ASC Audit Report Laporan Audit ASC


ASC Audit Report Laporan Audit ASC
Report number: 814690-ASC-LXQ-2014-01
Version 5 APR 2014
ASC Audit Report
Laporan Audit ASC
Tilapia/Tilapia __x__ Pangasius/Patin ___ Shrimp/Udang ______
Initial/Awal ____ Surveillance/Pengawasan ____ Recertification/Pensijilan semula __x__
Name client
Nama pelanggan
Client number
Nombor pelanggan
Name contact person
Nama orang dihubungi
Address client
Alamat pelanggan
Certificate code
Kod sijil
Date of issue of certificate
Tarikh isu sijil
Date and length of audit
Tarikh dan tempoh audit
Name of auditor(s)
Nama juruaudit
Inspected unit (s)
Unit diperiksa
Number and % of members
(in case of group certification)
Nombor dan % ahli dinilai (dalam
kes pensijilan kumpulan)
Issued by
Diisu oleh
ASCCRPT.F01 (05)
Mr. Mohd Hafiz B. Razali
Pusat Perikanan Banding, Km 38.5 Jalan Raya Timur-Barat 33300
Tasek Temenggor, Gerik, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
Tel: +6057172900/6057173900
Fax: +6057168900
814690-ASC-2012-01 – First certificate
28/11/2012- First certificate
20-21/10/2015 - 02 days
Mr. LE XUAN QUYNH – Lead auditors/Ketua juruaudit
Mr. LE ANH NGOC – Social part/Bahagian sosial
Mr. VICTOR SOOSAI- Translator/Penterjemah
Trapia Grow-Out farm
Ladang punca Trapia
Control Union Peru SAC
Av. Rivera Navarrete 762, piso 15, San Isidro, Lima Peru
+ 5117190400
+ 5117190410
Midori Kawazo
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Report number: 814690-ASC-LXQ-2014-01
Version 5 APR 2014
Control Union Peru (CUP), a member of the Control Union World Group is an international inspection and
certification body and is accredited by ASI on behalf of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) to carry out
inspection and certification according to the ASC farm certification standards.
Control Union Peru (CUP), ahli Control Union World Group ialah badan pemeriksaan dan pensijilan antarabangsa
dan diiktiraf oleh ASI bagi pihak Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) untuk menjalankan pemeriksaan dan
pensijilan mengikut piawaian pensijilan ladang AFC.
CUP performs inspection and certification in the fields of FSC, organic production, input, and Sustainable Textile
production, GLOBALGAP, HACCP, BRC, GMP and GTP.
CUP melakukan pemeriksaan dan pensijilan dalam bidang FSC, pengeluaran organik, input dan pengeluaran
Tekstil Mampan, GLOBALGAP, HACCP, BRC, GMP dan GTP.
Audits and certification is carried out in conformity with the procedures as laid down in the Procedure Manual
and the program manual for the auditor and certifier. During the audit the qualified CU auditors use
standardized audit forms to record their findings.
Audit dan pensijilan dijalankan selaras dengan prosedur seperti yang ditetapkan dalam Manual Prosedur dan
manual program untuk juruaudit dan peraku. Semasa audit juruaudit CU berkelayakan menggunakan bentuk
audit yang seragam untuk merekodkan penemuan mereka.
Based on the information provided by the auditor and by the client, the certifier reviews and evaluates all
information provided and certifies the products when all conditions of the regulations are fulfilled. The result of
the evaluation is documented in Chapter 7. Audit work by the auditor and certification by the certifier are clearly
separated activities.
Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan oleh juruaudit dan oleh pelanggan, ulasan peraku dan menilai semua
maklumat diberikan dan mengesahkan produk apabila semua syarat peraturan dipenuhi. Hasil penilaian akan
didokumenkan dalam Bab 7. Kerja audit oleh juruaudit dan pensijilan oleh peraku ilah aktiviti yang berbeza.
This certification report is made in accordance with the ASC Certification and Accreditation requirements,
Version 1.0, Annex C.
Laporan pensijilan dibuat selaras dengan pensijilan ASC dan keperluan Pentauliahan, Versi 1.0, Lampiran C.
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Report number: 814690-ASC-LXQ-2014-01
Version 5 APR 2014
2.1 Background of the assessed company and description of the management system:/Latar belakang syarikat
yang dinilai dan deskripsi sistem pengurusan:
The farm was established from 2007 and located in Lake Temenggor. Land facilities are located within the
compound of Department of Fisheries in Banding. The total farm surface is 30 ha (in the amount of 100ha) with
there is 60 cages are in water and estimated annual production is around 4,000MT. The main species is Tilapia
which is grown in cages. From 2010, the farm is certified against GLOBALGAP standard. The farm has been
certified from 28/10/2012 to 27/10/2015
At the moment, this is the first farm of Trapia that registered to be certified against ASC Tilapia Standard.
Ladang ini telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 2007 dan terletak di Tasik Temenggor . Kemudahan tanah terletak di
dalam kawasan Jabatan Perikanan di Banding. Jumlah permukaan ladang adalah 30 ha (dalam jumlah 100 ha)
dengan terdapat 60 sangkar di dalam air dan anggaran pengeluaran tahunan adalah sekitar 4,000MT. Spesies
utama ialah Tilapia yang diternak dalam sangkar. Dari 2010 , ladang itu disahkan terhadap standard
GLOBALGAP. Ladang ini telah diperaku dari 28/10/2012 hingga 27/10/2015.
Pada masa ini , ini adalah ladang Trapia pertama yang didaftarkan seperti diperakui bertentangan Standard
Tilapia ASC.
2.2 Summary/Rumusan
The cage is located in Lake Temenggor which is rent from Department of Fisheries. The company obeys the local
regulation such as Environmental quality act, Fisheries act, Water act and surface lease and tax, labor laws.
Sangkar terletak di Tasik Temenggor yang disewa daripada Jabatan Perikanan. Syarikat mematuhi peraturan
tempatan seperti Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar, Akta Perikanan, Akta Air dan pajakan permukaan dan cukai, undangundang buruh.
During SD measurement from 01/09/2013 to audit date, SD is in the range of 140 cm and 280 cm. At the audit
time, the auditor measures SD at 180 cm which is less than 10m and in the range of farm’s measurement. The
farm has followed all this principle.
Semasa pengukuran SD dari 1/9/2013 ke tarikh audit, SD adalah dalam lingkungan 140 cm dan 280 cm. Pada
masa audit, juruaudit mengukur SD pada 180 cm iaitu kurang daripada 10m dan dalam julat pengukuran ladang.
Ladang ini telah mengikuti semua prinsip.
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Report number: 814690-ASC-LXQ-2014-01
Version 5 APR 2014
There are 03 kinds of feed coming from CARGILL, STARFEED and SKRETING fed for Tilapia. By calculation, TP and
TN input are 8.8kg (<27kg) and, 41.1kg respectively.
Farm does not use brackish water for aquaculture activity
Terdapat 03 jenis makanan daripada CARGILL, STARFEED dan SKRETING yang disuapkan kepada Tilapia.
Mengikut pengiraan, input TP dan TN masing-masing adalah 8.8kg (<27kg) dan 41.1kg.
Ladang tidak menggunakan air payau untuk aktiviti akuakultur.
By verification during audit, the following of escape, transporting live, transgenic fish and predator control
compliant with this principle such as escape record, no use GMO fish and no use of lethal predator control
Dengan pengesahan semasa audit, yang terlepas, pengangkutan hidup, ikan transgenik dan kawalan pemangsa
mematuhi prinsip ini seperti rekod terlepas, tiada penggunaan ikan GMO dan tiada penggunaan kawalan
pemangsa maut
IUCN or red list species are not used for fish meal according feed providers declaration. One feed supplier
changed the fishmeal source with species that have non-compliance with the fish source scoring.
IUCN atau senarai merah spesies tidak digunakan untuk makanan ikan menurut pengisytiharan pembekal
makanan. Seorang pembekal makanan menukar sumber makanan ikan dengan spesies yang mempunyai
ketidakpatuhan dengan skor sumber ikan.
All chemical (antibiotic) used in the farm is permitted in Malaysia and followed by Health professional – Dr. Goh
Hue Lang who is qualified for medicine treatment. The mortality has been recorded daily and the health
management is based on Veterinarian health plan
Semua kimia (antibiotik) digunakan dalam ladang adalah dibenarkan dalam Malaysia dan diikuti oleh
professional kesihatan- Dr. Goh Hue Lang, seorang yang berkelayakan untuk rawatan perubatan. Kematian
harian yang direkodkan dan pengurusan kesihatan berdasarkan plan kesihatan doktor veterinar.
There is no child labor, forced labor as well as discrimination. Workers can have freedom of association and right
to collective bargaining; freely leave the farm when finishing their work.
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Version 5 APR 2014
Tiada buruh kanak-kanak, buruh paksaan dan juga diskriminasi. Pekerja mempunyai kebebasan untuk
berpersatuan dan hak untuk tawar-menawar kolektif; bebas untuk meninggalkan ladang selepas selesai kerja.
Summary of findings/ Rumusan penemuan
Completing the audit, the farm has total 02 Minor Non-conformities that need to be settled for the next
recertification audit in November 2016 (see more details about findings in the audit result)
Melengkapkan audit, ladang mempunyai keseluruhan 02 ketidakpatuhan minor yang perlu diselesaikan untuk
audit pensijilan semula pada November 2016 (lihat maklumat lebih lanjut tentang penemuan dalam keputusan
2.3 Decision/Keputusan
Trapia Grow-Out Farm - TRAPIA MALAYSIA SDN BHD is recommended to be certified for ASC Tilapia after
providing appropriate action plans for 02 Minor NCs.
The date of issue and date of expiry of the certificate: to be released
The scope of the certificate: Tilapia – Oreochromis Niloticus
A list of all outstanding non-conformities: please see the ASC checklist
Ladang punca Trapia-TRAPIA MALAYSIA SDN BHD dicadangkan untuk diperakui untuk ASC Tilapia selepas
menyediakan plan tindakan bersesuaian untuk 02 Ketidakpatuhan minor.
Tarikh isu dan tarikh luput sijil: akan dikeluarkan
Skop sijil: Tilapia- Oreochromis Niloticus
Senarai ketidakpatuhan tidak jelas: sila lihat senarai semak ASC
2.4 Audit background/Latar belakang audit
Author(s):/Penulis: Mr. LE XUAN QUYNH
Audit dates:/Tarikh audit: 20-21/10/2015
Report finished at:/Laporan siap pada: 17/11/2015
Report reviewed at:/Laporan diulas pada: 18/11/2015
Date of continuing certification decision:/Tarikh keputusan untuk meneruskan pensijilan: to be released/akan
Persons involved in the audit:/Orang yang terlibat dalam audit:
* The farm/Ladang:
Siti Azmah Bt Hj Mat Taib – Farm Operations Manager/Pengurus operasi ladang
Mr. Mohd Hafiz B. Razali - Fish Health & Environmental Coordinator/Penyelaras Kesihatan Ikan dan Persekitaran
Ahmad Bahy Bin Ismail – On Shore Manager/Pengurus Daratan
Ahmad Safwan Bin Mohamad – Safety Manager/Pengurus Keselamatan
Muhammad Firdaus Bin Abu Bakar - Fish Health Assistant/Pembantu Kesihatan Ikan
Mr. Ting Cheong Ang – CEO
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Report number: 814690-ASC-LXQ-2014-01
Version 5 APR 2014
Mr. Yusof – Local community/masyarakat setempat
- Employees of the farm/pekerja ladang
Activities audited/aktiviti diaudit: production, sampling, harvesting/pengeluaran, sampel, penuaian.
Stakeholder participation/penyertaan pihak berkepentingan: We have invited stakeholders to participate
during the audit and in the time of public consultation. There is not any negative comment from stakeholders
received before and in the audit/Tiada komen daripada pihak berkepentingan diterima sebelum atau semasa
Previous Audits (if applicable)/Audit terdahulu (jika digunakan): 20-21/11/2014
Other activities/Lain-lain aktiviti:
ASC audit announcement date/Pengumuman tarikh audit ASC: 29-08-15
Stakeholders’ consultation opened/Perundingan pihak berkepentingan dibuka: 21-10-15
Pre-audit checklist information desk review/Ulasan maklumat senarai semak pra-audit: N/A. This is surveillance
audit/ N/A. Ini adalah audit pengawasan.
2.5 Scope/Skop
ASC standard version/Versi standard ASC: ASC Tilapia version 1.0 March 2014/ASC Tilapia versi 1.0 Mac 2014
Single site certification/Pensijilan tapak tunggal
Species/Spesies: Tilapia - Oreochromis niloticus
Scope of audit/Skop audit: Single site certification. Unit and locations included in the audit with geographical
coordinates/ Pensijilan tapak Single .Unit dan lokasi termasuk dalam audit dengan koordinat geografi
Production Unit
Nama unit
Production Unit
number (assigned
by CUSI)
Nombor unit
(ditentukan oleh
Address and geographical positions
Alamat dan posisi geografi
* Address/Alamat: Pusat Perikanan Banding, Km
38.5 Jalan Raya Timur-Barat 33300 Tasek
Temenggor, Gerik, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
- C1 (RWRP): N 5°28'38.90"; E 101°20'11.00"
- A2 (RWFO): N 5°28'24.90"; E 101°19'19.60"
- A14 (RWFA): N 5°27'7.00"; E 101°19'23.10"
Receiving water: The characteristics of Lake Temenggor is the natural water body where inlet and outlet of
Tilapia and also as an attachment send the satellite images or map of the farm and receiving water body
Air penerima: Ciri-ciri Tasik Temenggor ialah air semulajadi di mana masukan dan keluaran Tilapia dan juga
sebagai pertautan menghantar imej satelit atau peta ladang dan air penerima
TRAPIA grow-out
Ladang punca
2.6 Description of the start of the Chain of Custody/Deskripsi permulaan Rangkaian Pengedaran
Products included in the scope of certification detailed in this report may enter further certified chains of
custody and are eligible to apply to carry the ASC label.
Produk yang termasuk dalam skop pensijilan diperincikan dalam laporan ini boleh dimasukkan untuk disahkan
rangkaian pengedaran dan layak untuk memohon membawa label ASC.
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Version 5 APR 2014
Considerations for the decision/Pertimbangan untuk keputusan:
Tracking, tracing and segregation systems within the aquaculture operation: The farm has the form of
following harvesting and transporting Tilapia to the processing unit. Based on this form, the farm’s
traceability – can be known in which the processing units Tilapia are transported to. Currently, there is
no any Tilapia selling to other processing units with the exception of Trapia Malaysia SND BHD
(Processing plants) – the same legality. Currently, Trapia has only one farm that is certified for ASC; and
Tilapia from this farm is only sold to this processing unit.
Penjejakan, pengesanan dan sistem pengasingan dalam operasi akuakultur: Ladang ini mengikut unit
menuai dan mengangkut Tilapia ke unit pemprosesan. Berdasarkan unit ini, kebolehkesanan ladangdapat diketahui di mana unit pemprosesan Tilapia yang diangkut. Pada masa ini, tiada jualan Tilapia ke
unit pemprosesan lain kecuali Trapia Malaysia SND BHD (kilang pemprosesan) - kesahan yang sama.
Pada masa ini, Trapia hanya mempunyai satu ladang yang disahkan untuk ASC; dan Tilapia dari ladang
ini hanya dijual kepada unit pemprosesan ini.
Use of transshipment: The farm has been using truck in order to transport to the processing units.
Penggunaan pemindahan ke kapal: Ladang ini telah menggunakan lori untuk mengangkut ke unit
Eligible operators and point(s) of landing: Using clod-truck for Tilapia and there is only one point of
harvesting at this farm to Trapia point of landing.
Operator yang layak dan titik pendaratan: Menggunakan lori clod untuk Tilapia dan hanya ada satu
titik penuaian di ladang ini ke titik pendaratan Trapia.
The opportunity of substitution of certified with non-certified product within the unit of certification:
There is no chance of substitution and only certified products are produced by the legal entity Trapia
Malaysia SND BHD (Processing plants) are belonged to the same legal entity
Peluang penggantian produk disahkan dengan produk tidak disahkan dalam unit pensijilan: Tidak ada
peluang untuk penggantian dan hanya produk disahkan dihasilkan oleh entiti sah Trapia Malaysia SND
BHD (kilang pemprosesan) adalah kepunyaan entiti sah yang sama.
Point from which Chain of Custody certification is required: Chain of custody certification is required
after harvest when Tilapia is received in processing plants also owned by Trapia Malaysia SND BHD
Titik di mana pensijilan rangkaian pengedaran diperlukan: Pensijilan rangkaian pengedaran diperlukan
selepas menuai apabila Tilapia diterima kilang pemprosesan yang juga dimiliki oleh Trapia Malaysia SND
2.7 Evaluation results/Keputusan penilaian
See audit checklist attached to this report/Lihat senarai semak audit yang disertakan bersama laporan ini
2.8 Findings/Penemuan
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Version 5 APR 2014
The farm has 02 minor NCs. After submitting the corrective action plan and agreed by CUP, the farm can
continue his certification/Ladang mempunyai 02 ketidakpatuhan minor. Selepas menghantar plan tindakan
pembetulan dan dipersetujui oleh CUP, ladang boleh meneruskan pensijilan
Butiran Penggredan
NC Status
Status NC
Farm provided Water Quality Monitoring dataset
prior audit. However, farm did not test Specific
There is no evidence that method of Ammonia
testing is complying to requirement
Ladang menyediakan dataset Pemantauan Kualiti
Air sebelum audit. Walau bagaimanapun, ladang
tidak menguji kealiran spesifik.
Tiada bukti kaedah pengujian Ammonia mematuhi
There is no use of trapping device
Tiada penggunaan alat perangkap
Corrective action
See attachment
Lihat lampiran
See attachment
Lihat lampiran
2.9 Non-conformity report(s)/ laporan ketidakpatuhan (s)
Please see attached NC forms for the detail/ Sila lihat lampiran borang NC untuk lanjut
2.10 Confidential annexes/Lampiran sulit
No confidential annexes to this report
Tiada lampiran sulit untuk laporan ini
Name and signature of authorized representative/ Midori Kawazo
Nama dan tandatangan wakil berkuasa
Position/Posisi:Scheme coordinator
Date/Tarikh: 26/02/2016
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Control Union Peru SAC
Head office: P.O.Box 161 8000, AD Zwolle, The Netherlands
Av. Rivera Navarrete 762, piso 15, San Isidro, Lima Peru
Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: + 5117190410;
ASC audit checklist
1.1 Client contact data
CUC number:
Company name:
Contact person:
Postal code:
Telephone number:
1.2 Audit information
Date of last external audit :
Audit date :
Full name of the lead auditor:
Audit team:
Type audit :
1.3 Scope of ASC
Production units
Company name
Mr. Mohd Hafiz B. Razali
Pusat Perikanan Banding, Km 38.5 Jalan Raya Timur-Barat 33300 Tasek Temenggor, Gerik, Perak
Fax Number:
Mr. Le Xuan Quynh
Mr. Le Xuan Quynh (Environment Auditor)
Mr. Le Anh Ngoc (Social Auditor)
Accompanying person: Mr. Victor Soosai - Translator
Announced / Unannounced
Standard Version: ASC Tilapia Standard V1.0 Jan 2012-Specie: Oreochromis Niloticus
Address and GPS coordinates
Temenggor, Gerik, Perak Darul
Ridzuan, Malaysia.
C01: N 5°28'38.90"; E 101°20'11.00"
A02: N 5°28'24.90"; E 101°19'19.60"
A14: N 5°27'7.00"; E 101°19'23.10"
Receiving water body
Temenggor Lake
Changes since last audit:
NO  If YES, Description:
1.4 Other information
Brand name of the company:
Mention other existing certification schemes of licensee:
Lead Auditor: LE XUAN QUYNH
Company representative: Mr. Mohd Hafiz B. Razali
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Scope: Species of the Family Cichlidae commonly referred as Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, O. mossambica, O. aureus and O. hybrids)
1.1 Criteria: Evidence of legal compliance
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Maintain copies of applicable land and water use laws.
b. Maintain original lease agreements or land titles on file.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
A. Review compliance with applicable land and water use laws.
B. Confirm client holds original lease agreements or land titles.
Yes No N/A
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with local and
national authorities on land and water use (e.g., permits, evidence of
lease, concessions and rights to land and/or water use)
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
c. Keep records of inspections for compliance with national and local laws
C. Review inspection records for compliance with national and local laws
and regulations (only if such inspections are legally required in the country of
and regulations (as applicable).
d. Obtain permits and maps showing that farm does not conflict with
national preservation areas
a. Keep records of tax payments.
D. Verify facility does not conflict with national preservation areas.
A. Verify client has records of tax payments to appropriate jurisdiction(s).
b. Maintain copies of tax laws for jurisdiction(s) where company operates.
B. Confirm client has a basic knowledge of tax requirements for farm.
Tax payments code: Confirmation letter No. KP/PPP/S/202/01/1/359 on 10/10/2008 about tax
exemption for income tax in 10 years.
Record date: 10/10/2008
Kod pembayaran cukai: Surat pengesahan No. KP/PPP/S/202/01/1/359 pada 10/10/2008
tentang pengecualian cukai untuk cukai pendapatan dalam masa 10 tahun .
Tarikh Rekod: 10/10/2008
Does client have knowledge?: Yes
Codes of documents that proving: Confirmation letter No. KP/PPP/S/202/01/1/359 on
10/10/2008 about tax exemption for income tax in 10 years.
Adakah pelanggan mempunyai pengetahuan?: Ya
Kod dokumen yang membuktikan: Surat pengesahan No. KP/PPP/S/202/01/1/359 pada
10/10/2008 tentang pengecualian cukai untuk cukai pendapatan dalam masa 10 tahun
Is client registered? Yes
Code of records related to taxes: Sub-lease agreement Co.No. 78987 4-V on 14th Apr, 2011 about
renting water surface for tilapia farming in 30 years between Trapia and Department of
Agriculture Development of Perak.
Record date: 14/04/2011
Adakah klien didaftarkan? Ya
Kod rekod berkaitan dengan cukai: Perjanjian sub-pajakan Co.No. 78987 4 -V pada 14 April 2011
tentang penyewaan permukaan air untuk ternakan ikan tilapia dalam tempoh 30 tahun antara
Trapia dan Jabatan Pembangunan Pertanian Perak.
Tarikh Rekod: 14/04/2011
Code of records related to all labor laws and regulations: Employment Act 1955 (Act 265),
regulation and order & Selected Legislation, last updated at 20 Apr 2011 (English and Malay)
Record date: Last updated on 20/04/2011
Kod rekod berkaitan dengan semua undang-undang dan peraturan buruh : Akta Pekerjaan 1955
(Akta 265) , peraturan dan perintah & Perundangan Terpilih, dikemaskini pada 20 Apr 2011
(Bahasa Inggeris dan Melayu)
Tarikh Rekod: Dikemaskini pada 20/04/2011
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
a. Maintain copies of national labor codes and laws applicable to farm.
C. Verify client is registered with local or national authorities.
A. Confirm client has specified documentation.
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with all labor
laws and regulations
Lease agreements/land titles code: Sub-lease agreement Co.No. 78987 4-V on 14th Apr, 2011
about renting water surface for tilapia farming between Trapia and Department of Agriculture
Development of Perak
Holding time: 30 years
Perjanjian pajakan/Kod hak milik tanah: Perjanjian sub-pajakan Co.No. 78987 4 -V pada 14 April
2011 tentang penyewaan permukaan air untuk ternakan ikan tilapia antara Trapia dan Jabatan
Pembangunan Pertanian Perak
Masa pegangan: 30 tahun
Inspection record code: Certificate No. 0518-A21
Inspection date: 14/06/2015
Entity that conducted the inspection: Department of Fisheries Malaysia
Kod Rekod Pemeriksaan: No. Sijil 0518 - A21
Tarikh pemeriksaan: 14/06/2015
Entiti yang menjalankan pemeriksaan: Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia
Requirement: Yes
c. Register with national or local authorities as an “aquaculture activity".
Codes of documents that proving: Sub-lease agreement Co.No. 78987 4-V about renting water
surface for tilapia farming between Trapia and Department of Agriculture Development of Perak
Issue and expire date: 14/04/2011 - 30 years
Kod dokumen yang membuktikan: Perjanjian sub-pajakan Co.No. 78987 4 -V tentang penyewaan
permukaan air untuk ternakan tilapia antara Trapia dan Jabatan Pembangunan Pertanian Perak
Isu dan tarikh luput: 14/04/2011 - 30 tahun
Is there exist any conflict? No
Codes of documents that proving: Verified on, the farm is located in Belum Rainforest which is protected area. However, Malaysia
Government approved for cage aquaculture for Trapia only in water.
Adakah konflik berlaku? Tiada
Kod dokumen yang membuktikan: Disahkan, ladang terletak di Hutan Hujan Belum, iaitu kawasan terpelihara. Walau
bagaimanapun, Kerajaan Malaysia meluluskan sangkar akuakultur untuk Trapia hanya di dalam
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with all tax laws
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with all labor
laws and regulations
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with regulations
or permits concerning water quality impacts
b. Keep records of farm inspections for compliance with national labor laws
and codes (only if such inspections are legally required in the country of
B. Review inspection records for compliance with national labor laws and
codes (as applicable).
a. Obtain permits for water quality impacts where applicable.
A. Verify that client obtains permits as applicable.
b. Comply with all discharge laws or regulations.
B. Review evidence of compliance with discharge laws or regulations.
Law regulation number: Interim National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia (INWQS)
Is in compliance?: Yes
Nombor peraturan undang-undang: Interim Kualiti Air Kebangsaan (INWQS) untuk Malaysia
Adakah dipatuhi ?: Ya
Does client have any water analysis record?: Yes
Record code: CL/15060612; ML/15060656
Record date: 29/06/2015
Entity that performs the analysis: DXN Holding BHD
Adakah pelanggan mempunyai rekod analisis air?: Ya
Kod Rekod: CL / 15060612 ; ML / 15060656
Tarikh Rekod: 29/06/2015
Entiti yang melaksanakan analisis: DXN Holding BHD
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
c. Maintain records of monitoring and compliance with discharge laws and
regulations as required
2.1 Criteria: Site information
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
C. Verify that records show compliance with discharge laws and regulations.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
b. Submit checklist and attachments to CB before the on-site audit.
B. Review client submission for completeness, accuracy, and currency of
information. Request clarification if needed.
What documents were sent to CB?: All documents as per required in Receiving Water
Information Checklist
Sending date: 21/09/2015
Apakah dokumen yang dihantar ke CB ?: Semua dokumen diperlukan dalam Senarai Semak
Maklumat Air Penerima
Tarikh hantar : 21/09/2015
C. Verify client information by cross-checking with independent sources (e.g.
local authorities).
Sources of confirmation: Investment for the Director General Department of Fisheries Malaysia
Sumber pengesahan : Pelaburan bagi Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
a. Complete the Receiving Water Information Checklist in Audit Reference 2
(Table 1 in Appendix 1 of the Standard).
A. Do not schedule on-site audit of client until checklist review is complete.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
2.2 Criteria: Presence of natural or established tilapia species
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Collect documentary evidence that cultured species was established in
receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008, or
Collect first hand accounts showing evidence for natural reproduction of
Indicator: Demonstration that the tilapia species cultured is
established[1] and naturally reproducing in the receiving waters[2], of tilapia species in receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008.
Submit evidence with checklist (Audit Reference 2).
the operation on or before 1 January 2008[3]
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All farm locations outside Africa (see 2.2.2), Farm-Wide
Was the "Receiving Water Information Checklist" used before the onsite audit?: Yes
Use date of checklist: 21/09/2015
Adakah " Senarai Semak Maklumat Air Penerima " digunakan sebelum audit di tapak?: Ya
Tarikh senarai : 21/09/2015
Indicator: Site location, history and stewardship activities matrix
located in
Appendix 1, Table 1 is completed and validated
Requirement: Yes
Was there a inspection related to labor laws?: No
Entity that conducted the inspection: N/A
Code of inspection records: N/A
Inspection date: N/A
Adakah pemeriksaan berkaitan dengan undang-undang buruh dibuat ?: Tidak
Entiti yang menjalankan pemeriksaan : N/A
Rekod kod pemeriksaan : N/A
Tarikh pemeriksaan: N/A
Does client have permits?: Yes
Codes of documents that proving: PRK.ML.55/01 Jld.5(8)
Entity related: Investment for the Director General Department of Fisheries Malaysia
Adakah pelanggan mempunyai permit ?: Ya
Kod dokumen pembuktian : PRK.ML.55 / 01 Jld.5 (8)
Entiti berkaitan: Pelaburan bagi Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia
b. If system does not have receiving waters according as defined in this
requirement [2] then the requirements of indicator 2.2.1 are not applicable.
A. Review evidence for compliance with the Requirement.
documentary evidence: peer-reviewed literature; verifiable Environmental
Impact Assessment; and government certification.
Acceptable first hand accounts: community testimonials and direct evidence
for multiple size classes of tilapia species in receiving waters captured with
cast nets, trapping devices or fishing.
B. If system does not have receiving waters according as defined in this
requirement, Auditor response to 2.2.2 is “not applicable” (NA).
Tilapia cultured is established and naturally reproducing in the receiving waters of the operation
on or before 1 January 2008?: Yes
Sources of confirmation: Introduced Species Fact Sheets (FAO Database on Introduction of
Aquatic Species-DIAS) at
Kultur Tilapia dilaksanakan dan dibenihkan secara secara semula jadi dalam air semasa operasi
pada atau sebelum 1 Januari 2008 ?: Ya
Sumber pengesahan : Lembaran Fakta Pengenalan Spesies (FAO Pangkalan Data Pengenalan
Spesies Akuatik - DIAS ) dalam
Is water discharged into municipal water? No
what are the devices/mechanism used to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological organisms such as
fish: N/A
Adakah air dilepaskan ke air perbandaran? Tidak
Apakah peranti / mekanisme digunakan untuk membasmi / menghapuskan organisma makro
biologi seperti ikan: N / A
[1] “A non-indigenous species is considered established if it has a reproducing population within the basin, as inferred from multiple discoveries of adult and juvenile life stages over at least two consecutive years. Given that successful establishment may require multiple introductions, species are excluded if their records of discoveries are
based on only one or a few non-reproducing individuals whose occurrence may reflect merely transient species or unsuccessful invasions.” (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
c. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish.
C. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish. Review evidence to confirm compliance.
[2] “Receiving water” is defined as all distinct bodies of water that receive runoff or waste discharges, such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and estuaries (adapted from World Health Organization). This does not include farm-constructed water courses,
impoundments or treatment facilities.
Footnote [3] Where there are no-discharge systems, or no discharge to receiving waters, requirements 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 are not applicable.
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: In Africa, demonstration that the tilapia species and strain
cultured is established and naturally reproducing in the receiving
waters of the operation or before 1 January 2008
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: Farms located in Africa only (see 2.2.1), Farm-Wide
2.3 Criteria: The effects of eutrophication
a. Collect documentary evidence that cultured species and strain was present
in receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008 or
Collect first hand accounts showing evidence for natural reproduction of
tilapia species and strain in receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008.
Submit evidence with checklist (Audit Reference 2)
A. Review evidence for compliance with the Requirement.
documentary evidence: peer-reviewed literature; verifiable Environmental
Impact Assessment; and government certification.
Acceptable first hand accounts: community testimonials and direct evidence
for multiple size classes of tilapia species in receiving waters captured with
cast nets, trapping devices or fishing
N/A. Farm locates in Malaysia
N/A. Ladang terletak di Malaysia
b. If system does not have receiving waters as defined in this Requirement
[2]then the requirements of indicator 2.2.2 are not applicable.
B. If system does not have receiving waters according as defined in this
requirement, Auditor response to 2.2.2 is “not applicable” (NA).
N/A. Farm locates in Malaysia
N/A. Ladang terletak di Malaysia
c. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish.
C. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish. Review evidence to confirm compliance.
N/A. Farm locates in Malaysia
N/A. Ladang terletak di Malaysia
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Instruction to Clients for indicator 2.3.1 - Diurnal Difference in Dissolved Oxygen (DDDO)
- Sampling for DDDO is done at least once per month and is measured only at Receiving Water Farm Afar (RWFA) site.
- Measure dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity (or salinity), and temperature at 0.3 m depth. Take all three measurements at the same time.
- For each monthly sampling of DDDO, take measurements two times: 1 hour before sunrise and 2 hours before sunset.
- Equations for calculating DDDO are given in Audit Reference 6 (also Equation 1 in Appendix III of the Standard).
Note 1: For farms located in temperate zones, audits will occur during the 4-month window of peak primary productivity in receiving waters.
Note 2: For farms where thermal destratification occurs (a natural event when oxygen is depleted due to mixing of deep waters with surface waters), the detection of low oxygen concentration will be recorded but will not be considered a non-conformance.
Note 3: The pre-sunset measurements are taken at the same time that samples are collected for water quality monitoring (see Instructions for 2.5.1) at the day of the audit
a. Collect ≥12 months of DDDO samples if farm was built after December
2009 (farms built before December 2009 need only 6 months of data).
Indicator: The percent change in diurnal dissolved oxygen of receiving
b. Calibrate all equipment at the frequency and by the method
waters relative to dissolved oxygen at saturation for the water’s
recommended by the manufacturer. Calibrate daily if there is no
specific salinity and temperature
manufacturer's recommendation
A. Do not schedule on-site audit until client provides baseline DDDO data.
B. Verify that client calibrates equipment as required.
Has client provided DDDO data before the audit?: Yes
How old are this data: 12 months (Sept 2014 - Sept 2015)
Adakah pelanggan menyediakan data DDDO sebelum audit?: Ya
Berapa lama usia data: 12 bulan (Sept 2014 - Sept 2015)
Date of the last calibrate: At audit date
Method and frequency: According to manual, calibrate before measuring
Responsible for calibration: Mr. Hafiz Razali-FH&E Coordinator, DCC
Tarikh menentukur terakhir : Pada tarikh audit
Kaedah dan kekerapan: Menurut manual, menentukur sebelum mengukur
Orang bertanggungjawab untuk penentukuran: Encik Hafiz Razali - Penyelaras FH&E, DCC
Verified and confirmed that client adjusts for temperature, salinity through calibration and
altitude in calculations
Requirement: ≤ 65%
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
2.4 Criteria: Water quality in oligotrophic receiving waters
c. Adjust DO at saturation to reflect temperature, salinity and altitude during C. Verify that client adjusts for temperature, salinity and altitude through
calibration or in calculations (see Audit Reference 6).
calibration or in calculations (Audit Reference 6).
d. Calculate DDDO using equation 1 (Audit Reference 6) and oxygen
D. Review Water Quality Monitoring Matrix. Verify that all DDDO
saturation values (Audit Reference 5). Enter DDDO values into Water Quality
measurements from the receiving water comply with the Requirement.
Monitoring Matrix (Audit Reference 4).
e. Calculate average annual DDDO for the prior 12-month period. Enter
result into Water Quality Monitoring Matrix (Audit Reference 4).
E. Review monitoring matrix and confirm that mean annual DDDO ≤ 65 %.
f. Arrange to take DO measurements while the auditor is at the farm
F. Witness client measuring DO. On-site values should fall within range of
farm data for DDDO. If an out of range measurement is observed, raise a
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Ditentusahkan dan disahkan bahawa pelanggan menyesuaikan untuk suhu , kemasinan melalui
penentukuran dan ketinggian dalam pengiraan
DDDO value was calculated?: Yes
DDDO values: 0.05% - 26.30%
Nilai DDDO dikira?: Ya
Nilai DDDO: 0.05% - 26.30%
Is the DDDO calculated less than 65%?: Yes (Average DDDO = 7.32%)
Adakah DDDO dikira kurang daripada 65% ?: Ya ( Purata DDDO = 7.32 %)
All values are within range?: Yes
On morning: to = 28.6°C, DO = 7.6 mg/L
On afternoon: to = 30.6°C, DO = 8.2 mg/L
Percentage change in diurnal dissolved oxygen = 11.57%
Adakah semua nilai dalam julat ?: Ya
Pagi : ke = 28.6 °C , DO = 7.6 mg / L
Tengahari : ke = 30.6 °C , DO = 8.2 mg / L
Peratus perubahan oksigen terlarut diurnal = 11.57 %
Instruction to Clients for indicator 2.4.1 - Upper Limit of Secchi Disk Visibility (SD)
The TAD concluded that "Water bodies with an average annual Secchi disk visibility at or above 10 meters are not permitted to be used as receiving waters under the ISRTA because of their ecological uniqueness and rarity." Thus, indicator 2.4.2 sets an upper limit on
eligibility for certification: SD ≤10 m.
- Testing of the upper limit of SD is done only at the RWFA sampling station.
- When depth at RWFA station is < 10 meters, the Requirement does not apply.
- The required methods and equipment for measuring SD are given in Audit Reference 1
Indicator: Secchi disk visibility[4] limit above which production is not
a. Collect ≥12 months of SD readings at RWFA station (for first audits, farm
must have ≥ 6 months of data). Enter SD values into Water Quality
Monitoring Matrix (Audit Reference 4).
A. Review matrix to verify that average annual SD < 10 m. If average annual
SD equals or exceeds 10 m, production is not certifiable.
Is the average annual or semi-annual less than 10m? Yes
Average annual or semi-annual: 170 - 280 cm; average SD = 206 cm
Adakah purata tahunan atau semi tahunan kurang daripada 10m ? Ya
Purata tahunan atau semi tahunan : 170 - 280 cm ; purata SD = 206 cm
Requirement: 10 meters
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: Secchi disk visibility[4] limit above which production is not
Requirement: 10 meters
b. Arrange to take SD measurements at RWFA during the audit of the farm.
The auditor will witness and replicate your SD measurements.
B. Witness client measuring SD. Repeat the SD measurement yourself at the
same time and location. Record both sets of values.
C. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6).
If < 5% difference is observed between auditor and farm min and max SD
readings, then accept the annual average from farm data. If > 5% difference
is observed between auditor and farm min and max SD readings, then raise
a non-conformity (see Audit Reference 3).
Value by client: 180 cm
Value by auditor: 182 cm
Nilai oleh pelanggan : 180 cm
Nilai oleh juruaudit : 182 cm
Percent error between auditor and farm lectures: 1.1%
Annual average: 206 cm
Min value: 170
Max value: 280
Annual average accepted: 206 cm
Ralat peratus antara juruaudit dan kuliah ladang : 1.1%
Purata tahunan : 206 cm
Nilai Min: 170
Nilai Max: 280
Purata tahunan diterima: 206 cm
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Instruction to Clients for indicator 2.4.2 - Decision about Oligotrophy using SD
Indicator: Compliance with standards 2.4.3. & 2.4.4. when Secchi disk
visibility[4] ≤ 5.0 meters
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
The TAD concluded that it was necessary to protect oligotrophic waters from excessive nutrient loading. They imposed strict limits on concentration of Total Phosphorus (Indicator 2.4.3) and Chlorophyll a(Indicator 2.4.4). To decide whether a given water body is
oligotrophic or not, the TAD mandated a functional definition: "Oligotrophic receiving waters are characterized as those that have a Secchi disk visibility equal to or greater than 5.0 meters." Thus, the Secchi disk measurement (SD) will determine whether Standard nutrient
limits shall apply to a given receiving water. The flow chart in Audit Reference 7 shows how to make decisions using SD measurements.
A few points about the logic of the decision-making process must be noted:
- Highly oligotrophic waters (i.e. where the average annual SD is > 10 m) are automatically ineligible from certification because they do not comply with indicator 2.4.1.
- The decision about Oligotrophy is made based solely on SD measurements taken at RWFA (i.e. SD measures from RWRP, RWFO or other locales are not considered).
- The auditor will verify accuracy of farm SD measurements while on site. Where farm and auditor measurements differ, the auditor's SD measurement shall prevail.
- When deciding if Requirement nutrient limits apply to a receiving water body, the auditor shall also compare the annual average SD to the on-site SD measurement.
- If water depth at RWFA is < 5.0 meters and the SD measurement is to 'bottom' then 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 are not applicable.
Note: If the client suspects that an abrupt reduction in SD as measured by the auditor (e.g. case D below) was caused by natural seasonal variations (i.e. summer blooms or rainy season turbidity), the client may request exemption from 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 but only if it can be
shown annual average SD has not decreased by > 5% over the previous 2 years
a. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m,
then (see next column -->)
b. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then (see next column -->)
c. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m,
then (see next column -->)
d. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤ 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then (see next column -->)
a. If required under indicator 2.4.2, collect water samples at RWFA.
Indicator: Total phosphorus concentration limit in receiving waters[4] Determine total phosphorus concentration.
Requirement: ≤ 20 µg/L
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
b. Report results to CB.
c. Analyze total phosphorus concentrations in all subsequent water samples
from monthly water quality monitoring. Continue until instructed otherwise
by the CB.
Indicator: Chlorophyll a concentration limit in receiving waters[4]
a. If required under indicator 2.4.2, collect water samples at RWFA.
Determine chlorophyll a concentration.
Requirement: ≤ 4.0 µg/L
b. Report results to CB.
A. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m,
then Proceed to indicator 2.4.3 and 2.4.4
B. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then stop
C. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤ 5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m,
then stop
D. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤ 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then Proceed to indicator 2.4.3 and 2.4.4.
A. Take duplicate water sample at RWFA. Have sample analyzed by a
qualified independent laboratory for total phosphorus concentration (for
handling, see indicator 2.5.1)
B. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6).
If > 5% difference is observed between auditor data and farm min/max,
raise a non-conformity (see Audit Reference 3).
C. Verify that samples from receiving waters comply the Requirement.
A. Take duplicate water sample at RWFA. Have sample analyzed by a
qualified independent laboratory for chlorophyll a concentration (for
handling, see indicator 2.5.1)
B. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6).
If > 5% difference is observed between auditor data and farm min/max,
raise a non-conformity (see Audit Reference 3).
c. Analyze chlorophyll a concentrations in all subsequent water samples from
monthly water quality monitoring. Continue until instructed otherwise by the C. Verify that samples from receiving waters comply the Requirement.
Footnote [4] Measurements shall be taken at the Receiving Water Farm Afar (RWFA) sampling station. See Appendix II for RWFA definition.
2.5 Criteria: Receiving water monitoring
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
N/A. Auditor measurement show SD < 5.0m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m
N/A. Ukuran juruaudit menunjukkan SD < 5.0m dan min tahunan SD < 5.0 m
N/A. Auditor measurement show SD < 5.0m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m
N/A. Ukuran juruaudit menunjukkan SD < 5.0m dan min tahunan SD < 5.0 m
Auditor measurement show SD < 5.0m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m  Stop
Ukuran juruaudit menunjukkan SD < 5.0m dan min tahunan SD < 5.0 m → Henti
N/A. Auditor measurement show SD < 5.0m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m
N/A. Ukuran juruaudit menunjukkan SD < 5.0m dan min tahunan SD < 5.0 m
N/A. It is not required under indicator 2.4.2
N/A. Tidak dikehendaki dalam penunjuk 2.4.2
N/A. It is not required under indicator 2.4.2
N/A. Tidak dikehendaki dalam penunjuk 2.4.2
N/A. It is not required under indicator 2.4.2
N/A. Tidak dikehendaki dalam penunjuk 2.4.2
N/A. It is not required under indicator 2.4.2
N/A. Tidak dikehendaki dalam penunjuk 2.4.2
N/A. It is not required under indicator 2.4.2
N/A. Tidak dikehendaki dalam penunjuk 2.4.2
N/A. It is not required under indicator 2.4.2
N/A. Tidak dikehendaki dalam penunjuk 2.4.2
Instruction to Clients for indicator 2.5.1 - Water Quality Monitoring
- Required parameters for the water quality monitoring program are shown in Appendix II of the Standard.
- Samples are collected from each of the 3 sampling stations: RWRP; RWFO; and RWFA.
- A minimum of one sample is taken per station but the TAD encourages multiple sampling to investigate water body dynamics.
- Water samples are taken from a 1-meter column of water or deeper.
- Water samples are taken 2 hours before sunset.
- Water samples must be kept in sealed coolers and kept at a temperature of less than 10⁰C.
Note 1: Laboratories used by the auditor for analyses not performed on site with auditor equipment will use ISO methods as described in Audit Reference 1, and farms are suggested to periodically send water samples to these laboratories to assure farm analyses are within
a 5% level of error.
Note 2: Water samples from RWFA should be taken at the same time that DO is measured for the calculation of DDDO (see Instructions for indicator 2.3.1) at the day of the audit
a. Conduct ≥6 months of water quality monitoring before first audit.
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
A. Do not schedule the on-site audit until client has monitoring dataset.
Information dataset period: 12 months (Sept 2014 - Sept 2015)
Tempoh maklumat dataset : 12 bulan (Sept 2014 - September 2015 )
b. Complete the Water Quality Monitoring Matrix (Audit Reference 4) and
submit to CB.
c. Calibrate all equipment at the frequency and by the method
recommended by the manufacturer. Calibrate daily if there is no
manufacturer's recommendation.
B. Review Matrix to verify that client monitored all required parameters at
the required frequency.
C. Verify that client calibrates equipment as required.
Parameters monitored: Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Chlorophyll a, Secchi disk
visibility, Phosphate-phosphorus, Ammonia-nitrogen. Farm provided Water Quality Monitoring
dataset prior audit. However, farm did not test Specific conductance.
There is no evidence that method of Ammonia testing is complying to requirement
Frequency: Monthly
Parameter dipantau : Suhu , oksigen terlarut , kekeruhan , Klorofil a , cakera penglihatan Secchi,
fosfat - fosforus, Ammonia nitrogen. Ladang menyediakan Pemantauan Kualiti Air set data audit
terdahulu. Walau bagaimanapun , ladang tidak menguji Kealiran Spesifik.
Tiada bukti bahawa kaedah ujian Ammonia mematuhi keperluan
Kekerapan: Bulanan
Date of the last calibration: Every time before measuring according to recommendation by the
Method and frequency: Every time before measuring according to recommendation by the
Responsible for calibration: Mr. Hafiz Razali-FH&E Coordinator, DCC
Tarikh penentukur terakhir : Setiap kali sebelum mengukur mengikut cadangan oleh pengeluar
Kaedah dan kekerapan: Setiap kali sebelum mengukur mengikut cadangan oleh pengeluar
Orang bertanggungjawab untuk penentukuran: Encik Hafiz Razali - Penyelaras FH&E, DCC
Indicator: Receiving water quality monitoring matrix completed and
validated (Appendix II)
Requirement: Yes (6 months data, pre-audit, required)
d. During the audit of the farm, arrange to conduct water quality monitoring. D. Witness client conducting water quality monitoring. Repeat on-site
The auditor will witness and replicate water sampling
measurements at the same time and location. Record both sets of values.
e. Collect water samples and prepare them for shipment as applicable
E. Collect duplicates of water samples for independent analyses performed
by either the CB or an independent laboratory (i.e. not by farm staff). At a
minimum, the independent analyses shall include determination of:
chlorophyll a (ug/L), phosphate-phosphorus (ug/L), ammonia-nitrogen
(ug/L), and turbidity (NTU). Keep samples in a sealed cooler at < 10⁰C.
f. Perform routine analysis of water samples (i.e. done in the same manner
as for previous months of water quality monitoring).
F. Keep samples under auditor control until analyses are complete or until
samples are placed into custody of a qualified independent laboratory.
g. Record values for each parameter and submit results to CB.
G. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6).
If > 5% difference is observed between auditor and farm data, raise a nonconformity (see Audit Reference 3).
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
2.6 Criteria: Wetland conservation
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Auditor witnessed client conducting water quality monitoring? Yes
Samples taken sent to: External lab
Juruaudit menyaksikan pelanggan menjalankan pemantauan kualiti air ? Ya
Sampel diambil dihantar ke: Makmal luar
Parameters in criteria tested? Chlorophyll a (ug/L), phosphate-phosphorus (ug/L), ammonianitrogen (ug/L), and turbidity (NTU)
Kriteria parameter diuji? Klorofil a (ug/L), fosfat fosforus (ug/L), ammonia-nitrogen (ug/L) dan
kekeruhan (NTU)
Samples storage: Samples kept in seal bottles and sent to the lab by auditor
Date of sending: 20/10/2015
Penyimpanan sampel: Sampel disimpan dalam botol tertutup dan dihantar ke makmal oleh
Tarikh penghantaran: 20/10/2015
Auditor reading
2.39; 3,54
Chlorophyll a (ug/L)
<1; <1
Phosphate-phosphorus (mg/L)
<0.01; <0.01
Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/L)
0.2; 0.1; 0.3; 0.4: 0.8
Auditor reading
2.61; 2.94
Chlorophyll a (ug/L)
<1; <1
Phosphate-phosphorus (mg/L)
<0.01; <0.01
Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/L)
0.3; 0.2
Auditor reading
2.19; 2.77
Chlorophyll a (ug/L)
<1; <1
Phosphate-phosphorus (mg/L)
<0.01; <0.01
Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/L)
0.2; 0.3
Error %: 50%. There is > 5% difference is observed between auditor and farm data in
monitoring Ammonia-nitrogen at RWRP (Farm data from 0.0 to 0.4, testing reports for samples
taken by auditor show 0.8)
Bacaan juruaudit
2.39; 3,54
Klorofil a a (ug/L)
<1; <1
Fosfat-fosforus (mg/L)
<0.01; <0.01
Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/L)
0.2; 0.8
Bacaan juruaudit
2.61; 2.94
Klorofil a (ug/L)
<1; <1
Fosfat-fosforus (mg/L)
<0.01; <0.01
Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/L)
0.3; 0.2
Bacaan juruaudit
Wetland conversion since 1999? No
Source of confirmation: Environmental Impact Assessment(s) carried out by DHI
a. Provide a map delineating all wetlands currently within a 5-km radius of
A. Evaluate whether there is evidence for any wetland conversion occurring
Near wetland: No
the farm
within a 5-km radius of the farm since 1999.
Penukaran tanah basah sejak 1999? Tiada
Requirement: 0 ha
Sumber pengesahan : Penilaian Impak Alam Sekitar yang dijalankan oleh DHI
Tanah basah berdekatan: Tiada
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B. Evidence shows that farm siting or related activities have resulted in loss
Wetland conversion since 1999? No
b. Prepare a map showing pre- and post-1999 wetland coverage at farm site.
of wetland habitat since 1999, then the client is not certifiable.
Penukaran tanah basah sejak 1999? Tiada
Footnote [5] “Wetland is defined as lands where saturation with water is the dominant factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface.” (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
Footnote [6] The year Ramsar contracting parties adopted strategic framework for the development of the Ramsar List
3.1 Nutrient utilization efficiency
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Indicator: Hectares of allowable wetland[5] conversion since 1999[6]
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
Indicator: The total amount of phosphorus added to the culture
system per metric ton of fish produced per year. Use equations from
Appendix III.
A. Review invoice to confirm the total weight of feed used
Were the invoices checked? Yes. Some of delivery orders for feed were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: 004254, 0045595,….
Total weight of feed used: 6,651,376 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa? Ya. Beberapa pesanan penghantaran untuk makanan diperiksa secara
Kod invois diperiksa: 004254 , 0045595 , ....
Jumlah berat makanan digunakan: 6,651,376 kgs
b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
B. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish purchased.
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Vaccination records were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: Vaccination records of each date
Total weight of all fish purchased: 206,548 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa ?: Ya. Rekod vaksinasi diperiksa secara rawak
Kod invois diperiksa: Rekod vaksinasi setiap tarikh
Jumlah berat ikan dibeli: 206,548 kgs
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Product transfer and traceability control forms were randomly
Code of checked invoices: H01315-12P210815, H01315-13P210815,…..
Total weight of all fish produced: 3,824,424 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa ?: Ya. Borang pemindahan produk dan kawalan pengesanan diperiksa
secara rawak
Kod invois diperiksa: H01315-12P210815 , H01315-13P210815 , ... ..
Jumlah berat ikan dihasilkan: 3,824,424 kgs
Requirement: ≤ 27 kg
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
d. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer stating phosphorus content D. Confirm that a letter from the feed manufacturer states phosphorus
of the feed.
e. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8).
E. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy
F. Confirm that total phosphorus does not exceed the requirement
Farms without post-culture treatment for phosphorus
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
Indicator: The total amount of phosphorus released from the culture
system per metric ton of fish produced per year. Phosphorus loading
will be either calculated using equations from Appendix III or
measured in effluent
if there is post-culture treatment.
b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
Farms without post-culture treatment for phosphorus
A. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
B. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
Requirement:≤ 20 kg
Farm provided signed letter from feed manufacturer stating phosphorus content and nitrogen of
the feed?: Yes
Phosphorus content: 1.3% and 1.1% (Cargill), 1.1% (Skretting), 1.0% (Starfeed)
Letter date signature: 07/05/2015 (Cargill), 27/02/2015 (Skretting), 28/10/2014 (Starfeed)
Ladang menyediakan surat yang ditandatangani daripada pengilang makanan menyatakan
kandungan fosforus dan nitrogen makanan?: Ya
Kandungan fosforus : 1.3% dan 1.1 % (Cargill) , 1.1 % (Skretting) , 1.0 % (Starfeed)
Tarikh tanda tangan surat : 2015/07/05 (Cargill), 27/02/2015 (Skretting), 28/10/2014 (Starfeed)
Is the nutrient budget worksheet completed and accurate?: Yes
Adakah lembaran kerja bajet nutrien lengkap dan tepat ?: Ya
Does the added total phosphorus exceed 27 kg?: No
Total added phosphorus: 8.8kg/MT
Adakah jumlah tambahan fosforus melebihi 27 kg?: Tidak
Jumlah tambahan fosforus: 8.8kg / MT
Were the invoices checked? Yes. Some of delivery orders for feed were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: 004254, 0045595,….
Total weight of feed used: 6,651,376 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa? Ya. Beberapa pesanan penghantaran untuk makanan diperiksa secara
Kod invois diperiksa: 004254 , 0045595 , ....
Jumlah berat makanan yang digunakan: 6,651,376 kgs
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Vaccination records were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: Vaccination records of each date
Total weight of all fish purchased: 206,548 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa?: Ya. Rekod vaksinasi diperiksa secara rawak
Kod invois diperiksa: Rekod vaksinasi setiap tarikh
Jumlah berat ikan dibeli: 206,548 kgs
Applicability: Farms with no post-culture treatment for phosphorus,
Unit of Certification Only. Clients may omit/delete pricing details from
purchase documents.
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: The total amount of phosphorus released from the culture
system per metric ton of fish produced per year. Phosphorus loading
will be either calculated using equations from Appendix III or
measured in effluent
if there is post-culture treatment.
Requirement:≤ 20 kg
Applicability: Farms with no post-culture treatment for phosphorus,
Unit of Certification Only. Clients may omit/delete pricing details from
purchase documents.
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
d. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8)
D. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy.
E. Confirm that phosphorus released does not exceed requirement.
Farms with post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Farms with post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Indicator: The total amount of phosphorus released from the culture
system per metric ton of fish produced per year. Phosphorus loading
will be either calculated using equations from Appendix III or
measured in effluent if there is post-culture treatment.
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Product transfer and traceability control forms were randomly
Code of checked invoices: H01315-12P210815, H01315-13P210815,…..
Total weight of all fish produced: 3,824,424 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa ?: Ya. Borang pemindahan produk dan kawalan pengesanan diperiksa
secara rawak
Kod invois diperiksa: H01315-12P210815 , H01315-13P210815 , ... ..
Jumlah berat ikan dihasilkan: 3,824,424 kgs
Is the nutrient budget worksheet completed and accurate?: Yes
Adakah lembaran kerja bajet nutrien lengkap dan tepat ?: Ya
f. Complete steps a-d (above) for indicator 3.1.2A.
F. Complete steps A-D (above)
Steps A-D completed? N/A. Farms does not use post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Langkah A-D lengkap? N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur untuk fosforus
g. Describe method for treatment (e.g. sludge removal for fertilizer, water
treatment facilities, etc.) and means of quantifying phosphorus capture.
G. View evidence for effective post-culture treatment.
Describe the post culture treatment: N/A. Farms does not use post-culture treatment for
Terangkan rawatan selepas kultur : N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur
untuk fosforus
Phosphorus before treatment: N/A. Farms does not use post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Phosphorus after treatment: N/A. Farms does not use post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Records reviewed: N/A. Farms does not use post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Fosforus sebelum rawatan : N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur untuk
Fosforus selepas rawatan : N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur untuk
Ulasan rekod: N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur untuk fosforus
Was the value correctly calculated?: N/A. Farms does not use post-culture treatment for
Value in kg P/MT fish produced over prior 12-month period: N/A. Farms does not use postculture treatment for phosphorus
Adakah nilai dikira dengan betul?: N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur
untuk fosforus
Penghasilan ikan lebih tempoh sebelum 12 bulan dalam nilai kg P/MT : N/A. Ladang tidak
menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur untuk fosforus
Does the released total phosphorus exceed 20 kg?: N/A. Farms does not use post-culture
treatment for phosphorus
Total released phosphorus: N/A. Farms does not use post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Adakah jumlah fosforus dilepaskan melebihi 20 kg?: N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan
selepas kultur untuk fosforus
Jumlah fosforus dilepaskan: N/A. Ladang tidak menggunakan rawatan selepas kultur untuk
h. Keep records of the quantity of phosphorus captured by treatment.
H. Review records for phosphorus capture.
Requirement:≤ 20 kg
Applicability: Farms that use post-culture treatment for phosphorus,
Unit of Certification Only. Clients may omit/delete pricing details from
purchase documents.
i. Subtract net phosphorus captured in treatment facility from total output of
I. Review calculations for accuracy.
phosphorus, expressed as kg P/MT fish produced over prior 12-month period
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
J. Confirm that the total amount of phosphorus released does not exceed
A. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of feed used.
Were the invoices checked? Yes. Some of delivery orders for feed were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: 004254, 0045595,….
Total weight of feed used: 6,651,376 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa? Ya. Beberapa pesanan penghantaran untuk makanan diperiksa secara
Kod invois diperiksa: 004254 , 0045595 , ....
Jumlah berat makanan yang digunakan: 6,651,376 kgs
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Vaccination records were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: Vaccination records of each date
Total weight of all fish purchased: 206,548 kgs
b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
B. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish purchased.
Indicator: Calculation and verification of the total amount of nitrogen
applied to the culture system. Use equations from Appendix III.
Requirement: Measured in kg nitrogen/MT fish/year
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Clients may omit/delete pricing details from purchase documents.
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Adakah invois diperiksa?: Ya. Rekod vaksinasi diperiksa secara rawak
Kod invois diperiksa: Rekod vaksinasi setiap tarikh
Jumlah berat ikan dibeli: 206,548 kgs
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Product transfer and traceability control forms were randomly
Code of checked invoices: H01315-12P210815, H01315-13P210815,…..
Total weight of all fish produced: 3,824,424 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa?: Ya. Borang pemindahan produk dan kawalan pengesanan diperiksa
secara rawak
Kod invois diperiksa: H01315-12P210815 , H01315-13P210815 , ... ..
Jumlah berat ikan dihasilkan: 3,824,424 kgs
Indicator: Calculation and verification of the total amount of nitrogen
applied to the culture system. Use equations from Appendix III.
Requirement: Measured in kg nitrogen/MT fish/year
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Clients may omit/delete pricing details from purchase documents.
d. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer stating nitrogen content of
D. Confirm that a letter from the feed manufacturer states nitrogen content.
the feed.
Farm provided signed letter from feed manufacturer stating phosphorus content and nitrogen of
the feed?: Yes
Nitrogen content: 5.12% and 5.12% (Cargill), 5.25% (Skretting), 1.2% (Starfeed)
Letter date signature: 07/05/2015 (Cargill), 27/02/2015 (Skretting), 28/10/2014 (Starfeed)
Ladang menyediakan surat yang ditandatangani daripada pengilang makanan menyatakan
kandungan fosforus dan nitrogen makanan?: Ya
Kandungan nitrogen : 5.12 % dan 5.12 % ( Cargill ), 5.25 % ( Skretting ) , 1.2 % ( Starfeed)
Tarikh tanda tangan surat : 2015/07/05 ( Cargill ), 27/02/2015 ( Skretting ), 28/10/2014 (
Starfeed )
e. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8)
Is the nutrient budget worksheet completed?: Yes
Total N input: 157,370 kgs
Adakah lembaran kerja bajet nutrien lengkap ?: Ya
Jumlah input N: 157,370 kgs
Were the invoices checked? Yes. Some of delivery orders for feed were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: 004254, 0045595,….
Total weight of feed used: 6,651,376 kgs
Adakah invois diperiksa? Ya. Beberapa pesanan penghantaran untuk makanan diperiksa secara
Kod invois diperiksa: 004254 , 0045595 , ....
Jumlah berat makanan yang digunakan: 6,651,376 kgs
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
E. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy.
A. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of feed used.
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Vaccination records were randomly checked
Code of checked invoices: Vaccination records of each date
Total weight of all fish purchased: 206,548 kgs
b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
B. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish purchased.
Adakah invois diperiksa ?: Ya. Rekod vaksinasi diperiksa secara rawak
Requirement: Measured in kg nitrogen/MT fish/year
Kod invois diperiksa: Rekod vaksinasi setiap tarikh
Jumlah berat ikan dibeli: 206,548 kgs
Were the invoices checked?: Yes. Product transfer and traceability control forms were randomly
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Code of checked invoices: H01315-12P210815, H01315-13P210815,…..
Clients may omit/delete pricing details from purchase documents.
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
Total weight of all fish produced: 3,824,424 kgs
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
Adakah invois diperiksa ?: Ya. Borang pemindahan produk dan kawalan pengesanan diperiksa
secara rawak
Kod invois diperiksa: H01315-12P210815 , H01315-13P210815 , ... ..
Jumlah berat ikan dihasilkan: 3,824,424 kgs
Was the value correctly calculated?: Yes
d. Use equation from Audit Reference 6 to calculate total amount of nitrogen
Value in kg nitrogen/MT fish/year: 41.1
D. Confirm calculation.
released. D. Confirm calculation.
Adakah nilai dikira dengan betul?: Ya
Nilai dalam kg nitrogen/MT ikan/tahun: 41.1
Is the nutrient budget worksheet completed and accurate?: Yes
e. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8)
E. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy.
Adakah lembaran kerja bajet nutrien lengkap dan tepat ?: Ya
3.2 Groundwater salinization
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Only applicable if brackish water is used for the culture of tilapia (if surface water used is less than 1,300 µS/cm or if initial well water measure is greater than 1,300 µS/cm – standard is not applicable and no non-conformance issued)
Water system conductivity: Farm does not use brackish water for tilapia culture
a. Inform CB if brackish water is used for tilapia culture (3.2.1 applies only to
A. Confirm whether client uses brackish water for tilapia culture. If not, then
Brackish water? No
Indicator: Percent change in specific conductance of freshwater from farms where surface water is > 1,300 µS/cm or initial well water is < 1,300
Konduktiviti sistem air: Ladang tidak menggunakan air payau untuk kultur tilapia
a drilled well at the time of drilling and the time of audit. This is
air payau ? Tidak
required when freshwater wells are used in combination with brackish
Well locations are accurate in a map? N/A. Brackish water is not used for tilapia culture
surface water for the culture of tilapia. Freshwater aquifers are
b. Show well locations on map of farm.
B. Confirm well locations.
Lokasi telaga tepat dalam peta? N/A. Air payau tidak digunakan untuk kultur tilapia
defined as having a specific conductance less than 1,300 µS/cm.
c. Record date of drilling and initial specific conductance (µS/cm) at each
Initial conductivity: N/A. Brackish water is not used for tilapia culture
C. Retain a record of location and initial specific conductance for wells.
Konduktiviti awal: N/A. Air payau tidak digunakan untuk kultur tilapia
Requirement: ≤ 10 %
Conductivity values range: N/A. Brackish water is not used for tilapia culture
D. Review updated measurements of specific conductance. Compare values
Last conductivity data: N/A. Brackish water is not used for tilapia culture
Applicability: Only farms where brackish water is used for tilapia
d. Measure specific conductance of all wells less than 4 weeks before audit.
to initial measurements taken from the same wells.
Julat nilai konduktiviti: N/A. Air payau tidak digunakan untuk kultur tilapia
culture, Farm-Wide
Data konduktiviti akhir: N/A. Air payau tidak digunakan untuk kultur tilapia
There is change >10%: N/A. Brackish water is not used for tilapia culture
E. Verify that specific conductance at wells did not change by > 10 %.
Terdapat perubahan > 10% : N/A. Air payau tidak digunakan untuk kultur tilapia
4.1. Escapes from aquaculture facilities
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Indicator: Calculation and verification of the total amount of nitrogen
released from the farming activity. Use equations from Appendix III.
a. Install net mesh, screens and barriers in required locales.
Indicator: Presence of net mesh or grills/screens, barriers on inlets
and outlets of culture vessels (e.g., tanks, ponds and raceways), and
mesh on all netted confinement units (e.g., cages and impoundments),
appropriately sized to retain the stocked fish
A. Inspect site to verify that net mesh, screens and barriers are in place.
Devices used (net mesh or grills/screens, barriers): Multi-layers net
Devices details: The farm used two layers of net when fish is small and only one layer when the
fish attain 100 grs
Alat digunakan (net jejaring atau jeriji/skrin, halangan ): net berbilang lapis
Butiran alat: Ladang ini menggunakan dua lapisan net apabila ikan kecil dan satu lapisan
digunakan apabila ikan mencapai 100 grs
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: Presence of net mesh or grills/screens, barriers on inlets
and outlets of culture vessels (e.g., tanks, ponds and raceways), and
mesh on all netted confinement units (e.g., cages and impoundments),
appropriately sized to retain the stocked fish
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
b. Use meshes that are appropriately sized to retain stocked fish.
B. Inspect site to verify meshes are appropriately sized to retain stocked fish.
a. Establish program for regular inspection of permanent barriers.
A. Inspect site to verify effectiveness of inspection program.
b. Record the dates, findings and actions taken in an 'Inspection Register'.
B. Review records.
c. Collect data for 6 months before first audit.
C. Do not schedule the first audit until client submits 6 months of inspection
a. Establish program for monitoring escapes with trapping devices
A. Inspect farm to verify that trapping devices are used in an effective and
representative way for monitoring escapees.
b. Record all traps used, findings and actions taken.
B. Review records
Indicator: Presence of net mesh, or grills/screens and permanent
barrier inspection register recording dates, findings and actions taken,
including mitigation or fish containment structure repairs
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Presence of trapping devices placed in effluent/drainage
canals or in between cages to sample for escapees, and a record of
findings and actions taken
c. Collect data for 6 months before first audit.
Indicator: In cage culture systems, the minimum distance between the
bottom of the cage and the bottom of the receiving waters where the
cage is placed.
C. Do not schedule the first audit until client submits 6 months of monitoring
A. For cage systems, confirm that distance between cage bottom and
bottom sediment is ≥ 3 m.
Requirement: ≥ 3.0 m
Applicability: Cage systems only, Farm-Wide
If the farm is a land-based system, the client shall arrange to have tilapia
cultures sampled for percentage of male fish (or sterile fish) as follows:
Indicator: The minimum percentage of males or sterile fish in a culture
Requirement: 95 %
Applicability: Land-based systems only, Farm-Wide
For land-based systems, the auditor shall confirm that clients follow
requirements for determination of percentage of male fish (or sterile fish) in
Indicator: Presence and evidence of use of fish transport containers
that have no escape path for fish
a. Select three (3) culture vessels at random.
A. Verify samples were selected at random.
b. Capture 40 fish from each culture vessel for a total of 120 fish.
B. Verify that fish originated from different culture vessels.
c. Determine the number of fish in the sample that are male (or sterile).
C. Verify method used to determine sex (or sterility).
d. Calculate the percentage of male fish (or sterile fish) in culture.
D. Review results to confirm compliance with the requirement.
e. Alternate approach when farm has fewer than 3 culture vessels: capture a
E. As for 4.1.5D
total of 100 fish and determine the percentage male fish (or sterile fish).
4.2. Transporting live tilapia
Are the devices appropriated? Yes. On-site visit and confirmed that farm uses multi-layers net to
prevent escapee and net have appropriate size to retain stocked fish
Device size: 1x1 inch, 0.5x0.5 inch
Adakah alat digunakan sesuai? Ya. Lawatan di tapak dan disahkan ladang menggunakan net
berbilang lapis untuk mengelakkan pelolosan dan net mempunyai saiz yang sesuai untuk
mengekalkan stok ikan
Saiz alat: 1x1 inci, 0.5x0.5 inci
Is there a inspection program? Yes
Code of inspection program: WI0612 (Net inspection Work Instruction)
Inspection frequency: At harvesting time (around 5 months)
Inspection responsible: Divers (they have 6 qualified divers) and verified by Lake Service
Adakah program pemeriksaan diadakan? Ya
Kod program pemeriksaan: WI0612 (Net Inspection Work Intruction)
Kekerapan pemeriksaan: Pada masa penuaian (sekitar 5 bulan)
Pemeriksaan bertanggungjawab: Penyelam (6 penyelam mahir) dan disahkan oleh Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Tasik
Record dates: 15/12/2014
Findings: Aquagrid net got one damaged caused by harvest activity, 3x4 inches (one hole) and 4
old patches.
Actions taken: Re-patch and sew using small rope.
Tarikh Rekod: 15/12/2014
Penemuan : Satu net Aquagrid rosak disebabkan oleh aktiviti tuaian , 3x4 inci (satu lubang ) dan
4 tampalan lama.
Tindakan diambil : Tampalan semula dan dijahit menggunakan tali kecil
Has the client submitted 6 months of data before the audit? Yes
Adakah pelanggan mengemukakan data 6 bulan sebelum audit ? Ya
Is there a program for monitoring escapes? Yes. Escapee & Predator Prevention Plan
Trapping device: No. There is no use of trapping device
Frequency: N/A
Adakah terdapat program untuk memantau pelolosan? Ya. Plan Pencegahan Pelolosan &
Alat perangkap: Tiada. Tiada penggunaan alat perangkap
Kekerapan : N/A
Record dates: 05/02/2015
Findings: Estimated 200 fishes escaped due to broken net
Actions taken: Re-capture the about 150 fishes
Tarikh Rekod: 05/02/2015
Penemuan: Anggaran 200 ikan lolos disebabkan net rosak
Tindakan yang diambil : Tangkapan semula ikan kira-kira 150 ekor
Has the client submitted 6 months of data before first audit? Yes
Adakah pelanggan mengemukakan data 6 bulan sebelum audit pertama? Ya
Receiving water body depth: More than 70m
Cage depth: 12.5m
Cage bottom and bottom sediment distance: More than 57.5m
Kedalaman air penerima: Lebih daripada 70m
Kedalaman sangkar : 12.5 m
Bahagian bawah sangkar dan jarak dasar enapan: Lebih daripada 57.5m
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. For transport of live fish to the farm (e.g. fry), ensure that containers do
not provide escape paths for fish.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
A. Inspect site to verify containers do not provide escape paths for live fish
transported to the farm.
Selected by: N/A. This farm is cage systems aquaculture only
Dipilih oleh : N/A. Ladang ini adalah sistem sangkar akuakultur sahaja
Ponds selected: N/A. This farm is cage systems aquaculture only
Kolam dipilih: N/A. Ladang ini adalah sistem sangkar akuakultur sahaja
Method used: N/A. This farm is cage systems aquaculture only
Kaedah digunakan: N/A. Ladang ini adalah sistem sangkar akuakultur sahaja
% of male: N/A. This farm is cage systems aquaculture only
% jantan: N/A. Ladang ini adalah sistem sangkar akuakultur sahaja
Farm with <3 ponds? N/A. This farm is cage systems aquaculture only
Ladang dengan kolam <3? N/A. Ladang ini adalah sistem sangkar akuakultur sahaja
Fish tanks details: Tanks are made by fiber with closing and seal to be sure there is no pathway
for escapee, fishes are kept alive by oxygen and water during transportation.
Butiran tangki ikan: Tangki dibuat daripada gentian dengan penutup dan ditutup untuk
memastikan tiada laluan untuk pelolosan , ikan disimpan hidup dengan oksigen dan air semasa
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: Presence and evidence of use of fish transport containers
that have no escape path for fish
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
4.3 Transgenic fish
b. For transport of live fish away from the farm (e.g. harvested fish), ensure
that containers do not provide escape paths for fish.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
B. Inspect site to verify containers do not provide escape paths for live fish
transported from the farm.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
a. Maintain records for the origin of all cultured stocks including the supplier
A. Review records to confirm compliance with the requirement
name, address and contact person(s) for stock purchases.
Number of fish tanks inspected: 07 tanks
Design is appropriate to prevent escapes?: Yes, all tanks have to be filled by water to be sure all
tanks are not leaky prior loading fish
Jumlah tangki ikan diperiksa : 07 tangki
Adakah reka bentuk sesuai untuk mengelakkan pelolosan?: Ya, semua tangki perlu diisi dengan
air untuk memastikan tangki tidak bocor sebelum ikan diisi
Suspects of GMO? No. Confirmation letter from Genomar ASA (mother company of Trapia
Hatchery) on 09/05/2009 certified that they are not applying gene modification, transgenic or
any other related strategies and techniques (GMO)
Sample result? N/A
Suspek GMO ? Tidak. Surat pengesahan dari Genomar ASA (ibu syarikat kepada Trapia Hatchery
) pada 09/05/2009 diperakui bahawa tiada pengubahsuaian gen, transgenik atau strategi dan
teknik berkaitan (GMO)
Keputusan sampel? N/A
Indicator: Allowance for the culture of transgenic tilapia
Requirement: No (None allowed)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
b. Purchase documents must confirm that culture stock is not transgenic.
4.4 Criteria: Predator control
Indicator: Use of lethal[7] predator control
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Prepare a list of all predator control devices and their locations
B. If the auditor suspects that transgenic fish are in culture, test stock
identity by collecting 3 fish and sending to an ISO 17025 certified laboratory
for genetic analysis
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
A. Predator control devices listed and site inspection for validation
Predator control: Mesh and noise scaring observed
Kawalan pemangsa : Jejaring dan bunyi menakutkan diperhatikan
B. Inspect sites to verify no use of lethal predator controls.
Is there evidence the using of lethal predator controls?: No
Verified by: Interview and direct observation
Adakah terdapat bukti penggunaan kawalan pemangsa maut ?: Tidak
Disahkan oleh: Temuduga dan pemerhatian langsung
Requirement: No (None allowed)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Does client use transgenic tilapia?: No. Confirmation letter from Genomar ASA on 09/05/2009
certified that they are not applying gene modification, transgenic or any other related strategies
and techniques (GMO)
Seedling supplier (name, address and contact person): Trapia Hatchery Bongor-Kg Bongor, Gerik,
Perak-Mr. Mohd Hanif
Records checked: Delivery records for seedling
Adakah pelanggan menggunakan tilapia transgenik?: Tidak. Surat Pengesahan daripada
Genomar ASA pada 09/05/2009 diperakui bahawa tiada pengubahsuaian gen, transgenik atau
strategi dan teknik lain berkaitan (GMO)
Pembekal anak ikan (nama, alamat dan orang dihubungi) : Trapia Hatchery Bongor - Kg Bongor ,
Gerik , Perak - Mr. Mohd Hanif
Rekod diperiksa: Rekod penghantaran untuk anak ikan
Footnote [7] The use of lethal predator control is prohibited, unless a predator becomes impinged in netting and is required to be euthanized.
Instruction to Clients for indicator 4.4.2 - Presence of IUCN Red List Species
Indicator: Mortality of IUCN red listed species
Determine whether IUCN red list species are present in the region as follows:
- Go to http: //
- Follow to "other search options"
- Select "Taxonomy"
- Select "Animalia"
- Indicate appropriate "Location", "Systems", "Habitat",
- Click on "run search" and record species listed and whether they are threatened by the farming activity.
Note: The IUCN Red List uses nine categories for ranking species according to threat, and search results may include species that are not currently threatened. For the purposes of determining whether a farm complies with indicator 4.4.2, species in the following IUCN
categories may be excluded from further analyses: "Not evaluated", "Data Deficient", and "Least Concern".
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Does the client have all IUCN red list species and farm-related threats?: Yes
The analysis was repeated again? Yes
Species detected: No
Farm Threats: Industrial aquaculture
Adakah pelanggan mempunyai semua senarai merah spesies IUCN dan ancaman berkaitan
ladang?: Ya
Analisis telah diulang semula? Ya
Spesies dikesan: Tiada
Ancaman ladang : Akuakultur Perindustrian
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
a. Perform analysis. Record all IUCN red list species and farm-related threats. A. Repeat analysis to verify that client obtained an accurate result.
b. If an IUCN Red List species is identified in region of the farm (including
receiving and source waters), take appropriate precautions
5.1 Criteria: Use of wild fish for feed (fishmeal and oil)
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
B. Verify that client takes appropriate precautions as required.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Measure to prevent impingement: N/A. There is no IUCN red list species and farm-related
Langkah pencegahan pencerobohan : N/A. Tidak ada senarai merah spesies IUCN dan ancaman
berkaitan ladang
a. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer stating percentage of fish
meal and/or fish oil (Audit Reference 9) in feed used during the past 12
A. Verify that values are stated in a letter from the feed manufacturer.
b. For FFER calculations, exclude fish meal and fish oil derived from
rendering of seafood
B. Verify client excludes rendered seafood by-products from calculation of
Letter available/ surat sedia ada : Yes/ Ya
Providers/ Pembekal : Cargill, Starfeed and Nutreco
Letter code and signature date/ Kod surat dan tarikh tandatangan : 025-15 (07/05/2015) (Cargill)
Statement/ Penyataan (20/10/2015) (Starfeed);
Statement/ Penyataan (27/02/2015) (Nutreco)
Fishmeal/ Makanan ikan : 7% and 5% (Cargill); 8% (Starfeed); 0% (Nutreco)
Fish oil/ Minyak ikan : 1% (Cargill); 3% (Starfeed); 0.6% - 1.1% (Nutreco)
All rendered seafood by products were excluded to do the calculation? Yes
Semua makanan laut yang diberikan oleh produk telah dikecualikan untuk pengiraan ? Ya
Indicator: Feed Fish Equivalence Ratio (FFER). See Appendix IV for feed
Requirement: ≤ 0.8
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
c. Calculate FFER using equations in Audit Reference 6 (also Appendix IV of
b. For FFER calculations, exclude fish meal and fish oil derived from
rendering of seafood
a. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer identifying the origin
Indicator: Allowance for the use of fishmeal and fish oil in tilapia feed (genus, species and region harvested) of fish used in fish meal/oil (Audit
Reference 9).
containing products from fisheries that are listed on the IUCN’s Red
List or the species list maintained by the Convention on the
International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Requirement: None
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
C. Verify that FFER calculations were done correctly.
D. Confirm that FFER complies with the Requirement
A. Verify that species used in fishmeal are identified in a letter from the feed
b. Determine if any of the species used in fish feed are on the IUCN's Red List B. Repeat search of IUCN database to verify that client obtained an accurate
following the instructions given for indicator 4.4.2.
c. Determine if any of the species used in fish feed are listed by CITES as
- go to http: //
- select option "Species" and click "find it"
C. Repeat search of CITES database to verify that client obtained an accurate
a. Prepare a policy stating the organization's support of efforts to shift feed
manufacturers to an ISEAL-accredited certification scheme for fish meal/oil
A. Verify that the client's policy supports sustainable feed sourcing (e.g.
programs at http: //
Indicator: Timeframe for producers to source feed containing fishmeal
or fish oil originating from fisheries deemed sustainable by an ISEAL
b. Prepare a letter stating the organization's intent to source feed containing
member’s accredited certification scheme
fishmeal or fish oil originating from fisheries deemed sustainable by an ISEAL B. Obtain a copy of client's letter of intent.
member’s accredited certification scheme by 19 December 2014
Requirement: 5 years following the date of ISRTA publication
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
c. Affirm support of the process through internal and external
communications (e.g. correspondence with feed manufacturers)
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
C. Confirm client's support with documented evidence (letters,
eFCR: 1.74
fish meal accumulate %: N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from by-product
fish oil accumulate %: N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from by-product
Calculation done correctly? N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from by-product
eFCR : 1.74
% Makanan ikan terkumpul: N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis makanan
dibuat daripada produk sampingan
% Minyak ikan terkumpul: N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis makanan
dibuat daripada produk sampingan
Pengiraan dilakukan dengan betul? N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis
makanan dibuat daripada produk sampingan
FFER value: N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from by-product
Is the value calculated less than 0.8? N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from byproduct
Nilai FFER : N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis makanan dibuat daripada
produk sampingan
Adakah nilai dikira kurang daripada 0.8? N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua
jenis makanan dibuat daripada produk sampingan
Letter available/ Surat sedia ada : Yes/Ya
Letter code and signature date/ Kod surat dan tarikh tandatangan : 025-15 (07/05/2015) (Cargill);
Statement/Penyataan (20/10/2015) (Starfeed);
Statement/ Penyataan (27/02/2015) (Nutreco)
Species/ Spesies : Thunnus Albacares, Katsuwonus Pelamis and Thunnus Obesus (Cargill);
Pangasius bocourti (Starfeed); Salmo Salar (Nutreco)
Has the client done the search of IUCN correctly? Yes
Species listed: There is no endangered specie listed by IUCN
Adakah pelanggan melakukan pencarian IUCN dengan betul? Ya
Spesies disenaraikan : Tiada spesies terancam disenaraikan oleh IUCN
Has the client done the search of CITES correctly? Yes
Species listed: There is no specie listed in appendixes of CITES
Adakah pelanggan melakukan pencarian CITES dengan betul? Ya
Spesies disenaraikan: Tiada spesies disenaraikan dalam lampiran CITES
Does the client´s policy establish the using of feed from feed sustainable deemed by ISEAL? Yes.
Feed Management Plan V.3 (Jan 2014)
Adakah polisi pelanggan menentukan pengunaan makanan daripada makanan mampan
dikehendaki ISEAL ? Ya. Pelan Pengurusan Makanan V.3 (Jan 2014)
Copy letter available: Yes. ASC Standard & Feed Supplier Compliance with Trapia was sent in Apr
Salinan surat sedia ada: Ya. Standard ASC & Pematuhan Pembekal Makanan dengan Trapia
telah dihantar pada Apr 2014
Record code: Responding letter from Starfeed, Cargill and Nutreco
Signature date: Emails from feed manufactures on 20/10/2015 (Starfeed), 07/05/2015 (Cargill)
and 27/02/2015 (Nutreco)
Kod Rekod: Surat balasan daripada Starfeed, Cargill dan Nutreco
Tarikh Tandatangan : E-mel daripada pengeluar makanan pada 20/10/2015 (Starfeed)
2015/07/05 (Cargill) dan 27/02/2015 (Nutreco)
- go to http: //
- select "Species" drop down tab to the left
- select the species that is utilized by the farm as a source of fish meal or oil
- if the species is not on the FishSource website, and the fish meal or oil is not sourced from by-products (trimmings) of capture fisheries, farms are not in compliance. Contact FishSource via Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships to identify the species as a priority for
- if the species is assessed, select the top tab that reads "Scores"
- If any scores is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply with the Requirement. If the average score is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply with the Requirement.
- If an 'N/A' appears in the sock assessment category then the feed does not comply with the Requirement.
a. Record FishSource scores for each species from which fishmeal or fish oil is A. Confirm that client has recorded scores for each species. Repeat
FishSource analysis to verify that client obtained an accurate result.
Species: Thunnus Albacares, Katsuwonus Pelamis and Thunnus Obesus (Cargill); Pangasius
bocourti (Starfeed); Salmo Salar (Nutreco)
Capture zone: Indian and Mauritius, Vietnam and Chile
Scores: N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from by-product
Spesies: Thunnus Albacares, Katsuwonus Pelamis dan Thunnus obesus (Cargill); Pangasius
bocourti (Starfeed) Salmo Salar (Nutreco)
Zon tangkapan: India dan Mauritius , Vietnam dan Chile
Skor: N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis makanan dibuat daripada produk
Indicator: Prior to achievement of 5.1.3, the average FishSource score
characterizing the fishery(ies) from which the fishmeal or fish oil is
derived. See Appendix V for explanation of FishSource scoring.
Requirement: ≥ 6.0 with no individual score < 6.0 or an N/A in the
stock assessment category
b. Confirm that average score is ≥ 6.0 with no individual score < 6.0.
B. If any scores is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply with the
Requirement. If the average score is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply
with the Requirement.
c. Confirm that there is no 'N/A' in a stock assessment category.
C. If an 'N/A' appears in the sock assessment category then the feed does
not comply with the Requirement.
d. If the species is not on the website it means that a FishSource assessment
is not available. Contact FishSource via Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships to
identify the species as a priority for assessment.
D. If the species does not have a FishSource score then the fish feed does
not comply with the Requirement.
e. In lieu of FishSource scores, a farm undergoing a first audit may substitute
a signed letter of intent from their feed manufacturer stating commitment to
provide feed complying with FishSource scoring requirements. However at
the second audit, all farms shall demonstrate that they have used feed that
complies with the FishSource scoring requirements for a minimum of 6
E. Verify that client has manufacturer's letter of intent as applicable to first
Thereafter, client must demonstrate that all feeds used are in compliance
with the Requirement.
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Criteria 5.2 Criteria: Preference for better feed manufacturers
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Individual score values: N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from by-product
Average score value: N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from by-product
Nilai skor individu: N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis makanan dibuat
daripada produk sampingan
Nilai purata skor: N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis makanan dibuat
daripada produk sampingan
Is N/A appears in stock assessment? N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from byproduct
Adakah N/A wujud dalam penilaian stok? N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua
jenis makanan dibuat daripada produk sampingan
All species assessed by fish source? N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from byproduct
Semua spesies ditaksir oleh sumber ikan? N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua
jenis makanan dibuat daripada produk sampingan
Commitment letter available? N/A. Fishmeal and fish oil in all types of feed made from byproduct
Surat komitmen sedia ada? N/A. Makanan ikan dan minyak ikan dalam semua jenis makanan
dibuat daripada produk sampingan
Suppliers name/ Nama Pembekal : Cargill Feed Sdn Bhd
Supplier address/ Alamat Pembekal : 174, air Keroh Industrial area, 75450 Melaka.
Contact information / Maklumat hubungan : Ronald Cheong (+6062320633);
a. Compile a list of all feed suppliers with contact information.
A. Review feed supplier list and cross-check against feed purchases.
Suppliers name/ Nama Pembekal : Star FeedMill (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Supplier address/ Alamat Pembekal : PT 12007, Jalan Perindustrian Mahkota 2,
Kawasan Perindustrian Mahkota,
43700 Beranang, Selangor.
Contact information/ Maklumat hubungan : Lee Low +60128882389
Indicator: Timeframe for producers to provide evidence of
preferential sourcing of feed products from feed manufacturers that
have a sustainable sourcing policy for feed ingredients, and
traceability of feed ingredients
Requirement: 2 years following the date that the ISRTA are published
b. Prepare a letter of intent to preferentially source feed from suppliers who
B. Verify that client has prepared the letter (it must cover traceability; see
have a traceability and sustainability policy by 19 December 2011 (Audit
indicator 5.1.3B).
Reference 9; also see indicator 5.1.3B)
Letter of intent to preferentially source available?: Yes
Record date: Yes. ASC Standard & Feed Supplier Compliance with Trapia was sent in Apr 2014
Surat hasrat untuk sumber keutamaan sedia ada?: Ya
Tarikh rekod: Ya. Standard ASC & Pematuhan Pembekal Makanan dengan Trapia telah dihantar
pada Apr 2014
Have all suppliers received the organization's policy? Yes
Record date: Confirmation letter from feed suppliers on 20/10/2015 (Starfeed), 07/05/2015
(Cargill) and 27/02/2015 (Nutreco)
Semua pembekal menerima polisi organisasi ? Ya
Tarikh rekod: Surat pengesahan daripada pembekal makanan pada 20/10/2015 (Starfeed)
2015/07/05 (Cargill) dan 27/02/2015 (Nutreco)
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
c. Communicate your organization's policy to each feed supplier.
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Suppliers name/ Nama Pembekal : Skretting Vietnam - Tomboy JSC
Supplier address/ Alamat Pembekal : Lot 22, Street 1, Tan Tao IDZ, Tan Binh District, Hochiminh
City, Vietnam
Contact information/ Maklumat hubungan : Phan Le Phuong (Tel.+84-8-3750 7511 ; Fax.+84-83750 7517; Cell./ Telefon bimbit +84-903 992377)
C. Verify that client communicated policy to feed supplier
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
5.3 Criteria: Energy use
Indicator: Identification of the energy sources and calculation and
verification of total energy used at the culture facility
d. Request a traceability policy from each feed supplier (or letter of intent to
D. Verify client requested documents from each supplier.
establish one) before 19 December 2011.
E. Verify client requested documents from each supplier. Auditors shall
e. Request sustainability policy from each feed supplier (or letter of intent to
allow clients one year (until 19 December 2012) to demonstrate full
establish one) before 19 December 2011
compliance with 5.2.1c-e in accordance with forthcoming ASC guidelines.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Instructions to Clients for indicator 5.3.1 - Calculating Total Energy used by Farm
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Records requested documents from each suppliers: Sustainability and Traceability Policy from
feed suppliers
Rekod dokumen yang diminta dari setiap pembekal: Polisi Kemapanan dan Kebolehkesanan
daripada pembekal makanan
Sustainability and traceability policies available? Yes
Records: Sustainability and Traceability Policy from feed suppliers
Polisi Kemapanan dan Kebolehkesanan sedia ada? Ya
Rekod: Polisi Kemapanan dan Kebolehkesanan daripada pembekal makanan
Requirement: Measured in kilojoules/mt fish/year
Calculate the total energy consumption of the farm over the prior 12-month period by completing the Energy Budget Worksheet (Audit Reference 10). Include all sources of energy consumption on the farm site such as aeration, boat engines, electricity for housing, etc. Do
not include off-site energy consumption such as transport of personnel to or from the farm, or transport of fish to or from the farm. Report energy consumption in kilojoules (Note: 1 megajoule = 1,000 kilojoules). The different energy units can be converted to kilojoules
using the following website: http: // explained/index.cfm?page=about). Report the grand total energy used as kilojoules/mt fish produced/year.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
a. Complete the Energy Budget Worksheet (Audit Reference 10).
A. Verify that client completed the Energy Budget Worksheet.
6.1 Criteria: Stocked tilapia recovery
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Instructions to Clients for indicator 6.1.1 - Calculating Percent Recovery of Production Stages
Energy sources/ Sumber tenaga : Electricity, petrol and diesel/ Elektrik, petrol dan diesel
KJ/MT fish/ KJ/MT ikan : 3,522,020 KJ/MT
Yes No N/A
Calculate the annual percent recovery of fish stocked in production stages after they have attained a size of 100 grams. All steps refer to quantities for the entire preceding 12- month period.
1) Stage of production where fish attain an average weight of 100 g (estimated) identified.
2) Estimated loss of fish (#) prior to average size of 100 g being achieved for all production cycles (in ponds, cages, tanks, etc.) for the prior 12-month period.
3) Standing stock of fish (#) after average size of 100 g achieved.
4) The number of fish harvested to market for the 12 month period divided by (#3 above) multiplied by 100 is equal to the percent recovery after 100 g.
5) Average percent recovery for prior 12-month period at grow-out site and verification of calculations from farm records.
Note 1: The method presented above is the required formula for calculating annual percent recovery of fish stocked in production stages. It is acknowledged that some farms may have production cycles which make it difficult to accurately collect the information needed
to complete this calculation. In such cases, the client may propose to modify the abovementioned formula provided that the client can show such change is justified. Written justification shall be submitted to the CB together with a detailed description of farm production
cycles and a complete explanation showing how a modified formula will yield a more accurate calculation of annual percent recovery of fish stocked in production stages. Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the CB before the audit.
Indicator: Percent recovery of fish stocked in production stages after
they have attained a size of 100 grams
a. Collect 12 months of data on recovery before the first audit.
A. Make sure client has collected 12 months of data on recovery before first
Has client collected 12 months of data? Yes
Adakah pelanggan mengumpul data untuk 12 bulan? Ya
Stage where fish reach 100gr: After 7 days (depends on stocking sizes)
Estimated fish loss before 100 gr: 224,850 pcs
#animals at 100g: 5,627,517 pcs
#animals harvested: 4,301,070 pcs
Grow out survival average: 76.4%
Peringkat ikan mencapai 100gr : Selepas 7 hari ( bergantung kepada saiz stok)
Anggaran ikan rugi sebelum 100 gr : 224.850 kpg
#haiwan pada 100g : 5627517 kpg
#haiwan dituai : 4301070 kpg
Purata kemandirian punca: 76.4%
Requirement: ≥ 65
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
b. If the farm proposes to modify the formula for calculating percent
recovery, submit written justification to the CB before the first audit.
B. Review justification for using an alternate calculation if applicable.
c. Calculate percent recovery according to the instructions above.
C. Review calculations and verify that client's production records support the
D. Verify that percent recovery complies with Requirement.
Footnote [8] Recovery does not include recruitment of tilapia resulting from reproduction within the culture system.
6.2 Chemicals
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
a. Prepare a list of all chemicals used on the farm in the previous 12 months.
A. Review list. Cross-check against purchases (6.2.2) and health events
[Note: The TAD considers any substance added by the producer to culture
system - aside from water and feed - to be a chemical.]
b. Prepare a list of suppliers of all chemicals or therapeutants used.
B. Review supplier list to identify the country of origin for each chemical.
c. Prepare a list of all the countries where the product has been exported to
in the prior 12-month period
C. Review list and cross-check against documentary evidence (e.g. sales
Was the calculation done according the instruction: Yes
Adakah pengiraan dilakukan mengikut arahan? Ya
Percent recovery: 76.4%
Peratus pemulihan: 75.4%
Is the list of all chemicals used on the farm in the previous 12 months? Yes
The cross check was done correctly?: Yes
Senarai semua bahan kimia digunakan di ladang dalam tempoh 12 bulan lepas? Ya
Pemeriksaan bersilang dilakukan dengan betul?: Ya
Suppliers name/ Nama pembekal : AQUI-S New Zealand Ltd.
Supplier address/ Alamat pembekal : Unit 5,6 Aglionby Street, PO Box 44-269, Lower Hutt, New
Contact information/ Maklumat perhubungan : +6445870389
Countries: EU, Canada, Singapore and local market
Negara: EU, Kanada, Singapura dan pasar tempatan
Indicator: Allowance for the use of chemicals and therapeutants for
disease and pest control that are banned in the importing or
producing country
Requirement: None
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: Allowance for the use of chemicals and therapeutants for
disease and pest control that are banned in the importing or
producing country
Requirement: None
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Allowance for the prophylactic use of antibiotics, prior to
any evidence of a disease problem
Requirement: None
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
d. Prepare a list of banned substances for the producing and exporting
country and the national authority or regulating body in producing country
(contact information required).
D. Review evidence and cross-check against published information.
Is the list of banned substances available?: Yes (Regulation EC No 37/2010 for EU, Tolerance For
Residues of New Animal Drug in food; Extra label Drug use in animals, Extra label Use of
Medicated Feed for minor species (Canada) and Food Regulation 1998 Regulation 40; 15A
Schedule (Malaysia); Sale of Food Act (Chapter 283, Section 56 (1)) for Singapore
The cross check was done correctly?: Yes
Adakah senarai bahan terlarang didapati?: Ya (Peraturan EC No 37/2010 EU, Tolerance For
Residues of New Animal Drug dalam makan; Extra label Drug digunakan dalam haiwan, Extra
label Use of Medicated Feed untuk spesies minor (Kanada) dan Peraturan Makanan 1998
Peraturan 40; Jadual 15A (Malaysia); Sale of Food Act (Chapter 283 , Seksyen 56 (1)) bagi
Pemeriksaan bersilang dilakukan dengan betul?: Ya
e. Maintain records of voluntary and/or mandatory chemical residue testing
conducted or commissioned by the farm from prior 12-month period.
E. Verify records.
Records available?: Yes. Determination testing for banned substances on harvested fish
Records dates: 20/06/2015
Rekod sedia ada?: Ya. Ujian penentuan untuk bahan terlarang pada ikan dituai
Tarikh rekod : 20/06/2015
Total purchased: 6,750kgs (Amoxycillin)
Previous inventory: 178kgs
Invoices reviewed: Delivery orders (00933, 00830, 00635…)
Records date: 19/10/2015, 28/09/2015, 17/08/2015,...
Analyzed period stock: Sept 2014 - Sept 2015
A. Review purchase records and calculate total amount procured by client.
Stock on site at audit: 551kgs
a. Maintain records for all purchases of antibiotics (invoices, prescriptions).
Inspect storage area to verify quantities on site
Jumlah keseluruhan dibeli: 6,750kgs (Amoxycillin)
Inventori sebelum: 178kgs
Ulasan invois : Pesanan penghantaran ( 00933 , 00830 , 00635 ...)
Tarikh rekod: 19/10/2015 , 28/09/2015 , 17/08/2015 , ...
Tempoh stok dianalisis: September 2014 - September 2015
Stok di tapak diaudit: 551kgs
Antibiotic use is justified by a pathologic event? Yes
Total consumed: 8,889.6kgs
Records reviewed: Veterinary Prescription 106801
Dates: 25/09/2015
b. Maintain a log of all health related events. For each event record the
B. Review log of health events to verify that the quantity of antibiotic
Example: Streptococcus infection, then the farm used Amoxycillin for treatment
duration and the requirements for use of antibiotics or therapeutants (see
applied by the client does not suggest prophylactic use
Penggunaan antibiotik diwajarkan oleh keadaan patologi? Ya
also 6.2.4)
Jumlah digunakan: 8,889.6kgs
Rekod ulasan: Preskripsi Veterinar 106801
Tarikh: 25/09/2015
Contoh: jangkitan Streptococcus , ladang menggunakan Amoxycillin untuk rawatan
Antibiotic use is justified by a pathologic event? Yes
Total consumed: 8,889.6kgs
Records reviewed: Veterinary Prescription 106801
Dates: 25/09/2015
C. Verification that antibiotics used are related to corresponding and current
Example: Streptococcus infection, then the farm used Amoxycillin for treatment
c. Determine the total amount of antibiotics used in prior 12-month period
health-related events.
Penggunaan antibiotik diwajarkan oleh keadaan patologi? Ya
Jumlah digunakan: 8,889.6kgs
Rekod ulasan: Preskripsi Veterinar 106801
Tarikh: 25/09/2015
Contoh: jangkitan Streptococcus , ladang menggunakan Amoxycillin untuk rawatan
This indicator applies only to farms where the hatchery is located at the grow-out site (e.g. the grow-out facility owns and operates the hatchery) and where the hatchery discharges into the receiving waters. During the holding period, there shall be no risk of exposure of
humans or livestock to methyl or ethyl testosterone.
Indicator: Minimum hold time required before any water in which fish
have been fed with feed containing methyl or ethyl testosterone can
be released
Requirement: ≥ 48 hours
a. Hatchery facility must have the capacity to retain any water that contains
hormones for sex reversal for a period of ≥48 hours .
A. Inspect hatchery to verify effectiveness of the systems to retain any water
that contains hormones for sex reversal.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Does the Hatchery have the capacity to retain any water containing hormones for a period of ≥48
hours?: N/A. Hatchery is not located at the grow-out site
Put details about the system to retain any water: N/A. Hatchery is not located at the grow-out
CRIA: contender 101 m3 /48 h: N/A. Hatchery is not located at the grow-out site
Adakah tempat penetasan mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengekalkan air mengandungi
hormon untuk tempoh ≥48 jam?: N/A. Tempat penetasan tidak terletak di tapak perkembangan
Butir lanjut sistem untuk mengekalkan air: N/A. Tempat penetasan tidak terletak di tapak
CRIA : contender 101 m 3 /48 jam : N/A. Tempat penetasan tidak terletak di tapak perkembangan
a. Keep a record of all therapeutants used for prior 12-month period.
A. Review record of therapeutants usage.
Record available: Yes
Record date: 12/08/2015
Cross check invoices and prescriptions (6.2.2) with therapeutants record: Confirm it is sufficient
Rekod sedia ada: Ya
Tarikh rekod:12/08/2015
Pemeriksaan bersilang invois dan preskripsi (6.2.2) dengan rekod terapeutik : Sah adalah
Indicator: Health records proving all therapeutants were used or are
being used as prescribed by a veterinary or accredited fish health
Are all prescription for therapeutants for prior 12 month available?: Yes
Therapeutants used: Amoxycillin
Were therapeutants used only under prescription? Yes
Documents to prove: veterinary Prescriptions are available for verification
Adakah preskripsi untuk terapeutik untuk sebelum 12 bulan sedia ada?: Ya
Terapeutik digunakan: Amoxycillin
Terapeutik digunakan mengikut preskripsi? Ya
Dokumen untuk membuktikan: Preskripsi veterinar didapati untuk pengesahan
Is the person accredited to carry out prescriptions? Yes.
Person name: Dr. Goh Hue Lang
Career: Veterinary Surgeon
Orang bertauliah untuk menjalankan preskripsi ? Ya.
Nama orang : Dr. Goh Hue Lang
Kerjaya: Pakar bedah veterinar
Requirement: Yes
b. Maintain all prescriptions for therapeutants for prior 12-month period.
B. Verify that therapeutants were used only under prescription.
c. If prescriptions are made by health professionals who are not
veterinarians, obtain evidence of competency (e.g. accreditation) in the
diagnosis of fish disease and drug therapy.
C. If a non-veterinarian wrote prescriptions, confirm that the individual is
qualified as an accredited fish health professional.
a. Determine total amount of antibiotic used for prior 12-month period.
A. Verify against record of antibiotic use (see 6.2.2C).
Antibiotics used/ Antibiotik digunakan : Amoxycillin
Period/ Tempoh : Sept 2014 - Sept 2015
Total consumed/ Jumlah digunakan : 8,889.6kgs
b. Adjust total weight of antibiotic by the fraction of active ingredient.
B. Verify fraction of active ingredient in antibiotic with manufacturer's data.
Antibiotics used and fraction/ Antibiotik digunakan dan pecahan : Amoxycillin
Total antibiotic active ingredient used: 8,889.6kgs
Fish harvested: 3,824.4 tons
Total weight calculated in kg active ingredient/MT of fish produced/year: 2.32kg/ton
Jumlah bahan aktif antibiotik digunakan: 8,889.6kgs
Ikan dituai : 3,824.4 tan
Jumlah berat dikira dalam kg bahan aktif/MT ikan dihasilkan/tahun: 2.32kg / tan
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Calculation and verification of the total amount of each
antibiotic (active ingredient) used per mt fish produced per year.
Requirement: Measured in kilograms of active ingredient of individual
antibiotic/mt of fish produced/year
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
c. Determine total weight of fish produced for prior 12-month period.
Calculate kg active ingredient/mt of fish produced/year.
6.3 Criteria: Mortalities
Indicator: Presence of records demonstrating that fish mortalities are
removed consistently on a minimum daily basis
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
a. Ensure that fish mortalities are removed from cultures on a daily basis.
Mortality of more than 1 day observed? No
Kematian lebih daripada 1 hari diperhatikan ? Tiada
b. Maintain records of daily removals of fish mortalities.
B. Verify client's records show daily removals of fish mortality for prior 12month period.
Records of daily mortality available: Yes. Daily mortality report
Period: Sept 2014 - Sept 2015
Rekod kematian harian boleh didapati: Ya. Laporan kematian harian
Tempoh: Sept 2014 - Sept 2015
a. Prepare a farm policy that addresses all requirements of the Standard in
regards to the acceptable disposal of dead fish.
A. Review policy to verify it addresses all requirements of 6.3.2 of the
Dead fish disposal procedure: All dead fish daily transferred to external party for disposing
Way of Mortality disposal: Burying by other party (Farm cannot provide the contract-Alam Ceria
Prosedur pelupusan ikan mati: Ikan mati setiap hari dipindahkan ke pihak luar untuk dilupuskan
Cara pelupusan kematian : Penanaman oleh pihak lain (Ladang tidak boleh menyediakan
kontrak-Alam Ceria Enterprise)
Records checked: Annex A-Waste transfer Note showing the quantity of dead fish at all
transferring events
Records date: 19/08/2015 06:30 PM
Rekod diperiksa: Nota pemindahan Annex A-Waste menunjukkan kuantiti ikan mati di semua
tempat pemindahan
Tarikh rekod: 19/08/2015 06:30 PM
Requirement: Yes
Indicator: Evidence proving acceptable disposal of dead fish, (i.e.,
landfill receiving receipts, sales receipts, permits or approvals for
onsite burial, and assurance if converted to animal meals not destined
for the culture of tilapia)
b. Maintain records of mortality disposals as evidence of compliance.
B. Review disposal records to verify compliance.
C. Do site inspection to confirm that farm policy towards mortality is
implemented and mortality records are accurate.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
6.4 Criteria: Fish health management
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
A. Do site inspection to confirm there are no dead fish in cultures whose
advanced state of decomposition would suggest mortality is > 1 day
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
C. Verify that calculations are accurate.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Disposal location: N/A. Farm does not dispose dead fish on-site
Disposal site complies with procedure? N/A. Farm does not dispose dead fish on-site
Describe observations: N/A. Farm does not dispose dead fish on-site
Lokasi pelupusan: N/A. Ladang tidak membuang ikan mati di tapak
Tapak pelupusan mematuhi prosedur? N/A. Ladang tidak membuang ikan mati di tapak
Jelaskan pemerhatian : N/A. Ladang tidak membuang ikan mati di tapak
a. Prepare a fish health plan that addresses all requirements of the Standard,
1) Protecting the farm from introduction of pathogens,
A. Review fish health plan to verify it addresses all requirements of indicator
2) Preventing the spread of pathogens within the farm and to the receiving
6.4.1 of the Standard and that the plan is site-specific.
waters, and
3) Reducing the potential for development of disease resistance by ensuring
responsible therapeutants use
Indicator: Presence and evidence of implementation of a fish health
plan that is site-specific and contains effective methods for 1)
Protecting the farm from introduction of pathogens, 2) Preventing the
spread of pathogens within the farm and to the receiving waters and
b. Obtain review and written approval of the fish health plan by the farm's
3) Reducing the potential for development of disease resistance by
veterinarian or health professional.
ensuring responsible therapeutants use
B. Confirm that the farm's veterinarian or health professional has reviewed
and approved the fish health plan.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
C. Do site inspection to verify that fish health plan is effectively
implemented and understood by farm staff.
7.1 Criteria: Child labor
Compliance Criteria
Who has reviewed the fish health plan?: Mr. Hafiz Razali-FH&E Coordinator, DCC
Documents proving his qualifications: Bio-Medical Science
Siapa mengulas plan kesihatan ikan?: En Hafiz Razali- Penyelaras FH&E, DCC
Dokumen pembuktian kelayakan beliau : Sains Bio- Perubatan
Document proving that fish health plan is effectively implemented and understood by farm staff:
Record date: 19/03/2015
Who were the participants: Muhammad Firdaw G.Abubaca, Monate Haygin,…
Dokumen pembuktian pelan kesihatan ikan dilaksanakan secara berkesan dan difahami oleh
kakitangan ladang : Ya
Tarikh Rekod: 19/03/2015
Peserta: Muhammad Firdaw G.Abubaca , Monate Haygin , ...
Yes No N/A
Minimum local legal age: 14 years is children; above 14 but under 16 is young workers by
Malaysia law
Number of workers over minimum and below 18: N/A . No young workers (from 15 to less than
Employment of Children and young child Procedure SOP HR A-17 dated 01/10/2014
Usia min sah tempatan : 14 tahun adalah kanak-kanak; atas 14 tetapi di bawah 16 adalah
pekerja muda oleh Undang-undang Malaysia
Bilangan pekerja melebihi minimum dan di bawah 18 : N/A. Tiada pekerja muda (dari 15 hingga
kurang daripada 18).
Pengambilan Kanak-kanak dan kanak-kanak muda Prosedur SOP HR A-17 bertarikh 01/10/2010
There are records for hours worked by children? N/A. There is no young worker hired by the farm
Records reviewed: N/A. There is no young worker hired by the farm
Average working hours: N/A. There is no young worker hired by the farm
Rekod untuk jam bekerja oleh kanak-kanak? N/A. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
Rekod ulasan: N/A. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
Purata jam kerja: N/A. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
C. Young workers (from 15 to less than 18): have no conflicts between work and schooling; do not spend more than 10 hours/day on transportation time,
school and work; do not perform hazardous work.
Children average working hours: N/A. There is no young worker hired by the farm
School time: N/A. There is no young worker hired by the farm
Transportation time: N/A. There is no young worker hired by the farm
Purata waktu bekerja kanak-kanak: N/A. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
Masa sekolah: N/A. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
Masa pengangkutan: N/A. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
D. Equal treatment for children of migrant workers.
There are migrant children? No. There is no young worker hired by the farm
Equal treatment evidenced by: N/A. There is no young worker hired by the farm
Terdapat kanak-kanak warga asing? Tiada. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
Layanan sama rata dibuktikan oleh : N/A. Tiada pekerja muda yang diupah oleh ladang
A. Minimum age of permanent workers is 15 or older (per national legal minimum age).
Indicator: Number of incidences of child[8] labor[9]
B. System exists to monitor hours and conditions of young workers and light work by children.
Is there a fish health plan in farm? Yes
Record date: 03/03/2015
Record code: EVHP3-FH&E Environmental and Veterinary Health and Plan Grow-Out
Plan kesihatan ikan di ladang ? Ya
Tarikh rekod: 03/03/2015
Kod Rekod: EVHP3- FH&E Alam Sekitar dan Kesihatan Veterinar dan Pelan Perkembangan
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
[8] A “child” is defined as any person less than 15 years of age. A higher age would apply if the minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling. If, however, the local minimum age law is set at 14, in accordance with developing
country exceptions under ILO Convention 138, the lower age will apply.
Footnote [9] “Child labor” is defined as any work by a child younger than the age specified in the definition of a child, except for light work as provided for by ILO Convention 138, article 7.
7.2 Criteria: Forced, bonded, compulsory labor
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
A. Contracts clearly stated and understood by employees, no ‘pay to work’ schemes through labor contractors or training credit programs.
B. Employees free to leave workplace and manage their own time.
Indicator: Number of incidences of forced[10] , bonded[11] or
compulsory labor
Are contracts clearly stated and understood by employees?: Verified some labor contracts and
found that everything is clear.
How many contracts were checked?: 04
All workers are paid? Yes
Adakah kontrak dinyatakan dengan jelas dan difahami oleh pekerja?: disahkan oleh beberapa
buruh kontrak dan didapati semua adalah jelas.
Berapa kontrak diperiksa ?: 04
Semua pekerja dibayar ? Ya
End of working hours: 17:00 PM
Workers are free to leave at free time: Yes
Verified by: Interviewed workers
Waktu kerja tamat : 17:00 PM
Pekerja bebas untuk keluar pada masa lapang: Ya
Disahkan oleh : Pekerja Ditemuramah
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Number of incidences of forced[10] , bonded[11] or
compulsory labor
Is there any evidence proving the employer withhold the original ID papers?: Interview and found
that all only copies of workers’ documentation
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Verified by: Workers interviewing
C. Employer does not withhold employee’s original identity papers.
Adakah terdapat keterangan membuktikan majikan enggan memberikan kertas ID asal?:
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Temuduga dan didapati hanya salinan dokumentasi pekerja sahaja
Disahkan oleh : Pekerja ditemuramah
Are there any evidence proving the employer withhold any salary, benefits etc?: No
Verified by: Worker interviewing
D. Employer shall not withhold any part of workers’ salaries, benefits, property or documents in order to oblige them to continue working for employer.
Adakah terdapat keterangan membuktikan majikan menahan sebarang gaji, faedah dan lainlain?: Tidak
Disahkan oleh : Pekerja ditemuramah
Are there any employees obligated to stay in job to repay debt?: Interview and found that no stay
in job to repay debt
Verified by: Workers interviewing
E. Employees not to be obligated to stay in job to repay debt.
Adakah terdapat pekerja yang wajib untuk kekal dalam pekerjaan untuk membayar balik
hutang?: Temuduga dan didapati bahawa tiada yang kekal dalam pekerjaan untuk membayar
balik hutang
Disahkan oleh : Pekerja ditemuramah
[10] “Forced (compulsory) labor” is defined as all work or service that is extracted from any person under the menace of any penalty for which a person has not offered him/ herself voluntarily or for which such work or service is demanded as a repayment of debt. “Penalty” can imply monetary sanctions, physical punishment, or the loss of
rights and privileges or restriction of movement (e.g., withholding of identity documents).
Footnote [11] “Bonded labor” is defined as when a person is forced by the employer or creditor to work to repay a financial debt to the crediting agency.
7.3 Criteria: Discrimination in the work environment
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
Are the antidiscrimination policies available in place?: Yes. Anti-discrimination policies dated
01/10/2014 in the notice board
A. Written anti-discrimination policies in place, stating that the company does not engage/support in discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to
Have all the components? Yes
training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership,
Adakah terdapat polisi antidiskriminasi di tempat?: Ya. Polisi anti -diskriminasi bertarikh
political affiliation, age or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination.
01/10/2014 di papan kenyataan
Mempunyai semua komponen? Ya
Indicator: Number of incidences of discrimination[12]
How many workers were interviewed?: 04
Worker comments: No comment, they feel satisfied with company's regulation
Berapa ramai pekerja telah ditemuramah?: 04
Komen pekerja: Tiada komen, mereka berpuas hati dengan peraturan syarikat
C. Company has a policy in place protecting pregnant and lactating mothers.
Is the policy available in place?: A maternity leave/maternity protection policy is in noticeboard
Date of issue: 01 Aug 2014
Adakah polisi terdapat di tempat?: Cuti bersalin/polisi perlindungan kehamilan di papan
Tarikh isu: 1 Ogos 2014
D. Company has a policy in place against HIV discrimination.
Is the policy available in place?: A HIV anti-discrimination policy SOP HR A-22 is in noticeboard
Date of issue: 01 Oct 2014
Adakah polisi terdapat di tempat ?: Polisi anti-diskriminasi HIV SOP HR A-22 di papan kenyataan
Tarikh isu: 1 Oktober 2014
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B. Worker testimony supports that the company does not interfere with the rights of personnel to observe tenets or practices, or to meet needs related to
race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation or any other condition that may give rise to
discrimination. Records indicate objective mechanisms for employee reviews and the offering of promotion and training opportunities.
[12] “Discrimination” is defined as any distinction, exclusion, or preferences, which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment. Not all distinction, exclusion, or preference constitutes discrimination. For instance, a merit- or
performance-based pay increase or bonus is not by itself discriminatory. Positive discrimination in favor of people from certain underrepresented groups may be legal in some countries.
A. Verification of clear and transparent company procedures are outlined to raise, file, and respond to discrimination complaints.
There is discrimination complaints procedure? Yes. Code of conduct dated 01 Oct. 2014
Formats for record complaints available? Yes (Trapia Malaysia SDN BHD-Suggestion form)
Terdapat prosedur aduan diskriminasi? Ya. Tatakelakuan bertarikh 1 Oktober 2014
Format untuk rekod aduan didapati? Ya ( Trapia Malaysia SDN BHD - borang cadangan)
Training date: Several trainings have been conducted 07/10/2015; 05/`10/2015; 25/08/2015
Does all managers and supervisor receive the training?: Yes
Number of attendants: 88
Tarikh latihan: Beberapa latihan telah dijalankan 07/10/2015 ; 05/`10/2015 ; 25/08/2015
Adakah semua pengurus dan penyelia menerima latihan?: Ya
Bilangan kehadiran: 88
Indicator: Evidence of proactive anti-discrimination practice
Requirement: Yes
B. All managers and supervisors receive training on diversity and non-discrimination. All personnel receive non-discrimination training. Internal or external
training acceptable if proven effective.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
C. Comparison of workforce diversity with demographics of host community updated regularly by management.
7.4 Criteria: Health and safety of workers
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Compliance Criteria
Was the comparison done? Yes, submission of non-local employees PK(o) KDN.PA(02)(L2)
Date: 01 August 2015
90% local people and 10% other are from another area
Perbandingan dilakukan? Ya, penyerahan pekerja bukan tempatan PK(o) KDN.PA(02)(L2)
Lampiran (2)
Tarikh: 1 Ogos 2015
90% orang-orang tempatan dan 10% daripada kawasan lain
A. Minimization of hazards/risks in the working environment, including documented systemic procedures and policies to prevent workplace hazards and
their risks, shall exist and the information shall be available to employees.
B. Emergency response procedures shall exist and be known by employees.
Indicator: Percentage of workers trained in health and safety
procedures/ policies
C. Health and safety training for all employees conducted on a regular basis (once a year and immediately for all new employees), including training on
potential hazards and risk minimization.
Risk assessment date: 19/10/2015
All farm activities include? Yes
Documented minimization procedures available? Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk
Tarikh penilaian risiko : 19/10/2015
Semua aktiviti di ladang termasuk? Ya
Prosedur pengurangan didokumenkan yang ada? Pengenalpastian bahaya, penilaian risiko dan
kawalan risiko
Evacuation routes and/or instruction available? Yes. Contingency & disaster plan
Meeting point available? Yes
Workers showed awareness at interview? Yes
# workers interviewed: 06
Laluan pemindahan dan/atau arahan disediakan? Ya. Plan kontingensi & bencana
Titik perjumpaan disediakan? Ya
Pekerja menunjukkan kesedaran semasa temuduga ? Ya
# Pekerja ditemuramah : 06
What is the Health and safety training frequency for all employees?: 01/year
Hazard awareness, fire training
Fire training conducted at 13/11/2014
When was the last training and who is in charge: 28/09/2015 by Safwan - safety and health officer
Brief description, detailing the training subjects: fire fighting, hazard identification
Kekerapan latihan kesihatan dan keselamatan bagi semua kakitangan?: 01/tahun
Kesedaran bahaya, latihan kebakaran
Latihan kebakaran dijalankan pada 13/11/2014
Bilakah latihan terakhir dan siapa bertanggungjawab : 28/09/2015 oleh Safwan - pegawai
keselamatan dan kesihatan
Keterangan ringkas , memperincikan subjek latihan: memadam kebakaran, pengenalpastian
Chemical storage room description
Lockable: Yes
Illuminated: Yes
Ventilated: Yes
Containment devices: Yes
Spillage recovery material: Yes
Refrigeration if needed: NA
Chemicals labeled: Yes
Chemicals separated according compatibility and risks of cross contamination: Yes
Examples of chemicals stored: Hydrogen Peroxide: Halamid
Keterangan bilik simpanan bahan kimia
Boleh dikunci : Ya
Bercahaya : Ya
Pengudaraan : Ya
Alat Pembendungan : Ya
Bahan pemulihan tumpahan : Ya
Penyejukan jika diperlukan : NA
Bahan kimia dilabel: Ya
Bahan kimia dipisahkan mengikut keserasian dan risiko pencemaran silang: Ya
Contoh bahan kimia yang disimpan : Hidrogen Peroxide : Halamid
Health and safety violations recorded? N/A. No violation occurred
Record dates: N/A. No violation occurred
Case example: N/A. No violation occurred
Pelanggaran kesihatan dan keselamatan direkodkan? N/A. Tiada pelanggaran berlaku
Tarikh Rekod: N/A. Tiada pelanggaran berlaku
Contoh kes: N/A. Tiada pelanggaran berlaku
Requirement: 100 %
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
D. Potentially dangerous chemicals are stored properly and as prescribed.
A. Documentation is generated with regards to occupational health and safety violations.
Indicator: Percentage of health- and safety-related accidents and
violations recorded and mitigated through corrective actions
Requirement: 100 %
B. Corrective action plan are implemented in response to accidents that have occurred. This should include: analysis of the root causes, address the root
causes, remediate and prevent future accidents of similar nature.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Records reviewed: N/A.There is no accident and violations found
Case example: N/A.There is no accident and violations found
Root cause: N/A.There is no accident and violations found
Correction: N/A.There is no accident and violations found
Preventive action: N/A.There is no accident and violations found
Rekod dikaji semula: N/A.Tiada kemalangan dan pelanggaran dijumpai
Contoh kes: N/A.Tiada kemalangan dan pelanggaran dijumpai
Sumber punca: N/A.Tiada kemalangan dan pelanggaran dijumpai
Pembetulan: N/A.Tiada kemalangan dan pelanggaran dijumpai
Tindakan pencegahan: N/A.Tiada kemalangan dan pelanggaran dijumpai
violations recorded and mitigated through corrective actions
Requirement: 100 %
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
C. Workers involved in departments where accidents have occurred can explain what analysis has been done and what steps taken/improvements made.
Indicator: Employer responsibility and proof of insurance (accident/
injury) for employee costs in a job-related accident or injury when not
covered under national law
Requirement: 100 %
A. Documentation maintained by management confirms that all personnel are provided sufficient insurance to cover annual check-ups and costs related to
occupational accidents or injuries. Equal insurance coverage must include temporary, migrant or foreign workers.
Compliance Criteria
Insurance organization (public/private): Receipt of insurance issued by social and security
Organization of Malaysia dated 21/09/2015 showing that all personnel are provided sufficient
All workers covered? Yes
Verified by: Government insurance company (Pertubuhan Keselamatan Social) -SOCSO
Organisasi insurans (awam/swasta): Resit insurans dikeluarkan oleh Pertubuhan sosial dan
keselamatan Malaysia bertarikh 21/09/2015 yang menunjukkan bahawa semua kakitangan
disediakan insurans yang mencukupi
Semua pekerja dilindungi? Ya
Disahkan oleh: Syarikat insurans Kerajaan ( Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial) -SOCSO
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
7.5 Criteria: Wages, overtime and working hours
Applicable to employees, workers and contractors
A. Employers/Managers understand and have policies to ensure the principle of equal pay for equal work.
B. Employers ensure wages paid for a standard working week (no more than 48 hours) always meet, at least, legal/industry minimum standards, cover
basic needs of personnel and provide some discretionary income
Principle of equal work stated at: Self-declaration on good social practice dated 01/05/2015 Rev
Prinsip kerja yang sama dinyatakan: Isytiharan kendirian amalan sosial yang baik bertarikh
01/05/2015 Rev 01
Minimum local legal wage: 900 RM
Salary is at or above minimum wage? 900 RM
Verified by: Operation Manager
Gaji minimum undang-undang sah tempatan: 900 RM
Gaji adalah atau lebih gaji minimum? 900 RM
Disahkan oleh: Pengurus Operasi
C. Labor conflict resolution policy in place to track conflicts & complaints raised, and responses to conflicts & complaints.
Conflict resolution policy available? Grievance procedure SOP-HR-A-25 dated 01/09/2014 is
Formats available: Yes
Examples: No complaint. twice/month meeting within company
Polisi resolusi konflik disediakan? Prosedur aduan SOP-HR-A-25 bertarikh 01/09/2014 disediakan
Format didapati: Ya
Contoh : Tiada aduan. dua kali/ mesyuarat bulanan dalam syarikat
D. Ratio of lowest wage rate to basic needs wage always exceeds 100%.
Minimum wage (MW)/ Gaji minimum : 900 RM
Lowest wage (LW)/ Gaji paling rendah :900 RM
Ratio calculation; (LW/MW)/ Pengiraan nisbah : 900 RM
Indicator: The percentage of employees who are paid fair and decent
Actions taken evidenced at interview? N/A.There is no accident and violations found
Case commented by workers: N/A.There is no accident and violations found
Tindakan dilakukan dibuktikan dalam temubual? N/A.Tiada kemalangan dan pelanggaran
Kes dikomen oleh pekerja: N/A.Tiada kemalangan dan pelanggaran dijumpai
Requirement: 100 %
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
E. Proof of employer engagement with workers and their representative organizations, and use of cost of living assessments from credible sources to
assess basic needs wages.
A. No deductions in pay for disciplinary actions.
B. Wage and benefits are clearly articulated to employees and rendered to employees in a convenient manner; e.g. no need to travel to collect benefits, no
promissory notes, coupons or merchandise; payment in cash or check.
C. Labor-only contracting[13] or false apprenticeship schemes[14] are not accepted, including: revolving/consecutive labor contracts used to deny benefit
D. Clear, transparent mechanism for wage setting known to employees.
Basic wage determined by law? Not required by law
Credible sources checked: interview
Meeting records: cost of living assessment report
Meeting date: 24/11/2014
Gaji asas ditentukan undang-undang? Tidak diperlukan oleh undang-undang
Sumber dipercayai diperiksa: temuduga
Rekod mesyuarat: Laporan kos penilaian hidup
Tarikh mesyuarat : 24/11/2014
Verified by: regulated in the contract (clause 6 and 7)
Disahkan oleh: dikawal atur dalam kontrak (Klaus 6 dan 7)
Place of payment: transfer by bank
Way of payment: by transfer. Payslip, payroll and time card are clear and consistent
Tempat bayaran : Pemindahan oleh bank
Cara pembayaran: melalui transfer . Penyata gaji , gaji dan kad masa adalah jelas dan konsisten
Contract duration: Unlimited time
# of contracts reviewed: 04
shortest term contract: Unlimited time
Interview and found that no false apprenticeship scheme is found
Tempoh kontrak: Masa tidak terhad
# Kontrak dikaji semula: 04
kontrak jangka pendek : Masa tidak terhad
Temuduga dan didapati bahawa tiada skim perantisan palsu ditemui
What is the wage setting mechanism? Clear pay slip
Workers show knowledge about the mechanism? Yes, the pay slip has been provided to
# Workers interviewed: 04
Apakah tetapan mekanisme gaji? Slip gaji yang jelas
Pekerja menunjukkan pengetahuan mengenai mekanisme? Ya, slip gaji telah diberikan kepada
# Pekerja ditemuramah : 04
Indicator: Incidences of abuse of working hours and/or overtime laws
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Local legal workweek: 48 hours
Overtime is allowed by law: 04 hours/day; 104 hours /month; 24 hours/week
Are there cases of exceed the legal workweek? Yes, but not over the law
Justification: No
Minggu kerja undang-undang sah tempatan: 48 jam
Kerja lebih masa dibenarkan oleh undang-undang : 04 jam/hari ; 104 jam/bulan; 24 jam/minggu
Adakah terdapat kes melebihi minggu kerja undang-undang sah? Ya, tetapi tidak melanggar
Justifikasi : Tiada
Workers provided with 1 day off per each 7 day? 06 days per week; one day off. Rotated day off
per week
Verified by: worker interview
Pekerja diberi 1 hari cuti per setiap 7 hari? 06 hari per minggu; satu hari cuti . Hari cuti diputar
per minggu
Disahkan oleh : Temuduga pekerja
Indicator: Incidences of abuse of working hours and/or overtime laws
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
E. Employer shall comply with applicable laws and industry standards related to working hours. “Normal workweek” can be defined by law but shall not on
a regular basis (constantly of majority of the time) exceed 48 hours. Only if allowed by law, variations (to the 48-hour regular work week) based on
seasonality may apply.
F. Personnel shall be provided with at least on day off in every seven day period.
G. All overtime shall be paid at a premium and should not exceed 12 hours per week.
Normal overtime premium %:The premium rate is 1.5 for normal overtime
Rest day overtime premium %: 2.0
Holiday overtime premium %: 3.0
% premium kerja lebih masa biasa: Kadar premium adalah 1.5 untuk kerja lebih masa biasa
% premium hari rehat kerja lebih masa: 2.0
% premium cuti kerja lebih masa: 3.0
Worker comments: no comment
# workers interviewed: 04
Komen pekerja: tiada komen
# pekerja ditemuduga: 04
Footnote [13] Labor-only contracting arrangement: The practice of hiring workers without establishing a formal employment relationship for the purpose of avoiding payment of regular wages or the provision of legally required benefits, such as health and safety protections
[14] False Apprenticeship Scheme: The practice of hiring workers under apprenticeship terms without stipulating terms of the apprenticeship or wages under contract. It is a “false” apprenticeship if its purpose is to underpay people, avoid legal obligations,
or employ children.
7.6 Criteria: Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
H. Overtime work shall always be voluntary.
A. Workers have the freedom to form and join any trade union, free of any form of interference from employers or competing organizations set up or
backed by the employer. ILO specifically prohibits “acts which are designated to promote the establishment of worker organizations or to support worker
organizations under the control or employers or employers’ organizations.
Did the client mention to all employees about the freedom to associate?: There is a counseling –
interview a chairman, she confirmed that no outstanding cases against the employer for
violations of employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
Records that prove it: Interview farm's manager and cross-checked with employees
Adakah pelanggan memberitahu semua pekerja tentang kebebasan pergaulan?: Terdapat
kaunseling-temuramah pengerusi, beliau mengesahkan bahawa tiada kes tertunggak terhadap
majikan kerana kebebasan pergaulan pekerja untuk berpersatuan dan hak perjanjian bersama
Rekod pembuktian: Temuramah pengurus ladang dan pemeriksaan bersilang dengan pekerja
B. Local trade union, or where none exists a reputable civil-society organization, confirms no outstanding cases against the employer for violations of
employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
Trade union at farm: counseling
Local civil society consulted: GerikLocal Labor office
Kesatuan pekerja di ladang : kaunseling
Persatuan awam tempatan dirunding: Pejabat Buruh GerikLocal
C. Trade union representatives have access to their members in the workplace at reasonable times on the premises.
Trade union interviewed: Interview the chairman, she can access in the work place
Kesatuan pekerja ditemuramah : Temuramah pengerusi, beliau boleh mengakses di tempat kerja
D. Explicit communications from the employer about their commitment to freedom of association and collective bargaining rights of all.
E. If trade unions exist, they are able to access/inform all workers directly (posters, pamphlets, visits).
Indicator: Incidences of employees denied freedom to associate,
ability to bargain collectively[15] or denied access to representative(s)
chosen by workers
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Footnote [15] “Bargain collectively” is defined as a voluntary negotiation between employers and organizations of workers in order to establish the terms and conditions of employment by means of collective (written) agreements.
7.7 Criteria: Disciplinary Actions
Compliance Criteria
A. There is never any use of or support for (e.g. subcontractors using) corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse.
Indicator: Incidences of abusive disciplinary actions
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Explicit communication way: Discipline Procedure SOP-HR-A 18 dated 01 Oct 2015
Cara komunikasi jelas : Prosedur Disiplin SOP-HR-A 18 bertarikh 01 Okt 2015
Trade union publications observed: no trade union as no compulsory by law
Only counseling - there is a meeting if any complaint raised
Penerbitan kesatuan sekerja diperhatikan : tiada kesatuan sekerja kerana tidak wajib oleh
Hanya kaunseling - ada mesyuarat jika aduan dibangkitkan
Evidence of abuse? No
Sexual harassment Procedure SOP HR A 15 dated 01/09/2014
# workers interviewed: 04
Bukti penyalahgunaan? Tiada
Prosedur gangguan seksual SOP HR A 15 bertarikh 01/09/2014
# Pekerja ditemuramah : 04
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Indicator: Incidences of abusive disciplinary actions
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Evidence of wage deduction as disciplinary actions? No
Discipline Procedure SOP-HR-A 18 dated 01 Oct 2015
Verified by: Operation Manager
Bukti potongan gaji sebagai tindakan disiplin? Tiada
Prosedur disiplin SOP-HR-A 18 bertarikh 01 Okt 2015
Disahkan oleh: Pengurus Operasi
A. Procedures exist for situations in which disciplinary action is required, and they establish the use of progressive verbal and written warnings. Aim should
always be to improve the worker before letting him/her go (indicated by policy statements as well as evidence from worker testimony).
Disciplinary measures procedure available? Discipline procedure SOP-HR-A 18 is established.
Describe the levels of disciplinary actions: some warning will be given if any misconduct occurred
No money deduction is allowed
Prosedur tindakan disiplin disediakan? Prosedur disiplin SOP-HR-A 18 telah diwujudkan.
Jelaskan tahap tindakan disiplin : beberapa amaran diberikan jika berlaku sebarang salah laku
Tiada potongan wang dibenarkan
Compliance Criteria
B. Fines or wage deductions shall not be acceptable as a method for disciplining workers (indicated by policy statements, as well as evidence from worker
Indicator: Evidence of non-abusive disciplinary policies and
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
7.8 Criteria: Action response plans/policies
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of a corrective action plan
(updated annually) that addresses unintended problems associated
with labor relations and internal monitoring of labor activities
A. Verification of a labor relations action plan for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and employer testimonial that these
plans have been implemented.
Are workers aware of the action plans and their results? Yes, all workers are given the training
when they start to work
# workers interviewed: 04
Adakah pekerja menyedari plan tindakan dan keputusan mereka ? Ya, semua pekerja diberi
latihan apabila mula bekerja
# Pekerja ditemuramah : 04
Is there an emergency action plan? Contingency plan and disaster management; diving
emergency procedure; fire procedure are available in the notice board
Who is in charge of the emergency action plan? Safety officers and all OSD manager, Fish Help
coordinator, operation Manager and individual Department head in charge
How many people were interviewed? 05
Adakah terdapat plan tindakan kecemasan? Rancangan luar jangka dan pengurusan bencana;
prosedur kecemasan menyelam; prosedur api terdapat di papan kenyataan
Siapa bertanggungjawab bagi plan tindakan kecemasan? Pegawai keselamatan dan semua
pengurus OSD , penyelaras bantuan Ikan, pengurus operasi dan individu Ketua Jabatan
Berapa ramai orang ditemuramah? 05
Ask to the worker, what does he/she must to do in an emergency ? Record check and interview
that worker competency is met. List of emergency team
Fire drill; evacuation practice; First aid training ; cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training
record (17/03/2015 by JPAM
How many people were interviewed? 05
Tanya pekerja, apa yang dia mesti lakukan semasa kecemasan? Daftar rekod dan temuramah
bahawa kompetensi pekerja dipenuhi. Senarai pasukan kecemasan
Latihan kebakaran; latihan pemindahan ; Latihan pertolongan cemas; Resusitasi Pulmonari
Resusitasi (CPR) rekod latihan (17/03/2015) oleh JPAM
Berapa orang ditemuramah? 05
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B. Workers are aware of the action plans and their results.
A. Verification of emergency (examples include earthquakes, fires, storms, etc.) action plan for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3month period) and employer testimonial that these plans have been implemented.
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of an emergency action plan
and annual (or more frequent) internal monitoring activities
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
B. Worker competency in the appropriate actions required during an emergency response.
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of a verifiable conflict
resolution policy for conflicts and complaints tracked transparently,
and proof that conflicts and complaints from employees are
responded to within three months after being received
Is there a labor action plan for 12 month period? Employee handbook have been provided to all
employees, which is covering all regulation
How many people were interviewed? 04
Adakah terdapat plan tindakan buruh bagi tempoh 12 bulan? Buku panduan pekerja telah
disediakan untuk semua pekerja , yang merangkumi semua peraturan
Berapa ramai orang telah ditemuramah? 04
A. Verification of an employee conflict resolution policy for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and employer testimonial
that this plan has been implemented.
B. Three month time-frame from employee conflict filing and response upheld.
Is there a community conflict resolution policy?: Yes, conflict resolution policy
Grievance procedure SOP HR A 25 dated 01/09/2014
Discipline system procedure SOP HR A 18 dated 01/10/2014
Has been the plan implemented?: Yes, but only in the format
How many testimonials did you do? N/A as no complaint from community
Adakah terdapat polisi resolusi konflik masyarakat?: Ya , polisi resolusi konflik
Prosedur aduan SOP HR A 25 bertarikh 01/09/2014
Prosedur sistem disiplin SOP HR A 18 bertarikh 2014/01/10
Adakah plan dilaksanakan?: Ya, tetapi hanya dalam format
Berapa banyak testimoni yang dibuat? N/A kerana tidak ada aduan daripada masyarakat
Requirement: Yes
Time taken for response: within 03 months
Masa diambil untuk respons: Dalam 3 bulan
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
C. Records of complaint cases, related actions and resolution maintained as well as worker evaluation of the resolution.
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
Is there a record complaint? N/A as no complaint
How many complaint cases exists?
Adakah terdapat rekod aduan? N/A tiada aduan
Berapa banyak kes aduan didapati?
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
D. Worker actions and testimony confirms they understand this process and are comfortable raising complaints.
7.9 Criteria: Living conditions for employees
Compliance Criteria
A. Verification that potable/safe drinking water available.
C. Verification that human waste is not discharged into the environment.
Are sanitary conditions for disposal of human wastes in practice? There are some dustbins in the
How many people were interviewed? 04
Adakah keadaan kebersihan untuk pembuangan bahan buangan manusia diamalkan? Terdapat
beberapa tong sampah di tempat kerja
Berapa orang ditemuramah? 04
Is human waste discharged into the environment? Observed and interviewed that no human
waste is discharged into the environment.
How many people were interviewed? 04
Adakah bahan buangan manusia dibuang ke alam sekitar? Pemerhatian dan temuduga bahawa
tiada bahan buangan manusia dibaung ke alam sekitar
Berapa orang ditemuramah? 04
Indicator: Evidence that living conditions are clean, sanitary and safe
for habitation
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
D. Worker housing is constructed of material to sustain local conditions in the event of storms or other natural events that could endanger lives.
7.10 Criteria: Community relations and interaction
Indicator: Evidence that farms are not inhibiting or restricting local
community access to public land, freshwater resources or public
fishing grounds
Requirement: Yes
Compliance Criteria
A. Testimonials from surrounding community members that farms have not blocked access to public property or public natural resources.
Are worker houses constructed of material to sustain local conditions? The workers stay in their
houses and go to work every day. Not stay in dormitory
What kind of material are used? By brick
How many people were interviewed? 04
Adakah rumah pekerja dibina daripada bahan untuk mengekalkan keadaan setempat ? Para
pekerja tinggal di rumah mereka dan pergi ke kerja setiap hari. Tidak tinggal di asrama
Apakah jenis bahan yang digunakan? daripada bata
Berapa orang ditemuramah? 04
B. Three month time-frame from community member conflict filing and response evidenced by community testimonials.
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of a verifiable conflict
resolution policy for conflicts and complaints tracked transparently,
and proof that conflicts and complaints from communities are
responded to within three months after being received
C. Verification that farm management communicates with the community on the impact of its activities.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
D. If environmental impact assessment has been performed, it is made easily accessible to community members.
B_814690-ASCASS-2015.01-LXQ-EN-Draft Bilingual
E. If a socio-economic impact assessment has been performed, it is made easily accessible to community members.
F. Economic impacts of the farm activities reported – at least annually – to the community.
Are farms blocking access to public property or public natural resources?: Only one family lives
near the farm. The farm is also in the isolated area
How many testimonials did you do? N/A
Adakah ladang menyekat akses kepada harta awam atau sumber awam semula jadi?: Hanya
satu keluarga tinggal berhampiran ladang. Ladang juga terletak di kawasan terpencil
Berapa banyak testimoni dibuat? N/A
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
A. Verification of community conflict resolution policy and actions for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and community
testimonials that this plan has been implemented and there is a shared understanding of procedures for filing complaints.
Is there potable/safe drinking water available? Certificate of analysis for portable water No
CL/15070304 dated 22/07/2015 by DXN Holding BHD Malaysia
How many people were interviewed? 05
Adakah air minuman yang boleh diminum/selamat disediakan? Sijil analisis untuk air mudah alih
No CL/15070304 bertarikh 22/07/2015 oleh DXN Holding BHD Malaysia
Berapa orang ditemuramah? 05
B. Verification that sanitary conditions for disposal of human waste are in practice.
How many testimonials did you do? N/A
Berapa banyak testimoni dibuat? N/A
Is there a community conflict resolution policy?: Workplace conflict resolution policy Rev 04
dated 01/07/2014
Has been the plan implemented?: N/A as nothing happen
How many testimonials did you do?
Adakah terdapat polisi resolusi konflik masyarakat?: Polisi resolusi konflik tempat kerja Rev 04
bertarikh 01/07/2014
Adakah rancangan telah dilaksanakan?: N/A tiada apa-apa berlaku
Berapa banyak testimoni dibuat?
What was the evidenced? N/A as nothing happen
How many testimonials did you do? No
Apakah yang dibuktikan? N/A tiada apa-apa berlaku
Berapa banyak testimoni dibuat? Tiada
Does the farm management communicate with the community? No as no complaint yet
Meeting record number: N/A
Date of meeting record: N/A
Adakah pengurusan ladang berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat? Tidak kerana belum ada aduan
Nombor rekod perjumpaan: N/A
Tarikh rekod perjumpaan: N/A
Has been performed the environmental impact assessment ? Isytiharan kendirian on good Social
Is it made easily accessible to community members? Yes
Adakah penilaian impak alam sekitar telah diadakan? Akuan diri mengenai amalan sosial yang
Adakah mudah diakses oleh ahli masyarakat? Ya
Has been performed the socio-economic impact assessment? N/A
Is it made easily accessible to community members? N/A
Adakah penilaian impak sosio-ekonomi telah diadakan? N/A
Adakah mudah diakses oleh ahli masyarakat? N/A
Have reported economic impacts of the farm? N/A
How many economic impacts were reported? N/A
Adakah impak ekonomi ladang dilaporkan? N/A
Berapa banyak impak ekonomi telah dilaporkan? N/A
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form
ASC Non-Conformity and Re-assessment form
Borang Ketidakpatuhan dan Penilaian Semula ASC
Client number and name
Nama dan nombor pelanggan
Production unit
Unit pengeluaran
Number of non-conformity
Nombor ketidakpatuhan
Classification of non-conformity
Klasifikasi ketidakpatuhan
MAJOR Non-Conformity
Ketidakpatuhan MAJOR
MINOR Non-Conformity
Ketidakpatuhan MINOR
Found non-conformity
* Mention failing and audit finding and
Ketidakpatuhan dijumpai
*Sebutan kegagalan dan hasil audit dan bukti
Section number of checklist/
Reference to standard
Nombor seksyen senarai semakan/
Rujukan kepada standard
Deadline for corrective actions
Tarikh akhir tindakan pembaikan
PRD 022368 – Trapia Grow-Out Farm
Farm provided Water Quality Monitoring dataset prior audit. However,
farm did not test Specific conductance.
There is no evidence that method of Ammonia testing is complying to
There is > 5% difference is observed between auditor and farm data in
monitoring Ammonia-nitrogen at RWRP (Farm data from 0.0 to 0.4,
testing reports for samples taken by auditor show 0.8)
Ladang menyediakan dataset Pemantauan Kualiti Air sebelum audit.
Walau bagaimanapun , ladang tidak menguji kealiran spesifik.
Tiada bukti bahawa kaedah ujian Ammonia mematuhi keperluan
Terdapat > 5 % perbezaan diperhatikan antara juruaudit dan data
ladang dalam pantauan Ammonia-nitrogen pada RWRP (data ladang
0.0-0.4 , laporan pengujian untuk sampel yang diambil oleh juruaudit
menunjukkan 0.8 )
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)
PLAN TINDAKAN (Untuk diisi oleh pelanggan)
Root Cause
Are the events that caused the failing? How,
who, when, where
Sebab Punca
Apakah peristiwa yang menyebabkan
kegagalan? Bagaimana, siapa, bila, di mana
Correction/ Pembetulan
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
observed during audit.
Tindakan diambil untuk menyelesaikan
kegagalan tepat masa yang diperhatikan
semasa audit.
Corrective action/ Tindakan pembetulan
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again
Tindakan diambil untuk mencegah sebab
membawa kepada kegagalan berlaku lagi
Evidence/ Bukti
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
Rekod, prosedur, gambar dihantar
menunjukkan pelaksanaan pembetulan dan
tindakan pembetulan
Misunderstanding about requirement for specific conductance test.
Salah faham tentang keperluan untuk ujian kealiran spesifik.
There might be some wrong in testing of water sample
Mungkin terdapat beberapa kesilapan dalam ujian sampel air
Do monthly sampling of culture water and send to laboratory for analysis.
Buat sampel bulanan air kultur dan hantar ke makmal untuk analisis
Continue monitoring water quality monthly as per requirement.
Terus memantau kualiti air bulanan mengikut keperluan
Do the schedule for sampling water needed
Buat jadual untuk sampel air diperlukan
Continue monitoring water quality monthly as per requirement.
Terus memantau kualiti air bulanan mengikut keperluan
Will show data of monitoring at next surveillance audit
Akan menunjukkan data pemantauan di audit pengawasan seterusnya
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier)/ Penilaian semula (Untuk diisi oleh Peraku)
Re-assessment done by:
Penilaian semula dilakukan
Site visit
Ulasan dokumen
Mention details like: name of documents, sites, and person(s),
corrective action plans
Result(s) of re-assessment of the nonSebutkan perincian seperti: nama dokumen, tapak dan orang, plan
tindakan pembetulan
Keputusan penilaian semula ketidakpatuhan
Status of non-conformity:
Status ketidakpatuhan
Open/ Buka
Closed/ Tutup
Outstanding: fill in a new non-conformity form.
Belum jelas: isi borang ketidakpatuhan baru
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form
Client number and name
Nama dan nombor pelanggan
Production unit
Unit pengeluaran
Number of non-conformity
Nombor ketidakpatuhan
Classification of non-conformity
Klasifikasi ketidakpatuhan
MAJOR Non-Conformity
Ketidakpatuhan MAJOR
MINOR Non-Conformity
Ketidakpatuhan MINOR
Found non-conformity
* Mention failing and audit finding and
Ketidakpatuhan dijumpai
*Sebutan kegagalan dan hasil audit dan bukti
Section number of checklist/
Reference to standard
Nombor seksyen senarai semakan/
Rujukan kepada standard
Deadline for corrective actions
Tarikh akhir tindakan pembaikan
PRD 22368 – Trapia Grow-Out Farm
There is no use of trapping device
Tiada penggunaan alat perangkap
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ Plan tindakan (Untuk diisi oleh pelanggan)
Root Cause
Are the events that caused the failing? How,
who, when, where
Sebab Punca
Apakah peristiwa yang menyebabkan
kegagalan? Bagaimana, siapa, bila, di mana
Correction/ Pembetulan
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
observed during audit.
Tindakan diambil untuk menyelesaikan
kegagalan tepat masa yang diperhatikan
semasa audit.
Corrective action/ Tindakan pembetulan
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again
Tindakan diambil untuk mencegah sebab
membawa kepada kegagalan berlaku lagi
Evidence/ Bukti
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
Rekod, prosedur, gambar dihantar
menunjukkan pelaksanaan pembetulan dan
tindakan pembetulan
Misunderstanding about requirement for trapping device because cage
at the farm already have predator net.
Salah faham mengenai keperluan untuk alat perangkap kerana sangkar
di ladang sudah mempunyai jaring pemangsa
Provide trapping device at Grow out cage
Sediakan alat perangkap di sangkar punca
2 trapping devices are located at Grow out cage and check regularly.
2 alat perangkap diletakkan di sangkar punca dan diperiksa secara
Please refer picture.
Sila rujuk gambar
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier)/ Penilaian semula (Untuk diisi oleh Peraku)
Re-assessment done by:
Penilaian semula dilakukan
Site visit
Ulasan dokumen
Mention details like: name of documents, sites, and person(s),
corrective action plans
Sebutkan perincian seperti: nama dokumen, tapak dan orang, plan
Result(s) of re-assessment of the nontindakan pembetulan
Keputusan penilaian semula ketidakpatuhan
Open/ Buka
Status of non-conformity:
Status ketidakpatuhan
Closed/ Tutup
Outstanding: fill in a new non-conformity form.
Belum jelas: isi borang ketidakpatuhan baru