H.A. van der Sloot1 and D.S. Kosson2 Hans van der Sloot
H.A. van der Sloot1 and D.S. Kosson2 Hans van der Sloot
LEACHING ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES FOR DISPOSAL AND USE OF BAUXITE RESIDUES H.A. van der Sloot1 and D.S. Kosson2 Hans van der Sloot Consultancy, Langedijk, The Netherlands Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA April 15, 2010 Alumina Technology Roadmap - Bauxite Residue Research Project 4.3: Evaluation of a risk-based by-product assessment methodology Carried out under contract with the International Aluminium Institute DEDICATION This report is dedicated to Chanelle Carter in recognition of her research contributions supporting environmentally protective and sustainable management of bauxite mining and aluminum production residues. She tragically was killed in a cycling accident in April 2010. She was a highly regarded colleague and friend of the authors of this report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DISCLAIMER This development of this report was developed through support from the International Aluminum Institute (IAI) for the IAI Bauxite & Alumina Committee as part of a research program to build further knowledge and understanding of the issue of sustainability within the bauxite-alumina segments of the broader aluminum industry. Neither the Hans van der Sloot Consultancy, Vanderbilt University or IAI, or their employees, nor any of its contractors, subcontractors or their employees, makes any express or implied: 1. warranty or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or for the use or results of such use of any information, product, or process disclosed; or 2. representation that such use or results of such use would not infringe privately owned rights; or 3. endorsement or recommendation of any specifically identified commercial product, process, or service. Any views and opinions of authors expressed in this work do not necessarily state or reflect those of Vanderbilt University or IAI. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Extraction from bauxite is a primary process for production of aluminum, which results in the formation of large quantities of waste that are then typically stored in disposal sites near the production facilities. The international annual bauxite residue production is approximately 120 Mt. The cumulative amount of bauxite residue disposed prior to 2009 is more than 2500 Mt. Bauxite residue, or red mud, is the largest environmental concern of alumina refineries because of the production rate of the waste stream and its alkaline nature. Therefore, the aluminum industry is interested in more fully understanding the environmental considerations and approaches that would help ensure environmentally protective use and disposal practices. A primary environmental concern is waterborne release, and subsequent transport and potential impacts resulting from leaching. The objective of this report was to review the current status, understanding and approaches to leaching assessment that may facilitate improvements in use and disposal of red mud, emphasizing emerging assessment techniques in the European Union and the United States. The following are conclusions reached based on the assessment contained in this report: Leaching assessment based on combined evaluation of results from pH dependence, percolation and mass transfer tests provides a robust framework for evaluation of a wide range of disposal, treatment and use scenarios for red mud. Use of leaching assessment based on the pH dependence, percolation and mass transfer tests is in the process of being adopted as part of regulatory frameworks in the European Union and the United States, and is under consideration in other countries. This leaching assessment framework has been widely accepted by the scientific community as evidenced by the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Leaching test methods are undergoing ruggedness testing in the European Union and inter-laboratory comparison testing (round-robin testing) in the United States during 2010 and likely extending into 2011. Use of this approach in the United States will be implemented via guidance documents that are under development and likely will be recommended for applications such as beneficial use of secondary materials, hazardous waste delisting, determination of treatment process effectiveness, where use of TCLP is not required by statute. Total elemental content does not correlate with leaching behavior of most elements and therefore is not recommended as the basis for assessing environmental compatibility. Leaching behavior of red mud is consistent within a defined bandwidth for many elements and samples from several sources. The impacts of neutralization, carbonation and redox conditions on red mud leaching are evident through the leaching assessment testing. Geochemical speciation modeling provides additional insights into the chemistry controlling observed leaching behavior and facilitates estimating the leaching behavior of a material under scenarios and time frames not readily tested. Independent verification testing is needed to confirm geochemical speciation modeling results. Establishment of a database for leaching characteristics of red mud samples from a variety of sources will provide a uniform basis for comparison and understanding of i disposal, treatment and use options. It will also serve as the reference basis for ongoing quality control during red mud production, use and disposal. Statistical quality control of red mud as a product is possible using reduced testing, focused on key quality control parameters and at a frequency linked to the probability of exceeding a specified threshold value. There is promising evidence that ecotoxicity testing results can be linked to results from leaching assessment and geochemical speciation, suggesting a pathway to more integrated testing and evaluation in different contexts. LeachXS is a software tool set that would efficiently facilitate (i) maintaining a red mud leaching assessment database, (ii) geochemical speciation modeling of a range of red mud testing, use, treatment and disposal scenarios, and (iii) statistical quality control of red mud production. LeachXS and associated databases can be tailored to the aluminum industry user community. The following are recommendations for the aluminum industry that follow as a result of this review: Establish a baseline leaching characterization program for red mud produced at different facilities. This would allow comparisons and understanding of the similarities and differences among red mud producers and provide a foundation for improving treatment, use and disposal practices, as well as quality control. Baseline leaching characterization would include pH dependence, percolation and mass transfer testing. Additional testing should include physical properties sufficient to understand geotechnical and hydraulic performance. Establish a common database of leaching and related properties that can be tied to the similarities and differences in red mud production processes, sources and management scenarios. This database should also include field observations of pore water and leachate from representative red mud management scenarios. A custom LeachXS database would be suitable for such a database. If information on lysimeter studies or field data on either landfill or beneficial use are available those observations should be evaluated in context with the more extended laboratory test data. If such information is not available or is insufficient, it is advisable to obtain field test data to verify the basis for estimating long-term performance. Experience can be obtained from information in other areas (soil, waste, construction) to facilitate the prediction of long term release from red mud disposal and beneficial use. This relates to effects of carbonation, oxidation, preferential flow and interaction between materials in a mixture. Establish guidance on quality control monitoring for red mud that include simplified leaching assessment and meets the needs of likely use and disposal scenarios. Develop and validate to the extent practical a geochemical speciation model for red mud. This would facilitate simulation-based evaluation of performance under different use and disposal conditions, including blending of red mud with other materials, prior to carrying out confirmatory testing, and thereby allow consideration of a wider range of applications at reduced testing costs. ii. Table of Contents 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................1 2. Characteristics of Aluminum Production Residues ...........................................................2 3. Potential uses of wastes from the Aluminum industry .....................................................4 Soil amendment..........................................................................................................4 Construction applications............................................................................................4 Treatment and separation options for beneficiation ....................................................5 Disposal......................................................................................................................5 4. Regulatory situation .....................................................................................................6 European Union (EU) .................................................................................................6 United States ..............................................................................................................7 5. A Unified Approach to Leaching Assessment as Part of Environmental Assessments ..........9 Overview ....................................................................................................................9 Leaching Assessment Fundamentals .......................................................................12 Total composition of the waste material versus leaching .................................12 Basic chemical mechanisms............................................................................12 pH 12 Chemical form of the constituent in the waste material (redox form, minerals, sorbed phases, etc)............................................................14 Redox 14 Acid-base buffering .........................................................................................15 Organic matter and DOC.................................................................................15 Composition of the water phase and ionic strength .........................................15 Temperature....................................................................................................16 Time 16 Example of geochemical modeling results based on a pH dependence leach test ...........................................................................................17 Leaching Test Methods ............................................................................................18 Method 1313 (similar to EU TS 14429 and ISO/TS 21268-4): Leaching Test (Liquid-Solid Partitioning as a Function of Extract pH) for Constituents in Solid Materials using a Parallel Batch Extraction Test ...................................................................................................21 Method 1314 (similar to EU TS 14405, ISO/TS 21268-3 and CEN TC 351/TS-3): Leaching Test (Liquid-Solid Partitioning as a Function of Liquid-Solid Ratio) of Constituents in Solid Materials using an Up-Flow Percolation Column .............................................................21 iii. Method 1315 (similar to EU CEN/TS15863 and CEN/ TC351/TS-2): Mass Transfer Rates of Constituents in Monolithic or Compacted Granular Materials using a Semi-Dynamic Tank Leaching Test.........26 Fundamental Leaching Characteristics of Red Mud..................................................28 Relationship between results from different leaching tests ..............................28 Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud.............................29 Relationship between total content and leachability for red mud......................29 6. Geochemical speciation and reactive transport modeling of Leaching Test Results and disposal and Use scenarios ..........................................................................................37 Modeling test data pH dependence, percolation, tank leaching ................................38 Modelling of pH dependence test results .........................................................38 Modeling column test results ...........................................................................43 Relationships between Leaching Tests, Geochemical Speciation and Eco-toxicity...43 7. Development of A Databases for Red Mud Characteristics and Leaching .........................47 8. LeachXS™ as a Tool for Evaluating Red Mud Leaching ....................................................48 Description of Conceptual Models ...................................................................49 Inputs Needed to Run LeachXS and the Outputs Generated by LeachXS.......49 Models available within LeachXS-ORCHESTRA .............................................50 Input required and output generated by the LeachXS-ORCHESTRA models...............................................................................................50 Embedded Databases and Systems including ORCHESTRA..........................53 9. Use of Leaching Testing in Quality Control ....................................................................56 10.Conclusions and recommendations ..............................................................................62 11. References ........................................................................................................64 iv. List of Tables Table 1. Example of physical and chemical characteristics of red mud. ................................3 Table 2. European Union technical committees responsible for leaching assessment in different fields. .................................................................................................................7 Table 3. A summary of the main physical and chemical factors that influence leaching. .......16 Table 4. General speciation of contaminants in the solid phase and in the leachate of waste materials. The major phases and species are specified in both the solid phase as well as in the leachate..........................................................................................................................17 Table 5. Conditions specified as input for geochemical speciation modelling of the pH dependence test (Chemical Speciation Fingerprint – CSF). ..................................................41 Table 6. Conditions specified as input for geochemical speciation modeling of the pH dependence test. ............................................................................................................42 Table 7. Types of materials that are included in the LeachXS database of leaching test results. ......................................................................................................................................54 Table 8. Example of k - values and the corresponding risk of non-compliance. ..................58 . v. List of Figures Figure 1. Regulatory framework related to impacts from different sources on soil, surface and groundwater with different approaches and test requirements. ..................................................6 Figure 2. A common paradigm for environmental assessment. A key issue is the source term description obtained from leaching assessment...........................................................................9 Figure 3. Different management scenarios can be viewed as a similar problem definition in terms of source term release (leaching), COPC transport, and impact analysis.....................................10 Figure 4. General leaching behaviour of three groups of constituents as a function of pH. .........13 Figure 5. Leaching behaviour as a function of pH versus total composition. In this figure, the difference between the total composition in the material is shown versus "potentially leachable" and "actually leachable" (the red curve) is shown. Note the log scale on the y-axis. ...................14 Figure 6. Absolute levels of leached amounts are different for each material due to influence of redox, DOC (dissolved organic carbon) and other factors. The leaching patterns of different groups of elements for all sorts of materials are very systematic, but differ in absolute levels (leading to a "chemical fingerprint" of a material).....................................................................15 Figure 7. Example of integrated data presentation for pH-static leaching test results and geochemical speciation modeling. Red data points represent leaching data, black solid line is the predicted leached concentration. Areas represent the element speciation: white=minerals, gray=Fe oxide sorption, dark green=complexation to solid organic carbon, light green=complexation to dissolved organic carbon and light blue=free+inorganically complexed form (van Zomeren et al., 2006). ...............................................................................................18 Figure 8. Publications in international peer reviewed scientific journals in which pH dependence test, percolation test and/or tank test is used specifically to characterize the environmental behavior of construction materials and contaminated materials (n=147)...................................19 Figure 9. Flow diagram modified from the CEN/TC292/WG8 methodology developed for wastes from the extractive industry. .....................................................................................................20 Figure 10. Example results of a pH dependence test on red mud for vanadium [oxidized (ox) and reduced (red)]. Relevant pH domains are indicated for assessing different environmental or exposure scenarios. ...................................................................................................................22 Figure 11. Example percolation test results from oxidized (red lines) and reduced (blue lines) red mud for a species where leaching is controlled by local solubility (i.e., Al). (a) eluate pH as a function of LS, (b) eluate cumulative release as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, (c) eluate cumulative release (mg/kg) as a function of LS, (d) eluate concentration as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, and, (e) eluate concentration (mg/L) as a function of LS. ...........................................................................................................................23 Figure 12. Example percolation test results from oxidized (red lines) and reduced (blue lines) red mud for a highly soluble species where leaching is controlled by availability (i.e., Na). (a) eluate concentration as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, (b) eluate concentration (mg/L) as a function of LS, (c) eluate cumulative release (mg/kg) as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, and (d) eluate cumulative release (mg/kg) as a function of LS. ...........................................................................................................................24 Figuur 13. Example mass transfer rate test results (compacted granular). (left) eluate concentration in relation to pH dependence test results, (middle) ) eluate cumulative release as a function of time, and, (right) eluate concentrations as a function of time. .................................27 Figure 14. Relationships between results from the pH dependence test (TS 14429), other single step extraction tests, sequential chemical extraction (SCE) and total elemental content methods. vi. Results are presented on a release basis (mg Ni leached/kg sediment) to facilitate comparison of leaching test results with total content......................................................................................29 Figuur 15. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). ...........30 Figuur 16. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). ...........31 Figuur 17. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). ...........32 Figuur 18. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). ...........33 Figuur 19. (multiple pages to illustrate selected elements). Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). .......................................................................................34 Figure 20. Comparisons of total elemental content with pH dependence leaching test results for red mud (release basis, mg/kg). ................................................................................................35 Figuur 21. Comparisons of total elemental content with pH dependence leaching test results for red mud (release basis, mg/kg). ................................................................................................36 Figuur 22. Geochemical speciation modeling of pH dependence test results for red mud...........40 Figure 23. Comparison of percolation test results with dual porosity geochemical speciation model based on chemical speciation fingerprint derived from pH dependence test data. Measured concentrations of Al, Cu, K, Mo and V in column effluent samples (collected eluate fractions; TS14405) from red mud leaching (red dots) with dual porosity model results (LeachXS) as continuous (broken line) and simulation results (simulated eluate fractions; blue squares)....45 Figure 24. Comparison of percolation test results with dual porosity geochemical speciation model based on chemical speciation fingerprint derived from pH dependence test data. Cumulative release of Al, K, Ca, Cu, Mo and V in column leaching (TS14405) from red mud (red dots) with dual porosity model results (broken line) using LeachXS. ...........................................46 Figure 25. Schematic of LeachXS/ORCHESTRA Input and Output Functions and Databases ........49 Figure 26. The relationship between initial characterization testing and quality control testing. 56 Figure 27. The bandwidth of release of vanadium from red mud from worldwide origin with the average (black dashed line) and 90 % confidence intervals (gray dashed lines). .........................59 Figure 28. The distribution of log - normalized release data for V from red mud.........................60 Figure 29. k-values calculated from the pH dependence test data on red mud (N=26) in relation to the class limits corresponding with a certain range of risk of non-compliance(RNC) using a 90% probability of the fraction of samples being less than the threshold)..........................................61 Figure 30. Quality control data for vanadium from red mud in perspective to the summary statistics for worldwide red mud leaching data as a function of pH with the average (black dashed line) and 90 % confidence intervals (gray dashed lines) as indicated from Figure 21.......61 vii. 1. INTRODUCTION A primary process for production of aluminum is extraction from bauxite, which results in the formation of large quantities of waste that are then typically stored in disposal sites near the production facilities The international annual bauxite residue production is approximately 120 Mt (Power et al, 2009). The cumulative amount of bauxite residue disposed prior to 2009 is more than 2500 Mt (Power et al, 2009). Bauxite residue, or red mud, is the largest environmental concern of alumina refineries because of the production rate of the waste stream and its alkaline nature. During the last decade, increased emphasis has been placed on the possible use of Al production residues in commercial and engineering applications to avoid accumulation in landfills. Use of aluminum production residues requires demonstration to regulatory satisfaction, through testing and environmental assessment, that the intended uses will not adversely impact human health or the environment. Producers and end-users of aluminum production residues should also require adequate demonstration that the full-life cycle of the intended use (including material handling, preparation, placement, and use) does not adversely impact human health or the environment to avoid potential future liability. The alumina industry recognizes that it has a cradle-to-grave responsibility for the residue and that more work is needed to develop reuse opportunities and sustainable storage options (Alumina Road Map, 2006). Detailed literature reviews by Power et al (2009) identified four major themes for improved management of bauxite residue: improved storage, improved rehabilitation (e.g., treatment to make the land suitable for use after closure of disposal sites), and value creation in either mineralogical or metallurgical applications. The research and development program required to achieve progress on each of these themes was arranged into five priority project areas: knowledge management, fundamental chemistry and physics, immediate value opportunities, bioremediation, and industrial synergies. “The development of a range of large-scale construction and agronomic applications for residue throughout the world will require a step change improvement in a number of areas of basic knowledge. In particular, leaching behavior, the concentrations and speciation of trace metals and naturally occurring radioactive materials, physical and mechanical properties, and conformance with applicable environmental, safety, engineering and construction standards will all need to be investigated and systematized” (Power et al, 2009). Use of aluminum production residues needs to be managed to avoid pathways for potential adverse impact to human health and the environment, including ingestion, inhalation or dispersal of fine particulates, erosion, leaching of constituents of potential concern (COPCs), and/or direct uptake of COPCs by biota. There are well established approaches and management practices for avoidance of adverse impacts during the handling and preparation of materials for use, once concerns are recognized. However, evaluation of leaching of COPCs and direct uptake of COPCs by biota are areas that are currently undergoing substantial evolution in technical understanding and assessment practices. The focus of this report is to describe the current state of the science and practice of leaching assessment, including regulatory context, and the potential application of evolving leaching assessment methodologies to the evaluation of options for disposal and use of aluminum production residues. 1. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTION RESIDUES The primary aluminum production residue is commonly called red mud. As produced, red mud is an alkaline slurry that is first settled in ponds and then the settled material is retrieved and placed into landfills for further dewatering and storage. At some locations seawater is used to partially neutralize the material, resulting in lower pH and higher Mg and Ca carbonate content in the red mud. Atmospheric exposure during handling and storage results in the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide to varying extents, resulting in partial pH neutralization. At one location, forced carbonation is used prior to disposal to reduce pH and improve the drying properties of the material. Typical physical and chemical characteristics of red mud are presented in Table 1. The following constituents present in red mud at significant total concentrations typically are identified as COPCs requiring further evaluation during consideration of use and disposal options based on EU landfill criteria (ref): As, Cr, F, V, Mo, Se, Th, U, Ga, DOC. Reference values for COPCs can be obtained from USEPA (2006, 2009) and typical marine reference values can be obtained from the State of Louisiana (2009). However, caution must be exercised when comparing reference values to leaching test results because of (i) physical and chemical characteristics of the proposed use or disposal scenario usually requires estimation of release fluxes or concentrations considering field conditions and appropriate scenario modeling, and (ii) dilution and attenuation that may occur from the point of release to the point of compliance. 2. Table 1. Example of physical and chemical characteristics of red mud. Particle size: typically 90% < 75 μm (some locations have a sand fraction) Density: 2800 kg/m3 (after drying) Specific surface area: 10 m2/g Material Element Al As B Ba Be Ca Cd Cl Co Cr Cu Fe Hg K Li Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb S Sb Se Si Sn Sr Th Ti U V Zn # ECN, 2005 Red mud # mg/kg 80873 18 11 228 1.00 17716 <0.05 2100 3.4 322 31 194788 Red Mud ## mg/kg 55943 16 14235 152 22 107748 0.015 Green compost ### mg/kg 11948 2.0 72.4 373 Soil 1 ### mg/kg 39033 Soil 2 ### mg/kg 46149 1594 69 1433 59 40179 0.6 4670 0.5 4040 0.5 7.0 154 64 16419 12 72 15 14585 11 76 11 23501 5580 17 2290 579 5.2 300 40 1496 31 5450 18 2640 409 3.5 180 23 916 19 0.1 364623 19 33 369298 19 33 205 301 76.0 48 101.0 41 7081 13980 16 13 1428 8376 144 873 12 3 6.7 50057 8226 3077 4.4 98 333 4531 33 20 92 2969 3501 2.7 1.4 21 1.58 0.1 97544 8763 7.6 6.2 132 179 369 184 18815 452 0.92 16 563 329 24 22 12 277 ; ## Bloom, 2002 ;### van der Sloot, 2002. 3. 3. POTENTIAL USES OF WASTES FROM THE ALUMINUM INDUSTRY Most potential uses of red mud will include, to varying extents, pretreatment (mechanical separation) and/or blending with other materials (e.g., coal fly ash, phosphogypsum waste, local soils). The following commercial and engineering uses of red mud are under consideration (Klauber et al, 2009; Power et al, 2009; Garrabrants et al, 2009), along with the intended benefit from the use: Soil amendment Neutralization of acidic or acid producing soils Improved water and/or phosphorus retention Construction applications Structural fill such as for road base and embankments Raw material for brick, block or paver production Levee construction, currently being evaluated, in Mississippi and Louisiana (USA) when blended with phosphogypsum waste Soil amendment The alkaline nature of the bauxite residue holds potential for neutralization of acidic and acid producing soils, like waste rock and sulfide bearing waste from mining activities. In the latter case, the production of acid rock drainage (ARD) may be prevented. In a recently published study (Carter et al, 2009) the combination of the pH-dependent leaching test and geochemical modeling was used to evaluate the partitioning of major, minor and trace elements in relation to the phosphorus retention capability, the release of non-nutrient constituents, the reduction of soil acidity and the organic matter retention on Australian soil treated with bauxite residue derived soil amendments. The approach applied is relevant for any soil improvement or fertilizer. Construction applications Potential uses in construction applications typically are based on substitution of the sand-like and fine-grained fractions in manufactured products and fill materials (Klauber et al, 2009). The sand-like fraction of red mud potentially can be used as: a partial sand replacement in cement based products, for structural fill purposes (road base and embankment), as a sand replacement in brick production, or as a additive to bituminous products. The fine grained or mixed sand and fine grained fractions are more limited in the potential uses: as additive in Portland cement when color control is not a requirement (Power et al, 2009), as a structural fill material without load bearing capacity requirements, as a fine grained filler, or 4. in combination with other binders for structural fill and barrier functions (e.g., levee construction as currently being considered in Mississippi and Louisiana, USA). Treatment and separation options for beneficiation Separation of size fractions, such as the separation of a sand like fraction and fines, can be beneficial for specific applications. This type of mechanical separation can be carried out at large scale, but the relevance of such separation depends on the local source material. There are potential options for blending red mud fractions with other materials so the resultant mixture properties are an improvement over the individual components constituting the mix. Geochemical speciation modeling provides a mechanism to explore the behavior of possible synergistic mixtures of materials prior to initiating testing. Possible other secondary materials that may be potentially blended with red mud to improve the overall characteristics of both materials include coal fly ash, phosphogypsum, and acid producing mining wastes. Whenever materials are blended, both the mechanical and leaching characteristics of the resulting blended material should be evaluated. Usually, screening mixture mechanical properties prior to leaching evaluation is more cost effective. In addition, the emerging development of geochemical speciation models for a range of secondary materials provides the opportunity for simulation-based screening of mixtures for leaching properties prior to laboratory testing. Disposal Although disposal is the least preferred option in any waste management scheme, avoiding disposal in the near future is unlikely, which implies that improvement of disposal scenarios is important. Several disposal options are practiced (Power et al, 2009), including seawater discharge, accumulation in lagoon, dry stacking and dry disposal. Two factors during disposal that can have significant impact on leaching are neutralization through uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and control of infiltration by reduction in permeability and drainage control. 5. 4. REGULATORY SITUATION European Union (EU) Figure 1 illustrates the EU regulatory system dealing with environmental and health impacts on soil, surface and groundwater. It is rapidly obvious that different policies and regulatory approaches and test methods have traditionally evolved for different types of materials and different types of environmental concerns. This situation is not unusual in other jurisdictions as well. In some cases, contaminant total content is the primary decision basis (fertilizer use), while in other fields single step extraction tests are usually applied. When materials from the same source are used in different applications, a variety of different tests may be required to assess the impact from the resulting products. A more uniform approach (often referred to as a harmonized approach) to testing and evaluation would be helpful to provide a consistent basis for evaluation of potential environmental impacts from a range of materials in a variety of management scenarios, and thus allowing a useful comparative analysis of options. EU-wide efforts towards regulatory harmonization are underway and are being accomplished through multiple Technical Committees (TCs, Table 2). The approach towards harmonization of leaching assessment can be deduced from Table 2, as many fields are covered by the proposed characterization methods. POLICY POLICY 85/337/EEC (impact assessment) POLICY 79/409/EEC (birds) 92/43/EEC (habitat) PROTECTED AREAS CEN CEN TC 230 DRINKING WATER URBAN SECTOR AGRICULTURE CEN 96/82/EC (seveso) 96/61/EC (IPPC) INDUSTRY CEN TC 308 & 345 CEN CEN TC 292 POLICY 98/83/EC (DWD) RESEARCH RESEARCH POLICY RESEARCH POLICY 76/160/EEC (BWD) POLICY 86/278/EEC (sludge) 99/31/EC (landfill) 91/271/EEC (UWW) 89/106/EEC (CPD) CEN CEN TC 351 POLICY 80/68/EEC (groundwater) POLICY 91/414/EEC (pesticides) 91/276/EEC (nitrates) POLICY 98/8/EC (biocides) 2000/60/EC (Water Framework Directive) From a presentation by Philippe Quevauviller at a CEN Workshop on 25-3-2006, Coimbra - Portugal From a presentation by Philippe Quevauviller at a CEN Workshop on 25-3-2006, Coimbra - Portugal Figure 1. Regulatory framework related to impacts from different sources on soil, surface and groundwater with different approaches and test requirements. 6. Table 2. European Union technical committees responsible for leaching assessment in different fields. Committee Topic Test number Description CEN/ TC 292 Waste TS14405 Percolation test TS14429 pH dependence test TS14997 automated pH static TS15863 monolith leach test PrEN15875 Static ARD test ISO/TC21268-3 Percolation ISO/TC21268-4 pH dependence ISO/CD 12784 1-5 Sorption parameters CEN TC/292 WG8 Mining waste CEN/TC345 and ISO/TC 190 Soil # (Fe and Al oxide, DOC and POM ) CEN/TC351 # Construction products TS-3 Percolation TS-2 Monolith leach test Waste from the extractive industry better describes the scope of the TC. United States In the United States, disposal is governed by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which is federal regulation that may be delegated to states for implementation. Individual states have the option of having more stringent requirements than the federal requirements. Under RCRA, wastes may be classified as hazardous based on either origin or specific characteristics, including toxicity characteristic based on testing using the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). However, certain mining wastes, including red mud, are specifically excluded from consideration as a hazardous waste under RCRA sub-title C for disposal, and disposal operations are therefore regulated under different jurisdictions. There are no national regulations regarding “beneficial use” of secondary materials and therefore individual states develop their own guidelines or regulations. In practice, state guidelines or regulations rely heavily on either guidance from USEPA and/or state regulatory associations. As discussed later in this document, USEPA has been supporting the development of alternative leaching procedures in conjunction with Vanderbilt University for applications where use of TCLP is not required based on the RCRA statute (see www.Vanderbilt.edu/leaching). These methods include procedures for pH dependence testing, percolation (column) testing of 7. granular materials and mass transfer rate (e.g., diffusion) testing of monolithic materials. Interlaboratory comparison (round-robin) testing is being initiated during 2010 and is likely to continue into 2011 as one of the final steps towards adoption as part of SW-846 Standard Methods. Associated guidance documents are also under development that are likely to recommend these testing procedures as part of evaluation of secondary materials for beneficial use. These efforts are being led by the Waste Characterization Branch of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (Washington, DC) in coordination with the Office of Research and Development (Research Triangle Park, NC).1 1 Points of contact are Mr. Greg Helms, USEPA, Waste Characterization Branch, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, phone: +1-703-308-8845, helms.greg@epa.gov and Ms. Susan Thorneloe, Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Phone: +1-919-541-2709, Thorneloe.Susan@epa.gov 8. 5. A UNIFIED APPROACH TO LEACHING ASSESSMENT AS PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS Overview When most solid materials, either products or wastes, are placed where contact with soils or water is likely, understanding leaching often becomes the first step in the pathway to evaluating impacts to water resources and soils. The overall assessment process (Figure 2) can be described as the steps of assessing (i) the source term, (ii) COPC transport from the source to the point of compliance or receptor, and (iii) impact analysis (e.g., comparison with compliance standards or evaluation of ecological or human health risks). Leaching assessment for COPCs is intended to provide the source term in the overall assessment. Waterborne contaminant transport from the source term to the point of compliance is estimated with groundwater or surface water transport models with a range of complexity, depending on the degree of refinement of the information needed. Often, the outcome of the contaminant transport model can be summarized as a dilution and attenuation factor (DAFtransport) which is specific to the particular COPC and location, or estimated as a regional range of values. Ecological and human health effects are then evaluated based on either accepted thresholds or toxicity information. Through this series of steps, leaching assessment results can be used to judge the acceptability of a proposed management scenario. It is often practical to back calculate from point of compliance or risk thresholds, the threshold for COPC release from the source term that is needed to maintain adequate environmental and human health protection. This allows decoupling of the transport and impact assessment steps from the source term evaluation. Also, using this approach, a range of potential management scenarios for a specific material can be evaluated using a similar problem definition paradigm (Figure 3). Roadbase [conc] SOURCE TERM L/S TRANSPORT IMPACT Point of compliance Different for each scenario material, changes over time (carbonation, redox), etc. Transport in unsaturated zone and saturated zone to point of compliance Similar for each scenario In first instance a generic sensitive soil system is assumed, which can later be adapted to the actual situation Figure 2. A common paradigm for environmental assessment. A key issue is the source term description obtained from leaching assessment. . 9. Landfil l Drinking water well Contaminated soil Drinking water pipes Mining Road base Coastal protection Plant Industrially contaminated soil Roof runoff Construction sewer Agriculture Figure 3. Different management scenarios can be viewed as a similar problem definition in terms of source term release (leaching), COPC transport, and impact analysis. There have been two, fundamentally different approaches to leaching assessment applied for environmental assessments and regulatory decision making: 1. Develop individual laboratory leaching tests to simulate or serve as analogues to anticipated field conditions. In this case, results of laboratory extracts are considered to be the environmental assessment source term. Back calculated thresholds from transport and impact assessment steps are then used to assign thresholds for direct comparison with chemical analyses from laboratory extracts. This approach resulted in the use of a wide range of leaching tests, with each leaching test developed to evaluate a specific material type (e.g., soils, waste type, building materials) and to reflect a different set of anticipated field conditions (e.g., monofill disposal, co-disposal, road base use, construction applications). Furthermore, the results of testing have limited comparability and multiple testing regimes are needed to evaluate alternative management scenarios, often with an inconsistent set of underlying assumptions. In the simplest application of this approach, the results from a single extract test that is assumed to be conservative is compared with the applicable thresholds for each COPC. For example, the EP Toxicity test developed in the United States, assumed a worst case mismanagement scenario of co-disposal with municipal solid waste in a landfill. However, the resulting test (now modified and called TCLP, but retaining the original codisposal premise) has been used to evaluate a range of disposal and use scenarios that have no relationship to the underlying test method assumptions. 2. Develop a set of laboratory leaching tests that measure intrinsic properties of the material being evaluated, and then use a common set of laboratory test results to parameterize mass transfer models that provide COPC release estimates for individual scenarios (Kosson, et al, 2002; van der Sloot and Dijkstra, 2004). The intrinsic properties that are measured using this approach are (i) constituent aqueous-solid equilibrium as a function of pH (implemented through a pH-dependent parallel batch 10. test), (ii) constituent aqueous-solid partitioning as a function of liquid-to-solid ratio (LS; implemented either through a percolation column test or a variable LS parallel batch test), and (iii) mass transfer rate (diffusion and dissolution; implemented as a monolith or compacted granular sequential extraction rate test). The underlying assumptions to this approach are (i) multi-component leaching can be described in terms of thermodynamic equilibrium and mass transfer rate principles (Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot, 2007); (ii) pH and LS are the primary variables that control release, (iii) knowledge of the underlying chemical speciation of the primary constituents and COPCs in the solid phase can be inferred from analysis of the variable pH and LS test results, and (iv) knowledge of the underlying chemical speciation allows estimation of a system performance under a wider range of physical-chemical conditions (e.g., redox conditions, water contact rates, etc.). Advantages of this approach are (i) that a single set of testing data can be used to provide comparison and assessments for a range of disposal and use options, and (ii) meaningful comparisons of leaching behavior of different material types can be made. A disadvantage of this approach is that initial material characterization requires more extensive testing, however, this disadvantage has been addressed in several ways. First, establishment of a common database for leaching assessment (LeachXS™, see section 8) allows initial assessment of general material types with prior information before testing specific material samples. Second, the database allows for simplified testing by posing the question “Is this material essentially the same as the relevant materials in the database with more complete testing?” If this is the case, prior information can be used for leaching assessment purposes and quality control during on-going production. Third, a hierarchical approach to testing has been proposed that facilitates reduced testing for screening, compliance and quality control purposes (Kosson et al, 2002). Finally, detailed characterization testing costs have been estimated to be approximately US$15,000, which is small in contrast to overall management costs for large waste streams. The second approach described above serves as the foundation for evolving standardized testing methods and assessment methodologies in both the EU and United States, although each jurisdiction seeks to apply this approach within different regulatory frameworks. For all leaching assessments, understanding water contact and flow is essential; maximum leaching concentrations are observed at low flow conditions where local equilibrium in the pore solution is obtained, while maximum fluxes are obtained at high rates of percolation through a material where dissolution and diffusion processes control leaching rates. Thus, estimates or measurements of hydrologic characteristics of materials and system (e.g., infiltration rates, material permeability and porosity, groundwater velocity) should be included during development of detailed leaching assessments. 11. Leaching Assessment Fundamentals In this section, an overview of chemical processes controlling the release of contaminants from waste materials is provided (van der Sloot and Dijkstra, 2004). This “horizontal” approach of testing and data interpretation forms the basis for integrated leaching assessment. Total composition of the waste material versus leaching Somewhat contra-intuitive, the total composition (in the sense of mg of an element / kg of material) has only a limited influence on the maximum leaching of most elements. Exceptions are non-reactive soluble salts, of which the maximum leached amount over time is often similar to the total amount present in the material. The release of other elements is primarily caused by geochemical mechanisms and physical factors, and leached amounts therefore seldomly correlate with its total content. Basic chemical mechanisms Three different chemical mechanisms control the release of contaminants; by the dissolution of a mineral (solubility control), by adsorption processes (sorption control) or by its availability (or total content) in the waste material. Some contaminants show affinity for adsorption to reactive surfaces. Positively charged heavy metal cations (e.g. Cu+2) that are not controlled by the dissolution of a mineral, are often controlled by adsorption to (negatively charged) surfaces present in the material such as organic material or oxide surfaces (sorption control). A number of inorganic constituents are not very reactive and show neither solubility control nor sorption control. Examples are the very soluble salts such as NaCl. Upon contact with water they will dissolve instantaneously and quantitatively. Those elements are availability controlled, as the total available concentration can be released from the material. pH The pH of the material and the pH of its environment are crucial in determining the release of many constituents. This is valid for all sorts of materials (monolith, granular, cements, soil, waste, sediment etc.). The pH value of the surrounding fluid determines the maximum water phase concentration at that pH value, and each material has its own pH-dependent release curve (see Figure 4). Release curves are similar and systematic for different groups of elements, only the absolute level may differ between different materials. This implies that the solubility controlling phases are the same; only the relative importance of the influencing factors may differ from one material to another (Fe oxides, Mn oxides, Al oxides, clay, organic matter). The strong influence of pH on release is because the dissolution of most minerals, as well as sorption processes, is pH dependent. That means that the release of virtually all contaminants that are solubility controlled or sorption controlled show pH dependent release. The general shape of the release curves is shown in Figure 4. 12. 100 10 1 salts (Na, K, Cl, Br,..) 0.1 0.01 1000 Cations (Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Al, Fe, ) 100 10 1 0.1 4 6 8 pH 10 12 14 100 10 Anions (Mo, Cr(VI), As, Se, Sb, SO4) 1 0.1 0.01 2 Leached (mg/kg) 1000 Leached (mg/kg) Leached (mg/kg) 1000 0.01 2 4 6 8 pH 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 pH 10 Figure 4. General leaching behaviour of three groups of constituents as a function of pH. Cations, anions and soluble salts have a distinct leach pattern, caused by their chemical speciation, and vary orders of magnitude as a function of pH. The pH values of materials vary greatly. Cement-based materials superimpose a pH of around 12 (or higher) on its environment, whereas predominantly inorganic waste has a pH of around neutral (pH 6-8). The actual pH at which leaching takes place depends on the pH of the material itself, the pH of the surrounding environment and the buffering capacity of the material. This is illustrated in Figure 5. The total amount of a contaminant does not change as a function of the pH. It is clear that the potentially leachable amount is also significantly lower than the total amount. The potentially leachable amount is used as an input parameter in geochemical model calculations to predict the leaching behaviour of waste materials. The red line shows the actual leaching behaviour of metals (in this example Cd) as a function of pH. In a landfill, the pH of the leachate is around 6-8, indicated by the pink dashed box. The actual leaching behaviour of a metal can change when the composition of the waste changes (i.e. more iron oxides for sorption processes, more DOC causes increased leaching at neutral to high pH, reducing environment generally causes a lower metal solubility). More information on specific chemical properties are given in the paragraphs below. When the chemical processes that lead to release of contaminants are understood, a basis is formed for long-term prediction of the emissions from waste materials. The basic characterisation and geochemical modelling approach is therefore an important part of the total environmental risk assessment of landfills. This approach was also followed in the first Dutch sustainable landfill project (Mathlener et al., 2006; van Zomeren et al., 2006; van Zomeren and van der Sloot, 2006a; van Zomeren and van der Sloot, 2006b). 13. 12 14 Figure 5. Leaching behaviour as a function of pH versus total composition. In this figure, the difference between the total composition in the material is shown versus "potentially leachable" and "actually leachable" (the red curve) is shown. Note the log scale on the y-axis. Chemical form of the constituent in the waste material (redox form, minerals, sorbed phases, etc) Aside from these basic chemical mechanisms, the chemical form of a contaminant determines its characteristic leaching behaviour (e.g. the pH dependence shown in the above figures). Contaminants may be in the oxidised or reduced form (e.g. Chromium may be present as CrO4-2 or Cr+3) which is important for their leaching behaviour. Heavy metals tend to complex strongly with natural humic substances present in natural waters, soils and waste materials. Complexed forms of heavy metals are generally highly soluble and therefore are released more rapidly than uncomplexed forms of heavy metals (see also 'organic matter'). Redox Oxidation /reduction state of the material or its environment ("redox") influences the chemical form of a contaminant. For heavy metals, the oxidation of an initially reduced material usually enhances leached amounts while reduction will have the opposite effect. This relates to the chemical form of the elements of interest. An example of the effect of the redox state of materials is given in Figure 5 and 6. 14. Acid-base buffering The acid- base buffering capacity of a material determines how the pH develops over time under influence of external factors. Examples are the neutralization of cementitious products due to the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide. In such cases, the alkaline buffering capacity of the alkaline material determines the time needed until the pH drops from strongly alkaline (pH > 12) towards a neutral pH value (pH ~ 8). Organic matter and DOC Solid and dissolved organic matter or humic substances (often expressed as "DOC", dissolved organic carbon) consists of complex molecules that have a high affinity to bind heavy metals. The presence of DOC can enhance leaching by several orders of magnitude. As a result, a new partitioning between DOC-bound metal and free metal will be established. Organic matter is usually present in relatively large amounts in organic environments (soils, sediments, sludges). An example of the effect of organic matter and DOC in waste materials is given in Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found.Figure 6Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found.. Composition of the water phase and ionic strength The ionic strength influences the solubility of other components (generally, a higher salt strength increases the leaching of contaminants). Other components present in the solution may cause enhanced leaching due to complexation, such as metal complexes with chloride or carbonates. Leached (mg/kg) 1000 redox changes 100 DOC change 10 1 0.1 0.01 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 pH Figure 6. Absolute levels of leached amounts are different for each material due to influence of redox, DOC (dissolved organic carbon) and other factors. The leaching patterns of 15. different groups of elements for all sorts of materials are very systematic, but differ in absolute levels (leading to a "chemical fingerprint" of a material). Temperature Temperature increase generally leads to a higher solubility of contaminants. In addition, an increase in temperature increases chemical reaction rates, and thus also increases transport by diffusion. Time Time is an important factor for the amount released when a) In general, the time scale applies to the disposal scenario of the landfill; b) The rate at which processes proceed, which may be limiting for the release in case of slow reaction kinetics (slow dissolution of minerals) or diffusion. It may not be feasible to allow such reactions to run to completion, as the time to reach that stage may be far too long. In that case, one has to estimate the possible consequences of such slow processes on the overall release. c) The change of material properties or environmental conditions over time. Examples are the degradation of organic matter, changes in permeability of the landfill, carbonation of alkaline waste materials (altering its release properties) or the increased surface area of a monolithic waste material due to erosion. Test methods that include several steps provide insight into the short and long term effects of leaching. Such tests may give information for interpolation or extrapolation towards shorter or longer leaching periods. A summary of factors influencing release is given in Table 3 (obviously, not all factors are equally relevant and depend on the scenario taken into account). Table 3. A summary of the main physical and chemical factors that influence leaching. Chemical processes - Dissolution - pH - Chemical form -Total composition/ availability - Redox - Acid-base buffering - DOC - Composition water phase/ionic strength - Temperature - Time Physical factors - Percolation - Diffusion - Surface wash off - Granular/monolithic - Size (particles or monoliths) - Porosity - Permeability - Tortuosity - Erosion External factors - Amount of water - Contact time - pH of environment - Temperature - Redox of environment - DOC / Adsorption 16. Example of geochemical modeling results based on a pH dependence leach test The results of the pH dependence test and the results of organic matter fractionation and reactive Fe/Al-oxide extractions are used for geochemical modeling. With geochemical modeling, the underlying chemical processes leading to release of contaminants can be estimated. A general overview of chemical processes that can be identified in both the solid and the liquid phase is given in Table 4. An example of the measured and predicted leaching behavior is given in Figure 7. The leaching data from a laboratory pH-static leaching test is represented as a function of pH by the red data points. The black solid line represents the predicted total concentration of the considered element in solution, which should ideally meet the data points for good understanding of the chemical processes that determine the leaching behavior. Moreover, Figure 7 shows the calculated chemical speciation of the element in both the solid matrix and the sample solution. The predicted leaching behavior is therefore the intersection between the calculated speciation in the solid matrix (minerals, sorption to Fe-Oxides and binding to solid organic matter) and in the solution (free+inorganic and complexed by dissolved organic carbon). This type of data presentation integrates the predicted total leached concentration as well as the different species that determine the leached concentrations. The upper line in Figure 7 gives the total available concentration (input into model). The white area shows the amount of the element bound as minerals in the solid phase. Sorption to FeOxides is represented by the gray area while complexation to solid organic matter is dark green. These areas represent the total amount in the solid matrix as a function of pH. In the leachate solution, the light blue area is the total amount of the free ion and the inorganically complexed form. The light green area represents the amount of the element that is organically complexed. Table 4. General speciation of contaminants in the solid phase and in the leachate of waste materials. The major phases and species are specified in both the solid phase as well as in the leachate. Solid phase Dissolved (leachate) Mineral phases (e.g. CuO, Pb(OH)2) Free ion (e.g. Cu2+, Pb2+) Bound to solid organic matter Inorganic complexes (e.g. [Pb(OH)4]2-) Adsorbed to Fe/Al-(hydr-)oxides Complexed to DOC Adsorbed to clay 17. 1.E+00 1.E+00 Total available concentration Ca (mol/l) 1.E-01 1.E-01 Mineral phases (solid) Intersection between solid and dissolved 1.E-02 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-03 Data POM-bound (solid) Free + inorganic complexes (dissolved) FeOxide (solid) DOC-bound (dissolved) 1.E-04 1.E-04 11 22 33 44 55 66 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH Figure 7. Example of integrated data presentation for pH-static leaching test results and geochemical speciation modeling. Red data points represent leaching data, black solid line is the predicted leached concentration. Areas represent the element speciation: white=minerals, gray=Fe oxide sorption, dark green=complexation to solid organic carbon, light green=complexation to dissolved organic carbon and light blue=free+inorganically complexed form (van Zomeren et al., 2006). Leaching Test Methods The following sections provide summaries of leaching test methods for measuring (i) solidaqueous partitioning as a function of pH, (ii) solid-aqueous partitioning as a function of LS, and (iii) mass transfer rates for monolithic or compacted granular materials. These tests, mostly applied in combination, provide the level of understanding needed to assess environmental impact as needed for environmental assessments and to derive regulatory criteria. These tests provide the basic characterization against which results from simpler tests (separate or part of the characterization test) used in quality control can be judged. These test methods have evolved collaboratively and in parallel in both the EU and the US. The specific details of the EU and US methods differ somewhat, in response to different jurisdictional requirements and choices, however, the essential aspects of the tests are the same and results of the tests provide similar and comparable information. The method summaries provided are intended as examples, with full descriptions provided at www.Vanderbilt.edu/leaching; EU draft standards are available from the European standardization organization CEN and from ISO. Both EU and US sets of methods are currently undergoing standardization, with each jurisdiction having somewhat different standardization requirements. The performance characteristics in terms of repeatability and reproducibility are lacking. Inter-laboratory comparisons for the US 18. EPA methods is to begin during Spring 2010. The standards prepared by the different CEN and ISO bodies are available as Technical Specifications, with ruggedness2 validation and interlaboratory comparisons needed (see CEN Guide on validation tasks in the process of standardisation of environmental test methods, April 2008, ENV TC 215rev, supported by SABE Resolution 06/2008 - Validation policy). Since the methods have been in use for some time, extensive experience is available, and only limited additional ruggedness work will be needed. However, since the methods have been developed by different groups in different fields, differences in individual test specifications need to be evaluated and reconciled to insure uniformity of the standards for a wide spectrum of materials and products, as well as a broad range of substances (inorganic, organic substances and radionuclides). Appendix A provides a comparison of test method specifications. A full comparison of test methods and the background information on selection of test conditions is included in two documents currently under development for issuing during Spring 2010 (Ruggedness report, in preparation 2010; SW846 background document on leaching, in preparation 2010). The aim of the ruggedness and inter-laboratory comparison work is harmonized standards with a world-wide coverage, recognizing that some test requirements may vary in different jurisdictions (e.g. quality control requirements). Figure 8 provides the number of publications each year in the peer-reviewed literature that indicate use of these approaches and the increasing acceptance of the proposed approach by the technical community. 25 Publications pH-dependence test, percolation test, tank test journal publications 20 15 10 5 0 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 19 00 20 02 20 04 20 06 20 08 20 year Figure 8. Publications in international peer reviewed scientific journals in which pH dependence test, percolation test and/or tank test is used specifically to characterize the environmental behavior of construction materials and contaminated materials (n=147). 2 “Ruggedness” refers to comparison of proposed test conditions and either analysis of prior information or laboratory testing to select final test specifications. 19. Evaluation of ARD potential Acid/base accounting tests Sulphidic waste Evaluation of other substances No further ARD testing No yes No Evaluation ** Dissolution of salt waste can be captured by the own pH condition of the pH dependence leaching test (single step extraction) Percolation test or other to provide time dependent release Supply and/ or verify consistency with previous characterisation Non-sulphidic waste yes Waste management options specific for the considered waste pH dependence leaching test ** Chemical/mineralogical analysis No or unsure Sufficient Information (methods, waste) available? Geochemical characterisation yes * Suf f icient inf ormation means - data about the chemical and physical properties of the material exist - potential environmental risks are already known and considered in the technical design of the f acility Evaluation Kinetic testing Yes or unsure Assessment of physical stability and associated risks Physical/ geotechnical characterisation Sample collection and preparation No or unsure Sufficient Information (site, waste) available? * Site characterisation WASTE FROM THE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY Recent efforts in CEN/TC 292 (Characterization of waste), focusing on wastes from the extractive industry (Working group 8), provides an example methodology for deciding which test to use under specific circumstances (Figure 9). In this scheme, red mud would be considered a nonsulphidic waste. However, we recommend inclusion of the mass transfer rate test as part of waste characterization to allow consideration of scenarios where slow percolation or local equilibrium at the external waste interface do not control release. A similar activity has been initiated in CEN/TC 351 for construction products. Figure 9. Flow diagram modified from the CEN/TC292/WG8 methodology developed for wastes from the extractive industry. 20. Method 1313 (similar to EU TS 14429 and ISO/TS 21268-4): Leaching Test (Liquid-Solid Partitioning as a Function of Extract pH) for Constituents in Solid Materials using a Parallel Batch Extraction Test EPA Draft Method 1313 (USEPA 2009a) is designed to provide aqueous extracts representing the liquid-solid partitioning (LSP) curve of constituents as a function of eluate pH. The protocol consists of nine parallel extractions of a granular or particle-size reduced solid material in dilute acid or base. Particle-size reduction facilitates the approach to solid-liquid equilibrium during the test duration. A mass of solid material equivalent to a specified dry mass (value depends on sample heterogeneity and particle size) is added to nine extraction bottles. Deionized water is added to supplement the calculated acid or base addition such that the final liquid-solid (LS) ratio is 10 mL/g-dry. Addition of acid or base is based on a pre-test titration procedure to determine the required equivalents/gram yielding a series of eluates in the pH range between 2 and 13. The extraction vessels are sealed and tumbled in an end-over-end fashion for a specified contact time that depends on the particle size of the sample. Liquid and solid phases are roughly separated via settling or centrifugation and an aliquot is removed for measurement of eluate pH and conductivity. The remainder of the eluate is filtered (0.45 µm filter) by pressure or vacuum filtration and saved for chemical analysis. The eluate concentrations of constituents of interest are reported and plotted as a function of eluate pH. “Own pH” is defined as the endpoint pH after extraction with deionized water only at LS=10 mL/g. These concentrations may be compared to quality control and assessment limits for interpretation of method results. Figure 10 provides an example of results from a pH dependence test and indications of the relevant pH domains for different environmental and human health exposure scenarios. Method 1314 (similar to EU TS 14405, ISO/TS 21268-3 and CEN TC 351/TS-3): Leaching Test (Liquid-Solid Partitioning as a Function of Liquid-Solid Ratio) of Constituents in Solid Materials using an Up-Flow Percolation Column Draft Method 1314 (USEPA 2009b) is designed to provide the LSP of constituents in a granular solid material as a function of LS ratio under percolation conditions. A 5-cm diameter x 30 cm column is moderately packed with solid material. Eluant is introduced to the column in up-flow pumping mode to minimize air entrainment and flow channeling. For most materials, the default eluant is deionized water; however, a solution of 1.0 mM calcium chloride in deionized water is used when testing materials with either high clay content (i.e. to prevent deflocculation of clay layers) or high organic matter (i.e. to minimize mobilization of dissolved organic carbon). The eluant flow rate is to be maintained between 0.5-1.0 LS/day to increase the likelihood of local equilibrium within the column. Liquid fractions are collected as a function of the cumulative LS ratio and saved for chemical analysis. The cumulative mass release is plotted as a function of cumulative LS ratio. Example results are provided in Figure 11 and Figure 12. 21. pH dependent Concentration of V 100 INGESTION INHALATION Concentration (mg/l) 10 CEMENT STABILIZATION ACIDIC ENVIRONMENT 1 SOIL LIMING NATURAL SOIL 0,1 0,01 Red Mud TS14429 ox Red Mud TS14429 red 0,001 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 pH Figure 10. Example results of a pH dependence test on red mud for vanadium [oxidized (ox) and reduced (red)]. Relevant pH domains are indicated for assessing different environmental or exposure scenarios. Results can be used in combination from the above leaching tests to provide additional insights into mechanisms controlling constituent release. Figures 11 and 12 present results from the pH dependence test in conjunction with the results from the percolation column test. When results of the percolation column test are plotted in concentration units (mg/L) along with the pH dependence test results as a function of pH, solubility controlled release (i.e., a saturated eluate solution with respect to the constituent) during the column test is indicated when the column test results coincide with the pH dependent test results. Washout of a highly soluble constituent is indicated by a nearly vertical set of percolation data points in contrast to the pH dependence test results. In addition, when plotted on a release basis (mg/kg), the pH dependence test result at “own pH” coincides with the cumulative release from the column test at LS=10 mL/g. 22. pH development as function of L/S 13,5 Red mud 1a red2 13 100000 (a) 12,5 10000 12 1000 100 Red10 mud 1a ox Red mud 1a ox pH Emission (mg/kg) Red mud 1a 11 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 11,5 13 10,5 pH 10 Red mud 1a red 9,5 0,1 1 10 L/S (L/kg) pH dependent Emission of Al Cumulative release of Al 1,0E+05 Cumulative release (mg/kg) 100000 Emission (mg/kg) 10000 1000 100 (b) 10 1 (c) 1,0E+04 1,0E+03 1,0E+02 1,0E+01 1,0E+00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 0,1 1 pH pH dependent Concentration of Al Al concentration as function of L/S 100000 100000 10000 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 10 L/S (L/kg) 1000 100 10 1 (d) 0,1 1 3 10000 1000 100 (e) 10 5 7 9 pH 11 13 0,1 1 10 L/S (L/kg) Figure 11. Example percolation test results from oxidized (red lines) and reduced (blue lines) red mud for a species where leaching is controlled by local solubility (i.e., Al). (a) eluate pH as a function of LS, (b) eluate cumulative release as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, (c) eluate cumulative release (mg/kg) as a function of LS, (d) eluate concentration as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, and, (e) eluate concentration (mg/L) as a function of LS. 23. pH dependent Concentration of Na Na concentration as function of L/S 100000 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 100000 10000 1000 100 10000 1000 100 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 0,1 pH 10 Cumulative release of Na pH dependent Emission of Na 1,0E+06 Cumulative release (mg/kg) 1000000 Emission (mg/kg) 1 L/S (L/kg) 100000 10000 1000 1,0E+05 1,0E+04 1,0E+03 1 3 5 7 9 pH 11 13 0,1 1 10 L/S (L/kg) Figure 12. Example percolation test results from oxidized (red lines) and reduced (blue lines) red mud for a highly soluble species where leaching is controlled by availability (i.e., Na). (a) eluate concentration as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, (b) eluate concentration (mg/L) as a function of LS, (c) eluate cumulative release (mg/kg) as a function of pH along with pH dependence test results, and (d) eluate cumulative release (mg/kg) as a function of LS. 24. The combined interpretation of results from pH dependence and column leaching tests provides insights into the different processes controlling release of individual constituents. Figure 11 and 12 illustrate the relationships between pH dependence test results and percolation test results for red mud for several elements. Consideration must be given to the change in eluate pH and ionic strength as the column test eluates progress as a function of LS. The following is a summary of the insights that can be gained: 1. Highly soluble constituents (e.g., Na, Cl, B) will have greater initial concentrations (mg/L) in the first few fractions of the column test than observed during the pH dependence test and the majority of the overall leached fraction will elute by ca. LS=2. The fraction (mg/kg) of the highly soluble constituents that elutes during the pH dependence test will be approximately equal to the cumulative fraction (mg/kg) that elutes at LS=10. 2. For constituents where leaching is controlled by pore water dissolution-precipitation of solid phases (i.e., minerals), the concentrations observed in eluates from the column test will be approximately equal to the concentrations observed from the pH dependence test when compared at the same eluate pH. Thus, column test results will will be consistent with pH dependence test results when plotted as a function of eluate pH. 3. Constituents where leaching is controlled by ion exchange or adsorption-desorption phenomena will elute during a column test consistent with an equilibrium liquid-solid partitioning isotherm (either linear or non-linear depending on concentration domain and amount of adsorptive surfaces). The relationships between pH dependence and column test results will be inconsistent on a concentration basis, but the cumulative release from the column test will be be approximately equal to the cumulative fraction (mg/kg) that elutes at LS=10. 4. When significant amounts of dissolved organic carbon are present (DOC; e.g., humic substances or analogues thereof), results of pH dependence and column tests will be more strongly dependent of the concentration of DOC in the eluate than pH. 5. Concentrations observed in eluates from the column test at low LS (e.g., LS≤0.5) are indicative of pore water concentrations and initial leachate concentrations that can be expected in the field under percolation conditions where significant flow channeling does not occur. The following additional observations are made that are specific to red mud with respect to results of pH dependence and column tests: Al release is not affected by the oxidized or reduced state of the red mud, as the pH dependence test data overlap. Comparison of pH dependence test results from red mud samples that are uncarbonated and with imposed carbonation indicates that Al leaching is not affected by the difference in using HNO3 or CO2 for neutralization. Eluate concentrations from column tests on oxidized and also carbonated red mud are consistent with the pH dependence test curve. The oxidation process simultaneously resulted in carbonation. In addition, the cumulative release curve for Al follow a slope 1 curve (dotted line) in the cumulative release time plot, which is indicative of solubility control. In the concentration – L/S plot the concentration is constant over the entire L/S range, which also points at solubility control. 25. Eluate concentrations for Al measured from the column test on reduced red mud are greater than indicated by the pH dependence test curve. In addition, the cumulative release curve for Al reaches a plateau in the cumulative release vs. LS plot, which is indicative of wash out and/or change in exposure conditions. In the concentration – L/S plot the concentration is initially constant and then drops off steadily, which points at wash-out at low L/S followed by solubility control as the pH decreases. In the pH curve showing release (mg/kg), the data from the column test on reduced red mud fall on the pH dependence test curve, as does the cumulative release at L/S=10 for the column test on oxidized red mud. Eluate pH as a function of L/S from the column test on reduced red mud is indicative of changes in release behavior. The majority of highly soluble species like Na are leached completely before before L/S = 2. Method 1315 (similar to EU CEN/TS15863 and CEN/ TC351/TS-2): Mass Transfer Rates of Constituents in Monolithic or Compacted Granular Materials using a Semi-Dynamic Tank Leaching Test Draft Method 1315 (USEPA 2009c) provides mass transfer rates (release rates) of constituents contained in low permeability material under diffusion-controlled release conditions. The procedure consists of continuously leaching water-saturated monolithic or compacted granular material in an eluant-filled tank with periodic renewal of the leaching solution. The vessel and sample dimensions are chosen such that the sample is fully immersed in the leaching solution at a liquid-surface area ratio of 9 mL/cm2. Monolithic samples may be cylinders or parallelepipeds while granular materials are compacted into cylindrical molds at optimum moisture content using modified Proctor compaction methods. At nine pre-determined intervals, the leaching solution is exchanged with fresh reagent water and the previous leachate is collected. For each eluate, the pH and conductivity are measured and analytical samples are saved for chemical analysis. Eluate concentrations are plotted as a function of time, as a mean interval flux and as cumulative release as a function of time. Observed diffusivity and tortuosity may be estimated through analysis of the resulting leaching test data. Figure 13 presents results from the pH dependence test in conjunction with the results from the compacted granular mass transfer test. Diffusion based mass transfer tests are designed to maintain the constituents of interest as a dilute solution with respect to equilibrium concentrations (i.e., less than the concentration observed at liquid-solid equilibrium) to maximize the release flux. In this way, dissolution and diffusion in the pores of the solid phase controls the release rate. When eluate concentrations from the mass transfer test are equal or close to the concentrations observed in the pH dependence test at the same pH, the mass transfer test eluate is approaching equilibrium and therefore the assumption of “dilute” conditions during leaching in the mass transfer test is no longer valid (as shown in Figure 13). In addition, initially lower pH in the mass transfer test eluate than observed for the “own pH” in the pH dependence test may indicate carbonation of the external layer of the test sample used during mass transfer rate testing. 26. Concentration of Al as function of pH Cumulative release of Al 10 1 0,1 10 Concentration (mg/l) 100 0,01 100 10 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 0,01 MXA1 - Monolith MXA2 - Monolith MXA1 - pH dependence MXA1 - Monolith Concentration of Mo as function of pH 1 10 100 0,01 MXA2 - Monolith slope=0.5 0,001 9 11 10 1 13 0,01 MXA2 - Monolith 0,1 0,01 1 10 100 0,01 20,01 40,01 time (days) MXA1 - pH dependence MXA1 - Monolith Concentration of Cd as function of pH MXA2 - Monolith 60,01 80,01 time (days) slope=0.5 MXA1 - Monolith Cumulative release of Cd 100 MXA2 - Monolith 0,001 0,1 pH MXA1 - Monolith 100 Concentration of Mo as function of time 0,1 7 10 1 Concentration (mg/l) Cum. release (mg/m²) 0,01 1 MXA1 - Monolith Cumulative release of Mo 0,1 5 0,1 time (days) 100 3 0,1 time (days) 1 1 1 0,01 0,1 pH Concentration (mg/l) Concentration of Al as function of time 1000 Cum. release (mg/m²) Concentration (mg/l) 1000 MXA2 - Monolith Concentration of Cd as function of time 10 0,1 1 0,1 0,01 Concentration (mg/l) Cum. release (mg/m²) Concentration (mg/l) 10 1 0,01 0,001 0,001 0,0001 0,1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 0,01 0,0001 0,1 pH MXA1 - Monolith MXA2 - Monolith 1 10 100 0,01 0,1 time (days) MXA1 - pH dependence MXA1 - Monolith MXA2 - Monolith 1 time (days) slope=0.5 MXA1 - Monolith MXA2 - Monolith Figuur 13. Example mass transfer rate test results (compacted granular). (left) eluate concentration in relation to pH dependence test results, (middle) ) eluate cumulative release as a function of time, and, (right) eluate27. concentrations as a function of time. 10 100 Fundamental Leaching Characteristics of Red Mud Relationship between results from different leaching tests Figure 14 illustrates the relationships amongst several single step leaching tests for the release of nickel from a contaminated river sediment as a function of pH, as well as in comparison with different total content methods (true total, partial total) in both linear and log scale. The relevant pH domain for the sediment under field conditions is depicted by the box using dashed lines (vertical lines represent the pH domain, the lower horizontal line represents the analytical detection limit, and the upper horizontal line represents a regulatory limit). The variation between the total content methods, although significant, is irrelevant because the amount leached is only a small fraction and independent of the total content, and strongly a function of endpoint pH in the leaching test. Total elemental content is used as a determining characteristic in many regulations, particularly for the evaluation of sludge, compost, soil and sediments. Generally, for many elements in a variety of materials, the total content is not correlated with leaching and often the readily leachable amount is only a small fraction of the total content (for example, see Kosson et al, 2009). Thus, decisions based on leaching, rather than total content, more realistically consider likely constituent release and thereby potential impacts to human health and the environment. It can be argued that decisions based on total content are “conservative” (by over-estimating constituent release), however, when total content based release estimates are several orders of magnitude greater than actual release, then resulting decisions can be inconsistent with accepted performance of non-waste derived materials and natural background levels in the environment. When evaluating potential impact to soil and groundwater or uptake by organisms and plants, the chemical form and the actual concentration in the pore solution are important, which cannot be obtained from total composition analysis. Approaches using correlations between leachability and total content are by definition poor, as changes in pH, organic matter or redox state are not captured in such correlations. In Figure 14, the consistency of the pH dependence test (TS 14429) is also illustrated. Results of the single step extraction tests generally match well when plotted as a function of end point pH, but also clearly illustrate the limitations of using a single point extraction test to understand the leaching behavior of a material over the range of pH conditions that can be encountered under field conditions. The sequential chemical extraction (SCE) test results are in good agreement with the pH dependence test results provided the SCE results are expressed as the cumulative amount leached in subsequent steps and plotted at the end point pH of the individual extraction step. In summary, Figure 14 illustrates three main points in relation to the pH dependence test: (i) the test forms a better basis for assessing leaching rather than total content; (ii) the test provides a reference base for many single step test procedures; and (iii) the test provides insight into important changes in release from extractions as a function of end-point pH. 28. 80 100 "Total" 70 Le ache d (mg/k g) 10 Le ache d (mg/k g) Total (HF, HClO4) 1 0.1 60 Total (A qua Regia) 50 Total (HNO3,tef lonbomb) 40 Total (HNO3, HClO4) Ni 30 PrEn14429 20 EN12457-2 PrEN 14429 CaCl2 10 Ni SCE 0 0.01 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 pH 5 7 9 11 13 pH Figure 14. Relationships between results from the pH dependence test (TS 14429), other single step extraction tests, sequential chemical extraction (SCE) and total elemental content methods. Results are presented on a release basis (mg Ni leached/kg sediment) to facilitate comparison of leaching test results with total content. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud The range or band-with characteristic leaching behavior of red mud can be evaluated by comparison of the pH dependent leaching results from the available data sets. Figure 15 to 19 presents this information for a range of constituents. In case concentrations are forming a solid line at a fixed concentration, that is an indication of detection limit issues. Some of the data are older and thus did not have the more sensitive analytical data. In particular the data for Hg are biased. The actual concentration of Hg from neutral to high pH is quite low. Relationship between total content and leachability for red mud Figure 20 and 21 provide comparisons of total elemental content with pH dependence leaching for a several constituents in red mud. The maximum amount of an element leached over the domain of the pH dependent test (usually the maximum release occurs either at pH < 4 or pH>12) is considered a good estimate of the maximum leachable under typical field conditions, which often is referred to as the “available fraction” or “availability”. For many constituents in red mud, the leachable fraction is only a small fraction of the total content (e.g., Cr, Th, V). However, for some elements, the leachable fraction is close to the total content (e.g., Ca, Mo, U). The difference between the available fraction and the total content of an element is a consequence of the chemical speciation in the solid phase. For example, lead and chromium incorporated into alumino-silicate phases typically will not be leachable under typical field conditions. 29. pH dependent Concentration of As pH dependent Concentration of Al 10 1000 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 10000 100 10 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.01 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 9 11 13 11 13 pH pH pH dependent Concentration of Ba pH dependent Concentration of B 100 10 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 10 1 0.1 0.01 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.001 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 pH dependent Concentration of Ca pH dependent Concentration of Be 10000 10 Concentration (mg/L) 1 Concentration (mg/L) 9 pH pH 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.000001 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 9 11 13 11 13 pH pH pH dependent Concentration of Cl pH dependent Concentration of Cd 10000 100 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 1000 100 10 0.0001 1 0.00001 1 3 5 7 9 pH 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 pH Figuur 15. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). > 30. pH dependent Concentration of Cu pH dependent Concentration of Cr 100 1 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 pH Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 100 10 1 0.1 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.01 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 9 pH pH pH dependent Concentration of Ga pH dependent Concentration of Hg 10 0.1 Concentration (mg/L) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 pH 9 pH pH dependent Concentration of La pH dependent Concentration of K 100 1000 10 100 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 11 pH dependent Concentration of Fe pH dependent Concentration of F 100 Concentration (mg/L) 9 pH 10 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.01 1 3 5 7 9 pH 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 pH Figuur 16. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). 31. pH dependent Concentration of Mg pH dependent Concentration of Li 10000 1 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 1000 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.00001 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 9 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 pH pH pH dependent Concentration of Mn pH dependent Concentration of Mo 1000 10 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00001 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 9 pH pH pH dependent Concentration of Na pH dependent Concentration of Ni 100000 100 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 10 10000 1000 100 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 10 0.00001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 pH 9 pH pH dependent Concentration of Pb pH dependent Concentration of P 100 100 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 10 10 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.01 1 3 5 7 9 pH 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 pH Figuur 17. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). > 32. pH dependent Concentration of Sb pH dependent Concentration of S 0.1 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 1000 100 10 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 10000 10 1000 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 100 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 13 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.00001 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 9 11 13 pH pH pH dependent Concentration of Sn pH dependent Concentration of Th 10 10 1 1 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 11 pH dependent Concentration of Si pH dependent Concentration of Se 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 pH 9 11 13 11 13 pH pH dependent Concentration of U pH dependent Concentration of Tl 10 Concentration (mg/L) 1 Concentration (mg/L) 9 pH pH 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.0001 1 3 5 7 9 pH 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 pH Figuur 18. Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). > 33. pH dependent Concentration of V pH dependent Concentration of Zn 100 10 10 Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) 100 1 0.1 0.01 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.001 0.00001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 pH 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 pH pH dependent Concentration of DOC Concentration (mg/L) 1000 100 10 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 pH Figuur 19. (multiple pages to illustrate selected elements). Characteristic pH dependent leaching behavior of red mud based on comparison of results of the pH dependence test from available data sets (concentration basis, mg/L). 34. pH dependent Emission of Al pH dependent Emission of As 1000000 1000 100000 100 ) g k / g m ( n o i s s i m E ) g 10000 k / g 1000 m ( n o 100 i s s i m 10 E 10 1 0,1 0,01 1 0,001 0,1 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 pH dependent Emission of Ca 11 13 11 13 11 13 pH dependent Emission of Cr 100000 10000 1000 10000 ) g k / g 1000 m ( n o i 100 s is m E ) g k / g m ( n o i s is m E 10 100 10 1 0,1 0,01 1 0,001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 pH 9 pH pH dependent Emission of Ga pH dependent Emission of Cu 1000 1000 100 ) g k / g (m n io s s i m E 9 pH pH 100 ) g k / g (m n io s is m E 10 1 0,1 0,01 10 1 0,1 0,01 0,001 0,001 1 3 5 7 9 pH 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 pH Figure 20. Comparisons of total elemental content with pH dependence leaching test results for red mud (release basis, mg/kg). 35. pH dependent Emission of Na pH dependent Emission of Pb 1,0E+06 1000 100 ) g k 1,0E+05 / g m ( n o i s s i 1,0E+04 m E ) g k / g m ( n o i s is m E 10 1 0,1 0,01 0,001 1,0E+03 0,0001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 pH pH dependent Emission of Se 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 1000 100 100 ) g k / g (m n io s is m E 10 1 0,1 0,01 10 1 0,1 0,01 0,001 0,001 0,0001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 pH 9 pH pH dependent Emission of V pH dependent Emission of U 10000 100 10 ) g k / g m ( n o i s s i m E 11 pH dependent Emission of Th 1000 ) g k / g m ( n io s is m E 9 pH 1000 ) g k 100 / g (m 10 n io s s i 1 m E 1 0,1 0,01 0,001 0,1 0,0001 0,01 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 13 3 5 7 9 pH pH pH dependent Emission of Hg pH dependent Emission of Mo 100 1,0E+00 1,0E-01 ) g k / g m ( n o i s is m E ) g k 1,0E-02 / g (m 1,0E-03 n io s s i 1,0E-04 m E 1,0E-05 10 1 0,1 0,01 0,001 1,0E-06 1 3 5 7 9 pH 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 pH Figuur 21. Comparisons of total elemental content with pH dependence leaching test results for red mud (release basis, mg/kg). 36. 6. GEOCHEMICAL SPECIATION AND REACTIVE TRANSPORT MODELING OF LEACHING TEST RESULTS AND DISPOSAL AND USE SCENARIOS Geochemical speciation modeling simulates the aqueous-solid-gas partitioning of the system constituents based on (i) the solid phase minerals, solid solutions, adsorptive surfaces and organic matter, (ii) complexation and chelation in the aqueous phase, (iii) thermodynamic relationships for precipitation/dissolution and phase equilibrium, (iv) aqueous-gas equilibrium (especially important for carbon dioxide and oxygen), (v) kinetic information (when available), and (vi) charge and mass balances. In practice, local equilibrium and homogeneity is assumed at the representative volume element level (e.g., at the pore-scale) to facilitate calculations. Mass transfer models (e.g., for diffusion or percolation) are then coupled with local equilibrium geochemical speciation models to simulate overall constituent behavior as a function of the desired scenario. Two approaches are taken for determining the initial set of solid phases and solution conditions used to represent a material leaching system for environmental purposes and are often used in combination: (i) use direct observation of solid phases through analytical chemistry techniques such as x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, and (ii) using the liquid-solid partitioning behavior of a material under a range of solution conditions to back infer the controlling solid phase speciation. Direct observation of solid phases is most useful for identifying the major phases present in a material and typically is limited to species that are present at solid phase concentrations greater than several thousand parts per million to a few tenths of a percent. Most often, analytical techniques are not sensitive enough to determine the phases present for many trace constituents that are of environmental concern, and observation of a particular phase does not mean that it is necessarily the phase controlling solid-liquid partitioning behavior. Using solid-liquid partitioning data to back infer the solid phases present is useful for developing a virtual model of the solid phases that appear to be controlling the liquid-solid partitioning. However, this approach alone often will not result in a unique solution and has a very large number of degrees of freedom in the model. To constrain such a model, as many elements as possible are modeled simultaneously, as well as using expert judgment. The resulting “chemical speciation fingerprint” then can be tested for robustness by comparing the suitability of simulations based on experimental data for conditions other than used for model parameterization. Major species can also be confirmed using analytical techniques on the same sample or as provided in literature reports. This is the approach generally taken by the authors of this report, whereby the initial chemical speciation fingerprint is inferred from pH dependence leaching test data and the resulting geochemical speciation model is then tested by comparison with percolation and diffusion test results. In the sections that follow, geochemical speciation using the chemical speciation fingerprint approach and using LeachXSTM (which embeds ORCHESTRA for geochemical speciation) as the simulation tool is described. Other geochemical speciation tools such as Geochemist’s Workbench, PhreeqC or Minteq may be used with a similar approach, but the LeachXS tools are specifically designed for compatibility with the leaching test methods described earlier and leaching assessment scenarios. LeachXS is described in more detail in Section 8 of this report. 37. Modeling test data pH dependence, percolation, tank leaching Solid and liquid phase chemical speciation was calculated for the pH dependence test conditions using LeachXSTM-ORCHESTRA (www.leachxs.net; van der Sloot et al, ??; van der Sloot et al, ??; Meeussen, 2003). Aqueous speciation reactions and selected mineral precipitates were taken from the MINTEQA2 database. Ion adsorption onto organic matter was calculated with the NICA-Donnan model (Kinniburgh et al., 1999), with the generic adsorption reactions as published by Milne et al. (Milne et al., 2001; Milne et al., 2003). Adsorption of ions onto iron and aluminium oxides was modelled according to the generalized two layer model of Dzombak and Morel (Dzombak and Morel, 1990). The input to the model consists of fixed element availabilities estimated based on the maximum release from the pH dependence test, selected possible solubility controlling minerals, active Feand Al-oxide sites (Fe- and Al-oxides were summed and used as input for HFO as described in (Meima and Comans, 1998), particulate organic matter and a description of the DOC concentration as a function of pH (polynomial curve fitting procedure). The DOC analysis of the extracts does not distinguish the reactive part of the dissolved organic matter. Based on experience with soil and other residue samples (van Zomeren and Comans, 200x), where the hydrophilic, fulvic and humic acid fractions in DOC was quantified, reactive fractions of DOC are defined as a function of pH (the lowest proportion of reactive forms is present at neutral pH and increases at both low and high pH). A polynomial fit is created through the 8 data points to interpolate quantification of the reactive DOC at intermediate pH values in modelling. The speciation of all elements then is calculated in one problem definition of the model with the same parameter settings, and sensitivity analysis is used to refine the model. This limits the degrees of freedom in selecting parameter settings, as improvement of the model description for one element may deteriorate the outcome for other elements. It was found that total (leachable) carbonate concentration plays an important role in the model calculations. This parameter is estimated based on the total inorganic carbon content of the solid phase. The concentration is adjusted until the Ca as calcite shows a reasonably good match with the observed leaching data. There is a clear need for more data on total (available) carbonate concentrations in various materials to enhance model predictions. The mineral phases that were allowed to precipitate were selected after calculation of their respective saturation indices (SI) in the original pH dependence leaching test eluates. Saturation indices were calculated for all > 650 minerals in the thermodynamic database and a selection of the most likely and relevant phases was made based on the degree of fit over a wider pH range and the closeness of the SI value to 0 (ideal fit) and expert judgment on suitability of possible minerals for the waste mixture (e.g. exclusion of high temperature minerals). Generally, minerals were selected if the SI was in the range of -0.2 to 0.2 for more than two pH data points. Modelling of pH dependence test results Geochemical speciation modelling of pH dependence test results for red mud is illustrated in Figure 22 for selected constituents. The percolation test data are included in Figure 22 for comparison. The conditions specified as input for the modeling are provided in Table 5 and 6. The agreement between measurement at LS=10 and the model description (minerals, iron interaction, clay interaction and organic matter interaction) is quite good considering the complex nature of the waste. The prediction of the eluate concentrations at LS=0.2 reasonably agrees with the percolation test data, which is an indication of a practical model description for 38. leaching behaviour. This combination of composition data, solid phases and sorption parameters settings can be used as a basis for estimating release and system responses from 39. 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH 0 1 3 5 ANC 7 9 11 13 pH [SeO4-2] as function of pH 1,0E-02 1,0E-06 1,0E-03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) [Al+3] as function of pH 1,0E+00 1,0E-05 1,0E-01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,0E+00 1,0E-06 1,0E-01 1,0E-07 1,0E-02 1,0E-08 1,0E-03 1,0E-04 1,0E-09 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 pH 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 9 11 1,0E-05 1,0E-06 1,0E-06 1,0E-07 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 pH 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14 DOC-bound POM-bound FeOxide Clay pH Clay Partitioning liquid-solid, [Ca+2] 0,1 1,0E-07 0,01 1,0E-08 0,001 0,0001 1,0E-09 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 8 9 910 1011 1112 1213 1314 14 Free DOC-bound POM-bound Free DOC-bound POM-bound FeOxide Clay Ni[OH]2[s] FeOxide Clay AA_Calcite AA_Portlandite BaCaSO4[50%Ba] beta-TCP Partitioning liquid-solid, [VO2+] Fluorite Laumontite Uranophane 1,0E-04 Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) 1,0E-02 [H4SiO4] as function of pH 2 pHpH pH 1,0E+00 1,0E-05 1,0E-05 Partitioning liquid-solid, [H4SiO4] 1,0E-01 1,0E-06 1,0E-01 1,0E-06 1,0E-02 1,0E-07 1,0E-02 1,0E-07 1,0E-03 1,0E-08 1,0E-04 1 1,0E-03 1,0E-08 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH 1,0E-05 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 pH 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 1,0E-04 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH 1,0E-05 Free 1,0E-06 2 1 DOC-bound POM-bound 2 3 4 5 6 7 Free FeOxide Laumontite ZnSiO3 DOC-bound Clay Montmorillonite pH Free 13 14 pH FeOxide Clay Pb2V2O7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 POM-bound Albite[low] Uranophane pH [H4SiO4] as function of pH 1 2 DOC-bound Model L/S=0.2 Al+3 fractionation in solution 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 100% 20% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH 1 2 3 4 5Free6 7 8 9 10 DOC-bound 11 12 13 14 pH Ni+2 fractionation in solution Free DOC-bound 100% 90% Ca+2 fractionation in solution 80% 100% 70% 90% 60% 80% 70% 50% 60% 40% 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 10% 20% 0% 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 pH 8 9 7 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 pH Free DOC-bound VO2+ fractionation in solution Free DOC-bound 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 100% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% H4SiO4 fractionation in solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 pH Free 100% 1 2 3 4 5 DOC-bound 6 7 8 9 pH Free DOC-bound Figuur 22. Geochemical speciation modeling of pH dependence test results for red mud. 40. 10 11 12 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 34 56 78 91011121314 pH FeOxide pH AA_OH-hydrotalcite[cr] SeO4-2 fractionation in the solid phase 100% 10% 0% 3 1,0E+00 1,0E-01 1,0E-02 1,0E-03 1,0E-04 1,0E-05 1,0E-06 5 6 7 POM-bound Clay Montmorillonite SeO4-2 fractionation in solution 1,0E-04 1 10 11 12 13 14 1,0E-03 1 13 1,0E-02 1,0E-05 1,0E-03 10 11 12 13 14 [VO2+] as function of pH Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) 8 AA_Al[OH]3[am] AA_OH-hydrotalcite[cr] Partitioning liquid-solid, [Ni+2] Albite[low] Laumontite Montmorillonite 1,0E-06 Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) [Ca+2] as function of pH 1,0E-05 1,0E+01 1 7 DOC-bound pH FeOxide AA_OH-hydrotalcite[cr] Free Free DOC-bound POM-bound pH 1,0E-04 6 Partitioning liquid-solid, [Al+3] 1 [Ni+2] as function of pH 1,0E-04 1 5 1,0E-01 pH 1,0E-07 1,0E-05 4 1,0E-04 1,0E-04 1,0E+01 1 3 pH Partitioning liquid-solid, [SeO4-2] 1,0E-03 1,0E-06 2 Free POM-bound -5 Clay 1 Montmorillonite 3 5 -3 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Concentration (mol/l) 8 Fraction of total concentration (%) 7 1,0E-02 1,0E-03 1,0E-04 1,0E-05 1,0E-06 3Red 4 mud 5 6Percolation 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 34 56 78 91011121314 13 14 14 100% 90% Al+3 fractionation in the solid phase 80% 100% 70% 60% 80% 50% 40% 60% 30% 40% 20% 10% 20% 0% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fraction of total concentration (%) Fraction of total concentration (%) 6 Model 1,0E+00 L/S=10 1,0E-01 Fraction of total concentration (%) Fraction of total concentration (%) 5 [H4SiO4] as function of pH pH pH FeOxideClay Clay POM-bound POM-bound AA_Al[OH]3[am] AA_OH-hydrotalcite[cr] Albite[low] Ni+2 fractionation in theLaumontite solid phase 100%Montmorillonite Ca+2 fractionation in the solid phase 90% 80% 100% 70% 90% 60% 80% 50% 70% 60% 40% 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 10% 20%0% 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0% 1 2 3 4 5 POM-bound POM-bound 6 7 pH 8 9 FeOxide Clay FeOxide 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 pH Ni[OH]2[s] Clay VO2+ fractionation in the solid phase AA_Calcite AA_Portlandite beta-TCP Laumontite Uranophane 100% Fluorite 90% 80% 70% H4SiO4 fractionation in the solid phase 60% 100% 50% 90% 40% 80% 30% 70% 20% 60% 10% 50%0% 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 30% pH 20% 10% POM-bound FeOxide Clay Pb2V2O7 0% Fraction of total concentration (%) Fraction of total concentration (%) 4 3 1,0E-10 1 1,0E-12 -1 1 Mg+2 fractionation in the solid phase Red mud pH dependence Concentration (mol/l) 3 5 1,0E-08 Fraction of total concentration (%) Fraction of total concentration (%) 2 7 1,0E-06 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fraction of total concentration (%) Fraction of total concentration (%) 1 9 1,0E-04 Fraction of total concentration (%) Fraction of total concentration (%) EC 10 1,0E-04 1,0E-07 1,0E-05 Mg+2 fractionation in solution Fraction of total concentration (%) Partitioning liquid-solid, [Mg+2] 1,0E-02 ANC/BNC Concentration (mol/kg) (mol/l) Conductivity Concentration (mS/cm) (mol/l) [Mg+2] as function of pH 1,0E+00 80 1,0E-01 701,0E-02 1,0E-03 601,0E-04 1,0E-05 50 1,0E-06 401,0E-07 1,0E-08 301,0E-09 1,0E-10 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 POM-bound FeOxide Clay Albite[low] Laumontite Montmorillonite Uranophane ZnSiO3 14 pH 14 Table 5. Conditions specified as input for geochemical speciation modelling of the pH dependence test (Chemical Speciation Fingerprint – CSF). Prediction case A-Red mud + column AA2 Speciation session Red mud + column AA Material Red mud AU (P,2,2) Solved fraction DOC Sum of pH and pe L/S 0,2 13,00 10,0000 l/kg Clay 1,000E-02 kg/kg# HFO SHA 1,500E-03 kg/kg 5,000E-03 kg/kg# Percolation material Avg L/S first perc. fractions Red mud AU (C,1,1) 0,1617 l/kg Polynomial coeficients C0 -3,853E+00 DOC/DHA data pH [DOC] (kg/l) DHA fraction [DHA] (kg/l) 1,00 3,606E-04 0,20 7,211E-05 3,48 4,02 2,720E-04 1,470E-04 0,10 0,08 2,720E-05 1,176E-05 5,77 8,440E-05 0,06 5,064E-06 6,55 7,44 1,160E-04 1,520E-04 0,05 0,06 5,800E-06 9,120E-06 8,62 1,810E-04 0,07 1,267E-05 9,58 10,64 2,430E-04 3,010E-04 0,08 0,09 1,944E-05 2,709E-05 11,69 3,190E-04 0,11 3,509E-05 12,54 14,00 3,390E-04 3,690E-04 0,13 0,20 4,407E-05 7,380E-05 C2 -3,546E-02 C4 -3,404E-04 C1 -2,253E-01 C3 8,325E-03 C5 0,000E+00 # The clay and HFO content were adjusted from measured values, because the specific activity of these phases in red mud was not directly measured. 41. Table 6. Conditions specified as input for geochemical speciation modeling of the pH dependence test. Reactant concentrations Reactant mg/kg Reactant mg/kg Reactant mg/kg Reactant mg/kg Ag+ Al+3 not measured 2,568E+04 CrO4-2 Cu+2 2,169E+00 9,118E-01 Mg+2 Mn+2 7,265E+02 2,181E+00 SO4-2 Sb[OH]6- 1,945E+03 2,390E-02 H3AsO4 1,059E+01 F- 2,756E+02 MoO4-2 1,492E+01 SeO4-2 9,324E+00 H3BO3 Ba+2 4,757E+00 3,860E+00 Fe+3 H2CO3 3,036E+02 2,200E+04 Na+ NH4+ 5,084E+04 not measured H4SiO4 Sr+2 1,483E+04 1,166E+02 Br- not measured Hg+2 not measured Ni+2 4,426E-01 Th+4 5,336E+00 Ca+2 Cd+2 1,803E+04 1,713E-02 IK+ not measured 6,636E+01 NO3PO4-3 not measured 1,795E+02 UO2+ VO2+ 5,803E-01 2,456E+01 Cl- 2,042E+03 Li+ 9,812E-02 Pb+2 3,486E+02 Zn+2 5,170E+00 Selected Minerals AA_Al[OH]3[am] * AA_Calcite * B_UO2[OH]2 Ca2V2O7 Ba[SCr]O4[96%SO4] * Ca3[VO4]2 Chloroapatite * Magnesite Pb[OH]2[C]* Strontianite Cr[OH]3[C] Manganite Pb2V2O7 * Th[SO4]2[s] * AA_CO3-hydrotalcite BaCaSO4[50%Ba] * Ca4Pb[PO4]3OH * Cu[OH]2[s] Pb3[PO4]2 * ThF4:2.5H2O AA_Gypsum AA_OH-hydrotalcite[cr] * BaSrSO4[50%Ba] beta-TCP * Ca4Zn[PO4]3OH Calcite Fe2[SeO3]3:2H2O Montmorillonite * Fe3[OH]8 Ni[OH]2[s] MnHPO4[C] * Pb3[VO4]2 PbMoO4[c] * ThF4[s] Tyuyamunite AA_Portlandite * Bixbyite * Carnotite Ferrihydrite * NiCO3[s] Rhodochrosite Uranophane * Al[OH]3[a] Albite[low] * Brucite Bunsenite CaZincate Cd[OH]2[C] Fluorite * Laumontite * Nsutite Otavite Schoepite Strengite * ZnSiO3 * Willemite Zincite * The minerals marked with * are those that appear to be present as relevant phases. All others are too low to be of significance in this particular sample. The AA just marks the thermodynamic data for these samples being from the Lothenbach & Winnefeld paper (200X). Future simulations may include AA_3CaO_Al2O3_6H2O as a relevant mineral. Albite and potentially laumontite are surrogates for desilication product, a sodium alumino silicate mineral formed in the process (similar to sodalite), which is not in the database (but albite, analbite and other similar minerals can model it reasonably well). 42. other samples of red mud and the performance of red mud under different chemical (e.g., reducing, carbonated) and management scenarios. When similar information from a variety of other materials (in the form of Chemical Speciation Fingerprints -CSF’s) is available in the LeachXS database, this provides options to evaluate beneficial combinations of bauxite residues with other materials. Modeling column test results Geochemical speciation modeling of percolation test results is illustrated in Figure 23 and 24 for selected elements. Modeling can be based on either (i) a single porosity approach that assumes uniform flow through the column, (ii) a dual porosity model (2 domain model) that assumes a linear mass transfer coefficient between uniform flow in the “mobile” domain and the “immobile” domain, or (iii) a two domain model that assumes uniform flow in one domain (“mobile”) and diffusion processes through the second domain to or from the interface between the domains. The dispersion coefficient, derived from a highly soluble species (e.g., sodium), is used to represent the hydraulic characteristics in the single porosity model. The elution behavior during the percolation test of sodium or other highly soluble species can also be used to derive the hydraulic characteristics for the dual porosity model (e.g., fraction of the immobile domain and mass transfer coefficient). Application of the two domain percolation-diffusion model requires mass transfer rate test results (i.e., from the compacted granular test) as well as results from the percolation test to parameterize the model. For all cases, results from the pH dependence test are used to derive the necessary chemical speciation fingerprint. Relationships between Leaching Tests, Geochemical Speciation and Eco-toxicity Recent leach testing, biotic eco-toxicity testing and geochemical speciation modeling with contaminated soil, municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash and Cu treated wood has suggested that the eco-toxicity of a material is related to the free dissolved concentration of the constituent(s) of concern (Postma et al, 2009; van der Sloot et al, 2009). Examples have been developed for copper and PAH toxicity. For both cases, the toxicity has been shown to correlate with the concentration of the free dissolved species as estimated using geochemical speciation modeling to distinguish dissolved organic carbon-bound amount from the freely dissolved amounts in solution. In these cases, the total dissolved concentration would be equal to the freely dissolved concentration plus the DOC-bound concentration. This approach appears promising and warrants further examination as a methodology for understanding and predicting eco-toxicity. Relationships between lab and field data and the relevance for environmental impact assessment In assessing impact from red mud disposal or beneficial uses of red mud, laboratory studies alone are generally not sufficient, as an understanding of processes occurring at field scale is needed to be able to provide suitable long-term release predictions. Such processes include 43. carbonation, oxidation, preferential flow, variations in wet dry cycles, temperature differences (seasonal or climatic differences), and covered or atmosphere-exposed conditions. The combination of laboratory test data and field experiments and measurements can provide the input for such predictive modeling. Recent modeling for the Dutch Soil Quality Decree (2007) has made use of a mechanistic description of the fate and transport in the unsaturated and saturated zones. For this type of impact modeling for regulatory purposes, a mechanistic source term has not been applied although technically this is already feasible. The most critical element in such modeling is the effect of significant pH changes with time due to carbonation from the surface and the neutralization of alkaline leachate in the underlying soil. The understanding of the key processes governing release of potentially critical substances will allow better management choices than will be possible based on total content or too simple leaching test data currently practiced. 44. 14 Concentration (mol/l) 1,0E-02 13,5 pH 13 12,5 12 11,5 0,01 0,1 1 10 1,0E-05 1,0E-06 Red mud column TS14405 Model (Avg/fraction) 0,01 100 1 Model 0,1 1 10 100 1,0E-05 Al Concentration (mol/l) Concentration (mol/l) K 1,0E-04 1,0E-07 11 0,1 0,01 0,001 Cu 1,0E-06 1,0E-07 1,0E-08 1,0E-09 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1,0E-02 Concentration (mol/l) 1,0E-03 Concentration (mol/l) 1,0E-03 Mo 1,0E-04 1,0E-05 1,0E-06 1,0E-07 V 1,0E-03 1,0E-04 1,0E-05 1,0E-06 1,0E-08 0,01 0,1 1 L/S (L/kg) 10 100 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 L/S (L/kg) Figure 23. Comparison of percolation test results with dual porosity geochemical speciation model based on chemical speciation fingerprint derived from pH dependence test data. Measured concentrations of Al, Cu, K, Mo and V in column effluent samples (collected eluate fractions; TS14405) from red mud leaching (red dots) with dual porosity model results (LeachXS) as continuous (broken line) and simulation results (simulated eluate fractions; blue squares). 45. Cumulative release of Al+3 Cumulative release of K+ 100 Cum. release (mg/kg) Cum. release (mg/kg) 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 0,01 10 100 100 Cum. release (mg/kg) Cum. release (mg/kg) 1 Cumulative release of VO2+ Cumulative release of MoO4-2 100 10 1 10 1 0,1 0,01 0,1 1 10 0,01 100 1 10 100 1 Cum. release (mg/kg) 100 10 1 0,1 0,1 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,1 Cumulative release of Cu+2 Cumulative release of Ca+2 Cum. release (mg/kg) 0,1 0,1 1 L/S 10 100 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 L/S Figure 24. Comparison of percolation test results with dual porosity geochemical speciation model based on chemical speciation fingerprint derived from pH dependence test data. Cumulative release of Al, K, Ca, Cu, Mo and V in column leaching (TS14405) from red mud (red dots) with dual porosity model results (broken line) using LeachXS. 46. 7. DEVELOPMENT OF A DATABASES FOR RED MUD CHARACTERISTICS AND LEACHING It has been recognized that relevant information on bauxite residues is too widely scattered. Power et al (2009) describe a database on bauxite residue information: the Bauxite Residue and Disposal Database (BRaDD). The absence of a means of collecting and managing information on bauxite residue was identified as a key knowledge gap, and prompted the creation of this database to contain details on refinery practices on bauxite residue storage, disposal, and technologies gathered from a wide range of sources. A variety of reasons are identified why the restriction to existing publicly available data resources places a severe limitation on the ability to collect, systematize and interrogate information: - Each source of information provides only a limited amount of relevant data, and the data type is not consistent across publications - Relevant information is published in a variety of languages - Relevant information is scattered over many public domains - Nature and scope of the information is owner and/ or refinery specific and not consistent in form and content The LeachXS database embedded in the LeachXS™ expert system as described below would form a useful extension of the capabilities sought, as it focuses on release behavior from bauxite residues under a variety of exposure conditions (Carter et al, 2008; Van der Sloot et al, ?? ) as well as possible beneficial uses (Carter et al, 2009). 47. 8. LeachXS™ AS A TOOL FOR EVALUATING RED MUD LEACHING LeachXS is a database/expert decision support system for characterization and environmental impact assessment based on estimated contaminant release as derived from leaching tests developed jointly by The Energy Research Centre of The Netherlands (ECN; Petten, The Netherlands), Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee, USA), and DHI (Hölshorn, Denmark)3. LeachXS contains an extensive materials database and has predefined models using Orchestra and extended graphical and reporting capabilities for a range of possible questions. Model input formulations are available for the pH dependent leaching test, the percolation test, lysimeter and field leachate data (van der Sloot et al., 2001; van der Sloot et al., 2003; van der Sloot et al., 2007a; van der Sloot et al., 2007c). The coupled LeachXS - ORCHESTRA combination allows for very quick data retrieval, automatic input generation for modelling, processing of calculated results and graphical and tabular data presentation. Databases used by LeachXS include leaching for 600+ materials, scenarios, and regulations to allow comparisons of test data versus specific utilization or disposal conditions. The system assists in evaluation and laboratory guidance, data management and evaluation, source term description, impact evaluation, and decision analysis. Applicable materials for assessment using LeachXS include: Treated Wastes Stabilized Waste Construction Materials Cement Mortars and Concrete Soils and Contaminated Soil Sludge Coal Combustion Residues Compost Sediments Municipal Wastes Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Mining Wastes Preserved Wood Blast furnace and other slags Geochemical speciation and chemical reaction/transport modeling capabilities are integrated into the LeachXS system using the ORCHESTRA (Objects Representing CHEmical Speciation and TRAnsport) modeling environment as illustrated in Figure 25Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found.. ORCHESTRA (Meeussen 2003) is a modeling framework for defining geochemical equilibrium models and to combine these models with mass transport (including diffusion, convection, etc.) for user-defined processes. The ORCHESTRA chemical module can calculate chemical thermodynamic equilibrium in a similar way to other speciation codes, but is internally organized differently. Instead of defining all model equations within the source code, equations are defined in a separate user accessible text file in ORCHESTRA. ORCHESTRA has been used in practice for a wide range of applications that include aqueous speciation, precipitation, different 3 LeachXS has been developed as an integrated leaching database, geochemical speciation and assessment tool over a period of more than 10 years by the Developers. Hans van der Sloot, David Kosson, and Ole Hjelmar are the technical team leaders in development of LeachXS and LeachXS Lite for ECN, Vanderbilt and DHI, respectively. . 48. forms of surface complexation, ion exchange, diffusion (including radial and electroneutral), convection, solid solutions, colloid adsorption, and biota uptake. Materials ( Leaching data, Composition, Physical characteristics) Materials Leaching Database Scenarios (e.g., fill characteristics, geometry, infiltration, hydrology) Scenario Database Excel Spreadsheets (Data, Figures) LeachXS (Materials and Scenarios Evaluation) Reports (Figures, Tables, Scenario and Material Descriptions) Regulatory (Regulatory thresholds and criteria from different jurisdictions) Regulatory Database Thermodynamic Databases Orchestra (Geochemical Speciation and Reactive Transport Simulator) Other Models (Source Term and Parameters for Fate, Transport, and Risk Models) Figure 25. Schematic of LeachXS/ORCHESTRA Input and Output Functions and Databases Description of Conceptual Models The LeachXS system is based on evaluating the leaching behavior of materials using equilibriumbased information obtained from pH dependence leaching tests (e.g., EPA Method 1313, CEN/TS 14405, CEN/TS 14497, or ISO/TS21268-4) and dynamic release information from a percolation type test (e.g., EPA Method 1314 or CEN TS 14405) and monolith leach testing (e.g., EPA Method 1315 or CEN TS 15683). The latter tests have a time dependent element in them, which is closely linked to the actual release under field conditions except field conditions have the added complexity of different hydrological conditions and long term external influences on the material. The combination of these methods allows an evaluation of the long term release (see Kosson et al. (2002)). A key aspect in the basic approach in LeachXS is the ability to display information from a variety of different tests over different scales in the same graphical representation, which allows conclusions to be drawn on long term behavior. Inputs Needed to Run LeachXS and the Outputs Generated by LeachXS The inputs required to run LeachXS depend on the type or types of leaching results (i.e., single material with pH dependent leaching test, single material with percolation or lysimeter test, or mixtures of materials with pH dependent leaching tests) that are available for the material. 49. Models available within LeachXS-ORCHESTRA LeachXS-ORCHESTRA can be used to simulate different contaminant release situations. These include a number of commonly used experimental test procedures that can be used to evaluate model performance under well-defined conditions. The same chemical and physical model components can be used as part of larger scale release scenario’s in support of environmental impact assessment. The predefined LeachXS-ORCHESTRA release models are: 1. A model that calculates pH dependent element solubility in a batch system (pH – dependence tests). 2. A model that calculates leaching of elements from a solid matrix by reaction-diffusion (monolith or compacted granular leach tests) 3. A model that calculates leaching of elements from a solid matrix by reaction-diffusionconvection (column test) 4. A number of predefined release scenario models that make use of the same process sub-models (reaction, (gas) diffusion, convection, etc.) as the models above, but with different systems configurations and boundary conditions. LeachXS-ORCHESTRA also contains a unique model setup that assists users in the generation of a chemical model description for a given material. Using this option, pH dependent solubility data is used to calculate mineral saturation indices for a large set of minerals. These saturation indices can subsequently be used to select a set of mineral precipitation reactions that describes the observed leaching behavior best. The input for this model is pH dependent total element solubilities, dissolved organic carbon, and adsorbing surfaces, while the output is a chemical model including a set of precipitation reactions (minerals). This chemical model, or chemical speciation fingerprint, can subsequently be used in any of the models mentioned above. Within LeachXS a number of generic models for different materials have been derived and are available. Materials, for which a chemical speciation fingerprint has been assessed, can be modeled as a mixture assuming proportionality with the ratio of the constituting parts for composition and reactive surfaces. Any mixing ratio can be modeled, but experimental verification of adequate prediction is needed at a few selected conditions to evaluate the model performance. Input required and output generated by the LeachXS-ORCHESTRA models Input for the chemical models All models listed above contain one (or more) chemical equilibrium modules that describe the chemical reactions and distribution of elements over different physical-chemical forms in a material. These chemical models require as input: A set of chemical equilibrium reactions representative for the material under consideration. LeachXS contains predefined sets for several typical materials (different 50. soil types, cementitious materials) in the database, but alternative sets may be provided by users. A set of total (or available) element concentrations, which can be estimated from total composition measurements, or using a pH dependence leaching test (maximum leached concentrations). Estimated amount of adsorbing surfaces (organic matter, hydrous ferric oxide, aluminum hydroxide, clay), which can be estimated by determining oxalate extractable Fe and Al. Liquid to solid ratio. Output of the chemical models The main result of a chemical equilibrium calculation is the distribution of elements over the different possible physical and chemical forms (different dissolved, adsorbed, precipitated, gaseous species, etc.) according to the set of thermodynamic equilibrium reactions given as input. Other generated outputs are: pH, redox potential, ionic strength, and electrical conductivity. The ORCHESTRA model generates the basic numerical output of these calculations, while LeachXS processes this output and presents data in graphical form. For a reactant of interest, the following general model data can be displayed graphically: pe as function of pH, Dissolved Humic Acid (HA) as function of pH, Conductivity as function of pH, Acid/Base neutralization capacity as function of pH, and REDOX capacity as function of pH. The geochemical speciation results from ORCHESTRA can be viewed and exported. These results include: Solubility prediction results, including a comparison of measured test results and modeled solution composition (free + DOC associated); Solid and liquid phase partitioning, including visualization of partitioning of the constituent between free, DOC associated, clay-bound, Fe-oxide bound, solid organic matter (POM) bound, mineral precipitate or incorporated in a solid solution; and, A combination of solubility prediction and partitioning for a specific reactant in the selected reactant series. Additional graphs including solid phase partitioning and liquid phase partitioning can be displayed. Input for the physical transport models The transport modules calculate mass transport based upon the liquid-solid equilibrium information provided by the chemical modules along with the rate of flow or diffusion for each 51. element. These transport modules keep track of how much of each element is present as a function of time and space. Transport modules are initialized with the initial chemical conditions of the system at the start of the simulation using the CSF previously generated. Apart from the chemical information, the transport model also needs a set of physical input parameters including: physical dimensions of the system, porosity of the material(s), density of the solid material(s), effective tortuosity of the material(s), flow rates (for column or percolation simulations), refresh rates (for monolith leaching tests or diffusion simulations), water saturation or gas volume (for unsaturated conditions), and, chemical composition of each solid material and each solution that is used in the simulation, including amounts of adsorbing surfaces. Output of the transport models The output of the reactive transport models is the total content and chemical speciation of each element as a function of time and space: chemical composition of the system as function of time and space (concentration profiles), distributions of elements over mineral, aqueous, and gaseous phases, pH, redox, and conductivity, and, total fluxes of elements over chosen system internal or external system boundaries. For a reactant of interest, the following general model data can be displayed graphically (ECN 2007): pH as function of LS, pe as function of LS, dissolved humic acid (HA) as function of LS, conductivity as function of LS, acid/base neutralization capacity as function of LS, and, REDOX capacity as function of LS. For the percolation or lysimeter test results, the geochemical speciation results from ORCHESTRA can be viewed and exported including: Leachate concentrations. The measured percolation or lysimeter test concentrations and the predicted concentrations are graphed as functions of LS as well as the concentrations predicted for the collected fractions. Cumulative release. The cumulative leached amount (as derived from the percolation or lysimeter test data) is compared with the predicted cumulative release as a function of LS. Concentration profiles at a specified time. The partitioning between dissolved and solid phases is represented as a function of the depth in the column at the specified time. 52. Concentration profiles at a specified depth. The partitioning between dissolved and solid phases is represented at a specified depth in the column as a function of time. Animated time profiles for a single reactant. An animation can be generated of the partitioning of a constituent between dissolved and solid phases as a function of depth in the column over the time span of the percolation test. Embedded Databases and Systems including ORCHESTRA LeachXS relies on various embedded databases along with ORCHESTRA to estimate contaminant release from the results of leaching tests, which are summarized as follows. Materials Leaching Database The materials leaching database contains results of laboratory leaching tests, lysimeter test results, and field data from more than 600 materials and wastes (Table 7)4. In some cases, interrelated laboratory, lysimeter, and field scale data are available. The total number of individual inorganic and organic substances and radionuclide analyses in the database is more than 600,000 entries. The level of detail for individual samples vary in terms of constituents analyzed and the tests performed on the same sample. A set of tools is also available for importing additional materials into the LeachXS materials database. Leaching tests are interpreted using an expert system to provide estimates of the short and long term release of constituents of interest. Custom databases focused on the needs for individual users or materials can be developed. For example, a custom database on coal combustion residues has been developed for USEPA. An analogous database could be developed focusing on red mud. Regulatory Database A regulatory database allows comparison of test results against criteria for specific utilization or disposal conditions. Constituents included are inorganic constituents as well as a selection of organic species. The system is also suitable for radionuclides. Pre-defined sets of regulatory criteria for different jurisdictions can be added. End users also can enter and save reference criteria specific to their own applications. ORCHESTRA and the Thermodynamic Database The geochemical modeling includes mineral solubility (extended MINTEQ database), sorption on Fe-oxide, Al-oxide, dissolved organic carbon, and particulate organic carbon interaction. The object-oriented structure of the chemical model definitions makes it possible to implement a new object-oriented framework for implementing chemical models. The framework consists of three basic object types (i.e., entities, reactions, and phases) that form the building blocks from which chemical models are comprised. The hierarchical approach also ensures consistent and compact model definitions including, for example, aqueous complexation, activity correction, precipitation, surface complexation ion exchange, electrostatic interactions, NICA (ref), and CDMUSIC (ref). 4 Some of the materials and test information contained in the main LeachXS database is proprietary and therefore not distributed with the software licenses. 53. Table 7. Types of materials that are included in the LeachXS database of leaching test results. Table 3. Samples listed in the LeachXS database Sample Name Activated carbon NL Aggregates Al-production ash Amphibolite APC MSWI residues Arc oven slag, bulk Armour stone Artificial Aggregate Asfalt concrete Asphalt Asphalt Granulate Atmospheric_dust Beech_wood Biomass ashes Bitumen Blast furnace bulk slag Blasting waste Bleach soil Brown coal ash C&D waste Car shredder waste Cement mortar Sample Name Cement stab. MSWI Fly ash Cement stabilised jarosite slag Cement_stabilised_soil Ceramic Brick Ceramic tiles Ceramic Paving_Brick Clay Coal combustion bottom ash Coal fly ash Compost Concrete products Contaminated soil Copper slag Dolomite Dredge spoil Drilling mud Drinking water pipes Drinking water purification sludge Electro oven slag, steelworks Expanded clay pellets Fe-Cr catalyst residue Filtercake waste water treatment Sample Name Flotation sludge Fluorescence sludge Fly ash rockwool production Form sand Foundary sand Galvanic waste Glass oven rubble Glaze/enamel sludge Gneiss Granite coarse Granite fine Granodiorite Gravel (fresh water environment) Harbour sediment Heavy sewage sludge amended soil Hydraulic mixed aggregate Incinerated sewage sludge Industrial Fly ash Industrial water treatment sludge Jarosite slag Electric arc Lava stone Lavaliet Table 3. Samples listed in the LeachXS database (continued) Sample Name LD slag, steelworks Leather sludge Light weight concrete Lime silicate brick Limestone Masonry aggregate Mine stone Mining residues TiO2 mining Mixed Landfill waste Moraines MSWI Bottom ash Nickel sludge Paint residue Paper papersludge Pb metal sheet Roofing Pb slag PbO glass Phosphor_gypsum Phosphorus slags Pigment sludge Plastic waste material Sample Name Porphyr Älvdal Porphyr Småland Preserved wood CCA PVC_pipe Quartsite Rail support beam Railroad_aggregate_untreated Recycled concrete aggregate Recycling sifter sand Red mud River Sediment harbour Roman Aquaduct core Roofing felt Roofing material Sand (fresh water environment) Screen glass, sandblasted Sewage sludge Slate Sludge form sewer water purification Soil cleaning residue Spent catalyst Stabilised waste Sample Name Steel slag Straw Sulphidic mining waste Tannery sludge Tapistry and mats Thermally treated Sand TV screen cone glass, sand blasted Various glass types Vegetable, fruit and garden waste Vitrified MSWI Fly ash WAELZ slag Wastewater treatment sludge White glass, mixed 9 sources Willemite Wollastonite Wood_bark Zinc_Soil 54. LeachXS Lite The Energy Research Centre of The Netherlands (“ECN”, in Petten, The Netherlands), Vanderbilt University (“Vanderbilt”, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA) and DHI (in Hørsholm, Denmark) (collectively, “Developers”) have committed to collaborate with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) in the development of a derivative software application, LeachXS Lite™. LeachXS Lite will be a leaching assessment tool for the display and analysis of leaching and related characterization data that has been developed by EPA supported research on coal combustion residues (CCR). LeachXS Lite is a limited capability version that derived from the commercial product, LeachXS™, which is owned by and was developed jointly by the Developers. LeachXS Lite will be distributed free of charge by EPA and the Developers. LeachXS Lite will provide a way to manage the data generated as part of leaching methods under development for inclusion in EPA SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, and serve as a limited decision support tool for evaluating constituent leaching from a range of solid materials, including wastes, byproducts and recycled materials under disposal and use conditions. LeachXS Lite will allow end-users to (i) input data, (ii) display data in comparison to a limited number of other data sets, (iii) augment the supplied databases with userdeveloped data, and (iv) download data and figures to Excel spreadsheets. A database containing the leaching test results and total elemental content data from evaluation of approximately 75 coal combustion residues will be included as part of the initial release of LeachXS Lite as a beta version. The initial beta version is anticipated to be widely available during first half of 2010. The main functionality of LeachXS Lite will include: Leaching database functions, including data importing, data display, units conversion, and exporting of leaching data and other characteristic data for solid materials, eluates and field leachates (e.g., physical properties, material identification, waste codes, locations, sampling dates, etc.). Data importing and exporting utilizes Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (pre-defined templates); users are required to separately acquire a license for use of Microsoft Excel; CCR data generated by or on behalf of EPA incorporated into a LeachXS Lite database; and Data analysis functions, including comparison of leaching results from multiple leaching test types and field data, comparison with pre-defined or user-defined thresholds and limits, and comparison with statistically pre-defined “families” of leaching data based on commonality of leaching behavior amongst similar materials. 55. 9. USE OF LEACHING TESTING IN QUALITY CONTROL A tiered approach to leaching testing allows the frequency and the focus of the testing to be adapted based on the intended use of the test results. The most detailed understanding is needed for initial characterization of a material to understand its potential behavior under different disposal and use scenarios. For initial characterization, pH dependence, percolation and mass transfer testing is recommended, as well as physical and hydraulic testing. Accumulation of test results in a common database allows for comparison of similar red mud materials from different sources and referencing behavior of red mud to the leaching behavior of other materials (e.g., soils, sediments, other secondary materials or wastes). Once the leaching characteristics of a product type or class are established, much simpler conformity testing will suffice for potentially critical parameters and at a frequency consistent with the risk of approaching/ exceeding set limit values by notified regulations (Figure 26). If sufficient information is available, statistical tools can be used to assist with the determination of the testing needed for specific substances and the frequency of testing needed for quality control purposes. Initial characterization testing provides the frame of reference for evaluation of the quality control testing results. Initial type testing/ Frequency of testing “characterization” testing Characterisation Factory production “compliance” testing control Level of detail Figure 26. The relationship between initial characterization testing and quality control testing. A statistical approach for quality control testing can be based on an upper tolerance limit, often referred to as a “k-value” approach (van der Sloot et al, 2008). An explanation and example of this approach follows. In the framework of the assessment of environmental properties of construction products for CE marking (European conformity with specifications) under the Construction products Directive (1988), products need to be evaluated on their potential impact on environment and health (Essential requirement 3). Since several products can be considered to have no impact, a system has been set up to classify materials as without testing (WT), without further testing (WFT) and further testing (FT). This basis for the classification is still in debate. Although in some cases it 56. may be possible to decide on WT for a product or product type, generally, the approach shall be based on individual constituents within the material. So a product or material can be WT for a number of constituents, WFT for another set of constituents and FT for a limited number of substances. In this way, the number of constituents requiring on-going testing is reduced. To be able to come to a conclusion about risk of non-compliance, a statistical approach is needed. A sufficient number of observations on release of all relevant substances is needed to be able to draw a conclusion on the risk of exceeding a class limit or regulatory criterion. Furthermore, the unit of material (i.e., batch size) that serves as the basis of compliance must be defined (e.g., 1000 tons of material). This approach to decide on the relevant constituents for compliance or quality control testing and to determine the required frequency of testing is equally relevant for wastes from the extractive industry, such as red mud, as it is for construction products. The following approach provides information to judge for a given waste type which are the potential constituents of concern and with what frequency testing will be required. Initially full characterization will be needed, which can later be reduced to a single measurement, provided such single step test data are placed in perspective with prior characterization information. Leaching data are log-transformed (i.e., log(x)) to obtain a normal distribution, because leaching data typically are log-normally distributed and the range often spans several orders of magnitude, which otherwise would bias the average towards the higher concentrations. - Testing the waste by characterization test methods to assess the bandwidth of release for the waste type to be judged. The number of repetitions depends on the variability in the production and in the source materials. The determination of the frequency of subsequent tests depends on the standard deviation of the measurements obtained from prior testing. Thus, improved estimates of the standard deviation, which are obtained through increased testing, can reduce future testing. As a practical matter, prior information of a similar material from other sources (e.g., a red mud leaching database) and four sets of pH dependence test results from four different batches of the material provides a useful starting point. In addition, this initial data set can be used to identify the interval within the pH domain of expected field conditions where the maximum eluate concentration or release for each constituent of potential concern will occur. Subsequent testing then can be focused on the pH interval within the domain of expected field conditions which will cover the release of all of the constituents of potential concern. - Evaluation of the test data against a class limit or regulatory criterion (e.g. EU Landfill Directive - Inert) using a statistical approach, where the risk (probability) of noncompliance is based on a upper tolerance interval5 derived from the number of observations, the standard deviation of this number of observations and the difference between the limit value and the average value of the release data obtained by a standardized test protocol. - The acceptable risk of some fraction of the batches failing the threshold criteria is negotiated with the regulator. For example, a 90% probability that 90% of the batches have each of the constituents of concern less than the threshold value. The k-value for a specified acceptable risk can then be used to identify for which constituents the risk of 5 See Engineering Statistics Handbook, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/prc/section2/prc263.htm accessed on Feb. 20, 2010. See also http://statpages.org/tolintvl.html accessed on Feb. 20, 2010 57. non-compliance is negligible, medium or high to exceed the limit. This then determines the frequency of testing (Table 8). k-values are calculated as follows: In general, the upper tolerance interval is calculated as ത − ݇ଵݏ ܻ = ܻ ത = mean value of the sample values; ݇ଵ = k-value; and Where ܻ = upper tolerance limit; ܻ = ݏstandard deviation of the sample values. For the application here, at any given pH value for ത = log-mean of the sample values; and a selected constituent, ܻ = log (regulatory threshold); ܻ = ݏstandard deviation of the log-transformed sample values. Thus, rearranged, ݇ଵ = ത ܻ − ܻ ݏ ݇ଵ can be further related to the number of samples ܰ, and the confidence ߛ (probability or risk) of the specified percent of the population that will not exceed the threshold value by: ܽ= 1− మ భష ം ଶ(ே ିଵ) ݇ଵ = ଶ and ܾ = ܼଵି − ଶ ܼଵି + ට ܼଵି − ܾܽ మ భష ം ே ܽ where ܼଵି and ܼଵିఊ are the critical values from the normal distribution (for example, ܼ.ହ = −1.645 and ܼ.ଵ = −1.282). Table 8. Example of k - values and the corresponding risk of non-compliance. K-value N=5 > 6.12 4.67 -6.12 2.74 -4.67 1.46 -2.74 0.69 -1.46 < 0.69 K-value N=10 > 4.63 3.53 -4.63 2.07 -3.53 1.07 -2.07 0.44 -1.07 < 0.44 Chance of compliance > 99.9 % 99% -99.9% 90% -99% 70% -90% 50% -70% < 50% Risk of noncompliance < 0.1% 0.1% -1% 1% -10% 10% -30% 30% -50% > 50% Testing frequency Every year Every 10 batches Every 4 batches Every other batch Every batch Parameter relevance WFT FT FT FT FT FT In Figures 27 through 30, an example is given for the release of V from red mud. Figure 27 gives the range of characterization test data from the pH dependence leaching test (TS14429, 2005), which have been compared with the Dutch Soil Quality Decree (2007) for isolated applications (selected as the limit values for vanadium provided). The square box in the figure provides the expected relevant pH domain for the material (here pH 7 – 13), the limit of detection for substance (lower horizontal line) and the limit value (upper horizontal line). A total of 26 data sets have been collected from worldwide sources. All data have been transformed to lognormalized values. In Figure 28 the distribution of vanadium release after log-normal transformation are shown indicating that this is indeed justified. 58. The k-value to fall in a certain range for the risk of non-compliance depends on the number of observations in the calculation of the average release. Table 8 gives a set of typical values. The table also indicates tentatively the testing frequency and the classification type WFT or FT. 100 V Concentration (mg/L) 10 1 0,1 0,01 V 0,001 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 pH Figure 27. The bandwidth of release of vanadium from red mud from worldwide origin with the average (black dashed line) and 90 % confidence intervals (gray dashed lines). 59. 12 120 10 100 8 80 6 60 4 40 2 20 0 Cumulative % Frequency Distribution pH=6.62 V Concentration (mg/L) 0 -2,6 -2,4 -2,2 -2 -1,8 -1,6 -1,4 -1,2 -1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 Bins (log scale) Figure 28. The distribution of log - normalized release data for V from red mud. Figure 29 presents the k-values calculated for the release of vanadium from the pH dependence test on red mud from worldwide sources. The horizontal lines indicate different fractions of noncompliance (RNC) at a 90% confidence level (ߛ=0.9), which are indicated by the 100 values respectively 0.1, 1, 3, 5 and 10 % chance of exceeding the limit value at a give pH (note that greater k-values indicate reduced risk in exceeding the limit value). These results indicate that for vanadium, neutralization will reduce the risk of exceeding the limit and comply with the regulatory criterion. Since the k-value is not greater than 4.63 for this case, testing at some limited frequency will be required. Once a reference base for a material like red mud is available at the international level or local level, the testing can be reduced to one or a few selected key conditions, which can then be sufficient to demonstrate compliance, provided the information is placed in context with the prior characterization data (Figure 30). This then triggers further testing only in cases where test results fall well outside the range of the available data set. This would imply carrying out a more extended test (concise test, 1997) or a full characterization to identify the reason for the deviation. The approach described here is equally applicable to both use and disposal applications, although constituents of concern, limit values and acceptable risk tolerances may vary depending on the use or disposal scenario, as well as regulatory jurisdiction. 60. pH dependent K-value for V 4,5 Low pH limit RNC ( p=0.1) 4 High pH limit 3,5 RNC ( p=1) K-value 3 RNC ( p=3) 2,5 RNC ( p=5) 2 RNC ( p=10) 1,5 1 0,5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 pH Figure 29. k-values calculated from the pH dependence test data on red mud (N=26) in relation to the class limits corresponding with a certain range of risk of non-compliance(RNC) using a 90% probability of the fraction of samples being less than the threshold). pH dependent release of V 1000 Release (mg/kg) 100 10 1 0,1 0,01 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 pH Figure 30. Quality control data for vanadium from red mud in perspective to the summary statistics for worldwide red mud leaching data as a function of pH with the average (black dashed line) and 90 % confidence intervals (gray dashed lines) as indicated from Figure 21. 61. 10. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following are conclusions reached based on the assessment contained in this report: Leaching assessment based on combined evaluation of results from pH dependence, percolation and mass transfer tests provides a robust framework for evaluation of a wide range of disposal, treatment and use scenarios for red mud. Use of leaching assessment based on the pH dependence, percolation and mass transfer tests is in the process of being adopted as part of regulatory frameworks in the European Union and the United States, and under consideration in other countries. This leaching assessment framework has been widely accepted by the scientific community as evidenced by the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Leaching test methods are undergoing ruggedness testing in the European Union and inter-laboratory comparison testing (round-robin testing) in the United States during 2010 and will likely be extending into 2011. Use of this approach in the United States will be implemented via guidance documents that are under development and likely will be recommended for applications such as beneficial use of secondary materials, hazardous waste delisting, determination of treatment process effectiveness, where use of TCLP is not required by statute. Total elemental content does not correlate with leaching behavior of most elements and therefore is not recommended as the basis for assessing environmental compatibility. Leaching behavior of red mud is consistent within a defined bandwidth for many elements and samples from several sources. The impacts of neutralization, carbonation and redox conditions on red mud leaching are evident through the leaching assessment testing. Geochemical speciation modeling provides additional insights into the chemistry controlling observed leaching behavior and facilitates estimating the leaching behavior of a material under scenarios and time frames not readily tested. Independent verification testing is needed to confirm geochemical speciation modeling results. Establishment of a database for leaching characteristics of red mud samples from a variety of sources will provide a uniform basis for comparison and understanding of disposal, treatment and use options. It will also serve as the reference basis for ongoing quality control during red mud production, use and disposal. Statistical quality control of red mud as a product is possible using reduced testing, focused on key quality control parameters and at a frequency linked to the probability of exceeding a specified threshold value. There is promising evidence that ecotoxicity testing results can be linked to results from leaching assessment and geochemical speciation, suggesting a pathway to more integrated testing and evaluation in different contexts. LeachXS is a software tool set that would efficiently facilitate (i) maintaining a red mud leaching assessment database, (ii) geochemical speciation modeling of a range of red mud testing, use, treatment and disposal scenarios, and (iii) statistical quality control of red mud production. LeachXS and associated databases can be tailored to aluminum industry user community. 62. The following are recommendations for the red mud industry that follow as a result of this review: Establish a baseline leaching characterization program for red mud produced at different facilities. This would allow comparisons and understanding of the similarities and differences among red mud producers and provide a foundation for improving treatment, use and disposal practices, as well as quality control. Baseline leaching characterization would include pH dependence, percolation and mass transfer testing. Additional testing should include physical properties sufficient to understand geotechnical and hydraulic performance. Establish a common database of leaching and related properties that can be tied to the similarities and differences in red mud production processes, sources and management scenarios. This database should also include field observations of pore water and leachate from representative red mud management scenarios. A custom LeachXS database would be suitable for such a database. If information on lysimeter studies or field data on either landfill or beneficial use are available those observations should be evaluated in context with the more extended laboratory test data. If such information is not available or is insufficient, it is advisable to obtain field test data to verify the basis for estimating long-term performance. Experience can be obtained from information in other areas (soil, waste, construction) to facilitate the prediction of long term release from red mud disposal and beneficial use. This relates to effects of carbonation, oxidation, preferential flow and interaction between materials in a mixture. Establish guidance on quality control monitoring for red mud that include simplified leaching assessment and meets the needs of likely use and disposal scenarios. Develop and validate to the extent practical a geochemical speciation model for red mud. 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