a nickel matte can be made after the addition of sulphur. The generic flowsheet is shown in Figure 9.1. Prior to smelting, the ore is usually preheated or calcined in a rotary kiln [ 106, Raffinot, P. 1993 ]. An electric furnace is then usually used for smelting. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 963 Chapter 9 Laterite ore Ammoniacal leaching Sulphuric acid leaching Drying Calcining Hydrogen reduction Mixed sulphide to separate matte treatment Smelting in electric furnace Nickel rondelles Nickel oxide Sinter Ferronickel Converter Ni matte Ni cathodes Ferric chloride Leaching Electrowinning Figure 9.1: Generic flowsheet for nickel production from laterite ores Saprolite ores can be smelted with sulphur so that the nickel oxide is converted to a nickel sulphide matte and iron is removed as a slag [ 106, Raffinot, P. 1993 ]. The matte is treated in the same manner as matte produced from sulphide ores. Smelting to ferro-nickel accounts for a large proportion of nickel production from laterite ores. These processes are discussed under ferro-alloys in Section 8.1.4. Leaching of laterite with ammonia is also used to extract nickel [ 19, HMIP (UK) 1994 ], [ 56, Knuutila, K. 1997 ], [ 94, Laine, L. 1998 ] and this process is becoming more important. Although conversion of nickel oxide to impure nickel and then to nickel carbonyl, which is volatile, is used to produce refined nickel, the nickel oxide is produced from the smelting of a sulphidic ore. The laterite ores generally have a maximum nickel content of 3 % and are therefore not used directly in this process. The pressure leaching of laterites with sulphuric acid is principally a simple and straightforward process. The temperature, pressure and other parameters may vary from case to case to achieve the best possible metallurgical conditions depending on the ore and products in question and other objectives. The temperature of the leaching autoclaves is usually between 230 and 260 °C and pressures up to 43 bar are used. Oxygen can also be used in the process. The resultant solution is purified either by modern solvent extraction methods or by traditional precipitation methods. For example hydrogen sulphide is used to selectively precipitate nickel and cobalt sulphides which are sent for further metal recovery. The solution can be neutralised so that iron precipitates. Nickel and cobalt will be precipitated and releached with ammonia. 964 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Solvent extraction is used to separate nickel and cobalt chlorides or sulphates. Metallic nickel can be produced by electrowinning and cobalt can be precipitated as cobalt sulphide. Alternatively nickel and cobalt can be recovered as metal powders using hydrogen reduction. Table 9.2 shows the processes used in the EU-28. Table 9.2: Processes used in EU-28 Company Name Location Industry sector Process description Nickel refinery by a hydrometallurgical process, receiving imported nickel matte which is ground, dissolved with chlorine, purified and refined by electrowinning (NiCl2 salt and Ni metal production) Metal refinery by a hydrometallurgical process, receiving matte which is grained, dissolved with chlorine, purified and refined by electrowinning (Ni metal production) Eramet Sandouville, France Nickel metal producer, Nickel salts producer (Ni chloride, Ni hydroxycarbonate) Xstrata Nickel Kristiansand, Norway Nickel metal producer Harjavalta, Finland Nickel metal producer, Ni sulphate producer, Ni hydroxycarbonate producer Ni refining and Ni salts production. Refining (electrowinning and hydrogen reduction) Harjavalta, Finland Nickel Smelting Sulphidic ore concentrates brought to the plant. Direct Outotec Nickel flash smelting (DON process®). Producing nickel matte from sulphide concentrates. Boliden also operates a copper flash smelter in the same site producing copper anodes from sulphide concentrates. The emissions of nickel smelter and copper smelter are inseparable and thus emissions reported in this exercise originate from both smelters. The dust emissions are monitored in three stacks, ventilation gases, Ni drying plant and Cu drying plant Clydach Swansea, UK Ni metal producer, Ni sulphate producer (in China, not in Clydach), Ni chloride producer (in China, not in Clydach) Imported nickel oxide. Refining of nickel using the carbonyl process Norilsk Nickel Boliden Inco Europe Ltd Sulphidic ores Nickel-bearing sulphide ores can be concentrated, e.g. by flotation to upgrade the nickel content. Nickel concentrates that generally contain 7 - 25 % Ni are produced which makes further processing easier. Sulphide concentrates can also be dried in rotary dryers, steam-heated coil dryers or fluidised bed dryers. Feeding dry sulphide concentrate to primary smelting furnace, like flash smelting, enhances process performance and reduces the energy consumption and exhaust gas flow. Concentrates and sand used as flux are dried to reduce the moisture content from 7 – 8 % to about 0.2 % prior to smelting process. The nickel concentrates are usually smelted under oxidising conditions to remove iron sulphide and other gangue materials from the concentrate to produce a nickel matte. The Outotec flash furnace is used in Europe; the Outotec and INCO flash furnaces and electric or shaft furnaces are used elsewhere in the world. The nickel is recovered into a sulphide matte that contains 35 - 70 % Ni, Co and Cu. The matte can be treated in a Peirce-Smith converter or alternatively it can be granulated or cooled slowly MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 965 Chapter 9 before a hydrometallurgical recovery stage [ 139, Riekkola-Vanhanen, M. 1999 ]. The converter stage is not used in Europe. Important components of the nickel mattes are cobalt, copper and precious metals. The slag produced during smelting also contains recoverable metal and is treated in an electric furnace to produce more nickel matte. This can be granulated and treated separately [ 92, Laine et al. 1998 ], [ 94, Laine, L. 1998 ]. Secondary materials are sometimes recovered in the electric furnace. Figure 9.2 gives an overview of the process options. Sulphide concentrate Roasting Electric smelting Flash smelting Converting Converting Flash smelting Ammoniacal leaching Hydrogen reduction Nickel powder/ briquettes Electrolytic refining Carbonyl refining process Chloride leaching Electrowinning Sulphate leaching Electrowinning/ hydrogen reduction Ni cathode Ni pellets/ powder Nickel cathode Nickel cathode/ powder/briquettes Figure 9.2: Generic flowsheet for the production of nickel from sulphide concentrates Conventional flash smelting process Conventional smelting processes are used to remove iron and other gangue materials from sulphide concentrates to produce nickel matte. Worldwide there are five other smelters, which use this process. Two of these use a flash smelting furnace designed by BHP Billitonne (formerly Western Mining Corporation), where the smelting and slag cleaning furnaces have been built together to form one larger unit. There are differences in operations between the smelters. The most visible difference is the matte grade but variations in the raw material composition also cause some differences. The generic flowsheet is shown below in Figure 9.3. 966 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Ni concentrate Oxygen + air Flux Flash smelting furnace Water heat boiler Electrostatic precipitator Ni matte Waste heat boiler Converter Slag Gas to acid plant Slag High-grade nickel matte Electric furnace Ni matte Figure 9.3: Conventional flash smelting Direct Outotec Nickel (DON) process In Europe only the Direct Outotec Nickel (DON) process is used. The DON process combines both smelting and converting to produce a high grade matte which is further treated hydrometallurgically. [ 310, DIRECT OUTOKUMPU NICKEL TECHNOLOGY 2006 ]. Flash smelting furnace is based on utilisation energy contained in the raw material itself to drive the smelting process. Dried concentrate and flux mixture is fed continuously with oxygen enriched air through concentrate burner into the vertical reaction shaft of a sealed furnace where the reactions between oxygen and concentrate particles takes place rapidly in suspension. Part of the sulphide compounds in the feed ignite, oxidise and release heat, thus acting as a fuel for the process. Operation uses oxygen enrichment to about 30 – 90 % oxygen in process air. The degree of oxygen enrichment is determined by the concentrate quality and the heat balance requirement. Oil burners are used to produce additional energy, when needed. Molten phases are collected in the horizontal settler part of the flash smelting furnace where slag and matte form separate layers. The slag is laundered semi-continuously to the electric slag cleaning furnace where it is treated with coke and a sulphidising agent in order to recover the valuable metals left in the slag. The matte is periodically tapped and granulated by water quenching of sprinkled melt. The solid matte granules settle in a bottom section of the tank, from where they are pumped with water on to a dewatering screen. The granules are lifted in a bucket elevator into an intermediate bin, from where they are taken on the belt conveyor to grinding and to the hydrometallurgical nickel plant. The slag passes by launder to an electric slag-cleaning furnace where it is treated with coke and a sulphidising agent to produce more nickel matte and a cleaned slag for disposal. The two mattes have different compositions and are treated separately. The matte is granulated and ground before passing to the leaching stage. The process is shown in Figure 9.4. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 967 Chapter 9 Concentrate Silica sand Secondary raw materials Concentrate unloading Gas to stack Waste oil Drying Gas + dust Copper smelter Gas + dust Heavy oil Air O2 Bag filter ESP WHB Smelting by DON Slag Coke Reverts FSF- matte Slag cleaning by EF Granulation tank FSF- matte Grinding EF- matte Granulation tank EF- matte ESP Gas ventilation system process heat Slag for disposal Acid plant Slag for sale Weak acid H2SO4 Off gas stack Hg-sludge to Further treatment Liquid SO2 Grinding Atmospheric leaching Atmospheric leaching Figure 9.4: The DON process Heap leaching Open heap leaching is usually carried out at the mine. Material is crushed and ground to allow intimate particle/acid contact and then formed into natural heaps on an impervious liner. Acid is sprayed onto the heaps and percolates through the mass. It is collected on the liner and is recirculated to allow the metal content to build up . Bacteria are used to enhance the leaching process and improve efficiency and this technique is used for some nickel ores where zinc, cobalt and copper are leached simultaneously and then separated prior to metal recovery [ 284, Talvivaara June 2008 ]. Matte refining processes The mattes produced by the smelting processes must be treated further in order to recover and refine the metal content. Nickel matte must go through a multistage refining process to reject iron and recover copper, cobalt and precious metals. Matte can be treated pyrometallurgically but hydrometallurgical processes are more commonly used. A variety of electrorefining, leaching, reduction and precipitation processes are carried out. Nickel is recovered from purified solutions by electrowinning or by hydrogen reduction. Figure 9.5 shows the generic processing routes. 968 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Roasting Chlorination TBRC converting Carbonyl reactors (Pressure) acid Ni matte Hydrogen reduction Nickel oxide Nickel Hydrogen reduction Nickel Electrowinning Cahode nickel H2S precipitation Hydrogen reduction H2S precipitation Copper Nickel Ni-Co Solution purification -SX -Precipitation Electrowinning Cathode Solution purification Cu and Co Ammoniacal pressure Chloride Co and Cu Figure 9.5: Generic flowsheet for nickel matte refining processes Nickel containing raw materials are leached in reactors (atmospheric; temperature < 110 °C and pressure 1 bar) and or in pressure autoclaves (temperature > 100 ° and pressure > 1 bar). Leaching takes place in chloride (Section, sulphate (Section or ammoniac(see Section based solutions and oxygen or chlorine gases are used as an oxidant. Impurities like copper and iron are precipitated as cake. In most cases Cu-cake is further processed and iron cake is recycled to smelter or put in the waste areas. Nickel solution is purified by a combination of solvent extraction and precipitation processes to remove cobalt and other impurities. Impurities like lead, manganese and gypsum are deposited in a designated waste area. Chloride leaching of matte followed by electrowinning Matte is leached in a chloride solution in several stages at a high temperature and pressure using chlorine gas as an oxidant. The chlorine gas is generated in the electrowinning cells and is returned to the leaching circuit. Copper is precipitated as the sulphide and then iron and arsenic are precipitated as hydroxides and arsenates to purify the leachate. Copper sulphide is roasted in a fluidised bed furnace and the resulting calcine is leached with spent copper electrolyte. Copper is then electrowon. Cobalt is removed by solvent extraction of the chloride solution using an organic solvent and is electrowon. The nickel solution is further purified using chlorine to remove lead and manganese followed by electrowinning of nickel and is then electrowon in diaphragm cells using a dimensional stable anode (DSA) made with titanium, anodes enclosed in a diaphragm bag to collect chlorine gas. The cells are sealed to recover the chlorine that is formed at the anode. This is known as the Falconbridge process and is shown in Figure 9.6. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 969 Chapter 9 Figure 9.6: Falconbridge process Sulphate-based atmospheric pressure leaching followed by electrowinning/hydrogen reduction Matte is leached in a sulphate-based anolyte recycled from nickel electrowinning[ 57, Knuutila, K. et al. 1996 ], [ 58, Kojo, I.V. et al. 1997 ]. Nickel sulphide matte is leached in an atmospheric leaching stage using oxygen or air-sparged leach vessels with the aid of copper ions. Dissolved iron is oxidised to form iron oxide which precipitates (see Figure 9.7). Matte Air Atmospheric leach Atmospheric leach Atmospheric leach NaOH Pressure leach Oxidation Ni(OH)2 Cobalt removal Nickel electro winning Cobalt precipitate Nickel cathodes Anolyte Copper precipitate Figure 9.7: Sulphate-based leaching process 970 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 The residue from atmospheric leaching is passed to the pressure leaching stage where the nickel content is dissolved and copper is precipitated as copper sulphide, which is returned to the copper smelter. The iron oxide precipitate is returned to the nickel smelter. Alternatively the iron residue is disposed of. The nickel solution from the atmospheric leach is purified by solvent extraction to remove cobalt and impurities. Cobalt can be electrowon or reduced to cobalt powder using hydrogen. Nickel can be electrowon from the purified sulphate solution to produce cathodes [ 310, DIRECT OUTOKUMPU NICKEL TECHNOLOGY 2006 ]. Nickel powder can be produced by adding ammonia and ammonium sulphate to the solution. The mixture is then reduced in an autoclave using a hydrogen atmosphere. The powder is sold or can be sintered into briquettes. The sulphuric acid present is neutralised by ammonia. The ammonium sulphate is recovered for sale or reuse in the process. This process has been developed into a two-stream process to allow separate treatment of the mattes produced from the smelter and the slag cleaning furnaces. The flowsheet of the DON refinery process shown in Figure 9.8. EF matte FSF matte EF = Electric Furnace FSF = flash smelting furnace SX = solve extraction EW = electro-winning Granulation Grinding Co SX Co EF- matte leaching and Fe removal To smelter Leaching and Cu/Fe removal Ni EW Ni ATM leaching Fe residue (haemethite, goethite, jarosite) Ni pressure leaching Cu pressure leaching Cu EW PGM Cu Figure 9.8: Flowsheet of the DON refinery process Ammonia pressure leach and hydrogen reduction Matte is leached into ammoniacal ammonium sulphate solution in pressure autoclaves using air as an oxidant. After the precipitation of copper sulphide, nickel solution is reduced with hydrogen in the autoclaves to produce metallic nickel powder. The ammonium sulphate formed in the hydrogen reduction stage is recovered by crystallisation and drying. After the hydrogen MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 971 Chapter 9 reduction, the rest of the dissolved nickel and all the cobalt are precipitated with hydrogen sulphide for further treatment [ 92, Laine, L. 1998 ] [ 94, Laine, L. 1998 ]. This is known as the Sherritt process and is shown in Figure 9.9. Ni matte/concentrate NH3 O2 Adjustment leach NH3 Ni solution Sº or SO2 Copper boil H2S O2 (NH4)2 SO4 or NH4OH NH3 Final leach Residue wash H2 Residue to tailings CuS/S to smelter Oxidation & hydrolysis Ni/CoS precipitation Nickel reduction Crystallisation Ni powder Ammonium sulphate NiS/CoS to Co refinery Figure 9.9: Sherritt ammoniacal leaching Ferric chloride leaching Matte is leached in several stages using recycled ferric chloride in the presence of chlorine (which is generated from the electrowinning cells) near to boiling point. Sulphur remains in the elemental state and is filtered from the final solution. Iron is then removed by solvent extraction using tributyl phosphate allowing ferric chloride to be recovered. Cobalt is removed in a further solvent extraction stage using tri-iso-octylamine. Cobalt chloride solution is sold [ 92, Laine, L. 1998 ], [ 94, Laine, L. 1998 ]. Other minor impurities such as Cr, Al, Pb are removed using a combination of electrolysis, ion exchange and active carbon. Nickel is then electrowon from the purified solution in diaphragm cells using titanium anodes and nickel cathodes. Chlorine is collected and returned to the leach circuit. Carbonyl process The low pressure carbonyl process uses an impure oxide produced by smelting sulphide ore as the raw material to refine the nickel. This oxide is reduced to an impure metal using hydrogen and the metal is then activated. Nickel carbonyl is then formed by the reaction of the metal with carbon monoxide at low temperature and pressure. Nickel carbonyl is volatile and is refined by separation from the solid impurities. The solid residue is returned for further processing to the primary smelter to recover other metals that are present [ 19, HMIP (UK) 1994 ], [ 25, OSPARCOM 1996 ]. Nickel carbonyl gas passes from the reactor and is then decomposed using heat to form powders and pellets. It can also be decomposed onto other substrates such as carbon fibres to produce 972 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 nickel-coated materials. During decomposition, carbon monoxide is released and is recovered and reused to produce more nickel carbonyl. Pure nickel salts are produced by the reaction of nickel pellets with acids. Any exhaust off-gases from the process are incinerated to destroy any nickel carbonyl and carbon monoxide. Dust from the afterburner is removed using a bag filter. Matte electrorefining Nickel matte can be cast into anodes. These are dissolved in a diaphragm electrolysis cell using a chloride/sulphate electrolyte. The electrolyte from the anode compartment is purified and circulated through the cathode bag. The anodes are also bagged to collect the slime that contains sulphur. Elemental sulphur and precious metals are recovered from the slime. This process is limited to mattes that have a low copper content [ 94, Laine, L. 1998 ]. Solvent extraction Most of the processes described above use a solvent extraction stage to remove iron, calcium and zinc and to separate nickel and cobalt prior to electrowinning or transformation. Metal ion complexes are formed using chelating agents so that the desired metal ions can be extracted into an organic phase. The desired ions are then back extracted into a second aqueous phase by altering the conditions of a second aqueous phase. The choice of solvent and chelating (complexing) agent allows specific metal ions to be removed from aqueous solution and to be concentrated. The solvent/chelating mixture is recycled between the extraction and winning baths. The baths comprise a mixer/settler to allow solvent/water contact and then phase separation. Sealed or covered systems are used to prevent the emission of solvent fumes. Figure 9.10 shows a generic process outline [ 239, ENIA 2008 ]. Stripped organic Raffinate Extraction Pregnant leach solution Spent electrolyte Stripping Loaded organic Cu2+ + 2LH CuL2 + 2H+ aq org org aq Electro winning Advanced electrolyte CuL2 + 2H+ Cu2+ 2LH org aq aq org Figure 9.10: Solvent extraction (SX) process outline Nickel matte refining process Eramet has developed a refining process that originated in the nineteen seventies which can: (See Figure 9.11) [ 239, ENIA 2008 ]. obtain very high purity nickel metal recover all of the by-products minimise the solid residue production. Pyrometallurgical nickel matte is leached by chlorine in a chloride medium in the presence of recycled ferric chloride near to boiling point. The major constituent of the leaching residue is elemental sulphur. This by-product, after roasting, allows the production of sulphuric acid. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 973 Chapter 9 The major constituents of the leaching solution are nickel, cobalt and iron chlorides. Impurities like aluminium, chromium, manganese and lead are also present. After complementary oxidation of the solution, the iron is first extracted by solvent extraction using tributylphosphate (TBP) as an extractant. The stripping is performed with water. The iron chloride solution is sold, after concentrations up to 40 wt – % FeCl3. It is used in water treatment processes. The cobalt is extracted from the iron-depleted solution by solvent extraction using tri-isooctylamine as extractant. The stripping is performed with water. The cobalt chloride is sold, after complementary purification and concentrations up to 27 wt- % CoCl2, as raw material for chemical specialties production. In order to obtain a totally pure nickel chloride solution, hydroxides are precipitated to allow the elimination all the main impurities such as Al, Cr, etc. This is followed by lead removal using an electrolytic process. The pure nickel chloride solution is used as raw material to produce high quality nickel salts, such as nickel chloride solution or crystals, or nickel hydroxycarbonate and high purity nickel metal (Ni ≥99.99 %) obtained by electrolysis in the chloride medium. Chlorine evolves at the anode, made of titanium alloy and is collected and directly recycled to the matte leaching step. Remaining minor impurities such as Al, Cr, Pb are removed using a combination of precipitation, electrolysis and activated carbon in order to obtain a very pure nickel chloride solution that is used as a feed material for various production units such as: • nickel chloride solution or crystals after concentration, crystallisation and drying; • nickel hydroxycarbonate by precipitation, filtration and spray drying; • nickel metal (purity >99.99%) by electrolysis in chloride medium on titanium and nickel cathodes. Chlorine produced at the anodes is recycled at the matte leaching step. The energy used for the nickel production is in the range of 20 GJ per tonne of nickel which is in accordance with the energy use of the refining stages. Emissions to air The process has the following emissions to air: Ni 0.025 kg/t Ni Cl2 0.010 kg/t Ni VOC 3.6 kg/t Ni SO2 3.7 kg/t Ni CO2 600 kg/t Ni Emissions to water The process has the following emissions to water: 1. Ni 2. suspended Solids 3. COD 0.017 kg/t Ni 0.18 kg/t Ni 2.0 kg/t Ni Residues and Waste production The Eramet nickel refinery using the process described here over does not produce any solid residue for disposal. The waste production is 22 kg/t Ni. This data does not include wastes that are not linked to the production process itself. 974 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Flowsheet of the Eramet refining process is shown in Figure 9.11. Ni - Co matte Chlorine Chlorine Leaching Elemental Sulphur FeCl3 solvent extraction Ferric chloride solution CoCl2 solvent extraction Cobalt chloride solution Purification hydroxides precipitation By-product sold for metals recovery Purification lead removal By-product sold Nickel salts High purity nickel electrolysis High Purity Nickel cathodes Figure 9.11: Flowsheet of the Eramet refining process Nickel alloy production from secondary materials The process includes raw materials preparation, melting (including tapping and casting), ingot stripping and dressing, scrap recycling and “electroslag refining” with a throughput about 7000 t/yr. Raw materials for the process consist of recycled scrap, purchased scrap and virgin material. Scrap in the form of turnings, swarf off-cuts, etc. is treated to remove oil by centrifuging and/or degreasing. Raw materials are weighed into charging vessels to the desired alloy composition. The charging vessels are then transported to the relevant furnace. Melting is carried out in an induction furnace, with fumes captured by one of two extraction systems fitted with fabric filters. Some of the metal is further refined in vacuum refining furnaces. Vacuum induction melting is carried out in a 7.5 tonnes capacity furnace. Casting from the furnace is carried out either under vacuum or argon. Vacuum arc refining is carried out producing solid ingots under vacuum. Vacuum is provided by steam ejectors and gases from the ejectors are cooled using spray condensers. Slag is refined in an electric furnace. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 975 Chapter 9 Three casting techniques are used: top casting, uphill casting and durville casting. Casting fluxes and anti-piping compounds are used during casting. Ladles used for casting are preheated by gas-fired burners. The ingots from casting are stripped of any residual refractory material, etc. Solid waste from the casting processes, casting/ladle refractories, slags, etc. are collected for the recovery of residual metal. The stripped ingots may then be subjected to various processes: machining, sawing, grinding and shot blasting. The scrap from these processes in the form of dust, swarf and turnings is collected for reprocessing or sale. 9.1.2 Cobalt production Cobalt is produced during the recovery of nickel after separation by solvent extraction (SX) and is described above in Section Cobalt can be electrowon from the solution to produce saleable cathodes using diaphragm cells in the same manner as nickel [ 233, Farrell Nordic Mission 2008 ]. The electrowinning process can be sulphate- or chloride-based. Cobalt can also be recovered from the solution as a powder by hydrogen reduction. Alternatively, the solution can be treated to precipitate an impure cobalt by-product for further refining or may be sold. Further refining of these and other by-products that contain cobalt, intermediates and recycled materials is performed using atmospheric and oxygen pressure leaching in a sulphuric or hydrochloric acid medium. Separation using hydroxides, carbonates and amine or ammonium complexes is also used [ 104, Ullmann's Encyclopedia 1996 ]. Precipitation, solvent extraction and ion exchange techniques are used to purify the solutions. Cobalt is then recovered as metal powder, metal oxide or salts. The products are made with a wide variety of very specific physical and chemical characteristics. Pyrolysis of carboxylates, high temperature reduction of oxides, precipitation and crystallisation techniques are used depending on the particle size or other characteristics that are required [ 104, Ullmann's Encyclopedia 1996 ]. These processes are commercially confidential and very site-specific in nature. A generic flowsheet is shown in Figure 9.12 and a more specific process is shown in Figure 9.13. 976 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Ore concentrate Secondary materials Pre-treatment Leaching a) matte b) treated concentrate c) alloy Purification Bulk Ni or Cu separation Leaching Purification Purification Co recovery Transformation Sale up to 99.85 % Co Sale up to 99.99 % Co Figure 9.12: Generic flowsheet for cobalt production [ 233, Farrell Nordic Mission 2008 ] Figure 9.13: A practical cobalt flowsheet MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 977 Chapter 9 9.2 Current emission and consumption levels 9.2.1 Energy consumption The energy consumed for the production of matte from sulphidic concentrates is reported to be in the range 25 to 65 GJ per tonne of nickel for concentrates that contain 4 to 15 % Ni. The energy consumed in the various refining stages is reported to be 17 to 20 GJ per tonne of nickel. 9.2.2 Emissions to air The potential emissions of concern to air from nickel and cobalt production are: sulphur dioxide (SO2) and other acid gases oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and other nitrogen compounds metals and their compounds including As dust chlorine VOCs and odours CO and carbonyls (alarm levels set at 80 parts per billion). The relevance of the potential substances emitted from the major sources is given in Table 9.3 and are discussed later in this section. Solvent Extraction Sulphuric acid plant •••(1) • • • ••• • • Final recovery and transformation Electrolysis Sulphur dioxide and trioxide (1) Leaching and purification Component Significance of potential emissions to air from cobalt and nickel production Roasting or smelting Table 9.3: HCl VOCs (including CO and odours) •• •• Chlorine Nitrogen oxides •(1) Dust and metals •••(1) •• • • • •• (1) The direct emissions from the roasting or smelting stages of sulphidic ores are treated and/or converted in the gas-cleaning steps and sulphuric acid plant; the remaining emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides of the sulphuric acid plant are still relevant. Diffuse or non-captured emissions are also relevant from these sources. ••• More significant – • less significant The sources of emissions from the process are: 978 roasting other pretreatment smelting, converting and slag treatment July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 leaching and purification solvent extraction electrolysis final recovery or transformation stage sulphuric acid plant. Sulphur dioxide and other acid gases The major sources of sulphur dioxide emissions are diffuse emissions from the roaster or smelter. Uncaptured emissions from the ladle transfer and blowing stages of the converter and direct emissions from the sulphuric acid plant are also significant. Good extraction and sealing of the furnaces prevents diffuse emissions and the collected gases are passed to a gas-cleaning plant and then to the sulphuric acid plant. The gas collection from the converter stages is a significant source of emissions and this aspect is discussed in Chapter 3.3.5. After cleaning, the sulphur dioxide in the gas from the roasting stages is converted to sulphuric acid. Sections and 2.20.6 provide more information about the techniques and emissions from sulphuric acid plants in this sector. During start-up and shutdown there may be occasions when weak gases are emitted without conversion. These events need to be identified for individual installations and many companies have made significant improvements to process control to prevent or reduce these emissions. Sulphur dioxide emissions from some processes are shown in Table 9.4. Table 9.4: Sulphur dioxide production from some nickel and cobalt processes Process Product Grinding/Leaching Ni Smelter Co and Compounds Ni, Co, Cu Metal production (t/yr) 5000 200000 Sulphur dioxide (kg per tonne of metal produced) 0.01 18 NB: The data refers to specific raw materials - grinding of matte produced from sulphidic ore - smelting of Cu/Ni sulphidic concentrates. Source: [ 239, ENIA 2008 ] During electrolysis, there are emissions of aerosols (diluted hydrochloric and sulphuric acids and metal salts) to the tank house. These emissions leave the tank house via the (natural) ventilation or from the cooling towers and are classed as diffuse emissions. Cells can be covered by foams or plastic beads to reduce the production of mists. Cell room ventilation air can be demisted and the solution returned to the electrolysis stage. Chlorine is formed during the electrolysis of chloride solutions. This is collected in the sealed anode compartment and is returned to the leaching stage. Chlorine monitors are used to detect leaks and scrubbers are used to remove traces of chlorine from the ventilation air and other sources. VOCs VOCs can be emitted from the solvent extraction stages. A variety of solvents are used and they contain various complexing agents to form complexes with the desired metal that are soluble in the organic layer. Emissions can be prevented or minimised by using covered or sealed reactors and in this case, emissions in the order of 30 mg/Nm³ have been reported. The solvents can be aliphatic or aromatic in nature but usually a mixture is used. VOCs can be classified according to their toxicity but aromatic and chlorinated VOCs are usually considered to be more harmful and require efficient removal. Solvent vapours are emitted depending on the MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 979 Chapter 9 temperature of the extraction stage and the vapour pressure of the solvent components at that temperature. VOC concentrations of up to 1000 mg/Nm³ (~1 kg/h) have been reported but the operating conditions are not known [ 92, Laine, L. 1998 ]. The nature of the solvents and conditions of use need to be determined so that the hazard can be assessed. VOCs can be removed using condensers or by cooling the ventilation air and recovering the solvent for further use. Mass emissions of 0.2 kg per tonne of metal produced have been reported following condensation [ 92, Laine, L. 1998 ]. Carbon filters or biofilters can also be used to reduce VOC emissions further but do not allow solvent recovery. Dust and metals Dust carry-over from the roasting, smelting and converting processes are potential sources of direct and diffuse emissions of dust and metals. In some processes, the gases are collected and treated scrubbers and fabric filters or in the gas-cleaning processes of a sulphuric acid plant. Dust is removed and returned to the leaching process. Fabric filters and scrubbers are used to remove dust and large particles. Dust and metal emissions from some processes are shown in Table 9.5 and Table 9.6 but it should be noted that different processes and process stages are involved and the data is not comparable [ 260, Nyberg et al. 2000 ]. Table 9.5: Dust and metal emissions from some European processes Process Product Production (tonnes) Matte grinding Refining nickel matte Carbonyl process DON process and copper smelter (1) Ni 12000 Dust (kg per tonne of metal) 0.02 Ni Ni (kg per tonne of metal) 0.005 0.04 Ni 40000 0.01 0.005 Ni, Cu 240000 0.25 0.02 (1) The DON process and copper smelter comprises a site that includes drying, smelting (Cu+Ni), Cu converting, slag cleaning (Cu+Ni), all Ni matte refining processes and other abatement processes Source: [ 239, ENIA 2008 ] Table 9.6: Emissions to air from some process stages of Co production Process Grinding/leaching Solvent extraction Final recovery or transformation Total Co (kg per tonne of metal) 0.1 Ni (kg per tonne of metal) Product Productio n (tonnes) Co Co 10000 10000 Co 10000 0.8 0.1 Co 10000 0.9 0.1 VOC (kg per tonne of metal) 4.0 4.0 Source: [ 239, ENIA 2008 ] Chlorine Chlorine is used in some leaching stages and is produced during the subsequent electrolysis of chloride solutions. The leach vessels are sealed and there is the provision of chlorine gas scrubbing to remove uncaptured chlorine. 980 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 The anodes in the electrolysis cells are contained in a membrane and enclosed by a collection hood. The chlorine evolved is collected and reused in the leaching stage. The systems are sealed and diffuse emissions occur only during membrane or pipework failure. Chlorine alarms are used extensively in leach and cell rooms to detect such failures and there are normally no emissions of chlorine [ 233, Farrell Nordic Mission 2008 ]. The presence of chlorine in waste water can lead to the formation of organic chlorine compounds if solvents, etc. are also present in a mixed waste water. Hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbonyls Carbon monoxide and hydrogen are used in the vapometallurgical refining of nickel to produce crude nickel and then nickel carbonyl. These gases are explosive or very toxic and so sophisticated reactor seals and control equipment is used to prevent emissions. Comprehensive monitoring and alarm systems are used. Hydrogen is also used as a reducing agent in hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical recovery or transformation processes. CO is also produced in electric reduction furnaces if afterburning is not used. Robust process design including scaled equipment and appropriate gas exhaust systems are used to avoid explosive gas mixtures. Carbon monoxide is recovered and waste process gases are finally incinerated to destroy any carbon monoxide or carbonyl that may be present. Nickel carbonyl is converted to nickel oxide which is recovered. Nitrogen oxides The roasting and smelting stages are potential sources of nitrogen oxides (NOX). NOX may be formed out of nitrogen components that are present in the concentrates or as thermal NOX. The sulphuric acid produced can absorb a large part of the NOX and this can therefore affect sulphuric acid quality. If high levels of NOX are present after the roasting stages, treatment of the roasting gases may be necessary for reasons of product quality and environment. Direct smelting uses oxygen enrichment except for slag fuming and can reduce the thermal NOX. Other furnaces that use oxy-fuel burners also show a reduction in NOX but the reverse may be true at lower levels of oxygen enrichment when the temperature increase and the nitrogen content is significant. The range for all of the processes is 20 to 400 mg/Nm³. Diffuse emissions Besides process emissions, diffuse emissions occur. The major diffuse emission sources are: dust from storage and handling of concentrates leakage from roasters, smelters and converters dust from the exhaust gases of leaching and purification vessels exhaust gases (including HCl, Cl2 and VOCs) from the solvent extraction and electrowinning units dust from the exhaust gases of casting furnaces miscellaneous emissions including building ventilation air. Although diffuse emissions are difficult to measure and estimate, there are some methods that have been used successfully (see Section 2.3.5). Table 9.7 gives some estimates from a primary smelter where the smelter and converter ventilation gases are collected and treated with the dryer gases. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 981 Chapter 9 Table 9.7: Significance of secondary fume capture and diffuse emissions Emissions Sulphur dioxide (1999) Sulphur dioxide (2004) Primary capture (t/yr) 523 630 Secondary capture (t/yr) 2242 1976 Diffuse (t/yr) 147 248 Source: [ 239, ENIA 2008 ] Table 9.7 above shows that diffuse emissions can be significant in primary smelting if ventilation gases are not collected and treated. The 2004 data was supplied in the industry response to draft 1 of this document. In this case they would be much higher than abated emissions. Refining processes are reported to have lower diffuse emissions and the carbonyl process is particularly well sealed. Action to reduce diffuse emissions may be needed in many processes. It is possible to reduce the diffuse emissions arising from granulation fumes by treating the fumes with NaOH solution. Another way to reduce them, is by using covered, ventilated lids on the launders. These launders can be heated by using fuel or preferably by using electrically heated covers, which then allow an efficient collection of diffuse emissions thanks to the small amount of gas released. Diffuse emissions from molten material transportation are also significant. In DON process as well as in flash smelting - flash converting processes there is no ladle transportation of molten material and thus diffuse emissions are much easier to control. The collection of diffuse emissions is described in Section 2.12.4. 9.2.3 Emissions to water Metals and their compounds and materials in suspension are the main pollutants emitted to water. The metals concerned are Cu, Ni, Co, As and Cr. Other significant substances are fluorides, chlorides and sulphates. Possible sources of waste water are: hydrometallurgical purification processes matte granulation waste water from wet scrubbers waste water from wet electrostatic precipitators waste water from slag granulation anode and cathode washing liquid effluent sealing water from pumps general operations, including the cleaning of equipment, floors, etc. discharge from cooling water circuits rainwater run-off from surfaces (in particular storage areas) and roofs matte granulation. Waste water from wet gas-cleaning (if used) of the smelter, converter and fluid bed roasting stages are the most important sources. Other sources are cleaning and miscellaneous sources. The leaching stages are usually operated on a closed circuit and drainage systems are isolated but there are potential problems unless good leak prevention and detection systems are used. Electrolyte bleed liquors are used in the leaching stage. 982 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Waste waters from abatement plants If wet scrubbers are used after the leaching and roasting processes, an acidic solution is produced. The scrubber removes fluorides, chlorine, chlorides, most mercury and selenium and some particles that pass the mechanical gas treatment. To avoid the build-up of contaminants, some liquid should be bled continuously from the scrubber and then treated. Dissolved SO2 is removed prior to the discharge. Weak acid can also be treated by concentrating it and feeding it back into the uptake shaft of a flash smelting furnace. Wet electrostatic filters will also produce an acidic scrubber liquid. This is recycled after filtering or after concentrating it is returned to the uptake shaft of the flash furnace. Some liquid should be bled from this circuit to remove the build-up of contaminants. This bleed liquor is treated and analysed before discharge. Table 9.8 provides an indication of the composition of the gas-cleaning effluents before treatment. Table 9.8: Typical gas-cleaning effluents Pollutant Solids Sulphate Chloride Fluoride Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Cadmium Lead Concentration (dissolved) 13 - 25 g/l 1.3 - 1.8 g/l 0.3 - 0.5 g/l 0.1 - 9 mg/l 0.1 - 10 mg/l 5 - 15 mg/l 0.1 - 2.5g/l 1 - 5 mg/l 1 - 3 mg/l Composition of suspended solids 250 - 1500 mg/l 5 - 30 % of suspended solids 10 - 60 % of suspended solids <0.05 % of suspended solids 2 - 6 % of suspended solids 5 - 50 % of suspended solids Miscellaneous sources The electrodes and membrane bags used during electrolysis need to be rinsed periodically to remove deposited material upon the surface. Manganese dioxide can be formed on the surface of the anodes by the reaction of oxygen with dissolved manganese. After rinsing the anodes, the manganese is separated from the rinse water for external reuse. Cathodes are cleaned after removal of the Co or Ni sheets. The anode and cathode washing liquid effluents are acidic and likely to contain copper, nickel, cobalt and suspended solids. Granulation water from the granulation of matte or slag is usually recirculated in a closed circuit system. There have been reports of the formation of persistent organic chlorine compounds and PCDD/F in some cooling circuits of chlorine leach processes. Filters and waste water from the hydrometallurgical separation and transformation processes are treated for metal and suspended solid removal. The products of this treatment may be returned to upstream operations, depending on their composition and value. The wet ESP can be used for that purpose. Potential sources of waste waters are reported in Table 9.9. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 983 Chapter 9 Table 9.9: Summary table of potential waste water sources and treatment options Process unit Operation/source Use/treatment options Rainwater from roads, yards, roofs Wet cleaning of roads Cleaning of lorries, etc. Cooling water from the furnace, machinery and equipment Wet ESP effluent (if needed) Waste water treatment plant/reuse Waste water treatment plant Recirculation, waste water treatment plant Recirculation Granulation water Condensate from gas cooling, wet ESP Condensate from mercury removal Cooling water equipment Leakage Surface water (rain/wetting) Scrubber (sinter fine cooling) Wet gas-cleaning Recirculation Removal of suspended dusts and reuse as feed, waste water treatment plant After mercury removal to waste water treatment plant Recirculation Recirculation Waste water treatment plant Waste water treatment plant Waste water treatment plant Waste water treatment plant Wet cleaning of roast gases Waste water treatment plant General operations including wet gascleaning General operations Filter cakes Cleaning of cells, anodes and cathodes Maintenance Effluent treatment Recovery of metals General Smelting operation Matte or slag granulation Gas cleaning system Leakage Sulphuric acid plant Feed storage Sinter plant Roast gas cleaning Roasting/roast gas-cleaning Leaching Purification Electrolysis All process units Waste water treatment plant Recirculation, waste water treatment plant Recovery of metals Countercurrent washing Recovery of metals Waste water treatment plant Reuse for certain applications/discharge Table 9.10 and Table 9.11 give data for emissions to water and the mass emissions of nickel per tonne produced for some European sites [ 239, ENIA 2008 ]. Table 9.10: Examples of waste water analyses Process Co Cl leach Cl leach Carbonyl Smelter + leach (2) Effluent (m³/d) Flow (m³/t) 200 55 450 10900 Cu <0.1 0.1 1.0 0.4 10 g/t Zn <1.5 1.0 4 g/t Main components (mg/l) As Co <0.1 <1.5(1) 0.2 0.25 0.1 2 g/t Ni <1.0 0.7 1.0 1.4 10 g/t COD 25 (1) Co emission is 0.5 kg per tonne of Co produced (2) The data of Smelter + Leach covers process waters, cooling water, acid plant and rainwater from a combined Cu and Ni smelter and nickel leaching. Source: [ 239, ENIA 2008 ] 984 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Table 9.11: Mass emissions of nickel per tonne produced for European processes Emission of nickel (g Ni per tonne produced) 15.7 16 29.6 30 Waste water volume (m³ /d) Process Matte grinding and leaching Matte grinding and leaching Nickel smelting and matte refining (1) Carbonyl process 1640 3233 1900 6615 (1) The data of nickel smelter + matte refining covers both Cu and Ni smelter and nickel leaching process. Source: [ 239, ENIA 2008 ] 9.2.4 By-products, Process residues and waste The production of metals is related to the generation of several by-products, residues and wastes, which are also listed in the European Waste Catalogue (Council Decision 94/3/EEC). The most important process-specific residues are listed in this section below. Residues arise as a result of the treatment of liquid effluents. The main residues are gypsum waste (CaSO4) and metal hydroxides that are produced at the waste water neutralisation plant. These wastes are considered to be a cross-media effect of these treatment techniques but many are recycled to the metallurgical process to recover the metals, depending on their value. Dust or sludge from the treatment of gases are used as raw materials for the production of other metals such as precious metals and Cu, etc. or can be returned to the smelter or into the leach circuit for recovery. Precipitates from purification processes The production of iron-based solids accounts for a significant volume of waste depending on the process used. The composition is shown in Table 9.12. Table 9.12: Example compositions of different types of residues Process Iron hydroxide residues in the chloride leaching process Gypsum residues Waste water treatment Fe (%) Zn (%) 40 <10 25 <10 Co (%) Cu (%) Ni (%) 0.1 <0.1 1-2 2-3 <0.5 <1 <0.05 The disposal of these residues can be a considerable cost as specially constructed, lined ponds are used to contain the material. Particular care is taken about leakage and operators of these ponds have to monitor groundwater. There is a significant cross-media effect. One site deposits the waste in underground rock caverns. Pyrometallurgical slags and residues Slags from smelting processes usually contain very low concentrations of leachable metals after slag cleaning. They are therefore suitable for use in construction, abrasives and other purposes. The slag output is between 4 and 10 times the weight of the metal produced depending on the source of the concentrate. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 985 Chapter 9 Table 9.13 gives examples of the composition of some nickel slags. The exact composition will also depend on the source of the concentrate [ 139, Riekkola-Vanhanen, M. 1999 ]. Table 9.13: Composition of typical nickel slags Component Nickel (%) Cobalt (%) Copper (%) Iron (%) Silica (%) Lime (%) Reverberatory furnace 0.2 0.1 0.08 38 36 2 Electric furnace 0.17 0.06 0.01 35 Outotec flash(1) 0.1 - 0.3 0.1 - 0.25 0.05 - 0.25 35 - 43 30 - 39 0.5 - 7 (1)After cleaning in an electric furnace - A number of standard leachability tests are used by Member States and these are specific to the Country in question. Nickel slags are listed in the EU on the amber list of the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations. The dross and solids, removed during the melting and refining stages, contain metals that are suitable for recovery. Table 9.14 shows some of the treatment or reuse options for solid residues from nickel and cobalt processes. Table 9.14: Some of the treatment or reuse options for solid residues from Ni and Co processes Process step Autoclave Iron removal Abatement Pressure leaching Decopperising Nickel and cobalt regeneration Slag treatment Removal of As, etc. Effluent treatment Solid output Residue Precipitate Filter dust Sulphide residue Cu cement Impure nickel carbonate Clean slag Gypsum ferri-arsenate Precipitate Use/treatment options Smelting furnace Smelting furnace or disposal Smelting furnace Cu recovery Cu smelter Pure nickel sulphate production Construction Special disposal or As recovery Recovery of other metals or disposal Other materials Other residues or sludges arising from the different process stages or from general waste water treatment, depending on their composition and value may be recycled or sent for final disposal. 986 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 9.3 Techniques to consider in the determination of BAT The sections of this document entitled 'Techniques to consider in the determination of BAT' set out techniques considered generally to have potential for achieving a high level of environmental protection in the industries within the scope of the document. The background to the way the techniques are described is given in Section 2.12 and Table 2.10. This section presents a number of techniques for the prevention or reduction of emissions and residues as well as techniques reducing the overall energy consumption. They are all commercially available. Examples are given in order to demonstrate techniques which illustrate a high environmental performance. The techniques that are given as examples depend on information provided by the industry, European Member States and the evaluation of the European IPPC Bureau. The general techniques described in Chapter 2 'common processes' apply in a large extent to the processes in this sector and influence the manner in which the main and associated processes are controlled and operated. Techniques used by other sectors are also applicable particularly those relating to the use of sulphur recovery systems. The techniques to consider on a site by site basis are strongly influenced by the raw materials that are available to a site, in particular the type and variability of the concentrate, intermediate product (e.g. matte) or secondary raw materials. The other metals that they contain can also be crucial to the choice of process. In a similar manner, the standard of collection and abatement systems used worldwide in the industry reflects local, regional or long-range environmental quality standards and direct comparison of the environmental performance of process combinations is therefore difficult. It is possible however, to judge how a particular process can perform with the appropriate, modern abatement equipment. The processes described above are applied to a wide range of raw materials of varying quantity and composition and are also representative of those used worldwide. The techniques have been developed by the Companies in this sector to take account of this variation. The choice of pyrometallurgical or hydrometallurgical technique is driven by the raw materials used, their quantity, the impurities present, the product made and the cost of the recycling and purification operation. These factors are therefore site-specific. The basic recovery processes outlined in Section 9.1 on applied techniques therefore constitute techniques to consider for the recovery processes when used with appropriate abatement stages. The techniques to consider for collection and abatement stages and other aspects of process operation and control are covered in Sections Note, when discontinuous measurement are performed the reported annual average is an average of samples obtained during one year 9.3.1 Nickel production Material reception, storage and handling process Techniques to prevent and reduce emissions from materials reception, storage and handling General techniques applied to reduce diffuse emissions from reception, storage and handling of raw materials for primary and secondary materials are considered in Chapter 2 (see Section and in the Emissions from Storage BREF [ 290, EC 2006 ]. Within this specific subsection, only techniques associated with the abatement of diffuse emissions at these stages of the process will be considered. Description The techniques to consider are: Collection and safety storage of hazardous material. Extraction gas systems followed by bag filter (see Section MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 987 Chapter 9 Technical description Raw materials are concentrates, chlorine, other gases, intermediate products, fluxes and fuel, other important materials are products, sulphuric acid, slags and process residues. A list of issues and their management related to the technical processes are given below: Intermediate products such as matte which have a potential to form dust need to be handled using appropriate ventilation and dust capture systems; usually in an isolated and dedicated building. Chlorine, oxygen and other gases will be handled according to specific safety requirements to prevent leaks and contain the gases. Process gases such as oxygen and chlorine are collected and stored in approved pressure vessels. These gases are usually regenerated and recycled: directly returned to the process or stored for later reuse. Acid produced during the process should be stored in double walled tanks and/or tanks placed in chemically resistant retention bunds. The acid slimes from the sulphuric acid plant and weak acid from scrubbing systems are treated or processed locally and can be disposed of as secondary raw materials for other applications. Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of dust emissions. Reuse of dust in the process, where possible. Prevention of the material leakage. Environmental performance and operational data Operational and performance data is summarised in Table 9.15. Table 9.15: Plant Plant E Dust emissions from loading and on-site transport in a nickel plant Origin of Dust (mg/Nm³) Techniques the minimum average maximum emission Bag filter Loading and on-site transport of Ni matte 0.1 2.1 15.6 Note Continuous measurement (daily averages) Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Cross-media effects Increase in energy use. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable Economics Not reported. Driving force for implementation Recovery of raw materials. Environmental and health regulation requirements. Example plants Plant D, UK. Plant E, NO. Reference literature [ 291, Competitive Report 2001 ]. 988 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Material pretreatment processes Techniques to prevent and reduce emissions from ore preparation and beneficiation Description The techniques to consider are: Bag filter (see Section and water spraying Sedimentation and flotation (thickener) Drainage system. Technical description Preparation and beneficiation can use processes performed on dry or wet ore. Reducing emissions focuses on dust suppression, spillage handling and water recovery with the purpose of reducing the amount of residues and the recycling of water back to the processing plant. Dust suppression can be managed by the use of dust extractors using fabric filters or abatement using water spraying systems. Water recovery is carried-out by using thickeners. Specific tests are required to evaluate which design is best suited to the material characteristics. The principle is to use gravity to let the particles settle freely. Flocculants and/or coagulants can be used to improve water recovery. Dry residues, or those with limited water content, can be easily managed at the on-site residue storage area. To control the effects of potential spills, the plant should be built with a drainage system so that surface water run-off is collected in a sump. Achieved environmental benefits Prevention and reduction of dust and heavy metals emission. Preservation of raw materials, as filter dust is reused in the process. Reduction of water use. Environmental performance and operational data The use of a thickener is usually associated with the use of flocculants and/or coagulants. Flocculants are usually organic polymers while coagulants are either organic or mineral. Dosage is usually between 5 and 50 g/t of dry residue but in some cases can reach several 100 g/t. If this step does not provide enough water recovery, the process can be enhanced by the use of centrifugal machines or filters. Centrifugation will increase the effect of gravity and improve the settling rate. Two types of filters can be used to separate solid by liquid: vacuum type filters and pressure type filters, the latter being more efficient at treating material with a higher fines / clay content that retains water and which can block vacuum filters products. The use of these technologies should provide water with low suspended solids that can be recycled into the plant processes. Cross-media effects Use of chemicals. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable Economics Not reported. Driving force for implementation MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 989 Chapter 9 Environmental regulation requirements. Technical-economic streamlining of processes. Example plants Plant F, France. Reference literature Not reported. Techniques to prevent and reduce emissions from nickel ore and concentrates drying Description The techniques to consider are: Hot ESP (see Section Bag filter (see Section Technical description In the rotary dryers, the hot gas produced by the combustion of fuel in the separate chamber or recycled gas is placed in contact with the wet concentrate or feed mixture and the contained water is evaporated to the gas. The flame of the burner has no direct contact with feed mixture. The combustion gas is cooled to thea temperature of 500 °C before going into the drying drum. Cooling has to be carried out in order to prevent ignition of sulphides. If sulphides ignite and oxidise, the heat value of concentrates decreases and sulphur dioxide is formed. Thus ignition has to be prevented by cooling the drying gas in order to minimise the formation of sulphur dioxide. Sulphur oxidation prevention may also be carried out using an nitrogen protection and using low temperature and recycling gases for instance from anode furnace. The flue-dusts from the offgas after rotary dryer are removed using an electrostatic precipitator and a bag filter. Collected dusts are returned to the process stream as raw material. In the steam dryers, the operational steam temperature is 130 – 214 °C. The throughput of the steam dryer is dependent of the pressure/temperature of the steam; by increasing the pressure to 18 – 20 bar the capacity can be raised. A small amount of carrier air or nitrogen (for preventing of oxidation) is introduced into the dryer to pick up the water of the concentrate. The air/off-gas amount coming out of a steam dryer is much smaller than that of the rotary dryer and it is treated for dust removal in a bag filter. The ESP is the most common dust abatement device for cleaning hot smelter waste gas and the bag filter for cooled gas. Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of dust and heavy metals emissions. Recovery of raw materials as collected dust is reused back in the process. When indirect steam coil dryer is used temperature is so low that no ignition takes place and thus SO2 formation is prevented. Environmental performance and operational data In order to decrease the fossil fuel energy use the direct rotary drum dryer may use recycled gas from other parts of the process, but it also needs some fuel to be combusted in order to generate the heat needed for drying. Steam coil dryers use the steam recovered in the waste heat boiler from primary smelting and converting off-gases. The steam consumption is about 150 – 180 kg per tonne of concentrate depending on the moisture of concentrates and possible secondary feed materials. 990 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Dryer off-gases of plant A are dedusted by electrostatic precipitator and bag filter for reducing particulates release into atmosphere. Operational and performance data is summarised in Table 9.16. Table 9.16: Emissions from a rotary dryer in a nickel production plant Plant Capacity Heating Emissions Dryer Off-gas type treatment (min – aver. – max) Plant A Rotary dryer 60 t/h Heavy oil Hot-ESP and ~10 kg/t feed Bag filter. Continuous measurements Gas flows: 53070 66350 - 75510 Nm³/h as daily average Dust: 0.02 – 0.21 – 3.59 mg/Nm³ as daily average SO2: 8 – 188 – 481 mg/Nm³ as daily average Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Cross-media effects Bag filter and ESP Increase in energy use. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Hot ESP and bag filter are generally applicable to new and existing plants with consideration to the dryer off-gases. The types of dryers used depend on site-specific conditions such as the reliability of steam supply. Usually smelters are reliable steam supplier, because smelting processes are continuous processes. Economics Not reported Driving force for implementation Environmental regulations requirements. Recovery of raw materials. Example plants Plant A, Finland. Reference literature [ 310, Makinen T., Taskinen P. 2006 ] Pyrometallurgical transformation processes Emission reduction from charging of furnaces in primary nickel production Description The techniques to consider are: Enclosed conveying systems such as pneumatic dense phase conveyor and air slide Loss-in-weight feeder Concentrate burner. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 991 Chapter 9 Technical description In the non-ferrous smelter processes it is critical to rely on the feeding system to provide feed as stable as possible. In the pneumatic dense phase conveyor, the material is conveyed without fluidisation as batches. This conveying system has low transport air requirement. Loss-in weight feeders provide a stable mass flow to the air slide which transports the material into the concentrate burner. Loss-in-weight feeder is a gravimetric feed system which consists of a feed bin and a dosing bin provided with an underneath screw conveyor. The feed mixture drops from the loss-in-weight feeder via a feed chute onto air slide. The air slide transports the feed mixture in a sealed space to the concentrate burner of flash smelting furnace and evens out small fluctuations in the feed quantity. The operation of the air slide is noise-free and dust-free. The slope angle of the air slide can be adjusted and the air slide is provided with an automatic dome valve. The fluidising air flows together with the feed mixture into the flash smelting furnace. Air-slide system may works also in two stages, where the first air slides gather feed mixture feed from loss-in weight unit’s and discharge it to a feed chute where dusts are introduced. The feed chute is for proper mixing of feed before it is conveyed with the final air slide to the burner. Concentrate burners are specifically designed for high oxygen enrichment and even distribution of concentrate into the reaction flame. The main function of the concentrate burner is to mix properly the solid feed and process gas. The good combustion of the feed mixture in suspension is ensured by accurate and simultaneous feed mixture and process gas speed controls, enabled by the state of the art concentrate burner. Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of diffuse emissions. Environmental performance and operational data In case of Plant A, carrier gas from pneumatic conveyor is directed to concentrate dryer off-gas treatment (hot ESP and bag filter), see emission data in Section Cross-media effects Not reported Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable. Economics The energy usage and the costs for the ventilation are very low. Driving force for implementation Prevents dusting into the working atmosphere. Example plants Plant A, Finland. Reference literature [ 310, Makinen T., Taskinen P. 2006 ] Techniques to prevent and reduce emissions from DON process Description The techniques to consider are: 992 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Waste heat boiler and hot ESP (see Section followed by wet ESP (see Section, mercury and arsenic removal system (see Section and sulphuric acid plant (see Sections, Wet scrubber (see Section or bag filter (see Section with lime injection. Hot cyclone and venturi scrubber with sodium hydroxide solution. Covered and hooded launders. Technical description The continuous off-gas flows leaves the furnace through the uptake shaft, is cooled in the forced circulation heat recovery boiler consisting of a radiation section followed by a convection section. The boiler is a forced circulation boiler producing saturated steam. Part of the flue-dusts settles in the boiler. The rest part of flue-dusts is removed in an electrostatic precipitator. Dusts removed in athe boiler and in the electrostatic precipitator are recycled back into the flash smelting furnace with the primary feed. The off-gas has a high, non-fluctuating sulphur dioxide concentration and SO2 is recovered from the gas mainly by conversion to sulphuric acid at the sulphuric acid plant after dust removal and gas cleaning. It is possible to recycle weak acid collected in the gas washing section back in to the furnace by injecting it into the uptake shaft in order to decompose it back to SO 2, oxygen and water so that the SO2 generated can be recovered in acid plant. The slag and matte launders, tapping openings and granulating pools are hooded for collection of diffuse gases. Ventilation gases are cleaned using wet scrubber or with dry lime injection before bag filters. Granulation gas is cleaned using sodium hydroxide solution and high pressure multi-venturescrubber. Efficiency of SO2 removing is then mainly depending on pH and solution-gas ratio and efficiency of dust removing is mainly depending on solution pressure in the scrubbing nozzle. If gas contains CO2, pH has to be lower than seven, but if gas is CO2 free, pH may be higher. Bleed out solution from scrubbing is used for neutralisation of granulation water and bleed out of granulation goes to effluent plant. Distributed control systems (DCS) are used to control material feed rate, critical process and combustion conditions and the additions of gases. Several parameters such as temperature, furnace pressure (or underpressure) and gas volume or flow are measured to allow processes to be controlled and alarms are provided for critical parameters. Slag and matte are analysed on the basis of samples taken at intervals so that the control of the process conditions is possible to keep as smooth. The DON smelting process is continuous and no ladle transportation is needed, and matte as well as slag is transferred via covered and hooded launders Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of diffuse emissions. Reduction of emissions of dust, heavy metals and sulphur dioxide. The heat recovered by heat recovery boiler is used as steam and electricity. The steam produced from waste heat boiler is used for drying, other production needs or used for generation of electrical energy or district heating. The SO2 is recovered in the form of sulphuric acid product at the acid plants using double contact process. Flue-dusts collected in the dust removal systems (boiler and electrostatic precipitator) are recycled back to the smelting furnace. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 993 Chapter 9 Oxygen enrichment and utilisation of the feed material’s inherent chemical energy for smelting allows reduction in the quantity of fuel used and an associated reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental performance and operational data Process off-gases from smelting furnace of plant A are cooled in heat recovery boiler; heat is recovered as high pressure steam that is distributed for other processes use. Cooled off-gas is then directed to a hot-ESP for particulate capture before entering the acid plant and SO2 fixation. Ventilation hoods are used at slag tap-holes; ventilation air is directed centralised bag filter treatment before releasing into atmosphere. Continuous dry lime injection is used to lower SO 2 emission, and to enhance dedusting. Slag launder is covered with lids to reduce environmental impact (fumes). Slag is further processed in EAF for metals recovery. Ventilation gases of matte tap-holes are directed to venturi scrubber for SO2 abatement with sodium hydroxide. A hot cyclone captures coarse particulates before the scrubber; the fines are captured in scrubbing solution. Operational and performance data is summarised in Table 9.17. Plant A DON FSF, Single jet burner Oxygen enrichment 1 320 t/d WHB and ESP Steam 40 t/h Double contact acid plant Ventilation gases from slag tapholes Bag filter with dry lime injection 80 – 90% Emissions Secondary gas treatment Secondary gas collection sources Primary gas treatment Primary gas handling Capacity Emissions from the DON process Furnace type Company Table 9.17: Dust: (min – ave - max): 0.005 – 0.098 – 0.550 0.01 – 0.14 – 5 mg/Nm³ (continuous) SO2 (min – ave max): 40 – 337 – 721 mg/Nm³ (continuous) Ventilation gases from matte tapholes Hot cyclone Venturi scrubber with NaOH SO2: (min. – avg– max) 50 – 100 - 300 mg/Nm³ (periodic measurement) Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ], [ 409, Finland 2013 ] Cross-media effects Increase in energy consumption. Use of chemicals. Wet gas cleaning systems generate waste and effluent water that requires treatment before discharge. 994 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable. Economics Not reported Driving force for implementation Reduction of emissions of dust, heavy metals and SO2. Recovery of sulphur Example plants Plant A, Finland Reference literature [ 310, Makinen T., Taskinen P. 2006 ], [ 410, Mäkinen et al. 2005 ], [ 411, Taskinen et al. 2001 ] Techniques to prevent and reduce emissions from EAF Description The techniques to consider are: Afterburner (see Section Wet scrubber (see Section or bag filter (see Section with lime injection. Hot cyclone and venturi scrubber with sodium hydroxide solution Covered and hooded launders. Technical description The slag is tapped periodically from smelting furnace along cooled and covered slag launder through the already charged coke layer into the electric furnace. Slag from the electric furnace is tapped into granulation and transported to the slag storage and used for civil engineering purposes. Electric furnace off- gas, which contains carbon monoxide, is first incinerated in a water cooled combustion chamber with excess air and then cooled. Before entering into the stack, gas is cleaned with Ca(OH)2 injection and bag filter or by scrubbing. Achieved environmental benefits Inert by product slag is produced CO and SO2 emissions to the atmosphere are prevented by gas cleaning. Environmental performance and operational data Process off-gases from slag cleaning furnace in plant A are incinerated and cooled with dilution air before directing to centralised bag filter treatment. Ventilation hoods are used at slag tapholes; ventilation air is directed to same centralised bag filter treatment before releasing into atmosphere. Continuous dry lime injection is used to lower SO2 emission, and to enhance dedusting. Discard slag launder is covered with lids to reduce environmental impact (fumes). Discard slag is granulated with water. Ventilation gases of matte tap-holes are directed to venturi scrubber for SO2 abatement with sodium hydroxide. A hot cyclone captures coarse particulates before the scrubber; the fines are captured in scrubbing solution. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 995 Chapter 9 Operational and performance data is summarised in Table 9.18 and Table 9.19 [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ]. Table 9.18: Company Plant A Emissions from an EAF Feed Furnace type EAF, 3 electrodes (Söderberg) Flash furnace slag Off-gas treatment Emissions Post combusting before Dust (min – ave - max): centralised bag filter. mg/Nm³ (continuous) 0.005 – 0.098 – 0.550 0.01 – 0.14 – 5 SO2 (min – ave - max): 40 – 337 – 721 mg/Nm³ (continuous) Table 9.19: Company Plant A Emissions from slag taphole and matte taphole granulation gas Furnace Emissions Ventilation Off-gas source treatment EAF Slag taphole Centralised bag filter with dry lime injection Dust (min – ave - max): 0.005 – 0.098 – 0.550 0.01 – 0.14 – 5 mg/Nm³ (continuous) SO2 (min – ave - max): 40 – 337 – 721 mg/Nm³ (continuous) Matte taphole granulation gas Hot cyclone SO2 20 – 80 - 250 mg/Nm³ Venturi scrubber with NaOH (periodic measurement) Cross-media effects Increase in energy use. Use of chemicals. Wet gas cleaning systems generate waste and effluent water that requires treatment before discharge. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable. Economics Not reported. Driving force for implementation Environmental regulation requirements. Example plants Plant A Finland. Plant in Fortaleza in Brazil. Reference literature [ 310, Makinen T., Taskinen P. 2006 ], [ 410, Mäkinen et al. 2005 ], [ 411, Taskinen et al. 2001 ] 996 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Techniques to prevent and reduce emissions from Plant F converting process Description The techniques to consider are: Operation under negative pressure and capture hoods (see Section Bag filter (see Section Technical description The Plant F Nickel Converting Process in France consists of oxidising and sulphurising raw ferronickel from the smelting furnace to produce Nickel Matte. For this operation, two (2) Peirce-Smith Converters are used in a two-step operation with slag recycling. The nickel containing matte is further processed in another French plant for the production of high purity nickel salts and nickel metal using chloride leaching and electro-winning. Iron is removed as ferric chloride by solvent extraction and some cobalt chloride is also extracted. During blowing, the process gas exhausts from the converter and is captured. The extraction fan control is adjusted to keep a pressure at the mouth of the converter below atmospheric pressure to avoid gas from escaping outside of the fume extraction system. The fume extraction system is connected to bag filters further downstream. During settling or tapping periods, the gas exhaust equipment is also adjusted to avoid emission into the converter bay. The exhaust gas is then cooled down by a heat exchanger under natural or forced convection and the collected dust filtered by a bag filter. SO2 emissions are not an issue as their concentrations in the process fumes are insignificant due to the thermodynamic equilibrium of the process. Achieved environmental benefits Metal-rich dust can be collected from the air emissions and recycled in the ore smelting process. Particulate air emissions are significantly reduced. Environmental performance and operational data Dust emissions level lower than 15 mg/Nm³ was reported. Liquid effluents are of little importance because the gas treatment process is dry process and the formulation of liquid waste only results from the cooling of certain parts of the equipment (condensation). The largest quantity of waste is solid slag which amounts to some 75 000 tonnes for an annual Ni matte production of 15 000 tonnes. Slag is tapped from the 60 tonnes converter and then transported to a dedicated area where it is allowed to cool down to ambient temperature. Finally, this slag (categorised waste) is transferred to a dedicated storage area. Dust from the management of air emissions which is collected downstream is also produced. This dust which is mostly composed of metallic and non-metallic oxides (FeO, NiO, MgO and SiO2) is collected in bag filters. The dust requires a specific treatment to be consolidated for further reintroduction into the process (at an earlier step into the ore smelter). Among the different binder options, concrete may be used as it is easy to handle and operate. Other solid waste materials which are produced in the converting process are ladle skulls and scrap. These materials are recycled in the 60 tonne converter. Cross-media effects Increase in energy use. Technical considerations relevant to applicability MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 997 Chapter 9 Generally applicable. Economics Not reported. Driving force for implementation Environmental regulation requirements. Example plants Plant F, France. Reference literature Not reported. Hydrometallurgical Nickel refining processes Techniques to reduce emission from atmospheric and pressure leaching Description The techniques to consider are: Sealed or closed process equipment (reactors, settlers and pressure autoclaves / vessels). Oxygen or chlorine instead of air in leaching stages for minimising process gas flow and maximising the raw material recovery. Bag filters (see Section or wet scrubbers (see Section Online monitoring and control for critical leaching and abatement equipment parameters. Technical description The leaching process equipment (reactors, settlers, pressure autoclaves/vessels, flush tanks) are sealed and process gases are collected and treated in abatement equipment like bag filter or wet scrubbers (see Section 2.9) before the release to atmosphere. The residues from abatement equipment are releached and effluents are fed to leaching stages to replace or decrease the water usage. The online monitoring and controlling of the critical parameters of the leaching process and abatement equipment is necessary to maximise nickel recovery and at the same time to minimise emissions. Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of dust and metals emissions. Higher recovery of nickel by recycling the abatement residues. Environmental performance and operational data Main operational and performance data for atmospheric and pressure leaching plants is summarised in Table 9.20 and Table 9.21 [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ]. Table 9.20: 998 Emissions from sulphate-based atmospheric and pressure leaching July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Process Plant type Atmospheri c and pressure leaching / sulphate / oxygen Plant C Capacity 66 000 t Ni/y Abatement technique Nickel (mg/Nm³) Min. Average Max. 0.01 0.2 1.3 Wet gas Scrubbers < 1000 kg/yr Method to obtain data Type of average Periodic (twelve times per year) Average over the sampling period Table 9.21: Plant Plant E Emissions from atmospheric and pressure leaching using chlorine gas Chlorine (kg/h) Method Process Abatement Type of Capacity to obtain technique average type Min. Average Max. data Atmospheric and pressure leaching – using chlorine gas 92 000 t Ni/y Wet gas scrubbers 0.1 0.23 0.87 Periodic (fifty two times per year) Average over the sampling period Cross-media effects Increase in energy use (minor increase in energy consumption when using wet gas scrubbers). Technical considerations relevant to applicability Bag filters and wet scrubbers are generally applicable. Economics Plant C commissioned the new wet gas scrubbers in 2009 roughly at cost of EUR 500 000 each. Driving force for implementation Reduction of emissions. Saving raw materials. Example plants Plant C, Finland. Plant E, Norway. Reference literature Techniques to reduce emissions from solvent extraction refining (sulphate route) Description Techniques to reduce emissions from solvent extraction when refining the solutions coming from the leaching stage are one or a combination of the techniques mentioned below: For low shear mixers: Use of a low shear mixer for the solvent/aqueous mixture to optimise the droplet size and minimise contact with air reduces the amount of solvent that is evaporated and promote the dissolution of the metal complex. Use of covers for the mixer and separator and settlement stages to reduce emissions of VOCs to air and carry-over in aqueous phase. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 999 Chapter 9 Use of abatement equipment to treat the ventilation air (condensers, coolers, carbon- and bio filters). Use of low shear and variable speed pumping reduces energy consumption of the system For high shear mixers: Conventional mixer-settlers with high-shear pump-mix turbine impellers Completely sealed tanks prevent emission, and connected to a central ventilation fan. Simple abatement with cooling towers followed by settling duct to recover condensed VOCs before the fan. Technical description Sealed or covered systems are used to prevent the emission of solvent fumes from the SX shells. Use of a low shear mixer for the solvent/aqueous mixture to optimise the droplet size and minimise contact with air, reduces the amount of solvent that is evaporated and promote the dissolution of the metal complex. Sophisticated treatment of the ventilation air is also possible, but due to the high air volumes, low VOC contents and high costs, it is not usually done. A cooling tower is installed in the ventilation pipe from the loading and stripping area. The water containing VOCs can then be used as feed water into the SX process. The emission of VOCs from the extraction is approximately proportional with the amount of ventilation air. To keep the airflow in the ventilation system as low as possible, without conflicting with working environment for operators, is therefore important to keep emission as low as possible. Achieved environmental benefits Minimisation of VOCs emission to air. Low shear and variable speed pumping reduce energy consumption of the system. Environmental performance and operational data Main operational and performance data for solvent extraction plants in nickel production is summarised in Table 9.22. Table 9.22: 1000 Emissions of VOCs from solvent extraction refining (sulphate route) July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 VOCs (mg/Nm³) (1) Plant C Plant Process type Co-and CaSX/ sulphate / Abatement technique To treat up to 140 m³ /h Ni sulphate solution Sealed/cover ed shells, low shear, variable speed pumps 6000 t Co/y Sealed/cover ed reaction tanks and settling tanks. Simple cooling tower in the ventilation system Plant E CoSX/chlori ne Capacity Min. Average Max . 3 42 134 < 100 t/yr 2000 900 0 3.5 kg/h 7.0 kg/h 4.9 kg/h Method to obtain data Chapter 9 Type of average Periodic (two times per year) Average over the sampling period Periodic (twenty two times per year) Average over the sampling period < 70 t/yr (1) Differences in concentration can be explained because there are differences in flow, both in Ni/Co solution passing through the extraction and the flow out of the stack Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Cross-media effects Not mentionable. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Shell covers are applicable to new and existing extraction shells. Economics No reported data. Driving force for implementation Reduction of VOC emissions. Example plants Plant C, Finland – Low shear mixing. Plant E, Norway – High shear mixing Reference literature Techniques to reduce emissions from nickel matte refining process using ferric chloride leaching with chlorine (chlorine route) Description The technique to consider is: Bag filter (see Section Technical description The nickel matte refining process is described in Section Achieved environmental benefits By-products (or wastes) are sold-on as chemical intermediates for reuse. The production of non-usable waste residues from processes is minimised. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1001 Chapter 9 Environmental performance and operational data The principal environmental performance of the Plant B refining process is outlined as follows: (Source: Plant B – Data averages from 2007 to 2011) The energy consumption of the Plant B refining process is in the range of 20 GJ per tonne of nickel. Table 9.23: Process type Plant B - Dust emissions from the nickel matte refining process (chlorine route) Nickel (mg/Nm³) Abatement Method to Type of technique average Min. Average Max. obtain data Production of nickel chloride salts Bag filter 0.04 0.53 1.4 Periodic measurements Average over the sampling period Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] The Plant B refining process does not produce any significant solid residue volumes. The plant’s solid waste production is 22 kg/t Ni. Cross-media effects Not reported. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Not reported. Economics Not reported. Driving force for implementation Not reported. Example plants Plant B, France. Reference literature Not reported. Techniques to reduce emissions from electrowinning Description The techniques to consider are: Online monitoring of critical process parameters like temperature, flow and use of electricity. Collection and reuse of chlorine gas and use of a dimensional stable anode (DSA). Covering of cells using styropor beads to prevent release of aerosols to air. Foaming agents in order to cover the cells with stable foam layer. Technical description The electrowinning process produces gases at the anode and may produce metal containing acid mist due to bubbles in the electrolyte that burst at the surface of the solution. 1002 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 During chloride based electrowinning, the chloride ions will be drawn to the anodes and become discharged as chlorine gas. The anode, a so called Dimensional Stable Anode (DSA), are contained in a diaphragm and enclosed by a collection hood. The chlorine gas collected directly from the anode is blown into a central system and returned to the leaching stage. During the electrowinning styropor polystyrene beads are used as covering on top of the cells, to prevent mist from bubbles in the electrolyte solution that burst at the surface, to enter the room atmosphere and finally air. It is important that the entire cell is continuously covered with styropor polystyrene beads. The electrolyte is separated into two phases after having passed through the electrowinning tank. Chlorine containing anolyte from the anodes are transported to a tank for removal of chlorine, and then mixed with the chlorine-free anolyte from the over fall in the electrowinning tank. The chlorine gas is finally reused in the process. During sulphate based electrowinning, the following reaction takes place in sulphate based electrowinning process: NiSO4 + H2O → Ni + H2SO4 + ½ O2. Nickel sulphate solution is fed in to the diaphragm bags where cathodes are located. Nickel is precipitated on the cathodes. Sulphate ions react with water and generate sulphuric acid; which is recycled to the leaching stage. Oxygen gas from the anode is released to working air and via ventilation to the atmosphere. Anode gases contain nickel and acid mists. Emission of these substances are minimised by keeping a stable foam layer on the surface of the solution in the cells. Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of chlorine gas, acid and metals emissions to air. Reduction of energy use (online monitoring and optimisation of parameters). Emissions from the electrowinning process Nickel (mg/Nm³) Abatement technique 20 000 t Ni/y C Stable of foam layer on the surface of the solution in the cells Covering of eletrowinnin g cells with styropor polystyrene beads to prevent acid/metal mist to air Plant Capacity E Process type Sulphate based electrowinning Hydrometallurg ical purification process and chlorine based electrowinning. 92 000 t Ni metal/y Min. 0.3 Averag e Max. 0.5 0.8 1500 kg/yr 2500 kg/yr 0.3 0.5 880 kg/yr 1500 kg/yr Periodic (twenty four times per year) Periodic (three times per year) Type of average Table 9.24: Method to obtain data Environmental performance and operational data In plant E, collection and reuse of chlorine gas takes place, with no direct emission of chlorine to air from electrowinning (indirect emissions to air from reuse of chlorine in other leaching or purification steps will occur, and will be accounted for in the relevant process step). The energy consumption in the refining process is about 20 GJ/Mt Ni Averag e over the sampli ng period Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Cross-media effects Very minor increase in energy use for collection of chlorine gas. Technical considerations relevant to applicability MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1003 Chapter 9 Very limited number of chlorine based electrowinning sites for Nickel production in Europe (all known sites are represented in the BREF). This will limit the relevance of chlorine collection and reuse for other industries or production sites. No other known restrictions. Economics DSA anodes imply an additional maintenance and purchase cost. Internal reuse of chlorine gas and sulphuric acid reduces the need for purchasing them for the process. Driving force for implementation Reduction of chlorine gas, acid and metals emissions to air. Example plants Plant C, Finland. Plant E, Norway. Reference literature [ 412, Norwegian Environment Agency 2012 ]. Techniques to reduce air emissions from Carbonyl process Description The techniques to consider are: Collection of off-gases (see Section Afterburner (see Section Bag filter (see Section Technical description The off-gases from the Carbonyl process (containing a carbon monoxide/nickel carbonyl mixture and hydrogen) and those from system purges and plant blow-down are collected and piped to a central vent gas manifold. The vent gas manifold then feeds the waste gases in a controlled manner to the combustion chamber for thermal oxidation. The combustion chamber comprises an air cooled steel shell, lined with a heat resistant refractory material. The combustion chamber is heated by two high intensity burners one fuelled by natural gas (fuel burner) and the other by waste gas (residual hydrogen from the kiln reduction stage). The gas burners are identical in design and are mounted tangentially to the furnace, this design promotes a swirling action in the combustion chamber aiding full combustion. Each of the burners has concentric annuli, one to water-cool the burner and one to admit induced air for quenching the hot gases if required. In the combustion process, carbon monoxide and nickel carbonyl are mixed with air in the burner and combusted. Nickel oxide formed is solid and is in the form of fine dust particulates in the combustion gas stream. The non-toxic waste (purge) hydrogen is fed into to the manifold as a support fuel to the waste gas burner. The pressure of the waste hydrogen is monitored and controlled by a water lute at ground level. In the event of a flame failure, the lute pot is vented to atmosphere via a discharge point. Hydrogen gas reacts as outlined in the following. Three basic controls are applied to ensure that the toxic and flammable gases are destroyed without overheating the combustion chamber: 1004 The primary control is to ensure that a minimum temperature is maintained to oxidise any toxic gases present; this is done by adjusting the gas flowrate to the fuel burner. The second control is designed to ensure that the maximum operating temperature of the combustion chamber does not become too hot for the materials used to construct the July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 furnace. To control this temperature, the primary air to the return carbon monoxide burner is increased, and, if that is insufficient, secondary air is admitted to the burner. The third control ensures that the maximum permitted temperature of the gases leaving the combustion chamber is not exceeded; as the temperature approaches the maximum level, a pair of dampers starts to open to admit quench air into the furnace and so dilute the hot gas with cold air. The outlet duct of the combustion chamber is fitted with a heat-resistant steel blind. The angle of the blinds can be changed to control the rate of flow of combustion gases out of the chamber and if necessary to close the outlet ducting. The outlet duct enters an exhaust. The combustion gases and particulates flow through the outlet blinds into the exhaust manifold which feeds into the gas filter system. The combustion gas stream is passed through a reverse jet filter system, which consists of filter vessels each with an inlet and outlet damper. Each filter contains filter bags capable of retaining particles of dust down to sub-micron size, whilst still allowing passage for the main gaseous stream. The dust filters have a burst bag detection system and are self-cleaning using a reverse jet pulsing system. The collected particles descend into bunkers situated below the filters, which are discharged via rotary valves into slurry pots. Here the dust mixes with a continuous flow of water. The resultant slurry discharges to the refinery effluent treatment plant. Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of nickel and carbon dioxide air emissions. Recovery of nickel from the waste gas stream improving natural resource management. Reuse of hydrogen waste gas from the Carbonyl process as support fuel for the combustion. Obtaining a stabilised kiln residue that can be further processed by high-pressure nickel extraction. Following high pressure nickel extraction, cobalt/copper extraction can be performed. Copper/cobalt extraction then leaves a high concentrate of PGMs (Platinum Group Metals). PGM extraction can then be undertaken resulting in the complete extraction of metals from the ore Environmental performance and operational data Emission data from the carbonyl process operated at plant D are summarised in Table 9.25. D Carbon yl proces s Afterburne r followed by bag filter Dust 0.03 0.98 7.4 Ni 0.003 0.06 0.3 CO 265 297 329 SO2 13.6 18.5 23.4 NOx 4.9 6.3 7.7 Type of average Method to obtain data Max. (mg/Nm³) Average (mg/Nm³) Min. (mg/Nm³) Pollutant Abatement technique Emissions from the Carbonyl process type Process Plant Table 9.25: Continuous measureme nt Daily average Periodic (two times per year) Averag e over the samplin g period Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1005 Chapter 9 Cross-media effects Increase in energy use (natural gas consumption). Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable. Economics Not available. Driving force for implementation Complete oxidation of toxic nickel carbonyl gas to particulate nickel oxide. High efficiency recovery of metals from the primary carbonyl process coupled with further recovery of metals from material recovered by the off-gas and waste water treatment processes. Environmental regulations' requirements. Example plants Plant D, UK. Reference literature Techniques to reduce emissions from hydrogen reduction processes when producing nickel powder and nickel briquettes (pressure processes) Description The techniques to consider are: Sealed or closed process equipment (reactors, settlers and pressure autoclaves / vessels, powder conveyors, product silos). Bag filters (see Section or wet scrubbers (see Section Online monitoring and control for critical reduction processes and abatement equipment parameters. Technical description In general the hydrogen reduction process is as follows (more detailed process descriptions are presented in Section 9.1.3): Purified nickel solution from the solvent extraction is used as a “raw material” of the hydrogen reduction process. If needed ammonia and ammonium sulphate is added to the nickel sulphate solution. The mixed feed solution is reduced with hydrogen in the autoclaves to produce metallic nickel powder. The powder is sold or can be sintered into briquettes. The sulphuric acid generated in the reduction process is neutralised by ammonia. The formed ammonium sulphate solution has a small amount of nickel and cobalt, which are precipitated with hydrogen sulphide for further treatment. The ammonium sulphate is recovered by crystallisation and drying. The reduction process is a batch process and takes place in various autoclaves at high temperature (about 200 °C) and high pressure (about 30 bar). The hot, water containing autoclave gases are treated in the gas scrubbers by using sulphuric acid as a washing reagent. The process conditions make the recovery of ammonia challenging. The continuous monitoring and control of critical process and scrubber parameters is an essential issue in order to reduce ammonia emission to air. The producing of nickel briquettes from powder includes several stages where the dust formation and release to working air is possible. All the conveyors, silos and process equipment need to be closed and the gases to be treated at abatement equipment. Achieved environmental benefits Minimisation of the emission of nickel and ammonia to air. 1006 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Environmental performance and operational data Main operational and performance data for hydrogen reduction processes atmospheric and pressure leaching plants are summarised in Table 9.26. C Average Max 0.6 3.7 < 1000 kg/yr 0.1 (mg/N m³) 0.8 3.0 Type of average NH3 0.05 Method to obtain data and wet scrubbe rs (for ammoni a) Ni (mg/N m³) Min Bag filters (for nickel dust) Pollutant Capacity 40 000 t / year Hydrogen reduction, Ni powder and briquette production Abatement technique Emissions from hydrogen reduction processes when producing Ni powder and type Plant Process Table 9.26: briquettes Periodic measurem ent (twelve times per year) Avera ge over the sampli ng period < 200 t/yr Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Cross-media effects Minor increase in energy consumption when using abatement equipment. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Air abatement techniques are applicable to new and existing hydrogen reduction plants. Economics Driving force for implementation Reduction of emissions. Example plants Plant C, Finland. Reference literature Waste water Prevention of waste water See Section Waste water treatment Description The techniques to consider to treat effluent water, exception of cooling water, prior to discharge are: Pretreatment techniques, in some cases. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1007 Chapter 9 Chemical precipitation. Sedimentation or flotation. Filtration. Technical Description The production of non- ferrous metals is associated with the generation of different liquid effluents Pretreatment techniques In some cases, depending on the sources, it might be necessary to apply a pretreatment to waste water. Waste water collected in a sewer system is contaminated with coarse and suspended particles, dissolved metals and salts. It can consist of rain and sprinkling water running of roofs, roads and storage yards, of drainage water from groundwater remediation, of cooling towers drains, of industrial cleaning activities and of neutral process waters. Coarse floating fractions in the sewer water have to be removed by sieves before further treatment of the sewer water. Coarse settling fractions in the sewer water are first removed in a buffering basin or settler by making them settle possibly with addition of a polyelectrolyte. A rake gathers the settled particles and the gathered sludge is then filtered in a press filter or in a centrifugal filter. As usually this sludge contains valuable metals, it will be reintroduced in the production process. The water resulting from this pretreatment is further treated as described for the waste water generated by production and downstream metal processing. Waste water from nickel production can contain suspended particles, acids, dissolved metals and salts. Also the temperature of the water might be a feature of concern, either as incoming process water or as cooling water. Chemical precipitation Dissolved metals and other dissolved elements will be removed by first transferring them into an insoluble state: Addition of a base (e.g. sodium or calcium hydroxide) enabling the precipitation of insoluble metal hydroxides, typically at a pH of 10 - 11.5. Addition of calcium hydroxide (milk of lime) will co-precipitate the sulphates present in the waste water as gypsum and the fluoride as calcium fluoride. Applied at a pH of +/- 1, this can produce a type of gypsum that is clean enough for reuse. Addition of sulphide (e.g. disodium sulphide, sodium hydrogen sulphide, tri-mercaptosulpho-triazine (TMS)) in alkaline conditions precipitates the metals as insoluble metal sulphides. This technique can also be used after hydroxide precipitation as a polishing of the waste water for Tl+ removal. Addition of iron (iron sulphate or iron trichloride) polishes the water for arsenic; simultaneous addition of a base might be necessary to maintain an optimal pH of +/- 10. Precipitation is enabled by the addition of a polyelectrolyte that makes particles collide and fuse to form larger particles For complex waste water a multi stage treatment at different pH and with the combination of the above described techniques might be necessary. Sedimentation/flotation and filtration Suspended particles, precipitated metals, gypsum and calcium fluoride are removed from the waste water by settlers. In order to stimulate this process, a polyelectrolyte is added. The sludge which is separated from the purified water in the settler is filtered in a press filter or a centrifugal filter in order to produce a dewatered cake that either can be disposed of or be put in the metal production process again in order to recover valuable metals. In larger plants, the treatment of the different waste water flows in an end of pipe installation, where it is grouped 1008 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 and treated separately in order to maximise the metal recovery by generating two different sludges. Before discharging, the pH of the purified water might have to be adjusted by addition of hydrochloric acid or by injection of CO2. When the temperature of the purified waste water or the non-contact cooling water is too high for discharge or reuse, the water should be cooled (cooling towers, heat exchangers). Open cooling towers should not be applied for cooling of the raw waste water to prevent generation of metal content. due to this, the conductivity must be taken into account to avoid corrosion and abrasion. After treatment, the purified water can be reused for cooling, sprinkling and some processes. The salt content of the purified water can pose problems for reuse, e.g. calcium precipitation in heat exchangers. Attention should be paid however to the risk of legionella growth in this (usually warm) water. This can limit considerably the reuse of water. The waste water treatment process has to be controlled by adequate measurement of relevant parameters, in order to dose the additives or to adjust flowrates. Measurements can be on line, like the measurement of pH, redox-potential, flowrate and conductivity. Such measurements can steer directly the dosage of additives. Metal content can be determined on a sample taken proportionally with the flowrate, e.g. of the final control of the effluent or on grab samples taken during the process for process control. Analysis can be effectuated quickly with AA (atomic absorption) or ICP (inductive coupled plasma); the latter technique allows for lower detection limits and a broader range of parameters. Is case of having buffer tank and when the residence time of the waste water in the process is rather long, point samples and an immediate analysis could be sufficient to react and to adjust the process. Achieved environmental benefits Removal of suspended and coarse particles, metals, acids, sulphates and fluorides from waste water, rendering it suitable for discharge or for reuse. Production of a sludge for reuse (pure gypsum for sale, sludge with valuable metals that can be put in the production process again) avoids the production of waste to be disposed of. Production of a sludge concentrating harmful metals (Cd, As) reduces the amount of waste to be disposed of. Production of water suitable for reuse within the plant, e.g. for sprinkling, cooling, industrial cleaning and for some processes. Environmental performance and operational data The waste water plant from plant D is designed to treat all process effluents (surface drainage water, plant spillages, washing, roof run-offs, rainwater and road drains) which are collected at the inlet sump. Filtrate from the operations, together with any return from the emergency tank, is also collected at this inlet sump. The effluent treatment plant is designed to treat all process effluents, surface drainage waters, plant spillages, washing, roof run-offs, rainwater and road drains, which are collected at the inlet sump. Filtrate from the operations, together with any return from the emergency tank, is also collected at the inlet sump. The raw effluent is pumped to a caustic dosing tank where the pH is raised to 10.2 by the addition of caustic soda. The pH adjusted effluent stream flows to the thickener where the solids are allowed to settle out of suspension to the base of the thickener. The clarified water overflows a weir to the clarified water tank where the pH is adjusted, to pH 9.2, using an injection of carbon dioxide. The water is then filtered using graded sand filters. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1009 Chapter 9 Each of the sand filters undergoes a washing process every 24 hours using fluidising air to release the solids collected and to allow the filter wash water from the clarified water tank to flush the filter. Backwash from the sand filters is collected in the wash water collecting tank and then pumped via the return pumps to the inlet sump. The filtered water passes to the acid dosing tank, where it is pH adjusted to between 6 and 9 using carbon dioxide or sulphuric acid, before being discharged to the river. In the event of a high or low pH, the discharge diverts to the emergency storage tanks. The settled solids from the thickeners are transferred to slurry hold tanks prior to being filtered using a plate and frame filter press. The filtrate is returned back to the inlet sump. The filter cake is extruded and dried on a band dryer using circulating hot air through the drying strand. The dried solids are elevated to a product hopper prior to being bagged for transportation and further processing. Plant D reports the emissions collected in Table 9.27. D Plant Table 9.27: Water emissions from plant D Abatement technique Pollutant Minimum (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) Ni 0.1 0.56 3.2 0.1 0.41 2.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 Soluble Ni Co Cu Method to obtain data Type of average Periodic composite sampling and measurement (two samples per day to make a single composite) Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Plant C and A are operating in the same area. Plant A has copper and nickel smelters and plant C has nickel refinery (leaching, solvent extraction, electrowinning, hydrogen reduction) and chemical plant at site. Both companies have waste water treatment plants. Plant A treats part of the plant C’s surface and waste area waters. Plant A waste water treatment plan is described in Section The emission values associated with this plant can be found in Table 9.28. 1010 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 A (copper and nickel smelter) 1) Primary settling 2) Precipitation: Heavy metals are precipitated as metal hydroxides with sodium hydroxide (pH approx. 10.5) 3) Actiflo© treatment: I) Ferric sulphate (coagulant) is added. II) Microsand is injected to the stream and mixed to form a uniform solution. III) Flocculant is added to the stream. < 0.01 0.0 1.8 Ni < 0.01 0.06 1.9 Zn < 0.01 0.02 0.4 Pb < 0.008 0.009 0.05 As < 0.01 0.02 0.4 Cd <0.0 01 0.003 0.08 Hg < 0000 1 0.0002 0.006 Flow rate 490 m³ /h 1348 m³ /h 3100 m³ /h Type of average Method to obtain data Maximum (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Pollutant Cu IV) Heavy flocs are settled to the bottom of the settler and clear water leaves the settler as the overflow. The settlers are equipped with lamellae to improve the separation. The sludge from the bottom of the settler is pumped to hydrocyclones which separate the sand back to the process and the metal sludge is removed via the primary settling from where it is pumped to the sludge basin and transported to slag concentration plant. Minimum (mg/l) Water emissions from plant A Abatement technique Plant Table 9.28: Continuous composite sampling and measurement Daily average Continuous measurement Yearly average Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] The feed to plant C´s waste water treatment plant consist of the chemical plant processes waters, surface waters and refinery process waters. Treatment of the waters is as follows: pH control by using sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate flocculant and coagulant are used if needed settling: solids are recycled to the leaching stage. Water is sand filtered before going to settling basins and releasing to river Kokemäenjoki MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1011 Chapter 9 Table 9.29: Emissions from plant C Abatement technique Plant Plant C (nickel refinery and chemical plant) pH control, flocculant and coagulant if needed, settlers, sand filters Pollutant Minimum (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) Ni 0.02 0.2 0.9 Cu <0.01 0.02 0.4 Zn <0.01 0.2 0.8 U <0.01 0.2 0.6 Pb <0.01 0.03 0.6 As <0.01 <0.01 0.06 Flowrate 33 m³ /h 86 m³ /h 115 m³ /h Method to obtain data Type of average Continuous composite sampling and measurement Daily average Continuous measurement Monthly average Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Plant B reports the following emissions after the waste water treatment plant (physico-chemical treatment). Plant Table 9.30: Emissions from plant B Abatement technique B Physicochemical treatment Pollutant Minimum (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) Ni 0.02 0.55 1.5 Fe < 0.01 0.2 2 Co < 0.005 0.05 0.5 Cu < 0.005 0.03 0.5 Method to obtain data Type of average Single random sampling Total suspended solids 0.2 kg/t Ni Not reported TVOC 0.17 kg/t Ni Not reported Note(1): The presence of chlorides in the effluent interferes with the analysis of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) parameter; analytical results are therefore not representative. The Plant B Refining Process analyses Total Organic Carbon (TVOC) instead of COD to flag the eventual presence of organic compounds in the waste water effluent. Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Emissions to water from the waste water treatment plant of plant E are reported in the following table. 1012 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 E Plant Table 9.31: Emissions from plant E Abatement technique First step is a ventilation tank for removal of CO2 by mixing and aeration at low pH (lower than 5.5). Second tank is a precipitation tank using NaOH to precipitate metals as hydroxides. The solid phase is filtrated off and returned to the process, the filtrate is mixed with cooling water and sent to sea. Pollutant Minimum (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) Ni 0.06 0.10 0.13 Fe 0.02 0.06 0.13 Co 0.01 0.02 0.04 Cu 0.02 0.03 0.05 As 0.009 0.03 Method to obtain data Type of average Continuous composite sampling and measurement Composite sample of daily samples from one month 0.11 Source: [ 378, Industrial NGOs 2012 ] Plant G is a multi-metal plant using a centralised waste water treatment plant for the generated waste water (a mixture of sanitary water, process water and rainwater). A description of this waste water treatment plant, as well as emission values, can be found in Section Cross-media effects Increase in energy use. Use of reagents. Production of waste for disposal or for recycling in the shaft furnace. Transfer of heat from water to air. Technical considerations relevant to applicability The techniques to be applied have to take into consideration the specificity of the production processes, raw materials and the local conditions. Also the size and the flowrate of the receiving water body can play a role in the choice of the techniques to be applied. Contact of sulphides with acidic conditions must be avoided in order to prevent the formation of hydrogen sulphide. Ferric sulphate can be added after precipitation to remove the excess sulphide. Economics Plant C started its waste water treatment plant in 2002. The investment cost was about EUR 3.5 million. Annual operational expenses are about EUR 400 000. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1013 Chapter 9 Plant A started the new waste water treatment plant in 2009. The investment cost was about EUR 4 million €. Annual operational expenses are about EUR 800 000. Driving force for implementation Reduction of waste water emissions, driven by the regulation. Example plants Plant A, Finland. Plant B, France. Plant C, Finland. Plant D, UK. Plant E, Norway. Plant F, France. Plant G, Belgium. Reference literature Production Process residues such as waste and by-products Prevention and minimisation of residues and wastes Description The techniques to consider are: Reuse in the same or other process to recover metals. Recovery in external plants. Treatment for other useful applications, as shown in technical description below. Technical description Amount of residues and wastes formed in nickel production depend mainly on composition of used raw materials. Raw materials contain varying concentrations of impurities that have to be precipitated and extracted in certain process steps. Some of residues are registered as transported or on-site isolated intermediate according to REACH-regulation and used as raw or construction material in own or external processes. The residues that could not be reused are classified as waste and disposed after appropriate treatment (stabilisation) to landfill according to the environmental regulation. Residues formed in smelting processes are mainly iron and silica based slag. Usually slags contain very low concentrations of leachable metals and therefore they are usable in construction, abrasives and other purposes. The slag output is 4 – 10 times the weight of the metal produced. The slag, which cannot be reused is disposed to landfill. Residues formed in hydrometallurgical leaching and purification route are precipitated in different process steps. The amount of precipitates is mainly depending on the quality of raw materials and efficiency of precipitation. One of the main residues fraction in the hydrometallurgical process route is iron residue (in form of jarosite or goethite). Iron residue is mainly disposed to landfill. The amount of produced iron residue is fully dependent on the Feconcentration in the raw materials. Elements other than Ni present in the plant feed need to be extracted and evacuated in order to achieve a pure Ni-product and to avoid a build-up of such elements in the closed hydrometallurgical circuit. Some of those extracted elements are concentrated in saleable “On-site Isolated or transported Intermediates” and are registered according to REACH-regulation. Residues coming from gases treatment plant are mixed with water (very fine Ni powders are potentially pyrophoric so wetting them is a safety measure) to form a slurry which is fed directly to the site waste water treatment plant for treatment and recovery. Dry effluent residue from the waste water treatment plant is sent to the smelter for metals recovery. Residue from the kilns is 1014 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 transferred to a nickel pressure extraction system followed by copper and cobalt extraction. The resulting material is sent for further platinum group metals recovery. Achieved environmental benefits Maximisation of saleable “Intermediates” to be treated and valorised internally/externally. Minimisation of wastes that further need to be inertised and landfilled Environmental performance and operational data Typical waste flows and residues formed in nickel production at smelting and refinery stages are as follows. Process type Plant Residue / waste Process where formed Granulated slag EAF Final disposal / construction / abrasives Off-gas dust EAF Raw material for zinc production Matte Granulation off-gas dust DON and EAF Raw material for nickel refinery / resmelting Sulphur residue Matte preparatio n Raw material for sulphuric acid production A DON- and EAF smelting B Further treatment options Chlorine based leaching. Electrowinning and chemical production Sulphate based leaching, solvent extraction, electrowinning, hydrogen reduction and chemical production Chlorine based leaching, solvent extraction, Electrowinning Iron residue leaching Stabilisation and final disposal / Feed to the nickel smelter Metal (Zn) carbonate residue Solvent extraction Stabilisation and final disposal / Raw material for Zn production Copper residue Leaching Raw material for copper production Copper residue Leaching Raw material for copper production Sou rce: [ 378 , Ind ustr ial NG Os 201 2] E C (Filtration) Cross-media effects Use of chemicals for precipitation. Increase in energy use. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable. Economics Not reported Driving force for implementation Sustainability of the plant operations. Example plants Plant A, Finland. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1015 Chapter 9 Plant B, France. Plant C, Finland. Plant E, Norway. Reference literature Not reported Energy efficiency and reduction Description The techniques to consider are: Oxygen-enriched air in smelting furnaces and oxygen in converters. Heat recovery boilers by which high pressure steam is generated from hot and SO2 containing gases produced in the smelting and converting stages. Use of flue-gas off-gas energy. Heat exchangers to recover the heat from the warm gas or solution flows. Technical description Increasing the energy efficiency and reduction of external fuel consumption can be achieved by using techniques to recovery waste heat or to reduce the needed of energy. Oxygen-enriched air in smelting furnaces and oxygen in converters Smelting and converting steps: in conventional smelting route, low grade nickel matte is first produced. The obtained matte is converted into low iron nickel matte in a converters. In both processing steps oxygen enrichment is used to reach autogenous processing point. The usage of oxygen enrichment allows melting of returns, scrap and secondaries, especially in converting step. Also, as the total gas flow is lowered, electricity consumption of fans (process gas, ventilation, etc) is lowered. In direct nickel flash smelting (DON) technology high-grade nickel matte with low iron content is produced in the flash smelting furnace directly without subsequent converting. The dried feed mixture, oxygen-enriched process air and distribution air are mixed in the effective concentrate burner. The concentrate ignites and burns in the turbulent gas/solid suspension in the reaction shaft. The oxidation of concentrate feed is taken further than in conventional process. This burning process generates a large amount of energy causing the melting of the charge. Flash smelting is energy efficient process since it makes use of the reaction heat of concentrate, and therefore external fuel is needed from time to time. The usage of oxygen enrichment in flash smelting furnace has the significant effect on savings in energy consumption and better pollution control. Matte produced using this process has a low iron and high nickel content. DON process has made a separate converting unnecessary, which has an important positive effect environmentally and on the energy consumption. Heat recovery boiler The hot SO2-rich off-gas produced in the smelting furnace, or converting vessel is conducted to the heat recovery boiler. In the boiler, gas is cooled by generating steam from which energy is recovered. The steam is used for example in the drying of concentrates and for various process heating needs, such as in autoclaves. Electricity and district heat may be made from the extra steam in the power plant. In indirect steam coil drying the saturated steam produced in the heat recovery boiler connected to the smelting furnace is utilised. Use of flue-gas off-gas energy In the direct drying the hot gas is produced by the combustion of fuel in the separate chamber. To recovery the energy content of the hot gas from other process steps anode furnace exhaust off-gases could be partly recycled into the dryer. 1016 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Heat exchangers to recover the heat from the warm gas or solution flows Slag cleaning: The metal values in the smelting/converting slag are removed in an electric furnace as an iron containing Ni-matte. Electric furnace off-gases are first post-combusted and then cooled. Heat from gas cooling is removed by a heat exchanger and used in heating and drying of additives or coke for electric furnace. Production of sulphuric acid from SO2-containing off-gas produces extra energy, which is removed and utilised. Oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide is an exothermic reaction. Part of the energy produced by this oxidation is transformed by using heat exchanger to intermediate water and furthermore for heating of other process units or to a second heat exchangers for district heating. Cooling of acid is carried out by using heat exchanger where energy is removed to intermediate water. Energy of the intermediate water moves via the second heat exchanger into district heating line or to heating of the other process units. The chlorine leach process is highly exothermic, and steam in the off-gas from the leach tanks is condensed and heat recovered into a separate glycol circuit, which is distributed for heating office and plant building. Before recycle of anolyte in the nickel tank house, the solution has to be cooled. A heat exchanger is installed to cool down the anolyte before reuse, and the heated water is distributed to other processes that consume hot water, or used for cleaning purposes in other areas in the plant. Achieved environmental benefits Reduction of energy consumption. Reduction of air emissions (the recovered energy replaces, in most cases, fossil fuel). Environmental performance and operational data Plant A: Direct electricity consumption: Ni smelter 1 400 – 1 800 kWh/t metal, excluding e.g. oxygen, and pressurised air (over-thefence consumables) Fuel oil consumption: Ni smelter 300 - 400 kg/t metal including concentrate drying, flash furnace operational fuel, and heat-up fuel for FSF and EF Coke consumption: Ni smelter 200 - 250 kg/t metal, including coke reductant in slag cleaning electric furnace Plant C: Refinery electricity consumption is 3 000 – 4 000 kWh/t Ni produced. Heat consumption is 7 000 – 9 000 kWh/t Ni produced. Plant A copper- and nickel smelters and plant C refinery are operating in the same site. Companies have common heat recovery systems. About 50 – 70 % of the heat used in the site is recovered from the different process steps. Plant E: Refinery electricity consumption is about 5 MWh/t Ni, Cu and Co produced. This plant delivers 40 000 -45 000 MWh/yr for district heating from the Sulphuric acid plant. From the exotherm chlorine leach process 12 MW are used for heating of buildings on site. The heat exchanger used at anolyte cooling, to heat cleaning water, has a capacity of 40 000-50 000 MWh/yr. Cross-media effects Not reported. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1017 Chapter 9 Economics Not reported Driving force for implementation Sustainability of the plant operation; ecological and economical. Example plants Plant A, Finland. Plant C, Finland. Plant E, Norway. Reference literature [ 413, A.E.M. Warner, C.M. Diaz, A.D. Dalvi, P.J. Mackey, A.V. Tarasov, and R.T.Jones 2007 ] 9.3.2 Cobalt production Emission reduction from a cobalt solvent extraction process Description The techniques to consider are: Use of low-shear pumping in the liquid-liquid contact mixer-settlers that reduce evaporation of the organic and aqueous solution. Use of low-shear mixing also reduces formation of stable emulsion precipitate wastes referred to as cruds in solvent extraction processes. Use of a high-shear mixer. The mixer-settler units are sealed to prevent VOC emissions to the working area atmosphere. Technical description Hydrometallurgical solvent extraction process in which the cobalt(II) ions in the aqueous feed solution are selectively separated and concentrated from a process solution typically containing mainly nickel. Aqueous feed containing the cobalt is mixed in a liquid-liquid contactor with an organic solution containing an extraction chemical that forms a metal-organic complex with the cobalt resulting in its dissolution into the organic stream. As the cobalt extraction chemicals are typically acidic ion exchangers acid is generated during the extraction reaction, which necessitates a control of pH with an alkaline neutralising agent e.g.. ammonia or sodium hydroxide. The cobalt-loaded organic phase will contain some co-extracted impurities since the extraction chemicals are not entirely selective to the target metal and a scrubbing step follows, where impurities are removed with mixing the organic phase with an aqueous solution typically containing cobalt. The cobalt is then stripped from the organic phase back to an aqueous solution by reversing the extraction reaction with mixing with aqueous solution at lowered pH, which causes the organic complex break up and the cobalt ion liberate. The stripped organic is then returned to the extraction stage. Achieved environmental benefits Minimisation of emissions of VOCs to air. Reduced formation of solid waste. Environmental performance and operational data No data was available. Cross-media effects Increase of energy consumption. 1018 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Use of ammonia for neutralisation of extraction and generation of ammonium sulphate. Need to make purified water for the wash and strip stages. Use of acid for stripping of cobalt. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Separation of cobalt by solvent extraction is applied to processes treating nickel-containing raw materials also containing cobalt. To obtain a high purity product zinc, iron, calcium, manganese and copper should be removed from the feed solution prior to solvent extraction of cobalt. A chemical neutralisation is used to adjust pH levels in the extraction and washing stages. Cobalt is recovered as a high concentration and purity solution suitable e.g. as a feed for cobalt electrowinning. Economics No reported data available. Driving force for implementation Selective cobalt separation yielding a high purity product. Low energy and chemicals consumption. Low waste generation. Example plants Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta (FI), OMG Kokkola Chemicals, Murrin Murrin (Australia), Kasese Cobalt Company (Uganda), Knightsbridge Cobalt (South Africa), Anglo Platinum Rustenburg Base Metals Refinery (South Africa) Reference literature [ 414, Peek et al. 2009 ]. Techniques to reduce emissions from mixed hydroxide and mixed sulphide precipitation Description One or a combination of the following techniques to reduce emissions from mixed hydroxide and mixed sulphide precipitation of nickel and cobalt containing raw materials are used: The techniques to consider are: Use of confined process equipment when deemed necessary (reactors, settlers, filters). Use of confined liquid and slurry transport systems (pipes and covered launders). Use of high-efficiency solids separation and washing systems to avoid excess usage of wash water. Use of high grade hydrogen sulphide gas or other precipitation media to avoid large gas amounts and to enhance the performance of the precipitation process. Use of abatement equipment (bag filters, wet scrubbers etc.) for process equipment gas treatment. Recycling the abatement residues and effluents. Use of online monitoring and control for critical leaching and abatement equipment parameter or other equivalent suitable monitoring method or standard operation procedure. Use of online monitoring and control of critical process parameters (e.g. reagent utilisation rate) to avoid excess chemical consumption and ensure efficient metal recovery Technical description Mixed hydroxide (MHP) and mixed sulphide (MSP) processes consist of following steps: MHP Process MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1019 Chapter 9 MHP precipitation is carried out in an atmospheric reactor by adding a basic chemical e.g. sodium hydroxide. Precipitation control is based on pH in precipitation reactor and consequently on metal concentration in the exiting solution. Slurry from precipitation reactor is thickened and part of the thickened solids are recycled to precipitation step to act as seeds for further precipitation. Major part of the thickened solids are further treated in the filtration step. Precipitated solids are separated from the thickener underflow by filtration and filter cake is washed with water if necessary. Prior to shipment the product solids are dried (if required) and packed appropriately. MSP process Pre-neutralisation of MSP feed solution may be required. MSP precipitation is carried out in an atmospheric reactor by adding a sulphide source such as hydrogen sulphide. Precipitation reactor slurry need to neutralised to knock out the sulphuric acid, which is generated in the sulphide precipitation reaction. Precipitation control is based on pH in precipitation reactor and consequently on metal concentration in the exiting solution. pH control very essential to avoid hydrogen sulphide gas evolution in the gas phase. Slurry from precipitation reactor is thickened and part of the thickened solids are recycled to precipitation step to act as seeds for further precipitation. Seeds recycle increases precipitate particle size and improves solids separation characteristics thus reducing wash water consumption. Major part of the thickened solids are further treated in the filtration step. Precipitated solids are separated from the thickener underflow by filtration and filter cake is washed with water if necessary. Depending on the utilisation of the mother liquor an additional aeration step may be required to destroy any residual free hydrogen sulphide in the liquor. Prior to shipment the product solids are dried (if required) and packed appropriately. In sulphide precipitation processes ventilation gases from the equipment are scrubbed in an alkaline wet scrubber. On-line or other adequate measurement and control of the most important process parameters (temperature, pH, metal concentrations) are carries out to secure safe and reliable operational results (minimum gaseous emissions, high recovery of valuable components and high precipitate quality) Achieved environmental benefits The environmental benefits are Minimisation of the emission of metals, dust and other compounds. and the Higher recovery of nickel and cobalt. Environmental performance and operational data Table 9.32: Emissions of Kokkola Cobalt plant producing 10 000 t Co/yr kg Co/t of metal Grinding/leaching 0.1 Solvent extraction Final recovery or transformation Total cobalt 0.9 production Process kg Ni/t of metal kg VOC/t of metal kg H2S/t of metal 2 2 0.0.81 0.1 4 2 Cross-media effects 1020 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Minor Increase in energy consumption when using wet gas scrubbers. Technical considerations relevant to applicability Generally applicable Economics Not reported Driving force for implementation Reduction of emissions and saving raw materials. Example plant Kokkola (SE) Reference literature Techniques to reduce emissions from electrowinning Description The technique to consider for sulphate-based processes is: Covering of cells using hollow plastic spheres or polystyrene beads to prevent release of aerosols to air. The techniques to consider for chloride-based processes are: Collection and reuse of chlorine gas in the leaching process and use of a dimensional stable anode (DSA). Technical description In sulphate-based solutions, the main anode reaction generates oxygen bubbles, which may carry sulphuric acid aerosols into the ambient air (acid mist). Depending on the plant, the airelectrolyte interface is physically blocked using hollow plastic spheres or polystyrene beads. The cathodes in the sulphate-based process are usually made of stainless steel, and a gelatine dip is often used as "releasing agent" to help stripping. At the opposite end, some impurities can cause self-stripping. To overcome this risk, plants produce smaller rounds instead of plates, using marked or patterned cathodes. The most commonly used anode material is lead alloyed with antimony. In chloride-based solutions, chlorine gas is generated at the anode. An electrolyte-permeable diaphragm cloth anode bag is used to encapsulate the anode, and a chlorine gas extraction arrangement is typically used to remove (and recover) the chlorine from the top of the bag for use in the leaching process. In a chloride-based process, cathodes can be made of titanium, or cobalt starter sheets that have been grown on titanium mother blanks. The anode material is coated titanium (usually referred to as dimensionally stable anodes). Typically the coating contains RuO2 as the catalytic component. Achieved environmental benefits Prevention of diffuse emissions of sulphuric acid mist or chlorine gas. Environmental performance and operational data The only plant electrowinning cobalt in Europe is plant E in Norway (3208 t of cobalt cathode produced in 2010). It is one only two plants in the world (altogether with Sumitomo, Japan) using the chloride-based process. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1021 Chapter 9 Cross-media effects Increase in energy use (to remove the acid mist from the cell, in the case of sulphate solutions, and to operate the chlorine removal, in the case of chloride solutions). Technical considerations relevant to applicability 1022 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Not reported. Example plants Plant E, Norway. Reference literature 9.4 Emerging techniques Various developments have been reported for the use of low pressure and atmospheric leaching for the production of nickel from sulphidic ores. The main processes are [ 139, RiekkolaVanhanen, M. 1999 ]: Activox leaching: fine grinding and leaching at 100 °C, 10 bar. CESL process: chloride leaching in sulphate solution using ferric chloride. The processes have been proven at the pilot stage. A hydrometallurgical process to produce nickel and cobalt compounds from limonite and low grade saprolite ore. The technology valorises the ore body profile to a much higher extent compared to classical processes. It operates in a sulphuric acid medium at atmospheric pressure using low-risk technologies. The inert solid residue will have to be stockpiled in a waste dump and the waste water will comply with existing regulations and requirements. Energy use is reduced and CO2 emissions are low (~ 10 t/t Ni produced). While demonstrated at pilot scale level, this process is in the final optimisation step for the Eramet Weda Bay project in 2009 A hydrometallurgical process has been developed and patented to produce nickel and cobalt compounds from both limonite and saprolite ores for the ERAMET Weda Bay Nickel project in Indonesia. The process has been designed to specifically accommodate nickel lateritic ore with a medium to high saprolite ratio. The system is able to process a composite mix of the different lithological horizons that optimise the recovery of the ore body and thus significantly reduce the production of waste material. Over 35 campaigns (more than 86 weeks) of continuous industrial pilot tests (producing good results) have been carried out by R&D incorporating environmental performance into the industrial process since 2005. Optimisation of the integrated environmental performance is the final step before the full industrial scale start-up of the Weda Bay Nickel project. The hydrometallurgical process operates in a sulphuric acid medium at atmospheric pressure and at approximately 100°C. Heat from the sulphuric acid production units is harnessed to produce steam, which will significantly reduce the use of fossil fuels for energy production. Greenhouse gases produced by the overall process are estimated to be approximately 5.8 t/ t Ni. Iron- and manganese-based solid residues will be generated by the process. Both these residues are classified as non-dangerous and non-harmful to the environment. They will be separately stockpiled in dedicated and specifically designed dewatered residue stockpiles. Liquid effluents will be neutralised and passed through on-site sand filters. The precipitates generated from effluent treatment will be entirely recycled in the hydrometallurgical process [ 415, Nickel Institute 2013 ]. Three new plants are under construction or are at the commissioning stage for the pressure leaching of laterites using sulphuric acid [ 139, Riekkola-Vanhanen, M. 1999 ]. The processes are similar to the established process used in Cuba but different purification stages are used to remove other metals. An atmospheric chloride leaching process for laterites is also being developed A process is being commissioned in Germany to recover nickel and zinc from residues using an oxy-fuel furnace and a solvent extraction refining system from sulphate solutions. No data has been reported. MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1023 Chapter 9 9.4.1 Thermal decomposition of nickel complexes Description Production of nickel powder under an inert atmosphere in an electric furnace from the spent electrolytic bleed from the electrolytic refining of high impurity copper anode. Technical description Metallo-Chimique produces nickel by using the following process. Nickel is recovered from the “nickel-enriched solution” of the electrolysis, by precipitation. Nickel (complex) precipitation is carried out by adding an organic complexing agent to the bleed solution of nickel sulphate in a closed reactor vessel. The solution is obtained from the electrolytic refining of high impurity copper anodes during copper cathode manufacturing. The insoluble nickel complex is separated by filtration. The thermal decomposition of nickel complexes into finely divided powder is carried out under an inert atmosphere in an electric furnace. The result is a nickel powder, which is cooled and screwed by a conveyer to a powder press for briquetting. The resulting briquettes are fed into big bags. To reduce emissions, a two-step NaOH-scrubber is installed. It has a capacity of 7 500 m³/h. The scrubber treats the air coming from the reactor vessels and the electric furnace. Achieved environmental benefits Recovery of nickel metal. Reduction of emissions. Environmental performances and operational data The operational data of the scrubber, based on spot sample measurements during 2011 – 2012: Flow: 1 500 –7 500 Nm³/h Dust: 0.7 – 2.5 mg/Nm³ Cross-media effects Increase in investment cost (due to additional equipment to be installed). Increase in energy consumption. Increase in operational cost by the use of additives. Requirement to treat water stream in an appropriate way. Technical considerations to applicability No data reported. Economics The cost of installing the scrubber is approximately EUR 100 000. Driving force for implementation Reduction of emissions. Saving of raw materials. Stringent emissions standards and other regulatory requirements. Example plant Metallo-Chimique (BE) 1024 July 2014 MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 Chapter 9 Reference literature [ 415, Nickel Institute 2013 ] MR/GC/EIPPCB/NFM_Draft_3 July 2014 1025
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