Summer 2012 - Rosary High School


Summer 2012 - Rosary High School
on the cover
Congratulations Class of 2012
Congratulations to the 117 members of the Class of 2012. This year’s
Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation Ceremony was held at St. John Neumann Church in St. Charles Tuesday, May 22nd. Rev. Richard Rosinski,
pastor of St. John Neumann, was Celebrant. Diplomas were presented by
Principal Sr. Patricia Burke, O.P. and Ms. Michelle Salerno, Assistant
Principal. Members of Rosary’s Orchestra and Chorus provided the music
for the evening, accompanied by Ms. Ann Mary Wagner, under the direction of Mr. Tom Jesse.
p Kaitlyn Lindgren,
Catherine of Siena Scholar,
speaks to the Class of 2012.
p Angelica Bestler
receives her diploma from
Sr. Patricia.
Graduation speaker was Kaitlyn Lindgren, a Catherine of Siena Scholar,
who reminded her classmates of God's unconditional love “... Now we are
here, in that place we have wanted to be for so long. Looking back, time
really has passed quickly. We have laughed together at the antics of our
school council president, we have cried together on Kairos, and we have
become young women. We have become thinkers capable of taking on the
world. We are the product of brilliant teachers, supportive parents, a
school community that has become our family, and a God who loves us
unconditionally. … we will never forget the place where we came to know
God and became who we are meant to be. Congratulations to our class,
the class of 2012!”
Rosary High School is proud of the outstanding
achievements of the Class of 2012:
79% College Scholarship Recipients
$13.4 Million in College Scholarships
99% College Bound
100 attending 4 yr college/university
16 attending community college
1 joining the Army
p Pictured are the Class of 2012 Dominican Preachers*:
Abby Clark, Sara Helm, Melissa Lifka, and Kaitlynn Wolfgram
* Dominican Preachers are
named as sophomores and
serve for two years. In addition to representing Rosary
at the National High School
Dominican Preaching Conference, these young women
learn to preach and offer a
theological reflection at
school masses and prayer
services. They also facilitate
“Bridges” before every
mass, helping students and
staff to prepare for the
prayer we are about
to share.
Cover/Class Photo credit:
Photography by Feltes
The Class of 2012
45 National Honor Society members
23 Catherine of Siena Scholars
20 Illinois State Scholars
1 National Merit Commended Student
school life
2012 St. Catherine of Siena Scholars Named
Rosary High School is proud to announce that twenty-three members of the Class of 2012 were named
St. Catherine of Siena Scholars. This designation is Rosary High School’s highest academic award. Students
must meet several requirements to be awarded this honor: a minimum GPA of 3.80; a minimum of 12 honors
courses to be taken over a four year period; a four year course of study in at least 2 of these subject areas: Fine
Arts, Foreign Language, Mathematics, or Science; a strong attendance record; and a strong service record.
Congratulations to the following members of Rosary’s Class of 2012 for achieving this honor:
Kelsey Arnold, Maggie Bailey, Devon Bavery, Caroline Belz, Courtney Bila, Alexandra Bode,
Michaela Convey, Samantha Duarte, Megan Fitzpatrick, Gabrielle LaBerge, Emily Launer,
Melissa Lifka, Kaitlyn Lindgren, Gina Matsie, Emmy Popovich, Sherry Prichodko, Kallie Renfus,
Rachael Romano, Galilea Sanchez, Melissa Shaw, Allison Stephans,
Amelia Wegman, and Hannah Wulbert.
Candle-Rose Ceremony Honors Juniors and Seniors
Juniors and Seniors were honored at the
Candle-Rose Honors Convocation, which
was held on Friday, May 18, 2012 in the
M.L. Kunold Athletic Facility.
Student Council President Elizabeth Wall
welcomed the students, families, friends, and
faculty of Rosary High School. Individual
honors were presented by Principal Sr.
Patricia Burke, O.P. Many academic awards
and achievements were highlighted, such as
St. Catherine of Siena Scholars, National
Merit Scholarship Finalists, Illinois State
Scholars, National Honor Society members,
departmental and club awards, and other
special awards and scholarships. Introducing
the Candle-Rose Ceremony was Senior
Class President, Katlyn Hinterlong.
t The Class of 2012 sang “My
Wish” (by Rascal Flatts) at the
Candle-Rose Honors Convocation. Pictured are Anna Schreiber
(left) and Melissa Shaw (right).
school life
Lent 2012:
Who Will Speak
if You Don’t?
Our Rosary community is
deliberate about connecting
with the Dominican Pillars
of prayer, study, community and preaching with our
lives. In Lent 2012 our partnership with Hope for
Haitians provided us with a
way to join the efforts of
schools and parishes across
the Rockford Diocese. This
Lent, we lived “the Pillars.”
 the people of Haiti were
the focus of our prayer
 we invited a member of
the Hope for Haitians team
to help us learn about life in
Haiti and to consider how it
is different from the way
we live - we remembered
the “ShelterBox” tents we
provided for Haiti in Lent
of 2010 and 2011
 we chose as a community to embrace the families
in Haiti and work to move
a family from one of our
ShelterBox tents into a
 we sacrificed some of
our personal luxuries so
that our sacrifice would let
our lives preach
Lenten almsgiving of students, staff, and families,
provided $4,839.89 for the
Hope for Haitians project.
Students Attend Leadership Symposium
Senior Ashlee O’Neil, sophomores Rachel Bens, Anne Duhig, Elizabeth
Magalski, and freshmen Mallory Rettenmeier, Genevieve Streich, and
Maria Witte were invited to IMSA’s Leadership Symposium on March
7, 2012. These students were selected because they are innovative, problem solvers who are passionate about identifying root issues with their
communities, who have shown interest in creating partnerships with local
community organizations, and who are committed to positive social
The symposium served as a powerhouse for cross-communication of best
practices and social activism through presentations, panels, round table
discussions, and a community organization fair. Participants engaged in
small case studies where all parties were able to offer ideas and derive
outcomes. The symposium brought to the table already identified youthful
entrepreneurs and public leaders active in their local and global communities.
The symposium also featured their annual Hollister Keynote Speaker.
Bernie Hollister was an esteemed and charter faculty member of the Academy who passed away after a valiant battle with cancer. The Hollister lecture is a focal element of this student-driven Symposium.
Spanish Students Help the Homeless
This past Easter season, the Spanish IV classes at Rosary High School
were given the opportunity to contribute to the Easter celebration at Hesed
House. Hesed House is a comprehensive homeless resource center located
in Aurora, IL, dedicated to feeding and sheltering individuals and families
in need. Led by senior Gina Matsie, the students in Spanish class were
looking for a way to contribute to the community, and were lucky to have
the chance to help the children of the families at Hesed House celebrate
Easter this year. All of the girls were very excited to help, and each one
shopped for and made their own special Easter basket. “We are pleased
to have made our own small contribution to our community, and we hope
the children enjoy the Easter baskets. ¡Felices Pascuas!,” said Senora Rose
Rebenstorf, Rosary’s Spanish IV teacher. The excitement and generosity
was such that the original goal was exceeded and over 30 baskets were
Junior Qualifies for
National Chemistry
Olympiad &
Selected for 2012
Fermilab Program
Congratulations to junior Jesika
Barmanbek (above), who qualified for the National Chemistry
Olympiad Exam which was held
on April 20th. The U.S. National
Chemistry Olympiad is a multitiered competition that brings together the nation’s most talented
high school students to test their
knowledge and skills in chemistry.
In order to identify qualified students, the U.S. National Chemistry
Olympiad conducts a preliminary
screening of students by participating in a section-sponsored examination.
Jesika has also been selected to
participate in Fermilab’s 2012
TARGET: Science & Engineering Program. This is a highly
competitive paid summer internship opportunity for high school
sophomores and juniors who have
strong interest and demonstrated
aptitude for mathematics and
physics. This 6 week program incorporates both classroom and
work experiences. Participants
will spend 4 hours a day with a
supervisor who will provide
hands-on training experience in a
work environment. The remainder
of the day will allow participants
to attend instructional sessions focused on the practical application
of scientific and engineering principles. Each participant will work
on an individual project and have
the opportunity to present his/her
project at the end of the program.
school life
Grandparents Day, May Crowning & Rosary
The importance of grandparents in their granddaughters’ lives was evident on Tuesday May 1, 2012, as 235 grandparents came to Rosary
to join in the May Crowning and All School Rosary! The grandparents
started arriving at 12:30 and enjoyed delicious home baked cookies,
coffee, lemonade, iced tea etc. in the M.L. Kunold Athletic Facility.
They visited with other grandparents and members of Rosary’s Advancement Staff. Feltes Photography took beautiful pictures of the
proud grandparents and their granddaughters.
Following the refreshments, the grandparents and the entire Rosary
community participated in a beautiful May Crowning ceremony which
culminated with a recitation of the Rosary. Nicole Filardi, a junior gave
a moving reflection on the powerful influence that Grandparents have
on their Grandchildren. The Rosary Choir performed a lively and
lovely rendition of “Daughters of God” which had everyone in the
room clapping and singing along with the chorus.
Afterwards, Sr. Patricia Burke, O.P. shared some of the wonderful awards and compliments that the girls have
received during the past year. The afternoon culminated with names being drawn for door prizes ranging from
Panera gift cards to Rosary Sports Booster items.
Special thanks to all those who worked so hard to
make this a memorable day: Sr. Patricia Burke, O.P.,
Mrs. Diann Witte, Mrs. Sandy Iwanski, Ms. Mary Lou
Kunold, Mr. Tom Jesse, Mrs. Kim Baleskie, Mrs.
Robin Schalz and Mr. Scott Wade. Special thanks to
the extraordinary Parents Auxiliary volunteers coordinated by Mrs. Jill Zolfo for all of their help, Mrs.
Beth Cull (owner of Chez Moi Catering) for delicious
cookies, and Mr. Jack Feltes and his staff from Feltes
Grandparents, we hope you had a wonderful afternoon
with your granddaughters at Rosary. Your kindness,
patience and humor are truly appreciated.
p 235 grandparents attended
Rosary’s May Crowning & All School Rosary
Yearbook Editors Inducted into International Honorary Society
Congratulations to senior Olivia Doyle (right) and junior
Abby Urbik on their induction into the Quill and Scroll
International Honorary Society for High School Journalists. Quill and Scroll was organized in 1926, at the University of Iowa by renowned pollster George H. Gallup
and a group of high school advisers for the purpose of
encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic publication. Both Olivia
and Abby joined the yearbook staff as freshmen, each year
taking on more responsibility and attending summer workshops to develop their computer and leadership skills.
Olivia also served as co-editor last year with Sarah Gerken
(’11) and Abby will be co-editor this fall with classmate
Lexi Lovetere. Olivia and Abby have worked countless hours on the yearbook, working very closely under the direction of moderator Ms. Faith Etheredge and Taylor/Balfour representative Mr. Brad Nemsick.
Preparing to
Serve Our
Community in
Can you picture your First
Communion day?
What do you notice about
Eucharistic Ministers in
your parish?
How might “the real presence
of Jesus Christ” be described
by a soldier in Afghanistan?
an elderly resident in
assisted living?
a young person in a juvenile
correction facility?
a second grader?
These were some of the
questions explored with 30
students and 2 staff members who participated in the
first of three formation
sessions for Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion in preparation for service in the coming school
year. Like your parish, our
school depends of the gifts
of students and staff to
assist our community every
times we gather to pray.
Family and friends are welcome guests at our monthly
school masses as well as at
our weekly Communion
Services with Liturgy of the
Word on Fridays at the start
of each lunch period.
school life
Young Author of a Children’s Book Award
Rosary's Creative Writing garden has bloomed once
again. Mrs. Ruddy's successful writing class has unveiled
another aspiring and gifted writer-Courtney Johnson!
Courtney was the recipient of 2nd semester's Young Author of a Children's Book award. Courtney was very well
received by Annunciation students in Kindergarten
through 3rd grade. Her story, I Will Have Courage,
brought a smile and a sense of hope for all the students.
Congratulations to all of the students who worked so hard
on their books. We can't wait to see what pops up next
t Courtney reads her children’s book to students in
grades K - 3rd at Annuciation School in Aurora.
Party in the Park
World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
Recent Marmion and Rosary graduates
Ben Minnis and Emily Roberts (’11)
invite you to join a community of caring: Party in the Park (PITP). PITP
brings about a celebration of life that
fosters hope and encouragement for
those struggling with depression and
mental illness. Party in the Park is an
annual fundraiser devoted to uniting individuals and creating a community in
which it is okay to be broken. It seeks
to educate the public about suicide and
depression and invests directly in crisis
intervention as well as scholarships in
memory of those lost to suicide. In its
first year, the fundraiser had over 300
attendees and raised over $5,000 for
Suicide Prevention Services, Inc. of
Batavia. Suicide Prevention Services
runs a national suicide/depression hotline and several support groups for
people who have lost loved ones to
suicide or are survivors of suicide
attempts. Additional money was raised
and donated to a scholarship established at Marmion Academy.
April 23, 2012 began the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates held at UIC’s campus. Mrs. Stephanie Krzeminski (History Teacher) was one of the invited guests by the Constitutional
Rights Foundation of Chicago. Spending the morning in workshops focused around Democracy and then later attending a luncheon where the keynote speaker was former President Jimmy
Carter, Mrs. Krzeminski said “The event was spectacular! To be
in a room with so many distinguished people from around the
world all acting on behalf of world peace was an honor and a privilege!”
We invite you to join us in this celebration of life. This year`s event will
include a twilight (possibly a “glow in the dark”) 5K run/walk, food and a
night concert. The event will take place JULY 21st (JULY 22nd Rain
Date). Save the date! To stay updated, inform us of potential raffle donors,
and help us raise awareness, join us at:
Questions? Suggestions? Email
The afternoon was spent listening to panel discussions; the first
panel “New Challenges for Peace” included Lech Walesa, Mikhail
Gorbachev, Frederick Willem de Klerk and Jimmy Carter. The second panel of the afternoon, “Investing in Peace” was just as riveting! Rosary High School is proud to have had a representative at
the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.
Q & A With Former Secretary of State
On May 2, 2012, Mrs. Colleen Evert (Social Science Chairperson) attended a talk and question-and-answer session with
Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State. Mrs. Albright spoke
about Europe in the 30’s and 40’s as the world was facing an
emerging Nazi power in Europe. She related her family’s experiences in Czechoslovakia and England as to what it was like to live
during those times.
After her remarks, she took questions about the current international situation. The highlight for Mrs. Evert was having the opportunity to meet her and tell her of Rosary’s Women’s Studies
An interesting side light to this encounter is the fact that the three
female Secretaries of State, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice
and Hillary Clinton, all went to single sex schools.
school life
Rosary Junior Named Miss Starpower at Regional Competition
After 15 years of studying dance, junior Madison Bagby, won 5 awards
at the Starpower Dance Competition held at the Paramount Theater in
Aurora, Illinois, April 27-29. The first award Madison received was one
of only 10 invitations in her age bracket to attend Starpower’s PowerPak summer event with the dancer’s choice of attending in Orlando, FL
or Ocean City, MD. The second award was for the Contemporary category in which Madison scored 295.6, out of a possible 300 points, to
earn a 5 Star adjudicated award and took 1st Place in this category.
Madison also won 1st Runner Up for Outstanding Costume with the
solo dress she spent Christmas break modifying (she adjusted straps,
twisted fabric extensions and added Swarovski crystals in just the right
places to catch the stage lights). The fourth award was in the Overall
Category in which the top 10 of all dance forms in the Senior age group
were announced. Madison placed 2nd Overall out of 53 dancers. The
final award of the evening was for the Title competition, Miss Starpower. Dancers entering the Title competition are announced before
they perform. Title is awarded to the dancer that impresses the judges
with her technical skills, mastery of the dance form, and ability to truly
touch the hearts of the audience. Madison was named Miss Starpower
for the Chicago Regional Starpower Dance Competition.
Students Awarded for Scores in Foreign Language National Exams
Level I
• Gold Medalists: Katie Bruckner, Alexandra Carter
• Silver Medalists: Melody FisherLewek, Brittany
Hamling, Heather Hawkins, Catherine Hayes,
Elizabeth Kaczorowski, Mallory Rhamy,
Genevieve Streich
• Bronze Medalists: Clarissa Diaz, Magdalena
Eallonardo, Cecelia Kinane, McKenna Novack,
Mallory Rettenmeier, Angelica Rodriguez,
Irina Wirjan
Level II
• Gold Medalists: Sarah Bruckner, Tess Joosse,
Anna Ward
• Silver Medalists: Rebecca Fritz, Jessica Montenegro, Emily Powell, Hannah Salinas
• Bronze Medalists: Amy Cole, Alanis Krantz,
Monica Powers, Corinne Rechenmacher,
Taylor Vandenberg
Level III
• Gold Medalists: Kaleigh Ellis, Amalia Mercado,
Fabiola Villalpando
• Silver Medalists: Amelia Anderson, Stephanie
• Bronze Medalists: Malaysia Carlton, Lindsay
Caton, Juliana Froehlich, Taylor Gibson, Rebekah
Goering, Kianna Musaraca
Level IV
• Gold Medalists: Maggie Bailey, Andrea
• Silver Medalists: Kelsey Arnold, Samantha
Duarte, Junelly González, Kirstyn Urban,
• Bronze Medalists: Caroline Belz, Courtney Bila,
Jessica Lewis, Laura Skaar, Rebecca Trettenero
Latin I
• Gold Summa Cum Laude (Perfect Paper):
Alyssa Mertka
• Magna Cum Laude: Martha Buchert
• Cum Laude: Rachel Bamrick, Brittany
McCullough, Dariana Slater
Latin III:
• Cum Laude: Colleen Madlinger
Lifesavers Club
Helps Local
Lifesavers, Rosary’s pro-life
club, held their popular fundraiser, “Blizzards for Babies”
again this spring. The entire
student body, faculty and staff
were encouraged to pre-order
Dairy Queen Blizzards that
were then delivered to Rosary
as a special after-school treat.
The proceeds of this event enabled Lifesavers to donate
$100 to each of the following
local organizations:
Maternity Homes
of Fox Valley
Waterleaf Womens Center
Pro-Life Action League
French I: (24,068 students participated)
• 98th percentile: Isabelle Ylo
• 93rd percentile: Caroline Mejia, Suzanne Quinn
French II: (22,209 students participated)
• 95th percentile: Lindsey Danos, Teresa Zidek
French III: (18, 269 students participated)
• 95th percentile: Emma Doroff
• 93rd percentile: Alexandra Bennett, Lauren
Rosary Welcomes Two New Varsity Coaches
Rosary High School is proud and excited to announce the hire of the new Head Varsity Volleyball Coach, 2005
alumna Rachel Hartmann, and the new Head Varsity Basketball Coach, Jessie Wilcox.
Rachel Hartmann
Jessie Wilcox
Rachel Hartmann is a 2005 graduate of Rosary and a prominent figure in the school’s volleyball history. Rachel
achieved a single assist record (781) in 2004 which still stands today. She was a member of four Volleyball Regional Championships teams and the 2004 Suburban Catholic Conference 1st Place Volleyball Team. During her
senior year, Rachel made the All-Area team in the Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune and several local publications. Rachel played club volleyball at Club Fusion in Marengo. She was ranked #11 in Prep Volleyball’s list
of the top college recruits in the country. Rachel Hartmann went on to play Division I volleyball at the University
of Minnesota where she was a four-year starter at the setter position. During Rachel’s four seasons at Minnesota,
the Golden Gophers were consistently ranked as one of the top 20 teams in the nation. They made it into the
NCAA 64-team playoff bracket each year and all the way to the “Elite 8” during Rachel’s sophomore year. Rachel
Graduated with a BS in Construction Management from the University of Minnesota. Following her graduation,
Rachel played three seasons of professional volleyball – two in Puerto Rico and one in Switzerland, including a
trip to the semi-finals on the Swiss cup team qualifying to compete in the European CEV Cup. During her spare
time, Rachel coached youth volleyball in Puerto Rico and traveled to several European countries from her home
base in Switzerland. Rachel is currently employed as a Human Resources professional at Groupon, Inc. in
Chicago. She also coaches club volleyball for the New Wave “15 Rush” team in Lombard. Rosary is more than
confident Rachel will continue to bring the success of the volleyball program into the future!
Jessie Wilcox comes to us from Wisconsin where she was both an academic and athletic standout for the Division
I state powerhouse Oshkosh West High School. The four-time varsity letter winner led her teams to back-to-back
Wisconsin state championships in 2003 and 2004, three Final Four showings, and four Elite Eight appearances.
During her tenure at Oshkosh West she achieved many records including a single-season school mark for assist
(83) and steals (48), ranks fourth all time in career scoring with 913 points, was ranked number one in career
steals with 207, and first in assists with 272. Jessie was appointed second team Wisconsin Basketball Coaches
Association All-State honors, fourth team Associated Press All-State award, first team All-Area, and first team
All-Fox Valley Association accolades. Jessie earned a full athletic scholarship to play at Northern Illinois University where she was a four year starter for the Huskies and finished her collegiate career with 1,007 points.
The 2009 All-Mid American Conference selection also earned academic honors for her 3.89 GPA as an art education major. Upon graduation Jessie relocated to Colorado for a year and coached the Lady Survivors, a high
school traveling AAU program out of Denver, in which three of her senior athletes went on to play at the Division
I collegiate level. Since 2010, Jessie has been the Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach and Head Women’s Golf
Coach at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, a NCAA Division III competitor. With Jessie’s playing and coaching accomplishments, we believe she will make a great addition to our athletic staff and will bring a wealth of
basketball experience into our program.
Royal Sportsmanship Award Winners
The Royal Sportsmanship Awards were presented at
the Spring Sports Awards Ceremony on Wednesday,
May 30, 2012. These awards are presented to seniors
based on leadership, character, responsibility, sportsmanship, dependability, attitude, and spirit.
We are proud to announce that basketball and soccer
player Courtney Bila, and cross country and track runner Grace Petry are the recipients of the 2012 Royal
Sportsmanship Awards.
In the fall, Courtney will be attending Villanova University in Pennsylvania and Grace will be attending St.
Norbert College in DePere, WI.
p Grace Petry
t Courtney Bila
Rosary Gives Support to Aurora’s World Relief Foundation
On Wednesday, March 28, 2012
the Aurora World Relief Foundation children wanted to support
their Rosary tutors & friends by attending the Rosary soccer match
vs. Oswego. Twenty-seven of the
World Relief students came out to
the game, along with their chaperones to cheer our Royals to a victory! The students were extremely
enthusiastic, full of energy, and
had a great time.
Over the past several years Rosary students have been tutoring students K-5 from the World Relief Foundation
in Aurora. The students are refugees who have come to the United States from countries such as Nepal, Burma
and Iraq. This program is focused on improving the children’s skill in reading and writing English, but also in
incorporating the English language more into their daily lives. Rosary students, Ashlee O’Neil, Marissa Olson,
Yesenia Garcia, Grace Creighton, Celine Italia, and Rosary Soccer players Alexandra Bode and Megan Fitzpatrick, travel to McCleary Elementary School in Aurora once a week during their 8th hour class period and
work with these refugees by playing games, reading books and helping them write pen-pal letters, while improving
their English skills. Rosary soccer players, Bode & Fitzpatrick were very touched by the children attending
their soccer game and feel honored to take part in this program to help these children transition to this country.
10 Collegiate Athletes from the Class of 2012
The following athletes have signed National Letters of Intent to play their
sport in college:
Rachel Burke: University of Connecticut (Swimming)
Molly Coonce: University of Wyoming (Swimming)
Grace Creighton: Duquesne University (Swimming)
Katherine Hare: UIC (Swimming)
Taylor Harris: Rose Hulman (Swimming)
Abby Konovodoff: Fordham (Volleyball)
Emily Launer: Northwestern (Swimming)
Grace Miller: UIC (Diving)
Sarah Sykstus: University of Illinois (Swimming)
Amelia Wegman: University of Houston (Volleyball)
p (pictured left to right) Taylor Harris,
Abby Konovodoff, Grace Miller signed their
National Letters of Intent in April 2012.
p (pictured left to right) Sarah Sykstus, Emily Launer, Katherine Hare,
p Swim Coach, Bill Schalz, with his swimmers
Rachel Burke, Molly Coonce, Crace Creighton, and Amelia Wegman
all signed their National Letters of Intent in November 2011.
who signed their NLI in November 2011.
ou aRe invite
Mark your calendars and plan
on attending the many special
events listed below to celebrate
RosaRy’s 50th anniveRsaRy!
Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012
Opening Liturgy at 2 pm
Reception to follow
Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012
“Put the Nuns in Charge”
Bar opens at 6 pm, Show time is 7 pm
(See pg. 14 for details.)
Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012
Alumnae Luncheon at 12 pm in the RHS Library
Join us in celebrating 50 years. Call your classmates and meet them here!
(See pg. 17 for additional details.)
Adult Sock Hop at 7 pm
Grab your socks and be prepared to leave your shoes at the door. We are having an old
fashioned sock hop! Empty Can Band will be performing 7:30 - 10:30 pm.
(See pg. 17 for details)
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012
Remembrance Mass at 9:30 am in the McEnroe Auditorium.
We will be remembering all deceased Rosary alumnae and family members who have
passed away from November 2011 to October 2012.
(See pg. 17 for additional details.)
Sunday, Dec. 9, 2012
Christmas Open House from 1 to 3 pm in the Rosary Convent
Visit with the Rosary Dominican Sisters and tour the Chapel and downstairs of the
Rosary Convent. Light refreshments will be served.
Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013
Candlelight Ball - Celebrating 50 Years of Rosary High School
5:30 pm at the Hilton Lisle/Naperville (Visit for details.)
Saturday, Mar. 9, 2013
Mission Family Carnival from 1 to 3 pm
Remember those School Fun Fairs? We are going to host a family affair. Plan on
attending with your children and grandchildren. You are going to be glad you did!
Saturday, Mar. 16, 2013
Dinner Theatre at 5:30 pm
We will be looking for alumnae who can sing to join the show, especially alumnae who sang
in past Rosary musicals. If you are interested, please contact Tom Jesse at Rosary
( for additional information.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Closing Liturgy at 4 pm followed by a Family Picnic
RosaRy high school’s
50th anniveRsaRy
calendaR of
You are cordially invited to the
Opening Liturgy Celebrating
the 50th Anniversary of
Rosary High School
Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012
at 2:00 pm.
There will be a
reception following
this very special
Athletes Recognized at Award Ceremony
All athletes are recognized for their efforts at the
Sports Award Ceremonies held every fall, winter, and
spring. The Spring Sports Award ceremony was held
on May 30, 2012. The following is a summation of
the spring teams’ seasons and winners of special
The JV Soccer team finished their season with an
overall record of 8-8. 59% of the team were Scholar
Athletes with an average GPA of 3.28. Individual
awards were received by Eden Warda (MVP),
Sophia Cozzoni (MIP), Devon Bavery (Most Dedicated), Kelsey McKeeby (Coaches Award), and
Katie Fitzpatrick (Spirit Award).
p Varsity Soccer won their 4th straight
Regional title!
The Varsity Soccer team finished their season with
an overall record of 18-6, and 7-2 in the SCC. The
team won their fourth consecutive Class 2A Regional
title and advanced to the Sectional final. 82% of the
team were Scholar Athletes with an average GPA of
3.40. Individual Awards were won by Courtney Bila
(MVP), Stephanie Ebert (MIP), Kallie Renfus
(Most Dedicated), Haley Kilbride (Coaches Award),
and Maddie Heinen (Spirit Award). Courtney Bila
was named All Sectional and Lauren Frasca and
Quincy Kellett were named All-Area. The following
girls were named Academic All-Conference: Courtney Bila, Smantha Duarte, Megan Fitzpatrick,
Haley Kilbride, Emily Martin, Molly Piech, Kallie
Renfus, and Allison Stephans. In addition, Courtney Bila, Taylor Gibson, Kaitlin Johnson, and
Molly Piech were named All-Conference.
The Frosh/Soph Softball team finished their season
with an overall record of 17-8. The team placed 2nd
in the SCC with a record of 8-2. Individual awards
were received by Reannon Overby (MVP & Hitting
Champ), Peyton Hyatt (MIP), Morgan Nickels
(Most Dedicated), Elayne Young (Coaches Award),
and Paige Bjork (Golden Glove).
The Varsity Softball team finished the season with
an overall record of 13-23-1. The team placed 4th in
the SCC with a record of 9-7. 71% of the team were
Scholar Athletes with an average GPA of 3.17. Individual awards were received by Cara Smoczynski
(MVP), Katherine Witte (MIP), Maddie Hemmerich (Most Dedicated), Samantha Phelps
(Coaches Award & Hitting Champ), and Lauren
Murray (Golden Glove). The following girls were
named Academic All-Conference: Kelsey Arnold,
Lauren Murray, and Cara Smoczynski. In addition,
Samantha Phelps, Cara Smoczynski, and Ariana
Stone were named All-Conference.
Rosary’s Track team ended their season by taking
third place in the SCC and setting two new school
records! The 4x200 Relay team of Sydney
Zaragoza, Molly Stefanski, Grace Petry, and
Megan Conlin were State Qualifiers and set a new
school record with a time of 1:44.70. The 4x800
Relay team of Emily Bakala, Amelia Anderson,
Abby Hammer, and Kara Kalisz also set a new
school record with a time of 9:42.00. 80% of the
team were Scholar Athletes with an average GPA of
3.41. Individual awards were received by Abby
Hammer (John Bryan Outstanding Track Athlete),
Kara Kalisz (MI Distance Runner), Kristyna Perillo
(MI Sprinter), Gina Kilbride (MI Thrower), Nicole
Basile (MI Jumper), Molly Stefanski (MI Newcomer), Helen Offerman and Megan Conlin (Most
Dedicated), and the Coaches Award went to Sydney
Zaragoza, Jessica Suchaczewski, Courtney Cox,
and Grace Petry. The following girls were named
Academic All-Conference: Amelia Anderson, Emily
Bakala, Jill Bottarini, Megan Conlin, Cara Cox,
Anne Duhig, Nelson Jenig, Gina Kilbride,
Siobhan Midgley, Helen Offerman, and Jessica
Suchaczewski. In addition, Amelia Anderson,
Emily Bakala, Megan Conlin, Abby Hammer,
Kara Kalisz, Grace Petry, Molly Stefanski, and
Sydney Zaragoza were named All-Conference.
t Sydney
Zaragoza, a
member of
the State
4x200 Relay
Team, helps
her team set a
new school
2011-2012 Veritas Society Members Recognized
The Annual Veritas Society Eucharistic Liturgy and Recognition
Brunch was held in Rosary’s McEnroe Auditorium on Sunday April
29, 2012. This special mass was celebrated by the Abbot Vincent
Bataille, O.S.B. of Marmion Academy, Rosary Students- Angela
Wrona, Class of 2014 (altar server), Abby Hammer, Class of 2014 (First
Reading), Anna Ward, Class of 2014 (Second Reading and General Intercessions), and Taylor Gibson, Class of 2013, Dominican Preacher
(amazing Reflection on St. Catherine of Siena). This very special mass
of thanks celebrated on the Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena was attended by 70 Veritas Society members.
The Veritas Society enables the Dominican Sisters of Springfield to
give well deserved recognition to the many friends of Rosary High
School who have shown outstanding financial support for the growth
and direction of Rosary’s spiritual and educational goals through the
Annual Appeal. Five New Life Members were honored with a unique
hand carved rose and a colored nameplate on Rosary’s beautiful Verip Sr. Francene thanks the Veritas
tas Donor Tree. Life Members are individual or couples whose cumuMembers for investing in the
lative annual appeal gifts to Rosary total $10,000.00 or more. The New
mission of Rosary High School.
Life Members are: Robert & Sheila (Hughes ’78) Fitzsimmons,
James A. & Christine M. Kukla, Mr. & Mrs. John McKay and Ms. Lee Ann McKay ’82, Calvin & Ann
Miller, and Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Liesen.
Four previous Lifetime Veritas Members were honored for their ongoing support of Rosary: Manuel & Wanda
Garcia, Judge & Mrs. William Hart, and Mrs. Ingrid O’Brien who moved from the Emerald Level of Giving
($10,000 - $24,999) to the Silver Level ($25,000 - $49,999). Ms. Andrea Billhardt was honored for moving
from the Silver Level to the Gold Level ($50,000- $99,999).
Sixteen New Veritas Members were also honored with a Certificate of Membership. These new members donated $1,000.00 or more to the Annual Appeal during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. They are: Jon & Alison Black,
Mr. James Coxworth, Mary Ann (Witt ’82) Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Glanville, Ms. Kim Jesseman,
Andrew & Mary Ann Konovodoff, Brian & Beth Lawinger, Deb & Joe Marovich, Bradley & Cathleen
Downs McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Binh Pho, Mrs. Kathleen (Hartnett ’72) Roe, James & Donna Shaw,
Mr. Aubrey Allen Thompson, Michael & Mary Ann Wangler, E.J. & Becky Ward, and Amy (Meyer ’87) Winter.
All Veritas Annual Members who donate $1,000.00 or more to the Annual Appeal during the fiscal year are
recognized on a written parchment scroll encased in a beautiful oak frame on the wall next to the Veritas Tree.
q (pictured left to right)
New Veritas Life Members Ms. Lee Ann McKay
’82, Mrs. Donna & Mr.
John McKay with
Sr. Barbara Blesse, O.P.
Sr. Francene Harbauer, O.P. (Director of Advancement) and
Mrs. Diann Witte (Director of Development), thanked the Veritas Members for their extraordinary generosity and for investing in the mission of Rosary High School.
Rosary wishes to gratefully acknowledge all those 2011-2012
Veritas and Life Members who attended the Veritas Mass. We
would also like to thank accompanist: Mrs. Mary Thompson,
cantors: Mrs. Pat Doctor and Mr. Christopher Clementz. Special
thanks to Reuland’s Food Service for catering the delicious
brunch, Sr. Colette Barker, O.P. and Mrs. Diann Witte for their
work on the programs and Mrs. Debbie Olson for taking digital
A complete list of all donors to the 2011-2012 Annual Appeal
will be available in the August 2012 Annual Report.
“Put the Nuns in Charge!” is Coming to Rosary
Direct from the Royal George Theater in Chicago, Rosary High School proudly welcomes:
Chic f the best
ago t
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Pione ater.”
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“Sha humane e
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Come help us continue Rosary’s 50th anniversary celebration with a comedic look back at Catholic education.
Written by Vicki Quade, the creator and co-author of Late Nite Catechism, Put the NUNS in Charge! is a onewoman, interactive comedy, whose title says it all: just when you thought it was safe to go back into the classroom,
Mother Superior shows up!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Rosary High School Auditorium
Show time 7 pm ~ Bar opens at 6 pm
$25 per person in advance ($30 at the door)
Purchase tickets online at
Quade created the character of Sister, the nun with no name, expanding the idea into the comedy wonder, Late
Nite Catechism. The show has been running in Chicago since 1993, and turned into a national and international
hit, with productions in more than 150 cities Put the NUNS in Charge! opened in 2005 at the Royal George
Theatre in Chicago and is still going strong. Featuring the character of Mother Superior, the Donald Trump of
her order, this comedy receives kudos wherever it goes.
Quade calls the show “a funny refresher course in a modern look at the Golden Rule. Mother Superior is in charge
and she has her own opinions on just about everything, from the shade of your lipstick to the iPod in your pocket.”
Grab a group of family and friends and come join us.
You’ll be glad you did!
12th Annual Road Scholar 5k Run/Walk
One hundred seventy runners and walkers of all ages
registered to take part in the 12th Annual Road Scholars Run/Walk on a warm Sunday morning on May
20th, 2012.
A big thank you to all the hard working alumnae,
Rosary faculty and staff, current students and volunteers for the Road Scholars 5k Run/Walk. Your help
was much appreciated.
Sponsorship is the key to the fund raising part of the
race. Proceeds from the race are used to support the
Sr. Mary Joseph Scholarship Fund.
p Rosary alumnae
Special thanks to Mary Lou Kunold for all her help
and support, set up and take down.
Janet Nickels ’79 (left)
and Mary Jo (Rippinger) Dire ’79 (right)
were two of the many
alumnae that participated in this year’s 5K.
This year’s sponsors were:
Gold Sponsors: American Sportswear
Silver Sponsors: Flynn & O’Hara, Fox River Foods,
Lumberman’s Wholesale, Inc., Physical Therapy Advantage, Servant Financial, Ltd., and Sikich LLP
t The race is on!
Bronze Sponsors: Anonymous, Colleen & Ed Evert,
Konen Insurance Agency, Charles & Joanne (Georgacopoulos ’91) Sleezer, and John & Diann (Brendli ’78)
Gift Bag Sponsors: American Sportswear, Plano
Molding, and Dr. John Heilemeier (Wal-Mart Vision)
Food Sponsors: Dasani Water, Panera Bread, Prisco’s
Fine Foods, and Starbucks
In kind donations: A Balloon Creation, Print Perfect,
and Rosary Sports Boosters
Mark your calendars for the
13th Annual Road Scholar Run/Walk
on May 19, 2013!
u RHS Track &
Cross Country Coach
Vic Mead cheers on the
5K participants.
q 2012 volunteer road
marshals Mary & Larry
Rakunas, their daughter
Jill (Rakunas) Niemi ’91,
and grandson Ethan
pose for a photo with
Sr. Patricia.
Full 2012 race results
are available
on Rosary’s website
Check out our website at and
go to the
drop down box.
R Keep up with Alumnae events!
R Email your
news to us!
R Change your name,
address, phone, and
email information!
Don’t forget that the
Alumnae Association
website is continually
updated with new
Alumnae in the News
Emily Reuland - RHS 2010 Graduate
Bowling Green State
University tennis standout Emily Reuland
was named the MidAmerican Conference
Player of the Week
(April 9-15, 2012).
Reuland, a sophomore,
earns the honor for the
first time in her Falcon
career. Additionally,
Reuland has been
named the MAC's Female Scholar Athlete of the Week (April 2-8, 2012),
also for the first time.
On the season, Reuland is 21-8 in singles play and 227 in doubles. With a 43-15 overall record this season,
she leads the Falcons in singles wins, doubles victories
and overall wins. Reuland has topped her win total for
all of last year (40-21), and her 2011-12 total of 43
combined wins ranks among the top-15 in school history, as does her total of 22 doubles victories. Just a
sophomore, she is only nine wins away from moving
into the BGSU top-25 on the career overall wins list,
with 83 victories as a Falcon to date.
In the classroom, Reuland has a 3.93 cumulative
grade-point average as an exercise science major. She
shares this week's MAC S-A-O-W award with Toledo
track and field athlete Emma Kertesz.
The MAC Scholar-Athlete-of-the-Week honor is presented to a MAC male and female student-athlete who
has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and performs
well during the week's competition. The winners are
selected by a group of the conference's faculty athletic
Evie Wippich - RHS 2010 Graduate
Evie Wippich is a sophomore block observer at Notre
Dame Academy this semester. Her ultimate aim is to
graduate from St. Norbert College and teach high
school English.
Ms. Wippich was inspired by teachers that she has had
in previous high school years. She says that they are a
strong reason she has come to love education, and why
she wants to be a teacher. “I had some really awesome
English teachers in high school. They were fun, not
messing around,” Wippich said. “They have really inspired me to want to become a teacher.”
One teacher in particular, Mrs. Erickson at Rosary
High School, she remembers and can still look at and
admire. “Mrs. Erickson retired one year after I graduated. She always cared about her students, and it was
much more than just teaching,” Wippich explained. “It
was a place where we all felt comfortable, safe, she
wanted to help us and she showed her enthusiasm.”
This has led Ms. Wippich to want to teach at a high
school level. “I don’t want to have to teach all of the
subjects in middle school because I would really like
to focus on English. I also really like the age and the
fun atmosphere the students bring at a high school
level,” she said.
At Notre Dame, she is assisting Mrs. Carolyn Brown
in English for the St. Norbert’s program. “Mrs. Brown
is really cool. She connects with the students and has
fun with them,” Ms. Wippich said. Mrs. Brown also
admires Ms. Wippich and is excited to have her help
in the classroom. Mrs. Brown also thinks that because
of her passion for English and students, it is obvious
she will make an excellent teacher one day.
“She is very confident which makes her very helpful
and useful,” Mrs. Brown explains. “Her personality is
one of her best assets, and she has a good sense of self.
Sometimes I get teachers who are scared, but she is
not scared. And the kids really enjoy her. She is going
to make a great teacher.”
“She will be the best teacher the world has ever seen,”
junior MaryRose Olsen said. “She is a lovely young
woman. She already won the golden apple in my
mind,” junior Cameron Bain said.
p Reuland returns a shot during her win over
Valparaiso (photo by Brandon Heiss)
“I told her college adviser that she is probably the best
that St. Norbert has given me for a sophomore block
student. I look forward to following her career,” added
Mrs. Brown.
Join us as we celebrate 50 years of educationg women!
All-School Reunion Weekend
Tickets and reservations for all events being held during the All-School Reunion Weekend are available
on the Rosary website at or call 630-896-0831 ext. 19.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Family Movie Night
6 p.m. pre-movie activities
Coloring – singing – family fun! Get your family picture taken! Children (and adults, if you wish) dress as
your favorite character and compete in our costume contest! Tours of the school will be available.
6:30 p.m. movie
Bring your friends, children and grandchildren to the Rosary Auditorium to watch our
interactive movie (title to be announced) and participate in our sing-a-long with the movie.
Donation of $5.00 per person is suggested. RSVP requested.
$1/scoop “make your own sundae” ice cream bar will be available for purchase after the movie.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Alumnae Luncheon
12 noon in the Rosary Library
Join us for a fun afternoon. Wine and appetizers are being served at noon. Enjoy a wonderful buffet luncheon
at 1 p.m. School tours, door prizes, “Rosary Movie” from 25 years ago and more. Call your classmates – you
won’t want to miss this! $20.00 per person. RSVP by Saturday, Nov. 10th. Tables reserved by classes.
Celebrating “50 Years of Dances” at Rosary
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
Old fashioned adult sock hop on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at the Rosary Gym.
Empty Can Band will be performing from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (
Marmion alumna are invited to attend. This evening event will also be open to the public.
$10.00 per person in advance ($12.50 per person at the door).
Beer and wine will be sold. (Bring your ID – we will be checking!) No outside food or beverage.
Be prepared to check your shoes at the door - no shoes allowed on gym floor!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Remembrance Mass
9:30 a.m. in Rosary’s McEnroe Auditorium
Rosary High School Alumnae Association cordially invites you to join us for a Remembrance Mass for
Rosary’s deceased alumnae and deceased family members of our current Rosary faculty, staff and students.
Please feel free to extend an invitation to other family members. A continental breakfast will be served
afterwards in the school cafeteria. We hope you and your family are able to join us.
For a complete list of the deceased alumnae we will be honoring and to RSVP for this event, please go to
If we have missed any alumnae who have passed away, please contact the Alumnae Office
at (630) 896-0831 ext. 19 or email with the following information:
maiden name, married name, graduation year, date of death, a contact name and phone number.
Class News and Notes
lyNNE M. (dOdSON)
Class of 1968
lynne passed away
on May 12, 2012
All Classes: Please email Debbie
Olson at
to include your information in the
Rosary Review Magazine – fall
edition. Make sure you mark it
“include in newsletter/web site.”
We would like to hear what’s happening in your lives. Pictures (that
include alumna) are accepted and
will be included in the Rosary
Newsletter as space allows.
Class of 1971
Please remember her
family and friends
in your prayers.
Class of 1976
darlene passed away
on January 4, 2012
Please remember her
family and friends
in your prayers.
Photo courtesy of St. Mary’s Univ.
Dr. Mary Catherine Fox, professor of interdisciplinary studies at
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, was chosen as this year’s
Distinguished Lasallian Educator.
Dr. Fox’s nomination noted her
exceptional service to and involvement in local, regional national and international Lasallian
efforts, and her dedication to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level.
Class of 1992
Julie (Ziman) Jones is a stay-athome mom to 3 boys: a 3 year old
and 19 month old twins. Julie and
her husband, Brian live in Aurora.
Class of 1994
Laura Weiler, a public defender
in Chicago, received the 2012
James B. Haddad Award in recognition of her high-quality advocacy and significant contributions
to the improvement of the justice
system. Laura recently celebrated
her 10th anniversary as a public
defender and also teaches at DePaul University’s College of Law.
Class of 1995
Jaime Bowen Spaeth and her
husband, Alex announce the birth
of their daughter, Amelia Jane
Spaeth on 2/15/12, weighing
7 lbs. 8oz. and 20 inches long. She
joins her siblings Taylor (12) and
Rory (9) in the family home in
Aurora. Jamie is a dental hygienist
and Alex is an air traffic controller.
Class of 1998
Christine Dawson was married
on April 14, 2012 to Eric Cavanaugh at St. Rita of Cascia in
Aurora. Christine's two sisters
Debra White (Dawson ’95) was
the Matron of Honor and Elizabeth Dawson (’98) was the Maid
of Honor.
Amy Dunn Johnson sent in an
email update. “The Johnson’s are
moving to Sugar Grove. We have
purchased a house for our growing
family. Can’t wait to put our finishing touches on our new house.”
Class of 2000
Melanie Boroski Brown and her
husband, Eric welcomed their second son, Cameron Nicholas on
9/30/11. Cameron joins his older
brother Devon Matthew (almost
3yrs old)! The family is in Lake in
the Hills, IL and is doing great.
State University with a bachelor’s
degree in Business and Management. He is employed as an Assistant Vice President for Bank of
America in Dearborn, MI.
Class of 2003
Jane Hill graduated in May from
the University of Illinois College
of Veterinary Medicine. She married Edgar Pek on 6/2/12.
Laura Schaefer is engaged to
marry Adam James on 6/23/12 at
Holy Angels Church in Aurora.
Laura graduated from Aurora University with a degree in Elementary Education. She is a fourth
grade teacher at St. Mary School
in Plano. Adam graduated from
Southern Illinois University with
a degree in Recreation Management. He is an assistant manager
for Walgreens.
Class of 2004
Megan Hartranft graduated with
distinction from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Eshelman School of Pharmacy on
5/12/12. She will be continuing
her training as a pharmacy practice resident at University of
Michigan Hospitals beginning in
Rebekah (Wildy) Pircon and her
husband, Brian welcomed their
son, Noah William on 4/20/12.
Noah weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was
21 inches long. He joins his
siblings Adam (almost 4) and
Ainsley (2).
Class of 2002
Brittany Richmond married
Nicholas Lopez on 5/19/12 at Assumption Catholic Church in
Chicago. Brittany attended the
University of IL at Chicago. She
is employed as a Banking Center
Manager for Bank of America in
Walled Lake, MI. Nicholas is a
2004 graduate of Sam Houston
Katie Shay (above) earned her
Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center on
5/20/12. She is currently working
as a Legal and Policy Associate at
the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable, an NGO
Class News and Notes (continued)
that promotes laws, policies, and
legal precedents to ensure corporate accountability with regard to
human rights and environmental
Class of 2005
Rachel Hartmann has been hired
as the new Head Varsity Volleyball Coach at Rosary High School.
Read the complete story on pg. 8.
Katie Hartranft graduated with a
Master's Degree in Higher Education Administration and Student
Personnel from Kent State University. She is working as a Chapter Services Coordinator for
Kappa Delta Sorority Headquarters in Memphis, TN.
Natalie Hill graduated Summa
Cum Laude from Southern Illinois
University in May of 2010 with
her bachelor’s degree in Dental
Hygiene. She is married to Roger
Howard, Marmion class of 2005.
They reside in Colorado Springs,
Class of 2006
(’06), Kalea Middendorf (’06) and
Katherine Schuler (’10).
Class of 2007
Jennifer Stahl graduated from
Iowa State University in Ames,
Iowa, in December 2011, with a
Bachelor's degree in Elementary
Education with a specialization in
Math. She is teaching 7th Grade
Math, in North West Iowa, at
Storm Lake Middle School.
Class of 2010
See “Alumnae in the News” on
page 16 for updates on Emily
Reuland and Evie Wippich.
Class of 2011
Ali Keenum made the Dean's List
Fall 2011 at Miami University Oxford, OH.
is the first female participant of
the First Tee of Aurora & Fox
River Valley to play golf at the
college level. Rachel is a summer
staff instructor who loves to give
back and work with the younger
students. “Rachel has a great opportunity as a coach to impact
many younger participants, especially the young ladies involved in
our program,” noted Dan Abella,
Executive Director. “As a father of
three girls, I would love to see
more females involved in our program each year. Many people do
not realize this, but often times
college golf scholarships go unused, because there is a shortage
of female players at that level. I
hope to see many more follow
Rachel’s lead in the years to
Sign up for the
Monthly Online
by emailing
Put “Email me the
monthly newsletter”
in the subject line
Rachel Phipps is completed her
first year on the North Central
College Women’s golf team. She
Cozy Christmas
Clothing Drive
November 15-November 30
Kathleen Cruger (above) married Dr. David Schuler on 4/13/12
at The Abbington in Glen Ellyn,
IL. Kathleen attended Illinois
State University and is employed
as a Student Services Specialist.
David is a 2005 Aurora Central
Catholic High School graduate.
He attended Midwestern University and is employed as a Walgreen’s pharmacist. Kimberly
Cruger (’07) was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids included Bethany
Herwaldt (’06), Lauren Froehlich
The Cozy Christmas Clothing Drive is a Rosary High School Alumnae Service Project. Donations of hats, scarves, gloves, mittens and
socks are collected and donated to the Dominican Literacy Center in
Aurora for Christmas distribution. Won’t you help a needy family
feel a little warmer this Christmas? You can drop off these comfort
items at Rosary High School during school hours. Monetary donations are also accepted for the organization, please make checks
payable to the RHS Alumnae Association.
If you would like to help with this project,
please contact Debbie at
or call 630-896-0831 ext. 19.
We would love to
hear from you!
Email your class
news and notes to: