Salon Bois Energie 2015 report
Salon Bois Energie 2015 report
REPORT NANTES 2015 EXPLORING ENERGY CONVERGENCE Under the over-arching banner TOWARDS ENERGY CONVERGENCE, three international exhibitions - the Salon Bois Energie, Biogaz Europe and Hypac Expo - were tri-staged for the first time in March of this year in Nantes, France. The Salon Bois Energie and Biogaz Europe are both already established leading exhibitions in their own fields and whilst retaining each its respective sectoral focus, the event was this year further broadened by the integration of the inaugural edition of Hypac Expo. Dedicated to hydrogen and fuel cells, Hypac Expo introduced the opportunity for all three sectors (solid biomass, biogas and hydrogen) to explore new frontiers, to forge new links and to sketch-out new possibilities, particularly in the sectoral crossover areas, in the space where energy convergence occurs. In these new frontier territories where current efforts towards energy convergence are already yielding interesting and promising results, the opportunity to innovate is very much an “open space” and a growing number of organizations both big and small, research based or industrially oriented, public or privately funded are already making energy convergence a reality. REPORT 2015 REPORT NANTES 2015 The well-attended conferences bore testimony to this emerging “e n e r g y c o n v e r g e n c e” p i c t u r e and were characterised by their broad international coverage with simultaneous translation. Fascinating visions and perspectives on subjects such as biogas reforming into hydrogen, biological methanation of hydrogen for power-to-gas applications, hydrogen production from cellulosic biomass, fuel cells for wood syngas, fuel cells for biogas… amongst many others were presented to capacity audiences and the exchanges between the panel and floor were both rich and varied. The tri-staging then of these three inter-related events and their emerging sectoral synergies, embodied a conscious will on behalf of the organiser BEES to create an environment to encourage cross-fertilisation of ideas and to provide a looking glass into how some of the different strands in the renewable energy mix could intertwine in the future. Companies with a discreet sectoral focus today, eg wood energy, biogas or hydrogen could tomorrow have a portfolio mix of any two or all three of these - and some already do. Watch this space… Fruitful exchanges - on the exhibition stands and in the busy « International Business Meetings ». BEES – BioEnergie Evénements et Services / BioEnergie Events and Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – Sites web des salons / Events websites : | | REPORT 2015 REPORT NANTES 2015 ZOOM : THE SALON BOIS ENERGIE The Salon Bois Energie 2015 attracted 10 000 visitors (7000 professional and 3000 general public) and 384 exhibitors and represented companies covering the entire wood energy chain from the forest to the flame, from small scale to the industrial level and from domestic to communal heating and co-gen projects. The event enjoyed as every year, a very strong pan-european dimension with exhibitors coming from 20 countries : Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Spain, USA, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Morocco, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland. The exhibition was also characterized by a rich and diverse programme consisting of a series of conferences dedicated to wood energy, outside demonstrations showcasing modern wood fuel production and forestry management, 50 stoves and fireplaces in operation on site, international business meetings, study tours in the local area and more than 50 interviews shot on site during the fours days of the event for The Innovation competition again enabled the movers and shakers of 2015 to present their latest product and service releases and summing it up, the jury remarked upon the trend that, as the sector grows more mature, innovations no longer deal with a specific item of equipment, but are rather combinations of different advanced technologies. Each detail undergoes in-depth study, culminating in the best of available wood energy innovations. A big first this year, enthusiastically welcomed by the jury, was the presence of new wood fuels among the candidates. The full report detailing the results and the jury’s remarks can be found in the Annex. BEES – BioEnergie Evénements et Services / BioEnergie Events and Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – Sites web des salons / Events websites : | | REPORT 2015 REPORT NANTES 2015 LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND REPRESENTED COMPANIES BOIS ENERGIE 5000 PCI FRANCE AALBORG ENERGIE TECHNIK DENMARK ABIBOIS FRANCE ACO ENERGIE FRANCE ACP FRANCE ACTUEL SERVICES LUXEMBOURG ADEME - PAYS DE LA LOIRE FRANCE ADN-BIOMASSE.COM FRANCE ADRENE FRANCE ADVANCE EASY MOVING ITALY ADVANCED CYCLONE SYSTEMS PORTUGAL AEROVAL - DOUBLE FEU FRANCE AFCO FRANCE AFONSO O. COSTA PORTUGAL AGECIC CENTRE DE FORMATION FRANCE AGRI CONSULT INDUSTRIE FRANCE AGRIDUARTE PORTUGAL AGRO FORST & ENERGIETECHNIK AUSTRIA AGRO FORST & ENERGIETECHNIK (VBI) FRANCE ALISAGE FRANCE ALM FRANCE ALPENWOOD FRANCE ALVAN BLANCH UNITED KINGDOM ANDRE TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE ANDRITZ - DIVISION FEED AND BIOFUEL FRANCE ANJOU BOIS ENERGIE FRANCE APISA SPAIN ARADA UNITED KINGDOM AREQUIP FRANCE ASSOCIATION D’INITIATIVES LOCALES POUR L’ENERGIE ET L’ENVIRONNEMENT (AILE) FRANCE ATLANBOIS FRANCE ATMOS FRANCE CHAUDIERES FRANCE ATRITOR UNITED KINGDOM B-ABA ENERGY FRANCE BADGER PELLETS BELGIUM BANDIT FRANCE BBEC FRANCE BCC (BOIS DE CHAUFFAGE DE CORNOUAILLE) FRANCE BEIRENS FRANCE BELL ITALY BEMA FRANCE BENET FINLAND BERKES SPAIN BERROYER FRANCE BERTHOLD FRANCE FRANCE BERTSCHENERGY JOSEF BERTSCH GESELLSCHAFT AUSTRIA BGU GERMANY BHS SONTHOFEN GERMANY BIOCURVE SPAIN BIOENERGIE INTERNATIONAL FRANCE BIOÉNERGIE PROMOTION FRANCE BIOFIRE-SUPERFIRE KAMINE + KACHELOFENBAU AUSTRIA BIOPALE ENGINEERING SARETCO FRANCE BIOSYL FRANCE BIOSYNERGY BELGIUM BIOTECH ENERGIETECHNIK AUSTRIA BIOVALO FRANCE BLANCHARD TP FRANCE BODART & GONAY GEIMAS TRADING LUXEMBOURG BOIS NEGOCE ENERGIE FRANCE BOIS-DE-CHAUFFAGE.NET POELESABOIS.COM FRANCE BORU STOVES IRELAND BOUCHARD FORETS FRANCE BRUNNER GERMANY BS & B SAFETY SYSTEMS IRELAND BUGNOT 55 FRANCE C2AP FRANCE CAIRPOL FRANCE CALIGO INDUSTRIA FINLAND CAMINO DESIGN GRECE CATTIN FILTRATION FRANCE CCI PAYS DE LA LOIRE FRANCE CCM FRANCE FRANCE CERA DESIGN GERMANY CHAMBRES D’AGRICULTURE FRANCE CHEMINEES NICOLAS FRANCE CIBE (COMITE INTERPROFESSIONNEL DU BOIS ENERGIE) FRANCE CIVAM ADEAS 72 FRANCE CIVAM AGRICULTURE DURABLE 49 FRANCE CIVAM DEFIS - RELAIS BOIS-ENERGIE FRANCE COFFEECITY FRANCE COGEBIO FRANCE COGEXYL ENERGY FRANCE FRANCE COLA ITALY COLOR AND FIRE LUXEMBOURG COMAP ITALY COMPTE.R FRANCE CONSEIL RÉGIONAL DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE FRANCE CONTAINERS SERVICE FRANCE COUSTE’ SOLUTIONS FRANCE CPM EUROPE NETHERLAND CPO FRANCE CRÉPITO FRANCE CS THERMOS ITALY CTIF FRANCE CTIL FRANCE CTIO FRANCE CTL ITALY D’ALESSANDRO TERMOMECCANICA ITALY DC ECO HABITAT FRANCE DDG SA BELGIUM DENIS FRANCE DFAE FRANCE DINAK FRANCE DINPLUS FRANCE DIXNEUF FRANCE DMT ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY NETHERLAND DOMUSA SPAIN DOPPSTADT GERMANY DORSET GREEN MACHINES NETHERLAND ECOPOLY (AIRLAT) FRANCE ECOSOLARYS FRANCE ECOSYS FRANCE EFFICAL INGENIERIE FRANCE EGELYS FRANCE EKOGREN POLAND EKOPOWER HEATING IRELAND ELECTRA FRANCE ELEKTROMET POLAND ENERSTENA LITHUNIA ENERXYL FRANCE ENPLUS/PROPELLET FRANCE ENR & DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE MAGAZINE FRANCE ENTREPRENEURS DES TERRITOIRES - FNEDT FRANCE ENVIRONNEMENT FRANCE EO2 FRANCE EOLYS PRODUCTION FRANCE EPO FRANCE EQUIBUCHES FRANCE ESCHLBÖCK-BIBER MASCHINENFABRICK AUSTRIA ESPACE INFO ÉNERGIE 44 (ALISÉE 44) FRANCE ESPRIT SCANDINAVE - RAIS FRANCE ESSE - TK CONSTRUCTIONS FRANCE ETA AUSTRIA ETIA FRANCE EURAGGLO FRANCE EUROP SERVICE INDUSTRIE FRANCE EUROPE FORESTRY NETHERLAND EUROSTOVE FRANCE FARMI FOREST FINLAND FB CHAINES FRANCE FCBA FRANCE FEDERATION DEPARTEMENTALE DES CUMA 53 FRANCE FENNOFRANCE FRANCE FINOPTIM FRANCE FLAM D’OR FRANCE FLAMME VERTE FRANCE FLD FRANCE FLIEGL FRANCE FRANCE FONDIS FRANCE FONTAN TRANSPORTS FRANCE FOREST PIONEER SPAIN FORET MATERIEL SERVICE FRANCE FRANCE BOIS BÛCHE (FBB) FRANCE FRANCE BOIS REGIONS FRANCE FRANCE DISTRIBUTION ENERGIE FRANCE FRIEDLI (VBI) FRANCE FRIEDLI SWITZERLAND FROLING FRANCE FSI-FRANSKAN FRANCE GALLI ALDO ITALY GASCOGNE BOIS FRANCE GEMS WASTE TECHNOLOGY NETHERLAND GF SERVICES FRANCE GIRAUD ET FILS FRANCE GMG FRANCE GRANULENERGIE FRANCE GRD THERMIQUE FRANCE GRECON FRANCE FRANCE GTS SYNGAS ITALY GUNTAMATIC FRANCE HAAS+SOHN FRANCE HABITAT NATUREL FRANCE HANTSCH FRANCE HARGASSNER FRANCE FRANCE HEIZOMAT GERMANY HERA HOLDING SPAIN HERDER NETHERLAND HERVE THERMIQUE FRANCE HERZ ENERGIETECHNIK AUSTRIA HOBEN FRANCE HOLDING VERTE FRANCE HORUS ITALY HOST FRANCE FRANCE HS FRANCE FRANCE INCOMAC ITALY INNOVATIONS ET PAYSAGE FRANCE INSTALLATIONS PERREAULT FRANCE INTERFLEX FRANCE INTERMERCATO FRANCE FRANCE ISEO FRANCE ISOPLUS FRANCE FRANCE JAPA FINLAND JEGG ENERGIE FRANCE JENZ FRANCE JEREMIAS CHIMNEY SYSTEMS GERMANY JIDE BELGIUM JO BEAU BELGIUM JOHN DEERE FRANCE KABLITZ & MITTHOF GERMANY KABLITZ & MITTHOF (VBI) FRANCE KALLFASS (VBI) FRANCE KBF BIOENERGIE FRANCE FRANCE KERALPEN ALGA ITALY KLOVER FRANCE KOMPTECH AUSTRIA KWB FRANCE FRANCE LA CASTELLAMONTE ITALY LA CENTRALE DES RAMONEURS FRANCE LA CROIX NOBLE FRANCE LA FORÊT PRIVEE FRANCE LA MAISON ECOLOGIQUE FRANCE LAMINOX SRL ITALY LASCO AUSTRIA L’ATRIER D’IROISE FRANCE LE BOIS INTERNATIONAL FRANCE LE JOURNAL DES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES FRANCE LEDJO ENERGIE FRANCE LEMARCHEDUBOIS.COM FRANCE LEROUX & LOTZ TECHNOLOGIES FRANCE LIFHT FRANCE LIGNO AUSTRIA LINDNER & SOMMERAUER FRANCE LINDNER WOOD SHREDDERS AUSTRIA LMK ENERGY FRANCE LOGSTOR FRANCE FRANCE LORFLAM FRANCE LOUISE BELGIUM LSOLÉ SPAIN Looking to filter by activity group ? Do it online by clicking « Exhibitor List 2015 » on : LURA - COVERALL FRANCE MAASELAN KONE HAKKI PILKE FINLAND MAGUIN FRANCE MAGYAR FRANCE MAL FRANCE MANUFACTURE À BESANÇON FRANCE MARKUSSON FRANCE FRANCE MARTIN HIEMSTRA FRANCE MARY AGRI FRANCE MASCUS FRANCE FRANCE MATERIEL FORESTIER ASTIC FRANCE MAUFFREY GROUPE FRANCE MAXWALD AUSTRIA MCR TRADING LUXEMBOURG MCZ ITALY MENDIP STOVE FRANCE METAL AGRICOLA FRANCE METMANN SPAIN METROPOLE BIOMASS ENERGY (MBE) FRANCE MICROFLEX BELGIUM BELGIUM MISSION BOCAGE FRANCE MJR DESIGN FRANCE MORTELECQUE FRANCE NANTES MÉTROPOLE FRANCE NASS&WIND BOIS ENERGIE FRANCE N-CIMC FRANCE NEWECO-TEC VERFAHRENS GERMANY NEXAIR FRANCE NIDAL FRANCE NIELSEN A/S DENMARK NOREMAT FRANCE NOUVENE FRANCE NOVALIA SINERGIE SL SPAIN NOVINTISS FRANCE OFFICE NATIONAL DES FORETS FRANCE OKOFEN FRANCE FRANCE OMA ITALY OPOP FRANCE FRANCE ORANIER HEIZTECHNIK FRANCE OTI INDUSTRIE FRANCE OUEST-FRANCE FRANCE OXYGIS BELGIUM PALAZZETTI LELIO ITALY PAWERT (VBI) FRANCE PCME UNITED KINGDOM PEFC OUEST FRANCE PELLETS ASTURIAS SPAIN PEZZOLATO FRANCE PFEIFER TIMBER AUSTRIA PHENIX ROUSIES INDUSTRIES FRANCE PHILTEC SYSTEME FRANCE PILKEMASTER / AGROMASTER FINLAND PINOSA ITALY PIVETEAU BOIS FRANCE PLANETE TERRE FRANCE POELES ANIMO FRANCE FRANCE POLYTECHNIK FRANCE POSCH AUSTRIA POUJOULAT FRANCE PRATI’BÛCHES FRANCE PRIMULTINI (VBI) FRANCE PRIVE FRANCE PROMILL STOLZ FRANCE PROPELLET FRANCE FRANCE PUTZMAUS (VBI) FRANCE QUALIT’ENR / QUALI’BOIS FRANCE RABAUD FRANCE RAGT ENERGIE FRANCE RBM (REVALORISATION BOIS MATIERE) FRANCE RED FRANCE RENEWA FINLAND RIKA FRANCE FRANCE RISA / VERMEER FRANCE FRANCE ROMANET FRANCE RUF GERMANY S3D - SOLUTIONS DÉCHETS ET DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE FRANCE SAALASTI FINLAND SÄÄTÖTULI FINLAND SABE FRANCE BEES – BioEnergie Evénements et Services / BioEnergie Events and Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – Sites web des salons / Events websites : | | SAELEN - HEIZOMAT FRANCE SALVATO MAURO ITALY SAMEC (VBI) FRANCE SB THERMIQUE FRANCE SBI - STOVE BUILDER INTERNATIONAL CANADA SCHELLINGER FRANCE FRANCE SCHELLINGER GERMANY SCHEUCH AUSTRIA SCOLARI ITALY SECAL ITALY SE-CHAUFFER-AU-BOIS.COM FRANCE SEGUIN DUTERIEZ FRANCE SELFCLIMAT MORVAN FRANCE SERA FRANCE SERRA FRANCE FRANCE SHT LOHBERGER AUSTRIA SKAMOL A/S DENMARK SKIA DESIGN SUD OUEST BELGIUM SMEF FRANCE SMET LOCATION BELGIUM SOCIETE NOUVELLE MUSSY MOROCCO SOCOR FRANCE SOLUFLAM - AMBIANCES FLAMMES FRANCE SOMTP ENVIRONNEMENT FRANCE SOTEN FRANCE SPIE OUEST-CENTRE FRANCE STELA (VBI) FRANCE STOVE ITALY ITALY SUGIMAT SPAIN SWISS COMBI W.KUNZ DRYTEC SWITZERLAND SYDELIS FRANCE SYSTÈME WOLF FRANCE TERMATECH DENMARK TERRENDIS FRANCE FRANCE THERMOROSSI FRANCE TIGR FRANCE TONWERK LAUSEN SWITZERLAND TORBEL PORTUGAL TOUTABRI - RICHEL GROUP FRANCE TRANSMANUT FRANCE TTL FRANCE FRANCE TULIKIVI FINLAND UD CUMA 72 FRANCE ULMA AB SWEDEN UNICONFORT ITALY UNION CUMA VENDEE FRANCE UNISYLVA FRANCE UNIVERSITY OF KASSEL (WITZENHAUSEN) GERMANY UPONOR FRANCE FRANCE URBAS MASCHINENFABRIK AUSTRIA VALMET TECHNOLOGIES FINLAND VBI VINCENT BLEESZ INTERNATIONAL FRANCE VERCOM SARL LUVAIN FRANCE VERMEER UNITED STATES VERPELLET FRANCE VIESSMANN INDUSTRIE FRANCE VYNCKE N.V. BELGIUM VYROSA FRANCE W41TP FRANCE WATTS INSULATION BELGIUM WEISS FRANCE FRANCE WELLINK CAESAR NETHERLAND WESTFIRE DENMARK WESTTECH MASCHINENBAU AUSTRIA WEYA FRANCE WICOTEK FRANCE WINDHAGER CHAUFFAGE CENTRAL FRANCE WOOD MIZER UNITED STATES WOODSTOCK BOIS ENERGIE FRANCE YANIGAV FRANCE ZENO (VBI) FRANCE ZM-TECHNIQUE POUR BOIS SWITZERLAND REPORT 2015 | 7 ANNEX RESULTS The 2015 Innovation Competition Jury, co-chaired by Ms. Laura PAIS and Ms. Annick Fabbi, preselected eleven candidates out of twenty two applications, which were then visited during the first day of the Exhibition, on Thursday 19th March 2015. SUMMING IT UP... the two co-chairwomen praised the ever growing quality of all applications sub- mitted. As time passes, the Jury notices the sector grows more mature and innovations no longer deal with a specific item of equipment, but are rather combinations of different advanced technologies. Each detail undergoes in-depth study, culminating in the best of available wood energy innovations! A big first this year, enthusiastically welcomed by the jury, is the presence of new wood fuels among the candidates! Following the visits to the applicants’ stands and the technical presentation of the eleven preselected candidates, the Jury awarded ten prizes: four «Bois Energie d’Or» and seven «Bois Energie d’Argent». About the Jury The Jury consisted of: • Annick FABBI, ACoordinator of the Wood Energy Plan for the Cantal county since 2000, copresident of the «animation» commission at CIBE, Co-chairwoman of the 2015 Jury • Laura PAIS, Regional wood energy animator at Atlanbois, Co-chairwoman of the 2015 Jury • Xavier COLIN, Chief Editor of Granulenergie, Engineer at IDEX • Gwenola DOARE, Chief Editor of Habitat Naturel • Jeremy HUGUES DIT CILES, Journalist, author, director specialised in renewable energies, with a focus on wood • Jean-Pierre TACHET, Technical Advisor at CIBE Watch the videos of the winners on : organiser BEES – BioEnergie Events and Services | BioEnergie Evénements et Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – The events websites : | | Bois Energie 2015 | 1 RESULTS OF THE 2015 INNOVATION COMPETITION expo 2015 Category 1 Wood fuel supply chain Bois Energie d’OR INNOVATIONS ET PAYSAGES Bûcheuse GTM Simple and autonomous machine, which cuts logs under 8cm of diameter, into 5 to 10cm long sections, and wraps them into 50L bags. This machine thus allows utilisation of small diameter pruning wood as wood fuel, and extends the wood energy sector to the whole landscaping sector, which usually doesn’t produce enough wood to be of interest for boilers. Simple and adaptable device, with a low investment cost and a quick return on investment, even for a small company. It can also produce fuel adapted for mass stoves (small sections and all wood species), cook stoves and baking ovens ; niche markets, not to be overlooked ! Bois Energie d’ARGENT Akséa– Equibuche Compressed log, made from the wood chip stable litter of breeding horses. This material, until now unexploited, is recycled, transformed and commercialised as compressed logs and can be used in any kind of wood heating equipments: stoves, closed fireplaces, cookstoves, and boilers. This is an efficient fuel which reaches a calorific value of 4.25 kWh/kg. The potential is large as France hosts 950 000 horses in stud farms. The «Equibuches» is an ecological fuel, which diversifies our energy sources and turns waste into a valuable fuel. Bois Energie d’ARGENT Egelys– Coffeecity Pellets made from coffee grounds and packing wood, to be used by households, and the collective and industry sectors. Coffee grounds are an insufficiently used resource and its potential is significant as coffee consumption in France is estimated at 400 000t per year. The Coffeecity pellet can be packed into 15kg bags, in big bags or even in bulk for boilers with a storage silo. This pellet is compatible with many boilers, and stoves equipped with a de-ashing system. The composition of the pellet meets the performance requirements of the regulations. organiser BEES – BioEnergie Events and Services | BioEnergie Evénements et Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – The events websites : | | Bois Energie 2015 | 2 RESULTS OF THE 2015 INNOVATION COMPETITION expo 2015 Category 2 Central wood heating for the domestic sector Bois Energie d’OR Ökofen – Pellematic Condens The most efficient wood pellet condensing boiler of the market, with 107.3% efficiency in condensing mode and 98.7% without condensing. The heating unit and stainless steel heat exchanger allow condensing inside the boiler, and a real modulating temperature starting at 28°C. The mechanical cleaning and rinsing of exchangers guarantee an optimal and maintenance free operation, even when the boiler does not condense. The Pellematic Condens targets the domestic boiler market, from 10 to 18 kW. It can be installed in all buildings, without buffer storage tanks and without worrying whether the boiler condenses or not. Easy to install, lightweight and compact. Moreover, its pollutant emissions are very low, and in line with the regulations. Bois Energie d’OR Hargassner – NanoPK Pellet boiler from 6 to 12 kW, combining all the Hargassner technology into a compact product adapted to the RT 2012 building standard. Its integration is very easy, including in the kitchen, with its access from the front (connections are on the top). Its power consumption has been further optimised since the already frugal Eco HK. With this innovation, the automated wood energy boiler becomes a new member in the family of domestic appliances, next to the washing machine and the refrigerator! Bois Energie d’ARGENT Biocurve – BCH First pellet condensing boiler equipped with a spiral exchanger. This design provides a larger exchange surface area, and creates a turbulent flow without auxiliary equipments. Its efficiency thus reaches 103%. Constant monitoring of combustion together with cooling of flue gas bring down particle emissions to 13 mg/Nm3. Condensing in the heating unit allows for more compact and lighter equipments. The boiler is available for a range of 25 to 100 kW, thus targeting small tertiary activities or buildings. organiser BEES – BioEnergie Events and Services | BioEnergie Evénements et Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – The events websites : | | Bois Energie 2015 | 3 RESULTS OF THE 2015 INNOVATION COMPETITION expo 2015 Category 3 Localised wood heating for the domestic sector Bois Energie d’OR Palazzetti – Multifire Idro NT Hybrid log & pellet fireplace, which can be plugged to a heating network (from 10 to 14 kW for the «air version», 15kW to 22kW for the «hydro» version). It integrates the efficient Palazzetti filtering system, and is also equipped with an autocleaning device working each time the fuel is recharged. A very wide offer in terms of design will suit most decoration needs. Bois Energie d’ARGENT FINOPTIM – Insert Ouvert Finoptim offers a solution, which greatly reduces harmful emissions, while increasing efficiency and still keeping an existing open fireplace. The product line consists of two models of open fireplaces, 60 to 100cm wide. With the «insert-ouvert», efficiency jumps from 10% to 45%. This increase is a consequence of the heat transfer system, which burns most unburnt gases leaving the fire. Moreover, a heat recovery system stores the energy produced by the fire and gives it back to the house. Pollutant emissions are cut by 80%: the CO goes from 1% to 0.145% and fine particles from 1000 to 115,5 mg/Nm3. This technology thus improves air quality, especially in urban and periurban areas. Bois Energie d’ARGENT CS Thermos (représentéparJEGGEnergie) Cippatina First stove on the market able to burn wood chips (very dry and fine calibrated wood chips, of type P16A), with an adapted feeding device and a rotary furnace. This stove can also operate on wood pellets. This stove offers an interesting alternative to hybrid log / pellet stoves, with a fully automated wood fuel supply. organiser BEES – BioEnergie Events and Services | BioEnergie Evénements et Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – The events websites : | | Bois Energie 2015 | 4 RESULTS OF THE 2015 INNOVATION COMPETITION expo 2015 Category 4 District heating Bois Energie d’ARGENT Hargassner / Containergie Collectibag The Collectibag consists in a yearly collection of ashes of wood boilers between 200 and 1200 kW, to be utilised as fertiliser for agricultural needs. The principle is to connect all ash trays of the boilers (from 1 to 6 boilers) with a single collection auger. The auger ends in a big bag, usually outside the boiler house, in a dedicated room. Once filled, the big bag is moved with a forklift to be stored and replaced by an empty bag. The storage room is sized so as to store the equivalent of a year’s production of ashes, in order to reduce transportation costs. This system also improves working conditions: handling is reduced as well as exposure to particles. organiser BEES – BioEnergie Events and Services | BioEnergie Evénements et Services 29, rue Saint Simon – 69009 Lyon – France – Tel. +33 3 84 86 89 30– – The events websites : | | Bois Energie 2015 | 5
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