NCBDE News - National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators


NCBDE News - National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators
Spring/Summer 2014
A Publication of the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators
Volume 24, No. 1
Message from the Chair
NCBDE Mission
To define, develop, maintain
and protect the certification and credentialing
process to promote quality diabetes education.
NCBDE Board of Directors
Kellie Rodriguez, RN, MSN, CDE®
Sue McLaughlin, MOL, BS, RD, CDE®
Judy Davis, RN, BA, CDE®, FAADE
Dear Colleagues:
know that we aim to communicate
It is an absolute privilege to be
only the really important news
serving as the 2014 Chair of the
affecting CDEs and your roles
NCBDE Board of Directors,
when we reach out via an email
during a year that denotes a
blast or snail mail. We ultimately
time of significant health care
hope you will include the NCBDE
reform, directly impacting
website in your ‘favorites’ folder
Certified Diabetes Educators
and periodically glance at the
(CDEs) and the provision of
headlines to ensure you are
diabetes self-management
not missing important news. If
education and support. I am
you get approached by fellow
blessed to be working with an
professionals about certification,
Kellie Rodriguez, RN, MSN, CDE
incredible multi-disciplinary
you might want to check out the
group of volunteers who serve on
updates to initial certification that
the NCBDE Board, our committees and task
are identified in “Initial Eligibility Requirement
forces, each of whom reflect the passion and
Changes” on page 3 and news about the
commitment that you and your fellow CDEs
“Mentorship Program Report” on page 6.
bring to your roles every day.
Always feel free to refer anyone interested in
certification to NCBDE’s web site (
We appreciate how very busy our CDEs are in
the national office at
juggling both work and home commitments,
and as such, understand that you may not check
Carolyn Harrington, RD, LDN, CDE
Immediate Past Chair
Lenita Hanson, MD, CDE®
John “Tommy” Johnson, PharmD, CDE®,
Jane Kadohiro, DrPH, APRN, CDE®, FAADE
Andrea Knatz, RD, CDE®
Kelly Rawlings – Public Member
Kirsten Ward, MS, RCEP®, CDE®
in with NCBDE until it is time to renew your
CDE® credential. Therefore, identifying the best
strategies and frequency of delivering pertinent
information to you about what is happening at
NCBDE is a delicate balance. We hope you
Sheryl Traficano, MBA
Chief Executive Officer, ex-officio
NCBDE National Office
330 East Algonquin Road, Suite 4
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Voice: 877-239-3233 or 847-228-9795
Fax: 847-228-8469
Web site:
Sheryl Traficano, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Beth Eddleman
Operations Coordinator
Sheri Wadsworth
Customer Service Coordinator
We are proud to report that the number of CDEs
continues to increase – with our highest number
of active CDEs ever – over 18,400 as of January
2014. In 2013, over 2,500 CDEs renewed by
continuing education and as with 2012, over
MESSAGE / Continued on page 12
Planning to Attend the AADE Annual
Meeting This August in Orlando?
Individuals pre-registering by mid-late June
should receive their 2014 CDE® Buttons in
the mail before the meeting. Buttons will
also be available for distribution on a limited
basis to late/on-site registrants at the NCBDE
exhibit booth (#915). Note: Quantities are
to be a CD
National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators
2014 AADE Annual Meeting
Orlando, FL
Don’t forget to complete the ticket attached
to the button and drop it off at the NCBDE
exhibit booth. Entrants will qualify for a
daily drawing. Winners of the drawings will
receive a credit of $250 for use in renewing
their certification.
NCBDE will also be providing two presentations during the meeting. The first one
created for attendees interested in initial certification will take place on August 6, 9:4511:15AM – ‘Becoming a CDE®:
Facts, Common Myths, and Exciting News’.
On August 7, 9:45-11:15AM, check out
‘Maintaining Your CDE® Credential: Remind
Me Again – How Do I Renew?’ for CDEs.
See you in Orlando!
ACDE - A New Membership Organization Launches
The Academy of Certified Diabetes Educators
(ACDE) launched in January 2014. The
association has several different membership
categories, but the active one – the one that
has voting privileges – is reserved for current
Certified Diabetes Educators (CDEs). “This
is a challenging and exciting time for CDEs,
and the NCBDE Board of Directors supports
the important role that the ACDE will have
in providing networking opportunities and
resources specifically targeted to CDE®
credential holders,” Kellie Rodriguez, RN,
MSN, CDE®, Chair of the NCBDE Board of
Directors, said.
There is a professional relationship between
the NCBDE and ACDE. However, it
is important to understand that they are
separate, autonomous organizations. Each
is incorporated independent of the other,
with separate charters, bylaws, finances, and
leadership. ACDE has no direct role in the
certification program.
As an organization, ACDE is focused solely
on serving as the unified voice of individuals
holding the CDE® credential. Active
membership is open to all CDEs and is free
through 2015. Active members will have
opportunities to participate in discussions
with peers, access resources to promote and
advance their practice and stay up to date with
industry news and events. The mission of
the ACDE is to support the individuals who
have earned the CDE® credential and provide
professional resources and networking
opportunities to enhance the CDE’s practice.
ACDE’s goal is to provide opportunities for
CDEs to engage in dialogue and activities to
both enhance their platform of service and to
reach out to their colleagues in a meaningful
and exciting manner.
“CDEs need to stay informed and involved in
a rapidly changing health care environment,
where new legislation and regulation will
impact the care we provide,” Christine Day
RN, MS, CDE®, ACNS-BC, ACDE President,
said. “ACDE has the opportunity to unite
CDEs to promote and strengthen the CDE®
credentialing program and expand its reach to
increase the number of certified providers.”
Advocacy will also be a core function of
the new organization. ACDE will advocate
on behalf of the CDE® community for
reimbursement and other legislative initiatives
related to providing the education and care
needed by a rapidly increasing number of
individuals with diabetes and prediabetes.
Activate your free membership by signing in
now at or contact the
organization at 847-228-0199
How do you activate ACDE membership*?
You’ll want to sign in and, at a minimum, add
a valid email address to your profile. Here’s
how to sign in...
•Access the sign in screen: There are a
number of different ways to sign in: Visit and use the sign in
area on the right-hand side of the home
page; use the “Sign In” menu option at the
top of the page; or use the following link
to go directly to the sign in screen: https://
•For the username: enter your CDE
certificate number (full 8 digits, and no
dashes). Your certificate number can be
found on your certificate. (Note: if you’ve
changed your username since the NCBDE
site launched, enter the updated username.)
•For the password, enter your last name as
maintained in NCBDE’s database which
uses upper and lower case letters, e.g.,
Doe, not DOE or doe. (Note: if you’ve
changed your password since the NCBDE
site launched, enter the updated password.)
***Please read this next step in full
before proceeding,*** Enter as much
profile information as you wish. However,
the email address field is a required
field. Without an active email address in
your profile, ACDE cannot activate your
membership and any additional profile
information that you’ve entered cannot be
saved. Therefore, be sure to enter a valid
email address to complete your membership
activation and save your profile data.
***IMPORTANT: Do not hit the
“SAVE” button until you have entered
your desired email address.
*Note: ACDE has several membership
categories, but the active category of
membership with voting privileges is reserved
for current CDEs. Therefore, in order to
ensure that current CDEs are identified
correctly, NCBDE provided ACDE with
current CDEs’ names and certificate numbers.
However, please know that the NCBDE
values the privacy of our CDEs, so no contact
information has been provided to ACDE
related to any CDE’s record. In addition,
CDEs who choose not to activate their
membership in ACDE by June 30, 2014 will
have their records deleted from the ACDE
database. (Note: CDEs can register again at
a later date with verification of their CDE®
Renewal of Certification by Continuing Education Option
For CDEs who can document meeting the
renewal practice requirement, this avenue
of renewal is available as an alternative to
the Certification Examination for Diabetes
Educators. The continuing education option may
be used each time renewal of certification is
due, provided the CDE® can document meeting
all current eligibility requirements at the time of
The renewal of certification by continuing
education is intended to enhance continuing
competence of certificants by providing
each practitioner the opportunity to choose
between the Certification Examination or using
continuing education. The deadline date for
submitting an application to renew
certification by continuing education is not the
same as the deadline dates for applying to take
the Certification Examination. All continuing
education hours must be completed and
documented on an application by the applicable
deadline of the year the credential will expire
(e.g., 9/15/2014 for those with credentials
expiring 12/31/2014 and applying using the
standard deadline; 9/15/2015 for those with
credentials expiring 12/31/2015). The standard
deadline falls in mid-September, extended
deadline is mid-October and late deadline is
General Information
Renewal of certification demonstrates that
professionals previously certified have
maintained a level of contemporary knowledge
in diabetes education.
NCBDE requires all CDEs to renew certification
every 5 years. It is the responsibility of the
individual certificant to maintain certification
and to stay abreast of any changes in
certification and renewal requirements. The
dates of the credential should be monitored and
applications for renewal submitted by published
OPTION / Continued on page 8
Call for Applications for Open CDE® Board Positions
Are you a CDE® who has served as a
committee or task force member for NCBDE
or another organization or has experience as
a Board member of a state or national notfor-profit organization? If so, we hope that
you will consider applying for a position on
NCBDE’s Board of Directors.
The Board understands that the health of an
organization is determined by its leadership,
and one of the benefits of being certified by
a professional credentialing organization is
the opportunity to actively participate in a
leadership position and positively impact
its strength and recognition on a national
basis. Serving on a board of directors can be
challenging and rewarding, but at the same
time requires personal commitments of time,
skills, and resources.
The composition of the Board of Directors is
identified in the organization’s bylaws. The
number of Directors shall be no more than
eleven voting members. These shall consist
of at least nine Certified Diabetes Educators
(CDEs) to include three registered nurses,
three registered dietitians, one physician,
one pharmacist, and one “other” professional
whose discipline is other than those specified
in this section. In addition, one public
member and the Immediate Past-Chair shall
serve as directors.
In accordance with the bylaws, specific
positions must be filled to maintain the Board
composition. In 2014, the CDE® positions
to be filled for 4 year terms beginning in
January, 2015 are:
•One registered dietitian
•One registered nurse
•One “other”* professional
To be eligible for nomination for one of these
positions, one must be a CDE® (conferred by
*Those who qualify in the “other” category
are CDEs who are clinical psychologists,
occupational therapists, optometrists, physical
therapists, physician assistants, podiatrists,
exercise physiologists who qualified for
certification with an advanced degree in
exercise physiology or while holding the
Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist or
Clinical Exercise Specialist credential, health
educators holding the Master Certified Health
Education Specialist credential, or CDEs
who qualified for initial certification under a
qualifying advanced degree.
available, the document may
also be downloaded from the web site
The application outlines eligibility
requirements and procedures for completing
the process. A document titled “NCBDE
Board of Directors Role Description” will
also be available. This document provides an
overview of responsibilities and expectations
of those elected to serve on the Board.
Understanding and appreciation of the
responsibilities and commitments necessary
to serve effectively are of critical importance
before making the decision to apply.
Applicants will need to submit a completed
application, current resume or curriculum
vitae, and two letters of recommendation. The
postmark deadline for submitting applications
is August 1, 2014.
This is a tremendous opportunity to share
your knowledge and professional talents
at a national level and to be involved in
maintaining the high standards of NCBDE
credentialing in diabetes education.
The application will be available in June. The
document may be requested by telephone at
877-239-3233, by fax at 847-228-8469, or by
e-mail at Please include your
name and address with your request. Once
Initial Eligibility Requirement Changes
In 2013, NCBDE approved three changes
effective in 2014 related to initial certification as
a diabetes educator.
NCBDE is very aware of the need for qualified
diabetes educators to be available to help
the increasing numbers of people affected
by prediabetes and diabetes achieve the best
outcomes. In April 2013, NCBDE announced an
addition to the list of health professionals who
can qualify for initial certification beginning in
2014 – the Master Certified Health Education
Specialist (MCHES) – a credential awarded by
the National Commission for Health Education
Credentialing, Inc. Individuals holding the
MCHES credential and who meet all of the
NCBDE eligibility requirements may begin
applying for the Certification Examination for
Diabetes Educators (Examination) in 2014.
The rigorous requirements to obtain the MCHES
credential and the documentation provided
by the Society for Public Health Education
when submitting the request were important
factors in the approval. In addition, the most
recent publication of the National Standards
for Diabetes Self-Management Education and
Support identify that health educators can be an
effective part of the diabetes self-management
education team.
NCBDE announced two other changes to
eligibility requirements in July 2013:
In the past, only volunteer diabetes selfmanagement education (DSME) practice
hours accrued through the Diabetes Education
Mentorship Program could be accepted as part
of the required hours of DSME needed for
initial certification. Beginning in 2014, any
volunteer DSME hours of practice experience
can be counted towards eligibility. As with any
eligibility requirement, verification of volunteer
DSME hours will be needed if an applicant is
randomly chosen for an audit.
NCBDE also approved the launch of an
alternative pathway for eligibility to become a
CDE® – known as the Unique Qualifications
Pathway – for individuals providing diabetes
education that do not qualify under the current
list of health professionals applying for initial
certification. This pathway is designed for health
professionals holding an advanced degree in a
health-related area/concentration from a United
States college or university that is accredited
by a nationally recognized regional accrediting
body to pursue certification. This pathway has
different eligibility requirements and involves
a “pre-application” process. The information
and application for the Unique Qualifications
Pathway are available on the NCBDE web site.
Individuals approved through this pathway can
begin to take the Examination beginning in
With the expansion of qualifying practice hours
and the development of the alternative pathway,
NCBDE hopes more health professionals will
pursue a passion for diabetes education and,
ultimately, certification as diabetes educators, the
gold standard that helps the public and the health
care industry identify a health professional with
knowledge and experience in diabetes education.
Due to Renew in 2014?
If your credential will expire December 31,
2014 and you can document meeting the
renewal practice requirement* (see related
article on page 15), you may choose to renew
either by continuing education (see page 2) or
by taking the examination.
The application deadline is September 15
for the fall 2014 examination window and
for the standard window for renewal by
continuing education. Additional deadlines
are available ONLY for the renewal by
continuing education option, but do require
additional fees. Refer to the 2014 Renewal
by Continuing Education Handbook for
important details.
Renewal of certification notices were
mailed in late October last year to CDEs
whose credentials will expire December
31, 2014. Because of name and/or address
changes, a number of these notices could
not be delivered. It is important to note that
nonreceipt of this courtesy mailing does not
relieve the certificants of meeting renewal
certification requirements. An email notice
was also sent in April to all those with an
email address on file. Remember that it is
the responsibility of the renewing individual
to submit a current Application and fee prior
to the applicable deadline date. Neither the
NCBDE nor the testing agency is responsible
for lost, misdirected or late mail.
Obtaining a Handbook
Continuing Education Renewal: The 2014
Renewal by Continuing Education Handbook
includes the instructions on how to renew
by continuing education. To obtain the 2014
Renewal by Continuing Education Handbook,
contact the NCBDE national office, by
telephone at 877-239-3233, facsimile at
847-228-8469, or e-mail at
(be sure to include “NCBDE CE Renewal
Handbook” in the subject line of the request
and your mailing address in the message).
The Handbook is also available in pdf format
and may be downloaded from the NCBDE
web site ( Note: You’ll
notice a lot of different information in th 2014
Handbook as NCBDE is rolling out an option
to renew by continuing education online.
CDEs may still submit paper applications,
but a paper application is not included in
the Handbook. It will need to be obtained
via a pdf download for completion and
submission. In addition, per the information
in the Handbook, please note that processing
time will be significantly longer when using
a paper application than using the online
renewal method. We hope CDEs will find
the online renewal option user friendly and
convenient. CDEs wishing to still submit
paper applications to renew will need to
obtain one using the following link:
Model Diabetes Educator Licensure Act Updated
An updated version of the NCBDE published
‘Statement on Licensure of Diabetes
Educators’ is now available. This statement
was established as a response to licensure
efforts that are being undertaken. That
Statement set forth NCBDE’s policy that
it neither supports nor opposes licensure.
Rather NCBDE believes that it should be left
to the State and its constituents to determine
the necessity of establishing licensure
However, in light of the debate within the
diabetes educator community about the merits
of licensure, NCBDE believes that any law
should clearly mandate certain requirements
for licensure. Thus NCBDE has approved the
Model Diabetes Educator Licensure Act that
embodies such requirements. This Model bill
is intended to:
• Protect the integrity of the specialty
of Diabetes Self-management Education
(DSME) and support; and, more
Protect the public from practitioners
that are inadequately educated; poorly
trained, and who have not demonstrated the
competency to provide DSME by passing a
psychometrically valid examination.
Please visit the web site to learn more about
NCBDE’s statement and to see the model
bill at You can also
find out more about licensure on NCBDE’s
advocacy site:
Examination Renewal: The 2014 Examination
Handbook includes the instructions and
application form to renew by the Certification
Examination. To obtain the 2014 Examination
Handbook and Application, contact the testing
agency, Applied Measurement Professionals,
by telephone at 913-895-4600, facsimile at
913-895-4651, or e-mail at
(be sure to include “NCBDE Application”
in the subject line of the request and your
mailing address in the message). The
Handbook and Application are also available
in pdf format and may be downloaded from
the NCBDE web site (
Please note that those who do not pass the
Certification Examination or successfully
renew by continuing education before the
credential expiration date must stop using
the CDE® designation until such time as they
successfully renew certification.
Kindly refer questions about renewal of
certification to the NCBDE national office at
877-239-3233 or by e-mail at
*If you do not meet the renewal practice
requirement and still wish to maintain the
credential, renewal can only be accomplished
through documentation of acceptable
continuing education hours and passing the
examination. Visit the web site at
renewal-information/ for additional
information and access to required
CDE® Artwork Available
Camera-ready artwork of the CDE®
logo is available to Certified Diabetes
Educators at no cost from the NCBDE
national office.
This artwork may be used by CDEs on
their business cards, letterhead, or other
stationery. Contact the NCBDE office
at 877-239-3233 or to
obtain your artwork.
Summary of the 2013 Certification Examinations and
Renewal of Certification by Continuing Education
The mission of the National Certification
Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE) is
to define, develop, maintain and protect the
certification and credentialing process to
promote quality diabetes education.
To inform the public, potential candidates, and
those currently holding the Certified Diabetes
Educator® (CDE®) credential, NCBDE each
year publishes a summary of the results of the
certification examination for diabetes educators
(Examination) administered the previous year,
and the results of renewal of certification by
continuing education.
Certification Examination for Diabetes
Educators — 2013
A total of 2,137 candidates took the
Examination, 1,006 in the spring and 1,131 in
the fall. Of the total, 66% took the examination
for the first time, 24% had previously taken
the examination, but had not passed, 3%
were previously certified individuals whose
credentials had lapsed, and 7% renewed
certification status.
2013 Renewal of Certification by Continuing
Renewal by continuing education in 2013
required that CDEs hold the license or
registration for the same discipline held at
the time of initial certification and, during
the five year recertification cycle, a) meet the
renewal practice requirement of 1000 hours
of professional practice, and b) earn 75 hours
of continuing education in content areas
applicable to diabetes. For those CDEs who
meet the practice experience requirement, the
renewal by continuing education option may be
used each time recertification is due. A CDE®
who cannot document meeting the practice
Pass/Fail Statistics
Spring 2013
Candidates writing the examination for the first time
Candidates renewing certification by examination
Candidates with lapsed credentials (lapsed 2012)
Candidates with lapsed credentials (lapsed prior to 2012)
Candidates repeating due to unsuccessful previous attempt(s)
Candidates writing the examination for the first time
Candidates renewing certification by examination
Candidates with lapsed credentials (lapsed 2012)
Candidates with lapsed credentials (lapsed prior to 2012)
Candidates repeating due to unsuccessful previous attempt(s)
Total Candidates Spring Administration
Table 1.
Pass/Fail Statistics
Fall 2013
Total Candidates Spring Administration
Table 2.
requirement must accrue the required hours of
continuing education at the time of application
for the Examination and successfully pass the
A total of 2,452 CDEs submitted applications
for renewal of certification by continuing
education; more than 99% successfully
completed the process.
Overall Numbers of CDEs
In fall 1986, 1,248 health professionals
successfully completed the certification process
to become the inaugural group of CDEs. As of
January 2014, there were 18,401 credentialed
CDE® health professionals.
Don’t Lose Your
Frame It!
NCBDE office staff members often receive
calls from CDEs who have misplaced their
certificates. Don’t take the chance of being one
of those people. Take advantage of NCBDE’s
arrangement with Framing Success to have the
certificate framed, choosing from a variety of
handsome styles.
Each frame includes a custom mat with the
NCBDE logo highlighted in gold to match
the design of the certificate. The design of the
frames allows you to easily insert the certificate
yourself, making it unnecessary to send the
certificate to the framing company and risk
losing it along the way. The frame options range
in price, and because NCBDE does not earn
royalties on the sales and you deal directly with
Framing Success, you obtain the lowest possible
price. See all the options by visiting the Framing
Success site at
NCBDE’s web site can be found at:
Mentorship Program Report
Back in late 2010, the National Certification
Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE)
announced the creation of a Diabetes
Educator Mentorship Program (Program) in
association with the American Association
of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the
American Diabetes Association (ADA). This
optional program was created to promote
careers that will lead to a Certified Diabetes
Educator® (CDE®) designation and improve
access to much needed diabetes selfmanagement education (DSME).
The Program kicked off in early 2011 and
partners experienced CDE-credentialed
diabetes educators with healthcare
professionals who are interested in gaining
experience in providing diabetes selfmanagement education. The goal is to assist
these professionals with meeting the current
hours of experience practice requirement for
CDE® certification.
The Mentorship Program Task Force that
was involved in creation and launch of the
program from 2011-2013 was composed
of representatives from NCBDE, AADE,
and ADA. The individuals serving on the
Task Force included Joni Beck, PharmD,
BC-ADM, CDE®, Chair; Rosemary Briars,
ND, PPCNP-BC, CDE®; Sandra Burke, PhD,
APRN, CDE®; Kim Coy DeCoste RN, MSN,
CDE®, MLDE; and Paulina Duker, CDE®.
Many thanks to the Task Force members for
their time and efforts on behalf of NCBDE
and their organizations to develop and launch
the Program. NCBDE also wishes to thank
AADE and ADA for their collaboration and
support in the development of the Program.
As you may know, the NCBDE Board of
Directors approved several eligibility changes
that kicked off in 2014. One of these changes
effectively removed the limit to the number of
volunteer DSME hours that can be accrued in
the Program to qualify for initial certification.
In fact, volunteer DSME hours are no longer
only available through participation in the
Program, but can be obtained in any volunteer
setting (e.g., free medical clinic). With that
change, the Board also felt it was time to
formalize the oversight of the Program under
NCBDE’s Credentials Committee. Feedback
from mentor and mentee surveys will be
helping the Credentials Committee in a
review of the Program. In addition, an article
has been authored by J. Beck that summarizes
the first few years of the program, and it
is hoped that article will be accepted and
published in the near future.
At press time, there are 189 CDEs who are
active mentors, over 149 approved mentees
are in active partnerships with mentors,
and over 265 individuals are approved to
move forward in seeking a partnership with
a mentor. In addition, 23 individuals have
completed the Program – accumulating
volunteer hours towards eligibility for
certification and hopefully providing them
with a foot in the door to securing a hired
position as a diabetes educator. Last, but
definitely not least, another 24 health
professionals who have participated in the
Program have been successful in becoming
Mentor Eligibility Criteria
The current eligibility criteria for mentors are:
•CDE®, in good standing, for 3 years
• Current practice as a Diabetes Educator,
providing DSME services
• Other preceptor/mentoring experience
• Practice accredited by Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS), e.g., ADA
recognition, AADE accreditation, or other
program that can demonstrate compliance
with national standards
• Agree to complete and submit appropriate
Mentor/Mentee monitoring documentation
Interested in Serving as a Mentor?
First, thank you for your interest in serving
as mentor. The application packet is available
on NCBDE’s web site as a downloadable file
- either in pdf or word format. If you would
like a hard copy of the application mailed
to you, please contact the NCBDE national
Mentee Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for mentees are:
• Meet NCBDE discipline requirements in
effect at the time of application
• Volunteer hours must be accrued within a
maximum 4 year period immediately prior
to applying for certification
• Provide DSME volunteer hours under
guidance of NCBDE Mentor
• Accumulate volunteer hours towards the
total 1000 hours of DSME experience
• Hours provided in practice accredited
by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS), e.g., ADA recognition,
AADE accreditation, or other program that
can demonstrate compliance with national
For those interested in participating in the
program as mentee, it is recommended
that the individual carefully review the
Examination discipline requirements prior
to applying to verify that she/he meets that
aspect of NCBDE’s eligibility criteria.
The application packet is available on
NCBDE’s web site as a downloadable file
in pdf format. If you would prefer to receive
a hard copy version of the application,
please send an email message requesting
the document ( Be sure to
include your mailing address when sending
your message.
Listing of Mentors by State (as of
We are so grateful to the CDEs who have
applied to serve as mentors – thank you!
Without their participation, there could be
no Program! We’d also like to express our
sincere appreciation to their institutions/
practices for taking the steps needed to
support the Program.
Amie Hardin, RD, LD, CDE®
East Alabama Medical Center - Diabetes and
Nutrition Center
Abdul-Aziz Baco, RD, CDE®, PhD
Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation
Rachel Calendo, RN, CPNP, CDE®
Cardon Children’s Medical Center /
Jeanne Fenn, RN, PNP, CDE®
University of Arizona Medical Center
Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, CDE®
El Rio Health Center
Alberta McCabe, MSN/Ed, RN, CDE®
Phoenix Indian Medical Center - Diabetes
Center of Excellence
Robin Wineinger, RD, CDE®, MEd
Carondelet Diabetes Care Centers
Dana Armstrong, RD, CDE®
Diabetes & Nutrition Support Services
Patricia Ines Camazon-Herrera, RN, CDE®
Kaiser Permanente
Susan Carter, MS, RD, CDE®
Stanford Diabetes and Pregnancy Program
National Certification Board for
Diabetes Educators
CDE® - Certified Diabetes Educator®
Direct any inquiries concerning certification to:
Gail D.T.Burton
has successfully completed requirements for board
certification in diabetes education
National Certification Board for
Diabetes Educators
330 E. Algonquin Road, Suite 4
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
877-239-3233 • Fax 847-228-8469 •
Certification Valid through December 31, 2017
Certificate No. 21210482
Hereby states that
Chair, NCBDE
Front of Sample Wallet Card
Reverse side of Sample Wallet Card
Complete and submit this order form to receive additional/replacement
CDE® certificates or wallet cards. Orders take approximately 4-6 weeks.
Wallet Card(s)
$ 7.00
= _______
$15.00 =_______
9% Sales Tax (Illinois Only)
= _______
TOTAL =_______
Send the completed form and payment to:
330 E. Algonquin Road, Suite 4
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Fax: 847-228-8469
Marisa Castaldini, MS, RD, CDE®
Alameda County Public Health Chronic
Disease Program
Lou Erin Castillo, RN, CDE®
Diabetes Care Center - Shasta Regional
Medical Center
Arun Chowdhary, RD, CDE®
Memorial Hospital Association
Mary Jean Christian, RD, CDE®
University of California, Irvine Medical
Gayle Curto, RN, BSN, CDE®
John Muir Health, Diabetes Center
Ann Doherty, RN, CDE®
Alta Bates Summit Diabetes Center
Harriett Ann (Sue) Fernstrom, MPH, RD,
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
Danielle Halewijn, RD, CDE®
PIH Health
Elissa Hallen, RN, CDE®
Sutter Health CPMC
Nancy Hughes, RD, CDE®
John Muir Health, Diabetes Center
Maribeth Inturrisi, RN, MS, CNS, CDE®
Physician Foundation at Calfornia Pacific
Medical Center
Kathleen Jarvis, RN, CDE®
Kaiser Permanente
Jeanne Johnson, RN, CDE®
Kaiser Permanente
Lynn Johnson, PA-C, CDE®
Alta Bates Summit Diabetes Center
Elizabeth Leong, RD, CDE®
Bay Area Diabetes and Wellness Center
Cynthia (Cindy) Rudolph, RN, CDE®
Mills-Peninsula Health Services
Sara Reece, PharmD, CDE®
The Longstreet Clinic
Virginia Smelser, RN, CDE®
John Muir Health, Diabetes Center
Becky Stubbs, RN, CDE®
Hilo Medical Center
Debbie (Deborah) Sousa Hull, RD, CDE®
John Muir Health, Diabetes Center
Robin Talley, RN, CDE®
Memorial Medical Center
Susan Iwasa, RN, MSN, CDE®
St. Luke’s/Humphreys Diabetes Center
Jacqueline Thompson, MS, RD, CDE®
Diabetes Health Center
Randi Barbon, RN, CDE®
Centegra Diabetes Center
Lois Weiss, RN, CNS, CDE®
St. Mary’s Medical Center
Gloria Boland, BSN, RN, CDE®
Advocate Condell Medical Center
Denise West, RN, CDE®
John Muir Health, Diabetes Center
Carole Corder, MS, RD, CDE®
St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital
Maryellen Westerberg, RD, MPH, DrPH,
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Kelly Cuffe, RD, CDE®
Riverside Medical Center
Lisa Harris, MS, RD, CDE®
Poudre Valley Hospital Center for Diabetes
Mary Kathryn Ashley Voelmle, RN, FNP,
Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes
Kathleen Wietrak, APRN, CDE®
MidState Medical Center
Gloria Dobies, RN, BSN, CDE®
St. Vincent’s Medical Center Southside
Loretta Holley, RN, MSN, CDE®, WCC
Preferred Home Health Services
Deanna Howard-Gonzalez, RD, LD, CDE®
Twin Cities Hospital
Susan Drogos, RN, BSN, CDE®, MPA
Northwest Community Hospital
Sarah Ferguson, ACNS-BC, BC-ADM, CDE®
Centegra Diabetes Center
Amy Fischl, MS, RD, LDN, BC-ADM, CDE®
University of Chicago Kovler Diabetes Center
Catherine Geraci, RN, APN, CDE®
LaRabida Children’s Hospital
Nancy Jerger, RN, RD, CDE®, CPT
St. Joseph Hospital/Resurrection Health Care
Marlene Kelly, RN, CDE®
Sherman Hospital Diabetes Center
Beryl Larson, RN, MSN, CDE®, CNL
Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, Diabetes
Susan McLaughlin, RN, CDE®
University of Chicago Kovler Diabetes Center
Bridget Levich, RN, CNS, CDE®
University of California Davis Medical Center
Sharon Krispinsky, RN, BSN, CDE®
Lee Diabetes Care at Lee Memorial Health
Michelle Mason-Chadd, RN, CDE®
Kaiser Permanente
Sherry Ludwig, RN, BSN, CDE®
Lee Memorial Health System
Colleen Miller-Owen, RN, CDE®
Central DuPage Hospital Diabetes Center
Patricia Morrison, BSN, RN, CDE®
John Muir Health, Diabetes Center
Sheryl Tindell, MS, FNP-BC, CDE®
USF Diabetes Center
Terrye Peterson, RN, CDE®
University of California, Irvine Health Care
Sonia Benel, RN, CDE®
DeKalb Medical Center
Charlotte Niznik, RN-APN, CDE®
Northwestern University/Div. Maternal-Fetal
Martha Quintana, RN, BSN, CDE®, CPT
Diabetes Health Center
Linda Lowey, RN, MS, CDE®, CWON, CPT
Atlanta Medical Center
Mary Miller, RD, MEd, CDE®
McHenry Centegra Hospital
Vasanthi Prabhaker, MS, RD, LDN, CDE®
Centegra Diabetes Center
MENTORSHIP / Continued on page 10
OPTION / Continued from page 2
If renewal of certification by continuing
education is chosen, 75 hours of continuing
education applicable to diabetes will have to be
completed for the 5 year cycle.
Renewal by Continuing Education Cycles
After initial certification, continuing education,
activities must be completed between January
1 of the following year and the application
deadline date for renewal, i.e., September 15,
five years later.
For subsequent certification periods, all
continuing education must be completed
between the day after the application deadline
date, i.e., September 16, and the application
deadline date for renewal, i.e., September 15,
five years later. See Accrual Cycle Examples
box on page 8.
Continuing education activities:
•must be approved by a provider on the
NCBDE List of Recognized Providers.
•must be applicable to diabetes. All subject
matter on the Certification Examination
Content Outline published in the current
Certification Examination Handbook for
Diabetes Educators is considered applicable to
•must be completed as defined by the renewal
by continuing education cycles policy. (All
continuing education activities must be
completed prior to submitting the application.)
•must be at a professional level that enhances
the quality and effectiveness of diabetes selfmanagement education practice.
•do not have to be discipline specific nor do
they have to come from any specific area of
concentration, e.g., social workers may attend
a nursing program applicable to diabetes
and use those clock hours for renewal of
Activities acceptable for renewal of
certification by continuing education:
• Continuing education courses
• Independent study
• On-line programs
• Telephonic or video conference programs
Activities not acceptable for renewal of
certification by continuing education:
• Academic courses
• Certification/credentials awarded
•Elected office or serving on Boards and/or
• Articles or books written by the certificant
• Journal clubs or professional reading
• Presentations or lectures by the certificant
• Posters or poster sessions and exhibits
• Preceptorships or mentor hours
Continuing Education Accrual Cycle Examples
75 Hours Credential
required Expires
for each
may be
accrued from
G. Doe – newly certified in 2009
J. Smith – newly certified in 2013
K. Evans – renewed by continuing 12/31/2014
education in 2009 (9/15/2009 deadline)
M. Johnson – renewed by continuing
education in 2013 (9/16/2013 deadline)
J. Davis – renewed by continuing
education in 2013 (10/15/2013 deadline)
P. Jones – renewed by continuing
education in 2013 (12/16/2013 deadline)
• Volunteer activities
Recognized Providers
The list of recognized providers is available in
the 2014 Renewal of Certification by Continuing
Education Handbook, on the web site or by
contacting the office at 877-239-3233 or 847228-9795.
Only continuing education applicable to diabetes
and offered by a provider* on the NCBDE List
of Recognized Providers or continuing education
applicable to diabetes provided by accredited
academic institutions granting degrees related
to professional practice may be submitted. The
academic institutions (colleges and universities)
must be accredited by nationally recognized
regional accrediting bodies.
(*Several state licensure boards require
continuing education for renewal of licensure.
Acceptance by a state board of licensure does
not guarantee that a continuing education
program meets NCBDE criteria. The continuing
education must be applicable to diabetes and the
licensing board must be approved or accredited
by a provider on the NCBDE List of Recognized
Continuing Education Hours (Clock Hours)
•All continuing education activities must be
reported in clock hours, i.e., the actual time
spent on the continuing education activity, not
contact hours, credits, or units awarded by the
recognized provider. One clock hour equals
60 minutes.
•If a recognized provider awarded 2 contact
hours for an activity that was 2 hours in
length, 2 clock hours would be reported to
NCBDE for that activity. The clock hours
submitted cannot be more than the number
of contact hours/credits/units awarded by the
recognized provider.
•For presentations, participants may include
in the time to be counted as clock hours the
course overview/introductions, educational
presentation, and questions and answers.
Time may not be counted for general
announcements, breaks, lunch, exhibits, etc.
For self-study programs (on-line or written
booklets), participants may count the actual
time spent on completing the activity.
Other Information
The course title should provide an indication of
the content of the course. A brief description of
content (or course outline or brochure) should be
attached when the course title does not indicate
course content.
Individuals are welcome to make use of the
Continuing Education Tracking area that is
available on NCBDE’s web site after logging
into the CDE Log In area of the site. You can
access this area of the site from the home page
( Choose the CDE Log In
menu option at the top of screen on the left-hand
side of page. You may also access it by choosing
the “CDE Log In” item on the drop down menu
option of the “Currently Certified” menu located
on the right-hand corner of most pages of the
web site. Please note that you will need your
certificate number handy to log in to this area of
the site for the first time.
Individuals who choose to renew using the
continuing education option should maintain
a file of verifications of attendance or other
supporting documentation verifying participation
for each continuing education activity. When
renewal is due, the CDE® will be required to
submit an Application by the deadline date.
If chosen for audit, individuals will need to
verify all eligibility requirements, including
the continuing education activities used for
renewal. Continuing education activities will
need to be documented by providing a Summary
of Continuing Education Activities form and
copies of certificates of completion, verifications
of attendance, and/or other supporting
documentation verifying participation for each
continuing education activity reported.
Renewal of Certification by Continuing Education Tips
For CDEs renewing in 2014:
• Obtain a copy of the 2014 Renewal of
Certification by Continuing Education
Handbook. Information about how to
do this will be found elsewhere in the
newsletter. Then, before doing anything
else, read all instructions for submitting an
application and identify the requirements.
• Try out the continuing education tracking
area available on the NCBDE website You can access this area
of the site to make use of the Continuing
Education Tracking area after logging into
the CDE Log In area of the site. Choose
the CDE Log In menu option (top of screen
on left-hand side of page). You may also
access it by choosing the “CDE Log In”
item on the drop down menu option of
the “Currently Certified” menu located on
the right-hand corner of most pages of the web site. Please note that you
will need your certificate number handy
to log in to this area of the site for the first
• If you are chosen for audit, some additional
Summary Form of Continuing Education
Activities Form tips:
o Avoid using initials or acronyms for
courses and providers the first time you
list the course or provider. Or better yet
– make use of the fillable audit form and
use the drop down box to identify the
o Each activity must include a full title, not
just a course number.
o If it is not evident from the activity’s title
that the content is applicable to diabetes,
submit an outline or include a brief
description of how the activity is
applicable to diabetes. Do not submit
outlines or descriptions if it is clear from
the title of the activity that it is applicable
to diabetes.
o Specify the number of hours being
claimed if the entire activity/course is
not applicable to diabetes (e.g., “10
hours/24 hrs total”). You may want to
report sessions individually or include a
program/course outline with applicable
content highlighted.
o In a multiple day workshop, claim only
content applicable to diabetes if diabetes
is not the total focus of the program.
o If you have more continuing education
hours than the number required, it is
advisable to report them. This will save
the review committee from having to
request more information if it isn’t clear
that some courses were applicable to
For ALL CDEs anticipating renewal of
certification by continuing education:
• These items cannot be over-emphasized:
o Check NCBDE web site regularly to
verify eligibility requirements,
application deadline dates, and published
time frame for continuing education
o Make sure the providers of continuing
education activities that are being
considered for certification renewal are
on (or approved by an organization on)
NCBDE’s recognized provider list.
o Remember that individual state boards
of licensure, including state boards of
nursing, are only acceptable providers
if they are accredited/approved by
one of the providers recognized by
NCBDE, such as the American Nurses
Credentialing Center (ANCC). The
provider on the Recognized List is the
organization that must be reported on
the Summary form if you are chosen for
o Lastly, simply because a continuing
education activity is offered by a
provider recognized by NCBDE, it
does not automatically ensure that the
activity itself is acceptable for renewal
by continuing education. You will
want to make sure the activity meets
all the requirements before including it
in your list of activities for renewal by
continuing education.
Keep a copy of the activity’s outline and/
or program brochure in your file in case
you need it when documenting the content
specifically applicable to diabetes (e.g.,
a dietetic or nursing meeting with a nonspecific title of “2010 State Conference”
or an item such as “Prescribers Letter”
– neither of these titles would be specific
enough to verify content is applicable
to diabetes when you are reporting the
hours. You will want to review the outline/
brochure to report the appropriate content.
Mark the name of the recognized provider
on your certificates or verification of
attendance as the activities are completed if
the organization offering the activities are
accredited or approved by an organization
on the Recognized Provider list. You
may not be able to locate this important
information when you are filling out the
application several years later.
Be certain that the continuing education
offerings you wish to claim were completed
within the allowed time frame.
If you opt for the Extended or Late
Application Deadline Date, it is important
to understand that you may accrue
continuing education (and practice) hours
up to the date of application submission.
However, your accrual cycle for the next
renewal will begin after the chosen deadline
Applications and audit documentation must
be completed in English and handwriting
must be legible.
Practice Examination Available
A practice examination (PE) is available. The PE is designed to provide candidates with a meaningful resource as they prepare to take the
Certification Examination (Examination). It is purchased and administered over the internet through a division of Applied Measurement
Professionals, NCBDE’s testing agency (
The PE is intended to give Examination applicants an understanding of the type and format of items used on a particular Examination and to
practice taking an abbreviated version of the Examination. The questions were selected from the NCBDE item bank in proportion to the number
of items in each content area of the major outline headings and subheadings within the major content headings of the Examination Content
Outline. The questions are also representative of the three cognitive levels used in the Examinations, i.e., recall, application, and analysis. Just
like Examination score reports, the score report for the PE provides a total of correct answers for each major area of the content outline. It will
not include details on the specific items answered incorrectly. The PE includes a total of 50 questions and the fee to take the PE is $55.
MENTORSHIP / Continued from page 7
Katherine Rataj, RN, BSN, CDE®
LaRabida Children’s Hospital
Deborah Redd, RN, CDE®
Illinois Valley Diabetes Center for Excellence
Rose Flinchum, MS, CNS, CDE®
Indiana University Health, La Porte Hospital
Mary Lucina Kessler, APRN, ACNS-BC,
Volunteers in Medicine/Columbus Regional
Patricia Hohman, APRN, CDE®
Lawrence Memorial Hospital
Debbie Bell, RD, LD, CDE®
Franklin County Health Department
Clisty Kinlin, RD, CDE®
St. Joseph Mercy Center for Diabetes
Robert Kocembo, OD, FCOVD, CNS, CDE® Jane Hackett, RD, MA, LD, CDE®
Western U/Salus University
Exeter Hospital
Pamela Milan, RD, MBA, CDE®
Henry Ford Health System
Timira Perry, RN, BSN, CDE®
Oaklawn Hospital
Denise Brown, RD, LD, CDE®
Health Partners
Marsha Hughes, MS, RD, CDE®, LD
HealthEast Care System
Debra Lane, RN, CDE®
Ridgeview Regional Diabetes Education
Janet Morrison, RD, CDE®
Theresa Clark, MS, RD, LD, CPT, CDE®
Diabetes Resource Center of Hopkinsville
Gail Radosevich, RD, CDE®, LD
HealthEast Care System, Diabetes Care
Ronda Merryman-Valiyi, RN, CDE®
Baptist Health Louisville
Julie Diane Roberts, RD, CDE®
Health Partners
Linda Mills, RN, BSN, CDE®
Baptist Regional Medical Center
Patricia Stuart, BS, MPH, MS, CDE®
Keyhabits, LLC
Jo Fleming, RN, CDE®
Milford Regional Medical Center
Andrea Ford, BSN, RN, CDE®
Shady Grove Adventist Hospital
Sharon Evette Hawks, MS, RD, LDN, CDE®
Nutrition and Diabetes Education Center, LLC
Karen Hollis, RD, LDN, CDE®
UMMS Center for Diabetes and
Timothy Daly, PharmD, CDE®
Mission Hospital’s Diabetes & Health
Education Center
Sara Foreman, RD, LDN, CDE®
Albemarle Regional Health Services
Karen Hoerner, RN, CDE®, MSN, FNP
Mission Hospital Diabetes Education Center
Wanda Honeycutt, RN, CDE®
Rowan Regional Medical Center
Michele McBride, RN, BSN, CDE®
Shady Grove Adventist Hospital
Susan Houston, RN, CDE®, CHC
Vidant Employee Wellness
Debra Nelson, RN, CDE®
University of MD Center for Diabetes & Endo
Melissa Hurteau, RN, BSN, CDE®
WakeMed Health and Hospitals
Linda Dale, RN, CDE®
University of Michigan
Cheryl Barry, RN, MS, CDE®
Joslin Diabetes Center Affiliate @ Southern
New Hampshire Medical Center
Azza Elmorsy, RN, CDE®
Beaumont Health System - Troy
Jennie Hahn, RD, CDE®
University of Michigan/Diabetes Education
Wendy Drew, MSN, RN, CDE®
Martin’s Point Health Center
Shawna Bedard, MS, RD, LD, CDE®
Concord Hospital Diabetes and Nutrition
Patricia Davidson, DCN, RD, CDE®
The Diabetes and Nutrition Center of The
Cardiovascular Care Group
Margaret Eckler, MS, RD, CDE®
Summit Medical Group
Francine Grabowski, MS, RD, CDE®
Center for Health & Wellness at Cooper
University Hospital
Meaghan Kim, RN, CDE®
Tami Bates, RN, CDE®
Gila Regional Medical Center
Karen-Lynn Fiato, CNP, CDE®
Presbyterian Hospital
Patricia Heck, RN, CDE®
Gila Regional Medical Center
Rebecca Kiss, RN, BSN, CDE®
NMVAHCS - New Mexico VA Healthcare
Barbara Macmillan, RN, CNS, CDE®,
University of New Mexico
Dee Romine, RN, RD, CDE®
Veteran’s Medical Center
Jan Boyer, MS, RN, CDE®
Diabetes Health Services
Shirley Ackerman, PhD, CRRN, CDE®
NYU Langone Medical Center
Monica Aungier, BSN, RN, CDE®
St Joseph’s Outpatient Diabetes Education
Molly Bederian, RN, RD, CDE®
Seton Health
Mary Capacci, RN, MSN, FNP, CDE®
St. Joseph Neighborhood Health Center
Patricia Cochrane, BS, RN, CDE®
Finger Lakes Health; Geneva General
Linda Cohen, RN, CDE®
Downstate Medical Center
Margaret Diliberto, NP, CDE®
Glen Cove Hospital
Rosalia Doyle, RD, CDE®
North Shore University Hospital
Marie Frazzitta, NP, DNP, CDE®
Northshore Center - Diabetes in Pregnancy
Samuel Grossman, BS Pharm, PharmD, CDE®
Diabetes Care On The Go
Ann Marie Hasse, RN, BSN, CDE®, CPT
Glen Cove Hospital
Victoria Stave, RD, CDE®
Peacehealth Medical Group - DTMS
Janice Albert, RN, CDE®
Conemaugh Diabetes Institute
Terri Lynne Epler, RN, CDE®
Memorial Hospital
Susan Hobbins, RN, BSN, CDE®
Joslin Diabetes Center
Patricia Hutchison, RN, MSN, CDE®
Jameson Health System
Susan Rioux, MS, RN, CNS, CDE®
St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center
Patricia Johnson, RN, BSN, CDE®
University of Pittsburgh Diabetes Institute/
Julia Schulman, RN, MSN, CDE®
North Shore LIJ Health Systems
Karen Leone-Pritts, RD, CDE®
Mononagahela Valley Hospital, Inc.
Gail Serino, RN, BSN, CDE®
Syracuse Veteran’s Administration
Barbara O’Connor, RN, CDE®
Phoenixville Hospital
Sunhi Shin, RN, CDE®
NYU Langone Medical Center
Bonnie Pepon, RN, BSN, CDE®
Conemaugh Diabetes Institute
Laura Smith, RN, CDE®
Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Hospital
Joyce Rudolph, RN, MSN, CDE®
BHS - Diabetes and Health Management
Kimberly Davidsaver, RN, CDE®
Canton VA Outpatient Clinic
Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE®
Integrated Diabetes Services, LLC
Elizabeth Downey, RN, CDE®
Louis Stokes VA Medical Center
Mary Julius, RD, LD, CDE®
Louis Stokes Cleveland VAMC
Linda Siminerio, RN, PHD, CDE®
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Margaret Thearle, RN, CDE®
University of Pittsburgh Diabetes Institute
Sherry Ivy, APN, CNS, CDE®
LeBonheur Children’s Hospital
Laura Abbey, RN, CDE®
St. David’s Medical Center
Jan Droke, BSN, RN, CDE®
Cook Childrens Medical Center
Tracy Foster, BSN, RN, CDE®
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas
Judy Gantt, RN,MSN,CNS,CDE®
Seton Diabetes Education Center
Janice Hertz, RN, CDE®
Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital
Mary Beth Pawlak, RN, CDE®
Memorial Hermann The Woodlands
Mara Wilson, RN, MS, FNP-C, CDE®
UTMB - Stark Diabetes Clinic
Shirley Pinckney, RN, CDE®
McDonald Army Health Center
Marylou Anderson, MS, RD, CD, CDE®
St. Joseph Medical Center
Jennifer Helms, RD, CDE®
Kennewick General Hospital Diabetes &
Nutrition Education
Jennifer Newell, RN, MHA, CDE®
Auburn Regional Medical Center
Peggy Steere, RN, CDE®
Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital
Kathryn Kudlapur, RN, BSN, CDE®
Hocking Valley Community Hospital
John Johnson, PharmD, CDE®, BC-ADM
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
Barbara Nakanishi, RD, LD, CDE®
University Medical Associates
Anita Longan, RD, LD, CDE®, BC-ADM
McLeod Diabetes Center
Brenda Rendelman, RD, CDE®
Central Ohio Diabetes Association
Pamela Mazza, MSN, APRN, CDE®,
Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center
Lorna Lovett, RDN, CD, CDE®
Mercy Health System Diabetes Center
Julie Sease, PharmD, BCPS, CDE®, BCACP
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
Jennifer Mikulich, RD, CDE®
Aspirus Diabetes Education Center
Deborah Thomas, RN, CDE®
McLeod Diabetes Center
Andrea McCarty, MS, RD, LD, CDE®
Mon General Hospital
Leigh Russell, RN, MSN, CDE®
Department of Veterans Affairs
Jane Scott, RN, FNP-BC, CDE®
Diabetes Education Learning Center, LLC
Rochelle Southard, RN, BSN, CDE®
Bull Family Diabetes Center
Joni Beck, PharmD, CDE®, BC-ADM
OUHSC - College of Medicine
Claire Blum, MSEd, RN, CDE®
Partners and Peers for Diabetes Care, Inc.
Carol Carter, RD, CDE®
Wellmont Diabetes Treatment Center
Stacy Getten, RD, MS, CDE®
Marshfield Clinic
Patti Hafeman, RN, CDE®
Aspirus Wausau Hospital
Anise Nash, RN, FNP-BC, MSN, CDE®
Bruce S. Chertow Diabetes Center
MENTORSHIP / Continued on page 13
MESSAGE / Continued from page 1
2,000 individuals sat for an examination.
NCBDE continues to keep the baseline costs for
certification – both initial and renewal – at the
same level as in past years. I encourage you to
review the Message from the Chair on page 1 of
the last issue of NCBDE News where Carolyn
Harrington, past NCBDE Chair, discussed this
Academy of Certified Diabetes Educators
Most of you, I hope, heard the exciting news
about the Academy of Certified Diabetes
Educators (ACDE), a newly launched
membership association whose active, voting
membership category is made up solely of
CDEs. ACDE is separate from NCBDE, an
autonomous organization with its own Board
of Directors. If you haven’t had a chance to
learn more about this new organization, we’ll
hope you will review the ACDE website soon.
Membership is being offered without dues
through the end of 2015. Read more about the
ACDE on page 2.
Given the anticipation of improved health
care access for people living with diabetes and
recent external lobbying efforts for licensure
of diabetes educators, it is crucial that CDEs
remain abreast of initiatives impacting their
profession and ensure they actively ‘belong’
to a professional organization addressing the
respective needs and interests of CDEs. In
connection to this, NCBDE understands its
organizational responsibility of collaboration,
placing increased focus this year on enhancing
communication and interactivity with key
organizations including the ACDE, the
American Association of Diabetes Educators,
the American Diabetes Association, and the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Strength,
not weakness, comes from true collaboration
and open dialogue.
The NCBDE volunteers and staff have had
another busy 12 months. Here are a few
Farewell to Outgoing Board Members
Carolyn Harrington, RD, LDN, CDE® will
be continuing to serve on the Board through
2014 as Immediate Past Chair, but completed a
very busy year as Chair of the Board in 2013.
Many thanks for her fine leadership during
that time! We also said goodbye to three
Board members at the end of 2013 – Christine
Day, RN, MS, CDE®, ACNS-BC, of Duluth,
Minnesota; Rosalyn Haase, RD, CD, CDE®,
MPH, BC-ADM, from DePere, Wisconsin, and
Susanna M. Robinson, RPh, CDE®, of Troy,
Michigan. While on the Board, Susanna served
as Chair of the Board in 2012; Christine served
a term as Treasurer, as well as co-chair of the
Outreach Committee from 2011-2013; and
Roz served along-side Christine as co-chair of
the Outreach Committee. Christine is currently
President of ACDE, while Susanna is a new
board member of that organization. Arny
Bereson, who had served as NCBDE’s Public
Member beginning in January 2010, resigned
in early 2013. He has taken on the role of Chief
Executive Officer of the ACDE. We appreciate
Arny’s contributions while he served as a
member of the NCBDE Board, especially his
service as Treasurer in both 2011 and 2012.
Hello to our New NCBDE Board Members
Tommy Johnson, PharmD,
Jane Kadohiro, DrPH,
you’d like to see what positions will be open
for next year’s Board of Directors, visit the
article entitled “Call for Applications for Open
CDE® Board Positions” on page 3.
Officers Update
Along with Carolyn moving into the office of
Immediate Past Chair as mentioned earlier, I’m
very excited to announce that Sue McLaughlin,
MOL, BS, RD, CDE®, Omaha, Nebraska,
began her service as Chair-elect; and, Judy
Davis, RN, BA, CDE®, FAADE, Boise, ID,
began a one year term as Treasurer. Sue will
take on the role of Chair in 2015.
Online Renewal by Continuing Education to
Launch in 2014
We are very happy to announce that for those
CDEs who wish to renew by continuing
education in 2014, a totally online renewal
option will be launching. You are encouraged
to use the online tracking option that’s been
available since 2005 to conveniently maintain
a record of continuing education activities.
However, we hope the online renewal
application option will provide a way for CDEs
to very easily and quickly renew (See “Due to
Renew”, page 4).
Initial Eligibility Requirement Changes
If you have colleagues interested in
certification, we hope you’ll read the article
on page 3 that discusses a number of CDE®
eligibility requirement changes for initial
certification, designed to be more inclusive of
Andrea Knatz, RD, CDE®
Kelly Rawlings
We are also very pleased to welcome the
following CDEs who were elected to the
NCBDE Board of Directors at the October
2013 Board meeting: John “Tommy” Johnson,
PharmD, CDE®, BC-ADM, FAADE, of
Clinton, South Carolina; Jane Kadohiro, DrPH,
APRN, CDE®, FAADE, from Honolulu,
Hawaii; and Andrea Knatz, RD, CDE®
hailing from La Habra, California. Kelly
Rawlings from West Des Moines, Iowa,
was elected to serve as the public member.
Kelly is the Editorial Director of Diabetes
Forecast®, published by the American Diabetes
Association. The four year terms for these new
Board members started on January 1, 2014. If
Practice Analysis
A group of dedicated CDEs served as the
Practice Analysis Task Force to oversee the
2013 practice analysis – a process to ensure
that the Certification Examination for Diabetes
Educators continues to reflect and test what
CDEs are doing in their diverse and changing
professional roles. Of course, an equally
important group of CDEs contributed to that
process – the CDEs who completed the practice
analysis survey – to whom NCBDE is very
grateful. A practice analysis is undertaken
approximately every 5 years – with the
previous one completed in 2008. Read more
about the Task Force and the process in the
article entitled “Practice Analysis Completed”
on page 14. Changes to the Examination
MESSAGE / Continued on page 13
MESSAGE / Continued from page 12
Content Outline as a result of the analysis
were implemented and went into effect with
the spring 2014 certification examination.
The Examination Committee members also
contributed to this process by developing items
for the new areas of the outline for education
content. Our enormous appreciation to all
MENTORSHIP / Continued from page 11
and federal legislators when action is needed.
Currently, content on this site pertains to
information on the Indiana licensing situation,
the Access federal legislation, and the
concerns associated with state licensure. The
site can be accessed at
ncbde/home. All CDEs are urged to spend
time updating their awareness of these issues.
Last fall, several Board members spent time
visiting legislators’ offices “on the Hill”.
Visits were made to the lead sponsors of
draft legislation to establish reimbursement
for diabetes education - “Access to Quality
Diabetes Education Act of 2013” (H.R. 1274
and S. 945), along with legislators hailing from
the Board members’ states. NCBDE’s position
statement on that reimbursement can be found
on the web site at:
PosStatements/statement-on-access-to-qualitydiabetes-education-act-of-2013/. Indiana
became the second state to license diabetes
educators, with the format of the legislation
being of concern to NCBDE. We are hoping
that NCBDE can address issues related to the
structure of that legislation with the Indiana
Medical Licensing Board, the board that will
be in charge of administering the diabetes
educator licensure process.
In response to advocacy and licensure
initiatives, NCBDE has established a site that
will support CDEs learning about NCBDE’s
positions on various state and federal issues
related to diabetes education and also
facilitating CDEs reaching out to their state
Lastly, but most importantly, please let me
express the enormous appreciation of the
NCBDE Board of Directors for each and
every CDE’s commitment to quality diabetes
education and care for our ever increasing
population of people living with diabetes. This
is a year to harness all your enthusiasm and
passion for what you do, to truly contribute
to and lead change toward improved health
care delivery and outcomes. The strength
of the CDE® credential comes from its
multidisciplinary composition and so we must
rally together, embracing discipline diversity,
to develop and optimize effective models of
diabetes education and care delivery. As new
and continuing CDEs, that commitment from
each of you is already evident.
Best wishes for the remainder of 2014!
Kellie M. Rodriguez, RN, MSN, CDE®
Chair, NCBDE Board of Directors
Can People with Diabetes
Find You?
NCBDE launched a new web site ( last June. The
site has a new area, identified as “Living with Diabetes?”, that
provides information to consumers about how a CDE® can help
them manage their diabetes. It also allows individuals to search for
CDEs in their area. Of course, for the search function to provide the
most information to consumers, CDEs need to take a few moments
to enter (and be sure to maintain) their practice/program contact
information on the web site. Please take a moment and log in to the
CDE Login area of the site and choose to “become locatable”. You
are encouraged to review the “Updated Web Site Launched” article
on page 14.
Mary Frances Veltri, RN, BSN, RNFA, MS,
United Hospital Center
Dian True, RN, CDE®
Billings Clinic - Cody #003046
We would also like to thank the following
CDEs who participated in the mentor
program, but for various reasons have
“retired” from service in that role: Ruth
E. Bear, RD, CDE® from New Mexico;
Janice N. Beattie, RN, BSN, CDE® from
Pennsylvania; Sonia A. Benel, RN, CDE®
from Georgia; Jennifer D. Campbell,
PharmD, CDE® from Tenessee; Carol A.
Carioti, RN, MSN, NP, CDE® from New
York; Jane E. Feldmann, BSN, RN, CDE®
from Iowa; Carol P. Freshley, RN, CDE®
from Maine; Martha A. Gonzalez, RD, LD,
CDE® from Texas; Valarie Diane Greenleaf,
MS, RD, LD, CDE® from Kansas; Patricia J.
Hanrahan, NP, CDE® from Massachusetts;
Debra A. Iverson, APRN, BC-ADM, CTN,
CDE® from Colorado; Linda S. Kerr, RN,
MSN, NP, CDE® from California; Ruth E.
Lundstrom, MSN, ANP, RN, BC-ADM,
CDE® from Massachusetts; Sharon E.
Morgan, RN, CDE® from Virginia; Everet
E. Owens, RN, BSN, MS, CDE® from New
York; Annette L. Pedersen, APRN, RD, LD,
BC-ADM, CDE® from Ohio; Patricia M.
Pugsley, RN, MSN, CDE® from Connecticut;
Amy L. Stacy, MS, RD, CDN, CDE®
from New York; Joyce M. Vergili, Ed.D,
RD, CDE® from New York; Karen Ann
Wilkinson, BSN, RN, CDE® from Florida;
Paula Woodward, RN, CDE® from Virginia;
and Hui-ying Yang, CNP, CDE® from
Farewell to
Committee Members
A hearty thank you to Bob Hanisch, MA, CSCS, CDE®
for his many years as a volunteer with NCBDE,
including his most recent term of service – 2009-2013 –
as a member of the Examination Committee.
Thank you also to Isabel Alvarez, RD, LD, CDE®
for her work as a member of the
Examination Committee for 2012-2013.
Reminder - Updated Website Launched
The launch of NCBDE’s updated web
site took place in mid-June 2012. We
hope that our CDEs will like the new
look and functionality. One of the most
exciting aspects of the site is that it has
been expanded to include content to help
individuals with diabetes understand how
having a CDE® in their corner can make a
difference in their ability to manage their
disease. It also provides a way for those
individuals to search for a CDE® in their
It is important to note that NCBDE will
need the help of all CDEs to make the
“Find a CDE” search successful for those
individuals who are looking for your
guidance. Each CDE® who wishes to be
included in the search database will need
to add their practice information to the
site and will also want to be sure to keep
this information up to date.
We are also happy to let our CDEs know that
we have expanded the information available
in the CDE only area to include their last
renewal date (whether by examination or by
continuing education), their expiration date,
and the personal contact information NCBDE
has on file for that individual. The CDE only
area remains the place where (optionally) a
CDE® can enter their continuing education
activities details, along with providing access
to product order forms, newsletters archive,
and other documents. CDEs also have the
ability, once they have initially accessed the
CDE only area, to change both their user
name and password if they wish.
NOTE: New for CDEs renewing in 2014
(and going forward) – the application to
renew by continuing education will be able
to be completed using an online renewal
option via this area of the web site. Check
the Renewal Handbook for more details!
To access the CDE only area the first time,
a CDE® will need to log in to this section of
the site. Access to this area can be found in
several places, but the easiest access can be
found by clicking on the “CDE Login” menu
option shown at the top left-hand section of
any page of the site.
1. When the “Yes, I am a CDE” log in screen
appears, the CDE® will want to:
2. For the user name field: enter the certificate
number (full 8 digits, and no dashes). The
certificate number can be found on your
certificate or wallet card.
3. For the password field: enter last name as
maintained in NCBDE’s database (case
sensitive format, e.g., Doe, not DOE or
doe). The last name as maintained in the
database can be found in the To: portion
of the header of the email message or
certificate/wallet card.
4. Hit the “Log In” menu button.
5. Review the data available on the “Welcome
to the CDE area” screen to ensure NCBDE
has the correct personal contact information
(Please note this personal information is not
accessible or provided to those individuals
looking for a CDE®). From this screen, a
CDE® is also able to change their username
using the “Edit” button under that section
of the page. If a CDE® does NOT wish to
change it, it will remain their certificate
number. A CDE® can also change their
password using the “Change Password”
menu button from the left-hand side of
the screen.
6. If a CDE® wishes to become part of the
“Find a CDE” search database, choose
“Become Locatable” menu button from
among the left-hand menu options or
link available at the bottom of that page.
Here the CDE® will then enter the contact
information for their practice/program and
save it. Once the information has been
saved, the CDE® is a part of the “Find
a CDE” database. (Be sure to keep this
information up to date. Individual may
want to set a reminder in their task list to
check this information once or twice
a year.)
7. If a CDE® would like to track their
continuing education activities, please
choose the “Track Hours” menu button
from among the left-hand menu options,
and then click on “Continuing Education
Tracking” link. Note: This area has
been updated recently to allow CDEs to
maintain activities over more than one
cycle and filter the activities by date.
We hope that our CDEs will appreciate the
features of the site. If there are any questions,
please contact the NCBDE national office.
Practice Analysis Completed
The last issue of the NCBDE News included an
article entitled ‘NCBDE Needs Your Help’ and
described the practice analysis process that would
be taking place in 2013. The article included
a request for help from CDEs should they be
requested to participate in a survey as part of
that process. We are happy to announce the
completion of a national practice analysis.
The purpose of the analysis was to describe
the CDE’s job with enough detail to provide a
valid basis for a practice-related certification
examination for diabetes educators and to
define areas that should be assessed in future
examinations. Hyperlinks to a web-based survey
were distributed by electronic mail to over 5,000
CDE practitioners. This survey was established
to identify tasks frequently performed and
important in providing thorough and effective
diabetes education. Without the assistance of
a significant number of CDEs, the practice
analysis could not have been completed –
many, many thanks to those that took the
time to complete the survey!
The survey was developed by a multidisciplinary
task force. The individuals who served on the
task force included John Zrebiec, MSW, CDE®,
Massachusetts, Chair; Sue Drogos, RN, BSN,
MPA, CDE®, Illinois;
Alison Evert, MS, RD, CDE®, Washington;
Rachel Girard, MS, MTS, RN, CDE®, Maine;
Elizabeth Huggins, MESS, RD/LD, CDE®,
South Carolina; Barbara Kocurek, PharmD,
BCPS, CDE®, Texas; Carolé Mensing, RN,
MA, CDE®, FAADE, Massachusetts; Trish S.
Moore, MSN, CDE®, CNS, Indiana; Stephen
Ponder, MD, FAAP, CDE®, Texas; and Charles
Ponte, BSc, PharmD, DPNAP, FAPhA, FASHP,
FCCP, CDE®, West Virginia. The NCBDE
Board of Directors wishes to express their
gratitude to each of these task force members,
many of whom have volunteered on many
different levels for NCBDE over the years, for
COMPLETED / Continued on page 15
REMINDER: Practice Requirement for Renewal of Certification in Effect
As announced in previous issues of NCBDE
News and included on the web site, the
NCBDE Board of Directors approved
a practice requirement for renewal of
certification. This requirement has been in
effect since 2010. CDEs need to document
a minimum of 1000 hours of professional
practice experience during the five-year
certification cycle, in addition to either
taking the Certification Examination or
renewing by continuing education. The
professional practice requirement for renewal
of certification, however, is NOT the same as
that required for initial certification. Please
note that there is also an option available for
any CDE® who cannot document meeting the
practice requirement but who still wishes to
maintain their CDE® credential.
NCBDE recognizes that diabetes education
is an evolving specialty and that experienced
CDEs often assume roles other than the
practice of diabetes self-management
education required for initial certification. In
addition, in 2010, the Board of Directors
approved a further expansion of the
definition to include volunteer activities.
The expanded definition is shown below and
went into place beginning with those CDEs
who renewed in 2011.
Definition of Professional Practice
For purposes of recertification, practice means
providing a direct or indirect professional
contribution to the care and self-management
education of people with diabetes.
What is Included in this Definition
This definition is intended to be as inclusive
as possible of positions currently held by
CDEs, including program development,
program management, public health/
community surveillance, volunteer activities,
diabetes related research, clinical roles
in diabetes industry, case management,
professional education, consultant roles to
industry or other providers, or others.
What is NOT Included
Employment in the manufacture, direct sales,
or distribution of diabetes-related products or
services in pharmaceutical or other diabetes
related industries, or jobs or volunteer
activities unrelated to diabetes will not meet
the practice requirement.
The 1000 hours of professional practice
experience must:
•Take place in the United States or its
•Be completed during the five-year
certification cycle, between January 1
following the year of initial certification
and/or recertification and the date
of application for renewal, either by
examination or continuing education
There is no requirement about how or when
this must be accomplished, e.g., to complete
200 hours per year, or to be practicing at the
time of application.
What documentation do you need to
provide to show you have accumulated at
least 1000 hours of practice?
It is always prudent to keep detailed
information for your personal records. In
fact, if you plan to have someone verify
your practice hours (if you are audited), you
should check with them to see what would
satisfy their need for detail. The good news,
however, is that there is no requirement for
you to document these hours in detail on the
application for renewal. You will be asked to
attest to meeting all of the current eligibility
requirements, including the 1000 hour
practice requirement.
If an application is chosen for audit, you
will need to have a supervisor (or for those
in private practice, another qualified health
care professional) sign a similar statement
that confirms you have fulfilled the practice
requirement. Of course, if you are renewing
by the continuing education pathway,
you will need to maintain copies of your
continuing education credits/certificates in
the event they need to be submitted as part of
an audit.
For Those Unable to Meet the Practice
For CDEs who wish to maintain certification
status but do not or cannot meet the practice
requirement, there is still an avenue available
to you for maintaining your credential.
During the five year period that certification
is valid, if a CDE® has practiced less than the
required 1000 hours, has taken employment
unrelated to diabetes care and education, is
on leave from employment or has retired,
but still wishes to maintain certification as
a diabetes educator, the requirements to
hold a current, active unrestricted license
or registration for the same discipline held
at the time of initial certification and to
demonstrate knowledge of current standards
and practices by documenting relevant
continuing education activities and passing
the examination and documenting relevant
continuing education activities are required.
No exceptions will be available.
Practice Analysis Completed
COMPLETED / Continued from page 14
their contribution to a successful outcome on
this project – THANK YOU ALL!
Because the results become the foundation for
developing future certification examinations,
task force members devoted many hours
devising the survey and analyzing the responses.
The practice analysis is crucial for ensuring
that future examinations reflect contemporary
practice and important advances in the field of
diabetes education. In fact, The final outcome
for the process is a new examination content
outline that will launch with the spring 2014
In addition, it will also ensure that the
certification examinations meet all professional
and technical standards (i.e., Standards for
Educational and Psychological Testing)
and other federal and legal regulations such
as the Uniform Guidelines on Employee
Selection Procedures which provide the
framework that may be used as a basis for
validating credentialing programs. These
procedures can also provide documentation for
meeting standards developed by the National
Commission for Certifying Agencies. A report
from NCBDE on the practice analysis has been
completed and has been accepted for publication
in The Diabetes Educator. It is currently
scheduled for publication in the July/August
2014 issue. Thank you once again to all of the
survey respondents and to the members of the
Practice Analysis Task Force.
National Certification Board
for Diabetes Educators
330 East Algonquin Road, Suite 4
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
1 Message from the Chair
6 Mentorship Program Report
2 ACDE - A New Membership Organization Launches
2 Renewal of Certification by Continuing Education
3 Call for Applications for Open CDE® Board Positions
3 Initial Eligibility Requirement Changes
9 Renewal of Certification by Continuing Education Tips
9 Practice Examination Available
14 Updated Website Launched
4Due to Renew in 2014?
14 Practice Analysis Completed
4 Model Diabetes Educator Licensure Act Updated
5 Summary of the 2013 Certification Examinations and
Renewal of Certification by Continuing Education
Insert CDE® Record Update Form 2014
15REMINDER: Practice Requirement for Renewal of
Certification in Effect
Spring 2014 Certification Examination for Diabetes Educators
Examination Window
May - June
NCBDE Exhibit – American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions
San Francisco
June 13-17
NCBDE Board of Directors Meeting
Chicago area
June 28-29
Postmark Deadline for NCBDE Board Applications
August 1
NCBDE Exhibit – American Association of Diabetes
August 6-9
Educators Annual Meeting
Presentation: Becoming a CDE®: Facts, Common Myths, and Exciting NewsAugust 6
Presentation: Maintaining Your CDE® Credential: Remind Me Again – How Do I Renew? August 7
Application Filing Deadline Date – Fall 2014 Exam
September 15
Standard Application Filing Date - 2014 Renewal of Certification
by Continuing Education Deadline
September 15
NCBDE Exhibit – Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
October 18-21
Extended Application Filing Date - 2014 Renewal of Certification
by Continuing Education Deadline
October 15
NCBDE Board of Directors Meeting
November 1-2
Chicago area
Fall 2014 Certification Examination for Diabetes Educators
Examination Window
November - December
Late Application Filing Date - 2014 Renewal of Certification
by Continuing Education Deadline
December 15
© 2014 NCBDE News is published by the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators, 330 E. Algonquin Road, Suite 4, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 © NCBDE