Business Update Winter 2014
BU SINESS NAME COON RAPIDS BUSINESS UPDATE Park and Trail Improvements Planned in Coon Rapids Road Construction Update The City of Coon Rapids and Anoka County are planning several road construction projects for the 2014 construction season: University Avenue will be reconstructed and expanded from Northdale Boulevard to Main Street. Foley Boulevard will be reconstructed and expanded from 101st Avenue to Egret Boulevard. Round Lake Boulevard will be reconstructed from Main Street to Coon Rapids Boulevard. Intersection and traffic signal improvements are planned at Northdale Boulevard and Crooked Lake Boulevard. Intersection and traffic signal improvements are planned at Coon Rapids Boulevard and Springrook Drive. Over 8 miles of residential streets in Coon Rapids will be reconstructed. Voters in Coon Rapids approved a $17.4 million park bond last fall. Taxpayers will begin to pay for the levy referendum as part of their taxes payable in 2014. The parks and trails improvement plan involves repairs, complete reconstruction, upgrades and enhancements to several parks and trails throughout the city. The parks that will be renovated as part of this plan include: Sand Creek Park, Crooked Lake Park, Pheasant Ridge Park, Riverview Park, Lions Coon Creek Park, Woodcrest Park, Delta Park, Mason Park, Riverwind Park and a new park which will be added named Boulevard Park. The city’s trail system will also be completed and accounts for 35% of the total project cost. Trail connections will be completed within the Coon Creek Regional Trail, Sand Creek Linkage Trail, 85th Avenue Trail connection to Kennedy Park, Mississippi Regional Trail, Middle Linkage Trail, Northern Linkage Trail as well as other select trail gaps. Construction of the new parks and trails will occur over the next six to eight years. The reconstruction of Riverview Park and completion of the 85th Avenue Trail connection is expected to start in 2014. W INTER 2 0 1 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Open to Business Program 2 Coon Rapids Civic Center Facilities 2 Coon Rapids Business Loan Fund 3 Foley Transit Station Planning 3 Major Building Projects 3 Road Construction Update 4 CITY SERVICE DIRECTORY Police and Fire: 911 Assessing: (763)767-6446 Building Inspections: (763)767-6476 Bunker Hills Golf Club: (763)755-4141 CTN Studios: (763)767-6525 City Hall: (763)755-2880 Coon Rapids Ice Center: (763)951-7222 City Hall Fax: (763)767-6491 Economic Development: (763)767-6430 Fire Administration: (763)767-6429 Planning and Zoning: (763)767-6430 Police Administration: (763)767-6481 Public Works: (763)767-6462 Senior Services: (763)767-6473 Utility Billing: (763)767-6438 Questions or comments may be directed to (763)767-6430 or Sign up for City e-newsletters at Community strength… for generations C OON R APIDS B USINESS UPDATE P AGE 2 W INTER 20 1 4 P AGE 3 Open to Business Program Provides Free Business Consultations Coon Rapids Loan Fund Provides Financing Options for Local Businesses Are you a current or prospective Coon Rapids business owner looking for advice? The City of Coon Rapids offers a FREE program to help business owners or those looking to start a business. “Open to Business” provides prospective and existing entrepreneurs in Coon Rapids with one-onone counseling advice from a business advisor. This opportunity can help business owners with planning and organizing their business ideas, financial management, marketing, regulatory compliance and leasing or purchasing property. Rob Smolund, Business Advisor, holds office hours at city hall once per month for appointments the third Tuesday of each month from 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Interested entrepreneurs can also schedule appointments at other times by calling Rob Smolund at 612-789-7337, ext. 260. Examples of how Open to Business has helped businesses and residents in Coon Rapids include: A partnership between the City of Coon Rapids and the Central Minnesota Development Company (CMDC) offers financing options for projects that help achieve city development goals. Funded by the City of Coon Rapids, the Coon Rapids loan fund is administered by CMDC and is designed to leverage other private financing. Loan proceeds can be used for fixed assets, including land, building, machinery, and equipment (no working capital). Minimum loan amount of $25,000 and maximum loan amount of $200,000 available with certain exceptions and interest rates will be determined by market conditions at loan closing. For more information, contact Mike Mulrooney at CMDC at 763-784-3337. A Coon Rapids resident received consulting advice that helped her open a beauty salon with a $1,000 micro grant. A commercial property owner learned about better options for utilizing his property. A retail food store owner received help to enhance his merchandising and window displays. A Coon Rapids resident received guidance to help evaluate a business purchase. If you have questions about the Open to Business Program in Coon Rapids, please call Rob Smolund at 612-789-7337, ext. 260 or email More information about this program can also be found online at Reserve Meeting Space at the Coon Rapids Civic Center The Coon Rapids Civic Center Training Facility and Conference Room provide affordable options for today’s business needs. Training Room: Seating for up to 60 White-board Drop-down screen Seating and tables can be arranged to suit your needs Conference Room: Seats 12 comfortably White-board Foley Boulevard Transit Station Planning The City of Coon Rapids has hired Hoisington Koegler Group to conduct a planning process to determine future infrastructure needs and land uses in the vicinity of the Foley Boulevard Park-and-Ride near Highway 610. This planning project will help the City prepare for future infrastructure investments that are planned in the area, including the Northern Lights Express high speed rail, future commuter rail service, and possible major road improvements. The planning project is funded by a $40,000 grant from the Metropolitan Council. The goal of the grant program is to catalyze development around transit stations. Additional information will be available as the planning work moves forward. Additional study information is available online at Major Building Projects Major building projects in Coon Rapids include: A skyway has been constructed over Coon Rapids Boulevard, connecting Mercy Hospital to the new Mercy/Allina Medical Office Building. This new 120,000 square foot facility will open this spring and will feature a variety of medical services and specialists. FIVE GUYS Burgers and Fries has opened at 12475 Riverdale Boulevard, in the former location of the Green Mill. COON RAPIDS CIVIC CENTER 11155 ROBINSON DR. (763) 767-6522 Panera Bread will move this spring from its current location at 12465 Riverdale Boulevard to the corner of Round Lake and Main Street, on the site of the former Sterling Bank building. Autumn Glen Senior Living is under construction near the intersection of Round Lake and Coon Rapids Boulevards, in the former location of Frank’s Nursery & Crafts. The new 100-unit facility will feature a mix of independent living, assisted living and memory care units. Simonson’s Salon & Day Spa will be relocating from its current Anoka location on Round Lake Boulevard to 3490 Northdale Boulevard in Coon Rapids, in the former location of the Canyon Grill.
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